Bangko Sentral Review July 2004
Neil Angelo C. Halcon
Leah Melissa T. De Leon
ebates have persisted around what policy is
deemed effective in stimulating as well as in
stabilizing growth in the Philippines. Over time, the
interactions of both fiscal and monetary policies have
largely depended on the structural adjustments and
the reformation of government and financial
institutions. However, fiscal policies in the past were
influenced by structural deficits and internal economic
volatilities caused by political upheavals in the last
two decades. Similarly, the vulnerabilities of large
monetary shocks bolster the impression that the
country’s monetary strategy is less than optimal. While
a policy mix feasible enough to achieve the right
balance of macroeconomic stability and growth
remains an elusive dream, it is hoped that the policy
implications arising from the study and relevant to
the Philippines would encourage better management
of these major policy instruments.
It would be useful, therefore, to undertake an
empirical investigation into the efficiency of both fiscal
and monetary policies at achieving the twin macro
objectives under the internal equilibrium of stable
growth and low inflation within the framework of the
St. Louis Model. This paper also reviews briefly the
issues around which the fiscal and monetary policies
are hinged, as well as highlights the fiscal and
monetary policy scenario of the Philippines.
Issues on Monetary Policy Efficiency
Although monetarism is as alive and well as ever,
considerable skepticism and contrary opinions can
be found that surprisingly echoes the vital flaw in
human reasoning: expectations. The twin realization
that it is impossible to observe expectations directly,
and that reasoning is supposed to be based largely on
experience, made monetarists confront the issues of
credibility and sustainability among decision-makers.
Expectations. The monetarist theoretical
scenario has a strong policy message. The existence
of an “expectations component” in the argument
means that lags of various kinds exist within the
implementation of monetary policy. The central bank
in itself has both the inside and outside lags to contend
with. Inside lags exist because of administrative
delays and delays in the recognition of adverse
macroeconomic developments in output, employment
and prices. While these may be of shorter actual
duration than in the case of fiscal policy, the outside
lag – the length of time it takes before the actual
changes in monetary expansion/contraction are felt
on the “target” variables of inflation, output, and
employment – is very significant.
In the monetarist view, expectations adjustment
is a time-consuming process. Comparatively little is
known, however, about the formation of expectations
and other factors affecting the length of lags. For
that reason, a good deal of uncertainty accompanies
the conduct and effectiveness of monetary policy.
Dynamic inconsistency and inflationary bias.
This refers to the difference between the optimal
policies that a central bank would announce if it were
considered credible by the public, and the policies it
would carry out after the public had made decisions
on the basis of its expectations. In reality, however,
the public can discount the announcements of the
central bank, and the resulting inflation rate will be
higher than it needs to be. As a result, output may or
may not rise above the full employment rate,
depending on current wage rigidities in the system
that prevent complete wage and price adjustments.
The incentive of policymakers to promote low inflation
July 2004 Bangko Sentral Review
is constrained by the behavior of rational agents,
creating an economy with inflationary bias.
Rules versus discretion. The old debate on
rules versus discretion is related to the behavior of
central banks in the conduct of monetary policy: rule-
like behavior implies a systematic conduct of policy
without exploiting the existing expectations to achieve
temporary gains in output. Discretion, on the other
hand, considers the choices of different periods (time-
consistent strategy) and offers mainly a shortsighted
solution. As time-consistent policy may bring about
significant short-run social benefits, economic agents
will learn to anticipate the period-by-period
optimization, vitiating the credibility of the policymaker.
Rules would have provided for more useful
information about the stance of monetary policy during
particular episodes and a credible central bank is
essential to achieve this.
Sustainability of monetary policy in uncertain
times. In a speech made by William Poole of the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, he emphasized
the inflation objective of the Fed, which is to maintain
a low and stable rate of inflation. The reason for
emphasizing this goal is that the U.S. economy’s long-
run economic performance in terms of employment
growth and economic growth is maximized when the
rate of inflation is low and stable. Moreover, no other
economic policy authority can achieve the inflation
outcome. Hence, controlling the creation of money is
its main responsibility, and exercising that power wisely
is its main monetary policy function.
Interestingly, Poole acknowledged the fact that
economic historians studying monetary policy in the
United States and other countries have argued that
central banks have from time to time made serious
mistakes that increased rather than reduced
fluctuations in the unemployment rate. Certainly, the
first obligation of a central bank is to do no harm.
Over time, advances in economists’ understanding
of macroeconomics and monetary policy have led to
improvements in monetary policy.
These observations make clear that the issue of
the length of the lag from the Fed’s policy action is
not well defined, because the market gradually eases
its rates in anticipation of eventual Fed action. What
central banks can do is to respond sensibly to current
developments, making sure that long-term policy goals
are kept in place and there are no short-run
disturbances nor overreactions that will have
unfavorable effect on the economy.
Issues on Fiscal Policy Efficiency
The macroeconomic relationship between fiscal
policy and economic growth has long fascinated
economists. Indeed, fiscal policy has been the major
policy instrument for macroeconomic management.
However, it has been found to be a clumsy instrument
with its attendant delays in the start-up of investment
projects, which includes the preparation and floatation
of tender documents and approval of contracts as
well as uncertain impacts due to lags in project
Role of fiscal policy in recession. Recent
years have seen a revival of the debate about the
role of fiscal policy in stimulating economic activity,
particularly given the recessions in Asian crisis
countries, the prolonged slump in Japan and, more
recently, the slowdown in the United States (Lane, et
al., 1999). While fiscal policy in the Asian crisis
countries became increasingly oriented toward
supporting economic activity, questions still remain
about the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus during a
crisis. Even if it is generally agreed that there are
circumstances where fiscal policy cannot be loosened
(e.g., when fiscal imbalances or debt sustainability
problems are the root causes of the crisis), whether
and when expansionary fiscal policy is effective in
supporting activity need to be studied further.
Overall, many of the observations appear to be
broadly in line with theoretical predictions and the
following stylized facts emerge (Baldacci, et al.,
On average, fiscal policy is expansionary during
recession episodes. However, a very large
number of recession episodes (40 percent of
total) are accompanied by contractionary fiscal
policy. Unfavorable initial conditions (high
public debt, and large fiscal and current account
deficits) are associated with a contractionary
fiscal response in a recession, while negative
terms of trade shocks or a large public sector
tend to result in a more expansionary fiscal
Bangko Sentral Review July 2004
• There is some evidence that expansionary fiscal
policy dampens the severity of a recession,
especially in open economies with a fixed
exchange rate, favorable initial fiscal and
external conditions (low public debt, a large
public sector, and a small current account
deficit), and in combination with expansionary
monetary policy. Expenditure-led fiscal
expansions are also associated with less severe
recessions. All these results are consistent with
the predictions of the theory, even though the
magnitude of the average effects is small, and
the variance is large.
• There are marked differences between
advanced economies and other country groups.
The fiscal response is more often expansionary
in advanced economies. At the same time, the
impact of fiscal policy tends to be smaller than
in other groups.
A number of other factors are associated with
both the fiscal response and the severity of a
recession. Inflation tends to be higher, and
monetary policy more contractionary during
episodes with a contractionary fiscal response,
which makes the interpretation of the results
somewhat difficult and points to the need for a
multivariate approach.
Apart from the empirical studies confirming the
superiority of fiscal over monetary policy efficiency,
equally important also is the role of the central bank
in conducting monetary policy. The latter has attracted
arguments as to the ineffectiveness of the policy and
in assessing the general framework of monetary
policy, (Barth, 2002) discussed current issues
highlighting the fallacies inherent in the framework:
dynamic inconsistencies resulting from rational
expectations, and the long standing issue on rules
versus discretion.
Crowding out effect. There have been three
distinct sets of arguments to the effect that fiscal
policy will be ineffective, under the general heading
of “crowding out”. The first, in the context of the IS-
LM analysis, was a “crowding out” due to a rise in
interest rates following a fiscal expansion. This was
based on an exogenous money supply and the interest
rate equating the demand for and supply of money.
The second form of “crowding out” arose from a
combination of the notion of a supply-side equilibrium
(i.e., NAIRU) and that the level of aggregate demand
would adjust to be consistent with the supply-side
equilibrium. As has been argued above, fiscal policy
has an effect on the level of aggregate demand, and
“crowding out” only occurs if it assumed that the
supply-side equilibrium must be attained and that level
of aggregate demand would be equivalent to the
supply-side equilibrium. The third route comes from
the “Ricardian equivalence” proposition. An expansion
of government expenditure, however funded, is
postulated to lead to an equivalent reduction in private
expenditure, leaving the overall level of demand
unchanged (Arestis and Sawyer, 2003).
Fragile fiscal policy indicators. Unfortunately,
analyses of fiscal policy indicators have frustrated
empiricists for almost as long (Fu, et al., 2003). One
root of that frustration is the array of possible policy
indicators. As earlier discussed in Tanzi and Zee
(1997), there are three candidate indicators of fiscal
policy—government expenditures, taxes and deficits.
The literature does not systematically favor one
indicator of fiscal policy over the others. Furthermore,
Levine and Renelt (1992) find that none of these fiscal
indicators is robustly correlated with economic growth
when evaluated individually.
The fragility of fiscal indicators found in Levine
and Renelt (and contradictory findings in the growth
literature in general) probably arises from the inability
of any single budgetary component to fully capture
the stance of fiscal policy. For example, an increase
in government expenditures could be considered
expansionary if it were financed by deficit spending.
However, it could also be considered contractionary
if it were financed by an increase in taxes because
such a policy would imply an increase in the size of
the public sector.
Keynesian versus Monetarist. The Keynesian
tradition gave government the responsibility of
stabilizing a troubled economy. Keynesians developed
the notion of a fiscal/monetary mix to control spending
and the balance of payments simultaneously. Judicious,
well-timed changes in taxes and government spending
were to be balanced against propitious changes in
money to manage the economy. The famous Phillips
curve trade-off supposedly gave economists a tool
July 2004 Bangko Sentral Review
for choosing between inflation and unemployment. If
the choice did not work out as intended, Keynesians
relied on informal price and wage controls, jawboning
(threats), and guideposts to improve the trade-off.
To know when and how much to adjust policies,
Keynesian economists developed forecasting models
that could simulate possible policy changes to predict
their effect and more closely adjust the mix of policy
actions. The Monetarists have always been critical
of these models and their use in policy. They favor
stable policy rules that reduce variability and
uncertainty for private decision makers. They argue
that government serves the economy best by
enhancing stability and acting predictably, not by trying
to engineer carefully timed changes in policy actions.
For the Monetarists, such efforts are frequently
destabilizing (that is, doing the opposite of what they
were supposed to do). Thus, the attempt to apply
Keynesian policies, notably in the United States and
Britain produced alternating periods of rising inflation
and rising unemployment, and not the finely adjusted
trade-off that the Keynesians sought.
No perfect forecast. Forecasting proved a
weak foundation for policy actions. The best forecasts
of spending, output, prices, and inflation proved to be
unreliable. Systematic studies of forecasting accuracy
show that on average forecasters have been unable
to distinguish between booms and recessions a quarter
or a year ahead, so they are as likely to mislead as to
benefit policymakers. The records of the Federal
Reserve that have become available show that during
the period of rising inflation, annual inflation was
always under predicted. When inflation fell in the
eighties, the Federal Reserve persistently predicted
too high an inflation rate. A vast amount of research
has shown that econometric models cannot accurately
forecast interest rates and exchange rates.
Philippine Case: Structures and
Fiscal policy. Fiscal balance is important in
achieving economic stability, and there are two
important issues that must be addressed: (1) the
sustainability of the fiscal balance, and (2) the impact
of government spending and debt on the economic
growth (Paderanga, 2001).
For the sustainability of the fiscal balance, the
ability of the economy to accumulate savings in order
to finance its public investment is very important.
Unfortunately, the slow accumulation of savings by
the public sector has been offsetting the high savings
achieved by the private sector. This resulted in
negative savings-investment gap for 17 consecutive
years. Further, with the growing trade gap, there has
been increasing pressure for the private sector to
generate private savings and likewise for the
government to generate a large primary surplus.
The second issue relating to fiscal policy for
sustainable growth is the impact of government
spending and debt on economic growth. The debt
burden keeps the government from providing services
to the people and the necessary infrastructure to help
improve the economy. The trend in the government’s
budgetary policies is a rising allocation for general
public services and a decreasing budget for economic
services. This means that the government is in essence
spending more for less important matters and spending
less on areas that are more crucial in achieving
sustainable growth.
Fiscal stability after the financial crisis in mid-
1990s remains in jeopardy. To raise its sustainable
growth rate, the Philippines needs to close its fiscal
gap without necessarily sacrificing essential physical
and social infrastructure, i.e., physical and human
capital investment. Posting a well-behaved fiscal
position after the Asian contagion set in, the
government indulged in deficit-spending in an attempt
to stimulate the economy out of a mild recession. Both
the revenue (tax collection) and expenditure sides
require tremendous restructuring efforts and
Monetary policy. Despite evidence showing that
only M1 is co-integrated with interest rates, output
and the exchange rate (Gochoco-Bautista, 1993), the
Central Bank of the Philippines (CBP) used M3 or
total liquidity as its intermediate target, specifically
because the ultimate target is the rate of inflation.
As an intermediate target, the CBP used the base
money (BM) as operating target, and the BM is related
to M3 via the money multiplier, i.e.
M3 = money multiplier x BM
Bangko Sentral Review July 2004
In the mid-1980’s, the CBP conducted monetary
policy through monetary aggregate targeting. Under
this approach, its policy actions were aimed at
influencing the behavior of monetary aggregates.
Behind this is the presumption that monetary
aggregates are meaningful indicators of economic
activity, implying that there are stable and predictable
relationships between high-powered money (or the
monetary aggregate that the central bank is able to
control) and money supply, as well as between money
on the one hand, and output and inflation on the other
However, financial liberalization in 1993 had led
to changes in financial structures and the evolution
of new financial products and services. These
changes have caused large fluctuations in the money
multiplier and the velocity of money such that the
traditional relationships between monetary aggregates
(monetary base and money supply) and between
money supply and the rates of inflation and economic
growth have weakened considerably. Guinigundo
(1999) presented evidence supporting this claim: the
money multiplier increased beginning in 1993 after
financial liberalization; however, there was
deceleration in the rate of inflation from 9 percent in
1994 to 8.1 percent in 1995 despite high rates of
liquidity growth in those years. He attributed this
inflation performance in part to supply-related factors
such as the increase in agricultural output in 1994
and the alleviation of power shortages.
The apparent weakening of these key
relationships under the monetary targeting framework
prompted the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) to
adopt a “modified targeting framework” beginning
June of 1995, putting greater emphasis on price
stability as well as broadening the information set for
monetary policy decisions. This information set
includes movements in key interest rates, exchange
rate, equity prices, demand-supply indicators and
external economic conditions, among other things.
The BSP’s shift to inflation targeting was
approved by the Monetary Board in 2000 and
implemented in January 2002. Inflation targeting as
monetary policy framework has emphasized the
central role of information in the conduct of monetary
policy. As a forward-looking and an information-
intensive approach to monetary policy, the shift to
inflation targeting would require the use of a wider
set of information variables on the economy than had
been previously utilized. Under inflation targeting,
monetary authorities in the Philippines would have
reliable and timely economic indicators and a good
system for economic forecasting, particularly inflation.
A well-organized system for economic statistics—
based on reliable, timely and comprehensive
information—enable informed decisions and the
efficient functioning of markets. It is also an essential
element in strengthening the monetary policy decision-
making process by providing a focused and consistent
framework for setting the monetary policy stance
(Tetangco and Tuaño-Amador, 2002).
Exchange rate policy. The country’s experience
with fixed and then floating exchange rate regimes
imparts several important lessons. Recall that the lack
of sustainability and implementation of loose financial
policies under the fixed exchange regime resulted in
two large devaluations in the mid-1980’s that brought
about the adoption of a flexible exchange rate in 1985.
Initially viewed to promote external recovery, it
produced mixed results on the inflationary front as
the economy was left without a nominal anchor for
domestic prices. The use of base money targets was
uneven, and the exchange rate was not allowed to
float freely. Apart from imparting an inflationary bias,
the implicit shifts between money supply and
exchange rate targets sent conflicting signals to
markets, affecting the credibility of monetary policy
(Houben, 1997).
The opening of the economy suggested that an
exchange rate anchor could be an effective instrument
to limit inflation. However, a formal exchange rate
commitment would limit monetary policy
independence, making the economy vulnerable once
more to large real shocks. It also depends on whether
the real exchange rate continues to appreciate
(reflecting the rapid structural and technological
In such a case, adhering to either a strict
monetary or exchange rate anchor could have high
costs in terms of output growth or inflation. According
to Houben, the Philippine experience points to the
inflation targeting approach as a more viable strategy,
since monetary policy is targeted directly at inflation,
July 2004 Bangko Sentral Review
rather than its intermediate targets. By committing to
more stable prices in a more transparent and consistent
framework, the monetary authority can maintain some
flexibility to cope with unforeseen shocks.
The St. Louis Model
The St. Louis Model is almost an obscure model
to begin with. Developed in the early 1970s, it was
described by Andersen and Carlson as a small-scale
monetarist model of economic activity (King and
Wolman, 1996). It relates the growth of nominal
income (GNP) to changes in monetary and fiscal
actions that are measured by the growth of money
and government expenditures, respectively.
The current version of the St. Louis Model
consists of five estimated equations and a number of
identities. The centerpiece of the St. Louis Model
was the total spending equation, put forward by
Andersen and Jordan (1968), which put together the
change in nominal GNP to changes in the nominal
money stock and to (high employment) government
expenditures. Since the effects of expenditures are
small, the specification embodies the monetarist
viewpoint that monetary change is the key variable
that explains nominal income movements while fiscal
variables only have transitory effect (Meyer and
Varvares, 1981).
Limitations. Although its monetarist background
and structural linkages from money to economic
activity are now widely accepted, the model remains
vulnerable to criticisms due to the essential quantitative
effects of expectations (or Lucas’ Critique) in the
model (Andersen and Carlson, 1970).
Model specification also posted a problem that
concerns specifying the order of the distributed lags
(1, K). Batten and Thornton (1984) furthered that in
any finite distributed lag model, a trade-off occurs
such that a bias is created in specifying too short a
lag (or too low a polynomial degree) against the
inefficiency associated with too long a lag (or too
high a polynomial degree). Either way, the estimates
will be unbiased but inefficient. Since the Andersen-
Jordan equation, and in effect the St. Louis model
employs distributed lag equations, it follows that the
resulting estimates will be biased and may be
inefficient if one lag is too long and the other too
Results of St. Louis model researches. Thus
far, evidence point to the robustness of the St. Louis
equation owing both to the specification of its lag
structure and the imposition of polynomial restrictions.
Taking these into consideration, Batten and Thornton
concluded that in a sample over the period 1962:2 to
1982:3, a one-percentage point increase in money
growth leads to a one-percentage point increase in
the rate of growth of nominal GNP cannot be rejected
at conventional levels of statistical significance.
Alternatively, high employment government spending
has a permanent impact on the rate of growth of
nominal GNP only when contemporary government
spending growth alone is included in the distributed
lag of money growth in the model. In the long run,
monetary policy is effective and fiscal policy is
ineffective in influencing the growth of GNP in the
U.S. economy.
Estimation of the St. Louis equation involving six
developed countries (Canada, France, Germany,
Japan, the UK and the US) was conducted (Batten
and Hafer, 1983). A modified Andersen-Jordan
equation is herein introduced in response to the past
criticism of the original St. Louis equation. Estimating
the modified St. Louis equation for the six countries
yielded results that indicated that changes in money
growth have a significant and lasting impact on
nominal income growth in all six cases. Furthermore,
the money-GNP link was stable in all developed
countries, owing to the then recent move from fixed
to floating exchange rates. On the contrary, fiscal
actions are significant only in the UK and France.
While both studies validated the generalized St.
Louis result, there had been attempts at reassessing
the role of fiscal policy within the framework of the
St. Louis equation (Hafer, 1982). The results are
broadly consistent with previous findings. Specifically,
fiscal actions exert neither a significant nor lasting
impact on the growth of GNP. The results also provide
further evidence against the reliance on fiscal policy
measures to explain movements in GNP. It concludes
by saying that fiscal policy measures (1) do not
significantly increase the explanatory power of an
equation that already incorporates money growth, (2)
Bangko Sentral Review July 2004
do not exhibit stable statistical relationships with GNP
growth, and (3) are not exogenous with respect to
GNP growth.
The Andersen-Jordan Equation
The centerpiece of the St. Louis Model was the
total spending equation put forward by Andersen and
Jordan (1968), that linked the change in nominal GNP
to four-quarter distributed lags of changes in the
nominal money stock and of high-employment
government expenditures. Currently specified in rate-
of-change form, it has the following as independent
variables: nominal income Y, the money supply M
(M1B is the definition of money currently used with
the St. Louis Model), and the high-employment level
of government expenditures G. Dots over the variables
indicate compounded annual rates of change.
The estimates on the M and G variables
approximately sum to unity and zero, respectively.
Hence, these estimates support the general
conclusion associated with a monetarist viewpoint:
Monetary change is the key variable explaining
nominal income movements while fiscal variables
only have a transitory effect.
However, since monetary and fiscal actions
obviously affect the foreign sector, discussion on the
Andersen-Jordan estimates assume the economy
being analyzed is relatively “closed”; that is, its exports
do not account for a large proportion of its GNP. As
such, correlation between external and domestic
influences on GNP is minimized, and external
influences excluded in the analysis (Batten and Hafer,
As a response both to past criticism of the St.
Louis equation and the likely correlation of domestic
and external influences on GNP, a modified version
of the St. Louis model as conceptualized by Batten
and Hafer (1983) is likewise used.
where: EX = merchandise exports
M = narrow money
G = government expenditures
The dots above each variable indicate that the
equation is estimated in growth rate form. The
modified St. Louis equation is typically estimated with
each distributed lag’s coefficients restricted to lie on
a fourth-degree polynomial with endpoints constrained
to equal zero.
For the Philippines, the following are the data
used in the study for the estimation of the St. Louis
Model: (in growth rates for the period 1986:Q1 to
2003:Q1, for a total of 69 observations)
1. Seasonally adjusted Gross Domestic
Product (GDP)
– previous estimations
under the St. Louis approach used the GNP
as the dependent variable. Since we only
measure the domestic implications and
effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy,
an internal measure of growth is needed.
GDP is used over GNP so as to remove the
external factors (i.e., net factor income from
abroad). To correct the GDP series for
seasonality, the TRAMO-SEATS approach
was used.
2. Domestic Liquidity (M3) – it reflects a more
relevant feature of total money circulating in
the Philippine economy since it consists of
money supply, peso savings and time deposits
and deposit substitutes of deposit money
banks held by the general public. Quarterly
series of M3 is computed using the average
of each 3-month level. The M3 series were
sourced from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
3. Government Expenditures – it reflects the
high-level expenditures made by the national
government. Quarterly series of government
expenditures were obtained by adding up 3-
month levels of expenditures. The
Government Expenditure series were
sourced from the Bureau of Treasury (BTr),
since they have the sole responsibility of
releasing funds for the consumption of the
national government.
4. Exports – refers to all final goods going out
of the country, which is either classified as
domestic exports or re-exports. The Bureau
of Customs (BOC) should properly clear all
export goods. Exports series were sourced
from the National Statistics Office (NSO).
July 2004 Bangko Sentral Review
Following the Andersen-Jordan equation, the
modified version is formed as:
α +
M3GR +
where: SAGDPGR = seasonally adjusted GDP
M3GR = domestic liquidity
GEGR = government expenditures
XGR = exports
While the original version of the Andersen-Jor-
dan equation is formed as:
α +
M3GR +
From the original and modified versions, the
polynomial distributed lag procedure was employed
with the lags varied from 8 quarters (2 years for the
medium to short term) and to 12 quarters (3 years
for the long term effect). Thus, it reflected a total of
four (4) estimation procedures. Statistical analysis
would be heavily dependent on the sum of lags, since
this has the interpretation of the long run effect of
domestic liquidity, government expenditure and
exports, to the seasonally adjusted GDP series.
Estimation Results
Modified St. Louis model estimation. Under
the 2-years (8-quarter lag) structure, the sum of lags
points to government expenditure having a long run
effect on GDP growth, assuming stationarity. Do-
mestic liquidity and exports do not have a long run
implication on GDP growth. The same result was
obtained under the 3-years (12-quarter lag) struc-
ture. Although both domestic liquidity and govern-
ment expenditure are statistically significant, the lat-
ter possesses a much higher t-statistic.
Original St. Louis model estimation. Under
the 2-years (8-quarter lag) structure, the sum of lags
reflects that government expenditure has a long run
impact on GDP growth, assuming stationarity. Under
the 3-years (12-quarter lag) structure, government
expenditure still possesses a longer lasting effect on
GDP growth by virtue of a higher t-statistic than do-
mestic liquidity (see Table 1).
- M3 Growth Rate (M3GR)
- Gov’t Expenditure Growth Rate (GEGR)
- Exports Growth Rate (XGR)
- M3 Growth Rate (M3GR)
- Gov’t Expenditure Growth Rate (GEGR)
- Exports Growth Rate (XGR)
- M3 Growth Rate (M3GR)
- Gov’t Expenditure Growth Rate (GEGR)
- Exports Growth Rate (XGR)
- M3 Growth Rate (M3GR)
- Gov’t Expenditure Growth Rate (GEGR)
- Exports Growth Rate (XGR)
* Significant at 95%
Table 1. Sum of Lags Summary Statistics: St. Louis Model Estimation
Bangko Sentral Review July 2004
Chow breakpoint test results. To bring about
the significance of any changes from 1994:3 to the
present - characterized by trade liberalization and the
Central Bank’s initial steps on implementing the
modified monetary targeting framework - testing for
structural stability was performed. Results show the
original model of the St. Louis equation proved to be
more stable than the modified version although both
models failed the stability testing as implied by a low
F-statistic, thereby higher p-values (see Table 2).
Overall, all the four equations reject the null hypothesis
of no structural change. Indeed, structural reforms
and adjustments made by the Philippine government
are deemed vital for sustainable growth in the
domestic economy.
Empirical Findings
Results from the econometric exercise show that
the policy conclusions of the original and modified St.
Louis equation are robust with respect to both the
specification of its lag structure and the imposition of
the polynomial restriction. From the econometric
exercise and the variations applied under the
Andersen-Jordan equation as well as the Almon
polynomial distributed lag procedure, we find a
counterfactual result, heavily dependent on the sum
of lags: that fiscal policy possesses long-run effects
on real growth rather than the standard monetarist
viewpoint. Thus, we accept the null hypothesis that
fiscal policy is more effective than monetary policy
in the long run. Given that the Philippines is only an
emerging market and that the basic foundations on
monetary and fiscal frameworks are still being fine-
tuned, it is likely that real growth is really influenced
by fiscal actions (budget management, tax collection,
revenue generation and investment projects) rather
than monetary actions (interest regulation, price
stability and financial soundness). The results were
further validated by the outcome of the Chow
Breakpoint and Granger Causality Tests – which
implies that the structural adjustments made by the
fiscal sector, and the expenditures made by the
national government are indeed vital for sustainable
domestic growth in the Philippines.
Reassessing the role of fiscal actions within the
framework of the St. Louis equation was further
emphasized. Referring still to the result of updated
estimates and tests, there is strong evidence validating
the idea that fiscal actions are significant in
determining GDP growth, once the effects of money
growth is taken into account.
Granger causality results. Under the
imposition of 4 lags in the Modified St. Louis model,
government expenditure growth Granger-causes
GDP growth and vice versa. But under the imposition
of 8 lags in the Original St. Louis model, only
government expenditure growth Granger-causes
GDP growth. Domestic liquidity and exports do not
Granger-cause GDP growth and vice versa for both
lag impositions and for both St. Louis models (see
Table 3).
2 years lag structure
3 years lag structure
2 years lag structure
3 years lag structure
Table 2. Chow Breakpoint Test (1994:3 Breakpoint)
M (Granger causes) Y
1 year lag structure
2 years lag structure
Y (Granger causes) M
1 year lag structure
2 years lag structure
G (Granger causes) Y
1 year lag structure
2 years lag structure
Y (Granger causes) G
1 year lag structure
2 years lag structure
X (Granger causes) Y
1 year lag structure
Y (Granger causes) X
1 year lag structure
Table 3. Granger Causality Test Results
July 2004 Bangko Sentral Review
This is a condensed version of the research paper submitted by the authors as partial fulfillment of the requirements for
Applied Econometrics at the De La Salle University last August 2003.
The use of M3 as intermediate target allows the BSP to prevent excess liquidity, which causes inflation.
Taken from data series of Dr. Josef Yap’s article on the output gap.
TRAMO, “Time Series Regression with ARIMA Noise, Missing Observations and Outliers”, and SEATS, “Signal
Extraction in ARIMA Time Series”, (Gomez and Maravall, 1996). TRAMO is a program for estimation and forecasting of
regression models with ARIMA errors and missing values. The program interpolates these values, identifies and
corrects for several types of outliers, and estimates special effects such as Trading Day and Easter and, in general,
intervention-variable type effects. SEATS is a program for estimation of unobserved components in time series follow-
ing the so-called ARIMA-model-based (AMB) method; the basic components are the trend-cycle, seasonal, and
irregular components, which are estimated and forecast with signal extraction techniques applied to ARIMA models.
The two programs are structured so as to be used together, both for in-depth analysis of few series or for routine
applications to a large number of them, and can be run in an entirely automatic manner. When used for seasonal
adjustment, TRAMO preadjust the series to be adjusted by SEATS. The two programs are intensively used at present
by data producing and economic agencies, including Eurostat and the European Central Bank.
Concluding Remarks
The shift towards an inflation targeting monetary
policy framework had enhanced BSP’s effectiveness
in its pursuit of price stability. The transparency
mechanism, the use of a wide set of information and
the forward-looking nature of inflation targeting all
contribute to a more effective monetary policy-
making. With the achievement of a stable price
environment, monetary policy plays a key role in
supporting a sustained growth path. However, results
from the St. Louis model show that the fiscal policy
component had driven economic growth from 1986:1
until 2003:1. In this paper, it is argued that shifts in
the level of aggregate demand cannot be readily offset
by monetary policy. Therefore, fiscal policy remains
a potent tool for offsetting major changes in the level
of aggregate demand, given floating exchange rates,
and some recent developments on inflation targeting
and budget management for the Philippines.
The Authors
Mr. Neil Angelo C. Halcon is Research Analyst II of the Business
Expectations and Leading Indicators Sub-group, Economic and
Financial Monitoring Group of the Department of Economic
Research. He obtained his Master in Applied Economics (M-AE)
degree at the De La Salle University. He also obtained a Bachelor
of Arts degree in Economics with Computer Applications (cum
laude) at the San Beda College. Ms. Leah Melissa T. De Leon is
Senior Computer Operator II of the Corporate Planning Services
Group at the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS). She
obtained her Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in
Management of Financial Institutions and Bachelor of Arts in
International Studies major in European Studies (honorable
mention) at the De La Salle University. She recently completed
36 units of academic work towards obtaining a Master in Applied
Economics (M-AE) degree from the same university.
De Leon
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