How to Use the ISC2 Ceriication Maintenance Handbook ............................................... 3
Customer service ............................................................................................................. 3
How to keep your ceriication and membership in good standing ................................... 4
CPE Requirements ................................................................................................................. 5
CPE requirements per ceriication ................................................................................ 5
Group A and Group B CPE credits .................................................................................. 6
Group A credits: domain-related activities ............................................................... 6
Group B credits: professional development .............................................................. 6
Calculating CPE credits ................................................................................................... 7
How to maintain multiple credentials ............................................................................. 7
Auditing of CPE credits .................................................................................................... 7
Recordkeeping ................................................................................................................. 8
Appeals Process................................................................................................................ 8
Rollover CPE credits ......................................................................................................... 8
Grace period ..................................................................................................................... 8
Failure to meet requirements ......................................................................................... 9
CPE categories ....................................................................................................................... 10
Contributions to the Profession (Group A) .................................................................... 10
Education (Group A) ........................................................................................................ 12
Professional Development (Group B) ............................................................................. 13
Unique work experience (Group A) ................................................................................ 13
ISC2 CPE Activities ........................................................................................................... 14
CPE credits for ISC2 webinars on BrightTalk ................................................................. 16
Approved CPE parners ......................................................................................................... 16
Customer service
For information or assistance regarding your ISC2 membership, beneits, CPE poral, AMFs (Annual
Maintenance Fee), proile changes or event suppor, please contact us by phone, email or using our live
chat function (during business hours).
Overview & how to use the ISC2
Ceriication Maintenance Handbook
Thank you for being an ISC2 member.
This handbook provides you with information on the requirements, policies and procedures related
to maintaining your ceriication or Associate of ISC2 status. All ceriication holders and associate
designees are required to comply with the policies and guidelines.
This handbook also includes an overview of the professional development activities and resources
developed by ISC2 to suppor your continuing education and development journey to maintain your
In order to maintain ceriication and membership status, as a Member or Associate of ISC2, you must earn
CPE credits as well as pay an Annual Maintenance Fee (AMF). Both requirements ensure you remain in good
As a member holding one or more of the following ceriications: ISSAP, ISSEP, ISSMP, CISSP, CCSP, SSCP,
CGRC, and/or CSSLP you are required to pay an AMF of U.S. $135, due on the irst anniversary date of your
membership cycle and the same date each year thereaer. You will only pay a single AMF, regardless of
how many ISC2 ceriications you hold.
Members that only hold the CC ceriication and Associates of ISC2 are required to pay an AMF of U.S. $50,
due on the irst anniversary date of the cycle and the same date each year thereaer. If you are an associate
and have met all experience requirements for full ceriication and membership, you will be required to pay
an upgrade fee of U.S. $85 upon completing the endorsement process. Your AMF for subsequent years of
membership will be U.S. $135. The same upgrade fee applies to CC holders who earn an additional ISC2
At the end of the three-year certication cycle, when the CPE credit and AMF payment requirements
are met, members will be automatically recertied for a new cycle, requiring no additional action.
At the end of the one-year associate cycle, when both CPE credits and AMF payment requirements
are met, Associate of ISC2 designation will be renewed automatically to a new one-year cycle.
How to keep your ceriication and
membership in good standing
As a member, ISC2 ceriication schemes require you to earn Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
credits during your three-year ceriication cycle and submit the CPE credits via the CPE poral. ISC2 has
a suggested annual minimum to help balance maintaining your ceriication, however, there is no annual
requirement unless you hold the associate status.
CPE requirements
Requirements per ceriication
*If you hold a CISSP and an ISSMP, ISSEP or ISSAP, 20 CPE credits of the total number of Group A CPE
credits required in the CISSP three-year cycle must be directly related to the ISSMP/ISSEP/ISSAP. If
you hold more than one of these ceriications, you must earn 20 CPE credits in each of them. CPE
requirements for ISSMP, ISSEP and ISSAP are automatically counted toward the CISSP CPE requirement.
annual minimum
3-year total
Group A
Group A or B
Group A
Group A or B
Group A
Group A or B
Group A
Group A or B
Group A
Group A or B
Group A
Group A
Without CISSP
Group A and Group B CPE credits
Group A credits: domain-related activities
Group A credits relate directly to activities in the areas covered by the speciic domains of the
ceriication(s) you hold.
Examples include:
Taking a course from ISC2 such as Skill-Builders, Ceriicate learning or Ceriication training
Reading a cybersecurity white paper
Publishing an aricle on cybersecurity
Attending ISC2 Security Congress
Preparing for a presentation or teaching information related to cybersecurity
This does not apply to instructors teaching ISC2 Oicial Training Courses
Perorming a unique work-related project that is not a par of your normal work duties
Self-study related to research for a project or preparing for a ceriication examination
Volunteering for security-related activities within government, the public sector and other
charitable organizations
Taking a higher education course in cybersecurity (or related ield)
Group B credits: professional development
Group B credits are earned for completion of general professional development activities that enhance
your overall professional skills, education, knowledge or competency outside the domains associated
with your respective ceriication(s). This can include programs such as professional speaking or general
management courses. While these do not apply directly to the domains, ISC2 recognizes that these skills
are vital in the growth of all professionals.
Please note, Group B CPE credits are not applicable to Associates of ISC2 and CC ceriication holders.
Examples include:
Attending non-security events, such as leadership conferences
Paricipating in non-security education courses such as emotional intelligence training
Preparing for non-security presentations, lectures or trainings
Non-security government, private sector, or charitable organization committees
Volunteer activities such as committee service, item writing, community projects, and educating
others about cybersecurity.
Calculating CPE credits
Typically, you will earn one CPE credit per hour of time spent on an activity. You can repor CPE credits in 0.25,
0.50 and 0.75 credit increments. However, some activities are worh more credits due to the depth of study
or level of ongoing commitment involved. CPE credits are not earned for normal on-the-job activities, where
income has been earned. The maximum a member or associate can claim for a single activity is 40 CPE credits.
If the CPE activity occurred over multiple days, the end date is used to determine eligibility for the ceriication
cycle. For example, if the activity stared on 1 November 2023 and ended on 5 December 2023, the CPE credit
can be applied to any cycle that was active on 5 December 2023.
How to maintain multiple credentials
If you hold more than one ISC2 credential, the Group A CPE credits you submit will automatically be counted
toward all your active credentials with a relevant domain as of the completion date.
If an activity does not relate to your other credentials as a domain-related activity, choosing “None of the
Above” in the CPE poral applies Group B credits to your record.
CPE credits added to your account by ISC2 will automatically apply to all your ceriications within their active
cycle. Note, this does not apply to ceriications in grace period.
The same activity should not be entered into the CPE poral more than once.
Auditing of CPE credits
ISC2 perorms random audits of submitted CPE activities by members and associates. This is an imporant
process that upholds the integrity of ISC2 credentials and ensures compliance with ISO accreditation
If you are selected for an audit, you will receive an email with instructions about the necessary documentation
to suppor the activities, unless you already provided these during the submission process. You will need to
provide proof of attendance or a brief description of the activity in question, if you have not already. To maintain
ceriication members must respond to audit requests and provide the required information within 90 days.
Please contact the Customer Service team with any questions.
As a best practice for the submission process, we recommend providing proof of your CPE activities through the
Supporing Documentation section in the CPE poral.
Proof of CPE credits earned may be in the form of course transcripts, awarded diplomas, ceriicates or receipts
of attendance, research/prep notes for speaking or teaching, copies of oicial meeting minutes, or rosters/
documentation of registration materials.
For book and/or magazine CPE credits, please retain “proof of possession,” such as the book or magazine, sales
receipt, invoice or library record. At a minimum, the proof should include the title and, if a book, the author and
ISBN number; or, if a magazine, the publisher.
It is advisable to retain documentation and beneicial to keep proof of credits earned for at least 12 months
beyond the expiration of your current ceriication cycle in the event of an audit.
Appeals process
In the event that your CPE activity submission is denied, you have the right to appeal that decision within
90 days of the denial. Please ill out a contact form with the rationale of your appeal, along with any relevant
documentation to be considered. Your appeal will be reviewed and appropriately resolved.
Rollover CPE credits
CPE rollover credits are limited to the number of recommended annual CPE credits each year for the credential.
Only Group A CPE credits can be rolled over, and they must be earned within the last six months of the three-
year ceriication cycle, in excess of the required CPE credits for that ceriication. For example, a CISSP may roll
over up to 40 Group A CPE credits (in excess of the required 120 CPE credits) if they were earned within the inal
six months of the previous three-year ceriication cycle. These CPE credits will roll over automatically and will be
eligible to satisfy the annual recommended CPE credits for the irst year of the next ceriication cycle.
Grace period
When you reach the end date of your ceriication or associate cycle, if you have not met your CPE credit
requirements, you will be provided with a 90-day grace period to complete the submission of all CPE credits You
can both earn and submit CPE credits during these 90 days.
Failure to meet requirements
Failure to meet the CPE requirements within 90 days following the end of your three-year (or one-year for
associates) cycle will result in suspension of your ceriication/designation. While your status is suspended,
you are not permitted to claim the ceriication, your digital badge is disabled, and your details are no longer
available within the online Member Veriication tool.
ISC2 will notify you by email to inform you that your ceriication/designation has been suspended. If you feel
you are in jeopardy of failing to meet ceriication renewal requirements by the deadline, contact Customer
Suspension status may be maintained for up to two consecutive years. Aer two years, your ceriication
and membership status will be terminated, and all membership rights will be revoked. Terminated ceriied
members who seek reinstatement will be required to submit at least 5 CPE credits for each domain of the
ceriication being reinstated, along with 40 CPE credits in their primary domain of practice and a total of 120
CPE credits. CPE activities for terminated member reinstatement must be obtained with a 12-month period.
Terminated associates may only be reinstated through re-examination. Terminated ceriied members may
alternately seek reinstatement through re-examination.
As a member or associate, you have the right to ile an appeal if your ceriication is suspended and/or
terminated by contacting our Customer Service.
CPE credits can be earned through various learning activities and submitted in the CPE poral within the
following categories.
Contributions to the profession (Group A)
Activities related to creating new content in topics related to the domains of your credential.
Qualifying activities as listed in the CPE poral:
Board services for a professional security organization
Exam development subject matter exper
Government/private and public sector/charitable organization committees
Paricipation in security standards development for a recognized committee
Preparation for presentation/lecture/training
Preparation for webinar, podcast, conference presentation
Preparing new or updating existing training seminar or classroom material
Serving as a subject matter exper for a panel discussion
Writing, researching, publishing
For a list of CPE-earning activities available from ISC2 in the “Contributions to the profession” category,
see page 14.
CPE categories
Supporing documentation accepted in the event of an audit: copies of publications, research/prep notes
for speaking or teaching, sample educational materials or course agenda. Letter or ceriicate from the
organization served or meeting minutes that indicate paricipation.
Book - author
Book - co-author
Book - editor
Book - chapter only - author
Book - chapter only - co-author
Book - chapter only - editor
Aricle - author
Aricle - co-author
Aricle - editor
Professional blog - author
Professional blog - co-author
Professional blog - editor
White paper - author
White paper - co-author
White paper - editor
Preparing training: one day course
Preparing training: two-day course
Preparing training: ive- to seven- day courses
Preparing existing training: semester (12 or more weeks)
Max CPE credits
40 per book
20 per book
10 per book
20 per chapter
10 per chapter
5 per chapter
20 per aricle
10 per aricle
5 per aricle
10 per blog
5 per blog
2 per blog
10 per white paper
5 per white paper
2 per white paper
2 per training
5 per training
10 per training
20 per training
Maximum number of CPE credits apply to the following activities:
Education (Group A)
Activities related to consuming educational content where the topics are aligned with the domain(s)
of your credential.
Qualifying activities as listed in the CPE poral:
Book, magazine, whitepaper
Courses and seminars - other
Higher education course
Industry conference
Information security professional association chapter meeting
ISC2 ceriication course
ISC2 continuing education course
Online webinars, podcasts and other online materials
Vendor presentation
For a list of CPE-earning activities available from ISC2 in the “Education” category, see page 14.
Self-directed learning: books
Self-directed learning: magazines
Self-directed learning: white papers
Max CPE credits
5 per book
5 per magazine
1 per paper
Supporing documentation accepted in the event of an audit: course transcripts, awarded diplomas,
ceriicates or receipts of attendance, copies of oicial meeting minutes, or rosters/documentation of
registration materials.
If you do not have the proof of completion as listed above, please provide a brief description of no more than
250 words about what you learned and a ceriicate or letter of attendance.
Maximum number of CPE credits apply to the following activities:
Professional Development (Group B)
Activities related to enhancing professional skills, including management, interpersonal communication,
project planning, team building, etc. These activities need not be directly related to cybersecurity or a
domain within your credential.
Chapter formation or management
Non-security education courses, seminars
Non-security industry conference and events
Non-security organizations/committees
Preparation for non-security presentation/lecture/training
Maximum number of CPE credits per entry may not exceed 40.
Supporing documentation accepted in the event of an audit: letter, ceriicate, or other documentation
from the organization served.
Note: associates and members holding only the CC ceriication are not required to earn
Group B CPE credits.
Unique work experience (Group A)
As an associate or member, you can earn Group A CPE credits for activities perormed during your
regular working hours when you are engaged in unique projects, assignments, activities or exercises.
The unique project, assignment, activity or exercise must fall outside your normal (or day-to-day) job
responsibilities or job description.
Maximum number of CPE credits per entry may not exceed 10.
Supporing documentation accepted in the event of an audit: proof of unique project or a brief
description of no more than 250 words summarizing the project or activity.
ISC2 CPE Activities
The below resources, learning programs and engagement opporunities have been developed by ISC2
with your continuing professional development in mind. CPE credits for most of these activities are
auto-submitted to your member account and are audit-exempt*.
ISC2 Activities Group
Security Congress
Secure Events
Spotlight Events
Security brieings-APAC
Security brieings - Norh America
Security brieings - EMEA
Knowledge Vault
Think Tank webinars
Membership channel
Oicial online ceriication training
CPE parner events/courses
News and Insights online publication
Content development
Chapter meetings
Exam development
Volunteering - Awards
Chapter Recognition Awards Review
Global Achievement Awards
2-8 per ceriicate
0.5-2 per learning program
1 per hour
1 per hour
1 per hour
1 per 45-60 minutes
1 per 45-60 minutes
1 per 45-60 minutes
1 per 45-60 minutes
1 per 45-60 minutes
1 per 45-60 minutes
40 per training
1 per hour
2 per quiz
1 per hour
1 per hour
1 per hour
1 per hour
1 per hour
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
CPE Category
Number of CPEs
ISC2 Activities Group
Volunteering - global events
Event planning committees
Event speaker
Volunteering - Knowledge Sharing
& Content
Blog contributor
Education subject matter exper
Volunteering - Leadership
Board of Directors
Chapter Advisory Committee
Chapter Leadership
Volunteering - Center for Cyber Safety
& Education
Board of Trustees
Content development
Cybersecurity Health Check volunteer
Safe and Secure Online
volunteer educator
Safe and Secure Online translator
Scholarship review panellist
1 per hour
1 per hour
1 per hour
1 per hour
40 per year
1 per hour
1 per hour
1 per hour
1 per hour
1 per hour
1 per hour
1 per hour
2-10 total
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
Contribution to Profession
CPE Category
Number of CPEs
*To enable accurate recording of auto-submitted CPE credits, it is essential that you enter
your member ID on the relevant registration forms or platforms where the CPE activity occurs
(e.g BrightTALK, Secure Event). If you are unable to add your member ID, you will need to
submit the CPE credits and attach the necessary supporing documentation as proof.
Approved CPE parners
CPE credits for ISC2 webinars on BrightTALK
To ensure proper accreditation of your CPE credits for ISC2 webinars on BrightTALK, it’s essential to include
your ISC2 member ID during your initial registration for the irst webinar in any ISC2 BrightTALK channel.
In the event that your member ID is not added to the channel hosting the webinar, but you want your activity to
be automatically submitted for CPE credit, please follow these steps:
Delete your existing BrightTALK account
Create a new account, and
Ensure you add your member ID during the registration process
Alternatively, you have the option to retain your original BrightTALK account. In this case, you can personally
submit the CPE credits by attaching the viewing ceriicate available for download in the viewing history
section of your BrightTALK account.
ISC2 parners with leading security organizations and technology innovators to help members on
their path of professional development while earning CPE credits.
CPE credits earned through an approved CPE parner (or third-pary submitter) are submitted to
ISC2 on members’ behalf. As a member or associate, you must provide your ISC2 member ID to the
approved third-pary CPE parners. If CPE credits are not posted within six weeks of the activity date,
please contact the approved CPE parner directly. It is your responsibility as a member or associate
to review their CPE credit records for accuracy, including duplicate or missing entries. For a list of
parners authorized to submit CPE credits on behalf of members and associates, please visit
Ready to submit CPE credits: log in to the CPE poral.
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Safe and secure cyber world