Sex Matters is a human-rights charity campaigning
for clarity about sex in law, policy and language | [email protected]
Action guide
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3
Our asks..............................................................................................................................4
The two-minute version.................................................................................................5
What you can do................................................................................................................. 6
Put up a poster..............................................................................................................7
Tell canvassers who come to your doorstep................................................................. 7
Write to your candidates and ask questions................................................................. 9
Share on social media.................................................................................................11
Speak up at a public meeting......................................................................................12
Upload feedback and photos...................................................................................... 14
Donate to support the campaign................................................................................. 14
What about Scotland and Wales?.....................................................................................14
Can I make a difference?..................................................................................................16
Downloadable campaign materials
Action guide page 2
A general election has been called for Thursday 4th July and we want to make sure
that every candidate seeking to be an MP hears that people want them to STAND UP
Single-sex services range from everyday spaces like toilets, changing rooms and
hospital bays to specialist services like womens refuges. They include clubs,
associations like Girlguiding and sports for women and girls at every level. Whether
services and spaces are provided by the public, private or voluntary sector, it is the
government that has to ensure the rules and laws are clear, so that single-sex
services are secured.
Unless the government is clear that women means female and men means male, it
is impossible to provide single-sex services consistently.
This general election is an opportunity to make sure that womens rights and child
safeguarding are put front and centre of this conversation.
We want to make sure that candidates hear that the people that they seek to
represent both men and women care about single-sex services and want
politicians to use clear sex-based language to protect womens rights, child
safeguarding, the rights of lesbians, gay and bisexual people, and the rights of those
who identify as transgender. Everyone should be free to live without discrimination.
No one should face harassment or violence. This means acknowledging the reality
that there are two sexes and managing spaces and services accordingly.
Politicians need to understand that this is not “transphobic”. It is not a “political
football” or a culture-war issue” they can hide from. If they want to be returned to
the Westminster Parliament, they have to take a grown-up approach.
Sex Matters is not party political and will never take a position on which way you should vote in
any election. We are calling on all political parties to STAND UP FOR SINGLE-SEX SERVICES.
Action guide page 3
Our asks
The next government must STAND UP FOR SINGLE-SEX SERVICES, and be clear
what sex means in language, law and policy.
Every candidate should be clear that when they say “women” they mean women, not
men who identify as women.
The law already allows single-sex services and sports, but many organisations are
afraid to be clear. They either replace single-sex services with mixed-sex facilities or
allow people to choose to self-identify into services for the opposite sex.
This is not what most people want. Confusion makes services less inclusive and less
safe. It causes conflict and creates a hostile environment for women and girls. It isn’t
All parties should be clear that they will STAND UP FOR SINGLE-SEX SERVICES.
Ensure clear language, rules and data wherever sex matters.
Implement the Cass Review and stop transitioning children in schools.
Drop dangerous plans to criminalise so-called “conversion therapy”.
Make the Equality Act clear sex means sex.
Guarantee womens right to female-only spaces.
Say no to legal gender self-ID.
Record sex accurately in healthcare and the criminal justice system.
Fix the sex data muddle with modern data systems.
Protect womens sports.
Make regulators do their job and protect everyones rights.
For more information, see: Stand up for single-sex services: campaign asks.
Action guide page 4
The two-minute version
We have boiled this down to five questions we want to ask candidates.
These are not “gotcha questions, but issues they will need to deal with as
MPs in this parliament.
Will they stand up for single-sex services, protect children from unevidenced
“medicine”, say NO to gender self-ID, drop plans to criminalise so-called “conversion
therapy” and make sure people are not hounded out of their jobs for saying that sex
is real?
Note: Health and education are devolved matters, so if you are talking to candidates
in Scotland and Wales, you should focus on 1, 3 and 5. However, it is still worth
mentioning your concerns about childhood transition (see page 15).
Action guide page 5
What you can do
Put up a poster
Put up a poster in your window or or on a
Tell canvassers who come to your door why
this issue matters
Write to your candidates
Share the campaign on social media
Speak up
Speak up and ask a question at a public
Send photos and feedback to
Donate to support the campaign
For more help and advice, see:
Action guide page 6
Put up a poster
poster (the front cover of this guide) and put it in your
window for the election period.
Put it on community notice boards where you have
Tell canvassers who come to your doorstep
Candidates and their representatives will be campaigning in your neighbourhood. If
they knock on your door, be ready to ask if they will STAND UP FOR SINGLE-SEX
The aim is not to put candidates on the spot or catch them out, but to start a
conversation and make sure they know this is a serious concern, and that you will
expect them to take responsibility if elected.
What to do
1. Be polite, not antagonistic.
2. Don’t expect them to already know what you are talking about.
3. Be ready with two or three key points. You might want to tell them you are
concerned about single-sex services, protecting womens rights and children
being transitioned.
4. If they are supportive, ask to take a photo of them with you or with our sign (or
both). Share it on social media using #StandUpForSingleSexServices.
5. If you have printed one of our handouts, give it to them to take away.
6. If the person who knocks on your door is a canvasser, not the candidate
themselves, ask them to write down your concerns and take them back to the
candidate. Ask for the candidate’s email address and follow up to say you
would like to speak to them directly to help you decide who to vote for.
Action guide page 7
We have produced handouts that you can print out to have ready to give to
any canvassers who come to your door, and to candidates you meet at
hustings or who have agreed to meet with you.
Download colour handout from
Download black and white handout
Action guide page 8
Write to your candidates and ask questions
You can find your candidates’ details at Each will have a
campaign email address and a campaign office you can write to. Write an email
or letter to each candidate in your constituency to explain why you want them to
Include your name and address to show candidates that you live in their
constituency and let them reply.
Include personal stories if you can. Candidates are interested in the
experiences of their potential constituents. It is their role to represent you,
and sharing how government policy affects you can make a big impact.
Keep it short and specific. Candidates are busy and receive
correspondence about all sorts of issues.
Follow up. It may take a while to receive a response, but don’t be afraid to
reply again and keep the conversation going. You could suggest a
meeting to talk in more detail.
If you get a reply, please forward it to us at
Template letter
Personalise your letter, explaining why single-sex services matter to
you. We have provided a template for inspiration.
Dear [Candidate]
[Say something to introduce yourself, for example if you have had contact
before, if you are following up after a conversation on the doorstep, if you
have voted for them or their party previously or if you are considering whom
to vote for].
Action guide page 9
While there are many issues of concern in this election, I am particularly
concerned about the impact of gender ideology on womens rights and child
Please can you give me a clear, brief answer to the following questions:
Do you recognise that there are two sexes, male and female, and that
being a woman (female) is different from being a “transwoman
(trans-identifying male) and that the law should recognise that there are
situations where this difference cannot be ignored?
Do you accept the findings of the Cass Review about the risks of
childhood social transition, puberty-blocking drugs and hormones for
young people?
Will you stand up for single-sex services? Do you recognise that
single-sex spaces and sports are crucial for women and girls and should
be protected?
Do you recognise the dangers in legislating to “ban conversion therapy”,
which threatens ethical therapists, parents and teachers with
criminalisation simply for having conversations with children about why
they think they are “trans”?
Do you agree that the Equality Act should provide clear protection against
discrimination based on sex?
Will you commit not to bring in gender self-ID through the back door, and
not to close down freedom of speech about sex and gender?
Will you meet with “gender-critical” groups and constituents if you are
elected to Parliament?
Thank you for reading this and I look forward to hearing from you soon. [ I
would like to request a meeting.]
If you have like-minded local friends, write a joint letter to each of the leading
candidates and ask for a meeting. They could meet you in a café or pub, or at
their campaign office. You could also write to your local newspaper.
Action guide page 10
Share on social media
Follow and share our campaign messages
@SexMattersOrg on Twitter/X, Facebook,
Instagram and LinkedIn.
Use #StandUpForSingleSexServices, #SexMatters
and #GE2024 to share messages on social media.
Download our header graphics for your
social-media profile and share our question card,
from the Take action section at
Take a selfie with the poster and share that on social media with the hashtag
If you meet your candidates or want to get their attention, tag them using their
social-media handles (check carefully to make sure you’ve got the right person). Be
polite, concise and positive.
Sample messages
#GE2024 @ [candidate] Will you #StandUpForSingleSexServices ?
#GE2024 @ [candidate] local [mums, women, people] in [place] want you to
#StandUpForSingleSexServices #SexMatters
#GE2024 @ [candidate] #StandUpForSingleSexServices from womens
refuges and sports to toilets and changing rooms #SexMatters
Action guide page 11
Speak up at a public meeting
In the run-up to the general election, community
groups and other organisations in most
constituencies will hold open public meetings,
called “hustings”, where candidates speak and
answer questions. As a constituent this is your
chance to ask the candidates whether they will
Hustings are usually organised by community
groups or local organisations or churches. They are
advertised in local papers, online and at local
libraries and community centres. Each candidate usually gets a set time to speak and
then they all answer questions.
Work out your question beforehand (see the next page for examples) and
practise it or write it down.
Raise your hand as early as possible this will give you a better chance
of getting called.
Keep it short and be specific make sure you ask a clear question.
Be polite and respectful it is easy for a candidate to disregard a
question if it is asked in an aggressive or negative manner.
One thing you can do before you go to the hustings is look up how many people in
your constituency signed the Sex Matters petition to make the Equality Act clear. You
can use that number in your question.
You might want to go with a friend or a group, but don't be afraid to go on your
The Women’s Rights Network has local groups and is organising
street stalls around the country for its “Respect My Sex” campaign
Action guide page 12
Questions to ask
Here are some ideas. If you have a specific personal experience, it’s
a good idea to use that as the basis for a question.
Last year [X number] of people in this constituency signed a petition to
“make the Equality Act clear” about the meaning of the protected
characteristic of sex. This would protect the rights of women and girls
and protect single-sex services. If you are elected, will you support the
government to make sure the law is clear to protect womens rights?
If elected, would you make sure that single-sex services such as hospital
accommodation and sports for women and girls are provided on the
basis of sex and not self-identified gender?
If elected, will you make sure that the findings of the Cass Review on the
treatment of gender-questioning children are followed up and children are
not given puberty-blocking drugs that have not been shown to have any
benefit and which put children on a pathway to sterilisation?
As a parent I am concerned about children in school being told that they
can choose to be a boy or a girl and that some people are both or neither.
This is leaving many children confused and vulnerable. If elected, will you
make sure that schools have clear guidance to prevent them creating this
Many people, from JK Rowling to ordinary women at work, are facing
bullying and harassment for expressing the ordinary belief that there are
two sexes and that sex matters. Do you stand up for freedom of speech
and will you challenge this?
Tweet about the experience and take a picture on the night. Remember to include the
hashtag #StandUpForSingleSexServices. Follow up with the candidates by email or
letter (see Write on page 9).
Action guide page 13
Upload feedback and photos
Send us your pictures with the poster so we can
use them in the campaign.
Upload photos and feedback from speaking to your
local candidates at
Donate to support the campaign
Make a donation to support this campaign at
or set up a regular donation to Sex Matters. We are going to be working hard to make
sure the next government cannot dodge this issue, or legislate to further override
womens rights.
Action guide page 14
What about Scotland and Wales?
The whole country is going to the polls, but health and education are devolved
matters, so the questions to discuss are slightly different in Scotland and Wales.
In Scotland, we suggest asking candidates if they will:
STAND UP FOR SINGLE-SEX SERVICES and sports for women?
SAY NO TO GENDER SELF-ID, including by keeping the Section 35 order in
place to stop self-ID in Scotland?
For Women Scotland are asking similar questions see
In Wales, we suggest asking candidates if they will:
STAND UP FOR SINGLE-SEX SERVICES and sports for women?
SAY NO TO GENDE R SELF-ID, and get sex recorded clearly and accurately?
DROP DANGEROUS PLANS TO CRIMINALISE so-called “conversion therapy”?
Action guide page 15
Can I make a difference?
You may wonder what can be achieved by writing and talking to candidates and
canvassers and what response you can hope to receive.
Believe it or not, many people are still barely aware of this issue, or think it affects
only trans-identifying people or is “the next gay rights”. Your questions may be the
first time a candidate has been asked to consider “trans rights” as an issue affecting
women and girls.
Even someone whose position seems entrenched needs to hear that single-sex
services matter to voters and that elected representatives cannot just dismiss their
Even if you get a dismissive or confused reply on the doorstep or at the hustings, or a
standard template response or no response at all by email, do not be disheartened.
When politicians hear many voices across the UK saying the same thing, it is harder
for those voices to be ignored.
Whoever is elected as your MP will go to Westminster to represent their constituents.
If they have heard about this issue on doorsteps during the election campaign, they
will be more likely to take it seriously when it turns up in their postbag and in debates.
Sex Matters will be writing to MPs, and so will other gender-critical groups. We will be
offering briefings, challenging MPs and seeking their support. The more they have
heard from constituents about the issues of single-sex services, child safeguarding
and freedom of speech, the more they will be willing to listen.
After you have got in touch with a candidate, you can follow up if they get elected as
an MP. Write when relevant issues are in the news or debated in Parliament. Ask for a
meeting. Reiterate your concerns. Leave them in no doubt that ordinary people want
our elected representatives to STAND UP FOR SINGLE-SEX SERVICES.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Sex Matters is a charitable incorporated organisation Charity number: 1207701
Registered office: 63/66 Hatton Garden, Fifth Floor Suite 23, London, EC1N 8LE
Published 3rd June 2024
Action guide page 16