UMD Independent Contractor Agreement v.1 October 2023
ity of Maryland Independent Contractor/Consultant Agreement
Contract/Purchase Order #.: __________
This Independent Contractor/Consultant Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into between
(hereinafter “Contractor”) and the University of Maryland,
College Park, Maryland 20742 (hereinafter “the University”), a public agency and instrumentality of the
State of Maryland. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date of last signature below.
I. Statement and Scope of Work
a. Project Title: ____________________________________________________________________
b. UMD Unit receiving services: _____________________________________________________
c. Description [including purpose/objectives; all deliverables/products/expected outcomes;
personnel, supplies, material, equipment or travel required by UMD]:
d. Schedule
, deliverable dates [including any due dates, deadlines and milestones for
UMD Independent Contractor Agreement v.1 October2023
e. Contr
actor Obligations. Except as provided herein, Contractor shall furnish the facilities,
equipment, personnel, services and all other necessary and related items for the
performance of the Work. Contractor warrants that the performance of the Work described
in this Agreement shall be done in a safe, proficient and professional manner, shall conform
to the highest standards, and shall adhere to all local, state and federal laws and regulations
applicable to the Work hereunder.
f. Travel: Travel expenses will not be reimbursed unless they are explicitly and specifically
authorized in this contract;
II. Compe
nsation and Method of Payment. The total amount of this Agreement is outlined below.
Contractor shall be paid only for the items or services specifically named in this Agreement; no
additional costs for items or services will be paid by the University without its prior express written
a. Contract Price: $ [ins
ert payment schedule and/or requirement
milestones for payment]
b. Travel Expenses, as applicable:
i. Except as specifically provided herein, Contractor is solely responsible for all of
Contractor's travel arrangements and costs.
ii. UMD may reimburse Contractor for actual and reasonable travel expenses
incurred in the successful performance of this agreement, such expenses not to
exceed $________________.
iii. All Contractor travel must be consistent with UMD's travel policies.
iv. Contractor must fully document any request for reimbursement with detailed
invoices and actual receipts.
III. Term: The term of this Agreement is effective upon last signature hereof and shall end on
, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
IV. Intel
lectual Property
a. Work for Hire. Contractor understands and agrees that any and all materials and
deliverables that are subject to copyright protection and are developed in connection with
the performance of this Agreement (Works) shall constitute a work for hire as that term is
defined in the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended. As a result, all right, title and interest in
and to all such Works shall belong exclusively to the University, including without limitation
all copyrights and other intellectual property rights therein. If for any reason a Work is not
deemed to be a work for hire, Contractor hereby grants, transfers, sells and assigns, free of
charge, exclusively to the University, all title, rights and interest in and to said Work,
including all copyrights and other intellectual property rights. The Contractor further agrees
to execute any other proper document the University deems necessary to ensure the
complete and effective transfer of all rights in Works to the University.
UMD Independent Contractor Agreement v.1 October 2023
. Intellectual Property Warranty. The Contractor represents and warrants that any materials
or deliverables, including all Works, provided under this Agreement or incorporated into the
deliverables, are (1) original, (2) not encumbered and do not infringe upon the copyright,
trademark, patent or other intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party,
or (3) are in the public domain. If deliverables, materials or Works provided hereunder
become the subject of a claim, suit or allegation of copyright, trademark, or patent
infringement, University shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to require Contractor to
produce, at Contractor’s own expense, new non-infringing materials, deliverables or Works
in addition to any other remedy available to the University under law.
V. I
ndemnification; Liability.
a. Contractor hereby discharges and releases UMD, its directors, officers, and employees, and
agrees to indemnify and hold the same harmless from any and all liabilities, costs, claims,
losses, damages or expenses arising from, or connected with, the Services provided
hereunder. Contractor further agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless UMD, its
directors, officers, and employees, against any cost, liability, expense, allegation or claim fo
amages incurred by UMD arising in any manner from failure of Contractor, its directors,
officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors or agents to comply with any applicable
laws, regulations, or standards in providing the Services. This clause shall survive the
expiration or other termination of this Agreement indefinitely.
b. UMD’s liability shall be governed exclusively in accordance with Maryland Annotated Code,
State Government Article, Title 12, as amended from time to time.
VI. General Contract Terms.
a. The University’s Procurement terms shall apply to this Agreement. These terms are available
d are
incorporated herein by reference.
b. C
ontractor takes full responsibility for all tax and employment compliance obligations in
their state and country of residence and the location where Contractor is performing th
ork. The University has issued this Agreement in reliance on Contractor’s agreement to b
sponsible for and fulfill any such compliance obligations.
c. [If federal] This is a Federally-funded procurement under a Contract with the US
Government. The University of Maryland, College Park, U.S. Government Contract
Provisions, available at
d. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including any referenced attachments, contains the
entire agreement of the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understanding,
oral or otherwise, between the parties. No modification or amendment of this Agreement
shall be effective unless the same shall be in writing duly executed by all parties hereto. The
University is not, and shall not be, bound by any other terms in or referenced by
UMD Independent Contractor Agreement v.1 October 2023
ontractor's proposal, invoices, form(s), or online terms and conditions unless such terms
are specifically incorporated herein.
y signature below, by duly authorized representatives, the parties accept and agree to the terms of this
University of Maryland: Vendor:
___________________________ _____________________________
Name: _____________________ Name: _______________________
Title: ______________________ Title: ________________________
Date:______________________ Date: ________________________