K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
Opt-in Application Process
1. What is the eligibility requirement for our school to submit an opt-in
application for testing? New February 8, 2021
Eligibility: School systems are only eligible to receive this testing support if
they are providing on campus instruction to all of the students who wish to
attend on campus, currently or within the next two weeks.
As of January 15, 2021, school systems are no longer be able to opt in to the
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project to receive Abbott BinaxNOW rapid tests.
School systems that have already opted in will continue to receive their
allocations per the distribution methodology posted on the COVID-19
website of the Texas Education Agency (TEA).
2. Are permission slips required to administer tests on students or staff?
Permission slips are not required for individuals over 18 years old.
Permission slips for students under 18 years old are required. You can find a
sample permission slip within TEA’s Public Health Orders Card.
which lays out
all the basic information needed to register an individual for a test. If your
school is using a QR system to streamline the test registration process, a
shortened permission slip might be more appropriate.
Much of the information provided on the permission slip will be needed to
appropriately register an individual for test administration.
3. Do we have to use the tests in a specific way or on specific populations?
It is recommended that school systems conduct testing in two ways:
o Targeted Testing
Test administrators may conduct testing on staff or students
who present symptoms of COVID-19 while on campus
All test administrators must receive a parental authorization
form for any individual under 18 years of age to be tested
o Screening
At every participating K-12 public and private school campus in
a Trauma Service Region with a COVID-19 hospitalization rate
under seven (7) %, school system test administrators may
conduct testing on all campus staff every four (4) weeks.
At every participating K-12 public and private campus in a
Trauma Service Region with a COVID-19 hospitalization rate
from seven percent up to fifteen percent, school system test
administrators may conduct testing on all campus staff every
TWO (2) weeks.
At every participating K-12 public and private school campus in
a Trauma Service Region with a COVID-19 hospitalization rate
at or above fifteen percent, school system test administrators
may conduct testing on all campus staff every week.
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
As the local/regional COVID-19 hospitalization rate changes, the
school system coordinator will be notified of any change in test
frequency for their campuses for the following month.
Each school system will, however, determine the testing
strategy that will meet the needs of their schools within
the following limitations:
o All testing in school systems as a part of this
program will be conducted on a voluntary basis;
o Tests will only be conducted on staff and students
of the K-12 public or private school;
o No allocation of additional test materials and/or
PPE is required beyond the monthly allocation;
o Individuals under the age of 18 will be required to
have a signed legal guardian permission slip to
conduct the test;
o All individuals conducting the testing will have
complied with the training requirements outlined
o Individuals tested will not be charged for the test;
o All results of the tests will be reported through the
app.txrapidtest.org application.
4. What determines our test distribution allotment? Updated February 8,
The distribution will be based on various factors, including the availability of
testing materials received from our federal partners and the number of
school systems that have chosen to participate at that point in time.
Initial Allocations will be based on the number of staff and students as well
as the October 16
Trauma Service Region COVID-19 Hospitalizations as a
percent of total hospitalizations. Trauma Service levels will be updated two
weeks before the end of each month to determine the following months
allocation numbers.
TEA provided TDEM with fall 2019-20 PEIMS counts which is the most recent
data available at the state level. The staff counts include teaching staff,
support staff, auxiliary staff, administrative staff, paraprofessional staff,
auxiliary staff.
For allocations starting with March, school systems will be required to have
reported results for a minimum of 70% of the tests previously distributed
prior to receiving a new allocation.
Is there a set number of tests that will go to the school testing
The number of BinaxNOW test kits provided by the federal government and
the level of participation in the program by school systems will determine the
amount used in the K-12 testing effort. The BinaxNOW test kits will be
provided to K-12 testing and will also be used to support other health
initiatives across the state as needed.
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
6. How will tests kits and PPE be distributed to multi-region charter
Each Charter School System will designate one test coordinator and provide
their contact information to TEA by emailing
Test coordinator will determine the test kit allocations to each of their
geographical regions based on the total test kit allocation to the Charter
School System
Test coordinator will identify 1 location by region to which delivery of test
materials and PPE will be made
Test coordinator will notify TDEM logistics at k-12logs@tdem.texas.gov
regarding the locations for delivery and coordinate the timing of the
deliveries with TDEM and the Regional location.
Can we require a student or staff member to take the BinaxNOW test?
Schools cannot mandate the use of the Abbott BinaxNOW Ag Card Tests on
their staff or students.
Can I use these to test my athletes for extracurricular activities?
TEA and TDEM are providing school systems with multiple testing strategies
for their consideration. Ultimately, it will be up to the school system to
determine which testing approach will be most beneficial on their individual
Schools cannot mandate the testing for their student-athletes using the
Abbott BinaxNOW Ag Card Tests.
Can relatives of school system employees or students be tested?
Testing allotments are based upon staff and student counts. You must be a
student or staff member employed by the school system, or a school board
member to be eligible to receive testing. For every positive case, a whole
household is potentially affected. Please refer those individuals to the TDEM
and DSHS COVID-19 Test Collection Sites Map at
Can we charge students or staff to take this test?
No. These tests are being provided free of charge from the federal
government, and school systems cannot charge for administering the tests.
11. My school system is in a region with a high hospitalization rate, will
we get more tests?
For the initial distribution TDEM will distribute one (1) test per staff member
per month for each school system in TSA regions with Covid-19
Hospitalization Percentage below 7%
For the initial distribution TDEM will distribute two (2) tests per staff member
per month in TSA regions with Covid-19 Hospitalization Percentages at or
above 7% and below 15%
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
For the initial distribution TDEM will distribute four (4) tests per staff member
per month in TSA regions with Covid-19 Hospitalization Percentage at or
above 15%
TDEM will distribute additional tests for Targeted testing of symptomatic and
close contact individuals on campus at 5% of total staff and student counts
How long is this testing program slated to run?
As of January 15, 2021, school systems will no longer be able to opt-in
to the K-12 COVID Testing Project to receive rapid tests. School
systems that have already opted-in will continue to receive their
allocations per the distribution methodology posted on our website. We
strongly encourage you to continue to use the test kits as many of the
tests distributed have an expiration date, some as early as February
13. Are private schools required to report on the COVID Case Reporting
No. Private schools are not required to use the DSHS COVID Case Report
14. Is the school system responsible for contact tracing of the tests
School systems should work with their local health authority to support
contact tracing requirements.
15. I am a private school but do not appear on the current allocation list.
Does this mean I cannot apply?
All private schools are welcome to apply. The current list that is posted
was our best effort at identifying private schools across the state.
Please fill out the private school application and we will include your
school in the system.
16. My school system or private school is not shown in the allocation,
how many tests will I receive?
The Texas Division of Emergency Management will calculate the number
of tests that you will receive in the same fashion as the other schools and
will notify you of the number of tests that you will receive separately.
17. If we are hybrid at high school, does this mean meet the eligibility
requirements to opt into the testing project?
Yes, hybrid instruction at a school meets the eligibility requirements
for the testing project
18. Can we offer these tests to students who are currently choosing
online learning if they come on campus to take the test?
We recommend that you use these tests to facilitate greater levels of on-
campus instruction. If bringing off-campus students in for testing is a step to
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
increase on-campus instruction, that is consistent with the intent of the tests.
School systems may choose to use the tests for students who will remain off-
campus learners if the school system deems it otherwise necessary
What kind of test is this?
1. What type of rapid antigen tests will be provided by the state, who is
the manufacturer?
The state is using Abbott BinaxNOW Ag Card Tests
. These credit card-sized
rapid tests can potentially be largely self-administered through a nasal swab
and deliver results in 15 minutes.
The ABBOTT - BinaxNOW Antigen Immunoassay Test detects the presence of
a specific viral antigen, which implies current viral infection. This test kit is a
screening tool that identifies the presence of viral antigens (SARS-CoV-2) in
the body.
2. What are the differences between an antigen, PCR and antibody test?
The antigen tests identify the virus by detecting the proteins from the virus.
The molecular test (RT-PCR) detects the virus’s genetic material to see if you
have an active coronavirus infection.
An antibody test looks for antibodies that are made by your immune system
in response to a threat.
3. Does a school system need to obtain their own Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Amendment (CLIA) authority to administer the tests?
The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) has obtained a CLIA
waiver (#45D2193699) which allows for testing at multiple locations
including school systems across the state. TDEM’s CLIA information, along
with the provider of record will automatically populate in the test registration
system and should not have to be manually entered by test administrators.
4. Is there an expiration date or shelf life for the BinaxNOW Test?
Updated February 8, 2021
Tests have an expiration date that is printed on the outside of each box of
test kits. The test kits have a six-month shelf life if stored between thirty-six
(36) and eighty-six (86) degrees Fahrenheit.
Please continue to monitor the expiration date of your tests as some
expire as early as February 2021.
Please contact TDEM (k-12logs@tdem.texas.gov) if you have kits that
are set to expire. TDEM will not send additional tests to replace the
expiring tests unless you have met the resupply threshold.
5. How accurate is this type of test?
Abbott evaluated
its test in 102 patients who had shown COVID-19
symptoms for less than 7 days and compared the results with a PCR test .
This analysis showed that BinaxNOW has a:
o sensitivity (true positive rate) of 97.1%
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
o specificity (true negative rate) of 98.5%.
6. Could this rapid test be used to shorten the 14-day quarantine period,
or does the 14-day quarantine with close contact still stand as outlined
by CDC regardless of the result of the test?
For individuals who are close contacts to individuals who tested
positive, a 14-day stay-at-home period was previously advised by the
CDC based on the incubation period of the virus.
As of December 2, 2020, the CDC amended their guidance to allow
two shorter options for the stay-at-home period. Based on current
CDC guidance, the stay-at-home period can end for individuals
experiencing no symptoms:
- On Day 10 after close contact exposure without testing,
- On Day 7 after close contact exposure and after receiving a
negative test result.
If individuals return to school from these shorter stay-at-home
windows, they should regularly monitor themselves for symptoms to
ensure they remain symptom-free and take appropriate precautions
(e.g., more consistent mask usage) for the duration of the 14-day
incubation period.
Finally, the CDC has also advised that critical infrastructure services
which includes schoolsmay permit close contact staff members who
are asymptomatic to continue to work in select instances when it is
necessary to preserve school operations. Per the CDC, this option
should be used only in limited circumstances. When using this option,
school systems may consider adding additional protocols to increase
monitoring for these individuals, which might include the use of
COVID-19 tests (e.g., on Day 3 and/or Day 7 after the close contact
What is the impact of the COVID-19 variant strands on the Abbott
BinaxNOW test?
Per Abbott Labs, the BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card detects the
nucleocapsid protein rather than the spike protein and, therefore, is
not expected to be affected by a mutation in the spike protein.
1. Do test administrators have to be medically trained?
No, individual test administrators must complete the required training and
report all results through txrapidtest.org.
2. How do I obtain certification training?
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
Certification Class: Only a certified test administrator is authorized to conduct
the rapid ABBOTT - BinaxNOW test procedure.
For non-medically trained personnel - Covid-19 Testing Using the Abbott
BinaxNOW Ag Card: ( Binax - 100 )
For medically-trained personnel - BINAXNOW Training Modules ( Binax -
200 )
3. I registered for the BinaxNOW Training, but the links are not active for
the course. How do I access the course?
Once you are registered for the course, click on the home button at the top
left of the page. On the Home screen, you will see a list of “Registered
Online Courses. Your BinaxNOW course should be listed and you will click on
the link “Go To” beside the BinaxNOW course to access the training.
4. How do I get a copy of my certificate of completion for the training
Log into https://www.preparingtexas.org/
Click on the link to “View My Transcripts in the upper right part of the
Under “Completed Online Courses” you should find the BinaxNow Course
Select View under Certificate for the course.
Print or download a copy of the certificate
5. I completed the BinaxNow Training course and test, but have not
received an email from txrapidtest.org within 1 hour, what should I do?
Check your spam folder/junk email folder
Go to https://app.txrapidtest.org/
Select the “Forgot Password” link and follow the instructions
You must use the same email address as you provided to
You should receive an email link to allow you to create a password and
access the system.
6. Who is the Test Coordinator?
Test Coordinator: Each participating school system will identify one school
Test Coordinator to TEA.
One (1) single alternate contact is authorized to allow for continuity with the
administration process.
7. Who will be administering the tests?
Test Administrator: Only a certified test administrator is authorized to
conduct the rapid ABBOTT - BinaxNOW test procedure
Test administrators will be determined at the local level. A test administrator
may be any individual identified by the school system who completes the
required training and submits all testing results as required by state and
federal law
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
You do not need to identify the testing administrators to TEA or TDEM. The
individual(s) identified by school systems will need to complete the training
Covid-19 Testing Using the Abbott BinaxNOW Ag Card: (Binax -
100) or the BINAXNOW Training Modules (Binax - 200) for medically trained
personnel on www.preparingtexas.org. Upon successful completion, the test
administrator’s information will be automatically loaded into the reporting
system within 24 hours, and they will be ready to begin testing.
8. Do we need to have a doctor's guidance or permission to perform these
Dr. Alex Lazar
(https://faculty.mdanderson.org/profiles/alexander_lazar.html) has agreed
to serve as the provider of record for the BinaxNOW tests in K-12. This
information will be included in the data reported to DSHS on each individual’s
information and test results that are entered into the
https://app.txrapidtest.org/ portal by test administrators.
9. Can I contract out with a 3rd party provider (clinic, outside vendor) to
perform our testing program?
Each school system can determine the testing logistics that make the most
sense for them; however, third party providers are not allowed to collect a
fee or copay for performing these services.
10. How many tests can be administered at once?
This will largely be dependent upon the availability of test administrators
identified by the school system and the testing logistics put in place at the
local level.
Depending on the population being tested, these tests can largely be self-
administered for adults and older students. Tests must be reviewed and
logged into the system within 15 minutes of administering the test.
11. If I need to change my test coordinator or alternate test coordinator,
who should I tell?
Please email COVIDCaseReport@tea.texas.gov
with your school name and
the contact information (name, email and cell phone number) of your new
test coordinator and/or alternate.
1. Can staff and students enter the required information before they come
in for a test?
Yes. Have staff and students over 18 years of age go to:
. They will need to fill out the information
required, and press submit. A QR code will be created that contains the
information necessary to register. They may print out the QR Code, or take
a picture on their phone to bring to the testing location.
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
Legal guardians of students under 18 years of age may also use the QR Code
generator for their children, but they must also provide a signed permission
2. If a test administrator who successfully completed the training does not
have a password for app.txrapidtest.org how can they get one?
Select the forgot password” link and follow the instructions.
3. How long does the test take?
After the test is obtained using a sterile swab, the ABBOTT - BinaxNOW Card
takes 15 minutes to return a result
4. How long after adding the reagent to the test card can I wait to insert
the swab and conduct the test?
Abbott Labs has indicated that the swab must be inserted into the card within
3 minutes of adding the reagent.
5. How many quality control tests should I run?
Abbott Labs recommends testing 1 box from a shipment.
Each campus should run the test on at least one box to verify quality.
6. If the box that I run a quality control test on fails the test, what should
I do?
Take the quality control swab from another box and run the test again.
If the result is still not positive, contact Abbott Labs Technical Support at
7. Should I record test results for training tests?
Absolutely. The test administrator conducting the training test should
enter the information on the individual to be tested and report the result
as “Test Not Performed”.
8. Should I record a result for a quality control test?
Yes, the test administrator conducting the test should enter their own
information and record the result as “Test Not Performed”.
9. If I test (+) positive, do I have COVID-19?
Presumptive Test: This test is only an indicator of the presence of the
COVID-19 virus
A formal medical evaluation and certified laboratory verification would be
necessary to indicate a confirmed infection
Presumptive-positive results also do not rule out bacterial infection or co-
infection not related to COVID-19. Please refer to the consultation form
provided by Abbott.
10. Does this test identify the common cold or strep throat?
No: This is a specific test for the COVID-19 virus SARS-CoV2
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
11. Can the card show a presumptive-positive before the time is up?
The result can ONLY be evaluated after 15-minutes and NO LATER Than 30-
minutes after collection to determine the result
12. Can a faint line indicate a presumptive positive result?
Yes: Faint but still readable, results are considered to be conclusive results
positive or negative
Inconclusive results will include the blue control line not changing, only the
sample line is displayed, or no line displayed at all
The test is to be re-taken and the test administrator notified of the
inconclusive result
13. What do I do if the test card is defective?
No adhesive strip on the right side of the card Scan the card, enter no
information, press 4 at the top of the screen, select “Test Not Performed” and
submit. Throw the card away, and use a new card
Plastic well for the reagent is absentScan the card, enter no information,
press 4 at the top of the screen, select “Test Not Performed” and submit.
Throw the card away, and use a new card
The test strip itself is displacedScan the card, enter no information, press 4
at the top of the screen, select “Test Not Performed” and submit. Throw the
card away, and use a new card
If a significant number of cards are defective (more than 5), contact Abbott
Labs Technical Support at 1-800-257-9525
14. What do I do if I forget to put the reagent solution into the card
before the nasal swab?
Scan the card, under results enter “Invalid”, and press submit. Throw the
swab and card away and begin the test again with a new card and swab. You
will need to re-enter the information for the individual to be tested.
15. What do I do if the control line never turns pink/purple?
Scan the card, under results enter “Invalid”, and press submit. Throw the
swab and card away and begin the test again with a new card and swab. You
will need to re-enter the information for the individual to be tested.
16. Who is liable if a student or staff is injured by the testing?
Consult your school system’s legal counsel.
17. Are the used test kits and used PPE considered medical waste for
The used Test Kits are considered Medical Waste and must be disposed of
according to TCEQ guidelines which may be found here:
PPE used while handling and administering the rapid COVID test kits are not
considered medical waste.
18. Can these tests be used on asymptomatic individuals?
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
Yes. The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Studies will allow testing on
asymptomatic individuals during the public health crisis.
19. Do N-95 masks need to be fit tested? If a N95 mask does not go
through fit testing does that make it less effective than a surgical mask?
OSHA respiratory protection standards require initial and thereafter, annual
fit-testing of N95 or any other tight-fitting respirators for staff who may be
required to it. During COVID-19 public health emergency, OSHA has
temporarily applied enforcement discretion for annual-fit testing requirement,
as long as employers have made good-faith efforts to comply with standards
and steps outlined in April 8, 2020 memoranda
enforcement-guidance-respiratory-protection-fit-testing-n95). This
enforcement discretion is also applicable when an employer switches to an
equivalent-fitting make/model/size/style of N95 or another tight-fitting
respirator without performing an initial fit test.
As per CDC/NIOSH, “Under serious outbreak conditions in which
respirator supplies are severely limited, however, you may not have the
opportunity to be fit tested on a respirator before you need to use it. While
this is not ideal, in this scenario, you should work with your employer to
choose the respirator that fits you best, as, even without fit testing, a
respirator will provide better protection than a facemask or using no
respirator at all.”
1. How are test results shared with the individual being tested?
As part of the test registration process, the individual or their guardian’s
phone number and email address are entered into app.txrapidtest.org. Once
the test results are put in the system by the test administrator, a text
message and email are autogenerated to notify the individual.
There is no auto-generated report to let the school system know who and
when someone tested positive. Test administrators will also have access to
this information as they are inputting the test results and should work with
their school system test coordinator to determine if an additional process is
What happens when someone tests positive at school?
This is a process that will be determined at the local level. It is recommended
that schools follow public health guidance from DSHS and the CDC and that
any positive case be removed from the campus and seek a PCR test to
confirm the positive result.
3. If a student or staff member receives a positive test results, should we
direct them to get a PCR (molecular) lab-based test?
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
Yes, this is a presumptive positive test and is a mechanism for schools to
immediately identify presumptive positive cases. People receiving a positive
test should consider obtaining a more formal PCR (molecular) lab-based test.
4. How is my personal information used?
All personal Health information collected in registration and results will be
handled under local, state and national privacy rules
Individual Level registration and results information in the registration
application will only be shared with the Department of State Health Services
as required by Law.
Aggregate level information without personally identifiable information may
be shared with school systems and the public.
5. How is the reporting system accessed?
Login and register for www.preparingtexas.org.
Complete COVID-19 Testing Using the Abbott BinaxNOW Ag Card: ( Binax -
100 ) Course on preparingtexas.org. (includes almost all staff with no
medical training) or Complete the BINAXNOW Training Modules ( Binax - 200
) Course in preparingtexas.org if you are medically trained. (includes any
staff that have licensed medical training).
Individuals who successfully complete the Abbott BinaxNOW Ag Card course
receive login information for the testing application at
https://app.txrapidtest.org. The registration process may take up to twelve
hours before it is active. You will need this APP to report the results from
each test.
6. Can my school receive a list of the individuals we have tested and
put into the txrapidtest testing application? Updated
February 8,
No. Personally Identifiable Information will not be released to school
systems. Schools are encouraged to create their own internal document to
capture individuals tested and results.
Does the test information get shared with the local health department
and DSHS or do school systems need to report these cases to the
appropriate authority?
TDEM, through our partner agency, Southwest Texas Regional Advisory
Council (STRAC), will report staff and student registration of individuals to be
tested, the entering of test results, and the report of test results to the Texas
Department of State Health Services
As required by law, all results negative, positive, and inconclusive - from
testing shall be reported daily to the Department of State Health Services
DSHS through the provided test portal system Texas Rapid Test app -
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
Will we need to report this on our current weekly COVID-19 Case
Reporting Form? How will the state use the data?
Yes, the COVID-19 Case Reporting form
will be updated to include questions
around testing and will be publicly reported on the current Department of
State Health Services Texas Public Schools COVID-19 Data page.
1. What will we use to register/test/input information related to testing?
Every test administrator will need an iPhone, iPad, or Android device to scan
driver’s license information, ABBOTT - Binax Now Test QR Code, and/or
manually enter additional personal information regarding the individual to be
This is a web-based portal and not an application that will need to be
downloaded on a device.
1. What type of storage capacity is needed to accommodate these tests?
There are 40 tests and one (1) reagent solution in a shoebox-sized box. The
Binax Now test kits must be stored below 86 degrees Fahrenheit at all times
in order to maintain integrity.
2. Will we receive PPE to conduct these tests?
TDEM will provide PPE for test administration in the form of gowns, surgical
masks, N-95 masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer. The PPE you receive as part
of your testing program can only be used to support Abbott Binax Now test
and will be required to be reported in a weekly inventory tracking system.
How do I order more test kits or PPE? Updated February 8, 2021
To order a resupply of test kits, please email k-12logs@tdem.texas.gov. For
the Month of February, resupply will be contingent upon reaching at least
50% results reported for the test kits that you have received. A weekly
report of test kits received, results reported will be posted to
Reported-020521.pdf (texas.gov). Starting in March, all K-12 school
systems must reach 70% results reported prior to receiving a
resupply. This calculation is based on the TOTAL number of test kits
that you have received during the program, and not simply the most
recent supply. At any time that you have reported the appropriate
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
percentage of tests, you may request a resupply. The resupply is no
longer on a monthly allocation, so if you are using the kits and
reporting the results, you may request resupply as needed.
1. If our district would like support in media response regarding the
testing program, who can we contact?
Press inquiries for TEA can be sent to covidcasereport@tea.texas.gov and
press inquiries for TDEM can be sent to media@tdem.texas.govBoth
Press Offices are in regular communications and are available to
provide assistance answering media inquiries.
2. What fund and object code does my LEA record for the personal
protective equipment (PPE) and Abbott BinaxNOW test kits received
from TDEM?
The district would record the PPE and test kits as revenue to fund 199 and
object code 5829. Depending on the LEA's fiscal year end and when it
receives the items, the LEA may record the PPE as inventory.
PPE Item
Avg Price Per Unit
Abbott BinaxNOW Test Kit
Surgical mask
N-95 mask
Gloves (sets)
Hand Sanitizer (gallons)
3. Is a “release letter” required to allow a staff member or student to
come back to campus after having previously tested positive for COVID-
19 and/or quarantine after close contact?
No. The state does not require individuals to obtain a release letter in order
to resume on-campus activities. Test collection sites
offered by the Texas
Division of Emergency Management do not issue release letters. Similarly,
the Department of State Health Services and most local health departments
K-12 COVID-19 Testing Project FAQ
Updated February 8, 2021
do not provide release letters and refer to CDC return to work guidelines as
the standard.