National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Administrative Guide
Effective March 28, 2022
Directorate for Education & Human Resources
Division of Graduate Education
NSF 22-067
(Replaces NSF 16-104 and all other previous GRFP guidance*)
* includes Important Notice No. 113 dated July 30, 1991, which is hereby rescinded
This document has been archived and replaced by NSF 23-075.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Significant Changes .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Annual Program Cycle ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 NSF Resources .................................................................................................................................................. 7
2. Award Structure Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Stipend ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.2 COE Allowance ................................................................................................................................................ 8
3. Fellow Responsibilities & Information ................................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Fellowship Status .............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Eligibility .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Fellowship Acceptance .................................................................................................................................. 13
3.4 Fellowship Year .............................................................................................................................................. 14
3.5 Status Declaration ........................................................................................................................................... 14
3.6 Enrollment ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.7 Academic Progress ......................................................................................................................................... 15
3.8 Tenure Beyond Masters Degree Completion ........................................................................................... 16
3.9 Reporting and Communication .................................................................................................................... 16
3.10 Compliance with Relevant Policies, Regulations and Guidance ............................................................. 18
3.11 Fellowship Termination................................................................................................................................. 20
3.12 Fellowship Completion.................................................................................................................................. 20
3.13 Evaluation Participation ................................................................................................................................ 20
Institutional Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................. 21
4.1 Assignment of Roles ...................................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 Certification and Reporting Requirements ................................................................................................. 24
4.3 Award Management ....................................................................................................................................... 24
4.4 Monitoring ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.5 Suspension and Termination ........................................................................................................................ 25
4.6 Evaluation Participation ................................................................................................................................ 25
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GRFP Administrative Guide
1. Introduction
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) recognizes and
supports graduate students in NSF-supported disciplines who are pursuing research-based masters and
doctoral degrees at accredited United States (US) Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs). This Administrative
Guide (Guide) outlines the administrative policies and procedures for the GRFP for both Fellows and awardee
IHEs. Fellows must comply with the policies, rules and regulations contained in this Guide, and the Terms and
Conditions found in the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Offer Letter, the annual NSF GRFP Program
Solicitation, and the NSF Award Notice. The current Guide is effective as of the date on the cover page.
As recipients of federal funds, Fellows are expected to fulfill the academic and fiscal obligations of their
Fellowship award, as outlined in this Guide. Failure on the part of a Fellow to observe all the Terms and
Conditions of the NSF GRFP fellowship award constitutes sufficient grounds for its termination by NSF.
Fellowship Terms and Conditions are subject to change, and it is the responsibility of Fellows and IHEs to
ensure compliance with current program requirements.
This Guide is composed of four sections.
1.1 Significant Changes
Effective Date
March 28, 2022
The Guide was redesigned and reformatted. Significant changes
Clarification of terms
Graphics depicting annual program c
Separate sections for Fellows and IHEs
Eligibility clarifications
Updated references and links to applicable documentation
Inclusion of r
eferences, examples, and hints
Additional detail on reporting requirements for Fellows
and IHEs
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GRFP Administrative Guide
1.2 Annual Program Cycle
GRFP operates on an annual cycle. All administrative actions are performed in the GRFP Online Module
(deadlines will be communicated by the NSF GRFP Office; the deadline time is 11:59 PM, Eastern Time). The
following graphic summarizes the annual program cycle.
Annual Program Cycle
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GRFP Administrative Guide
1.3 Definitions
Active Fellow
is On Tenure, Forfeited, or On Reserve; not Deferred, Retired, or
Completed with Degree
Completion Report
certifying the completion status of Fellows at the IHE (e.g., in
progress, graduated, transferred, withdrawn) and degree, if the Fellow
Declare Fellowship Status
status for the next Fellowship year
are not allowed
Fellow ID
Fellowship Termination
and Conditions of the Fellowship award
Fellowship is voluntarily discontinued by the Fellow or IHE
Fellowship Terms and Conditions
by the applicant to be awarded the Fellowship. Fellows must abide by
the Terms and Conditions and complete required actions to maintain
Fellowship status. Acceptance of NSF GRFP funds by an IHE
indicates acceptance of and agreement to abide by the Terms and
Conditions of the NSF GRFP award
Grants Roster Report
progress (Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory) of all Fellows at the IHE,
affirming compliance with the Terms and Conditions of the NSF
GRFP award; NSF uses the report to project the funding for the next
Fellowship year
GRFP Online Module
administrative transactions, and approvals
IHE Termination
the Terms and Conditions of the Fellowship award
NSF GRFP awardee IHE
affirms compliance with the Terms and Conditions of the award, and
is responsible for financial management of the award including
stipend disbursement
Program Expense Report
previous Fellowship year, certifying the Program Expense Report is in
accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the award to the IHE
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GRFP Administrative Guide
Reserve Status
Fellowship year; enrolled and certified by the IHE to be making
satisfactory progress; also referred to as On Reserve
Retired Status
completed the five-year Fellowship Period before graduating with a
degree. Retired Status is automatically granted once these criteria are
Satisfactory Progress
NSF GRFP reporting requirements and Terms and Conditions of the
Fellowship award
Tenure status
Fellowship year, certified by the IHE to be making satisfactory
progress; also referred to as On Tenure
1.4 Acronyms
Award Cash Management Service
Authorized Organizational Representative
Office of Budget, Finance, and Award Management
Code of Federal Regulations
Career-Life Balance
Coordinating Official
Institutions of Higher Education
Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities
Financial Official
Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students
Internal Revenue Service
Modified Total Direct Cost
No-Cost Extension
National Science Foundation
Office of Management and Budget
Open Researcher and Contributor ID
Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide
Principal Investigator
Sponsored Projects Office
Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics
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GRFP Administrative Guide
1.5 NSF Resources
2. Award Structure Overview
GRFP awards are made to the IHEt which a Fellow is or will be enrolled. The IHE is responsible for financial
management of the award and disbursement of Fellowship funds to the individual Fellow. The IHE will
administer awards, including any amendments, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of those awards,
the Fellowship Terms and Conditions, and provisions contained in this Guide.
2.1 Stipend
The annual, 12-month GRFP stipend amount is specified in each years Program Solicitation. The stipend is
pro-rated in monthly increments (e.g., completion of the final academic term of graduate study after nine
months results in nine-twelfths of the annual stipend). No dependent, research, or travel allowances are
provided. Only Fellows on Tenure and compliant with all Fellowship Terms and Conditions are eligible to
receive stipend payments. If a Fellow does not conform to the Standards of Conduct established by their IHE
and the NSF Terms and Conditions, NSF reserves the right to terminate the Fellowship.
Fellowship stipends are managed and disbursed by the IHE. For disbursement procedures and schedules,
Fellows should check with their CO. Regardless of the exact stipend payment schedule, NSF requires that the
stipends be reported in no less than one-month increments.
This Guide references the following NSF documents and publications:
Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG)
GRFP Program Solicitation
NSF Agency Specific Requirements to the Research Terms and Conditions
Please visit the following websites for additional information:
NSF: https://www.nsf.gov
GRFP: https://www.nsfgrfp.org/
GRFP Online Module: https://www.research.gov/grfp/Login.do
The NSF GRFP Office administers the Graduate Research Fellowship Program and is assisted at each
NSF GRFP IHE by an Institutional representative designated as the CO. An IHE Directory of
representatives of all NSF GRFP IHEs is available on the GRFP Online Module website. The IHEs
CO is the first point of contact for all Fellowship questions. A Fellow should first consult the CO,
and if the CO cannot provide the requested information, only then contact the NSF GRFP Office.
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GRFP Administrative Guide
The definition of Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC) in 2 CFR §200.1 (Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Uniform Guidance) specifically excludes costs of scholarships, fellowships, and other programs of
student aid from indirect cost rate recovery. Therefore, IHEs should ensure that stipend payments are not
reduced by items that the IHE would normally consider indirect costs or fringe benefits.
2.2 COE Allowance
The Fellowship provides a fixed COE allowance payment in lieu of tuition and mandatory fees to the IHE,
to the Fellow
. The allowance is specified each year in the Program Solicitation. The Fellowship provides three
On Tenure Years of financial support (stipend and Institutional COE allowance) and two On Reserve Years
(no financial support). The On Tenure Year COE allowance is paid to the IHE in two parts: the first payment
covers months one through five of the Tenure year, and the second payment covers months six through twelve.
Fellow transfers impact which IHEs will receive COE. If the Fellow is at the original IHE for 6 months or
more, that IHE would receive the full COE. By approving the transfer, the receiving IHE acknowledges it
would not receive COE for that Fellowship year.
IHEs accepting the award funds agree to exempt Fellows on Tenure from paying required tuition and
mandatory fees normally charged to graduate students of similar academic standing
. IHEs cannot
require Fellows to participate in research assistantships or teaching assistantships as a method to make up the
difference between the COE and the IHEs regular tuition and fees (see also Section 3.10, below). Fellows may
participate in assistantships but not as a means to pay for tuition or mandatory fees.
Otherwise the actual use of the COE allowance is at the discretion of the IHE.
While on Tenure, Fellows may be required to pay certain fees or deposits that are refundable in whole or in
part, that are optional (e.g., non-required coursework or tuition at other IHEs not considered part of the
Fellows principal program of study), or that were incurred prior to the actual start of Fellowship (e.g., an
admission application fee).
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GRFP Administrative Guide
3. Fellow Responsibilities & Information
3.1 Fellowship Status
Once applicants accept the GRFP fellowship and start their NSF GRFP-supported graduate study, they are
Fellows. Fellows must be enrolled in an IHE for the duration of their Fellowship. Following award
acceptance and declaration, Fellows must be in one of the Fellowship Statuses shown in the table below.
Enrolled in
On Tenure
Fellow is receiving stipend during the
Fellowship year and is certified by the IHE to
be making satisfactory progress. Fellows
complete Annual Activities Reports.
Fellow is not receiving a stipend during all or
part of a Tenure year. Fellow must be actively
engaged in research and/or coursework,
leading to an eligible research-based graduate
degree. Any months of funding not utilized
during a year of Tenure are forfeited (lost).
Fellows complete Annual Activities Reports.
For example, the Forfeited Status may be used
if a Fellow is receiving funding from a paid
Federal internship.
On Reserve
Fellow is enrolled in an IHE but is not
receiving a GRFP stipend. Reserve Status
allows Fellows the flexibility of incorporating
professional development opportunities into
their graduate programs. Fellows on Reserve
Status must remain actively engaged in full-time
research and/or coursework, leading to an
eligible graduate degree in an NSF-supported
field. Fellows complete Annual Activities
Reports while on Reserve.
On Medical
Fellow is on a short-term absence due to
medical or dependent-care situation. There is a
limited paid medical leave option for up to
three months as specified later in Section 3.1.
On Medical
Fellow is on an extended absence due to
medical or dependent-care situation. Fellow is
not receiving a stipend.
On Military
Military Deferral is intended for Fellows who
must interrupt their graduate studies for active
duty. A Fellow does not receive a stipend while
on Military Deferral.
with Degree
Individual who graduated within the five-year
Fellowship Period.
Individual who completed the five-year
Fellowship Period before graduating with a
Individual Fellowship is terminated for cause
(failure to comply with the Terms and
Conditions of the Fellowship).
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GRFP Administrative Guide
Enrolled in
Individual Fellowship is voluntarily
discontinued by the Fellow or IHE during the
five-year Fellowship period.
The Fellowship provides three On Tenure Years of financial support (stipend and Institutional COE allowance)
and two On Reserve Years. Both On Tenure and On Reserve statuses are only granted in 12- month increments.
Portions of an unused year of On Tenure or On Reserve Status cannot be held for later use (except in cases of
NSF-approved Medical or Military Deferral).
The Fellowship provides three years (36 months) of funding (in annual increments) for use within a five-year
period unless the Fellow is on an NSF-approved Deferral. On Tenure Status ensures that Fellows have the
resources (time and financial support) to devote full-time effort to their graduate program of study, and Reserve
Status ensures that Fellows have the option and flexibility to participate in other education and training
opportunities. With the assistance of an Academic/Research Advisor, Fellows should plan for the judicious use
of GRFP resources at the beginning of their Fellowship. Fellows submit their plan to utilize the funding over
the five-year Fellowship Period at the start of their Fellowship. This plan is only an estimate and is not binding.
Within a given Fellowship year, duly authorized military service or training is permitted with the approval of
the CO and NSF, if the service does not compromise the Fellows enrollment status and degree progress.
On Tenure Status
Fellows use On Tenure Status for three years, in 12-month increments, during the five-year Fellowship Period.
During On Tenure years, Fellows actively utilize Fellowship support (i.e., receive a stipend). The Fellowship
includes a maximum of three On Tenure years. This includes situations where all or part of the support is
forfeited (lost).
On Tenure includes periods of full-time research and/or coursework under the direction of an
Academic/Research Advisor at the IHE, whether or not the IHE is in session, as well as any normal, short
vacation periods. Summer is not considered a “short vacation period.” To be eligible to receive stipend
payments during the summer, Fellows are expected to be actively engaged in their graduate program through
coursework or research under the direction of an Academic/Research Advisor.
Fellowship Tenure is granted in 12-month increments corresponding to a Fellowship year (summer or fall start)
and may not be broken into smaller units spread across more than one year, except in cases of NSF-approved
Medical or Military Deferral (see below).
Fellows On Tenure must be actively engaged in a research-based graduate degree program in science,
technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education at their IHE. Full-time status is
established by each IHE and may include reduced course load requirements, such as following admission to
candidacy or equivalent status. In other words, the IHEs registrar must consider the Fellow enrolled, and the
Fellow must provide to NSF a transcript that reflects enrollment status upon request.
Fellows On Tenure may have a period during the academic year when they are pursuing activities as part of
their graduate degree program that are off campus. These activities are subject to the approval of the CO who
confirms that these activities are part of the Fellowsgraduate education program and normal degree progress.
These periods may include professional development opportunities, internships, field courses, field research,
extended workshops, international research, and other activities deemed appropriate by the CO and the
Fellows IHE, that conform to the terms in this Guide.
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GRFP Administrative Guide
Funding not utilized during a Tenure year is forfeited (lost). Fellows in Forfeited Status during a Tenure year
must be actively engaged in research and/or coursework, leading to an eligible research-based graduate degree.
Fellows must submit a change request in the GRFP Online Module to request to be placed on Forfeit during
On Tenure Status.
Annual Activities Reports are required during Forfeited periods. Fellows must declare Fellowship status
annually by the specified due date; the Forfeited period must be renewed if the Forfeited period extends into a
new Fellowship year. Failure to renew Fellowship Status including during Forfeited Status, where applicable,
may result in termination of the Fellowship. Fellows must submit a change request in the GRFP Online Module
at the end of their Forfeited period to be placed back on Tenure or Reserve Status.
Medical Deferral Status
Medical Deferrals may be requested when an absence of more than one month is necessary due to medical
(mental or physical health) or dependent-care (family leave) situations. If a Fellow experiences a serious illness
or other medical condition, or a Fellow has full-time caregiving responsibilities for an immediate family member
(spouse, child, dependent, sibling, or parent) that prevent full-time Fellowship activity for an extended period,
the Fellow may be granted a Medical Deferral for all or part of a Tenure or Reserve Year. NSF considers
dependent care to include childcare, adoption, parental leave, elder care, and extended family illness. Medical
Deferrals must be in monthly increments, up to a maximum accumulation of two years or 24 months. The
unused, deferred months of Tenure or Reserve are available for use later, and prevailing Fellowship Terms and
Conditions will apply. If NSF approves the Fellows Medical Deferral request, the IHE must agree to keep the
Fellow enrolled and on their Grants Roster.
To request Medical Deferrals, Fellows should first contact their CO and secure an Institutionally-approved
medical or family leave based on the IHEs graduate student leave policies. Using the GRFP Online Module,
Fellows must formally submit a change request for a Medical Deferral before or within the first month of the
Medical Deferral. The request should provide an estimate of the length of time (in whole months) approved by
the CO for the Medical Deferral, and the time approved will be recorded for the Medical Deferral. The nature
of the medical or family leave situation need not be disclosed to NSF in the change request. The Medical
Deferral Request is approved by the CO and the NSF GRFP Office. The IHE retains relevant documentation
indicating that the condition merits a Medical Deferral.
Fellows in Medical Deferral Status must submit an Annual Activities Report (stating they are on medical
deferral) and declare Fellowship status annually; the Medical Deferral must be renewed if the Medical Deferral
extends into a new Fellowship year. Failure to renew a Medical Deferral Status may result in termination of the
Fellowship if the Fellow remains in Undeclared Status. While on Medical Deferral, a Fellows fellowship clock
stops (i.e., the remaining time available for Tenure or Reserve periods is not affected). While on Deferral, the
time available to be an active Fellow (On Tenure or On Reserve) is extended beyond the normal 5-year
limit. The deferral status “stops the clock” on the normal 5-year Fellowship Period. The amount of time the
Fellow is able to be either on On Tenure or On Reserve remains the same.
Fellows must submit a change request at the end of their Medical Deferral to be placed back On Tenure or On
Reserve Status.
For Fellows On Tenure with an NSF-approved Medical Deferral, there is a limited paid leave option: (1) if the
IHE’s graduate student leave policies allow for paid leave, those leave policies apply; or (2) in the absence of
paid graduate student leave policies at the IHE, Fellows may continue to receive stipend payments for a period
not to exceed three months total during the three Tenure Years. The three months may be broken up into
shorter, monthly time frames across multiple Tenure Years (e.g., use of two months of Stipend under Medical
Deferral in Tenure Year 1 and one month in Tenure Year 3). Fellows must include the request for one, two, or
three months paid Leave with the Medical Deferral request submitted through the GRFP Online Module.
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GRFP Administrative Guide
Retroactive requests are not approved. Fellows must specify in their Medical Deferral request that they are
requesting to be placed on paid Medical Deferral. The paid leave option utilizes existing stipend/tenure months
and is not a supplemental funding source (no Fellow is eligible to receive more than 36 months cumulative
GRFP support, with the exception of GRFP support through NSF’s supplement programs available for GRFP
fellows such as non-academic research internships for graduate students (INTERN
) w
hile the Fellow is on
GRFP supports NSFs
Career-Life Balance (CLB) Initiative. IHEs may submit one or more CLB supplemental
funding requests (see PAPPG Chapter II.E.8) to the current Institutional award to sustain the research of a
Fellow who has been granted an NSF-approved Medical Deferral for dependent-care (family leave) situations.
This gender-neutral supplemental funding opportunity is in addition to the limited paid leave option for Fellows
On Tenure with an NSF-approved Medical Deferral. Retroactive requests are not approved.
Military Deferral Status
Military Deferral is intended for Fellows who must interrupt their graduate studies for active duty. While on
Military Deferral, a Fellows fellowship clock stops (i.e., the remaining time available for Tenure or Reserve
periods is not affected). The unused, deferred months of Tenure or Reserve are available for use later, and
prevailing Fellowship Terms and Conditions will apply. Fellows must request Military Deferrals via the GRFP
Online Module and submit a copy of their duty orders to the CO at the IHE. Fellows in Military Deferral Status
must submit an Annual Activities Report (stating they are on Military Deferral) and declare Fellowship status
annually. The Military Deferral Status must be renewed if the Military Deferral Status extends into a new
Fellowship year.
Failure to renew a Military Deferral Status may result in termination of the Fellowship if the Fellow remains in
Undeclared Status. Fellows must submit a change request at the end of their Military Deferral Status to be
placed back on Tenure or Reserve Status. In cases of an NSF-approved Military Deferral, the IHE must agree
to keep the Fellow enrolled and on their Grants Roster.
Reserve Status
Fellows may use Reserve Status for two years, in 12-month increments, during the five-year Fellowship Period.
Reserve Status allows Fellows the flexibility of incorporating professional development opportunities (e.g.,
teaching assistantships, internships, etc.) into their graduate programs. Fellows On Reserve remain
enrolled as
full-time students
(as defined by their IHE) and actively engage in research or coursework, as part of the
graduate degree program. Annual Activities Reports are required during Reserve Status.
Fellows On Reserve must be actively engaged in a research-based graduate degree program in STEM or in
STEM education at their IHE. Full-time status is established by each IHE and may include reduced course load
requirements, such as following admission to candidacy or equivalent status. In other words, the IHEs registrar
must consider the Fellow enrolled and the Fellow must provide to NSF a transcript upon request.
Fellows On Reserve may have a period during the academic year when they are pursuing activities as part of
their graduate degree program that are off campus. These activities are subject to the approval of the CO who
confirms that these activities are part of the Fellowsgraduate education program and normal degree progress.
These periods may include professional development opportunities, internships, field courses, field research,
extended workshops, international research, and other activities deemed appropriate by the CO and the
Fellows IHE, that conform to the terms in this Guide.
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GRFP Administrative Guide
3.2 Eligibility
The annual GRFP Program Solicitation, available on the GRFP website, provides detailed eligibility
GRFP Fellowships cannot be concurrently accepted or combi
ned with support from another individual federal
graduate fellowship irrespective of the Fellows status. Federal graduate fellowships are defined as awards for
which an applicant applies as an individual, not as part of a program in which an IHE applies for an award.
Examples f
rom the US Government include individual federal fellowship programs offered by the Department
of Agriculture, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of State, Environmental
Protection Agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Institutes of Health, and National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to support the graduate education of individuals. Fellows are
permitted to solicit and accept from other federal sources support for research expenses.
Internships and traineeships are different than fellowships and therefore may be permitted. While on Reserve,
Fellows may receive a stipend associated with an internship or traineeship. Fellows on Reserve may also receive
federal funding if the award is not an individual fellowship (e.g., the award is given to the IHE and the IHE
determines the recipients). Fellows On Reserve may be eligible for a stipend as part of an NSF INTERN or
similar supplement request.
3.3 Fellowship Acceptance
Fellow candidates will be sent a Fellowship Offer Letter by e-mail in late March/early April. Fellow candidates
must formally accept and agree to the Fellowship Terms and Conditions by the specified due date.
accepting their Fellowship, all Fellows certify that they have read, understood, and accepted the Terms
and Conditions in this Guide and that they are aware of the consequences of not complying with the
Terms and Conditions.
Candidates who accept the offer become Fellows. Fellows must be enrolled full-time in an eligible graduate
degree program in the field of study indicated in their application by the beginning of the following academic
year. Fellows must pursue graduate study that leads to a research-based masters or doctoral degree in STEM
or in STEM education, as described in the GRFP Program Solicitation. Major changes in scope (i.e., changes
in major field of study) during the graduate career may be proposed after the first year of graduate study and
require NSF approval. All Fellows from the date of Fellowship Start through completion of the Fellowship
must be enrolled in an eligible research-based graduate degree program at a degree-granting IHE accredited in,
and having a campus located in, the US, its territories, or possessions, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
that offers graduate degrees in STEM or in STEM education fields.
New Fellows must submit their plan to utilize the funding over the five-year Fellowship Period at the start of
their Fellowships. Declaring Fellowship Status means the Fellow uses the GRFP Online Module to indicate
their intention to be on Tenure, Medical Deferral, Military Deferral, or Reserve for each year of the five-year
Fellowship Period. New Fellows must certify that they meet the eligibility requirements, as described in the
GRFP Program Solicitation. Failure to comply with the Fellowship Terms and Conditions will result in
termination of the Fellowship offer and render individuals ineligible to re-apply. In cases where Fellows have
Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities
Fellows with disabilities are eligible for facilitation awards through the Facilitation Awards for Scientists
and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED) Program (see PAPPG Chapter II.E.7 for further information).
The specific nature, purpose, and need for equipment or assistance should be described in sufficient detail
in the request to permit evaluation by knowledgeable reviewers. The NSF GRFP Officers will make
decisions regarding what constitutes appropriate support on a case-by-case basis.
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GRFP Administrative Guide
misrepresented their eligibility or have failed to comply with the Fellowship Terms and Conditions, the
Fellowship will be terminated, and the case may be referred to the NSF Office of Inspector General for
investigation. This action may result in requiring the Fellow to repay Fellowship funds to the NSF.
3.4 Fellowship Year
Upon accepting the Fellowship, New Fellows select Summer or Fall to coincide with the approximate graduate
program start date. The Fellowship start date does not necessarily coincide with the formal summer or fall
academic session of the IHE, and On Tenure Status is not defined by the date on which a stipend payment is
Fellows are expected to be actively engaged in their graduate programs throughout the Fellowship year. Fellow
candidates may begin their Fellowship immediately following the Fellowship Offer, provided they are actively
engaged in research or coursework at the time of the Fellowship start and are enrolled in a graduate degree
program as documented by the Fellows transcript at the IHE. Individuals who are not enrolled in a graduate
program during the summer are only eligible for a fall start. Institutional rules concerning enrollment apply;
therefore, enrollment as documented on the transcript is required for summer starts (even if the student is not taking
classes). The Fellowship may not be used retroactively.
3.5 Status Declaration
All Fellows must declare their status (Section 3.1) for the next Fellowship year by the specified due date in the
GRFP Online Module. Fellows must certify that they continue to meet the eligibility requirements, as described
in the GRFP Program Solicitation and annual certifications. The annual status declaration also confirms that
the Fellows accepts the Terms and Conditions in the current Administrative Guide. Fellowship Status
declaration for Tenure and Reserve are for the entire year. Requests to change from Tenure to Reserve or vice
versa after the Fellowship year has begun are not permitted.
All Fellows from the date of Fellowship Start through completion of the Fellowship must be enrolled in an
ligible research-based graduate degree program at a degree-granting IHE accredited in, and having a campus
located in, the US, its territories, or possessions, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico that offers research-
based degrees in STEM or in STEM education fields.
Fellows are not permitted to receive more than the equivalent of 12 months of GRFP stipend support during
a single Fellowship year, and no Fellow is eligible to receive more than 36 months cumulative GRFP support
during the five-year term of the Fellowship. Only Fellows with Tenure Status or on a limited paid leave option
NSF-approved Medical Deferral are eligible to receive stipend payments. However, Fellows on Reserve may
be eligible for funding through INTERN or other similar supplement requests, including stipend support.
Fellows are expected to be engaged in their graduate program and research, irrespective of their Fellowship
status (except if on Medical or Military Deferral Status).
The Fellowship period is five years and will not be extended beyond the five-year term. The Fellowship period
time clock is stopped by a deferral, the amount of time of the Fellowship period when the Fellow is On Tenure
or On Reserve is limited to 5 years.
Summer/June 1 Fellowship Year.
Fellows should select the summer Fellowship start date if they start
their graduate degree in May, June, or July, as a part of a summer semester. Individuals must be enrolled
in a graduate program to be eligible.
Fall/September 1 Fellowship Year.
Fellows should select the fall Fellowship start date if they start their
graduate program in August, September, or October.
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GRFP Administrative Guide
Fellows who fail to declare status by the specified date will not be allowed to continue their Fellowships beyond
the current Fellowship year and their Fellowship will be terminated.
3.6 Enrollment
All Fellows from the date of Fellowship start through completion of the Fellowship must be enrolled full-time
in an eligible graduate degree program at a degree-granting IHE accredited in, and having a campus located in,
the US, its territories, or possessions, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. When submitting the GRFP
application, applicants must indicate a proposed IHE. Until a change request is submitted by the Fellow and
approved by the CO, NSF assumes association with the originally proposed IHE. It is the Fellows
responsibility to arrange for admission to a graduate program and to request approval from the CO and NSF,
via the GRFP Online Module, for any Institutional changes. New Fellows should confirm that their profile in
the GRFP Online Module properly reflects their correct IHE.
Change of IHE
Fellows are permitted to change IHEs. When transitioning from one IHE to another, Fellows should not plan
to have a significant break in enrollment (e.g., a break of more than one academic term or a break over the
summer). Full-time engagement in a graduate research program is expected; therefore, any changes of IHEs
require prior NSF approval. Individuals who are not enrolled in a graduate program are not considered Fellows
and therefore are not eligible to collect a stipend. See specific scenarios below for more information on changing
3.7 Academic Progress
Fellows are required to make satisfactory academic progress towards completion of their graduate degrees,
except if on Medical or Military Deferral Status. Satisfactory progress is defined and certified annually by the
Fellows IHE. A Fellow’s Academic/Research Advisor or designated graduate program administrator is
required to annually review the Fellow’s Annual Activities Report and verify the Fellow’s eligibility and degree
progress by signing the Academic/Research Advisor Confirmation Form.
The CO certifies unsatisfactory progress for Fellows who do not complete the required reporting actions. These
Fellows are subject to having their Fellowships terminated by NSF. Fellows who are not rated by the CO will
be allowed to continue their Fellowships only through the remainder of the current Fellowship year. If at any
time during the year the IHE determines that a Fellow is making unsatisfactory progress, the CO will notify the
NSF GRFP Office, and the Fellowship will be terminated.
Before Starting the Fellowship.
If a Fellow wishes to study at an IHE other than the proposed IHE
listed on their Fellowship application, the Fellow should indicate their selected IHE when they accept
their Fellowship. Contact the NSF GRFP Office (
grfp@nsf.gov) if the IHE is not listed in the IHE
Directory available in the GRFP Online Module.
Between Fellowship Years.
Fellows who wish to transfer between IHEs between Fellowship years must
submit a change request, via the GRFP Online Module, during the Fellowship Status Declaration
Window. If a Fellow wishes to change IHEs after submitting the annual Fellowship Status Declaration
and before starting the new Fellowship year, a change request must be submitted to NSF for approval.
COs at both the current and proposed IHEs and NSF must approve the request.
During a Fellowship Year.
If a Fellow wishes to transfer from one IHE to another during a Fellowship
year, the Fellow must submit a change request. The COs at both the current and proposed IHEs and NSF
must approve the request. Upon approval, the NSF GRFP Office adjusts the Fellow’s Fellowship status
records in the GRFP Online Module.
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GRFP Administrative Guide
3.8 Tenure Beyond Master’s Degree Completion
Fellows who have not completed their five-year Fellowship Period and are completing a master’s degree have
the option of continuing their Fellowship by enrolling in an eligible research-based doctoral degree program.
To remain a Fellow:
1. The Fellow must be accepted in a doctoral program upon completion of the master’s degree (pursuit
of a second master’s degree is not permitted);
2. The transition period between degree programs may not exceed three months; and
3. The Fellow must request NSF approval and complete any required actions. Requests for NSF approval
should be sent to [email protected].
Fellows will not receive a stipend during the transition period but will remain Fellows (e.g., when the Fellow
completes a master’s degree at one IHE and will be enrolled at a different IHE for a Ph.D.).
3.9 Reporting and Communication
Regardless of Fellowship Status, all Fellows are required to complete two separate tasks by the specified due
date via the GRFP Online Module: 1) submit the Annual Activities Report with the signed Academic/Research
Advisor Confirmation Form; and 2) declare Fellowship year status as covered in Section 3.5.
Annual Activities Report
Regardless of Fellowship status, all Fellows are required to submit an Annual Activities Report with the signed
Academic/Research Advisor Confirmation Form by the specified due date via the GRFP Online Module. The
online report includes information on research accomplishments and activities related to broader impacts,
presentations, publications, teaching and research assistantships, awards and recognitions, and other scholarly
and service accomplishments. Fellows must complete the certifications on the e-signature page when the
Annual Activities Report is submitted.
To complete this requirement, the Fellow must provide a copy of the Annual Activities Report to their
Academic/Research Advisor for review and approval prior to submission, well in advance of the deadline. The
Academic/Research Advisor (or designated graduate program administrator) must sign the
Academic/Research Advisor Confirmation Form to indicate that they have reviewed the Activities Report,
discussed it with the Fellow, and that the Fellow is making satisfactory progress towards the degree and remains
eligible for active GRFP Fellowship status.
Fellows who graduate or whose Fellowship is terminated should update their most recently submitted Annual
Activities Report or submit their Annual Activities Report in the GRFP Online module within 30 days of
Change in Field of Study, Research Direction, or Degree Plan
Acceptance of the Fellowship award constitutes a commitment to pursue a research-based graduate degree in
STEM or in STEM education. A Fellow’s research and graduate study must meet the program eligibility
requirements in the GRFP Program Solicitation. Fellows must enroll in a graduate degree program consistent
with the relevant field of study proposed in their application and undertake a course of study leading to a
research-based master’s or doctoral degree.
Changes in Field of Study are classified as either a sub-field change or a major field change:
change in a Fellow’s graduate program field of study or research direction is a change
within the same major field of study (the GRFP
Program Solicitation includes major fields of study).
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GRFP Administrative Guide
For example, changing from Chemical Synthesis to Environmental Chemical Systems is considered a
sub-field change since both fall within the Chemistry field of study.
change in a Fellow’s graduate program field of study or research direction constitutes a
“change in scope” one that alters the program to the extent that it is significantly different from
that originally submitted with and reviewed with the Fellowship application (e.g., a change in major
field of study; the GRFP
Program Solicitation includes major fields of study). Changes in the major
field of study during the first Fellowship year are not permitted. Acceptance of a Fellowship award is
an explicit agreement that the Fellow will be enrolled in a graduate degree program consistent with the
field of study indicated in their application by the beginning of the following academic year.
The proposed field of study and/or graduate program resulting from a sub-f
ield or major field change must
meet the eligibility requirements detailed in the GRFP Program Solicitation. Qu
estions regarding program
eligibility should be directed to the CO. Using the GRFP Online Module, Fellows must submit change requests
for subfield and major field of study changes, which will require approval from the CO and NSF GRFP Office.
Fellows must include a brief description of the revised proposed plan of study and research.
Fellows do not need to request NSF approval to change between master’s and doctoral degree programs if
here is no change in the field of study or IHE. Fellows should update their profile in the GRFP Online module
to reflect the appropriate degree.
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
NSF encourages Fellows to include an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID®) (https://orcid.org)
identifier in their Fellow record. ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain
a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to
these identifiers. An ORCID identifier provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every
other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission,
supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is
recognized. The ORCID Registry is available free of charge to individuals, who may obtain an ORCID
identifier, manage their record of activities, and search for others in the registry. While NSF encourages Fellows
to include an ORCID identifier, submission is optional.
GRFP communications are conducted by e-mail. It is the Fellow’s responsibility to keep their contact
information (especially e-mail addresses and phone numbers) current. Fellows completing their Fellowships are
required to update their contact information to allow the NSF GRFP Program Office to contact them. The
NSF GRFP Office uses e-mail addresses to contact Fellows for program assessment purposes, and to measure
the impact of the Fellowship on graduate school experiences and career outcomes.
A Fellow’s primary point of contact for inquiries is their IHE’s CO, listed in the IHE Directory at the GRFP
Online Module. If after consulting the GRFP CO at their IHE and reviewing this Guide, the Fellow needs to
contact the NSF GRFP Office at NSF, only then should they e-mail grfp@nsf.gov
and include a brief
description of the topic in the Subject line. They should include their full name, Fellow ID, and details of the
issue or request, and copy their IHE’s CO on the e-mail. The Program will follow up with Fellows, via e-mail
or phone, depending on the nature of the request.
Fellows should ensure spam, promotional, or other filters do not block messages from NSF GRFP (e-
mail address: [email protected]ov) and other e-mail addresses from @nsf.gov.
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GRFP Administrative Guide
3.10 Compliance with Relevant Policies, Regulations and Guidance
It is the responsibility of the Fellow, in conjunction with the IHE, to ensure that all academic and research
activities carried out in or outside the US comply with the laws or regulations of the US and/or of the foreign
country in which the academic and/or research activities are conducted. Fellows must also comply with all
NSF-mandated Institutional training requirements.
All academic and research activities should be coordinated with the appropriate US and foreign government
authorities, and necessary licenses, permits, or approvals must be obtained prior to undertaking the proposed
Information on topics that often arise during a GRFP Fellowship are highlighted below.
Acknowledgment of NSF Support and Disclaimer
All publications, presentations, and creative works based on activities conducted during the Fellowship must
acknowledge NSF GRFP support and provide a disclaimer by including the following statement in the
Acknowledgements or other appropriate section:
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research
Fellowship Program under Grant No. (NSF grant number). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions
or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Science Foundation.
Fellows should obtain the NSF grant number from their CO.
Fellowship Service Requirement
NSF requires no formal service (time commitment) of Fellows, beyond the requirement that Fellows meet
Fellowship reporting requirements and maintain satisfactory progress in their graduate programs throughout
the five-year Fellowship Period at the IHE (except for Fellows on Medical Deferral or Military Deferral).
Future Employment
The offer and acceptance of this Fellowship does not obligate the Fellow, NSF, or the US Government, in any
way, with regard to future employment or service of any kind, except as noted here and/or in the annual GRFP
Program Solicitation.
Income Tax
Stipends may be considered taxable income. Fellows may find it helpful to consult the US Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) Tax Topic 421: Scholarships, Fellowship Grants, and Other Grants and Publication 970: Tax
Benefits for Education. Specific questions regarding the taxation of Fellowship funding and personal tax liability
should be referred to the IRS. As such, NSF will not respond to questions regarding tax issues.
Fellows are not, in any sense, considered salaried employees of NSF. NSF will not deduct funds f
rom the
stipend or pay any additional amounts, such as social security taxes. NSF also will not issue W-2 or 1099 Forms.
Institutional policies regarding the withholding of taxes from stipend payments vary, and Fellows bear the
responsibility of filing and paying any taxes due.
Legal Rights to Intellectual Property
The NSF claims no rights to any inventions or writings that might result from its fellowship grants. However,
Fellows should be aware that the NSF, another federal agency, or some private party may acquire such rights
through other support for particular research.
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Living Expenses
All living expenses are the responsibility of the Fellow.
Research Involving Human Subjects and Vertebrate Animals
The Fellow is responsible for complying with all human subjects and vertebrate animal policies and
requirements at their IHE.
Stipend Increase
Each Fellowship consists of three years of support usable over a five-year Fellowship Period. For each year of
support, NSF provides a stipend to the Fellow and a COE allowance to the IHE. Any stipend increase approved
for a Fellowship year will be provided to all Fellows on Tenure upon the availability of funds. Fellows who
have graduated or whose Fellowship has been terminated are ineligible to receive any retroactive stipend
Stipend Supplementation
Fellows are permitted to solicit and accept, from NSF or other federal and private sources, support for research
expenses, such as laboratory supplies, instrumentation usage fees, field-station usage fees, travel expenses,
conference/registration fees, workshop expenses, or subscription fees. Fellows are required to check with their
IHE about specific policies pertaining to acceptance of any non-federal fellowships.
While on Reserve, Fellows may receive a stipend associated with an internship or traineeship or funding in
connection with a teaching or research assistantship. Fellows on Reserve may also receive federal funding if the
award is not an individual fellowship (e.g., the award is given to the IHE and the IHE determines the recipients).
Fellows are required to check with their IHE about specific policies pertaining to the GRFP Fellowship and
paid activities.
Teaching and Similar Activities
Each Fellow is expected to devote full time to advanced scientific study or work during the Fellowship Period.
As teaching or a similar activity, such as a research assistantship, constitutes a valuable part of the education
and training of many graduate students and such opportunities may arise during a Tenure year, a Fellow on
Tenure may choose to undertake a reasonable amount of such activities without NSF approval. It is expected
that such activities should further the Fellow’s educational objectives and the gain of substantive teaching or
other experience; the activities should not constitute service to the IHE or a method to make up the difference
between the COE and the IHE’s regular tuition and fees (see also Section 2.2, above). Additional compensation
for such activities is determined by the IHE, based on and consistent with the IHEs existing general
employment policies for graduate students of similar academic standing.
Use of NSF Logo
NSF’s logo may be used by recipients of NSF support for the sole purpose of acknowledging that
support. The logo may be used to link to an NSF website to acknowledge NSF’s assistance or
The NSF logo guidelines provide information on what individuals may and may not do with the NSF logo
Veteran’s Benefits
Under Section 178(a) of Title 38, US Code, educational benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs may
be received concurrently with Fellowship support. The receipt of educational benefits from the Veterans
Administration is allowed by NSF as payment supplementary to Fellowship support.
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GRFP Administrative Guide
Workman’s Compensation
Fellows are covered by applicable Institutional policies for graduate students.
3.11 Fellowship Termination
Should a Fellow find it necessary to voluntarily discontinue their Fellowship before completion of the Fellowship,
the Fellow is required to initiate and submit a Request to Terminate the Fellowship, via the GRFP Online
Module. The CO reviews and approves the request prior to NSF approval and action.
Failure to comply with the following Fellowship Terms and Conditions also will result in termination of the
1. Maintain satisfactory progress towards an eligible research-based graduate degree as certified by the
2. Submit the Annual Activities Report with signed Academic/Research Advisor Confirmation Form.
3. Declare Fellowship status by the specified deadlines.
Satisfactory progress must be certified by the CO. If at any time during the year the PI (see Section 4.1
) an
CO determine that a Fellow is making unsatisfactory progress, the Fellowship may be terminated. Fellows who
are not rated by the CO will be allowed to continue their fellowships only through the remainder of the current
Fellowship year.
are provided the opportunity to take corrective action to address the status of Fellows who have failed
to declare Fellowship status and who have not been certified by the CO with respect to eligibility and progress.
NSF will terminate the Fellowship after the IHE certifies that the Fellow did not comply with the Fellowship
Terms and Conditions.
3.12 Fellowship Completion
Fellows who have completed their five-year Fellowship Period or have graduated are considered Retired.
Retired Fellows are required to submit the Annual Activities Report or to update the most current Annual
Activities Report through the GRFP Online Module by the specified deadline.
Fellows are entitled to stipend payments only for the months that the Fellow is On Tenure at the IHE, provided
all Fellowship Terms and Conditions were met during these months. For stipend payment purposes, the last
month of Tenure is defined as that month which contained 14 or more days in a calendar month on Tenure at
the IHE. A Fellow would not receive a stipend for periods of less than 14 days and would receive a full stipend
for periods of 14 to 31 days. No Fellowship will be extended past the final academic term of graduate study
leading to a graduate degree, except where a master’s degree leads to enrollment in a doctoral degree program.
There is no continued Fellowship support after the Fellow has completed all requirements for the graduate
degree, as determined by the IHE. Under no circumstance is the GRFP Fellowship considered a Postdoctoral
Fellowship or employment by NSF.
3.13 Evaluation Participation
The NSF GRFP Program may conduct evaluations to provide evidence on the impact of the GRFP on
individuals’ educational decisions, career preparations, aspirations, and progress, as well as professional
productivity. The data provides information on whether the program policies are effective in achieving the
program goals. It is useful to have a structured means of tracking Fellows beyond graduation to gauge the
extent to which they follow a career path consistent with the intent of the program and to assess the impact
the Fellowship has had on their graduate education experience. Accordingly, Fellows may be contacted during
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GRFP Administrative Guide
and after the completion of this Fellowship for updates on various aspects of their employment history,
professional activities and accomplishments, participation in international research collaborations, and other
information helpful in evaluating the impact of the Program.
Fellows and their IHEs agree to cooperate in GRFP Evaluations conducted by the NSF or contracted
4. Institutional Responsibilities
IHEs support and advise Fellows throughout their Fellowship Period, receive NSF awards (grants) to
financially support Fellows, and report to the NSF on Fellow and award activities. IHEs use the GRFP Online
Module to manage their awards. IHEs must comply with the policies, rules and regulations contained in this
Guide, and the Terms and Conditions found in the annual NSF GRFP Program Solicitation and the Notice of
Grant Award. The current Guide is effective as of the date on the cover page.
The IHE’s Au
thorized Organizational Representative (AOR) in accepting the funds, also certifies that the
Fellows are eligible to receive the Fellowship under the Terms and Conditions specified in this Guide. The IHE
has full responsibility for the conduct of the project or activity supported under an NSF award and for the
results achieved.
4.1 Assignment of Roles
IHEs have important administrative and managerial responsibilities throughout the annual program cycle.
Within an IHE, there are several GRFP roles as listed in the table below. In some cases, an individual may fulfill
more than one role (e.g., a Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) representative may serve as the Authorized
Organizational Representative (AOR); the PI may also serve as the CO). The FellowsAcademic/Research
Advisors are also integral to ensuring Fellows are making satisfactory progress toward degree completion.
Monitors Fellows’ degree progress
Reviews Fellows’ Annual Activities Reports and signs the
Academic/Research Advisor Confirmation Form verifying Fellows’
satisfactory progress by the specified due date each year
Recommends or approves, as appropriate, Fellows’ participation in
activities that require the Advisors’ support
Participates in the judicious planning of the Fellowship resources
Authorized Organizational
Representative (AOR)
Authorized to sign on behalf of the IHE; approves the overall GRFP
Submits requests for supplemental funding to NSF at the request of the
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GRFP Administrative Guide
Coordinating Official (CO)
Granted GRFP Online Module access
Serves as the primary and day-to-day point of contact for Fellows and
the NSF GRFP Office
Advises Fellows on GRFP policies, procedures, Terms and Conditions,
Applies GRFP policies in the context of the Institutional procedures
(e.g., stipend payment schedules, enrollment requirements, etc.)
Reviews Fellow change requests in the GRFP Online Module and
provides IHE approval/disapproval of such requests, as appropriate
Reviews information on new and continuing Fellows for the IHE during
the New Fellowship Announcement and Fellowship Status Declaration
Periods each spring
Certifies the progress of continuing Fellows
Prepares and submits the GRFP Grants Roster Report and the
Completion Report which confirms the accuracy of the Fellows listed
and their status for the next Fellowship year
Participates in the preparation and submission of the GRFP Program
Expense Report in coordination with the Financial Official
Typically, the CO is in the graduate school or other academic office that
oversees fellowships and/or graduate student financial support. The CO is
sometimes part of the SPO or works with a representative from the SPO.
Financial Official (FO)
Granted GRFP Online Module access
Serves as the Institutional representative from the SPO (or equivalent
organization) responsible for financial oversight of NSF awards
Ensures that the GRFP Program Expense Report is submitted by the
established deadlines
Assists the PI with requests for supplemental funding, and
notifications/requests for no-cost extensions (NCEs), etc.
Has the authority to manage award functions in the GRFP Online
Principal Investigator (PI)
Maintains overall responsibility for the IHEs GRFP award
Submits requests for supplemental funding to the AOR
The designated PI serves as the PI for all Fellows at the IHE. It is strongly
recommended that the dean of the graduate school (or equivalent) serve in
this capacity. The PI also may serve as the CO or as an alternate CO.
Sponsored Projects Office
(SPO) Representatives
Charged with entering/updating required information about
Institutional GRFP Officials in Research.gov
Has direct access to award functions in Research.gov such as requests
for NCEs
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GRFP Administrative Guide
The table below outlines the IHEs key activities.
Annual IHE Activities
Role assignments and changes are handled through Research.gov not via the GRFP Online Module.
The SPO modifies the User Profile in Research.gov to include the appropriate privileges based on the
assigned role. Once the User Profile is updated, the individual may access the GRFP Online Module.
For new IHEs, please contact grfp@nsf.gov for instructions..
IHEs that are new to NSF or have not had an active award in the past five years should work with NSF to
obtain access to the GRFP Online Module and complete other necessary information. IHEs should be
prepared to submit basic organization and management information and certifications to the applicable
award-making division within the Office of Budget, Finance & Award Management (BFA). The requisite
information is described in the NSF Prospective New Awardee Guide.
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4.2 Certification and Reporting Requirements
IHEs have the following certification and reporting requirements:
AOR Certification Form
IHEs complete an AOR Certification Form upon receipt of a new award. For continuing awards, NSF may
reference a previously completed AOR Certification form. By signing the Certification Pages, the AOR is: (1)
certifying that statements made are true and complete to the best of his/her knowledge; and (2) agreeing to
accept the obligation to comply with NSF award Terms and Conditions if an Institutional award is made.
Grants Roster Report
IHEs are required to submit a Grants Roster Report for the upcoming Fellowship year. The Grants Roster
Report lists the Fellowship status of all new and continuing Fellows at the IHE. The CO submits the Grants
Roster Report in the GRFP Online Module. Through submission of the Grants Roster Report, IHEs formally
acknowledge the status of all Fellows with respect to reporting requirements and rating of progress, in
accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the award.
IHEs may be provided an opportunity for reconsideration to address the status of Fellows who have failed to
declare Fellowship status and who have not been certified by the CO with respect to eligibility and progress by
the deadlines. Such Fellows will be allowed to continue their Fellowships only through the remainder of the
current Fellowship year. All remaining years during the Fellowship Period will be terminated. The Fellowships
of individuals remaining in Undeclared Fellowship Status on the Grants Roster Report are terminated at the
end of the current Fellowship year.
Program Expense Report
IHEs are required to submit a Program Expense Report for the previous Fellowship year. Only the
designated GRFP FO can submit the report in the GRFP Online Module. By submitting the GRFP Program
Expense Report, IHEs verify and certify that the Program Expense Report is in accordance with the Terms
and Conditions of the award. Program Expense Reports are typically due in October.
Completion Report
IHEs are required to submit the GRFP Completion Report annually each October. The Completion Report
allows IHEs to certify the status of GRFP Fellows at the IHE. For Fellows who have graduated, the graduation
date is a required reporting element.
4.3 Award Management
Funds for all Fellows attending an IHE are made available through issuance of an award to the IHE.
If required, funds thereafter may be provided by new awards, amendments, or supplements. The
following documents also are incorporated into each award by reference:
GRFP Program Solicitation; and
NSF Agency Specific Requirements to the Research Terms and Conditions.
Following Fellow Status Declaration (
Section 3.5
), the IHE uses the GRFP Online Module to certify
the list of Fellows (the Grants Roster Report) at the IHE. The new, annual obligation per Fellow will
be based
on the stipend and COE allowance levels specified in the current GRFP Program Solicitation
and listed in the
GRFP Online Module.
GRFP funding generally is provided incrementally on an annual basis upon fulfillment of I
reporting requirements. Each year, any surplus funding is considered in determining the amount of
the next award or amendment to an existing award. Therefore, in the event of surplus funds remaining
at the award end date, a No-Cost Extension (NCE) request must be submitted electronically to
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GRFP Administrative Guide
drawdown against the award and/or any amendments or supplements to the original award. If there
are no Active Fellows at the time of award end date, IHEs may submit a NCE request if additional
Fellows are expected to enroll in the future. Funds on expiring awards and/or award amendments or
supplements that are not fully expended are forfeited by the IHE in the absence of an NCE. When
there are Active Fellows, the amount of the forfeited funds becomes the responsibility of the IHE
and will not be replaced by NSF. Forfeited funds will be subtracted from fellowship funding provided
in the next new award.
Pre-Award Costs
Once an award is made, the start date cannot be changed; however, IHEs have the authority to incur
pre-award costs as outlined in Chapter X of the
NSF uses the Award Cash Management Service (ACM$) to award payments and post-award financial processes.
Additional information on ACM$ is available in the PAPPG.
Fellowship Year
Upon accepting the Fellowship, the Fellow selects summer/June 1 or fall/September 1 to coincide with the
approximate graduate program start date (e.g., fall for Fellows starting graduate school in
August/September/October). The Fellowship start date does not necessarily coincide with the formal summer
or fall academic session of the IHE, and Tenure Status is not defined by the date on which a stipend payment
is issued. See also section 3.4.
No-Cost Extension
An NCE extends the award end date without additional funding. Additional information on NCEs is available
in Chapter VI of the PAPPG.
4.4 Monitoring
Part II of the
PAPPG sets forth NSF guidance regarding the monitoring of grants and cooperative
agreements. The IHE has responsibility for the activities supported under the award and should monitor
performance accordingly. NSF relies on the IHE’s completion of the AOR Certification Form and
submission of the Grants Roster Report.
RFP Office will work with IHEs to confirm Fellows On Deferral. Once IHEs complete and
submit their Program Expense Reports each fall, NSF GRFP Office staff will review the Grants Roster
Reports to identify Fellows listed On Deferral, particularly those who have been On Deferral for more
than one year. The Program may contact the IHE’s CO to confirm its list of Fellows On Deferral.
4.5 Suspension and Termination
An IHE’s award may be suspended or terminated by NSF for failure to comply with the Terms and
Conditions of the Fellowship award.
Refer to Chapter XII of the PAPPG for suspension and termination
4.6 Evaluation Participation
Refer to Section 3.13 of this Guide for information on evaluation of the impact of the
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