Microsoft Azure Cloud Services: Export Controls of the US, UK, EU, Japan, Australia, Canada, New
February 2022
1. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. 4
2. What are export controls? ................................................................................................... 5
2.1 The US Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”), EU/UK Dual Use
Regulations and Japanese Regulation ..................................................................... 6
2.2 The US International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR”) and Military
Controls of the EU, UK and Japan ............................................................................ 7
2.3 “Technology” / “technical data” subject to export controls ................................... 8
2.4 “Export” and “reexport” / “retransfer” ................................................................... 8
2.5 “Deemed” exports / reexports ................................................................................ 9
2.6 EAR and ITAR Safe Harbors for “End-to-End Encryption” ..................................... 10
2.7 EU and UK interpretations ..................................................................................... 12
2.8 Japan interpretations ............................................................................................ 14
3. Microsoft Azure and the “Cloud” ...................................................................................... 14
3.1 The Cloud ............................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Microsoft Azure ..................................................................................................... 18
3.2.1 Customer control over access to data ....................................................... 19
3.2.2 Azure tools for encryption, including “end-to-end” encryption ............... 20
3.3 Azure Government ................................................................................................ 24
4. How do export controls apply to Azure customers? ......................................................... 25
4.1 Potential sources for export control risks ............................................................. 25
4.2 Azure features to manage potential export control risks ..................................... 27
5. What should I do to comply with export controls when using Azure? ............................. 29
5.1 Determine whether the data are “technology” or “technical data” ..................... 29
5.2 Determine whether the data are controlled by military trade controls (e.g.,
the ITAR) ................................................................................................................ 30
5.3 Classify the data that may be controlled technology under the EAR or other
dual use export control regulations ...................................................................... 31
5.4 Take steps to comply with export control regulations .......................................... 31
6. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 33
Microsoft Azure Cloud Services: Export Controls of the US, UK, EU and Japan
February 2022
This paper offers a brief overview of United States, United Kingdom, European Union and Japan
export control laws and regulations as they may apply to use of Microsoft Azure cloud services and
platform, with some general guidance concerning the considerations that Azure customers should
bear in mind to assess their obligations under US, UK, EU, and Japan export controls. The Azure
platform offers flexible options, capabilities and tools that customers may use to help ensure
export-compliance in their use of Azure cloud services.
US export controls are laws and regulations to control the export and transfer of items from the
United States or to non-US persons, in the interest of protecting US national security and furthering
US foreign policy and other interests. The UK, EU and Japan implement similar export controls. US,
UK, EU and Japan export controls apply not only to traditional cross-border shipments of physical
goods, but also transfers, uploads or downloads of controlled software and data. That includes
transfers, uploads or downloads of software or specific technical data using cloud-based services.
Microsoft Azure is a comprehensive set of robust and flexible cloud services, with a global network
of datacenters, for enterprises of all sizes as well as individual developers and IT professionals to
build, deploy, and manage applications, to support and integrate enterprise networks, power data
analytics and computing, and store data. Microsoft Azure offers the full gamut of cloud service
offerings to allow customers to quickly deploy infrastructure and services to meet business needs.
Infrastructure as a Service (“IaaS”) allows customers to provision computing, storage, and
networking resources, and deploy and run software, which can include operating systems and
applications. Platform as a Service (“PaaS”) provides customers with a complete development and
deployment environment in the cloud, including operating system, middleware, development tools,
business intelligence services, and database management systems, and allows enterprises to deploy
their own application code on the Azure cloud platform. Software as a Service (“SaaS”) delivers a
complete software solution where the service provider manages the hardware and software, and
with the appropriate service agreement, will ensure the availability and security of the application
and customer data as well. Microsoft Azure also supports on-premises deployments at customer
datacenters, and hybrid models that seamlessly integrate cloud-based and on-premises resources.
The Microsoft Azure platform and services by their nature involve storage and processing of
customer data on Microsoft’s global cloud infrastructure, and transmission of customer data across
the Internet to and from Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure, within and between Azure datacenters
and regions, and between the customer’s virtual machines and its end users. The Azure suite of
cloud products makes use of physical infrastructure that is located inside and outside of the United
States, UK, EU and Japan; and some Azure service operations personnel who have access to
customer data subject to export controls of one of those countries or regions may in some cases be
persons who are located in or nationals of a different country or region.
Organizations and enterprise customers may therefore need to consider whether and how export
controls of the US, UK, EU and Japan may apply to their organization’s use of Azure, as explained in
more detail in the paper that follows. With appropriate planning, customers can use Azure tools
and their own internal procedures to help ensure compliance with these export controls when
using the Azure platform.
Customers are wholly responsible for ensuring their own compliance with all applicable laws and
regulations. Information provided in this document does not constitute legal advice, and customers
should consult their legal advisors for any questions regarding regulatory compliance.
1. Executive Summary
As the first step, customers should consider whether any of the data they want to use or store in
the Azure cloud may even be subject to export controls. Export controls are intended to cover
specific, non-public technical information required for production or development of a controlled
product, and most types of customer data used or stored in the Azure cloud are not the kind of
specific technical data that is subject to US, UK, EU or Japanese export controls.
Many customers will face little or no export control risks from use of the Azure cloud, because most
or all of the customer data in Azure is business or financial information that is simply not controlled
for export at all.
Accessing grid and cloud computing services for computational capacity, or storing or processing
data in the Azure platform, is not by itself subject to export controls as long the cloud is not used to
make available controlled, proprietary technical information or software that is covered by US, UK,
EU or Japanese export controls.
Moreover, even when technical data are covered by export controls of these countries, in most
cases export licensing is required only for export, reexport or transfer to a small number of
countries, primarily those that are subject to US, UK, or EU sanctions. Microsoft Azure does not
have infrastructure to store or process data used for Azure Services in any of these locations.
Where technical data subject to tighter US, UK, EU, or Japan export controls may be involved, Azure
offers features that help mitigate the potential risk that customers may inadvertently violate export
controls when uploading or downloading controlled technical data in Azure. For example:
Azure gives customers visibility and control as to where their customer data are stored,
and customers have the ability to restrict the storage of customer data to a single
geography, region, or country. For example, with Locally Redundant Storage (LRS), data
This paper focuses on the export controls regimes of the US, EU, UK, and Japan. The addendum to this paper
separately provides consolidated information concerning key export controls issues in relation to cloud computing,
from the perspective of US, UK, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand laws.
are stored locally within the users' primary region. With Geo Redundant Storage (GRS),
data are also replicated to a secondary region 250+ miles from the primary region but
within the same geography.
Azure gives customers visibility and control to know who can access their data and on
what terms, and implements strong measures to protect customers’ data from
inappropriate access, including limits for Microsoft personnel and subcontractors.
Azure customers can encrypt data in storage and in transit with robust encryption
options to manage and help protect against export control risks. Microsoft Azure offers
customers “end-to-end” encryption features that are compliant with FIPS 140-2
standards that meet the requirements for US safe harbor rules discussed later in this
Microsoft carries out background checks on all US-based employees who have the
potential to access customer data, including checks against restricted party lists
maintained by the Departments of Commerce, State and Treasury, as well as EU and UK
restricted party lists.
Specialized Azure solutions and delivery models, including the Azure Government
offering, are specifically designed to support ITAR and other highly controlled data
categories. Azure Government, hosted in seven dedicated datacenter regions in the
United States and operated by screened US persons, provides compliance and security
for US government customers as well as qualified US commercial entities in the defense
Microsoft provides Azure Stack and Azure Stack Edge as key enabling technologies that
allow customers to process highly sensitive data using a private or hybrid cloud to
ensure that customers have sole operational control over sensitive data.
These features and the ways they can help some customers mitigate export control risk are all
described in more detail in the rest of this paper. Azure customers should consider the summary
below and carefully monitor the export control requirements for any data that they place into the
Azure cloud to ensure compliance with US, UK, EU and/or Japanese export controls.
2. What are export controls?
The export control laws and regulations of the US, UK, and EU and Japan apply not only to
traditional exports or transfers of commodities and hardware, but also transfers, uploads or
downloads of software, and transfers or disclosures of defined “technology” and “technical data”
all core features of cloud computing services. These export controls laws derive in part from
international export controls arrangements (such as the Wassenaar Arrangement, for example) that
seek to harmonize the export controls rules of participating countries; hence, some of the key
controls and concepts in the US, UK, EU and Japanese export controls arrangements are similar to
one another.
The Primary US export controls with the broadest application are the Export Administration
Regulations (“EAR”), which apply to most commercial items. The EU and UK maintain a similar
export regime, which is reflected in the EU and UK Dual Use Regulations and associated
implementing measures in the various EU Member States and the UK. Japan also maintains a similar
export regime, which is reflected in the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, and the relevant
orders or regulations made on authority of that Act.
The United States, United Kingdom and EU Member States also have separate and more specialized
export control regulations that govern the most sensitive items and technology. For example, the
US International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR”) apply to many military, defense and
intelligence items and related technical data. Similarly, the UK and EU Member States implement
national military export controls regimes that are more restrictive in certain respects than the EU
and UK Dual Use Regulations, and control a range of sensitive military items, including technology
and technical data. In Japan, military items are also subject to specific controls under provisions in
the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, and related orders or regulations.
Key features of the US, UK, EU, and Japan dual-use and military export controls regulations are
summarized below; but note that other US, EU, and UK regulations impose export controls focused
on specific industries, including nuclear energy.
2.1 The US Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”), EU/UK Dual Use Regulations and
Japanese Regulation
The EAR, administered by the US Department of Commerce, impose controls on the export and
reexport of most commercial goods, software and technology, including so-called “dual-use” items
that can be used both for commercial and military purposes as well as certain defense items. The
EAR broadly govern exports from the United States; reexports or retransfers of US-origin items and
certain foreign-origin items with more than a de minimis portion of US-origin content; and transfers
or disclosures to persons from other countries.
In the EU and UK, the Dual Use Regulations
impose controls on the export of dual-use goods,
software, and technology, which are in many respects similar to the EAR. The Dual Use Regulations
are narrower, however, in certain respects than the EAR. For instance, the Dual Use Regulations do
not impose restrictions on the in-country transfer of technical data merely on the basis that the
The UK incorporated the EU Dual Use Regulations into national UK law in connection with the UK’s departure from the
European Union in 2020. The UK version of the Dual Use Regulations is broadly similar to the EU version, although
variances between the respective regulations are likely to increase over time as the UK implements an independent
dual-use export controls regime.
recipient in a national of another country. In addition, the Dual Use Regulations do not impose
controls on reexports or retransfers once the item is outside of the EU/UK, except in limited
circumstances (for example, if the original exports from the EU/UK were made under licensing
conditions that restricted the onward transfer of those items absent further approval from the
relevant national licensing authority).
In Japan, consistent with multinational agreements, dual-use goods and technologies (including
software) are also subject to essentially the same export controls as those of the US and EU/UK. In
Japan, transfers of controlled technology to “non-residents” (including a Japanese person who has
established residency in a foreign country, as well as a non-Japanese person who resides in a
foreign country and a non-Japanese entity in a foreign country) are subject to export controls even
if the transfer takes place within Japan.
2.2 The US International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR”) and Military Controls of the EU,
UK and Japan
The ITAR, administered by the US Department of State, impose controls on the export, temporary
import, reexport and transfer of most military, defense and intelligence items (also known as
“defense articles”). “Defense articles,” including related software and technical data, that are
subject to ITAR controls are defined as any item, software or technical data that are specifically
designated or described on the US Munitions List (“USML”), or that provide “equivalent
performance capabilities.” The USML is intended to cover only items, software or technical data
that provide “a critical military or intelligence advantage” that warrants ITAR control.
Like the EAR, the ITAR control not only exports of such items and technical data from the United
States, but also reexports and retransfers in foreign countries. Even defense articles, including
technical data, made or developed outside the United States may be subject to the ITAR if they
contain any amount of ITAR-controlled US-origin content; unlike the EAR, ITAR jurisdiction has no
de minimis limits.
In the EU, there is no single, EU-wide military export controls regime. Hence, military exports
controls operate largely as a function of national laws of each EU Member State, although the EU
Member States generally adopt similar approaches to the regulation of military exports, as does the
UK. Similar to the ITAR, the UK and EU military export controls regulations focus on goods,
software, and technology that are either specifically listed as military items in the UK or EU Member
State military lists (which are included as annexes to the regulations), or are otherwise specially
designed or configured for a military end use. As with the Dual Use Regulations, the EU Member
State and UK military export regulations control reexports or retransfers from outside of the EU/UK
only in limited circumstances.
In Japan, military items are also subject to specific controls under provisions in the Foreign
Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, and related orders or regulations.
2.3 “Technology” / “technical data” subject to export controls
In ordinary usage, “technology” may refer to hardware and software that provide technical
solutions. But the EAR and EU/UK Dual Use Regulations define the term “technology” to mean
“information” only, distinct from hardware and software. More specifically, the EAR and EU/UK
Dual Use Regulations define “technology” subject to export controls as “[i]nformation necessary for
the ‘development,’ ‘production,’ or ‘use’” of a product.
“Technology” may take the form of
“technical data” in a variety of forms, including blueprints, plans, diagrams, models, formulas,
tables, manuals and instructions. Japan defines technology in similar terms; and in addition,
“technology” subject to Japanese export control may also take the form of technical support,
including, for example, technical guidance, skills training, consulting services. Generally speaking,
information that is publicly available is generally not subject to export controls in any of these
Likewise, defense articles that are subject to US ITAR controls include “technical data” recorded or
stored in any medium. The ITAR define controlled “technical data” as “information . . . required for
the design, development, production, manufacture, assembly, operation, repair, testing,
maintenance or modification” of defense articles, as well as classified information; information
covered by an invention secrecy order; and software “directly related” to defense articles. Again,
similar standards exist in the UK and EU military export controls regulations.
Japan does not have separate export control regulations that govern sensitive military items but
such items are subject to specific export control regulations under the Foreign Exchange and
Foreign Trade Act.
2.4 “Export” and “reexport” / “retransfer”
Under US and EU/UK export controls, an “export” includes the actual shipment or transmission of
controlled items to another country (although it should be noted that under the EU Dual Use
Regulation, exports of most dual-use items are not considered as regulated “exports” when they
are made strictly within the EU to other EU Member States). However, exports are not limited to
the traditional transportation of physical objects across national boundaries. “Exports” subject to
US and EU/UK export controls also include transfers, updatloads or downloads of
technology/technical data to foreign countries, and transfers, releases or disclosures of
technology/technical data or source code to persons or locations in foreign countries.
As a general matter, US regulators have advised that technical information that is only for “operation” of any item is
not considered “use” technology for purposes of the EAR unless it also provides information concerning its installation,
maintenance, repair, overhaul and refurbishing. In certain narrow circumstances, however, where specified in a
particular ECCN and/or where the information may be released to a restricted party on the EAR Entity List, “technology”
may include information that is limited to only some, but not all, of those “use” activities (i.e., operation, installation,
maintenance, repair, overhaul or refurbishing a product).
Similarly, a “reexport” or “retransfer” subject to US export controls includes the actual shipment or
transmission of US items, software or technology from one non-US country to another non-US
country, or in some cases the transfer of items to an unauthorized end-use or end-user. As noted
above, the EU and UK export controls regimes do not impose similarly broad reexport or retransfer
controls, although in some cases such controls can effectively be imposed at the time items are
exported from the UK or EU, as conditions to the initial export licenses. Japan does not generally
regulate reexports or retransfers.
The US Commerce Department has confirmed in more than one advisory opinion that merely
accessing cloud computing platforms or services for computational capacity is not by itself an
“export” or “reexport” that is subject to the EAR. No “export” or “reexport” can occur without some
transfer or release of controlled software or controlled technology/technical data. While the EU and
UK authorities have not issued similar guidance, many exporters interpret the EU and UK regimes in
a manner consistent with the US guidance.
2.5 “Deemed” exports / reexports
The EAR and ITAR also control “deemed” exports and reexports. A deemed export is the release,
transfer or disclosure (including oral and visual disclosures) of technology/technical data or source
code to a foreign national in the United States. A deemed reexport is a release, transfer or
disclosure of US-origin technology/technical data or source code in one foreign country to a
national of a different foreign country. Such a deemed export or reexport generally is subject to the
same requirements as an export made to the home country or countries of the foreign national.
A “foreign person” or foreign national” for this purpose is any person or entity that is not a “US
person.” The term “US person” includes (1) any individual who is a US citizen or US permanent
resident (i.e., green-card holder); (2) any corporation, partnership, or any other entity that is
incorporated under US law; or (3) any federal, state, or local governmental entity in the United
States. All other persons are “foreign persons.” Importantly, a foreign national working for a US
company remains subject to US export controls for potential “deemed exports” even if the foreign
national is located and legally employed in the United States under a visa.
The EAR and ITAR generally apply similar principles for deemed exports and reexports, but there are
also certain differences. For example, a deemed export of EAR-controlled data or source code is
deemed to be made to the foreign person’s most recent country of citizenship or permanent
residency. The ITAR apply a broader standard than the EAR as to what foreign “nationality” counts
for purposes of deemed exports and reexports: a release of ITAR-controlled data or software is
deemed to be an export or reexport to all countries in which the foreign person has held or holds
citizenship or holds permanent residency, not just the most recent.
The “release” of technology or software can occur through visual inspection or electronic exchanges
of information in the United States or abroad. The inspection must actually reveal controlled
technology or source code to a foreign person. Accordingly, the Commerce Department has
confirmed that the mere ability to access data without actual access, or actual access with limited
exposure that is not sustained or complete enough to reveal the controlled technology or source
code, would likely not constitute a “release” that results in a deemed export or reexport. Moreover,
the State Department has likewise confirmed that “theoretical or potential access to technical data
is not a ‘release,’” and that a release occurs only “if a foreign person does actually access technical
data.” In that case, “the person who provided the access is an exporter” of the technical data for
purposes of the ITAR.
The UK, EU and EU Member States do not impose “deemed” export or reexport controls. EU, UK or
EU Member State licensing would not be required for transfers of restricted items within a given
country, merely on the basis of the nationality of the recipient. However, EU/UK parties could
potentially face liability if they were to share restricted items within a country with the knowledge
that the recipient (irrespective of their nationality) intended to remove those items from the
country in question without necessary export licensing.
Japan by contrast does control certain “deemed” exports (but not deemed reexports). Transfers to
“non-residents” (including a Japanese person who has established residency in a foreign country, as
well as a non-Japanese person who resides in a foreign country and a non-Japanese entity in a
foreign country) are subject to export controls even if the transaction takes place within Japan. But
unlike the EAR, under Japanese export controls foreign nationals employed by a Japanese entity in
Japan are not generally subject to these deemed export license requirements.
2.6 EAR and ITAR Safe Harbors for “End-to-End Encryption”
The EAR and the ITAR each provide safe harbors for data that is encrypted “end-to-end,” and the
Commerce Department has advised that the EAR rule is intended to have “a major positive effect
on the management and use of many cloud services,” and says that it “is consistent with the
common practices in both the government and industry, [and] allows for desired or necessary
services to be performed within security boundaries.” The EAR and ITAR rules generally use the
same language with parallel scope and effect; but there are certain differences in the EAR and ITAR
safe harbor rules that may be significant for the use of cloud- based services.
Scope of safe harbor. Both the EAR and the ITAR provide that “[s]ending, taking, or storing”
controlled EAR technology or software, or ITAR technical data, will not be considered an export,
reexport or transfer that is subject to regulation provided that it meets certain criteria: the
technology or software must be (i) limited to information or software that is unclassified (i.e., not a
government secret); (ii) secured using “end-to-end encryption” that meets NIST or equivalent
standards with at least 128-bit encryption; and (iii) not “intentionally” stored in (or sent to) any one
of 22 designated countries
On this last requirement, the EAR and ITAR expressly provide that data
The 22 designated countries are currently Russia plus all the countries designated in EAR “Group D:5” and ITAR §
126.1, which are Afghanistan, Belarus, Burma (Myanmar), Central African Republic, China, Congo, Cuba, Cyprus, Eritrea,
“in-transit via the Internet” is not treated as “stored” for purposes of the rule. Thus, for example,
encrypted files containing controlled technology temporarily cached on a server outside the
approved list of countries while transiting the Internet could still be eligible for this safe harbor.
End-to-end encryption. “End-to-end encryption” means that the data must not be unencrypted
(i.e., in clear text) at any point between the originator’s “in-country security boundary” and the
recipient’s “in-country security boundary,” and the means of decryption must not be provided to
any third-party. The local network within the security boundary the area in which
decrypted/plaintext data can be processed must be limited to a single country, and may not allow
unencrypted data to cross national boundaries. As explained in the preamble to the BIS rule: “A
consequence of this requirement is that data eligible for the carve-out must by definition be
encrypted before crossing any national boundary and must remain encrypted at all times while
being transmitted from one security boundary to another. This principle applies to transmissions
within a cloud service infrastructure, where a transmission from one node or cloud infrastructure
element to another could qualify for the carve-out provided that it was appropriately encrypted
before any data crossed a national border.”
For purposes of this end-to-end encryption definition, the originator and recipient can be the same
entity. Alternatively, when a customer’s encrypted data are uploaded to the cloud, the customer
may be the originator while the cloud provider is the recipient (for purposes of this end-to-end
encryption rule); when that customer downloads encrypted data from the cloud to its local
“security boundary,” the cloud provider may be the originator (for purposes of this rule) and the
customer is the recipient. In other words, the EAR rule’s requirement that “no third party” have the
means of decryption is met as long as the means to decrypt are limited to the cloud customer and
the cloud provider. Importantly, however, the ITAR rules also explicitly add that the intended
recipient must be authorized to receive the ITAR technical data.
Differences between EAR and ITAR safe harbors. The ITAR requirement that the intended recipient
of encrypted data must be authorized to receive the data in unencrypted form highlights the key
difference between the EAR and ITAR end-to-end encryption rules. That difference concerns the
“means of decryption” or “access information,” defined to include decryption keys, network access
codes, passwords, or any other information that allows access to encrypted technology, technical
data or software. Under the EAR, a release of keys or other access information for encrypted
technology requires licensing only if done with “knowledge” that it would result in an unauthorized
release of the unencrypted technology. A “release” means inspection that actually “reveals” EAR-
controlled technology. Access that does not actually reveal the substance of the technology
including the incidental access by system administrators would not ordinarily be considered a
Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.
Notably, although for many years Hong Kong has been treated for purposes of the EAR as a separate destination from
Mainland China, US authorities announced on June 29, 2020 that "We can no longer distinguish between the export of
controlled items to Hong Kong or to mainland China…” and the situation remains fluid.
“release” of the technology under the EAR, particularly where there are other work procedures
and/or contractual commitments to limit any detailed review. In other words, while system
administrators may need access to unencrypted data to perform that job, they generally have no
need, and are directed not, to read or view customer data. On that basis, granting access to cloud
administrators for the purpose only of system administration does not result in a “release” of
technology, since no technology is actually “revealed.”
The ITAR apparently impose a stricter regime. The ITAR define “release” of technical data to include
any use of access information to cause or enable a foreign person to access, view, or possess
unencrypted technical data, or cause technical data outside of the United States to be in
unencrypted form apparently regardless whether the access actually “reveals” any substantive
technology to the foreign person. And unless the recipient is already authorized to receive the
unencrypted technical data, the ITAR explicitly require licensing or other authorization to provide
access information to a foreign person that “can cause or enable access, viewing, or possession” of
unencrypted technical data (emphasis added). Thus, unlike the EAR, it appears that some
authorization is required before granting foreign persons with access information that would
enable them to decrypt ITAR technical data.
2.7 EU and UK interpretations
The EU has not issued any formal rulings that address the impact of EU export controls on cloud-
based computing. Guidance from certain EU Member State regulators suggests an approach in the
EU that would be similar to the interpretation of the EAR rule summarized above. In particular,
some Member State regulators have indicated that when evaluating cloud computing systems, an
“export” should be viewed to have occurred only in circumstances where controlled software or
technology are rendered accessible to persons located outside of the EU Member State in question.
Under that reasoning, an export will not have occurred merely on the basis that controlled software
or technology were to be stored on a server located overseas. However, EU regulators have
indicated that in order for this reasoning to apply, it would need to be assured that the controlled
items are encrypted in accordance with adequate encryption standards sufficient to ensure that the
data cannot readily be accessed from overseas, and that transfers of controlled software or
technology should be made via end-to-end encryption. Some EU regulators have also suggested
that transfers should be made via a “private cloud,” which is described below. Finally, EU
regulators have indicated that transfers of encryption keys likewise should be made in an
adequately secure manner.
We note, however, that certain Member States Germany being one example have articulated
interpretations of the EU Dual Use Regulations that are broader than what has been summarized
above, and could call for licensing before at least certain types of controlled technology are
exported to cloud services outside of the EU or the Member State in question. In the absence of any
formal EU-wide guidance on this subject, it is important to consider how the individual Member
States that are relevant to your specific deployment of a cloud service might evaluate the potential
application of EU export controls.
From the standpoint of UK export controls, the UK Export Control Joint Unit (“ECJU”) issued
guidance, in March 2021, on the export of controlled technology (hereinafter, the “UK Guidance” or
“Guidance”), which includes specific discussions concerning cloud services.
The Guidance notes
that “responsibility for compliance with export controls lies exclusively with the owner of the
technology, not with the service provider.” Thus, if a UK party places controlled data or software
onto a cloud platform with servers located outside of the UK, it would be the UK customer of the
cloud provider, and not the cloud provider itself, that ordinarily would be responsible for export
licensing for transfers of those data or software. Moreover, according to the UK Guidance, provided
that adequate safeguards are maintained (see below), an export would not occur at the point
controlled software or technology are placed on the cloud (e.g., “Uploading controlled technology
to cloud-based storage is not considered a licensable transfer if it is subsequently downloaded or
accessed only by persons located in the UK; For the purposes of UK export controls the location of
the exporter and the intended recipient determines the routing of the transfer of technology, not the
location of the servers containing the controlled technology”). Rather, the export would occur - and
export licensing requirements would be triggered - as of the point at which the controlled items are
made available to third parties located outside of the UK.
The UK Guidance provides, in this regard, that if there is an expectation that an overseas cloud
service provider will review controlled technology, a UK license could be required in that specific
context (“Overseas access to controlled technology during maintenance activities, in a manner that
permits the recipient of the technology to review it, would constitute a transfer to the country where
the access occurs and therefore a licence would be required.”). The UK Guidance also indicates,
however, that licensing should not be required if the cloud service provider’s access would be
incidental, and contractual or other appropriate safeguards are in place to ensure that service
provider personnel do not actually review the controlled technology. This is suggested, for
example, in the following hypothetical from the Guidance:
“Company J is a cloud service provider. Company K stores controlled technology on Company J
servers located in the UK or elsewhere. Company K has protected the controlled technology stored in
the cloud from unintended access, for example by using industry standard encryption, identity and
access management or other safeguards.  To provide, support and maintain the cloud services,
some Company J technical, administrative and maintenance personnel are located outside the UK.
Company K may require Company J personnel to manage technical issues in Company K’s cloud
environment. No export licence is required because Company J personnel are not the intended
recipients of the controlled technology.”
See Department for International Trade, Export Control Joint Unit, Guidance: Exporting military or dual-use
technology: definitions and scope (22 March 2021) (available for download via www.gov.uk).
The UK Guidance, similar to the standards set forth under the US EAR and ITAR, contemplates that
cloud services used to store and transfer controlled software or technology should implement
adequate safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to those items. The UK Government has not
issued specific, formalized requirements, in this regard, instead highlighting the following general
safeguards as best practices:
(1) Industry standard methods of end-to-end encryption (the UK Guidance cites, as a reference in
this regard, UK National Cyber Security Centre cloud security guidelines (available for download at
(2) identity and access management; and
(3) contractual safeguards limiting access rights.
2.8 Japan interpretations
In Japan, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (“METI”) has advised that where a user
enters into a storage service agreement only to store information on a server for such user’s own
use, no export license is required even if such user stores controlled technologies; however, a
license may be required if a user is aware that a service provider can view, obtain or use stored
controlled technologies. The mere ability to view information that is kept on the server does not
require licensing, so that if the cloud agreement provides that the service provider can only view
the information upon receiving the consent of the user, then no license would ordinarily be
Unlike the EAR, METI has not specifically addressed circumstances in which stored or transferred
information is encrypted, nor how export controls apply to information in transit. However, the
Center for Information on Security Trade Control (a private group) advises that users should take
adequate measures to ensure that a service provider or any third party cannot view or obtain
stored information, and that encrypting information is considered an effective measure for that
If a user uses a storage service in order to provide a third party (including a parent company and
affiliated companies) with controlled technologies, an export license may be required.
3. Microsoft Azure and the “Cloud”
Microsoft Azure is a comprehensive set of robust and flexible cloud services, with a global network
of datacenters, for enterprises of all sizes as well as individual developers and IT professionals to
build, deploy, and manage applications, to support and integrate enterprise networks, power data
analytics and computing, and for data storage. Microsoft Azure allows customers to quickly deploy
infrastructure and services to meet business needs.
3.1 The Cloud
Cloud computing brings together technology solutions in new ways to deliver new efficiencies. The
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines the key features of cloud computing
as customer-directed, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing
resources (including networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly
provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
The NIST SP 800-145 defines the following cloud deployment models:
Public Cloud: A cloud deployment model where the cloud infrastructure is provisioned
for open use by the general public. Azure is an example of a public cloud.
Community Cloud: A cloud deployment model where the cloud infrastructure is
provisioned for exclusive use by a specific community of customers from organizations
that have shared concerns, e.g., mission, security requirements, policy, and compliance
considerations. Azure Government is an example of a community cloud.
Private Cloud: A Private Cloud refers to computing resources used exclusively by a single
customer organization, with services and infrastructure maintained on a private
network. The Private Cloud is generally hosted “on-premises” — i.e., physically located
on the company’s on-site datacenter(s) or in a datacenter of a managed service
provider. This might be necessary for certain applications or data that can’t be moved to
the shared cloud. Private Clouds can be structured to implement a technology stack that
is consistent with the Public Cloud. Microsoft Azure Stack is a product that enables
organizations to deliver Azure services from their own datacenters. It helps customers
build and deploy applications the same way regardless of whether the applications run
on Azure public cloud or Azure Stack.
Hybrid Cloud: A cloud deployment model where the cloud infrastructure is comprised of
two or more distinct cloud infrastructures (private, community, or public) that remain
unique entities, but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology that
enables data and application portability.
Moreover, according to the NIST SP 800-145, cloud computing services can be offered in three
different service models, outlined briefly below:
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Infrastructure as a Service abstracts hardware (server,
storage, and network infrastructure) into a pool of computing, storage, and connectivity
capabilities that are delivered as services for a usage-based (metered) cost. IaaS services
allow customers to build and run server-based IT workloads in the cloud, rather than in
their on-premises datacenter. IaaS services typically consist of an IT workload that runs
on virtual machines that is transparently connected to the customer’s on-premises
network. IaaS is one of the most common cloud deployment patterns to date. It
eliminates the need for capital expense budgets and reduces the time between
purchasing and deployment to almost nothing.
Platform as a Service (PaaS): Platform as a Service delivers application execution
services, such as application runtime, storage, and integration, for applications
written for a pre-specified development framework. In a PaaS deployment model,
enterprises focus on deploying their application code into PaaS services. PaaS
provides an efficient and agile approach to operate scale-out applications in a
predictable and cost-effective manner. Service levels and operational risks are shared
because the customer takes responsibility for the stability, architectural compliance,
and overall operations of the application while the provider delivers the platform
capability (including the infrastructure and operational functions) at a predictable
service level and cost.
Software as a Service (SaaS): Software as a Service delivers business processes and
applications, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), collaboration, and
email, as standardized capabilities for a usage-based cost at an agreed, business-
relevant service level. SaaS provides significant efficiencies in cost and delivery in
exchange for minimal customization and represents a shift of operational risks from the
consumer to the provider. All infrastructure and IT operational functions are abstracted
away from the customer. IT departments need only to take care of provisioning users
and data and perhaps integrating the application with Single Sign-On.
The chart below shows the shared responsibility concept in the Azure cloud computing
platform as customers migrate from an on-premises environment to various Azure cloud
service models (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS):
With on-premises deployment in their own datacenter, customers assume the responsibility for all
layers in the stack. As workloads get migrated to the cloud, Microsoft assumes progressively more
responsibility depending on the cloud service model. For example, with the IaaS model, Microsoft’s
responsibility ends at the virtualization (Hypervisor) layer, and customers are responsible for all
layers above the virtualization layer, including maintaining the base operating system in guest
Virtual Machines. With finished cloud services in the SaaS model such as Microsoft Office 365 or
Dynamics 365, Microsoft assumes responsibility for all layers in the stack; however, customers are
still responsible for administering the service, including granting proper access rights to end users.
Many enterprise IT cloud deployments will be based on the Hybrid Cloud deployment model.
Hybrid clouds combine public and private clouds, using computer or storage resources on both the
customer’s on-premises network and in the cloud, bound together by technology that allows data
and applications to be shared between them. By allowing data and applications to move between
private and public clouds, hybrid cloud gives businesses greater flexibility and more deployment
options. Hybrid clouds can be a path to migrate an organization to the cloud or integrate cloud
platforms and services with existing on-premises infrastructure as part of the organization’s overall
IT strategy.
3.2 Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure has announced more than 70 defined regions or geolocations across the globe. It
currently has data centers in 30 different countries in North and South America, Europe, Asia,
Africa, and Australia (with multiple defined regions within many of those countries)
Azure’s global
offering has no data centers located in any of the Group D:5 countries identified in Footnote 3
In addition, Microsoft offers its Cloud for Government, including Azure Government, a mission-
critical cloud operated by screened US persons from US datacenters, as described in more detail
below at Section 3.3.
Azure users can take advantage of this global network of datacenters to maintain availability in a
cost-effective manner and provide applications close to their user base. Importantly, however,
when customers entrust their data to Microsoft Azure, they are not giving up control. Azure gives
customers visibility as to where their customer data are stored, and customers have the ability to
restrict the storage of data to a single geography, region, or country. For example, with Locally
Redundant Storage (LRS), data are stored locally within the users' primary region. With Geo
Redundant Storage (GRS), data are also replicated to a secondary region hundreds of miles away
from the primary region but within the same geography.
Azure provides strong customer commitments regarding data residency and transfer policies:
Data storage for regional services: Most Azure services are deployed regionally and enable
customers to specify the region into which the service will be deployed. Microsoft will not
store or process customer data outside the customer-specified Geography without the
customer’s authorization. Microsoft may copy customer data between regions within a
given Geography for data redundancy or other operational purposes. Microsoft personnel
(including subprocessors) located outside the Geography may remotely operate data
processing systems in the Geography but will not access customer data without customer’s
Microsoft has a partnership with a local cloud provider in China to provide cloud services for customers to use cloud
services and store data within China, a Group D:5 country. The partner is Shanghai Blue Cloud Technology Co., Ltd.
(21Vianet), a wholly owned subsidiary of Beijing 21Vianet Broadband Data Center Co., Ltd. and the largest carrier-
neutral Internet provider of datacenter, hosting, managed network, and cloud computing infrastructure services in
China. Microsoft is the technology provider, licensing its software, technology and solutions to 21Vianet, but does not
operate the service. 21Vianet independently operates, provides, and manages the delivery of Microsoft cloud services
to China-based customers and China-based users (including in some cases China operations of multi-national Azure
customers). By licensing Microsoft technologies, 21Vianet can offer Azure and Office 365 services and operate Azure
and Office 365 datacenters that keep data within mainland China. 21Vianet also provides subscription and billing
services, as well as support. No data of customers outside China is ever stored in China or in 21Vianet data centers,
however; and the China Azure offerings are outside the scope of this paper.
Data storage for non-regional services: Certain Azure services do not enable customers to
specify the region where the service will be deployed as described on the data residency
3.2.1 Customer control over access to data
Microsoft’s Azure cloud infrastructure is administered, both in the United States and in other
locations, by service operations personnel that include nationals of many countries. But customers
can know who can access their data and on what terms. Microsoft takes strong measures to protect
customers’ data from inappropriate access, including restrictions on insider access that impose
limits for Microsoft personnel and subcontractors.
Microsoft engineers do not have default access to customer data in the cloud and access
to customer data is not needed to operate Azure. Moreover, for most support scenarios
involving customer troubleshooting tickets, access to customer data is not needed. For
those rare instances where resolving customer support requests requires elevated
access to customer data, Microsoft engineers can be granted access to customer data
under management oversight using temporary credentials via Just-in-Time (JIT)
privileged access management system. Using the restricted access workflow, access to
customer data is carefully controlled, logged, and revoked when it is no longer needed.
Customer Lockbox for Azure is a service that provides customers with the capability to
control how a Microsoft engineer accesses their data. As part of the support workflow,
a Microsoft engineer may require elevated access to customer data. Azure Customer
Lockbox puts the customer in charge of that decision by enabling the customer to
Approve/Deny such elevated requests. Azure Customer Lockbox is an extension of the
JIT workflow and comes with full audit logging enabled. It is important to note that
Customer Lockbox capability is not required for support cases that do not involve access
to customer data. For most support scenarios, access to customer data is not needed
and the workflow should not require Customer Lockbox.
Data encryption with option for customer managed encryption keys ensures that
encrypted data are accessible only by entities who are in possession of the key,
as described in the next section.
Customer monitoring of external access to their provisioned Azure resources enables
customers to receive security alerts and respond to a wide range of security threats.
Within a customer’s Azure subscription, Microsoft provides an approach to allow customers to
restrict system access to their own authorized users based on role assignment, role authorization,
and permission authorization. Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is an identity repository and cloud
service that provides authentication, authorization, and access control for an organization’s users,
groups, and objects. Azure AD can be used as a standalone cloud directory or as an integrated
solution with existing on-premises Active Directory to enable key enterprise features such as
directory synchronization and single sign-on.
Each Azure subscription is associated with an Azure AD tenant. Using Role-Based Access Control
(RBAC), users, groups, and applications from that directory can be granted access to resources in
the Azure subscription. For example, a storage account can be placed in a resource group to control
access to that specific storage account using Azure AD. Azure Storage defines a set of built-in RBAC
roles that encompass common permissions used to access blob or queue data. A request to Azure
Storage can be authorized using either customer’s Azure AD account or the Storage Account Key. In
this manner, only specific users can be given the ability to access data in Azure Storage.
3.2.2 Azure tools for encryption, including “end-to-end” encryption
Azure has extensive support to safeguard customer data using data encryption in transit and at rest,
as well as data encryption while in use. Azure customers can encrypt data in storage and in transit
to align with best practices for protecting data confidentiality and integrity. Customers can encrypt
communications within Azure Cloud Services and between deployments, between Azure regions,
from Azure to on-premises datacenters, and between the customer’s virtual machines and its end
users. Azure offers robust encryption options, including “end-to-end” encryption features
compliant with FIPS 140 standards, to allow customers to protect the security and integrity of their
data, prevent unauthorized access, and provide additional options to manage and mitigate
potential export control risks. Microsoft uses multiple encryption methods, protocols, and
algorithms across its products and services to help provide a secure path for data to travel through
the infrastructure, and to help protect the confidentiality of data that are stored within the
infrastructure. Microsoft uses some of the strongest, most secure encryption protocols in the
industry to provide a barrier against unauthorized access to your data.
Key management: Azure Key Vault is a cloud service for securely storing and managing secrets. The
Key Vault service supports two resource types:
Vault supports software-protected and hardware security module (HSM)-protected secrets,
keys, and certificates. Vaults provide a multi-tenant, low-cost, easy to deploy, zone-resilient
(where available), and highly available key management solution suitable for most common
cloud application scenarios. The corresponding HSMs are validated according to the FIPS
140 standard and have an overall Security Level 2 rating.
Managed HSM supports only HSM-protected cryptographic keys. It provides a single-
tenant, fully managed, highly available, zone-resilient (where available) HSM as a service to
store and manage customer cryptographic keys. Managed HSM uses FIPS 140 Level 3
validated HSMs to protect customer cryptographic keys.
Customers who require extra security for their most sensitive customer data stored in Azure
services, can encrypt it using their own encryption keys they control in Key Vault, aka customer-
managed keys (CMK).
The Key Vault service provides an abstraction over the underlying HSMs. It provides a REST API to
enable service use from cloud applications and authentication through Azure Active
Directory (Azure AD) to allow customers to centralize and customize authentication, disaster
recovery, high availability, and elasticity. Key Vault supports cryptographic keys of various types,
sizes, and curves, including RSA and Elliptic Curve keys. With managed HSMs, support is also
available for AES symmetric keys.
With Key Vault, customers can import or generate encryption keys in HSMs, ensuring that keys
never leave the HSM protection boundary to support bring your own key (BYOK) scenarios. Keys
generated inside the Key Vault HSMs are not exportable there can be no clear-text version of the
key outside the HSMs. This binding is enforced by the underlying HSM. BYOK functionality is
available with both key vaults and managed HSMs. Methods for transferring HSM-protected keys to
Key Vault vary depending on the underlying HSM, as explained in online documentation.
Azure Key Vault is designed, deployed, and operated such that Microsoft and its agents do not
see or extract customer cryptographic keys.
Data encryption in transit Azure provides many options for encrypting data in transit.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Azure uses the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol
to help protect data when it is traveling between customers and Azure services,
leveraging RSA-2048 for key exchange and AES-256 for data encryption. TLS provides
strong authentication, message privacy, and integrity. Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS)
protects connections between customer’s client systems and Microsoft cloud services
by generating a unique session key for every session a customer initiate. PFS protects
past sessions against potential future key compromises. This combination makes it
more difficult to intercept and access data in transit. Customers can use Azure
Application Gateway to configure end-to-end encryption of network traffic and rely on
Azure Key Vault integration for TLS termination.
Azure Storage transactions When interacting with Azure Storage through the Azure
portal, all transactions take place over HTTPS. Moreover, customers can configure their
storage accounts to accept requests only from secure connections by setting the “secure
transfer required” property for the storage account.
In-transit encryption for Virtual Machines (VMs) Remote sessions to Windows and
Linux VMs deployed in Azure can be conducted over protocols that ensure data
encryption in transit such as Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) initiated from a client
computer to Windows and Linux VMs to enable TLS protection for data in transit, and
Secure Shell (SSH) for encrypted connections to Linux VMs running in Azure.
VPN encryption Customers can use Azure VPN Gateway to send encrypted traffic
between their VNet and their on-premises infrastructure across the public Internet, e.g.,
a site-to-site VPN relies on IPSec for transport encryption. Customers can configure
Azure VPN Gateway to use custom IPSec/IKE policy with specific cryptographic
algorithms and key strengths instead of relying on the default Azure policies.
ExpressRoute encryption Customers can create private connections between their on-
premises infrastructure and Azure by using Azure ExpressRoute with several data
encryption options, including MACsec that enables customers to store MACsec
encryption keys in Azure Key Vault.
Customers should review Azure best practices for the protection of data in transit to help ensure
that all data in transit is encrypted. For key Azure PaaS services (e.g., Azure SQL Database, Azure
SQL Managed Instance, and Azure Synapse Analytics), data encryption in transit is enforced by
Data encryption at rest Azure provides extensive options for data encryption at rest to help
customers safeguard their data and meet their compliance needs. This process relies on multiple
encryption keys, as well as services such as Azure Key Vault and Azure Active Directory to ensure
secure key access and centralized key management. In general, controlling key access and ensuring
efficient bulk encryption and decryption of data are accomplished via the following types of
encryption keys:
Data Encryption Key (DEK) is a symmetric AES-256 key that is utilized for bulk
encryption and decryption of a partition or a block of data. The cryptographic modules
are FIPS 140 validated as part of the Windows FIPS validation program. Access to DEKs
is needed by the resource provider or application instance that is responsible for
encrypting and decrypting a specific block of data. A single resource may have many
partitions and many DEKs. When a DEK is replaced with a new key, only the data in its
associated block must be re-encrypted with the new key. DEK is encrypted by the Key
Encryption Key (KEK) and is never stored unencrypted.
Key Encryption Key (KEK) is an asymmetric RSA-2048 key that is optionally provided by
the customer. This key is utilized to encrypt the Data Encryption Key (DEK) using Azure
Key Vault and exists only in Azure Key Vault, which can use FIPS 140 validated
hardware security modules (HSMs) to safeguard encryption keys. KEK is never exposed
directly to the resource provider or other services. Access to KEK is controlled by
permissions in Azure Key Vault and access to Azure Key Vault must be authenticated
through Azure Active Directory. These permissions can be revoked to block access to
this key and, by extension, the data that is encrypted using this key as the root of the
key chain.
Detailed information about various encryption models, as well as specifics on key management for
a wide range of Azure platform services is available in online documentation. The rest of this
section covers encryption implementation for key scenarios, including Storage service encryption,
Azure SQL Database Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), and Azure Disk encryption.
Storage service encryption (SSE) Azure Storage Service Encryption for Data at Rest
ensures that data are automatically encrypted before posting to Azure Storage and
decrypted before retrieval. By default, Microsoft controls the encryption keys and is
responsible for key rotation, usage, and access. Keys are stored securely and protected
inside a Microsoft key store. This option provides the most convenience for customers
given that all Azure Storage services are supported. However, customers can also
choose to manage encryption with their own keys by specifying a) customer-managed
key in Azure Key Vault for encrypting and decrypting all Blob storage and Azure Files, or
b) customer-provided key in Azure Key Vault or another store on customer premises
for encrypting and decrypting Blob storage only. Storage service encryption is enabled
by default for all new and existing storage accounts and cannot be disabled. The
encryption process leverages two separate keys as described previously: 1) symmetric
AES-256 DEK and 2) asymmetric RSA-2048 KEK.
Azure SQL Database encryption Azure SQL Database provides Transparent Data
Encryption (TDE) at rest by default. TDE performs real-time encryption and decryption
operations on the data at the page level. It encrypts the storage of an entire database
by using a symmetric key called the Database Encryption Key (DEK), which is stored in
the database boot record for availability during recovery. DEK is secured via the TDE
protector, which is either a service-managed certificate or an asymmetric key stored
under customer control in Azure Key Vault. Azure Key Vault supports Bring Your Own
Key (BYOK), which enables customers to store the TDE protector in Key Vault and
control key management tasks including key rotation, permissions, deleting keys,
enabling auditing/reporting on all TDE protectors, etc. The key can be generated by the
Key Vault, imported, or transferred to the Key Vault from an on-premises HSM device.
Disk encryption for Virtual Machines Azure Storage service encryption encrypts the
page blobs that store Azure Virtual Machine disks. Additionally, Azure Disk encryption
may optionally be used to encrypt all Azure Windows and Linux IaaS Virtual Machine
disks. This encryption includes managed disks. Azure Disk encryption leverages the
industry standard BitLocker feature of Windows and the DM-Crypt feature of Linux to
provide volume encryption for the OS and data disks used by an IaaS Virtual Machine.
The solution is integrated with Azure Key Vault to help customers control and manage
the disk encryption keys. Customers can supply their own encryption keys which are
safeguarded in Azure Key Vault to support Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) scenarios. Azure
Disk encryption relies on two encryption keys as described previously: 1) symmetric
AES-256 DEK used to encrypt OS and data volumes, and 2) asymmetric RSA-2048 KEK
used to encrypt DEK and stored in Azure Key Vault under customer control.
Data encryption in use Azure confidential computing is a set of new data security capabilities
that offers encryption of data while in use. This approach means that data can be processed in
the cloud with the assurance that the data are always under customer control. Azure
confidential computing supports two different technologies for data encryption in use:
Customers can choose Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) based on Intel Software Guard
Extensions (SGX) technology that supports confidentiality in a granular manner down to
the application level. With this approach, when data are in the clear, which is needed for
efficient data processing in memory, the data are protected inside a hardware-
based trusted execution environment (TEE, also known as an enclave). Intel SGX isolates
a portion of physical memory to create an enclave where select code and data are
protected from viewing or modification. TEE helps ensure that there is no way to view
data or the operations from outside the enclave. Azure DCsv2-series virtual
machines have the latest generation of Intel Xeon processors with Intel SGX
technology. An application using Intel SGX needs to be refactored into trusted and
untrusted components. The untrusted part of the application sets up the enclave, which
then allows the trusted part to run inside the enclave.
Another option is available via Azure VMs based on AMD EPYC 3rd Generation CPUs,
which can be used to lift and shift applications without requiring any code changes.
These AMD EPYC CPUs make it possible to encrypt the entire virtual machine at runtime.
The encryption keys used for VM encryption are generated and safeguarded by a
dedicated secure processor on the EPYC CPU and cannot be extracted by any external
3.3 Azure Government
In addition, Microsoft offers Azure Government, which is a US government community cloud
available to US government customersfrom large federal agencies to small town governments
as well as US government defense contractors and qualified US commercial entities. Azure
Government is operated by screened US persons.
Azure Government provides additional support for customers with data subject to the ITAR through
contractual commitments to customers regarding the location of stored data, as well as limitations
on the ability to access such data to US persons. Government and US commercial entities that
require ITAR contract commitments are eligible for deployment in Azure Government. Microsoft
provides these assurances for the infrastructure and operational components of these government
cloud services, but customers are ultimately responsible for the protection and architecture of their
applications within their environments. Customers must sign additional agreements formally
notifying Microsoft of their intention to store ITAR-controlled data, so that Microsoft may comply
with responsibilities both to its customers and to the US government. The ITAR has specific
obligations to report violations, which can provide certain risk mitigation benefits. The Microsoft
Enterprise Agreement Amendment enables Microsoft and the customer to work together in
reporting such violations.
Customers seeking to host ITAR-regulated data should work with their Microsoft account and
licensing teams to learn more, obtain proper agreements, and access relevant system architecture
The Azure Government community cloud is available only to US government entities and companies
that support the US government. For UK, EU and Japanese defense sector customers, Microsoft can
work with customers to develop hybrid/private cloud solutions (such as Azure Stack Hub and Azure
Stack Edge) with on-premises options that could aid those customers in ensuring that they are able
to meet applicable local regulatory requirements (or contractual requirements imposed by local
defense authorities).
4. How do export controls apply to Azure customers?
The US Commerce Department and UK Export Control Joint Unit have made clear that, when data
or software are uploaded to the cloud, or transferred between user nodes, the customer, not the
cloud provider, is the “exporter” who has responsibility to ensure that transfers and storage of, and
access to, those data or software complies with export controls. Likewise, customers with US ITAR-
controlled technical data or software also have responsibility to ensure ITAR compliance. The EU
Member States have not, to date, issued comprehensive guidance on this subject; however,
informal guidance from certain EU regulators suggests that the EU Member State export controls
regimes should operate in a similar manner. Japanese regulators also suggest that cloud customers
with controlled technology have the responsibility to comply with Japan export controls.
Because Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure is physically located in multiple countries, and may be
operated, maintained, and administered by personnel of different nationalities in a range of
locations, Azure customers should be mindful of the relevant export controls and exceptions
outlined above and their potential obligations to comply with those controls as well as the robust
tools available to Azure customers to manage export control risks.
4.1 Potential sources for export control risks
To begin with, most types of customer data are not considered “technology” or “technical data” as
defined in the EAR, the ITAR, or the dual use and military export control regulations of the EU, UK or
Japan. Most business, financial and personal information stored and processed in the cloud has no
relationship to design, development, production, manufacture or use (operation, installation,
maintenance, repair, refurbishing, and overhaul) of a controlled product, and is simply not subject
to export controls at all. Information that is publicly available is also not generally subject to export
controls in any of these countries. Only specific, proprietary (non-public) technical information
related to an export-controlled product or process is subject to controls.
For specific proprietary technical data or software that are subject to export control jurisdiction,
there are two main ways in which customers’ use of the Azure cloud may implicate US, EU and UK
and/or Japan export controls.
First, as discussed above, Microsoft operates datacenters for the Azure cloud products in numerous
countries around the world, for speed of access, redundancy, and reliability. When Azure customers
upload data to the Azure cloud, there is at least the potential (mitigated by the customer’s ability to
select specific regions or countries) that the data may be transferred to a server that is physically
located in a country other than the country where the customer uploads the data from. The
transfer of customer data to a cloud server may potentially constitute an export or reexport to the
country in which the server is located (subject to applicable carve-outs or safe harbors for “end-to-
end” encryption). Likewise, the download of or access to customer data stored in an Azure data
center or server in the United States, EU, UK or Japan by a user who is physically located outside the
country where the server is located may also represent an export subject to export controls.
Similarly, a “reexport” subject to US export controls (or restricted under UK or EU Member State
licensing conditions) may arise from transfers of controlled data to or from servers in more than
one location.
Second, access by service operations personnel who are foreign nationals to customer data on a
cloud server could potentially lead to a “deemed export” or “deemed reexport” subject to US
export controls. Microsoft’s datacenters and other Azure cloud infrastructure are administered by
both US and non-US persons. And given the multinational nature of the Azure service, the diverse
workforce of employees, and the importance of “follow the sun” 24x7 technical support, Azure
service operations personnel include nationals of many countries.
The risks summarized here may be particularly acute for technical data that is subject to ITAR
controls, or to the UK and EU Member State military export controls regulations; for example, the
ITAR and similar UK/EU military export controls generally impose stricter licensing and compliance
requirements for most destinations and nationalities, with fewer safe harbors or other
accommodations for the cloud.
Note that for software distribution via the Azure Marketplace supply chain, the usual export controls for distribution
of software to users, whether by remote download or on physical media, would generally apply. The focus of this paper,
however, is on the aspects of export control compliance that are specific to the cloud and to users of cloud platforms
for computational capacity and processing or storage of customer data, and thus we will not address Azure Marketplace
Nevertheless, Azure includes features that can help mitigate and manage these potential export
control risks, as described in the following section.
4.2 Azure features to manage potential export control risks
The Azure cloud services are structured in ways that help to manage and significantly mitigate the
potential risks that customers face under US, UK, EU and/or Japanese export controls.
Ability to control data location. A customer has visibility as to where its data are stored, and robust
tools to restrict the storage of its data to a single geography, region, or country. A customer may
therefore ensure that its data are stored in the United States or EU/UK and minimize transfer of
controlled technology/technical data outside the United States or EU/UK. Similarly, customers in
other regions also have information and ability to select the places their data may be stored. But as
noted, given the nature of the Internet, when data are processed or in transit, there is no assurance
that customer data will not be transferred to and processed in any location in which Microsoft or its
affiliates or subcontractors maintain facilities.
Control over access to data. Customers can know and control who can access their data and on
what terms. Microsoft technical support personnel do not need and do not have default access to
customer data. For those rare instances where resolving customer support requests requires
elevated access to customer data, Microsoft engineers can be granted access to customer data
using temporary credentials via Just-in-Time (JIT) privileged access management system. Access
can only be granted under management oversight, and it is carefully controlled, logged, and
revoked when no longer needed. Moreover, the enforcement of Customer Lockbox puts
customers in charge of approving or denying insider access for support and troubleshooting
scenarios. For most support scenarios, access to customer data is not needed.
End-to-end encryption. In addition, Azure offers end-to-end encryption features that can provide
customers with significant technical measures to manage and help protect against export control
risks, by taking advantage of the US EAR rule regarding “end-to-end encryption,” and assessments
of the EU/UK and Japanese export controls framework that lead to an analysis similar to the US EAR
rule. Using the tools and options outlined in Section 3.2 above, including Azure Key Vault and
Customer Managed Key (CMK) options, Azure customers can encrypt data at rest and in transit with
a variety of robust encryption options, including “end-to-end” encryption features compliant with
FIPS 140 or equivalent standards as prescribed by the EAR and ITAR rules. As a result, data integrity
between the Azure datacenter security boundary and a customer’s on-premises security boundary
is assured by end-to-end encryption, mitigating against potential export control risks. Customer
data are not “intentionally stored” in a non-conforming location, consistent with the EAR and ITAR
Azure can be configured to meet the EAR requirement that the means of decryption is not provided
to any third-party: The decryption keys or other means of decryption can be limited only to two
partiesthe customer and Microsoft as Azure cloud providerto comply with the EAR “end-to-end
encryption” safe harbor. As explained above, under that rule, when a customer’s encrypted data
are uploaded to the cloud, the customer is the “originator” while the cloud provider is the
“recipient” for purposes of the EAR rule; when that customer downloads encrypted data from the
Azure cloud to its local “security boundary,” Microsoft is then the originator and the customer is the
In addition, to comply with the requirements of the ITAR “end to end” encryption rule, Azure Key
Vault also gives customers the ability to generate and manage their own encryption keys in FIPS 140
validated Hardware Security Modules (where Microsoft cannot see or extract customer keys) and
determine who is authorized to use them. Customers can use the keys created and stored in Azure
Key Vault to encrypt their own data stored and transferred in Azure “end-to-end”, so that Microsoft
Azure administrators and technical support personnel have no access to view the customer data in
plaintext (unencrypted) form.
Tools and protocols to prevent unauthorized deemed export/reexport. Apart from the EAR “end-
to-end encryption” safe harbor for physical storage locations, the use of encryption also helps
protect against a potential deemed export (or deemed reexport), because even if a non-US person
has access to the encrypted data, nothing is actually revealed to a non-US person who cannot read
or understand the data while it is encrypted and thus there is no “release” of any controlled data.
Azure offers a wide range of encryption capabilities and solutions, flexibility to choose among
encryption options, and robust tools for managing encryption.
Microsoft also implements a range of policies and security practices that strictly limit access by
service operations personnel to customer data and thereby reducebut not eliminateAzure
customers’ potential risk under US, EU/UK and Japanese export controls. As noted, Microsoft
engineers do not have default access to customer data in the cloud. Instead, they are granted
access, under management oversight, only when necessary. Using the restricted access workflow,
access to Customer Data is carefully controlled, logged, and revoked when it is no longer needed.
For example, access to Customer Data may be required to resolve customer-initiated
troubleshooting requests. Evidence that procedures have been established for granting temporary
access for Azure personnel to customer data and applications upon appropriate approval for
customer support or incident handling purposes is available from the Azure SOC 2 Type 2
attestation report produced by an independent third-party auditing firm.
These limitations that Microsoft places on access by service operations personnel to customer data
have the practical effect of reducing Azure customers’ potential risks under US, EU/UK and
Japanese export controls. Moreover, EAR rules allow service operations employees of cloud service
providers to have access (in the rare cases that might be necessary) to data stored in foreign data
centers without triggering a “deemed reexport” license requirement, provided that certain
screening and other compliance measures are met.
Hybrid cloud. Microsoft provides Azure Stack Hub and Azure Stack Edge as key enabling
technologies that allow customers to process highly sensitive data using a private or hybrid cloud to
ensure that customers have sole operational control over sensitive data.
Azure Stack Hub (formerly Azure Stack) is an integrated system of software and validated hardware
that customers can purchase from Microsoft hardware partners, deploy in their own data center,
and then operate entirely on their own or with the help from a managed service provider. With
Azure Stack Hub, the customer is always fully in control of access to their data. Azure and Azure
Stack Hub can help customers unlock new hybrid use cases for customer-facing and internal line of
business applications, including edge and disconnected scenarios, cloud applications intended to
meet data sovereignty and custom compliance requirements, and cloud applications deployed on-
premises in customer data centers.
Azure Stack Edge (formerly Azure Data Box Edge) is an AI-enabled edge computing device with
network data transfer capabilities. The latest generation of these devices relies on a built-in
Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) to enable accelerated AI inferencing. Azure Stack Edge uses GPU
hardware natively integrated into the appliance to run Machine Learning algorithms at the edge
efficiently. The size and portability allow customers to run Azure Stack Edge as close to users, apps,
and data as needed.
5. What should I do to comply with export controls when using Azure?
Under the US EAR, and under analyses of the EU, UK and Japanese export controls regimes that
lead to similar assessments as the EAR guidance described above, when data are uploaded to a
cloud server, such as the Azure cloud, the customer who is owner of the datanot the cloud
services provider, such as Microsoftshould be considered the exporter. For that reason, the
owner of the datai.e., the Azure customershould understand the US, EU/UK and Japanese
export control implications of transferring data to the Azure cloud. In particular, Azure customers
should consider, as discussed below: (1) whether the data are technology or technical data that are
subject to the US, UK, EU, or Japanese export regulations at all, and if so, (2) how the data are
classified for export control purposes, (3) where the data will physically be stored and processed,
(4) the nationalities of service operations personnel who may have access to the data, and (5)
whether an export license is required.
It is important to note that leveraging cloud technology need not be an all-or-nothing proposition:
Many customers may find through their data classification and risk analysis that the lion’s share of
their data may be processed in the cloud with a small subset retained in a hybrid environment or a
fully “on premises” environment.
5.1 Determine whether the data are “technology” or “technical data”
As highlighted above, most data stored or shared on Azure are not “technology” or “technical data”
within the meaning of applicable export control regulations. Customers who have no “technology”
or “technical data,” as defined in these export control regulations, to store or use in Azure generally
should not need to do anything further for export compliance. If the customer will store data in the
cloud that does constitute “technology” or “technical data” for export control purposes, then the
steps outlined in the following sections should be considered.
5.2 Determine whether the data are controlled by military trade controls (e.g., the ITAR)
Customers who hold or work with technical data potentially controlled by the ITAR, EU/UK, or
Japanese military trade controls should already have in place robust procedures to identify and
properly classify such technical data to ensure compliance. Microsoft offers several Azure options
for customers to choose depending on their risk assessment and particular needs for ITAR-
controlled data, data controlled under the EU, UK, or Japanese military trade controls, or other
specialized export control obligations.
Azure Government. One of those options is Azure Government, which is available to US
government entities at all levels as well as to qualified US commercial entities who handle data
subject to the ITAR or other strict government regulations and requirements. US-based customers
seeking to host ITAR-regulated data have the option, if they qualify, to use the Azure Government
cloud to ensure ITAR compliance. Azure Government is hosted in US-based datacenter regions
limited exclusively to Azure Government customers and operated by screened US persons. It offers
additional contractual commitments regarding the location of stored data, as well as limitations on
the ability to access such data subject to the ITAR.
Microsoft provides these assurances for the infrastructure and operational components of
government cloud services, but customers are ultimately responsible for the protection and
architecture of their applications within their environments. Customers must sign additional
agreements formally notifying Microsoft of their intention to store ITAR-controlled data, so that
Microsoft may comply with responsibilities both to its customers and to the US government.
Azure Key Vault and end-to-end encryption tools. Customers have the ability to generate and/or
bring their own encryption keys, and manage those keys, using the Azure Key Vault service. Azure
customers can use these tools to encrypt data in storage and in transit “end-to- end,” with
assurance that customer data are not “intentionally stored” in a non-conforming location.
Customers should carefully evaluate whether and how these tools can be used to ensure that the
customer’s use of Azure complies with the ITAR.
Hybrid cloud. Another option includes private and hybrid cloud solutions noted above. Customers
may be able to restrict ITAR, EU/UK, or Japanese military-controlled data to on-premises resources
and leverage cloud resources for less-sensitive data. Please contact your Microsoft representative
to discuss available Azure solutions and delivery models designed to support ITAR, EU/UK military,
Japanese military, and other controlled data categories.
5.3 Classify the data that may be controlled technology under the EAR or other dual use
export control regulations
If it appears that specific proprietary technology or technical data potentially subject to export
controls may be uploaded, stored, processed or used in Azure, the next step is to determine the
appropriate US Export Control Classification Number (“ECCN”) or other relevant export controls
classification for that technology or technical data. The export classification will determine the
level of export controls applied to that technology. More information concerning the US export
classification process is provided at the US Commerce Department’s website. Similar resources
are available on the websites of export controls regulators in the UK, EU Member States, and
Japan. (See, for instance, the information published by the UK Government and by the Japanese
5.4 Take steps to comply with export control regulations
For technology subject to the EAR, the EU and UK Dual Use Regulations, or Japanese regulation, the
relevant export controls classification, and the reasons for export control that apply to that
classification, determine the next steps.
Data that meet the definition of “technology” under the EAR (specific information for development,
production or use) but that are not described or covered by the criteria for any specific US ECCN are
given the default US designation “EAR99.” Under the EU and UK Dual Use Regulations, such
technology falls outside of the EU and UK dual use classifications and is generally not classified as
controlled technology in Japan either.
EAR99 or “AT” controlled ECCNs. If the ECCN indicates controls only for anti-terrorism reasons,
indicated with the designation “AT,” or if the technology is classified in the default EAR99 category,
the EAR would not require licensing for export or reexport except to such sanctioned countries as
Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria and the Crimea region. Such data may be placed in or used in the
Azure cloud, as Azure does not have infrastructure in these locations.
The great majority of technical data falls within these EAR99 or AT-controlled categories, and many
customers may find that they have little or no technical data that is subject to more stringent
Under the EU and UK Dual Use Regulations, technology that does not fall within any classifications
in the Dual Use List would generally not require an export license, except to the extent the exports
are intended for a military end-use in a country subject to an EU or UK arms embargo, exports to
certain sanctioned countries or parties, or exports that are known or suspected to be intended for
activities in relation to weapons of mass destruction. Likewise, in Japan, an export license is not
required with respect to technology that is not classified as controlled technology under Japanese
regulation, except in the event that the exporter had knowledge about the risk of technology being
used in the development, manufacture, use or storage of weapons of mass destruction, in the
development, manufacture, or use of conventional weapons, or when a notice is received from
METI indicating that a license is needed.
Other Export Classifications. For the relatively smaller proportion of technology that falls within US
ECCNs that are controlled for reasons other than “AT,” or items that fall within EU, UK, or Japanese
export controls classifications, the Azure customer can consider whether the relevant classification
has a licensing requirement for export to one or more of the Azure server location(s) for the
relevant Azure product(s) and Geo being used.
1. End-to-end encryption solutions. Customers should evaluate whether the end-to-end
encryption features available for Azure are the most appropriate tools to manage these
export control risks. As discussed above, it should often be possible to develop a plan to
deploy end-to-end encryption that conforms to the requirements of the EAR carve-out or
safe harbor: (1) Microsoft Azure offers encryption tools that comply with the specified FIPS
140 standard, and cryptographic measures that are “equally or more effective” than those
standards, to satisfy the EAR rule; (2) customers can ensure that customer data are not
“intentionally” stored in a prohibited location, because Microsoft does not have data
centers for permanent storage in any one of the 22 prohibited locations; (3) the customer
can structure its Azure plans and the way it uses Azure to keep data encrypted between the
customer’s “security boundary” in a given country and the Azure data center “security
boundary” (or between different Azure data centers); (4) the means of decryption will be
limited to two parties the customer and Microsoft and not available to any third-party;
and (5) Azure Key Vault gives customers the ability to manage keys so that no Microsoft
personnel have access at all.
2. License Exceptions / General Licenses. Alternatively, or in addition, if the relevant export
classification does have a licensing requirement for one or more Azure regions being used,
customers may want to consider whether any License Exception or General License is
available to authorize export without a specific license, to the extent licensing is required.
The EAR and EU/UK dual use regimes all set forth, for instance, a number of License
Exceptions or General Licenses that permit eligible parties to carry out a defined category
or type of export transaction, subject to specified criteria and conditions, without a specific
license that would otherwise be required based on the export classification and reason for
control. Japanese export control regulations also provide certain exceptions to licensing
3. Customer ability to select Azure regions and locations that do not require licensing.
Customers have the ability to select where their data are stored, so that for example
customers in North America are able to limit data storage to data centers in the United
States. If the relevant export classification does not have any specific licensing requirement
for any Azure server location designated for the relevant Azure product(s) and
region/country being used, then US and EU/UK export controls generally should not prevent
a customer from allowing that data to be stored in or downloaded to those Azure locations.
In light of (1) the regional and country-specific datacenters and Microsoft commitments to
store Azure in datacenters as directed by the customer; (2) the end-to-end encryption
deployed and configurable in Azure to help customers limit and control where unencrypted
data are “in the clear” between in-country security boundaries; and (3) the features such as
restrictions on insider access and other tools and protocols that minimize access to
customer data by foreign-national service operations personnel, some customers may
conclude that these are reasonable compliance measures and that putting such data in the
Azure cloud involves a low risk of export control violations, enforcement actions or
4. Hybrid models. If the customer chooses not to rely on these measures to mitigate export
control risk, and the export classification and reason for control for some technical data
indicate that a specific license is required, then it would be prudent to explore other
possible service delivery models. Azure and Azure Stack Hub can help customers unlock
new hybrid use cases with on-premises hosted workloads for export-controlled data, and
cloud-based workloads for other data.
5. Azure Government. Alternatively, some US customers may consider whether they may
qualify for Microsoft’s ITAR-compliant Azure Government offering, and whether that may
be a good solution not only for ITAR-controlled technical data, but also for technology that
is subject to the highest levels of EAR controls.
6. Conclusion
Not all data are subject to the export controls of the US, EU, UK or Japan, and Microsoft Azure
offers important features and tools to help customers manage export-control risks. Customers
should carefully assess how their use of the Azure cloud may implicate export controls of these
countries and determine whether any of the data they want to use or store in the Azure cloud may
be subject to export controls, and if so, what controls apply. Where technical data subject to tighter
export controls may be involved, Azure is configured to offer features that help mitigate the
potential risk that customers may inadvertently violate export controls when uploading or
downloading controlled technical data in Azure. With appropriate planning, customers can use
Azure tools and their own internal procedures to help ensure full compliance with US, EU, UK and
Japanese export controls when using the Azure platform.
* * *
All Rights reserved. This paper is provided “as-is.” Information and views expressed in this
document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You
bear the risk of using it. This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual
property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal,
reference purposes.
Export Controls in Relation to Cloud Computing Perspectives from Five Allied Countries
(November 2021)
The use of cloud computing services to manage the storage and transfer of software and technical information has become an
increasingly common feature of corporate data management systems around the world. Given that cloud computing platforms can involve, in
certain configurations, the storage of software and data on servers located overseas, the use of cloud computing requires consideration of
export controls legislation, particularly for companies that maintain software and/or technical information that are controlled for export under
applicable laws.
Microsoft, together with the law firm Covington & Burling, has published two white papers that provide an overview of the export
controls implications of cloud computing in relation to Microsoft’s Azure and Office 365 products. The white papers can be viewed at the
following links: Azure and Office 365. The white papers discuss the export controls regimes of the United States, European Union, United
Kingdom, and Japan, and describe how various functionalities in the cloud service features of Azure and Office 365 can be used to manage
export controls requirements under the laws of those countries.
This paper supplements the Azure and Office 365 white papers by providing an overview of key export controls considerations in
relation to cloud computing, under the export controls regimes of five intelligence-sharing alliance countries Australia, Canada, New Zealand,
the United States, and the United Kingdom. With regard to Canada, Microsoft understands that the Government of Canada is evaluating
these issues at present, and may issue published guidance in the near term. This paper may be updated to include a more detailed discussion
regarding Canada, based on any future guidance from the Canadian authorities.
Each of the countries discussed herein implements its own independent export controls regime. However, those countries share many
common export controls principles, including standards and lists of controlled products that derive from multilateral dual-use and military
export controls regimes that the countries are all members of (such as the Wassenaar Arrangement, the Missile Technology Control Regime,
the Australia Group, and the Nuclear Suppliers Group). Thus, the countries in question all impose export licensing requirements on a range of
goods, software, technical information (often referred to in underlying legislation as “technology,” “documents,” or “technical data”), which
the governments have identified as having application for certain military or other sensitive end uses. The countries also impose broader
licensing requirements on exports of other goods, software, and technology in connection with particular end uses (e.g., military activities in
certain countries, activities relating to weapons of mass destruction), or in relation to parties or destinations that are targeted for economic
sanctions. The countries all impose exports controls not only on the physical export of products, but also the intangible export of controlled
software and technical information, such as through uploads and downloads via servers.
Given the general similarities among the export controls regimes of the countries discussed herein, similar considerations arise, from
an export controls standpoint, in those countries when evaluating the implications of cloud computing. In each of the countries discussed
herein, it is necessary ultimately for cloud service users to consider a number of questions in relation to export controls when deploying cloud
solutions, including: (1) whether the software or data they store on the cloud are subject to export controls (and if so, how the software or
data are classified); (2) whether licenses would be required if any controlled software/data are made available to parties overseas via the cloud
(e.g., because of the export controls classification of the item in question, or if the item is intended for a restricted end-use or a person or
destination targeted for sanctions); and (3) what security and access restrictions should be implemented to ensure that controlled software
and technology are accessed only in accordance with export controls requirements.
The chart below provides information concerning the relevant export controls agencies and legislation in Australia, Canada, New
Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, summaries of key aspects of any guidance issued by those countries in relation to cloud
computing and export controls, and perspectives as to how the export controls authorities in those countries may consider key export
controls-related questions that arise in the context of cloud computing.
It should be emphasized that there are many aspects of export controls in the countries discussed below where categorical analysis of
export controls licensing requirements, and other considerations, in relation to cloud computing is not possible. That is a consequence of the
fact that the specifics of any export controls analysis will depend, to a very substantial extent, on the specifics of a given cloud platform service
and how it is implemented. Microsoft customers are wholly responsible for ensuring their own compliance with all applicable laws and
regulations. Information provided in this document does not constitute legal advice, and customers should consult their own legal advisors for
any questions regarding regulatory compliance.
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
What are the
key export
Defence Trade
Controls Act
2012 (“DTCA”);
Defence Strategic
Goods List.
Export and Import
Permits Act
(“EIPA”), Export
Control List
(“ECL”), and Area
Control List
Customs and
Excise Act 2018;
New Zealand
Strategic Goods
Export Administration
Regulations (“EAR”);
International Traffic in Arms
Regulations (“ITAR”).
The EAR control the export and
re-export of commercial and
dual-use goods, software, and
technology. The ITAR control
the export and re-export of
defense articles and associated
technical data and defense
services. As described below,
the EAR and ITAR differ, in
certain respects, in how they
apply in the context of
controlled software and
technology stored on overseas
servers, including in the context
of cloud computing.
Export Control Act 2002;
Export Control Order 2008;
European Council Regulation (EC)
No 428/2009 (Recast) (Retained
EU Legislation).
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
agencies are
responsible for
relating to
Department of
Defence Export
Controls (DEC).
Global Affairs
New Zealand
Customs Service;
Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
and Trade.
Under the EAR, the responsible
agency is the Department of
Commerce, Bureau of Industry
and Security (“BIS”).
Under the ITAR, the responsible
agency is the Department of
State, Directorate of Defense
Trade Controls (“DDTC’).
Department for International
Trade, Export Control Joint Unit.
Have the
controls in the
context of
The Australian
DEC has issued
general guidance
in relation to
exports controls.
This guidance
sets out general
relevant to cloud
computing, and
includes high-
for cloud
Global Affairs has
issued guidance
that providing
cloud access to
export controlled
software and
technology may
constitute an
export by
intangible means.
Global Affairs has
not, however,
provided detailed
guidance on export
controls and cloud-
based services. The
New Zealand has
not issued any
formal guidance
or commentary in
relation to the
application of the
New Zealand
export control
regime to cloud
services. Further
work in this area
is being
investigated and
it is likely that a
discussion paper
or guidance note
BIS has issued Advisory
Opinions with guidance on
application of the EAR to some
aspects of cloud computing,
available at these links:
January 2009 AO
January 2011 AO
November 2014 AO
BIS has also posted FAQ
guidance to its website found
concerning the EAR end-to-end
encryption safe harbor
described below.
Yes. See Guidance - exporting
military or dual-use technology:
definitions and scope (Updated 22
March 2021).
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
applicability of
export control laws
to cloud-based
services is
currently under
consideration in
will be published
at some stage.
As an alternative,
New Zealand may
dealing with
export controls
which will likely
address issues
relevant to cloud
DDTC has published a single
FAQ with guidance concerning
ITAR licensing requirements for
providing keys or other
information to access ITAR
Who is the
“exporter” for
purposes in
software or
technology are
placed onto
the cloud, or
While not
explicitly stated,
DEC’s guidance
suggests that the
user of a cloud
service would be
considered the
exporter (‘or
“supplier,” under
the Australian
framework) for
the purposes of
The Canadian
export controls
regime and
relevant guidance
do not specify
whether the
customer or cloud
provider, such as
Microsoft, should
be considered the
New Zealand
treats the
exporter as the
person “by or for
whom goods are
exported”. In the
event that the
use of cloud
storage was
considered to
constitute an
export, it is
expected that the
It would ordinarily be the
obligation of the cloud
customer, and not the cloud
service provider, to obtain
necessary US licensing under
the EAR and ITAR.
According to guidance published
by the UK Government,
“responsibility for compliance with
export controls lies exclusively
with the owner of the technology,
not with the service provider.”
Thus, if a UK party places
controlled data or software onto a
cloud platform with servers
located outside of the UK, it would
be the UK customer of the cloud
provider, and not the cloud
provider itself, that ordinarily
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
from the
the DTCA, and
not the cloud
service provider.
That is because
DEC’s guidance
states that it will
look to whether
a person
intended to
supply controlled
technology to
another person
located outside
of Australia.
user would be
considered to be
the exporter on
the basis that
they are the party
uploading that
document to the
cloud platform
and they have
control over
access and
would be responsible for UK
export licensing if the UK customer
were to subsequently authorize a
third party to access the controlled
items in question.
At what point
does a
“export” occur
software or
technology are
placed in a
cloud server
DEC’s guidance
states that if
there is no intent
to provide access
to another
person outside of
Australia, this will
not constitute a
supply. This
approach is
reflected in
several examples
given by DEC
This is unclear. The
EIPA regulates
both “export” and
“transfer”. The
EIPA does not
define “export”
and the term may
be interpreted
broadly depending
on the
circumstances. The
EIPA defines
“transfer” with
While the
absence of
official guidance
creates a degree
of uncertainty,
New Zealand
generally adopts
a purposive
approach to the
interpretation of
legal terms. It is
expected that a
Court or local
A controlled export ordinarily
will occur at the time that data
stored on servers located
overseas are released to a non-
U.S national, provided that the
end-to-end encryption safe
harbor conditions set forth in
EAR and ITAR guidance are
followed (see below).
A transfer of unencrypted data
across national boundaries
According to UK Government
guidance, provided that adequate
safeguards are maintained (see
below), an export would not occur
at the point controlled software or
technology are placed on the
cloud. (e.g., “Uploading controlled
technology to cloud-based storage
is not considered a licensable
transfer if it is subsequently
downloaded or accessed only by
persons located in the UK.”)
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
the examples
focus on whether
a person
provides another
person located
overseas with
access to
technology (for
example, by way
of email, or by
providing a
password or link
to a shared
drive). DEC’s
guidance also
confirms that the
location of a
server is not a
consideration for
whether a supply
occurred. What
matters is the
location of the
supplier (being a
person located in
Australia) and
the location of
respect to
technology to
mean “to dispose
of it or disclose its
content in any
manner from a
place in Canada to
a place outside
Canada”. As
noted, the
authorities have
not, as of yet,
issued specific
guidance on how
these concepts
apply in the
context of cloud
authority would
be unlikely to
treat the storage
of data on a
cloud server as
an export in of
itself, even where
data might be
stored or backed
up on overseas
However, the
issue of whether
an export has
becomes more
complicated if
there is an actual
intention to give
access to the
data to a third
party in an
overseas country,
or if there is a
lack of care in
terms of access
within an
organisation to
would ordinarily result in a
controlled export, however.
Rather, the export would occur -
and export licensing requirements
would be triggered - as of the
point at which the controlled items
are made available to third parties
located outside of the UK.
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
the recipient
(being a person
located in a place
outside of
employees or
third parties who
may be located
outside New
Zealand or may
transfer the
themselves to
third parties.
Care should be
taken to ensure
that precautions
are taken to
minimize that
Does an
“export” occur
where a cloud
access to
software or
The Australian
DEC has not
guidance on this
question, and it
is therefore
uncertain how
the DEC would
assess the issue.
There would,
however, be a
reasonable basis
to interpret the
This question has
not, thus far, been
a subject of
specific regulatory
guidance in
The New Zealand
authorities have
not issued
specific guidance
on this question,
and it is therefore
uncertain how
they would
assess the issue.
However, the
New Zealand
export control
regulations could
Under the EAR, a release of
keys or other access
information for encrypted
technology requires licensing
only if done with “knowledge”
that it would result in an
unauthorized release of the
unencrypted technology. A
“release” means inspection that
actually “reveals” EAR-
controlled technology. Access
that does not actually reveal
the substance of the technology
According to UK Government
guidance, export licensing
requirements are triggered on the
basis of the intended recipients of
controlled items.
The Government guidance
indicates that if there is an
expectation that an overseas
service provider will review
controlled technology, a UK license
could be required in that specific
context (“Overseas access to
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
incidental to
services in
relation to the
of the cloud?
DTCA to hold
(similar to the
position taken by
the UK
noted herein)
that temporary
and incidental
access by
personnel in the
country where
the server is
located should
not constitute a
restricted export
or “supply” of
software or
provided that
safeguards are
put in place to
ensure that the
individual does
not actually
review the
reasonably be
construed in
light of the
purposive nature
in which those
regulations are
applied to hold
(similar to the
position taken by
the UK
noted herein)
that temporary
and incidental
access by services
personnel in the
country where
the server is
located should
not constitute a
restricted export
of controlled
software or
provided that
safeguards are
put in place to
including the incidental access
by system
administrators would not
ordinarily be considered a
“release” of the technology
under the EAR, particularly
where there are other work
procedures and/or contractual
commitments to
limit any detailed review.
The ITAR apparently impose a
stricter regime. The ITAR define
“release” of technical data to
include any use of access
information to cause or enable
a foreign person to access,
view, or possess unencrypted
technical data, or cause
technical data outside of the
United States to be in
unencrypted form apparently
regardless of whether the
access actually “reveals” any
substantive technology to the
foreign person. And unless the
recipient is already authorized
to receive the unencrypted
technical data, the ITAR
controlled technology during
maintenance activities, in a
manner that permits the recipient
of the technology to review it,
would constitute a transfer to the
country where the access occurs
and therefore a licence would be
The Government guidance
indicates, however, that licensing
should not be required if the cloud
service provider’s access would be
incidental, and contractual or
other appropriate safeguards are
in place to ensure that service
provider personnel do not actually
review the controlled technology.
(See the following hypothetical
from the above-referenced
Company J is a cloud service
provider. Company K stores
controlled technology on Company
J servers located in the UK or
elsewhere. Company K has
protected the controlled
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
software or
information in
This is a question
of fact, and the
key issue DEC will
consider is
whether a
person intended
to provide
another person
located outside
of Australia with
access to
ensure that the
individual does
not actually
review the
software or
information in
explicitly require licensing or
authorization to provide access
information to a foreign person
that “can cause or enable
access, viewing, or possession”
of unencrypted technical data
(emphasis added). Thus, unlike
the EAR, it appears that some
authorization is required before
granting foreign persons with
access information that would
enable them to decrypt ITAR
technical data.
technology stored in the cloud
from unintended access, for
example by using industry
standard encryption, identity and
access management or other
safeguards. To provide, support
and maintain the cloud services,
some Company J technical,
administrative and maintenance
personnel are located outside the
UK. Company K may require
Company J personnel to manage
technical issues in Company K’s
cloud environment. No export
licence is required because
Company J personnel are not the
intended recipients of the
controlled technology.”)
Do export
trigger with
regard to the
sharing of
software and
Canada does not
have a deemed
export rule for
access to export-
controlled data for
non-Canadians in
Canada. However,
“export” is not
defined in the EIPA
Yes (see Azure and Office 365
white papers).
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
with license
applying on
the basis of
the foreign
nationality of
the intended
recipient (i.e.
and when an
export occurs will
depend on the
Further, Canada’s
Controlled Goods
Program does
regulate which
persons are
entitled to access
controlled military
technology within
re export
safeguards in
deployment of
Broadly speaking,
the safeguards
outlined in
Microsoft’s Azure
and Office 365
white papers
would be useful
in managing
export controls
risks in relation
to Australian law
Canada expects
that persons will
safeguards to
ensure they
comply with the
EIPA. Canada has
not issued
guidance or
Broadly speaking,
the safeguards
outlined in
Microsoft’s Azure
and Office 365
white papers
would be useful
in managing
export controls
risks in relation to
New Zealand law
Both the EAR and the ITAR
provide that “[s]ending, taking,
or storing” controlled EAR
technology or software, or ITAR
technical data, will not be
considered an export, reexport
or transfer that is subject to
regulation provided that it
meets certain criteria: the
technology or software must be
(i) limited to information or
The UK Government has not issued
specific, formalized requirements
concerning access or other
safeguards that should be
implemented in relation to cloud
computing from the standpoint of
export controls. UK Government
guidance states, however, that the
following general safeguards
should be pursued in order to
protect against unauthorized
Notwithstanding the absence of “deemed export” controls in the countries noted herein apart from the United States, export controls restrictions could apply with regard
to the in-country sharing of controlled goods, software, or technical information in certain specific circumstances, such as if it is known that the items are intended to be
exported in violation of export controls, or if the items are intended for certain prohibited end uses.
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
(with the
exception of the
aspects of the
white paper that
are focused on
US “deemed
export” controls,
which are not
relevant in the
Australia’s DTCA
does not require
persons to store
DSGL technology
in a particular
manner (for
example, using
encryption may
provide a
argument that
the exporter is
for export control
safeguards related
to cloud-based
services. Further
guidance from the
authorities may,
however, provide
more specific
details concerning
the Government of
expectations with
regard to
compliance best
practices in
connection with
cloud computing.
(with the
exception of the
aspects of the
white paper that
are focused on
US “deemed
export” controls,
which are not
relevant in the
New Zealand
software that is unclassified
(i.e., not a government secret);
(ii) secured using “end-to-end
encryption” that meets NIST or
equivalent standards with at
least 128-bit encryption; and
(iii) not “intentionally” stored in
sent to) any one of 25
designated countries. On this
last requirement, the EAR and
ITAR, expressly provide that
data “in-transit via the
Internet” is not treated as
“stored” for purposes of the
“End-to-end encryption” means
that the data must not be
unencrypted (i.e., in clear text)
at any point between the
originator’s “in-country security
boundary” and the recipient’s
“in-country security boundary,”
and the means of decryption
must not be provided to any
third-party. The local network
within the security boundary
the area in which
access to controlled software and
technology on overseas servers:
(1) Industry standard methods of
end to end encryption (the above
UK guidance cites, as a reference
in this regard, UK National Cyber
Security Centre cloud security
guidelines (available for download
(2) identity and access
management; and
(3) contractual safeguards limiting
access rights.
These issues are further explored,
with regard to Azure and Office
365, in the above-referenced white
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
complying with
export controls
(because the
only person
accessing the
data is the
person the
intended to
access it) or be
desirable for
other reasons (eg
to maintain
confidentiality or
information from
a data breach).
decrypted/plaintext data can be
processed must be limited to
a single country and may not
allow unencrypted data to cross
national boundaries.
These issues are further
explored, with regard to Azure
and Office 365, from a US trade
controls perspective in the
above-referenced white papers.
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