Print and Pixels:
Increasing ROI with
Direct Mail Retargeting
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting
Table of Contents
1 Why Retargeting
3 Challenges Impacting the Success of
Today’s Retargeting Strategies
8 How Direct Mail Overcomes These Challenges
15 How Direct Mail Retargeting Works
20 Incorporating Direct Mail Into Your
Retargeting Strategies
23 Summary
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting
Why Retargeting
It happens all the time
Someone visits your website, browses a few pages, maybe places a few items
in their cart, and then moves on without actually making a purchase. Were
they distracted? Just window shopping?
Cart abandonment is an ongoing pain point for companies in all
sectors. Seven out of ten carts are abandoned, leaving nearly $18
billion in sales on the table each year.
Re-engaging customers to
complete their purchase has made retargeting a central component of
today’s marketing programs.
Retail is hardly alone in trying to solve for this issue. Healthcare,
financial services, non-profits, and the automotive industry are just
some of the other sectors impacted daily by online visitors who fail to
convert during their visits. Retargeting offers solutions for everyone.
(1), Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment At Every Step of the Customer Journey.
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting 2
A missed opportunity
The majority of today’s retargeting strategies, also referred to as
remarketing, rely on a mix of email and display ads to re-engage the
abandoning individual. These strategies have had success with a
respectable ten to 15 percent conversion rate. However, as email and
display ads each struggle with their own set of challenges, brands are
looking for ways to increase the return on their retargeting activities.
As a result, companies are turning to direct mail.
Increasingly, direct mail is providing a unique opportunity to re-engage
customers on a personal level. With 98 percent of people checking
their mailbox each day and 66 percent of mail being opened,
direct mail not only cuts through the daily advertising clutter but has
been proven to drive digital activity and influence online purchasing
(2) USPS, Mail Moment
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting 3
Impacting the
Success of Today’s
As consumers increasingly “window shop”
websites and abandon their carts, retargeting
programs remain a key marketing strategy,
and rightfully so.
While these programs have proven to be
successful, performance has been waning
due to:
email fatigue
ad blindness
increases in ad blocking, and
the push to address privacy concerns
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting 4
Too Many Emails
Part of the problem is email overload. With the average
U.S. adult receiving over 100 emails per day, today’s
inbox is overcrowded and extremely competitive.
In fact,
74 percent of people have said they are overwhelmed by
the amount of emails they receive.
To combat this feeling, individuals are increasingly mass
deleting ‘non-essential’ emails or simply opting-out
altogether. Email service providers themselves are also
taking action by using machine learning to determine
which emails to deliver to our inbox based on previous
The impact for marketers
By action of your subscribers, intentional or not, and
that of technology designed to make our lives easier, an
increasing number of people who at one time expressed
interest are no longer receiving your messages.
(3) Radicati, Email Statistics Report 2018-2022.
(4) Edison Software, 2017 State of Email Report.
of people are overwhelmed by
the amount of email they receive.
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting 5
In conjunction with emails, display ads serve as a
cornerstone tactic in today’s retargeting programs.
Like email, this channel is being challenged by its
own share of struggles due to what is now referred to
as ad blindness. Studies show that weve become so
accustomed to where ads are placed that our eyes have
learned to ignore:
content that appears in these locations
adjacent content, and
content that merely resembles an ad as well – even if it
is personalized.
What’s more, the increasing usage of pop-ups, takeovers
and auto play videos are driving consumers to take action
to limit the digital ads they’re served. In fact, according
to eMarketer, due to a combination of these intrusive
formats and privacy-invading practices, 25% of U.S.
consumers employ digital ad blockers.
In addition, it’s now possible to mute ads across Google
devices. By accessing Google’s Ad Settings, web users can
see which brands are targeting them with what Google
calls “reminder ads” and block them from doing so.
Add Blindness
and Blocking
(5) eMarketer, Consumer Attitudes on Marketing 2019.
A study by Nielsen, Banner Blindness Revisited:
Users Dodge Ads on Mobile and Desktop, used eye-
tracking to create heat maps that demonstrate how
web viewer’s eyes systematically avoid display ad
placements regardless of how engaged we are with
the core content on the page.
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The other side of the coin
While consumers want to receive relevant
advertisements and information, there are growing
concerns about what personal information is collected
and how that information is used.
Third-party cookies
To address these concerns, web browsers have been
restricting the use of third-party tracking cookies in
growing numbers. By 2022 they will be effectively
eliminated as a data gathering tool.
Increasingly, legislative action such as GDPR, and the
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) are being
enacted to give consumers more control over their
personal data and how it is used. These actions will
continue to affect the way companies execute email
and display ad marketing, with a direct impact on the
effectiveness of retargeting strategies as they exist today.
Growing Privacy
3 out of 4
U.S. Internet Users
are concerned about how
tech companies are using
their data for commercial
Internet Innovation Alliance,
Consumer Data Privacy Concerns
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting 7
Although behaviors are changing and legislation is
increasing, email remains one of the most effective
modes of communication and it is unlikely that display
ads will go away. However, understanding the challenges
these changing behaviors have created, it is imperative to
look for channels, such as direct mail, that can overcome
these hurdles and complement your overall retargeting
1 in 10
U.S. Internet Users
are okay with their data
being used for relevant
Internet Innovation Alliance,
Consumer Data Privacy Concerns
How Direct Mail
Overcomes These
Earlier in our introduction we highlighted
direct mail’s open rate of 66 percent, but did
you know that 84 percent of direct mail is
read for at least one minute?
Compare that to email’s average open rate of 20
to 24 percent and only 44 percent read longer
than 18 seconds. It’s clear that although we live in
a predominately online world, this offline channel is
driving interest.
To understand how direct mail stands to amplify
today’s retargeting efforts, it’s first important to
understand what drives its effectiveness.
8Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting
(6) InfoTrends, Direct Mail: Integral to the Marketing Mix.
(7), Email Attention Spans Increasing.
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It’s Tangible
Engage the sensory cortex
The most notable thing that sets direct mail apart from
digital marketing channels is obvious - its physical
presence. Unlike an email, a social media post or even a
pop-up ad, you can feel and touch a piece of direct mail.
You can hold it in your hands, turn it over, and even
smell it.
In fact, direct mail can engage all five of our senses,
giving it a distinct advantage over digital channels that
at most engage two senses, sight and sound. Because of
this, direct mail requires 21 percent less effort for our
brains to process than digital messages while yielding
70 percent higher brand recall.
The benefits of direct mail don’t end there. The fact
that you can hold a real piece of mail legitimizes the
content for many people, as indicated in a study by
MarketingSherpa. When asked which type of advertising
channel you trust most when making a purchasing
decision, 76 percent of respondents selected direct mail,
followed by paid search at 61 percent and all other digital
channels cascading down from there.
(8) Canada Post, A Bias for Action - The Neuroscience Behind the Response-
Driving Power of Direct Mail.
(9) MarketingSherpa, Customer Satisfaction Research Study.
of people believe direct mail is
the most trustworthy
information channel when
making a purchasing decision.
Direct Mail
Paid Search
Video Ads
Blog Posts
Social Media
Banner Ads
Pop-up Ads
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Extend your reach
Direct mail often earns multiple impressions from
the intended recipient as it is looked at, set aside as a
reminder, then interacted with again. But it also gains
extended reach from other members in the household
whose curiosity drives them to pick it up and read it.
15.5 minutes
Average time spent per
person reading a catelog
or booklet they receive.
of the population
sets catalogs / booklets
aside to read later.
20.3 Days
Average amount of time
catlogs/booklets are kept
on hand.
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It Provides Access
It’s becoming increasingly difficult for marketers to cut
through the clutter and reach their targets via digital
channels. Email fatigue is prompting lower engagement
and rising opt-outs. Meanwhile display ad costs are
surging while growing numbers of consumers employ
technology to block these efforts. Direct mail is the only
direct response channel that doesn’t rely on an algorithm
to get in front of your audience.
Email, on the other hand, experiences a delivery rate that
hovers around 80 percent as evolving spam filters and
deliverability algorithms block legitimate messages from
reaching the inbox.
(10) Return Path, 2017 Deliverability Benchmark Report.
The USPS delivers to 159 million
households and businesses with
a universal service obligation that
ensures delivery to every household
in the US within a dened time frame.
This obligation means a 95
to 99 percent delivery rate,
as opposed to roughly 80
percent for email.
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It Drives Engagement
We live in an interconnected world, and today’s
consumers expect brands to communicate with them
across the various channels they use as they go about
their day. The brands that do this effectively see the best
results, and direct mail continues to be a channel that
brands shouldn’t overlook. In fact, campaigns that use
both digital media and direct mail receive 39 % more
attention than their digital-only counterparts.
(12) Canada Post, Connecting For Action
of direct mail recipients report
being driven to digital activity.
were inuenced to make an
online purchase.
Royal Mail MarketResearch, Private Life of Mail
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting 13
Marketers are accustomed to the simplicity and
breadth of personalization that digital marketing
channels provide. More recently, marketers are
becoming aware of the vast degree to which direct
mail can be personalized with the same relative ease.
Through variable printing, personalization can occur
across copy, offers, and even images. Brands can go
beyond creating one message for larger segments
to instead delivering messages with one-to-one
relevancy by using any combination of:
psychographic, and
behavioristic data.
It Delivers
1:1 Communications
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting 14
The Whole is Greater Than
the Sum of the Parts
It’s not often that 1+1>2, but that’s what you get when you
pair direct mail with digital marketing channels.
Adding direct mail to digital campaigns not only
increases and diversifies the number of consumer
touchpoints, it engages senses not activated through
digital means, making the interaction more memorable.
Depending on which channel(s) are combined and
which data methodology is employed, marketers can see
impressive increases in responses such as:
+25-30% with streaming media
+35% with browser intent
+50-114% with email
The Combination Effect
The impact of pairing direct mail with digital
campaigns improves on single-media digital
campaigns through:
More emotional
intensity triggered
brand recall
More time spent
with campaign
“Connecting for Action Study,” Canada Post, September 2016.
15Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting
How Direct Mail
Retargeting Works
Direct mail retargeting works essentially the same as email
and display ad retargeting:
1. Analyze visitor activity to a website or mobile app
2. Segment visitors according to their behavior and your
program objectives, and then
3. Deliver a targeted communication designed to entice them
to come back.
The only difference – you’re using a direct mail piece instead of
an email or a display ad.
High-speed digital printing has completely
changed the game
For many marketers, the mention of direct mail conjures an
arduous process – one that takes weeks, sometimes months to
design, produce and deploy a single campaign. Now, by using
digital design templates and variable printing, marketers can
create and mail in as little as 48 hours from website activity –
with each piece individually tailored to the unique recipient.
Tracking responses is easy. Response rates are measured by
return visits to the website or app as well as through other
marketer-determined ways such as unique offer codes,
personalized URLs, or a specified toll-free number.
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Common Retargeting Programs
Introduced more than ten years ago, today’s
retargeting has grown well beyond converting
abandoned carts, developed to take advantage of
various engagement activities (or non-activity). Here
are some of the most common retargeting programs
and how direct mail plays a role.
Convert abandoned carts
Abandoned cart programs are a common retargeting
strategy. These aren’t limited to retail brands, but any
brand that operates a website where a good or service
can be purchased, applied for, or quoted.
Because of variable printing, marketers can get the
same level of customization they have come to expect
in digital media, using personalized copy and featuring
images of the items the individual expressed interest in
to create a physical reminder of what they left behind.
Browse Intent Retargeting
Website browse retargeting programs aim to re-
engage those who’ve visited your website but didn’t
make a purchase. Following the same strategy as
abandoned carts, use images of the products or
content that was browsed and perhaps coordinating
items, as well.
What if the identity of a website visitor is unknown?
Intelligent data applications, such as reverse IP look-up,
can identify their physical mailing address.
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting 17
Reactivate lost/lapsed email subscribers
It’s ten times harder to create new interest than to
nurture existing interest. As such, reactivating lost and
lapsed contacts is nearly as important as recovering
abandoned carts.
Direct mail provides another point of access. Using
a lost subscriber’s home address, deliver a physical
communication that references previous purchases or
website activity to grab their attention.
Don’t have their home address? No problem. We can
identify and append address data for the profiles where
this information is lacking. Within these capabilities
are many data appending flavors, all of which can be
tailored to your program’s needs.
Attract new customers with location-
based signals
It’s not as easy to attract new customers as it once
was. Not only is there more noise than ever before, but
consumer options have drastically increased, making it
challenging for marketers to connect with prospective
Location-based signals is one method that can help.
Retarget mobile device owners who have recently
visited your store location (or a competitor’s location),
or complimentary location, or whose household is in a
defined proximity.
Using mobile-carrier data, identify the associated
physical mailing address to then deliver a targeted
communication, such as a delivery coupon to football
game attendees.
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Identifying Your Audience
Regardless of which program type – or types – you
can’t retarget an individual if you don’t know who they
are or how to reach them!
Working with data scientists, our prospecting
methodology begins with an assessment of your
existing client data and current marketing approaches.
Are you contacting your lists with the right messaging?
Too often, or not enough?
We identify your most valuable contacts through
proprietary data analysis that looks at a number of
online behaviors.
To achieve the maximum conversion power of direct
mail, we focus on:
identifying your most likely-to-convert targets
your best promotional offer, and
efficient and judicious test campaigns that
employ variable content to find the most effective
There are three methods commonly used to identify a
direct mail retargeting recipient. Each method serves
a different purpose depending on your retargeting
Physical address to email address data
Do you have a house list of email addresses but no
home address? Appending the physical address to an
email address works exactly as it sounds. Your house
email list is matched up against an aggregated opt-
in list. Where matches occur, the full postal address
is appended to your data files. Also available are data
hygiene services that will cleanse and update the
mailing addresses you already have on file.
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting 19
Anonymous visitor identification
Interested in identifying who is coming to your site
but not converting? Use cookie-based or pixel-based
reverse IP appending technology to identify your
anonymous website visitors and match with mailing
address information to send a targeted direct mail
Using the cookie-based method, a code snippet is
placed on your website that reads cookie information
in the browser and then links to the data partner’s
aggregate database to provide identification. For
reverse IP identification, a cookie-free option, a pixel
is placed on your website that tracks visitors and then
matches the IP address to the residential address. The
pixel can be placed on the entire website or select
pages you’re interested in tracking.
Both methods can be connected to your Google
Analytics account to capture URL, timestamps,
pages visited, etc. to build segments and derive likely
purchase intent.
Location based signals
Looking to acquire new customers? Use mobile device
owner identification to target consumers who have
recently visited a store location (or a competitor’s
location), attended an event, or whose household is in
a defined proximity.
With each method, the resulting matches are married
to your hold-out list to eliminate those who don’t fit
your retargeting campaign profile so that you only mail
to those who meet your objectives.
The last thing marketers need is to hunt for and
parse through the myriad of data providers available
today. As an end-to-end direct mail provider, SG360°
has cultivated relationships with many of the top
data aggregators to provide the above audience
identification services in concert with the production
of your direct mail retargeting programs.
20Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting
Contrary to popular belief, spinning up a direct
mail campaign doesn’t take an exorbitant amount
of time or effort. In fact, many of the same
technologies that make digital channels efficient
are also used in the creation and deployment of
direct mail.
Just as digital channels can be deployed using
automated triggers, so too can direct mail. Using a
simple API connection to your direct mail provider,
setup trigger campaigns based on a variety of
factors, such as:
website activity (or inactivity)
purchase history
up-sell and ancillary purchase opportunities, and
personal factors such as location, birthday, life
stage, etc.
Direct Mail Into
Your Retargeting
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting 21
Design Your Campaign
Pre-built templates use automated business rules and
variable data printing to create unlimited layouts within
the same campaign.
In laymen’s terms – you can now create dynamically
rendered one-to-one pieces while on press, without the
extensive creative setup.
Your choice of format will again be driven by your
retargeting objectives.
In most cases, a 6” x 4.25” postcard sent first class yields
the greatest return on investment.
The quickest to produce, postcards are ideal when time
is of the essence when capitalizing on browse or cart
3 Elements of an
Effective Direct Mail
Retargeting Piece
An attention-grabbing headline
Many of the phrases used as subject lines
and headlines in your retargeting emails
make great headlines on your direct mail
retargeting piece.
Images representative of the
products browsed or left behind
Images representative of the category of
items the individual expressed interest in are
what really drive retargeting conversions.
Include a strong call to action
The key to converting is a strong, concise
call to action. Offer your best deal currently
available. Use a unique promo code. These
dynamically created codes can be setup for
usage in-store, online or both.
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting 22
Self Mailers
Self-mailers are direct mail pieces that do not need
an envelope, using glue tabs/strips, wafer seals or pull
strips to keep the piece securely closed during mailing.
The term is used to describe formats that feature
multiple panels created when single or multiple sheets
of unbound paper are folded together.
Self-mailers are a great option when your product has
a longer sales cycle or requires more information to
make a purchasing decision.
Time is of the essence when it comes to recovering
abandoned carts and the best opportunity to capture
those lost sales is while the products are still fresh in
the individual’s mind. The most effective cadence is to
continue using emails as your first touch point, and often
your second in conjunction with display ads.
To maximize results, deliver direct mail as the second
or third touch point in your cadence, perhaps replacing
your lowest performing email. Above all, test distribution
strategies to see what works best for your audience.
Sample Retargeting
Cadence With Direct Mail
Touch 1: Email delivered within 60
minutes of website activity
Touch 2: Email delivered 24 hours after
website activity
Touch 3: Direct mail piece delivered 3
days after website activity
Touch 4: Email delivered 5 days after
website activity
Print and Pixels: Increasing ROI with Direct Mail Retargeting 23
Retargeting enables you to reach already interested
individuals with highly relevant communications.
While email and display ads will remain essential to
retargeting programs, the challenges facing these
channels are limiting results.
Weaving direct mail into your retargeting strategies
enables you to break through these challenges to deliver
a real-world touch in response to online activity. The
result – increased conversions.
As a leader in producing performance-based direct mail,
SG360°’s goal is to make the creation and distribution of
direct mail seamless and efficient. We meet you where
you are on your marketing journey to create programs
that not only grab attention but drive action.
Our retargeting data services match known and
unknown website visitors to their physical address, while
our high-speed digital print production platform creates
one-to-one communications that are mailed within 48
hours of receiving data. This identification and quick-
turn ability capitalizes on existing interest to ultimately
recapture those lost sales.
To learn more about our direct mail retargeting solutions,
Completes Purchase
Revisits Website
Retargeting User
Leaves Page
Visits Website
Direct Marketing