Hawaii Must Inform Officer Immediately: YES
Shall Issue (See Must Inform Section)
Note: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi,
Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio,
Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah,
Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming have "Permitless Carry"
Anyone who can legally possess a firearm under state and federal law
may carry in these states without a Permit. Check each states page
for age or other restrictions that may apply.
Hawaii Co. Ordinances Honolulu City/Co. Ordinances Kauaʻi Co. Ordinances Maui Co. Ordinances
Permits/Licenses This State Honors Listed Below
Hawaii does not honor any other states Permits/Licenses.
How to Apply for a Permit
Notice: Each County in Hawaii issues licenses. The Permit is valid State Wide and expires after 4 years.
Visit each counties link for how to apply. Each county can have a few different rules. The links to each
counties Issuing Authority/Information: Hawaii Co., Honolulu Co., Kauaʻi Co., Maui Co. and
Kalawao County. Kalawao County does not have a County Government and is a judicial district of Maui
County. Those living in Kalawao County would most likely apply in Maui County.
Maui Police Department’s Concealed Carry Information (Forms Etc Available at this link)
Honolulu Police Department Registration/Carry permit and Weapons Policy
CCW Links
Honolulu PD Firearm Site
Hawaii PD Firearm Site
Kauaʻi PD Firearm Site
Maui PD Firearm Site
Carry App HPD
Maui PD FAQs
Honolulu PD FAQs
HPD Permit to Acquire
Registration Mandatory
State Gun Laws
State Statutes
State Admin Rules
St Admin Rules Link
St. Code on Firearms
State Attorney General
Age to Carry a Firearm
In Other States
Last Updated: 9/12/2024
134-9 Licenses to Carry.
(a) The chief of police of the county shall grant a license to an applicant to carry a pistol or revolver and
ammunition concealed on the licensee's person within the State, if the applicant:
(1) Satisfies each of the criteria established by or pursuant to subsection (d);
(2) Is not prohibited under section 134-7 from the ownership, possession, or control of a firearm and
(3) Is not found to be lacking the essential character or temperament necessary to be entrusted with a
firearm as set forth in subsection (h);
(4) Is a citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident of the United States or a duly accredited official
representative of a foreign nation;
(5) Is a resident of the State; and
(6) Is of the age of twenty-one years or more.
(c) The chief of police of the appropriate county, or designated representative of the chief of police, shall
perform an inquiry on an applicant by using the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, to
include a check of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement databases if the applicant is not a citizen of
the united States, before any determination to grant a concealed or unconcealed license is made
(d) To be eligible to receive a license to carry a concealed or unconcealed pistol or revolver on the licensee's
person, the applicant shall:
(1) Submit the appropriate carry license application, in person, to the chief of police of the appropriate
county, with:
(A) All fields on the application form completed and all questions answered truthfully, under penalty
of law;
(B) All required signatures present on the application;
(C) Any required documents attached to the application; and
(D) Payment of the nonrefundable license application fee required under this section;
(2) Be the registered owner of the firearm or firearms for which the license to carry will be issued;
provided that this paragraph shall not apply to detectives, private detectives, investigators, and guards
with an active license issued pursuant to chapter 463;
(3) Not be prohibited under section 134-7 from the ownership possession, or control of a firearm;
(4) Have completed a course of training as described in subsection (c) and be certified as qualified to use
the firearm or firearms for which the license to carry will be issued in a safe manner; and
(5) Sign an affidavit expressly acknowledging that:
(A) The applicant has read and is responsible for understanding and complying with the federal, state,
and county laws governing the permissible use of firearms and associated requirements, including:
(i) The prohibition on carrying or possessing a firearm in certain locations and premises;
(ii) The prohibition on carrying more than one firearm on the licensee's person at one
(iii) The prohibition on carrying a firearm on private property of another person without the express
authorization of the owner, lessee, operator, or manager of the private property;
(iv) The requirement to maintain possession of the license on the licensee's person while carrying a
(v) The requirement to disclose information regarding the carrying of a firearm when stopped by
law enforcement;
(vi) The provision for absolute liability for injury or property damage proximately caused by a
legally unjustified discharge of a firearm under section 663-9.5; and
(vii) Laws regarding the use of deadly force for self-defense or the defense of another;
(B) A license to carry issued under this section shall be void if a licensee becomes disqualified from
the ownership, possession, or control of a firearm pursuant to section 134-7(a), (b), (d), or ( f) ;
(C) The license shall be subject to revocation under section 134-13 if a licensee for any other reason
becomes disqualified under section 134-7 from the ownership, possession, or control of a firearm; and
(D) A license that is revoked or that becomes void shall be returned to the chief of police of the
appropriate county within forty-eight hours after the license is revoked or becomes void.
(e) The course of training for issuance of a license under this section may be any course acceptable to the
licensing authority……..
Note: Firearms Instructors will be certified by the Chief of Police of the county. The certified instructors
should know all the certificate requirements to meet the standards of that county. Must be in person training
and have a live fire element. They should put out a list of certified instructors.
(g) An applicant for a license under this section shall:
(1) Sign a waiver at the time of application, allowing the chief of police of the county issuing the license
or a designee of the chief of police access to any records that have a bearing on the mental health of the
applicant; and
(2) Identify any health care providers who possess or may possess the records described in paragraph (1).
(i) A nonrefundable fee of $150 shall be charged for each license application submitted under this section.
The fee shall be chargeable by and payable to the appropriate county and shall
be used for expenses related to police services. The issuing authority shall waive the fee required by this
subsection upon a showing of financial hardship by the applicant.
(m) Unless renewed, a concealed or unconcealed license shall expire four years from the date of issue.
(p) …….As a precondition for the renewal of licenses issued under this section, the chief of police of each
county may establish reasonable ·continuing education, training, and certification requirements, including
requirements pertaining to the safe handling of firearms and shooting proficiency. A nonrefundable fee of
$50 shall be charged for each license renewal application submitted under this section……… The issuing
authority shall waive the fee required by this subsection upon a showing of financial hardship by the
(q) No person carrying a firearm pursuant to a license issued under this section shall intentionally,
knowingly, or recklessly carry more than one firearm on the licensee's person at one time.
(r) A license issued by the chief of police of a county within the State under subsection (a) to carry a pistol
or revolver and ammunition concealed on the licensee's person shall be valid for use in each county within
the State. am L 2023, c 52, §7
Non-Resident Permits
UNKNOWN at this time! State law only states 21 and a US Citizen. State Law and the ordinances of the
different counties never state Resident of Hawaii.
Places Off-Limits Even With a Permit/License Per State Law
Note: Struck Through section below were from US Dist Ct. of Appeals 9th Circuit Wolford v Lopez
(9/6/2024) which were combined cases from CA and HI. Not all sections of CA and HI Places Off Limits
were covered in these cases.
§134-A Prohibition Against Carrying a Firearm In a Sensitive Location; (New Section)
Prohibition against carrying a firearm on the private property of another person without authorization;
(a) A person with a license issued under section 1349, or authorized to carry a firearm in accordance
with title l8 United States Code section 926B or 926C, shall not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly
carry or possess a loaded or unloaded firearm, whether the firearm is operable or not, and whether the
firearm is concealed or unconcealed, while in any of the following locations and premises within the State:
(l) Any building or office owned, leased, or used by the State or a county, and adjacent grounds and
parking areas, (Note: Court order only applies to Parking areas only shared with non-government entities)
including any portion of a building or office used for court proceedings, legislative business, contested
case hearings, agency rulemaking, or other activities of state or county government;
(2) Any public or private hospital, mental health facility, nursing home, clinic, medical office, urgent care
facility, or other place at which medical or health services are customarily provided, including adjacent
parking areas;
(3) Any adult or juvenile detention or correctional facility, prison, or jail, including adjacent parking areas;
(4) Any bar or restaurant serving alcohol or intoxicating liquor as defined in section 2811 for
consumption on the premises, including adjacent parking areas;
(5) Any stadium, movie theater, or concert hall, or any place at which a professional, collegiate, high
school, amateur, or student sporting event is being held, including adjacent parking areas;
(6) All public library property, including buildings, facilities, meeting rooms, spaces used for community
programming, adjacent grounds, and parking areas;
(7) The campus or premises of any public or private community college, college, or university, and
adjacent parking areas, including buildings, classrooms, laboratories, research facilities,
artistic venues, and athletic fields or venues;
(8) The campus or premises of any public school, charter school, private school, preschool, summer camp,
or child care facility as defined in section 346151, including adjacent parking areas, but not including:
(A) A private residence at which education is provided for children who are all related to one another by
blood, marriage, or adoption; or
(B) A dwelling when not used as a child care facility;
(9) Any beach, playground, park, or adjacent parking area, including any state park, state monument,
county park, tennis court, golf course, swimming pool, or other recreation area or facility under control,
maintenance, and management of the State or a county, but not including an authorized target range or
shooting complex;
(10) Any shelter, residential, or programmatic facility or adjacent parking area operated by a government
entity or charitable organization serving unhoused persons, victims of domestic violence, or children,
including children involved in the juvenile justice system;
(11) Any voter service center as defined in section 11-1 or other polling place, including adjacent parking
(12) The premises of any bank or financial institution as defined in section 211D-1, including adjacent
parking areas;
(13) Any place, facility, or vehicle used for public transportation or public transit, and adjacent parking
areas, including buses, paratransit vans, bus shelters and terminals (but not including bus stops located on
public sidewalks), trains, rail stations, and airports;
(14) Any amusement park, aquarium, carnival, circus, fair, museum, water park, or zoo, including adjacent
parking areas; or
(15) Any public gathering, public assembly, or special event conducted on property open to the public,
including any demonstration, march, rally, vigil, protest, picketing, or other public assembly, for which a
permit is obtained from the federal government, the State, or a county, and the sidewalk or street
immediately adjacent to the public gathering, public assembly, or special event; provided that there are
signs clearly and conspicuously posted at visible places along the perimeter of the public gathering, public
assembly, or special event.
(b) This section shall not apply to a person in an exempt category identified in section l34-11(a). It shall be
an affirmative defense to any prosecution under this section that a person is:
(7) Carrying a firearm pursuant to a license issued under section 134-9 or in accordance with title l8
United States Code section 926B or 926C in the immediate area surrounding the person's vehicle within a
parking area for the limited purpose of storing or retrieving the firearm;
(c) The presence of a person in any location or premises listed in subsection (a) shall be prima facie evidence
that the person knew it was a location or premises listed in subsection (a).
(d) Where only a portion of a building or office is owned, leased, or used by the State or a county, this
section shall not apply to the portion of the building or office that is not owned, leased, or used by the State
or a county, unless carrying or possessing a firearm within that portion is otherwise prohibited by this
(g) If any ordinance of any county of the State establishing locations where the carrying of firearms is
prohibited is inconsistent with this section or with section 134-E, the ordinance shall be void to the extent of
the inconsistency. SB 1230 2023
§134-C Leaving Unsecured Firearm in Vehicle Unattended; Penalty. (New Section)
(a) No person shall intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly store or otherwise leave a loaded or unloaded
firearm out of the person's immediate possession or control inside a vehicle without first securely locking the
firearm in a safe storage depository that is out of sight from outside of the vehicle.
(b) For purposes of this section, "safe storage depository" means a safe or other secure impact- and tamper-
resistant container that, when locked, is incapable of being opened without a key, keypad, combination, or
other unlocking mechanism and is capable of preventing an unauthorized person from obtaining access to or
possession of the firearm contained therein. A vehicle's trunk or glove box alone, even if locked, is not a safe
storage depository. SB 1230 2023
§134-D Unlawful Conduct While Carrying a Firearm; Penalty. (New Section)
(a) A person carrying a firearm shall not:
(1) Consume alcohol or intoxicating liquor;
(2) Consume a controlled substance;
(3) Be under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating liquor; or
(4) Be under the influence of a controlled substance.
(b) As used in this section:
“Alcohol” and "intoxicating liquor" shall have the same meaning as in section 281-1.
"Controlled substance" means a drug, substance, or immediate precursor in schedules I through III of part
II of chapter 329. SB 1230 2023
§134-E Carrying or Possessing A Firearm on Private Property of Another Person Without
Authorization; Penalty. (New Section)
(a) A person carrying a firearm pursuant to a license issued under section 134-9 shall not intentionally,
knowingly, or recklessly enter or remain on private property of another person while carrying a loaded or
unloaded firearm, whether the firearm is operable or not, and whether the firearm is concealed or
unconcealed, unless the person has been given express authorization to carry a firearm on the property by the
owner, lessee, operator, or manager of the property.
(c) For purposes of this section: "Private entity" means any homeowners' association, community
association, planned community association, condominium association, cooperative, or any other
nongovernmental entity with covenants, bylaws, or administrative rules, regulations, or provisions governing
the use of private property.
"Private property" does not include property that is owned or leased by any governmental entity.
"Private property of another person" means residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, institutional, or
undeveloped property that is privately owned or leased, unless the person carrying a firearm is an owner,
lessee, operator, or manager of the property, including an ownership interest in a common element or
limited common element of the property;……..
§134-G Failure to Conceal a Firearm by a Concealed Carry Licensee; Penalty. (New Section)
(a} A person commits the offense of failure to conceal a firearm by a concealed carry licensee if a person is
carrying a firearm pursuant to a license issued under section 134-9(a) and intentionally, knowingly, or
recklessly causes alarm to another person by failing to conceal the firearm, even briefly, whether the firearm
was loaded or not, and whether operable or not. SB 1230 2023
§134-1, Definitions
"Concealed" means, in relation to a firearm, that the firearm is entirely hidden from view of the public and
not discernible by ordinary observation, in a manner that a reasonable person without law enforcement
training would be unable to detect the presence of the firearm.
"Unconcealed" means not concealed. am L 2023, c 52, §3
§134-E Authority of Counties. (New Section)
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to affect the authority of any county to impose requirements
relating to firearms that exceed the statewide provisions established in this chapter, including but not limited
to prohibitions against carrying or possessing a firearm in additional locations or premises within that
county." SB 1230 2023
Hawaii County Places Off Limits Per Local Ordinance/s
Section 14-115 Definitions. HI_Co_Bill_220_2022)
As used in this article, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
Under the influence" means the presence of any amount of alcohol, intoxicating or hallucinatory drug, or
substance in the blood or breath. 2022, or d 22-130, sec 2
Section 14-117_ Licenses to Carry Concealed and Unconcealed Firearms.
A person granted a license to carry a concealed or unconcealed firearm shall have the license card in their
possession when carrying the firearm in public, concealed or unconcealed 2022, or d 22-130, sec 2
Section 14-118_ Sensitive Places Prohibition; Exceptions.
(a) Any person granted a license to carry a concealed or unconcealed firearm shall not carry such licensed
firearm in the following sensitive places:
(1) Hospitals, medical facilities, medical offices, and/or medical clinics, except where permission is
granted by the administrator of the facility;
(2) Schools, colleges, universities, and/ or places where persons are assembled for educational purposes,
except where permission is granted by the institution;
(3) Daycare centers, playgrounds, and parks, except where permission is granted by the administrator of
the facility;
(4) Churches or religious assemblies, except where permission is granted by the administrator of the
church, facility, or congregation;
(5) Voter service centers or places of deposit, and any appurtenances thereto, as defined by section 11- 1,
Hawaii Revised Statutes;
(6) Government buildings and the accompanying parking lots attached to such buildings, except when the
licensed firearm is kept in the vehicle unloaded with an affixed trigger lock or in a locked case;
(7) Private property open to the public where it is conspicuously posted that public carry of firearms is
not allowed;
(8) Public transit facilities and any mode of transportation utilized for public transit; and
(9) Bars, restaurants, and establishments that serve alcohol for consumption on its premises.
(10) Places where people are assembled for an event, social gathering, rally, demonstration, or public
exhibition where it is conspicuously posted by the organizers that public carry of firearms is not
(b) Subsection ( a) Shall Not Apply to:
(1) A private security officer when acting in the official capacity of the officer's scope of employment;
(2) A law enforcement officer; or
(3) Any person authorized to carry a firearm under the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of
2004, as amended. 2022, or d 22-130, sec 2
Section 14-119 Carrying Firearm While Intoxicated or Consuming an Intoxicant Prohibited.
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, no person granted a license to carry a concealed or
unconcealed firearm shall carry a firearm while consuming or under the influence of alcohol or any
intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance. 2022, or d 22-130, sec 2
Section 14-119.1 Duty to Inform Law Enforcement Upon Contact.
A person granted a license to carry a concealed or unconcealed firearm and who is in possession of and/ or
carrying their licensed firearm when contacted by a law enforcement officer, shall immediately inform the
law enforcement officer the person is in possession and/ or carrying their licensed firearm, and shall present
the license to the law enforcement officer. 2022, or d 22-130, sec 2
Chapter 15 Parks and Recreation
Section 15-12. Weapons Restricted.
In recreational areas the use and possession of all firearms or other implements designed to discharge
missiles, which are capable of destroying animal life, shall conform with all applicable Federal, State and
County laws. Such firearms or other implements shall not be used in a manner so as to endanger persons or
property. The possession of loaded firearms or other implements, except by law enforcement officers, in
developed, populated, or concentrated use areas is prohibited. (1983 CC, c 15, art 2, sec 15-12.)15-
Honolulu Places Off Limits Per Local Ordinance/s
41-31.1 Declaration of Legislative Intent
41-31.2 Definitions
41-31.3 Prohibition Against the Public Carrying of a Pistol or Revolver Outside Residence Without
a License
41-31.4 Prohibition Against The Public Carrying of Firearms in a Sensitive LocationProhibition
Against Carrying a Firearm on a Private Business Establishment’s or Charitable
Establishment’s Premises Without Express Consent
41-31.5 Signage
41-31.6 Duty to Inform Law Enforcement Upon Contact
41-31.7 Criminal Penalties
41-31.8 Enforcement
41-31.9 Severability
Kauaʻi County Places Off Limits Per Local Ordinance/s
Sec. 22-26.1 Definitions.
When used in this Article the following wording or phrase shall have the meaning given in this Section:
“Public grounds” means all grounds that are under the control and supervision of the County of Kaua‘i,
either by purchase, gift, or otherwise for the use and benefit of the public. Ord. No. 1029, April 27, 2018
Sec. 22-26.2 Prohibitions in Public Grounds.
No person at a public ground, except for law enforcement officers, shall use, carry, or possess whips,
firearms, and weapons of any description, except for bows and arrows for archery competitions and air rifles
for air rifle competitions when authorized by the Director or designated representative on a permit.
Ord. No. 1029, April 27, 2018
Sec. 19-1.4 General Prohibitions Applicable to All Parks and Recreation Facilities.
(a) No person at a park or recreation facility shall:
(8) Use, carry, or possess whips, firearms, and weapons of any description, except for bows and arrows
for archery competitions and air rifles for air rifle competitions when authorized by the Director or
designated representative on a permit. Ord. No. 1107, March 15, 2022
Kauaʻi County Ordinances states you must have a permit issued by the police to carry self-defense sprays.
Kauaʻi Co. Electronic Gun Information Kauaʻi Co. Pepper Spray Application
Taking Firearms into Hawaii
Maui Co. has more Information on Registration of firearms on visitors.
§134-3 Registration, Mandatory, Exceptions. (a) Every resident or other person arriving in the State who
brings or by any other manner causes to be brought into the State a firearm of any description, whether
usable or unusable, serviceable or unserviceable, modern or antique, shall register the firearm within five
days after arrival of the person or of the firearm, whichever arrives later, with the chief of police of the
county of the person's place of business or, if there is no place of business, the person's residence or, if there
is neither a place of business nor residence, the person's place of sojourn. A nonresident alien may bring
firearms not otherwise prohibited by law into the State for a continuous period not to exceed ninety days;
provided that the person meets the registration requirement of this section and the person possesses:
(1) A valid Hawaii hunting license procured under chapter 183D, part II, or a commercial or private
shooting preserve permit issued pursuant to section 183D-34;
(2) A written document indicating the person has been invited to the State to shoot on private land; or
(3) Written notification from a firing range or target shooting business indicating that the person will
actually engage in target shooting. am L 2020, c 68, §2 and c 74, §5]
§134-7.3 Seizure of firearms upon disqualification. (a) If any applicant is denied a permit, the Chiefs of
Police of the respective counties shall send, by certified mail, a notice setting forth the reasons for the denial
and may require that the applicant voluntarily surrender all firearms and ammunition to the chief of police
where the applicant resides or dispose of all firearms and ammunition. If an applicant fails to voluntarily
surrender or dispose of all firearms and ammunition within thirty days from the date notice was mailed, the
chief of police may seize all firearms and ammunition. Amended by L 2019, c 150,§ 4,
Note: The Hawaii Attorney General releases reports every year on the number of firearms registered and
the number of permits to carry that are issued. The reports for the years 2000-2016 report that only four
permits to carry have been issued to civilians. You can reach the reports for every year by going Here.
Hawaii Gun Laws can be found in their state statutes 134-1 thru 134-53.
HI Admin Rule §19-14-3 Conduct of the Public.
(e) Firearms, explosives and incendiary devices. Except for federal, state, and county law enforcement
officers, armored car personnel making pickups and deliveries, authorized by the director, from and to
airport tenants or permittees, and other employees authorized by their air carriers to carry firearms, no
person may enter a sterile area, or board or attempt to board an air carrier aircraft while possessing on or
about his person (including carry-on baggage) any firearm, explosive or incendiary device. 4/17/09
Rules Regulating Wildlife Sanctuaries
HI Admin Code §13-126-31 Firearms and Other Weapons .
(a) No person shall use or possess bow and arrows, crossbows, firearms, pellet or BB guns, slingshots, or
other implements designed to discharge projectiles except as provided herein.
(b) Firearms and other weapons may be used or possessed if done so in accordance with section 13-126-35
and other rules of the department, except in sanctuaries that are closed in accordance with section 13-126-6.
Firearms and other weapons shall be unloaded when transported through non-hunting areas of the premises.
‘lolani Palace State Monument Restrictions
HI Admin Rule §13-146-70 ‘lolani Palace State Monument Restrictions
(a)All other rules in this chapter shall apply to ‘lolani Palace State Monument except as provided herein.
(12) weapons of any type, except those specifically permitted by the Department for ceremonial and
reenactment events; Oct 8, 2020
Kaho‘Olawe Island Reserve
HI Admin Rules §13-261-14 Prohibited Activities
(b)(5) To possess or use or discharge any firearm, bow and arrow, spear gun or any other weapon, trap
, snare, poison, or any device designed to take, capture, or kill wildlife. July 6, 2002
Note: Below are Hawaii Admin Rules Covering St. Parks/Forest Preserves and University of Hawaii. They
have wording stating: all applicable federal, state and county statutes, ordinances, and rules.
Handgunlaw.us believes this would mean in possession of a Permit to Carry but do use caution as the law
can be read in different ways and will be updated when more information becomes available.
State Parks and Forest Reserves
HI Admin Rule §13-146-19 Firearms and Other Weapons (State Parks)
(a) No person shall use or possess bow and arrows, crossbows, firearms, pellet or BB guns, paintball guns,
slingshots, or other implements designed to discharge missiles except as provided herein.
(b) Firearms and other weapons may be used or possessed if in accordance with section 1314641. The
use or possession of firearms, and other weapons, when permitted, shall be subject to all federal, state,
and county laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Firearms and other weapons shall be unloaded when
transported through nonhunting areas of the premises Oct 8, 2020
HI Admin Code §13-104-9 (State Reserves) Firearms or other weapons. Firearms and other weapons,
including those discharging projectiles by air or gas operation; or bow and arrow, are prohibited except as
permitted by department hunting rules and are subject to all applicable federal, state, and county
statutes, ordinances, and rules. Jan. 16, 2021
Note: The law on carrying in some places seems to allow for legal carry by permit holders. Others are
saying that State/National Parks and Forest Reserves are off limits even with a Legal Permit. Use Caution.
University of Hawaii
HI Admin Code §20-26-27 Firearms or other weapons. Firearms, bows and arrows, knives with blade
length greater than three (3) inches and other weapons are prohibited within the UH management areas,
except when permitted by the hunting rules of the department of land and natural resources or for use by law
enforcement officers. The use and possession of any such weapons are subject to all applicable federal,
state and county statutes, ordinances, and rules. Jan 23, 2020
Unencumbered Public Lands
Note: Unencumbered Public Land is put here mainly to define it and carry with permit is allowed.
HI Admin Code §13-221-19 Firearms, Traps, and Other Weapons. The use or possession by any person
of air guns, pellet guns, firearms, traps, other weapons, or other implements designed to discharge missiles
shall be subject to all federal, state, and county laws and rules. Firearms and other weapons shall be
unloaded when transported through nonhunting areas. Feb 06 1988
HI Admin Code §13-221-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
"Unencumbered public lands" mean any lands defined as public lands by section 171-2, HRS, and
which have not been:
(1) Set aside for any purpose, by statute, executive order or otherwise, to a governmental agency, or
(2) Encumbered by lease, license, permit, easement or otherwise issued by the department.
Unencumbered public lands include, but are not limited to, beach and coastal areas, submerged
lands, and mountainous non-forest reserve, wildlife, or park areas (hereinafter called the
"premises"). Feb 06 1988
Notice: Go Here to see Stun Gun Statutes. Hawaii now allows the possession and carrying due to law suit.
For Federal Restrictions on Firearms see the USA Page.
Do “No Gun Signs” Have the Force of Law?
YES/NO”? They could but looks like a warning has to be given first. This is a very anti gun state.
§708-814 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree.
(1) A person commits the offense of criminal trespass in the second degree if:
(b) The person enters or remains unlawfully in or upon commercial premises after a reasonable warning or
request to leave by the owner or lessee of the commercial premises, the owner's or lessee's authorized agent,
or a police officer; provided that this paragraph shall not apply to any conduct or activity subject to
regulation by the National Labor Relations Act.
For the purposes of this paragraph, "reasonable warning or request" means a warning or request
communicated in writing at any time within a one-year period inclusive of the date the incident occurred,
which may be evidenced by a copy of the previously issued written warning or request, whether or not the
copy is posted at the premises or retained by the county police department, and which may contain but is not
limited to the following information: am L 2023, c 209, §4
Must inform Officer Immediately on Contact by Law?
§134~D Duty To Maintain Possession of License While Carrying a Firearm; Duty to
Disclose; Penalty. (New Section)
(a) A person carrying a firearm pursuant to a license issued under section 134-9, or in accordance with title
18 United States Code section 926B or 926C, shall have in the person's immediate possession:
(1) The license issued under section 134-9 or credentials as required under title 18 United
States Code section 926B or 926C; and
(2) Documentary evidence that the firearm being carried is registered under this chapter,
and shall, upon request from a law enforcement officer, present the license or credentials and evidence of
(b) When a person carrying a firearm, including but not limited to a person carrying a firearm pursuant to a
license issued under section 134-9 or in accordance with title l8 United States Code section 926B or 926C, is
stopped by a law enforcement officer or is a driver or passenger in a vehicle stopped by a law enforcement
officer, the person carrying a firearm shall immediately disclose to the law enforcement officer that the
person is carrying a firearm, and shall, upon request:
(1) Identify the specific location of the firearm; and
(2) Present to the law enforcement officer a license to carry a firearm issued under section
134-9 or credentials as required under title 18 United States Code section 926B or 926C. SB 1230 2023
Carry In State Parks//WMA/Road Side Rest Areas & St. /Nat. Forests
Carry Allowed in these Areas:
State/National Parks: NO Admin Code § 13-146-19
State Wildlife Sanctuaries: NO Admin Code §13-126-31
State Forests Reserves: NO Admin Code §13-104-9 Forest Reserve Rules
State Game Management Areas: NO HI Admin Code §13-123-22
Road Side Rest Areas: YES §134-26 Not in Buildings
RV/Car Carry Without a Permit/License
You can’t carry a loaded handgun in any vehicle without a Valid Hawaii Permit to Carry.
§134-26 Carrying or possessing a loaded firearm on a public highway; penalty.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person on any public highway to carry on the person, or to have in the
person's possession, or to carry in a vehicle any firearm loaded with ammunition; provided that this section
shall not apply to any person who has in the person's possession or carries a pistol or revolver in accordance
with a license issued as provided in section 134-9.
(b) Any vehicle used in the commission of an offense under this section shall be forfeited to the State,
subject to the notice and hearing requirements of chapter 712A.
(c) Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a class B felony. [L 2006, c 66, pt of §1]
Note: See “Places Off Limits” Section for Mandatory Firearms Registration if you take a firearm into
Open Carry (Without a Valid Permit/License)
Open Carry is Illegal in Hawaii unless you have a permit issued by Hawaii that is issued for Open Carry.
When Hunting with a pistol with the proper license a pistol can be carried and it must be carried openly.
State Preemption
§134-E Authority of Counties. (New Section)
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to affect the authority of any county to impose requirements
relating to firearms that exceed the statewide provisions established in this chapter, including but not limited
to prohibitions against carrying or possessing a firearm in additional locations or premises within that
county." SB 1230 2023
§46-1.5 General Powers and Limitation of the Counties.
(13) Each county shall have the power to enact ordinances deemed necessary to protect health, life, and
property, and to preserve the order and security of the county and its inhabitants on any subject or matter not
inconsistent with, or tending to defeat, the intent of any state statute where the statute does not disclose an
express or implied intent that the statute shall be exclusive or uniform throughout the State;
am L 2023, c 234, §1
Note: Each county can have restrictions on where firearms can be carried and rules for issuing Licenses.
Deadly Force Laws
Chapter 703
General Principles of Justification
§703-300 Definitions relating to justification.
§703-301 Justification a defense; civil remedies unaffected.
§703-302 Choice of evils.
§703-303 Execution of public duty.
§703-304 Use of force in self-protection.
§703-305 Use of force for the protection of other persons.
§703-306 Use of force for the protection of property.
§703-307 Use of force in law enforcement.
§703-308 Use of force to prevent suicide or the commission of a crime.
§703-309 Use of force by persons with special responsibility for care, discipline, or safety of others.
§703-310 Provisions generally applicable to justification.
Knife Laws State/Cities
To access State/Local Knife Laws Click “Here”
Carry in Restaurants That Serve Alcohol
§134-A Prohibition Against Carrying a Firearm In a Sensitive Location; (New Section)
(a) (4) Any bar or restaurant serving alcohol or intoxicating liquor as defined in section 2811 for
consumption on the premises, including adjacent parking areas;
Note: A “YES” above means you can carry into places like described below. “NO” means you can’t.
Handgunlaw.us definition of “Restaurant Carry” is carry in a restaurant that serves alcohol. Places
like Friday’s or Red Lobster unless posted with “No Gun Signs.” This may or may not mean the bar
or the bar area of a restaurant. But you can carry your firearm into a restaurant that serves alcohol
and sit and eat without consuming. Handgunlaw.us recommends you not sit at the Bar or in the Bar
area of such restaurants. In some states it is illegal to be in the Bar area of such restaurants.
Handgunlaw.us believes you should never consume alcohol when carrying your firearm. In some
states it is illegal to take even one drink while carrying a firearm. If you want further info on carrying
in places that serve alcohol check your state laws.
Chemical Sprays/Stun Gun/Higher Capacity Magazine Laws
High Capacity Ammunition Magazines
Note: On 3/29/19 US District Judge Roger T. Benitez of the US Dist CT Southern Dist of California Ruled
that CA Penal Code § 32310 (Code at link and below) ban on the possession/importation of Magazines
that could hold more than 10 rounds as Unconstitutional and Enjoining Enforcement. He then stayed his
decision until appeals were heard.
On 8/14/2020 the US 9th Circuit Affirmed the Original Decision by District Judge Robert Benitez. He also
stayed his order until any appeals were heard. The State of California can ask for an en banc panel of judges
from the 9
or can ask to go to the US Supreme Court. The ban on mags is still in effect and will be unless
Judge Benitez lifts his stay or the 9
Circuit lifts it. This ruling if not appealed would make the California
and Hawaii mag bans unconstitutional and their laws on such null of void. This would also affect City Mag
Bans. This ruling also is in conflict with other District Courts rulings and these are cases the US Supreme
Court hears as the lower courts can’t agree. Time will tell.
§134-8 (c). “The manufacture, possession, sale, barter, trade, gift, transfer, or acquisition of detachable
ammunition magazines with a capacity in excess of ten rounds which are designed for or capable of use with
a pistol is prohibited." This subsection shall not apply to magazines originally designed to accept more than
ten rounds of ammunition which have been modified to accept no more than ten rounds and which are not
capable of being readily restored to a capacity of more than ten rounds. L 1992, c 286, §§3, 4
Stun Devices/Electric Weapons:
§134-81 Definitions. As Used in This Part:
"Cartridge" means any device or object that is designed to be used with an electric gun to project a missile.
"Cartridge" includes but is not limited to a Taser cartridge.
"Electric gun" means any portable device that is designed to discharge electric energy, charge, voltage, or
current into the body through direct contact or utilizing a projectile. "Electric gun" includes but is not
limited to devices commonly referred to as stun guns and Tasers. "Electric gun" does not include any
automatic external defibrillator used in emergency medical situations. L 2021, c 183, pt of §2
§134-82- Restrictions on Use, Sale, Offer for Sale, Distribution, and Transfer of Electric Guns and
Cartridges. L 2021, c 183, pt of §2
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly or recklessly use an electric gun for any purpose except:
(1) Self-defense;
(2) Defense of another person; or
(3) Protection of property of the person or of another person.
(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly sell, offer to sell, distribute, or otherwise transfer an
electric gun or cartridge to a person less than twenty-one years of age. L 2021, c 183, pt of §2
§134-84 Sale, offer for sale, distribution, or transfer of electric guns or cartridges
(f) Before completing a sale, distribution, or other transfer of an electric gun, the licensee or an employee of
the licensee shall conduct a criminal history background check of the recipient. At minimum, the criminal
history background check shall be a name-based search of the adult criminal conviction records maintained
by the Hawaii criminal justice data center. The licensee or employee of the licensee shall require the
recipient to review a printed copy of the results of the background check. After the review, the recipient
shall sign and date a declaration. The declaration shall be in the following form: "I, (name of recipient),
declare under penalty of law that the attached document accurately reflects my adult criminal conviction
history in Hawaii. I further declare that I do not have any convictions or charges pending against me that
disqualify me from owning an electric gun. I further declare under penalty of law that I am not disqualified
from owning an electric gun." The licensee or employee of the licensee shall witness the recipient sign the
declaration and sign the declaration as a witness. If the recipient is disqualified from owning an electric gun,
or refuses or is unable to sign or make the declaration, the licensee shall immediately terminate the sale,
distribution, or transfer.
(g) Before completing a sale, distribution, or other transfer of an electric gun, the licensee or an employee of
the licensee shall provide an informational briefing to the recipient that includes but is not limited to the
(1) The safe use and handling of electric guns;
(2) Current information about the effects, dangers, risks, and limitations of electric guns;
(3) Education on the current state laws on electric guns; and
(4) The proper disposal of electric guns.
(h) Upon completion of the informational briefing, the licensee shall provide a certification of informational
briefing that is signed and dated by the recipient and the person who provided the informational briefing
acknowledging that the briefing was completed and that the recipient understood the briefing. The
certification shall include the names of the recipient and the person who provided the informational briefing
and the date of the briefing. The form of the certification shall be as provided by the county office that
issued the license to the licensee. L 2021, c 183, pt of §2
§134-85 Disposal of Electric Gun or Cartridge.
A person who is not a licensee may sell or otherwise transfer an electric gun or cartridge to a licensee or the
chief of police of the appropriate county or designee. L 2021, c 183, pt of §2
§134-86 Ownership or Possession Prohibited.
(f) No person shall possess an electric gun that is owned by another, regardless of whether the owner has
consented to possession of the electric gun. L 2021, c 183, pt of §2
§134-88 Storage of Electric Gun; Responsibility With Respect to Minors.
(a) No person shall store or keep any electric gun on any premises under the person's control if the person
knows or reasonably should know that a minor is likely to gain access to the electric gun, unless the person:
(1) Keeps the electric gun in a securely locked box or other container or in a location that a reasonable
person would believe to be secure; or
(2) Carries the electric gun on the person or within such close proximity thereto that the minor cannot
gain access or control of the electric gun. L 2021, c 183, pt of §2
Chemical Sprays:
Ordinances of Hawaii County
Section 14-8. Possession and use of Obnoxious Substance Prohibited.
(a) No person shall use a shell, cartridge, bomb, gun, or other device capable of emitting any liquid,
gaseous, or solid substance or any combination thereof, which is injurious to a person or property, or which
is nauseous, sickening, irritating or offensive to any of the senses; to injure, molest, discomfort, discommode,
or coerce another in the use or control of their person or property or engage in a “crime of violence” as
defined in Hawai‘i Revised Statutes Title 37, which involves injury or threat of injury to the person or
property of another.
(b) No person shall possess, discharge, use, transport, sell, or offer to sell any shell, cartridge, bomb, gun, or
other device capable of emitting chloroacetophenone (CN), orthochlorobenzylmalononitrile (CS), or their
derivatives in any form. (1983 CC, c 14, art 2, sec 14-8; am1995, ord95-90, sec2.)14-8
Ordinances of Honolulu County Includes - Island of Oʻahu
Sec. 41-37.1 Definitions.
“Chemical device” means any aerosol container or other device that is capable of emitting
chloroacetaphenone (CN), orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile (CS), or oleoresin capsicum (OC), or any
combination or derivative thereof, in a vapor or liquid form.
“Pepper spray” means any aerosol container or other device designed to fit into a handbag or a pants
pocket and has a trigger-guard, flip top or other mechanism to prevent the accidental release of the spray,
that: (1) is capable of emitting oleoresin capsicum (OC), or any derivative thereof, in a vapor or liquid
form; (2) contains only the chemical substance oleoresin capsicum, or any derivative thereof, without
containing chloroacetaphenone (CN) or orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile (CS); and (3) contains a non-
flammable propellant and/or carrier. (Added by Ord. 95-49)
Sec. 41-37.3 Restrictions on Possession, Sale, and Use of Pepper Sprays.
(a) It is unlawful for any person to use any pepper spray for any purpose except:
(1) Self-defense;
(2) Defense of another person; or
(3) Protection of property of the person or of another person.
(b) It is unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale any pepper spray in the city without a license
obtained pursuant to Section 41-37.4.
(c) It is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale or otherwise furnish any pepper spray to a minor in
the city.
(d) It is unlawful for a minor to purchase, possess or use any pepper spray in the city.
(e) It is unlawful to sell or offer for sale any pepper spray on premises where liquor or alcoholic
beverages are consumed.
(f) It is unlawful for any person to alter the manufacturer’s name on any pepper spray to be carried or
used in the city. (Added by Ord. 95-49)
Kauaʻi County
§ 22-15.2 Restrictions on Possession and Use of Pepper Spray.
(a) No person shall use or possess pepper spray in a volume greater than two (2) ounces.
(b) A person may possess and use pepper spray stored in any aerosol container or other device with a
maximum volume of two (2) ounces, which is designed to fit into a handbag or a pants pocket. The container
or device must have a mechanism to prevent the accidental release of the spray, and the container or device
must use a nonflammable propellant or carrier. It is unlawful for any person to use pepper spray for any
purpose, except:
(1) Self-defense;
(2) Defense of another person; or
(3) Protection of property of the person or of another person.
LEOSA State Information
LEOSA Information from Hawaii Criminal Justice Division. (Added 10/10/18)
Hawaii LEOSA Certification and Guideline Links Visiting for 5 days must register firearm with police.
LEOSA Application for Hawaii State Firearm Certification
Regulation "State of Hawaii Firearm Certification for Qualified Retired Law Enforcement Officers"
See the LEOSA Section on the USA Page at Handgunlaw.us for more LEOSA Information.
Attorney General Opinions/Court Cases
US Dist Court S. Dist of CA Ruling that § 32310 Magazine Ban Ruled Unconstitutional. (3/2019)
US Court of Appeals 9th Circuit. Upheld Dist Court Ruling on Mag Ban Above. (8/2020)
US Ct of Appeals 9
Circuit Rules Permit Needed to Open Carry (3/2021) Young v Hawaii
HI AG Official Opinion Bruen and Striking Down of “Proper Cause.” (7/2022)
Airport Carry/Misc. Information
Airport Carry: NO Hawaii Administrative Rules 19-14-3 (e)
Training Valid for: 4 Years
Time Period to Establish Residency: Upon Attaining HI Drivers License or State Issued ID
Minimum Age for Permit/License: 21 HRS §134-9
Permit/License Info Public Information: NO
State Firearm Laws: Hawaii Statutes - §134-2 thru §134-90
Hawaii Co. HI_Co_Bill_220_2022
Honolulu Includes - Island of Oʻahu Ordinances 41-37.1 and 41-37.3
Kauaʻi Co.
Maui Co.
State Deadly Force Laws: §703-300 thru §703-310
State Knife Laws: 134-12.5 & 134-51 thru 134-53
Chemical/Electric Weapons Laws: (Elec) State - HS 134-81 thru 134-90
Hawaii Co. Ordinance (Chem) Section 14-8
Honolulu - Includes Island of Oʻahu Ordinances 41-37.1 & 41-37.3 E-Guns Info
Kauaʻi Co. E-Gun Info
Maui Co. (Includes Kalawao Co.) - No known ordinance at this time.
Body Armor Laws: Unknown
Does Your Permit Cover Other Weapons Besides Firearms? NO HRS §134-9
State Safe Storage/Access by Minors Statute/s:
HI Statutes - § 134-10.5 and § 707-714.5 §134-88 covers Electric Weapons
Hawaii Co. No known ordinance at this time.
Honolulu - Includes Island of Oʻahu No known ordinance at this time.
Kauaʻi Co. No known ordinance at this time.
Maui Co. (Includes Kalawao Co.) - No known ordinance at this time.
Is carrying of a Concealed Firearm with License
for Defensive Purposes Only While Hunting Legal? NO Only weapons that are authorized for the
particular hunt are to be in the hunter's possession, while on the public hunting
area. HI Dept of Land and Nat Resources Rules Title 13 Chapter 123-22(2)(J)
What Does HI Consider A Loaded Firearm?
Vol 3 Part I. General Regulations §134-1 Definitions.
"Firearm loaded with ammunition" and "loaded firearm" means a firearm with ammunition present
within the firing chamber, revolving cylinder, or within a magazine which is inserted in a firearm.
L 2021, c 183, §4
State Emergency Powers
§134-7.2 Prohibition Against Seizure of Firearms or Ammunition During Emergency or Disaster;
Suspension of Permit or License.
(a) Notwithstanding any provision of chapter 127A or any other law to the contrary, no person or
government entity shall seize or confiscate, under any emergency or disaster relief powers or functions
conferred, or during any emergency period, as defined in section 127A-2, or during any time of national
emergency or crisis, as defined in section 134-34, any firearm or ammunition from any individual who is
lawfully permitted to carry or possess the firearm or ammunition under part I of this chapter and who carries,
possesses, or uses the firearm or ammunition in a lawful manner and in accordance with the criminal laws of
this State.
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of chapter 127A or any other law to the contrary, no person or
government entity shall suspend, revoke, or limit, under any emergency or disaster relief powers or functions
conferred, any lawfully acquired and maintained permit or license obtained under and in accordance with
part I of this chapter.
(c) For purposes of this section, "government entity" means any unit of government in this State, including
the State and any county or combination of counties, department, agency, institution, board, commission,
district, council, bureau, office, governing authority, or other instrumentality of state or county government,
or corporation or other establishment owned, operated, or managed by or on behalf of this State or any
county. [L 2010, c 96, §1; am L 2014, c 111, §7]
Note: Federal Law can apply if the state is receiving monetary and/or other assistance from the Federal
Government. See US Code 42-5207 for Federal Law as it applies to States of Emergencies. The state quoted
code may also not be all of the law on Emergency Powers held by the state. You should read the entire code
on Emergency Powers etc for this state by following the link to the state code.
Minimum Age for Possessing and Transporting of Handguns.
Hawaii 21 Y/O §134-2 Hawaii requires all firearms to be registered.
This is the minimum age for possessing and transporting a handgun unloaded and secured in a vehicle
without any type of permit/license to carry firearms. Some states (and counties) require Firearms
Identification Cards, and/or registration.
Note: In some states Possession and Transportation CAN be very restrictive in that you can ONLY
possess and transport a handgun to and from a Shooting Range, Gun Shop, property you own or other
places you can legally possess a handgun. Some states do not have this restriction.
This is not the last word on possession and transporting of handguns in this, or any other state. Study your
state law further for more information. See “RV/Car Carry” Section Above for more information.
Permit/License Image
To see a larger version of this Registration click Here
Updates to this Page
202 Links*
Archive of Previous Updates 1
7/1/2023 Major Update to Many Sections Per SB 1230. . . . Florida Now Honors the Hawaii Permit to Carry. Florida Now A
Permitless Carry State. All Links Checked.
8/1/2023 North Dakota Permitless Carry no Longer Restricted to ND Residents. Listing Under Map Updated.
9/2/2023 Nebraska Added as a Permitless Carry State Under Map.
10/14/2023 Al; Links Checked.
1/1/2024 - Maui Police Department’s Concealed Carry Weapon Policy Added to How to Apply Section.
1/8/2024 - All Links Checked.
1/13/2024 Maui Co Links for CCW Application Rules/FAQs and Registration Links Updated.
1/24/2024 - Honolulu Police Department Registration/Carry permit and Weapons Policy Link Added to How to Apply Section.
7/4/2024 Minnesota Now Honors Hawaii. . . Louisiana Added as Permitless Carry State in Listing Under Map.
9/1/2024 All External Links, Statutes and Admin Rules Quoted Have Been Checked and are up to Date and Point to the Most Up
to Date Edition of that Statute/Admin Rule and/or Document.
9/12/2024 Places Off Limits Updated with Link to Appeals Ct Ruling with Note at Top of Section.