Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2020
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Turkey is a constitutional republic with an executive presidential system and a
unicameral 600-seat parliament (the Grand National Assembly). In presidential
and parliamentary elections in 2018, Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe observers expressed concern regarding restrictions on media reporting and
the campaign environment, including the jailing of a presidential candidate that
restricted the ability of opposition candidates to compete on an equal basis and
campaign freely.
The National Police and Jandarma, under the control of the Ministry of Interior, are
responsible for security in urban areas and rural and border areas, respectively.
The military has overall responsibility for border control and external security.
Civilian authorities maintained effective control over law enforcement officials,
but mechanisms to investigate and punish abuse and corruption remained
inadequate. Members of the security forces committed some abuses.
Under broad antiterror legislation passed in 2018 the government continued to
restrict fundamental freedoms and compromised the rule of law. Since the 2016
coup attempt, authorities have dismissed or suspended more than 60,000 police and
military personnel and approximately 125,000 civil servants, dismissed one-third
of the judiciary, arrested or imprisoned more than 90,000 citizens, and closed more
than 1,500 nongovernmental organizations on terrorism-related grounds, primarily
for alleged ties to the movement of cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom the government
accused of masterminding the coup attempt and designated as the leader of the
Fethullah Terrorist Organization.”
Significant human rights issues included: reports of arbitrary killings; suspicious
deaths of persons in custody; forced disappearances; torture; arbitrary arrest and
continued detention of tens of thousands of persons, including opposition
politicians and former members of parliament, lawyers, journalists, human rights
activists, and employees of the U.S. Mission, for purported ties to terrorist
groups or peaceful legitimate speech; the existence of political prisoners, including
elected officials; politically motivated reprisal against individuals located outside
the country; significant problems with judicial independence; severe restrictions on
freedom of expression, the press, and the internet, including violence and threats of
violence against journalists, closure of media outlets, and unjustified arrests or
criminal prosecution of journalists and others for criticizing government policies or
officials, censorship, site blocking and the existence of criminal libel laws; severe
restriction of freedoms of assembly, association, and movement; some cases of
refoulement of refugees; and violence against women and lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, and intersex persons and members of other minorities.
The government took limited steps to investigate, prosecute, and punish members
of the security forces and other officials accused of human rights abuses; impunity
remained a problem.
Clashes between security forces and the Kurdistan WorkersParty terrorist
organization and its affiliates continued, although at a reduced level compared with
previous years, and resulted in the injury or death of security forces, terrorists, and
civilians. The government did not release information on efforts to investigate or
prosecute personnel for wrongful or inadvertent deaths of civilians linked to
counterterrorist operations.
Section 1. Respect for the Integrity of the Person, Including
Freedom from
a. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and Other Unlawful or Politically
Motivated Killings
There were credible allegations that the government contributed to civilian deaths
in connection with its fight against the terrorist Kurdistan WorkersParty (PKK)
organization in the southeast, although at a markedly reduced level compared with
previous years (see section 1.g.). The PKK continued to target civilians in its
attacks; the government continued to work to block such attacks. The law
authorizes the Ombudsman Institution, the National Human Rights and Equality
Institution, prosecutorsoffices, criminal courts, and parliaments Human Rights
Commission to investigate reports of security force killings, torture, or
mistreatment, excessive use of force, and other abuses. Civil courts, however,
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remained the main recourse to prevent impunity.
According to the International Crisis Group, from January 1 to December 10, a
total of 35 civilians, 41 security force members, and 235 PKK militants were killed
in eastern and southeastern provinces in PKK-related clashes. Human rights
groups stated the government took insufficient measures to protect civilian lives in
its fight with the PKK.
The PKK continued its nationwide campaign of attacks on government security
forces and, in some cases, civilians. For example, on May 14, PKK terrorists
attacked aid workers in Van, killing two and injuring one. On June 18, PKK
terrorists reportedly attacked a truck carrying fuel for roadwork in Sirnak province
by planting an improvised explosive device (IED). The IED explosion killed four
truck passengers.
There were credible reports that the country’s military operations outside its
borders led to the deaths of civilians. On June 25, a Turkish air strike against the
Kurdistan Free Life Party terrorist group reportedly wounded at least six civilians
in Iraq. On June 19, Turkish air strikes against PKK targets killed three civilians in
the same region of Iraq, according to Human Rights Watch.
Eyewitnesses, a local human rights monitor, and local media reported that an
attack carried out by Turkish forces or Turkish-supported Syrian opposition groups
on October 16 struck a rural area killing a young boy and injuring others in Ain
Issa, Syria; the circumstances of this event are in dispute. Official Turkish
government sources reported responding to enemy fire on the date in question and
in the area that corresponds with this event, with four to six Peoples Protection
Units (YPG) fighters reportedly neutralized,a term Turkish authorities use to
mean killed, captured, or otherwise removed from the battlefield. The government
of Turkey considers the YPG the Syrian branch of the United States-designated
foreign terrorist organization the PKK. According to media, YPG forces have also
reportedly fired on Turkish and TSO forces following Turkeys October 2019
incursion into northeast Syria and in November and December 2020, including
near civilian infrastructure.
Following the launch of the Turkish armed forcesoffensive in northern Syria in
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October 2019 the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights,
Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch continued to report claims from
local and regional human rights activists and media organizations that Turkish-
supported Syrian opposition groups committed human rights abuses, reportedly
targeting Kurdish and Yezidi residents and other civilians, including arbitrary
arrests and enforced disappearance of civilians; torture and sexual violence; forced
evacuations from homes; looting and property seizures in areas under Turkish
control; transfer of detained civilians across the border into Turkey; restricting
water supplies to civilian populations; recruitment of child soldiers; and looting
and desecrating religious shrines. Reports by the UN Commission of Inquiry into
Syria similarly suggested that Turkish-supported opposition groups may have been
responsible for attacks against civilians (for more information, see the Syria
section of Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights). The
government rejected these reports as flawed and biased, including by an October 6
note verbale to the UN high commissioner for human rights, but acknowledged the
need for investigations and accountability related to such reports. The government
relayed that the Turkish-supported Syrian National Army had established
mechanisms for investigation and discipline in 2019. The government claimed the
military took care to avoid civilian casualties throughout the operation.
According to the Baran Tursun Foundation, an organization that monitors police
brutality, police have killed 403 individuals for disobeying stop warnings since
2007. According to the report, 93 were children. In April police shot and killed a
19-year-old Syrian refugee who ran from an enforcement stop connected with anti-
COVID-19 measures that at the time prohibited minors younger than age 20 fro
eaving their residences. On May 28, a police officer involved in the shooting was
arrested for the killing. Human rights groups documented several suspiciou
aths of detainees in official custody, although reported numbers varied amo
rganizations. In November the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (HRFT)
reported 49 deaths in prison related to illness, violence, or other causes. Of these
15 were allegedly due to suicide. In August a 44-year-old man convicted of havi
s to the Gulen movement died in a quarantine cell in Gumushane Prison aft
splaying COVID-19 symptoms. Press reports alleged the prisoner had requested
medical treatment multiple times, but the prison failed to provide it. Peoples
mocratic Party (HDP) Member of Parliament (MP) Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu
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called on the Ministry of Justice to investigate the case.
By law National Intelligence Organization (MIT) members are immune from
prosecution as are security officials involved in fighting terror, making it harder for
prosecutors to investigate extrajudicial killings and other human rights abuses by
requiring that they obtain permission from both military and civilian leadership
prior to pursuing prosecution.
b. Disappearance
Domestic and international human rights groups reported disappearances during
the year that they alleged were politically motivated.
In February the Ankara Bar Association filed a complaint with the Ankara
prosecutor on behalf of seven men reportedly disappearedby the government,
who surfaced in police custody in 2019. One of the men, Gokhan Turkmen, a civil
servant dismissed under state of emergency powers following the 2016 coup
attempt, alleged in a pretrial hearing that intelligence officials visited him in
prison, threatened him and his family, and urged him to retract his allegations that
he was abducted and tortured while in custody. In April the Ankara prosecutor
declined to investigate Turkmen’s complaints. Six of the seven men were in
pretrial detention on terrorism charges at years end. The whereabouts of the
seventh were unknown.
In May former HDP MP Tuma Celik asserted that the disappearance of an
Assyrian Chaldean Catholic couple in the village of Kovankaya (Syriac: Mehri),
reported missing since January, was a kidnapping carried out with the ones who
lean on the state or groups within the state,likely alluding to nonstate armed
groups aligned with the government. Others, including witnesses on the scene,
asserted that the PKK was responsible. The husband, Hurmuz Diril, remained
missing at years end, while in March relatives found the dead body of the wife,
Simoni Diril, in a river near the village.
The government declined to provide information on efforts to prevent, investigate,
and punish such acts.
c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or
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The constitution and law prohibit torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading
treatment, but domestic and international rights groups reported that some police
officers, prison authorities, and military and intelligence units employed these
practices. Domestic human rights organizations, the Ankara Bar Association,
political opposition figures, international human rights groups, and others reported
that government agents engaged in threats, mistreatment, and possible torture of
some persons while in custody. Human rights groups asserted that individuals with
alleged affiliation with the PKK or the Gulen movement were more likely to be
subjected to mistreatment or abuse.
In June, Emre Soylu, an adviser to ruling alliance member Nationalist Movement
Party (MHP) Mersin MP Olcay Kilavuz, shared photos on his Twitter account
showing a man allegedly being tortured by police at the Diyarbakir Antiterror
Branch. A short video shared widely on social media included the screams of a
man at the same facility in Diyarbakir. Kurdish politicians and civil society
organizations, including the Human Rights Association of Turkey (HRA),
condemned the incident and called on authorities to investigate.
In July, Human Rights Watch reported there was credible evidence that police and
community night watchmen (bekcis) committed serious abuses against at least 14
persons, including violent arrests and beatings, in six incidents in Diyarbakir and
Istanbul from May through July. In four of the cases, authorities refuted the
allegations and failed to commit to investigate. In one case on June 26, masked
police allegedly raided former mayor and HDP member Sevil Cetins home in
Diyarbakir city, setting attack dogs on her while beating her. On June 28, the
Diyarbakir Governors Office released a statement refuting the allegations and
stating authorities did not intend to investigate.
In September news reports claimed that Jandarma forces apprehended, detained for
two days, tortured, and threw out of a helicopter two farmers in Van province as
part of an anti-PKK operation. One of the men died from his injuries. The Van
Governors Office denied the allegations and stated that the injuries resulted from
of the men falling in a rocky area while trying to escape from the officers. A court
approved a ban on all news reports on the case, as requested by the Van
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Prosecutors Office. On November 27, Minister of Interior Suleyman Soylu stated
one of the villagers, Osman Siban, was aiding PKK terrorists and that authorities
therefore apprehended him.
In 2019 public reports alleged that as many as 100 persons, including former
members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dismissed under the 2016-18 state of
emergency decrees due to suspected ties to the Gulen movement, were mistreated
or tortured while in police custody. The Ankara Bar Association released a report
that detailed its interviews with alleged victims. Of the six detainees the
association interviewed, five reported police authorities tortured them. In August
the Ankara Prosecution Office decided not to pursue prosecution based on the
allegations, citing insufficient evidence.
Reports from human rights groups indicated that police abused detainees outside
police station premises and that mistreatment and alleged torture was more
prevalent in some police facilities in parts of the southeast. The HRA reported
receiving complaints from 573 individuals alleging they were subjected to torture
and other forms of mistreatment while in custody or at extracustodial locations
from January through November. The HRA reported that intimidation and
shaming of detainees by police were common and that victims hesitated to report
police abuse due to fear of reprisal. In June, responding to a parliamentary inquiry,
the minister of interior reported the ministry had received 396 complaints of torture
and maltreatment since October 2019. Opposition Republican Peoples Party
(CHP) human rights reports alleged that from May to August, 223 individuals
reported torture or inhuman treatment.
The government asserted it followed a zero tolerancepolicy for torture and has
abolished statute of limitations for cases of torture. On August 5, the Council of
Europe released two reports on visits to the country by its Committee for the
Prevention of Torture’s (CPT) in 2017 and 2019. The 2019 report stated that the
delegation received a considerable number of allegations of excessive use of force
or physical ill-treatment by police and gendarmerie officers from persons who had
recently been taken into custody (including women and juveniles). The allegations
consisted mainly of slaps, kicks, punches (including to the head and face), and
truncheon blows after the persons concerned had been handcuffed or otherwise
brought under control. The CPT noted, “A significant proportion of the
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allegations related to beatings during transport or inside law enforcement
establishments, apparently with the aim of securing confessions or obtaining other
information, or as a punishment. Further, numerous detained persons claimed to
have been subjected to threats, and/or severe verbal abuse. The CPT found that
the severity of alleged police mistreatment diminished in 2019 compared with the
findings of the 2017 CPT visit, although the frequency of the allegations remained
In its World Report 2020, Human Rights Watch stated: “A rise in allegations of
torture, ill-treatment and cruel and inhuman or degrading treatment in police
custody and prison over the past four years has set back Turkeys earlier progress
in this area. Those targeted include Kurds, leftists, and alleged followers of
Fethullah Gulen. Prosecutors do not conduct meaningful investigations into such
allegations and there is a pervasive culture of impunity for members of the security
forces and public officials implicated.According to Ministry of Justice 2019
statistics, the government opened 2,767 investigations into allegations of torture
and mistreatment. Of those, 1,372 resulted in no action being taken by
prosecutors, 933 resulted in criminal cases, and 462 in other decisions. The
government did not release data on its investigations into alleged torture.
Some military conscripts reportedly endured severe hazing, physical abuse, and
torture that sometimes resulted in death or suicide. Human rights groups reported
that suspicious deaths in the military were widespread. The government did not
systematically investigate them or release data. The HRA and HRFT reported at
least 18 deaths as suspicious during the year. In September a Kurdish soldier
serving in Edirne reported being beaten by other soldiers because of his ethnic
identity. Turkish Land Forces Command opened an investigation into the incident.
The government did not release information on its efforts to address abuse through
disciplinary action and training.
Prison and Detention Center Conditions
Prisons generally met standards for physical conditions (i.e., infrastructure and
basic equipment), but significant problems with overcrowding resulted in
conditions in many prisons that the CPT found could be considered inhuman and
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degrading. While detention facilities were generally in a good state of repair and
well ventilated, many facilities had structural deficiencies that made them
unsuitable for detention lasting more than a few days.
Physical Conditions: Prison overcrowding remained a significant problem. CPT
reports from 2017 and 2019 stated, “The problem of prison overcrowding
remained acute, and the steady increase in the size of the prison population already
observed in the mid-2000s continued.” According to the Ministry of Justice, as of
July, the country had 355 prisons with a capacity for 233,194 inmates and an
estimated total inmate population of 281,000, prior to the ministrys granting of
COVID-19 amnesty for 90,000 prisoners.
In April, Minister of Justice Gul announced that three prisoners had died of
COVID-19. The same month, to alleviate conditions in prisons due to the
pandemic, parliament approved a bill to modify the sentences of 90,000 prisoners
by allowing for their release, including those convicted of organized crime and
attempted murder. The bill did not include any provisions for persons held under
provisional or pretrial detention and explicitly excluded anyone convicted under
antiterror charges, including journalists, lawyers, and human rights defenders. The
Ministry of Justice has not released updated figures on prisoner deaths due to
COVID-19 since April.
If separate prison facilities for minors were not available, minors were held in
separate sections within separate male and female adult prisons. Children younger
than six were allowed to stay with their incarcerated mothers. The HRA estimated
that as of December, 300 children were being held with their mothers. HRA noted
that authorities released many mothers and children as a result of the COVID-19
amnesty. Pretrial detainees were held in the same facilities as convicted prisoners.
The government did not release data on inmate deaths due to physical conditions or
actions of staff members. The HRA reported that 49 inmates died in prison from
January to November. The HRA noted that prisoners were unlikely to report
health issues and seek medical care since a positive COVID-19 result would lead
to a two-week quarantine in solitary confinement. Human rights organizations and
CPT reports asserted that prisoners frequently lacked adequate access to potable
water, proper heating, ventilation, lighting, food, and health services. Human
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rights organizations also noted that prison overcrowding and poor sanitary
conditions exacerbated the health risks for prisoners from the COVID-19
pandemic. Civil Society in the Penal System Association reported that prison
facilities did not allow for sufficient social distancing due to overcrowding and did
not provide cleaning and disinfection services on a regular basis. Prisons also did
not provide disinfectant, gloves, or masks to prisoners, but instead sold them at
The Ministry of Justice’s Prison and Correctional Facilities official reported to
parliament that, as of October, more than 1,900 health workers were serving the
prison population. Of the health workers, there were seven medical doctors, 144
dentists, 84 nurses, and 853 psychologists. Human rights associations expressed
serious concern regarding the inadequate provision of health care to prisoners,
particularly the insufficient number of prison doctors. According to HRA
statistics, in September there were 1,605 sick prisoners in the country’s prisons,
604 of whom were in serious condition.
Reports by human rights organizations suggested that some doctors would not sign
their names to medical reports alleging torture due to fear of reprisal. As a result
victims were often unable to get medical documentation that would help prove
their claims.
In December, Amnesty International reported that prison guards in Diyarbakir
severely beat prisoner Mehmet Siddik Mese, but the prison doctor stated that the
prisoner was not beaten in the official report. Mese did not receive an independent
medical examination. The prosecutor decided not to prosecute the suspected
perpetrators based on the prison doctors report.
Chief prosecutors have discretion, particularly under the wide-ranging
counterterrorism law, to keep prisoners whom they deem dangerous to public
security in pretrial detention, regardless of medical reports documenting serious
Administration: Authorities at times investigated credible allegations of abuse
and inhuman or degrading conditions but generally did not document the results of
such investigations in a publicly accessible manner or disclose publicly whether
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actions were taken to hold perpetrators accountable. Some human rights activists
and lawyers reported that prisoners and detainees were sometimes arbitrarily
denied access to family members and lawyers.
Independent Monitoring: The government allowed prison visits by some
observers, including parliamentarians. The Ministry of Interior reported that under
the law prisons were to be monitored by domestic government entities including
the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey and the Parliamentary
Commission for Investigating Human Rights. International monitors included the
CPT, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, and the UN
Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.
HDP MP Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu stated that in response to his June inquiry, the
Parliamentary Commission for Investigating Human Rights reported it had
received 3,363 reports of human rights violations from detainees and prisoners
since June 2018 but found no violations in any of the cases.
The government did not allow nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to monitor
prisons. In October, HRA Balikesir chairman Rafet Fahri Semizoglu was detained
under charges stemming from his visits to prisons. The Civil Society Association
in the Penal System published periodic reports on prison conditions based on
information provided by parliamentarians, correspondence with inmates, lawyers,
inmatesfamily members, and press reports.
d. Arbitrary Arrest or Detention
The law prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention and provides for the right of any
person to challenge the lawfulness of arrest or detention in court, but numerous
credible reports indicated the government did not always observe these
Human rights groups noted that, following the 2016 coup attempt, authorities
continued to detain, arrest, and try hundreds of thousands of individuals for alleged
ties to the Gulen movement or the PKK, often with questionable evidentiary
standards and without the full due process provided for under law (see section
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On the four-year anniversary of the 2016 coup attempt in July, the government
announced that authorities had opened legal proceedings against 597,783
individuals, detained 282,790, and arrested 94,975 since the coup attempt on
grounds of alleged affiliation or connection with the Gulen movement. During the
year the government started legal proceedings against 39,719 individuals, detained
21,000, and arrested 3,688. In July the Ministry of Justice reported that the
government had conducted nearly 100,000 operations targeting Gulenists since the
coup attempt. The government reportedly detained and investigated a majority of
the individuals for alleged terror-related crimes, including membership in and
propagandizing for the Gulen movement or the PKK. Domestic and international
legal and human rights experts questioned the quality of evidence presented by
prosecutors in such cases, criticized the judicial process, asserted that the judiciary
lacked impartiality, and that defendants were sometimes denied access to the
evidence underlying the accusations against them (see section 1.e., Trial
The courts in some cases applied the law unevenly, with legal critics and rights
activists asserting court and prosecutor decisions were sometimes subject to
executive interference. In January an Ankara court of appeals reversed a lower
court ruling for life imprisonment of a former three-star general, Metin Iyidil,
accused of participation in the coup attempt. Two days after Iyidils release,
another court reordered his detention. After President Erdogan publicly criticized
the Ankara appeals court decision to acquit, the court ruled for Iyidil to be
rearrested. The Council of Judges and Prosecutors opened an investigation into the
acquittal decision, suspending the three judges who ruled for acquittal from their
Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees
The law requires that prosecutors issue warrants for arrests, unless the suspect is
detained while committing a crime. The period for arraignment may be extended
for up to four days. Formal arrest is a measure, separate from detention, which
means a suspect is to be held in jail until and unless released by a subsequent court
order. For crimes that carry potential prison sentences of fewer than three years
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imprisonment, a judge may release the accused after arraignment upon receipt of
an appropriate assurance, such as bail. For more serious crimes, the judge may
either release the defendant on his or her own recognizance or hold the defendant
in custody (arrest) prior to trial if there are specific facts indicating the suspect may
flee, attempt to destroy evidence, or attempt to pressure or tamper with witnesses
or victims. Judges often kept suspects in pretrial detention without articulating a
clear justification for doing so.
While the law generally provides detainees the right to immediate access to an
attorney, it allows prosecutors to deny such access for up to 24 hours. In criminal
cases the law also requires that the government provide indigent detainees with a
public attorney if they request one. In cases where the potential prison sentence for
conviction is more than five yearsimprisonment or where the defendant is a child
or a person with disabilities, a defense attorney is appointed, even absent a request
from the defendant. Human rights observers noted that in most cases authorities
provided an attorney if a defendant could not afford one.
Under antiterror legislation adopted in 2018, the government may detain without
charge (or appearance before a judge) a suspect for 48 hours for individual
offenses and 96 hours for collectiveoffenses. These periods may be extended
twice with the approval of a judge, amounting to six days for individualand 12
days for collectiveoffenses. Human rights organizations raised concerns that
police authority to hold individuals for up to 12 days without charge increased the
risk of mistreatment and torture. According to a statement by Minister of Justice
Gul, 48,752 persons were in pretrial detention in the country as of July.
The law gives prosecutors the right to suspend lawyer-client privilege and to
observe and record conversations between accused persons and their legal counsel.
Bar associations reported that detainees occasionally had difficulty gaining
immediate access to lawyers, both because government decrees restricted lawyers
access to detainees and prisons--especially for those attorneys not appointed by the
state--and because many lawyers were reluctant to defend individuals the
government accused of ties to the 2016 coup attempt. Human rights organizations
reported the 24-hour attorney access restriction was arbitrarily applied and that in
terrorism-related cases, authorities often did not inform defense attorneys of the
details of detentions within the first 24 hours, as stipulated by law. In such cases
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rights organizations and lawyers groups reported attorneysaccess to the case files
for their clients was limited for weeks or months pending preparations of
indictments, hampering their ability to defend their clients.
Some lawyers stated they were hesitant to take cases, particularly those of suspects
accused of PKK or Gulen movement ties, because of fear of government reprisal,
including prosecution. Government intimidation of defense lawyers also at times
involved nonterror cases. The international NGO Freedom House in its 2020
Freedom in the World report stated, In many cases, lawyers defending those
accused of terrorism offenses were arrested themselves. According to human
rights organizations, since 2016 authorities prosecuted more than 1,500 lawyers,
arrested 605, and sentenced 441 to lengthy prison terms on terrorism-related
charges. Of the arrested lawyers, 14 were presidents of provincial bar associations.
This practice disproportionately affected access to legal representation in the
southeast, where accusations of affiliation with the PKK were frequent and the
ratio of lawyers to citizens was low. In a September speech, the president
suggested that lawyers who are intimatewith terrorist organizations should be
Arbitrary Arrest: Although the law prohibits holding a suspect arbitrarily or
secretly, there were numerous reports that the government did not observe these
prohibitions. Human rights groups alleged that in areas under curfew or in special
security zones,security forces detained citizens without official record, leaving
detainees at greater risk of arbitrary abuse.
In September the HDP released a statement detailing allegations that police
kidnapped, physically assaulted, and later released six HDP youth assembly
members in separate incidents in Diyarbakir, Istanbul, and Agri province. The
HDP also stated that on May 4 police abducted HDP assembly member Hatice
Busra Kuyun in Van province, forced her into a car, and threatened her. Police
released Kuyun on the same day.
Pretrial Detention: The maximum time an arrestee can be held pending trial with
an indictment is seven years, including for crimes against the security of the state,
national defense, constitutional order, state secrets and espionage, organized crime,
and terrorism-related offenses. Pretrial detention during the investigation phase of
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a case (before an indictment) is limited to six months for cases that do not fall
under the purview of the heavy criminal court--referred to by the International
Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) as the central criminal court--and one
year for cases that fall under the heavy criminal court. The length of pretrial
detention generally did not exceed the maximum sentence for the alleged crimes.
For other major criminal offenses tried by high criminal courts, the maximum
detention period remained two years with the possibility of three one-year
extensions, for a total of five years.
For terror-related cases, the maximum period of pretrial detention during the
investigation phase is 18 months, with the possibility of a six-month extension.
Rule of law advocates noted that broad use of pretrial detention had become a form
of summary punishment, particularly in cases that involved politically motivated
terrorism charges.
The trial system does not provide for a speedy trial, and trial hearings were often
months apart, despite provisions in the code of criminal procedure for continuous
trial. Trials sometimes began years after indictment, and appeals could take years
more to reach conclusion.
Detainees Ability to Challenge Lawfulness of Detention before a Court:
Detaineeslawyers may appeal pretrial detention, although antiterror legislation
imposed limits on their ability to do so. The countrys judicial process allows a
system of lateral appeals to criminal courts of peace for arrest, release, judicial
control, and travel ban decisions that substitutes appeal to a higher court with
appeal to a lateral court. Lawyers criticized the approach, which rendered
ambiguous the authority of conflicting rulings by horizontally equal courts. In
addition since 2016 sentences of less than five years’ imprisonment issued by
regional appellate courts were final and could not be appealed. Since 2019 the law
provides for defendants in certain types of insult cases or speech-related cases to
appeal to a higher court.
Detainees awaiting or undergoing trial prior to the 2016-18 state of emergency had
the right to a review in person with a lawyer before a judge every 30 days to
determine if they should be released pending trial. Under a law passed in 2018, in-
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person review occurs once every 90 days with the 30-day reviews replaced by a
judges evaluation of the case file only. Bar associations noted this element of the
law was contrary to the principle of habeas corpus and increased the risk of abuse,
since the detainee would not be seen by a judge on a periodic basis.
In cases of alleged human rights violations, detainees have the right to apply
directly to the Constitutional Court for redress while their criminal cases are
proceeding. Nevertheless, a backlog of cases at the Constitutional Court slowed
proceedings, preventing expeditious redress.
The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) noted that
detention center conditions varied and were often challenging due to limited
physical capacity and increased referrals. Refugee-focused human rights groups
alleged authorities prevented migrants placed in detention and return centers from
communicating with the outside world, including their family members and
lawyers, creating the potential for refoulement as migrants accept repatriation to
avoid indefinite detention.
e. Denial of Fair Public Trial
The law provides for an independent judiciary, but there were indications the
judiciary remained subject to influence, particularly from the executive branch.
The executive branch exerts strong influence over the Board of Judges and
Prosecutors (HSK), the judicial body that assigns and reassigns judges and
prosecutors to the countrys courts nationwide and is responsible for their
discipline. Out of 13 total judges on the board, the president directly appoints six:
The executive branch and parliament appoint 11 members (seven by parliament
and four by the president) every four years; the other two members are the
presidentially appointed justice minister and deputy justice minister. The ruling
party controlled both the executive and the parliament when the existing members
were appointed in 2017. Although the constitution provides tenure for judges, the
HSK controls the careers of judges and prosecutors through appointments,
transfers, promotions, expulsions, and reprimands. Broad leeway granted to
prosecutors and judges challenges the requirement to remain impartial, and judges
inclination to give precedence to the states interests contributed to inconsistent
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application of laws. Bar associations, lawyers, and scholars expressed concern
regarding application procedures for prosecutors and judges described as highly
subjective, which they warned opened the door to political litmus tests in the hiring
The judiciary faced a number of problems that limited judicial independence,
including intimidation and reassignment of judges and allegations of interference
by the executive branch. Following the 2016 coup attempt, the government
suspended, detained, or fired nearly one-third of the judiciary accused of affiliation
with the Gulen movement. The government in the intervening years filled the
vacancies, but the judiciary continued to experience the effects of the purges. A
Reuters international news organization analysis of Ministry of Justice data
showed that at least 45 percent of the countrys prosecutors and judges have three
years of legal professional experience or less.
Observers raised concerns that the outcome of some trials appeared predetermined
or pointed to judicial interference. In February an Istanbul court ruled to acquit
philanthropist Osman Kavala and eight others on charges of attempting to use the
2013 Gezi Park protests to overthrow the state. Kavala, the founder of Anadolu
Kultur, an organization dedicated to cross-cultural and religious dialogue, had been
in pretrial detention since 2017. The presiding judge permitted Kavalas lawyer to
argue on his clients behalf but refused to allow any other defendants lawyers to
do likewise. Without pausing for deliberation following final statements from the
defendants, the presiding judge produced a paper that appeared to have the verdict
already written. The court acquitted Kavala of the charges and ordered him
released immediately, but authorities detained Kavala the same day upon exit from
prison on new charges of espionage and attempting to overthrow the state order in
connection with the 2016 failed coup. In March authorities issued an order of
arrest for Kavala while he was in detention. In October prosecutors filed a new
indictment against Kavala seeking three aggravated life sentences for espionage
and renewed charges of attempting to overthrow the constitutional orderand
organizing the Gezi Park protests and supporting the Gulen movement. In
December the Constitutional Court found that the government did not violate
Kavalas rights when he was re-arrested following acquittal in February. Kavala
Page 17
remained in detention at years end.
The government also targeted some defense attorneys representing a number of
high-profile clients. In September authorities issued detention orders for 48
lawyers and seven legal trainees in Ankara on charges related to terrorism due to
alleged links to the Gulen movement. Prominent bar associations, including those
of Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, and Gaziantep, condemned the arrests and reported that
investigatorsquestions to the lawyers, as well as presented evidence, were related
to their professional activities.
The country has an inquisitorial criminal justice system. The system for educating
and assigning judges and prosecutors fosters close connections between the two
groups, which some legal experts claimed encouraged impropriety and unfairness
in criminal cases.
There are no military courts, and military justice is reserved for disciplinary action,
not criminal cases.
Lower courts at times ignored or significantly delayed implementation of decisions
reached by the Constitutional Court. The government rarely implemented
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decisions, despite the countrys
obligation to do so as a member of the Council of Europe.
The government acknowledged problems in the judicial sector, and in 2019
parliament passed a Judicial Reform Strategy for 2019-23 reportedly designed to
protect legal rights and freedoms and strengthen the independence of the judiciary
while fostering more transparency, efficiency, and uniformity in legal procedures.
Human rights groups criticized the strategy for focusing on cosmetic rather than
structural changes; lacking a clear implementation plan, including timeline; failing
to identify responsible government bodies and budget; and failing to address
judicial independence concerns. Under the strategy the parliament in July adopted
a legislative package amending trial procedures to streamline civil case processing
and expanding use of arbitration and the scope of cases where trials may be closed
to the public. Human rights organizations noted the effort to reduce trial durations
Page 18
was positive but voiced concern that the law may reduce trial transparency.
Trial Procedures
The constitution provides for the right to a fair public trial, although bar
associations and rights groups asserted that increasing executive interference with
the judiciary and actions taken by the government through state of emergency
provisions jeopardized this right.
The law provides defendants a presumption of innocence and the right to be
present at their trials, although in a number of high-profile cases, defendants
increasingly appeared via video link from prison, rather than in person. Judges
may restrict defense lawyersaccess to their clientscourt files for a specific
catalogue of crimes (including crimes against state security, organized crime, and
sexual assault against children) until the client is indicted.
A single judge or a panel of judges decides all cases. Courtroom proceedings were
generally public except for cases involving minors as defendants. The state
increasingly used a clause allowing closed courtrooms for hearings and trials
related to security matters, such as those related to crimes against the state.
Court files, which contain indictments, case summaries, judgments, and other court
pleadings, were closed except to the parties to a case, making it difficult for the
public, including journalists and watchdog groups, to obtain information on the
progress or results of a case. In some politically sensitive cases, judges restricted
access to Turkish lawyers only, limiting the ability of domestic or international
groups to observe some trials.
Defendants have the right to be present at trial and to consult an attorney of their
choice in a timely manner, although legal advocates have asserted the government
coerced defendants to choose government-appointed lawyers. Observers and
human rights groups noted that in some high-profile cases, these rights were not
afforded to defendants. Individuals from the southeast were increasingly held in
prisons or detention centers far from the location of the alleged crime and appeared
at their hearing via video link systems. Some human rights organizations reported
that hearings sometimes continued in the defendants absence when video links
Page 19
purportedly failed.
Defendants have the right to legal representation in criminal cases and, if indigent,
to have representation provided at public expense. Defendants or their attorneys
could question witnesses for the prosecution, although questions must usually be
presented to the judges, who are expected to ask the questions on behalf of
counsel. Defendants or their attorneys could, within limits, present witnesses and
evidence on their own behalf. Defendants have the right not to testify or confess
guilt and the right to appeal. The law provides for court-provided language
interpretation when needed. Human rights groups alleged interpretation was not
always provided free of charge, leaving some poor, non-Turkish-speaking
defendants disadvantaged by the need to pay for interpretation.
Observers noted the prosecutors and courts often failed to establish evidence to
sustain indictments and convictions in cases related to supporting terrorism,
highlighting concerns regarding respect for due process and adherence to credible
evidentiary thresholds. In numerous cases authorities used secret evidence or
witnesses to which defense attorneys and the accused had no access or ability to
cross-examine and challenge in court, particularly in cases related to national
security. The government occasionally refused to acknowledge secret witnesses.
In April court authorities released from judicial control (parole) Turkish dual
national Serkan Golge. In 2018 a court sentenced Golge to seven-and-a-half years
in prison on charges of “membership in a terrorist organization,referring to the
Gulen movement. An appeals court later reduced the charges and sentence to
support of a terrorist organizationand five yearsimprisonment. Authorities
arrested Golge in 2016 based on specious evidence, including witness testimony
that was later recanted. Golge served nearly three years in prison before he was
released; he was permitted to leave the country in June.
Political Prisoners and Detainees
The number of political prisoners remained a subject of debate at years end. In
July the Ministry of Interior reported the government had detained 282,790 persons
in connection with the coup attempt since 2016. Of those, 25,912 were in prison
awaiting trial. NGOs estimated there were 50,000 individuals in prison for terror-
Page 20
related crimes. Some observers considered some of these individuals political
prisoners, a charge the government disputed.
Prosecutors used a broad definition of terrorism and threats to national security and
in some cases, according to defense lawyers and opposition groups, used what
appeared to be legally questionable evidence to file criminal charges against and
prosecute a broad range of individuals, including journalists, opposition politicians
(primarily of the HDP), activists, and others critical of the government.
At years end eight former HDP parliamentarians and 17 HDP comayors were in
detention following arrest. According to the HDP, since July 2015 at least 5,000
HDP lawmakers, executives, and party members were in prison for a variety of
charges related to terrorism and political speech. The government had suspended
from office using national security grounds 48 locally elected opposition
politicians in Kurdish-majority areas, and subsequently arrested 37. The
government suspended from office the elected village leaders of 10 villages in the
southeast in May. By August 2019 the government had suspended most of the
mayors elected in the southeast in March 2019, including the HDP mayors of
major southeastern cities Diyarbakir, Mardin, and Van. The government
suspended an additional 16 mayors during the year. The government suspended
the majority of mayors for ongoing investigations into their alleged support for
PKK terrorism, largely dating to before their respective elections.
In September authorities arrested both comayors of Kars, Ayhan Bilgen and Sevin
Alaca, as part of detention orders for 101 persons across seven provinces,
including former HDP members of parliament and senior HDP officials, for their
alleged involvement in the 2014 Kobane protests in the country regarding
perceived government inaction in response to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
takeover of the majority Kurdish town of Kobane, Syria. The prosecutors office
also issued a secrecy injunction, citing terror charges, which prevented lawyers
from accessing their clientsfiles. In total authorities arrested 17 HDP officials.
On December 30, the Ankara Prosecutors Office filed an indictment containing 37
counts of homicide and charges of disrupting the unity and territorial integrity of
the stateagainst 108 individuals, including the arrested HDP officials, in relation
Page 21
to the Kobane protests.
Former HDP cochair and former presidential candidate Selahattin Demirtas
remained in prison on terrorism charges since 2016 despite 2018 and 2020 ECHR
rulings for his release. In June the Constitutional Court ruled that Demirtas
lengthy pretrial detention violated his rights, but the government did not release
him from prison because of a second detention order stemming from a separate
investigation related to the 2014 antigovernment Kobane protests. In September
the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutors Office issued a new indictment against
Demirtas under counterterrorism statutes for his criticism of the Ankara chief
prosecutor at a hearing in January. On the same day, an Ankara court also ruled
for the continuation of Demirtasimprisonment based on the Kobane protests
investigation. On December 22, the ECHR ruled that Turkey violated Demirtas
rights, including freedom of expression, liberty, and security; speedy decision on
lawfulness of detention; and free elections, and it called for his immediate release.
Following the ruling, President Erdogan accused the ECHR of defending a
terroristand making a hypocritical, politically motivated ruling. The president
also stated that only Turkish courts could rule on the case and that Turkey would
evaluatethe ECHR decision. On December 30, authorities indicted Demirtas for
his involvement in the Kobane protests as part of the mass indictment of 108
Authorities used antiterror laws broadly against opposition political party
members, human rights activists, media outlets, suspected PKK sympathizers, and
alleged Gulen movement members or groups affiliated with the Gulen movement,
among others, including to seize assets of companies, charities, or businesses.
Human rights groups alleged many detainees had no substantial link to terrorism
and were detained to silence critical voices or weaken political opposition to the
ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), particularly the HDP or its partner
party, the Democratic Regions Party.
In June the government expelled MPs Leyla Guven and Musa Farisogulları of the
HDP and Enis Berberoglu of the main opposition CHP from parliament and
arrested them after appeals courts upheld charges against them on terrorism and
espionage, respectively. The Constitutional Court ruled that the government had
violated Berberoglu’s rights because it did not renew the lifting of his legal
Page 22
immunity following his re-election in 2018. In October the criminal court in
Istanbul, which reviewed Berberoglus case, rejected the Constitutional Court
ruling for a retrial. Berberoglu remained on release from prison due to COVID-19
precautions. In December a Diyarbakir court sentenced Guven to 22 years and
three months in prison on three separate terrorism charges. Authorities transferred
Guven to prison following sentencing; they had released her earlier in the year
based on time served in a separate case.
Students, artists, and association members faced criminal investigations for alleged
terror-related activities, primarily due to their social media posts. The government
did not consider those in custody for alleged PKK or Gulen movement ties to be
political prisoners and did not permit access to them by human rights or
humanitarian organizations.
Credible reports claimed that authorities subjected some persons jailed on
terrorism-related charges to abuses, including long solitary confinement,
unnecessary strip and cavity searches, severe limitations on outdoor exercise and
out-of-cell activity, denial of access to prison library and media, slow medical
attention, and in some cases the denial of medical treatment. Reports also alleged
that authorities subjected visitors of prisoners accused of terrorism-related crimes
to abuse, including limited access to family and degrading treatment by prison
guards, including strip searches.
Politically Motivated Reprisal against Individuals Located Outside the
The government engaged in a worldwide effort to apprehend suspected members
of the Gulen movement. There were credible reports that the government exerted
bilateral pressure on other countries to take adverse action against specific
individuals, at times without due process. According to a report by several UN
special rapporteurs in May, the government reportedly coordinated with other
states to transfer more forcibly than 100 Turkish nationals to Turkey since the 2016
coup attempt, of which 40 individuals were subjected to enforced disappearance.
In January, Albania deported Turkish citizen Harun Celik, a teacher at a school
associated with the Gulen movement, to Turkey after arresting him for traveling on
false documents in 2019. Celiks lawyer reported Celik requested asylum while
Page 23
detained in Albania and that Albania repatriated him to Turkey without giving him
an opportunity to appeal the decision. Authorities detained Celik upon arrival in
Istanbul. Turkish media hailed the repatriation as a successful operation by
Turkish state intelligence. Individuals returned to the country under such
circumstances usually faced legal proceedings based on their association with the
Gulen movement. In September, Isa Ozer, a Turkish national who had been an
elected local deputy in Dogubeyazit in eastern Anatolia for the left-wing HDP, was
brought to Turkey from Ukraine in what the Turkish state press described as an
intelligence operation.
There were also credible reports that the government attempted to use INTERPOL
red notices to target specific individuals located outside the country, alleging ties to
terrorism connected to the 2016 coup attempt or to the PKK, based on little
evidence. Freedom House reported that, since the 2016 coup attempt, the country
had uploaded tens of thousands of requests in INTERPOL for persons the
government designated as affiliated with the Gulen movement. There were also
reports that individuals faced complications related to erroneous lost or stolen
passport reports the government filed against suspected Gulen movement
supporters in the years directly following the coup attempt. Targeted individuals
often had no clearly identified role in the attempted coup but were associated with
the Gulen movement or had spoken in favor of it. The reports to INTERPOL
could lead to individualsdetention or prevent them from traveling.
In September press reported that the Diyarbakir Chief Prosecutors Office
requested the extradition of former HDP MP and Diyarbakir mayor Osman
Baydemir, who resides in the United Kingdom, as part of a terrorism investigation.
Authorities also petitioned an INTERPOL red notice for Baydemir. He was
previously convicted for insulting police and stripped of MP status in 2018.
The government used property seizure orders to pressure individuals living in exile
abroad. In October a court seized all assets, including property and bank accounts,
of exiled opposition journalist Can Dundar and declared him a fugitive after he did
not attend trial proceedings for the case against him and other former Cumhuriyet
journalists who reported on alleged illicit arms shipments by Turkish intelligence
officers to Syria. On December 23, an Istanbul court sentenced Dundar in absentia
to 27 yearsimprisonment. The court also upheld the asset seizure and began an
Page 24
extradition request from Germany, where Dundar resides.
The government continued to refuse to renew the passports of some citizens with
temporary residency permits in other countries on political grounds, claiming they
were members of “Gulenistorganizations; these individuals were unable to travel
outside of their countries of residence.
Civil Judicial Procedures and Remedies
The constitution provides for an independent and impartial judiciary in civil
matters, although this differed in practice. Citizens and legal entities such as
organizations and companies have the right to file a civil case for compensation for
physical or psychological harm, including for human rights violations. On
constitutional and human rights issues, the law also provides for individuals to
appeal their cases directly to the Constitutional Court, theoretically allowing for
faster and simpler high-level review of alleged human rights violations within
contested court decisions. Critics complained that, despite this mechanism, the
large volume of appeals of dismissals under the state of emergency and decreased
judicial capacity caused by purges in the judiciary resulted in slow proceedings.
As of September 30, the Constitutional Court has received 30,584 applications and
found rights law violations in 20 percent of applications, according to official
statistics. Of the 2019 applications, 30 percent remained pending. Citizens who
have exhausted all domestic remedies have the right to apply for redress to the
ECHR; however, the government rarely implemented ECHR decisions. According
to the NGO European Implementation Network, Turkey has not implemented 60
percent of ECHR decisions from the last 10 years. For example, the country has
not implemented the ECHR decision on the illegality of pretrial detention of
former Constitutional Court judge Alparslan Altan, arrested and convicted
following the coup attempt in 2016. Altan was serving an 11-year prison sentence
at years end.
The government established the Inquiry Commission on the State of Emergency
Measures, in 2017 to adjudicate appeals of wrongfully dismissed civil servants and
began accepting cases that July. The commission reported that, as of the end of the
year, it had received 126,630 applications, adjudicated 112,310 cases, approved
Page 25
13,170, and rejected 99,140. Critics complained the appeals process was opaque,
slow, and did not respect citizensrights to due process, including by prohibiting
defendants from seeing the evidence against them or presenting exculpatory
evidence in their defense.
Property Restitution
In multiple parts of the southeast, many citizens continued efforts to appeal the
governments 2016 expropriations of properties to reconstruct areas damaged in
government-PKK fighting (see section 1.g, Other Conflict-related Abuse).
According to the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund of Turkey, as of July the
government had seized 796 businesses worth an estimated 61.2 billion lira ($7.85
billion) since the 2016 coup attempt. A March NGO report estimated that $32.2
billion in businesses and business assets, including from media outlets, schools,
universities, hospitals, banks, private companies, and other holdings were
confiscated since the 2016 coup attempt in breach of domestic regulations.
In July the government completed the flooding of a valley in Batman province for
a new hydroelectric dam. Residents displaced by the use of eminent domain
reported the governments payment for their property would not cover the cost of
the apartment buildings intended to replace their former homes and complained
that animal husbandry was not allowed in the new city, a practice residents had
until then relied upon for income and sustenance.
The Department of States Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act
Report to Congress, released publicly on July 29, may be found on the
Departments website:
f. Arbitrary or Unlawful Interference with Privacy, Family, Home,
or Correspondence
While the constitution provides for the secrecy of private lifeand states that
individuals have the right to demand protection and correction of their personal
information and data, the law provides MIT with the authority to collect
information while limiting the ability of the public or journalists to expose abuses.
Oversight of MIT falls within the purview of the presidency, and checks on MIT
Page 26
authorities are limited. MIT may collect data from any entity without a warrant or
other judicial process for approval. At the same time, the law establishes criminal
penalties for conviction of interfering with MIT activities, including data collection
or obtaining or publishing information concerning the agency. The law allows the
president to grant MIT and its employeesimmunity from prosecution.
Police possess broad powers for personal search and seizure. Senior police
officials may authorize search warrants, with judicial permission required to follow
within 24 hours. Individuals subjected to such searches have the right to file
complaints; however, judicial permission occurring after a search had already
taken place failed to serve as a check against abuse.
Security forces may conduct wiretaps for up to 48 hours without a judges
approval. As a check against potential abuse of this power, the State Inspection
Board may conduct annual inspections and present its reports for review to
parliaments Security and Intelligence Commission. Information on how often this
authority was used was not available. Human rights groups noted that wiretapping
without a court order circumvented judicial control and potentially limited citizens
right to privacy. Some citizens asserted that authorities tapped their telephones and
accessed their email or social media accounts. There was evidence the government
monitored private online communications using nontransparent legal authority.
The Ministry of Interior disclosed that in the first seven months of this year, it
examined 14,186 social media accounts and took legal action against more than
6,743 users whom it accused of propagandizing or promoting terror organizations,
inciting persons to enmity and hostility, or insulting state institutions. The law
allows courts to order domestic internet service providers to block access to links,
including to websites, articles, or social media posts, and was routinely used to
block access to news sites. The editor of one such news website, Sendika, reported
that his site has been blocked 63 times since 2015. The HRFT reported that in the
first eight months of the year, the government detained at least 485 persons and
arrested six for social media posts, including but not limited to posts on COVID-
Human rights groups asserted that self-censorship due to fear of official reprisal
accounted in part for the relatively low number of complaints they received
Page 27
regarding allegations of torture or mistreatment.
Using antiterror legislation, the government targeted family members to exert
pressure on wanted suspects. Government measures included cancelling the
passports of family members of civil servants suspended or dismissed from state
institutions, as well as of those who had fled authorities. In some cases the
government cancelled or refused to issue passports for the minor children of
individuals outside the country who were wanted for or accused of ties to the
Gulen movement. In June the Ministry of Interior announced it would lift
restrictions on the passports of 28,075 persons in addition to the 57,000 reported in
Government seizure and closure during the previous three years of hundreds of
businesses accused of links to the Gulen movement created ambiguous situations
for the privacy of client information.
g. Abuses in Internal Conflict
Clashes between security forces and the PKK and its affiliates in the country
continued throughout the year, although at a reduced level relative to previous
years, and resulted in the injury or deaths of security forces, PKK terrorists, and
civilians. The government continued security operations against the PKK and its
affiliates in various areas of the east and southeast. Authorities issued curfews of
varying duration in certain urban and rural areas and also decreed special security
zonesin some areas to facilitate counter-PKK operations, which restricted access
of visitors and, in some cases, residents. While portions of Hakkari province and
rural portions of Tunceli Province remained special security zonesmost of the
year, the government imposed curfews and special security zonesless frequently
overall than in 2019. PKK attacks claimed the lives of noncombatant civilians, as
did kidnappings. Residents of these areas reported they occasionally had very little
time to leave their homes prior to the launch of counter-PKK security operations.
Those who remained faced curfews of varying scope and duration that at times
restricted their movement and complicated living conditions.
Killings: According to the International Crisis Group, from mid-2015 to
December, at least 1,265 security force members, 3,166 PKK terrorists, 5,539
Page 28
civilians, and 226 individuals of unknown affiliation died in PKK-related fighting
in the country and the surrounding region.
The HRA reported that in the first 10 months of the year, 14 security officers, 15
civilians, and 78 PKK terrorists were killed during clashes; 15 security officers and
23 civilians were reportedly injured.
PKK attacks resulted in civilian deaths. For example, on April 8, a roadside bomb
attack killed five forestry workers in Diyarbakir province. Government data on
casualty tolls were unavailable.
PKK tactics included targeted killings and assault with conventional weapons,
vehicle-borne bombs, and IEDs. At times IEDs or unexploded ordnance, usually
attributed to the PKK, killed or maimed civilians and security forces. According to
news reports, in April an 11-year-old boy died as a result of an explosion of
unexploded ordnance in Diyarbakir. Since 2016, unexploded ordnance killed at
least 22 civilians, 21 of whom were children.
Abductions: The PKK abducted or attempted to abduct civilians (see Child
Soldiers, below).
Physical Abuse, Punishment, and Torture: Human rights groups alleged that
police, other government security forces, and the PKK abused some civilian
residents of the southeast. There was little accountability for mistreatment by
government authorities. In April a Gevas court acquitted a police officer who was
accused of torturing four village residents in 2017. Although victims identified
seven police officers, the prosecutor pressed charges against only one.
Child Soldiers: The government and some members of Kurdish communities
alleged the PKK recruited and forcibly abducted children for conscription. A
group of mothers continued a sit-in protest they began in Diyarbakir in September
2019 alleging the PKK had forcibly recruited or kidnapped their children and
demanding their return. According to the Directorate of Communications of the
Presidency, 438 children escaped and left the PKK from January 2014 to June.
Other Conflict-related Abuse: Extensive damage stemming from government-
PKK fighting led authorities in 2016 to expropriate certain properties in specific
Page 29
districts of the southeast to facilitate postconflict reconstruction. Many of these
areas remained inaccessible to residents at years end due to reconstruction. In
Diyarbakirs Sur District, the government had not returned or completed repairs on
many of the expropriated properties, including the historic and ancient sites inside
Sur, such as Surp Giragos Armenian Church and the Mar Petyun Chaldean Church.
The government allocated 30 million lira ($3.8 million) to renovate four churches;
renovations on two of them were completed. Some affected residents filed court
challenges seeking permission to remain on expropriated land and receive
compensation; many of these cases remained pending at years end. In certain
cases courts awarded compensation to aggrieved residents, although the latter
complained awards were insufficient. The overall number of those awarded
compensation was unavailable at years end.
In May press reported the discovery of plastic boxes containing the remains of 261
bodies of PKK terrorists from the Kurdish-dominated southeastern province of
Bitlis; the boxes were buried under the sidewalks in Istanbuls Kilyos Cemetery.
Authorities reportedly removed the bodies from a cemetery in Bitlis during a
construction project in 2017 and moved them without the knowledge of families of
the buried.
Government actions and adverse security conditions impacted democratic
freedoms, including limiting journalistsand international observersaccess to
affected areas, which made monitoring and assessing the aftermath of urban
conflicts difficult. Since 2019 the Ministry of Interior suspended 48 of 65 elected
HDP mayors in the southeast based on allegations of support for terrorism related
to the PKK. Because the mayors were suspended but not removed, pursuant to
2018 antiterror legislation, local residents did not have the opportunity to elect
other representatives. The government appointed officials to govern these 48
municipalities in lieu of the removed elected mayors.
Section 2. Respect for Civil Liberties, Including
a. Freedom of Expression, Including for the Press
The constitution and law provide for freedom of expression within certain limits.
The government restricted freedom of expression, including for the press,
Page 30
throughout the year. Multiple articles in the penal code directly restrict press
freedom and free speech through provisions that prohibit praising a crime or
criminals or inciting the population to enmity, hatred, or denigration, as well as
provisions that protect public order and criminalize insulting the state, the
president, or government officials. Many involved in journalism reported that the
governments prosecution of journalists representing major opposition and
independent newspapers and its jailing of journalists since the 2016 coup attempt
hindered freedom of speech. Media professionals reported that self-censorship was
widespread amid fear that criticizing the government could prompt reprisals.
The law provides for punishment of up to three years in prison for conviction of
hate speechor injurious acts related to language, race, nationality, color, gender,
disability, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, or sectarian differences.
Human rights groups criticized the law for not including restrictions based on
gender identity and noted that the law was sometimes used more to restrict
freedom of speech than to protect minorities.
The government convicted and sentenced hundreds of individuals for exercising
their freedom of expression. According to a July MetroPOLL company survey, 62
percent of respondents believed media in the country was not free, and 50 percent
believed they were not free on social media.
The government frequently responded to expression critical of it by filing criminal
charges alleging affiliation with terrorist groups, terrorism, or otherwise
endangering the state. In January, Ankaras chief public prosecutor opened
investigations into 50 persons for social media posts related to the 6.8-magnitude
Elazig earthquake on January 24, charging that the posts were “creating worry, fear
and panic among the publicand insulting the Turkish people, the Republic of
Turkey and public institutions.” At the end of May, the Ministry of Interior
announced that in the six weeks after the COVID-19 pandemic reached the country
in mid-March, authorities had examined 10,111 social media accounts containing
unfounded and provocativeinformation regarding COVID-19. Authorities also
identified 1,105 individuals, detained more than 500 persons connected to those
accounts for questioning, and initiated nearly 600 criminal investigations.
Individuals investigated by police included prominent doctors and heads of
medical associations. In October the Ministry of Interior announced it investigated
Page 31
40 social media accounts, detained 10 individuals, and arrested two for social
media posts related to the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that struck Izmir province on
October 30.
During the year the government opened investigations into thousands of
individuals, including politicians, journalists, and minors, based on allegations of
insulting the president; the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal
Ataturk; or state institutions. According to Ministry of Justice statistics, police
investigated 36,066 individuals for insulting the president or the state in 2019;
12,298 stood trial and 3,831 were penalized. In contrast from 2014 to 2019, the
number of individuals that received prison sentences under insult laws dropped to
2,663. In July police detained 11 persons and arrested one for comments made on
social media posts about the presidents daughter and son-in-law, former treasury
and finance minister Berat Albayrak, following the birth of their son on charges of
insulting a public official.
Estimates of the number of imprisoned journalists varied, ranging from at least 37
according to the Committee to Protect Journalists to 79 according to the
International Press Institute. The majority faced charges related to antigovernment
reporting or alleged ties to the PKK or Gulen movement.
The Media and Law Studies Association in Istanbul attributed the disparity in
estimates of the number of incarcerated journalists to the varying definitions of
journalist” or “media worker.While the government officially recognizes as
journalists only persons whom it has issued a yellow press accreditation card--
typically limited to reporters, cameramen, and editors--media watchdog groups
included distributors, copy editors, layout designers, and other staff of media
outlets in their definition. The government often categorized imprisoned
journalists from Kurdish-language outlets or alleged pro-Gulen publications as
terrorists,” claiming ties to or support for the PKK and the Gulen movement.
Information about and access to the imprisoned staff of some of these outlets was
therefore limited, further contributing to disparities in tallies of jailed journalists.
An unknown number of journalists were outside the country and did not return due
to fear of arrest, according to the Journalists Association. In June in response to a
parliamentary question submitted six months earlier by an HDP MP, Vice
Page 32
President Fuat Oktay stated, the government shut down a total of 119 media outlets
under state of emergency decrees following the 2016 failed coup attempt,
including a total of 53 newspapers, 20 magazines, 16 television channels, 24 radio
stations, and six news agencies. Independent reports estimated the government has
closed more than 200 media companies since 2016.
Freedom of Speech: Individuals in many cases could not criticize the state or
government publicly without risk of civil or criminal suits or investigation, and the
government restricted expression by individuals sympathetic to some religious,
political, or cultural viewpoints. At times those who wrote or spoke on sensitive
topics or in ways critical of the government risked investigation, fines, criminal
charges, job loss, and imprisonment.
On June 23, an Istanbul court upheld the conviction and sentencing of the main
opposition CHP Istanbul provincial chair Canan Kaftancioglu on multiple charges
related to tweets critical of government policy, including comments related to the
2013 Gezi Park Protests and the 2016 coup attempt, which she made between 2012
and 2017. A lower court had sentenced Kaftancioglu to nearly 10 years
imprisonment in 2018 for “insulting the republic,” “insulting the president,” and
spreading terrorist propagandain tweets. At years end she remained free
pending her final legal appeal. Kaftancioglu also faced separate charges under a
December indictment by the Istanbul Prosecutors Office for ordering photographs
of alleged illegal construction on land owned by Presidential Communications
Director Fahrettin Altun. The indictment sought up to 10 yearsimprisonment for
Kaftancioglu. Authorities scheduled the first hearing of the case for May 2021.
A parliamentary by-law prohibits use of the word Kurdistanor other sensitive
terms by MPs on the floor of parliament and provides for the possibility of fining
violators; however, authorities did not uniformly implement this by-law.
Diyarbakir Bar Association chairman Ahmet Ozmen continued to face charges
filed in 2019 stemming from a statement the Bar Association released in 2017,
stating, We share the unrelieved pain of Armenian people.
Rights groups and free speech advocates reported intensifying government
pressure that in certain cases resulted in their exercising enhanced caution in their
Page 33
public reporting.
In late April the Ankara Bar Association filed a complaint for hate speech against
Ali Erbas, president of the Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet), following a
sermon in which he stated that homosexuality causes illness, including HIV. In
response President Erdogan announced that an attack against Erbas was an attack
against the state. The Istanbul Prosecutors Office promptly opened a criminal
investigation against the bar association, and President Erdogan commented, All
will know their place.
Freedom of Press and Media, Including Online Media: Mainstream print
media and television stations were largely controlled by progovernment holding
companies heavily influenced by the ruling party. Reporters without Borders
estimated the government was able to exert power in the administration of 90
percent of the most watched television stations and most read national daily
newspapers through the companiesaffiliation with the government. Only a small
fraction of the holding companiesprofits came from media revenue, and their
other commercial interests impeded media independence, encouraged a climate of
self-censorship, and limited the scope of public debate.
Nearly all private Kurdish-language newspapers, television channels, and radio
stations remained closed on national security grounds under government decrees.
Government prosecution of journalists limited media freedom throughout the year.
In 2018 authorities convicted 14 persons affiliated with the leading independent
newspaper, Cumhuriyet on charges of aiding terrorist organizations, citing their
reporting as part of the evidence against the accused, and sentenced to prison terms
of between three and seven years. After a lengthy appeal process, the
Constitutional Court found no rights violations in cases for 11 of the journalists but
ruled in favor of three. On November 10, the ECHR found that Turkey violated
the freedom of expression rights of eight of the journalists and ordered them to be
compensated 16,000 euro ($19,200) each. On November 24, the ECHR separately
found that the country had violated the rights of another defendant, journalist
Ahmet Sik.
In July an Istanbul court convicted Turkish-German journalist Deniz Yucel of
Page 34
incitement to hatredand spreading terrorist propagandafor articles he wrote
on Turkey as a correspondent for the German newspaper Die Welt and sentenced
him in absentia to two years and nine months in prison. The Constitutional Court
had previously reviewed the press articles in the indictment and determined they
were protected by freedom of the press. Yucel indicated he would appeal the
In several cases the government barred journalists from travelling outside the
country, including through the use of electronic monitoring. For example, in
October an Istanbul court sentenced five of eight Yeni Yasam, Yeni Cag, and
OdaTV journalists on trial for allegedly revealing the identity of intelligence
officers to more than four years in prison. The court released three of the
defendants, Baris Pehlivan, Hulya Kilinc, and Murat Agirel, based on time served
but imposed an international travel ban. The court acquitted the two OdaTV
Violence and Harassment: Government and political leaders and their supporters
used a variety of means to intimidate and pressure journalists, including lawsuits,
threats, and, in some cases, physical attack.
According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, in 2019 at least nine journalists
were physically attacked, often outside of their place of work. Although in some
cases suspects were identified quickly, by years end authorities had made no
arrests or publicly noted progress in investigations against the perpetrators.
Victims publicly expressed a belief that law enforcement agencies were not
interested in prosecuting the crimes. On August 19, Saban Onen, a journalist of a
Bursa-based local newspaper was attacked in a parking garage in Karacabey.
Onen claimed that the attackers were relatives of the ruling AKP mayor of
Karacabey and specifically referenced his writing about the mayor during the
attack. On August 26, a vehicle belonging to the Nevsehir Journalists Association
was set on fire. The chair of the association, Bayram Ekici, stated he believed the
attack was a premediated attempt to intimidate journalists.
The government routinely filed terrorism-related charges against individuals or
publications in response to reporting on sensitive topics, particularly government
efforts against PKK terrorism and the Gulen movement (also see National
Page 35
Security). Human rights groups and journalists asserted the government did this to
target and intimidate journalists and the public for speech critical of the state. In
September authorities arrested on slander charges the publisher and editor in chief
of a daily newspaper in Kocaeli Province after the newspaper ran a story accusing
local AKP officials of sexually abusing a minor.
Journalists reported that media outlets fired some individuals for being too
controversial or adversarial with the government out of fear of jeopardizing other
business interests.
Journalists affiliated or formerly affiliated with pro-Kurdish outlets faced
significant government pressure, including incarceration. The government
routinely denied press accreditation to Turkish citizens working for international
outlets for any association (including volunteer work) with private Kurdish-
language outlets.
Censorship or Content Restrictions: Government and political leaders
maintained direct and indirect censorship of media and books. Authorities
subjected some writers and publishers to prosecution on grounds of defamation,
denigration, obscenity, separatism, terrorism, subversion, fundamentalism, or
insulting religious values. Authorities investigated or continued court cases against
a myriad of publications and publishers on these grounds during the year. Human
rights organizations voiced strong concern that a law governing social media that
went into effect October 1 would result in increasing social media censorship and
indiscriminate enforcement of content removal requests imposed by courts or made
through individualsrequests by social media companies (see section 2.a., Internet
Freedom for details). Media professionals widely reported practicing self-
censorship due to intimidation and risks of criminal and civil charges.
While the law does not prohibit particular books or publications, authorities
required publishing houses to submit books and periodicals to prosecutors for
screening at the time of publication. The Turkish Publishers Association reported
that bookstores did not carry books by some opposition political figures.
The Turkish Publishers Association reported that publishers often exercised self-
censorship, avoiding works with controversial content (including government
Page 36
criticism, erotic content, or pro-Kurdish content) that might draw legal action. The
association reported that publishers faced publication bans and heavy fines if they
failed to comply in cases in which a court ordered the correction of offensive
content. Authorities also subjected publishers to book promotion restrictions. In
some cases prosecutors considered the possession of some Kurdish-language, pro-
Kurdish, or Gulen movement books to be credible evidence of membership in a
terror organization. In other cases authorities banned books because of
objectionable content.
In August an Istanbul court banned access to reporting by major newspapers and
broadcast networks that a large tender was awarded to a friend of the presidents
son. In September an Istanbul court ordered an additional access ban to news
articles regarding the initial access ban.
In October police raided the Van bureau of Mezopotamya Ajansi and the homes of
many journalists of the news agency. Police detained four journalists during the
raid and confiscated their cameras and technical equipment. One of the journalists,
Cemil Ugur, first reported the story of two villagers in Van who were allegedly
detained, tortured, and thrown from a helicopter by soldiers in September. The
courts granted a confidentiality order requested by the Van Chief Prosecutors
Office on news reports concerning the incident. On October 1, an Ankara penal
judge also ruled to permit the Information and Communications Technologies
Authority to block access to Mezopotamya Ajansis online content.
Some journalists reported their employers asked them to censor their reporting if it
appeared critical of the government or fired them if they failed to comply. These
pressures contributed to an atmosphere of self-censorship in which media reporting
became increasingly standardized along progovernment lines. For instance, the
government continued to pursue a case against Cumhuriyet journalists Alican
Uludag and Duygu Guvenc for publicly degrading the judiciaryand insulting
the Turkish nationfor their coverage of the countrys arrest of Andrew Brunson in
2018. On October 22, the court ruled that Uludag and Guvenc be acquitted as the
act in question is not defined as a crime in the law.”
Radio and television broadcast outlets did not provide equal access to the countrys
major political parties. Critics charged that media generally favored the ruling
Page 37
AKP. In December the owner of private media outlet Olay TV announced that he
would close the channel after only a month of operation because its editorial line
prioritized pro-HDP content. The editor in chief of Olay TV announced during its
last broadcast that the government pressured channel executives to close the
channel. Other outlet employees told reporters the channel faced government
scrutiny because it was too critical of the government and included reports of
alleged corruption and human rights violations by government officials.
Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTUK) member Ilhan Tasci, who
represented the CHP, reported that as of December, RTUK had fined or suspended
independent broadcasters in 54 instances. During that time government-affiliated
broadcasters received two warnings and one fine. Independent broadcasters paid
25 times more in fines than government-affiliated ones.
RTUK continued the practice of fining broadcasters whose content it considered
contrary to the national and moral values of society. Service providers that
broadcast online are required to obtain a license or may face having their content
removed. RTUK is empowered to reject license requests on the grounds of
national security and to subject content to prior censorship. In July, RTUK
announced it would suspend pro-opposition television stations Halk TV and
TELE1 for five days and that the two outlets could lose their broadcast licenses
entirely if they received another penalty. RTUK ruled that TELE1 incited hatred
during two news programs that criticized the country’s Directorate of Religious
Affairs (Diyanet) and President Erdogan. RTUK imposed the suspension on Halk
TV for criticizing Turkeys foreign policy. The NGO Committee to Protect
Journalists warned, the two channels were two remaining pro-opposition
broadcast outlets in a media landscape that has become predominantly
progovernmentand that their presence is vital for media pluralityin the
country. After the broadcasters lost court appeals, RTUK suspended TELE1 and
Halk TV broadcasts for five days in September.
Libel/Slander Laws: Observers reported that government officials used
defamation laws to stop political opponents, journalists, and ordinary citizens from
voicing criticism (see section 2.a., Freedom of Expression, Including for the Press).
According to press reports, convictions for insulting the president increased 13-
fold between 2016 and the end of 2019. The law provides that persons who insult
Page 38
the president of the republic may face a prison term of up to four years. The
sentence may be increased by one-sixth if committed publicly and by one-third if
committed by media outlets.
Authorities charged citizens, including minors, with insulting the country’s leaders
and denigrating Turkishness. Free speech advocates pointed out that, while
leaders and deputies from opposition political parties regularly faced multiple
insult charges, the government did not apply the law equally and that AKP
members and government officials were rarely prosecuted. In March, Engin
Ozkoc of the opposition CHP insulted the president using the same phrasing that
the president used in reference to Ozkoc. Ozkoc’s comments set off a brawl on the
floor of the parliament. Erdogan sued Ozkoc for libel and the Prosecutors Office
opened an investigation into Ozkocs comments.
In September a court sentenced the former cochair of the pro-Kurdish Democratic
Regions Party Sebahat Tuncel to 11 months in prison for insulting the president.
Tuncel had called Erdogan a misogynist and an enemy of women and Kurds.
In May police arrested former CHP Izmir province vice chair Banu Ozdemir for
her social media posts sharing videos of Izmir mosques playing the song Bella
Ciao” from their speakers after a hacking incident. Ozdemir was arrested on
charges ofdenigrating religious valuesand spent one week in pretrial detention.
On December 10, an Izmir court acquitted Ozdemir.
National Security: Authorities regularly used the counterterrorism law and the
penal code to limit free expression on grounds of national security. Organizations,
including the Committee to Protect Journalists and Freedom House, reported that
authorities used the counterterrorism law and criminal code to prosecute
journalists, writers, editors, publishers, filmmakers, translators, rights activists,
lawyers, elected officials, and students accused of supporting a terrorist
organization--generally either the PKK or the Gulen movement.
In March an Istanbul court ordered the arrest of seven journalists and editors for
their news organizationsreports on the funeral of an alleged MIT official who
died in Libya in February. Authorities charged the journalists with exposing the
identities of MIT agents and their families. In September an Istanbul court found
Page 39
five of the journalists guilty and issued sentences from three to more than four
years imprisonment. The court acquitted two of the journalists.
The trial of prominent columnist Ahmet Altan continued, and he remained in
prison at years end. Altan was convicted in 2018 for attempting to overthrow the
constitutional orderrelating to allegations he had a role in the 2016 attempted
coup; Altan received an aggravated life sentence. In 2019 after the Supreme Court
of Appeals overturned the life imprisonment sentence, Altan was convicted for
aiding a terrorist organizationand released on time served. Within days of the
release, he was rearrested following the prosecutors objection. In December the
Constitutional Court rejected Altans application for review of his re-arrest. Rights
groups claimed that Altan faced charges in reprisal for his work as a journalists and
Authorities also targeted foreign journalists. For example, in March authorities
detained a group of journalists, including five foreign journalists along the Turkey-
Greece border, for allegedly violating the border zone. All were later released.
Nongovernmental Impact: The PKK used intimidation to limit freedom of
speech and other constitutional rights in the southeast. Some journalists, political
party representatives, and residents of the southeast reported pressure, intimidation,
and threats if they spoke out against the PKK or praised government security
Internet Freedom
The government continued to restrict access to the internet and expanded its
blocking of selected online content. The government at times blocked access to
cloud-based services and permanently blocked access to many virtual private
networks. There was evidence the government monitored private online
communications using nontransparent legal authority. The Freedom House report
Freedom on the Net 2020: The Pandemics Digital Shadow noted that the
government harassed, arrested, and detained journalists, activists, and bloggers for
their online activity, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The law allows the government to block a website or remove content if there is
sufficient suspicion that the site is committing any number of crimes, including
Page 40
insulting the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, or insulting
the president. The government may also block sites to protect national security
and public order. At times authorities blocked some news and information sites
that had content criticizing government policies. The law also allows persons who
believe a website violated their personal rights to ask the regulatory body to order
internet service providers (ISPs) to remove offensive content. Government
leaders, including the president, reportedly employed staff to monitor the internet
and initiate charges against individuals perceived as insulting them.
The government-operated Information and Communication Technologies
Authority (BTK) is empowered to demand that ISPs remove content or block
websites with four hoursnotice, as are government ministers. The regulatory
body must refer the matter to a judge within 24 hours, who must rule on the matter
within 48 hours. If it is not technically possible to remove individual content
within the specified time, the entire website may be blocked. ISP administrators
may face a penalty of six months to two years in prison or fines ranging from
50,000 to 500,000 lira ($6,400 to $64,000) for conviction of failing to comply with
a judicial order. The president appoints the BTK president, vice president, and
members of the agency.
In July parliament passed a law regulating online social media providers.
According to the law, beginning in October social media companies with more
than one million users are required to establish legal in-country representation and
to store user data in the country. Failure to establish legal representation is subject
to escalating penalties, starting with fines of up to 40 million lira ($5.5 million), a
ban on ad placement with the company, and bandwidth restrictions of up to 90
percent. The law also imposes a regulation on content removal, requiring social
media companies to respond to content removal requests from individuals within
48 hours and from courts within 24 hours, or face heavy fines. Beginning in June
2021, the law will require social media companies to report and publish on their
websitesstatistics on content removal. Opponents of the law asserted it was
intended to silence dissent and stifle expression online. There were also concerns
that social media company representatives may face criminal charges if companies
fail to comply with government requests, and advocates have raised significant
data privacy concerns about the new requirement to store data in the country. Prior
Page 41
to the law, the government required content providers to obtain an operating
certificate for the country. In November and December, the BTK imposed fines on
several social media companies, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, for
noncompliance with the laws in-country legal representation requirements.
The government has authority to restrict internet freedom with limited
parliamentary and judicial oversight. The law provides that government authorities
may access internet user records to protect national security, public order, health,
and decencyor to prevent a crime. The law also establishes an ISP union of all
internet providers that is responsible for implementing website takedown orders.
The judicial system is responsible for informing content providers of ordered
The government required ISPs, including internet cafes, to use BTK-approved
filtering tools that blocked specific content. Additional internet restrictions were in
place in government and university buildings. According to the internet freedom
NGO EngelliWeb, the government blocked 61,049 domain names during 2019,
increasing the total number of blocked sites to 408,494. Of the new domain names
that the government blocked, 70 percent were blocked through a BTK decision that
did not require judicial approval. According to EngelliWeb reporting, 5,599 news
articles were blocked in 2019, and news providers removed 3,528 articles after a
block was implemented.
In January the government lifted a ban on Wikipedia following a court ruling in
December 2019 that the ban constituted a violation of free expression. The
government imposed the ban in 2017 based on national security concerns.”
According to Twitters internal transparency report, during the last six months of
2019 the company received 5,195 court orders and other legal requests from
authorities to remove content. The country was responsible for 19 percent of
Twitters global legal demands.
Academic Freedom and Cultural Events
During the year the government continued to limit academic freedom, restrict
Page 42
freedom of speech in academic institutions, and censor cultural events.
The president appointed rectors to state and foundation-run universities, leading
critics to assert that the appointments compromised the academic and political
independence of the institutions. Some academics faced charges due to public
statements critical of government policy. Academics and others criticized the
situation in public universities, asserting that the dismissals of more than 7,000
academics during the 2016-18 state of emergency had depleted many departments
and institutions of qualified professional staff to the detriment of students and the
quality of education.
In July 2019 the Constitutional Court ruled that the prosecution of nearly 2,000
academics, known as the Academics for Peace,” was a violation of freedom of
expression. The academics had signed a 2016 petition condemning state violence
in the southeast and been prosecuted on terrorist propaganda charges. As of
September, 622 of the 822 Academics for Peace cases ended in acquittal. Most of
the academics acquitted in 2019 had been fired from their positions and had not
been reinstated at years end.
In April the parliament amended the Higher Education Law. The amendment
included specification of grounds for censure and dismissal of academics,
including engaging in and supporting activities that qualify as terrorand
insulting a superior. The University Faculty Members Association released a
statement that expressed concern the amendment threatens academic freedom.
Some academics and event organizers stated their employers monitored their work
and that they faced censure from their employers if they spoke or wrote on topics
not acceptable to academic management or the government. Many reported
practicing self-censorship. Human rights organizations and student groups
criticized court- and Higher Education Board-imposed constraints that limited
university autonomy in staffing, teaching, and research policies. In December
2019 the Council of Higher Education temporarily suspended the operating license
of Istanbul Sehir University, established by former prime minister Ahmet
Davutoglu. In January the council seized the assets of the Science and Art
Foundation that managed the university and appointed trustees to its management,
citing financial mismanagement and inadequate funds as the reason for the
Page 43
intervention. Academic freedom activists claimed that the actions were in
retaliation for Davutoglus establishment of a new opposition party.
Antiterror measures also affected arts and culture. The government banned more
than 200 Turkish and Kurdish songs on the grounds their content encouraged
persons to smoke or drink or conveyed terrorist propaganda. Police arrested
members of Grup Yorum, a popular folk band collective, in 2016 on terror charges
alleging the groups links to terrorist group Revolutionary Peoples Liberation
Party-Front and banned them from performing. In April and May, two members of
the group, Helin Bolek and Ibrahim Gokcek died as a result of hunger strikes in
protest of the groups treatment. Two additional members remained in prison. In
August police detained at least 10 persons for attending an unauthorized concert in
Istanbul by the group. Authorities arrested at least two persons for attending the
unauthorized concert.
b. Freedoms of Peaceful Assembly and Association
The government restricted the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association.
Freedom of Peaceful Assembly
Although the constitution provides for freedom of assembly, the law provides
several grounds for the government to limit that right. The law stipulates penalties
for protesters convicted of carrying items that might be construed as weapons,
prohibits the use of symbols linked to illegal organizations (including chanting
slogans), and criminalizes covering ones face while protesting. The law permits
police to use tinted water in water cannons, potentially to tag protesters for later
identification and prosecution. The law also allows police to take persons into
protective custodywithout a prosecutors authorization if there is reasonable
suspicion that they are a threat to themselves or to public order. The antiterror law
gives governorates enhanced authority to ban protests and public gatherings, a ban
some governorates enacted broadly during the year.
The government regarded many demonstrations as security threats to the state,
deploying large numbers of riot police to control crowds, frequently using
excessive force and resulting in injuries, detentions, and arrests. At times the
government used its authority to detain persons before protests were held on the
Page 44
premise they might cause civil disruption. The government generally supported
security forcesactions. The HRFT reported that in the first eight months of the
year, police intervened in at least 637 demonstrations. As many as 1,364 persons
claimed they were beaten and received other inhuman treatment during these
police interventions. Neither the government nor human rights groups released
statistics regarding the number of demonstrations that proceeded without
government intervention. Year-end figures for those injured in clashes with
authorities during demonstrations were not available. Human rights NGOs
asserted the governments failure to delineate clearly in the law the circumstances
that justify the use of force contributed to disproportionate use of force during
In July dozens of leaders and members of 29 bar associations participated in a
march to Ankara to protest anticipated legal changes to regulations governing bar
associations. Police forcibly disrupted the march as they entered the city of
Ankara and prevented bar association chairs from participating in a sit-in in front
of the parliament. Video footage showed police pushing and jostling the bar
association heads.
On March 8, police clashed with demonstrators intending to mark International
Womens Day by marching through Istanbuls Taksim Square and Istiklal Avenue.
Prior to the scheduled march, the governor of Istanbul announced the areas would
be closed for demonstrations and assembly and deployed an extensive police
presence to prevent access to the main thoroughfares. Despite the announcement,
groups proceeded with the planned march and attempted to enter the area. Police
blocked the entrances and dispersed the group using tear gas and riot shields.
According to media reports, police detained 32 women during the confrontations.
Police did not disperse commemorations and marches hosted by womens groups
in the citys Kadikoy neighborhood on the Asian side of Istanbul.
Throughout the year during court hearings of jailed former HDP cochair Demirtas,
the Ankara governorate or court security personnel banned gatherings, marches,
and sit-in protests outside the court. Authorities generally prohibited domestic and
international observers from observing the hearings.
The government continued selectively to ban demonstrations outright if they were
Page 45
critical of the government and selectively applied COVID-19 restrictive measures
to demonstrations. For instance, the Tekirdag Governors Office closed entrance
to the province citing COVID-19 precautions ahead of the HDP March for
Democracy from Edirne to Ankara, scheduled in June to take place during three
days. Sit-ins outside HDP buildings in Diyarbakir to demand the return of children
allegedly forcibly recruited by the PKK continued for the second year. Pro-
Kurdish demonstrations of many kinds faced violent police responses throughout
the year.
Istanbul police continued to prevent the vigil of the Saturday Mothers from taking
place on Istiklal Street, in July detaining three group members during the
commemoration of the vigils 800th week. Since the 1990s, the Saturday Mothers
gathered to commemorate the disappearances of relatives following their detention
by security forces in the 1980s and 1990s and to call for accountability.
In January police prevented Melek Cetinkaya, the mother of one of 259 military
cadets jailed and sentenced to aggravated life in prison in the aftermath of the July
2016 failed coup, from launching a march for justice from Ankara to Istanbul.
Police detained Cetinkaya and 66 family members of other imprisoned cadets who
were to join the march. The group planned to walk from Ankara to Silivri Prison
in Istanbul, where the cadets are jailed. Police teams took heightened security
measures in the city center of Ankara before the group gathered and began
detaining marchers as they entered the area. Authorities later released all of the
detained protesters. Cetinkaya accused police of excessive force.
Throughout the year the governors of Van, Tunceli, Mus, Hakkari, and several
other provinces banned public protests, demonstrations, gatherings of any kind,
and the distribution of brochures. The longstanding bans in the southeast of the
country have remained in place during the year.
In contrast with previous years, labor unions, labor organizations, and opposition
political parties called on citizens to honor Labor Day on May 1 while respecting
social distance measures. In particular these groups encouraged supporters to sing
songs from balconies, share messages via social media, and explore other activities
that respect social distancing requirements during the COVID-19 crisis. Social
media showed that many celebrations occurred in isolation across the country. In
Page 46
Istanbul and Ankara, police detained and later released at least 45 persons for
attempting to march despite a mandatory three-day COVID-related lockdown.
Among others, police detained the chair of the Confederation of Progressive Trade
Unions (DISK), Arzu Cerkezoglu, as well as 25 other DISK members as they
attempted to march to Taksim Square in Istanbul. Prior to the event, DISK
claimed to have contacted and informed the Istanbul Governors Office regarding
its plans to organize a march. The office stated that DISK received Istanbul
approval to travel by vehicles, not by foot, and blamed DISK for violating social
distancing measures and initiating brawls with law enforcement officials.
Freedom of Association
While the law provides for freedom of association, the government continued to
restrict this right. The government used provisions of the antiterror law to prevent
associations and foundations it had previously closed due to alleged threats to
national security from reopening. In its 2019 end-of-year report, the Inquiry
Commission on the State of Emergency Measures reported that 208 of the 1,727
associations and foundations closed following the 2016 coup attempt have been
allowed to reopen. Observers widely reported the appeals process for institutions
seeking redress through the Inquiry Commission on the State of Emergency
Measures remained opaque and ineffective (see section 1.e.).
By law persons organizing an association do not need to notify authorities
beforehand, but an association must provide notification before interacting with
international organizations or receiving financial support from abroad and must
provide detailed documents on such activities. Representatives of associations
stated this requirement placed an undue burden on their operations. Human rights
and civil society organizations, groups promoting lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) rights, and womens groups in particular stated
the government used regular and detailed audits to create administrative burdens
and to intimidate them through the threat of large fines. For instance, the HRA
reported that continued investigations and audits during the last four years have
created immense pressure on the organization. In February the government
launched a three-week audit of the HRA.
The case against former Amnesty International honorary chair Taner Kilic and 10
Page 47
other human rights defenders continued in appeals court. Authorities charged the
defendants with membership in a terrorist organizationor “aiding a terrorist
organization without being a member,largely stemming from attendance at a
2017 workshop, Protecting Human Rights Advocates--Digital Security,held on
Istanbuls Buyukada Island. On July 3, an Istanbul court convicted four of the
human rights activists on terrorism-related charges. Nearly three years after his
arrest, Kilic received a prison sentence of six years and three months for
membership in a terrorist organization. The court sentenced former Amnesty
International Turkey director Idil Eser, and fellow human rights defenders Gunal
Kursun and Ozlem Dalkiran to two years and one month for assisting a terrorist
organization. The court acquitted seven other human rights activists including
German citizen Peter Steudtner and Swedish citizen Ali Gharavi. The four
convicted human rights activists remained free pending appeal; the ban on Kilics
foreign travel, imposed in 2018, remained in place.
On December 27, the parliament adopted new counterterrorist financing legislation
entitled Preventing Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
granting the Ministry of Interior powers to audit, suspend staff and governing
board members, and temporarily shut down operations of NGOs. The legislation
prompted strong concern among civil society groups. Nearly 700 civil society
organizations signed a petition opposing the new law, noting it would expand
Ministry of Interior political tutelage,severely restrict fundraising, and allow for
rapid closure of civil society groups without judicial review.
On July 11, parliament approved a law changing the regulations governing bar
associations. The law allows lawyers in provinces with more than 5,000 bar
association members to establish new associations after collecting a minimum of
2,000 member signatures. Whereas previous regulations only permitted one bar
association per province, the new regulations allow for multiple bar associations in
large provinces, paving the way for provincial associations to splinter into many
groups, which could dilute the voices of existing organizations. The law also
changed delegate representation within the Union of Turkish Bar Associations
(UTBA), a governing body of bar associations, reducing the influence of large bar
associations from major metropolitan areas. All 80 Turkish bar associations, as
well as human rights groups, publicly criticized the law, predicting it would
Page 48
undermine judicial independence, divide bar associations along political lines, and
diminish the voices of bar associations critical of the governments actions. To
date, bar associations in major metropolitan areas have wielded significant political
power and influence, particularly in matters of human rights and rule of law. In
September a group of Istanbul Bar Association lawyers gathered enough signatures
to establish a new association in the city and filed a registration petition with
On October 2, the Ministry of Interior issued a circular postponing bar association
elections scheduled by law from October to December. The circular cited anti-
COVID-19 precautions banning all in-person events held by professional
organizations and NGOs. Major bar associations protested the move, alleging the
postponement decision was political since a later election timeline would allow
newly established bar associations to participate. On October 5, a total of 76 of 80
bar associations issued a statement alleging that the circular violates Turkish law
and filed civil suits. Courts dismissed Ankara, Istanbul, and Izmir associations
suits. In December the minister of interior postponed the elections further to
March 2021.
Bar association and other civil society organization representatives reported that
police sometimes attended organizational meetings and recorded them, which the
representatives interpreted as a means of intimidation.
In March the country enacted amendments to the Law on Associations introducing
requirements that associations notify local administrative authorities of any
changes in membership within 30 days or face penalties. The Council of Europe
issued a statement calling the amendments problematic on both procedural and
substantive accountsand noted they failed to meet requirements under the ECHR.
c. Freedom of Religion
See the Department of States International Religious Freedom Report at
d. Freedom of Movement
The constitution provides for freedom of internal movement, foreign travel,
Page 49
emigration, and repatriation, but the government limited these rights. The
government continued to restrict foreign travel for some citizens accused of links
to the Gulen movement or the failed 2016 coup attempt. In June authorities lifted
passport restrictions for 28,075 individuals, in addition to the 57,000 lifted in 2019,
although it remained unclear how many more remained unable to travel. Curfews
imposed by local authorities in response to counter-PKK operations and the
countrys military operation in northern Syria also restricted freedom of
movement, as did restrictions on interprovincial travel due to COVID-19
In-country Movement: The constitution provides that only a judge may limit
citizensfreedom to travel and only in connection with a criminal investigation or
prosecution. Antiterror laws allow severe restrictions to be imposed on freedom of
movement, such as granting governors the power to limit movement on
individuals, including entering or leaving provinces, for up to 15 days.
Freedom of movement remained a problem in parts of the east and southeast,
where countering PKK activity led authorities to block roads and set up
checkpoints, temporarily restricting movement at times. The government instituted
special security zones, restricting the access of civilians, and established curfews in
parts of several provinces in response to PKK terrorist attacks or activity (see
section 1.g., Abuses in Internal Conflict).
The minister of interior and governorates also restricted interprovincial travel
between March and May followed by limited restrictions on movement to and
from metropolitan municipalities as measures to contain COVID-19. Some
governorates, particularly in the northwest and southeast, instituted subsequent
bans on movement as anti-COVID-19 measures throughout the year.
Conditional refugees and Syrians under temporary protection also experienced
restrictions on their freedom of movement (see section 2.f., Protection of
Foreign Travel: The government placed restrictions on foreign travel for tens of
thousands of citizens accused of links to the Gulen movement or the failed coup
attempt, as well as on their extended family members. Authorities also restricted
Page 50
some foreign citizens with dual Turkish citizenship from leaving the country due to
alleged terrorism concerns. The government maintained the travel restrictions
were necessary to preserve security. Some persons whom the government barred
from travel chose to leave the country illegally.
Syrians under temporary protection risked the loss of temporary protection status
and a possible bar on re-entry into the country if they chose to travel to a third
country or return temporarily to Syria. The government issued individual exit
permissions for Syrians under temporary protection departing the country for
family reunification, health treatment, or permanent resettlement, and required an
individual exception for all other reasons. The government sometimes denied exit
permission to Syrians under temporary protection for reasons that were unclear.
e. Status and Treatment of Internally Displaced Persons
In October 2019 the countrys Peace Spring military operation displaced more than
215,000 residents of villages along the countrys border with Syria in areas of
Syria affected by the operation. At the time the president announced the country’s
intention to create a safe zone for the return and resettlement of one to two million
Syrian refugees from Turkey. In October the government announced that 414,000
individuals had voluntarily returned to Syria. Approximately one-half of those
displaced inside Syria as a result of the operation have returned. More than
100,000 persons remained displaced, however, including tens of thousands of
women and children. Turkish officials publicly committed to safe and voluntary
refugee returns.
The law allows persons who suffered material losses due to terrorist acts, including
those by the PKK or by security forces in response to terrorist acts, to apply to the
governments damage determination commissions for compensation.
f. Protection of Refugees
The government cooperated with UNHCR and other humanitarian organizations in
providing protection and assistance to conditional refugees, returning refugees,
stateless persons, and temporary and international protection status holders.
The government took steps during the year to continue services provided to the
Page 51
approximately four million refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants in the country,
nearly 3.7 million of whom were Syrians. The Directorate General for Migration
Management (DGMM) reported that the government apprehended 454,662
irregular migrantsin 2019. The DGMM reported 201,437 of these
apprehensions were of Afghan nationals. The government did not provide official
data on the number of irregular migrants deported to their countries of origin.
Due to border closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the government
paused deportations until June 1, and deportations continued at a much lower rate
throughout the year. In the first six months of the year, an estimated 34 migrants
died due to drowning, traffic accidents, or exposure to the elements.
A 2016 agreement between the government and the EU continued to limit irregular
migration from Turkey to Europe. In February, however, the government
announced that the borders the country shares with the EU were open,prompting
more than 50,000 refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants to move to the border
areas. Some local officials provided free buses to aid refugeesmass movement to
the border, according to humanitarian organizations and rights groups. Because
the borders remained closed on the Greek side, many individuals were stuck in
difficult conditions, particularly on the land border with Greece near Pazarkule.
Press reports asserted some Turkish border guards aided refugees in charging and
dismantling border fences. Unable to cross into Greece and unable to return to
their homes in Turkey, hundreds of refugees remained at the border for weeks in an
unofficial encampment. On March 1, Istanbul Bar Association representatives
visited Pazarkule and reported that a group of approximately 1,000 individuals,
including women, children, and elderly, were in the region and experienced poor
hygienic conditions, lack of medical services, and basic goods, including, food,
clothes, and blankets. The bar association delegation reported that many
individuals were injured by tear gas capsules.
After weeks of living in open-air temporary shelters, on March 26, Turkish
authorities disbanded the encampment due to concerns regarding the spread of
COVID-19. The government reported it transported migrants to dormitories in
nearby cities to safely quarantine. On March 4, a man was shot and killed while
trying to cross the border from Turkey to Greece amid violent clashes at the Evros
border. Some NGOs reported he was shot by Greek security forces, likely by
Page 52
accident. On May 12, more than 100 members of the European Parliament
addressed a letter to the head of the European Commission, calling for a formal
investigation into the death. At least five migrants also drowned in the river near
this border area.
Abuse of Migrants, Refugees, and Stateless Persons: Due to strict border
control measures as well as intercity travel bans during much of the year due to
COVID-19, migration into and through the country was significantly lower than in
prior years; however, stricter controls increased the danger for migrants and
refugees attempting to travel. For example, an estimated 50-60 migrants died after
their boat sank on Lake Van in eastern Turkey. Police arrested the captain of the
boat and detained eight others in relation to investigation into the deaths.
The countrys borders with Syria and Iraq remained strictly managed, with
admissions only for medical, humanitarian, and family reunification cases from the
border with Syria since late 2015. Of the 20 border crossing points between Syria
and Turkey, five were open for limited humanitarian, commercial, and individual
crossings. Since 2017 some provinces along the border with Syria limited
registration of asylum seekers to certain exceptional cases only, limiting refugees
ability to obtain access to social services, including education and medical care in
these areas, unless they relocate to a city where they are able to register. Large
cities such as Istanbul also limited registration.
Incidents of societal violence directed against refugees and persons in refugee-like
conditions increased during the year. Following the deaths of several Turkish
soldiers in Syria in February, in early March increased societal violence against
refugee communities was reported throughout the country, including some
beatings and attacks on businesses. In July, in the western province of Bursa, four
Turkish men beat to death a 17-year-old Syrian refugee in a market. Police
arrested the four, who awaited trial at years end. Workplace exploitation, child
labor, and forced early marriage also remained significant problems among
refugees. Human rights groups alleged conditions in detention and removal
centers sometimes limited migrantsrights to communication with and access to
family members, interpreters, and lawyers.
UNHCR reported there were LGBTI asylum seekers and conditional refugees in
Page 53
the country, most coming from Iran. According to human rights groups, these
refugees faced discrimination and hostility from both authorities and the local
population due to their status as members of the LGBTI community. Commercial
sexual exploitation also remained a significant problem in the LGBTI refugee
community, particularly for transgender individuals.
Refoulement: Authorities generally offered protection against refoulement to all
non-European asylum seekers who met the definition of a refugee in the 1951 UN
Refugee Convention, although there were some confirmed cases of refoulement,
and tens of thousands of deportations took place during the year. The government
continued efforts to deport those it claimed entered the country illegally, before
they were granted status-determination interviews by Turkish migration
authorities, particularly non-Syrians. Istanbul, along with 14 other provinces,
stopped registering asylum seekers in 2018, with the exception of those in a few
categories such as newborn children, some specialized medical cases, and family
reunification instances. Many asylum seekers reported that in order to find work
or be with their families, they either did not register or moved from the city where
they had registered, neither of which is allowed under the countrys regulations. In
May, Amnesty International reported the apparent forcible deportation of six
Syrian men to northern Syria, where their lives and freedoms would be at serious
As of November 30, UNHCR intervened in incidents of detention of 1,395 persons
of various nationalities that had been brought to its attention. The majority were
Syrian nationals (831 persons), Afghans (228 persons) and Iranians (173 persons).
Of those known incidents of detention in which UNHCR intervened, three persons
reportedly returned, against their will, to their country of origin.
In the incidents of administrative detention, of which UNHCR was made aware,
the reasons for detention related to violations of provisions of the Law on
Foreigners and International Protection (including but not limited to irregular stay,
lack of foreignersidentity card due to not completing the registration procedure,
being in another city without authorization, working without a permit, entry ban,
and rejection of request for temporary protection) or criminal acts. Authorities
continued to apply the legal framework and the procedural safeguards in place for
Page 54
persons seeking or in need of international protection.
UNHCR typically intervened in incidents of detention when there were concerns
detained individuals were unaware of or unable to access the appropriate
administrative processes to raise potential protection concerns. For incidents in
which UNHCR intervened where the persons were no longer in the country, it was
difficult for UNHCR to reach the individual to confirm or deny claims.
Access to Asylum: The law provides for standard treatment of asylum seekers
countrywide and establishes a system of protection, but it limits rights granted in
the 1951 Refugee Convention to refugees from Europe and establishes restrictions
on movement for conditional refugees. While non-European asylum seekers were
not considered refugees by law, the government granted temporary protection
status to nearly four million Syrians while maintaining conditional or subsidiary
refugee status and providing international protection for other asylum seekers.
Individuals recognized by the government for temporary protection (Syrians) or
conditional or subsidiary refugee status (all other non-Europeans, for example,
Iraqis, Iranians, and Somalis) were permitted to reside in the country temporarily
until they could obtain third-country resettlement.
The law provides regulatory guidelines for foreignersentry into, stay in, and exit
from the country, and for protection of asylum seekers. The law does not impose a
strict time limit to apply for asylum, requiring only that asylum seekers do so
within a reasonable timeafter arrival. The law also does not require asylum
seekers to present a valid identity document to apply for status.
UNHCR reported it had intermittent and unpredictable access to detention and
removal centers where non-Syrians were detained. UNHCR reported its visits to
removal centers where apprehended foreigners were detained indicated the need
for improvement in some areas, including access to information and legal aid by
detainees as well as improved interpretation services. A 2016 agreement between
the EU and Turkey allows some migrants arriving in Greece to be returned to
Turkey in particular circumstances. Some observers expressed doubts that all
these readmitted persons had access to the asylum procedure and echoed
Page 55
UNHCRs concerns.
Freedom of Movement: Authorities assigned Syrians to one of 62 satellite
cities,where they are expected to receive services from local authorities under the
responsibility of provincial governorates. These refugees were required to check
in with local authorities on either a weekly or biweekly basis and needed
permission from local authorities to travel to cities other than their assigned city,
including for meetings with UNHCR or resettlement-country representatives,
which the government generally provided. Syrians under temporary protection
were also restricted from traveling outside of provinces listed on their registration
cards without permission. Syrians and non-Syrians could request permission to
travel or to transfer their registration through the DGMM. Certain provinces did
not accept travel permission requests or transfer of registration from Syrians under
temporary protection. Syrians living in camps required permission from camp
authorities to leave the camps.
Employment: The law allows both Syrians under temporary protection and non-
Syrian conditional refugees the right to work, provided they were registered in the
province they wish to work in for six months. Most refugees, however, did not
have access to regular or skilled work, partly as a result of high unemployment
rates for both refugees and Turkish nationals, which increased during the COVID-
19 pandemic. In addition applying for a work permit was the responsibility of the
employer, and the procedure was sufficiently burdensome and expensive that
relatively few employers pursued legally hiring refugees. As a consequence the
vast majority of both conditional refugees and Syrians under temporary protection
remained without legal employment options, leaving them vulnerable to
exploitation, including illegally low wages, withholding of wages, and exposure to
unsafe work conditions. As of late 2019, only an estimated 132,000 Syrians in the
country had formal work permits.
Access to Basic Services: During the year, due to changes to the Law on
Foreigners under International Protection, refugees registered under international
protection status (approximately 330,000 individuals) for more than one year no
longer had access to subsidized medical care (other than emergency care).
Individuals meeting certain conditions, such as documented chronic conditions or
those older than a specific age, could apply for an exemption to be placed back
Page 56
under subsidized care coverage. Previously, the government provided free access
to the public medical system to non-Syrian refugees registered until they began
receiving international protection. Syrians registered for temporary protection (3.6
million) continued to receive free access to the public health system. The
government also expanded access to education for school-age Syrian children,
many of whom encountered challenges overcoming the language barrier, meeting
transportation or other costs, or both.
As of September the Ministry of National Education reported that 684,919 of the
school-age refugee children in the country were in school, a significant increase
from prior years. An estimated 400,000 remained out of school. According to
UNICEF, since 2017 more than 628,000 refugee children received monthly cash
assistance for education through a joint program with UNICEF funded by
international donors.
Provincial governments, working with local NGOs, were responsible for meeting
the basic needs of refugees and other asylum seekers assigned to satellite cities in
their jurisdictions, as well as of the Syrians present in their districts. Basic services
were dependent on local officialsinterpretation of the law and their resources.
Governors had significant discretion in working with asylum seekers and NGOs,
and the assistance provided by local officials to refugees and persons in situations
similar to those of refugees varied widely. NGO staff members reported seeing
refugees asked for bribes to receive government services, and individual cases of
refugees being refused health-care services.
Durable Solutions: The law does not provide for naturalization within the
country for Syrians under temporary protection or for conditional refugees, but it
allows them to stay until resettled to a foreign country or able to return to their
country of origin. The government granted citizenship to some Syrian refugees on
a limited basis. As of September authorities had granted approximately 110,000
Syrians citizenship since 2010, according to the Ministry of Interiors General
Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs.
As of September 30, UNHCR in cooperation with the DGMM, observed
spontaneous voluntary returns in 14 provinces of 10,917 Syrians who chose to
return to Syria. In April and May, the DGMM suspended voluntary repatriation as
Page 57
a result of COVID-19 measures. As of the end of November, authorities referred
6,022 refugees to 14 countries for resettlement, and 3,864 refugees departed the
country for resettlement. The main reasons for the decrease in resettlement are due
to reduced refugee quotas and the suspension of resettlement departures in March
due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As of September, however, resettlement
departures resumed.
Temporary Protection: The country adopted a geographically limited
understanding of the term refugeewhen it ratified the Refugee Convention and
acceded to the Refugee Protocol, recognizing only Europeans as eligible for legal
refugee status. In recognition of this gap, the government adopted a temporary
protection regulation in 2014. The government continued to offer temporary
protection to Syrian refugees who did not qualify as refugees due to the European-
origin limitation in the law. According to the Syrian National Coalition and
Turkish authorities, at years end the country was hosting under this temporary
protectionstatus nearly 3.6 million Syrian refugees. Authorities required Syrian
asylum seekers to register with the DGMM to legalize their temporary stay in the
country. In September 2019 the governate of Bursa announced that the provinces
of Antalya, Aydin, Bursa, Canakkale, Duzce, Edirne, Hatay, Istanbul, Izmir,
Kirklareli, Kocaeli, Mugla, Sakarya, Tekirdag, and Yalova would limit registration
processing to exceptional cases and newborns. The DGMM has not made any
official announcement regarding provinces stopping processing of registrations.
Syrians who registered with the government were able to receive an identification
card, which qualified them for assistance provided through the governorates,
including free primary health care.
By the end of 2019, the DGMM had closed all but seven refugee camps, which the
government called temporary accommodation centers, in five provinces. As of the
end of November, there were 59,077 Syrians in the accommodation centers, a
slight decline from the previous year.
Syrians who officially entered the country with passports could receive one-year
residence permits upon registration with the government. In 2019 a total of
117,579 Syrians held valid residence permits; official figures for the calendar year
Page 58
were not available at years end.
g. Stateless Persons
The government did not keep figures for stateless persons. The government
provided documentation for children born to conditional refugees and Syrians
under temporary protection, although statelessness remained an increasing concern
for these children, who could receive neither Turkish citizenship nor
documentation from their parentshome country. As of December 2019, at least
516,000 babies had been born to Syrian mothers in the country since the beginning
of the Syrian conflict in 2011, according to the Ministry of Interior.
Section 3. Freedom to Participate in the Political Process
Although the constitution and law provide citizens the ability to change their
government through free and fair elections based on universal and equal suffrage
conducted by secret ballot, the government restricted equal competition and placed
restrictions on the fundamental freedoms of assembly and expression (see section
2.b., Freedom of Assembly). The government restricted the activities of opposition
political parties, leaders, and officials, including through police detention. Several
parliamentarians remained at risk of possible prosecution after parliament lifted
their immunity in 2016. In July the government removed three convicted
parliamentarians from parliament. During the year restrictive government
regulations restricted the ability of many among the opposition to conduct political
activities, such as organizing protests or political campaign events and sharing
critical messages on social media. The government also suspended democratically
elected mayors in multiple cities and municipalities in the southeast and in their
place assigned state trusteeswhen the former were accused of (but not
necessarily convicted of) affiliation with terrorist groups. The government most
commonly directed these tactics against politicians affiliated with the leftist pro-
Kurdish HDP and its partner, the Democratic Regions Party. The government
suspended 81 percent of HDP mayors elected in the March 2019 municipal
elections, suspending 16 mayors in 2020 alone. Since 2016 the government
removed 88 percent of elected HDP officials. Former HDP cochairs Demirtas and
Figen Yuksekdag remained in prison (see section 1.e., Political Prisoners and
Page 59
Opposition party officials reported difficulty raising campaign donations from
individuals and businesses, which reported they feared reprisals from the
government. Some company employees seen by their management as supporting
opposition parties, especially the HDP, claimed they faced adverse treatment,
including termination of employment.
In June, CHP deputy chair Ozgur Ozel reported that police had launched
investigations against 95 CHP parliamentarians, the majority for insulting the
president. The summary of investigations was sent to the parliament for a decision
on lifting immunity.
Elections and Political Participation
Recent Elections: The country held municipal elections in March 2019 for
thousands of seats, ranging from local neighborhood council seats to metropolitan
mayors. The campaign occurred in a media environment that was heavily biased
in favor of the government. Progovernment outlets and ruling party incumbents
criticized opposition leaders and candidates by alleging they had links to terrorism.
In April 2019 Council of Europe observers stated the elections were conducted in a
technically sound and orderly manner but noted that a genuinely democratic
election also needed a political environment with genuine freedom of expression,
media freedom and equal access to all parties, and a fair and reasonable legal
framework overseen by a robust judiciary.
After the Supreme Electoral Council (YSK) initially declared opposition candidate
Ekrem Imamoglu the winner of the March mayoral race in Istanbul, the YSK then
ordered a rerun of the race in response to ruling party claims of election
irregularities. The rerun decision attracted criticism from the European
Commission, the Council of Europe, and many others, who asserted the YSK made
the decision in a highly politicized context and under pressure from the presidency.
In June 2019 Imamoglu won the election rerun and assumed office. In May the
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality reported that the Ministry of Interior had
launched 27 separate investigations into allegations of impropriety in zoning and
tenders under Imamoglus term as mayor of Istanbuls Beylikduzu District from
Page 60
2014 to 2019. Imamoglu’s supporters alleged the investigations were political in
The municipal campaigns and elections occurred in an environment with restricted
basic rights and freedoms, including those of assembly and speech. While most
candidates were generally able to campaign ahead of the elections, government
officials threatened multiple candidates and party leaders with criminal charges.
For example, a prosecutor revived a resolved legal case against the opposition
candidate for Ankara mayor, Mansur Yavas; and President Erdogan publicly raised
doubts regarding the Yavass ability to fulfill his term should he be elected mayor
because of the pending case. In September the court acquitted Yavas. The YSK
unseated some winners of the 2019 municipal elections, including six winning
HDP mayors, by finding them ineligible to serve after it had initially cleared their
eligibility for candidacy.
All parties alleged irregularities in the voter lists, which they complained included
ghost voters(one ghostregistrant was older than age 130) or legally deceased
individuals, and suspicious residency claims.
Media coverage overwhelmingly favored the candidates of the ruling party and
those of its coalition and election ally, the Nationalist Movement Party. For
example, according to a member of the national broadcasting regulator during the
57-day period prior to the elections, state-run TRT devoted 150 hours of coverage
to the AKP, 50 hours to the CHP, and three hours to the HDP. Many opposition
parties relied instead on social media to connect with supporters.
The pre-election period saw several attacks on political party offices, rallies, and
members, including some incidents that led to death and serious injury.
Opposition party members faced frequent accusations from the highest levels of
government of alleged terrorism-related crimes. In April 2019 a crowd assaulted
CHP chair Kemal Kilicdaroglu during the funeral ceremony for a soldier killed by
the PKK. The attack followed statements by President Erdogan and the chair of
other government officials AKPs parliamentary all alliance partner Nationalist
Movement Party (MHP) accusing the CHP of sympathizing and collaborating with
PKK terroristsduring the municipal election campaigns due to their affiliation
Page 61
with the HDP. Police continued an investigation into the incident.
In 2018 the country held early parliamentary and presidential elections that had
been originally scheduled for late 2019. The elections completed a constitutional
amendment process that began with the 2017 national referendum, the passing of
which initiated the countrys official transition from a parliamentary system to a
presidential one. The campaign and election both occurred under a state of
emergency that had been in place since 2016 and that granted the government
expanded powers to restrict basic rights and freedoms, including those of assembly
and speech. While most candidates generally were able to campaign ahead of the
elections, the HDPs candidate remained in prison during the campaign and the
candidate for the IYI (Good) Party faced a de facto media embargo. Despite the
ability to campaign, the observation mission of the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) noted the elections were held in an environment
heavily tilted in favor of the president and the ruling party, noting, The incumbent
president and his party enjoyed a notable advantage in the campaign, which was
also reflected in excessive coverage by public and government-affiliated private
Media coverage of the 2018 parliamentary and presidential candidates similarly
overwhelmingly favored the president and ruling party. For example, according to
a member of the Radio and Television Supreme Council, between May 14 and
May 30, TRT broadcast 67 hours of coverage on President Erdogan, seven hours
on CHP candidate Muharrem Ince, 12 minutes on IYI candidate Meral Aksener,
eight minutes on Felicity Party candidate Temel Karamanoglu, and no coverage of
HDP candidate Selahattin Demirtas. Many opposition parties relied instead on
social media to connect with supporters.
The period between the April 2018 announcement of early elections and the vote in
March 2019 saw a number of attacks on political party offices, rallies, and
members, including some incidents that led to death and serious injury. Violence
most commonly targeted the HDP and its campaigners. Opposition party members
faced frequent accusations from the highest levels of government of alleged
terrorism-related crimes. A number of opposition candidates for parliament
continued to face legal charges in connection with such claims, and the HDPs
presidential candidate, Demirtas, was in prison during the campaign. The OSCE
Page 62
noted that key amendments were adopted within months of the early elections,
without consultation, and were perceived as favoring the ruling party.
There were allegations of electoral irregularities primarily in the East, which some
tied to unanticipated levels of success for the AKP and associated parties, in an
area historically dominated by opposition parties.
Political Parties and Political Participation: In parliament 11 political parties
had seats, and others were able to participate in elections. Some parties enjoyed
greater advantages than others. Media influence favored the ruling party and its
alliance partner, the MHP. Representatives expressing views critical of the
government or President Erdogan have faced criminal or civil charges. HDP
representatives faced significant legal challenges to their ability to campaign,
express opinions, and retain their mandate. The government used opposition
leaderssocial media postings to file criminal and civil complaints against them,
alleging the defendants insulted the president and spread terrorist propaganda.
Participation of Women and Members of Minority Groups: No laws limit the
participation of women or members of minority groups in the political process.
Some individuals advocating for political rights or associated with the HDP,
however, experienced increased government pressure or were accused of ties to the
PKK. According to the Association to Support Women Candidates, the number of
women participating in the 2019 municipal elections as candidates at the mayoral,
district mayoral, and metropolitan city levels was between 7.5 percent and 8.5
percent. For example, 652 of 8,257 (7.9 percent) mayoral candidates in the 2019
elections were women. Of 1,389 newly elected mayors at the district level or
higher, 37 were women. The number of women in the judiciary also remained
disproportionately low. As of years end, there were 101 women in the 600-
member parliament. The greatest number of elected female mayors were in the
southeast and ran on leftist and pro-Kurdish party tickets.
Section 4. Corruption and Lack of Transparency in
While the law provides criminal penalties for conviction of official corruption, the
government did not implement the law effectively, and some officials engaged in
Page 63
corrupt practices with impunity. Parliament charges the Court of Accounts, the
country’s supreme audit institution, with accountability related to revenues and
expenditures of government departments. Outside this audit system, there was no
established pattern of or mechanism for investigating, indicting, and convicting
individuals accused of corruption, and there were concerns regarding the
impartiality of the judiciary in the handling of corruption cases. According to the
Transparency International 2019 Corruption Perceptions Index report, the public
procurement system has consistently declined in transparency and competitiveness,
with exceptions to the Public Procurement Law widely applied. The open tender
rate, which was 75 percent in 2004, had fallen to 63 percent in the first six months
of 2019. The total proportion of tenders conducted within the scope of negotiated
tendering and exceptions increased from 10 percent to 32 percent between 2004
and 2019. The Transparency International Exporting Corruption 2020 report
found that the country did not have sufficient legal mechanisms and enforcement
systems against foreign bribery.
During the year the government continued prosecutions against law enforcement
officers, judges, and prosecutors who initiated corruption-related investigations or
cases against government officials, alleging the defendants did so at the behest of
the Gulen movement. Journalists accused of publicizing the corruption allegations
also faced criminal charges.
In October 2019 the Constitutional Court overturned a broadcast and publication
ban on 2013 reports regarding corruption involving former ministers (four resigned
at the time). As of years end, RTUK had yet to remove the ban on the reports,
despite the courts ruling.
Courts and the Radio Television Supreme Council (RTUK) regularly blocked
access to press reports regarding corruption allegations. In an October social
media post, RTUK threatened taking legal action against media coverage of a
Court of Accounts audit report that found that RTUK employees inflated salary
payments and travel expenses in 2019.
Corruption: Press covered allegations that former administrators of the
parliamentary Staff and Pensioners Savings and Aid Fund misappropriated seven
million lira (approximately $886,000) between 2018 and 2019. In August the
Page 64
Parliamentary Disciplinary Board reprimanded the former board chairman and
removed other staff from civil servant duties.
Press also widely covered an August limited tender for a railway line, alleging that
a company associated with the ruling AKP, Kalyon Group, won the tender and
received a significant tax exemption in a nontransparent fashion. Commentators
observed that, based on public procurement law, the tender should have been open
to all companies, not a select few, since no emergency existed to justify a limited
tender process.
In June the CHP filed a criminal complaint against the former mayor of Serik in
Antalya province alleging that he accepted a 500,000-lira bribe ($63,300) from
tourism industry businessmen. Authorities had not launched an investigation at
years end. Press first covered the bribery report allegations after the existing AKP
mayor of Serik stated he learned that his MHP predecessor accepted a bribe in a
meeting with the foreign minister and minister of tourism, but no investigation was
In August 2019 the Istanbul General Prosecutors Office opened a case against
three journalists from the newspaper Diken and the general manager of the online
newspaper T24, both independent media outlets, for aiding a terrorist
organizationin relation to their reporting based on tweets by an anonymous
Twitter account (Fuat Avni) in 2014-15. The Twitter account alleged corruption in
the ruling AKP. In July courts acquitted the T24 journalists and in September the
Diken journalists.
Financial Disclosure: The law requires certain high-level government officials to
provide a full financial disclosure, including a list of physical property, every five
years. Officials generally complied with this requirement. The Presidency State
Inspection Board is responsible for investigating major corruption cases. Nearly
every state agency had its own inspector corps responsible for investigating
internal corruption. Parliament, with the support of a simple majority, may
establish investigative commissions to examine corruption allegations concerning
the president, vice president(s), and ministers. The mechanism was not used
during the year. A parliamentary super majority (400 deputies) may vote to send
Page 65
corruption-related cases to the Constitutional Court for further action.
Section 5. Governmental Attitude Regarding International
and Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Abuses of
Human Rights
A limited number of domestic and international human rights groups operated
throughout the country, although many faced continued pressure from the
government during the year. Some had difficulty registering as legal entities with
the Ministry of Interior. Others faced government obstruction and restrictive laws
regarding their operations. Human rights groups reported the government was
sometimes unresponsive to their requests for meetings and did not include their
input in policy formation. Human rights organizations and monitors as well as
lawyers and doctors involved in documenting human rights abuses occasionally
faced detention, prosecution, intimidation, and harassment, and their organizations
faced closure orders for their activities. For example, in December 2019 the
Ministry of the Interior closed and fined the Hatay-based womens NGO Purple
Association for Womens Solidarity for establishing an unauthorized workplace
and conducting unauthorized training. In July after seven months of closure, the
association reopened. Human rights organizations reported that official human
rights mechanisms did not function consistently and failed to address grave
The HRA reported that its members have collectively faced a total of more than
5,000 legal cases since the groups establishment and more than 300 legal cases
continuing at years end. These cases were mostly related to terror and insult
charges. The HRA also reported that executives of their provincial branches were
in prison. Others faced continued threats of police detention and arrest. For
example, police detained HRAs Istanbul branch president, Gulseren Yoleri, in
February as part of an investigation into her 2019 remarks denouncing the
countrys military intervention in Syria. In June prosecutors launched a new
antiterrorism investigation into human rights lawyer and HRA cochair Eren
Keskin. The same month, Keskins home was broken into. The HRA assessed the
break-in was meant to intimidate Keskin since nothing was stolen. Keskin has
faced 143 separate lawsuits and stood trial in several cases against 23 journalists of
Page 66
the daily newspaper Ozgur Gundem closed after the 2016 coup attempt. Keskin
was sentenced to seven-and-a-half years in prison for insulting the president and
state institutions in 2018 and to three-and-a-half years on terrorism charges in 2019
for her work on the paper where she was editor in chief. Keskin was free pending
appeal at years end.
The harassment, detention, and arrest of many leaders and members of human
rights organizations resulted in some organizations closing offices and curtailing
activities and some human rights defenders self-censoring.
Some international and Syrian NGOs based in the country and involved in Syria-
related programs reported difficulty renewing their official registrations with the
government, obtaining program approvals, and obtaining residency permits for
their staff. Some noted the governments documentation requirements were
The country participated in the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic
Review process, which concluded in September.
Government Human Rights Bodies: The Ombudsman Institution and the
National Human Rights and Equality Institution (NHREI) serve as the
government’s human rights monitoring bodies. The Ombudsman Institution
operated under parliament as a complaint mechanism for citizens to request
investigations into government practices and actions, particularly concerning
human rights problems and personnel issues, although dismissals under the 2016-
18 state of emergency decrees do not fall within its purview. The Ombudsman
Institutions mandate extends only to complaints relating to public administration.
NHREI reviews cases outside of the Ombudsman Institutions mandate.
Independent observers assess that both of the institutions were not financially or
operationally independent and did not comply with international human rights
standards as prescribed by UN conventions and other international agreements.
In 2019 the NHREI received 1,083 complaints and found violations in four cases.
Of these, 273 related to torture and inhuman treatment, 243 were prison transfer
requests, 193 related to health, 125 related to prison administration, and 45 to
Page 67
overall prison conditions.
The Ombudsman Institution received 20,968 applications for assistance in 2019,
the majority of which dealt with public personnel issues. Of those 13 percent were
resolved through amicable settlement.
The Inquiry Commission on the State of Emergency Measures was established in
2017 to review cases and appeals related to purges and closures during the state of
emergency (see section 1.e., Civil Judicial Procedures and Remedies).
The Ministry of Justices Human Rights Department served as the ministrys lead
entity on human rights issues, coordinating its work with the ministrys Victims
Rights Department. It is responsible for developing the national Human Rights
Action Plan, the latest version of which was published in December 2019. Human
rights groups consulted with the Ministry of Justice in the development process
and noted that many provisions in the plan were not consistent with international
human rights standards. Human rights groups noted the plan had not been
enforced during the year.
Parliaments Human Rights Commission functioned as a national monitoring
mechanism. Commission members maintained dialogue with NGOs on human
rights issues and conducted some prison visits, although activists claimed the
commissions ability to influence government action was limited.
Section 6. Discrimination, Societal Abuses, and Trafficking
in Persons
Rape and Domestic Violence: The government and independent monitoring
groups reported with concern that rates of violence against women remained high
although the number of femicides decreased slightly from 2019. The We Will
Stop Femicide Platform, an NGO dedicated to monitoring violence against women
since 2008, reported a record 421 femicides in 2019. The NGO estimated that men
killed at least 407 women during the year. Between April 15 and May 19, the
Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Services received a record 2,506 complaints
Page 68
of domestic violence following the release of 90,000 convicts from prisons as part
of the countrys COVID-19 countermeasures.
The law criminalizes violence against women and sexual assault, including rape
and spousal rape, with penalties of two to 10 yearsimprisonment for conviction of
attempted sexual violation and at least 12 yearsimprisonment for conviction of
rape or sexual violation. The government did not effectively or fully enforce these
laws or protect victims. In one example in July, authorities found the body of
Pinar Gultekin, a university student who had been missing for five days. Police
alleged that a former boyfriend strangled her after an argument and placed her
body in a barrel, which was then burned and filled with concrete. In October
police apprehended and arrested the suspect. The brutal crime generated extensive
negative media and social media coverage and led to protests in several cities. On
July 22, the president issued a tweet that condemned the crime and violence
against women and promised that the killer would receive the maximum
In April, Muslum Aslan beat his 11-year-old daughter to death only days after
being released from prison. Authorities released Aslan, who had been arrested for
stabbing his wife in the neck with scissors and had a history of abusing his
children, during the COVID-19 amnesty after he had served only five months of
his sentence. Police re-arrested Aslan, and he committed suicide in prison in May.
The law covers all women and requires police and local authorities to grant various
levels of protection and support services to survivors of violence or those at risk of
violence. It also mandates government services, such as shelter and temporary
financial support, for victims and provides for family courts to impose sanctions on
The law provides for the establishment of violence prevention and monitoring
centers to offer economic, psychological, legal, and social assistance. There were
81 violence prevention centers throughout the country, one in each province.
There were 145 womens shelters nationwide with capacity for 3,482 persons. As
of July, 42,396 individuals, including 26,347 women and 16,049 children received
services from womens shelters. Womens rights advocates asserted there were
not enough shelters to meet the demand for assistance and that shelter staff did not
Page 69
provide adequate care and services, particularly in the southeast. Some NGOs
noted shelters in multiple southeastern provinces closed during the 2016-18 state of
emergency and COVID-19 lockdowns and that others faced difficulty following
the removal of elected mayors and appointment of government trustees, some of
whom cut funding and ended partnerships with the local NGOs. Lack of services
was more acute for elderly women and LGBTI women as well as for women with
older children. The government operated a nationwide domestic violence hotline
and web application called the Women Emergency Assistance Notification System
(KADES). In November the Ministry of Interior stated that since its inception in
2018, the KADES app has received more than 48,686 reports and that authorities
had responded to each, but it did not specify types of response. NGOs asserted the
quality of services provided in calls was inadequate for victims of domestic
violence and that women were at times directed to mediation centers or told to
reconcile with their husbands.
Violence against women, including spousal abuse, remained a serious and
widespread problem both in rural and urban areas. Pandemic lockdowns for
COVID-19 during the year coincided with increased reports of domestic violence.
Spousal rape is a criminal offense, and the law also provides criminal penalties for
conviction of crimes such as assault, deprivation of liberty, or threats. Despite
these measures, killings and other forms of violence against women continued.
The government sparked controversy across the political spectrum during the
summer when some senior members of the ruling AKP called for the countrys
withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, a Council of Europe convention on
preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, which
the country ratified in 2012. Critics of the convention alleged its commitment to
equal implementation without discrimination based on sexual orientation” or
gender identityviolated Turkish values and that the convention damaged family
structures. The calls for withdrawal generated a significant domestic backlash,
including from within the ruling party, and women’s rights groups organized in
support of the convention. In July and August, protests against withdrawal and for
improved government response in combatting violence against women took place
nationwide regularly. Some protests resulted in scuffles between police and
protesters. Police detained demonstrators at several of the protests, including those
Page 70
in Ankara and Istanbul in August. At the end of the year, the government had not
taken any steps to withdraw from the convention.
Courts regularly issued restraining orders to protect victims, but human rights
organizations reported police rarely enforced them effectively. Womens
associations also charged that government counselors and police sometimes
encouraged women to remain in abusive marriages at their own personal risk rather
than break up families.
In June, Sevtap Sahin was killed by her husband in Ankara. According to her
family, Sahin had filed 60 domestic violence and restraining order violations
complaints with police prior to her murder. In October, Istanbul resident Gul
Gulum was killed by her husband, against whom she had obtained a restraining
order. In both cases police arrested the husbands following the killings.
Courts in some cases gave reduced sentences to men found guilty of committing
violence against women, citing good behavior during the trial or provocationby
women as an extenuating circumstance of the crime.
For example, in July the Court of Cassation reduced the sentence for Lutfu Sefa
Berberoglu, convicted of murdering his wife in 2013 after seeing her in a car with
two men, from life imprisonment for murder to 15 yearsimprisonment. The court
cited unjust provocation and lack of spousal loyalty as reasons for the reversal.
Other Harmful Traditional Practices: Human rights activists and academics
reported the practice of “honor killingsof women continued across the country.
The prevalence of killings was most severe in the southeast.
Individuals convicted of honor killings may receive life imprisonment, but NGOs
reported that courts often reduced actual sentences due to mitigating factors. The
law allows judges, when establishing sentences, to take into account anger or
passion caused by the misbehaviorof the victim.
Sexual Harassment: The law provides for up to five yearsimprisonment for
sexual harassment. If the victim is a child, the recommended punishments are
longer; however, womens rights activists reported that authorities rarely enforced
these laws. For example, in October a man previously sentenced to eight years in
Page 71
prison for sexually harassing a teacher, but never arrested since an appeals court
did not confirm the verdict, shot a woman who rejected his proposal of marriage.
Gender equality organizations indicated that incidents of verbal harassment and
physical intimidation of women in public occurred with regularity and cited as the
cause a permissive social environment in which harassers were emboldened.
Some womens rights NGOs asserted that weak legal enforcement of laws to
protect women and light sentencing of violent perpetrators of crimes against
women contributed to a climate of permissiveness for potential offenders.
According to Ministry of Justice statistics, there were 15,842 sexual harassment
cases in 2019. Courts ruled for acquittal in 17 percent of cases, in 40 percent of
cases the perpetrator was found guilty and sentenced, and in 25 percent of cases,
courts suspended the sentence through a verdict postponement judgement. The
high rate of verdict postponement contributed to perceptions of impunity for sexual
Reproductive Rights: Couples and individuals have the right to decide the
number, spacing, and timing of their children and to manage their reproductive
health, and most had access to the information and means to do so, free from
discrimination, coercion, or violence. Cultural barriers to access of contraception
exist in religiously conservative communities. According to a 2017 UN World
Family Planning report, 6 percent of women between 15 and 49 years of age
reported an unmet need for family planning methods. Access to family planning
methods and information on managing reproductive health was more difficult for
many of the four million refugees in the country. During the year the Reproductive
Health Journal published a review on the sexual and reproductive health of Syrian
refugee women that stated the rate of postnatal care was inadequate. The review
reported a 24-percent rate of modern contraceptive method use among all age
groups of Syrian girls and women, with estimated rates of unmet family planning
needs at 35 percent and only 20 percent of Syrian women having regular
gynecological examinations.
The government provided access to sexual and reproductive health services for
Page 72
survivors of sexual violence.
Coercion in Population Control: There were no reports of coerced abortion or
forced sterilization on the part of government authorities.
Discrimination: Women enjoy the same rights as men by law, but societal and
official discrimination were widespread. Women faced discrimination in
The constitution permits measures, including positive discrimination, to advance
gender equality. To encourage the hiring of women, the state paid social services
insurance premiums on behalf of employers for several months for any female
employee older than 18. Laws introduced as a gender justice initiative provided
for maternity leave, breastfeeding time during work hours, flexibility in work
hours, and required childcare by large employers. Rights organizations contended,
however, that these changes in the legal framework discouraged employers from
hiring women and negatively affected their promotion potential.
Birth Registration: There was universal birth registration, and births were
generally registered promptly. A child receives citizenship from his or her parents,
not through birth in the country. Only one parent needs to be a citizen to convey
citizenship to a child. In special cases in which a child born in the country may not
receive citizenship from any other country due to the status of his or her parents,
the child is legally entitled to receive citizenship.
Education: Human rights NGOs and others expressed concern that despite the
law on compulsory education and the progress made by the nationwide literacy
campaign launched in 2018, some families were able to keep female students
home, particularly in religiously conservative rural areas, where girls often
dropped out of school after completing their mandatory primary education. The
reliance on online education platforms during COVID-19 lockdowns negatively
affected both boys and girls from socioeconomically disadvantaged families
lacking internet access and further exacerbated learning inequalities. In March an
evaluation by the think tank Education Reform Initiative following the first two
weeks of distance learning noted heavy workloads for teachers, low motivation of
Page 73
children, and lack of access to distance learning of many students. Education
organizations reported similar issues following the start of the school year in
September. In November the education union Egitim Sen estimated that four
million children did not have access to remote education. According to the
Turkish Statistical Institute 2019 data, 96 percent of men and 86 percent of women
attained primary education and 49 percent of men and 36 percent of women
attained secondary education.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, in its Education at
a Glance 2019 report, stated the number of young adults who attained a
postsecondary education had doubled in the last decade, although it noted that
nearly half of them did not complete upper secondary education.
Child Abuse: Child abuse was a problem. The law authorizes police and local
officials to grant various levels of protection and support services to victims of
violence or to those at risk of violence. Nevertheless, childrens rights advocates
reported failed implementation. The law requires the government to provide
services to victims, such as shelter and temporary financial support, and empowers
family courts to impose sanctions on those responsible for the violence.
By law if the victim of abuse is between ages 12 and 18, molestation results in a
sentence of three to eight-year prison sentence, sexual abuse in a sentence of 8 to
15 years’ imprisonment, and rape in a sentence of at least 16 yearsimprisonment.
If the victim is younger than 12, conviction of molestation results in a minimum
sentence of five yearsimprisonment, conviction of sexual abuse a minimum of 10
years’ imprisonment, and conviction of rape a minimum of 18 years’
Government authorities increased attention on the problem of child abuse.
According to Ministry of Justice statistics, courts opened 28,360 legal cases related
to child sexual abuse and imposed 15,651 imprisonment sentences for child sexual
abuse in the country in 2019. Child rights experts reported that the increased
attention on the problem had led to greater awareness and reporting. While some
activists stated that sexual abuse of children spiked during COVID-19 quarantines
in May, the Istanbul, Izmir, Diyarbakir and Gaziantep Bar Associations reported
that during the COVID-19 lockdowns, requests for legal representation for child
Page 74
abuse survivors dropped significantly. The bar associations cautioned that the drop
may indicate an underreporting of child abuse cases and increased barriers to
survivorsaccessing legal counseling.
Official statistics on child abuse and maltreatment have been unavailable since
2017, when the government stopped releasing data on the issue. According to
Ministry of Justice statistics, 16,348 child sex abuse cases were filed in 2017.
Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: The law defines 18 as the minimum age for
marriage, although children may marry at 17 with parental permission and at 16
with court approval. The law acknowledges civil and religious marriages, but the
latter were not always registered with the state.
NGOs reported children as young as 12 married in unofficial religious ceremonies,
particularly in poor and rural regions and among the Syrian community in the
country. According to Ezgi Yaman, the secretary general of the NGO End Child
Prostitution and Trafficking (ECPAT), the number of Syrian refugee families who
married off their underage daughters to Turkish men as an economic coping
mechanismincreased in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Statistics were
unavailable because the marriages often took place unofficially. The governments
2018 Demographic and Health Survey showed that 12 percent of Syrian girls in the
country married before age 15, and 38 percent married before age 18. Early and
forced marriage was particularly prevalent in the southeast, and womens rights
activists reported the problem remained serious. According to the Turkish
Statistical Institute, in 2019, 5 percent of women between ages of 20 and 24
married before age 18. Local NGOs worked to educate and raise awareness among
individuals in the Turkish and Syrian populations in major southeast provinces.
Womens rights groups stated that forced marriages and bride kidnapping
persisted, particularly in rural areas, although it was not as widespread as in
previous years.
Sexual Exploitation of Children: The constitution requires the state to take
measures to protect children from exploitation. The law criminalizes sexual
exploitation of children and mandates a minimum sentence of eight years in prison.
The penalty for conviction of encouraging or facilitating child prostitution is up to
Page 75
10 yearsimprisonment; if violence or pressure is involved, a judge may double
the sentence. The government did not publish data on rates of sexual exploitation
of children.
NGOs like ECPAT noted that young Syrian female refugees were particularly
vulnerable to being exploited by criminal organizations and pressured into sex
work, and this practice was particularly prevalent among adolescent girls.
The age of consent for sex is 18. The law prohibits producing or disseminating
child pornography and stipulates a prison sentence of up to two years as well as a
fine for violations. The law provides prison sentences of up to five years for
Displaced Children: Many womens and migrant rights NGOs reported that
displaced children, mostly Syrian, remained vulnerable to economic and sexual
International Child Abductions: The country is a party to the 1980 Hague
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. See the
Department of States Annual Report on International Parental Child Abduction at
According to the Chief Rabbinate in Istanbul, approximately 16,000 Jews lived in
the country. Some members of the community continued to emigrate or seek to
obtain citizenship in a second country, in part due to concerns regarding anti-
Jewish citizens expressed concern regarding anti-Semitism and security threats.
Anti-Semitic rhetoric continued in print media and on social media throughout the
year and included conspiracy theories blaming Jews and Israel for the spread of
COVID-19. In March mainstream television channel A Haber featured an
interview regarding the spread of COVID-19 where both the program guest and
anchorman claimed that Israel intentionally spread the virus. Also in March a
video showing bus passengers in Istanbul blaming Jews for COVID-19 circulated
Page 76
widely on social media. The same month unelected politician Fatih Erbakan stated
in an interview that Zionists might be behind the pandemic.
In September the progovernment daily newspaper Sabah published an opinion
piece criticizing the agreements on normalization of relations between Israel, the
United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain that included several anti-Semitic tropes.
According to a Hrant Dink Foundation report on hate speech, in 2019 there were
676 published instances of anti-Jewish rhetoric in the press depicting Jews as
violent, conspiratorial, and enemies of the country.
To combat anti-Semitism, the government continued to commemorate
International Holocaust Remembrance Day in January, holding an event at Ankara
University with participation of the minister of culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
representatives, and members of the Jewish community. In February the
government for the fifth year in a row commemorated the nearly 800 Jewish
refugees who died aboard the Struma, a ship that sank off the coast of Istanbul in
1942. The governor of Istanbul, Chief Rabbi Haleva, other members of the Jewish
community, and members of the diplomatic community attended the
commemoration. As in 2019 President Erdogan issued public messages in
celebration of the Jewish holidays of Passover, Rosh Hashanah, and Hanukkah.
Trafficking in Persons
See the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at
Persons with Disabilities
The law prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities, but NGOs that
advocate for persons with disabilities asserted the government did not enforce the
law effectively.
The law requires all governmental institutions and businesses to provide persons
with disabilities access to public areas and public transportation and allows for the
establishment of review commissions and fines for noncompliance. The president
declared 2020 the year of accessibility,with particular focus on mass transit and
Page 77
building entrances. The government, however, made limited progress
implementing the law, and access in many cities remained restricted.
The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated service accessibility problems for
individuals with disabilities. In a September survey conducted by the Women with
Disabilities Association, respondents identified lack of access to physical therapy;
lack of access to medicine; closure of rehabilitation centers; and an increase in
anxiety as major issues related to the pandemic.
The Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Services is responsible for protecting
persons with disabilities. The ministry maintained social service centers assisting
marginalized individuals, including persons with disabilities. The majority of
children with disabilities were enrolled in mainstream public schools; others
attended special education centers.
The law requires all public schools to accommodate students with disabilities,
although activists reported instances of such students being refused admission or
encouraged to drop out of school. According to disability activists, a large number
of school-age children with disabilities did not receive adequate access to
education, a situation aggravated by distance learning implemented as a COVID-
19 precaution. NGOs reported that public distance education programs created to
enable distance learning under COVID-19 did not provide sign interpretation or
subtitles for hearing impaired students. According to a March report by the
Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Services, during the 2018 school year (the
latest for which data is available), 398,815 students with disabilities were in
school, with 295,697 studying in regular schools and the remainder in either state-
run or privately owned special education schools or classes. There were more than
14,000 teachers working in special education schools. A Ministry of Family,
Labor, and Social Services program allowed individuals with autism to stay in
government-run houses and offered state resources to families who were unable to
attend to all the needs of their autistic children.
On December 3, the minister of family, labor, and social services announced the
total number of persons with disabilities employed in the public sector was 57,000.
The private sector employed around 118,000 of the two million citizens with
disabilities qualified for work. An employment quota requires private-sector
Page 78
companies with more than 50 employees to include in their workforce at least 3
percent employees with disabilities. The public-sector quota is 4 percent. There
was no information available on the implementation of fines for accountability.
Members of National/Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups
The constitution provides a single nationality designation for all citizens and does
not expressly recognize national, racial, or ethnic minorities except for three non-
Muslim minorities: Armenian Apostolic Christians, Jews, and Greek Orthodox
Christians. Other national, religious, or ethnic minorities, including Assyrians,
Jaferis, Yezidis, Kurds, Arabs, Roma, Circassians, and Laz, were not permitted to
exercise their linguistic, religious, and cultural rights fully.
More than 15 million citizens were estimated to be of Kurdish origin and spoke
Kurdish dialects. Security force efforts against the PKK disproportionately
affected Kurdish communities in rural areas throughout much of the year. Some
predominantly Kurdish communities experienced government-imposed curfews,
generally in connection with government security operations aimed at clearing
areas of PKK terrorists (see section 1.g.).
Kurdish and pro-Kurdish civil society organizations and political parties continued
to experience problems exercising freedoms of assembly and association (see
section 2.b.). Hundreds of Kurdish civil society organizations and Kurdish-
language media outlets closed by government decree in 2016 and 2017 after the
coup attempt remained shut.
The law allows citizens to open private institutions to provide education in
languages and dialects they traditionally use in their daily lives, on the condition
that schools are subject to the law and inspected by the Ministry of National
Education. Some universities offered elective Kurdish-language courses, and four
universities had Kurdish-language departments, although several instructors in
these departments were among the thousands of university personnel fired under
official decrees, leaving the programs unstaffed. In July the Ministry of Education
also banned students from writing theses and dissertations in Kurdish, affecting
students studying in Kurdish-language departments.
The law allows reinstatement of former non-Turkish names of villages and
Page 79
neighborhoods and provides political parties and their members the right to
campaign and use promotional material in any language; however, this right was
not protected.
The law restricts the use of languages other than Turkish in government and public
services. In March a trustee mayor of Batman province, appointed by the
government after the arrest of elected HDP comayors on terrorism charges,
removed Kurdish-language information from the municipality website and
replaced bilingual pedestrian crossing signs. Batman Provinces population is
more than 80 percent Kurdish, and the information removed included guidance on
the city and the national governments COVID-19 preparations. This raised some
health concerns, as elderly Kurdish citizens in the southeast are less likely to speak
Turkish. All tweets on the official Batman municipality Twitter feed, shared in
both Turkish and Kurdish in an attempt to reach the communitys sizeable
Kurdish-speaking population, were also deleted, including information on
assistance to needy residents and efforts to mitigate economic concerns caused by
In May assailants stabbed and killed Baris Cakan in Ankara, allegedly because he
was listening to Kurdish music in his car during the call to prayer. Police detained
and later arrested three suspects for the killing.
On International Mother Language Day, February 21, members of parliament from
the opposition CHP and HDP parties submitted questions to government officials
in the Arabic, Zazaki, Kurmanchi, and Syriac languages. The parliaments
speakers office accepted only the Turkish-language submissions.
In October, Istanbul authorities banned a theater company for putting on a
Kurdish-language adaptation of the Italian play Trumpets and Raspberries at an
Istanbul municipal theater. Company members reported the theater was under
police surveillance during stage preparations. The governor of Istanbul, Ali
Yerlikaya, wrote on Twitter that authorities banned the play because it contained
pro-PKK propaganda and that an investigation had been opened. In November the
governor of Sanliurfa province also banned the play.
Although the government officially allows the use of Kurdish in private education
Page 80
and in public discourse, it did not extend permission for Kurdish-language
instruction to public education.
Romani communities reported being subjected to disproportionate police violence
and housing loss due to urban transformation projects that extended into their
traditional areas of residence. Members of the Romani community also reported
problems with access to education, housing, health care, and employment. Roma
reported difficulty in utilizing government offers to subsidize rent on apartments
due to discriminatory rental practices. In June municipality workers tore down 60
tents housing approximately 300 Roma in Cesme, Izmir. The Izmir Bar
Association, which visited the site, reported that Romani families were left in
destitute conditions. According to community representatives, the municipality
promised to deliver trailers to replace the tents but failed to do so. Due to COVID-
19 restrictions, community representatives reported that Romani children living in
tent cities did not have access to education. Community representatives indicated
that 96 percent of Roma were unemployed, although many had jobs in the informal
The government adopted a national Romani strategy in 2016 but underfunded the
initiative. Romani advocates complained there was little concrete advancement for
Roma. They also reported that Romani communities were particularly hard hit by
the COVID-19 pandemic and that the national government did little to provide
economic assistance to the communities, particularly since most Roma worked in
the informal economy as garbage collectors, flower vendors, and musicians who
perform at restaurants or social events. With the imposition of restrictions aimed
at slowing the spread of COVID-19 by enforcing social distancing precautions,
many Roma found themselves cut off from their livelihoods and without access to
the social safety net available to those who could apply for unemployment benefits.
In a statement marking International Romani Day on April 8, a group of 48
Romani organizations in the country asserted that continuing deep discrimination
and serious obstaclesprevented Roma from accessing services during the
pandemic. Although national efforts largely missed the Romani community, some
municipalities, notably Izmir, worked with Romani advocacy groups and made
Page 81
special efforts to deliver aid including food parcels, masks, and hygiene supplies.
Armenian minority groups reported a rise in hate speech and coded language
directed against the Armenian community, including from high-level government
officials. In a speech on May 4, President Erdogan stated, We will not give in to
terrorists, who are the leftovers of the sword. Armenian groups notedleftovers
of the sword” is a term that had been used to indicate those who survived the mass
deportation and massacre of Armenians in the final years of the Ottoman Empire.
On May 29, the widow of ethnic Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, who was
murdered in 2007, and a Hrant Dink Foundation lawyer received death threats by
email urging them to leave the country. Turkish police arrested two suspects in the
case who were released from detention on September 21, pending trial.
After the outbreak of hostilities between Armenia and Azerbaijan on September
27, members of the Armenian minority reported increased anti-Armenian rhetoric,
including in traditional and social media. Supporters of Azerbaijan staged car
convoys featuring Azerbaijani flags in Istanbul near the Armenian Patriarchate and
in districts with large Armenian populations. The Hrant Dink Foundation recorded
a threefold increase in hate speech targeting Armenians in the week of September
27-October 5, citing more than 1,000 news reports and commentary featuring anti-
Armenian language meeting the organizations criteria for hate speech. On
October 5, HDP MP and ethnic Armenian Turk Garo Paylan stated he had been
threatened and noted that a progovernment think tank had placed newspaper ads
calling him a spy for supporting Armenia. Government officials strongly
condemned intimidation of ethnic Armenians and committed to protect the
minority. Police increased presence in Istanbul neighborhoods with significant
ethnic Armenian populations.
Acts of Violence, Criminalization, and Other Abuses Based on
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
During the year LGBTI individuals experienced discrimination, intimidation, and
violent crimes. Human rights groups reported that police and prosecutors
frequently failed to pursue cases of violence against LGBTI persons or accepted
justification for perpetratorsactions. Police rarely arrested suspects or held them
Page 82
in pretrial detention, as was common with other defendants. When arrests were
made, defendants could claim unjustifiable provocationunder the penal code and
request a reduced sentence. Judges routinely applied the law to reduce the
sentences of persons who killed LGBTI individuals. Courts of appeal previously
upheld these verdicts based in part on the immoral natureof the victim. LGBTI
advocates reported that police detained transgender individuals engaged in sex
work to extract payoffs and that courts and prosecutors created an environment of
impunity for attacks on transgender persons involved in sex work.
In June the LGBTI advocacy organization Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural
Research and Solidarity Association (KAOS-GL) released information regarding
150 self-reported attacks on LGBTI individuals in 2019. The number of reports
collected via an online survey increased from 62 the previous year. According to
available data, 129 attacks took place in public space, and 41 included multiple
attackers. In one-half of the incidents, bystanders did not get involved, and in one-
quarter, onlookers sided with the attackers. Only 26 attacks were reported to
police, reportedly due to victimslack of confidence in effective action and fears of
discrimination by police.
In July the Mersin-based LGBTI-rights NGO 7 Color Association, as part of its
yearly report on LGBTI human rights abuses in the southeast, indicated that public
servants perpetrated 30 percent of the 132 hate speech and discriminatory incidents
against LGBTI individuals reported in the cities of Adana, Mersin, Hatay, Antep,
and Antalya.
In April a transgender woman, Ajda Ender, reported she was forced to flee her
residence because of death threats and physical assaults from her neighbors. Ender
reported that police refused to accept her complaint and used transphobic speech
when she applied for help. Ender fled to a friends apartment where neighbors also
reacted with transphobic threats.
While the law does not explicitly criminalize LGBTI status or conduct, provisions
of law concerningoffenses against public morality,” “protection of the family,
and unnatural sexual behaviorsometimes served as a basis for abuse by police
Page 83
and discrimination by employers.
Numerous LGBTI organizations reported a continued sense of vulnerability as
restrictions on their freedom of speech, assembly, and association continued.
LGBTI advocates also described a frighteningrise in hate speech of a
fundamentally different characterfollowing controversial remarks by the
president of the Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) and subsequent support
for the Diyanet president from high-ranking government officials, including the
president. On April 24, during a sermon to mark the beginning of Ramadan, the
head of the Diyanet, Ali Erbas, said, “Islam cursed homosexualityas a great sin
that causes diseases and decays lineages. Erbas also called on followers to unite
to fight this kind of evil.” Supportive segments of the populace posted on social
media under the top-trending hashtag #AliErbasYalnizdegildir (Ali Erbas is not
alone). Several rights groups and bar associations filed criminal complaints and
criticized the remarks, drawing a strong reaction from ruling AKP officials. The
Ankara Prosecutors Office launched an investigation against the Ankara Bar
Association for insulting religious valuesafter it condemned Erbasremarks in a
statement. The prosecutors office declined to investigate the bar associations
complaint against the Diyanet.
Anti-LGBTI rhetoric also featured prominently in public debates around the
country’s potential withdrawal from the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention on
preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.
Commentators in favor of withdrawal generally pointed to the conventions
reference to equal protection for victims regardless of sexual orientation or gender
identity as being inconsistent with Turkish values.
High-level government officials employed anti-LGBTI speech. In June the
director of communications of the Presidency, Fahrettin Altun, wrote on Twitter,
LGBT propaganda poses a great threat to freedom of speech. President Erdogan
warned against those who exhibit all kinds of perversion that our God prohibits
during a television interview the same month.
In July the Radio and Television Supreme Council refused to grant a license to a
Turkish television drama featuring an LGBTI character in development by Netflix.
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Netflix cancelled the production.
In November the Malatya municipality cancelled the planned 10th Malatya
International Film Festival after festival organizers announced they would award a
gender-neutralbest performance award instead of best actor and actress awards.
The municipality stated that the term gender-neutraloffended its values.
In December press reported that the Ministry of Trade Board of Advertisement
notified Turkish online retailers via letter that companies must label LGBTI pride
products featuring rainbows or other LGBTI pride symbols with an 18+ warning to
protect childrens mental, moral, psychologic, and social development.”
The criminal code does not include specific protections based on sexual orientation
or gender identity. The law allows for up to three years in prison for hate speech
or injurious acts related to language, race, nationality, color, gender, disability,
political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, or sectarian differences. Human
rights groups criticized the laws failure to include protections based on gender
identity and noted it was sometimes used to restrict freedom of speech and
assembly rather than to protect minorities. LGBTI definitions were not included in
the law, but authorities reported a general genderconcept in the constitution
provides for protections for LGBTI individuals. KAOS-GL maintained that, due to
the laws failure to recognize the existence of LGBTI individuals, authorities did
not provide them social protection.
KAOS-GL reported that some LGBTI individuals were unable to access health
services or faced discrimination. Some LGBTI individuals reported they believed
it necessary to hide their identities, faced mistreatment by health-service providers
(in many cases preferring not to request any service), and noted that prejudice
against HIV-positive individuals negatively affected perceptions of the LGBTI
community. In August press reports alleged that an LGBTI individual was refused
treatment at a hospital in Istanbul by the doctor on duty, who employed
homophobic comments. Multiple sources reported discrimination in housing, since
landlords refused to rent to LGBTI individuals or charged them significantly
higher prices.
During the year LGBTI groups held virtual pride month events in keeping with
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safe social-distancing practices due to the COVID-19 outbreak. In previous years
governors banned pride marches in Ankara, Antalya, Istanbul, Izmir, Gaziantep,
and Mersin, citing public safety concerns. In 2019 the Constitutional Court found
that Ankaras blanket ban on LGBTI events, in place since 2017, was illegal. In
August a court in Mersin rejected a legal challenge launched by KAOS-GL to the
governors ban on the 2019 pride march.
Some LGBTI groups reported harassment by police, government, and university
authorities. University groups complained that rectors denied them permission to
organize, and some indicated they faced administrative investigations or other
sanctions for participating in events. In July an Ankara administrative court found
that the ban on the 2019 pride march imposed by the rector of Middle East
Technical University was unlawful. The university had not challenged the
decision at years end. Criminal cases against the 18 students and one faculty
member arrested for organizing the pride march in 2019 continued; the defendants
faced up to three years in prison. The court held a hearing on December 10, but
the court declined to issue a ruling and scheduled another hearing for April 2021.
Organizers reported that the arrested students were ineligible for scholarship and
educational loans while the case continued.
LGBTI organizations reported the government used regular and detailed audits
against them to create administrative burdens and threatened the possibility of
large fines.
Dating and social networking sites catering to the LGBTI community faced content
blocks. In August an Ankara court imposed an access ban on the social
networking site Hornet and in September on the dating site
Authorities have blocked the dating site and application Grindr since 2013.
HIV and AIDS Social Stigma
Many persons with HIV and AIDS reported discrimination in access to
employment, housing, public services, benefits, and health care. Rights
organizations noted that the country lacked sufficient laws protecting persons with
HIV and AIDS from discrimination and that there were legal obstacles to
anonymous HIV testing. Due to pervasive social stigma against persons with HIV
Page 86
and AIDS, many individuals avoided testing for HIV due to fear the results would
be used against them. Human rights advocates reported that some employers
required HIV/AIDS testing prior to employment to screen positive applicants. In
September the Pozitif-iz Association reported that it received 89 complaints of
human rights violations in 2018-19, the majority related to health service provider
discrimination. The NGO also observed that HIV-positive individuals faced
systemic discrimination in the workplace.
The government launched an HIV/AIDS control program for 2019-24 to raise
awareness and combat risk factors. The government also implemented HIV/AIDS
education into the national education curriculum.
Other Societal Violence or Discrimination
Alevis and Christians, including Armenian Apostolics, remained the subject of
hate speech and discrimination. The term Armenianremained a common slur.
Attacks on minority places of worship, however, were rare.
According to the Hrant Dink Foundations 2019 Media Watch on Hate Speech
Report, an analysis of national and local newspapers found 5,515 instances of
published hate speech that targeted national, ethnic, and religious groups. The
most targeted groups were Armenians, Syrians, Greeks, and Jews.
Atheists also remained the subject of intimidation in media, albeit at a lower level
relative to other religious minorities.
Conditional refugees and displaced Syrians under temporary protection also faced
increased societal discrimination and violence during the year (see section 2.d.).
Section 7. Worker Rights
a. Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
The law provides for the right of workers to form and join independent unions,
bargain collectively, and conduct legal strikes, but it places significant restrictions
on these rights. The law prohibits antiunion discrimination and discourages
employers for terminating workers involved in union activities. In particular the
Page 87
law requires employers to either reinstate a worker fired for participating in union
activity or pay a fine equal to one year of the affected worker’s salary. Some
public-sector employees, such as senior officials, magistrates, members of the
armed forces, and police, may not form or join unions.
The law provides some workers the right to strike. In particular public-sector
workers who are responsible for safeguarding life and property as well as workers
in the essential areas (coal mining and petroleum industries, hospitals and funeral
industries, urban transportation, energy and sanitation services, national defense,
banking, and education) do not have the right to strike. Instead, while the law
allows some essential workers to bargain collectively, the law requires the workers
to resolve disputes through binding arbitration rather than strikes.
A 2014 the Constitutional Court ruling that bankers and municipal transport
workers have the right to strike remains in force. The law further allows the
government to deny the right to strike in any situation that represents a threat to
public health or national security. On October 9, the government issued an
executive order prohibiting workers at the multinational glass manufacturer
Sisecam in Mersin from striking, noting the strike would disrupt general public
health and security.
The government also maintains a number of restrictions on the right of association
and collective bargaining. The law requires labor unions to notify government
officials prior to meetings or rallies, which must occur in officially designated
areas, and allows government representatives to attend their conventions and
record the proceedings.
The law requires a minimum of seven workers to establish a union without prior
approval. To become a bargaining agent, a union must represent 40 percent of the
worksite employees and 1 percent of all workers in that particular industry. The
law prohibits union leaders from becoming officers of or otherwise performing
duties for political parties. The law also prohibits union leaders from working for
or being involved in the operation of any profit-making enterprise. As of March,
67 percent of public-sector employees and 14 percent of private-sector employees
were unionized. Nonunionized workers, such as migrants and domestic servants,
Page 88
are not covered by collective bargaining laws.
The government did not enforce laws related to collective bargaining and freedom
of association effectively in many instances (e.g., penalties were not consistently
commensurate with those provided under other laws involving denials of civil
rights). Labor courts functioned effectively and relatively efficiently, although as
with other courts, the appeals process could often last for years. If a court ruled
that an employer had unfairly dismissed a worker and should either reinstate or
compensate the individual, the employer generally paid compensation to the
employee along with a fine.
The 19 unions and confederations shut down under the 2016-18 state of
emergency, at times due to alleged affiliations with the Gulen movement, remained
The government and employers interfered with freedom of association and the
right to collective bargaining. Government restrictions and interference limited the
ability of some unions to conduct public and other activities. According to the
most recent information available from the government, as of May 2019, the rate
of security force interference in labor union marches and demonstrations was 0.8
percent, below the 2 percent rate of intervention in 2016. Police frequently
attended union meetings and conventions. In addition some unions reported that
local authorities prohibited public activities, such as marches and press
Employers used threats, violence, and layoffs in unionized workplaces. Unions
stated that antiunion discrimination occurred regularly across sectors. Service-
sector union organizers reported that private-sector employers sometimes ignored
the law and dismissed workers to discourage union activity. Many employers
hired workers on revolving contracts of less than a years duration, making them
ineligible for equal benefits or bargaining rights.
The government instituted a ban on lay-offs during the COVID-19 crisis that in
some cases resulted in the employees being compelled to take leave without pay or
earn less than minimum wage. Some companies instituted COVID-19 precautions,
including prohibiting workers from leaving and returning to a worksite for
Page 89
extended periods of time. In April workers at a Cengiz Holding construction site
of a railway in Diyarbakir staged a protest after reportedly being prohibited from
leaving the worksite for more than 15 days and compelled to work 14-hour days
during the outbreak.
b. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
The law generally prohibits all forms of forced or compulsory labor, but the
government enforced such laws unevenly. Penalties for violations were not
consistently commensurate with those for other serious crimes. Forced labor
generally did not occur, although some local and refugee families required their
children to work on the streets and in the agricultural or industrial sectors to
supplement family income (see section 7.c.).
Women, refugees, and migrants were vulnerable to labor trafficking. Although
government efforts to prevent trafficking continued with mixed effect, authorities
made improvements in identifying trafficking victims nationwide. The
government did not release data on the number of arrests and convictions related to
The government implemented a work permit system for registered Syrian adults
with special temporary protected status; however, applying for a work permit was
the responsibility of the employer, and the procedure was sufficiently burdensome
and expensive that relatively few employers pursued legally hiring refugees. As a
consequence the vast majority of both conditional refugees and Syrians under
special temporary protection remained without legal employment options, leaving
them vulnerable to exploitation, including illegally low wages, withholding of
wages, and exposure to unsafe work conditions.
Also see the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at
c. Prohibition of Child Labor and Minimum Age for Employment
The law allows children to perform light work that does not interfere with their
school attendance from age 14 and establishes 16 as the minimum age for regular
employment. The law prohibits children younger than 16 from performing
Page 90
arduous or dangerous work. The government prohibited children younger than 18
from working in certain professions or under hazardous conditions.
The government did not effectively enforce child labor laws but made efforts to
address the problem. Penalties for violations were sufficiently stringent compared
with those for other serious crimes. Resources and inspections were insufficient to
effectively monitor and enforce prohibitions against the use of child labor. In the
absence of a complaint, inspectors did not generally visit private agricultural
enterprises that employed 50 or fewer workers, resulting in enterprises vulnerable
to child labor exploitation.
Illicit child labor persisted, including in its worst forms, fostered in part by large
numbers of Syrian refugees and the pandemic driving more family members to
seek employment. Child labor primarily took place in seasonal agriculture (e.g.,
hazelnuts), street work (e.g., begging), and small or medium industry (e.g., textiles,
footwear, and garments), although the overall scale of the problem remained
unclear, according to a wide range of experts, academics, and UN agencies
engaged on the issue. Parents and others sent Romani children to work on the
streets selling tissues or food, shining shoes, or begging. Such practices were also
a significant problem among Syrian and Afghan refugee children. The government
implemented a work permit system for registered adult Syrian refugees with
temporary protection status, but many lacked access to legal employment; some
refugee children consequently worked to help support their families, in some cases
under exploitative conditions. According to data from the Ministry of Family,
Labor, and Social Services, in 2019, a total of 27 workplaces were fined for
violating rules prohibiting child labor.
Also see the Department of Labors List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or
Forced Labor at
d. Discrimination with Respect to Employment and Occupation
The law does not explicitly address discrimination due to sexual orientation,
gender identity, color, national origin or citizenship, social origin, communicable
disease status, or HIV-positive status. The labor code does not apply to
Page 91
discrimination in the recruitment phase. Discrimination in employment or
occupation occurred with regard to sex, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation,
HIV-positive status, and presence of a disability. Sources also reported frequent
discrimination based on political affiliation and views. Penalties were not
consistently commensurate with those for other civil rights violations.
Women faced discrimination in employment and were generally underrepresented
in managerial-level positions in business, government, and civil society, although
the number of women in the workforce increased compared with previous years.
According to the Turkish Statistics Institute, the employment rate for women in
2019 was 34 percent (an increase from 28 percent in 2016), corresponding to 10.7
million women, compared with 72 percent employment for men. The World
Economic Forums Global Gender Gap Report 2020 published in December 2019
recorded that 37.5 percent of women participated in the labor force, compared with
36.1 percent in 2018. Research by Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of
Turkey Research Center concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionally
affected women’s labor force participation.
For companies with more than 50 workers, the law requires that at least 3 percent
of the workforce consist of persons with disabilities, while in the public sector, the
requirement is 4 percent. Despite these government efforts, NGOs reported
examples of discrimination in employment of persons with disabilities.
LGBTI individuals faced particular discrimination in employment. Employment
laws allow the dismissal of public-sector employees found to act in a shameful
and embarrassing way unfit for the position of a civil servant,” while some statutes
criminalize the vague practice of unchastity. KAOS-GL and other human rights
organizations noted that some employers used these provisions to discriminate
against LGBTI individuals in the labor market, although overall numbers remained
e. Acceptable Conditions of Work
The national minimum wage was greater than the estimated national poverty level.
The law establishes a 45-hour workweek with a weekly rest day. Overtime is
limited to three hours per day and 270 hours a year. The law mandates paid
Page 92
holiday/leave and premium pay for overtime but allows for employers and
employees to agree to a flexible time schedule. The Ministry of Family, Labor,
and Social ServicesLabor Inspectorate effectively enforced wage and hour
provisions in the unionized industrial, service, and government sectors. Workers
in nonunionized sectors had difficulty receiving overtime pay to which they were
entitled by law. The law prohibits excessive compulsory overtime. Government-
set occupational safety and health (OSH) standards were not always up to date or
appropriate for specific industries.
The government did not effectively enforce laws related to the minimum wage,
working hours, and OSH in all sectors. The law did not cover workers in the
informal economy, which accounted for an estimated 25 percent of GDP and more
than one-quarter of the workforce. Penalties for violations were not consistently
commensurate with those for similar crimes.
OSH violations were particularly common in the construction and mining
industries, where accidents were frequent and regulations inconsistently enforced.
The Assembly for Worker Health and Safety reported at least 1,488 workplace
deaths during the first nine months of the year. These figures included COVID-19-
related deaths. In many sectors workers could not remove themselves from
situations that endangered their health or safety without jeopardizing their
employment, and authorities did not effectively protect vulnerable employees.
Overall, numbers of labor inspectors remained insufficient to enforce compliance
with labor laws across the country. Inspectors were able to make unannounced
inspections and initiate sanctions.
OSH laws and regulations covered both contract and unregistered workers but did
not sufficiently protect them. Migrants and refugees working in the informal
sector remained particularly vulnerable to substandard work conditions in a variety
of sectors, including seasonal agriculture, industry, and construction. A majority
of conditional refugees and Syrians under temporary protection were working
informally, as employers found too burdensome the application process for work
permits (see section 2.f., Protection of Refugees).
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