Partnering for a healthy workplace
Adherence to external and internal requirements
Regional CMT-guided implementation
Accountability for health at work
Clear ongoing dialogue
Guiding Principles
Dow continues a return to normal business and workplace opertations. We recognize the importance of managing the pandemic at
the country or site level, and we can work safely using approaches which consider virus variants, immunity, treatment options, testing,
and hospital capabilities, as well as dierent protective measures. These provide Dow the knowledge to manage the pandemic for
successful business continuity.
The Path Forward | COVID-19 Workplace Playbook
The Path Forward | COVID-19 Workplace Playbook
Requirements and
protective measures are
added or removed based
on community risk and
healthcare availability. Risk
levels may change and need
to be easily communicated
and understood.
Respect physical
distancing expectations.
Evaluate space needed in
workspaces, control rooms,
conference rooms and
within vehicles. Stay socially
Badging into sites and
facilities is considered
conrmation and adherence
to all policies. Sites have
discretion for additional
measures during high-risk
Facial coverings could be
necessary based on local
requirements, situations and
Follow vaccination declaration
requirements. Vaccination
could be necessary based
based on local or corporate
requirements for dierent
situations (e.g., events,
meetings, travel).
Clearly communicate site
policies for contractors and
visitors – it is necessary for
everyone to know risk levels
and protective measures.
Inform Occupational Health
when you have COVID-19.
Do NOT attend work or
events when feeling ill, unless
cleared by a physician that
you are not contagious.
Hand and respiratory hygiene
practices are important,
as is frequent cleaning
of shared surfaces, PPE,
phones, appliances and other
common touch points.
Communication and
dialogue are key.
Risk-based approach
and actions are clearly
communicated to understand
risk levels, procedures,
accountability and expectations.
Maintain an inclusive
culture through behaviors
and actions. Diversity,
equity, personal choice and
accountability, respect for
people, and psychological
safety are essential.
Updated Key Corporate Standards
Safety is our number one priority. Please stay focused for your safety and your colleagues’ safety.
The health and well-being of you and your colleagues are important. If you see opportunities to Improve health behaviors in
the workplace, provide direct input or discuss with your supervisor.
Dow has a duty to protect our workers, and therefore, we will often apply more strict standards than society.
The Path Forward | COVID-19 Workplace Playbook
Table of Contents
Guiding Principles 2
Updated Key Corporate Standards 3
Our Approach 5
Workplace Plan 6
Inclusion and COVID-19 7
The Path Forward | COVID-19 Workplace Playbook
Risk Management Measures
The number of COVID-19
cases per 100,000 people
per day in the community
Isolated clusters only
<1 new case
1-24 Cases
normal hospital
response capability**
25 or more new cases 
rapidly rising hospital
strained hospital
response capability**
limited to no hospital
response capability**
ORother Community orDow
leadershipdeclared health
Personal Health Behaviors Hand and cough hygiene. Do not travel or enter Dow facility if you have symptoms that suggest COVID-19 unless cleared by a physician or licensed healthcare provider
Masking^ Personal choice
Personal risk decision for ALL
Encouraged for at risk population*
Recommended for ALL especially
in situations ofclose proximity,
high occupancy, or high-use
space. While not required, masks
are recommended especially for
employees at high risk. Masks
DO offer further protection for
employees and business continuity
Required all times except
when alone
Required all times
Physical Distancing Personal choice
Personal risk decision for
ALL and especially
Encouraged for at risk population*
Recommendedfor ALL
Required for ALL
Manage workspace occupancy
Work from Home
Maintain critical operations
Business Travel Dow normal
Follow Dow COVID-19
regional travel policy
Encouraged mask wearing when
inclose proximity
during travel
Follow Dow COVID-19 regional
travel policy
Recommended mask wearing
when inclose proximityduring
Follow Dow COVID-19 regional
travel policy
Required mask wearing when
inclose proximityduring travel
No travel
Site Entry Screening No restrictions Compliance with Dow COVID-19 policies
Entry COVID-19 screening
No Visitors
Follow public health
Follow Dow OH or public health authorities directions if stricter
Follow public health
Screening Testing Testing may be required based on local circumstances
Dow locations will assess risk level for COVID-19 transmission based on community data, namely, case rates and hospital response
capability. Flags, posters or other tools will be displayed to easily communicate the risk level. The matrix below shows how
requirements such as masking, travel or site entry need to be adjusted for the respective risk levels.
Country/site leadership teams will use this matrix as a guide for protective measures and will follow local regulations when
more strict. Occupational Health provides input on hospital response capability. Risk levels will be adjusted based on weekly trends
and data, and therefore will not change daily.
*At-risk employees (not fully vaccinated** or immunocompromised)
**As determined by Dow OH or in US as posted on CDC COVID-19 county map
^ For outdoor masking when in close proximity, face shield can be used instead of mask
Events and large meetings:
For non-Dow hosted events, Dow employees who attend are expected to follow the requirements as posted by the host. Travel approval must be addressed per Dow policy. In addition, attendees
should follow Dow requirements for the local risk-level, including but not limited to: facial coverings, not attending with potential symptoms or when feeling ill, observing distancing where possible,
and practicing hand and cough hygiene.
For Dow-hosted events (any event where Dow pays the bill), requirements need to be followed that are aligned with the risk in that particular community (or communities from which attendees are
drawn) and which are generally consistent with the Dow workplace. Considerations may be necessary for distancing, food and drink, group activities and travel approvals. Anyone hosting an event
will need to keep sucient exibility in planning to cancel last minute if the community risk level changes.
UPDATED 6/2/2022
The Path Forward | COVID-19 Workplace Playbook
This is intended to provide insight into essential elements of workplace plans and protective measures.
This plan adheres to the Pandemic Principles and key
elements of the Corporate Pandemic Crisis Management
Plan, including operating at Dow Alert Level 7 for as long as
WHO considers COVID-19 a pandemic emergency.
Maintaining business continuity is a key consideration in
managing Dow’s responses and measures for outbreaks.
Dow has a duty to protect the workforce and apply more
strict standards than communities for some behaviors and
Plans should be consistent with guidelines from international
health and infectious disease organizations (e.g., WHO, U.S.
and European CDC), and align with local government orders.
Local regulations need to be adhered to when they are more
Each employee has a responsibility in preventing the spread
of respiratory viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 by self-isolating
when starting to feel ill or post-exposure, AND following Dow
reporting expectations and rules for returning to work after
COVID illness.
Hand and cough/sneeze hygiene, avoiding crowds, physical
distancing and mask wearing each provide some protection
on their own and provide signicant combined protection
(Swiss Cheese Model) with a virus that is both spread by
droplets and aerosol.
Local tracking of Dow employee COVID-19 cases, especially
during very low and low risk levels, will aid in monitoring
changes in disease trend.
Site leadership and country CMTs will more directly rely on
local circumstances, regulations and community risk factors
to determine protective measures and requirements at their
respective locations.
Testing may be required based on local circumstances.
Many countries have relaxed isolation and quarantine rules.
Each employee has to follow either Dow OH rules or local rules
if more strict.
Vaccination is the best way for our employees to avoid severe
COVID-19 illness, including hospitalization or death, and helps
us maintain business continuity.
A negative home test does NOT allow return to work with
symptoms. Only a physician can diagnose the presence or
absence of a contagious disease.Testing may be required based
on local circumstances.
Routine temperature screening is no longer standard unless
required locally and/or at the discretion of site leadership.
The Path Forward | COVID-19 Workplace Playbook
In Dow, let’s practice non-judgement and inclusive behaviors towards one another.
Demonstrating inclusive behaviors to keep ourselves, our families and our communities safe
Be intentional with
information. Refer to
ocial sources and do not
be consumed by inaccurate
updates born out of fear
or panic or misinformation
designed to build social
media followership.
Ask for support if this
situation is causing
you fear or anxiety or
is hindering your daily
commonalities in this
crisis. We need to stand
together in solidarity in
times like this.
Provide exible
options to allow
employees to design
their day for optimal
productivity and
work-life balance.
Intervene when you
see non-inclusive
Be patient with
inconveniences that are
in place as a part of the
precautionary measures
such as mask wearing,
maintaining physical
distancing, reporting high-
risk exposure, or working
Watch for unconscious
biases. For example,
instead of referring to the
“unvaccinated,” refer to
those employees as “at
higher risk for COVID-19
Listen and respect
dierent perspectives.
Be assertive with your
feelings of discomfort
or anxiety should
the topic be too
uncomfortable for you.
Acquire the appropriate
amount of necessities
as and when required.
Do not hoard. Hoarding
would deprive others
who may need them
more urgently.
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