Guidance for Flood Risk
Analysis and Mapping
Flood Insurance Study (FIS) Report
December 2020
FIS Report December 2020
Guidance Document 37 Page i
Requirements for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Risk Mapping,
Assessment, and Planning (Risk MAP) Program are specified separately by statute, regulation,
or FEMA policy (primarily the Standards for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping). This document
provides guidance to support the requirements and recommends approaches for effective and
efficient implementation. Alternate approaches that comply with all requirements are acceptable.
For more information, please visit the FEMA Guidelines and Standards for Flood Risk Analysis
and Mapping webpage (
Copies of the Standards for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping policy, related guidance, technical
references, and other information about the guidelines and standards development process are
all available here. You can also search directly by document title at
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Guidance Document 37 Page ii
Table of Revisions
The following summary of changes details revisions to this document subsequent to its most
recent version in November 2016.
Affected Section or
Date Description
Section 2.1
This guidance has been updated to correct information
regarding font specifications.
Section 5.4
This guidance has been updated to revise information
regarding Table 8: Levee Systems.
Section 6.3
This guidance has been updated to add information
regarding 2D evaluation lines.
Throughout document
This guidance has been updated to revise table
numbers after the removal of CBRS layers from
regulatory products.
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Table of Contents
1.0 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 1
2.0 General Formatting and Guidance ..................................................................................... 1
2.1 Adding Text to Body of FIS Report ................................................................................. 1
2.2 Table Formatting ............................................................................................................ 2
3.0 Report Cover ...................................................................................................................... 3
4.0 Report Text ........................................................................................................................ 5
5.0 Table Guidance .................................................................................................................. 5
5.1 Community Names ......................................................................................................... 6
5.2 FIRM Panel Numbers ..................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Table 2: Flooding Sources Included in this FIS Report .................................................. 6
5.4 Table 8: Levee Systems ................................................................................................. 8
5.5 Table 9: Summary of Discharges ................................................................................... 9
5.6 Table 11: Stream Gage Information used to Determine Discharges .............................. 9
5.7 Table 12: Summary of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses ............................................ 9
5.8 Table 13: Roughness Coefficients ................................................................................ 10
5.9 Table 20: Stream-Based Vertical Datum Conversion ................................................... 10
5.10 Table 23: Floodway Data .............................................................................................. 10
5.11 Table 27: Community Map History ............................................................................... 11
5.12 Table 28: Summary of Contracted Studies Included in this FIS Report ....................... 13
6.0 Figure Guidance ............................................................................................................... 13
6.1 FIRM Notes to Users .................................................................................................... 13
6.2 Flood Profiles ................................................................................................................ 14
6.3 FIS Inserts for 2D modeling .......................................................................................... 14
List of Figures
Figure 1: FIS Report Cover Option 1 (Preferred) ....................................................................... 3
Figure 2: FIS Report Cover Option 2 ......................................................................................... 4
Figure 3: FIS Report Cover Option 3B ....................................................................................... 5
Figure 4: Example of Flooding Source Studied by Multiple Methods............................................ 7
Figure 5: Example of Flooding Source with Multiple Mapped Zones on FIRM ............................. 8
Figure 6: Floodway Data Table Example for Cross-Sections with No Floodway ........................ 10
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Figure 7: Annotated grid presented in place of profile in FIS report ........................................... 15
List of Tables
Table 1: Footnote Numbering Guidance ....................................................................................... 3
Table 2: Example of FIS Report Table 2 Flooding Sources Included in this FIS Report ........... 6
Table 3: Example of FIS Report Table 8 Levee Systems .......................................................... 9
Table 4: Example of FIS Report Table 27 Community Map History ........................................ 12
Table 5: Example of FIS Report Table 28 Summary of Contracted Studies Included in
this FIS Report .............................................................................................................. 13
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1.0 Overview
The Flood Insurance Study (FIS) Report is a companion to the Flood Insurance Rate Maps
(FIRMs) and FIRM Database in the depiction and communication of regulatory flood hazard
information within a county or jurisdiction. Whereas the FIRMs depict regulatory flood hazard
information in graphical format, the FIS Report presents communities and end users with
information on the study methodology, data, and results in tabular format. This document
supplements the FIS Report Technical Reference and provides additional guidance to support
the preparation of FIS Reports in accordance with the Technical Reference.
For information on FIS Report distribution, please reference the Preliminary Distribution and
Revised Preliminary Guidance, and the FIRM Index Guidance.
2.0 General Formatting and Guidance
An FIS Report Template (available at
other-resources) has been provided, which complies with all the formatting guidance contained
below. The FIS Report Technical Reference provides instruction regarding how to use the
template and how to distinguish between text that should be included in each FIS Report vs.
text that should be updated or removed depending on the specifics of the Flood Risk Project.
While the FIS Report contains some information that may be reported on a non-countywide
basis (i.e., for Physical Map Revisions (PMRs)) effective FIS Reports that are already in
countywide format must remain in countywide format. For example, the Map Repository
information reported for an effective countywide study must remain countywide in the FIS
Report Table 30, Map Repositories. The FIS Report Technical Reference specifically identifies
the pieces of information that may be reported on a non-countywide basis, such as Table 26,
Incorporated Letters of Map Change (LOMCs). The remainder of the existing countywide
information in the FIS Report must remain in its countywide format in the revised FIS Report.
2.1 Adding Text to Body of FIS Report
In certain circumstances, it may be necessary or desired to add additional text within the body of
the report to document unique situations. For example, certain states or communities may
impose more restrictive floodway surcharge thresholds than the typical 1.0 foot minimum FEMA
standard. In this case, it would be appropriate to add text to section 6.3 of the FIS Report
“Floodplain and Floodway Delineation”to document these distinctions. The font and formatting
guidance below should be followed in those circumstances.
The styles within the FIS Report Template should be used to preserve consistency from section
to section. Text within the body of the report should use the “Body Text” style and is based on
Arial font, 11 point. Body text font size should not decrease smaller than 11 point. The FIS
Report Technical Reference should be referenced for more detail regarding type specifications
for text.
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2.2 Table Formatting
Tables should be sized to the width of the preceding text block. If a table needs to be wider than
the previous text block to be readable, insert section breaks before and after the table and
change the page orientation to landscape. Centered page numbers should be included at the
bottom of tables in landscape orientation. Column width can be adjusted as needed to
accommodate data.
If a table is split between two pages, consider adding a header for each page with “(continued)”
next to the title. In general, rows should not be allowed to split between pages unless this
causes too many page breaks and large areas of white space. For example, the Principal Flood
Problems table may contain rows with long descriptive passages, so the rows are permitted to
split between pages.
It is preferred that text in tables should be Arial, 11 point, single spaced with 3 point before and
after (row height not specified) except for the Floodway Data Table (FDT). The FDT is 0 point
before and after each rowrow height is governed by paragraph spacing rather than specifying
row height. However, text size in tables may be reduced to accommodate data as long as
readability is not reduced.
Table captions should be formatted as follows:
Arial, 11 point
Bold and centered
12 point spacing before and 6 point spacing after the caption
Text or dates in tables should be left aligned (for running text or longer content that wraps in the
cell) or centered. Headings in tables should be centered at the bottom of the cell.
Numeric data in tables should be aligned on decimal points or right-aligned (if no decimals are
present in the entire column). Numbers greater than 999 should include a comma appropriately
placed. Numbers using decimal points should be rounded to the tenth place.
When using numbered footnotes, the numbers should be assigned in order starting at the top-
left table cell and working top to bottom, column by column. The example table below shows
how this should look. Any variations from this should be consistently applied within the FIS
Footnote numbers are applied in the context of the entire table when a table spans multiple
pages. Please see the FIS Report Technical Reference for full information on footnote
numbering requirements.
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Table 1: Footnote Numbering Guidance
Name Community Value
Entry A Community A 4.5 Text here
Entry B Community A
5.6 Text here
Entry C
Community A 2.2 Text here
Entry D Community B 10.1 Text here
Entry E Community B 8.3 Text here
Footnote 1
Footnote 2
Footnote 3
3.0 Report Cover
The FIS Report Template provides two examples of different covers that can be used. Figure 1
shows the preferred option, whereas Figure 2 shows the option that can be used when there are
more communities within the county than can be shown on the cover in the Figure 1 style.
Figure 1: FIS Report Cover Option 1 (Preferred)
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For Option 1, community names and Community Identifiers (CIDs) are shown in Arial, 12 point.
For Option 2, community names and CIDs are shown in Arial, 10 point.
Figure 2: FIS Report Cover Option 2
Regardless of which cover format is used, the effective date and “VOLUME X of X” text on the
cover should use Arial, 14 point, bold font. The FIS number is shown in Arial, 12 point, bold.
If all the community names do not fit in their entirety on the cover following the Option 2 format,
the following two alternatives may be used, in order of preference:
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1. Option 3A: Reduce the font size for the “COMMUNITY NAME” and “NUMBER” headings
and for the community names and CIDs to Arial, 8 point font. If all the community names
still do not fit on the cover, then
2. Option 3B: Do not list any communities on the cover, and instead include the following
note on the cover referencing Table 1: Listing of National Flood Insurance Program
(NFIP) Jurisdictions for the complete listing of communities. Figure 3 shows how this
would look on the cover.
“See Table 1: Listing of NFIP Jurisdictions for a complete listing of the
communities represented in this Flood Insurance Study Report.”
Figure 3: FIS Report Cover Option 3B
4.0 Report Text
As outlined in the FIS Report Technical Reference and shown in the FIS Report Template,
some sections contain bold, blue text to represent text that could be used if applicable, but that
can be changed if not relevant to the Flood Risk Project. As an example, much of section 5.3
“Coastal Analyses” in the FIS Report Template is written this way. Since there are variations in
how coastal studies are performed depending on the coast (Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico,
or Great Lakes), it is appropriate that the text in this section be updated as necessary to
communicate the specifics of the coastal analysis performed.
5.0 Table Guidance
The FIS Report Technical Reference should be referenced for table-specific information that
must be followed in the preparation of the FIS Report. However, additional guidance for select
tables is presented below.
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5.1 Community Names
Community names appear as one of the columns in Tables 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 22, 27, 28, 29, and 30.
In these tables, it is preferred that community names be entered in the format of “Floodville,
Town of” rather than “Town of Floodville.” This should help the reader locate their community
more quickly. However, regardless of which approach is used, the depiction of community
names within the FIS Report tables should be consistent.
5.2 FIRM Panel Numbers
FIRM panel numbers appear as one of the columns in Tables 1, 8, and 26. In these tables,
where more than one panel number must be entered in a cell, panel numbers can be separated
by commas, semi-colons, or carriage returns. Whichever approach is selected should be
applied consistently throughout the FIS Report.
5.3 Table 2: Flooding Sources Included in this FIS Report
The following guidance provides examples to help clarify how to populate this table, and the
conditions that define when a unique record should be added to this table.
Table 2: Example of FIS Report Table 2 Flooding Sources Included in this FIS Report
Source Community
Limit Upstream Limit
Length (mi)
(streams or
Area (mi
or ponding)
Date of
Big Ocean
Coastland, City of;
Flood County,
Unincorporated Areas
Entire Coastline Entire Coastline N/A 16.3 N
Culvert Creek
Flood County,
Unincorporated Areas
Confluence with
Inundation River
2.3 miles upstream
of confluence of
Ripple Creek
99999998 0.7 N AE 1997
Flood County,
Unincorporated Areas;
Metropolis, City of
Confluence with
Big Ocean
Approximately 2,000
feet upstream of
State Highway 999
99999998 12.5 Y AE 2007
Flood County,
Unincorporated Areas;
Metropolis, City of
2,000 feet
upstream of
State Highway
Confluence of North
Fork Inundation
River and South
Fork Inundation
99999998 3.8 N A 1997
Lily Pond Metropolis, City of Pear Tree Circle Westwood Lane 99999997 1.6 N AE 2002
North Fork
Coastland, City of;
Flood County,
Unincorporated Areas
Confluence with
Inundation River
0.7 miles upstream
of Lilac Stream
99999998 4.2 Y AE 2010
South Fork
Flood County,
Unincorporated Areas
Confluence with
Inundation River
3.2 miles upstream
of confluence of
Culvert Creek
99999998 3.8 Y AE 2010
West River
and Zone A
Flood County,
Unincorporated Areas
Confluence of
West River with
Inundation River
1 square mile
drainage area of all
Zone A streams
99999998 206.8 N A 2010
Wood Branch
and Zone A
Flood County,
Unincorporated Areas;
Floodville, Town of
Confluence of
Wood Branch
with North Fork
Inundation River
1 square mile
drainage area of all
Zone A streams
99999998 58.7 N A 2009
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Each record in FIS Report Table 2 reflects a unique engineering study performed on a certain
date. Each flooding source should have its own entry in the table. The exception to this can be
for Zone A streams. If more than 20 Zone A streams are included, consider listing only large
named streams and combine other Zone A streams into one entry, assuming that entry reflects
the same study date. “West River and Zone A Tributaries” and “Wood Branch and Zone A
Tributaries” are examples of how multiple Zone A flooding sources within a watershed can be
grouped together. Similarly, due to the nature of the engineering methodology by which shallow
flooding or ponding areas are often identified on FIRMs, it may be appropriate to group these
areas together as one or several entries in the table, so long as the total length/area columns
reflect the engineering study in whole. Flexibility is allowed in determining the best way to
communicate these types of studies in this table.
Flooding sources that have more than one study from which the mapping on the FIRM is based
should be split accordingly into multiple entries.
Figure 4 shows an example of this type of
situation for Inundation River, which is mapped on the FIRM as both Zone A and AE, based on
two separate studies performed. Note in the example for Table 2 above that rather than
combine those details into one entry, Inundation River is separated into two entries in the table,
to reflect the corresponding limits shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4: Example of Flooding Source Studied by Multiple Methods
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Due to the nature of the topography, flooding situations, and/or study methodologies for certain
flooding sources, it may be necessary to list multiple flood zones in the “Zone shown on FIRM”
column for certain entries in the table. In the example in Figure 5, if (for whatever reason) the
decision was made to map the Flood Creek study results in this area as both Zone AE and Zone
AO, then the Flood Creek entry in Table 2 should report “AE, AO” in the “Zone shown on FIRM”
column. However, if the AO Zone was determined and mapped based on a study separate from
the Flood Creek analysis (such as from an interior drainage analysis, shallow flooding analysis,
etc.), then that should be reported as its own entry in Table 2.
Figure 5: Example of Flooding Source with Multiple Mapped Zones on FIRM
For streams whose downstream limits terminate within the backwater of a larger stream, it is not
necessary to determine the point at which the stream comes out of backwater as the
“Downstream Limit” in this table. The downstream limit can be reported as “Confluence with…”
in those cases.
5.4 Table 8: Levee Systems
For levee systems that have multiple owners or maintaining agencies, or if multiple levee
segment sponsors, the “Levee Owner(s) / Sponsor(s)” field can be appended to display all
entities. For example, if Floodville Waterworks was the levee owner, but the levee was
maintained by Flood County Department of Public Works, the entry in the “Levee Owner(s) /
Sponsor(s)” field might look something like the following:
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Table 3: Example of FIS Report Table 8 Levee Systems
NLD Levee Levee System
Flooding NLD Levee System Status on Levee Owner(s)
Community Source System ID Name Effective FIRM FIRM Panel(s) / Sponsor(s)
Town of
(maintained by
Flood County
Dept. of Public
When applying a levee seclusion zone to a study, levee systems that have not been
demonstrated to meet the requirements of 44CFR 65.10 should be properly identified in this
FIS narrative text for Section 4.4 (corresponding to the information in this table) is provided in
the FIS Report Template.
5.5 Table 9: Summary of Discharges
The Summary of Discharges table is primarily intended to report discharges for streams
mapped as Zone AE on the FIRMs. It is, therefore, not required to be populated for Zone A
streams. However, adding Zone A streams to this table is not a restriction. It may be desired to
add discharge entries for larger Zone A streams within the Flood Risk Project.
Typically, seclusion mapping should not affect the discharges for the secluded flooding source
and therefore no seclusion mapping notation would be needed for the Summary of Discharges
Table. Please see the FIS Report Technical Reference for full details on applying Levee
Seclusion to the Summary of Dischargestable.
5.6 Table 11: Stream Gage Information used to Determine Discharges
The Stream Gage Information table provides information to assist in identifying and locating the
referenced gage as well as the reported drainage area and period of record used for the gage
discharge analysis. If historic peaks are used in the discharge analysis in combination with a
systematic record, the historic peaks should be listed in a footnote to Table 11.
5.7 Table 12: Summary of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses
Consider Table 12 as the additional engineering data to supplement the non-coastal flooding
source entries in Table 2. As such, there should be a 1:1 match between the entries in Table 12
with the non-coastal flooding sources in Table 2. For example, if a stream was split into two
entries in Table 2 to reflect the different study methodologies, then Table 12 should show the
same two entries.
The following list provides recommendations for the type of information that could be included in
the “Special Considerations” column of the table, depending on the specifics of the study.
Unique methods for capturing hydraulic structure or stream channel dimensions in the
engineering models
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Method used for obtaining starting water-surface elevations in the model
Methods used for estimating channel and overbank roughness values (Manning’s “n’)
Methods used to analyze and map levee systems
Methods used to analyze ice jam effects
Model calibration information
Use of gage records for hydrologic analysis along with any unique considerations that
may have been applied of that analysis
Anything else that would help the reader more fully understand the hydrologic and/or
hydraulic results for that particular flooding source
5.8 Table 13: Roughness Coefficients
As with Table 2, as opposed to listing each model-backed Zone A stream as its own entry in this
table, it is acceptable to group Zone A streams together into one (or several) entries. In this
case, the Channel and Overbank Manning’s “n” values reported should be representative of the
entire range of n-values used for all the listed streams.
5.9 Table 20: Stream-Based Vertical Datum Conversion
If the same vertical datum conversion factor was applied to multiple flooding sources within the
Flood Risk Project, those flooding sources can be grouped together as one entry within Table
20. In this case, flooding source names can be separated by commas, semicolons, or carriage
returns within the table cell.
5.10 Table 23: Floodway Data
As depicted below, one of the Floodway Data Table (FDT) examples shown in the FIS Report
Technical Reference and FIS Report Template illustrates how asterisks can be used for cross-
sections where a floodway was not computed or mapped.
Figure 6: Floodway Data Table Example for Cross-Sections with No Floodway
As a point of clarification, this does not mean that a FDT must be prepared for streams that
have mapped cross-sections, but for which a floodway has not been computed or mapped at all
(such as for some “limited detail” streams). Rather, for study reaches that have a mapped
floodway, the use of asterisks is a way to identify the cross-sections where a floodway was not
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modeled or mapped, for whatever reason. However, if a flooding source has a mapped
floodway and mapped cross-sections on the FIRM, then it should have a FDT in the FIS Report.
The FIS Report Technical Reference also contains an example FDT for flooding sources
containing cross-sections that are in areas controlled by coastal flooding processes and where
the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is the product of a coastal and riverine combined rate of
occurrence analysis. Because a riverine cross section may traverse more than one coastal flood
zone with differing static BFEs due to varying surge elevations or differences in wave action, it is
often difficult to list a regulatory BFE in the FDT. Therefore, for cross sections that are located in
a coastal floodplain, the regulatory water surface elevation is not populated, and a footnote is
added indicating that the BFE at the cross section is controlled by coastal flooding and the user
must refer to the FIRM for the regulatory BFE (e.g., “Controlled by coastal floodingsee Flood
Insurance Rate Map for regulatory base flood elevation”).
In areas where the BFE is based on the coastal and riverine combined rate of occurrence
results, a footnote is added to the regulatory water surface elevation for the applicable cross
sections indicating “Combined probability with coastal flooding from [coastal flooding source].”
The example FDT in the FIS Report Technical Reference shows how these footnotes would be
The FIS Report Technical Reference also contains an example FDT for flooding sources
affected by a levee system seclusion zone. In some circumstances, a seclusion boundary may
cover a portion or all of a flooding source that was restudied and will be shown as such on the
non-secluded portion of the FIRM. It is necessary to seclude information for these streams in
this case. Additional information and notes must also be added to the FIS Report which are
covered in the FIS Report Technical Reference, as well as the FIS Report Template.
Lastly, The FIS Report Technical Reference also contains example FDTs where a 2-D model, or
hybrid 1-D, 2-D model was used to compute the floodway extents. For these analyses, cross
section references are not available, or in the case of hybrid 1-D, 2-D models, may not span the
entire width of the floodway. As a result, the information displayed on the FDT are referenced to
evaluation lines set within the floodway extent. See the Floodway Analysis and Mapping
Guidance document for additional information on evaluation lines. Footnotes are included in the
FIS Report Technical Reference example FDTs to inform users that the data contained in the
table is based off of 2-D model results.
5.11 Table 27: Community Map History
The following guidance provides examples to help clarify how to populate this table, and the
specific situations represented by several of the entries in the table.
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Table 4: Example of FIS Report Table 27 – Community Map History
Community Name
Initial FHBM
Effective Date
FHBM Revision
Initial FIRM
Effective Date
FIRM Revision
Coastland, City of 02/15/1973 02/15/1973
Flood County,
11/01/1974 11/01/1974 09/06/1977 08/15/1984
Floodville, Town of 04/15/1975 04/15/1975 N/A 12/15/1984
Metropolis, City of
11/01/1974 11/01/1974 09/06/1977 08/15/1984
Upland, Village of
2, 3
07/23/2008 N/A N/A 07/23/2008 12/31/2011
Water, City of
07/23/2008 N/A N/A 07/23/2008 N/A
Dates for this community were taken from Flood County, Unincorporated Areas
No Special Flood Hazard Areas Identified
This community did not have a FIRM prior to the first countywide FIRM for Flood County
In the example Community Map History table, 7/23/2008 is the date when the first countywide
FIRMs were produced.
The City of Metropolis could be an example of a community that was newly incorporated from
within another jurisdiction (normally the unincorporated areas of a county) or a community that
has simply been using the unincorporated county FIRM without being formally recognized on
the FIRM panel(s). In either case, the footnote shown for Metropolis should be used. If a
community becomes flood-prone solely due to the annexation of flood-prone lands shown on a
published FIRM, the same would apply.
Although the Village of Upland has no Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) identified, the
example showing a FIRM revision date of 12/31/2011 reflects a situation where at least one of
the FIRM panels upon which the Village of Upland is located has been updated, most likely due
to a PMR that revised a flooding source outside the Village of Upland corporate limits.
The City of Water example reflects a community that never had a community-based Flood
Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM) or FIRM. Its first time being shown on a map was when the
countywide FIRMs were produced.
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5.12 Table 28: Summary of Contracted Studies Included in this FIS Report
If a flooding source has more than one study from which the mapping on the FIRMs is based
(such as Inundation River in the Table 2 example), then additional text may be added below the
“Flooding Source” name to distinguish the studies from one another. The example below shows
how this could be accomplished.
Table 5: Example of FIS Report Table 28 – Summary of Contracted Studies Included in
this FIS Report
Flooding Source
FIS Report
Contractor Number
Affected Communities
Inundation River
(Zone AE)
07/23/2008 State DNR MAS-B-1234 March 2007
Flood County,
Unincorporated Areas;
Metropolis, City of
Inundation River
(Zone A)
MAS-B-1234 March 1997
Flood County,
Unincorporated Areas;
Metropolis, City of
6.0 Figure Guidance
The FIS Report now includes the FIRM Index as Figure 1. The FIRM Notes to Users that were
previously printed on the FIRM Index and individual panels are now included in the FIS Report
as Figure 2. The Legend that was printed on individual FIRM panels is included as Figure 3.
Refer to the FIRM Panel Technical Reference for Notes to Users and Legend elements that are
still shown on the FIRM.
Figures should be the width of the preceding text block. If they need to be wider than the
previous text block to be readable, or to be on their own page (such as for the FIRM Index,
coastal transect map, etc.), section breaks can be inserted before and after the figure so that
there is more room to display the figure. The orientation of pages that contain figures can only
be portrait or landscape. Include centered page numbers at the bottom of figures in landscape
Captions are Arial, 11 point, bold; centered; with 12 point spacing before and 6 point spacing
after. Text in figures should be at least the size of body text.
If a figure is not relevant to the study, the figure does not need to be included in the report. As
outlined in the FIS Report Technical Reference, the figure heading number should remain in the
report, but the figure itself can be replace by the words “Not Applicable to this Flood Risk
6.1 FIRM Notes to Users
The FIS Report Technical Reference contains the list of required and potential notes that should
be included as Figure 2 in the FIS Report, depending on the specifics of the Flood Risk Project.
As shown in the Technical Reference and the FIS Report Template, notes that are shown in
bold navy font should only be included if they are applicable to the Flood Risk Project. If
necessary, these notes can be customized or modified slightly from how they are written in the
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FIS Report Technical Reference, if doing so would improve the communication of information.
However, it is expected that this will be the exception rather than the norm, and the study-
specific notes can be used as-is for most Flood Risk Projects.
6.2 Flood Profiles
The FIS Report Technical Reference should be referenced for additional information regarding
the flood profiles in the FIS Report. The Flood Profile Guidance document contains additional
guidance regarding the creation and display of flood profile information for select flooding
sources in the FIS Report.
The FIS Report Technical Reference also contains an example profile for flooding sources
affected by a levee system seclusion zone. In some circumstances, a seclusion boundary may
cover a portion or all of a flooding source that was restudied and will be shown as such on the
non-secluded portion of the FIRM. It is necessary to seclude information for these streams in
this case. Additional information and notes must also be added to the FIS Report which are
covered in the FIS Report Technical Reference, as well as the FIS Report Template.
6.3 FIS Inserts for 2D modeling
If the water surface elevation is not adequately captured by the published BFEs and evaluation
line elevations on the FIRM, an insert will be added to the FIS to better convey the results of 2D
modeling. One option is the annotated grid, where water surface elevations are published at set
locations throughout the modeled 2D area. The water surface elevation at an area of interest
can be determined by measuring the distance from known landmarks.
The figure below provides an example of an annotated grid presented in place of a profile in the
FIS Report. Currently other options to better define the water surface elevations and replace the
flood profile requirement are being evaluated. The appropriate FIS grid insert and format should
be discussed with community officials and the FEMA Project Officer.If a different option besides
those defined here, The FEMA Project Officer must concur prior to development.
The page format of the FIS grid insert can be 11” x 17” format and an index can be included if
more than one page is needed to capture entire 2D area.
FIS Report December 2020
Guidance Document 37 Page 15
Figure 7: Annotated grid presented in place of profile in FIS report