Committee 21
Continence Promotion, Education
& Primary Prevention
D. K. N
C. H. E
D. G
ORDON (Australia),
V. S. S
RINI (India),
K. W
B. C
Continence Foundation of Australia
Interstitial Cystitis Association, USA
K. N
Japan Continence Society, Japan
N. N
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, USA
Continence promotion, education and primary
prevention involves informing and educating the public
and health care professionals that urinary incontinence
and faecal incontinence are not inevitable, but are
treatable or at least manageable. In addition, other
bladder disorders such as bladder pain syndrome/
painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis and pelvic
organ prolapse can be treated successfully. Taboos
on mentioning disorders of the bladder and bowel are
gradually lifting in most cultures. Two decades ago it
was almost impossible to have urinary incontinence
discussed in the media. Today, in most countries,
consensus panels, government funding of continence
initiatives and practice guidelines have been developed
in the area of urinary and faecal incontinence, and
many are referenced in this chapter. Around the world,
expert panels have suggested that urinary and faecal
incontinence be combined through a multidisciplinary
approach to further research priorities.
Thus, there have been advances in promoting
awareness of both urinary and faecal incontinence.
Popular magazines, local and national papers, radio,
and television, regularly cover topics on urinary
incontinence in most developed countries. Many
countries have run national or local public awareness
campaigns, usually spearheaded by a national
continence organisation. Many also have confidential
help lines, which can be accessed anonymously. The
World Wide Web provides a convenient source of
health information for a growing number of consumers.
Some experts believe that persons with incontinence
might get valuable advice and comfort by using
interactive services such as the chat rooms on the
internet. However, in developing countries, public
information and campaigns through these mediums
is limited or non-existent.
This chapter updates previous International
Consultation on Incontinence (ICI) chapters on three
areas: continence promotion, education and primary
The majority of information available in these areas
is on urinary and faecal incontinence which are the
primary focus of this chapter. The first section reviews
continence awareness by discussing health promotion
and care-seeking behaviours for these conditions. It
is evident that progress has been made in the
promotion of continence on a worldwide basis but not
much has changed in help-seeking behaviour for
these disorders.
There is a lack of evidence on translating awareness
into behavioural change and on what triggers help-
seeking behaviour. Information is provided on
continence promotion programs and advocacy through
service delivery, models of care and worldwide
organizations. Although there is a great deal of
published information on building public and health
care professional awareness of incontinence, there is
minimal information on the effectiveness of changing
public and professional attitudes and knowledge about
it. Documentation of the success of campaigns is
lacking and should be measured by behavioural
changes and ultimately by improved patient outcomes.
A second topic reviewed in this chapter is the education
of professionals in the areas of urinary incontinence,
faecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and bladder
pain syndrome. The use of medical guidelines and care
pathways will be discussed. Finally, as these conditions
are prevalent but often ignored by sufferers and
professional, the third topic addressed is primary
prevention with identification of modifiable risk factors.
There is a need for further research to substantiate
the benefits of primary preventative strategies,
including long term follow-up.
Continence Promotion, Education &
Primary Prevention
The online databases Medline, Embase, Biosis, Cinahl,
Pychinfo, ERIC and Cochrane were searched, with
focus on literatures published in and after 2003. The
following search terms were used: awareness,
consumer, education, urinary incontinence (UI), faecal
incontinence (FI), incontinence, continence, continence
awareness, continence promotion, health education,
public education, public awareness, pelvic organ
prolapse (POP), interstitial cystitis (IC), bladder pain
syndrome (BPS), painful bladder syndrome (PBS)
and outcome measures. Non-English language papers
were noted but excluded from the review unless they
contained English-language abstract providing
sufficient information.
For a health-related issue like incontinence, the
altruistic reason to educate consumers – referring
mainly those with incontinence and their family
members or informal caregivers, as well as individuals
at risk – must be to increase awareness of incontinence
and the benefits of prevention and management, with
the noble goals of eliminating stigma, promoting
disclosure and care-seeking, and reducing suffering
[1]. Much of the health promotion efforts related to
continence issues are undertaken by the many non-
governmental continence organisations, professional
and advocacy groups listed in Appendix I. Although
in some countries, there is also strong governmental
support, including a national advocacy on achieving
an effective health literacy system. Components of
such a system involving many levels of educational,
health-care, and community service providers have
been identified and include: (a) an information
dissemination system providing materials that are
readable, comprehensible, trustworthy, and culturally
sensitive; (b) a coordinated health literacy learning
system; (c) a measurement and assessment system;
(d) a formal and informal health advice system,
including a hotline, handbook, and online support;
and (e) a health care professional educational system
Consumer education in terms of having access to
information about incontinence in this age of digital
technology is a non-issue, especially for those internet
users who tend to have a higher literacy level [2]. In
light of the reluctance of those affected by stigmatized
illnesses such as incontinence to seek treatment or
to ask health care professionals for information, the
internet may prove to be a useful tool for patient
education and public health outreach. [3, 4].
The internet is widely accessible and frequently
searched for health information. Recent estimates
indicate that around 20% of U.S.A. adults use the
internet for health information [5]. Among those who
do not use the internet, 60% are aware of publicly
available internet access points within their community
[6]. Also, the internet can be searched anonymously
and informally. People with low levels of education and
low socioeconomic status are less likely to use the
internet [7]. Health care professionals can assist
consumers to find reliable information sources by
providing details of reputable web sites [8].
In a national survey of internet users in the U.S.A., [9]
Berger 2005, found a trend among people with a
stigmatized illness such as UI to more likely report that
using the internet increased their health care utilization
and communication with a health care provider.
A Google search for “urinary incontinence (UI)” and
“faecal incontinence (FI)” yielded about 1.7 million and
62,800 websites respectively; “interstitial cystitis (IC)”
- 828,000 sites, “painful bladder syndrome (PBS)” –
38,000 sites and “pelvic organ prolapse (POP)” –
120,000 sites. Many were repetitions. For “continence
promotion”, the yield was about 6,450 sites, and for
“continence awareness (CA)”, it was about 2,840. There
was reference to 114 sites for “continence awareness”
and “UI” or “FI”; 35 sites for “continence awareness” and
“IC”, and 40 sites for “continence awareness” and
“POP”. Many of the sites were related to non-
government organisations such as the International
Continence Society (ICS), the National Association for
Continence (NAFC) and the Interstitial Cystitis
Association (ICA), and the International Foundation for
Functional Gastro-intestinal Disorders (IFFGD).
a) Health promotion
Efforts to promote continence may be enhanced by
adopting evidence based theories and methods from
the field of health promotion. Health promotion was
defined by the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
in 1986 as “the process of enabling people to increase
control over and to improve their health” [10]. Hence,
health promotion is an important factor in primary,
secondary and tertiary prevention efforts directed at
individuals, communities and populations with or at risk
of developing incontinence.
Health promotion frameworks can be used to plan
and evaluate the effectiveness of strategies and
programs used to promote continence. When planning
health promotion interventions consideration needs to
be given to the demographic features of target groups
including age, gender, culture, language and
socioeconomic background. Health promotion
strategies need to address issues such as accessibility,
availability of transport and the cost of health promotion
programs [11]. Other considerations include commu-
nication strategies. As noted above, there is an
increasing trend for consumers to search and obtain
information from the internet.
Palmer and Newman [12] reported on a U.S.A. health
promotion project conducted in 2000 to determine
the needs of senior citizens concerning bladder control
issues. Focus groups of older adults attending health
seminars in urban, community and church settings
were conducted. The primary objective of the project
was to determine the understanding of older adults in
the areas of general health and their beliefs
surrounding the problem of UI. The 82 participants
were predominantly African-American women
representing all socio-economic levels. Seniors
expressed confusion when asked if “overactive
bladder, bladder control issues and urinary
incontinence” were the same condition. Most seniors
said they felt comfortable about discussing bladder
control issues, but most admitted that their physician
had never asked them, nor had they raised the issue.
However, they did discuss UI with family members and
friends and they were aware that many persons with
whom they socialize might have a problem with UI.
The majority of seniors answered “no cure” when
asked if treatments were successful.
b) Care-seeking (help-seeking) behaviour
Despite the considerable impact of incontinence on
quality of life (QoL), many people never seek help for
their incontinence and are thus uncounted [13]. Current
research in the area of care–seeking (also referred to
as “help-seeking” or health-seeking”) behaviour
(seeking help from a health care provider or
professional) in women with UI has determined that
fewer than 38% sought help for their condition, and
they waited more than a year to do so [14]. A European
survey reported that patients wait from 2 to 11 or more
years before seeking treatment [15]. Huang et. al.[16]
reported that fewer than 50% of women in the U.S.A.
with clinically significant UI reported seeking treatment.
This was despite the fact that all women in this study
had heath insurance that would pay for services and
had continuous access to a primary care provider.
Women with stress UI are more likely to seek help
when there is severe leakage that is having a
significant impact on their QoL [17]. Shaw and
colleagues [18] surveyed adult women attending
primary care practices in UK and of those who noted
UI symptoms (n=3273), only a total of 15.8% of women
with stress UI, 32.3% of those with urge UI and 33.7%
with mixed UI had sought help for urinary symptoms
during the preceding 12 months. This study also found
that when women sought help for UI, only one-third
will receive appropriate treatment [17].
Men tend to be less proactive in health seeking
behaviour. Gender specific strategies to address this
should be considered [19]. Men with lower urinary
tract symptoms (LUTS) have been found to seek help
less frequently than women [20]. Conversely, a study
into the prevalence of UI in men in the U.S.A. found
that whilst only 50% of men with continence issues
sought help, these men consulted their doctor within
12 months of the onset of symptoms [21]. This time
period is much shorter than the length of time taken
by women to seek help [21]. Men are more likely to
seek help for LUTS if they have had advice from
others or received information in the media, than
seeking help as a result of their symptoms [22]..
In a population-based study in Sweden (a supplement
to a comprehensive survey of public health and general
living conditions), a postal questionnaire comprising
12 questions on UI received a response rate of 64.5%
from 15,360 randomly selected residents (aged 18–79
years) [23]. The prevalence of UI was 19% (when
defined as “any leakage”) and most considered their
problems to be minor. Only 18% of those with UI
desired treatment. Of the 17% who had reported
severe problems that interfered with daily life, 42% did
not want treatment. The authors suspect that lack of
knowledge, worries about different procedures and
negative expectations may be important factors. They
concluded that UI may not be an unrecognised major
problem except for a limited group, and suggested that
healthcare resources should be optimized to identify
and meet the needs of those who are most afflicted.
Muller [24] reported on several epidemiologic surveys
conducted over a 5 year period by the U.S.A.
continence advocacy group, the NAFC. These surveys
indicated that UI and overactive bladder (OAB) are
prevalent problems and that most people do not
understand these conditions. In one survey, conducted
in 2000, only 26% of respondents (18% of men and
33% of women) reporting bladder control symptoms
had discussed them with a doctor. This survey
attempted to examine bathroom-related attitudes and
behaviours and found that most feel the bathroom is
a “haven” for refuge while others feel it represents a
symbol of incarceration because of the preoccupation
with the need to be near one frequently.
Bathroom privacy, cleanliness and ease of accessibility
were voiced as concerns with only 20% of respondents
noting that they are comfortable using a bathroom
outside their home. A second survey by this group
was conducted online (over the internet) and includes
1,025 interviews of U.S.A. adults (ages 30 to 70).
This survey showed that women wait longer (average
6.5 years) than men (4.2 years) to seek out a diagnosis
for their symptoms.
Barriers to seeking help for continence issues have
been frequently identified in the literature and include
embarrassment, social stigma and the mistaken belief
that incontinence is either inevitable, untreatable and
a normal part of aging [25]. Women with POP have
also reported that fear and embarrassment are barriers
to seeking help. Other barriers include the perception
that incontinence and LUTS are not serious [26].
However symptoms such as nocturia have been linked
with serious consequences such as falls and
associated morbidity in older adults.
Bladder and bowel continence is an adjustment to
the social norm, especially in Western cultures, which
have developed acceptable rules and behaviour for
bladder and bowel emptying. [27, 28]. If incontinence
occurs in adulthood, persons revive those childhood
beliefs and begin to internalize their condition causing
a decrease in self-esteem and feelings of not being
“normal” [29]. These barriers are shared by the public
as well as by many health care providers [30].
Unfortunately, factors that promote health seeking
behaviour for continence issues remain less well
researched and the triggers for help-seeking behaviour
are complex and multifactorial. With chronic problems
like UI, FI, POP and BPS/IC/PBS, it is important to
understand what triggers the patient to consult a
health care provider [28].. Older people may be keen
to seek help if they are concerned that a health issue
such as incontinence impacts on their ability to remain
independent and living in the community [31].
In certain parts of the world, the gender of the person
with UI may be a factor in help-seeking behaviour
and the gender of the health care provider may be a
barrier. Doshani and colleagues [32] explored views
and experiences of South Asian Indian women with
UI and found that feelings of embarrassment were
present, especially with male health care providers.
Rizk [33] identified reasons why women in the United
Arab Emirates (UAB) were not seeking medical help
for UI. Data from questionnaires was collected on
400 women (mean age 54.2) out of 448 enrolled
subjects and noted that, 81 (20.3%) admitted UI and
only 25 of these (30.9%) had sought medical advice.
The reasons were embarrassment (38.2%), choice of
self-treatment because of low expectations from
medical care (38.2%), preferring to discuss the matter
with friends, and assuming that UI is normal (23.3%).
Women with UI were troubled by their inability to pray
(90%) and to have sexual intercourse (33.3%). Saleh
[34] found similar results when surveying women in
Qatari who reported that UI interfered with their ability
to pray (64%) because of lack of cleanliness and need
to void and 47% reported that UI interfered with marital
Rizk and colleagues [35] also investigated the
prevalence and help-seeking behaviour of women (n
= 400, mean age 37.9) with FI using the same method.
Fifty-one participants (11.3 %) admitted FI; 26 (5.8 %)
were incontinent to liquid stool and 25 (5.5 %) to solid
stool. Thirty-eight patients (8.4 %) had double (urinary
and fecal) incontinence. Sixty-five patients (14.4 %)
were incontinent to flatus only but not to stools. Only
21 incontinent patients (41 %) had sought medical
advice. Women did not seek medical advice because
they were embarrassed to consult their physician
(64.7 %), they preferred to discuss the difficulty with
friends, assuming that FI would resolve spontaneously
(47.1 %) or was normal (31.3 %), and they chose
self-treatment as a result of low expectations for
medical care (23.5 %). Women with FI were bothered
by the inability to pray (92.2 %) and to have sexual
intercourse (43.1 %). These studies note that both
UI and FI are common yet underreported by UAE
women because of cultural attitudes and inadequate
public knowledge. These authors felt that male provider
gender may also be a barrier to seeking health care
in Middle Eastern women with UI. They were also
surprised to find that women perceive their problem
to be a neurological or “senile” disorder rather than
related to childbirth or menopause.
There are several strategies that can be used to
promote help-seeking behaviours and they need to
include those that are culturally appropriate [36, 37].
Minority and disadvantaged groups have lower rates
of health seeking behaviour for UI that may relate to
a number of factors such as access to care and
socioeconomic factors [38]. . Understanding the
reasons why people do or do not seek treatment for
incontinence is hampered by the ethnic homogeneity
of the existing data as most is derived primarily from
white Caucasian populations and there is a lack of
comparisons with ethnic minority populations.
Factors that enhance or enable people to change
health behaviours include advice given by physicians
[39]. Opportunities to promote continence can present
themselves during other health screening activities
such as cervical cancer screening [40]. Whilst health
care professionals may enable people to seek help,
those who have a lack of interest in incontinence can
negatively affect health seeking behaviour in
consumers [41, 12]. Other initiatives to promote health
seeking behavior can include providing written
information [42]. Continence health promotion
information provided in a brochure [43] and in a
computer based program [44] were found to improve
health seeking behaviour.
Language, level of education and cultural factors may
also be barriers to seeking help [45]. Consideration
should be given to health literacy in target populations.
Health literacy affects the ability to read and understand
health information in written formats. Poor health
literacy results in lower rates of health seeking behavior
One of the most supportive government sponsored
initiatives is from Australia. The National Continence
Management Strategy (NCMS) was established in
1998 by the Australian Government Department of
Health and Ageing. Funding of over $33 million AUD
has been allocated for the period from 1998 – 2010.
More than 120 projects have received funding for
research, public awareness activities, continence
education, resource development and continence
service development. The Strategy is now in its third
phase of activity. A final evaluation report on Phase
1 and 2 of the NCMS was released in September
2006 [47, 48]. In the area of continence awareness,
the report noted that recognition of the barriers to
help-seeking behaviour and identification of the most
appropriate terminology and key messages would
strengthen awareness raising strategies. The provision
of an incontinence specific helpline (the National
Continence Helpline) has been an important aware-
ness raising initiative. Table 1 reviews the specific
programs developed and implemented by the NCMS.
Continence promotion programs vary across countries
and cultures, but the singular aim of creating
awareness is similar. There is no standard model
promotion program nor is there a standard outcome
measure to determine the effectiveness of the program.
While the current level of evidence for effectiveness
of continence promotion program in raising awareness
generally is level 4, there is a need for research to
provide a higher level of evidence to affirm its
effectiveness to generate higher interest and support.
Efforts to raise awareness of continence issues need
to consider the following:
•Target population - Continence promotion
programs need to consider age, gender and culture
of target populations. It is necessary to consult
with target groups when planning programs in
order to meet the needs of these groups and to
enhance help-seeking behaviour [49].
•Target issues - A continence promotion program
needs to address risk factors and management
options in different target groups.
•Promotional material – Newman [50] reported
on a mail survey of 1,500 women, noting that most
of the 422 respondents wanted more information
regarding UI, and while they may not be equipped
to fully understand the problem, they expect
doctors, nurses, medical professionals, retail
outlets, medical supply companies, and mail order
houses to provide the information, including
information through consumer advertising.
Channels of communication – Health care
professionals may launch campaigns or seminars
to increase practice revenues. Commercial
companies often fund public campaigns in order
to sell their products. Continence organizations
may be driven by missionary zeal or organizational
growth. Regardless of motivation, care should be
taken to avoid raising public expectations beyond
what the services or products can deliver.
Individualised “coaching” of the affected is one key
channel that continence nurses use in the
promotion of continence [51].
a) Creating public awareness
In the area of UI, building awareness among the
general public is usually attempted via the media.
Table 1. NCMS Continence Awareness Programs
Program Description
Bladder and Bowel Health Information and advice on the prevention and management of bladder control and
website bowel problems for consumers, carers, health professionals, service providers and
.bladderbowel.gov.au researchers. It also contains information about the Continence Aids Assistance
Continence Outcomes Development and delivery of a translation program of continence outcomes mea-
Measures (COMS) sures to national and international clinicians. Further work is being proposed to
Dissemination Project conduct field trials to establish the validity, reliability and suitability of the
continence outcome measures in Australian treatment settings and then to
translate these for use by health care professionals. The reports are:
Measuring Incontinence in Australia 2006
• Continence Outcomes Measurement Suite together with Review of Patient
Satisfaction Measures 2006
• Framework for Economic and Cost Evaluation for Continence Conditions 2006
• Measuring Patient Satisfaction with Incontinence Treatment 2006
• Refining Continence Measurement Tools 2006
• Incontinence and Patient Satisfaction Tools and Instructions
National Men’s Continence Raise the awareness of the causes of poor bladder and bowel health, specifically
Awareness Project targeting men.
Pharmacy Continence Delivery of a training package to educate pharmacists and pharmacy assistants to
Care Project enable them to better inform clients about continence care and management.
Daily Living Self Offers strategies for people with incontinence to help with their work life, family life
Management Resources and social life.
• Live Better - for people with urinary incontinence
Using the media to disseminate information in the
form of Public Service Announcements (called PSAs)
has been practised extensively in the U.S.A. to
promote AIDS awareness and as anti-smoking
campaigns. The U.S.A. National Institutes of Health,
in partnership with the American Uro-Gynecologic
Association, American Urological Association,
American Foundation for Urologic Disease, National
Association For Continence, Society of Urologic
Nurses and Associates and the Simon Foundation
for Continence, launched a national awareness
campaign in 1997. The Let’s Talk About Bladder
Control for Women awareness campaign (http://kidney.
niddk.nih.gov/ kudiseases/ pubs/bcw_ez/index.htm)
offers easy-to-read booklets explaining the symptoms,
types and causes of poor bladder control, as well as
treatment options. The materials are designed to
encourage and enhance communication between and
among women and their health care providers. Free
consumer and health care provider kits are available
through a toll-free phone number. In 2001, the NAFC
in the U.S.A. produced and disseminated continence
awareness PSAs to 380 television media markets,
including Hispanic outlets.
In many cultures, one of the best vehicles to reaching
the public is through an informed journalist. Journalists
often use a “media hook,” an interesting story that
will take priority over other news on the television,
radio or newspaper. Having a spokesperson with the
problem or finding a celebrity who is willing to speak
for the cause can help [27]. These individuals can act
as “influence leaders.”
The Japan Continence Action Society held a “Toll
Free Telephone Clinic” and callers were asked how
they heard about the line. The responses in 2006
were: 30% from television, 16% from the web, 11%
from a newspaper, 9% from a book, 6% from a friend,
5% from a brochure, 3% from a magazine and 20%
others and/or unknown. In a UK campaign, Norton [52]
found that newspapers were by far the most common
source of information, followed by radio.
A media campaign should use multiple channels to
ensure the broadest coverage [53]. An initial channel
should include print media, television and radio. The
Internet, phones, and other mobile devices are also
effective outreach channels [54]. A second channel
could be specialised age and health publications. A
third channel could be the use of posters and
brochures placed in medical offices, hospitals, senior’s
centre, pharmacies and churches. A final channel
could be direct presentations to the public, such as
at senior’s centres [55].
Roe [56] suggested that local initiatives on the
availability of services and how to access them, as well
as health education information on UI, may be more
effective in raising public awareness and should
supplement national campaigns. Awareness raising
materials include pamphlets, self-care instructions,
visual aids, pictographs, posters, banners, decals and
advertisements in newspapers, magazines,
newsletters, CD and films. Muller [57] believed that
the change related to increased public awareness
and help-seeking behaviour for continence care is
likely to fuel the demand for innovation in technology
and products. The Simon Foundation for Continence
developed an innovative community education initiative
The Bladder Health Mobil. This initiative provides
education, increase public awareness, and promote
early diagnosis and proper treatment of UI and other
bladder control problems. It also facilitates dialogue
between consumers and their health care profes-
sionals [58].
Terminology used when discussing urinary and bowel
incontinence is important. The words “continence” or
“incontinence”, “interstitial cystitis” or “painful bladder
syndrome” and “pelvic organ prolapse” are poorly
understood and simpler terms may achieve greater
public recognition in many languages and cultures. The
use of “overactive bladder” in advertising has increased
reporting of the condition to primary care professionals
in the U.S.A. In the area of bowel disorders such as
FI, it is felt that people find it difficult to find the right
words to discuss their symptoms [27]. The International
Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder
(IFFGD) in the U.S.A. has found that people will often
report having diarrhea to their physician. If the
physician or nurse does not question the patient any
further regarding the ability to control gas, liquid or solid
stool, the incontinence may not be discovered.
b) Program evaluation
Evaluation methods need to be established prior to
developing the continence promotion program.
Evaluation should include quantitative measurements
and qualitative measures. Open-ended questions
may be more sensitive than “direct satisfaction”
questions [59, 60].
Health promotion evaluation methods include process
evaluation, impact evaluation and outcome evaluation.
Evaluation measures can include the number of media
responses to a media release, or numbers of people
who sought help.
In the evaluation report of the Australian NCMS, a
total of 16 projects were undertaken for raising
continence awareness, with focus on the development
and distribution of information resources for use by the
general community and specific target groups [47,
48, 61]. As of June 2006, a market survey found that
9 of the completed projects with measurable outcomes
had generally shown favorable outcome.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of leaflets or brochures
is gathering better evidence. An Australian study found
that provision of a continence education package,
which included a Continence Educational Brochure
helped to improve the health-seeking behaviours of
participants who were bothered by UI symptoms [62].
Within 3 months following the education, of the 111
participants who were bothered by UI symptoms, 49
participants (44.1%) indicated that they had discussed
the issue of bladder or bowel problems with someone
directly because of the study or the information
contained in the brochure. More than 94% of partici-
pants who remembered the brochure indicated that
they believed it would be helpful if given to other
people. In a study of 1175 participants, Wagg et al [63]
reported that a self-help standard treatment leaflet is
as effective as structured help from a continence
nurse in reducing bothersome urinary symptoms in
women. Similarly, a Swedish population-based study
found that the distribution of a brochure on UI to the
general public was well received and can be an efficient
method to spread knowledge and encourage self-
management [64].
The interventions that are most effective in reaching
the public and triggering the desired behaviour seem
to vary between countries and cultures. Television
and newspapers work best in Singapore, with a “cured”
patient bearing testimony to former suffering and its
alleviation having the most impact. In the U.S.A.,
television advertising targeting OAB, funded primarily
by pharmaceutical companies, has yielded a significant
response. Nationwide television reaches more people
than the circulation of any single newspaper or the
distribution of a booklet through physician offices. In
March 2008, Japanese National Television broadcast
a program about UI during “golden time” (2000 to
2045 hours). The audience rating was 15.6%, the
highest in a year (usual rating 12%), and more than
500 calls were received in one night, requesting repeat
broadcast and more details about treatment. There are
also cultural differences in the online health information
is used, as well as the types of sites users prefer to
surf [54].
In France, the effect of health education was evaluated
in a randomized study in sheltered accommodations
for the elderly [65]. Twenty centers were randomized
to either a single one-hour health information meeting
or control group. During a 30-minute talk, a nurse
encouraged people to visit a physician if they had
urinary problems. A questionnaire three months later
found that the experimental group was much more
likely to have had treatment if they were incontinent
(41% vs. 13% controls) and 82% said that they had
received some information about UI in the previous
3 months (compared to 22% controls).
A health promotion project called ‘Dry Expectations’
was developed and implemented in six ethnically
diverse, predominantly minority, and inner city senior
centres in the U.S.A. in 1996 [55]. The program was
designed to address an older population. The project
consisted of three phases: orientation and training of
key staff members/peer educators at the centres
(train-the-trainer model); educating seniors through four
one-hour weekly sessions involving visual aids and
completion of bladder records and quizzes; and follow
up sessions with senior staff/peer educators to
reinforce the previous training. The program was very
well received by the participants, and approximately
80% felt they had more control over their bladder by
the end of the last session.
The impact and success of any continence promotion
program must surely be its sustained effectiveness
many years down the road, be it for primary prevention
or treatment. A randomized controlled study of 359
community-dwelling older women showed that group
instruction supplemented with brief individual
instruction as needed is an effective teaching method
for the acquisition of knowledge and motor skill in
bladder training (BT) and pelvic floor muscle training
(PFMT). The 1 year adherence following a behavioural
modification program ranged from 63 to 82% for PFMT
and 58 to 67% for BT [66]. Adherence is reduced over
time and the marked benefit of intensive PFMT seen
short-term may not be maintained and the long-term
adherence to training can be low [67].
c) Recommendations for Continence Awa-
reness and Promotion
Based on the literature reviewed in this section, the
following recommendations can be made:
Continence awareness should be included in
any national advocacy program that is working
towards an effective health literacy system, as it
is consistent with and requires the involvement
of many levels of educational, health-care, and
community service providers, namely a(n):
- Information dissemination system providing
materials that are readable, compre-
hensible, trustworthy, and culturally sensi-
- Coordinated health literacy learning system;
- Measurement and assessment system;
- Formal and informal health advice system,
including a helpline, handbook, and online
support; and
- Professional health care provider learning
(Grade D)
Continence awareness should be part of the
main stream and on-going health education and
advocacy programs with emphasis on eliminating
stigma, promoting disclosure and help-seeking
behaviour and improving quality of life. (Grade
There is a need for research to provide higher
level of evidence on the effectiveness of
continence promotion programs to increase
awareness, be it for primary prevention, treatment
or management. (Grade D)
Advocacy is defined as act or process of defending
or maintaining a cause or proposal. Advocacy, as it
pertains to incontinence, involves assisting individuals
in finding necessary health care and treatment.
Organisations consisting of professional and public
members promote continence advocacy as a core
a) Service delivery
The provision of continence care and services in each
country will depend on the organisation and
infrastructure of its health services. It is difficult to
make recommendations that will apply in such a variety
of contexts. In addition, UI is so widespread and
affects so many different types of people that they
can present for help to literally any health care
professional. This means that there will seldom be
one portal of entry to a continence service.
When new services are created, there is a temptation
to focus on the high technology investigation and
medical treatment elements without considering the
infrastructure needed to support that service [68].
However, there has never been a comprehensive
examination of an optimal service. It is not known
whether academic, specialist-led centres will achieve
better and more cost-effective results than primary
care clinics, domiciliary services or any other model.
However, most experts believe that female UI is initially
most effectively diagnosed and managed by primary
care providers compared to specialist services.
In 2000, the UK’s Department of Health issued
guidance on continence services that outlined a good
practice model to achieve more responsive, equitable,
effective continence services [69]. In the U.S.A., the
primary sources of care for the majority of Medicare
patients (primarily an elderly population) are family
physicians and primary care physicians [70]. Less
than 1 person in 1000 is admitted to an academic,
medical centre hospital [71]. Thus, in the U.S.A.,
elderly persons with UI and FI will probably be seen
by primary care physicians for initial assessment. This
is unlikely to address the needs of developing countries
(such as the Asia Pacific area or in Africa) where
dissemination of expertise to rural communities and
isolated community health care workers is more logical.
They are being implemented in several countries
using shared teaching and educational resources
through co-operative arrangements of the respective
Continence Foundations. Thus, the general practitioner
or family physician plays an important role in the first
line treatment of UI that may be treated successfully
with conservative treatments in the majority of patients
[72, 73].
In some health systems, both UI and FI have
traditionally been seen solely as a nursing problem,
with little interest or input from other members of a
multidisciplinary medical team. Except for a few
isolated areas, the main intervention has been trying
to help the individual and caregivers cope with
symptoms rather than attempting to treat the underlying
cause of the UI. For example, in the UK, it is common
for an elderly person presenting with UI to be referred
directly to the district nurse “for assessment for pads
and pants,” with no physical examination or further
investigation considered.
In fact, UI is often a complex and multi-faceted
problem, particularly in frail or dependent individuals,
and it may require input from a wide variety of
disciplines to tackle it effectively. Symptoms typically
associated with incontinence may also be indicative
of other conditions as evidenced by the urgency and
frequency symptoms of BPS, also referred to as IC
and PBS, a chronic inflammatory condition of the
bladder [74, 75]. The ICI Committee 19, addresses
bladder pain syndrome. While it may not be practical
for all specialities to work in close proximity, there is
a need to consider carefully who does what, with
protocols to guide appropriate referral and ensure
good liaison. It is important that there are neither
gaps, nor overlaps, in the service.
In countries such as Australia, New Zealand and the
UK, where there is a national network of Continence
Nurse Advisors (CNAs) or Continence Nurses. These
nurses liaise, integrate services, and guide individuals
through the referral route most appropriate to their
individual needs.
The efficacy of Continence Nurse Practitioners (CNPs)
in the UK was reported by Matharu and associates [76]
who studied four hundred and fifty (450) women over
40 years of age who underwent urodynamic studies
in the UK after seeing a trained CNP. In patients
diagnosed with detrusor overactivity, the CNP had
prescribed 79% to have drug therapy and 64.8% to
have PFMT. In those with urodynamic stress UI, 88%
had appropriately been assigned to have PFMT.
Nursing assessment has the potential to assign
patients to the correct conservative treatment thereby
shortening waiting times for urodynamics and specialist
There is a need for research on the most
effective means to educate the public and
professional groups on continence issues.
Specifically, there is need for research on:
- Identification and understanding of barriers
to health-seeking behaviours
- Translation of research into improved
clinical practice and identification of
methods by which this happens.
- Effectiveness and impact of consumer
education initiatives.
(Grade D)
Shaw, Williams, and Assassa [77] conducted a postal
survey of people in the UK receiving services for UI
by CNPs. Participants expressed satisfaction with
nurse-led services because of the interpersonal skills,
technical skills, and communication and information-
giving abilities of the nurses. There is more evidence
that treatment of incontinent community-dwelling
individuals by a “continence nurse” is beneficial in
terms of clinical outcomes [78].
Although some might see multidisciplinary working
as the ideal, the reality is not always smooth. In some
situations, rivalries and competition between disciplines
and medical specialities is evident. This may be
because of competition for patients and revenue, or
because of disputes over the demarcation of the scope
of different disciplines (such as the boundary between
urology and gynaecology, or between nursing and
There are no studies directly comparing the
effectiveness of specific delivery systems for
continence care. In certain cases, enthusiasts have
conducted research and results may not generalize
to the wider setting. Others have combined the
expertise of multidisciplinary teams to maximize service
delivery. The level of evidence on service delivery
models is 4.
i) The need for service
As discussed at the beginning of this chapter, the
majority of people (60-70%) who admit to UI in
prevalence surveys do not seek professional help
[13, 71, 79]. Not all incontinent people want or need
help, and this may vary considerably between different
cultures. For example, a postal questionnaire asking
about urinary symptoms found that nocturnal problems
caused the most bother (69% were bothered by
nocturnal enuresis, 63% by nocturia). Only 50% found
stress UI a bother and only 56% were bothered by urge
UI [80]. A community based study found that only
15% of severely incontinent women (daily incontinence
requiring protective pads most of the time) were
worried about it, 15% felt that their activities were
restricted and the majority seemed able to cope [81].
Overall, 78% were not worried by their incontinence
and the authors suggested that services should be
targeted towards the minority who do
find it a problem.
In Japan, it has been found that 55% of elderly
incontinent people do not consider incontinence a
bother, but 15% did not leave home, 10% found it
difficult to leave home, and 10% felt that they caused
bother to family and neighbours [82]. However it is
pertinent to note that, there is significant underreporting
by patients of UI and the severity of symptoms [83].
It is also evident from this data that the burden of
incontinence, is responsible for 20% of healthy life
lost for 75 year olds and older [84] and has the third
highest impact on QoL of major chronic conditions
A Japanese survey of over 1,000 caregivers of elderly
incontinent people in the community found that more
than 80% of caregivers are female and over half were
more than 60 years old [82]. The caregivers felt that
incontinence caused problems with the home getting
dirty (10%); extra laundry (9%), need to wake at night
(7%), and not being able to go out because of
incontinence (9%). When asked what kind of
government service they wanted, caregivers replied
“health training” (10%), “knowledge about incon-
tinence” (10%), and “supply of a portable toilet” (3%).
Only 6% wanted the government to send them
professional caregivers and only 4% desired referral
to a specialist physician.
Incontinence is responsible for up to 30 - 50% of
admissions into nursing homes, often precipitated by
the burden of care on caregivers who spend half of
their care-giving time providing personal care such as
toileting assistance [86].
Some people seem to cope better than others with
symptoms, and some had coping strategies, which
were easily undermined by any suggestion that
professional help was required [87]. Few people seem
prepared to take action to prevent UI.
This can create a dilemma and raises many questions.
Should health care professionals attempt to persuade
or educate people who do not see UI as a problem
that it is an abnormal condition? Should a patient who
is “not bothered” by symptoms be treated because the
partner or caregiver requests the physician’s
assistance? This may be of concern, as Rodriquez,
et al. [88] found that physicians underestimated the
degree to which patients were bothered by their
symptoms 25% to 37% of the time. Is lack of bother
genuine or simply a defense against having to tackle
an unpleasant problem? Does early intervention
prevent later deterioration in symptoms? Does delay
in treatment mean that success rates are lowered?
There is scant evidence on any of these issues, or on
the most acceptable way of providing help.
It is the impression of all members of this committee
that, specifically for the field of UI, due to the high
percentage of people not seeking help (for all the
above mentioned reasons), that health care
professionals must develop a concept of a “reaching-
out” service and to actively provide service for
incontinence care, meaning promoting awareness,
openly discussing and actively detecting UI and
providing simple and efficient therapy.
b) Models of continence care
Continence care was defined by the Canadian
Continence Foundation as “all measures directed
toward the prevention, improvement and or mana-
gement of urinary incontinence” [89]. In this chapter,
anal and faecal incontinence will be included within
the concept of continence care.
As noted above continence care is well suited to
management in the primary care setting. A range of
models are described below.
1. S
INGLE SPECIALIST MODEL - This is a service led by
a consultant or specialist physician (urologist,
gynaecologist or urogyaecologist), often focused
around an “urodynamic unit” providing medical or
surgical treatment. This is the most common model
in developed countries; the best of them have a nurse
continence advisor or continence nurse specialist as
an integrated part of the service.
In some countries, physiotherapists (PTs) have also
developed a specialized practice with incontinent
patients. In France, all women, after childbirth, are
entitled to a maximum of 10 sessions of pelvic floor
muscle physiotherapy, paid for by the government. In
Australia, Scandinavia and the UK, research on PFMT
has been led by PTs. However, there is a lack of
consensus as to best practices for UI. In a postal
survey of British PTs, many were providing specialized
service. Gynaecologists were the most common
source of referral. The majority said physiotherapy
was the first line of treatment. Pelvic floor muscle
exercises and electrical stimulation were the most
used modalities. However, there was little consensus
about optimum treatment regimes amidst a wide
variety in the details of therapies used [90].
2. N
continence advisor (NCA) may be independent but is
usually associated with community/area health centres,
where they may have variable professional support
from general practitioners (GP) and family physicians.
Continence nurses often work in both hospital and
community, and the service is focused on primary
care, particularly district nurses. Key roles include
patient assessment and implementation of
conservative management strategies where appro-
priate and facilitating patient access to incontinence
product subsidies or schemes.
The Department of Health in the UK has commissioned
an evaluation of different models of nursing services,
with and without specialist NCAs. It was found that
where there is a continence nurse, incontinent people
are more likely to receive targeted referral to specialists
such as an urologist, and are more likely to have had
investigations such as urodynamic testing and to
receive more appropriate treatment and care for their
UI. These patients were also more likely to report
satisfaction with the service. In contrast there is still
concerns that general nurses continue to “contain the
problem” instead of promoting continence despite
acknowledging its importance [91].
In a series of studies performed in Leicestershire UK,
the short and long-term outcomes of a new CNP-led
service for urinary symptoms (3 and 6 months after
implementing the program) were examined and
evaluated [87, 92, 93]. Williams, et al. [93] reported
on a randomized, controlled study of 3,746 community-
dwelling individuals greater than 40 years of age (61%
women) who had incontinence, frequency, urgency,
and nocturia all impacting QoL. The experimental
group was comprised of 2,958 patients. The standard
care was the control group (n=788) who accessed
GP services and existing continence services in the
area. The experimental group received an 8-week
primary intervention package by the CNP (21 generalist
nurses who trained as CNPs), delivered evidence-
based behavioural interventions using predetermined
care pathways in four visits over an 8-week period.
Interventions included advice on diet, fluids, BT, pelvic
floor muscle awareness and healthy eating. Individuals
whose symptoms persisted after primary intervention
were offered urodynamic testing. The CNP led service
had a 10% higher cure rate than standard care with
statistically and clinically significant reductions in
urgency, frequency, nocturia and UI. In addition, QoL
improvements were greater in users of the CNP led
service and higher levels of patient satisfaction were
achieved. This is the first study to show the
effectiveness of nursing services on urinary storage
symptoms (rather than simply incontinence) and
associated QoL. The authors noted that the public
health value of a 10% reduction in symptoms is
substantial when applied to such a common problem.
A similar RCT in Australia compared outcomes in 145
women presenting with stress UI, with or without urge
UI, randomly allocated to a standardised regimen with
the NCA or treatment by an urogynaecologist [94].
After 12 weeks, 110 women were evaluated. Sixty-four
percent (n=58) of the NCA group and 52% (n=52) of
the urogynaecologist group were asymptomatic with
a dry pad test. There were no significant differences
between the groups for incontinence scores, pad test
changes, voids/day or scores on Urogenital Distress
Inventory or Incontinence Impact Questionnaire. The
treatment by the NCA took a median of 160 minutes,
but cost AUD59.20 compared with 90 minutes of
gynaecologist time at a cost of AUD189.70. At 2.5
years, 29% of the NCA group and 41% of the other
group were dry. The authors concluded that similar
results were achieved at lower cost using the NCA.
An additional number of studies support the efficacy
of specialist NCA in the delivery of community
continence care [72, 95, 96]. In the U.S.A., urology
nurses have been trained as “teachers” to successfully
implement behavior modification program to groups
In the U.S.A., there has also been an increase in
nurses who specialize in dealing with patients with
pelvic floor disorders including UI, FI, POP and
BPS/IC/PBS, although there are no academic or
clinical proficiency requirements in order to be
considered a CNP or “continence nurse specialist.”
Those nurses who do specialize in continence care
have obtained their knowledge and skills through self-
motivated activities [98]. Masters prepared or educated
“advanced practice nurses” (APNs) have become
increasingly interested in and knowledgeable about
the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of people
suffering with UI. These nurses are developing a
nursing subspecialty in the care of individuals with UI
and related pelvic floor dysfunction and provide
comprehensive assessment and treatment (drug and
conservative therapy) and act as educators and
researchers [25].
A 2000 study in the U.S.A. demonstrated significantly
improved outcomes for three clinical problems: UI,
depression, and pressure ulcers when advanced
practice gerontological nurses (APNs) worked with
nursing home (NH) staff to implement scientifically
based protocols [99]. In addition to working with NHs
to provide resident evaluation as physician extenders,
this research indicates that this service model using
an APN can be an effective link between current
research based knowledge about clinical problems
and NH staff. This study also showed that consistent
educational efforts with staff and NH residents
demonstrated that interventions could improve or
stabilize the level of UI in these individuals.
In some countries the NCA is attached to a district
nursing service providing expert advice and support
for non-specialist nurses with patients who have
continence problems.
3. M
- Multidisciplinary clinics, as service models,
have been shown to provide comprehensive
continence care. In multidisciplinary clinics, such as
a “Pelvic Floor Clinic”, gynaecologist, urologist,
colorectal surgeon, and continence nurse work
together [100]. Some pelvic floor clinic staffing models
also include physical therapists and registered
An Australian study took all community referrals of
those who had been incontinent for at least two months
and had at least one episode in the preceding 2 weeks
to a continence clinic. [101]. Patients were randomised
to conservative treatment or control, with a crossover
design. Patients were asked subjective questions
about embarrassment, odour, depression, family
relationships, isolation and laundry on a 4-point scale
ranging from no effect to major effect upon life. The
questionnaire was completed at the start, and at 2, 4,
8, and 12 months. Seventy-eight patients entered the
study: 87% improved with treatment (vs. 41% controls).
Fifty-two percent were moderately or severely
embarrassed at the start of the study period, but at 4
months, only 17% were. Depression decreased from
49% to 22% and isolation from 28% to 12%. Odour
and the use of extra laundry also decreased. All
benefits were maintained at 12 months. Controls did
not improve on these items until crossed over to active
treatment, despite feeling better. The authors conclude
that conservative treatment in a multidisciplinary
community clinic improves continence and well being.
The Continence Foundation of Australia is funded by
the Australian Government to employ continence
nurse advisors in the National Continence Helpline to
provide advice to consumers and health professionals,
including referral advice. Evaluation of the helpline
by Deakin University showed the majority of callers
took action to improve the incontinence issues they
enquired about and, the most common course of
action following the phone call was to change how they
dealt with incontinence [48].
An expansion of this service provision is exemplified
by the National Centre for Continence in Israel, which
aimed to provide an integrated service [102]. The
Center’s professional team not only treats incontinent
patients but also educates GPs and nurses who come
from pre-selected peripheral/outlying clinics, and
provides ongoing support and advice as well as a
pathway for tertiary referral. A local team (GP and
nurse) are also selected to be in charge of promotion,
detection and treatment of incontinence at the clinic.
They later become “in charge” of incontinence in their
region. This model allows national distribution of
continence services with support from the resource
centre and provides interdisciplinary exchange, as
well as, maximum co-operation between Medical
Centres and community health services. The national
centre is funded by government and industry to provide
a “Hotline” for the public, to promote education
programmes in nursing and medical schools, hospitals
and nursing homes, and to develop guidelines for
diagnosis and management of incontinence by primary
healthcare staff.
A report on continence care services worldwide noted
that services were scattered, inconsistent and
considerable discrepancies exist in their funding. It was
concluded that there is a need for accessible (and
affordable) continence care and multidisciplinary
teamwork [103].
4. P
RIMARY CARE MODEL - There are many factors that
can persuade health care planners about the
importance of adequate investment in community
continence services: the prevalence and the number
of incontinent people is likely to increase with an
aging and increasingly dependent population and
many frail, disabled or elderly people are incontinent
for reasons extraneous to the urinary system (such
as poor mobility, an inappropriate physical environment
or lack of an individualised care regime). It is often best
to provide an initial assessment for such individuals
in their usual surroundings and to reserve hospital or
clinic (specialist or academic) referral for those who
do not respond to simple measures such as treatment
of constipation, modifying a diuretic medication, or
provision of accessible toilet facilities. A number of
guidelines have suggested an algorithmic, step-wise
approach to assessment and treatment of urinary
incontinent patients and many conservative treatments
have a good success rate in primary care [104, 105,
106, 107,108].
A New Zealand study of 600 family physicians found
that most respondents provided continence care and
2.6% offered special clinics for continence promotion
[109]. Fewer than half felt confident to diagnose the
causes of incontinence. Confidence in managing
incontinence in children was consistently lower than
for other childhood problems. There was no difference
by sex in confidence, although female respondents
were more likely to consider management of
continence care as part of a practice nurse’s role and
to routinely ask women about UI during a “well” visit.
Most respondents (71.9%) could not remember having
had any formal training in the management of
incontinence either at the undergraduate or
postgraduate level. Recall of postgraduate education
was associated with greater levels of confidence in
management of incontinence problems.
Family physicians have been shown to be successful
in treating UI. A UK study examined assessment and
treatment of 65 women, who were treated according
to their type of UI [110]. Those with stress UI were
treated by PFMT, those with urge UI by BT and
medication, and those with mixed UI by both. Patients
with stress UI or urge UI, but not mixed, improved
compared to controls at 12 weeks. A Dutch study of
110 women reporting UI to a family physician was
randomly assigned to the treatment or control group.
Treatment was PFMT for stress UI and bladder training
for urge UI [81]. Patients were interviewed at 3 and
12 months, with crossover at 3 months for controls.
At 3 months, 60% were dry or only slightly incontinent.
Mean wet episodes were down from 27 to 7 per week.
Seventy-four percent felt improved or cured and there
was further slight improvement at 1 year.
A study in a community clinic in Israel showed that after
training, family physicians detected 98 patients with
UI during a period of 19 months [111]. Mean age of
the 94 females and 4 males was 71years (range 56-
89). Most patients (53) were detected by the physicians
on direct questioning, some by nurses (29) and only
18 by self-referral. After a mean follow up of 10 months,
35 were dry and 32 significantly improved. Cure or
improvement was achieved at the clinic with no
involvement of an urologist or gynaecologist.
5. O
THER SERVICE MODELS - Acute or sub acute care
to community- Patients with UI who receive care in
acute care hospitals have been shown to lack
appropriate care because of the lack of knowledge
amongst acute care nurses about assessment or
management of UI [112] Nursing education will have
to change to affect this situation. The value of tackling
this is shown in a retrospective review of 6,773
episodes of care in 54 medical facilities [113]. The
discharge destination was altered by the presence
or absence of UI – 57% vs. 82% being discharged
home, respectively, and 29% vs. 12% being discharged
to a nursing home or other health care venue. In
addition, the time in rehabilitation was 185.6 days
with UI compared with 156.8 days without UI, and
geriatric costs in evaluation and management were
higher in the UI group. The level of functional
independence and motor function also impacted
Elder services (e.g long term care or nursing
homes) There is growth worldwide in the use of APN
“continence” specialists practicing in home care and
LTC settings, providing expert consultation in UI and
related disorders [25, 98]. Many have developed
innovative approaches to management of UI in nursing
homes. Bucci [114] developed the CHAMMP
(Continence, History, Assessment, Medications,
Mobility, Plan) tool to educate nursing home staff in
the U.S.A. on a comprehensive continence
assessment and to assist in implementation of
individualized plans of care. The CHAMMP program
improved one facility’s Quality Measure Indicator
Report. ICI Committee 11 discusses services for frail
Services in developing nations - The potential
demand for UI services in developing nations far
outstrips the resources that are available. The provision
of services will depend on dedicated healthcare
professionals with support by government or industry
and by a local continence organisation to educate a
new generation of service providers who will carry
the services to remote communities. In some
instances, consideration will have to be given to
cultural, social mores and taboos.
For example Ethiopia’s Health Minister has stressed
the need to develop rural health services to reduce
the incidence of fistula and to have first time mothers
examined by Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs). The
ICI Committee 18, Vesico vaginal fistula in the
developing world addresses service for this specific
condition. It is planned that TBAs will be trained to
identify high-risk women, and thereby divert
expenditure from high cost physicians and urban
health services to training community health workers
and health education. Attitudes on female circumcision,
contraception and women’s health, which are often
decided by their husbands, obviously have much
wider implications than just continence care.
Continence services are a relative luxury, to which
countries with a low per capita income are unlikely to
devote scarce resources whilst other population health
issues have precedence. For example, in Brazil,
priorities for their health budget are childhood
immunizations, AIDS/STDs, basic sanitation, healthy
environment and literacy to help with the problem of
street children.
c) Worldwide organisations
The stigma associated with incontinence is similar to
other conditions and is associated with public
ignorance and lack of awareness [114]. Despite all this,
it is important to understand how attitudes and stigma
have changed for these conditions. An important
component is breaking the cycle of public and personal
ignorance through education and public awareness
programs. Patient advocacy organisations for UI have
been formed worldwide to promote awareness. But
for any advocacy group to be successful, there needs
to be a partnership between health care professionals,
governments, and industry groups with a vested
interest to work together to break the cycle of ignorance
and negative attitude.
Professionals (e.g. urologists, urogynecologists,
gynaecologists, primary care practitioners, physio-
therapists, nurses) and professional organi-zations
have been instrumental in promoting awareness of
continence in all care settings. The International
Continence Society (ICS) established the Continence
Promotion Committee (CPC) to promote education,
services and public awareness about incontinence
throughout the world, and to facilitate communication,
exchange of information and partnerships between
continence organizations, health care professionals,
governments, and industry. The CPC’s multinational
and multidisciplinary representation aims to identify
broad issues through an international forum that can
facilitate translation at the local and national level.
Each year at the ICS’s annual meeting, the CPC has
held workshops around various themes that have a
broad national focus such as prevention; general
practitioner education; and promotional strategies. Its
relevance, as is the case with each of the national
organizations, is to recognize the interface between
continence management and continence awareness
and promotion. The CPC is increasing continence
awareness through the hosting of Public Forums in
conjunction with the ICS annual meeting. In 2009, it
will sponsor World Continence Week.
Although it may not be practical to develop global and
uniform strategies for continence promotion and public
awareness, much can be learned from the positive and
negative experiences of other organisations in other
Continence promotion is a most challenging endea-
vour. Although the ratio between affected patient
populations and continence organisations funding
has not been formally studied, anecdotal information
suggests that fund-raising for continence programmes
is among the most difficult of medical problems for
which to obtain funding. In view of all these challenges,
the proliferation of new continence organisations,
especially in the Far East and in South America, is a
validation of both the need for continence promotion
and the dedication of those who have recognized and
are addressing this need.
1. C
ONTINENCE ORGANISATIONS In the past fifteen years,
several national organizations have been formed
under various auspices to tackle issues to do with
incontinence awareness, education and promotion.
Organizations which promote continence are as
diverse as the cultures they serve. They represent a
wide diversity of models, including consumer-led,
company sponsored, patient-only, professionals only,
and organizations which have deliberately set about
trying to bring together all relevant stakeholders in a
relatively democratic model. In every part of the world,
these organizations play a dynamic role in building both
public and professional awareness of this underserved
and underreported condition.
Most continence organizations are poorly capitalized,
being either under- or unfunded (i.e. run by volunteers)
and are held together initially by either a dedicated
patient advocate or an energized healthcare
professional. In most cases, this professional is an
urologist or nurse whose patient population includes
persons with UI.
As of 2008, there are 47 Continence Organisations
in 34 countries world wide with an additional 2
international patient-based organisations. Appendix 1
is a directory and provides the contact details of
various national continence organisations. Most of
them function as multi-disciplinary bodies. The previous
ICI chapter published results of a survey conducted
on these organizations [117] Findings include:
More than 50% of these organizations have been
in existence for more than 10 years and that
membership includes both professionals and the
Organizations have oversight from advisory boards
consisting of consumers (lay public) and health
care professional members.
Most have developed medical guidelines for
continence care which represent solo efforts by
the organization or in collaboration with the medical
community and the government.
Funding is an ongoing challenge for most of these
organizations. Very few receive government funds,
and most rely on support from industry or
manufacturers of drugs and products for specific
Continence awareness is being provided generally
to a public that has ‘very little’ to ‘no understanding’
of incontinence.
There is now an increase in media interest in
Education about incontinence has been identified as
the most important method to decrease the perceived
stigma associated with the disease. A successful
method to educate has been through public awareness
campaigns, health promotion projects, or health fairs.
Information is provided on the internet through
websites developed by each continence organization.
These websites provide useful information on
incontinence, what it is, and how it can be managed,
treated, and cured. They provide frequently asked
questions (FAQs) as well as useful links to other
continence related websites.
A needed service identified by several organizations
concerns the management or containment of urine
leakage through the use of products and devices. A
guide to continence products has been developed by
many organizations and is available to the members
as well as health care professionals. This is aimed at
providing useful information about the range of different
products available.
Most have developed a directory of health care
professionals who have expertise in the area of incon-
tinence and its management. Certain organizations
have this directory available through their website.
Organisations that primarily target the general public
typically do not participate in educating professionals.
Those countries where a consumer-based organisation
does not exist do engage in educating professionals
as well as raising the awareness of incontinence to
the population in general. In those countries that have
consumer-based continence organisations, there are
national public awareness campaigns (e.g. the U.S.A.
has a designated Bladder Health Week every fall and
November is Bladder Health Awareness Month). It is
generally felt that media coverage is inadequate.
However, in a recent article, the NAFC (U.S.A.) strongly
advocates enlisting the help of the media as one of
the 3 main strategies that will help to improve the
quality of life for many incontinence sufferers in future
There is a paucity of published work on the formation
of national organisations that target consumers or the
general public. The level of evidence on the impact
of national organisations increasing continence
awareness is Level 3.
2. N
there is little data on the outcomes of the use of
organisations to change consumers’ views and
awareness of incontinence, sharing of experience
and collaboration amongst countries could lead to
more efficient use of resources. For instance, in 1998,
the Asia Pacific Continence Advisory Board (APCAB)
was established with a mission to develop Continence
Promotion programmes that work together with health
care professionals and the general public to develop
strategies to increase awareness and reduce the
social burden of UI in the Asia Pacific Rim.
The APCAB member countries are Thailand, Korea,
China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, India,
Philippines, Singapore and Pakistan.
d) Recommendations for Continence Advocacy
The online databases Medline, Embase, Biosis,
Science Citation index, Web of science and Cinahl
were used to obtain the literature, additional databases
of ERIC (an education database) and psychlit were
also searched. The focuses of the searches were
between 2004-2008, although literature from the
preceding 10 years was also scanned to ensure
thorough coverage. The objective was to obtain
relevant literature relating to incontinence education.
The following search terms were used: incontinence,
overactive bladder, health education, education, allied
health care professionals, doctors, nurses, consumer,
and public education. There was significant overlap
between the searches made on different databases
as would be expected. The search largely identified
the literature already used for the chapter in 2002/2004.
Additional references from the preceding 4 years were
included and references found which had not been
previously identified were also incorporated.
Based on the literature reviewed in this section, the
following recommendations can be made:
Government support and co-operation are
needed to develop services, and responsibility
for this should be identified at a high level in each
Health Ministry. Incontinence should be identified
as a separate issue on the health care agenda.
There is a need for funding as a discrete item
and for funding, not
to be linked to any one
patient group (e.g. elderly or disabled), and
should be mandatory. (Grade D)
No single model for Continence services can be
recommended. In all health care systems, much
will depend on the local health care structure.
Because of the magnitude of UI, prevalence,
detection and basic assessment will need to
be performed by primary care providers.
Specialist consultation should generally be
reserved for those patients where appropriate
conservative treatments have failed, or for
specified indications. (Grade D)
There is a need for research on outcomes, not
just the process of service delivery. This research
should have patient-focused outcomes, evaluate
the outcomes for all sufferers who present for
care, use validated audit tools/outcome
measures and longitudinal studies of the
outcomes of services provided. (Grade D)
There is a need for cost-effectiveness studies
of services currently being provided. (Grade D)
With the continued advances in health care, increasing
public pressure to provide high quality evidence based
care, limited time for health professionals to update
their knowledge and the recognised ineffectiveness
of passive ‘lecture style’ education provision, the need
for new models to change health care providers
behaviour is essential. Nowhere is this more relevant
than in the provision of care for those with UI and FI
where traditionally educational provision has been
inconsistent at best.
Professional education is a key component in the
provision and care of individuals with UI and FI. In their
state-of- the-science statement on the prevention of
faecal and urinary incontinence, Landfeld et al [1]
identified that education of health care providers alone
is insufficient to improve detection and treatment of
UI and FI. However they recognise that in order to
appropriately detect and evaluate incontinence,
professional education is required along with outreach
and practice based resources. To date, the education
and training of those involved in the provision of
continence care has been poor.
It is well recognised internationally, that continence care
provision in the area of UI has developed at different
rates within differing care models, resulting in scattered
and inconsistent services [103]. There are wide
variations in health care professional input and a lack
of continuity of care between primary and secondary
care providers [117] Central to the provision of high
quality continence care is the education of the
individuals providing care, including physicians, nurses,
and allied health care professionals. There is limited
literature on the educational preparation and ongoing
training of those health care professionals engaged
in continence promotion, care, and referral and even
less on the evaluation of education programmes in
terms of educational or practice outcomes. It has long
been recognised that professional education with
reference to UI and FI remains only a small part of the
basic training of physicians, nurses, or allied health
professionals and on-going training is largely ‘ad-hoc’
with huge variations in the types, content and quality
of such training. An early survey in the UK found
minimal attention given to incontinence in both medical
and nurse training, and a key recommendation for
improving continence care was an increase in quality
and quantity of professional education [117]. This has
clearly not occurred. While educational initiatives have
been undertaken, they remain fragmented and
inconsistent internationally. Most notable is the
absence of evidence demonstrating an impact of
professional or public education on the burden of
suffering posed by OAB and UI. The ICS has
established an Education Committee to promote,
organise and co-ordinate all educational advances
undertaken under the auspices of the ICS. This
promises to be a step forward in defining core
competencies and educational goals and objectives
for trainers and trainee alike. Subcommittees in
medical student and resident education, nurse
education, physiotherapy education have been
established. Though to date, educational initiatives
are broadly medical. Details are available on the ICS
website (www
There is a paucity of published work on professional
education on UI or FI. Similarly, there are few studies
addressing the effectiveness of education in improving
the knowledge of learners, or on whether improved
knowledge impacts on patient outcomes. Since the
publication of the ICI chapter in 2005 [116], the
evidence has been building but the level of evidence
on the effectiveness of professional education remains
This section will examine the available evidence on
the effectiveness of professional education on
incontinence for different groups of health care
Physicians (general, primary care, and family
physicians) often have a gate-keeping role in
continence provision as they are often the most likely
first point of contact when patients seek formal help
for their incontinence [118] They may refer their patients
to other health care professionals in primary care,
such as a continence advisor (nurse or other allied
health care provider), or, to a specialist in secondary
care. Physicians provide this service without having
undergone essential training in the management of
patients with urinary symptoms, as this is largely
a) Medical education
Most physicians have received little education about
incontinence, fail to screen for it, and view the likelihood
of successful treatment as low [119]. At the same
time, there are no data confirming the benefits of
screening as a method to reduce the burden of
suffering from UI. A postal survey noted that only 18%
of respondents said providers asked them to complete
a questionnaire about bladder control during routine
office visits and a majority (69%) felt it would be very
helpful in prompting discussion if their physician or
health care professional provided a form for them to
check off symptoms of incontinence [50].
Traditionally, UI and FI have formed only a very small
part of the undergraduate medical curriculum.
Education on UI has usually been fragmented across
different organ systems, with training scattered
between gynaecology, urology, and geriatric medicine.
Bladder and pelvic floor anatomy is poorly covered in
preclinical training and relevant physiology is rarely
mentioned. A survey of urology residency directors,
medical student educators in urology, and urology
applicants identified UI as one of the 8 most commonly
cited topics to be included in a core urology curriculum
[120]. Co-ordination between the disciplines is rare,
although there are some international examples of
joint seminars/modules on urinary and faecal
incontinence (University of New South Wales) and
inter-disciplinary input into curriculum (University of
Newcastle). Minimal training is provided on paediatric
continence issues.
There is a clear history of inadequacies in continence
care which have been acknowledged for some time.
In 1983, the Incontinence Action Group published a
report [121] which identified ‘the huge gap which exists
between available knowledge of the causes and
methods of management and that which is actually
known to practising nurse and doctors.’ In their review
of the evaluation and treatment of women with UI in
the primary care setting, Walters and Realini [122]
found that UI can be diagnosed accurately by family
physicians using basic tests.
A later study found that outpatient geriatric assessment
units were better than physicians in community based
practices at identifying patients with both mild and
severe incontinence [123]. There is clear evidence
that there is a need for further education of health
care professionals. Brocklehurst [118] found that less
than 25% of patients with UI were given a full
examination by their GPs. Deficits in the knowledge
of GPs about UI were found by Jolleys and Wilson
[124] in a survey of 1284 GPs. They also found that
GPs lacked confidence in their abilities to diagnose
and manage UI, although this lack of confidence was
not related to length of practice as a GP. In an analysis
of incontinence in the community, the action taken by
many GPs was found to be suboptimal, with
considerable geographical variation [125]. Fewer than
5% of those who consulted a doctor in this survey
were referred to a nurse or incontinence clinic. It also
suggested that medication was often prescribed
without clinical examination and probably without a
diagnosis being made. In a study by Briggs and
Williams [126], 42 of 101 general practitioners
surveyed never used the service of a continence
advisor for older patients although the service was
available to them.
There have been efforts to educate family physicians
in Australia; in 1989, the New South Wales state
government gave AUD 25000 to the Continence
Foundation of Australia to develop an educational
package (15000 copies) on incontinence to be
distributed to all family physicians in the country [127].
An evaluation of the package was undertaken to
determine whether the package significantly improved
knowledge of incontinence. There was no difference
in initial knowledge between the intervention and
control groups, but there was a significant difference
in post-pack scores between the groups with no
difference in scores on questions not in the pack.
Sixty-three percent continued to use components of
the package later in clinical practice. However,
response rate from the 510 family physicians contacted
was only 16%.
Two studies have reported that family physicians can
be effective in treating UI by using conservative
treatments when educated and motivated [95,128]
with cure or improvement rates reported at 60 - 70%.
Education can also increase referral rates to specialist
practitioners [129]. However, the best format for
education initiatives to all professionals needs further
delineation. The use of road shows (e.g. continuing
medical education [CME] seminars), teleconferences,
guidelines, booklets and face-to-face teaching are
commonly used but rarely evaluated.
There is very little available literature on knowledge
amongst family doctors on faecal incontinence. A
study has recently been undertaken to explore GPs
awareness of surgical treatment options for FI. [130].
A postal questionnaire was mailed to 1,100 GP’s in
Yorkshire region in the UK, a response rate of 48.5%
was achieved. The questionnaire assessed basic
knowledge of FI and treatment options. Overall
knowledge was poor, with the majority unaware of
available investigations, treatments and specialist
centres. The authors recommend better commu-
nication between specialist centres and GPs, as well
as CME programme implementation.
There is growing evidence to suggest that traditional
‘lecture style’ medical education is ineffective in
changing physician behaviour and ultimately patient
outcomes [131]. More innovative teaching methods
are clearly required. Levine and colleagues [132] used
a train-the –trainer model to evaluate the management
of a number of common geriatric conditions including
incontinence. This model involved training, by an
expert faculty, a team of non-expert peer educators.
These peer educators used a toolkit, to conduct small
group learning sessions.
These sessions were evaluated immediately after
and 6 months after the education sessions. The model
used principles of knowledge translation and active
teaching using tool kits based on guidelines to train
geriatricians. Results showed statistically significant
improvements in self reported knowledge, attitudes and
office based practices. The study concluded that
modest changes in practice in relation to geriatric
conditions were achieved using this peer led approach.
Whilst such evaluations are promising, such models
are difficult to sustain and costly. Perhaps most
importantly they point to the need to use innovative
teaching methods to ensure that educational efforts
actually make a difference.
b) Medical specialists
There is little new published evidence on medical
specialist training in the form of effective training
interventions. Specialist training in incontinence is
not always adequate. A survey of urological trainees
between 1988 and 1994 in Australia showed many felt
their training in the management of incontinence had
not been adequate [133]. The Colleges of Obstetrics
and Gynaecology in the United Kingdom and Australia
and the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynae-
cology have developed courses and credentialing of
specially trained urogynaecologists with separate
examinations. Similarly, both the American Urologic
Association and the European Board of Urology
conduct courses, CME programmes and set standards
in UI management. However, both UI and FI still may
be perceived as exclusive to “super-specialists,”
potentially alienating colleagues.
A survey of 163 urodynamic services in the UK found
that half the respondents felt their training in
urodynamics was inadequate [134]. This led Ellis-
Jones and colleagues [135] to explore whether a
recognised education and training programme for
urodynamics led to changes in urodynamic practice.
They asked programme delegates to complete a
questionnaire (n=84) pre and post education
programme and found that 79% reported a change in
practice following completion of the course. This type
of evaluation of an education programme is essential
to determine the value of such courses, however the
evaluation of programmes are often undertaken by
those delivering the programme and the need for
independent evaluation should not be underestimated.
Committee 7, Dynamic Testing, of the ICI recommends
that invasive urodynamic studies should be performed
in accredited urodynamic laboratories, by trained and
certified staff, with formal control of the quality of the
results. This committee highly recommends the
establishment of national accreditation, training,
certification and quality-control programmes.
Nurses have a significant role to play in the area of
incontinence as they are the largest single group of
health care professionals around the world and are
often the first to become aware that the patient is
experiencing incontinence. Cheater and colleagues
[136] found that in the UK, an average community
nurse case load will comprise approximately one-
third of patients with UI. There have been a number
of recent studies which explore the use of new
innovative methods of education provision for nurses.
Rogalski [137] reports persistence in the lack of
educational emphasis on common symptoms like UI
and recommends a curriculum model based on
existing guidelines and the best available evidence
which could address this shortfall and would increase
the quality of continence service provision.
A common theme that runs through the international
nursing literature over the past two decades is that
nursing staff recognise a lack of knowledge of UI and
indicate that they would like further training [138, 139,
140]. There are significant gaps in knowledge and
clinical practice adoption related to both UI and FI
although nurses worldwide have played a major role
in developing new information and testing interventions
[141]. Although nurses can provide effective
interventions in the area of UI, there is limited research
on effective interventions for FI.
Innovative methods of improving knowledge amongst
nurses have undergone recent evaluation. An
important study undertaken by Cheater and colleagues
[142] adds to the debate by examining the value of
audit and feedback and educational outreach which
in the past has often focused on doctors’ behaviours
rather than nurses. In this study, the researchers
undertook a cluster randomised trial to evaluate 194
nurses in 157 family practices with 1078 patients with
a diagnosis of UI. They found that when compared to
educational materials alone, there were no
improvements in care for either educational outreach
or audit and feedback (all groups did improve but
differences between groups were not significant).
McConnell et al [41] describes how advanced practice
nurses learned evidence based approaches to
managing complex cases including incontinence in
nursing home residents. Advanced practice skills
included assessment and diagnosis appraisal of
evidence for management. The authors suggest that
such practices can enhance both student and facility
outcomes, although no systematic evaluation was
Ostaszkiewski [143] describes a nursing leadership
model to enhance continence care in older adults.
Evaluation of the programme suggests improved
management and assessment of incontinence for
individuals sustained after a two year period.
Leadership programmes have proved effective in a
number of areas in nursing provision.
Within these more recent studies, the use of innovative
methods of knowledge transfer and education are
beginning to be adopted, such methods, used in other
areas of professional education may be well suited to
UI and FI.
Some self-study materials have been developed which
link issues on continence care with other regulatory
and policy content such as recognition and reporting
of elder abuse and neglect [144].
a) Specialist nurses
Educational courses on incontinence are available
for nurses in the UK, U.S.A., Europe and Australia and
are beginning to appear in Asia, notably Hong Kong
and Singapore. These courses vary from 2 to 4 weeks
of face to face didactic courses to distance learning
courses lasting 4 to 6 months that lead to a post-
basic nursing certificate.
In the UK, education programmes are documented at
the Association for Continence advice website
.aca.uk.com/education_modules.php) and
comprise information on 1 day courses as well as
diploma courses, degree modules and masters level
study. Such databases of courses offer an excellent
overview for students and providers.
Williams et al [145] conducted a small study in the UK
that showed improvements in both knowledge and
attitudes of nurses who undertook a specially designed
full time, 3 month programme that included a
continence module.
Internationally, there is inconsistency in the provision
of specialist education to prepare nurses to practice
as experts in the field of incontinence. Programmes
of study are developed, but rarely fully evaluated. The
need for innovative web-based learning programmes
incorporating modern information and communication
technology (e-learning) may offer one way of providing
standardised programmes of study to practitioners.
Beitz and Snarponis [146] describe their innovative on-
line learning programme which includes continence
nursing. They feel that such teaching strategies are
acceptable to nurses.
As with physicians, it is unlikely that improving nursing
knowledge alone will translate into improved clinical
practice, or into the ultimate goal of improved patient
outcomes. A review of hospital policies and community
nursing practice in an area with a well-established
continence service and education program
demonstrated very little evidence that improved
education had a tangible effect on practice [147]. The
authors concluded that nurse specialists are most
usefully employed providing a clinical service to
individual patients rather than spending their time
educating other nurses.
There is a lack of consensus on what should be taught
to different nursing groups at each educational level.
It is not clear how educational needs can be met or
who will pay for the time and expertise required to
provide educational initiatives. Governments, as
primary payer of nursing home care, have a vested
interest in promoting continence in order to minimise
costs. It is likely that the continent nursing home
resident requires less nursing time than an incontinent
resident. It therefore falls to the payer to underwrite
the education that is needed to promote continence.
In the U.S.A., the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services has developed a “guidance” for UI care in
nursing homes and provided web-based education
to staff. (www
More emphasis on incontinence care and the nurses’
role in continence promotion should be encompassed
in basic nurse training courses. Specialist continence
nurse practitioners and nurse continence advisors
are likely to be the best instructors to provide this
Standard Setting, care pathways and level of
continence knowledge - Standard setting has been
one method by which general nurses can acquire
skills to meet set standards of practice. But a more
effective method may be care pathways which map
out a timed process of patient-focused care which
specifies key events, tests and assessments to
produce the best-prescribed outcomes, within the
limits of the resources available, for an appropriate
episode of care [148].
The use of Continence Care Pathways has been
evaluated amongst generalist nurses. It was found
that the use of such pathways has aided in the
identification of reversible causes of incontinence
(e.g., UTI, medication, fluid intake, constipation,
dexterity and mobility issues), and addressed poor
quality of life and bothersomeness issues [149]. In a
recent audit of 144 continence care providers in the
UK, this group found that nearly half of them were
using the guidelines and found them to be effective
in helping with assessment and management of
patients [150]. By using care pathways, patients could
be referred to specialist nursing care more appro-
priately for specific treatment beyond the scope of
the generalist nurse, or when they failed to respond
to first line therapy. The care pathway identified the
needs of the patient, directed simple investigation
and primary therapy, but also identified the resources
needed by the nurses (e.g., urine testing dipsticks, lists
of drugs, frequency/volume charts). The pathway
could be modified according to the equipment and
expertise locally available. Educating large numbers
of general nurses to follow a simple pathway with
basic continence-care competencies [151] may allow
better use of specialist nursing time and specialized
skills [152].
Jha, Moran, Blackwell, and Greenham [153] conducted
a small study of women attending gynaecology
outpatient departments with incontinence problems.
Thirty-five percent (7/20) patients did not need to see
a doctor as they were symptom free following treatment
recommendations by continence nurses using an
integrated care pathway. The authors felt this process
facilitated earlier diagnosis, improved access to
specialist services and discharge from secondary
The level of knowledge about UI within the general
nursing community appears to be less than ideal in
both the U.S.A. [151, 154] and Sweden [139]. Many
non-specialist nurses (referred to as general nurses)
desire, and have a need for, more education about
what they can do to better manage incontinent patients.
Moreover, the quality of life of the incontinent nursing
home resident is often more dependent upon the skill,
education, and attitudes of the nursing aide than of
the qualified nursing staff.
In an older UK study of learner and qualified nurses’
knowledge, only 12% of qualified nurses had received
any education on incontinence in the previous 12
months, and for those who had, most was on products
[155]. Forty-four percent of charge nurses and 81%
of staff nurses had received no additional training on
incontinence since qualifying. Further work on attitudes
via a questionnaire to qualified nurses on hospital
wards found predominantly therapeutic, rehabilitative
attitudes, but also a number of misconceptions. Twenty
one percent thought their primary role with incontinent
patients should be supplying products and 11% saw
incontinence as an inevitable part of aging. Sixteen
percent agreed that incontinence was often due to
laziness and 28% thought that incontinence was more
distressing for a younger than for an older adult [156].
In a further survey of trained nurses, the author found
that nurses still focus primarily on palliative rather
than therapeutic care and lacked knowledge on which
to base care [157]. However, nurses with a post-basic
qualification or in-service education were more likely
to have positive attitudes, although it was not clear
whether this was as a result of the education, or
whether these nurses already had a positive attitude
and had therefore self-selected to receive further
More recently, Rigby [158] explored whether increased
continence knowledge amongst general nurses
resulted in changes in clinical practice using an
opportunistic sample of 130 general nurses achieving
a 54% response rate to all stages of the study. The
results demonstrated a significant change in
knowledge score for nurses following a continence
study day, but showed that application in clinical
practice of this knowledge posed significant problems.
This study had a number of limitations using a small
opportunistic sample with poor response, however
the real challenge remains of not simply increasing
knowledge, but translating that knowledge into
improvements in clinical practice.
In the U.S.A., although there are a growing number
of nurses who are developing expertise caring for
incontinent patients, there are no academic or clinical
proficiency requirements to be considered a
“continence nurse practitioner or specialist.” In 1993,
the Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society
developed the first certification program for continence
care nurses in the U.S.A. The Society of Urologic
Nurses and Associates certifies different levels of
nurses in the area of urology and in urodynamic
testing. The norm is that most “continence” nurses in
the U.S.A. obtain their knowledge and skill through self-
motivated activities. A survey of nurses attending a
national nursing conference on UI asked about
educational preparation related to this condition [159].
Respondents reported that less than half (40%)
received academic education including course work
in accredited post-baccalaureate or graduate
programmes related to UI. However, most nurses
(76%) obtained instruction at professional conferences,
continence clinics supervised by nurse practitioners
or physicians, “on-the-job” training, self-study, or in-
service programmes.
In another UK study of general nurses’ knowledge of
UI, a clinical handbook was evaluated using a pre- and
post-test design with an experimental and control
group [112]. This study showed that the use of the
handbook, which consisted of a decanted, user-
friendly, research-based resource on continence care,
improved nurses’ knowledge of incontinence. A
significant improvement in reported clinical practice
was found for 86% of variables in the experimental
group compared to a 59% improvement in controls.
However, only 54% of those approached agreed to
enter the study, suggesting a general lack of interest
and motivation.
Physiotherapists or physical therapists (PT) have long
played a part in continence care and the management
of UI. In some countries, patient self-referral to
specializing physiotherapists has become common-
place. Physiotherapists’ involvement in UI appears
to be either on the basis of individual interest or through
association with women’s hospitals or obstetric
departments, rather than as part of a general
physiotherapy practice [160]. As such, they tend to be
highly motivated and enthusiastic.
Pharmacists have a variety of roles to play in
continence care. In Australia, they have been avid
consumers of continence education programmes. In
2004, the Pharmacy Guild launched an educational
and promotional program for their members with
appropriate outcome evaluation measures. The public
sees pharmacists as important and approachable
sources of health information, especially information
on medicines that may cause or exacerbate UI and
FI. Many retail pharmacies display health promotion
literature on a range of subjects including UI.
Pharmacists may also advise the consumer on
appropriate continence products. Educational seminars
for pharmacists are generally well received. There
are a growing number of CME programmes for
pharmacists on the Internet either through new
products or through sites such as www
which aims for on-line CME for pharmacists
and technicians.
There is also a need to address the training needs of
nursing assistants and aides, particularly in the nursing
home setting. In the U.S.A. and many other countries,
one concern is the high turnover rate among first-line
caregivers in institutional and home care settings,
making it difficult to maintain desired training levels.
Nursing assistants are often the people providing
‘hands-on’ incontinence care and yet, often with the
least training. Certainly, in terms of published evidence
there are few reports of efforts to train nursing
Regulatory issues are often linked not only to quality
of care, but also to reimbursement for clinical care and
services. Reimbursement policies for services often
determine which professionals are able to provide
continence care. In the Netherlands, for example, the
government pays for up to 14 visits to a physiotherapist
for incontinence therapy. In the U.S.A., patient’s visits
to a physiotherapist are restricted.
The development of guidelines, primarily on UI and
more recently FI, has increased significantly in recent
years throughout the world [104,161,162,163,
164,165,166,167,168]. In 1992 and 1996 (revised), the
U.S.A. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
(AHRQ) (formerly known as the Agency for Health
Care Policy Research (AHCPR), sponsored the
development of clinical practice guidelines that were
produced to help standardize the assessment and
management of urinary incontinence in adults [104,
161]. Aimed at health care professionals, the guidelines
are widely quoted, but they have failed to impact the
practice of physicians or trainees [169]. A more recent
study in North Carolina, U.S.A. used a multifaceted
educational intervention based on the 1996 AHCPR
guideline in 20 of 41 primary care practices and failed
to show an effect in increasing screening or
management of UI by PCPs [170]. They concluded the
guidelines may not be the best approach to treating
UI in this setting. Similar disappointing results have
been reported in Europe [107]. However, nurses have
used the AHCPR recommendations more effectively
than physicians, incorporating them into curricula,
evidence-based clinical practice, and care pathways
[171. 172, 173].
More recently, Penning-van Beest et al [174] report
on the impact of the Dutch College of General
Practitioners, treatment guidelines for incontinence.
They identified a cohort of women with newly identified
incontinence (n=1663), they found that the majority of
women did not receive active treatment within 1 year
of identification, many received no active treatment and
use of pads was high. They recommend that this lack
of active treatment could be addressed through better
physician education.
Many of the published guidelines focus on younger,
healthy, community dwelling adults. Guidelines for
evaluation and treatment of UI and FI in children and
the elderly population or those with significant
comorbidity need to be developed. These will need to
take into account issues such as cognitive impairment
which can influence continence status in older adults
Fung [176], in a small study in a large academic
Veterans Affairs medical centre in the U.S.A., used
guidelines to develop condition-specific computerized
templates to serve as guides for clinicians to ask
questions and perform elements of a physical
examination for two specific medical conditions UI
and falls. This study demonstrated that a set of
templates can be developed within an existing
electronic heath record system and can be used to
prompt a clinician to obtain elements of a history and
to perform physical exam elements in relation to falls
and UI.
Changing the current patterns of medical care with
respect to detection and management of incontinence
through education is a difficult task [177]. Guidelines
for medical practice can contribute to improved care
only if they succeed in moving practice closer to the
guideline recommendations [178]. Unless there are
other incentives or the removal of disincentives,
guidelines are unlikely to effect rapid changes in actual
practice. It is recognized that other tools or strategies
are needed to augment and build on educational
endeavours [179]. Strategies that aid in implementation
of a guideline include reminder systems to remember
when to implement guidelines, tracking systems to
identify patients who need follow-up and continuous
quality improvement monitoring and regulations.
Educational programmes alone may change
knowledge and attitude, but rarely change behaviours.
Guidelines combined with continuing medical
education programmes may be more successful [105].
Even evidence-derived guidelines may not always
result in better practice or outcomes. The
implementation and evaluation of such a guideline in
one primary care practice in the UK from which 1503
patients were randomly selected has been reported
[171]. Thirty-five percent of women and 9.9% of men
suffered from incontinence in the previous two months,
but 61% had never sought help. Of those who did, 63%
were referred to specialists, 53% had a urine test, 1
in 4 women had a vaginal examination, and 4 of 206
persons with UI were asked to complete a frequency/
volume chart. After implementing the guideline, two
abdominal examinations and one new rectal
examination were performed, but no new vaginal
examinations were performed. Frequency/volume
charts were given to three people. Two patients used
fewer drugs. The severity of incontinence was
unchanged following the intervention. Family
physicians did not effectively implement the guideline.
It remains to be tested whether, properly used,
guidelines can improve incontinence in practice.
In 2006, a national UK guideline was produced on UI
in women [165]. Within the document the area of
surgeons competence is discussed however there is
no mention of other care providers education and
training (including GPs, nurses, physiotherapists etc).
In order for services to be delivered effectively, primacy
needs to be given to practitioners education and
training in such documents.
In a 1999 repeat of a 1996 survey, among 6481
patients older than 50 years, it was found that after
numerous UI awareness and education campaigns,
German physicians were even less likely to address
incontinence than 3 years earlier [180]. The “don’t
ask, don’t tell” attitude between physicians and
patients, has significant fiscal implications for health
care. The consequence of not treating the condition
may increase the annual cost of care by an estimated
USD 3941 per individual [181]. Funding for conser-
vative management of UI, or better-informed public
demand, may stimulate more interest and improved
performance among this important group. It remains
critically important that PCPs have an understanding
of how to manage UI effectively [182].
DuBeau et al [183] assessed the knowledge and
attitudes of nursing home staff (including directors of
nursing and nursing home surveyors) following revised
U.S. government guidelines on continence care (Tag
F315- http://www
They used a questionnaire in a convenience sample
of 558 staff attending workshops. The authors report
striking deficiencies in knowledge amongst staff, and
identified managerial structures as barriers to guideline
implementation. They suggest such barriers need to
be overcome in order to improve the quality of care.
A number of CME programmes for PCPs on UI are
now available through Internet sites. One by the
American Geriatrics Society covers screening for UI,
history taking, ruling out other factors, urinalysis,
behavioural therapy and challenges in impaired people.
Pharmacy Times site offers a free Temple University
program with 2 CME credits on medical management
of UI.
It covers differentiation between transient and
established incontinence, identification of medications
which can contribute to UI and agents which can be
used to manage the various types of UI, how to assess,
choose appropriate pharmacotherapy and identifying
which agents should not be used.
In 1998 the Japan Continence Action Society compiled
a Continence Educational set (CE-set) for profes-
sionals to use in the community. The CE-set comprised
text books, lantern slides, and a CD-ROM based on
current evidence. Fifty five CE-sets were distributed
to Health Education centres in each prefecture. In
2008, only 11 of the CE-sets had been used, whilst
44(80%) remained unused. The single factor that
encouraged use was whether a continence course
had been provided in the region or not.
Realistically the likelihood of obtaining adequate
independent funding for effective professional educa-
tion on UI and FI is unlikely in the current economic
Based on the literature reviewed in this section, the
following recommendations can be made:
There remains a need for rigorously evaluated
continence education programmes which
adhere to defined minimum standards for
continence specialists and, generalists, utilizing
web-based and distance learning techniques
alongside audit and feedback, train-the trainer
models and leadership models as well as
traditional methods. The following should be
- Compulsory inclusion of a specified number
of hours of incontinence education in the
basic curriculum (physicians, nurses,
physiotherapists and other allied health
professionals). Ideally incontinence should
be identified, planned and taught as a
separate topic.
- Specific education programmes adhering
to approved standards should be reported
to a recognized central body linked to
appropriate evidence and guidance.
- Where possible, education programmes
should be independently evaluated using
appropriate research methods.
(Grade D)
There is a need for research on the most
effective means to educate professional groups
on continence issues. Specifically, there is need
for research on:
- The effectiveness of innovative teaching
methods in improving knowledge and
- Translation of research into improved clinical
practice and identification of methods by
which this happens.
- Mechanisms for increasing professional
motivation to acquire education and improve
(Grade D)
The following key words were used in the literature
search: prevention + primary/secondary/tertiary,
prevention + incontinence /urinary incontinence/
fecal/anal incontinence, prevention + population,
continence + promotion, health promotion, health
promotion + continence, risk (factors) + incontinence,
urinary /faecal incontinence + BMI/obesity,
incontinence + diabetes, urinary incontinence , diet/
caffeine/fluid intake, physical activity + incontinence,
mental health + incontinence/ painful bladder
syndrome, urinary /faecal incontinence + (cigarette)
smoking, pregnancy/ childbirth/antenatal/ postnatal/
postpartum + incontinence, occupation + incontinence,
pelvic floor muscle exercises + pregnancy/childbirth/
antenatal/postnatal/postpartum + incontinence,
pregnancy/childbirth/antenatal/postnatal/ postpartum
+ incontinence + prevention, pelvic floor muscle
exercises + prostatectomy, post prostatectomy +
incontinence + prevention, conservative management
+ incontinence, risk factors + urinary incontinence,
risk factors + faecal incontinence/ anal incontinence,
occupation + risk + incontinence, painful bladder
syndrome + prevention, painful bladder syndrome +
risk, pelvic organ prolapse, prevention, pelvic organ
prolapse + risk, older adults, urinary incontinence +
prevention, self-efficacy + incontinence, falls + risk +
incontinence. Search strategy included a range of
electronic databases as follows: Ageline, AMI:
Australasian Medical Index, AMED Allied and
Complementary Medicine, Australian Institute of Health
and Welfare: Publications, Blackwell Scientific now
joined with Wiley Interscience, BMJ Journals online,
Cambridge Journals on line, Cinahl, Cochrane Library
EBSCO Host, Google, Health and Medical Complete,
Meditext, Medline, Ovid, Oxford Journals
Pedro, Proquest, Pubmed, Springer, Wiley Inter-
science, Wilson
Urinary incontinence is a highly prevalent and chronic
condition that can be prevented by addressing
modifiable risk factors through primary prevention.
Although the evidence base for FI and POP is more
limited than that for UI, the conditions share many
similarities with respect to risk and treatment,
suggesting that similar benefits may derive from
population-based strategies [116]. These strategies
may also be relevant to people with bladder pain
syndrome (also referred to as interstitial cystitis, painful
bladder syndrome and urologic chronic pelvic pain),
although there is no research on primary prevention
for this condition.
In the past few years, substantive work has examined
the evidence base for preventative strategies for
incontinence. This work included a Cochrane Review
of conservative management for post prostatectomy
urinary incontinence [184], an extensive Evidence
Report conducted for the U.S.A. AHRQ on prevention
of urinary and fecal incontinence in adults, [167], and
a state of the science conference also on the
prevention of urinary and fecal incontinence in adults,
sponsored by the National Institutes of Health in the
U.S.A. [166].
Primary prevention refers to efforts directed at a
community or population level to promote protective
health behaviors [185] in order to reduce the incidence
of UI, FI and POP. Other preventative measures
include secondary prevention (where screening of
asymptomatic people occurs in order to detect
symptoms early and provide treatment) and tertiary
prevention (where efforts are directed at curing,
rehabilitating, restoring function and preventing of
future relapse of symptoms) [186]. This section will
focus on primary prevention of UI and POP. Additional
and more in-depth information is presented by the
ICI Committee 4, Pathophysiology of Urinary Incon-
tinence, Fecal Incontinence and Pelvic Organ
Prolapse; Committee 12, Conservative management
of urinary incontinence (men and women), and pelvic
organ prolapse. Primary prevention of FI is addressed
by Committee 16, Conservative and Pharmacological
Management of Faecal Incontinence in Adults. There
is no evidence concerning addressing secondary and
tertiary prevention of bladder pain syndrome.
Prevention should include education about behavioural
changes that increase the probability of incontinence,
the normal functioning of the urogenital and gastro-
intestinal tracts, expected age related and develop-
mental changes, and how to find the appropriate
treatment providers. Raising awareness of health
problems and providing information on terms used to
describe symptoms assists in promoting help-seeking
behaviour [187].
The 3rd ICI stressed the importance of all healthcare
professionals promoting primary prevention of
incontinence [116]. It was acknowledged that this
would require raising the level of community
awareness, providing public education as well as
addressing healthcare professionals’ education. Whilst
some advances have been made, these strategies
remain a priority. The challenges of dealing with an
ageing population are likely to result in urological
symptoms including incontinence being as prevalent
as cardiovascular disease in the U.S.A. by 2025 [188,
189] and is likely to result in an increased demand for
hospital and long term care [190]. As noted above,
incontinence is responsible for up to 30 - 50% of
admissions into nursing homes, often precipitated by
the burden of care on care givers who spend half of
their care-giving time providing personal care such as
toileting assistance [84]. Caregivers of people with
dementia living in the community have been shown
to benefit from learning strategies to assist in
preventing and managing FI [191]. This study highlights
the need to include carers in primary and secondary
prevention strategies.
Programs developed to raise awareness of continence
issues should consider targeting a range of groups
including people of different ages and genders [47].
Consideration should be given to the setting in which
the health promotion program is to be delivered such
as schools, work places, community groups and health
care institutions [192]. It is acknowledged that whilst
some nations are successfully implementing primary
prevention strategies, others are yet to effectively
implement secondary prevention measures such as
assessment and management of continence
conditions [193]. In Australia, the UK and the U.S.A,
continence organizations have received addi-tional
support from national governmental departments and
agencies resulting in greater resources being applied
to preventative and continence promotion programs.
The evidence for population-based prevention
strategies remains at Level 4, Grade C.
There is an increasing body of evidence linking
incontinence with other conditions. These links provide
opportunities to benefit from cooperative efforts with
other health promotion initiatives. Identification of
individuals who have the potential for becoming
incontinent is an important primary prevention activity.
Level 3 Grade B evidence exists for general risk
factors of age, pregnancy, parity, [194, 195, 196].
Earlier studies reported Level 3 evidence regarding
the risk of overweight and obesity in women [92, 197].
More recently a systematic review has found Level 2
and Level 3 evidence that establishes overweight and
obesity as independent risk factors for the development
of UI in women [198]. Women with obesity and
diabetes have a greater risk of developing pelvic floor
disorders, including UI, FI and pelvic organ prolapse
[199]. There is a 91% prevalence of these pelvic floor
disorders in morbidly obese women [200].
Higher body mass index (BMI) and greater weight
are independent risk factors for stress and mixed UI
in middle-aged and menopausal women [198. 201].
There is Level 3 evidence to recommend that women
with a BMI over 30 should be advised to lose weight
to reduce their UI [165]. Randomised control trials
have found that women who are overweight or obese
can reduce the frequency of urine loss by losing
between 3 - 5% of body weight [202] and 7% of body
weight [203]. Bariatric surgery for morbidly obese
women has resulted in “significant improvement” of
UI and has reduced the prevalence of FI from 19%
to 9 % [204]. A weight reduction program focusing on
avoiding weight gain and maintaining a waist
circumference within a normal range may lower the
risk of UI in women [205].
Diabetes - Lower urinary tract symptoms and changes
in bladder function occur in over 50% of men and
women with diabetes [206; 207]. In middle-aged
women, diabetes is the strongest risk associated with
the development of UI [197] and the increase in
severity of UI [208, 209]. The risk of pathological
bladder changes and incontinence may be reversed
if diabetes can be prevented by lifestyle interventions
including weight loss [206; 209] and physical activity
[206]. Providing this information to patients may be a
strategy to motivate people to take positive action to
improve their health.
Fluid intake - Urinary symptoms may be adversely
affected by extremes of fluid intake. Amending high
or low fluid intake improves UI and OAB [165]. Patients
who decrease an excessive fluid intake experience
decreased urinary frequency and urgency to
statistically significant levels [165; 210]
Diet - The effect of diet on urinary function is not well
studied, however it has been reported that eating a
diet containing vitamin D, potassium, chicken,
vegetables, bread and protein may lead to a reduction
in the risk of stress UI and OAB [165]. Diets containing
carbonated drinks, high fat levels, cholesterol, vitamin
B12, zinc [166] and spicy foods and artificial swee-
teners were associated with an increased risk of UI
or an increase in the severity of OAB. There are mixed
results on the effects of caffeine upon nocturia and
OAB, with one study of normal volunteers reporting
no change in nocturia [211] and others that showed
an association with caffeine ingestion and nocturia
but not urinary urgency [212, 213]. A recent study
with normal volunteers found that artificial sweeteners
had a significant effect upon increasing urinary
frequency and urgency [212].
Diet is also implicated in the exacerbation of urinary
symptoms in BPS/IC/PBS. The types of food and
drink reported to aggravate these symptoms include
chocolate, citrus fruits, and tomatoes, carbonated
drinks, [214], alcohol, coffee, and tea, [214, 215, 216].
Physical activity - Low impact physical activity in
younger women appears to assist in promoting
continence [217]. Conversely high impact, strenuous
physical activity can aggravate symptoms of PBS
[218]. Older women who engage in regular physical
activity such as walking have significantly lower levels
of UI [219] and are less likely to have urgency if they
exercise at least weekly. It is not clear if commencing
exercise could reduce urgency [165]. Severity of UI
in women is related to the perception of UI being a
barrier to exercise, and women with severe UI are
less likely to achieve recommended amounts of
physical activity required for good health. Women
with less severe incontinence are more likely to wear
a pad or restrict their fluid intake in an attempt to
minimize UI when exercising [220].
Depression and mental health - Incontinence has
been linked with mental health issues, including
depression and self-harm. This may be due to a
common underlying causality rather than incontinence
causing depression or risk of self-harm [218]. Severity
of incontinence is strongly associated with major
depression in women [222] and screening for
depression should be considered when a women
presents with severe UI. The World Health
Organization (WHO) predicts that by 2020 depression
will be the second highest cause of disability for all
ages and genders [223]. It is likely that the prevalence
of incontinence will rise as a consequence of this. IC
is also associated with a higher risk of depression
[218, 224]. Symptoms are exacerbated by
psychological stress [215]. This syndrome is frequently
associated with fibromyalgia and irritable bowel
syndrome [215, 224]. A recent study however has
found that women with fibromyalgia have a pattern of
urinary symptoms that are distinct from those
experienced by women with PBS/IC [225].
Cigarette smoking Whilst cigarette smoking has
previously been shown to exacerbate OAB and has
been linked with UI and FI [167], research has not yet
demonstrated that smoking cessation results in
changes to UI or FI [164, 165].
Occupational risk factors Increasing voiding intervals
have been reported in workers who have limited
access to toilet facilities (such as teachers, nurses
and production workers). This is thought to result in
reducing bladder sensation and lead to UI [167]. An
earlier study found that women in the military and the
occupations described above deliberately restricted
their fluid intake in order to control their UI [226]. A
recent study of teachers in Taipei found that UI
occurred more often in those who had a higher BMI,
poor bladder habits and lack of access to toilets [213].
Heavy lifting was shown to increase the risk of urgency
in teachers [213]. Women living in rural Thailand
performing laboring duties had a higher risk of UI
[227].There are still no intervention studies that have
been reported in these at-risk populations.
Recent studies suggest that the percentage of women
experiencing UI prior to pregnancy ranges from 15%
[228] to 39% [217]. Women who engaged in high
impact physical activity during pregnancy were at
greater risk of UI, whereas a protective effect for UI
was noted in women who undertook low impact
physical activity prior to and during pregnancy [217].
During pregnancy, approximately 50% of primiparous
women experience UI [229]. UI during pregnancy has
been reported as a risk factor for UI later on in life [228,
230]. Pelvic floor disorders, particularly POP have
been associated with women who delay pregnancy
and childbirth until they are older [231].
A systematic review conducted in 2005 found that
whilst PFMT is associated with reduction or
amelioration of UI in pregnancy and postpartum, there
is no evidence to support PFMT as a strategy to
prevent UI from occurring. [232]. It has also been
found that self-reported PFMT does not affect the
onset of UI during pregnancy [233]. There is some
suggestion that PFMT appears to be effective in
preventing UI in the post partum period in those women
who do not experience UI during pregnancy [230]. A
recent randomised control trial of women with UI
during pregnancy who were given three PFMT
sessions for a period during pregnancy, and one
session post partum found no effect upon UI six
months post partum compared with controls who
received standard advice [234].
Management of the second stage of labour may also
affect continence. Pelvic floor muscle trauma may be
reduced by allowing the woman to bear down when
she has an urge to push and avoiding instrumental
delivery when possible [235].
When clinical guidelines have provided an indication
for the use of an episiotomy, debate has ensued as
to whether a midline or mediolateral episiotomy will
provide the best protection to the perineum. A case-
control study found that a mediolateral incision reduced
the risk of third degree tearing of the perineum. The
angle of the episiotomy resulted in a 50% relative
reduction of sustaining a third degree perineal tear for
each 6° away from the midline [43].
Previously Level 2 and Level 3 evidence suggested
that elective caesarean delivery could be considered
as a UI prevention strategy. Women who had a
caesarean section have less UI at three months post
partum [233], however the risk of UI is not completely
eliminated as 14% of women still report UI [236]. More
research is required into UI occurring before and
during pregnancy due to the strong link to UI occurring
postpartum [237]. In addition, antenatal UI has been
found to be an independent risk for postpartum FI
[167; 229].
Despite a significant body of evidence that advocates
PFMT before, during and after pregnancy to prevent
and treat UI during pregnancy and in the postnatal
period, [204]; [167], the actual number of women
performing regular PFMT during pregnancy varies
from 17% in Norway, 69 % in the UK and 54.5 % in
Australia [238]. Poor adherence to PFMT is also an
issue [239]. The effectiveness of PFMT in preventing
childbirth related UI, in conjunction with the non-
invasive nature of this self-care strategy, makes it a
logical focus for UI prevention efforts among women
during the period of childbearing. [240]. Due to the lack
of research, there is only Level 4 evidence to support
the use of PFMT to prevent incontinence during
pregnancy and in the post natal period.
Prostatectomy remains an established risk factor for
UI in men [241], resulting in postoperative pad use
[242] and decreased quality of life [243]. Despite
advances in surgical techniques that have reduced the
risk of UI, it remains a distressing post-operative
complication for many men [244]. It is of concern that
over 40% of men in one study claimed not to have
received preoperative information that they may
develop UI following prostate surgery [245].
Pre-operative UI is a significant risk for UI following
a radical prostatectomy [246].
A Cochrane Review published in 2008 found few
studies on the effect of PFMT undertaken prior to
radical prostatectomy on the development of UI post-
operatively [247].
One RCT compared subjects given biofeedback and
daily home exercise to controls given usual post-
operative instruction to cut off the flow of urine when
urinating [285]. The intervention group achieved
continence faster and suffered less severe UI than
Secondary prevention of UI with men undergoing
PFMT following radical prostatectomy also shows
conflicting results, with some showing no change on
UI [249] and others showing improvement in men
who underwent PFMT compared to men who did not
[250]. The Cochrane Review concluded that the
evidence was inconclusive and that there was a paucity
of quality research in this area, [247].
Whilst there is a focus on UI and erectile dysfunction
after radical prostatectomy, a number of men
experience fecal urgency and FI post-operatively, with
a small percentage of men developing FI two years
post-operatively. It is suggested that there may be a
higher number of men with FI post-operatively than
currently reported [245].
Researchers are urged to investigate preventative
strategies for FI and faecal urgency following radical
prostatectomy [166] as currently there appears to be
no research into this area.
In regards to prostatectomy, there remains mixed
Level 2 evidence to support the use of PFMT pre and
post-operatively for UI. There is no evidence to either
support or refute the use of PFMT pre and post
operatively to prevent FI.
It is predicted that the number of people aged over 60
will increase from 650 million in 2005 to over 2 billion
in 2050 [223]. Whilst ageing does not cause
incontinence it is acknowledged that the risk of
incontinence increases with advancing age and is
associated with a concomitant increase in a range of
co-morbid conditions.
Older adults are a heterogeneous group, and therefore
preventative strategies for older adults need to take
into consideration the well aged as well as the frail
aged. It is important to involve older people and
upcoming generations in health promotion research
and health promotion intervention programs targeted
at older people [251].
Due to the association of diabetes and UI, geron-
tologists have an important role to play in screening
older women with diabetes for UI so that they can
receive treatment [206].
Well older adults - There is Level 2 evidence to
support the use of preventative strategies in well older
adults. These strategies include promoting self-efficacy
such that the individual has a belief that they have the
capacity and skills to improve their own health. In
addition, self-efficacy improves the ability to cope
better with symptoms and is linked to motivation,
knowledge of the benefits of making changes, and
adherence to behavior change [252; 253]. Self
–efficacy over UI may be enhanced if women are
taught self monitoring techniques such as adjusting
fluid and caffeine intake, resolving constipation, pelvic
floor muscle training in “Quick Kegel” contractions
and monitoring voiding intervals [254]. These self-
monitoring techniques resulted in decreased volumes
of urine loss and improved quality of life [254].
Promoting self-efficacy results in good adherence to
PFMT in older, well educated women [255]. Self-
efficacy measures such as the Geriatric Self-Efficacy
Index for Urinary Incontinence can be used to
determine adherence to behavioural programs
developed for the prevention and management of UI
A behavioural modification program delivered to
women aged over 55 years reported the preventative
effects of increasing pelvic floor muscle strength and
increasing time between voids upon continence status,
suggesting that preventative strategies are effective
in older women [66, 256; ]. A recent systematic review
concluded that there was “moderate evidence” to
support the use of PFMT and bladder training in
resolving UI in women [257]. An older study reported
that these interventions were “very successful” in
treating UI in elderly community dwelling people [258].
Frail older people Correlations have been found
between poor general health and severe urinary and/or
fecal incontinence in frail older people [259]. Incon-
tinence is the second main reason for frail aged people
to seek admission into nursing homes in the UK and
the U.S.A., and is the third main reason in Australia
[86]. Incontinence in nursing home residents has
negative effects upon the morale of residents, families
and staff. Conversely the time and effort spent in
promoting continence through toileting programs and
other strategies is labour intensive and also places
strain upon staff [129].
A recent study has found that there is a greater risk
of functional disabilities in men and women who are
obese, specifically those with higher waist
circumference measurements [260]. These disabilities
are associated with a range of chronic health
conditions, including incontinence. Prevention of
obesity may prevent the development of functional
disabilities, chronic health problems and incontinence
in the frail aged [260].
Treatment of poor mobility and communication
difficulties [259], UTI, environmental barriers and
removing physical restraints [261], could reverse or
ameliorate urinary and/or fecal incontinence. Despite
this, a UK survey of continence practices in care
homes there were few mobility programs in place to
promote continence [88].
Falls have been associated with a range of factors,
including UI and taking medicines such as diuretics
[262, 263]. Falls have also been associated with OAB,
urge UI and nocturia [264]. Opportunities exist to link
with other health promotion programs targeted at
older adults such as falls prevention programs [262].
However opportunities to promote continence are not
currently being adopted in these programs, despite
incontinence being a known risk for falls
[264]. A number of factors have been identified linking
the risk of incontinence to chronic health conditions
in the frail aged. Screening is recommended to identify
risk factors for incontinence in the early stages when
it may be easier to adopt preventative strategies [167]..
Whilst strategies to address these factors have been
recommended there is a lack of studies to show the
efficacy of these interventions. Due to the paucity of
research in this area there is Level 4 evidence to
recommend the use of preventative strategies
described above to prevent incontinence and promote
continence in frail aged adults.
Some degree of POP is reported in 51% of women
aged over 50 years who have had children [265].
Whilst clinical assessment of POP has revealed higher
prevalence, mild degrees of prolapse may be
asymptomatic. There is mixed evidence related to
risk factors associated with developing POP. Smoking,
increased waist circumference and higher BMI were
not associated with POP in one study [266]. Another
study reported that grand multiparity (defined as five
or more vaginal deliveries) and raised BMI are risk
factors for POP [267]. It was also found that in older
women that POP worsened and resolved over time
[267]. Irritable bowel syndrome was found to be
associated with POP [268].
A systematic review of POP conducted in 2007
concluded that whilst there is currently no research
to demonstrate effective prevention, conservative
strategies such as weight loss, avoiding heavy lifting,
resolving constipation, pelvic floor physiotherapy and
addressing obstetric risk factors should be considered
[269]. One report presents Level II-3 evidence that
symptoms of POP are relieved by the use of a vaginal
pessary. This is of relevance to women who choose
or are not able to have surgery and those who are
awaiting surgery [265].
Pelvic organ prolapse in women may be decreased
following the long term use of a vaginal pessary [265].
The use of a pessary may also assist in improving
bladder, bowel and sexual functioning but there is
mixed evidence for improvement of stress urinary
incontinence and urge urinary incontinence [265].
A Cochrane Review of pessary use in 2004 was unable
to find any randomised control trials assessing the
efficacy of pessary use [269]. These authors also
note that despite this lack of evidence, pessaries have
been used for centuries and are currently used in
clinical practice by the vast majority of gynaecologists,
urogynaecologists and nurse specialists.
Whilst it appears that people are seeking help more
readily for UI, the problem of FI remains under–
reported [130] especially in older people [270] and
few physicians ask patients about it [271]. Analysis of
studies on FI is hampered by a lack of standardised
terminology with regards to stool consistency, gas
leakage and frequency of incontinent episodes [166,
272, 273]. Whilst acknowledging that prevention of FI
is important, it is recognized that more research is
needed to determine the risk factors and interventions
to prevent FI [274]. An extensive systematic review
of risk factors associated with FI is reported by
Committee 4, Pathophysiology of Urinary Incontinence,
Fecal Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse and
hence only a brief summary is provided below. Risk
factors for developing FI include diarrhoea [274],
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), UI [271], [272], and
obesity, particularly for people with a BMI more than
40 [272, 274]. Morbidly obese women may have rates
of FI as high as 63% [271]. Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, diabetes, colectomy and
cholecystectomy are also associated with an increased
risk of FI [275]. An association with FI has been found
in postmenopausal women [275]. Conversely it was
also found that the use of hormone replacement
therapy in women increased the risk of FI [275].
1. Landefeld, C.S., Bowers, B.J., Feld, A.D., et al.: NIH
Consensus State Sci Statements. NIH State-of-the-Science
Conference Statement on Prevention of Fecal and Urinary
Incontinence in Adults. Dec 12-14; 24(1):1-40, 2007.
2. Kerka, S.: Health Literacy beyond Basic Skills. ERIC Digest.
3. Diering, C. and Palmer, M.H.: Professional information about
urinary incontinence on the World Wide Web: Is it timely?
Is it accurate? J Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 27:1-
9, 2001.
4. Sandvik, H.: Health information and interaction on the Internet:
a survey of female urinary incontinence Br Med J.: 319:29-
32, 1999
5. Baker, L., Wagner, T. H., Singer, S., and Bundorf, M. K.: Use
of the internet and e-mail for health care information: Results
from a national survey. JAMA, 298(18), 2400–2406, 2003.
6. Lenhart, A., Horrigan, J., Rainie, L., Allen, K., Boyce, A.,
Madden, M., and O’Grady, E.: The ever shifting internet
population: A new look at internet access and the digital
divide (p. 46). Washington, DC: Pew Internet and American
Life Project, 2003.
7. Pefia-Purcell N.: Hispanic's use of internet health information:
an exploratory study. J Med Library Association. 96(2):101-
7, 2008.
8. Al-Shammary N., Awan, S., Butt, K., and Yoo, J. Internet
use before consultation with a health professional. Primary
Health Care. December;17(10):18 – 21, 2007.
9. Berger M, Wagner T.H., and Baker L.C.: Internet use and
stigmatized illness. Soc Sci Med. Oct;61(8):1821-7, 2005.
10. Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, First International
Conference on Health Promotion, Ottawa, 21,
WHO/HPR/HEP/95.1 Document Number, November 1986.
Accessed November 1, 2008.
11.Tannenbaum C. and Shatenstein, B.: Exercise and nutrition
in older Canadian women. Canadian Journal of Public Health.
May - June;98(3):187 – 93, 2007.
12. Palmer M.H. and Newman, D.K.: Bladder control educational
needs of older adults. Journal of Gerontological Nursing,
32(1): 28-32, 2006.
13. Kinchen, K.S., Burgio, K., Diokno, A., et al. Factors associated
with women's decisions to seek treatment for urinary
incontinence. J Womens Health, 12:687-98 2003.
14. Koch, L.H. Help-seeking behaviors of women with urinary
incontinence: An integrative literature review. Journal of
Midwifery and Women’s Health, 51(6), e39–e44, 2006.
15. Sykes, D., Castro, R., Pons, M.E., Hampel, C., Hunskaar,
S., Papanicolaoi, S., et al.: Characteristics of female
outpatients with urinary incontinence participating in a 6-
month observational study in 14 European countries.
Maturitas, 52(Suppl. 2), S13–S23, 2005.
16. Huang, A.J., Brown, J.S., Kanaya, A.M., Creasman, J.M.,
Ragins, A.I., van den Eeden, S.K., et al.: Quality-of-life impact
and treatment of urinary incontinence in ethnically diverse
older women. Archives of Internal Medicine, 166, 2000–2006,
17. Shaw, C, Das Gupta, R., Williams, K.S., Assassa, R.P., and
McGrother, C.: A survey of help-seeking and treatment
provision in women with stress urinary incontinence. BJU
International. 97:752 – 7, 2006.
18. Shaw, C, Das Gupta, R., Bushnell, D.M., Assassa, R.P.,
Abrams, P., Wagg, A., Mayne, C., Hardwick, C and Martin,
M.: The extent and severity of urinary incontinence amongst
Health promotion strategies aimed at individual,
interpersonal, community and population levels
are needed in order to promote urinary and fecal
continence [192]. Educating people about
continence issues and ways in which they can
improve their bladder and bowel health will also
assist in removing some of the stigma that
surrounds continence issues [167]. Conversely,
care needs to be taken to ensure that incontinence
is not “normalised” as this can have the unintended
consequence of people not seeking help for a
condition deemed to be “normal” [276]. For
moderately overweight women, the Third
International Consultation on Incontinence
recommended programs such Weight Watchers®
to encourage moderate weight loss as first line
therapy in overweight women. There is little
evidence at this stage to demonstrate that these
recommendations have been followed. The
acceptance of public health programs to reduce
obesity, increase physical activity and promote
eating fruits and vegetables can be built upon to
promote good bladder and bowel habits, including
PFMT and BT for the primary prevention of UI.
Based on the literature reviewed in this section, the
following recommendations can be made:
Primary prevention studies should not be limited
to individual interventions, but also test the
impact of population-based public health
strategies (Grade C)
PFMT should be a standard component of
prenatal and postpartum care. Due to the
number of women who experience incontinence
prior to pregnancy, measures need to be taken
to instruct women in PFMT prior to pregnancy
(Grade C)
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) should be
conducted to test the preventative effect of
PFMT for men post-prostatectomy surgery
(Grade B)
Further investigation is warranted to assess the
efficacy of PFMT and BT for primary prevention
of UI in well older adults (Grade B)
Primary prevention efforts should be aimed at
interventions to promote a healthy body weight to
assist in the prevention of incontinence (Grade
women in UK GP waiting rooms. Family Practice
Oct;23(5):497-506, 2006.
19. Harris MF, and McKenzie, S. Men's health: what's a GP to
do? Medical Journal of Australia. October; 185(8):440 – 4,
20. Engstrom, G., Walker-Engstrom, M-L., Loof, L. and Leppert,
J.: Prevalence of three lower urinary tract symptoms in men-
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21. Diokno, A.C., Estanol, M.V., and Ibrahim, I.A,
Balasubramaniam, M.: Prevalence of urinary incontinence
in community dwelling men: a cross sectional nationwide
epidemiological survey.Int Urol Nephrol. 39(1):129-36, 2007.
22. Wolters, R., Wensing, M., van Weel C., van der Wilt G.J.,
and Grol, R.P.: Lower urinary tract symptoms: social influence
is more important than symptoms in seeking medical care.
BJU Int. Nov;90(7):655-61, 2002.
23. Andersson, G., Johansson, J.E., Garpenholt, O¨.R., et al.:
Urinary Incontinence - Prevalence, impact on daily living
and desire for treatment: A population-based study. Scand
J Urol Nephrol 38: 125–130; 2004.
24. Muller, N. What Americans understand and how they are
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25. Newman, D.K. and Wein, A.J., Managing and Treating Urinary
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Baltimore, Maryland, In Press, 2009.
26. Herschorn S, Gajewski, J., Schutz, J., and Corcos, J.: A
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incontinence: the Canadian Urinary Bladder Survey BJU
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27. Norton, N.J.: The perspective of the patient.
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28. Newman, D.K.: Community awareness and education. In
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29. Garcia, J.A., Crocker, J., and Wyman, J.F.: Breaking the
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30. Norton, C.: Nurses, bowel continence and taboos. J Wound
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31. Guimmarra MJ, Haralambous, B., Moore, K., and Nankervis,
J. The concept of health in older age: views of older people
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32. Doshani, A., Pitchforth, E., Mayne, CJ., and Tincello, D.G..:
Culturally sensitive continence care: a qualitative study
among South Asian Indian women in Leicester. Fam Pract.
Dec;24(6):585-93, 2007.
33. Rizk, D.E., Shaheen, H., Thomas, L., Dunn, E., Hassan,
M.Y.: The prevalence and determinants of health care-
seeking behavior for urinary incontinence in United Arab
Emirates women. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct.
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34. Saleh N., Bener A., Khenyab N., Al-Mansori Z., and Al Muraikhi
A.: Prevalence, awareness and determinants of health care-
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35. Rizk, D.E., Hassan, M.Y., Shaheen, H., Cherian, J.V., Micallef,
R,, Dunn, E.: The prevalence and determinants of health care-
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36. Anthony J.S.: Self-advocacy in health care decision-making
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37. Downes, L.: Motivators and barriers of a healthy lifestyle
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38. Howard, D.L., Edwards, B.G., Whitehead, K., Amamoo, A.,
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40. Hope C.: Promoting continence positively, J Community
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248. Burgio K.L, Goode, P.S., Urnab, D.A., Umlauf, M.G., Locher,
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249. Robinson J.P.B., Nuamah, I.; Pickett, M.; and McCorkle,
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250. MacDonald RF, H.A; Huckabay, C.; Monga, M.; and Wilt,
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251. Howat P, Boldy, D., and Horner, B. Promoting the health of
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252. Gieck DJ, and Olsen, S. Holistic Wellness as a means to
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253. Tannenbaum C, Brouillette, J., Korner-Bitensky, N., Dumoulin,
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254. Kincade J.E., Dougherty, M.C., Carlson, J.R., Hunter, G.S.,
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256. Diokno, A.C., Sampselle, C.M., Herzog, A.G., Raghunathan,
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257. Shamliyan T.A, Kane, R.L., Wyman, J., and Wilt, T.J.:
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*Continence Foundation of Australia Ltd
AMA House, 293 Royal Parade
Parkville, Victoria 3052
Tel: 03 9347 2522
Fax: 03 9347 2533
website: www
*Medizinische Geseelschaft fur
Inkontinenhlife Osterreich
Speckbacherstrasse 1 A-6020, Innsbruck
Tel: (43) 512 58 38 03
Fax: (43) 512 58 94 86
Website: www
*U-Control vzw,
(Belgian Association for Incontinence)
Leopoldstraat 24
B-30000 Leuven
Tel: 32 8161 6455/32 38213047
Fax: 32 816 16270/32 382 14475
*Urobel Belgian association for urological
nurses and associates
De Pintelaan 185, BE-9000, Gent
Tel.: 09/240.27.65
Fax: 09/240.38.89
Website: www.urobel.be
*Brazilian Foundation for Continence Promotion
*The Canadian Continence Foundation
PO Box 417, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J6Z3
Tel: (1) 705-750-4600
Fax: (1) 705-750-1770
Website: www
*Inco Forum
Tel: (420) 02-61-082135
Fax: (420) 02-61-082135
Website: www.incoforum.cz/
Danish Continence Association
(The Danish Association of Incontinent People)
Vesterbrogade 64, 1620 Copenhagen V
Website: www.kontinens.dk/
*Feemes pour Toujourns
Nicole Kremer, President
17 rue des Nanettes, Paris 75011
Tel: 33 (0) 147000002
33 (0) 826623195
Fax: 33 (0) 147000006
Website: www
*Deutsche Kontinenz Gesellschaft e.V.
Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 124
34119 Kassel
Tel: (49) 561 78 06 04
Fax: (49) 561 77 67 70
Website: www
*Hong Kong Continence Society
c/o Dept of Medicine and Geriatrics
United Christian Hospital
130 Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong.
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 852 237 94822 Fax: 852 234 72325
*Inko Forum
Levelezeski cim
Budapest, Pf 701/153, 1399
Phone: 06 80 730 007 Website: www
*Indian Continence Foundation
273/1005 1st Block, 19th C Main,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore 560 010 India
Tel: 91 80 3131833 / 3424728
Fax: 91 80 3131833/ 3325824
Website: www.indiancontinencefoundation.org
*Indonesian Continence Society
Sub Dept of Urogynecology, Dept of OBGYN Medical
Faculty of University
Dr. Cipto Margunkusuma Hospital Indonesia
Tel: 62 21 392874/392/3632
Fax: 62 21 392874/3145592
*National Center for Continence
Rambam Medical Centre, POB-9602
Haifa 31096
Tel: 972-485 43197
Fax: 972-4854 2098
*Korea Continence Foundation
388-1 Dep of Urology Asan Center,
Ulsan University College of Medicine
(138-736) Pungnap-2dong, Songpa-gu,
Seoul 138-736, Korea
Tel: 82 2 3010-3735
Fax: 82 2 477-8928
Website: www
*Fondazione Italiana Continenza
(The Italian Continence Foundation)
Via dei Contarini, 7
201 33 Milano
Website: www.continenza-italia.org
*Associazione Italiana Donne Medico (AIDM)
Tel: 39 335 282045/39 065 811390
Website: www
*The Federazione Italiana INCOntinenti (FINCO)
V.le O Flacco, 24-70124 Bari
Tel: 080-5093389
Fax: 0805619181
Website: www.finco.org
*Japan Continence Action Society
103 Juri Heim, 1-4-2 Zenpukuji
Suginami-Ku, Tokyo, Japan 1670041
Tel: 81 3 3301 3860
Fax: 81 3 3301 3587
Website: www
*Continence Foundation (Malaysia)
c/o University Hospital, Lembah
Pantai, Kuala Lumpur 59100
Tele: 603 7956 4422
Fax: 603 758 6063
*Asociacion de Enfremadades Uroginecologicas
ACI Mexuci AC
Tel: 53-74-36-91
Website: www
*Pelvic Floor Netherlands
PO Box 23594, 1100EB
Tel: 31 20 69 70 304
Fax: 31 20 69 71 191
*Pelvic Floor Patients Foundation (SBP)
Stichting Bekkenbodem Patienten
3818 LE Amersfoort
Tel: 0031-900-111999
Website: www
*Vereniging Nederlandse Incontinentie,
Verpleegkundigen (V N I V)
Postbus 1206, 3434 CA Nieuwegein
Tel: (31) 30 606 0053
Fax: (31) 30 608 1312
Website: www
*NOFUS (Norwegian Society for Patients with
Urologic Diseases)
Oyjordsveien 71, 5038 Bergen
Tel: 47 55 95 35 88 – 55 33 09 30
Fax: 47 55 33 09 31
Website: www
*Continence Foundation of the Philippines
Room 201,#319 Katipunan Road
Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108
Tel: (63) 2 4333602
*NTM (INCO) Forum
(The Polish Continence Organisation)
Ksiecia Janusza 64 Street
01-452 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: 48 22 8774787
Fax: 48 22 8772522
Website: www
*Society for Continence (Singapore)
Gleneagles Medical Center
6 Napier Road #06-02
Singapore 258499
Tel: (65) 6787 0337 Fax: (65) 6588 1723
Website: www
*New Zealand Continence Assn Inc
PO Box 270
Drury, Auckland 1730
Tel: 64 9 2947738 Fax: 64 9 2947116
Website: www
*Continence Association of South Africa
Affiliated to Association of Continence Advice
PO Box 6479, Westgate 1734
Helpline: 072 2108769
Tel: 022 475 9700,
Fax: 011 475 8282
*Association National de Ostomizados e
Incontinentes (ANOI)
Tel: 34 98. 556 322
Website: www.coalicion.org
*Swedish Urotherapists
Nordensioldsgatan 10, S-413 09
Tel: 46 31 50 26 39
Fax: 46 31 53 68 32
Tel: 46 8 585 826 89
Website: www.sinoba..se
*Schweizerische Gesellschaft fur Blasenschwache
Gewerbestrasse 12 CH-8132 Egg
Tel: 41 1 994 74 30
Fax: 41 1 994 74 31
Website: www
*Department of Surgery
Ramathibodi Hospital & Medical School
Rama6 Road, Bangkok 10400
Tel: 662-201 1315
Fax: 662-201 1316
*Slovakia Inco Forum
Website: www
*Taiwan Continence Society
Division of Urology,
Taipei Veterans General Hospital.
201 Sec, 2, Shih-Pai Road, Taipei, Taiwan 112
Tel: + 886 2 2871 1132
Fax: + 886 2 2871 1162
Website: http://www
*Association For Continence (ACA)
102a Astra House, Arklow Road
New Cross, London SE14 6EB
Tel: (44) 020 8692 4680
Fax: (44) 020 8692 6217
Website: www
*The Bladder and Bowel Foundation (F&BF)
Nurse helpline: 0845 345 0165
Counselor Helpline: 0870 770 3246
General Enquiries: 01536 533255
*Enuresis Resource and Information Centre (ERIC)
34 Old School House, Britannia Road
Kingswood, Bristol BS15 2DB
Tel: (44) 117 960 3060
Fax: (44) 117 960 0401
Website: www
*Royal College of Nursing Continence Care Forum
(Royal College of Nursing)
20 Cavendish Square, London, WIM OAB
Tel: 44 020 7409 3333
Website: http://www.rcn.org.uk/
* American Urological Association Foundation
1000 Corporate Boulevard
Linthicum, MD 21090
Tel: 866-746-4282
Fax: 410-689-3800
Website: http://www
*International Foundation for Functional
Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD)
PO Box 170864
Milwaukee WI 53217-8076
Tel: 414 964 1799
Fax: 414 964 7176
Website: www.iffgd.org www.aboutincontinence.org
Email: iffgd@iffgd.org
*Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA)
110 North Washington Street
Rockville, MD 20850
Website: www.ichelp.org
*National Association For Continence (NAFC)
PO Box 1019, 62 Columbus Street
Charleston, SC 29402
Tel: 843 377 0900
Fax: 843 377 0905
Website: www
*Simon Foundation for Continence
PO Box 815, Wilmette Illinois 60091
Tel: (1) 847 864 3913
Fax: (1) 847 864 9758
Website: www
*Society of Urologic Nurses & Associates (SUNA)
East Holly Avenue, Box 56, Pitman, NJ 08071-0056
Tel: 888-827-7862
Website: www
*International Painful Bladder Foundation (IPBF)
Email: info@painful-bladder
Website: www.painful-bladder.org
*World Federation of Incontinent Patients (WPIF)
Website: www