Code of Ethics to check malpractices and plagiarism in Research
Ethics is the most significant element of the academic activities in teaching and research. Teaching and
research forms a novel combination of knowledge transfer which needs freedom to expres s the
knowledge. Freedom in the academic process to express the knowledge and invention in the most
ethical way. It include the freedom to inquire for innovation of new things in subject that encourage
intellectual concern, to present findings, to publish data and conclusions without control or censorship
and to teach in the manner they consider professionally appropriate. This requires integrity with the
teaching and research.
i. To create academic awareness about responsible conduct of research, study, project work,
assignment, thesis, dissertation, promotion of academic integrity- and prevention of misconduct
including plagiarism in academic writing among students, researchers, faculty- and other members of
academic staff as well as any employee of institution.
ii. To establish institutional mechanism through education and training to facilitate responsible conduct
of research, study, project work, assignment, thesis, dissertation, pro motion of academic integrity and
deterrence from plagiarism.
iii. To develop systems to detect plagiarism and to set up mechanisms to prevent plagiarism and punish
a student, faculty, or staff of institution committing the act of plagiarism.
Although the general consensus is that plagiarism is a bad idea, it can be difficult to avoid it or discuss it
if we have different understandings of the definition:
To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own;
To use (another’s production) without crediting the source;
To commit literary theft;
To present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
Plagiarism could be of two types
a) Negligent OR unintentional plagiarism: It means innocently or carelessly presenting another person’s
work as one’s own without acknowledging the Source.
b) Dishonest OR intentional plagiarism: It means knowingly and deliberately presenting another person’s
work as one’s own work without acknowledging the Source.
There are software’s available to check the plagiarism. To quote a few:
It is the prime responsibility of an institute or research guide to distinguish between original and
plagiarized work. In order to detect the plagiarism well known softwares/ tools (Turnitin, Grammerly,
Dupli checker, Copyleaks, Paperrater, Viper, Plagiarisma, Plagiarism Checker, Plagium, Plagscan,
PlagTracker etc) can be used.
Avoiding Plagiarism
Plagiarism could be avoided by paraphrasing, citing, quoting and referencing the original work. There
are five basic rules regarding the use of information in professional and in academic writing:
1. If you use the language of your source, you must quote it exactly, enclose it in quotation marks, and
cite the source.
2. If you use ideas or information that is not common knowledge, you must cite the source.
3. If you didn’t invent it, cite the source.
4. Unless your professor explicitly tells you to paraphrase, don’t paraphrase.
5. When in doubt, cite the source. Doing so can only enhance your readers sense of your honesty.
Shortening of Plagiarism
Institute use plagiarism software so as to ensure that documents such as thesis, dissertation,
term papers, reports, publications or any other such documents are free of plagiarism at the
time of their submission.
Every student submitting a thesis, dissertation, technical papers or any other such documents to
the supervisor/guide shall submit an undertaking indicating that the document has been
prepared by him or her and that the document is his/her original work and free of any
Every faculty- researcher submitting a thesis, dissertation, technical papers or any other such
documents to the Board of Anti-Plagiarism shall submit an undertaking indicating that the
document has been prepared by him or her.
The undertaking shall include the fact that the document has been duly checked through a
Plagiarism detection tool approved by the institution.
Each supervisor/guide shall submit a certificate indicating that the work done by the researcher
under him/her is plagiarism free.