We study the allocation of driver’s licenses in India by randomly assigning
applicants to one of three groups: bonus (offered a bonus for obtaining a license
quickly), lesson (offered free driving lessons), or comparison. Both the bonus and
lesson groups are more likely to obtain licenses. However, bonus group members
are more likely to make extralegal payments and to obtain licenses without know-
ing how to drive. All extralegal payments happen through private intermediaries
(“agents”). An audit study of agents reveals that they can circumvent procedures
such as the driving test. Overall, our results support the view that corruption does
not merely reflect transfers from citizens to bureaucrats but distorts allocation.
Public service provision in many developing countries is
rife with corruption. A basic question about such corruption is
whether it merely represents redistribution between citizens and
bureaucrats or results in important distortions in how bureau-
crats allocate services. This question underlies the debate on the
efficiency implications of corruption, with some arguing that cor-
ruption merely “greases the wheels” of the bureaucracy and others
arguing that it harms society.
In this paper, we use detailed sur-
vey data and experimental evidence to study this question in the
context of one particular bureaucratic process: the provision of
driver’s licenses in Delhi, India.
* This project was conducted and funded by the International Finance Cor-
poration. We thank Anup Kumar Roy for outstanding research assistance. We
are grateful to Lawrence Katz (the editor), three anonymous referees, Abhijit
Banerjee, Gary Becker, Ryan Bubb, Anne Case, Angus Deaton, Luis Garicano, Ed
Glaeser, Ben Olken, Sam Peltzman, Andrei Shleifer, and Jakob Svensson and to
seminar participants at Harvard, MIT, Princeton, the University of California at
Berkeley, the University of Chicago GSB, LSE, Yale University, NYU, Ohio State
University, the University of Florida, the University of Toronto, the World Bank,
and the ASSA 2006 meeting for helpful comments.
1. For the “grease-the-wheels” view, see Leff (1964), Huntington (1968), and
Lui (1985). For example, Huntington (1968) remarked that “[I]n terms of economic
growth, the only thing worse than a society with a rigid, overcentralized, dishonest
bureaucracy is one with a rigid, overcentralized, and honest bureaucracy. For
arguments on how corruption can harm society, see Myrdal (1968), Rose-Ackerman
(1978), Klitgaard (1991), Shleifer and Vishny (1992, 1993), and Djankov et al.
2007 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 2007
Specifically, between October 2004 and April 2005, the Inter-
national Finance Corporation (IFC) followed 822 driver’s license
candidates, collecting data on whether they obtained licenses, as
well as detailed micro data on the specific procedures, time, and
expenditures involved.
At the end of the process, the IFC ad-
ministered an independent surprise driving test (simulating the
test that is supposed to be given by the bureaucrats) to determine
whether individuals who were granted a license could drive.
To understand whether and how corruption affects alloca-
tion, license candidates were randomly assigned to one of three
groups. The “bonus group” were offered a large financial reward
if they were able to obtain a license in 32 days (two days longer
than the statutory minimum time of 30 days). The “lesson group”
were offered free driving lessons, to be taken immediately after
recruitment into the survey.
The comparison group were sim-
ply tracked through the process. The bonus treatment allows us
to assess whether and how the allocation of licenses responds
to willingness to pay. Are a group that are willing to pay more
for licenses more likely to get them? But also, are there more
unqualified drivers receiving licenses in such a group? The les-
son treatment allows us to assess whether allocation decisions
by the bureaucracy are at all responsive to the socially most
important component of this regulatory process–one’s ability to
The comparison group’s experiences already provide evidence
of a distorted bureaucratic process. Close to 71% of license getters
in the comparison group did not take the licensing exam, and 62%
were unqualified to drive (according to the independent test) at
the time they obtain a license.
The average license getter in this
group paid about Rs 1,120, or about 2.5 times the official fee of
Rs 450, to obtain a license.
The experimental results highlight how these distortions re-
spond to private willingness to pay. While individuals in the bonus
2. Other microempirical approaches to documenting and measuring corrup-
tion are Di Tella and Schargrodsky (2003), Fisman and Wei (2004), and Olken
3. To ensure that there were no social costs to the study, participants in the
comparison and bonus groups were offered free driving lessons upon completion
of the final survey and driving test.
4. Why acquire a license without knowing how to drive, especially since li-
censes are not used as a primary form of identification in India? License getters
will likely learn how to drive after they get the license, as we discuss later on. The
key point is that their driving skill level is unregulated; they will learn to the level
that they find privately useful rather than the socially optimal level.
group are 24 percentage points more likely to obtain a license than
those in the comparison group, they are also 13 percentage points
more likely to obtain a license without taking the legally required
driving exam, as well as 18 percentage points more likely to both
obtain a license and fail the independent driving test.
In other
words, a higher willingness to pay for a license translates into an
increase in the number of license getters who cannot drive. The
experimental results regarding the lesson group, however, suggest
that social considerations are not totally ignored in the allocation
of licenses: the lesson group is 12 percentage points more likely
to obtain a license than the comparison group.
As a whole, the
bonus group pay Rs 178 more in extralegal fees. Individuals in the
lesson group continue to make extralegal payments despite being
better drivers: the average extralegal payment is about the same
in the lesson and comparison groups (albeit with more licensed
drivers in the lesson group).
Interestingly, we find no evidence of direct bribes to bureau-
crats in any of the groups. The extralegal payments are mainly
fees to “agents,” professionals who “assist” individuals in the pro-
cess of obtaining their driver’s licenses. These agents appear to be
more than just time-saving institutions (akin to accountants em-
bodying knowledge of tax regulations). Instead, multiple pieces of
evidence suggest that agents institutionalize corruption. We find
that 94% of individuals who did not hire agents took the legally
required driving test at least once, while only 12% of those who
used agents took that test. To investigate this further, we de-
signed a second experiment aimed exclusively at understanding
how agents affect the licensing process. Specifically, trained ac-
tors were sent to agents to elicit the feasibility of and prices for
obtaining a license under different pretexts, which corresponded
to bending various official rules. We find that agents can provide
services that circumvent official rules. For example, agents were
able to procure a license despite someone’s lack of driving skills:
agents offered to procure licenses for 100% of actors who said they
5. Moreover, the average license getter in the bonus group is more likely to
fail our driving test than the average license getter in the comparison group. This
suggests that the bonus group’s failure rate is higher than one would estimate
if one simply added more license getters (but with the same failure rate) to the
comparison group.
6. We cannot rule out the possibility that simply being offered lessons also
raised the lesson group’s desire to get a license and, therefore, the effort they were
willing to exert to obtain a license. The lesson group may thus also have a higher
private willingness to pay for the license.
did not have the time to learn how to drive. However, they cannot
bend all rules as easily: rules that leave a documentary trail (such
as place-of-residence restrictions) appear harder for agents to
Finally, to understand why good drivers in the lesson group
continue to make extralegal payments, we studied nonexperimen-
tally the experiences of those who try to use the formal (i.e., nona-
gent) channel for getting a license. Examining the subset of par-
ticipants who began the process by taking the driving test once,
we find that a substantial percentage of them (about 35%) failed
and must resort to retaking the test or hiring an agent. Most in-
terestingly, this percentage is unrelated to actual ability to drive:
it is constant across the lesson, bonus, and comparison groups,
and it is also constant across scores on the independent driving
test. One possible interpretation of these suggestive data is that
bureaucrats arbitrarily fail test takers in order to induce them
to use agents. This interpretation is consistent with theories of
“endogenous red tape,” which emphasize that many bureaucratic
hurdles might be the result of rent-seeking activities by bureau-
crats (see for example Myrdal [1968], Shleifer and Vishny [1993],
and Banerjee [1997]).
Hence, there appear to be two paths to obtaining a driver’s
license in New Delhi: the official path and the agent path. While
following the agent path involves substantial extra costs, it en-
sures getting a license even without knowing how to drive, most
likely because agents make payments to bureaucrats to bend the
rules. While it is possible to obtain a license without hiring an
agent, it also appears that bureaucrats may create hurdles (red
tape) to encourage the use of agents. Overall, these results sup-
port the view that corruption in this particular setting goes beyond
simple redistribution from citizens to bureaucrats.
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. Section II dis-
cusses the process of obtaining a driver’s license in India, while
Section III describes the data collection and lays out the design
of the first experiment (comparative experiences of comparison,
bonus, and lesson groups). These experimental findings are pre-
sented in Section IV. Section V explores the process of getting
a license with an agent, relying both on nonexperimental data
and also on the findings of the second experiment (audit study
of agents); we also investigate the possibility of red tape in the
formal process. Section VI discusses alternative interpretations.
Section VII concludes.
The Motor Vehicle Act of 1988 and its subsequent amend-
ments stipulate the official licensing process in India. State gov-
ernments are responsible for administering this act. In Delhi, the
setting for this project, licenses are issued at nine regional trans-
port offices (RTOs). The jurisdiction of each office coincides with
the corresponding police district, and individuals can only obtain
licenses from their particular RTOs. In 2002, the Delhi Motor
Vehicle Department authorized 313,690 licenses.
To be eligible for a license, an individual must be at least
18 years of age. He or she must first obtain a temporary license,
which grants the right to practice driving under the supervision
of a licensed individual. To obtain the temporary license, proof of
residence, proof of age, a passport-sized photo, and a medical cer-
tificate must be submitted to the RTO, along with the application
form. There is an application fee of Rs 360 ($8). Then the appli-
cant must take a color blindness test and a written examination
with 20 multiple choice questions on road signs, traffic rules, and
traffic regulations. Upon the applicant’s passing these, the tem-
porary license is processed on the same day. If the applicant fails
the exam, he or she can reapply after a 7-day waiting period.
After 30 days (and within 180 days) of the issuance of the
temporary license, the individual may apply for a permanent li-
cense. The applicant must submit proof of age, proof of residence,
a recent passport-sized photo, and his or her temporary license.
The applicant must also pass a driving road test at the RTO. A
Rs 90 fee ($2) is charged for the photograph and lamination of the
license. If the applicant fails the road test, he or she can reapply
after a 7-day waiting period.
In the first experiment, the IFC recruited and observed indi-
viduals through the application process for a four-wheeler license.
The three main project phases—recruitment, randomization, and
follow-up—are described below (see also Figure I).
III.A. Recruitment
Recruitment began in June 2004 and continued through
November 2004. Recruiting occurred in a two-week cycle. During
each cycle, recruiters intercepted individuals who were entering
Project Summary
one of the following four RTOs in Delhi: Southwest, Northwest,
South, or New Delhi. The IFC gave recruiters strict guidelines
regarding the type of person to approach for the project. First, to
reduce attrition, recruiters were instructed to approach only men
(in a pilot study, 60% of men remained in the project, while 100%
of the women dropped out). Second, they were asked to identify
individuals who had not previously had a license, but wanted one.
Finally, to comply with government regulations, only individuals
over age 18 were allowed to participate.
The recruiters provided each potential participant with a
short explanation of the project, offered an information sheet out-
lining the time frame and payment structure for the project, and
invited interested individuals to attend an information session to
learn more about the project.
III.B. Initial Session and Randomization
An initial survey session was held at the end of each two-
week recruiting cycle near the RTO from which the subjects were
recruited. On average, 36 individuals participated in each of the
23 sessions, for a total of 822 project participants (see Figure II).
Participation was restricted to individuals who had been officially
recruited and up to one of their friends.
To begin, the survey team administered an introduction
survey to each participant. In addition to sociodemographic
7. To further limit attrition, the project team rejected any individual whose
phone number could not be verified prior to the session and required formal iden-
tification (student identification, ration card, etc.).
Final Licesing Status of Participants
Note: Percentage of individuals out of original 822 survey participants
reported in parentheses.
information, the survey included questions on previous experi-
ences in obtaining government services and previous driving expe-
rience, as well as beliefs about the necessary procedures to obtain
a driver’s license. The survey concluded with a series of questions
regarding driving laws and practices; these questions were drawn
from a sample of practice test questions published by the Delhi
After the survey, each individual was given one of three pos-
sible letters. The letters randomly allocated him to one of three
groups: a comparison group, a bonus group, and a lesson group.
Individuals in the comparison group were simply asked to return
for a second survey—documenting their experiences—upon ac-
quiring a permanent license. As an inducement to return, each
subject was offered Rs 800 (roughly $17) upon completion of the
final survey.
The IFC gave individuals in the bonus group the same set
of instructions as those in the comparison group. However, to
8. For example: You are driving in heavy rain. Your steering suddenly becomes
very light. You should (1) steer toward the side of the road, (2) brake firmly to
reduce speed, (3) apply gentle acceleration, (4) ease off the acceleration, (5) do not
9. Since all subjects received a cash payment, their behavior may not be
representative of the population as a whole. This does not compromise the internal
validity of the differences between treatment and comparison groups.
generate a stronger incentive for obtaining a license, the IFC
also offered a bonus of Rs 2,000 (on top of Rs 800 for complet-
ing the surveys) if the individuals could obtain their permanent
licenses within 32 days of obtaining their temporary licenses (two
days over the official minimum wait time). Rs 2,000 was chosen
to ensure a large enough treatment effect.
Finally, in addition to being given the same set of instructions
as the comparison group, individuals in the lesson group were of-
fered free driving lessons, to be taken immediately. Accredited
driving schools were hired to provide up to 15 lessons. Individu-
als in this group were also promised a payment of Rs 800 upon
completion of the surveys.
At the end of this initial session, the project team paid all par-
ticipants Rs 200 ($4.25). This was done to help alleviate possible
credit constraints on acquiring a license. This upfront payment
was also made in order to increase the credibility of the final
payment. Behavioral studies of this type are not typical in India
and participants in the pilot (who did not receive this upfront
payment) harbored suspicions about whether the final payment
would be made.
While the project team tried to isolate the three groups from
each other, we cannot rule out the possibility that individuals
in different groups communicated with each other during this
process. To increase transparency, each of them was informed that
several groups existed in the study, and that some participants
were randomly chosen to win additional payments.
III.C. Follow-Up
It may take as few as 30 days or as many as 180 days to ob-
tain a license. During this period, the project team kept in close
contact with all participants to remind them about the project and
maintain the credibility of the final payments. Extensive phone
calls were made (and logged) to ensure that participants under-
stood the instructions and payments schemes, to arrange lessons
for subjects in the lesson group, and to remind subjects in the
bonus group about the bonus scheme and deadlines.
As shown in Figure II (and, in more detail, in Appendix I),
497 individuals (60%) obtained temporary licenses. The project
10. The monthly gross salary for the 380 employed individuals in our sample
is Rs 5,446, and so the bonus is roughly equivalent to one-third of an individual’s
monthly income.
team administered a phone survey to these individuals regarding
the subject’s experiences in the bureaucratic process so far. The
project team also attempted to administer a phone survey to the
325 individuals who failed to obtain temporary licenses in order
to understand the reasons that they did not. Ninety individuals
could not be contacted. Since we are unsure whether they obtained
any type of license, we exclude them from the rest of the analysis.
Upon earning a permanent license, each subject was invited
to a final session. Half of the original set of participants both ob-
tained a final license and returned for the final survey. At this
session, the survey team questioned each individual on his ex-
periences in the process, tested his driving skills, gave the final
payment, and, for those in the comparison and bonus groups, of-
fered free driving lessons.
Under the supervision of the project team, an accredited driv-
ing school administered a surprise practical driving test. The ex-
amination was designed to test the skills required to obtain a
license. To preserve the integrity of the test, the test-givers were
not from any of the schools that provided the instruction to the
lesson group and did not know which experimental group a given
test-taker belonged to. The driving exam consisted of two parts.
First, the test-giver administered an oral examination to judge
whether a subject could operate a car.
If a subject was unable to
answer all of these questions correctly, he was deemed incapable
of taking the practical driving test and automatically failed. If the
subject adequately answered all questions, the test-giver admin-
istered a road test. The test-giver awarded subjects a series of
points for satisfactorily illustrating that they could properly start
a car, change gears, use indicators, complete turns, and park. The
key feature of this test is that it mirrors exactly what the RTO
itself is supposed to be testing.
The project team offered Rs 500 to the 71 individuals who
obtained temporary licenses, but did not obtain a final license,
to also attend a final session. At this session, the project team
administered a survey to understand why they did not obtain a
license and also administered the surprise driving exam. Twenty-
three individuals attended this session (Figure II).
11. Upon earning a permanent license, an individual is required to relinquish
his temporary license to the RTO. As proof of date, subjects in the bonus group
were required to bring photocopies of their temporary licenses.
12. This oral exam was not a test of technical terms. Instead it tested basic
knowledge needed to operate a motor vehicle. For example, individuals were asked,
“which pedal would you use to speed up?” “how would you start the car?” etc.
For the rest of the paper, an individual is considered an attri-
tor if he could not be tracked during the study (90 individuals) or
if he did not complete the requested final survey (65 individuals);
this leaves 667 individuals. Appendix II studies the differences be-
tween attritors and nonattritors in terms of socioeconomic charac-
teristics, driving experiences, past bribing experience, and beliefs
regarding procedures (as collected in the initial survey). We find
very little difference between attritors and nonattritors, with two
exceptions: attritors are less likely to be married and more likely
to have driven a two-wheeler in the past. If the different treat-
ments caused differential attrition, the comparison of the treat-
ment groups to the comparison group may be less valid. In fact, a
few characteristics (mainly age, marital status, and having driven
a four-wheeler at one time in the past) are not balanced between
attritors and nonattritors across the three groups. Therefore, we
control for these characteristics in our empirical specifications.
III.D. Survey Participants’ Characteristics
Table I describes the main characteristics of the 667 individ-
uals in the study whom we were able to track and who completed
the requested final survey. Column (1) presents means for the
full sample, while columns (2)–(4) present means for each group.
The stars indicate whether a given group’s mean significantly dif-
fers from the two other groups’, after controlling for session fixed
effects. All standard errors are robust.
Panels A and B document the participants’ socioeconomic
backgrounds and their past driving experience. Individuals tend
to be young (24 years of age) and many are high school or col-
lege students (49%). Seventy-seven percent are Hindu, while 20%
are Muslim; 35% have minority status (Other Backward Castes,
Scheduled Castes, or Scheduled Tribes). Many have driven a
two-wheeler at least once (88%), yet only 3% report having
a two-wheeler license. Close to a quarter report having driven
a four-wheeler at least once in the past. As Delhi is India’s capi-
tal, it is unsurprising that 43% have at least one family member
(usually a parent) employed by the government.
The characteristics summarized in Panels A and B appear
balanced across the three groups. There are no significant
differences across groups in age, education levels (as measured by
percentage of people with less than a primary school education),
employment status, wealth (as measured by owning a home or
owning a car), income, or likelihood of having a two-wheeler
Full sample Comparison Bonus Driving lesson
(1) (2) (3) (4)
A. Socioeconomic characteristics
Age 24.28 23.82 24.70 24.11
Married 0.25 0.22 0.27 0.24
Students 0.49 0.50 0.45 0.52
Employed 0.47 0.45 0.50 0.45
Less than primary
0.08 0.06 0.07 0.09
Owns home 0.61 0.61 0.59 0.63
Owns car 0.11 0.10 0.13 0.09
Minority 0.35 0.43 0.31 0.35
Hindu religion 0.77 0.84** 0.77 0.73
Muslim religion 0.20 0.15 0.19 0.23
Log (salary) 3.90 3.70 4.18 3.73
Family member in
(including self)
0.43 0.38 0.45 0.43
B. Driving experience
Have 2-wheeler
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03
Have driven a
0.88 0.83** 0.91* 0.86
Have driven a
0.24 0.24 0.34*** 0.11***
Months known how to
drive a 4-wheeler
(given drive)
3.66 3.38 3.96 3.04
C. You are caught driving without a license. Would you bribe. . . . .
If the fine is 500 and
bribe is 300?
0.61 0.64 0.60 0.60
If the fine is 3,000 and
bribe is 300?
0.81 0.84 0.79 0.79
D. Ever. . . in the past (conditional on having tried to obtain a public service)
Paid bribe 0.20 0.18 0.23 0.17
Used agent 0.21 0.19 0.23 0.20
E. Beliefs regarding procedures
Total trips to obtain
6.92 7.50 6.87 6.60
Total time at RTO 1,135.35 1,225.15 1,173.69 1,031.52
N 667 155 268 244
1. This table reports summary statistics from the initial baseline survey. The mean demographics, driving
experiences, and beliefs regarding the license process are presented for the 667 individuals who were tracked
during the process and filled out all relevant surveys.
2. Column (1) presents the means for the full sample, while columns (2)–(4) report the means by the three
experimental groups: comparison, bonus, and lesson.
3. Stars indicate a significant difference from other two groups, after controlling for session fixed effects.
Standard errors are robust. Significance at the 10% level is represented by
1% level by
license. There are some exceptions. First, individuals in the com-
parison group are more likely to be Hindu. Second, a larger frac-
tion of those in the bonus group and a lower fraction of those in the
comparison group report having driven a two-wheeler at least once
in the past. Third, a larger fraction of those in the bonus group
and a smaller fraction of those in the lesson group report hav-
ing driven a four-wheeler before. However, conditional on having
driven a four-wheeler, there are no systematic differences across
groups in the tenure of driving a four-wheeler.
Survey participants talk openly about bribes and agent us-
age. First, to capture attitudes toward bribing, the project team
posed the following hypothetical scenario to individuals: “You are
driving without a license and are pulled over by a policeman.
The policeman offers you a choice of paying a Rs 500 fine or a
Rs 300 bribe. Sixty-one percent of the sample indicated that they
would pay the bribe, and there were no significant differences in
the propensity to bribe across the three groups (Panel C). Partic-
ipants have some distaste for paying bribes, as evidenced by the
fact that when the cost of the fine relative to the bribe increases,
more individuals are willing to pay the bribe (for example, 81%
of the sample stated that they would pay the bribe if the fine was
Rs 3,000 and the bribe remained Rs 300). Second, the project team
asked individuals whether they had paid a bribe at least once in
the past (Panel D). Conditional on having obtained a service, 20%
of individuals paid a bribe and 21% report having hired an illegal
agent to help obtain a service (these are not mutually exclusive
There are no systematic differences in past bribing be-
havior or agent usage across the three groups.
The final panel reports the participants’ beliefs regarding
the process of obtaining a license. Participants think that the
entire process will take on average 6.9 trips. As we will see, this
is more trips than it will take the average participant in practice.
There are no systematic differences in beliefs across the three
In summary, while the precharacteristics are fairly well bal-
anced across the three groups, there are some systematic differ-
ences. We directly control for those characteristics in the analysis
that follows.
13. The list of services covered in the initial survey was as follows: ration
card, passport, land title, building permit, electricity, water, voter’s card, personal
account number (which is equivalent to a social security number). The highest
likelihood of bribe payment was with regard to ration cards, followed by land titles
and building permits.
Variable Mean
A. Final license status
Obtained a final license 0.48
Obtained a license in 32 days or less 0.15
Obtained a final license conditional on trying 0.69
Obtained a license without taking licensing exam 0.34
Obtained license & automatically failed ind. exam 0.29
B. The process by which individuals obtained licenses
Number of days between temporary and final license 47.99
Predicted number of trips 6.46
Number of trips 2.50
Minutes spent at RTO (across all trips) 206.07
Number of officials spoken with 4.73
Lines waited in (final license) 2.51
Took RTO licensing exam 0.30
1. This table describes the licensing process for the comparison group.
2. Panel A includes all 156 individuals who were both tracked during the course of the study and completed
all surveys, while Panel B includes all 74 individuals who obtained a final license and completed all surveys.
3. “Trying” is defined as making at least one trip to the regional transport office after the initial session.
“Predicted number of trips” is the number of trips an individual predicted it would entail to obtain a license
prior during the initial baseline survey.
4. Standard deviations are in parentheses.
How does this bureaucratic system respond to variation in
individuals’ willingness to pay for a driver’s license (“bonus” treat-
ment)? How does it respond to variation in individuals’ deserving-
ness of a driver’s license (“lesson” treatment)? Before examining
the experiment designed to address these questions, we describe
some interesting facts about individuals in the comparison group.
These are reported in Table II.
Panel A includes all individuals in the comparison group who
could be tracked by the survey team and completed the requested
surveys, as described in Section III. Only 48% were able to obtain
their permanent driver’s licenses and only 15% were able to ob-
tain them within 32 days of obtaining their temporary licenses.
This low success rate cannot solely be attributed to the difficulty of
obtaining a license. Some participants reported that they did not
try to obtain a license (see Appendix I), where trying implies hav-
ing visited the RTO at least once after the initial session (to talk
to either a bureaucrat or an agent). Excluding these individuals,
69% obtained permanent licenses.
Most striking are the statistics in the next two rows of Panel
A. We find that 34% of individuals in the comparison group ob-
tained licenses without taking the legally required driving exam
at the RTO; given that only 48% obtained licenses, this implies
that close to 71% of the license getters did not take the licens-
ing exam. This indicates a large misapplication of the socially
most useful component of this regulation—the screening of driv-
ing skills. It is possible that bureaucrats use other means, perhaps
less time-intensive ones, to assess driving ability. The results of
our independent driving test suggest otherwise. Twenty-nine per-
cent of individuals in the comparison group obtained licenses and
automatically failed our independent driving test, where failing
means that the individual knew so little about the workings of the
car that the test-giver refused to take him on the road. In other
words, 62% of the license getters were unqualified to drive at the
time they obtained licenses.
In Panel B of Table II, we restrict the sample to the selected
set of individuals in the comparison group who obtained perma-
nent licenses. On average, it took them 48 days to obtain the li-
censes. These individuals overestimated what the bureaucratic
process would entail: they thought, for example, that the process
would take over 6.5 trips to the RTO. In practice, they only spent
3.5 hours (206 minutes) over 2.5 trips. They interacted with about
5 bureaucrats, and waited in 2.5 lines. Few of them (30%) took
the required licensing exams at the RTO. Finally, the last row of
Panel B shows that individuals in the comparison group on
14. This failure rate reflects a true inability to drive—as defined by the RTO—
at the time of the test. As noted above, the test mirrors the RTO exam and checks
for basic skills. Of course, these results do not immediately imply that incompe-
tent drivers will be on the road, since we cannot measure investments in driving
beyond the study. They do, however, imply that there is no effective regulation
of who can drive. People will choose whatever level of driving skill is privately,
not socially, optimal. This is especially important since everyone obtains a license
for the purpose of driving. Driver’s licenses are not used as a primary form of
identification in India.
15. One may also ask, though, why individuals who do not know how to drive
would go to the RTO to get a license. One explanation might be that it is easier or
cheaper to learn how to drive with a permanent license in hand than without one.
Learning with a temporary license may be more onerous because of the limited
time validity of this license. For example, an unexpected work commitment may
arise during the learning process that delays it and necessitates a reapplication
for a temporary license. A permanent license (with unlimited validity) provides
far more flexibility in timing the learning.
average paid 2.5 times the official fees to obtain their license:
the average license getter paid about Rs 1,120, while official fees
are only about Rs 450.
In summary, the experience of the comparison group shows
distortions in the system, with many individuals obtaining li-
censes without being screened for driving ability and many pay-
ing well above official fees. However, this evidence does not tell us
about the forces that generate these outcomes for the comparison
group. Do these distortions result from bureaucrats sacrificing so-
cial benefits in order to cater to individuals’ private willingness to
pay? Do these distortions imply that this system does not respond
to social considerations (e.g., ability to drive)? The experimental
results shed light on these questions.
IV.A. Experimental Results
Our main experimental results are presented in Tables III
and IV. Each column reports, for the dependent variable listed
in that column, the coefficient estimates on dummy variables for
bonus and lesson groups from a regression of the form
(1) Outcome
= β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ e
Indicator variables for the initial session the individual attended
) are included to absorb the unobserved heterogeneity in
the procedural outcome across the initial sessions. This is impor-
tant for two reasons. First, the IFC ended the study three months
after the last initial session. Thus, individuals who attended the
first session in July 2004 had more time to obtain licenses than
those who attended the last session in November 2004. Second,
because we recruited geographically for each session, all individu-
als at a given initial session were required to obtain licenses from
the same RTO. Controlling for initial session fixed effects there-
fore also nets out any differences in procedures across RTOs. De-
mographic variables—age, marital status, religion fixed effects, a
dummy variable for having driven a four-wheeler prior to the ex-
periment, and a dummy variable for having driven a two-wheeler
prior to the experiment—are used to control for differences in pre-
experimental characteristics and differential attrition in the main
sample (see Table I and Appendix II).
Robust standard errors are
16. The results do not differ significantly if we control for the additional so-
cioeconomic variables from the introduction survey.
Obtained license Obtained license
Obtained and did not and
license in Obtained license have anyone Obtained license automatically Obtained license
Obtained license 32 days without taking teach them to and attended a failed ind. and exam
(all tracked) Obtained license or less licensing exam drive driving school exam score <50%
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Comp. group mean 0.45 0.48 0.15 0.34 0.23 0.03 0.29 0.32
Bonus group 0.24 0.25 0.42 0.13 0.29 0.03 0.18 0.22
(0.02) (0.05)
Lesson group 0.12 0.15 0.05 0.03 0.12 0.35 0.22 0.18
(0.04) (0.05) (0.04)
N 731 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
0.12 0.14 0.31 0.12 0.26 0.26 0.24 0.20
Fstat 14.24 13.50 87.60 7.48 61.38 52.83 64.48 51.12
p-value .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
1. This table reports on the subjects’ ability to obtain a license and their driving ability, by experimental group.
2. Each column gives the results of an OLS regression of the dependent variable listed in that column on indicator variables for belonging to the bonus and lesson group.
All regressions include session fixed effects, age, religion fixed effects, an indicator variable for marital status, an indicator variable for whether the individual had ever driven a
two-wheeler prior to the project, and an indicator variable for whether the individual had ever driven a four-wheeler prior to the project. For ease of interpretation, the comparison
group mean of the dependent variable is listed in the first row. The last two rows report the F-stat and p-value for a test of the joint significance of the bonus and lesson group indicator
3. The sample in column (1) includes all individuals whose final license status was ascertained by the program staff. Columns (2)–(8) include all individuals whose final license
status was ascertained and who completed all relevant surveys.
4. All standard errors are robust. Significance at the 10% level is represented by
, and at the 1% level by
reported in parentheses under each estimated coefficient. Below
the coefficient estimates, we list the F-statistic and p-value for
the joint significance of β
and β
. For ease of interpretation, we
also report the mean of the dependent variable for the comparison
group in the first row of each column.
Table III focuses on experimental outcomes related to
whether or not a given individual obtained a license; Table IV
considers payment and process-related outcomes. For ease of ex-
position, within each table, we first discuss our findings regarding
the bonus group and subsequently move to our findings regarding
the lesson group.
IV.B. Obtaining a License: The Bonus Group
The first outcome we consider in Table III is whether or not
a given individual was able to obtain a license. “Obtained license”
is a dummy variable that equals 1 if a given individual obtained
a permanent driver’s license, and 0 otherwise. In column (1), the
sample consists of the 731 individuals for whom we know whether
or not they obtained a final license.
In column (2), we addition-
ally drop the 65 individuals who indicated their final licensing
status to the project team over the phone but refused to attend
the final session to take the survey and driving exam. The sample
in column (2) will be used for the analysis of all other experimental
outcomes, as the only information we have about these 65 individ-
uals is whether or not they obtained licenses. We obtain similar
results in these two samples: individuals in the bonus group are
about 25 percentage points more likely to obtain final licenses, a
difference that is significant at the 1% level.
We also consider
in column (3) a dummy variable that equals 1 if the individual
17. In the bonus group, the individuals we could not track were more likely to
be students and to have known how to drive for a longer period of time (conditional
on knowing how to drive), relative to the comparison group. In the lesson group, the
individuals we could not track were more likely to be older, married, and employed
and to know someone in the government, relative to the comparison group.
18. Since the bonus group has a lower attrition rate (4.4%) than the compar-
ison group (13.4%), one wonders whether selective attrition by the comparison
group could generate an apparent difference in success rates even if none existed.
This would happen if the dropouts from the comparison group were disproportion-
ately license getters. To quantify the magnitude of this concern, assume conserva-
tively that the license-getting rate among those we cannot track in the comparison
group is the same as the license getting rate among those we can track in the bonus
group. Assume further that none of those we cannot track in the bonus group ob-
tained licenses. This would imply a license getting rate of 48% in the comparison
group, compared to a license getting rate of 65% in the bonus group. This suggests
that the attrition is not quantitatively large enough to affect this result.
Payment Hired an agent Payment to Obtained license
above official Tried to Hired an and obtained agent above and took more
fees bribe agent license official fees than three trips
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Comp. group mean 338.21 0.05 0.39 0.37 313.97 0.05
Bonus group 178.4 0.02 0.19 0.21 142.4 0.03
(0.02) (0.05)
Lesson group 0.24 0.02 0.02 0.02 42.22 0.05
(44.38) (0.02) (0.05) (0.05) (43.77) (0.02)
N 666 666 666 666 666 666
0.13 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.09
F-stat 12.06 2.53 14.07 16.45 11.98 2.11
p-value .00 .08 .00 .00 .00 .12
1. This table reports on the subjects’ payments and process to obtain a license, by experimental group.
2. Each column gives the results of an OLS regression of the dependent variable listed in that column on indicator variables for belonging to the bonus and lesson group.
All regressions include session fixed effects, age, religion fixed effects, an indicator variable for marital status, an indicator variable for whether the individual had ever driven a
two-wheeler prior to the project, and an indicator variable for whether the individual had ever driven a four-wheeler prior to the project. For ease of interpretation, the comparison
group mean of the dependent variable is listed in the first row. The last two rows report the F-stat and p-value for a test of the joint significance of the bonus and lesson group indicator
3. The sample includes all individuals whose final license status was ascertained by the program staff and who completed all relevant surveys.
4. All standard errors are robust. Significance at the 10% level is represented by *, at the 5% level by **, and at the 1% level by ***.
was able to obtain his permanent license within 32 days of obtain-
ing his temporary license, 0 otherwise. Individuals in the bonus
group are 42 percentage points more likely to get their permanent
licenses within 32 days or less. Hence, these first findings suggest
that individuals who have a greater need to get a license quickly
are able to achieve their objective.
Our next findings show that this increased propensity to get
a license comes at a social cost: more bad drivers. The dependent
variable in column (4) is a dummy variable that equals 1 if the
individual obtained a driver’s license without taking the legally
required RTO driving exam, 0 otherwise. Increasing willingness
to pay for a driver’s license increases the number of people who
obtain a license without taking the legally required RTO exam.
Columns (5)–(8) of Table III show that this lack of testing is ac-
companied by an increase in the number of licensed drivers with
poor driving skills. Individuals in the bonus group are 29 percent-
age points more likely to obtain licenses without having anyone
teach them how to drive (column (5)) and are not more likely to
have attended driving schools (column (6)). They are also much
worse drivers than the comparison group: they are 18 percentage
points more likely to be licensed drivers who automatically fail
the independent driving test (column (7)); they are 22 percentage
points more likely to be licensed drivers who score below average
on the independent test (column (8)).
The interesting finding
here is not that the marginal person trying to get a license is of
low quality: it is that the bureaucracy allows them to get licenses
despite their low quality. In this regard, it is useful to benchmark
how bad the marginal drivers actually are. The failure rate on
the independent exam is .60 (=.29/.48; see Table II) among the
licensed drivers in the comparison group, while it is .75 (=.18/.25)
among the marginally new licensed drivers in the bonus group.
In summary, the evidence reported so far in Table III sug-
gests a bureaucratic system where a higher willingness to pay for
a license translates not only into an increase in the number of
license getters (a socially efficient component of the bureaucratic
response) but also into an increase in the number of license getters
who do not know how to drive (a socially inefficient component of
the bureaucratic response).
19. The score is composed of the individuals’ score on the 5 oral questions and
on 23 aspects of driving. Thus, the highest possible score is 28.
IV.C. Obtaining a License: The Lesson Group
The motivation for including a “lesson treatment” in our ex-
perimental design is to test whether the bureaucrats are at all
responsive to the main social consideration in the allocation of
licenses: one’s ability to drive. Under an extreme view of a cor-
rupt bureaucracy, one might expect the allocation of licenses to
be driven only by willingness to pay. This is not the case: ran-
domly helping individuals acquire better driving skills increases
the number of license getters among these individuals. Specif-
ically, columns (1) and (2) show that individuals in the lesson
group are between 12 and 15 percentage points more likely than
the comparison group to obtain permanent licenses.
These findings are, however, difficult to interpret, because we
cannot rule out the possibility that offering free driving lessons
to these individuals altered their willingness to pay for licenses.
Trying harder to get a license could be a justification for the time
spent learning how to drive; it could also be that having learned
how to drive raises the private value of getting a license, since it
can now be used. In support of these points, we found that indi-
viduals in the lesson group were about 12 percentage points more
likely to “try” to obtain licenses than individuals in the comparison
The remaining columns of Table III show that individuals
in the lesson group are not more likely than individuals in the
comparison group to obtain licenses without taking the exam (col-
umn (4)). Thus, while the lesson group has more license getters,
it does not have more untested license getters. This suggests that
models in which bureaucrats test a fixed fraction of license get-
ters do not fit the data. The lesson group are also more likely to
obtain their licenses while having had someone teach them how
to drive (column (5)) and especially having attended a driving
school (column (6)). These findings are, of course, unsurprising
given the nature of the treatment for this group. More generally,
20. Selective attrition could theoretically explain this result if there were
more license getters among the dropouts in the comparison group than among
the dropouts in the lesson group. Assume that none among those we cannot track
in the lesson group obtained licenses. Assume further that the license-getting
rate among those we cannot track in the comparison group is the same as the
license-getting rate among those we can track in the lesson group. This arguably
conservative set of assumptions would (given respective attrition rates of 15.4%
in the lesson group and 13.4% in the comparison group) only about equalize the
license-getting rate (47%) in these two experimental groups.
21. In comparison, we found that individuals in the bonus group were about
19 percentage points more likely to “try” than individuals in the comparison group.
60% of the individuals in the lesson group who obtained licenses
took the free driving lessons; also, conditional on take-up, they
attended 12 classes on average. Columns (7) and (8) suggest that
these classes did turn these individuals into better drivers.
example, column (8) shows that individuals in the lesson group
are 22 percentage points less likely to have obtained licenses and
also automatically failed our independent driving test.
In summary, giving a random subset of individuals access to
driving lessons did raise their driving skills and also increased
the likelihood that they obtained driver’s licenses. While this
is consistent with the view that bureaucrats do not completely
ignore driving ability in the allocation of licenses, this conclu-
sion is somewhat tempered by the fact that giving free access to
driving lessons also raised individuals’ likelihood of trying to get
IV.D. Payments and Process: The Bonus Group
Our findings so far show distortions in the application of this
regulation, and that the magnitude of these distortions responds
to the private willingness to pay for a license. This leads us to
question whether bureaucrats receive bribes from misapplying
the rules. In Table IV, we study a set of experimental outcomes
related to licensing payments and to the process of obtaining a
The dependent variable in column (1) of Table IV is the
amount paid by an individual above the official fees in the process
of obtaining a license.
The mean of this variable in the com-
parison group is Rs 338, indicating that the comparison group al-
ready incurs substantial payments above the official fees. Column
(1) shows that the bonus group makes more of these extralegal
22. Could this be the result of “teaching to the test”? Could the lesson group
not be better drivers but merely have been better taught how to take the driving
test? The nature of the test, as noted before, makes this an unlikely possibility.
Given that general skills are tested, the test likely provides a good approximation
to what constitutes a good driver.
23. We also tested driving ability among the set of participants who had
only obtained temporary licenses, but agreed to come back for a final survey. As
expected, even in that group, driving ability was higher in the lesson group than in
the control and bonus groups. Only 26% of the lesson group automatically failed the
test, compared to 40% and 50% in the comparison and bonus groups, respectively.
24. Individuals were asked to break down their expenditures for the license.
If an individual did not separate his official and unofficial costs, the formal fees of
Rs 450 were subtracted from his fees. Note that information on informal fees paid
was collected even if the individual did not obtain a license.
In columns (2)–(5), we study the exact nature of these extra
payments. While our intuition ex ante was that these extra pay-
ments were direct bribes paid to bureaucrats, column (2) suggests
otherwise. The dependent variable in column (2) is a dummy vari-
able that equals 1 if an individual reported offering to bribe any
bureaucrat or being asked for a bribe, 0 otherwise. First, one can
see that the mean of this variable in the comparison group is low,
with only 5% of individuals having tried to bribe or having been
asked for a bribe; this implies that bribes to bureaucrats were only
used by 11% of the license getters in the comparison group. More
importantly, we do not find a significant (neither economically nor
statistically) increase in the use of bribes in the bonus group.
What are these extra payments? Columns (3)–(5) show that
most of these payments are payments to agents. Agents are pro-
fessionals who, for a fee, help individuals through the process of
obtaining various services.
While illegal, agents are a common
institution in India.
We find that about 40% of individuals in the
comparison group hired agents at some point in the process of get-
ting licenses (column (3)). Nearly as many hired agents and also
obtained licenses (column (4)), indicating that hiring an agent
pretty much guarantees obtaining a license. The average pay-
ment to agents by individuals in the comparison group (Rs 313,
column (5)) is about the same as the total average payment above
official fees (Rs 338, column (1)); in other words, payments to
agents are the bulk of the nonofficial fees paid in the process of get-
ting a license. Individuals in the bonus group report being about
20 percentage points more likely to use an agent (columns (3) and
(4)) and spend about Rs 142 more on agent fees (column (5)) than
individuals in the comparison group; hence, most of the bonus
group’s additional payments are agent fees.
One conjecture that emerges from the bonus group’s experi-
ences is that agents are the channels of inefficient corruption in
this bureaucratic system, and not simply the providers of stan-
dard “agency” services (such as standing in line for people). This
25. The existence of agents has been documented before. Rosenn (1984) de-
scribes the role of facilitators (“despachantes”) in obtaining various public services
in Brazil. Fisman, Moustakerski, and Wei (2005) find agents in the arena of inter-
national trade in Hong Kong.
26. From the introduction survey, we learned that agent usage is quite preva-
lent in the procurement of many government services in India. For example, of
the 155 participants who obtained ration cards, 54% reported being helped by an
agent. Similarly, 47% of the 47 individuals who obtained a land title, 15% of the
104 who obtained a passport, and 20% of the 58 who obtained a personal account
number reported hiring an agent.
conjecture is based on the fact that a positive shock to the willing-
ness to pay for a license increases both the number of people that
pay for agents (Table IV) and the number of people that obtain li-
censes despite being unqualified to drive (Table III). However, fur-
ther evidence will clearly be needed to strengthen this conjecture.
IV.E. Payments and Process: The Lesson Group
The findings in Table IV suggest that the lesson group does
not differ much from the comparison group when it comes to aver-
age extralegal payments or reliance on agents. How much would
we have expected the lesson group to pay? In a model where the
extralegal payments are routine payments that have to be made
by all license getters, one would have expected the lesson group,
who get the license at a higher rate, to also pay more. The fact that
the better drivers in the lesson group do not pay more suggests
that informal payments are part of an alternative mechanism for
acquiring a license, a mechanism that might be used more by
those who are attempting to circumvent the driving test.
But the fact that many individuals in the lesson group con-
tinue to make extralegal payments (and hence use agents) is also
intriguing. One possible interpretation is that not everyone in the
lesson group knows how to drive. Another interpretation is that
the agent route might be an attractive one even for able drivers,
possibly because of the many hassles associated with getting a
license without an agent. The last column of Table IV gives some
credence to the second interpretation. We use as a dependent vari-
able a dummy that equals 1 if an individual obtained a license but
also had to make more than three trips in the process of getting
that license. This variable may proxy for the hassle in getting a
license in that needing more than three visits implies that the
individual had to go back either to pick up additional documents
or to take additional examinations. We find that individuals in the
lesson group were more likely to make more than three trips to the
RTO. In other words, it is possible that the formal route involves
extralegal hurdles, so that even some of those who know how to
drive may choose to hire agents. We return to this possibility in
the next section.
V. T
Agents are key players in this bureaucratic process. In fact,
more than 70% of the participants who obtained a license hired an
p-value of
Did not hire difference in
Hired agent agent means
(1) (2) (3)
A. Procedures
Days 46.21 54.44 0.32
No. of trips 2.33 3.19 0.00
No. officials spoken with 3.91 7.69 0.00
Lines 2.41 2.88 0.13
Total minutes spent 178.48 306.06 0.00
Took RTO licensing exam 0.12 0.94 0.00
B. Expenditures
Total expenditures 1,282.59 563.13 0.00
C. Driving ability
Automatic failure 0.69 0.31 0.01
Driving score 6.60 15.44 0.00
Note: Column (1) presents the mean for the 58 individuals in the comparison group who used an agent
and obtained a license, while column (2) provides the mean for the 16 individuals in the comparison group
who did not use an agent and obtained a license. Column (3) reports the p-value from the test of difference in
means between the two groups.
agent. Our experimental results have shown that the greater us-
age of agents in the bonus group went hand in hand with a greater
number of licenses being issued to individuals who had not taken
the legally required driving exam at the RTO and did not pass the
independent driving test. Based on these results, we conjectured
that agents are not simply providing standard “agency” services
or greasing the wheels of the bureaucracy but also are a chan-
nel for inefficient corruption, facilitating access to licenses among
those who are unqualified to drive. Strengthening this conjecture
requires further understanding of the role of agents and their re-
lationship to the bureaucrats. This is what we do in the first part
of this section, combining nonexperimental descriptive analyses
and new experimental data from an audit study. In the second
part, we investigate further the possibility that even good drivers
may decide to hire agents because of the hurdles, or red tape, bu-
reaucrats are imposing on individuals who attempt to complete
the licensing process without an agent.
V.A. Agents: Nonexperimental Analysis
In Table V, we examine processes and outcomes for agent
users versus nonagent users in the comparison group. Specifically,
we report the means of a set of variables for individuals in the
comparison group who obtained licenses either with (column (1))
or without (column (2)) hiring agents. P-values from t-tests of the
difference in means are reported in column (3).
Hiring an agent is associated with a much shorter process.
Those who did not use agents spent on average 306 minutes at
the RTO, took more than three trips to the RTO, and spoke with
close to eight bureaucrats. Agent users spent 130 minutes less
time at the RTO, took about one less trip, and spoke on average
to only four bureaucrats.
Hiring an agent is also very strongly related to the level of
testing at the RTO. While 94% of those who did not hire agents
took the legally required RTO practical test at least once, only
12% of those who hired agents took that test. This is consistent
with the hypothesis that hiring an agent is the main channel
through which bad drivers can end up with licenses, but it is also
theoretically possible that only the best drivers, for whom test-
ing would be inessential, hire agents. This hypothesis is rejected
in Panel C of Table V. Individuals who hire agents to get their
licenses are about 38 percentage points more likely to fail the
surprise driving test.
As we had already learned from our experimental results in
Table IV, fees paid to agents are nearly the only source of excess
payments in this bureaucratic process. Specifically, in Panel B, we
compare the average expenditures to obtain a license for those who
hired agents and those who did not. For those without agents, the
total expenditures were Rs 563. In contrast, those hiring agents
paid about Rs 1283, or Rs 720 more, to obtain their licenses.
In summary, this analysis suggests that the role of agents
consists of more than simply “standing in line” for their clients.
Instead, there is a strong correlation between using an agent and
being able to skip the legally required driving exam; there is also
a remarkably strong correlation between using an agent and un-
safe drivers obtaining licenses.
This reinforces our experimental
results in Tables III and IV. However, the evidence in Table V is
purely correlational. In the next subsection, we move to some new
27. The New Delhi RTO illustrates the correlation between agents and ability
to obtain a license. This RTO is situated near the main Federal Buildings. As such,
the government has made a special attempt to remove agents from this area, and
bureaucrats are more heavily monitored. We find a lower rate of agent usage, a
lower rate of license getting, and a higher quality of driving skills among those
who received their licenses at the New Delhi RTO. All results in this paper are
robust to the exclusion of the New Delhi RTO.
experimental evidence that rules out a noncausal interpretation
of these correlations.
V.B. Agents: Experimental Evidence
In January 2006, the IFC performed an audit study of agents
involved in the provision of driver’s licenses in Delhi. Trained ac-
tors were sent to agents under different scripted pretexts. The
actor would record whether the agent said a license could be ob-
tained under this pretext and, if so, at what price. The actors were
college-aged Hindu men. They were of similar height and weight,
and wore similar clothes. In total, six actors had 224 interactions
with agents. Appendix III offers more details on the audit design.
Each day, the actors were randomly given one of six scripted
pretexts. In the main script of interest, actors stated that they
wanted to get a license but did not know how to drive and did not
have the time to learn how to drive (“Cannot Drive” script). The
five other scripts (in addition to the “Cannot Drive” script) were
as follows. First, the actor had to learn what the agent could do for
him if he had all the right paperwork and could drive (comparison
group). We also focused on what would happen if the actors were
missing either residential proof or age proof, two of the documents
required to obtain a license. Another script focused on what would
happen if the agent could not come back to the RTO to obtain a
license. Finally, the last script focused on what would happen if the
actor needed a license in less than 30 days, in other words, less
than the officially required time between the temporary license
and the final license.
After each visit, the actors were asked to fill out surveys de-
scribing their experiences with each agent. A series of questions
on the work practices of the agents and their relationship with
the RTO bureaucrats were also included in the survey. The actors
were trained to bring up as many of these questions as possi-
ble in casual conversation with the agents (see Appendix III for
The results of the audit study are reported in Table VI. The
dependent variable in columns (1) and (2) is a dummy variable
that equals 1 if the agent says he can procure a license for the
actor in a given interaction, and 0 otherwise. Column (1) corre-
sponds to a single regression of this “agent can procure license”
dummy on the various pretext dummies; reported in each cell is
the estimated coefficient on the pretext in that row, with robust
standard errors in parentheses. In column (2), we replicate the
Final price if agent
Agent can procure license can procure license
(Mean = 0.57) (Mean = 1,586)
Group (1) (2) (3) (4)
Constant 1 1.02 1,277.89 1,303.17
Cannot drive 0 0.01 62.65 110.54
(0.00) (0.02) (81.66) (85.76)
No residential proof 0.5 0.51 1,285.26 1,295.81
No age proof 0.21 0.23 329 366.85
Cannot come back 0.95 0.94 317.11 411.55
(256.50) (263.70)
Need license quick 0.92 0.91 855.44 850.51
Actor fixed effects X X
N 226 226 128 128
1. This table reports the audit study results. Each column presents the results of an OLS regression of
the dependent variable listed in that column on indicator variables for each script in the audit study.
2. Standard errors are robust. Significance at the 10% level is represented by
at the 1% level by
regression in column (1) but further control for actor fixed effects,
to net out possible differences across actors in their ability to ob-
tain the service. Columns (3) and (4) follow the same structure
as columns (1) and (2), respectively, but focus on the final price
quoted by the agent if the agent was able to procure the service.
Several interesting findings emerge. To start, the prices
quoted by the agents were of magnitude similar to that of those in
the survey data discussed before (see Table V). Second, our find-
ing regarding the “Cannot Drive” script confirms the relationship
between agent usage and ability to get a license despite lacking
driving skills. Agents saw no problem in helping actors who stated
they did not know how to drive and did not have time to learn how
to drive. One hundred percent of actors who approached agents
with a “Cannot Drive” pretext were told that the agents could
help them in getting their licenses. This confirms that the corre-
lation between agent usage and poor driving ability observed in
Table V does not simply reflect an omitted third factor. In addi-
tion, in cases where the actors managed to ask a few additional
questions of the agents in “casual conversation,” the agents openly
said that they could get the actors out of the formal driving exam
at the RTO. Strikingly, the prices quoted under that script were
not statistically different from those quoted to the comparison
The remaining rows of Table VI indicate that there are other
services that agents can provide, even though these services also
imply a deviation from the formal legal requirements. However,
not all such services are as easy for the agents to provide as get-
ting a license to someone who cannot drive. For example, only
50% of agents reported that they could procure a license if the
actor lacked residential proof (row 3) and 80% if the actor lacked
age proof (row 4). Also, in the cases of missing residential proof
or age proof, the prices quoted by the agents conditional on be-
ing able to help were statistically significantly larger than in the
comparison group. However, only 5% of agents could procure a
license if the actor stated that he could not come back to hand
in forms and take the picture at the RTO (row 5). Finally, only
9% of agents said that they could assist someone who needed a
license in less than the official minimum time, and conditional on
being able to assist, quoted a much higher price for rendering this
How can we explain these findings? Why is assisting some-
one in getting a driver’s license despite his not knowing how to
drive easier than assisting someone with some missing pieces of
paperwork? One conjecture is that verifiability is an important
determinant of which rules can be bent.
While it might be easy
for the bureaucrat’s superiors to crosscheck whether a valid proof
of age and proof of residence were submitted by a license candi-
date and to monitor the dates on which these documents were
submitted, it may be harder to cross-check whether the candidate
took a road test and how well he did on it. In this view, the audit
study suggests that the social inefficiency results would general-
ize most readily to other contexts where the socially useful part of
the regulation is nonverifiable by the bureaucrats’ principals. At
the same time, the audit findings lead to many more questions.
First, is it possible that even verifiable elements of a regulation
could be overcome through collusion between the principals and
28. Reinikka and Svensson (2005) illustrate this in the context of Uganda,
where a newspaper campaign aimed at reducing corruption in schools by providing
parents with information to monitor local officials was highly successful.
the bureaucrats? While we do not have a direct measure of the ex-
tent of collusion between the bureaucrats and higher-up officials,
the audit results suggest that there was not complete collusion in
this particular setting. Second, would bureaucrats still ignore the
nonverifiable, but socially useful parts of regulation if the costs to
society of breaking the rules were much higher?
V.C. Red Ta pe
Even the better drivers in our study rely infrequently on the
formal channel, which is associated with virtually no extralegal
payments. What are the hurdles faced in this channel? The nonex-
perimental data provide some clues. In particular, our data allow
us to examine bureaucrats’ behavior when it comes to deciding
whether someone has passed or failed the official driving test.
Consider an individual entering the RTO and being asked to take
the test. What affects the likelihood that this individual will suc-
ceed and be awarded a license? One clear determinant of success
ought to be that individual’s driving ability. However, bureaucrats
may strategically manipulate the passing rule in order to extract
higher bribe payments, for example, forcing more individuals to
go through agents to obtain their licenses. At the extreme, bu-
reaucrats may fail all test takers independent of how well they
perform on the test. The fact that a fraction of the participants
in our study did manage to obtain their licenses without hiring
agents already indicates that such extreme behavior is not taking
place. However, the bureaucrats may still be able to manipulate
the passing rule in a way that might discourage even some of the
good drivers from attempting to get their licenses without agents.
This is the possibility we consider in Table VII.
In order to test this red tape hypothesis, we would ideally like
to randomly send to the RTO individuals with better and worse
driving ability and see how their driving ability affected their
success in getting a license. Unfortunately, we do not have such
a controlled experiment here and have to rely on descriptive evi-
dence. The evidence in Table VII should, therefore, be interpreted
with much more caution than the previous experimental findings
in this paper.
We focus on individuals who begin the process without agents
and take the driving exam at least once. For this set of individ-
uals, we can define a “success” variable that equals 1 if the indi-
vidual managed to obtain a license without hiring an agent and
without taking the RTO exam twice. This roughly corresponds to
Started without an agent
and took exam at least once Full sample of license getters
Used agent in Used agent Used agent
Success the end at start in the end
(1) (2) (3) (4)
A. By exam score
Passed exam 0.62 0.24 0.29 0.61
[98] [98] [219] [219]
Failed exam 0.74 0.22 0.50 0.84
[35] [35] [186] [186]
B. By group
Comparison 0.65 0.25 0.35 0.78
[20] [20] [76] [76]
Bonus 0.64 0.27 0.52 0.80
[46] [45] [187] [187]
Lesson 0.66 0.22 0.22 0.58
[68] [68] [144] [144]
1. This table studies possible red tape in the process of obtaining a driving license. Columns (1) and (2)
include the sample of individuals who started without an agent and took the exam at least once. Columns (3)
and (4) include the full sample of license getters.
2. “Success” in column (1) is defined as obtaining a license by passing the formal licensing exam, without
hiring an agent.
3. Sample sizes are listed below each proportion in square brackets.
individuals who went to the RTO, took the test, and successfully
got their licenses. Of course, our objective is to contrast perfor-
mance on that test based on driving ability. We consider two ap-
proaches to identifying heterogeneity in driving ability. First, we
can rely on the result of our independent driving test and contrast
the mean of this “success” variable for individuals who automati-
cally failed the independent exam and those who passed that exam
(Panel A of Table VII). Alternatively, we can go back to our three
experimental groups and compare mean “success” across groups,
relying on the fact that individuals in the lesson group are better
drivers due to the free lessons they were offered (Panel B).
“Success, as defined above, does not appear to vary system-
atically with driving ability (column (1)). In fact, we find a (statis-
tically insignificant) higher success rate among those individuals
we found to be unqualified to drive based on the independent test
(74% compared to 62%). The same surprising patterns hold when
we contrast success rates across the three experimental groups
(Panel B).
With the caveat of a clearly selected sample, this evidence
is consistent with the idea that bureaucrats may introduce addi-
tional randomness into the application process, or additional red
tape, for individuals who plan to use the formal channel, may be
to induce them to switch to agents. Interestingly, about 25% of
those who started the process at the RTO by taking the driving
test eventually resorted to hiring agents to obtain their licenses
(column (2)). Similarly, statistics computed for the full sample
of license getters also suggest that many of the license getters
who used agents did not start the process with agents, but even-
tually switched to hiring them. Column (3) reports the fraction
of license getters who used agents from the start, while column
(4) reports the fraction of license getters who ended up using
agents. Worse drivers (“failed exam” group; row 2) and drivers
in a hurry (bonus group; row 4) are more likely to have used
agents from the start. But interestingly, all drivers (good and
bad) who start without agents are likely to end with them. For
example, we find that while only about 35% of the individuals
in the comparison group who obtained a license started the pro-
cess with agents, 78% of these individuals used agents in the
To summarize, there are two main tracks to procuring a
driver’s license in Delhi. The formal track involves directly apply-
ing through the RTO and no bribery. Some of our results, however,
suggest that this track might be fraught with extralegal hurdles.
The informal channel, on the other hand, is operated by agents,
who account for nearly all the extralegal payments in our sample.
These agents not only help to secure a license—which they do at
nearly a 100% success rate—but also help to circumvent the test-
ing requirement. Applicants with high willingness to pay get their
licenses by paying fees to agents and not taking the driving test,
resulting in unqualified (yet licensed) drivers. Better drivers are
more likely to obtain their licenses through the formal channel,
where they get tested but possibly also face extralegal hurdles.
The result is a system that fails to regulate the quality of drivers
and may force many individuals to make extralegal payments to
acquire licenses.
While they reveal a clearly dysfunctional system, do our
results imply bureaucratic corruption? One possible alternative
interpretation for these results is that the RTO is unable to test
all drivers due to lack of resources and understaffing. It only tests
sporadically and many people slip through the cracks; hence the
high rates of bad drivers with licenses. At the same time, the
understaffing leads to long lines, confusion, and complexity. This
generates a demand for agents who provide legal time-saving ser-
vices, such as waiting in lines and help navigating a confusing
While such an “overloaded bureaucrat” model with legal
agency services could explain the sporadic testing, it struggles to
explain the sharp difference in testing between agent users and
nonusers. Specifically, if agents are simply offering time-saving
devices, why does the audit study reveal that they can so easily
bypass the RTO exam? And why do the survey data show such
a strong relationship between agent usage and test-taking at the
This suggests that the dysfunctional system is not from lack of
resources alone. Instead, some form of bureaucratic misbehavior
is needed. There are two plausible forms of misbehavior. The first
is what we call corruption, where the bureaucrats receive bribes
(from agents) in order to both speed up the process, but also skip
the test (or ignore the test results). The other form of misbehavior
could be lack of effort. Instead of monetary benefits, some “lazy”
bureaucrats could be enjoying nonmonetary private benefits by
simply not making an effort to test individuals. In this world,
agents have knowledge of who to approach at the RTO to both
speed up the process and avoid testing (e.g., knowledge of who the
rubber-stamping bureaucrats are).
These two explanations are clearly hard to disentangle with-
out direct data on bribery. With this in mind, we attempted to
collect more qualitative data from both bureaucrats and agents.
First, and as already indicated above, actors involved in the au-
dit study were instructed to engage whenever possible in casual
conversations with the agents. When this happened, the agents
openly discussed the need for bribing bureaucrats. Of the 208
actor-agent interactions where the actor was able to engage in ca-
sual conversation, the agents stated that they would need to pay
bribes to the RTO in 81% of the cases. Second, IFC research assis-
tants managed to informally interview three officials in Delhi and
one in Chennai. The bureaucrats described weekly to biweekly
meetings with agents. At these meetings, the agents pay a fixed
fee for each of the agents’ clients the bureaucrat granted a license
to. The bureaucrats also indicated that the fee does not vary much
based on driving ability.
Beyond these qualitative interviews, our main finding in
Table VII also raises doubts about a “lazy bureaucrat” interpreta-
tion. Once a person is being tested, the additional effort required
to administer the test appropriately is minimal. The bureaucrat
is already sitting in the car, and even a small amount of attention
to the test-taker would allow far greater differentiation of good
and bad drivers than we are finding in Table VII. Thus, while
lack of effort could explain the low testing rates, it is harder to
understand in this view why the testing that does take place is so
Finally, the prices charged by agents can also be informative,
since the agent sector appears quite competitive.
Their prices
should therefore be somewhat commensurate with their input
costs. Our data suggest that an agent saves about two hours of
time for the applicants. Assuming agents’ opportunity cost of time
is about Rs 40 per hour, this would suggest that the marginal cost
of assisting an individual in getting a license is only about Rs 80.
This is an order of magnitude less than the average agent fee we
observe in our data, which is about Rs 700.
As a whole, these qualitative and quantitative considerations
lead us to favor a view in which at least some of the failures
of this system are generated by corrupt bureaucrats working in
collaboration with agents.
Corruption in this study appears to undercut the very ratio-
nale for regulation: keeping bad drivers from getting licenses.
Agents play a key role in the informal channel, as interme-
diaries between bureaucrats and applicants. The agent system
allows bureaucrats to avoid direct bribery, and the bureau-
crats may apply arbitrary failures on the driving exam to en-
tice individuals to use agents. One interpretation of the audit
results is that the verifiability of a particular regulatory re-
quirement determines the ease with which corruption can over-
come it. This suggests that the social inefficiency results would
generalize most readily to other contexts where the socially
29. During the audit, we found at least six agents at each RTO to secure a
price from, each vying for business.
useful part of the regulation is unverifiable by the bureaucrats’
The study illustrates two main points for future research in
the corruption literature. First, greater efforts to collect micro
data are needed to penetrate the black box of corruption. Had
we run a survey simply asking individuals who had obtained li-
censes whether they paid bribes, we might have concluded that
there was no corruption in this bureaucratic system. Instead, the
detailed questions on payments and the process of obtaining a
license allowed us to isolate the central role agents play in this
system. Second, this industrial organization of corruption (e.g.,
around the agent system) is intriguing and has been largely ig-
nored by the theoretical literature. How do agents manage to
develop their contacts with the bureaucrats? How do bureau-
crats maintain their relationship with agents? Why is the pro-
vision of agents apparently so plentiful, rather than their num-
bers being restricted? Does the agent system limit the ability of
the bureaucrat to more finely price discriminate between time-
rushed and nonrushed individuals, as seems to be the case here?
These are some of the questions we plan to explore in future
Total Comparison Bonus Lesson
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Individuals in initial session 822 202 295 325
Obtained permanent license,
completed survey
409 74 189 146
Obtained permanent license,
did not complete survey
17 5 3 9
Obtained temp license,
completed final survey
23 4 1 18
Obtained temp license, did not
complete final survey
48 15 11 22
Tried to get temp license, but
105 29 44 32
Did not try to get temp license 130 48 34 48
Unable to track 90 27 13 50
1. This table reports the final project status for the 822 individuals present at the initial sessions. Col-
umn (1) presents the data for the full sample, while columns (2)–(4) present the data by experimental group.
2. “Trying” is defined as making at least one trip to the regional transport office after the initial session
to speak with an agent or an RTO bureaucrat.
Less than
Panel A Age Married Student Employed education Owns home Owns car Minority Hindu Muslim Log(salary)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Attritor 0.74 0.14 0.03 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.13
(0.67) (0.05)
(0.08) (0.08) (0.05) (0.08) (0.06) (0.08) (0.06) (0.06) (0.16)
0.48 0.18 0.18 0.08 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.28
bonus group (1.19) (0.11) (0.13) (0.12) (0.08) (0.12) (0.10) (0.13) (0.09) (0.09) (0.20)
1.87 0.31 0.09 0.09 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.12 0.1 0.17
lesson group (1.05)
(0.10) (0.10) (0.06) (0.10) (0.07) (0.10) (0.07) (0.07) (0.19)
Panel B Family Would pay Would pay
member in Months known bribe if the bribe if the
government Have a 2- Have Have how to drive a 4- fine is 500 fine is 3000
(including wheeler driven a 2- driven a 4- wheeler (given and bribe is and bribe is Ever Ever used Predicted Predicted
self) license wheeler wheeler drive) 300 300 bribed agent trips time
Attritor 0 0.01 0.12 0.02 0.48 0.05 0.01 0.12 0.07 0.86 220.85
(0.09) (0.03) (0.04)
(0.07) (0.95) (0.08) (0.07) (0.09) (0.09) (0.99) (208.06)
0.14 0.01 0.11 0 1.71 0 0.09 0.1 0.13 0.04 72.85
bonus group (0.13) (0.05) (0.06)
(0.12) (1.48) (0.13) (0.10) (0.14) (0.13) (1.28) (252.62)
0.08 0.03 0.12 0.03 0.43 0.02 0.02 0.14 0.07 0.77 318.72
lesson group (0.11) (0.03) (0.06)
(0.09) (1.29) (0.10) (0.09) (0.11) (0.11) (1.54) (281.77)
1. This table reports on patterns of attrition. An attritor is defined as an individual whose final licensing status could not be ascertained by the project staff or who did not fill out
the relevant surveys.
2. For each panel, a column gives the results of OLS regression of the dependent variable listed in the column on an indicator variable for an attritor, indicator variables for the
bonus and lesson group, an indicator variable for belonging to the lesson group and being an attritor, and an indicator variable for belonging to the bonus group and being an attritor.
3. Standard errors are robust. Significance at the 10% level is represented by
, and at the 1% level by
The goal of the audit study is to understand whether the
agents could obtain licenses under different pretexts, and if so, at
what price. Six scripts based on the common barriers individuals
face in obtaining a license were written:
Script number Script
1. Comparison I have residential proof and proof of age. I know
how to drive.
2. Lack of residential proof I want to get a license but lack residential
proof. I am a college student in Delhi and live
with friends.
3. Lack of age proof I know how to drive, but I have no age proof.
4. Lack of ability to drive I want a driver’s license, but cannot learn
driving now, as I am extremely busy with my
5. Out of town Today I will give you all the documents and
money. Can you deliver the license to my
home, as I cannot come again? Going out of
town for some weeks.
6. Need a license fast Need to get a license as soon as possible. How
fast can you get it for me? How much would
that cost? [After the agent asks those
questions, ask the following questions] I need
it X (answer they give) minus a few days (so
you can say, “I need it in two weeks, or a
week?). How much would that cost?” [After
following questions] “What is the fastest you
could get it to me? How much would that
Individuals were recruited through advertisements on a col-
lege notice board. Six men from one college were selected. Each
was 18–19 years old and Hindu. All were of similar build and
height and wore similar clothes.
Of the 9 RTOs in Delhi, eight were chosen for the audit
study. The New Delhi RTO was not chosen, as agents were rarely
available there. The audit study was conducted over eight days.
The evening before the audit, the actors were told which RTO they
would have to visit the next day, and which script they needed to
use. The actors only visited each RTO once and were randomly
assigned scripts and RTO visits in a round-robin fashion.
In total, 224 agents were approached by six different actors.
The actors were trained to talk to the agents about their partic-
ular problems in obtaining a license and were asked to inquire
whether it was possible to obtain a license and how much it cost.
In the main experiment, the subjects reported bargaining with
the agents on the price, and therefore, all the actors were trained
to bargain with the subjects as well.
After visiting the RTO in the morning, all subjects reported
back to the project manager to fill out the debriefing survey. The
actors filled out one survey per agent to report whether the agent
could or could not obtain the service, and, if so, at what price. If the
agent could obtain the license despite the hardship, the actors also
reported how the agent was able to do this. The actors were also
told to ask the name of the agent in order to try to separate out
the different pricing schedules of different agents. In 53% of the
interactions, agents refused to reveal their names. We were able
to identify 52 agents, but we were unable to determine whether
some agents simply gave a different name to each actor.
To obtain additional qualitative data on agents and their in-
teractions with bureaucrats, a series of questions on the work
characteristics of agents and their relationship with the bureau-
crats were included in the surveys. For example:
How long have the agents worked at the RTO?
Did they work at more than one RTO?
Would the agent give a receipt?
Did they have to bribe a bureaucrat or did the agent do it?
Can the agent procure other services?
The actors were shown the debriefing survey prior to inter-
acting with the agents, in order to understand what types of infor-
mation were needed. In particular, the actors were trained on how
to bring up these types of questions in casual conversation with
the agent, and not to ask the questions if the agent already offered
the needed information. Actors practiced these conversation skills
with the project managers prior to their visits to the RTO.
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