Sample Engagement Letters No. One
[New Client]
RE: Employment of ___________________ by _____________________
Dear _________________:
Thank you for selecting _________________________ to represent you with respect to
____________________________________________. This letter will confirm our recent discussion
regarding the scope and terms of this engagement.
Our firm has agreed to represent you in this lawsuit. I personally will supervise the case. However, it is
anticipated that other lawyers and legal assistants in the firm also will work on the case.
[Give some detail of the anticipated services, and discuss any limitation on the scope of the
[Straight hourly option] You have agreed to pay for our services based on the time we spend working
on the case. My current hourly rate is $______ per hour. The rates of our associates currently range
between $_______ and $_______ per hour. Legal assistants, who will be utilized where appropriate to
avoid unnecessary attorney fees, currently are charged at $_______. These rates are subject to change
once a year, usually in December. Generally you will be billed for all time spent on your matter, including
telephone calls.
[Value added billing option] You have agreed to pay for our services based on the time we spend
working on the case, with allowance for reduction or increase in fees under certain circumstances. My
current hourly rate is $_______ per hour. The rates of our associates currently range between $_______
and $_______ per hour. Legal assistants, who will be utilized where appropriate to avoid unnecessary
attorney fees, currently are charged at $______. These rates are subject to change once a year, usually in
December. On occasion, time may be written off before a statement is sent because we feel there has been
some degree of inefficiency in the work, or for other reasons. On the other hand, fees may be raised above
hourly rate levels, based on the complexity of the matter, superior results, or other factors. If applied, we
will discuss any such increases with you, and believe you will find them appropriate.
We will forward billing statements monthly. They will contain a description of services, including the
date, the person rendering the service, the amount of time involved, and a description of the task
accomplished. Monthly statements also will itemize monies we have advanced on your behalf, such as
service and filing fees, expert witness fees, court reporter fees, and charges for investigation, travel and
accommodation, telephone long distance, photocopies and telecopies.
As discussed, our current estimate for this engagement is $________. [Detail items the estimate covers
and does not cover.] This estimate is imprecise as my knowledge of the facts at this time is limited. We
will advise you if fees will be significantly higher than this estimate. At such time, you may decide to
restrict the scope of our efforts or we may make other adjustments. This estimate does not include cost
You have paid us the sum of $_______ as an advance against fees and costs, which we have deposited to
our trust account. After your receipt of monthly statements, we will pay the amount of the statement from
the trust account. If any portion of the advance is unexpended at the conclusion of the case, it will be
refunded to you. If the advance is expended, you have agreed to pay subsequent monthly statements on
receipt. An interest charge of one and one-half percent per month is charged on statement balances not
paid within 30 days of billing.
You will appreciate we can make no guarantee of a successful conclusion in any case. However, the
attorneys of this firm will use their best efforts on your behalf.
[Include any special disclosures that may be appropriate, such as potential conflicts of interest,
client confidentiality issues, etc.]
My objectives are to provide you with excellent legal services and to protect your interests in the event of
my unexpected death, disability, impairment, or incapacity. To accomplish this, I have arranged with
another lawyer to assist with closing my practice in the event of my death, disability, impairment, or
incapacity. In such event, my office staff or the assisting lawyer will contact you and provide you with
information about how to proceed.
If this letter fairly states our agreement, will you please so indicate by signing and returning the enclosed
copy in the enclosed business reply envelope. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me to
discuss them. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to represent you on this case and look forward to
working with you.
Attorney Name
Firm Name