Parent “Letter of Recommendation”
Heading into the college application process, it is necessary for the counselors to create
an accurate and comprehensive profile of each senior student. Parent input (anecdotes
and background information) is critical to providing the most in-depth picture of a student.
To help us, please write a "Letter of Recommendation" for your child. Your senior's
counselor will use feedback from staff members and you, to develop the best possible
reflection of him/her as a person and student. Counselors will then share this information
with colleges and universities, as part of the application process. The extent to which you
reply to this request is up to you.
Note: You do not have to write an actual letter. Responding to the provided prompts with
a sentence or two will suffice. PLEASE TRY NOT TO EXCEED ONE PAGE.
Listed below are some suggested topics to include or address. Please cite specific
examples, if something special comes to mind:
Describe your child as a person: Most admirable qualities?
Examples of leadership, motivation, energy, sense of adventure
Challenges Met Risks Taken
Examples of responsibility, maturity, dependability, independence, tolerance,
and/or empathy
Student’s career interests, aspirations, goals, or dreams
What is your child passionate about
Child’s most outstanding accomplishments during the HS years
Peer Relations Family Dedication
Any special or unique characteristic which cannot be overlooked when describing
your child to others
When is your child at their best
Have there been any unusual/personal circumstances which have affected your
child’s educational or personal development
Please email your responses to your child’s School Counselor or have your senior drop
this information off to us in the Counseling Center, in September.
Thanks so much for your help!