AIMS Environmental Science, 10 (3): 341–355.
DOI: 10.3934/environsci.2023020
Received: 30 January 2023
Revised: 02 April 2023
Accepted: 05 April 2023
Published: 20 April 2023
Research article
Design and performance of a cyclone separator integrated with a
bottom ash bed for the removal of fine particulate matter in a palm oil
mill: A simulation study
Novi Sylvia
, Husni Husin
, Abrar Muslim
, Yunardi
*, Aden Syahrullah
, Hary Purnomo
Rozanna Dewi
and Yazid Bindar
Doctoral Program, School of Engineering, Post Graduate Program, Universitas Syiah Kuala,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe, 24351, Indonesia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi
Bandung, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
* Correspondence: Email: [email protected].
Abstract: Long-term exposure to pollution from particulate matter in palm oil mills can result in
chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases and mortality. Particulate matter with a size of
less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5) has a greater impact than one with a size of 10 µm. The current PM
cleaning equipment in palm oil mills consists of cyclones that are incapable of optimally filtering
PM2.5. For this reason, it is necessary to design cyclone applications for fine particle separation in
palm oil mills. Normal cyclones are incapable of segregating particles smaller than 2.5 µm. This
study's objective was to design a cyclone with a filter on the vortex detector. These cyclones are
utilized in PM2.5 fine particle filtration systems. Using computational fluid dynamics, cyclone
performance is analyzed in terms of removal efficiency and pressure decrease. The research was
conducted utilizing the Reynolds tress model with varying inlet velocities of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30
meters per second. The filter is composed of boiler bottom ash refuse from palm oil mills; 0.310
meters is the height of the filter bed inserted in the vortex finder. The obtained results demonstrated
that the PM2.5 removal efficiency reached 98%, while the pressure decrease was only 93 Pa greater
than that of conventional cyclones. Thereby, cyclone designs with bottom ash filters can be used to
filter fine particulate matter, particularly particles smaller than 2.5 µm.
AIMS Environmental Science Volume 10, Issue 3, 341–355.
Keywords: cyclone; particulate matter; CFD; vortex finder; bottom ash
1. Introduction
Particulate matter (PM) must be removed from exhaust gases because PM, along with O
, CO,
, NO
and SO
, is a primary component of air pollutants [1–2]. PM varies in dimension. PM10 is
defined as PM with an aerodynamic diameter between 2.5 and 10 µm, whereas PM2.5 has a diameter
of less than or equal to 2.5 µm. Long-term exposure to PM pollution can result in chronic respiratory
diseases, cardiovascular diseases and even mortality. Examining a substantial increase in PM2.5
pollution, the risk of mortality following PM2.5 exposure is greater than PM10 exposure [3,4].
PM2.5 concentration impacts cerebrovascular disease more than PM10 concentration. PM2.5 is
primarily generated by the combustion of biomass in palm oil industrial boiler units [4–6]. The
simplest equipment currently used to reduce PM2.5 concentrations in the palm oil industry is a
cyclone [7]. A cyclone is an equipment for separating particulate from gases. Cyclones employ
centrifugal force to separate particulates. Despite the fact that particle sizes greater than 10 µm are
frequently used in operational contexts, cyclones are evaluated based on their high separation
efficiency with particles of 5 µm. Cyclones are comparatively straightforward and inexpensive
equipment for separating particles and gases, and their industrial use has increased, especially in the
agricultural sector [8,9].
Numerous efforts have been made to improve the performance of cyclones, including the
modification of cyclone geometry, the effect of which has been extensively studied. Among these are
the dimensions of the cyclone body’s cylinder diameter component, which correspond to the height
of the cone in the design at three times the cylinder diameter. Modification of inlet dimensions has
been achieved through the use of optimal inlet width-to-height ratios [8], cone height and shape [9–
11] and inlet width-to-height ratios [7,8]. This enhances particle collection efficiency, although it is
not optimal for the collection of small particles.
Additionally, attempts have been made to modify the cyclone by adding a filter to the gas
discharge section. Youn et al. [12] did this to enhance the efficacy of cyclones that collect smaller
particles (PM). Duran and Caldona [13] performed PM recirculation on the vortex finder using
multiple cyclones to improve cyclone performance. Additionally, Hayashi et al. [14] have tested the
use of activated carbon as a filter in the cyclone input section. Several studies demonstrate that
activated carbon is effective at removing various industrial contaminants, such as organic
micropollutants, in advanced wastewater treatment and water reuse systems. Activated carbon is also
effective at capturing PM and other gaseous pollutants, such as VOCs, mercury and ozone [15–17].
In addition to commercial activated carbon, bottom ash can also be used as a filter. Bottom ash is a
carbon-rich byproduct of palm oil boilers that can absorb dyes [18] and CO
[19–22] and generate
filters [18,19].
The carbon content of bottom ash generated by palm oil mills can vary based on variables such
as the origin of the raw materials and the conditions of combustion. Typically, bottom ash consists of
approximately 40% carbon and mineral components such as silica, alumina and calcium oxide [18].
In contrast, commercial activated carbon contains between 70 and 90% carbon [19], depending on its
type and production process. Even though bottom ash has a lower carbon content than commercial
activated carbon, depending on its physical and chemical properties, it can still be an effective
AIMS Environmental Science Volume 10, Issue 3, 341–355.
molecule and chemical filter. Several studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of
bottom ash as a filter for removing pollutants from water and wastewater, and the results suggest that
bottom ash has the potential to be a cheaper and more environmentally responsible alternative to
commercial activated carbon.
The separation of particles and gas is one of the most difficult phenomena to study
experimentally. In these circumstances, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) proved to be the most
cost-effective alternative to expensive experimental methods. This study employs CFD in order to
estimate cyclone performance metrics (CFD). Here, the commercial CFD code 2021 R1 from Ansys
is utilized.
This study aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of cyclones equipped with bottom ash in
reducing PM emissions. We plan to enhance the separation of fine particulates in cyclone designs
used in palm oil mills equipped with bottom ash as a filter on the vortex finder. Compared to the
current method, this new design offers the benefits of high efficiency, low energy consumption,
uncomplicated construction and straightforward operation. Importantly, it can dependably absorb
fine-sized particles at the outflow (vortex finder) to reduce smooth PM to the greatest extent
possible. Future applications of the study’s equipment can be made in palm oil mills, as depicted in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Mechanism study.
AIMS Environmental Science Volume 10, Issue 3, 341–355.
This study focuses on palm oil mills because palm oil is one of the most important industrial
commodities in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. Improving the quality of production in palm oil mills
is a potentially essential area of study. In a variety of industries, cyclone separators are a prevalent
waste and material processing technology. Nevertheless, integrating them with a bottom ash layer to
remove fine particulates can be viewed as an innovative method for enhancing the performance of
cyclone separators. Simulation as a research method has the potential to save money and time, as
well as to allow researchers to test and optimize the design and performance of the cyclone separator
prior to conducting actual testing.
This research has the potential to provide new contributions to waste and material processing in
the palm oil industry, specifically in the separation of fine particles using cyclone separators
incorporated with a bottom ash bed.
2. Research and method
2.1. Simulated basic equations
CFDs utilizing the Ansys 2021 R1 software are able to simulate extremely complex and precise
fluid dynamics. ANSYS 2021 R1 incorporates more complex mathematical equation models, exact
boundary conditions and meshing levels [22]. Using partial differential equations derived from the
laws of conservation of mass, momentum and energy, CFDs also measure flow patterns and
behaviors. CFDs solve fluid flow patterns utilizing numerical analysis and contemporary methods.
To simulate the interaction of gases and solids with a specified surface under boundary conditions, a
powerful computer is necessary. CFDs use the Navier-Stokes equation and function according to
Newton's second law. Equations 1 and 2 [23] represent the fundamental continuity and momentum
conservation equations.
= initial velocity,
= time,
= density and
= viscosity of the liquid.
components of average velocity and speed fluctuations, respectively.
= gravity,
= pressure
= drag force;
represent components of the turbulent moment flux, known as the
Reynolds voltage.
A Reynold stress model (RSM) was utilized in this investigation. The RSM is derived from the
Reynolds–averaged Navier-Stokes equation.
This model's CFD study is quite useful for evaluating the efficiency of particle separation in
cyclone designs. Fluid velocity, fluid characteristics (density, specific gravity), particle size and inlet
and outflow are determined as input parameters. Analyzing particle trajectories in the region of 0.5–
2.5 µm involves the Eulerian-Lagrangian method and the discrete phase model. By calculating the
AIMS Environmental Science Volume 10, Issue 3, 341–355.
proportion of loose and absorbed particles, the separation efficiency of each particle size may be
determined. The following are the limit conditions for CFD analysis:
The entrance is labeled as a particle trajectory escape, the gas outlet as an escape, the particle
outlet as a trap and the cyclone wall as a reflect.
Outside pressure equivalent to atmospheric pressure (assumed 1 atm).
Outdoor temperature equivalent to room temperature (assumed 27 °C).
Table 1. Boundary condition.
Mass loading particle
0.1 kg/s
Velocity inlet
10; 15; 20; 25; 30 m/s
Diameter particle
2.5 µm
Pressure outlet
1 atm
Table 2. Filter parameters.
Bulk density
108.9 kg/m
Diameter bottom ash
100 μm
Bed Height
0.310 m
Table 3. Dimensions of cyclone.
Size (m)
The flow of this study begins with the representation of geometry (pre-processor) on a cyclone
separator using the Fusion 360 application. Then, proceed to the processing phase by adding the
generated image to the geometry menu of the Workbench R1 ANSYS 2021 application. Before
saving the project, the image transferred to the geometry menu will establish the boundary condition
and determine the number of subdivisions in the mesh menu. The subsequent stage is the processor
stage, which begins with the input of the value variable and the determination of the RSM, followed
by the entry of the value for the type of gas fraction injected to fill the porous zone. The solution
menu comes next, where variables are initialized and calculations are performed. In the event of an
AIMS Environmental Science Volume 10, Issue 3, 341–355.
iteration error, the image in the geometry menu must be examined. Nonetheless, the error will be
indicated at the conclusion of the iteration if it does not occur (iteration convergent). If the data have
converged, they can be included in the report’s solution section. Proceed to the result menu stage
after collecting animation data on the direction of flow for the adsorbent absorption process (post-
processor). Tables 1 and 2 display the parameters utilized in this study, while Table 3 depicts the
dimensions of the cyclone.
2.2. Geometric model
Bottom ash
Bottom ash
Figure 2. Cyclone dimensions. Figure 3. Filter 2D sketch.
The cyclone proportions utilized at the palm oil facility of PT Syaukat Sejahtera Aceh are those
of cyclones with geometry. The dimensions of the cyclone are listed in Table 3. As shown in Figure
2, the cyclone geometry comprises the two-phase mixed inlet (defined by height S and width W), the
vortex finder diameter (D
) and length (L
), the height of the cylindrical cross section (L
), the height
of the cone cross section (L
) and the cyclone diameter (D). Figure 3 depicts the positioning of
bottom ash with a bed height of 0.310 m in the vortex finder. Using the “hex-dominant method”
mesh type, Figure 4 depicts the cyclone grid as a domain on the CFD. There are 339,261 nodes and
397,836 elements in the network. The boundary conditions for numerical analysis in this
investigation are shown in Table 1 and Figure 5. During the run phase, the inlet velocity and pressure
are equal to zero in the initialized simulation. While the filter section data in the form of bottom ash
is thought to represent a porous zone, as shown in Table 2, the SIMPLE algorithm was used to
calculate pressure and velocity. We use PRESTO on interpolation techniques for pressure
discretization. For a turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate, the momentum equation is discretized
with the QUICK scheme using a second-order upwind approach. The convergence rate is set to be
AIMS Environmental Science Volume 10, Issue 3, 341–355.
between 10
and 10
. The parameters of the bottom ash filter are shown in Table 2. Figure 6 depicts
the order of the investigation’s phases; Figure 7 depicts the cyclone process.
Figure 4. Computational grid. Figure 5. Boundary condition.
Figure 6. CFD simulation process block diagram.
AIMS Environmental Science Volume 10, Issue 3, 341–355.
Figure 7. Filtration process in the cyclone.
3. Results
3.1. Analysis of removal efficiency
The primary function of cyclones is to separate particles from gases; the separation ability of
cyclones is defined by the ratio of the number of particles separated by the cyclone separator to the
number of particles entering the cyclone, as shown in Eq 3 [11]. Particle size determines removal
efficacy. And, vice versa, the larger the particulate size, the more efficient the removal. Calculations
and experiments imply that it is difficult to achieve particle separation below 10 µm [24]. Figure 8
illustratively demonstrates this. At a particle size of 2.5 µm, cyclones without a filter have a 70%
removal rate, while cyclones with bottom ash as a filter can attain a 98% removal rate. The addition
of bottom ash significantly improves the efficacy of removal. A comparison of particle paths in
cyclones with and without bottom ash is illustrated in Figure 9. Several particles appear to be
dispersing into the air in Figure 9(a). Bottom ash can filter out fine particles after being inserted as a
filter in the vortex detector, as shown in Figure 9(b). Fine particles tend to migrate out of the gas
outlet more rapidly than larger particles, so the percentage of fine particle removal efficiency is
lower than that of larger particles. This is illustrated in Figure 10. Figure 11 depicts particle trails in
cyclones lacking bottom ash filters. Still, the path of particulates between 0.5 and 2.5 µm in size
escapes into the air.
The relationship between inlet velocity and particle size variation removal efficacy is especially
significant for cyclones without bottom ash, which rely solely on centrifugal force to separate
AIMS Environmental Science Volume 10, Issue 3, 341–355.
particles according to their size and density. In a cyclone without bottom ash, particulates are
introduced at a high velocity through the cyclone’s inlet, causing them to spiral along the cyclone's
walls. As the particles move toward the cyclone’s bottom, they encounter a diminished velocity and
are thrown toward the cyclone’s outer wall, where they are collected and removed.
However, the size and density of the particles, as well as the inlet velocity, affect the efficiency
of particle separation in a cyclone. Smaller particles may not be effectively separated at higher inlet
velocities due to their lower momentum and increased likelihood of being carried along with the gas
stream. Therefore, cyclones without bottom debris may have difficulty separating fine particles from
the gas stream, resulting in a lower separation efficiency overall.
In contrast, particle size variation has no effect on the removal efficiency of cyclones equipped
with bottom ash because the bottom ash layer functions as a filtering medium. Regardless of the inlet
velocity or particle size variation, the bottom ash layer can capture and eliminate fine particles that
the cyclone alone may not be able to effectively separate. Consequently, the use of bottom ash as a
filtering medium can improve the performance of cyclone separators and increase the efficacy of
particle separation, even at higher inlet velocities.
Figure 8. Effects of particle diameter on removal efficiency in cyclones without bottom
ash and cyclones equipped bottom ash.
The vortex finder’s bottom ash can absorb fine particles ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 µm, resulting in
a removal efficacy of 98%. As shown in Figure 10, the relationship between inlet velocity and
particle size variation removal efficacy is especially significant for cyclones without bottom ash. In
contrast, particle size variation has no influence on the removal effectiveness of cyclones equipped
with bottom ash. Bottom ash on the vortex finder can increase the efficacy of removal.
The bottom ash layer can function as a filter, capturing and removing fine particles that the
cyclone may not be able to effectively separate. This can result in increased separation efficiency and
enhanced overall system performance. Using bottom ash as a filtering medium is a cost-effective and
AIMS Environmental Science Volume 10, Issue 3, 341–355.
eco-friendly solution. The abundant and inexpensive byproduct of palm oil production is bottom ash.
By employing this material as a filtering medium, the system’s price can be reduced, making it more
accessible and practical for use in industries such as palm oil processing.
Without bottom ash b. With bottom ash
Figure 9. Particle trajectory in cyclones.
3.2. Pressure drop
Using the average difference in total pressure between the intake and exhaust surfaces, which,
in this case, involves the gas outlet and particle outflow, the pressure drop is calculated. This factor is
proportional to the quantity of energy a cyclone requires to function. A greater pressure drop
indicates a substantial loss of energy, as fluid must be moved across the cyclone's volume with
effort [11,12]. Continuous operation of cyclones necessitates that the design of the cyclones ensures
minimal pressure loss, which, in some applications, can be prolonged. Low pressure loss should be
guaranteed by the proposed design because this device operates indefinitely. The contour of static
pressure in Figure 11 illustrates the pressure decrease that occurs in cyclones. Figure 12(a) depicts a
cyclone with a maximum pressure drop of 1111.8 Pa and no bottom ash, while Figure 12(b) depicts a
cyclone with bottom ash and a maximum pressure drop of 1205 Pa. It indicates that the variation in
pressure is merely 93 Pa.
Figure 13 depicts the static pressure decrease at different heights beneath the vortex finder. It is
possible to explain why the decrease in pressure at various heights has no significant effect on
cyclones with or without bottom debris. Consequently, it is evident that using bottom ash as a filter
in cyclones does not significantly increase pressure loss [14].
AIMS Environmental Science Volume 10, Issue 3, 341–355.
Figure 10. Effects of inlet velocity with various particle diameters on removal efficiency.
a. Particle size 0.5 μm b. Particle size 1.0 μm c. Particle size 1.5 μm
d. Particle size 2.0 μm e. Particle size 2.5 μm
Figure 11. Particle tracks with a particle diameter range of 0.5–2.5 μm.
AIMS Environmental Science Volume 10, Issue 3, 341–355.
a. Without bottom ash b. With bottom ash
Figure 12. Contour static pressure on a cyclone.
a. Static pressure at various heights b. Position static pressure
Figure 13. Contour static pressure on a cyclone.
AIMS Environmental Science Volume 10, Issue 3, 341–355.
4. Conclusions
The research on bottom ash as an integrated filter in a cyclone indicates that it can be used
effectively as a filter medium to remove fine particles, particularly dust and ash particles. The
following conclusions can be derived from this study:
Utilizing bottom ash as a filter in cyclones has a significant impact on PM reduction. The
addition of bottom ash to the vortex finder of the cyclone resulted in a pressure decrease
difference of 93 Pa and a removal efficiency of 98%. This indicates that bottom ash can be used
to power cyclones, especially in palm oil mills.
Integrating cyclone separators with a bottom ash layer is a novel method for enhancing the
performance of cyclone separators. In the palm oil industry, where the separation of fine
particulates is essential for efficient waste and material processing, this method can be
particularly useful.
Using simulation as a research method has several advantages, including cost and time savings
and the ability to test and optimize the design and performance of the cyclone separator in a
virtual environment prior to conducting actual testing. Before committing resources to physical
testing, this strategy can assist researchers in identifying potential design flaws or inefficiencies.
Additional research can be conducted to validate the results with experimental methodologies
and investigate the performance of the cyclone separator with a bottom ash layer under different
operating conditions.
By providing new contributions to waste and material processing in the palm oil industry, this
research may result in more efficient and cost-effective processing methods, thereby minimizing
waste and increasing the yield of useful materials. In addition, this technique may have
applications in other industries requiring the separation of fine particulates, such as mining,
chemical processing and food production.
The authors are grateful to LPPM of Malikussaleh University for financial support through the
research project PNBP, No. 344/UN45/KPT/2022.
Conflict of interest
We have no conflict of interest to declare.
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