Do not remove prompts. Insert your answers in the proper space.
A required action research activity for
This assessment reflects application of the Missouri Leadership Development System
domains and aspiring level competencies for building level leadership.
Effective educational leadership is measured in multiple ways as the aspiring leader completes degree and
certification requirements in his/her preparation program. The new prospective leaders must demonstrate
competence in vision, instruction, management, relations, and innovation. However, one specific evaluation
that is common to all educational administration preparation programs is the use of a performance
assessment that focuses on instruction.
The purpose of this performance assessment is to determine the extent to which the aspiring principal is
prepared to assume the duties of instructional leader.
The responses to the prompts must specifically and thoroughly answer each one in such manner that any
reader will know how to replicate the responses. Attention must be given to proper writing style, including
grammar, spelling, and composition; therefore, it is imperative that the respondent proof the work before it
is submitted. Likewise, this activity and the prompts that guide the candidate through the process of
completing this experience must be answered in the exact order in which the prompts are presented. All
prompts and artifacts must be completed. Any missing information will result in a rejection of the
Note: The instructions indicate “approximately” one page, this is considered approximately 22 full lines
to effectively address the prompt.
Step I
Prompt 1: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, identify a problem or area of concern related
to instruction and include the rationale for this being a problem.
Additional Information: Being able to identify a problem is key to any building administrator’s success. For
this exercise, you must identify a problem or area of concern related to instruction. You must use building data
to support this writing activity and include a rationale.
Artifact 1: Building data sheet to show that this is an instructional problem (can be building data
submitted to DESE).
Prompt 2: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, describe the overall climate and culture of
the building and then identify the forces working for and against the instructional issue in Prompt 1.
Artifact 2: Provide supportive evidence that supports the description of the climate and the culture of
the building. (Evidence should relate to the identified issue)
Prompt 3: In approximately a one-page, double-spaced narrative explain what will happen if the problem is
not addressed.
Artifact 3: Give one source that demonstrates what might happen if this problem is not addressed.
Prompt 4: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, describe the legal implications related to staff
participation and student outcomes you considered as you worked through this activity, especially as you
considered the impact your action plan had on all students, including socio-economic, diversity, special
education, ESOL, ethnicity, etc.?
Additional Information: Protecting yourself, staff and students is critical to the school leader. What
issues from school law were relevant to this school improvement endeavor?
Artifact 4: Cite one legal source, case, law article, etc. to support your response.
Step II
Prompt 1: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, describe the plan and the goal(s) that you
have developed to address the problem or issue you identified in Step I.
Artifact 1: One to two S.M.A.R.T. Goal(s) that were developed by building leadership team.
Prompt 2: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, describe the schedule of events (routines,
procedures, schedules) that kept you on target to fix the problem you identified and describe the procedural
steps you established for this group.
Artifact 2: Schedule of events: timeline.
Prompt 3: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, explain how you worked with your team and
stakeholders to decide what activities and best practice information were shared and used by the faculty and
Artifact 3: Sample journal article or other reputable sources.
Prompt 4: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, explain how you communicated with the
implementation or leadership team, faculty, and staff to ensure that the plan was followed and implemented.
Artifact 4: Sample communication (letter, email, meeting agenda) presented to the team, faculty
and/or staff.
Prompt 5: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, describe how new knowledge or professional
learning activities were provided to the staff.
Additional Information: Your staff had to receive new knowledge-building activities or training. In
other words, for staff to understand the plan or new initiative, new knowledge or learning activities
would be required for the professional staff.
Artifact 5: Sample agenda or professional learning activity notice to staff.
Step III
Prompt 1: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, describe how you implemented the plan that
was developed.
Prompt 2: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, describe the leadership team and key people
who helped you resolve this problem and describe how each person contributed to the solution.
Artifact 1: List of leadership team members, their title/position, and years in the district.
Prompt 3: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, describe how you motivated faculty and/or
staff to support your effort.
Artifact 2: Copy of the communication used to request their participation or communication used to
keep staff motivated throughout the work on the problem/challenge. This may be an email, personal
note, general announcement, reward/recognition, or formal invitation.
Prompt 4: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, explain to what extent the staff benefitted
from the professional learning activity and how did you know?
Artifact 3: Summary chart of survey results including survey questions.
Prompt 5: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, describe the checkpoints that were built-in to
provide formative assessment, and describe the summative evaluation process at the end to know whether
the outcomes were met.
Artifact 4: Pre- and post-test classroom or building data, survey of teachers, state assessment data,
other district data.
Step IV
Prompt 1: In approximately one page, double-spaced narrative, describe your thoughts at the beginning of
this performance assessment and how you prepared yourself for being the effective leader that was needed
to complete this challenge (i.e., research, interpersonal relationships, etc.).
Prompt 2: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, write a reflection on the successes and/or
failures of this experience based on the goal(s) identified earlier in this assessment. Use qualitative and/or
quantitative evidence to validate your experience.
Prompt 3: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, describe what you would do differently and
what you would do identically/similarly if you had the opportunity. Use qualitative and/or quantitative
evidence to validate your experience.
Prompt 4: In approximately one-page, double-spaced narrative, describe the leadership skills you gained
through this experience and explain why you are a better leader as a result of this activity. Use qualitative
and/or quantitative evidence to validate your experience.
Scoring Rubric for Step I
Below Expectations
4 points
2 points
Knows the importance
of a vision and how it
relates to the core
values and culture of
the school community
Understands how
multiple sources of
data are connected to
a mission, vision, and
core values
Responses include:
1) Identification of key
instructional problem
or area of concern,
supported by evidence
and rationale for
(Artifact-data to
problem or concern)
2) Consequence if key
problem is not
(Artifact-one source of
3) Description of
school climate and
culture of the building
where problem or
concern is addressed
(Artifact- survey
information, faculty,
student, community
attendance rates,
average experience,
degrees, diversity,
4) Description of the
legal implications
related to staff
participation and
student outcomes
considered, especially
The candidate provides
an exemplary narrative
and artifacts related to
the core values and
culture of the school
community and
provides an exemplary
understanding of how
the use of data is
connected to the
building mission, vision
and core values to:
1) describe a problem
or area of concern using
appropriate data to
support there is a
2) evidence of
consequence if problem
is not addressed
supported by research
and/or data;
3) description of the
school climate and
culture in the building
where the problem is
addressed, supported
by listed artifact;
4) legal implications
related to staff
participation and
student outcomes
supported by a citation
of a school legal source,
policy or article
The candidate provides
an weak narrative and
artifacts related to the
core values and culture
of the school
community and
provides a weak
understanding of how
the use of data is
connected to the
building mission, vision
and core values to:
1) describe a problem
or area of concern using
appropriate data to
support there is a
2) evidence of
consequence if problem
is not addressed
supported by research
and/or data;
3) description of the
school climate and
culture in the building
where the problem is
addressed, supported
by listed artifact;
4) legal implications
related to staff
participation and
student outcomes
supported by a citation
of a school legal source,
policy or article
the impact the action
plan had on all student
groups, including
diversity, special
education, ethnicity,
ELL/ESOL, etc.
(Artifact-legal source,
policy or article)
Competencies 1, 3
Step I Score:
(preponderance of
Scoring Rubric for Step II
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Well Below
4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
Understands the
importance of building
effective relationships
with staff
Recognizes knowledge,
skills, and best practices
that support
continuous professional
Responses include:
1)Description of the
plan developed to
address a key
instructional problem
2)Description of how
plan was implemented
3)Explanation of how
you worked with your
team and stakeholders
to select best practice
information that was
shared and used.
(Artifact-sample journal
article or other
reputable source
related to best
4)Explanation of
communication used
with leadership team,
faculty, and staff to
ensure implementation
of the plan was
followed or
implemented (Artifact-
sample communication
presented to team,
faculty and/or staff)
5)Description of how
development activities
were provided to staff
agenda or professional
learning activity notice
to staff)
6)Explanation as to
what extent the staff
benefitted from the
professional learning
activity and evidence of
the benefit (Artifact-
sample survey and one
participant’s response)
The candidate provides
an exemplary narrative
and artifacts related to
the understanding of
building effective
relationships with staff
and provides an
exemplary recognition
of how knowledge, skills
and best practices
support professional
growth to:
1)describe the plan to
address the problem;
2)describe how plan was
3)explain the best
practices used with staff,
supported by research,
and how those involved
worked together;
4)explain the
communication used to
ensure implementation
of the plan, supported
by a sample letter,
email, agenda, etc.;
5)describe how new
development was
provided to staff
supported by an agenda
or notice;
6)explain to what extent
the staff benefitted from
the professional learning
activity supported with
evidence of the benefit
The candidate provides
an acceptable narrative
and artifacts related to
the understanding of
building effective
relationships with staff
and provides an
acceptable recognition of
how knowledge, skills and
best practices support
professional growth to:
1)describe the plan to
address the problem;
2)describe how plan was
3)explain the best
practices used with staff,
supported by research,
and how those involved
worked together;
4)explain the
communication used to
ensure implementation of
the plan, supported by a
sample letter, email,
agenda, etc.;
5)describe how new
development was
provided to staff
supported by an agenda
or notice;
6)explain to what extent
the staff benefitted from
the professional learning
activity supported with
evidence of the benefit
The candidate provides
a weak narrative and
artifacts related to the
understanding of
building effective
relationships with staff
and provides a weak
recognition of how
knowledge, skills and
best practices support
professional growth to:
1)describe the plan to
address the problem;
2)describe how plan was
3)explain the best
practices used with staff,
supported by research,
and how those involved
worked together;
4)explain the
communication used to
ensure implementation
of the plan, supported
by a sample letter,
email, agenda, etc.;
5)describe how new
development was
provided to staff
supported by an agenda
or notice;
6)explain to what extent
the staff benefitted from
the professional learning
activity supported with
evidence of the benefit
The candidate provides
little or no narrative with
artifacts related to the
core values of the school
community and provides
little or no use of data to
connect the building,
mission, vision, and core
Competencies 20, 26
Step II Score:
(preponderance of
Scoring Rubric for Step III
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Well Below
4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
Understands how
routines, procedures,
and schedules support
the school environment
Understands the
necessity of establishing
and communicating clear
expectations, guidelines,
and procedures
Responses include:
1)Description of the
schedule of events to
address key instructional
problem and a
description of the
procedural steps
established for the group
(Artifact-Schedule of
events; timeline)
2)Explanation of how
goals were set and
aligned to the plan
(Artifact-goals or
3)Description of key
participants who helped
to resolve the problem
and how each
contributed to the
(Artifact-leadership team
members, title/position,
years of experience in
4)Description of how
participants were
motivated to support the
school improvement
request for participation
or communication used
to keep staff motivated
such as email, personal
The candidate provides an
exemplary narrative and
artifacts related to the
understanding of how
routines, procedures, and
schedules support the
school environment and
provides an exemplary
understanding of the
necessity of establishing
and communicating clear
expectations, guidelines,
and procedures to:
1)describe the schedule of
events to address the
problem, supported by a
timeline, and provides a
description of the
procedural steps
established for group;
2)describe how goals
were set and aligned to
the plan, supported by
goals or outcome
3)describe the key
participants and how each
contributed to the
solution, supported by a
list of team members,
position and years in
4)describe how faculty
was motivated to support
the plan, supported by a
request for participation
or communication used to
motivate staff;
5)describe the check
points used as formative
assessments and the
summative evaluation
process to provide
evidence that goals or
The candidate provides an
acceptable narrative and
artifacts related to the
understanding of how
routines, procedures, and
schedules support the
school environment and
provides an acceptable
understanding of the
necessity of establishing
and communicating clear
expectations, guidelines,
and procedures to:
1)describe the schedule of
events to address the
problem, supported by a
timeline, and provides a
description of the
procedural steps
established for group
2)describe how goals were
set and aligned to the plan,
supported by goals or
outcome developed
3)describe the key
participants and how each
contributed to the solution,
supported by a list of team
members, position and
years in district
4)describe how faculty was
motivated to support the
plan, supported by a
request for participation or
communication used to
motivate staff
5)describe the check points
used as formative
assessments and the
summative evaluation
process to provide
evidence goals or
outcomes were met,
supported by data
The candidate provides a
weak narrative and
artifacts related to the
understanding of how
routines, procedures, and
schedules support the
school environment and
provides a weak
understanding of the
necessity of establishing
and communicating clear
expectations, guidelines,
and procedures to:
1)describe the schedule of
events to address the
problem, supported by a
timeline, and provides a
description of the
procedural steps
established for group
2)describe how goals
were set and aligned to
the plan, supported by
goals or outcome
3)describe the key
participants and how each
contributed to the
solution, supported by a
list of team members,
position and years in
4)describe how faculty
was motivated to support
the plan, supported by a
request for participation
or communication used to
motivate staff
5) describe the check
points used as formative
assessments and the
summative evaluation
process to provide
evidence goals or
The candidate provides
little or no narrative with
artifacts related to the
understanding of how
routines, procedures, and
schedules support the
school environment and
provides little or no
understanding of the
necessity of establishing
and communicating clear
expectations, guidelines,
and procedures
note, announcement or
5)Description of the
check points built in to
provide formative and
summative assessments
to determine if
outcomes were met
(Artifact-pre-and post-
test data, survey of
faculty, state assessment
data, or other district
Competencies 11, 13
outcomes were met,
supported by data
outcomes were met,
supported by data.
Step III Score:
(preponderance of
Scoring Rubric for Step IV
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Well Below
4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
Understands the
importance of reflection
and a commitment to
ongoing learning
Recognizes that beliefs
based on new
knowledge and
understandings are used
as a catalyst for change
Responses include:
1)Description your
thoughts at the
beginning of the
performance activity;
self-reflection regarding
preparation for being an
effective leader in order
to complete the
2)Development of a self-
reflection on success or
failure of the experience,
providing evidence to
validate reflection
3)Development of a self-
reflection to analyze the
extent as to what would
be done differently and
what would be done
The candidate provides an
exemplary narrative
related to the importance
of reflection and a
commitment to ongoing
learning and provides an
exemplary recognition
reflecting on how new
knowledge and
understandings are used
as a catalyst for change
1)describe thoughts at the
beginning of the activity;
self-reflect regarding the
preparation for being an
effective leader to
address the challenge
2)develop a self-reflection
on success or failure of
the experience, with
evidence to validate
3)develop a self-reflection
to analyze the extent as to
what would be done
differently and what
would be done
identically/similarly in
subsequent experiences,
The candidate provides an
acceptable narrative
related to the importance
of reflection and a
commitment to ongoing
learning and provides an
acceptable recognition
reflecting on how new
knowledge and
understandings are used as
a catalyst for change to:
1)describe thoughts at the
beginning of the activity;
self-reflect regarding the
preparation for being an
effective leader to address
the challenge
2)develop a self-reflection
on success or failure of the
experience, with evidence
to validate reflection
3)develop a self-reflection
to analyze the extent as to
what would be done
differently and what would
be done
identically/similarly in
subsequent experiences,
with evidence to validate
the reflection
The candidate provides a
weak narrative related to
the importance of
reflection and a
commitment to ongoing
learning and provides a
weak recognition
reflecting on how new
knowledge and
understandings are used
as a catalyst for change
1)describe thoughts at the
beginning of the activity;
self-reflect regarding the
preparation for being an
effective leader to
address the challenge
2)develop a self-reflection
on success or failure of
the experience, with
evidence to validate
3)develop a self-reflection
to analyze the extent as to
what would be done
differently and what
would be done
identically/similarly in
subsequent experiences,
The candidate provides
little or no narrative related
to the importance of
reflection and a
commitment to ongoing
learning and provides little
or no recognition reflecting
on how new knowledge
and understandings are
used as a catalyst for
identically/similarly in
subsequent experiences,
using evidence to
validate the reflection
4)Description of the
leadership skills gained
through the experience,
discussing leadership
growth as a result of the
activity, using evidence
to validate the
Competencies 28, 31
with evidence to validate
the reflection
4)describe the leadership
skills gained through
experience, discussion of
leadership growth as a
result of the activity, with
evidence to validate the
4)describe the leadership
skills gained through
experience, discussion of
leadership growth as a
result of the activity, with
evidence to validate the
with evidence to validate
the reflection
4)describe the leadership
skills gained through
experience, discussion of
leadership growth as a
result of the activity, with
evidence to validate the
Step IV Score:
(preponderance of
MPEA 3.0 Version Glossary
Step 1 Term or Phrase
Approximately one-page
One full page (double
spaced) to the maximum of
two pages.
Some prompts require longer
narratives to explain and
fully describe while other
prompts do not.
Problem or Area of
Identify an instructional
challenge. Make sure this
decision is data driven. Your
evidence is proof of your
reason for why this is an
issue in your building.
As an instructional leader at
the building level you will be
responsible for reviewing
formative and summative
data points and target areas
of concern to address. The
decision will need to be
made in collaboration with
the site administrator.
This is a description of the
evidence working for and
against the issue identified.
Not every issue identified will
be directly tied to the culture
and climate of a building.
Any demographic data can
be useful in informing about
the culture and climate.
Legal Implications
There are many legal
implications that building
level leaders need to
monitor. As you are
collaborating with your
colleagues, what legal
implications must you
consider when developing an
action plan to address the
instructional challenge?
What state or federal
statutes/laws must be
Legal implications can be
referring to district level
policies and regulations..
Evidence to support
narrative. Examples may
include (e.g. MAP data, EOC
results, Benchmark data,
Attendance data, Journal
Article, Demographic data,
Legal Source, etc.)
Helpful when there is an
introduction/explanation of
the artifact in the narrative
of the prompt. (If using a
table, include a key)
Step 2 Term or Phrase
Approximately one-page
One full page (double
spaced) to the maximum of
two pages.
Some prompts require longer
narratives to explain and fully
describe while other prompts
do not.
Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Relevant, Time
Based with End Data
Professional Learning Activity
Professional Development
based on the prioritization of
best practices
Planned professional
development in conjunction
with the identified issue.
Logistics of the process.
Examples may include (e.g.
Timeline, Sample Agendas,
SMART Goal (1-2), Formative
Data, etc.)
In Step 2 helpful to start with
developing your Artifact with
the school’s leadership team
and then write the narrative.
Step 3 Term or Phrase
Approximately one-page
One full page (double
spaced) to the maximum of
two pages.
Some prompts require longer
narratives to explain and fully
describe while other prompts
do not.
Implemented Plan
What steps were taken to
address the instructional
Plan-Do-Study- Act process
Survey Results
Includes the key questions
and results.
Google Form Pie Chart
Measurements/milestones to
check progress in metrics.
Time in the process to review
the progress within the plan
developed. Formative and
Summative Assessments.
Collaborative process which
could lead to changes within
original plan.
Results Examples may
include formative data points
(e.g. pre/post data
points,xxxx, xxxxx, etc.)
Assessment/evaluation could
be a benchmark used as
formative assessment earlier
in process.
Step 4 Term or Phrase
Approximately one-page
One full page (double
spaced) to the maximum of
two pages.
Some prompts require longer
narratives to explain and fully
describe while other prompts
do not.
Use evidence to validate your
Share specific example(s).
(Show don’t tell.)
Providing solid examples (2-
3) to validate your