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Avaya Gender Pay
Gap Report: Ireland
June 2022
Avaya Gender Pay Gap Report: Ireland 2
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Our employees are the driving force behind Avayas every success in creating experiences that matter for
customers, partners, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders. Our people 󼴩rst strategy enables a culture
that empowers our team members to leverage their strengths and experiences to deliver world class services
and cultivate innovation. The successful execution of our strategy is underpinned by the cultural principles of
Inclusion, Simplicity, Accountability, Trust, Teamwork and Empowerment demonstrated in the way we work
and in everything we do. Fundamental to building and supporting an inclusive culture in which every individual
group is welcomed, respected, supported and valued is our commitment to equality – including equal pay for
equal work. In furtherance of its commitment, Avaya undertakes regular internal and external benchmarking
analyses to evaluate, identify and mitigate historic and existing pay gaps within our industry by setting goals
and continuously monitoring the impact.
Avaya is committed to transparency through this Ireland Gender Pay Gap Report measuring the di󼴨erences
between men and women within Avayas Irish employee population per the applicable reporting requirements.
Our 󼴩rst Ireland Pay Gap Report provides us the opportunity to listen, learn and build toward excellence. We will
continue to focus on pay equity alongside our global commitment to increasing female representation across all
levels of the organization.
The results of the Ireland Gender Pay Gap Report identify opportunities for improvement as the di󼴨erences are
driven by employee demographics. Like many other technology services companies in Ireland and across the
industry, there are a greater number of men than women in senior positions and in roles within business units
that o󼴨er higher levels of compensation. As one of our 󼴪agship R&D hubs, the employee population in Avaya
Ireland is predominantly made up of technical/engineering roles which typically receive more equity than
colleagues in non-tech roles because of the competitive market for their expertise. This is an industry wide
issue, which we are committed to mitigating by actively increasing female representation across all levels of the
organization around the globe.
At Avaya, we support womens economic empowerment by developing a diverse talent pipeline, building a
workplace that mirrors the society in which we do business, a workplace where individuality is celebrated and
harnessed to promote diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging (DEI&B) to empower all of our employees to
leverage their strengths and experiences, and investing in development programs at every level to enhance
engagement, retention and the opportunities for internal talent to assume future leadership roles. Avaya
maintains several leadership and employee development programs globally designed to prepare them to
progress into more senior, higher paid roles across the organization over time.
At Avaya, we are focused on becoming a destination place
to work, building a culture of success where everyone feels
valued, productive, and has equal and ample opportunities
to learn and grow. As a team, we’re all about thriving both
inside and outside the workplace, with 󼴪exible, supportive
and inclusive work practices, and rewards and recognition
for a job well done.
Avaya operates in an industry and sector with historic gaps
in gender employment and pay. This report is a key element
of our regular internal analyses and benchmarking process
to eliminate those historic pay gaps. We set goals, activate
plans to reach them, and evaluate the success of our e󼴨orts.
We’re listening, learning and building on those lessons, and
we commit to continuing our e󼴨orts in this area to ensure
equal opportunities and a strong sense of belonging for
everyone at Avaya.
Alan Masarek, Avaya CEO.
Avaya Gender Pay Gap Report: Ireland 3
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We acknowledge the industry-wide challenge we face for available skills and maintain our focus on developing and retaining our female talent from early in
career through to senior leadership. Some highlights of our initiatives include:
Leadership Development Programs
Avaya o󼴨ers a variety of leadership development programs for employees at
all levels, from 󼴩rst time leaders to executives. We maintain internal programs
supported by leadership activities and o󼴨er custom programs through our
partnership with some of the most well-respected thought leaders in the industry.
Our Womens leadership development program is an immersive experience looking
to drive positive change results and accelerate the advancement of female talent
across all line of business in our organization, equipping them with the necessary
tools to increase their leadership impact.
Avaya Academy Program
The Avaya Academy is a global training program for recent college graduates who
are recruited into an immersive training program providing insight into the industry,
Avayas o󼴨erings and outcome-based sales skills to accelerate their success in an entry
level sales position.
Re-imagined hiring model
In recent years we’ve put in place measures to mitigate bias, drive inclusive hiring
practices and help ensure a diverse talent pool. We achieve this through inclusive
hiring processes, inclusive job descriptions and by implementing tools that support
hiring decisions at every stage with merit-based screening and gender neutralization
automation tools.
Avaya Global Mentoring Program
Our employees bene󼴩t from a Global Mentoring Program established to enable them
to take an active role in their career development journey through a paired mentoring
relationship designed to connect people from across the organization to share and
learn critical knowledge and skills. Our employees serve as mentors, mentees or both
and participants increase business acumen, develop interpersonal and leadership
skills, build cross-functional and global connections and more.
Employee Resource Groups
Avaya has bene󼴩tted from the signi󼴩cant growth in Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), employee-led groups that bring employees together to foster a sense of belonging at Avaya.
Avayas 󼴩rst globally sponsored ERG, Women Inspired Network (WIN@A) focuses on womens development, recognition and internal networking and is dedicated to the empowerment
of women and advancement of women led business initiatives. Avaya’s ERGs enrich our brand, culture and employee experience by supporting personal development, enhance
retention for our diverse workforce, drive cultural awareness and advocate for authentic engagement with our marketplace.
Avaya Gender Pay Gap Report: Ireland 4
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Avaya Gender Balance
Goals and Action:
The gender pay gap calculations provided in this report are summary statistics
using a snapshot date of 12th June 2022 that compare the pay received by all
females to the pay received by all males employed by Avaya in Ireland.
Note: on 12th June 2022, in additional to our Full-Time Employees, Avaya also
employed 2 part-time employees (1 Male/1 Female)
Hourly Pay:
Bonus Pay:
The mean pay variance is
the di󼴨erence between the
average hourly pay of men
and women
The mean bonus pay variance
is the di󼴨erence between the
average bonus pay of men
and women
The median pay variance
is the di󼴨erence between
the midpoint in the ranges
of hourly pay of men and
The median bonus pay
variance is the di󼴨erence
between the midpoint in the
ranges of bonus pay of men
and women
Avaya Gender Pay Gap Report: Ireland 5
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Avaya Ireland 2022 Gender Pay Gap Data
Average Pay Di󼴨erence Between Men & Women
The percentage of employees receiving a bonus:
Full-Time Employees
Part-Time Employees
Percentage Receiving Bonus Pay
Hourly Pay
Hourly Pay Woman
Full-Time Employees
Part-Time Employees
Bonus Pay
Bonus Pay Men
Avaya Gender Pay Gap Report: Ireland 6
© 2022 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Lower Middle Quartile
Upper Middle Quartile
Lower Quartile
Upper Quartile
Avaya Ireland 2022 Gender Pay Gap Data
The percentage of employees receiving bene󼴩ts
The proportion of employee in each pay quartile
according to gender
Percentage Receiving Bene󼴩ts
Full-Time Employees
Full-Time Employees
Woman WomanMen Men
Part-Time Employees
Part-Time Employees
De󼴩nition (per reporting requirements) “bene󼴩ts in kind” and include any non-cash
bene󼴩t of monetary value provided to an employee. This would include the provision of a
company car, voluntary health insurance, stock options, or share purchase schemes.
Proportion of Women and Men in each Pay Quartile.
Note: We are unable to provide the gender pay gap using hourly pay of employees on
temporary contracts, as we do not hold compensation data on contracted employees.
Avaya Gender Pay Gap Report: Ireland 7
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11/22 • MIS15772EN-02
We con󼴩rm that our data has been calculated according to the requirements of the Employment Equality Act 1998 (section 20A) (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2022.
Questions can be referred to HR at the following email: tierneyc@avaya.com
Note: To align with Irish government reporting requirements, data in this report refers to the traditional sex categories of male and female. Avaya respects that gender is on a non-binary
spectrum, based on the employee's self-identi󼴩cation, and reporting in this manner should not be interpreted as our position on the issue. We con󼴩rm that per regulatory requirements,
our gender pay gap 󼴩gures have been calculated in line with the regulations set out in the Gender Pay Gap reporting.
Director of Avaya International Sales Limited, December 2022
John Hynes