User Guide
Friday, October 29, 2021
Table of Contents
Foreword 0
Part I Overview
................................................................................................................................... 51 Connect Modules
................................................................................................................................... 62 Security
................................................................................................................................... 63 Communication profiles
Part II Managing Hosts
................................................................................................................................... 81 Multiple Accounts
................................................................................................................................... 82 Start and end a remote control session
................................................................................................................................... 113 Use Impero phonebook to manage connections
......................................................................................................................................................... 12Edit phonebook records
......................................................................................................................................................... 13Protect your phonebook record files with a password
......................................................................................................................................................... 13Organize your phonebook
......................................................................................................................................................... 14Export and import phonebook data
......................................................................................................................................................... 15Add a phonebook reference
......................................................................................................................................................... 16Use Remote Desktop from the Netop phonebook
................................................................................................................................... 164 Keyboard, mouse and display during remote control
................................................................................................................................... 175 Generate a Host inventory
......................................................................................................................................................... 18Process Host computer inventory information
................................................................................................................................... 196 Monitor Hosts
................................................................................................................................... 207 Execute system control commands on a Host computer
................................................................................................................................... 218 Perform Remote Management tasks
......................................................................................................................................................... 22Management pane
......................................................................................................................................................... 23Disk Drives
......................................................................................................................................................... 23Event Viewer
......................................................................................................................................................... 24Task Manager
......................................................................................................................................................... 24Registry
......................................................................................................................................................... 25Services
......................................................................................................................................................... 27Shared Folders
......................................................................................................................................................... 28Inventory
......................................................................................................................................................... 28Command Console
......................................................................................................................................................... 28System Control
......................................................................................................................................................... 29Local Users and Groups
......................................................................................................................................................... 31Integrate third party applications
......................................................................................................................................................... 33Impero Sessions
................................................................................................................................... 339 Create and run a script
................................................................................................................................... 3610 Use Intel vPro from Impero Conect
......................................................................................................................................................... 38Log on to the vPro Console
......................................................................................................................................................... 40vPro Console
................................................................................................................................... 4411 Tunnel
......................................................................................................................................................... 45Predefine local ports for the tunnel
......................................................................................................................................................... 46Open tunnel session
................................................................................................................................... 4612 Run a remote program
................................................................................................................................... 4713 Transfer files
................................................................................................................................... 5014 Log events
................................................................................................................................... 5115 Record sessions
......................................................................................................................................................... 52Play back session recordings
................................................................................................................................... 5316 Use a skin to see the Host button layout
................................................................................................................................... 5417 Multisession Support
................................................................................................................................... 5418 Switching between whitelisted applications
................................................................................................................................... 5519 Multiple monitors support
Part III Getting remote support
................................................................................................................................... 561 Request help
................................................................................................................................... 562 Notification
................................................................................................................................... 573 Communicate with Guest users
................................................................................................................................... 584 End a remote control session from a Host computer
Part IV Providing remote support
................................................................................................................................... 601 Set up Help Request on Guest and Host
................................................................................................................................... 632 Respond to a help request
................................................................................................................................... 643 Run a multi Guest session
................................................................................................................................... 644 Send special keystrokes
................................................................................................................................... 665 Use clipboard commands
................................................................................................................................... 676 Communicate with Host users
................................................................................................................................... 697 Send or receive print jobs
......................................................................................................................................................... 70Redirect a print job
................................................................................................................................... 708 Share your screen
................................................................................................................................... 719 Impero Screen Video
................................................................................................................................... 7410 Impero Marker Utility
Part V Dialog box help
................................................................................................................................... 751 Guest dialog boxes
......................................................................................................................................................... 75Advanced audio settings
......................................................................................................................................................... 76Advanced Help Service
......................................................................................................................................................... 77Advanced inventory option
......................................................................................................................................................... 78Advanced TCP/IP Configuration
......................................................................................................................................................... 79Advanced Video
......................................................................................................................................................... 79Communication Profile Edit
......................................................................................................................................................... 88Communication Profile Setup
......................................................................................................................................................... 89Connect to Host
.................................................................................................................................................. 90Connection Properties
......................................................................................................................................................... 102Inventory
......................................................................................................................................................... 102Name Not Found
......................................................................................................................................................... 103Custom Inventory Items
......................................................................................................................................................... 104Global Settings
......................................................................................................................................................... 106IP Broadcast List
......................................................................................................................................................... 107Log Setup
.................................................................................................................................................. 113Available Impero log event codes and arguments - Guest
.................................................................................................................................................. 115Available Impero log event codes and arguments - Host
......................................................................................................................................................... 120Impero File Manager Options
......................................................................................................................................................... 124Modem
......................................................................................................................................................... 125Modem Configuration
......................................................................................................................................................... 126Novell Network Numbers
......................................................................................................................................................... 126Program Options
......................................................................................................................................................... 143Run
......................................................................................................................................................... 144Script
......................................................................................................................................................... 146Send Message
................................................................................................................................... 1472 Host dialog boxes
......................................................................................................................................................... 147Advanced Help Request Options
......................................................................................................................................................... 148Allowed ISDN Numbers
......................................................................................................................................................... 149Directory Service
......................................................................................................................................................... 151Guest Access Security
......................................................................................................................................................... 164Guest Profile
......................................................................................................................................................... 166Help Providers
......................................................................................................................................................... 166Help Request
......................................................................................................................................................... 167Maintenance Password
......................................................................................................................................................... 169Program Options
......................................................................................................................................................... 180Select Directory Services Users or Groups
1 Overview
1.1 Connect Modules
Impero Connect is comprised out of the following modules:
Impero Guest: Enables the computer user to remote control and interact with another
computer that runs a Host or an extended Host.
Impero Host: Enables the computer to be remote controlled and interacted with from a
computer that runs a Guest.
Impero WebConnect / 3: A secure web-based service consisting of a Connection
Manager that serves as a meeting hub for the Guests and Hosts, and at least one
Connection Server that routes the traffic between the Guests and Hosts. The Con-
nection Server is an extended Host. This is available as a hosted service or as an on-
premise application. WebConnect 3.0 has an improved security.
Impero Portal: A management console allowing the users to manage authentication
and authorization, view connected devices, do remote sessions and create packages
for device enrollment.
Impero Browser Based Support Console: A browser based interface for the
Guest, that allows the supporters to remote control devices, no installation required.
Impero Security Server: An extended Host that uses a central database to manage
Guest authentication and authorization across the network. It also provides centralized
logging capabilities and extended authentication methods including RSA.
Impero Gateway: An extended Host that can route Impero traffic between different
communication devices. Gateway can receive Impero communication that uses one
communication device and send it using another communication device. This ability en-
ables Gateway to provide communication between Impero modules that use mutually
incompatible communication devices, typically to connect Impero modules inside a
network or terminal server environment with Impero modules outside a network or ter-
minal server environment.
See also
The Impero Connect Administrator's Guide for more information about the Security
Server, the Gateway and the Name Server.
The Impero WebConnect Installation Guide for more information about the WebConnect
Connection Server.
1.2 Security
You can prevent changes to the installed Connect modules by using a maintenance
password. You also can hide the Host module from the end user via the stealth mode
The Guest Access Security functions of the Host can protect against unauthorized ac-
cess and limit the actions available to the Guest:
Upon connection to the Host, the Guest can be authenticated against their Windows
login credentials.
Security roles can be defined on the Host which dictate what remote control actions
the authenticated Guest can perform.
The policy functions can determine how the Host behaves before, during and after the
remote control session, including notification, confirm access and confirm access via
email, and illegal connection attempts.
The communication between the Impero modules can be encrypted using different
methods that depend on the environment.
Audit trails including all the remote control events and physical session recordings can
be centrally maintained.
All the Connect modules can log Impero events locally and centrally in an Impero log.
You can protect the Guest and Host setup with a maintenance password.
See also
Guest Access Security
Program Options (Encryption tab and Smart Card tab)
Administrator's Guide
1.3 Communication profiles
To make the Impero modules to able to communicate with each other, it is necessary
that you define a communication profile. A communication profile is a specific configura-
tion of a communication device.
A communication device is a Impero adaptation of a generally available communication
protocol or a Impero proprietary communication protocol.
A newly installed Impero module includes the default communication profiles.
NOTE: Communication profiles are stored in the Impero configuration file (comprof.ndb).
The comprof.ndb file is located in the folder:
C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Roaming\Danware Data\C\Program Files
(x86)\Netop\Netop Remote Control\<Module name> for the Guest
C:\ProgramData\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Netop\Netop Re-
mote Control\<Module name> for Host-based modules.
Refer to the Impero Knowledge Base, for more information on how to configure Impero
See also
Communication Profiles
Managing Hosts
2 Managing Hosts
2.1 Multiple Accounts
To switch to secondary accounts in the Guest, simply click on the dropdown menu and
select the secondary account that you want to switch to.
By default, the primary account is the account that the user was first invited to. User set-
tings are not transferred from the primary to any other secondary accounts. As such
users can have different permissions, roles, or other settings on other secondary ac-
counts without them interfering with each other.
When removing a user that belongs to multiple accounts from its primary account, the
user is deleted from all the accounts.
If Multi-Factor Authentication is enabled for users on the secondary account, users are
prompted to enter the MFA code upon logging in when switching to that account.
2.2 Start and end a remote control session
You can connect and start a remote control session in several ways.
Before starting a remote control session, specify a communication profile corresponding
to a communication profile (default is TCP/IP = UDP) enabled on the Host in the Com-
munication Profile section of the Quick Connect tab.
Managing Hosts
To start a remote control session from the Guest window, Quick Connect tab, proceed
as follows:
1. In the Quick Connect tab, in the Host section, specify a Host name or address as re-
quired by the selected communication profile.
2. Click on the Connect button to connect and start a remote control session. Alternat-
ively, click on a toolbar button or select a command from the Connection menu to con-
nect and start a session. Typically, a Impero logon window is displayed prompting you to
log on to the Host.
3. Type your credentials to log on. When you have logged on to the Host, the session
Connections are displayed on the Connections tab. You can change session type or
execute action commands by right-clicking on a Host from the Connections tab.
Other ways to connect from the Quick Connect tab
1. Click on the Browse button (Applies only when using profiles that use UDP and We-
2. Select one or multiple Hosts in the Browse list (Impero Network tab).
3. Click on the Connect button. Alternatively, click on a toolbar button or select a com-
Managing Hosts
mand on the Connection menu to connect and start a session.
Typically, a Impero logon window is displayed prompting you to log on to the Host.
4. Type your credentials to log on. When you have logged on to the Host, the session
1. Click on the Windows Network tab at the bottom of the window.
2. In the Windows Network list navigate to and select one or multiple Hosts.
3. Click on the Connect button. Alternatively, click on a toolbar button or select a com-
mand on the Connection menu to connect and start a session. Typically, a Impero lo-
gon window is displayed prompting you to log on to the Host.
4. Type your credentials to log on. When you have logged on to the Host, the session
To start a remote control session from other Guest window tabs, proceed as follows:
1. In the Phonebook tab, History tab, or Help Request tab, select one or multiple
2. Click on a toolbar button or select a command on the Connection menu to connect
and start a session. Typically, a Impero logon window is displayed prompting you to log
on to the Host.
3. Specify your credentials to log on. When you log in on to the Host, the session starts.
Stores Host records that you have created or saved from the
Quick Connect tab or History tab.
Stores records of previous Host connections.
Help Request
Displays a list of pending Host help requests.
See also
Save connection information in the phonebook
To end a remote control session, proceed as follows:
In the Remote Control window of the Guest, click on the Disconnect button on
the toolbar. Alternatively, click on the Remote Control button from the toolbar.
Managing Hosts
In the Guest window, select the connection from the Connections tab.
Click on the Disconnect button from the toolbar.
Alternatively, select the Disconnect button from the Connection menu.
The Host user can also end the session by selecting Disconnect in the Session menu.
2.3 Use Impero phonebook to manage connections
You can save connection information as records in the Impero phonebook for a later use.
The phonebook works much like a personal quick-dial telephone directory with the com-
munication profile needed to connect and passwords.
Passwords are encrypted by a secure algorithm.
Phonebook records are saved as files with the extension *.dwc in the C:\Users\<User
name>\AppData\Roaming\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Netop\Netop
Remote Control\Guest\PhBook folder. The dwc files are *.xml files. You can view the
content of these files in any text editor.
From the Quick Connect tab
You can add connection information to the phonebook by right-clicking on a Host re-
cord in the pane in lower part of the Guest window and selecting Add to Phonebook
after having browsed for Hosts.
In the displayed dialog box select the phonebook folder in which you want to save the
information and click on OK.
1. You can copy connection information to the phonebook by right-clicking on a Host re-
cord in the pane in the lower part of the Guest window and selecting Copy after you
browsed for the Hosts.
2. Click on the Phonebook tab, right-click on the folder in the left pane in which you
want to save the information, and then select Paste.
The Host record is displayed in the right pane of the Phonebook tab.
From the History tab
1. You can add connection information to the phonebook, by right-clicking on a Host re-
Managing Hosts
cord in the right pane of the History tab and then by selecting Copy.
2. Click on the Phonebook tab, right-click on the folder in the left pane in which you
want to save the information, and select Paste.
The Host record is displayed in the right pane of the Phonebook tab.
Creating phonebook records in the Phonebook tab
To create a Phonebook record, proceed as follows:
1. Click on the Phonebook Entry button from the toolbar.
Alternatively, select New > Phonebook Entry in the Edit menu.
The Connection Properties dialog box is displayed.
2. Fill in the fields in Connection Properties with the necessary information and click
on OK.
See also
Connection Properties
Start and end a remote control session
2.3.1 Edit phonebook records
If you want to edit a phonebook record and change information such as the specified
communication profile or the Host credentials, you can do that in Connection Proper-
To edit a Phonebook record, proceed as follows:
1. Select the phonebook record in the right pane of the Phonebook tab.
2. Click on the Connection Properties button on the toolbar.
Alternatively, select Connection Properties from the Edit menu. The Connection
Properties dialog box is displayed.
3. Edit the information and click on OK.
You can move phonebook records between the Phonebook root folder and user-created
folders using drag-and-drop.
See also
Connection Properties
Managing Hosts
2.3.2 Protect your phonebook record files with a password
To protect your phonebook record files (*.dwc), you can specify a password for each file
in Connection Properties.
You can specify that the password should be entered every time someone wants to use
or edit the file, or you can specify that the password should be entered only to edit the
To specify a password for a phonebook record file, proceed as follows:
1. Select the phonebook record in the right pane of the Phonebook tab.
2. Click on the Connection Properties button from the toolbar.
3. Click on the Protect Item tab.
4. Specify a password and confirm it.
If you want the password only to apply to editing, select the Connect without pass-
word check box.
5. Click on OK.
See also
Connection Properties
2.3.3 Organize your phonebook
You can create new folders in the phonebook to organize your connection information
and make it easier to find the Host that you want to connect to.
To create a new folder, proceed as follows:
1. In the Edit menu, select New > Folder.
2. Enter a name for the folder.
3. Click on OK. Alternatively, right-click and create a folder using the shortcut menu.
To create a new subfolder, proceed as follows:
1. In the left pane, select the folder in which you want to create a subfolder.
2. In the Edit menu, select New > Folder.
3. Enter a name for the folder.
4. Click on OK. Alternatively, right-click on the folder in which you want to create a sub-
Managing Hosts
folder, and create a subfolder using the shortcut menu.
You can use drag-and-drop to rearrange your folders.
2.3.4 Export and import phonebook data
You can export and import phonebook data in a *.csv (comma separated values) file.
This is useful for example if you want to copy phonebook data from one computer to an-
You can also populate the phonebook using existing data from another system, for ex-
ample by importing data from Active Directory.
Scripts can use the phonebook data to call Hosts.
To export the phonebook data, proceed as follows:
1. Select a folder in the left pane of the Phonebook tab or select one or multiple phone-
book records in the right pane.
2. In the File menu, select Export.
3. In the displayed dialog box, specify the path and name of the *.csv file that you want
to save the phonebook records to. If you specify only a file name, the export file is saved
to the folder in which the Guest is installed.
4. Select the Export Passwords check box if you want to include passwords for the
phonebook records in the *.csv file.
5. Click on OK.
You cannot export all the Connection Properties properties for a phonebook record.
This applies to the properties of the Display tab, the Keyboard/Mouse tab, the Com-
pression/Encryption tab, the Desktop tab, and the Record tab. You can specify these
properties when importing.
Csv file syntax
The *.csv file is a plain text file. For each phonebook record, the file contains a line of
values separated by commas according to this syntax:
<Folder path>,<Description>,<Phone number>,<Name>,<Comment>,<Commu-
nication profile>,<Host logon name>,<Host logon password>,<Host logon
domain>, <Gateway logon name>,<Gateway logon password>,<Gateway logon
domain>, <Protect item password>,<Wake on LAN MAC address>,<Logon
credentials flags>,<Custom application description>,<Custom applica-
tion command line>
Managing Hosts
Passwords are encrypted as 64-digit hexadecimal checksums with the prefix
To import the Phonebook data, proceed as follows:
1. In the File menu, select Import to Phonebook.
2. Specify the path to and name of the *.csv file that you want to import.
3. Click on the Connection Properties button if you want to specify the Display
tab properties, Keyboard/Mouse tab properties, Compression/Encryption tab prop-
erties, Desktop tab properties, and the Record tab properties.
4. Click on OK.
2.3.5 Add a phonebook reference
You can add a phonebook reference in the Guest phonebook. A phonebook reference
links to a folder containing phonebook records (*.dwc files), for instance a phonebook
shared by multiple users.
To add a Phonebook reference, proceed as follows:
1. Right-click in the left pane of the Phonebook tab and select the Add Phonebook ref-
2. In the Add Phonebook Reference dialog box, specify the folder containing phone-
book records that you want to link to.
You can browse for the folder by clicking on the button next to the Folder field.
3. Click on OK.
A phonebook reference to a folder containing phonebook records is displayed in the left
pane of the Phonebook tab, and the records are displayed in the right pane.
You can edit the phonebook reference by right-clicking on the reference and selecting
the Edit Phonebook reference.
Managing Hosts
2.3.6 Use Remote Desktop from the Netop phonebook
The Impero phonebook provides access to using the Remote Desktop functionality.
This means that you can use one tool for all your remote control sessions.
For information about configuration of RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), please refer to the
Microsoft documentation.
To create a Remote Desktop entry in the phonebook, proceed as follows:
1. Right-click in the right pane of the Phonebook tab and select New > Remote
Desktop Entry. The Remote Desktop Connection dialog box opens.
2. In the General tab, specify the logon settings and a *.rdp file to be used for the
A Remote Desktop entry is created and displayed in the records pane of the Phone-
book tab together with a pseudo communication profile.
Use the Remote Desktop phonebook entry you created to start a remote desktop ses-
For information about the use of Remote Desktop, click on the Help button in the Re-
mote Desktop Connection dialog box.
2.4 Keyboard, mouse and display during remote control
By default, the Guest and the Host share the keyboard and mouse control during re-
mote control.
If allowed by the Guest Access Security settings on the Host, you can block the Host
user from using the keyboard and mouse. To do so, click on the Lock Keyboard
and Mouse button from the toolbar in the Remote Control window.
You can also blank the Host screen, if allowed by the Guest Access Security settings
on the Host, so that what is going on on the Host computer cannot be seen by anyone.
To do so, click on the Blank Display button from the toolbar.
NOTE: While Blank Display works with most Host computers, the design of some dis-
play adapters prevents applying it.
Managing Hosts
Typically, these two functions are used together, for example if you are carrying out main-
tenance work on an unattended Host computer or working on your office computer from
home, and you do not want anyone passing by to see what you are doing or to interfere.
In the Guest Connection Properties, in the Startup tab, you can specify that the Host
computer screen should be blanked and the keyboard and mouse should be locked in
the Host computer from the start when you establish a connection to the Host.
See also
Guest Access Security
Connection Properties (Keyboard/Mouse tab)
2.5 Generate a Host inventory
If allowed by the Guest Access Security settings on the Host, you can generate an in-
ventory of the Host computer hardware and software. The inventory are displayed on
the Inventory tab of the Guest.
To define what you want the Host inventory summary to contain, proceed as follows:
1. In the Tools menu, select Program Options.
2. Click on the Inventory tab, select/clear selection of elements on the Summary view
list, and click on OK.
To generate a Host inventory, proceed as follows:
1. On one of the Guest window tabs, select the Host computer for which you want to
generate an inventory.
The Guest can connect and generate an inventory from the Quick Connect tab, the
Phonebook tab or the History tab.
2. Click on the Get Inventory button in the toolbar.
Alternatively, select Get Inventory in the Connection menu.
If you are already connected to a Host, in the Remote Control window, click on the Get
Inventory button on the toolbar.
Managing Hosts
The inventory as defined in the Inventory tab in Program Options is displayed in the
Inventory tab in the Guest window.
See also
Program Options (Inventory tab)
Process Host computer inventory information
2.5.1 Process Host computer inventory information
You can use Host computer inventory information to get an overview.
In addition to this you can specify an external program to be executed after an inventory
scan has completed. Inventory data is saved in *.xml files.
You can also specify custom inventory items that you want to include when generating
inventories, that is items not included in the list of inventory items in the Inventory tab in
Program Options.
For example you might want to check what version of a certain program is installed on a
number of Host computers. If you know the registry key for the program version in ques-
tion, you can specify a custom inventory item for the registry key. You can then generate
inventories telling you what version of the program is installed.
To specify a program to run after inventory scan, proceed as follows:
1. In the Tools menu, select Program Options.
2. Click on the Inventory tab, and click on the Advanced button.
3. In the Advanced inventory option dialog box, specify whether you want to run a pro-
gram after generating an inventory for each Host or after generating inventories for all
the Hosts for which you choose to generate the inventories.
4. In the File name field, specify the program file name. Click on the Browse button to
find the program.
5. Then click on OK.
When you generate Host inventories, the specified program runs automatically after-
wards as specified.
Specify custom inventory items
You can retrieve additional information during the inventory scan, such as environment
Managing Hosts
variables, registry keys, file information etc.
1. In the Tools menu, select Program Options.
2. Click on the Inventory tab, and click on the Advanced button.
3. In the Advanced inventory option dialog box, click on the Add button.
4. In the Custom Inventory Items dialog box, enter a name for the custom inventory
Select item type on the Item Type list, for example Registry key, and fill in all fields for the
selected item type as necessary.
Then click on OK.
The custom inventory item you created is displayed in the Custom Inventory Items
pane in the Advanced inventory option dialog box. From here you can edit or delete it.
NOTE: The pane contents are stored in the Impero configuration file InvCuItm.xml,
which is typically located here: C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Roaming\Danware
Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Netop\Netop Remote Control\Guest.
2.6 Monitor Hosts
If the Guest Access Security settings on the Hosts allow remote control, the Guest
can sequentially monitor the computer screen images of multiple Hosts and toggle
between monitor mode and remote control mode.
During monitoring most Guest toolbar buttons are disabled, the Guest has no keyboard
and mouse control on the Host computer.
If you discover during monitoring that you need to do something on the Host being mon-
itored, switch to remote control mode using the Monitor/Remote Control toggle button
in the monitor toolbox. Not all remote control functionality is available.
Each Host is monitored for a specified number of seconds. Specify the monitor interval in
Tools > Program Options > Monitor.
In the Host, monitoring appears as multiple short remote control sessions.
To start monitoring Hosts, proceed as follows:
1. Select Hosts from the Quick Connect tab, the Phonebook tab or the History tab.
2. Click on the Monitor button on the toolbar to start connecting to the first selected
Managing Hosts
Alternatively, select Monitor in the Connection menu.
3. If prompted by the Host, enter the logon information to log on to the Host.
You see the first Host computer.
4. The monitor toolbox is displayed. Use the tools to control the monitoring.
End monitoring.
Continue countdown after Hold.
Hold countdown.
Monitor the previous Host.
Monitor the next Host.
Switch between monitor and remote control mode. The button displays a re-
mote control icon in monitor mode and a monitor icon in remote control mode.
Switch between window and full screen. The button displays a window to full
screen icon in window mode and a full screen to window icon in full screen
Display a list of monitored Hosts. Use it to select a specific Host to monitor.
NOTE: The Guest cannot monitor a Host computer with which it runs a remote control
2.7 Execute system control commands on a Host computer
If allowed by the Guest Access Security settings on the Host, the Guest can execute
system control commands on Host computers.
To execute a system control command on a Host computer, proceed as follows:
1. In one of the Guest window tabs, select the Host computer that you want to connect
to and execute a system control command on.
The Guest can connect and execute a system control command from the Quick Con-
nect tab, the Phonebook tab or the History tab in the Guest window.
2. Click on the Execute Command button on the toolbar.
Alternatively, select the Execute Command from the Connection menu.
When already connected, in the Remote Control window, click on the Execute Com-
Managing Hosts
mand button in the toolbar.
Execute Command displays a menu from which you can select the following commands:
You can lock only Host computers running on Windows NT and later
(2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, and 7) operating systems.
Select Wake on LAN to start selected Host computers whose
Wake on LAN MAC Address is specified on the Connect tab in the
Connection Properties window.
NOTE: You can only use this command for Host computers that
support this.
See also
Guest Access Security
2.8 Perform Remote Management tasks
If allowed by the Guest Access Security settings on the Host, the Guest can use Re-
mote Management to manage the Host.
For the Host computer you can access the Disk drives, Event Viewer, Task Man-
ager, Registry, Services, Shared Folders, Inventory, Command Console, System
Control, Local Users, and Groups.
The window section called Impero Sessions provides access to a few basic remote
control session types, Remote Control, File Transfer, Chat, and Audio-Video Chat,
which you can use while remote managing the Host.
Other third party programs can be installed in their own window section. In the File menu,
click on the Third Party Program Integration button. The first step is to add your own
window section, and the next step is to add shortcuts to relevant programs.
To start a remote management session with a Host, proceed as follows:
1. In one of the Guest window tabs, select the Host that you want to connect to and run
Managing Hosts
a remote management session with.
2. Click on the Remote Management button on the toolbar to start a remote man-
agement session with the selected Host.
Alternatively, select Remote Management in the Connection menu.
The Remote Management window is displayed.
Nothing is displayed on the Host computer.
2.8.1 Management pane
When you have started a remote management session with a Host, the Remote Man-
agement window is displayed. The Remote Management window contains a pane on
the left providing access to available management tools in three or more sections.
The first section provides access to the Management tools. The tools are also available
from the Management menu, which is added to the Impero Remote Management
menu bar when a remote management session is started.
For details about each tool, refer to the relevant topic below.
Impero Sessions
The second section provides access to Impero Sessions commands. Refer to the Im-
pero Sessions for a brief overview of the command.
The third section is informational only and displays the following information:
The Host ID
The Host computer ID or MAC address
The Guest communication profile
The encryption type icon and name
The Host computer operating system
The remote management session duration in this format: HH:MM:SS.
Managing Hosts
2.8.2 Disk Drives
Click on Disk Drives from the Management section to display available Host computer
disk drives and their properties.
Use the Disk Drives tool to get an overview of the available disk space on a remote con-
trolled computer.
Viewing options are available from the Disk Drives menu and from the shortcut menu
that opens when you right-click on the data panel.
2.8.3 Event Viewer
Click on Event Viewer in the Management section to display Windows event logs of
the Host computer.
Use the Event Viewer tool to:
View and change log properties.
View the properties of an event record and copy them to the clipboard.
Clear logs.
Save a log on the Guest or Host computer.
Open a log saved on the Guest or Host computer to view it.
NOTE: Only Windows NT and later versions (2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, and 7) record
event logs. Consequently, the Event Viewer command is enabled only if the Host com-
puter runs on a Windows NT or later operating system.
Like the Windows Event Viewer, the Event Viewer tool includes three categories of in-
formation: Application, Security and System.
The File tab can display a saved event log.
The following commands are available from the Event Viewer menu and from the short-
cut menu that opens when you right-click on the data panel:
Opens an event log that was previously saved using the Save com-
mand. Event log files have the following extension *.evt.
NOTE: Opening a saved event log overwrites any previous File tab
Saves an event log as a file in a specified location. The file has the
Managing Hosts
*.evt extension.
Clears the Application, Security, or System event log from Windows.
Before the event log is cleared, you can choose to save the inform-
ation to a log file. Save the log file saved with *.evt extension.
Retrieves new data from the Host computer to refresh the tab dis-
Log Properties
Opens the properties window for the Application, Security or System
log file. You can view and change log size and filter properties.
Event Properties
Displays properties for the selected event.
Use the up and down arrows to scroll through the list of events.
Click on the Copy button to copy the record properties to the clip-
2.8.4 Task Manager
Click on Task Manager in the Management section to display lists of applications and
processes that are running on the Host computer.
The Task Manager tool works like the Windows Task Manager, only on a remote con-
trolled computer. The tool can be used to view and control applications and end pro-
cesses, and to view the computer load and process threads.
2.8.5 Registry
Click on Registry in the Management section to open the Windows registry on the
Host computer.
The Registry tool works like the Windows Registry Editor, only on a remote controlled
About Windows registry
The Windows registry stores the configuration of the Windows operating system in a
structured database. The registry is created when Windows is installed on the computer
and is automatically modified when applications are installed and used and when users
create or change personal settings. Modify the registry settings with caution as erroneous
data entries can make the computer malfunction.
Managing Hosts
Refer to the Windows Registry Editor help for details about entries and how to modify
2.8.6 Services
Click on Services in the Management section to display a list of services that are run-
ning on the Host computer. Services are programs that can run in the background, that is
not displaying on the desktop, to support operating system or application functionalities.
The Services tool enables you to start, stop, pause, resume and restart Host computer
services, to add and remove services and to change the properties of services.
NOTE: Only Windows NT and later (NT, 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, and 7) can manage
services. Consequently, the Services command is enabled only if the Host computer
runs on a Windows NT or later operating system.
The following commands are available from the Services menu and from the shortcut
menu that opens when you right-click the data panel:
Adds a service on the Host computer. Follow the instructions in the wizard
that opens.
Deletes a service.
When a Services record is deleted, the service status and startup type
change to "Stopped" and "Disabled". When the application that uses the
service is unloaded, the record is removed.
NOTE: If you delete a Services record and you remove the service, affects
the dependent services. Dependencies are displayed in the Dependencies
tab, in the Properties dialog box. Right-click and select Properties from the
shortcut menu.
Stops and starts the service.
NOTE: Stopping, pausing or restarting a service can affect dependent ser-
vices. Dependencies are displayed in the Dependencies tab, in the Prop-
erties dialog box: Right-click and select Properties from the shortcut
Retrieve new information from the Host computer to refresh the displayed
Displays properties for the service on three tab pages.
Managing Hosts
NOTE: Do not change service properties unless you know exactly what you
are doing. Keep notes of changes to enable restoring properties if changes
cause an unexpected behavior.
General tab
Use the Startup type field to change the way the service starts.
NOTE: If you change the Startup type to "Disabled", a service which star-
ted or paused does not change its status. When it is stopped, it can no
longer be started.
Use the Start, Stop, Pause and Resume buttons to control the service.
The Start parameters field is enabled when a service is "Stopped". Spe-
cify any parameters like command line options to be used when the service
is started.
NOTE: Start parameters are unsaved. A backslash (\) is interpreted as an
ESCAPE character. Specify two backslashes for each backslash in a para-
Log On tab
Use the Log on as options to specify how to log on to a service by using a
different account.
Use Local System account to log on as a local system account that has ex-
tensive rights on the Host computer, but no rights on other computers (typ-
ically the default selection).
Use This account to log on as a specific user and specify the user cre-
dentials in the fields.
To specify that the selected Host computer service uses the Local Service
account, type NT AUTHORITY\LocalService. To specify that it uses the
Network Service account, specify NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService. Do
not specify a password for these accounts; both of them have built-in pass-
Dependencies tab
Managing Hosts
Displays dependencies and dependents. You cannot change dependencies
on this tab.
2.8.7 Shared Folders
Click on Shared Folders in the Management section to view and manage agent com-
puter shared resources and view and disconnect shared resource sessions and shared
file connections.
Shares tab
Special shares, typically with "$" as the last character in the share name, are created auto-
matically as hidden resources by the operating system for administrative and system use.
Typically, you should not delete or change special shares. If you delete or change special
shares, they can be restored when the server service is stopped and restarted or when
the computer is restarted.
These special shares may appear on the Shares tab:
<Drive letter>$
Enables Guests to connect to the root directory of a drive.
Enables remote administration of a computer. Its path is always
the path of the system root directory.
Enables inter program communication by named pipes. IPC$ is
used during remote administration of a computer and when view-
ing a computer's shared resources and cannot be deleted.
Required on domain controllers. Removing it causes a loss of func-
tionality on domain client computers.
Required on domain controllers. Removing it causes a loss of func-
tionality on domain client computers.
Used during remote administration of printers.
A server folder that is used by clients when sending a fax. It
stores temporary fax files and fax cover pages.
Managing Hosts
2.8.8 Inventory
Click on Inventory in the Management section for an overview of the Host computer
inventory of hardware and software.
2.8.9 Command Console
Click on the Command Console from the Management section to open a command
prompt window on the Host computer. This corresponds to executing Run on the Win-
dows Start menu and typing cmd but have the command prompt window display the Host
computer, not the Guest.
Before the command prompt window opens, you are required to enter credentials (user
name, password and domain) that are valid on the Host computer.
2.8.10 System Control
Click on the System Control in the Management section to control the Host computer
System Control allows you to:
Lock the computer (Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista and 7 only)
Log off the user
Restart the computer
Shut down the computer
Before any of these actions are performed, you can choose to warn the user by display-
ing a message, for example:
Computer updates need to be implemented and you are logged off in a
few minutes. Please save your work and close any open program.
Use the Options section to specify whether the user is to be warned and to specify the
number of seconds between prompting the user and executing the action selected un-
der Action to Perform.
Allow user to cancel
Generally, you cannot cancel a system control command.
However, selecting this option enables the Abort button on
Managing Hosts
the pop-up message, and the user is allowed to cancel the
Close open programs
without saving data
Normally data is saved before the selected system control
command is executed.
Select this option to close any open programs without sav-
ing data.
2.8.11 Local Users and Groups
Click on Local Users and Groups in the Management section to manage users and
groups on the Host computer.
With Local Users and Groups, you can:
Add new users and groups
View and edit properties of existing local users and groups
Set user passwords
Rename or delete users and groups
Users tab
The Users tab contains the list of users of the Host computer.
The shortcut menu has these commands:
New User
Select this command to add a new user.
In the New User dialog box, specify the appropriate information and select
or clear the selection of options related to password and account. Click on
Create, and then click on Close.
Set Pass-
Select this command to change the selected user's password.
Select this command to delete the selected user.
NOTE: When it is necessary for you to remove a user account, it is a good
idea to disable the account first. When you are certain that when you dis-
able the account did not cause a problem, you can safely delete it. To dis-
able the account, select Account is disabled in the Properties dialog
box. A deleted user account cannot be recovered. The built-in Adminis-
trator and Guest accounts cannot be deleted.
Managing Hosts
Select this command to rename the selected user. Specify a new name and
press Enter to save.
NOTE: Because it retains its security identifier, a renamed user account re-
tains all its other properties, such as its description, password, group mem-
berships, user environment profile, account information, and any assigned
permissions and rights. A user name cannot be identical to any other user
or group name of the computer being administered. It can contain up to 20
uppercase or lowercase characters, except for the following: " / \ [ ] : ; | = , +
* ? < >. A user name cannot consist solely of periods (.) or spaces.
Refresh F5
Select this command to retrieve new data from the Host computer and re-
fresh the tab display.
Select this command to view and change properties for a user account.
When a user has been created with the New User command, the user
must be added to a group. This is done on the Member Of tab in the
Properties dialog box.
NOTE: Adding users to the Administrators group gives them unlimited ac-
cess rights.
Groups tab
The Groups tab contains the list of groups of the Host computer.
The shortcut menu has these commands:
New Group
Select this command to add a new group.
In the New Group dialog box, type the appropriate information and click on
the Add button to add existing users to the group button. Click on Create,
and then click on Close.
NOTE: A local group name cannot be identical to any other group or user
name on the computer being administered. It can contain up to 256 upper-
case or lowercase characters, except for the following: " / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? <
>. A group name cannot consist solely of periods (.) or spaces.
Select this command to delete the selected group.
The following built-in groups cannot be deleted: Administrators, Backup
Operators, Power Users, Users, Guests, Replicator.
A deleted group cannot be recovered.
Managing Hosts
Deleting a local group removes only the group; it does not delete the user
accounts and global groups that were members of that group.
If you delete a group and then create another group with the same group
name, make sure to set new permissions for the new group; it does not in-
herit the permissions that were granted to the old group.
Select this command to rename the selected group. Specify a new name and
press Enter to save.
NOTE: Because it retains its security identifier, a renamed group retains all
its other properties, such as its description and members. A group name
cannot be identical to any other user or group name of the computer being
administered. It can contain up to 20 uppercase or lowercase characters, ex-
cept for the following: " / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < >. A group name cannot consist
solely of periods (.) or spaces.
Refresh F5
Select this command to retrieve new data from the Host computer and re-
fresh the tab display.
Select this command to add and remove users from the group.
2.8.12 Integrate third party applications
If there are applications that you use frequently in connection with remote management,
you can create your own section in the left pane of the Remote Management window
and add commands to open any third party application.
The user defined section in the left pane of the Remote Management window is added
beneath the Management section; see illustration and description in the Management
pane. Within the user defined section, the third party applications can be added beneath
user-defined group headings like for example Utilities or Tools.
To add a third party application, proceed as follows:
1. In the File menu, click on Third Party Program Integration.
2. Click on the Add Section button to create the section and give it a name, for example
My own section.
Note that the section appears after one or more programs have been added.
3. Select a section and click on the Add Program button.
4. In the Add Program dialog box, click on the Browse button to locate the executable.
The Working Folder field is updated automatically.
5. Click on OK to add the program and close the dialog box.
Managing Hosts
Optional parameters
In addition to specifying the name of the executable, optional parameters can also be
Parameter Name
Display Name
Define the program name to be shown in the new section. If this
parameter is not set, the name of the executable (for example: ex-
cel.exe) is displayed.
Display Name
Define the text to be displayed when the mouse pointer rests on the
program name. If this parameter is not set, the name of the execut-
able (for example: excel.exe) is displayed.
Command Line
Define the program parameters to be passed to the program when it
is started.
The following built-in parameters can be used:
%%CN - Host Computer Name
%%CD - Host Computer Domain
%%LU - Host Logged in User
%%LD - Host Logged in Domain
%%IA - Host IP Address
%%MA - Host MAC Address
Working Folder
Select the folder for the program to store its data. If this parameter is
not set, the folder where the executable is located is used.
Run As
Select the folder for the program to store its data. If this parameter is
not set, the folder where the executable is located is used.
Select how the program window is displayed: Normal Window, Minimized, Maximized,
or Hidden.
TIP: Any program that is installed on the Guest computer and can react to command line
executions can be integrated. To view any necessary command line parameters you can
open the program properties dialog box: Right-click on the program from the Windows
Start menu and then click on Properties.
Managing Hosts
2.8.13 Impero Sessions
The following commands are available in the Impero Sessions section:
Remote Control
Start/stop a remote control session with the connected Host.
File Transfer
Start/stop a file transfer session with the connected Host.
Start/stop a chat session with the connected Host.
Start/stop an audio-video chat session with the connected Host.
NOTE: Start Audio-Video Chat is disabled if the Guest and Host computers are not
both interactive audio enabled or if the Guest is engaged in another audio session. The
Guest Access Security settings on the Host can deny a Guest starting a session.
2.9 Create and run a script
A script is a user specified command structure that can execute a task, for example an
unattended scheduled file transfer.
You create the script in the Script dialog box as a tree structure consisting of:
Global Settings, such as overwrite/delete settings, error handling and log file settings
One or multiple commands, for example a Wait command and a Connect command to
connect to a Host.
One or multiple commands, for example Copy, Delete, Synch, or Inventory, which
are executed on the Host after connection.
The following example describes how to create a script that copies a file from the Guest
to a Host on a specified date and time.
To create this script, proceed as follows:
Managing Hosts
1. Click on the Script tab to display the tab.
2. In the Edit menu, select New > Script to display the Script dialog box.
3. In the File name field, enter a name for your script, for example "Copy document". If
you do not specify a file type extension, the script gets the file type extension *.dws.
4. Click on the Open Script button and click on Yes to start a new script.The Global
Settings dialog box is displayed.
5. In the Global Settings dialog box, specify settings for the script.To close the dialog
box, click on OK.
6. In the Comment field, enter a comment about the script, which is displayed in the
Script tab in the Guest window.
7. Select Global Settings in the tree structure in the upper pane of the dialog box, and
click on the Add button. Select Wait on the menu.
8. In the Wait dialog box, select Wait until in the Type field.
Specify a date and time for the copying, and click on OK to close the dialog box.
The Wait command is added to the script and displayed in the tree structure.
9. Select Wait in the tree structure, and click on the Add button. Select Connect in the
In the Connect to Host dialog box, specify how you want to connect to the Host, for
example using a communication profile.
Select communication profile and specify IP address and logon credentials for the Host.
The Connect command is added to the script and displayed in the tree structure.
10. Select Connect in the tree structure, and click on the Add button. Select Copy in the
The Copy dialog box is displayed.
In the General tab, in the Guest section, specify the file that you want to copy to the
In the Host section, specify the location on the Host that you want to copy the file to,
and change any other settings as necessary.
NOTE: You cannot browse, since the Guest is not yet connected to the Host.
Click on OK to close the dialog box.
11. Click on the Save Script button, and click on the Run button to enable the script.
12. Click on Close to close the dialog box.
Managing Hosts
You have created a script that copies the Test.txt file to one specific Host on a specific
date and time.
If you want to copy the Test.txt file to a number of Hosts, the easiest way to specify this
in the script is to first edit the script file (Copy the document.dws file, located in \\Ap-
plication Data\Impero\Impero Connect\Guest\script\) in Notepad and then
edit it further in the Script dialog box.
Script file contents
;Copy document to Host computer
SET Copy=G_H
SET Delta=Yes
SET CrashRecovery=Yes
SET OverwriteExisting=Yes
SET OverwriteSystem=No
SET OverwriteReadOnly=No
SET OverwriteHidden=No
SET OnComError=NextHost
SET OnError=NextFile
SET AtEnd=None
SET UnloadGuest=No
SET LogAppend=No
WAIT Mode=Until 23:55:00 2009-12-24
Connect /Mode=CommProfile /Profile="LAN (TCP)" /Name="" /
COPY "C:\Documents and Settings\user1\Desktop\Test.txt" "C:\Docu-
ments and Settings\"
1. Copy the Connect command (from Connect /Mode= through ConnectEnd) for as
Managing Hosts
many Hosts as you want to copy the Test.txt file to.
2. Save and close the Copy document.dws file.
3. Open the Copy document.dws file in the Script dialog box again, and for each Con-
nect command, edit the IP address and logon credentials in accordance with the indi-
vidual Hosts that you want to copy the Test.txt file to.
4. Save the script.
The script you created automatically copies the Test.txt file to a specified range of
Host computers on the specified date and time.
NOTE: The Guest also contains a couple of slightly more advanced example scripts that
you can study to see what you can do with Script. See example1.dws and ex-
ample2.dws on the Script tab. You can open them in Notepad to see the contents.
Once the script has been executed, you can check the script log file (\\Application
Data\Impero\Impero Connect\Guest\) to see if the script was executed success-
See also
Global Settings
2.10 Use Intel vPro from Impero Conect
The Guest provides access to Intel vPro (sometimes also referred to as IAMT - Intel
Active Management Technology) functionality which enhances your ability to remote
manage enterprise computing facilities.
NOTE: The Guest supports Intel vPro, versions: 2.2 to 1.1. Functionalities introduced
after this version are not supported.
The Guest can access Intel vPro even when the computer is turned off, as long as the
computer is connected to line power and to a network.
NOTE: Due to a limitation in Intel vPro, it is not possible to establish a connection to In-
tel vPro on the same computer as the one the Guest is running on.
The Intel Setup and Configuration Service (SCS) provides tools to centrally set up and
Managing Hosts
configure AMT devices. SCS serves as a server for vPro and is also called a provisioning
Depending on which permissions the user has, the following SCS realms are relevant
when using the vPro Console that the Guest provides access to:
General Info
If the user has permission to this realm, the Event Management
tab is available. The Remove all and Filters and Subscriptions but-
tons are disabled, so that the user cannot change anything.
Event Management
If the user has permission to this realm, the Event Management
tab is enabled and all the buttons are enabled, so that the user
can make changes.
Remote Control
If the user has permission to this realm, the Remote Control tab
is enabled and the user can execute remote control commands.
Redirection Interface
If the user has permission to this realm, the user can execute
serial/IDE redirection commands from the Remote Control tab.
If the user has permissions to neither the Event Management tab nor the Remote
Control tab, an "Authentication failed" message box is displayed. This means that either
User or Password is wrong or there are no appropriate permissions for the user in ques-
NOTE: Even though computers contain Intel vPro technology, the AMT devices are not
be operational until they are enabled (also called provisioning) in the vPro BIOS.
Intel vPro enables you to:
Remotely access BIOS configuration of the managed computer.
Remotely boot the managed computer from a floppy or CD-ROM image located on the
managing computer.
Retrieve and view the hardware log file of the managed computer.
Managing Hosts
2.10.1 Log on to the vPro Console
The Intel vPro tab is displayed at the bottom of the Quick Connect tab pane following
the Windows Network tab. When you start the Guest, the Intel vPro pane is empty.
Right-click on the Intel vPro pane to display a context menu containing the following
Scan IP range for Intel vPro
enabled computers
Select this command to scan for Intel vPro enabled com-
puters on your network. You can enter one known IP ad-
dress to scan for or you can enter an IP range to scan.
The computers found during the search is listed in the Intel
vPro pane by IP address.
NOTE: You can also use the Guest Inventory tab (Sum-
mary - Intel vPro State) to find the Intel vPro enabled com-
puters on your network.
Retrieve the Intel vPro en-
abled computers from SCS
Select this command or click on the Browse button in the
Quick Connect tab to retrieve Intel vPro enabled com-
puters from Intel SCS. Enter the SCS Web Service URL.
NOTE: If you do not want to have to enter the SCS Web
Service URL every time, go to Tools > Program Options >
Intel vPro tab. Select the Connect to SCS check box and
enter the SCS Web Service URL in the field below. The ad-
dress is then saved in the system to avoid entering the ad-
dress every tome the Retrieve Intel vPro Enabled Com-
puters from SCS command is selected.
When you have found one or more Intel vPro enabled computers on your network, the
above menu is extended with the following commands:
Open Intel vPro Console
Right-click a computer in the list in the Intel vPro pane and
select this command to open the vPro Console from
which you can manage the selected computer.
Use a user name and password to log on.
Open Intel vPro Web Inter-
Right-click on a computer from the list in the Intel vPro
Managing Hosts
pane and select this command to go to the Intel vPro Act-
ive Management Technology web page (http) from which
you can manage the selected computer.
Enter a user name and password to log on to the web page.
Open Intel vPro Web Inter-
face (Secure)
As above, but using secured connection (https).
Add to phonebook
Right-click on a computer (IP address) in the list of the Intel
vPro pane and select this command to add the address to
the phonebook.
NOTE: You can also add Intel vPro entries to the phone-
book by right-clicking in the right pane on the Phonebook
Right-click on a computer in the list in the Intel vPro pane
and select this command to remove the computer from the
Delete All
Right-click on the Intel vPro pane and select this command
to remove all computers from the list in the Intel vPro
To log on to the vPro Console, proceed as follows:
1. Right-click on a computer on the list in the Intel vPro pane and select Open Intel
vPro Console.
2. In the Credentials tab of the displayed Impero vPro Console Logon window, select
the authentication method:
Digest authentication
Kerberos authentication
If you select Digest authentication, enter the user name and password.
Select the Force using secured connection through TLS check box, if you prefer.
Normally, Transport Layer Security (TLS) is automatically detected and used when avail-
able, but if you select this check box, the Intel vPro Console uses only the secured con-
nection to log on to the AMT device. If the AMT device is not configured to use TLS, you
receive an error message and the connection is not established.
Managing Hosts
If you select Kerberos authentication, the tab looks slightly different, and either a cur-
rent Windows user account or a different user account (user, password, domain) can be
used to log on to the AMT device.
In addition to the Force using secured connection through TLS check box, you see
a Log on using current Windows account check box. This check box is selected by
default, and as a consequence the User name, Password, and Domain fields are dis-
abled, and the credentials of the current Windows user are used.
NOTE: When using Kerberos authentication the console should be connected to the
Host using FQDN name (fully qualified domain name). For example, it is not possible to do
the Kerberos authentication when connecting to an AMT device using its IP address.
3. If you select the Force using secured connection through TLS check box, a client
certificate is required to establish the TLS connection when the AMT device is configured
for mutual TLS authentication.
Click on the Certificate tab and specify the certificate to be used by first selecting either
Personal Certificate Storage or File in the Location list and then selecting the certi-
ficate in the Certificate combo box.
4. Click on Log on to log on to the vPro Console.
When you have logged on, the vPro Console window is displayed.
2.10.2 vPro Console
The vPro Console window contains a toolbar at the top and two tabs: the Event Man-
agement tab, on which you can retrieve and view the Intel vPro Event Log for the
computer being managed, and the Remote Control tab, on which you can access the
BIOS of the computer, boot from a floppy or CD-ROM image, and manage the power state
of the computer remotely.
Managing Hosts
Event Management tab
The Event Management tab displays the Intel vPro Event Log for the computer being
managed. The events are displayed in the Intel vPro Event Log pane with information
about severity, time, and entity together with a description. Select an event in the pane to
display further details about the event in the area below the pane.
In the bottom right corner of the vPro Console window you see a security indicator, a
lock icon. A closed lock indicates that a secured connection is being used, while an open
lock indicates that an unsecured connection is being used. In the top right corner you see
a network activity indicator that looks like a flower. This icon indicates that the vPro Con-
sole is waiting for response from the remote AMT device.
At the top of the vPro Console window you find a toolbar with tools that you can apply
to the log. In addition to the Refresh button, the Remove All button, and the Save to
File button (save events to a *.txt (tab delimited) file or a *.csv file), a Filters and
Subscriptions button are available.
Remote Control tab
Managing Hosts
The Remote Control tab provides access to the terminal window, which you can use for
remote BIOS access and floppy/CD-ROM redirection.
The toolbar for the Remote Control tab contains the following buttons:
Remote Control
The menu that opens when you click on the Remote Control
button down arrow on the toolbar contains the following menu
Normal Reboot
Reboot to BIOS* (If you click the Remote Control button in-
stead of the down arrow, this menu command is selected by de-
Boot from Console Floppy
Boot from Console CD
When you select menu commands on the Remote Control
menu, you can see the screen of the computer being booted on
the Remote Control tab of the vPro Console.
Execute Command
The menu that opens when you click on the Execute Command
button down arrow on the toolbar contains the following menu
Normal Reboot* (If you click the Execute Command button in-
stead of the down arrow, this menu command is selected by de-
Boot from Console Floppy
Boot from Console CD
When you select menu commands on the Execute Command
menu, the boot command is executed on the remote computer.
The screen of the computer being booted on the Remote Con-
trol tab of the vPro Console is unseen.
The menu that opens when you click on the Power button from
the toolbar contains the following menu commands, which you
can use to manage the power state of the remote computer:
Managing Hosts
Power On
Power Off
Cycle Power Off and On* (default)
Custom command
The menu that opens when you click on the Custom command
button down arrow on the toolbar contains the following menu
commands, which you can use to customize the menus and menu
items to the left of the Custom command:
Send command - Select this command to open the Send
Custom Command dialog box, which allows you to specify a
custom command and send it immediately. The custom com-
mand is not saved.
Customize - Select this command to open the Customize
Remote Control Toolbar dialog box, which allows you to add
and specify menus, commands and separators, reorder these
elements, and send commands. The changes are saved. You
can reset the toolbar again.
On the left side in the Customize Remote Control Toolbar dia-
log box a pane containing the menu structure is displayed. If you
select a menu, settings for adjusting the menu are displayed to
the right of the pane. You can move the menu up and down in the
toolbar, change the appearance of the menu and more.
If you select a command in the pane, command options are dis-
played to the right of the pane.
Both dialog boxes contain the same command options. Depend-
ing on the command you select, different sets of options are en-
abled. You can specify command type and parameters, CD/floppy
redirection and boot options for the command you select.
IDE Redirection Set-
Clicking on the IDE Redirections Settings button from the tool-
bar opens the IDE Redirections Settings window where you
can select settings for Floppy redirection and CD redirection,
i.e. the drives and image files that are to be used for Boot from
Console Floppy and Boot from Console CD.
Managing Hosts
Impero vPro Console
Clicking on the Terminal Settings button on the toolbar opens
the Impero vPro Console Settings window where you can edit
settings for the following:
Terminal - Set Font and Emulation.
Keyboard - Set Special key mode and Send Esc button code.
Warnings - Select the warnings that you want to receive in rela-
tion to the Keyboard settings:
Warn if the special key mode cannot be detected automatically
Warn when trying to detect keyboard mode without having
Hardware Assets Realm permission
2.11 Tunnel
The Tunnel function establishes a secure connection between the Guest and Host.
Through the Tunnel application ports are redirected from the Host to the Guest.
This means that the Guest can run local applications while interacting with the connec-
ted Host without having to control the Host machine remotely.
The Tunnel is ideally suited, but not exclusive to environments where no traditional
desktop is available for use with standard remote control (screen, keyboard and mouse
control); however support and system administrative tasks still need to be carried out re-
motely whilst conforming to industry regulatory standards such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA and
Such environments can include embedded Linux systems where operating machinery
and hardware contains a streamlined version of a Linux operating system, for example,
fuel dispensers and retail systems. Enterprises can also take advantage of the Tunnel for
managing and supporting their Linux Desktops and Servers using common applications
and services such as Shell clients, HTTP and SFTP.
The Guests ability to use the Tunnel along with the associated ports can be governed
by the central Security Server solution. This allows organizations to apply granular ac-
cess privileges. Even when remote systems have a desktop, it may not be required to
give Guest users full remote control access on certain machines but limit their ability to
use certain application ports through the Tunnel.
Managing Hosts
2.11.1 Predefine local ports for the tunnel
When using the Tunnel capabilities, it is sometimes necessary to configure the local port
to a fixed port. This way, when actually tunneling into the machine, the same local port al-
ways corresponds to the remote port.
To configure the local ports for the tunnel, proceed as follows:
1. Create the ImperoTunnelPorts.ini file and define the list of local ports and their cor-
responding remote ones.
The .ini file has the following structure:
key = value
key = value
Where section is the Remote IP, key is the remote port and value is the local predefined
2. Place the *.ini file in the C:\windows folder.
It helps identify either the remote port or the remote IP/remote Hostname/remote port
pair and assign it a predefined fixed local port that the Guest opens when initiating the
In the ImperoTunnelPorts.ini file you can define the Host by providing either the
Host ID or the Host IP Address. When connecting to the Host, the proper definitions
are used, otherwise the default definition is applied.
For the TCP/IP communication profile, there might be a cross Host ID - IP Address com-
patibility. .ini file defined with Host ID works if connection is made with Host IP Address
or Host ID. Otherwise, the default definition is used.
.ini file sample
Managing Hosts
2.11.2 Open tunnel session
The Guest can initiate the Tunnel session with a Host in the same way as any other
The Tunnel is also available from the context menu on the Quick Connect tab, Phone-
book tab or the History tab.
Once the Guest is authenticated, the assigned ports are assigned by the Security
Server and the Tunnel console is displayed and confirms which remote ports are avail-
able along with the randomly assigned ports that can be used by the Guest.
Refer to the separate documentation available on for more
details on how to set up and use the secure tunnel.
2.12 Run a remote program
If allowed by the Guest Access Security settings on the Hosts, the Guest can run a
program on one or multiple Host computers using the Run Program function.
To run a program, proceed as follows:
1. In one of the Guest window tabs, select the Host computer that you want to connect
to and run a program on.
The Guest can connect and run a program from the Phonebook tab, the Quick
Connect tab, or the History tab.
When already connected, the Guest can run a program from the Phonebook tab,
Managing Hosts
the Quick Connect tab, the Connections tab or the History tab.
2. Click on the Run Program button on the toolbar. Alternatively, from the Connec-
tion menu, select the Run Program function.
3. Click on the Browse button.
4. In the Run dialog box, click on the Browse button and select the program that you
want to run on the selected Host computer.
When the program file is added in the Local File name field, the global file name with the
absolute path replaced by environment variables is also added in the Global File Name
field. This is especially useful if your computers are running different Windows platforms.
Select the Global File name option, so that you do not have to consider which operating
system version or operating system language the Host computer is using.
If the selected program needs to be started using command line switches, use the Com-
mand line switches field to type those. This could for example be starting Internet Ex-
plorer with a specific address.
Under Run, define how the program should start. Select Normal, Maximized or Minim-
5. Click on OK to run the specified program on the selected Host computer.
NOTE: It is necessary that the program file is available on the Host computer in the loca-
tion specified in the Run dialog box. The program can also be specified on the Tools >
Program Options > Run tab. If the program is not available on the Host computer in the
specified location, you can use the File Manager to transfer the file to the Host before
running it. Refer to the Transfer files section for more information.
2.13 Transfer files
You can use the File Manager to transfer files between a Guest and a Host computer.
If allowed by the Guest Access Security settings on the Host, the Guest can start a file trans-
fer session with a Host to transfer files between the Guest and the Host computer. This in-
cludes copying, moving, synchronizing, and cloning files.
You can also use the File Manager to transfer files locally on the Guest computer.
Managing Hosts
To start a file transfer session, proceed as follows:
1. In one of the Guest tabs, select the Host to or from which you want to transfer files.
The Guest can connect to start a file transfer session from the Phonebook tab, the
Quick Connect tab, or the History tab, or in response to a help request from a Help Request
When already connected, the Guest can start and end a file transfer session from the
Phonebook tab, the Quick Connect tab, the Connections tab, or the History tab.
2. Click on the File Transfer button in the toolbar to open the File Manager.
NOTE: If the Host allows multiple simultaneous Guest connections, multiple Guests can run
separate file transfer sessions.
Copy files
To copy files from one computer to another, proceed as follows:
1. Select files and/or folders in one of the two File Manager panes and click on the
Copy File(s) button from the toolbar.
Alternatively, select files in one of the two File Manager panes and select Copy
File(s) from the File menu.
2. In the Copy dialog box, check the location in the To field and change the location if ne-
Click on the Options button to view the Options dialog box and specify options
for the copy process. Refer to the Impero File Manager Options section for more informa-
3. To start the copy process, click on OK.
Managing Hosts
NOTE: You can also use drag-and-drop to copy files from one File Manager pane to the
Move files
To move files from one computer to another, proceed as follows:
1. Select the files and/or folders in one of the two File Manager panes and click on the
Move File(s) button from the toolbar.
Alternatively, select files in one of the two File Manager panes and select Move File(s)
from the File menu.
2. In the Move dialog box, check the location in the To field and change the location if ne-
Click on the Options button to view the Options dialog box and specify options for the
move process. Refer to the Impero File Manager Options for more information.
3. Click on OK to start the move process.
Synchronize files
To synchronize files between two computers, proceed as follows:
1. Click on the Synch File(s) button on the toolbar. Alternatively, select Synch
File(s) from the File menu.
2. In the Synchronize dialog box, check the location in the To field and change the loca-
tion if necessary.
Click on the Options button to view the Options dialog box and specify options for the
synchronize process. Refer to the Impero File Manager Options for more information.
3. Click on OK to start the synchronize process.
WARNING! By default, the synchronization process transfers files and folders in both dir-
ections, replacing older files and folders with newer files and folders. In the Transfer tab
of the Options dialog, you can change this into Transfer only if file exists and Trans-
fer only one way for the file transfer process.
Clone Files
To clone files from one computer to another, proceed as follows:
1. Click on the Clone File(s) button from the toolbar. Alternatively, select Clone
Managing Hosts
File(s) from the File menu.
2. In the Clone dialog box, check the location in the To field and change the location if
Click on the Options button to view the Options dialog box and specify options for the
clone process. Refer to the Impero File Manager Options for more information.
3. To start the clone process, click on OK.
WARNING! Cloning transfers all the folders and files in the selected pane to the other
pane deleting the existing folders and files in it.
TIP: Select all options in the Confirmation tab of the Options dialog box. Refer to the
Impero File Manager Options for more information. A dialog box is displayed when you are
about to delete or overwrite a file, allowing you to choose what you want to do with the
Transfer files locally on the Guest computer
To transfer files from one location on the Guest computer to another, click on the
Local button from the toolbar in the File Manager. The folder structure of the Guest
computer is displayed in both panes.
Run a script from the File Manager
You can open, edit, and run a script while you are in the File Manager.
Click on the Script Editor button from the toolbar to open the Script dialog box.
Refer to the Create and run a Impero script for more information about using scripts.
2.14 Log events
To support security functions, Connect includes an extensive event logging feature that
enables you to log session activity and logon attempts to multiple logging destinations.
You can log Impero events:
In an Impero log on the local computer.
In the database of a central Impero Server.
Managing Hosts
In an SNMP enabled management console (by sending SNMP traps to an SNMP enabled
central management console, such as HP OpenView).
To enable logging, proceed as follows:
1. In the Tools menu, select Log Setup. The Log Setup windows is displayed.
2. In the Log Setup tab, select where you want to log events.
3. Click on the relevant tab to set up the logging, for example the Impero Local tab, if
you selected Log Locally on the Log Setup tab.
4. In the Impero Local tab, select the events you want to view in the list of events, all or
a specific type of events.
5. On the list of events select the individual events that you want to include in the logging.
By default each Impero event is written to the local Impero log file immediately. Clear the
Write to disk for each log entry check box to write Impero events to the local Impero log
file when the Impero module is unloaded. This consumes less processor capacity.
6. Click on OK to close the dialog box and start logging.
NOTE: The Log file name field displays the (path and) name of the log file (default:
IMPERO.LOG). If no path is specified, the log file is located in the Impero configuration
files folder, typically C:\ProgramData\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)
\Netop\Netop Remote Control\<Module name>. UNC paths are not supported. Only
mapped paths are supported. A new local Impero log file that is created when the Im-
pero module is loaded overwrites the old local Impero log file with the same path and file
See also
Log Setup
2.15 Record sessions
For documentation purposes you can record the remote control sessions. You can
choose to record sessions for a specific connection, or you can choose to record ses-
sions for all connections.
NOTE: Recording reduces the remote control session transfer speed.
Record sessions for a specific connection
Managing Hosts
Before connecting to a Host
1. In the Quick Connect tab, click on Connection Properties.
2. In the Connection Properties dialog box, click on the Record tab and select the Re-
cord remote control session check box.
3. Click on OK.
When you connect to a Host every remote control session that you run for that specific
connection are recorded.
Record sessions for all connections
To record sessions for all connections, proceed as follows:
1. In the Tools menu, select Program Options.
2. In the Program Options dialog box, click on the Recording tab.
3. Select the Enforce recording check box to activate session recording. Select other
settings as preferred.
4. Click on OK. Now sessions are recorded for all connections, until you change these
settings again.
See also
Connection Properties
Program Options
2.15.1 Play back session recordings
Session recordings are listed in the Recordings tab in the Guest window.
To play back a session recording
1. On the Recordings tab, select the session recording that you want to play back.
2. On the Connection menu, select Play back session recording to start playing back
the session recording. Alternatively, double-click on the session recording to start playing
back the session recording.
In the Play back recording window, you can use the following buttons to control the
Managing Hosts
Click on the Stop button to close the window.
Click on the Pause button to pause playback. Click on this button again to re-
sume playback.
Click on the Play button to start playback or resume playback when paused.
When playback has ended, this button is disabled.
Click on the Back button to return to the beginning of the recording showing a
black show area.
Playback Speed: By default, the spin box field displays x1 indicating true speed.
Click on the up/down arrows to change the playback speed by a factor x1 to x20
as displayed in the spin box field.
2.16 Use a skin to see the Host button layout
A Host, typically a CE/Mobile device, can transfer information about its button layout to
Guests enabling Guest users to see the button layout by means of a click-able bitmap.
This is called a skin.
If you run a remote control session, skins enable you to see the Host device and execute
commands on the Host device by clicking buttons on the applied skin. A device may
have more than one skin definition depending on its state, for example slide out key-
board, portrait and landscape orientation etc. Every time the device changes state, the
Host sends the updated skin information to the Guest.
If the Guest does not have the skin that is necessary for a remote control session with a
particular Host, it attempts to collect a suitable skin from the Skin Repository Server. If
the necessary skin is not available, the Guest uses a default skin.
The address and port number of the Skin Repository Server that the Guest collects
skins from is specified in Program Options on the Skins tab. If you click on the View
Models button in the Skins tab, you can also see the skins available on the Skin Repos-
itory Server.
To use skins, enable the function in the Guest Connection Properties. Click on the
Display tab and select options for the use of skins in the Skin section.
NOTE: You can design additional skins using the Skin Designer and add them to the
Skin Repository Server.
Managing Hosts
See also
Connection Properties (Display tab)
Program Options (Skins tab)
2.17 Multisession Support
Each Windows Host supports up to 24 simultaneous sessions, regardless of the commu-
nication protocol (TCP, UDP or Web Connect). However, it depends on the session type
and the Host hardware:
up to 24 simultaneous sessions for Remote Control
up to 12 simultaneous sessions for File Transfer or Tunnel
Each Windows Guest supports only one session initiated from the same guest instance
to the same Host.
2.18 Switching between whitelisted applications
While remote controlling a Host, if application whitelisting is enabled, only the whitelisted
applications are visible and accessible in the Guest remote control window. This means
that reaching a whitelisted application, which is behind a non-whitelisted application, is
more difficult to do. In order to address this problem, there is an easy way to switch
between the whitelisted applications by using the dedicated button in the Guest's re-
mote control window.
The list includes only the whitelisted applications and allows you to switch to any of those
applications, even if they are completely covered by other whitelisted or non-whitelisted
NOTE: In order to use the Whitelisted Applications switch button, it is necessary that
both the Guest and the Host are version 12.73 or above.
Refer to the Impero Knowledge Base for more information about whitelisting.
Managing Hosts
2.19 Multiple monitors support
While in a remote control session, you can dynamically change the Host monitor to be
displayed on the screen by clicking on the Monitors icon from the main menu and
selecting the desired monitor.
Getting remote support
3 Getting remote support
3.1 Request help
If the Help Request function has been enabled on the Host, you can request help from
a Guest that offers help services.
To request help, proceed as follows:
1. Click on the Request help button in the toolbar.
Alternatively, in the Session menu, select the Request help command.
If the Host is minimized you can request help by double-clicking on the Impero Help
Request icon in the notification area.
2. Depending on how the Help Request function has been set up, you may now be
prompted to enter various information. The Guest user can provide you with the informa-
tion you need. Specify the necessary information when prompted.
When you have entered the necessary information, your help request is delivered to the
help provider, who typically starts a remote control session.
While the help request status is "Pending", you can choose to cancel it by clicking on
the Cancel help button in the toolbar.
See also
Set up Help Request on Guest and Host
Program Options (Help Request tab)
Advanced Help Request Options
3.2 Notification
You may be notified of connecting Guests in different ways upon connection, during
connection and after connection, depending on the connection notification setup.
Upon connection
You can be notified by a sound being played or a balloon tip or a list of connecting
Guests being displayed in the notification area in the lower right corner of the screen.
The connection list can be set to disappear after a specified number of seconds, or it can
be necessary for you to specify a password to close the history list.
Getting remote support
During connection
A sound can be played at certain intervals, the Guest name can be displayed in the Host
title bar, and the Host icon in the notification area can be animated.
After connection
You may be notified by a balloon tip or a history list of connections in the notification area
when a Guest disconnects.
The history list can be set to disappear after a specified number of seconds, or it can be
necessary that you need to specify a password to close the history list.
NOTE: You can also be prompted to confirm Guest access, if this has been set in the
Guest Access Security dialog box on the Guest Access Privileges tab.
See also
Program Options (Connection Notification tab)
Guest Access Security (Guest Access Privileges tab)
3.3 Communicate with Guest users
Connect offers two ways in which you can communicate with Guest users while receiv-
ing remote support.
If allowed by the Guest Access Security settings on the Host, the Guest can start a
chat or an audio-video chat with a Host, and the Host can likewise start a chat or an au-
dio-video chat with the Guest.
To start a chat with a connected Guest, proceed as follows:
1. Click on the Chat button in the toolbar. Alternatively, in the Session menu, select
2. In the Chat dialog box, type your message.
3. Click on the Send button.
Getting remote support
NOTE: You can save the chat as an *.rtf file for documentation purposes.
Multi chat
If the Host allows multiple simultaneous Guest connections, a Guest that the Guest
Access Security settings allow to act as multi Guest session administrator can start a
multi chat with the Host and all of the connected Guests.
Audio-video chat
Audio-video chat requires audio-video equipment to be installed on both sides.
To start an audio-video chat with a connected Guest, proceed as follows:
Click on the Audio-Video Chat button on the toolbar.
Alternatively, in the Session menu, select Audio-Video Chat.
The Audio-Video Chat dialog box is displayed.
Depending on the hardware available, you can now use your microphone to talk to the
Guest user, and if Video is enabled by the Guest user, you can also see each other in the
dialog box.
Use the slide bars on the right to control sound and video.
Only the Guest can end the audio-video chat session.
NOTE: Each Guest and each Host can run only one audio session including Transfer
Sound at a time.
See also
Guest Access Security
Program Options (Audio-Video Chat tab)
3.4 End a remote control session from a Host computer
If your computer is being remote controlled and you feel that you do not want to continue
the session for whatever reason, you can end the session from the Host.
To end a remote control session from the Host, proceed as follows:
Click on the Disconnect button on the toolbar. Alternatively, in the Session menu in
the Host window, select Disconnect.
Getting remote support
If the Host is minimized and only visible as an icon in the notification area in the lower
right corner of the screen, you can end the remote control session by right-clicking on
the icon and selecting Disconnect.
Providing remote support
4 Providing remote support
4.1 Set up Help Request on Guest and Host
If you offer help services, the Help Request function should be set up on both the Guest and
Host before Host users can request help from your help service.
You also need to specify the communication profile or profiles to use.
To set up the Help Request function on the Guest, proceed as follows:
1. In the Tools menu, select Program Options.
2. Click on the Help Request tab.
3. Select the Enable Help Request check box.
4. In the Help Service tab, select the Enable Help Service check box.
In one of the Help Service fields below, specify the name of your help service. You may have
more than one help service.
Setup use of tickets
If you have an extended Guest, you see two more sub-tabs on the Help Request tab.
Service Tickets tab
The Service Tickets tab enables an extended Guest to service help requests by a service
ticket number. Service tickets are used for Connect and Impero OnDemand (1.74 and earlier
1. Select the Enable Service Tickets check box to enable use of service tickets to service help
requests by a service ticket number.
2. In the Service Ticket Format field enter a service ticket format using any character plus the
control characters #, @, and *.
# produces a number (0-9), @ produces a letter (A-Z), and * produces a number or a letter
(0- 9, A-Z), for example @##-****. In the Help Request tab in the Guest window, this
generates service tickets that look like this: JK50-M3SR.
NOTE: The service ticket generated from this can only be used once, after which a new
ticket is generated.
3. In the Number of auto generated Service Tickets field specify the number (0-3, 0
= manually) of service tickets to be auto-generated.
Providing remote support
WebConnect tab
The WebConnect tab enables an extended Guest to service help requests by a We-
bConnect ticket. WebConnect tickets are used for OnDemand 2.0 and later versions.
1. Select the Enable WebConnect tickets check box to enable use of WebConnect
2. In the WebConnect Ticket field enter anything that you want to use as a WebCon-
nect ticket for identification purposes during a help request session using WebConnect,
for example an email address, a name, or a keyword, for example Security Server.
3. Select a communication profile in the WebConnect Communication Profile list.
The WebConnect communication profile contains the credentials and the Connection
Manager URL that are in use for the WebConnect connection.
The profile itself should be defined in the Setup Wizard or in Program Options > Com-
munication Profiles before you can select it here. One or more WebConnect profiles
can be defined in Communication Profiles.
4. In the Update interval field, specify how often the Guest should communicate with
WebConnect and check for new tickets. Specify an interval in seconds.
5. Click on OK to close the Program Options dialog box.
To set up the Help Request function on the Host, proceed as follows:
1. In the Tools menu, select Program Options.
2. Click on the Help Request tab.
3. In the Help provider field, enter the name of a help service provider.
4. Specify the communication profile that should be used for the connection.
Select one of these options:
Use current Host communication
Select this option to send help requests using commu-
nication profiles enabled in Tools > Communication
If you have enabled more than one communication
profile, or if you have enabled only communication pro-
files using networking communication devices, the
Select Help Request Communication Profile dia-
log box is displayed when requesting help.
Select a communication profile.
Providing remote support
You can only use TCP/IP, if the Guest and Host are
on the same network.
If the Guest and Host are not on the same network,
select for example LAN (TCP) or Internet (TCP). Make
sure to specify the Guest IP address.
Use specific Communication Pro-
Select this option to use a specific communication pro-
file. Select one of the available Host communication
profiles in the drop-down list.
You can only use TCP/IP, if the Guest and Host are
on the same network.
If the Guest and Host are not on the same network,
select for example LAN (TCP) or Internet (TCP). Make
sure to specify the Guest IP address.
You can specify the IP address at this point in the Ad-
vanced Help Request Options, if you prefer. Other-
wise, the Host user is prompted for the IP address
when requesting help. The latter allows the Host user
to specify different addresses and thereby contact dif-
ferent supporters when requesting help.
Advanced Help Request Options
1. Click on the Advanced button. The Advanced
Help Request Options dialog box is displayed.
2. In the Phone number or IP address field enter the
IP address of the Guest. You can also change the
Help request timeout if not answered setting, if
3. If you request help through a Guest network Im-
pero Gateway, you can specify the gateway logon
credentials in the Gateway logon section. Otherwise
the Host user is prompted to enter these when re-
questing help.
4. Select the Use current logon credentials for
Providing remote support
Windows Security authentication check box, if
the Host user should log on using the name, pass-
word and domain that the user used to log on to
Windows on the Host computer.
5. Select the Enable Help Service check box.
4.2 Respond to a help request
If you are using service tickets (extended Guest for OnDemand 1.74 and earlier ver-
sions) for help requests, make sure to pass on a service ticket to the Host user by phone
or e-mail.
You find the service ticket in the Guest Help Request tab. The service ticket can only
be used once, after which a new ticket is generated. The Host user then uses the service
ticket to send a help request to you.
If you are using WebConnect tickets (extended Guest for OnDemand 2.0 and later
versions), you do not need to do anything.
The WebConnect ticket can either be predefined in the OnDemand Host or the Host
user can enter anything, for example a name or a keyword in the OnDemand Host.
All incoming help requests are displayed in the Guest Help Request tab.
Double-click on a help request on the list to start a default session, which is typically re-
mote control.
Alternatively, select a help request and click on a button from the toolbar to start a remote
control session or another type of session.
You are prompted to log on to the Host.
Once you have logged on to the Host, you can start helping the Host user using the
available remote control functions, and you can communicate with the Host user using
the chat for example.
NOTE: To be able to service help requests make sure to set up the communication pro-
files and the Help Request options on both the Guest and Host. Refer to the Set up
Help Request on Guest and Host for more information.
Providing remote support
4.3 Run a multi Guest session
If allowed in the General tab of the Host Program Options, multiple Guests can con-
nect to the same Host in a multi Guest session.
For example, if you need help from another supporter while providing support to a Host
user, other Guests can join your session by connecting to the same Host.
In a multi Guest remote control session, one Guest at a time can have keyboard and
mouse control. The Guest that has keyboard and mouse control can execute all actions
allowed to it by the Guest Access Security settings on the Host.
Guests that do not have keyboard and mouse control can execute only a limited range of
The Host window title bar displays the name of the Guest that has keyboard and mouse
control. Other connected Guests are indicated by +<Number of other connected
Example: Connected [User1]+1
Guests that the Guest Access Security settings allow to act as multi Guest session
administrator can manage a multi Guest session. This means that these Guests can:
Show a connection list of connected Guests
Suspend further connections
Disconnect all other Guests
Start a multi chat session with all connected the Guests and the Host.
Guests with no rights to act as a multi Guest session administrator cannot carry out
these actions.
See also
Communicate with Host users
Guest Access Security
4.4 Send special keystrokes
During remote control you can send various keystroke combinations to the Host com-
puter using the Send Keystrokes command on the title bar menu of the Remote Con-
trol window.
You also find the most commonly used commands as toolbar buttons in the Remote
Providing remote support
Control window.
CAUTION! Using these keystroke combinations from the keyboard can have undesired
Keystroke combination
Select this command to send the keystroke combination
CTRL+ESC to the Host.
Alternatively, click on the Send CTRL+ESC button on
the toolbar.
This keystroke combination displays the Start menu on a
Windows Host computer or the Window List on an OS/2
Host computer.
Select this command to send the keystroke combination
CTRL+ALT+DEL to the Host.
Alternatively, click on the Send CTRL+ALT+DELbutton
on the toolbar.
This keystroke combination displays the security dialog box
on a Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/7 Host computer
or restarts an OS/2 Host computer.
NOTE: Send CTRL+ALT+DEL is disabled with a Windows
ME, 98 or 95 Host computer. Select Restart Host PC to re-
start the Host computer.
Select this command to send the keystroke combination
ALT+TAB to the Host.
This keystroke combination switches the active window
clockwise on the Host computer screen.
Select this command to send the keystroke combination
ALT+SHIFT+TAB to the Host.
This keystroke combination switches the active window
counter-clockwise on the Host computer screen.
Send Print Screen
Select this command to send a PRINT SCREEN command
to the Host.
This copies an image of the entire Host computer screen to
Providing remote support
the Host computer clipboard.
Select this command to send an ALT+PRINT SCREEN
command to the Host.
This copies an image of the active window on the Host
computer screen to the Host computer clipboard.
NOTE: The Send Keystrokes command is disabled if the Guest Access Security set-
tings on the Host do not allow use of keyboard and mouse.
4.5 Use clipboard commands
During remote control you can use the clipboard.
You access the clipboard commands from the Clipboard command in the title bar menu
of the Remote Control window. You also find these commands as toolbar buttons in
the Remote Control window.
Send to Host
Select this command to send the Guest computer clipboard
content to the Host computer clipboard.
Alternatively, click on the Send Clipboard button from the
NOTE: This command is disabled if the Guest Access Secur-
ity settings on the Host do not allow Transfer clipboard.
Retrieve from Host
Select this command to retrieve the Host computer clipboard
content to the Guest computer clipboard. Alternatively, click on
the Retrieve from Host button from the toolbar.
NOTE: This command is disabled if the Guest Access Secur-
ity settings on the Host do not allow Transfer clipboard.
Save Screen to Clip-
Select this command to capture the Host computer screen im-
age to the Guest computer clipboard.
Alternatively, click on the Save Screen to Clipboard but-
ton from the toolbar.
Save Screen to File
Select this command to capture the Host computer screen im-
Providing remote support
age and save it as a bitmap file with the name <Host name>-
<Date>-<Time>.bmp in the SnapShot folder. You can change
the file name and folder before saving. Alternatively, click on the
Save Screen to File button from the toolbar.
4.6 Communicate with Host users
Connect offers a number of ways in which you can communicate with the Host users
while providing remote support.
If allowed by the Guest Access Security settings on the Host, the Guest can start a
chat or an audio-video chat with a Host, or the Guest can send a message to the Host.
To start a chat, when already connected to a Host, proceed as follows:
1. In the Remote Control window, click on the Chat button from the toolbar.
2. In the Chat dialog box, type your message.
3. Click on the Send button.
To start a chat, if not already connected to a Host, proceed as follows:
1. In the Guest window, select the Host.
2. Click on the Chat button from the toolbar. Alternatively, select Chat in the Connec-
tion menu.
3. In the Chat dialog box, type your message.
4. Click on the Send button.
The Host user can reply, and the chat session remains open until either you or the Host
user close it by clicking on the End chat button. A Host can also request a chat with the
NOTE: You can save the chat as an *.rtf file for documentation purposes.
Multi chat
If the Host allows multiple simultaneous Guest connections, a Guest that the Guest
Access Security settings allow to act as multi Guest session administrator can start a
Providing remote support
multi chat with the Host and all the connected Guests. Refer to the Run a multi Guest
Session section for more information.
A Start Multi Chat button is displayed in the toolbar in the Remote Control window
of the Guest that is a multi Guest session administrator. Click on this button to start a
chat with the Host and all other connected Guests at the same time.
Audio-video chat
The Guest can start an audio-video chat session with a Host, if that audio-video equip-
ment is installed on both sides. Also the Host can request an audio-video chat session
with the Guest, if they are already connected.
To start an audio-video chat, when already connected to a Host, proceed as follows:
In the Remote Control window, click on the Audio-Video Chat button from the
The Audio-Video Chat dialog box is displayed.
To start an audio-video chat, if not already connected to a Host, proceed as follows:
1. In the Guest window, select the Host that you want to chat with.
2. Click on the Audio-Video Chat button from the toolbar. Alternatively, select Au-
dio-Video Chat on the Connection menu.
The Audio-Video Chat dialog box is displayed.
Depending on the hardware available, you can use your microphone to talk to the Host
user, and if Video is enabled, you can also see each other in the dialog box.
Use the toolbar buttons at the top and the slide bars on the right to control sound and
Only the Guest can end the audio-video chat session by clicking on the Stop Au-
dio-Video Chat button from the toolbar.
NOTE: Each Guest and each Host can run only one audio session including Transfer
Sound at a time.
To send a message to a Host, when already connected, proceed as follows:
Providing remote support
1. In the Remote Control window, click on the Send Message button from the
2. Type the text you want to send and click on the Send Message button from the
To send a message to a Host, if not already connected, proceed as follows:
1. Select the Host.
2. Click on the Send Message button from the toolbar. Alternatively, select Send Mes-
sage in the Connection menu.
3. Type the text you want to send and click on the Send Message button from the tool-
The message is displayed on the Host computer. The Host user cannot reply or send a
new message. If you want the Host user to reply, use one of the chat options.
See also
Guest Access Security
Program Options (Audio-Video Chat tab)
4.7 Send or receive print jobs
You can send a Guest computer print job to a Host computer printer (remote printer).
Host users can likewise send a print job to a Guest computer printer.
It is necessary that an Impero printer and the correct remote printing device driver are in-
stalled on the computer sending the print job.
To add an Impero printer on the Guest computer, proceed as follows:
1. In the Tools menu, select Options.
2. Click on the Remote Printing tab.
3. Click on the Add printer button. The Add printer guidelines window is displayed.
4. Read the guidelines and click on the Ready button to start adding an Impero printer
using the Add Printer Wizard.
The Add printer guidelines window remains on the screen while you go through the
Providing remote support
Send a print job to a remote printer
Once you have added the Impero printer on the Guest computer, you can send a print
job to the remote printer in question.
Example: If you want to print a Word document on the remote printer, activate the print
job as you normally would in Word. Make sure that you choose the Impero printer that
you added.
4.7.1 Redirect a print job
You can redirect a print job sent from the Host computer to the Guest computer to any
printer specified on the Guest computer.
To redirect a print job, proceed as follows:
1. In the Tools menu, select Options.
2. Click on the Remote Printing tab.
3. In the Redirect print to section, select one of the following options:
Default printer
Redirect the print job to the default Guest computer
Prompt with a list of available
Select this option and click on the Browse button to dis-
play the Select Print Redirection Printer dialog box. The
dialog box contains the names of Guest computer print-
Select a name and click on OK to specify the printer name
in the field. Incoming Impero print jobs are then redirected
to this printer.
4.8 Share your screen
When providing support you might want to demonstrate a procedure to a Host user.
If allowed by the Guest Access Security settings on the Host, you can start a demon-
strate session with a Host. This enables you to display the Guest computer screen im-
age on the Host computer while you are carrying out a particular procedure.
Providing remote support
To start a demonstrate session, proceed as follows:
When already connected, in the Remote Control window, click on the Demon-
strate button on the toolbar.
If you are not are not already connected, you can connect and run a demonstrate session
from the Phonebook tab, the Quick Connect tab, or the History tab.
1. In one of the these tabs, select the Host computer that you want to connect to and
and run a demonstrate session with.
2. Then click on the Demonstrate button in the toolbar in the Guest window.
When you start the demonstrate session, and before anything is displayed on the Host
computer, the Mask Windows dialog box is displayed. This dialog box enables you to
mask Guest computer screen elements that you do not want the Host user to see.
These elements are displayed as black rectangles on the Host computer screen.
To mask/unmask a screen element, proceed as follows:
1. Select the element in the pane.
2. Click on the + (plus) or - (minus) button at the bottom of the dialog box to mask or un-
mask the element.
Select the New screen window warning check box to have the New window dialog box
displayed if a new screen element that does not belong to a masked application element
opens on the Guest computer screen.
Select what you want to mask.
3. Click on OK.
The Impero Demonstration window is displayed on the selected Host computer
During a demonstrate session, a small toolbox is displayed on the Guest computer
screen. It allows you to stop the demonstration or display the Mask windows dialog box,
if you want to make changes to the masking.
4.9 Impero Screen Video
Impero Screen Video is a tool for recording the actions you take and the commands
you click.
Providing remote support
To start Screen Video, proceed as follows:
In the Windows Start menu, point to All Programs, Impero Connect, Tools and then
click on Screen Video.
Use the tool to create a video within an area of the screen or of the entire screen.
To capture a screen video
1. Set up the tool according to your preferences.
In the Region menu, select the area you want to capture.
TIP: Typically Full Screen is selected.
In the Options menu, select recording options and define settings.
TIP: It is often a good idea to hide the program when recording starts, and to define key-
board shortcut keys to start and stop the recording.
These settings are saved and can be used the next time you want to capture a screen
2. To start the recording, click on the Record button
3. Stop recording by pressing the shortcut key you defined. Alternatively, you can right-
click on the Screen Video icon in the notification area and click on the Stop button on
the shortcut menu.
Overview of the Options menu
Video Options
Change the encoder to be used for the video recording. For
the configurable encoders, click on Configure to set for ex-
ample compression.
Move the Quality slider to the right to increase quality. Note
that a higher quality video file is larger.
You can let Screen Video automatically adjust frame rates:
Leave the Auto Adjust check box selected.
Or you can clear the Auto Adjust check box and set the op-
tions yourself:
Max frame rate left end represents recording 200 frames/
Providing remote support
second and Max frame rate right end represents recording 1
frame/minute. When you move the slider, the Set Key Frames
Every, Capture Frames Every and Playback Rate fields are
automatically adjusted:
frame rate
Set Key
Frames Every
Frame Every
Playback Rate
200 - 1 frames/
0.005 - 1
frame rate
60 - 1 frames/
20 frames
1 - 60 seconds
20 frames/
NOTE: Playback is synchronized at each key frame. A large
number of frames makes a large file.
Cursor Options
Define whether the mouse pointer should be included in the
recording, and define the pointer appearance.
Audio Options
Define options for recording sound as well as video.
Autopan Speed
Setting autopan speed is relevant when Enable Autopan has
been selected (command above in the same menu). Automatic
panning means that the recording region center is automatic-
ally moved towards the mouse pointer position while recording.
When Enable Autopan is not selected, the recording region
center does not move.
Autopan Speed defines how fast the recording region center is
Recording Thread Priority
Recording Thread Priority means that a priority is set for use
of computer resources for Screen Video as compared to
other program running at the same time.
General guideline: If the video recording does not play
smoothly, computer resources may be too scarce and it might
help to raise the Recording Thread Priority.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Define keyboard keys to control the recording.
Providing remote support
4.10 Impero Marker Utility
Use the Impero Marker Utility to draw and write or magnify something on the Host
computer screen during a remote control session.
The tool can be used by both the Guest computer and the Host computer. Note,
though, that the Host user cannot initiate this feature. It only opens if the Host is remote
controlled and the Guest user decides to start the Marker Utility.
The texts and lines created using the Marker Utility 'float' over the desktop. If other ap-
plications are opened, texts and lines remain on top.
The Marker Utility includes tools for drawing shapes like circles and rectangles and for
writing text or magnifying a part of the screen.
To start the Marker Utility from the Guest, proceed as follows:
1. Connect to the Host.
2. In the Remote Control window, click on the Marker Mode button in the toolbar.
The Marker Utility opens and you can start using the tools. Place the mouse pointer on
a toolbar button for a description of the tool.
To close the Marker Utility from the Guest, proceed as follows:
In the Remote Control window, click on the Marker Mode button in the toolbar.
Alternatively, in the title bar menu of the Remote Control window, select the Marker
Mode command.
Dialog box help
5 Dialog box help
5.1 Guest dialog boxes
5.1.1 Advanced audio settings
Use the Advanced audio settings dialog box to specify preferred audio playback and
recording devices to be used in connection with audio-video chat.
The Preferred device drop-down list contains the names of audio playback devices
found by Windows. Select your preferred audio playback device from the list.
The Preferred device drop-down list contains the names of audio recording devices
found by Windows. Select your preferred audio recording device in the list.
NOTE: If multimedia devices are connected to the computer, the <Use any available
device> selection may select a connected device instead of the computer sound system.
In that case, select the computer sound system.
Audio Compression
The Try audio compression codecs in the following order pane contains a Windows priorit-
ized list of mono audio compression codecs available on the Guest computer.
Use the Up/Down buttons to move a codec up or down in the prioritized list. You can re-
store the default codec priority by clicking on the Use defaults button.
The highest prioritized Guest computer codec that is also available on the Host com-
puter is used.
See also
Program Options (Audio-Video Chat tab)
Dialog box help
5.1.2 Advanced Help Service
Use the Advanced Help Service dialog box to specify actions to be executed when a
help request arrives.
Select an action in the list.
The list contains the following options:
None: No action.
Send message: Run a local program if specified and send a
message to the Host. The fields below are enabled.
Run local program: Run a local program if specified. The
fields below, except Send message, are enabled.
Command line
Specify the command line of a Guest computer program, typic-
ally a helpdesk program to register the help request. Click on
the [...] button to select a program file.
You can add the following arguments to the command:
%H: Help request Host name.
%T: Help request time.
%P: Help request problem description.
Specify a number of seconds (default: 5, range 0-9999, 0 = no
timeout). The command specified above times out (cancels if
unsuccessful) after the specified number of seconds.
Send message
Specify the path and name of an *.rtf file to send a message
with the *.rtf file content to the Host requesting help. See
also Communicate with Host users (Message).
Click on the [...] button to open an *.rtf file.
Clear help request
Select this check box to delete the help request record in the
Help Request tab when the actions specified above have
been executed successfully.
NOTE: Deleting the Help Request tab record does not cancel
the help request.
Display a notification
Select this check box to be notified when a help request arrives.
Dialog box help
message when new help
request arrives
The notification message contains the help request Host name,
time and, if specified, problem description.
See also
Set up Help Request on Guest and Host
Respond to a help request
Program Options (Help Request tab)
5.1.3 Advanced inventory option
Use the Advanced inventory option dialog box to specify inventory processing and
custom inventory items.
Run program after inventory scan
You can specify an inventory processing program to automatically process each newly re-
trieved Host computer inventory. Select one of these options:
Disable running the program specified below.
Run for each Host
Run the program specified below when a Host computer inventory
is retrieved.
Run after all scans
have completed
Run the program file specified below when a batch of Host com-
puter inventories is retrieved.
File name
Specify an inventory processing program file path and name includ-
ing required command line switches.
Click on the Browse button to open an inventory processing pro-
gram file. The path and name of the file is displayed in the field.
Custom inventory items
To add custom inventory items, click on the Add button. The Custom Inventory Items
dialog box is displayed. Refer to the Custom Inventory Items for more information.
To edit a custom inventory item after adding it, click on the Edit button if you want.
Dialog box help
When you generate Host inventories, the inventories contains the custom inventory item
that you defined.
See also
Program Options (Inventory tab)
5.1.4 Advanced TCP/IP Configuration
Use the Advanced TCP/IP Configuration dialog box to set advanced options for the
TCP/IP communication profile.
Use all available IP
Select this check box to use all available IP addresses.
If the computer has multiple IP addresses and only one of them is to
be used for Impero communication, clear the check box to enable
the IP address field or interface list.
IP address
Specify the IP address that is to be used for Impero communication.
Use an interface
Specify which network interface is to be used for Impero communica-
Specify Port Numbers
Use default port
Select this check box to use the default Impero port number 6502 for
Receive port and Send port.
Port number 1970 is officially registered to Connect. However, port
number 6502 is the preferred default port number for compatibility
with older Impero versions.
Receive port
If the Use default port numbers check box is selected, the port
number 6502 is displayed.
If the Use default port numbers check box is not selected, the
number is editable. You can specify a number in the range 1025-
Dialog box help
Send port
If the Use default port numbers check box is selected, the num-
ber 6502 is displayed.
If the Use default port numbers check box is not selected, the
number is editable. You can specify a number in the range 1025-
The Send port number of the source module should correspond to
the Receive port number of the destination module.
Select the Use TCP for session if possible check box to connect by TCP/IP, but if
available on the Guest and Host, switch to TCP/IP (TCP) when connected for high speed
session communication.
See also
Communication Profile Edit
5.1.5 Advanced Video
To set advanced video options, use the Advanced Video dialog box.
Select the driver to use for video in the drop-down list. If a video camera is installed, the
field contains its driver name, and the image frame displays the image captured by the
To display the Windows Video Format dialog box and format the video capture image,
click on the Format button.
To display the Windows Video Source dialog box and change video source properties,
click on the Properties button .
To disable video data compression, select the Disable compression check box.
5.1.6 Communication Profile Edit
Use the Communication Profile Edit dialog box to create or edit a communication pro-
Dialog box help
Communication information
Description of the communic-
ation profile
Enter a communication profile name. The name should be
If the field already contains a communication profile name,
you can edit the field contents.
NOTE: You can create multiple differently named commu-
nication profiles that use the same communication device.
Communication device
Specify the name of the communication device to be used
by the communication profile.
Select a communication device on the drop-down list.
Use dial-up networking
This check box is enabled only if a TCP/IP family commu-
nication device is selected from the Communication
device field.
Select the check box to expand the Communication Pro-
file Edit dialog box with a Dial-up network connection
Dial-Up Network Connection
Dial-up network profile
On the list of available dial-up network profiles, select a profile to
use to connect to a network.
Dialing from Calling
The dialing properties of the selected dial-up network profile is
displayed here.
Click on this button to display the Dial-up Connection dialog box
and configure the dial-up connection.
Dialing properties
Click on this button to display the Phone and Modem Options
dialog box and edit the dialing properties of the selected dial-up
network profile.
Add profile
Click on this button to display the Network Connection Wizard,
which helps you add a dial-up network profile.
Dialog box help
[Communication profile name]
The lower dialog box section is named according to the communication device displayed
in the Communication device field.
In this section, you can specify the configuration of the communication device that should
apply to the communication profile. The options vary depending on the communication
For more information about the most commonly used communication devices see the list
Max packet size (MTU)
Specify the maximum packet size (range 512- 5146, default:
A high MTU increases the communication speed and a low MTU
can contribute to solving communication problems.
Optimize for Internet
Select this check box to apply settings (MTU, data compression,
etc.) optimized for communicating across the Internet.
Click on this button to display the Advanced TCP/IP Configur-
ation dialog box. See Advanced TCP/IP Configuration.
IP Broadcast list
Click on this button to display the IP Broadcast List dialog box.
See IP Broadcast List.
General information about Impero TCP/IP
Impero TCP/IP is a UDP based communication device that connects by UDP and option-
ally communicate by TCP/IP (TCP) during a session.
Each communication profile that uses TCP/IP can support multiple Impero connections.
TCP/IP offers three connect options:
IP address
Name response
Name resolution
Dialog box help
IP address
You can connect by IP address across segmented IP networks including the Internet. It is
necessary that the source module port number matches the destination module port
number, see Advanced TCP/IP Configuration.
If you connect from outside a network protected by a network address translation (NAT)
firewall or proxy server to a Impero module on a network computer, specify the firewall or
proxy server public IP address with the port number assigned to the network computer,
for example
Ask the firewall or proxy server administrator which port number is assigned to a specific
network computer.
Name response
Name response broadcasts a name, the first characters of a name or without a name, re-
questing Impero modules with a corresponding enabled name to respond. The following
name response options are available:
If a Guest connects or browses using the Host name qualifier H::, the Host can re-
spond by its enabled Name type name.
If a Guest connects or browses using the Host name qualifier U::, the Host can re-
spond by its enabled LAN User type name.
If a Host requests help, the Guest can respond by its enabled Help service names.
NOTE: A broadcast reaches only computers on the local network segment and com-
puters whose IP address or DNS name is specified in the communication profile IP
Broadcast List.
Name resolution
Name resolution resolves a specified name into its corresponding IP address. These
name resolution options are available:
In the Advanced TCP/IP Configuration dialog box, select the Use Impero Name
Server check box and specify the Impero Name Servers to use.
Under Program Options > Host Name > Impero Name Server, specify the Name
Space ID used by the Impero modules you want to connect to.
Dialog box help
Connect by any enabled destination module name, for a Host help request a Guest
Help service name.
Name Server resolves the name into the corresponding IP address and connect by it
across segmented IP networks including the Internet. You can also browse for Hosts
using the Name Server.
If a Guest connects by a name using the Host name qualifier DNS::, a domain name
server interprets the name as a DNS name and attempt to resolve it into a correspond-
ing IP address, so the Guest can connect by it across segmented IP networks, includ-
ing the Internet.
NOTE: In most cases, if the Host name qualifier H:: is used, a domain name server inter-
prets the name as a DNS name and attempt to resolve it into a corresponding IP address.
If a Guest connects by a name using the Host name qualifier LDAP::, the Guest
searches directory services specified on the Directory Services tab in the Program
Options dialog box for a user with this name and connect by the corresponding ad-
dress attribute, which is typically an IP address.
You can also browse for Hosts using directory services.
See also
Program Options (Host Name tab)
Connect problems
In case of connect problems, verify that an IP connection is available from a command
prompt by typing:
PING <Impero module IP address>
The PING utility sends four data packets requesting a reply. If you receive the replies, an
IP connection is available.
If an IP connection is available and connectivity problems persist, consult your network/
system administrator or submit a support request to Impero Support.
Optimize for Internet
Select this check box to apply settings (MTU, data compression,
Dialog box help
etc.) optimized for communicating across the Internet.
Encapsulate in HTTP
Select this check box to wrap data packets as HTTP packets to ease
firewall passage. This is also known as HTTP-tunneling.
Use Proxy Settings
If you select Encapsulate in HTTP, the Use Proxy Settings
check box becomes available for selection.
If you select this check box, proxy authentication is activated in the
used communication profile. The application uses the proxy settings
defined in Windows.
Click on this button to display the Advanced TCP/IP Configura-
tion dialog box. See Advanced TCP/IP Configuration.
Impero TCP/IP (TCP) is a TCP based communication device.
Each communication profile that uses TCP/IP (TCP) can support one Impero connection.
To support multiple Impero connections, you can create multiple communication profiles
that use TCP/IP (TCP).
To connect, specify a computer IP address.
If you connect from outside a network protected by a network address translation (NAT)
firewall or proxy server to a Impero module on a network computer, specify the firewall or
proxy server public IP address with the port number assigned to the network computer,
for example
Ask the firewall or proxy server administrator which port number is assigned to a specific
network computer.
If a Guest connects directly to a Host, specify the Host computer IP address.
If a Guest connects through a remote network Gateway to a Host, specify the IP ad-
dress of the gateway computer and optionally the Host name.
If a Host requests help, a Guest connected to directly or on a remote Gateway net-
work can respond by its enabled Help service names.
Optimize for Internet
Check this box to apply settings (MTU, data compression, etc.) op-
Dialog box help
timized for communicating across the Internet.
Click on this button to display the Advanced TCP/IP Configuration
dialog box. See Advanced TCP/IP Configuration.
Impero TCP/IP (TCP IPv6) is a TCP IPv6 based communication device.
Each communication profile that uses TCP/IP (TCP IPv6) can support one Impero con-
nection. To support multiple Impero connections, you can create multiple communication
profiles that use TCP/IP (TCP IPv6).
You can use TCP/IP (TCP IPv6) only between computers connected to an IPv6 network.
To connect, specify a computer IPv6 address.
If a Guest connects directly to a Host, specify the Host computer IPv6 address.
If a Guest connects through a remote network Gateway to a Host, specify the Gate-
way computer IPv6 address and optionally the Host name.
If a Host requests help, a Guest connected to directly or on a remote Gateway net-
work can respond by its enabled Help service names.
Specify the URL of the WebConnect / WebConnect 3 service, i.e.
the Connection Manager, that facilitates the WebConnect / We-
bConnect 3 connection.
Specify a WebConnect / WebConnect 3 service recognized ac-
Specify the password corresponding to the WebConnect / We-
bConnect 3 service recognized account
Specify the domain corresponding to the WebConnect /WebCon-
nect 3 service recognized account.
Optimize for Internet
Select this check box to apply settings (MTU, data compression,
etc.) optimized for communicating across the Internet.
Click on this button to display the Advanced TCP/IP Configuration
Dialog box help
dialog box. See Advanced TCP/IP Configuration.
Click on the Test button to verify the WebConnect Service URL.
WebConnect is a Impero proprietary communication device that enables networked
Impero modules to connect easily over the Internet through a Impero connection ser-
vice called WebConnect without the need to open firewalls for incoming traffic. All of the
traffic is outgoing.
NOTE: WebConnect 3 service has improved security.
Impero Portal
Specify the address of the Portal:
Live Update (Guest only)
Select this check box to see the available hosts in real-time.
Enrollment Key (Host
This is retrieved from the Portal under Account > Deploy-
ments. It is a string which is associated to a deployment pack-
age. The Host is enrolled into the Portal with the predefined
settings from the specific deployment package.
For more details on deployment packages and enrollment
keys, see the Impero Portal User’s Guide.
Click on the Test button to verify the Portal address and cre-
The Portal is a service which provides connectivity across the internet. It does not re-
quire direct visibility between end points.
To remote control a Host using the Portal authentication and authorization you need to:
1. Make sure that you have a Portal account.
2. On the Host create a Portal communication profile using the portal address and the
enrollment key.
3. On the Guest select the Portal communication profile. When initializing the Portal
communication profile for the first time, you are prompted to specify the Portal creden-
Dialog box help
4. Select the Host.
5. Click on the Connect button.
Access Gateway via com-
munication profile
In the drop-down list, select the communication profile that
should be used to access the local network Gateway.
Select <Any initialized communication> to connect to or
browse for Gateway device groups using any enabled com-
munication profile that uses a networking communication
Select another communication profile to connect or browse
using only that communication profile, which does not need
to be enabled.
Select Terminal Server only if your Impero module is loc-
ated on a terminal server client.
Gateway device group
Gateway device groups are administrator specified names of
available outgoing communication on local network Impero
Select one of these options:
Use device group: Select this option to specify a Gateway
device group name in the field.
Browse for device groups: Select this option to display the
Gateway Device Group List dialog box when connecting.
Gateway is an Impero proprietary communication device that enables a network Impero
module to connect through a local network Gateway.
Each communication profile that uses Gateway can support only one Impero connec-
To connect, specify a modem telephone number or computer IP address according to the
selected device group type. The device group type is selected in the Gateway Device
Group List dialog box.
Dialog box help
If a Guest connects through a local network Gateway directly to a Host, specify the
modem telephone number or computer IP address of the Host computer.
If a Guest connects through a local network Gateway through a remote network
Gateway to a Host, specify the Gateway computer modem telephone number or
computer IP address and optionally the Host name.
If a Host requests help through a local network Gateway, a Guest connected to dir-
ectly or on a remote Gateway network can respond by its enabled Help service names.
To use Gateway, make sure that one or multiple outgoing Gateways run on the local
Terminal Server
Terminal Server is an Impero proprietary communication device that enables Impero
modules running in a terminal server environment to communicate.
Each communication profile that uses Terminal Server can support multiple Impero
To connect, specify a name by which the destination Impero module can respond:
If a Guest connects or browses using the Host name qualifier H::, the Host can re-
spond by its enabled Name type name.
If a Guest connects or browses using the Host name qualifier U::, the Host can re-
spond by its enabled LAN User type name.
If a Host requests help, a Guest can respond by its enabled Help service names.
If the Gateway runs on the terminal server console, terminal server Impero modules
and Impero modules outside the terminal server environment can connect through it. Re-
fer to the Administrator's Guide for more information.
5.1.7 Communication Profile Setup
For Impero modules to be able to communicate with each other, it is necessary for you
to define a communication profile. A communication profile is a specific configuration of a
communication device.
Dialog box help
A communication device is a Impero adaptation of a generally available communication
protocol or an Impero proprietary communication protocol.
A newly installed Impero module includes default communication profiles. You typically
need to modify the default communication profiles or create communication profiles to
optimize communication in your environment.
Use the Communication Profile Setup dialog box to enable/disable, create, edit and
delete communication profiles.
Select check boxes in the Communication Profile List to enable communication pro-
files at Impero module loading.
Click on the New button to create a communication profile. The Communication Profile
Edit dialog box is displayed.
If you want to edit a communication profile, select the communication profile and click on
the Edit button. The Communication Profile Edit dialog box is displayed.
NOTE: To apply changes to enabled communication profiles, reload the Guest.
See also
Communication Profile Edit
5.1.8 Connect to Host
Use the Connect to Host dialog box to add or edit a Connect command.
Select how you want to connect in the Connect using list:
Phonebook file
Connect to a Host using its Impero phonebook file.
Connect to a Host using a communication profile and a Host name
and/or a Host computer telephone number or IP address.
Connect locally to the Guest computer.
The dialog box changes depending on what you select in the Connect using list.
Dialog box help
If you select Phonebook file, you can specify a phonebook file by browsing for it or en-
tering the path and name of a file in the Phonebook file field.
If you select Communication profile, specify the following:
Communication profile
Select a communication profile in the drop-down list which
contains available Guest communication profiles.
<Host connect informa-
Specify Host connect information in one or two fields accord-
ing to the communication profile selection above.
In a field in which you can specify an IP address, you can also
specify an IP address range, e.g., to connect to multiple Host computers from
one script. In this case the logon information below must be
the same for all the Hosts that you specify.
Logon name
Specify any logon name required by the Host.
Logon password
Specify the corresponding password.
Logon domain
Specify the corresponding domain or directory server.
Use current logon creden-
tials for Windows Security
Select this check box to log on to the Host by the Windows
logon user credentials of the Guest computer user.
If you select Local, no further specification is required.
Click on OK to add the Connect command in the upper pane of the Script dialog box.
See also
Create and run a script Connection Properties
Use the Connection Properties dialog box to set a number of properties to optimize
Host connections according to user preferences. The properties are applied individually
to Host connections.
Connect tab
Host PC Information
Dialog box help
Identifies the Host record.
The field can be empty. You can leave it empty to automatically
specify the applicable Host name or phone number/IP address in
it when creating the Host record.
You can edit the field contents.
Phone number/IP ad-
This field is included if the communication profile selected in the
Communication section uses a point-to-point, gateway, or net-
work point-to-point communication device.
Specify the Host telephone number or IP address if connecting
directly to the Host, otherwise the telephone number or IP ad-
dress of the network connecting Impero Gateway for the Host.
If the field label does not include "(optional with Gateway)", spe-
cify the name by which the Host should respond.
If the field label includes "(optional with Gateway)", you can either
leave the field empty to browse for Hosts or specify the name by
which the Host should respond.
Specify a comment to be displayed in the Comment column of
the right pane of the Phonebook tab or the History tab.
Communication profile
Specifies the selected communication profile name. You can
change the communication profile name by selecting another
communication profile in the drop-down list.
Wake on LAN MAC ad-
If Wake on LAN is enabled, you can specify the MAC address of
the Host computer network card to be able to start the Host
computer by connecting to the Host.
NOTE: The Connect tab is only included if you open the Connection Properties dialog
box from the Phonebook tab or the History tab.
Logon tab
Use the Logon tab to specify the Host and Host network connecting Gateway logon
Dialog box help
credentials in order to connect without being prompted for logon credentials.
Depending on the Guest Access Method defined on the Host, define the credentials
as follows:
Guest access met hod
Logon name
Logon passwor d
Logon domai n
Def aul t access pr i vi l eges
Empt y
Passwor d
Empt y
I mper o aut hent i cat i on
Guest I D
Passwor d
Empt y
Wi ndows secur i t y management *
Domai n\ User -
Passwor d
Empt y
Di r ect or y ser vi ces
User name
Passwor d
Di r ect or y Ser vi ce
I mper o Por t al **
N/ a
N/ a
N/ a
NSS - Wi ndows user name &
passwor d
Domai n\ User -
Passwor d
Empt y
NSS - I mper o Guest I D &
Passwor d
Guest I D
Passwor d
Empt y
N/ a
N/ a
N/ a
NSS - Di r ect or y ser vi ces
User name
Passwor d
Di r ect or y Ser vi ce
*When authenticating to a Host configured to use Windows authentication, the domain is
now integrated in the username field and is only needed if authenticating to a domain.
The domain field is inferred from the username when a “\ character is provided, other-
wise the local computer is assumed. Examples of accepted entries in a username field
User name f i el d
Host i n a do-
mai n
Host NOT i n a domai n
Domai n\ user name
Logi n OK
Logi n Er r or
Comput er \ user name
Logi n OK
Logi n OK
. \ user name
Logi n OK
Logi n OK
\ user name
Logi n OK
Logi n OK
user name
Logi n Er r or
Logi n OK
**: If the Guest and Host are version 12.60 or higher and the communication profile
used is based on the Portal, the logon credentials do not work.
Select the Use current logon credentials for Windows Security authentication
check box to log in using the Windows logon user name, password and domain of the
Guest computer user.
Dialog box help
NOTE: The Logon tab is not included if you open the Connection Properties dialog
box from the Remote Control window.
Protect Item tab
Use the Protect Item tab to protect a Host record and file with a password.
Password characters are displayed as asterisks or dots. Leave fields empty to disable
password protection.
Select the Connect without password checkbox if you want the Guest user to be able
to use a phonebook record without knowing the password. The password protection is
applied to the contents of the connection properties, so that these are protected against
being changed unintentionally.
NOTE: The Protect Item tab is only included if you open the Connection Properties
dialog box from the Phonebook tab or the History tab.
Startup tab
Use the Startup tab to set startup properties for remote control sessions.
Host window startup size
Display the Host screen image in a Remote Control window.
If Fit window to Host screen is selected on the Display tab, the window
can be resized to its maximized size.
Full screen
Display the Host screen image in full screen to cover the entire Guest com-
puter screen.
Display the Host screen image in a maximized Remote Control window cov-
ering the entire Guest computer screen except the Windows taskbar.
Display the Remote Control window as a button on the Windows taskbar.
This section allows you to select which monitors are displayed before connecting to the
Dialog box help
All monitors
Displays all the Host monitors. This is the default setting; if you do
not select which Host monitor to display, when remote controlling
the Host, all Host monitors are displayed on the screen.
Primary monitor
Displays the Host monitor which is set as the primary monitor.
Monitor: <monitor
Monitor: <monitor number>
Displays the selected Host monitor. If the <monitor number> is higher than the number
of monitors available on the Host, when remote controlling the Host All monitors are dis-
played on the screen.
Remote control window startup size
Select this check box to enable the elements below and apply their values at
Leave unchecked to apply the last displayed Remote Control window posi-
tion and size.
Specify the horizontal offset in pixels of the upper left corner of the Remote
Control window from the upper left corner of the Guest computer screen
at startup.
Specify the vertical offset in pixels of the upper left corner of the Remote
Control window from the upper left corner of the Guest computer screen
at startup.
Specify the width in pixels of the Remote Control window at startup.
Specify the height in pixels of the Remote Control window at startup.
Lock Host keyboard and
Select this check box to disable the Host computer key-
board and mouse at startup.
Blank Host display
Select this check box to display a black screen image to the
Host user at startup.
Dialog box help
Transfer sound
Select this check box to transfer Host computer application
sound at startup.
Suspend other Guests from
connecting to Host
Select this check box to deny further Guests access to the
Host at startup.
NOTE: The Startup tab is not included if you open the Connection Properties dialog
box from the Remote Control window.
Display tab
Use the Display tab to set display properties for the Host screen image.
Host window fit
Fit window to Host screen
Resize the Remote Control window to fit the 1:1 scale Host
screen image.
If the Host screen image has more pixels than the display
area of the maximized Remote Control window, the Re-
mote Control window has scrollbars.
Fit Host screen to window
Scale the Host screen image to fit within the Remote Con-
trol window.
Do not fit
Display the part of the 1:1 scale Host screen image that fits
within the Remote Control window.
If the Host screen image has fewer pixels than the display
area, black borders surround it.
If the Host screen image has more pixels than the display
area, the Remote Control window has scrollbars.
Limit number of colors in bitmap mode
No, use actual number of
Display true colors.
Consumes the most transmission bandwidth.
Max 256 colors
Displays reduced palette colors.
Consumes less transmission bandwidth.
Max 16 colors
Displays crude colors.
Dialog box help
Consumes little transmission bandwidth.
Max 2 colors
Displays black and white colors.
Consumes a of minimum transmission bandwidth.
DOS Box Font
During remote control, if you start a command prompt window on the Host computer, the
command prompt window characters are by default displayed on the Guest computer us-
ing the default font of the Guest computer system. You can change the font used.
Clear the System default check box to allow selection of another font.
Click on the Select Font button to select the command prompt window font. The font
change is only seen when displaying the command prompt window in full screen.
In the Display tab of the Guest Connections Properties you can define how you want
the Guest to use skins on connection.
Select this option to enable automatic use of skin.
The Host device, typically a CE/Mobile device, sends a
string ID to the Guest, and the Guest contacts the Skin
Repository Server to get the corresponding skin.
If the Guest does not find the corresponding skin on the
Skin Repository Server a default skin is used.
Do not use skin
Select this option not to use skins for remote control ses-
Use specific skin model
Select this option, if you want to overrule the Automatic op-
tion and use a specific skin model. If you select this option,
the Select Model button is activated.
Click on the Select Model button to open the Skin
Models window and select the skin that you want to use. In
the List of Models, select the skin and then click on OK.
Show as transparent window
The skin is displayed as a transparent window without frame
or background, showing only the device itself (default).
If you clear the check box, you see a normal window with
Dialog box help
frame and a white background behind the device.
See also
Use a skin to see the Host button
Program Options (Skins tab)
Keyboard/Mouse tab
Use the Keyboard/Mouse tab to set keyboard and mouse control properties for remote
control sessions.
Remote keyboard (Send all
keystrokes to Host)
Send all Guest computer keystrokes to the Host com-
Local keyboard (Dont send
special keystrokes)
Send the Guest computer keystrokes except Send Key-
strokes keystroke combinations to the Host computer.
Send Send Keystrokes keystroke combinations to the
Guest computer.
No keyboard control
Send all the Guest computer keystrokes to the Guest
Use Guest keyboard layout
If the Guest and Host computer keyboard layouts are dif-
ferent, some Guest computer keystrokes can come out
wrong on the Host computer.
To avoid this, select the Use Guest keyboard layout
check box.
Don’t transfer Host Num
Lock, Scroll Lock, Insert and
Caps Lock
With some display adapters, enabling these Host computer
keyboard options may cause the Guest computer key-
board lights to flash.
To avoid this, select the Dont transfer Host Num Lock,
Scroll Lock, Insert and Caps Lock check box.
Dialog box help
Remote mouse (send all
mouse events)
Send all Guest computer mouse events (clicks, drags and
moves) to the Host computer.
Local mouse (Only send
clicks and drags)
Send only Guest computer mouse clicks and drags to the
Host computer to save transmission bandwidth.
No mouse control
Send no Guest computer mouse events to the Host.
Display Host mouse move-
Move the Guest computer mouse pointer in accordance
with Host computer mouse pointer movements.
NOTE: To suppress Guest computer mouse pointer movements induced by the Host
computer, press and hold the CTRL key.
Compression/Encryption tab
Use the Compression/Encryption tab to set data transmission properties.
Compression level
Connect can compress transmitted data to speed up transmission across slow commu-
nication links. However, data compression takes time.
Selects compression based on the properties of the applied commu-
nication profile.
In most cases this provides the fastest transmission.
No compression
Typical selection for fast communication links.
Typical selection for medium fast communication links.
Typical selection for slow communication links.
Host screen transfer
Transfer Host screen as com-
Typically faster, but with some Host computer display ad-
apters some Host screen image details can be lost or cor-
Transfer Host screen as bit-
Typically slower, but transfers Host screen image details
When this option is selected the slider below becomes
Dialog box help
The slider has three options that range from better accur-
acy (Quality) to better performance (Speed). The middle op-
tion is a combination of the two. The default option is set to
best quality.
Here is how you use the slider:
Quality: More accuracy using an enhanced compression
Center: Less accuracy but better performance using a
TurboJPEG high compression ratio of 80.
Speed: Much less accuracy but much better perform-
ance using a TurboJPEG high compression ratio of 50.
NOTE: This section is disabled if you open the Connection Properties dialog box from
the Remote Control window.
Command mode Host screen transfer stores the screen image in cache memory and
transfers only image changes. This saves transmission bandwidth and optimizes update
The Cache size field displays the selected cache memory size. You can select Auto-
matic and values from None to 10240 kb on the drop-down list.
Automatic selects the cache memory size based on the properties of the used commu-
nication profile. In most cases, this provides the optimum.
NOTE: This section is disabled if you open the Connection Properties dialog box from
the Remote Control window.
Total Impero cache memory sharing and size is specified on the Cache tab in the Pro-
gram Options window.
Preferred Encryption Type
The field displays the encryption type preferred by the Guest. You can select another
encryption type on the drop-down list.
If the preferred encryption type is enabled on both Guest and Host, then it is applied.
If Netop 6.x/5.x Compatible is the preferred encryption type and not enabled on both
Dialog box help
Guest and Host, select a higher encryption level.
If another encryption type is preferred and this encryption type is not enabled on the
Host, an encryption type that is enabled on both Guest and Host is applied.
If no common encryption type is enabled on Guest and Host, enable additional encryp-
tion types on the Encryption tab in the Program Options dialog box to achieve a match.
NOTE: The icon of the encryption type used in a remote control session are displayed on
the status bar.
Desktop tab
Use the Desktop tab to specify transfer properties for Host computer desktop features.
Optimize screen transfer
Advanced Host computer desktop features slow down the Host screen transfer in com-
mand mode and are typically unimportant to the Guest user. Therefore, Connect by de-
fault transfers the Host screen image without advanced desktop features.
However, you can change this and select which advanced desktop features to transfer.
Always transfer without advanced desktop features.
Only when high com-
Transfer without advanced desktop features only with high com-
pression, see Compression/Encryption tab.
Never transfer without advanced desktop features.
Optimization parameters
Full optimization
Transfer without the desktop features listed below.
Custom optimization
Select to enable the Custom options section below.
You can then clear the selection of specific custom options to en-
able transfer of these advanced desktop features.
Custom options:
Disable wallpaper
Disable screen saver
Disable animation gimmicks
Disable full window drag
Dialog box help
Disable Windows Aero
By default, all check boxes are selected.
Record tab
Use the Record tab to enable remote control session recording.
Select the Record remote control session check box to record a remote control ses-
Recording a remote control session creates a record on the Recordings tab. You can
play back the recording from the Recordings tab.
If you select the Enforce recording check box on the Program Options window Record-
ing tab, remote control sessions are recorded regardless of the selection on the Record
NOTE: The Record section is disabled if you open the Connection Properties dialog
box from the Remote Control window. Recording reduces the remote control session
transfer speed.
Custom tab
Use the Custom tab to specify the properties of a custom application command.
Specify a custom application name that is added as a command to the
Host record context menu.
Command line
Specify the custom application command line (program file path, name
and switches.)
Click on the Browse button to open a program file and specify its path
and name in the field.
NOTE: The Custom tab is only included if you open the Connection Properties dialog
box from the Phonebook tab or the History tab.
Dialog box help
5.1.9 Inventory
When you add an Inventory command to a script, the Inventory dialog box is displayed al-
lowing you to specify what should happen to the inventory that is generated.
Inventory step
Select an Inventory step option in the drop-down list:
One Step: Generate, retrieve, copy and complete a Host computer
Generate: Generate inventory on the Host computer.
Retrieve: Save the generated inventory to the %TEMP%\si_out.xml
file on the Host computer.
NOTE: To make the retrieved inventory available for completion on
the Guest computer, it must be copied by a file transfer Copy
command from the Host computer to the Guest computer, typic-
ally to the %TEMP% directory.
Complete: Move a Host computer inventory file copied to the
Guest computer to the inventory directory to enable displaying it on
the Inventory tab.
The inventory directory is located in the Impero configuration files dir-
ectory, typically C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Roaming\Dan-
ware Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Netop\Netop Remote Con-
Inventory file
This field is enabled only if Complete is displayed in the Inventory step
field. Specify the Guest computer path and name of the inventory file
to be completed.
See also
Create and run a script
Generate a Host inventory
5.1.10 Name Not Found
The Name Not Found dialog box advises you on how to overcome connect problems.
Here is some additional advice:
Verify that communication can physically reach the Host computer:
Dialog box help
If communicating across an IP network, execute this command in a Windows command
prompt window:
PING <Host computer IP address>
This command sends four data packets to the specified IP address requesting replies. If
positive replies are received, communication can physically reach the Host computer. If
negative replies are received, check your network setup or consult your network/system
If communicating across a modem connection using Windows Modem, the setup of your
modem in Windows may not satisfy Impero requirements. Try setting up your modem us-
ing Serial instead.
In the Host window, on the Names tab, verify that the Host responds to the specified
name or address with the selected communication profile. See Communication Profile Edit
for further information about the characteristics of the communication device used by the
selected communication profile.
Try connecting to other Hosts starting with Hosts close to you. Try using other com-
munication profiles and other Host names or addresses.
Consult your network/system administrator.
As a last resort, submit a support request to Impero Customer & Product Support.
5.1.11 Custom Inventory Items
Use the Custom Inventory Items dialog box to define additional inventory items that
should be retrieved during an inventory scan.
Enter a name for the custom inventory item.
Item type
Select an item type, for example Registry key, and fill in all
fields for the selected item type as necessary.
The custom inventory item you created is displayed in the Custom Inventory Items
pane in the Advanced inventory option dialog box.
NOTE: The pane contents are stored in the Impero configuration file InvCuItm.xml,
which is typically located here: C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Roaming\Danware
Dialog box help
Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Netop\Netop Remote Control\Guest.
When you generate Host inventories, the inventories contain the custom inventory item
that you defined.
See also
Advanced inventory option
Program Options (Inventory tab)
Process Host computer inventory information
5.1.12 Global Settings
Use the Global Settings dialog box to specify the script global settings that should apply
as default settings for the subsequent script commands. The dialog box is displayed
when you create a script.
To edit the global settings of a script, in the Script dialog box upper pane, select the
Global Settings element and click on Edit.
General tab
Use the General tab to specify the global file transfer direction.
Select Guest or Host in the drop-down list.
Displays the global source Impero module name.
Displays the receiving Impero module, i.e. the Impero module name that has
not been selected in the From drop-down list. The field cannot be edited.
Transfer tab
Use the Transfer tab to specify global file transfer settings.
Use delta file transfer
Select this check box to compare source files with destination files
and transfer only the difference between source files and destina-
tion files. This saves transmission bandwidth.
Enable crash recov-
Select this check box to transfer files in a way so that they can be
recovered after a computer or network crash during transfer.
Dialog box help
Overwrite/Delete tab
Use the Overwrite/Delete tab to specify global overwrite and delete settings.
Allow overwriting/deleting exist-
ing files/folders
Select this check box to allow overwriting and deleting
files and folders on the destination computer.
Allow overwriting/deleting sys-
tem files
Select this check box to allow overwriting and deleting
system files on the destination computer.
Allow overwriting/deleting
read-only files
Select this check box to allow overwriting and deleting
read-only files on the destination computer.
Allow overwriting/deleting hid-
den files
Select this check box to allow overwriting and deleting
hidden files on the destination computer.
Advanced tab
Use the Advanced tab to specify global error handling and the log file settings.
Error Handling
On communication error
Specifies the action in case of a communication error.
Select an option in the drop-down list:
Exit: End the script.
Next Host: Proceed to the next Host specified in the script.
Retry 1 time: Retry the failed command once.
Retry 2 times: Retry the failed command twice.
On transfer error
Specifies the action in case of a file transfer error.
Select an option in the drop-down list:
Exit: End the script.
Next Host: Proceed to the next Host specified in the script.
Next File: Proceed to the next file specified in the script.
Retry 1 time: Retry the failed command once.
Retry 2 times: Retry the failed command twice.
Dialog box help
Log File
Generate log file
Select this check box to generate a log file when running the
Append if log exists
Select this check box to append the log to an existing log file
with the specified name. Clear the selection to overwrite.
The field below the check box specifies the log file path and
name (default: SCRIPT.LOG).
Click on the Browse button to open a different log file. If no path
is specified, the log file is located in the Impero configuration
files folder, typically C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Roam-
ing\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Netop\Netop
Remote Control\Guest\.
Restart script when fin-
Select this check box to restart the script at script end.
Close Guest when fin-
Select this check box to unload the Guest at script end.
See also
Create and run a script
5.1.13 IP Broadcast List
For TCP/IP broadcast communication to reach computers on remote network segments
when Impero Name Management is not used, make sure that the IP addresses or DNS
names are listed in the IP Broadcast List. For further information about Impero Name Man-
agement, see the Administrator's Guide.
Click on the Add button to open a dialog box allowing you to add a DNS name or IP ad-
Dialog box help
Specify an IP address, for example, an IP address range, for example -, or a DNS name, for example MAIL_SVR, to add it
to the IP Broadcast List, and click on OK.
NOTE: Specifying an IP address range makes each broadcast send a number of data
packets corresponding to the number of IP addresses in the range. To avoid excessive
network traffic, do not specify larger IP address ranges than justified.
Select the Disable local subnet broadcast check box to disable broadcast communic-
ation to local network segment computers.
See also
Communication Profile Edit
5.1.14 Log Setup
Log Setup tab
Use the Log Setup tab to specify where to log.
Log events
Log locally
Select this check box to log Impero events in a log file on
the computer.
Log on Impero server
Select this check box to log Impero events in the database
log of a central Security Server.
Log to Windows event log
Select this check box to log Impero events in the Windows
event log of the computer and/or of another Windows
NT/2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/7 computer.
Log using SNMP traps
Select this check box to log Impero events by sending
SNMP messages to a management information system.
Custom Host Name for all log
Select this check box to identify logged events by a custom-
ized Host name.
The left field specifies the customized Host name com-
posed from components and keyboard characters on the
Dialog box help
drop-down list to the right. Select a component on the
drop-down list to add it in the left field.
The following components are available:
%A: IP/MAC address
%I: Host ID
%C: Computer name
%L: Windows logon user name
Custom Guest name for
Connection and Session log
Select this check box to identify Guests engaged in Con-
nection and Session log events by a customized name.
The left field specifies the customized Guest name com-
posed from components and keyboard characters on the
drop-down list to the right. Select a component from the
drop-down list to add it in the left field.
The following components are available:
%A: IP/MAC address
%U: Authenticated user name
%I: Guest ID
%C: Computer name
%L: Windows logon user name
Example of a custom Host and Guest name local Im-
pero log
+User1,2,00000,00000,HSESRC +,User-
+User1,4,00000,00000,HSESCHAT +,User-
Dialog box help
+User1,7,00000,00000,HSESCHAT -,User-
+User1,9,00000,00000,HSESRC -,User-
The Host name was customized as %C+%L. The Guest
name was customized as %U@%A.
The Host was started and the Guest started a remote con-
trol session, a file transfer session, a chat session and an
audio-video chat session and ended sessions in reverse or-
Security Server has an additional check box:
Act as log server: Select this check box to enable logging other Impero modules Im-
pero events in the security database Impero Log.
Impero Local tab
Use the Impero Local tab to specify which Impero events should be logged and the
local Impero log file.
Select Events to view in list
Dialog box help
View all Events
Display all available events in the Events to log list.
View Selected
Select event types to display in the Events to log list:
Events to log
In the Events to log list, select the events you wish to log.
See Available Impero log event codes and arguments - Guest.
Log File
This section is only enabled if the Log locally check box has been selected on the Log
Setup tab.
Log file name
Displays the (path and) name of the log file (default: IMPERO.LOG).
If no path is specified, the log file is located in the Impero configura-
tion files folder, typically:
C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Roaming\Danware Data\C
\Program Files (x86)\Netop\Netop Remote Control
\<Module name> for the Guest
C:\ProgramData\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)
\Netop\Netop Remote Control\<Module name> for Host-
based modules.
Write to disk for each
log entry
Select this check box to write each Impero event to the local Im-
pero log file immediately.
Clear the check box to write Impero events to the local Impero log
file when the Impero module is unloaded, which consumes less
processor capacity.
NOTE: A new local Impero log file that is created when the Impero
module is loaded overwrites an old local Impero log file with the
Dialog box help
same path and file name.
Impero Server tab
Use the Server tab to specify which Impero events should be logged and the Host ID of
the logging server.
Select Events to view in list
View all Events
Display all available events in the Events to log list.
View Selected
Select event types to display in the Events to log list:
Events to log
In the Events to log list, select the events you wish to log.
See Available Impero log event codes and arguments - Guest.
Host ID for Log Server
This section is only enabled if the Log on Impero server check box has been selected
on the Log Setup tab.
Specify the Host ID of the Impero server on which Impero events should be logged.
Click on the Browse button to browse the network for available logging Impero servers.
NOTE: If the Use Impero Security Server option (in Guest Access Security) is selected
on a Host or extended Host, leave the Host ID for Log Server field empty to log in the
database log of the specified security server.
Windows Event Log tab
Use the Windows Event Log tab to specify which Impero events should be logged and
Windows event logs.
Select Events to view in list
Dialog box help
View all Events
Display all available events in the Events to log list.
View Selected
Select event types to display in the Events to log list:
Events to log
In the Events to log list, select the events you wish to log.
See Available Impero log event codes and arguments - Guest.
Use Windows event log
This section is enabled only if the Log to Windows event log check box is selected on
the Log Setup tab.
Select this check box to log Impero events in the Windows event log of the
Select this check box to log Impero events in the Windows event log of a
remote Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/7 computer.
Specify the Windows name of the remote computer.
SNMP Traps tab
Use the SNMP Traps tab to specify which Impero events to log in a management in-
formation system.
Select Events to view in list
View all Events
Display all available events in the Events to log list.
View Selected
Select event types to display in the Events to log list:
Dialog box help
Events to log
In the Events to log list, select the events you wish to log.
See Available Impero log event codes and arguments - Guest.
If the Log using SNMP Trapsbox is selected on the Log Setup tab, a Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) message is sent when a selected Impero event occurs.
NOTE: Impero SNMP events are defined in the danware.mib file located in the folder
where the Impero module is installed. Available Impero log event codes and arguments - Guest
The Guest can log the following Impero log events:
Event Name
Event Code
Con: Cal l Host
Host name
Con: Di sconnect Host
Host name
Con: Connect i on l ost
Host name
Con: User aut hent i cat ed
( none)
Ses: Remot e cont r ol st ar t ed
Host name
Event Name
Event Code
Ses: Remot e cont r ol st opped
Host name
Ses: Fi l e t r ansf er st ar t ed
( none)
Ses: Fi l e t r ansf er st opped
( none)
Ses: Chat st ar t ed
( none)
Ses: Chat st opped
( none)
Ses: Audi o st ar t ed
( none)
Ses: Audi o st opped
( none)
Ses: Remot e Management st ar -
t ed
Host name
Ses: Remot e Management
st opped
Host name
Dialog box help
Event Name
Event Code
Act : Hel p ser vi ce st ar t
( none)
Act : Hel p ser vi ce st op
( none)
Act : Hel p r equest r ecei ved
Host name
Act : Hel p r equest cancel ed
Host name
Act : Fi l e r ecei ved
Fi l e pat h and name
Act : Fi l e Sent
Fi l e pat h and name
Act : Host Reboot ed
Host name
Act : Sessi on r ecor di ng st ar -
t ed
Recor di ng f i l e pat h and name
Act : Sessi on r ecor di ng
st opped
Recor di ng f i l e pat h and name
Act : Wi ndows event l oggi ng
f ai l ed
( none)
Act : SNMP t r appi ng f ai l ed
( none)
Act : Recei ved Cl i pboar d
( none)
Act : Sent Cl i pboar d
( none)
Act : Recei ved Pr i nt Job
( none)
Act : Sent Pr i nt Job
( none)
Act : Communi cat i on Pr of i l e
St ar t ed
Communi cat i on pr of i l e name
Act : Communi cat i on Pr of i l e
St opped
[ Communi cat i on pr of i l e name]
Act : I nvent or y r ecei ved
Host name
Act : Message sent
Host name
Event Name
Event Code
Sec: Passwor d r ej ect ed
Host name
Sec: Conf i r m access gr ant ed
*SECCA ( 10 char -
act er s, 4 bl ank
spaces at t he
Host name
Sec: Conf i r m access deni ed
Host name
Sec: Secur i t y Ser ver l ogon
Logon name
Sec: Secur i t y Ser ver l ogof f
( none)
Dialog box help
Event Name
Event Code
Cf g: Hel p ser vi ce name
def i ned
Hel p ser vi ce name
Cf g: Hel p ser vi ce name de-
l et ed
Hel p ser vi ce name
Cf g: Local l oggi ng t ur ned on
Log f i l e name
Cf g: Local l oggi ng t ur ned
of f
Log f i l e name
Cf g: Local l oggi ng f i l ename
New l og f i l e name
Cf g: Ser ver l oggi ng t ur ned
Log ser ver name
Cf g: Ser ver l oggi ng t ur ned
of f
Log ser ver name
Cf g: Wi ndows event l oggi ng
t ur ned on
I f r emot e: comput er name
Cf g: Wi ndows event l oggi ng
t ur ned of f
I f r emot e: comput er name
Cf g: Sendi ng SNMP t r aps
t ur ned on
( none)
Cf g: Sendi ng SNMP t r aps
t ur ned of f
( none)
Cf g: Secur i t y Ser ver pass-
wor d changed
I mper o Guest I D
Cf g: Web updat e check
Ol d bui l d, new bui l d, [ t i meout
er r or ]
Cf g: Web updat e downl oad
Fi l e name, [ t i meout er r or ]
Cf g: Web updat e i nst al l
( none)
Cf g: Web updat e success
Ol d bui l d, new bui l d
Cf g: Web updat e f ai l ed
Ol d bui l d, er r or message Available Impero log event codes and arguments - Host
The Host or extended Host can log the following Impero log events:
Event Name
Event Code
Con: Host st ar t ed
( none)
Con: Host st opped
( none)
Con: Cal l back
Cal l back number
Con: Connect i on l ost
( none)
Con: Name Ser ver st ar t ed
( none)
Con: Name Ser ver st opped
( none)
Con: Secur i t y Ser ver st ar t ed
( none)
Dialog box help
Con: Secur i t y Ser ver st opped
( none)
Con: Gat eway st ar t ed
( none)
Con: Gat eway st opped
( none)
Event Name
Event Code
Ses: Sessi on st ar t ed
Guest name
Ses: Sessi on st opped
Guest name
Ses: Remot e cont r ol st ar t ed
Guest name
Ses: Remot e cont r ol st opped
Guest name
Ses: Fi l e t r ansf er st ar t ed
Guest name
Ses: Fi l e t r ansf er st opped
Guest name
Ses: Chat st ar t ed
Guest name
Ses: Chat st opped
Guest name
Ses: Audi o st ar t ed
Guest name
Ses: Audi o st opped
Guest name
Ses: Remot e Management st ar -
t ed
Guest name
Ses: Remot e Management
st opped
Guest name
Ses: Mai nt enance passwor d
f or conf i r m access wr ong.
Guest access deni ed
Guest name
Ses: Mai nt enance passwor d
f or conf i r m access ok. Guest
al l owed access
Guest name
Event Name
Event Code
Act : Hel p r equest sent
Hel p ser vi ce name, pr obl em de-
scr i pt i on
Act : Hel p r equest cancel ed
( none)
Act : Fi l e r ecei ved
Fi l e pat h and name
Act : Fi l e sent
Fi l e pat h and name
Act : Host r eboot
( none)
Act : Run Pr ogr am
Pr ogr am name
Act : Execut e Command
Command name
Act : Wi ndows event l oggi ng
f ai l ed
( none)
Act : SNMP t r appi ng f ai l ed
( none)
Act : Recei ved cl i pboar d
( none)
Act : Sent cl i pboar d
( none)
Act : Recei ved pr i nt j ob
( none)
Act : Sent pr i nt j ob
( none)
Dialog box help
Act : Keyboar d and mouse as-
si gned
Guest name
Act : Keyboar d and mouse r e-
Guest name
Act : Keyboar d l ocked
( none)
Act : Keyboar d unl ocked
( none)
Act : Scr een bl anked
( none)
Act : Scr een unbl anked
( none)
Act : Host user l ogged of f
( none)
Act : Gat eway l ogon
Connect i ng modul e name
Act : I nvent or y sent
Guest name
Act : Message r ecei ved
Guest name
Event Name
Event Code
Sec: I ndi vi dual secur i t y en-
abl ed or changed
Guest access met hod
Sec: I ndi vi dual secur i t y
di sabl ed
Guest access met hod
Sec: Secur i t y r ol e added
Secur i t y r ol e name
Sec: Secur i t y r ol e del et ed
Secur i t y r ol e name
Sec: Secur i t y r ol e changed
Secur i t y r ol e name
Sec: Guest added t o r ol e
Guest name
Sec: Guest del et ed f r om r ol e
Guest name
Sec: Guest changed i n r ol e
Guest name
Sec: Passwor d enabl ed
I f i ndi vi dual : Guest name
Sec: Passwor d di sabl ed
I f i ndi vi dual : Guest name
Sec: Passwor d changed
I f i ndi vi dual : Guest name
Sec: Cal l back enabl ed ( de-
f aul t onl y)
( none)
Sec: Cal l back di sabl ed ( de-
f aul t onl y)
( none)
Sec: Cal l back changed ( de-
f aul t onl y)
( none)
Sec: Conf i r m access enabl ed
I f i ndi vi dual : secur i t y r ol e name
Sec: Conf i r m access di sabl ed
I f i ndi vi dual : secur i t y r ol e name
Sec: Passwor d r ej ect ed
Guest name
Sec: Conf i r m access gr ant ed
*SECCA ( 10
char act er s, 4
bl ank spaces at
t he end)
( none)
Sec: Conf i r m access deni ed
( none)
Sec: I l l egal passwor d l i mi t
r eached
( none)
Sec: Ti meout l i mi t exceeded
AC ( i nact i vi t y) , AU ( aut hent i ca-
t i on) or CA ( conf i r m access)
Dialog box help
Event Name
Event Code
Cf g: Local l oggi ng st ar t ed
Log f i l e name
Cf g: Local l oggi ng st opped
Log f i l e name
Cf g: Local l oggi ng f i l ename
New l og f i l e name
Cf g: Ser ver l oggi ng st ar t ed
Log ser ver name
Cf g: Ser ver l oggi ng st opped
Log ser ver name
Cf g: Wi ndows event l oggi ng
st ar t ed
I f r emot e: comput er name
Cf g: Wi ndows event l oggi ng
st opped
I f r emot e: comput er name
Cf g: Sendi ng SNMP t r aps
st ar t ed
( none)
Cf g: Sendi ng SNMP t r aps
st opped
( none)
Cf g: Opt i on change: St ar t at
l oad
Cf g: Opt i on change: Load
wi t h OS
Cf g: Opt i on change: Mi ni mi ze
at st ar t up
Cf g: Opt i on change: St eal t h
Cf g: Opt i on change: Mi ni mi ze
on connect i on
Cf g: Opt i on change: On t op
Cf g: Opt i on change: Show
f i l e t r ansf er
Cf g: Opt i on change: Send
keep al i ve
Cf g: Opt i on sel ect ed: Boot
af t er di sconnect
( none)
Cf g: Opt i on sel ect ed: Logof f
af t er di sconnect
( none)
Cf g: Opt i on sel ect ed: Lock
af t er di sconnect
( none)
Cf g: Opt i on sel ect ed: Not h-
i ng af t er di sconnect
( none)
Cf g: Opt i on change: Nami ng
met hod
( none)
Cf g: Opt i on change: Publ i c
Host name
Cf g: Opt i on change: Enabl e
user name
Cf g: Opt i on change: Connec-
( none)
Dialog box help
t i on not i f i cat i on
Cf g: Opt i on change: Hel p
Request descr i pt i on
( none)
Cf g: Opt i on change: Hel p
Request pr ovi der
( none)
Cf g: Opt i on change: Hel p
Request communi cat i on
( none)
Cf g: Opt i on change: Hel p
Request phone/ I P
( none)
Cf g: Opt i on change: Hel p
Request show i con
Cf g: Opt i on change: Audi o
f ul l dupl ex
Cf g: Opt i on change: Audi o
si l ence l evel
( none)
Cf g: Opt i on change: Audi o
l i ne hol d
( none)
Cf g: Opt i on change: Name
space I D
( none)
Cf g: Mai nt enance r equi r y
changed f or Guest
( none)
Cf g: Mai nt enance r equi r y
changed f or Gat eway
( none)
Cf g: Mai nt enance r equi r y
changed f or ot her
( none)
Cf g: Mai nt enance r equi r y
changed f or exi t / st op
( none)
Cf g: Pr ot ect f i l es changed
( none)
Cf g: Mai nt enance passwor d
( none)
Cf g: Guest access al l ow t o
changed ( def aul t onl y)
( none)
Cf g: MAC/ I P addr ess l i st
( none)
Cf g: Fi l e t r ansf er di sabl e
( none)
Cf g: Secur i t y Ser ver gr oup
I D changed
( none)
Cf g: Web updat e check
Ol d bui l d, new bui l d, [ t i meout
er r or ]
Cf g: Web updat e downl oad
Fi l e name, [ t i meout er r or ]
Cf g: Web updat e i nst al l
( none)
Cf g: Web updat e success
Ol d bui l d, new bui l d
Cf g: Web updat e f ai l ed
Ol d bui l d, er r or message
Cf g: Mai nt enance passwor d
f or conf i r m access enabl ed
( none)
Cf g: Mai nt enance passwor d
f or conf i r m access di sabl ed
( none)
Dialog box help
Gateway can log these Impero log special Gateway events:
Event Name
Event Code
GW: Gat eway access al l owed
( none)
GW: Gat eway cal l back
Cal l back number
GW: Gat eway cal l back changed
( def aul t onl y)
( none)
GW: Gat eway cal l back di s-
abl ed ( def aul t onl y)
( none)
GW: Gat eway cal l back enabl ed
( def aul t onl y)
( none)
GW: Gat eway gr oup def i ned
Secur i t y r ol e name
GW: Gat eway gr oup del et ed
Secur i t y r ol e name
GW: Gat eway Guest added
Guest name
GW: Gat eway Guest changed
Guest name
GW: Gat eway Guest del et ed
Guest name
GW: Gat eway i ndi vi dual se-
cur i t y di sabl ed
( none)
GW: Gat eway i ndi vi dual se-
cur i t y enabl ed ( or changed)
( none)
GW: Gat eway NSS GI D changed
( none)
GW: Gat eway passwor d changed
( def aul t onl y)
( none)
GW: Gat eway passwor d di s-
abl ed ( def aul t onl y)
( none)
GW: Gat eway passwor d enabl ed
( def aul t onl y)
( none)
GW: Gat eway passwor d r ej ec-
t ed
Connect i ng modul e name
5.1.15 Impero File Manager Options
Use the Options dialog box to set up how file transfer should work.
You can set up synchronization options, general transfer options, options for display of
confirmation dialog boxes in relation to deleting/overwriting files during file transfer, File
Manager layout options, and options for logging during file transfer.
Transfer tab
Transfer only if file ex-
Select this check box to synchronize files only if they exist in the
Dialog box help
unselected pane.
Transfer only one way
Select this check box to synchronize files only from the selected
pane to the unselected pane.
General Transfer
Include subfolders
Select this check box to transfer also the contents of subfolders
of selected folders.
Use delta file transfer
Select this check box to compare source files with corresponding
destination files and transfer only differences between source
and destination files.
This saves transmission bandwidth.
Enable crash recovery
Select this check box to transfer files so that they can be re-
covered after a computer or network crash during file transfer.
Close dialog when fin-
Select this check box to close the Transfer Status window
when a file transfer is finished.
End session when fin-
Select this check box to end the file transfer session when a file
transfer is finished.
Confirmation tab
Confirm when...
Delete non-empty
Select this check box to display a confirmation dialog box if you
are about to delete a folder containing folders or files.
The confirmation dialog box allows you the following choices with
regard to the deletion:
Skip: Click on this button to skip deleting the specified folder.
Delete: Click on this button to delete the specified folder.
Advanced: Click on this button to change your delete confirm-
ation selections for this file transfer only.
Cancel: Click on this button to cancel the file transfer at this
point. You cannot undo executed file transfer actions.
Select this check box to display a confirmation dialog box if you
Dialog box help
are about to overwrite or delete files.
The confirmation dialog box allows you the following choices with
regard to the overwriting/deletion:
Skip: Click on this button to skip overwriting the specified file.
Overwrite: Click on this button to overwrite the specified file.
Advanced: Click on this button to change your overwriting con-
firmation selections for this file transfer only.
read-only files
Select this check box to display a confirmation dialog box if you
are about to overwrite/delete read-only files.
hidden files
Select this check box to display a confirmation dialog box if you
are about to overwrite/delete hidden files.
system files
Select this check box to display a confirmation dialog box if you
are about to overwrite/delete system files.
Drag and drop (copying
files with the mouse)
Select this check box to display a confirmation dialog box before
executing a drag and drop file transfer.
Layout tab
Show toolbar
Select this check box to display the toolbar of the File Manager
Show status bar
Select this check box to display a status bar at the bottom of the
two panes in the File Manager window.
Save session path at
Select this check box to display the same pane contents when
starting a file transfer session with the same Host the next time.
Uncheck it to always display the system drive contents when
starting a file transfer session.
Use system hotkey
Select this option to use the operating system hotkey layout, see
the table below.
Use Impero hotkey
Select this option to use the Impero hotkey layout, see the table
Dialog box help
Windows hotkey
Impero hotkey
Copy Fi l es
Move Fi l es
New Fol der
Del et e
Cl ose
Pr oper t i es
Sel ect Al l
Sel ect by
Desel ect by
I nver t sel ect i on
Ar r ange I cons By
Ar r ange I cons By
Ar r ange I cons By
Si ze
Ar r ange I cons By
Dat e
Ref r esh
Sel ect t he l ef t r e-
cor d panel
Sel ect t he r i ght r e-
cor d panel
Hel p
Local associated and Host
'exe' icons
Display file icons in the File Manager window panes accord-
ing to Guest file associations, but display Host exe file icons
according to Host file associations.
Local associated icons
Display file icons in the File Manager window panes accord-
ing to Guest file associations.
This saves transmission bandwidth.
Default icons
Display the same default icon for all files in the File Manager
window panes.
This saves transmission bandwidth and processor capacity.
Dialog box help
Logging tab
Generate log file
Select this check box to generate a file transfer log file when
ending a file transfer session.
Append if log file exists
Select this check box to append new log entries to an existing
log file.
If you do not select it, any existing log file is overwritten.
This field specifies the log file (path and) name. The default
name is NFM.LOG. The file is located in the Impero configura-
tion files folder, typically C:\Users\<User name>\AppData
\Roaming\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)
\Netop\Netop Remote Control\Guest.
Click on the Browse button to specify another log file path and
See also
Transfer files
5.1.16 Modem
Use the Modem dialog box to manage the modem database.
NOTE: The modem database is stored in the Impero configuration file modems.ndb,
which is typically located in the directory:
C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Roaming\Danware Data\C\Program Files
(x86)\Netop\Netop Remote Control\<Module name> for the Guest.
C:\ProgramData\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Netop\Netop Re-
mote Control\<Module name> for Host-based modules.
In the Modem List the first _Modem Database YYYYDDD record specifies the modem
database update year and day number. You can download and install the newest available
update from the Impero Knowledge Base, see the Download Updates subsection.
NOTE: Downloading and installing modems.ndb overwrites your current modems.ndb.
Other records represent modem configurations created by Impero Support or added by
Dialog box help
a user.
You can create, edit and delete modem configurations using the buttons at the bottom of
the dialog box.
To base a new modem configuration on an available modem configuration, select the mo-
dem configuration in the pane before clicking on the New button.
See also
Modem Configuration
5.1.17 Modem Configuration
Use the Modem Configuration dialog box to create or edit a modem configuration in
the modem database.
With some modem configurations, some or all fields are disabled to protect the original
modem configuration. If you select a modem configuration in the Modem dialog box and
click on New, the properties of the selected modem configuration are displayed in the
Modem Configuration dialog box with all fields enabled.
The Name field contains the modem configuration name, which must be unique within
the modem database. You can edit the field contents.
Modem command strings
These fields specify the modem AT command strings. Consult with your modem manual
or the modem manufacturer website to find the AT command strings required by your
Max data rate
In the Max data rate drop-down list, select a data rate applicable to your modem and the
modem you want to connect to.
RTS/CTS Flow control
Select this check box to use Return To Send/Clear To Send flow
Ignore carrier signal
Normally, no carrier signal indicates an error. However, in some
Dialog box help
situations there may not be any carrier signal, without this being
an error.
Select this check box to not wait for a carrier signal.
See also
5.1.18 Novell Network Numbers
Unless a network list is created, the IPX communication reaches only the Impero modules
on the local network. You can extend the communication to remote networks.
In the Novell Network Numbers dialog box you can add, edit, and delete network num-
bers using the buttons on the right side of the network list.
The pane displays the 8-digit hexadecimal network numbers of the selected remote net-
See also
Communication Profile Edit
5.1.19 Program Options
Layout tab
Use the Layout tab to specify layout options for the Guest window.
Tool bar
Clear the selection of this check box to remove the tool-
Status line
Clear the selection of this check box to remove the status
Menu hints
Clear the selection of this check box to disable the display
of menu command and toolbar button hints in the status
Add Guest icon to tray
Clear the selection of this check box to display no Guest
Dialog box help
icon in the notification area in the lower right screen
corner when the Guest is loaded.
Hide Guest from taskbar when
This option is only available if the Add Guest icon to
tray check box is selected.
Clear the selection of this check box to display the minim-
ized Guest as an icon in the taskbar at the bottom of the
screen. If selected, the minimized Guest is displayed only
as a Guest icon in the notification area in the lower right
corner of the screen.
Save Guest minimize state on
Select this check box to load the Guest minimized if min-
imized when the Guest last unloaded.
Stealth mode (hide Guest
when started)
Select this check box to load the Guest hidden to the
computer user.
To uncover the Guest when loaded in stealth mode, ex-
ecute showgst.exe, which is located in the directory in
which the Guest was installed.
Use the Menu and Toolbar Theme list to select color theme for the menu and toolbar.
Tab layout
Use the Tab layout option to enable/disable tab panel tabs and rearrange the order of
the tabs.
The pane contains a list of available tab panel tab names.
Remove the selection of a check box to remove the tab in question from the tab panel.
The order of the tab names in the pane from top to bottom controls the order of the tab
panel from left to right. Select a tab name and click on one of the Up/Down buttons to
move it.
NOTE: For the changes to take effect, make sure to restart the Guest.
General tab
Use the General tab to specify general connect options.
Dialog box help
Host session
default mode
Select a session to start when connecting to a Host. Remote control is
the default session.
In the Inactivity timeout field, specify a number of minutes after which to
disconnect if there has been no Guest user keyboard or mouse activity
within the specified number of minutes (default: 0, range 0-999).
Keep Alive
Select the Send keep alive message check box to send a data packet
at intervals while connected to alert the Guest if the connection is lost.
NOTE: To maintain an ISDN (CAPI) connection during short periods of in-
activity, select the Short-hold mode check box in the Edit dialog box for
the ISDN (CAPI) communication profile.
Confirm when
Select the Exiting Guest while connected check box to display a warn-
ing if you attempt to unload the Guest while being connected to a Host.
You are prompted to confirm if you want to unload the Guest anyway.
Specify a number of connection attempts in the range 1-999
that the Guest should automatically make to connect to a
Auto recon-
In the list, select the reconnect option that should apply if a
connection is lost:
Never: Never reconnect.
Abnormal disconnect only: Reconnect only if the con-
nection is lost by an abnormal event.
Host disconnect only: Reconnect only if the Host dis-
Always: Always reconnect.
Impero Portal
You can modify the following options:
Connection allowed when using an invalid certificate
Display invalid certificate warning (enabled by default)
By default, no proxy is used when initializing the Portal com-
munication profile. This setting can be changed, to either at-
tempt to detect and use the current proxy settings of the sys-
Available options:
no proxy
use system proxy settings (enabled by default); when en-
abled, it automatically detects the proxy configuration of the
system from the Internet Options
Dialog box help
use custom proxy settings
NOTE: It is necessary that you specify at least the address
(IP/DNS name) and port.
Cache tab
Use the Cache tab to specify disk cache options for the remote control screen image.
When the Guest remote controls a Host in command mode, the Guest stores the Host
screen image in disk cache memory to transfer only image changes. This speeds up Host
screen image update and saves transmission bandwidth.
Host screen command transfer disk cache
Use separate cache file for
each Host
Select this option to reserve a disk cache section for each
connected and disconnected Host.
If you connect to many different Hosts, a large total disk
cache size is required to achieve high update and recon-
nect speed.
Use shared cache file for all
Select this option to share the available disk cache among
connected and disconnected Hosts.
Total disk cache size demand is typically lower.
Don’t save cache between
Select this option to share the available disk cache only
among connected Hosts.
Total disk cache demand is lowest, but reconnects are
Limit total disk cache size to
In this field, specify a disk cache size in the range 200 -
64000 (default: 10000).
The number should typically be larger than default if you
regularly run command mode remote control sessions with
many different Hosts.
Logon tab
Use the Logon tab to specify Guest logon and name options.
Dialog box help
Guest ID
The contents of the Guest ID field specify the name by which the Guest identifies itself
when communicating (default: computer name).
You can edit the field content.
If the field is empty, the Guest identifies itself by its computer address, typically IP ad-
dress or network card MAC address.
NOTE: If the Guest runs on a network computer, we recommend naming it by its com-
puter name. If the Guest runs on a terminal server client, we recommend naming it by its
user logon name. See the Administrator’s Guide, Advanced Tools, Impero Naming in a
Select the Cache logon passwords check box to store the most recently used logon
credentials in cache memory and apply them when connecting.
Cached logon credentials are lost when the Guest is unloaded.
Access Server 6.x/5.x
Use Access Server on Guest side
Select this check box to enable Guest side authen-
tication with Hosts that are Guest side authentica-
tion enabled on an older version of Access Server.
NOTE: Security Server (version 7+ only) does not
support Guest side authentication.
Ignore if access to Host cannot be
Select this check box to ignore Guest side authen-
tication with Hosts that are not Guest side authen-
tication enabled on a Access Server.
Host Name tab
Use the Host Name tab to specify Host name.
Default Host name qualifier
Impero interprets a name specified in the Quick Connect tab, in the Host section
Name field as a certain type of name according to this default Host name qualifier or a pre-
Dialog box help
fixed Host name qualifier (shown in parentheses below).
Host ID (H::)
Interprets a Host name without a prefix as a Host ID.
User name (U::)
Interprets a Host name without a prefix as a user name.
DNS name (DNS::)
Interprets a Host name without a prefix as a Domain Name Server
LDAP name (LDAP::)
Interprets a Host name without a prefix as a directory services user
attribute value. See Directory Services tab.
Duplicate names
If connecting by a networking communication device, multiple Hosts may respond by the
same name, for instance if the same user is logged on to multiple computers. By default,
the Guest connects to the first responding Host.
Select the Check for duplicate names before connecting check box to wait a few
seconds for Host responses and display a Multiple Host Names found window if mul-
tiple Hosts respond. The window prompts you to select a Host.
See also
Communication Profile Edit
Administrator's Guide, Impero Name Management.
Directory Services tab
Use the Directory Services tab to specify directory services to enable the Guest to
connect to and browse for Hosts using the LDAP:: Host name qualifier.
Directory Server
Specify the directory server IP address or DNS name.
Specify the port through which to connect to the directory server (de-
fault: 389, the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) port).
Select the Use secure connection check box to connect to the dir-
ectory server by a secure connection. The LDAP secure connection
port number is 636.
Dialog box help
Base DN
Specify the directory services distinguished name from which a search
should start.
Credentials tab
Specify the credentials by which the Guest should log on to the directory server. The
credentials determine the user rights by which directory services information is available.
Anonymous bind
Select this check box to search the directory service with anonymous
user rights.
Clear the selection to enable the fields below.
User DN
Specify a directory service user distinguished name to search the dir-
ectory service with the rights of this user.
Make sure to specify the corresponding password.
Settings tab
Specify the settings for searching directory services for user attribute values to return cor-
responding name and address attribute values.
For guidance on filling in the User search filter and User attribute fields, click on the
Default button to display the Display Directory Service dialog box. Select a directory
service name in the list of available directory services and click on OK.
Selecting a directory service, for example Active Directory, populates the User search fil-
ter and User attribute fields with default values for the selected directory service. You can
edit the values if you have customized your directory service and require different values.
Name attribute
Specify or edit the name attribute.
Address attribute
Specify or edit the address attribute designation.
Search name pre-
Specify or edit any prefix (e.g. cn=) that should be added before
search values.
Remote Control tab
Dialog box help
Use the Remote Control tab to specify general remote control session options.
NOTE: You can specify individual remote control session options for each Host connec-
tion in the Connection Properties dialog box, which you can access either by clicking
the Connection Properties dialog box on the Quick Connect tab, or in a running re-
mote control session, by clicking on the Connection Properties button from the tool-
Select this check box to display the Remote Control window toolbar.
Toolbox in full
Select this check box to display the Remote Control full screen dis-
play toolbox.
Full screen tool-
box roll-up
Select this check box to reduce the Remote Control full screen dis-
play toolbox to the corresponding title bar when not in use.
Status line
Select this check box to display the Remote Control window status
Hot keys assignment
You can assign hotkeys (keystroke combinations) to specified actions. By default, CTRL
+Z is assigned to Zoom in and out (switch between Remote Control window and full
screen). Assign desired hotkeys by selecting check boxes and specifying a character in
the last field.
Remote control window
Host window auto scroll
Select this check box to enable automatic Host screen image
scroll when the mouse pointer approaches Remote Control
window borders.
Show full screen as top-
most window
Select this check box to display the Remote Control full screen
display in front of any other window.
Show full screen on all
Select this check box to display the Remote Control full screen
display on all available monitors.
Dialog box help
Auto take control
Select this check box to enable acquiring multi Guest session
keyboard and mouse control by a keystroke or mouse click.
Switch to window mode
Specify a password that should be requested to switch from full
screen to window.
The field displays password characters as dots or asterisks.
Disconnect password
Specify a password that should be requested to disconnect.
The field displays the password characters as dots or asterisks.
Clipboard tab
Use the Clipboard tab to specify remote control clipboard transfer options.
Automatic clipboard transfer
Automatically transfer
clipboards below
Select this check box to enable contents placed on the Guest
computer or Host computer clipboard during a remote control
session to automatically become the clipboard contents of both
computers if smaller than the number of kilobytes specified in
the field.
Show progress dialog
during transfer
Select this check box to display a small window with a progress
bar while clipboard contents are being transferred from one
computer to the other.
Monitor tab
Use the Monitor tab to specify monitor options.
Monitor interval
Specify a number of seconds in the range 1-999 after which to
switch to the next Host after monitoring a Host (default: 15).
Start Monitor in full
Select this check box to initially display monitored Host screen im-
ages in full screen mode.
If unchecked, Host screen images are initially shown in window
Dialog box help
Audio-Video Chat tab
Use the Audio-Video Chat tab to specify audio and video chat options.
Audio-video chat settings
Start audio chat when
conference is started
Select this check box to enable sound transfer at session start.
Start video when confer-
ence is started
Select this check box to enable image transfer at session start.
Audio Chat
Select the Enable full-duplex audio check box to enable sound transfer in both direc-
tions at the same time.
NOTE: Some computer sound systems do not support full-duplex audio.
Microphone sensitivity
Silence level
Drag the slider bar to specify the microphone sound input level below
which no sound data should be transferred.
Line hold
Drag the slider bar to specify the time period in which sound data should
continue to be transferred after the microphone sound input level has
dropped below the silence level.
TIP: Try out different Silence level and Line hold settings to optimize
sound transfer.
Check sound
Click on this button to check the computer sound system. A result mes-
sage is displayed.
Click on this button to display the Advanced audio settings dialog box.
See Advanced audio settings.
Capture size
Select a video capture frame size on the list. The size is displayed in pixels
Dialog box help
(default: 160 x 120).
Click on this button to display the Advanced Video dialog box. See Ad-
vanced Video.
Remote Printing tab
Use the Remote Printing tab to specify remote Impero printers and incoming print job
Remote Impero printers
You can add an Impero printer on the Guest computer to enable sending a Guest com-
puter print job to a Host computer printing device (remote printer).
Click on the Add printer button and following the instructions in the displayed Add
printer guidelines window. Click on the Ready button to start adding a Impero printer.
The Remote Impero printers pane displays the names of Impero printers in the Win-
dows Printers folder on the Guest computer.
NOTE: You can also add an Impero printer on a Host computer to enable sending a
Host computer print job to a Guest computer printing device. You can remove a Impero
printer by selecting the printer in the pane and clicking on the Remove printer button.
If you are connected to multiple Hosts while sending a print job to a Impero printer, a dia-
log box prompting you to select the Host to which you want to send the print job is dis-
NOTE: Special instructions for remote printing from DOS applications are available in the
Impero Knowledge Base.
Redirect print to
You can redirect a print job sent from the Host computer to the Guest computer to any
printer specified on the Guest computer.
Default printer
Select this option to redirect the print job to the default
Guest computer printer.
Prompt with a list of avail-
able printers
Select this option and click on Browse to display the Select
Print Redirection Printer dialog box. From the Select
Dialog box help
Print Redirection Printer dialog box, you can select a
printer from a list of available printers.
See also
Send a print job to a remote printer
Recording tab
Use the Recording tab to specify remote control session recording options.
Use compatible
Remote control session recording was improved in Impero Connect
version 8. Older Guest versions cannot play back version 8+ record-
Select this check box to make older version compatible recordings.
Enforce recording
Select this check box to record all remote control sessions even if the
Record remote control session check box is not selected (Connec-
tion Properties > Record tab).
Disconnect if re-
cording fails
Select this check box to disconnect if recording a remote control ses-
sion fails.
A Recordings tab record and recording file name will identify the remote control session
Guest. Select one of these identity options:
Guest ID
Identify by the Guest ID. See Logon tab for further information.
Guest user
Identify by the Guest computer Windows or network logon user
See also
Record sessions
Sounds tab
Dialog box help
Use the Sounds tab to specify sounds played upon selected events.
Select an event check box to play a sound upon the event. Clear the selection to sup-
press playing a sound upon the event.
Select an event and click on Select Sound to open a sound file with the extension
*.wav to replace the current sound. The event is marked with an asterisk (*). Select an
event marked (*) and click on Default Sound to reassign the default sound to the event
and remove the (*) mark.
If you want to listen to the sound while editing the sound settings, select an event and
click on Play to play the sound assigned to the event.
Help Request tab
Use the Help Request tab to set up use of help request.
Select the Enable help request check box to enable the Guest to receive help re-
Click on the Advanced button to display the Advanced Help Service dialog box allow-
ing you to specify actions that are to be executed when a help request arrives. See Ad-
vanced Help Service.
Help Service tab
The Guest can receive Host help requests only if the Enable help request and Enable
help services check boxes are selected, at least one Help service name is specified and
communication profiles are enabled at Guest loading.
The Host uses the term help provider for a help service name.
Enable help services
Select this check box to enable the help services specified below.
Help service 1-3
In these fields, specify the names of the help services that this
Guest is to offer.
Service Ticket tab
The extended Guest also has a Service Tickets tab that enables it to service help re-
quests by service ticket numbers. Service tickets are used for both Connect and OnDe-
mand (1.74 and earlier versions).
Dialog box help
Enable service tickets
Select this check box to enable the use of service tickets to
service help requests through a service ticket number.
Service ticket format
Enter a service ticket format using any character plus the con-
trol characters #, @, and * (# produces a number (0-9), @ pro-
duces a letter (A-Z) and * produces a number or a letter (0-9,
A-Z)), for example @##-****.
The service ticket generated from this can only be used once,
after which a new ticket is generated.
Number of auto generated
service tickets
Enter the number (0-3, 0 = manually) of service tickets to be
WebConnect tab
The extended Guest also has a WebConnect tab that enables it to service help re-
quests by WebConnect tickets. WebConnect tickets are used for OnDemand 2.0 and
later versions.
Enable WebConnect tick-
Select this check box to enable use of WebConnect tickets.
WebConnect ticket
Enter anything that you want to use as a WebConnect ticket
for identification purposes during a OnDemand remote con-
trol session using WebConnect, for example an email ad-
dress, a name, or a keyword, for example Security Server.
WebConnect profile
Select a WebConnect profile in the list. The WebConnect
profile contains the credentials and the Connection Man-
ager URL to be used for the WebConnect connection. The
profile itself should be defined in the Setup Wizard before
you can select it here.
You can also set up the profile in Communication Profiles.
One or more WebConnect profiles can be defined in Com-
munication Profiles. See Communication Profile Edit for
more information.
Update interval
Enter an interval in seconds to specify how often the Guest
should communicate with WebConnect and check for new
Dialog box help
See also
Set up Help Request on Guest and Host
Run tab
Use the Run tab to specify programs to include in the Run Program drop-down menu on
the Guest window and Remote Control window toolbars.
The pane displays specified programs as records in a table with a description and the pro-
gram file path and name.
NOTE: Table contents are stored in the runprog.ndb Impero configuration file: C:\Users
\<User name>\AppData\Roaming\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Netop
\Netop Remote Control\Guest.
Click on the Add button to add a program to the pane. The Run dialog box in which you
can specify a program to run is displayed. See Run.
To see the properties of a record in the pane, select the record and click on the Proper-
ties button. The Run dialog box is displayed, and you can edit the properties specified.
To delete a record again, select it in the pane and click on the Delete button.
See also
Run a program on one or multiple Hosts
Encryption tab
Use the Encryption tab to enable encryption types.
The communication between Impero modules is protected by encrypting transmitted
A range of encryption types is available on Connect modules.
Communicating Impero modules automatically negotiate to encrypt communication by an
encryption type that is enabled on both modules. See Connection Properties (Compres-
sion/Encryption tab). Impero modules on which no common encryption type is enabled
cannot communicate.
Select the check boxes next to the various encryption types to enable them.
To see encryption details about the individual encryption types, select an encryption type
and click on the Show Details button.
Dialog box help
Inventory tab
Use the Inventory tab to specify what inventories should contain and how the contents
should be displayed in the Guest window Inventory tab.
Summary view
The pane contains a list of available inventory details. Select the check boxes to specify
the inventory details of the Guest window Inventory tab summary, which is displayed in
the details pane on the right when a folder is selected in the contents pane on the left.
The pane top-to-bottom order of selected inventory details determines the left-to-right
order of details pane columns.
Use the Up/Down, Select All, Deselect All buttons to arrange the contents of the
Click on the Advanced button to specify inventory processing and custom inventory
items. The Advanced inventory option dialog box is displayed. See Advanced inventory
See also
Generate a Host inventory
Smart Card tab
Use the Smart Card tab to specify the Smart Card reader whose reading applies to the
Smart Card authentication.
Smart Card Reader
Select Smart Card
In the drop-down list, select the Smart Card reader that you
want to use.
The list contains Default and the names of connected Smart
Card readers found by Windows.
Support Remote Smart
Card Logon
Select this check box to enable remote Smart Card logon.
This means that using a local Smart Card reader you can log dir-
ectly into remote enterprise and application systems using a
Smart Card for authentication and authorization.
Dialog box help
Intel vPro tab
Use the Intel vPro tab to specify the address of the SCS Web Service.
Select the Connect to SCS check box and enter the SCS Web Service URL in the field
The address is then saved in the system, so that every time you select the Retrieve In-
tel vPro Enabled Computers from SCS command on the context menu for the Intel
vPro tab pane on the Quick Connect tab, you aren't prompted to enter the address.
See also
Use Intel vPro from Impero Remote Control
Skins tab
If you run a remote control session, skins enable you to see the Host device and execute
commands on the Host device by clicking the buttons on the applied skin. A device may
have more than one skin definition depending on its state, for example slide out key-
board, portrait and landscape orientation etc. Every time the device changes state, the
Host sends updated skin information to the Guest.
If the Guest does not have the skin that is needed for a remote control session with a
particular Host, it attempts to collect a suitable skin from the Skin Repository Server. If
the necessary skin is not available, the Guest uses a default skin.
On the Skins tab, the address and port number of the Skin Repository Server are dis-
Click on the View Models button if you want to see the available skin models.
Web Update tab
Use the Web Update tab to specify web update options to automatically update the
Guest installation.
Update server
Specify the web address of the server from which to download
Guest update files (default:, the Impero manu-
facturer web update server).
NOTE: To update many Impero installations in an organization, we
recommend publishing new updates to an internal web update
Dialog box help
server (select Publish New Updates on the Tools menu).
HTTP Proxy
Specifying a HTTP proxy is typically not required.
Before specifying a HTTP proxy, click on Update now to test the
web update connection. If you receive a message indicating con-
nection to the update server, specify no HTTP proxy.
If Update now yields no connection, click on the Detect button to
make Impero attempt to detect the HTTP proxy server and display
its name and port number in the HTTP Proxy field.
Click on Update now to test the connection. If unsuccessful, con-
sult your network/system administrator about what to specify in the
HTTP Proxy field (format: <Server name>:<Port number>).
Update now
Click on this button to connect to the update server specified in the
Update server field.
A web update message notifies you if the connection to the update
server fails, if no updates are available or if updates are available,
and in the latter case ask you if you want to download and install
Click on this button to display the Web Update Schedule dialog
box and specify a schedule of checks for updates including down-
load and installation of available update files.
5.1.20 Run
Use the Run dialog box to specify a program file to run using the Run Program function
and how the program should start.
Type a descriptive text in the Description field. This text appears on the menu.
File name
Make sure that the Local file name option has been selected and then click on the
Browse button to locate the program .exe file.
When the program file is added to the Local file name field, the global file name is auto-
matically added to the Global file name field. The absolute path is replaced with environ-
Dialog box help
ment variables. This is especially helpful if your computers are running different Windows
Example of a local file name and the corresponding global file name:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe
%ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe
TIP: Once you have added a program to the Local file name field and the global file
name has been added automatically to the Global file name field, select the Global file
name option, so that you do not have to consider which operating system version or op-
erating system language Host computers are using.
If the selected program needs to be started using command line switches, use the Com-
mand line switches field to type those. This could for example be starting Internet Ex-
plorer with a specific address or for Adobe Acrobat Reader, the name of the document to
Under Run, select Normal, Maximized or Minimized to define how the program should
start when opened from the Run Program button in the toolbar or from the Run Pro-
gram command on the Connection menu.
5.1.21 Script
A script is a user specified command structure that can execute a task, typically an unat-
tended scheduled file transfer.
Use the Script dialog box to create and edit scripts in a graphical tree structure.
Specify a script file name.
If you do not specify a file extension and a path, the script file gets
the extension .dws and is located in the Impero configuration files
folder, typically C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Roaming
\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Netop\Netop Re-
Dialog box help
mote Control\Guest\script\.
If you create a new script, you are prompted for confirmation. Click
on Yes. The Global Settings dialog box is then displayed.
Open Script
Click on this button to open a script file.
Enter a comment about the script. The comment is displayed in the
Comments column in the Script tab (Optional).
Save Script
Click on the Save Script button to save a new or edited script.
Click on the Add button to add a script command in the upper pane
under the selected script command.
See Commands list below.
Select a script command in the upper pane and click on the Edit
button to display the corresponding editing window.
Run Script
Click on this button to run the script.
Select a script command in the upper pane and click on the Delete
button to delete it, including the command sub tree under it.
Commands list
To specify the first command of a script, in the upper pane of the Script dialog box, select
the Global Settings element and click on the Add to display a drop-down menu.
This menu contains script commands that can execute on the Guest:
Select the Connect command to add a Connect command, which con-
nects to a Host.
Select the Wait command to add a Wait command, which delays script
Select the Run command to add a Run command.
A Connect command branches the script into commands that execute with or on the
connected Host computer or in case of a local Connect command on the Guest com-
In the upper pane, click on the + (plus) button next to a Connect command to expand it
and select the expanded Connect command or a command below it.
Dialog box help
Click on Add to display the following menu, which contains script commands that can ex-
ecute with a connected Host or a Guest connected locally to itself:
Select one of these commands to display a <File transfer> dialog box
and add a File Transfer command.
Select this command to display the Wait dialog box and add a Wait
command to delay script execution.
Select this command to display the Run Program dialog box and add a
Run command to execute a program on the connected to computer.
You can schedule scripts to be ran from the Guest on the Host by us-
ing elevated privileges; select Use a different account and enter the
credentials of a user with elevated privileges on the Host machine.
Select one of these commands to add an Action command to execute
an action on the connected to computer.
Send Message
See also
Create and run a script
Global Settings
Impero File Manager Options
5.1.22 Send Message
When you add a Send Message command to a script, the Send Message dialog box is
displayed allowing you to specify how the message should be sent.
Select a Send Message step option in the drop-down list:
Dialog box help
One Step: Select this option to copy a message file on the Guest com-
puter to the Messages directory on the Host computer and display it in a
Send Message window on the Host computer screen.
NOTE: Create and save the message file in the Message window.
Display Message: Select this option to display a message file located
on the Host computer in the Messages directory in a Message window on
the Host computer screen.
Message path
Specify the Guest computer (One Step) or Host computer (Display
Message) path and name of the message file to (copy and) display.
Click on the Browse button to open a message file on the Guest com-
puter and display its path and name in the field.
NOTE: The Host computer Messages directory, which is located in the
Impero configuration files directory, typically C:\ProgramData\Danware
Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Netop\Netop Remote Control
\Host\Messages, is identified by the environment variable %RootConfig
%Messages. To display in the Message window on the Host computer
screen, the message file name must use the syntax
<Date>T<Time>;<Sender>.rtf with the date format YYYY-MM-DD and
the time format HH-MM-SS.
See also
Create and run a script
Communicate with Host users
5.2 Host dialog boxes
5.2.1 Advanced Help Request Options
Phone number or IP address
If requesting help by a communication profile that uses a
point-to-point or network point-to-point communication
device other than Infrared (IrDA), a telephone number or IP
address should be specified.
Dialog box help
If not specified in this field, the Connect to Help Pro-
vider dialog box is displayed when requesting help, and
you can specify the telephone number or IP address there.
Help request timeout if not
Specify a number in the range to cancel the help request if
not responded to by a help provider within the specified
number of minutes (default: 0, i.e. the help request does
not get canceled).
Gateway logon
If requesting help by a communication profile that uses a point-to-point or network point-
to-point communication device through a Guest network Gateway, it may request lo-
Specify Gateway logon name, password and domain in this section.
If valid Gateway logon credentials are not specified here, a Gateway logon dialog box
may be displayed when requesting help, and you can specify the credentials there.
Select the Use current logon credentials for Windows Security authentication
check box to log on by the name, password and domain of the user logged on to Win-
dows on the Host computer.
See also
Program Options (Help Request tab)
Request help
5.2.2 Allowed ISDN Numbers
If Guest ISDN number check is enabled in the Communication Profile Edit dialog
box for ISDN, a Host and a connecting Gateway can allow connections by ISDN (CAPI)
communication only from telephone numbers in the Allowed ISDN Numbers list.
The Allowed Network Numbers dialog box displays allowed ISDN telephone numbers.
You can add, edit and delete ISDN telephone numbers in the dialog box.
NOTE: Allowed ISDN numbers are stored in the Impero configuration file anumlist.ndb,
which is typically located in the directory C:\ProgramData\Danware Data\C\Program
Files (x86)\Netop\Netop Remote Control\<Module name>.
See also
Dialog box help
Communication Profile Edit
5.2.3 Directory Service
Use the Directory Service dialog box to specify a directory service.
Specify the name that should identify the directory service in Directory
Services tab pane.
Directory server
Specify the directory server IP address or DNS name.
Specify the port through which the Host should connect to this directory
server (default: 389, the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Select the Use secure connection check box to connect to the direct-
ory server by a secure connection. The LDAP secure connection port
number is 636.
Base DN
Specify the directory service distinguished name from which a search
should start.
Credentials tab
Dialog box help
Use the Credentials tab to specify the credentials by which the Host should log on to
the directory server. The credentials determine what directory service information is avail-
able to the Host.
Anonymous bind
Select this check box to search the specified directory service with
anonymous user rights, which are typically very limited.
User DN
Specify a directory service user distinguished name to search the
directory service with the rights of this user.
Specify the corresponding password and confirm it.
Settings tab
Use the Settings tab to specify the search criteria that should be applied to retrieve the
properties of a connecting Guest user. Initially, the fields are empty.
Click on the Default button to display the Select Directory Service dialog box.
The drop-down list contains names of commonly used directory services such as Mi-
crosoft Active Directory. Select a directory service type in the drop-down list. If the direct-
ory service type of the directory server specified in the Directory Server field of the Dir-
ectory Service dialog box is available in the list, select this in the list.
Click on the OK button to close the dialog box and specify the default settings of the se-
lected directory service type in the Settings tab fields.
NOTE: If the Settings tab fields are filled in when you select a directory service type in
the Select Directory Service dialog box, you typically do not need to edit their con-
User search filter
Optionally (recommended), specify a search filter to limit the search for
user attributes to a certain object class.
User attribute
Specify the type designation of the searched for user attribute.
User browse fil-
Optionally (recommended), specify a user browse filter to limit the
browse for user attributes to certain object classes.
Dialog box help
Group search fil-
Optionally (recommended), specify a search filter to limit the search for
group attributes to a certain object class.
Group attribute
Specify the type designation of the searched for group attribute.
Group browse fil-
Optionally (recommended), specify a group browse filter to limit the
browse for group attributes to certain object classes.
OU search filter
Optionally (recommended), specify a search filter to limit the search for
organizational unit attributes to a certain object class.
See also
Program Options (Directory Services tab)
5.2.4 Guest Access Security
Guest Access Privileges tab
Use the Guest Access Privileges tab to select the Guest Access Method to apply to
connecting Guests.
Select a method from the Guest Access Method list:
Grant all Guests default
access privileges
This selection means that the Guests share the same priv-
ileges and use the same password to log on to the Host.
When a Guest connects, the Host requests a password. If
the Guest returns the password set up for the default user,
the Host grants the Guest the privileges set up for the default
security role.
In the left pane, select Default Security Role to display the
access privileges of this security role, i.e. what Guests are al-
lowed to do when connecting to the Host, in the right pane.
The Confirm access section in the right pane specifies
whether and when access to the Host computer needs con-
NOTE: For practical reasons, the Impero message and Get
Dialog box help
inventory functions are exempted from Confirm access se-
curity, as these are often used when there is no user present
on the Host side.
The Whitelisted applications section in the right pane specifies
whether the Remote Control sessions for this role are limited
solely to the whitelisted applications defined in the whitelis-
ted.txt file, found in the Impero configuration files folder: C:
\ProgramData\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)
\Netop\Netop Remote Control\<Module name>.
NOTE: Refer to the Impero Knowledge Base for more informa-
tion about whitelisting.
Select Default User in the left pane to set password and call
back options. In the right pane, specify a password of max. 64
characters to enable shared password authentication.
To disable shared password authentication and request no
password from a connecting Guest, clear both password
fields. This, however, leaves the Host without Guest access
authentication, and any Guest can then connect to the Host.
Unless suppressed, a security warning is displayed when the
Host starts communicating.
The Call back section below the Password section specifies
whether or not to use call back.
No call back
Do not apply call back.
Call back to
Specify a telephone number or an IP address to
make the Host disconnect and reconnect to the
specified telephone number or IP address, if a
Guest connects by a communication profile that
uses a point-to-point or network point-to-point
communication device.
Call back to a specified telephone number or IP
address to enable connections only from a
Dialog box help
Guest on a computer with this telephone num-
ber or IP address.
Roving call
Select this option to request a call back tele-
phone number or IP address from a Guest that
connects by a communication profile that uses a
point-to-point or network point-to-point com-
munication device.
When the Host receives this information, it dis-
connects and reconnects to the specified tele-
phone number or IP address.
Roving call back is typically used to make con-
nection costs payable by the Host organization,
e.g. when a traveling employee connects to the
home computer.
Grant each Guest indi-
vidual access privileges
using Impero authentica-
This selection means that each Guest has its own privileges
and password to log on to the Host.
When a Guest connects, the Host requests the Impero cre-
dentials, i.e. ID and password, defined for that specific Guest.
When the Guest returns the required information, the Host
grants the Guest the privileges set up for the specific Guest.
Each security role specifies what is allowed to the Guest and
the selected confirm access option. Each Guest profile spe-
cifies Guest logon credentials and the selected call back op-
Initially, the left pane contains the security role folders Full ac-
cess, View only, Inventory only and Remote Manage-
ment only. You can add a security role by clicking on the Add
security role button and defining the new security role by
clearing the check boxes in the right pane.
The Confirm access section in the right pane specifies whether
and when access to the Host computer needs confirmation.
Dialog box help
NOTE: For practical reasons, the Impero message and Get
inventory functions are exempted from Confirm access se-
curity, as these are often used when there is no user present
on the Host side.
The Whitelisted applications section in the right pane specifies
whether the Remote Control sessions for this role are limited
only to whitelisted applications defined in the whitelisted.txt file,
found in the Impero configuration files folder: C:\Pro-
gramData\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Im-
pero\Impero Connect\<Modulename> folder.
You can add Guests to a security role by selecting it and click-
ing on the Add Guest button. In the displayed Guest Profile
dialog box, specify the Guest name, password and call back
See Guest Profile.
Select a Guest profile element in the left pane to display its
Password section and the Call back section to the right.
Grant each Guest indi-
vidual access privileges
using Windows Security
This selection means that each Guest has its own privileges
and logs on to the Host by its Windows logon user credentials.
When a Guest connects, the Host requests the Windows user
name, password and domain. If a match is found in Windows
Security Management, the Host grants the Guest the priv-
ileges of the security role assigned to the Windows account ob-
A Guest user who is assigned different security roles individu-
ally and as a member of groups is allowed what is allowed by
any of the applicable security roles, i.e. the sum of privileges of
the applicable security roles.
Each security role specifies what is allowed to the Guest and
Dialog box help
the selected confirm access option.
Initially, the left pane contains the security role folders Full ac-
cess, View only, Inventory only and Remote Manage-
ment only. Select a security role folder to display the privileges
in the right pane. You can add a security role by clicking on the
Add security role button and defining the new security role by
clearing check boxes in the right pane.
The Confirm access section in the right pane specifies
whether and when access to the Host computer needs con-
NOTE: For practical reasons, the Impero message and Get
inventory functions have been exempted from Confirm ac-
cess security, as these are often used when there is no user
present on the Host side.
The Whitelisted applications section in the right pane specifies
whether the Remote Control sessions for this role are limited
only to whitelisted applications defined in the whitelisted.txt file,
found in the Impero configuration files folder: C:\Pro-
gramData\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Im-
pero\Impero Connect\<Modulename>.
You can add a user or group to a security role by selecting it
and clicking on the Add User or Add Group button. In the
Select Users or Select Groups dialog box, specify the users or
groups you want to add.
Select a Windows user or group element to display its Domain
section, RAS section and Call back section to the right.
The Domain section displays the domain of the selected Win-
dows user or group.
The RAS section is only included if the Host computer runs on a
Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista or 7 operating sys-
tem. Select the Get call back information from Windows
Dialog box help
NT Remote Access Service (RAS) check box to use call
back information stored in Windows NT Remote Access Ser-
The Call back section is displayed only if the check box in the
RAS section is not selected.
Specify whether or not to use call back.
No call
Do not apply call back.
Call back to
Specify a telephone number or an IP address to
make the Host disconnect and reconnect to the
specified telephone number or IP address, if a
Guest connects by a communication profile that
uses a point-to-point or network point-to-point
communication device.
Call back to a specified telephone number or IP ad-
dress enables connections only from a Guest on a
computer with this telephone number or IP ad-
Roving call
Select this option to request a call back telephone
number or IP address from a Guest that connects
by a communication profile that uses a point-to-
point or network point-to-point communication
When the Host receives this information, it discon-
nects and reconnects to the specified telephone
number or IP address.
Roving call back is typically used to make connec-
tion costs payable by the Host organization, e.g.
when a traveling employee connects to the home
The Windows User Manager button is included only if the
Dialog box help
Host computer runs on a Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003, 2008,
Vista or 7 operating system. Click on this button to display the
Windows user manager window according to the administrator
rights of the user logged on to Windows on the Host computer
to manage users and groups.
Grant each Guest indi-
vidual access privileges
using Directory services
This selection means that each Guest has is own privileges
and logs on to the Host by directory services user credentials.
When a Guest connects, the Host requests the directory ser-
vice user name, password and directory server for that specific
Guest. If a match is found on the directory server, the Host
grants the Guest the privileges of the security role assigned to
the directory services account element.
A Guest user who is assigned different security roles individu-
ally and as a member of groups is allowed what is allowed by
any of the applicable security roles, i.e. the sum of privileges of
the applicable security roles.
Each security role specifies what is allowed to the Guest and
the selected confirm access option.
Initially, the left pane contains the security role folders Full ac-
cess, View only, Inventory only and Remote Management only.
Select a security role folder to display the privileges in the right
pane. You can add a security role by clicking on the Add se-
curity role button and defining the new security role by clear-
ing check boxes in the right pane.
The Confirm access section in the right pane specifies
whether and when access to the Host computer needs con-
NOTE: For practical reasons, the Impero message and Get
inventory functions have been exempted from Confirm ac-
cess security, as these are often used when there is no user
present on the Host side.
Dialog box help
The Whitelisted applications section in the right pane specifies
whether the Remote Control sessions for this role are limited
only to whitelisted applications defined in the whitelisted.txt file,
found in the Impero configuration files folder: C:\Pro-
gramData\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Im-
pero\Impero Connect\<Modulename>.
You can add a user or group to a security role by selecting it
and clicking on the Add User or Add Group button. In the
displayed Select Directory Services Users or Select Dir-
ectory Services Groups dialog box, specify the users or
groups you want to add.
Select a directory services user or group element to display its
Directory service section and Call back section to the right.
The Directory Service section displays the directory service
name and the selected directory services user or group ele-
ment distinguished name (dn).
Specify whether or not to use call back:
No call back
Do not apply call back.
Call back to
Specify a telephone number or an IP address to
make the Host disconnect and reconnect to the
specified telephone number or IP address, if a
Guest connects by a communication profile that
uses a point-to-point or network point-to-point
communication device.
Call back to a specified telephone number or IP
address enables connections only from a Guest
on a computer with this telephone number or IP
Roving call
Select this option to request a call back tele-
phone number or IP address from a Guest that
Dialog box help
connects by a communication profile that uses a
point-to-point or network point-to-point com-
munication device.
When the Host receives this information, it dis-
connects and reconnects to the specified tele-
phone number or IP address.
Roving call back is typically used to make con-
nection costs payable by the Host organization,
e.g. when a traveling employee connects to the
home computer.
Use the Impero Security
This selection means that the Host uses the Security Server
to authenticate each connecting Guest and assign a security
role to it.
When a Guest connects, the Host requests logon credentials
according to Security Management preferences.
Refer to the Administrator's Guide for further information about
Security Management.
The Host forwards returned credentials to Security Server
for validation and compilation of the security role that is to be
assigned to the Guest according to the security data stored in
the security database. The Host applies the resulting security
role to the Guest.
The Public Key field is used to secure a trusted connection
between your Hosts and Security Servers.
NOTE: In production environments, we recommend that you
replace the default Public Key with a newly generated Public
Key using the Security Manager.
The Public Key should be copied to the Hosts exactly as it is
Dialog box help
shown in the Security Manager. It is recommended that you
change the Public Key before deploying your Hosts.
Refer to the Security Management section in the Adminis-
trator’s Guide for more information about generating a Public
Key from the Security Manager.
Use the Impero Portal ac-
cess rights
This selection means that the Host uses the Portal to authen-
ticate each connecting Guest and assign permissions to it.
When a Guest connects, the Host requests logon credentials
according to the Portal account.
Refer to the Impero Connect User's Guide for more information
about the Portal.
The Host forwards returned credentials to Portal for validation
and compilation of the security permissions that are to be as-
signed to the Guest. The Host applies the resulting security
permissions to the Guest.
Guest Policy tab
Use the Guest Policy tab to specify Guest access security policies. The policy functions
determine how the Host behaves before, during and after the remote control session.
Maximum invalid password
Specify a number in the range 0 - 9 for the number of logon
attempts that can be allowed to a Guest before the action
selected in the drop-down list below is executed.
Action if maximum attempts
are exceeded
In the drop-down list, select what should happen if max-
imum password attempts are exceeded:
Disconnect: Disconnect the Guest.
Disable Host: Make the Host reject any connection at-
Dialog box help
Restart Windows: Restart Windows on the Host com-
puter, which - depending on the Host setup - may load and
start the Host and make it available for connection.
Action after disconnect
In the drop-down list, select what should happen after dis-
None: No action.
Lock computer: Lock the Host computer. The Windows
Computer Locked window is displayed. The Host keeps
running and is available for connection.
Log off Windows: Log off the Host computer user from
Windows. The Welcome to Windows window is displayed.
The Host keeps running and is available for connection.
Restart Windows: Restart Windows on the Host com-
puter, which - depending on the Host setup - can load and
start the Host and make it available for connection.
System-wide disconnect
Select any of the first four check boxes and optionally spe-
cify a character in the last check box to compose a key-
stroke combination that disconnects all connected Guests
whether the Host window is active or not.
File Transfer
Select the Disable file transfer before local logon check box to disable file transfer if
no user is logged on to the Host computer.
Record Sessions
Select this check box to enable Host recording of remote control
If you enable the Record Sessions function, you can document
any unauthorized procedures that a Guest could carry out on the
Dialog box help
Specify the path of the directory in which to save the session re-
cording files.
Click on the Browse button to select a folder.
Disconnect if record-
ing fails
Select this check box to disconnect if session recording fails.
NOTE: Session recording files are named <Time stamp>-<Guest
ID>-<Host ID>.dwr. You can only play back session recording
files on a Guest.
Confirm Access
Specify a number in the range 1 - 9999 to disconnect if the Host
user has not confirmed Guest access within the specified number
of seconds.
Specify a number in the range 1 - 9999 to disconnect if Guest
authentication has not completed within the specified number of
Specify a number in the range 1 - 9999 to disconnect if there has
been no Guest keyboard or mouse activity within the specified
number of seconds.
MAC/IP Address List Setup tab
MAC/IP Address List
Select the Enable MAC/IP address check check box to limit the network addresses
from which a Guest can connect to the addresses specified in the pane.
Click on the Add button to specify MAC/IP addresses.
MAC addresses are applied if they communicate by NetBIOS or IPX. IP addresses apply if
they communicate by TCP/IP or TCP/IP (TCP).
Encryption tab
The communication between Impero modules is protected by encrypting transmitted
Dialog box help
A range of encryption types is available on Connect modules.
Communicating Impero modules automatically negotiate to encrypt the communication
by an encryption type that is enabled on both modules. Impero modules on which no
common encryption type is enabled cannot communicate.
Select the check boxes next to the various encryption types to enable them.
To see encryption details about the individual encryption types, select an encryption type
and click on the Show Details button.
Smart Card
Use the Smart Card tab to specify Smart Card logon options to use Smart Card for au-
thentication with Windows Security Management or Directory Services.
Windows Security Management
If you have selected the Guest access method Grant each Guest individual access
privileges using Windows Security Management on the Guest Access Privileges tab,
select an option in this section.
Never log on with Smart Card
Enable only credentials logon.
Always log on with Smart Card
Enable only Smart Card logon.
Allow both logon with Smart
Card and credentials (name,
password, and domain)
Enable both credentials and Smart Card logon.
Directory Services
If you have selected the Guest access method Grant each Guest individual access priv-
ileges using Directory services on the Guest Access Privileges tab, select an option in
this section.
Never log on with Smart Card
Enable only credentials logon.
Always log on with Smart Card
Enable only Smart Card logon.
Allow both logon with Smart
Card and credentials (name,
password and server)
Enable both credentials and Smart Card logon.
Dialog box help
Subject Field
Retrieve the user identification from the Subject field of
the Smart Card certificate.
Subject Alternative Name Field
(must be a User Principal
Name (UPN))
Retrieve the user identification from the Subject Alternat-
ive Name field of the Smart Card certificate.
The Certificate Field matches
this Directory Services Attrib-
Specify the directory services attribute compatible with
the Smart Card certificate field contents. This is necessary
only if different from a user object distinguished name.
For Directory Services Smart Card logon to succeed, make
sure that Host can resolve the Smart Card certificate user
identification into a Directory Services user identification. If
the Smart Card certificate user identification and Directory
Services user identifications are incompatible, Smart Card
logon fails.
To find the available Smart Card certificate user identifica-
tions, insert the Smart Card and in Internet Explorer click
on the Internet Options command on the Tools menu to
display the Internet Options dialog box.
On the Content tab, click on Certificates to display the
Certificates dialog box.
On the Personal tab, double-click on the appropriate cer-
tificate record to display the Certificate dialog box. The
Details tab displays the contents of available certificate
fields including Subject and Subject Alternative Name.
See also
Program Options (Smart Card tab)
5.2.5 Guest Profile
Use this dialog box to create a Guest profile element in the security role folder that you
selected on the Guest Access Privileges tab.
Guest name
Dialog box help
In the Guest ID field, specify the name that a Guest is using this Guest profile should
specify to log on to the Host. This is the name that identifies the Guest profile.
NOTE: A Guest is not limited to logging on by the name that identifies the Guest. The
Guest logon does not verify Guest identity but validates the Guest credentials.
In the Password section, specify a password of max. 64 characters to enable password
Call back
In the Call back section specify whether or not to use callback.
No call back
Do not apply call back.
Call back to
Specify a telephone number or an IP address to make the Host discon-
nect and reconnect to the specified telephone number or IP address, if a
Guest connects by a communication profile that uses a point-to-point or
network point-to-point communication device.
Call back to a specified telephone number or IP address enable connec-
tions only from a Guest on a computer with this telephone number or IP
Roving call
Select this option to request a call back telephone number or IP address
from a Guest that connects by a communication profile that uses a point-
to-point or network point-to-point communication device.
When the Host receives this information, it disconnects and reconnects to
the specified telephone number or IP address.
Roving call back is typically used to make connection costs payable by the
Host organization, for example when a traveling employee connects to
the home computer.
See also
Guest Access Security (Guest Access Privileges tab)
Dialog box help
5.2.6 Help Providers
In connection with a help request, if help providers are found, but no problem description
and/or no Help provider was specified in the Program Options dialog box in the Help
Request tab, the Help Providers dialog box is displayed.
Specify a problem description and a help provider:
Problem descrip-
This field displays any problem description specified in the Program
Options dialog box in the Help Request tab.
You can leave the field empty or specify or edit a problem description.
Help providers
Names of help providers found (on Impero Guest named help ser-
vices) are displayed in the Help providers pane.
Select one and click on Select to deliver the help request to the se-
lected help provider.
5.2.7 Help Request
Select one of these options:
Use the help service to search for help
Select this option to request help from a help
Use service ticket to connect to a spe-
cific help provider
Select this option to request help by a received
service ticket number.
Selecting this option enables the following
Service ticket: In this field, specify the service
ticket number.
Problem description: In this field, you can de-
scribe your problem.
NOTE: This dialog box displays only the service ticket fields if Enable Service Tickets is
selected in the Program Options dialog box in the Help Request tab. An OnDemand
Dialog box help
enabled Guest can issue service ticket numbers and forward a service ticket number to
you to enable you to return a help request.
See also
Set up Help Request on Guest and Host
Program Options (Help Request tab)
5.2.8 Maintenance Password
You can protect the Host setup with a maintenance password, so that no unauthorized
people can make changes to the Host setup.
Use the Maintenance Password dialog box to specify a maintenance password, what it
protects, and Host configuration files (*.ndb) protection.
Click on the Change Maintenance Password button to display the Change Mainten-
ance Password dialog box, where you can specify the maintenance password (max. 64
characters), change it, or disable it by deleting it.
Specify what the maintenance password should apply to and when:
Maintenance password required for
Guest access secur-
Select this check box to apply maintenance password protection to
the Guest Access Security command on the Tools menu and
the Guest Access Security button on the toolbar.
All other configura-
Select this check box to apply maintenance password protection to
all other setup commands on the Tools menu and other tool but-
tons on the toolbar.
Unload and Stop
Select this check box to apply maintenance password protection to
unloading the Host and stopping the Host.
Apply Unload and Stop maintenance password protection to pre-
vent Host stop or unload that make it unavailable for connection
and/or to protect security configuration files.
Confirm access
Select this check box to require the user to enter the maintenance
password before the remote session can begin.
Using Confirm access, the local user on the Host machine has
the ability to allow or deny the remote session. In some situations,
such as large industrial environments or senior executives within a
Dialog box help
large organization, the maintenance password is often known by
the local Host user. As an extra level of security and to help prevent
unauthorized users from allowing the remote support session, the
local user on the Host machine can now enter the maintenance
password in the Confirm Access Password dialog box before the
remote session can begin.
Protect security configuration files
Protect by mainten-
ance password only
(if applies)
Protect Host setup only by any applied maintenance password pro-
tection. This does not protect Host configuration files (default se-
Protect files when
Protect Host configuration files and disable setup commands on
the Tools menu when the Host status is "Connected" to prevent
a connected Guest from changing Host setup.
Protect files when
connected and run-
Protect Host configuration files and disable setup commands on
the Tools menu when the Host status is "Connected", "Help re-
quested" or "Running" to prevent a Host computer user from
changing the Host setup.
Combined with the Unload and Stop option, the maintenance
password protection also prevents the Host user from stopping and
unloading the Host and then changing the Host security configura-
tion files.
NOTE: Host configuration files (*.ndb) are located in the Impero configuration files
folder, typically C:\ProgramData\Danware Data\C\Program Files (x86)\Netop
\Netop Remote Control\Host.
If maintenance password protection is enabled, a dialog box prompting you to enter the
maintenance password is displayed when you select a protected command or click a pro-
tected button.
There is no limit to the number of maintenance password attempts.
Dialog box help
5.2.9 Program Options
General Tab
Use the General tab to specify startup and connection options.
Start Host when loaded
Select this check box to start the Host and enable com-
munication when loaded.
Load Host at Windows startup
(run as service)
Select this check box to load the Host when Windows
starts on the computer.
NOTE: Loading the Host at Windows startup and starting
the Host when loaded makes the Host ready for con-
nection when the Host computer is started, even if no
user is logged on to Windows.
Minimize Host when loaded
Select this check box to minimize the Host to a Host
icon when loaded.
Stealth mode (hide Host when
Select this check box to load the Host hidden to the
Host computer user. If hidden, nothing on the screen in-
dicates that the Host is loaded.
NOTE: To display a hidden Host, execute the
showhost.exe file. The showhost.exe file is located in
the folder where the Host is installed.
Minimize Host on connection
with Guest
Select this check box to minimize the Host window to a
Host icon when a Guest connects.
Host top most window on con-
nection with Guest
Select this check box to display the Host window in front
of any other window when a Guest connects.
Show file transfer status
Select this check box to display the File Transfer
Status window when a Guest starts a file transfer ses-
Send keep alive message
Select this check box to send a data packet at intervals
Dialog box help
while connected to alert the Host user if the connection is
NOTE: To maintain an ISDN (CAPI) connection during
short periods of inactivity, do not select this check box.
Instead select the Short-hold mode check box in the Edit
dialog box for the ISDN (CAPI) communication profile.
Allow Multiple Simultaneous
Guest Sessions
Select this check box to allow multiple Guest connec-
tions to the Host at the same time.
Host Name tab
Use the Host Name tab to specify Host naming, name options and the Name Server
name space ID.
This section specifies the name by which the Host identifies itself when communicating.
To communicate by a communication profile that uses a networking communication
device (NetBIOS, IPX, TCP/IP, Terminal Server), it is necessary that each Host use a
unique name. A Host that uses a name that is already used by another communicating
Host is denied communication.
Select one of these options:
Enter name or leave name
field blank
Select this option to display a field below. Specify a name in the
field or leave the field blank to name the Host by the specified
name or leave it without a name.
Use environment variable
Select this option to display a field below. Specify an environ-
ment variable name in the field to name the Host by the value
of the specified environment variable.
NOTE: Do not name a network computer Host by the environ-
ment variable USERNAME if it is set up to load at Windows star-
tup. If you do that, the Host loads before a user logs on to
Windows to get the name %USERNAME% and retains this name
until reloaded while a user is logged on to get the name <Win-
dows logon user name>. Of multiple Hosts named %
USERNAME%, only one can communicate.
Dialog box help
Name a terminal server session Host typically by the environ-
ment variable USERNAME. See the Administrator's Guide, Im-
pero Naming (TSE). To display available Windows environment
variables, in a command prompt window type set and press
Use Windows computer
Name the Host by the Host computer Windows name.
NOTE: Name a network computer Host typically by the Win-
dows computer name. Do not name a terminal server session
Host by the Windows computer name. Terminal server ses-
sion Hosts share the Windows computer name of the terminal
server computer. Of multiple Hosts named by the terminal
server computer name, only one can communicate.
Select the Prefix with computer workgroup name check
box to add a prefix to the Host computer name to ensure
Host name uniqueness across multiple domains and work-
groups. The prefix can be its domain or workgroup name.
Use the Separate with field to specify the separator charac-
ter. The default character is a back slash (\), but you can re-
place it by any other character.
The Host name according to the selection above.
Name options
Public Host name
Select this check box to respond to Guests that browse for Hosts by
the Host name.
NOTE: If the Host computer is connected directly to a public network
like the Internet, you may want to clear the selection of this check box
to not invite hacking attempts.
Enable user
Select this check box to enable the name of a user logged on to the
Host computer to enable connections by the user name.
NOTE: If this check box is selected, the user name appears on the
Names tab of the Host window. You may want to clear the selection
of this check box on a server Host to disable connecting by the name
Dialog box help
of a temporarily logged on user or the user as which the Host runs to
acquire the computer rights of the user.
Impero Name Server
In the Name Space ID field specify the name space ID specified on Guests with which
the Host should be able to communicate by using Name Server. The default name
space ID is PUBLIC.
The name space ID applies only if the Host communicates through a communication pro-
file that uses the TCP/IP communication device and for which the Use Impero Name
Server check box in the Advanced TCP/IP Configuration window is selected and
Name Servers are specified.
NOTE: For the changes to the naming or name space ID to take effect, make sure to re-
start the Host.
Connection Notification tab
Use the Connection Notification tab to specify options for connection notification
upon, during and after connection.
Upon connection
Play sound
Select this check box to play a sound when a Guest connects.
The sound file StartHRC.wav is located in the Media folder of the
folder in which the Host is installed.
Display Connection List
Select this check box to display the Connection List window
when a Guest connects.
Specify in the field to the right the number of seconds that this
window should be displayed. Default is 6. The value 0 makes
the Connection List window remain on the screen.
Password to close Con-
nection List
Select this check box and specify a password in the field below
to make the Connection List window remain on the screen
until closed manually.
Characters are displayed as dots or asterisks.
To close the Connection List window, you are prompted to
enter the specified password.
Dialog box help
Display balloon tip
Select this check box to display a balloon tip from the Host icon
when a Guest connects.
During connection
Play sound
Select this check box to play a sound during Guest connection
at this interval.
In the Interval field specify a number in the range for the interval
between sounds in seconds.
The sound file ContHRC.wav is located in the Media folder of
the folder in which the Host is installed.
Display Guest name (if
available) in the title bar
Select this check box to display the connected keyboard and
mouse control Guest name in the title bar, the Windows
taskbar Host icon and the Host icon tool tip.
Animate icon
Select this check box to animate the Host icon double corner
lines during Guest connection.
After connection
Display History List
Select this check box to display the History List window when
a Guest disconnects.
Specify in the field to right the number of seconds this window
should be shown. Default is 0. The value 0 makes the History
List window remain on the screen.
Password to close His-
tory List
Select this check box and specify a password in the field below
to make the History List window remain on the screen until
closed manually.
Characters are shown as dots or asterisks.
To close the History List window, enter the specified pass-
Display balloon tip
Select this check box to display a balloon tip from the Host icon
when a Guest disconnects.
Dialog box help
Audio-Video Chat tab
Use the Audio-Video Chat tab to specify audio and video settings.
Audio Chat
Select the Enable full-duplex audio check box to enable sending audio data between
Guest and Host in both directions at the same time.
NOTE: Some computer audio systems do not support full-duplex audio.
Microphone sensitivity
Silence level
Drag the slider bar to specify the microphone sound input level below
which no sound data should be transferred.
Line hold
Drag the slider bar to specify the time period in which sound data
should continue to be transferred after the microphone sound input
level has dropped below the silence level.
TIP: Try out different Silence level and Line hold settings to optimize
sound transfer.
Click on the Check sound system button to test the computer sound system.
Click on the Advanced button to display the Advanced audio settings dialog box.
See Advanced audio settings.
Video Chat
Click on the Advanced button to display the Advanced Video dialog box.
See Advanced Video.
Remote Printing tab
Use the Remote Printing tab to specify remote Impero printers.
Dialog box help
Click on the Add Printer button to add a remote printer. Follow the guidelines in the dis-
played Add printer guidelines dialog box. Click on the Ready button to start adding a
remote Impero printer.
The remote printers that you add, are displayed in the Remote Impero printers pane.
You can remove an Impero printer by selecting it in the pane and clicking on the Re-
move Printer button.
To send a Host computer print job to a Guest printing device while the Guest is connec-
ted, print to a Host computer remote Impero printer that specifies the Guest printing
NOTE: Special instructions for remote printing from DOS applications are available in the
Impero Knowledge Base.
See also
Send a print job to a remote printer
Help Request tab
Use the Help Request tab to specify general help request options. If unspecified, the
Host user can specify individual options with each help request.
Optional help information
To always specify the same problem description, specify it in this
If the field is left empty, the Help Providers window is displayed
when requesting help, allowing you to specify a problem description
for the individual help request.
To always request help from the same help provider (help service),
specify its name in this field.
If the field is left empty, the Help Providers window is shown when
you request help, allowing you to specify a help provider for the indi-
vidual help request.
Dialog box help
Communication profile
Use current Host commu-
nication profiles
Select this option to send help requests by enabled commu-
nication profiles.
Unless only one communication profile or only communication
profiles that use networking communication devices are en-
abled, the Select Help Request Communication Profile
dialog box is displayed when requesting help.
Use specific Communica-
tion Profile
Select this option and select one of the available Host com-
munication profiles in the drop-down list to use a specific
communication profile.
Click on the Advanced button to display the Advanced Help Request Options dialog
box. See Advanced Help Request Options.
Add Help Request icon to
the tray
Select this check box to add a help request icon (a life belt) to
the notification area in the lower right corner of the screen.
If this icon is added, the Host computer user can request help
even if the Host is hidden.
To request help, double-click on the icon or right-click on the
icon and select Request Help.
Enable Help Service
Select this check box to enable help request by a help ser-
Enable Service Tickets
Select this check box to enable help request by a service
See also
Request help
Set up Help Request on Guest and Host
Dialog box help
Run As tab
Use the Run As tab to enable running the Host with the rights of a Windows user ac-
count if no user is logged on to the Host computer, the Host runs with extensive Host
computer rights but no network computer rights. See the Administrator's Guide, Impero
Connect Processes and Windows Security. If a user is logged on to the Host computer,
the Host runs with the rights of the logged on user.
Run Host as specific user
Select this check box to always run the Host as a spe-
cific Windows user account.
User name
Specify the Windows user account name.
Specify the corresponding password.
Specify the corresponding domain.
CAUTION! Consider carefully in each case the benefits
and drawbacks including security risks of always running
the Host as a specific Windows user account. In some
cases, run the Host as a Windows user account created
exclusively for this purpose.
Automatically change to random
password every week
Select this check box to change the password of the
credentials specified above immediately and every week
into a random password to automatically satisfy a pass-
word change policy.
CAUTION! Do not select this check box if the creden-
tials specified above belong to a user person, as the
user person cannot know the random password.
Directory Services tab
Use the Directory Services tab to specify directory services to enable authenticating
connecting Guests.
Click on the Add button to add a directory service. The Directory Service dialog box in
which you can specify the directory service that you want to use is displayed. See Direct-
Dialog box help
ory Service.
The name of the directory service and the directory server IP address or DNS name is dis-
played in the pane on the Directory Services tab.
To edit the properties of the directory service record, select the record in the pane and
click on the Edit button.
To remove the directory service, select the record in the pane and click on the Delete
See also
Guest Access Security(Grant Each Guest Individual Access Privileges Using Directory Ser-
vices tab).
Multi-Factor Services tab
Use the Multi-Factor Services tab to enable multi-factor authentication when connect-
ing Guests.
Click on the Add button to add the corresponding Multi-Factor service. The Multi-Factor
Service dialog box in which you can specify the multi-factor service that you want to use
is displayed.
Multi-Factor Service Settings
Specify a name for the multi-factor service to be defined.
Multi-Factor Service
The list of services which help safeguard access to data and applica-
tions. Connect currently provides integration to Windows Azure
Multi-Factor Authentication.
Client Certificate
Click on the Choose certificate... button and browse for the Win-
dows Azure certificate to be used for the Windows Azure Multi-
Factor Authentication.
LDAP Phone No At-
The LDAP attribute identifying the user's telephone number. It will
be used to send user the token to be used for multi-factor authen-
Apply to all roles
Select this check box to apply the current multi-factor authentication
service to all roles defined in the Directory Services.
Dialog box help
NOTE: Multi-factor authentication applies to all roles only if the
Guest Access Method selected from Tools > Guest Access Se-
curity is either Grant each Guest individual access privileges using
Windows Security Management or Grant each Guest individual ac-
cess privileges using Directory services.
To edit the properties of the Multi-Factor service record, select the record in the pane and
click on the Edit button.
To remove the multi-factor service, select the record in the pane and click on the Delete
In case there are multiple roles which can apply for a specific authenticating user, each
potentially with a different multi-factor authentication services, the multi-factor authentic-
ation service to be chosen is the one with the highest priority from the list. Order in the list
dictates the priority, top items having the highest priority.
See also
Guest Access Security (Grant Each Guest Individual Access Privileges Using Directory
Services tab).
Web Update tab
Use the Web Update tab to specify web update options to automatically update the
Host installation.
Web Update Settings
Update server
Specify the web address of the server from which to download Host up-
date files (default:, the Impero manufacturer web up-
date server).
NOTE: To update the Impero installations in an organization, we recom-
mend publishing new updates to an internal web update server (select
Publish New Updates on the Tools menu).
HTTP Proxy
Specifying a HTTP proxy is typically not required.
Before specifying a HTTP proxy, click on the Update now button to test the
web update connection. If you receive a message indicating connection to
the update server, specify no HTTP proxy.
If Update now yields no connection, click on the Detect button to make
Dialog box help
Impero attempt to detect the HTTP proxy server and display its name and
port number in the HTTP Proxy field.
Click on the Update now button to test the connection. If unsuccessful,
consult your network/system administrator about what to specify in the
HTTP Proxy field (format: <Server name>:<Port number>).
Update now
Click on this button to connect to the update server specified in the Up-
date server field.
A web update message notifies you if the connection to the update server
fails, if no updates are available or if updates are available, and in the latter
case ask you if you want to download and install updates.
Click on this button to display the Web Update Schedule dialog box and
specify a schedule of checks for updates including download and installa-
tion of available update files.
5.2.10 Select Directory Services Users or Groups
The Select Directory Services Users dialog box and the Select Directory Services
Groups dialog box are similar.
The directory services users or groups that you add here are added to the security role
selected in the Guest Access Security dialog box on the Guest Access Privileges
The upper pane displays directory services specified in the Program Options dialog box
on the Directory Services tab.
Users or groups are displayed below the individual directory services in the pane.
Select a user or group in the upper pane and click on the Add button. The user or group
is added to the lower pane. They are displayed by their distinguished name, for example
the directory path and common name of the user/group, and the directory service name
as specified in the Program Options dialog box on the Directory Services tab.
See also
Guest Access Security (Guest Access Privileges tab)
Directory Service
Index 181
- A -
Active Management Technology (AMT) 36, 38, 40
Add to Phonebook 11
adding a remote printer 69
adding phonebook references 15
adding sections 31
Advanced audio settings dialog box 75
Advanced Help Request Options dialog box 147
Advanced Help Service dialog box 76
Advanced inventory option dialog box 77
Advanced TCP/IP Configuration dialog box 78
Advanced Video dialog box
compression 79
driver 79
alerts 40
Allowed Network Numbers dialog box 148
AMT (Active Management Technology) 36, 38, 40
AMT, vPro 36, 38, 40
audio 75
audio-video chat 57, 67, 169
Digest 38
Kerberos 38
- B -
bindings 78
BIOS 36, 40
Blank Display 16
booting 36, 40
- C -
cache 90
call back 151, 164
capturing video 71
certificate 38
chat 57, 67, 169
clickable bitmap 53
clipboard 66
cloning files 47, 120
Command Console 28
command prompt 28
communicating with Guest user 57
communicating with Host user 67
communication 90
communication devices 79, 88
Communication Profile Edit dialog box 79
Communication Profile Setup dialog box 88
communication profiles 60, 79, 88
Compression/Encryption 90
Connect 90
connect problems 102
Connect to Host dialog box 89
Connect using
communication profile 89
local 89
phonebook file 89
connecting 56
connection 169
Connection Properties dialog box
Compression/Encryption tab 90
Connect tab 90
Custom tab 90
Desktop tab 90
Display tab 90
Keyboard/Mouse tab 90
Logon tab 90
Protect Item tab 90
Record tab 90
Startup tab 90
copying 33
copying files 47
credentials 38, 164
Custom 90
custom inventory items 18, 77
Custom Inventory Items dialog box 103
customizing commands 40
cycling power off and on 40
- D -
demonstrating 70
Desktop 90
Directory Service dialog box 149
directory services 151, 169, 180
Disconnect, Host 58
disconnecting 56
Disk Drives 23
Display 90
- E -
editing communication profiles 79
Connect Index 182
editing phonebook records 12
Encryption 126, 151
ending a session, Host 58
error handling 104
Event Management tab 40
Event Properties 23
Event Viewer 23
Execute Command 20
executing system control commands 20
exporting phonebook data 14
- F -
File Manager 47
File Manager Options dialog box 120
file transfer 33, 47
confirming deletion/overwriting 120
filters 40
- G -
Gateway 79
generating inventory 17
Get Inventory 17
Global Settings dialog box 104
groups 151
Guest Access Privileges 151
Guest Access Security 164
Guest Access Security dialog box 151
Guest ID 164
Guest Policy 151
Guest Profile dialog box 164
- H -
help provider 56, 60, 147, 166
Help Providers dialog box 166
help request 56, 63, 166, 169
executing actions 76
Gateway logon credentials 147
IP address 147
notification 76
phone number 147
Remote Control 126
Remote Control OnDemand 126
running a local program 76
sending a message 76
setting up 60
Help Request dialog box 166
Help Request setup
Guest 60
Host 60
Help Request tab 63
help service 56, 60, 126, 166, 169
Host inventory 17
Host name 169
Host name qualifier 79
Host PC information 90
- I -
IDE redirection 40
importing phonebook data 14
incoming help requests 63
integrating applications 31
Intel Active Management Technology 36
Intel Setup and Configuration Service 36
Intel vPro 36, 126
Intel vPro Event Log 40
Intel vPro tab 38
interface 78
inventory 17, 28, 103, 126
Inventory dialog box 102
Inventory tab 17, 18
IP address 78
IP broadcast list
DNS name 106
IP address 106
IP Broadcast List dialog box 106
IPX communication 126
ISDN communication 148
- K -
keyboard and mouse control 16
Keyboard/Mouse 90
keystrokes, sending 64
- L -
Local Users and Groups 29
Lock Keyboard and Mouse 16
Lock Workstation 20
log file 104
Log Off 20
Log Properties 23
Log Setup dialog box (Host) 107
file transfer 120
logging events
Index 183
logging events
Log Locally 50
Log on Netop Server 50
Log to Windows Event Log 50
Log using SNMP Traps 50
logging events (Host)
locally 107
on Netop server 107
to Windows event log 107
using SNMP traps 107
Logon 90
- M -
MAC/IP Address List Setup 151
magnifying on Host screen 74
Maintenance Password dialog box 167
alerts 40
filters 40
subscriptions 40
Marker Mode 74
marking objects on Host screen 74
masking windows 70
message 67
Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 21
MMC (Microsoft Management Console) 21
Modem Configuration dialog box 125
Modem dialog box 124
monitoring Hosts 19
moving files 47
multi chat session 67
multi Guest session 64
multimedia devices 75
- N -
Name Not Found dialog box 102
name space ID 169
naming 169
Netop authentication 151
Netop log
event codes and arguments (Guest) 113
event codes and arguments (Host) 115
Netop Marker Utility 74
Netop Name Server 78, 169
Netop OnDemand
Help Request 166
Netop Screen Video 71
Netop Security Server 151
Netop Skin Designer 53
Netop Tunnel 44
notification 169
animated Host icon 56
balloon tip 56
connection list 56
history list 56
Host title bar 56
Novell Network Numbers dialog box 126
- O -
File Manager 120
organizing 13
overwrite/delete 104
- P -
password 164
phonebook 12, 15
creating records in 11
exporting data 14
folders 13
History tab 11
importing data 14
Quick Connect tab 11
Remote Desktop access 16
save connection information to 11
phonebook records
password protection 13
Phonebook tab 11, 15
playback device 75
playing back session recordings 52
port numbers 78
powering off, on 40
processing inventory information 18
Program Options dialog box, Guest
Audio-Video Chat tab 126
Cache tab 126
Clipboard tab 126
Directory Services tab 126
Encryption tab 126
General tab 126
Help Request tab 126
Host Name tab 126
Intel vPro tab 126
Inventory tab 126
Layout tab 126
Logon tab 126
Monitor tab 126
Connect Index 184
Program Options dialog box, Guest
Recording tab 126
Remote Control tab 126
Remote Printing tab 126
Run tab 126
Skins tab 126
Smart Card tab 126
Sounds tab 126
Web Update tab 126
Program Options dialog box, Host
Audio-Video Chat tab 169
Connection Notification tab 169
Directory Services tab 169
General tab 169
Help Request tab 169
Host Name tab 169
Multi-Factor Services tab 169
Remote Printing tab 169
Run As tab 169
Web Update tab 169
Protect Item 90
protecting phonebook record files 13
protecting setup with a password 167
provider 166
provisioning 36
public key 151
- R -
RDP 16
rebooting 40
Record 90
Record Session 51, 52
recording device 75
redirecting a print job 69
redirecting print jobs 70
redirection 36
Keys pane 24
Values pane 24
Remote Control OnDemand 60
Remote Desktop access
phonebook 16
Remote Desktop Entry 16
Remote Management 21
Disk Drives 23
Event Viewer 23
Registry 24
Services 25
Task Manager 24
Windows Event Log 23
Remote Management pane 22
remote printing 69, 70
requesting help 56
responding to a help request 63
Restart 20
Retrieve from Host 66
Run dialog box 143
Run Program 46
running a program 126
running a program after inventory scan 77
running a program on a Host 46
running a remote program 143
running a script
File Manager 47
running Host as specific user 169
- S -
Save Screen to Clipboard 66
Save Screen to File 66
script 104
commands 144
creating 33
global settings 144
Script command
Inventory 102
Send Message 146
script commands 33
Script dialog box 144
SCS 36
Secure Tunnel 44
security roles 151
Select Directory Services Users or Groups dialog box
Send Alt+Print Screen 64
Send Alt+Shift+Tab 64
Send Alt+Tab 64
Send Clipboard 66
Send Ctrl+Alt+Del 64
Send Ctrl+Esc 64
Send Message dialog box 146
Send Print Screen 64
sending a print job to a remote printer 69
sending keystrokes 64
sensors 40
service tickets 60, 63, 166, 169
Services 25
session recordings 51, 52
Sessions 33
Shared Folders
Index 185
Shared Folders
Shares tab 27
special shares 27
Shares tab 27
sharing your screen 70
Shut Down 20
Skin Repository Server 53
skins 53, 90, 126
Smart Card 126, 151
special shares 27
startup 90, 169
subscriptions 40
support 166
synchronizing 120
synchronizing files 47
System Control
actions to perform 28
current host state 28
displaying a message on the Host computer 28
options 28
- T -
Task Manager 24
UDP 79
TCP/IP (TCP IPv6) 79
TCP/IP, advanced options 78
Terminal Server 79
tickets 60, 63, 126
TLS (Transport Layer Security) 38
transfer 104
transfer clipboard 66
transferring files 47
Transport Layer Security (TLS) 38
Tunnel 44
- U -
user name 169
users 151
using skins 53
- V -
video 71
add to phonebook 38
vPro Console 36, 40
logging on 38
vPro, AMT 36, 38, 40
- W -
Wake on LAN 20
web update 126, 169
WebConnect 79
WebConnect tickets 60, 63, 126
Windows computer name 169
Windows event log 23
Windows Security Management 151
writing on Host screen 74