Chapter 7
How to Construct a
To be able to
Explain each of the 15 principles of questionnaire construction.
Know when open-ended questions and closed-ended questions should be used.
Give multiple examples of response categories used for completely anchored rating scales.
Explain how the different parts of a questionnaire are organized into a smoothly operating whole.
List and explain the five major steps in questionnaire construction.
Summarize and explain the content in the checklist for questionnaire development.
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Rachel, a second-grade teacher, was excited by the prospect of offering her opinion by filling out a survey instrument (i.e.,
a questionnaire). The questionnaire was designed by a team of researchers investigating what needed to be done to help
improve student learning outcomes at her school. Rachel was happy to be asked to fill out the questionnaire. She knew
that her opinions were valuable and could hardly wait to write them down. She had already discussed her thoughts with
other teachers at her school about some of the topics that the questionnaire would probably address.
But as Rachel sat trying to fill out the questionnaire, she was dismayed. To begin with, the important questions weren’t
even asked. Nowhere on the questionnaire was a question about funding or after-school programs. Even worse, there was
nowhere to talk about any issues not specifically asked. As she worked through the questionnaire, she began to get more
and more worried. The ordering of the questions was confusing to the extent that, at times, she wasn’t sure if she was
putting her answers in the proper place. Several questions asked about several issues all in one question, and she had dif-
ferent feelings about the issues. Some questions were so confusing that she didn’t know whether she should say that she
agreed or disagreed because she simply didn’t know what the question was asking. She sat for ten minutes wondering how
to answer this question: “Do you not agree with letting students not do their homework on a daily basis?” She knew that
homework was important, but does that mean she agrees or not? Even worse, what if she agreed with homework but not
on a daily basis?
Further on in the questionnaire she couldn’t help but feel that the researchers had an agenda. She could tell that they
believed in block scheduling of courses just by how the questions were phrased. Rachel worried about how she would look
if she disagreed, even though she never liked the block scheduling idea. Finally, at the end of the questionnaire Rachel
decided to start randomly marking answers because the jargon used was so hard to understand. As Rachel turned in the
questionnaire, she was saddened by the fact that the researchers would never know any of her well-thought-out opinions,
and she decided never to waste her time and volunteer for a research project again.
he purpose of this chapter is to help you understand how to construct a questionnaire
when you need this type of data-collection instrument for your research study and one
is not already available from past research. The questionnaire might be the only data-
collection instrument,or it might be used along with other data-collection methods in a research
study.You will learn that if you follow some of the simple principles addressed in this chapter
your research participants will be less likely to face situations like the one faced by Rachel, our
second grade teacher, and your data will be more complete and useful as well.
A questionnaire is a self-report data-collection instrument that each research participant fills
out as part of a research study.Researchers use questionnaires so that they can obtain informa-
tion about the thoughts,feelings,attitudes,beliefs, values,perceptions,personality, and behav-
ioral intentions of research participants. In other words,researchers attempt to measure many
different kinds of characteristics using questionnaires.
We v iew the term questionnaire broadly, meaning that questionnaires are not restricted
to a single research method.Questionnaires can be used to collect data with multiple research
methods (quantitative,qualitative, mixed,etc.).Furthermore, the content and organization of
a questionnaire will correspond to the researcher’s research objectives.The key point is that the
questionnaire is a versatile tool available to you and other educational researchers.
Questionnaires typically include many questions and statements.For example,a researcher
might ask a question about the present (Do you support the use of corporal punishment in
elementary schools?), the past (Have you ever used corporal punishment with one of your
students?),or the future (Do you think that you will use corporal punishment sometime in the
A self-report
instrument filled
out by research
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future?).See Table 7.1 for more examples.Questionnaires can also include statements that par-
ticipants consider and respond to.For example,when filling out the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
in Figure 7.1, research participants must indicate their degree of agreement or disagreement
with ten statements measuring their attitudes toward themselves.
Time Dimension
Future (Prospective)
Do you plan on moving to a new residence
within the next calendar year?
What do you think shopping for a new car
will be like ten years from now?
Do you think you will change political
parties in the future?
Do you think you will learn the definition
of tabula rasa sometime in the future?
What state do you plan on living in when
you retire?
Present (Current)
Do you currently watch
educational television?
What is it like being interviewed
about your childhood?
Do you support school vouchers?
What is the definition of tabula
How old are you?
Past (Retrospective)
When you were a teenager, did you
use any illicit drug?
What was it like taking a class from
your favorite teacher?
When you were a child, did you like
school or church more?
Did you know the definition of tabula
rasa when you first started college?
How old were you when you entered
the first grade?
Question Focus
beliefs,and values
Background and
TABLE 7.1 Type of Question Matrix With Examples
Circle one response for each of the following ten items.
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
1. I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an
equal basis with others. 1 2 3 4
2. I feel that I have a number of good qualities. 1 2 3 4
*3. All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure. 1 2 3 4
4. I am able to do things as well as most other people. 1 2 3 4
*5. I feel I do not have much to be proud of. 1 2 3 4
6. I take a positive attitude toward myself. 1 2 3 4
7. On the whole, I am satisfied with myself. 1 2 3 4
*8. I wish I could have more respect for myself. 1 2 3 4
*9. I certainly feel useless at times. 1 2 3 4
*10. At times I think I am no good at all. 1 2 3 4
*Items marked with an asterisk have reversed wording. The numbers on items with reversed wording should be reversed before summing the responses for the ten
items.For example,on item 3, “strongly agreebecomes 4, “agree becomes 3,disagree becomes 2,and strongly disagree becomes 1.
Source: Morris Rosenbergs “Self-Esteem Scalefrom pp.325–327 of Society and Adolescent Self-Image © 1989 by Morris Rosenberg,Wesleyan University Press.
The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
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The most important principles of questionnaire construction are shown in Table 7.2. Take a
moment to examine this list of 15 principles so that you will have an overview of what is impor-
tant to consider when constructing a questionnaire.We explain each of these principles in more
detail.Remember that the goal of the questionnaire is to tap into and understand the opinions
of your participants about variables related to your research objectives.As you construct the ques-
tionnaire,you must constantly ask yourself if your questions will provide clear data about what
your participants think or feel.
TABLE 7.2 Principles of Questionnaire Construction
Principle 1 Make sure the questionnaire items match your research objectives.
Principle 2 Understand your research participants.
Principle 3 Use natural and familiar language.
Principle 4 Write items that are clear, precise,and relatively short.
Principle 5 Do not use “leading”or “loaded”questions.
Principle 6 Avoid double-barreled questions.
Principle 7 Avoid double negatives.
Principle 8 Determine whether an open-ended or a closed-ended question is needed.
Principle 9 Use mutually exclusive and exhaustive response categories for closed-ended questions.
Principle 10 Consider the different types of response categories available for closed-ended questionnaire items.
Principle 11 Use multiple items to measure abstract constructs.
Principle 12 Consider using multiple methods when measuring abstract constructs.
Principle 13 Use caution if you reverse the wording in some of the items to prevent response sets in multi-item scales.
Principle 14 Develop a questionnaire that is easy for the participant to use.
Principle 15 Always pilot test your questionnaire.
Principle 1. Make sure the questionnaire
items match your research objectives
This cardinal principle should be obvious.You must always determine why you intend to
conduct your research study before you can write a questionnaire. If you plan on conducting
an exploratory research study (i.e., you want to collect some preliminary information about a
research problem),your questionnaire will usually not need to be as detailed as when you plan
on conducting a confirmatory research study (i.e.,when you intend on collecting data that will
enable you to test research hypotheses).That is,when your primary goal is to explore the topic,
you want to be broad in your questions so that you do not miss an important concept that your
research participants feel is relevant.In both exploratory and confirmatory research,you should
carefully review the existing research literature as well as any related instruments that have
already been used for your research objectives before deciding to construct your own question-
naire.One of the worse things that can happen in questionnaire-based research is realizing that
you should have asked a question or included a variable after your data have been collected.
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Think back to Rachel, our second-grade teacher. She was upset that a question was not
asked about after-school programs. After-school programs are clearly important, yet there
was no mention of them on the questionnaire.This lack could be an indication that the design-
ers of the questionnaire did not carefully consider the research on the topic before designing
the questionnaire.As a result, a likely important variable was not measured fully, which will
affect the research results as well as the researchers understanding of Rachels true opinion
on the topic.
Principle 2. Understand your research participants
A key to effective questionnaire construction is understanding your research participants.
Remember that it is they, not you, who will be filling out the questionnaire.A very important
strategy when you write a questionnaire is to develop an empathetic understanding or an abil-
ity to “think likeyour potential research participants.If the questionnaire does not “make sense
to your participants, it will not work.
Principle 3. Use natural and familiar language
You should use language that is understandable to the people who are going to fill out
your questionnaire.Try to avoid the use of jargon or technical terms.This principle is related
to the above principle of understanding your research participants.You must know enough
about your participants to use language familiar to those filling out the questionnaire.
Consider the age of your participants,their educational level,and any of their relevant cul-
tural characteristics when deciding on the kind of language you need to use. Remember
that it is very possible that not everyone uses the same everyday language as you. If you
are reading this book, you are probably a college graduate and you are also working on a
graduate degree. Using natural and familiar language makes it easier for participants to
fill out a questionnaire and helps participants feel more relaxed and less threatened by the
task of filling it out.
One key issue related to both the principles of understanding your participants and
using natural and familiar language is that of reading level. It is important to use the read-
ing level that is natural and appropriate for your research participants.Poorly constructed
questionnaires are written at either too high or too low a reading level for the intended par-
ticipants. If the reading level is too high for your participants, there is the risk that those
filling out the questionnaire will skip questions simply because they do not understand what
is asked or,in a worse case,they will guessan answer that might not reflect their true opin-
ion.Almost as problematic is when the questionnaire is written significantly below the read-
ing level of those for whom it is intended. When this occurs, participants are sometimes
insulted by the low level and do not take the questionnaire seriously or refrain from partic-
ipating in additional research. Further, too low of a reading level can result in a more sim-
plistic and less rich view of the topic than would have been possible if a higher level had
been used.If you can effectively consider how your research participants will interpret and
react to each item on your questionnaire,then it is likely that you will be able to write items
that will provide useful information.
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Principle 4. Write items that are clear,
precise, and relatively short
Each item on your questionnaire should be understandable to you (the researcher) and to
the participants (the people filling out the questionnaire).Because each item is measuring some-
thing,it is important for it to be clear and precise.The GIGO principle is relevant here:garbage
in, garbage out. If the participants are not clear about what is being asked of them, their
responses will result in data that cannot or should not be used in a research study.Your goal is
for each research participant to interpret the meaning of each item in the questionnaire in exactly
the same way.You should also avoid technical terms; if you must use a technical term,remem-
ber to define it for the participants.Finally,try to keep most items relatively short because long
items can be confusing and stressful for research participants.
Once again consider Rachel,our ill-fated research participant who reported being confused
by the questions even though she was clear about the topics being studied.Although she could
have offered valuable insights to the researchers on the topics,she got “lost in the wording of
the questions, the jargon of the language, and perhaps even the reading level.As a result, the
researchers did not get a clear picture of her opinions and Rachel became frustrated.This sit-
uation would have been avoided if the researchers had taken the time to understand their
research participants and write clear, precise questions.
Principle 5. Do not use “leading”
or “loaded” questions
A leading or loaded question biases the response the participant gives to the question.
A loaded question is one that contains emotionally charged words (words that create a posi-
tive or negative reaction).For example,the emotionally charged word liberal was often avoided
by politicians during the 1980s and 1990s, even by those with more leftist political leanings,
because the word created a negative reaction in some people regardless of the content of the state-
ment.Some other examples of loaded words are politician,communist,welfare,drug czar,soccer
mom,pro-life,pro-choice,gay,drug abuser,and juvenile.A leading question is one that is phrased
in such a way that it suggests a certain answer. Here is an example of a leading question:
Dont you agree that teachers should earn more money than they currently earn?
Yes,they should earn more.
No,they should not earn more.
Don’t know/no opinion.
The phrase “Dont you agree leads the participant here. A more neutral wording of this
question would be as follows:
Do you believe teacher salaries are a little lower than they should be,a little higher than they should be,
or about right?
Teacher salaries are a little lower than they should be.
Teacher salaries are a little higher than they should be.
LLooaaddeedd qquueessttiioonn
A question
charged words
LLeeaaddiinngg qquueessttiioonn
A question that
suggests a certain
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Teacher salaries are about right.
Don’t know/no opinion.
Here is an entertaining example of a question that is leading and has loaded phrases in it
(from Bonevac,1999):
Do you believe that you should keep more of your hard-earned money or that the government should
get more of your money for increasing bureaucratic government programs?
Keep more of my hard-earned money.
Give my money to increase bureaucratic government programs.
Don’t know/no opinion.
Always remember that your goal is to write questionnaire items that help participants feel
free to provide their natural and honest answers.You want to obtain responses that are undis-
torted by the particular question wording. Recall in our opening example that Rachel felt the
researchers had an agendaand she was worried that she couldnt appropriately agree or dis-
agree with certain questions.Have you ever felt that way when filling out a questionnaire? If so,
you fell prey to leading or loaded questions.
Principle 6. Avoid double-barreled questions
A double-barreled question combines two or more issues or attitude objects in a single
item. Here is an example: Do you think that teachers should have more contact with parents
and school administrators? As you can see,this single item asks about two different issues.The
question is really asking, Do you think that teachers should have more contact with parents?
and Do you think that teachers should have more contact with school administrators? Each of
these two issues may elicit a different attitude, and combining them into one question makes
it unclear which attitude or opinion is being measured.It is impossible to determine which bar-
rel of the question was answered.
Because it is impossible to know which part of the question the participant addressed or
if he or she addressed the union of the two,it is a good rule to avoid double-barreled questions.
As a general rule, if the word and appears in a question or statement,you should check to see
whether it is double-barreled or rather if the question is just getting at a very specific situation.
Principle 7. Avoid double negatives
When participants are asked for their agreement with a statement, double negatives can
easily occur.For example,
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Teachers should not be required to supervise their students during library time.
If you disagree with the statement, you must construct a double negative (a sentence
construction that includes two negatives).If you disagree,you are saying that you do not
A question that
combines two or
more issues or
attitude objects
DDoouubbllee nneeggaattiivvee
A sentence
construction that
includes two
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think that teachers should not supervise students during library time (Converse & Presser,
1986).In other words,you probably believe that teachers should supervise students dur-
ing library time.
Here is another example of a double negative:
Teachers should not be able to do the following things:
Spank children
Expel children from school
If you use a negative item,you should consider underlining the negative word or words to catch
the participants attention.
Principle 8. Determine whether an open-ended
or a closed-ended question is needed
An open-ended question enables participants to respond in any way that they please.
Open-ended questions take you into the natural language and worlds of your research partic-
ipants, and therefore,open-ended questions provide primarily qualitative data. In contrast, a
closed-ended question requires participants to choose from a limited number of responses
that are predetermined by the researcher.Closed-ended questions provide primarily quantita-
tive data.Although open-ended questions are typically analyzed qualitatively,the answers some-
times are analyzed quantitatively by counting the number of times a response was provided.
Furthermore,an open-ended question can provide quantitative information as in this example:
“How many times have you removed a student from your class for disciplinary reasons in the
last year?”
To determine someones marital status,you could use the question “What is your current
marital status?”and leave sufficient space for participants to write in their answers.In this case,
the question would be an open-ended question because the participants would have to provide
answers in their own words.On the other hand,you could use a closed-ended question to deter-
mine someones marital status,like this:
What is your current marital status? (Check one box.)
A question that
allows participants
to respond in their
own words
A question that
forces participants
to choose from
a set of
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In the question about marital status,notice that the item stem (the words forming the ques-
tion or statement) was the same in the open-ended and the closed-ended question examples:
both ask,What is your current marital status? In short, the difference between an open-ended
question and a closed-ended question is just the way participants are allowed to respond.In open-
ended questions,participants must come up with their own answers; in closed-ended questions,
participants must select from the predetermined responses provided by the researcher.
Open-ended questions are usually used in exploratory research (i.e.,when the researcher
knows little about the topic), and closed-ended questions are usually used in confirmatory
research (i.e., when the researcher wants to test specific hypotheses). Open-ended questions
are valuable when the researcher needs to know what people are thinking and the dimensions
of a variable are not well defined.Because the participants respond by writing their answers in
their own words,open-ended questions can provide rich information.For example,the follow-
ing open-ended question would provide some interesting information:What do you think teach-
ers can do to keep students from using illicit drugs? It is more difficult and more time consuming,
however, to analyze the data obtained from open-ended questions. Nonetheless, open-ended
questions are at the heart of qualitative research where the goal is to understand participants
inner worlds in their natural languages and categories.
A closed-ended question is appropriate when the dimensions of a variable are already
known. Closed-ended questions expose all participants to the same response categories and
allow standardized quantitative statistical analysis. Often, researchers will use the responses
obtained from open-ended questions to design closed-ended questions for future question-
naires. For example, a researcher might group the suggestions for keeping students off drugs
provided by teachers into a set of categories (e.g.,education,after-school programs,discipline)
and use these categories as response choices in a future closed-ended question.
Questionnaires can be classified by the type of questions that are used.Questionnaires that
include mostly open-ended items are called qualitative questionnaires.These questionnaires
are often used for exploratory research, such as when the researcher wants to know how par-
ticipants think or feel or experience a phenomenon or when the researcher wants to know why
participants believe something happens.Questionnaires that include mostly closed-ended items
are called quantitative questionnaires.These questionnaires are focused on getting partici-
pant responses to standardized items for the purpose of confirmatory research in which spe-
cific variables are measured and hypotheses are being tested.The principle of standardization
is very important in quantitative research; the goal is to provide a common stimulus (item stem,
response categories, and any additional information) to each person in the research study
(Dillman, 2007). This is done to help ensure maximum comparability of responses. In prac-
tice, most questionnaires employ a mixture of open-ended and closed-ended items; these are
called mixed questionnaires.Although we have classified questionnaires into three types,note
that questionnaires actually fall on a continuum with qualitative and quantitative as end points
and mixed in the middle.
Consider the frustration of our teacher in the opening example.A large part of this frus-
tration was caused by the fact that the researchers failed to address a topic that she considered
important.This frustration could have been avoided if the researchers had realized and acknowl-
edged that they might not know all the important topics that their participants wanted to dis-
cuss.One way to deal with this potential limitation is to include an open-ended question such
as “What topics do you feel are important to student learning outcomes?” The use of this
IItteemm sstteemm
The set of words
forming a question
or statement
A questionnaire
based on open-
ended items and
typically used in
exploratory or
qualitative research
A questionnaire
based on closed-
ended items and
typically used in
confirmatory or
PPrriinncciippllee ooff
Providing exactly
the same stimulus
to each research
A questionnaire
based on a mixture
of open-ended and
closed-ended items
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open-ended question would allow participants to express their opinions more fully,especially
opinions the researcher failed to anticipate,and it would provide the researchers with valuable
information for their research studies.
Principle 9. Use mutually exclusive and exhaustive
response categories for closed-ended questions
Categories are mutually exclusive when they do not overlap. For example, the following
categories for a question about the participants age are not mutually exclusive:
10 or less
10 to 20
20 to 30
30 to 40
40 to 50
50 to 60
60 to 70
70 to 80
80 or greater
Do you see the problem with these response categories? The problem is that they overlap.For
example,a person who is 20 years old could be placed into two categories.In fact,persons aged 10,
20, 30, 40,50, 60,70, and 80 can all be placed into more than one category. In short,the response
categories are not mutually exclusive.In a moment,we will show you how to fix this problem.
A set of response categories is exhaustive when there is a category available for all legiti-
mate responses. For example, what is the problem with the following categories from a ques-
tion asking for your current age?
1 to 4
5 to 9
10 to 14
The problem is that these three categories are not exhaustive because there is no category
available for anyone over the age of 14 or anyone younger than one year old.A set of categories
is not exhaustive unless there is a category available for all potential responses.
Putting the ideas of mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories together,you can see that
the following set of response categories is mutually exclusive and exhaustive:
Which of the following categories includes your current age? (Check one box.)
Less than 18
18 to 29
MMuuttuuaallllyy eexxcclluussiivvee
categories that
don’t overlap
categories that
include all possible
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30 to 39
40 to 49
50 to 59
60 to 69
70 to 79
80 or older
The principle of mutually exclusive categories applies because none of the categories over-
lap. The principle of exhaustive categories applies because there is a category available for all
possible ages.Whenever you write a standard closed-ended question (a question with an item
stem and a set of predetermined response categories), remember to make sure that your
response categories are mutually exclusive and exhaustive.
Principle 10. Consider the different types
of response categories available for
closed-ended questionnaire items
In this section we introduce several popular types of closed-ended response categories by
explaining the ideas of rating scales, rankings,semantic differentials,and checklists.
Rating Scales
Researchers often obtain data from research participants by providing them with questions
or statements (the item stem) and rating scales (the response choices),with instructions to make
judgments about each item stem using the rating scale that is provided.A rating scale is a con-
tinuum of response choices that participants are told to use in indicating their responses.Rating
scales produce numerical (quantitative) data,rather than qualitative data (nominal-level data).
Rating scales have been used by researchers for quite a long time.In an early review of the history
of rating scales,Guilford (1936) provides examples from as early as 1805 and many other exam-
ples shortly after 1900.Some important early developers of rating scales are Sir Francis Galton
(1822–1911),Karl Pearson (1857–1936),and, somewhat later, Rensis Likert (1903–1981).
A numerical rating scale consists of a set of numbers and anchored”endpoints.When
you anchor a point on a rating scale, you label the point with a written descriptor. Here is an
example of an item stem and a numerical rating scale with anchored endpoints:
How would you rate the overall job performance of your school principal?
12 34 56 7
Very Low Very High
As you can see,the first endpoint (“1”) is anchored with the words “Very Low.The other end-
point (“7”) is anchored with the words “Very High.This is a seven-point rating scale because
there is a total of seven points on the scale.If you use a numerical rating scale that has only the
endpoints anchored (as in the above example),we recommend that you use an odd number of
RRaattiinngg ssccaallee
A continuum of
response choices
NNuummeerriiccaall rraattiinngg
A rating scale that
includes a set of
numbers with
anchored endpoints
A written descriptor
for a point on a
rating scale
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points,rather than an even number of points.When using an even number of points,a respon-
dent might misinterpret one of the two centermost numbers as representing the center or neu-
tral point (Dillman,2007).If you choose to use an even number of points,you will need to anchor
the two centermost numbers or clearly anchor the area between the two centermost numbers.
A similar type of rating scale is called a fully anchored rating scale.A fully anchored rat-
ing scale has all points anchored with descriptors.Here is an example of an item stem followed
by a fully anchored rating scale:
My principal is an effective leader.
12 345
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
This scale is called a five-point rating scale because there are five points on the scale.(It should
notbe called a “Likert scale,which is discussed later in this chapter.) Some researchers prefer to exclude
the numbers and provide just the descriptors in a fully anchored rating scale.Regardless,you should
attempt to make the words or anchors used for adjacent points an equal distance apart from each
other.The above scale is sometimes called an agreement”rating scale because the participants report
on their agreement or disagreement with the statement provided by the researcher in the item stem.
You must be very careful in your choice of anchors for both fully or partially anchored scales.
Anchors are designed to provide reference points that participants will use to direct the expres-
sion of their opinions.If the reference points are one sided,not clear,or are not spaced at equal
distances,then you will not get an accurate measure of the participantsopinions.Consider the
following unbalanced five-point rating scale:
I enjoy my workplace environment.
1234 5
Very Strongly Slightly Agree Strongly Very Strongly
Disagree Agree Agree Agree
In the above example,there are four anchor or reference points for agreement and only one
for disagreement. This looks like a scale that an unethical politician might try to use because
he or she wants people to agree with his or her policies.These faulty response categories would
make it easy for a respondent to agree but difficult for him or her to disagree.As you construct
anchors for rating scales,remember to use a good set of anchors that are balanced and have an
equal distance between each pair of adjacent categories.
You might be wondering how many points a rating scale should have. Research suggests
that you should use somewhere from 4 to 11 points on a rating scale (e.g., McKelvie, 1978;
Nunnally, 1978). Rating scales with fewer than four points are not as reliable as rating scales
with more points.On the other hand,rating scales with more than 11 points can be confusing
because most participants have limited abilities to make fine discriminations when there are
a great number of scale points.
When deciding how many points to include,it is good to consider how different the anchor
points truly are.That is,what is the real difference between someone who indicates a 9 and an 11
FFuullllyy aanncchhoorreedd
rraattiinngg ssccaallee
All points are
anchored on the
rating scale
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on an 11-point scale? If you have more points than real differences,then you have too many points.
Conversely, you must be sure to include enough points to see those real differences.Consider an
extreme example of a two-point scale: agree or disagree.While this might work on a simple issue,
how many more examples can you think of where there is a grey area that is neither full agree-
ment nor full disagreement? In those cases you would need more points to get an accurate pic-
ture of the issues.One point to remember: you can always collapse categories together during data
analysis if you need to,but you cannot add extra points after the fact (after you already have col-
lected the data).As a result,some researchers err on the side of slightly more rather than less points
on a scale.On the other hand,Dillman (2007) reports that he has,over the years,encouraged the
use of fewer points (i.e., four or five points) because of their simplicity and their easier compre-
hension by respondents.We recommend starting with the commonly used (i.e.,standard”) rat-
ing scales,such as the ones provided in Exhibit 7.1,and adjusting them only if needed.
An empirical factor that can affect the number of response categories needed is how your
respondents actually rate the attitudinal objects. For example, when pilot testing a question-
naire designed to measure researchers methodological beliefs, I (Burke Johnson) found that
the traditional four-point agreement scale (strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree)
was not working well. My participants sometimes complained that they didnt fully agree; at
other times they complained that they didnt fully disagree. Therefore, I shifted to a six-point
scale (strongly disagree, disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree, agree,strongly agree)
to provide more choices.
You might also wonder whether you should include a center or middle category in your
rating scale.Research suggests that omitting the middle alternative (“neutral,about the same,
average,”“no difference,etc.) does not appreciably affect the overall pattern of results (Converse
& Presser, 1986, pp. 36–37; Schuman & Presser, 1981; see Chapter 6). As a result, some
researchers choose to include a middle alternative, and others choose not to include it. Both
practices can be defended.You can see in Figure 7.1 that Rosenberg used four-point rating scales
(i.e., he omitted the middle alternative) in his Self-Esteem Scale. Some researchers, such as
Rosenberg,prefer to omit the middle alternative because it forces research participants to lean
one way or the other.
Take a moment now to examine Exhibit 7.1, and you will see some rating scales that
researchers and practitioners commonly use.You can use these in your questionnaires.Note that
the ordering of the categories does not appear to affect response patterns (Barnette,1999;Weng
& Cheng, 2000).For example, both of these patterns are commonly used and have been shown
to work: (a) strongly disagree,disagree,agree,strongly agree and (b) strongly agree,agree,dis-
agree,strongly disagree.Also note that both four-point and five-point rating scales are commonly
used by survey research experts.As you can see in Exhibit 7.1, you can construct rating scales
for many dimensions,such as agreement,approval,importance,and satisfaction.When you con-
struct your own rating scales,you will find additional dimensions that you are interested in,and
you will need to construct similar (i.e.,analogous) response categories for those dimensions.
Sometimes you might want your research participants to rank order their responses. A
ranking indicates the importance or priority assigned by a participant to an attitudinal object.
Rankings can be used with open-ended and closed-ended questions. For example, you might
first ask an open-ended question such as, In your opinion, who are the three top teachers in
your school? Then you could follow up this question with a ranking item such as, Please rank
The ordering of
responses in
ascending or
descending order
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 181
Note: When you write response categories, make sure that the distance between each pair of anchors
or response categories is the same. For example, the “distance” in meaning between strongly agree and
agree should be the same as between strongly disagree and disagree. Some researchers prefer to reverse
the order of the categories provided below.
(1) Strongly Disagree (2) Disagree (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree
(1) Strongly Disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neutral (4) Agree (5) Strongly Agree
(1) Strongly Agree (2) Agree (3) Disagree (4) Strongly Disagree
(1) Too Little (2) About the Right Amount (3) Too Much
(1) Not Enough (2) About the Right Amount (3) Too Many
(1) Strongly Disapprove (2) Disapprove (3) Approve (4) Strongly Approve
(1) Strongly Disapprove (2) Disapprove (3) Neutral (4) Approve (5) Strongly Approve
(1) Definitely False (2) Probably False (3) Probably True (4) Definitely True
(1) Much Worse (2) Worse (3) About the Same (4) Better (5) Much Better
(1) Much Less (2) Somewhat Less (3) About the Same (4) Somewhat More (5) Much More
(1) Not at All Effective (2) Not Very Effective (3) Somewhat Effective (4) Very Effective
(1) Unsatisfactory (2) Fair (3) Good (4) Very Good
(1) Excellent (2) Good (3) Fair (4) Poor
(1) Very Poor (2) Poor (3) Fair (4) Good (5) Very Good
(1) Very Bad (2) Somewhat Bad (3) Somewhat Good (4) Very Good
(1) Not at All Important (2) Not Very Important (3) Fairly Important (4) Very Important
(1) Not at All Important (2) Not Too Important (3) Somewhat Important (4) Very Important
(5) Extremely Important
(1) Not at All Familiar (2) Not Very Familiar (3) Somewhat Familiar (4) Very Familiar
(1) A Lot Less Likely (2) Somewhat Less Likely (3) No Difference (4) Somewhat More Likely (5) A Lot More Likely
(1) Very Dissatisfied (2) Dissatisfied (3) Neutral (4) Satisfied (5) Very Satisfied
(1) Very Dissatisfied (2) Somewhat Dissatisfied (3) Somewhat Satisfied (4) Very Satisfied
EXHIBIT 7.1 Examples of Commonly Used Response Categories for Rating Scales
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order the teachers you just mentioned.Rankings can also be used with closed-ended items.For
example,you might use the following closed-ended item:
Please rank the importance of the following qualities in a school principal.(Fill in your rank order in the
spaces provided using the numbers 1 through 5 with 1 indicating most important and 5 indicating least
____ A principal who is sincere
____ A principal who gets resources for the school
____ A principal who is an advocate for teacher needs
____ A principal who is a strong disciplinarian
____ A principal who is a good motivator
As you can see,this is a closed-ended item because predetermined response categories are pro-
vided.As a general rule,you should notask participants to rank more than three to five responses
or response categories because ranking can be a difficult task for participants.Additionally,rank
order items are difficult to statistically analyze and relate to other variables.
The use of a single item asking for a ranking is usually unnecessary. The recommended
procedure is to have the participants rate each of the response categories using a rating scale.
During data analysis,you can obtain the average rating for each of the response categories and
then you can rank order those averages.This way you have data that are more easily analyzed
for relationships with other variables and you can obtain a ranking of the response categories.
Semantic Differential
The semantic differential is a scaling technique that is used to measure the meaning that
participants give to various attitudinal objects or concepts (Osgood,Suci,& Tannenbaum,1957).
The participants are asked to rate each object or concept provided in the item stem on a series
of seven-point, bipolar rating scales. The scales are “bipolar” because they have contrasting
adjectives anchoring the endpoints.The contrasting adjectives are usually antonyms.You can
see an example of a semantic differential in Exhibit 7.2.
Semantic differentials are useful when you want to “profileor describe the multiple charac-
teristics associated with attitudinal objects.In Exhibit 7.2,you are asked to rate your school prin-
cipal on 20 different bipolar rating scales.If you had all of the teachers in a school use this semantic
differential,you could average the teachersresponses and profile their principal.You might find
that different groups produce different profiles.For example,male and female teachers might view
the principal differently. If you need to develop a semantic differential, it is helpful to look at a
book of antonyms for contrasting word pairs.You can also find some useful lists of commonly
used semantic differential word pairs in Isaac and Michael (1995) and in Jenkins, Russell, and
Suci (1958).Finally,there now are free antonym dictionaries available on the worldwide web.
Researchers sometimes provide a list of response categories (a checklist) and ask the
research participants to check the responses that apply to them. Multiple responses may be
allowed. Here is an example of a checklist:
A scaling technique
in which
participants rate a
series of objects or
A list of response
categories that
respondents check
if appropriate
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 183
Where do you get your information about the most recent advances in teaching?
(Please check all categories that apply to you.)
Other teachers
Academic journals
Professional journals
Telev is ion
Other.Please list: _______________________________________
Please rate your school principal on each of the following descriptive scales. Place a checkmark on one
of the blanks between each pair of words that best indicates how you feel.
Your School Principal
Sociable _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Unsociable
Kind _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Cruel
Successful _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Unsuccessful
Wise _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Foolish
Severe _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Lenient
Masculine _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Feminine
Active _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Passive
Excitable _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Calm
Fast _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Slow
Predictable _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Unpredictable
Clear _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Confusing
Authoritarian _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Democratic
Flexible _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Rigid
Happy _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Sad
Work _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Fun
EXHIBIT 7.2 Example of Semantic Differential Scaling Technique
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Checklists are occasionally useful for descriptive purposes.However, as a general rule,you
should avoid multiple response items such as checklists because they are difficult to analyze and
because of primacy effects (e.g.,respondents are more likely to check items placed earlier in the
list; Dillman, 2007). The recommended alternative is to have respondents use a response scale
for each of the categories (e.g.,have used/have not used,applies to me/does not apply to me).
Principle 11. Use multiple items to
measure abstract constructs
The use of multiple items designed to measure a construct is done to increase the reliabil-
ity and validity of the measure.One common procedure for the measurement of abstract con-
structs is called a summated rating scale.A summated rating scale (also called a Likert scale)
is different from the numerical and fully anchored rating scales that we discussed earlier.Rather
than being composed of a single item stem and a rating scale,a summated rating scale is com-
posed of multiple items that are designed to measure the same idea or the same construct.Each
of the items is rated by each respondent using a rating scale (e.g., a four- or five-point rating
scale),and then the ratings on the multiple items are summed by the researcher for each par-
ticipant, providing a single score for each person.
The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale shown in Figure 7.1 is a good example of a summated
rating scale.It consists of ten items designed to measure self-esteem.The lowest possible total
score on the full scale for a person is 10,and the highest possible total score for a person is 40.
Participants will score somewhere in between these two extremes (i.e.,between the minimum
and the maximum scores).
The summated rating scale procedure was originally developed by the famous social psy-
chologist Rensis Likert (pronounced LICK-ert).Likert published the results of his dissertation,
which included the first known summated rating scale,in an article in 1932 (Likert,1932).Since
this time, summated rating scales have been used extensively by researchers.
The key advantages of multiple-item rating scales compared to single-item rating scales
are that multiple-item scales provide more reliable (i.e., more consistent or stable) scores and
they produce more variability, which helps the researcher make finer distinctions among the
respondents.If you want to measure a complex construct (such as self-efficacy, locus of con-
trol,risk taking, test anxiety, dogmatism,or temperament), the use of a multiple-item scale is
pretty much a necessity.When you want to measure constructs such as these,you should not,
however,jump to develop your own scale.Rather,you should conduct a literature search to find
already validated measures of your construct of interest.If a measure is not available,only then
would you need to consider developing your own measure. The development of a good sum-
mated rating scale takes a lot of time and expertise,and it takes extensive validation before it
should be used in a research study.The principles of test construction (reliability and validity)
discussed in Chapter 6 must be followed when constructing a summated rating scale.
Principle 12. Consider using multiple
methods for measuring abstract constructs
This principle follows from the long-standing maxim in social research that our measure-
ments are partially an artifact of our method of measurement. In fact, if you use one method
SSuummmmaatteedd rraattiinngg
A multi-item scale
that has the
responses for each
person summed
into a single score
LLiikkeerrtt ssccaallee
A type of commonly
used summated
rating scale
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 185
of measurement for all of your variables,it is possible that your variables are correlated simply
because you used the same measurement procedure (Cronbach & Meehl,1955). The relation-
ship between variables that you thought you were interpreting could be nothing but a measure-
ment problem or artifact! Think about this occurring in your own life.Have you found that there
is one type of measurement on which you simply do better on than others? Do you always do
well on essay tests no matter the topic,but do worse on true/false tests? If you have experienced
something like this you have seen why Principle 12 is so important.
To avoid this measurement-based problem,it is recommended that researchers use mul-
tiple methods of measurement. The major methods of measurement (or data collection) are
questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, observations, tests, and secondary or existing data.
Furthermore, within each of these types are myriad additional possibilities. For example, an
interview can be done face to face, over the Internet, or on the telephone.Within each of these
types, you might decide to use a summated rating scale as well as open-ended items.
The use of multiple measurement methods is so important today that more and more
researchers are using measurement modelsbased on two or even three measurement meth-
ods or procedures.The resulting data are often analyzed by using advanced statistical software
such as LISREL or EQS.The point is that the more methods a researcher uses to measure the
relevant concepts or constructs, the more confidence you can place in the researcher’s ability
to tap into the essential characteristics of the concept,rather than the method.
Principle 13. Use extreme caution if you reverse
the wording in some of the items to help
prevent response sets in multi-item scales
When participants rate multiple items using the same or similar rating scale,a “response
setmay occur.A response set is the tendency for a research participant to respond to a series
of items in a specific direction, regardless of the differences in item content.One type of response
set is called the acquiescence response set,which is the tendency to say yes rather than no or
to agree rather than to disagree on a whole series of items.Another response set,called the social
desirability response set,is the tendency to provide answers that are socially desirable. One
technique used to help prevent response sets (especially the acquiescence response set) is to
reverse the wording (and scoring) in some of the items.This technique is intended to encour-
age participants to read each item on the questionnaire more carefully.An example of reversed
wording is shown in Figure 7.1.You can see that the wording for items 3, 5,8, 9, and 10 of the
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale is reversed.
Whether one should use the reverse wording technique has been debated in the question-
naire construction and test development literature.One school of thought does not recommend
reversing the wording because there is some evidence that this practice can reduce the relia-
bility and validity of multi-item scales (Barnette, 2000; Benson & Hocevar, 1985; Deemer &
Minke,1999;Weems & Onwuegbuzie,2001;Wright & Masters,1982).An opposing view believes
that this reduction of reliability is attributed to a reduction in response sets,and it believes that
the “benefitof reducing the effects of response sets is greater than the costof lower reliabil-
ity. Dillman (2007) believes that reversing some items does not reduce response sets and that
the reduction in reliability is due to respondents becoming confused because of the wording
reversals. It is our recommendation that you use reverse-worded items only when response
sets are a major concern.However,it is important for you to examine your data to try to catch
RReessppoonnssee sseett
The tendency to
respond in a
specific direction
regardless of
rreessppoonnssee sseett
The tendency to
either agree or
SSoocciiaall ddeessiirraabbiilliittyy
rreessppoonnssee sseett
The tendency to
provide answers
that are socially
RReevveerrssee--wwoorrddeedd iitteemm
An item that a
lower score
indicates a higher
level on a construct
of interest. Also
called reverse-
scored item.
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 186
when a response set is occurring and eliminate those responses.Finally, you should not use a
reverse-worded item if it results in a double negative.
Principle 14. Develop a questionnaire that is properly
organized and easy for the participant to use
The checklist for questionnaire construction,shown in Table 7.3,gives an overview of what
you should consider when designing the questionnaire.The ordering, or sequencing, of ques-
tionnaire items is one consideration.For example,Roberson and Sundstrom (1990) found that
placing questions that respondents considered most important first and demographic ques-
tions (age,gender, etc.) last in an employee attitude survey resulted in the highest return rate.
When constructing a questionnaire,you should begin the questionnaire with positive or non-
threatening items because doing so helps obtain some commitment from the participants as
they fill out the questionnaire.Furthermore,as writers and professionals in survey research have
pointed out for many years, demographic questions should generally go last in a questionnaire,
with a lead-in such as To finish this questionnaire, we have a few questions about you. The
questionnaire should also not be overly long for the types of people in your target population.
Otherwise,they might not fill out the questionnaire properly,or they might refuse to complete
the entire questionnaire.
It also is a good idea to limit the number of contingency questions used in a questionnaire
because participants might become confused or agitated.A contingency question (also called
a filter question) is an item that directs participants to different follow-up questions depend-
ing on their response. It allows the researcher to filter out participants from questions that
these participants cannot or should not attempt to answer.Here is an example of an item oper-
ating as a contingency question:
Question 1:What is your gender?
The use of contingency questions might not be a problem for web surveys (i.e., those in
which participants go to a website to complete a questionnaire), because in web surveys, the
skip patterns associated with contingency questions can be programmed to take place auto-
matically. The use of contingency questions also is less of a problem in interview protocols
because the trained interviewer does the skipping rather than the research participant.
You should include clear instructions throughout your questionnaire, and do not put too
many items on a page.If a questionnaire has several different topical sections,you need to pro-
vide transitional or “lead-instatements to orient the participants to each new topic.Other impor-
tant tips are to give your questionnaire a title (e.g.,School Culture Questionnaire”),number the
items consecutively from the beginning to the end,list response categories vertically rather than
horizontally, provide an open-ended question at the end of your questionnaire to give the par-
ticipant a place to add any comments or additional insights (e.g.,“Is there anything else that you
would like to add?”), provide clear instructions throughout the instrument (e.g.,“please check
one of the following categories”), and thank the participant for filling out your questionnaire
(you can just put a “Thank You for Completing this Questionnaireat the bottom of the last page).
Finally,always try to make your questionnaire look professional because participants are more
An item that directs
participants to
different follow-up
depending on their
WWeebb ssuurrvveeyyss
Participants read
and complete a
survey instrument
that is developed
for and located on
the web
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 187
likely to fill it out and they go away with a better impression of you and your organization.By
using font sizes and types that are clear and readable,you enhance the clarity of your question-
naire. Additionally, you should maximize the amount of white or blank space in the question-
naire.Novice questionnaire construction is most evident when there is little or no white space.
Never sacrifice white space in an effort to reduce page length. It is better to have an extra page
in a readable questionnaire than a compact questionnaire that is unclear. Remember that the
appearance and quality of your questionnaire also reflect on you and your organization.
TABLE 7.3 Checklist for Questionnaire Construction
1. Follow all of the 15 principles of questionnaire construction discussed in this chapter.
2. Remember that appearance matters.
Make your questionnaire as professional looking as possible. The overall look of your questionnaire should be presentable, readable,
and clear. Several of the points below address more specific appearance issues.
3. Use titles.
Always put a title on your questionnaire; it informs the participants about the topic of the questionnaire and gives the questionnaire an
Also consider using section titles within the questionnaire,especially with longer questionnaires. These will help focus the participant
on the proper topic or direction taken in the instrument.
Titles give a professional appearance to the overall document and show how it is organized.
4. Use short questions when possible.
Balance the length of the questions with that of the information to be gained.Although it is tempting to write long detailed questions,
short questions work better. The longer the question the more likely the participant will misinterpret or simply not understand
the item.
5. Carefully consider the placement of each question and each set of related questions.
Where a question appears is important.Do not put sensitive questions, such as demographic questions,at the beginning of your
questionnaire.Always put sensitive questions at the end.Participants are more likely to answer questions that may make them
uncomfortable if they have already invested a great deal of time in filling out the other questions first.
Make use of warm-up questions, especially questions that participants find interesting, at the beginning of the questionnaire. Just as
you do not want to put sensitive questions at the beginning of the questionnaire,it is a good idea not to start out with your most
difficult or time-consuming question.This may scare off participants and reduce the response rate. Instead, ask interesting, easy,
short, nonthreatening (i.e., warm-up) questions first.
Vary question types reasonably. Break up large sections of rating scale items with an open-ended question and vice versa.Although you
dont want to jump around too much, by breaking up your types you can reduce participants natural inclination to fall into a response
set or reduce their fatigue.
6. Number the items consecutively from the beginning to the end.
7. Use plenty of white space.
This produces a less crowded, more easily read questionnaire. Do not crowd a questionnaire in an effort to reduce the number of pages.
8. Use a readable font size.
Stick to commonly used font types like Times New Roman or Arial. Cursive or calligraphy type fonts take away from the clean look of
the questionnaire.Remember your goal is a readable, professional looking questionnaire, not a pretty one.
If your questionnaire is web-based, be sure to use a true type font that appears on the Internet properly.
When considering the size of your font, be sure to consider your participants; however, it is a good rule of thumb to stick to fonts no
smaller than 12 pt. If you cannot read the questionnaire from a distance of five feet, your font is too small.
9. Use different font styles, and remember that “less is more.
Use different styles, such as underlining or bolding, to emphasize different sections and to aid in the flow of the questionnaire.
Additionally, different styles can be used to emphasize specific words such as not and always.
Remember that “less is more.Too many style types can have an opposite effect and hinder the readability of the questionnaire.If
everything is underlined or placed in a bold font, then the emphasis is lost.
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Principle 15. Always pilot test your questionnaire
It is a cardinal rule in research that you must try out,or pilot test,your questionnaire to find
out whether it operates properly before using it in a research study.You should conduct your pilot
test with a minimum of five to ten people.You may want to start with colleagues or friends,asking
them to fill out the questionnaire and note any points of confusion.Then you will need to pilot test
the questionnaire with several individuals similar to those who will be in your research study.
One useful technique to use during your pilot test is called the think-aloud technique,
which requires participants to verbalize their thoughts and perceptions while they engage in
an activity.When this technique is used as part of a pilot test,you ask the participants to ver-
balize their thoughts and perceptions about the questionnaire,including why they chose a par-
ticular response choice, while they are filling it out.You must record or carefully write down
exactly what they say. It is also helpful to make audiotape or videotape recordings of the pilot
10. Use lead-ins for new or lengthy sections to orient and guide the user.
Do not assume that the participants can tell that you are switching topics or directions.You need clear transitions between the sections.
Writing a questionnaire is like writing a story that flows easily and naturally.
11. Provide clear instructions.
When in doubt, add instructions to clarify the nature of a rating scale or whether a single response or multiple responses are allowed.
12. Direct the user exactly where to go in the questionnaire.
If you use screener and/or contingency questions,make sure the user knows where to go or what to do next.Writing a questionnaire
also is like writing a map; it must show the user exactly where to go within the instrument and show when and where to exit.
13. List response categories for closed-ended items vertically rather than horizontally.
14. Use matrix formatting for items using the same rating scales when possible.
This is the exception to the previous tip.
If you have a series of questions with the same response choices or anchors,use a matrix design (see items 7-19 in Exhibit 7.3) rather
than repeating the response choices for each question.This reduces redundancy and allows participants to work more quickly and
easily through the questionnaire.Also, it allows the researchers to quickly spot response sets in a particular questionnaire.
15. Avoid multiple-response questions.
16. Include some open-ended questions.
Even if your instrument is primarily a quantitative questionnaire, it is useful to provide participants places to insert their own thoughts
that might be missed by the closed-ended items.
17. Do not use lines with open-ended questions.
When using open-ended questions, do not supply lines in the response area. Simply leave that area as white space.White space adds to
the clean look of the questionnaire and does not limit the amount of feedback you receive,as lines may do.
18. Do not “break”your questions.
Never carry a question or its response choices from one page to the next. This forces participants to flip between pages, which increases
error.Additionally, many participants may miss a possible response alternative if it appears on the next page.
19. Include page numbers.
Using page numbers is a simple way to enhance the look and clarity of your questionnaire. This is even more important when you use
contingency questions that require a participant to jump to different pages in the questionnaire.
20. Use closings.
Use a closing statement such as Thank you for your time or “We appreciate your participation.Closings allow a participant to be
aware that they are finished, but more importantly the use of a closing statement results in a more positive overall experience for the
participant. This can result in a better response rate should you need to do any follow-up research.
PPiilloott tteesstt
A preliminary test
of your
Has participants
verbalize their
thoughts and
perceptions while
engaged in an
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 189
test sessions for later review. The think-aloud technique is especially helpful for determining
whether participants are interpreting the items the way you intended.
You will want to use the think-aloud technique with some of the participants in your pilot
test,but you should have some others in the pilot test fill out the questionnaire under circum-
stances that are as similar as possible to those of the actual research study.When you conduct
a pilot test, you need to think about several issues. For example, be sure to check how long it
takes participants to complete the questionnaire under circumstances similar to those of the
actual research study.This will help you know whether the questionnaire is too long.You always
can think of some additional items that you would like to add,but you must avoid writing over-
long questionnaires. Other things being equal, the response rate and quality of responses are
better for shorter and medium-length questionnaires than for long questionnaires.
Using the think-aloud technique, you can listen to how the participants think about the
instructions and the items in your questionnaire. Try to determine whether any of the ques-
tionnaire items are confusing or threatening.Ask your participants to tell you when they reach
an item that is difficult to understand, and then ask them to paraphrase what they believe the
problem item is intended to measure. Determine whether your participants understand the
items in a consistent way. Be sure to also check the veracity of the responses of your partici-
pants (i.e.,whether their answers are true and accurate). These strategies will help you deter-
mine whether the items actually measure what they are intended to measure. When the
participants fill out the questionnaire,check to see whether they skip to the correct place if you
have contingency questions in your questionnaire.
After the participants finish filling out the questionnaire,you can discuss the questionnaire
with them individually or in group sessions.Explain the purpose of your questionnaire to them,
and ask them whether they believe anything important was left out, whether the instructions
were clear,and whether there were any items that stood out for any reason and probe for an expla-
nation.If the questionnaire has an experimental manipulation embedded in it,be sure to check
to see that the manipulation is working as intended.For example,if a statement or a vignette is
supposed to increase empathy toward minority groups,ask your participants whether they under-
stood it and whether they felt empathetic afterward.Ask participants to comment on the appear-
ance and clarity of the presentation;for example,were there too many questions on a page? Was
there not enough space to write responses? Was the questionnaire easily readable? Finally,check
the responses and determine if there are too many “I dont knowor “Does Not Apply”answers
indicated. If so,you may be asking questions that are unclear or not applicable.After complet-
ing your pilot test,revise your questionnaire and then pilot test it again.Remember that you do
not want to use a questionnaire in a research study until all of the kinks have been worked out.
You now have the 15 principles of questionnaire construction at your disposal,and you should
feel ready to start the construction of your own questionnaire. One good way to start your first
questionnaire is to model it after an existing questionnaire that was properly constructed.
Therefore,we have provided an example or model questionnaire in Exhibit 7.3; it is entitled the
Research Methods Demonstration Questionnaire. Notice how the principles for questionnaire
construction have been employed in this questionnaire. For example, take note of the appear-
ance of the questionnaire and the ordering of the questions.This is an example of how a basic
mixed questionnaire should look.Table 7.3 provides a checklist you should use to make sure you
dont forget any important ideas.
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 190
Research Methods Demonstration Questionnaire
1. Are you a college student who is currently taking a course on research methods?
Yes ----> Please Go To Question 2
No ----> Please Do Not Complete This Questionnaire Because It Is
Focused On College Students Taking a Research Course.
Thanks Anyway For Agreeing To Participate.
2. In your research methods class, are you using the textbook entitled:
Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches, writ-
ten by Johnson and Christensen?
Yes ----> Please Go To Question 3
No ----> Please Do Not Complete This Questionnaire Because It Is
Focused On Current Users of the Johnson and Christensen
Textbook. Thanks Anyway For Agreeing To Participate.
3. At what college or university are you currently taking this research
methods class?
4. Is the Johnson and Christensen textbook the first book you have studied
on research methods during the past 5 years?
5. How difficult do you find learning about research methods to be?
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Not very difficult
Not at all difficult
Don’t know
6. Which course do you think is more difficult, educational psychology or
educational research methods?
Educational psychology
Educational research methods
Don’t know
EXHIBIT 7.3 Example of a Mixed Questionnaire
Note the use of a
title: This allows
participants to
understand the
purpose of the
which aids in
more accurate
data collection.
Questions 2 and
3 are examples
of screening
Note the use of
white space with
Question about
current opinions.
Use of the dont
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 191
Next, we want to know how interesting you find each of the following research
method topics? Please respond with (1) not at all interesting, (2) not very inter-
esting, (3) somewhat interesting, or (4) very interesting, or (9) don’t know. (Circle
one response for each item.)
Not At All Not Very Somewhat Very Don’t
Interesting Interesting Interesting Know
7. Developing 1 2 3 4 9
8. Writing 1 2 3 4 9
9. Research ethics 1 2 3 4 9
10. Measurement 1 2 3 4 9
11. Data collection 1 2 3 4 9
12. Sampling 1 2 3 4 9
13. Validity of 1 2 3 4 9
research results
14. Data analysis 1 2 3 4 9
15. Quantitative 1 2 3 4 9
16. Qualitative 1 2 3 4 9
17. Mixed research 1 2 3 4 9
18. Given sufficient study time, how much anxiety would you feel if you had
to take a 100-item multiple-choice test on research methods?
A great deal of anxiety----> Go To Question 19
Some anxiety----> Go To Question 19
A little anxiety----> Go To Question 21
No anxiety----> Please Skip To Question 21
Don’t know----> Please Skip To Question 21
19. What do you think are the reasons for your test anxiety?
20. What might be done by your teacher to help reduce your test anxiety?
EXHIBIT 7.3 (Continued)
Matrix format
for series of
items using the
same four-point
rating scale.
Lead in
Enhances both
appearance and
understanding of
the set of items.
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 192
Next are three questions about the content of your research methods class.
21. Which of the following research terms refers to “a technique for
physically obtaining data to be analyzed in a research study”?
Method of data collection
Method of research
Method of measurement
Method of data analysis
Don’t know
22. How many points should there generally be on a rating scale?
4 points
5 points
10 points
Anywhere from 4 to 11 points is usually fine
Don’t know
23. What is the problem with this potential questionnaire item: “Teachers
should have extensive contact with parents and school administrators.”
It is too long
It is a double-barreled question
It has no item stem
Don’t know
24. How useful do you think your knowledge of research methods will be
in your career?
Very useful
Somewhat useful
Not very useful
Not at all useful
Don’t know
The next three items refer to how you feel about yourself. Please indicate your
degree of agreement or disagreement with each item using the following scale:
(1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) agree, or (4) strongly agree. (Circle one
response for each item.)
Strongly Strongly Don’t
Disagree Agree Agree Know
25. I take a positive 1 2 3 4 9
attitude toward myself.
26. I am able to do things as 1 2 3 4 9
well as most other people.
27. I feel that I have a 1 2 3 4 9
number of good qualities.
28. On the whole, I am 1 2 3 4 9
satisfied with myself.
Items 21-23 are
designed to
rather than
referring to
future events.
agreement scale
with Don’t Know
Note: The change
in font ( i.e.,
underline) for
the instructions.
This aids in ease
of use.
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/14/2007 11:36 AM Page 193
29. Realistically, what final letter grade do you expect to get in your research
methods course?
Don’t know
Last are some demographic questions that will be used for classification pur
poses only
30. What is your current college status?
Graduate student
Other (Please Specify): __________________________________
31. What is your gender?
32. Which of the following best describes your political party affiliation?
Other (Please Specify): __________________________________
33. Approximately what was your personal income last year?
_______ dollars
34. Is there anything that you would like to add for us to think about?
EXHIBIT 7.3 (Continued)
Sensitive or
such as
should be placed
at the end of the
Good use of a
Other option.
This allows for
categories that
you may not
have anticipated.
Fill in the blank
Researchers can
responses into
categories later
if they so wish.
Note: Use of
a closing that
Use of an open-
question at the
end, with blank
space for
comments and
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 194
Okay,so now that you have all your information,what is the next step? Figure 7.2 is a flow-
chart that should help guide you through the construction of your first—or ten thousandth—
questionnaire.Questionnaire construction is not a straight path.It is an iterative process with
many twists and turns. Even the most experienced researcher at questionnaire construction
will find that he or she has to go back and revise the instrument at some point in the process.
Indeed, the more willing and able a researcher is to revise the questionnaire throughout the
process,the better the questionnaire will be.Remember,your goal is to design a questionnaire
that works well! Questionnaire construction takes time,but when you get it right,your research
participants and the readers of your research reports will thank you for it.
STEP 1. Review the relevant literature and begin planning the questionnaire.
Remember that if a questionnaire that fits your needs is already available, then there is no need to construct a new questionnaire.
Think about:
Do you understand the targeted participants?
Do you understand the issues to be examined?
What variables do you want to measure?
What do you want to know in the participants’ own words?
Is the questionnaire to be self-administered, sent through the mail, or filled out on the Internet?
Select the type of questionnaire you need to construct: qualitative, quantitative, or mixed.
(Continue with step 1 until you are ready to move to step 2.)
STEP 2. Write the items for the questionnaire.
Think about:
Have you examined other related questionnaires?
Have you examined items on other high-quality questionnaires that will be helpful models as you write yours?
Have you asked others (friends, family members, students) if your items are clear?
Are my questions simple and clear?
Are all of the issues covered?
Does my draft questionnaire look good so far?
(If the answer is no to any of these questions then continue working on step 2 or go back to step 1 if needed;
otherwise, go to step 3.)
STEP 3. Design the layout and overall questionnaire.
Think about:
Does the questionnaire have a title, clear directions, section lead-ins, proper section ordering, demographics at the end, and a
“thank you” at the conclusion?
Have you asked others (colleagues) to critique your questionnaire?
Are the items and sections organized logically and clearly?
Do the skip patterns in the questionnaire clearly lead users to exactly where they need to go through the
questionnaire? (If the answer is no to any of these questions then continue working on 3 or go back to step 1 or
2 as needed; otherwise, go to step 4.)
STEP 4. Conduct a pilot test of the questionnaire.
Think about:
What people can you administer the questionnaire to who are similar to the kinds of
people to be used in your research study?
Have I collected reliability and validity data?
Steps in Questionnaire Construction Flowchart
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 195
This chapter explains how to write items and construct a questionnaire to be used in collecting
data in a research study.This might seem like a simple task,and it is not overly difficult,but it is
imperative that you take this process very seriously and that you follow the appropriate steps
and procedures that we have provided. Remember that if your data-collection instrument
(i.e.,your questionnaire) does not work well,then your results will be meaningless.When devel-
oping a good questionnaire,you need to understand and use the 15 principles of questionnaire
construction (Table 7.2) discussed in this chapter.We provided a checklist that you should use
to make sure you have not forgotten any important points (Table 7.3). We also provided an
example of a well-written questionnaire that you can use as a model example when you start
developing your own questionnaire (Exhibit 7.3).Over time, you will have your own collection
of model questionnaires that you have developed,as you become an expert.Finally,we provided
a flowchart showing you the iterative or cyclical steps in developing and continually improving
your questionnaire (Figure 7.2).
Is your questionnaire well tested and operating properly?
Do the reliability and validity data provide evidence that the questionnaire is working well with the kinds of people
to be used in your research?
(If the answer is no to any of these questions, go to earlier steps, and revise, revise, and revise some more, and then pilot test
the questionnaire again.)
STEP 5. Administer your questionnaire in your research study.
Think about:
Does the questionnaire work properly with your research participants?
How good are the reliability and validity data with the real participants?
Do any items need improvement?
Decision: How can I improve my questionnaire?
(Continue to loop back to earlier steps as needed.)
What principles should you follow when constructing a questionnaire?
Think of an example of a leading or loaded question.
Why is reading level important to consider?
What is an item stem?
If you are conducting an exploratory research study, are you more likely to use closed-ended
questions or open-ended questions?
How many points should a rating scale have?
When should you use a contingency question?
Explain how to pilot test a questionnaire or an interview protocol.
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 196
acquiescence response set (p.186)
anchor (p.179)
checklist (p. 183)
closed-ended question (p. 176)
contingency question (p.187)
double-barreled question (p.175)
double negative (p. 175)
exhaustive (p. 178)
fully anchored rating scale (p. 180)
item stem (p.177)
leading question (p. 174)
Likert scale (p.185)
loaded question (p. 174)
mixed questionnaire (p. 177)
mutually exclusive (p.178)
numerical rating scale (p.179)
open-ended question (p. 176)
pilot test (p.189)
principle of standardization (p.177)
qualitative questionnaire (p. 177)
quantitative questionnaire (p. 177)
questionnaire (p.170)
ranking (p.181)
rating scale (p. 179)
response set (p.186)
reverse-worded item (p.186)
semantic differential (p.183)
social desirability response set (p.186)
summated rating scale (p.185)
think-aloud technique (p. 189)
web surveys (p. 187)
1. Fill out the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale shown in Figure 7.1.Then sum your responses to the ten items to
btain your overall score (i.e.,your summated score).Be sure that you “reverse scoreitems 3,5,8,9,and 10
(i.e., a 4 becomes a 1, a 3 becomes a 2, a 2 becomes a 3, and a 1 becomes a 4) before you add up your item
scores to obtain your overall score.After doing this,you will know how to score a summated scale.Note that
the way the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale is coded, lower scores are better (i.e., they represent higher self-
esteem) and higher scores are worse (i.e.,they represent lower self-esteem).Some researchers have their com-
puter program reverse the final numbers so that higher scores represent higher self-esteem.For now,just be
sure that you are careful in interpreting your score!
2. Pick a topic and construct a 15-item questionnaire.Collect data from five of your classmates.Have them evaluate
your data-collection instrument (i.e.,your questionnaire) on the basis of what they have learned in this chapter.
Revise your questionnaire.
3. Go to ERIC or SocINDEX and conduct a journal article search using the term questionnaire. List five ques-
tionnaires that you found interesting.What was the purpose of each of these?
Free brochures explaining survey research,including data collection and questionnaire construction
Very well done (and free) guide on tips for constructing questionnaires and interview protocols
Site maintained by Don A.Dillman, a prominent survey research expert, and containing some of his papers
Log on to the web-based student study site at http://www.sagepub.com/bjohnsonstudy for additional web sources
and study resources.
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 197
Babbie, E. (1990). Survey research methods (9th ed.).
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Blackburn, N., Sudman, S., & Wansink, B. (2004). Asking
questions: The definitive guide to questionnaire design—For
market research, political polls, and social and health
questionnaires. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Dillman,D.A. (2007). Mail and internet surveys: The tailored
design method. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
07-Johnson (Educational) -45443.qxd 11/13/2007 8:06 PM Page 198