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Forming Basics
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Critical Dimensions
Embosses and Offsets
Bend Radius
Bend Relief
Forming Near Holes
Form height to thickness ratio
Edge Distortion
Laser cutting
Material Restrictions
Acceptable Materials
Localized Hardening
Hole Diameter
CNC Turret Basics
Special Forms
Hole-to-edge clearance
Hole taper
Hole diameter
Feature placement restrictions
Nibbling Large Radii
Notches and Tabs
Piercing Holes
Edge-to-Hole clearance
Forming-Bend Relief
Edge Bulging
Drawing shapes
Drawing Radii
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Forming Basics
Press brake forming-The fundamental advantage of a press brake as a forming tool is its
flexibility. By using standard vee-dies, cost savings can be realized through economical set-ups
and run times on small lots and prototypes. In addition to these considerations, using the
following guidelines will increase the manufacturability of designs for press brake forming.
Dimension the part in a single direction wherever possible. Because of the sequential nature of
the forming process, and the fact that dimensional variation is introduced at each bend,
dimensioning in a single direction parallels the process and helps to control tolerance
accumulation. Furthermore, allow a more generous bend tolerance (+/- .007”) as tighter
tolerances, while achievable, will result in higher costs.
Use consistent bend radius for all bends per part, when possible—it helps minimize setup
changes. Additionally, we prefer radii specs in fractions of an inch, as our tooling is sized
Generally, dimensioning should be done from a feature to an edge. Avoid feature-to-feature
dimensions over two or more planes. Feature-to-bend dimensions may require special fixtures or
This also means that tolerances in the title block of a drawing may be unnecessarily restrictive for
certain dimensions and angles, while very appropriate for others.
Critical Dimensions Sheet Metal Forming – Outside dimension should be used unless the
inside dimension is critical.
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Embosses and Offsets – Emboss and offset dimensions should be to the same side of the
material unless the overall height is critical.
Only the truly critical dimensions should be highlighted as such. Placing excessively
high tolerances and redundant critical dimensions can dramatically increase the cost
of the part.
Bend Radius- As a rule, inside bend radius should be equal to material thickness. When the
radius is less than recommended, this can cause material flow problems in soft material and
fracturing in hard material.
Bend Relief - When a bend is made close to an edge the material may tear unless bend relief is
given. Figure "A" shows a torn part. Figure "B" shows a part with the edge a sufficient distance
from the form. This distance should never be less than the radius of the bend. Figure "C" shows a
bend relief cut into the part, again the depth of the relief should be greater than the radius of the
bend. The width of the relief should be a material thickness or greater, preferably a material
thickness + 1/64".
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Forming Near Holes When a bend is made too close to a hole, the hole may become
deformed. Figure "A" shows a hole that has become teardrop shaped because of this problem.
To save the cost of punching or drilling in a secondary operation the following formulas can be
used to calculate the minimum distance required:
For a hole < 1" in diameter the minimum distance "D" = 2T + R (see fig. "B")
For a slot or hole > 1" diameter then the minimum distance "D" = 2.5T + R (see fig. "C")
Form height to thickness ratio – To determine the minimum form height for sheet metal use the
following formula: D = 2.5T + R (see below) The height can be less but it required secondary
operations and is far more costly.
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Edge Distortion – An exaggerated example of edge deformation is pictured in figure "A" below.
The overhang caused by this distortion can be as large as ½ the material thickness. As material
thickness increases and bend radius decreases the overhang becomes more severe. In
situations where an overhang is unacceptable the part can be relieved as in figure "B".
Laser Cutting Basics
With very little set up time, no tooling and the advent of CAD to CAM production, lasers are often
utilized in prototyping and production parts. Well suited for intricate details and irregular contours,
additional economies can be obtained through the nesting of parts when laser cutting.
Tolerances The feature to feature tolerance on for the laser cutter is +/-.004" but is typically
held much closer. The smallest cut possible is dictated by the width of the beam or .008" wide.
Material restrictions Materials have three factors that restrict them from laser cutting. These
factors are reflectivity, thickness and flammability. Reflectivity causes a problem because the
cutting beam gets scattered. Material that is too thick has the same problem: molten metal
scatters the beam before the part is fully cut. We can cut metal as thick as 3/8" but the edge
quality suffers greatly. The degree of material flammability is another important factor. Some parts
considered flammable can be used. It is best to test flammable or heat sensitive materials before
releasing a production part. Below is a list of some of the material we have used.
Acceptable Materials
Any raw steel (Stainless, CRS, HRS)
Aluminum Some deburring issues
Plastic Check heat & flammability
Cardstock Check heat & flammability
Galvanized, Galvaneal
Unacceptable Materials
Copper Highly reflective
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Paper stock Unless treated with flame retardant
Silver & other prec. Metals Highly Reflective
Localized Hardening Due to the intense heat associated with laser cutting, the edges of the
material can become hardened. This area is referred to as the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ). This is
especially important for secondary operations such as reaming and tapping. The HAZ increases
in thicker materials.
Hole diameter – The entry diameter is larger than the exit diameter, creating a slightly tapered
hole. Minimum hole sizes are related to stock thicknesses and can be as low as 20% of the stock
Turret Press Basics
CNC Turret presses are particularly suited for low to medium quantity production runs. By
utilizing “soft tooling” or standard tooling, turrets lend themselves to both the highly flexible
production of prototypes and inexpensive production quantities.
Tolerances – The feature to feature tolerance for the turret press is +/-.004”, the punched hole
tolerance is +/-.002”. When dimensioning for the turret, select meaningful datum in the body of
the part—passing through hole centers, if possible—rather than using an edge or corner of the
part. Edges can be tapered or misaligned and result in enough variance to be dimensionally
uncertain. Furthermore, the use of meaningful datum facilitates inspection.
Special forms – The turret punch press offers many versatile solutions for putting special
features into a flat sheet. Some of the options are counter sinks, offsets, card guides, embosses,
draws, wipe forms, part markings, lettering, lances, half-shears, and weld projections. Virtually
any form can be made as long as it falls within the following constraints. The form depth must be
less than 5/16" and it must fit into a 3.5" diameter circle. Progressive tools can also be made for
the turret press. These tools can punch and form small parts as efficiently as a progressive punch
press tool with a lower initial cost.
Hole to edge clearance – A good rule of thumb for hole placement is to keep the hole at least
one material thickness away from any edge. If the hole gets too close to an edge a bulge can
form as shown below. Also note, if the hole is used for fastening two pieces together, extra web
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should be used to account for the added stress.
Hole taper – When a hole is punched it does not have a constant radius through the entire
thickness of the part. The cross section of a punched hole is shown below. The taper in the
bottom side of the hole is relative to the die clearance. Die clearance is the difference between
the punch diameter and die diameter. It is usually about 10% of the material thickness. To get a
constant diameter through the entire material thickness the part must be drilled, a far more costly
Hole diameter to thickness ratio For most materials hole diameter should not be less than
material thickness. As tensile strength increases the punch diameter must also increase.
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Feature placement restrictions – When placing formed features next to one another, care
should be taken allow clearance between features. If the station does not clear a form already
placed in the part, the form could be flattened out. An example of good vs. bad placement is
illustrated below. Relieving the stripper can overcome this problem in some cases.
Nibbling large radii – When a large radius is required on a turret part the radius is made by
making several hits with a flat tool. The angle and position of the tool changes as it moves around
the edge simulating a large radius. The radius edge will have a "scalloped" look, tiny points
formed where one flat is transitioned to another. The scalloped feature is pictured below. After
deburring it is hardly perceivable, but still there.
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Counter sinks – A counter sink can be put in sheet metal by both machining and/or punching.
Each of these methods give the finished part different characteristics. The cross sections of the
features are shown below, they are listed from least to most expensive (tooling cost not included).
Formed – Low Cost – Used for thin gages, 18 gage and lighter.
Punched – Low Cost – Most common, used for anything heavier than 18 gage.
Punched and Machined – Medium Cost – Used for harder materials that cannot be
formed with a punch, e.g. heavy gage stainless.
Machined Complete – High Cost – Rarely used, only for high tolerance applications or
materials too thick to be punched.
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Stamping Basics
Involve us during design stage to optimize cost and performance in component design.
Engineering changes can be costly.
While stamping offers precision and good reproducibility, consideration must be given to the
amortization of tooling costs over the lifespan of production. Larger quantities typically justify
more sophisticated tooling.
Dimension checks are made at the shear area or “cut band” (punch side) as the die side accuracy
is affected by break out.
Corners- May be sharp, however to reduce tooling costs, specify radii of ½ material thickness or
a minimum of .015”.
Notches and Tabs- should not be narrower than 1.5X the material thickness. Length of notches
can be up to 5X length of material thickness.
Recommend corner radius of ½ material thickness.
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There are three kinds of cutoffs in blanking: straight/square, half round or partial radius and full
radius. The square cutoff is the most economical. The full radius is not recommended as it
leaves an unavoidable “feather edge” burr along the outside material edge.
Holes-Minimum diameter of holes should be equal or greater than 1.2 X material thickness, and
2X material thickness for stainless steel or high tensile materials.
Edge-to-hole- Allow 2x material thickness (“web”) to prevent bulging of material
Guidelines are similar to CNC press brake:
Bend Relief-Provide bend relief along L shaped features (Width=2*T and Depth=T +R)
Edge bulging-restrictive tolerances on V bends may result in edge bulging—provide bend relief
Hole-to-form-distance from hole-to-form—to avoid hole distortion, place holes no less than 2.5
times the material thickness + bend radius from the bend itself.
Slot-to-form-long slots should be spaced 4 X the material thickness plus the bend radius.
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Shapes-A myriad of shapes can be formed through multiple draws. Round shapes offer that
greatest ease and economy in drawing. Then next best option is square with adequate corner
radii. Costs increase for combinations of basic shapes and irregular shapes.
Radii-To facilitate drawing, keep radii as generous as possible: punch and die radius should be a
minimum of four times the material thickness. The part radius should be at no less than six times
the material thickness with appropriate drawing-quality material.