Pay Gap
3 An introduction from HR
4 How is the gender pay gap calculated?
6 Closing the gender pay gap
8 Our commitment to gender
Inclusion & Diversity
10 Gender pay statistics
Ireland Gender Pay Gap Report
This year we are pleased
to share an improvement
in our Gender Pay Gap
- a reduction of 1.6% in
comparison to last year.
Our bonus pay gap also
saw a reduction.
This is Bristol Myers Squibb Ireland's second gender pay gap
report. This report fulfils our reporting obligations across Bristol
Myers Squibb Ireland, even though only one of our entities
(Swords Laboratories Ireland) employs more than 250 people.
In the spirit of transparency, we have chosen to report at the
combined Bristol Myers Squibb Ireland group level.
Our latest data shows that diering representation of men and
women at all levels and disciplines at Bristol Myers Squibb Ireland
is driving a gender pay gap of 13.9%. While we are moving in
the right direction, we must continue to accelerate our progress.
This includes driving our eorts across all programmes including;
a focus on our female talent pipeline, succession planning, and
advancing the career development of females from the moment
they join our organisation.
It will take time to close this gap, but we are passionately
committed to doing so. Our inclusive and equitable culture is
seen through every facet of our workplace environment. With the
support of our engaged and hugely passionate employee groups,
I am excited to see this commitment continue.
At Bristol Myers Squibb Ireland, leading with our value of
Inclusion not only drives equitable advancement and outcomes
for our colleagues, but also for our patients, communities and
our business.
Louise Prendergast
Director, HR EU Biologics
An introduction from HR
Together we are making
meaningful progress and
although there is more
to do, we have seen an
improvement in our gender
balance across various levels
of the organisation. This is
vital in bringing diversity of
thought, driving long term
cultural change and improved
business outcomes.
Ireland Gender Pay Gap Report
What this means
In a population with unequal numbers of men and women in each quartile, even when there is equal pay, there will still be
a gender pay gap.
How is the gender pay
gap calculated?
Explaining the dierence between equal pay and gender pay
Equal pay
Men and women doing
similar jobs are paid
similar salaries.
Gender pay
The dierence in the average pay of men and women across the whole organisation.
Upper Middle
Lower Middle
Female median pay
falls in this quartile
Median pay gap
List all the men in order of
salary, take the salary of
the one in the middle, do
the same for women and
compare the dierence.
Mean pay gap
Add all the salaries of the
men and divide by the
number of men, do the
same for women and
compare the dierence.
An example organisation
All employees in each remuneration quartile are paid the same.
The gender pay gap and equal pay are not the same thing.
Equal pay, a legislative requirement, ensures that men and women
receive the same pay for doing the same job. In line with this
requirement, men and women at Bristol Myers Squibb Ireland
receive equal pay for performing the same or comparable roles,
including the opportunity to earn an annual incentive bonus.
The gender pay gap shows the dierence in the average
hourly pay of men and women across the entire Irish workforce,
irrespective of the role they perform, or level of seniority. In a
population with unequal numbers of men and women, even
when there is equal pay, there will be a gender pay gap.
The mean gender pay gap is calculated by adding up the pay
of all male and female employees respectively to obtain the
average for each gender, and the dierence is expressed as a
percentage of average men’s earnings.
The median gender pay gap is determined by listing all
employees’ salaries in order from lowest to highest (or highest to
lowest) and finding the number in the middle of this sequence,
then comparing the results for men and women.
Male median pay falls in this quartile
Note: It is important to note that the Irish legislative requirements are binary with regards to gender (specifying women compared to men). Whilst we are reporting
our statistics in the manner set out by law, at Bristol Myers Squibb, we recognise and support all gender identities.
Ireland Gender Pay Gap Report
Results are based on data from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 using mean and median hourly pay for full time, part-time and
temporary (fixed term) employees.
Hourly pay is determined by:
1. Identifying all amounts of ordinary pay (basic salary plus other types of pay such as overtime, shift premium, allowances.
Bonuses and car allowances are included in this calculation, but company fleet vehicles are not).
2. Adding together ordinary pay and bonus remuneration.
3. Dividing the sum of the amounts referred to in (2) by the total number of working hours worked by the employee during the
relevant pay period.
Bonus pay includes payments that are not in ordinary pay or benefits-in-kind.
Bonus and benefits recipients: Percentage of employees who have received a bonus or a benefit-in-kind. Benefits-in-kind recipients
are employees who received non-cash benefits of monetary value, for example medical / health insurance, or a company car.
1. Full-time, part-time and temporary breakdown are only legally required in respect of hourly pay figures but not for bonus pay, bonus and benefit
recipients and pay quartiles.
2 The relevant pay period is the 12 months ending on June 30th 2023.
Ireland Gender Pay Gap Report
Bristol Myers Squibb is a global biopharmaceutical company
whose mission is to discover, develop and deliver innovative
medicines that help patients prevail over serious diseases.
Globally, the company has c. 34,000 colleagues and Ireland
employs over 900 individuals across three locations:
Cruiserath Biologics Campus
Bristol Myers Squibb Dublin Oce; various global functions
including External Manufacturing Headquarters, Treasury
and Commercial
External Manufacturing - Shannon, Co Clare
Using the required definitions, Bristol Myers Squibb Ireland has
a mean gender pay gap of 18.3% (vs 19.9% last year), and our
overall median gender pay gap is 13.9% (vs 15.5% last year).
Our mean gender bonus gap is 23.4% (vs 24.6% last year) and
median gender bonus gap is 9.4% (vs 14.3% last year).
This progress reassures us that the actions we have taken,
and continue to take, are working and moving us towards an
improved gender representation and balance in our organisation.
However, we know that closing our gender pay gap still requires
focus and attention, and we continue to work towards a better
understanding of this data and where we can innovate in our
programmes to drive further improvements.
Closing the gender pay gap
Ireland Gender Pay Gap Report
As the nature of our
work and breadth of
our presence in Ireland
has grown, so has our
workplace environment
and the types of roles and
expertise required to meet
our patient needs globally.
Proactively addressing our
gender pay gap is a key
element in our eorts to
both attract and retain
the top talent we need
to meet both our patient
needs and our business
While Bristol Myers Squibb provides equal pay for men and
women in the same roles, a gender pay gap exists due to
diering representation of men and women at various levels and
disciplines in the organisation. At Bristol Myers Squibb Ireland, as
in many other companies, higher paying jobs reside in the upper
quartiles of the organisation, where there are more males than
females (60.70% : 39.30%). This is the key factor in our hourly
pay gender gap. It also explains our median bonus pay gender
gap, because bonuses are usually proportionate to salaries, and
there is a higher proportion of men in the upper quartile.
Ireland Gender Pay Gap Report
Our commitment to
gender Inclusion & Diversity
Attracting talent
Global Inclusion & Diversity co-collaborates and co-partners
with Talent Acquisition to ensure we reinforce inclusive hiring. We
focus on making the best hiring decisions based on talent pools
that represent various dimensions of diversity, including race,
ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity or expression, and disability to best ensure we can hire
the most qualified candidates.
In Ireland, we leverage an inclusive hiring strategy to support our
talent objectives:
1. Inclusive talent processes: Our Global Inclusion and Diversity
guides us in our eorts to incorporate D&I into all aspects
of our talent programmes and practices. Our goal, alongside
specific objectives as set out in our D&I strategy, ensures that
our recruiting, workforce and capacity planning, performance
management, and reward and recognition practices are not only
equitable, but harness the power of our diverse talent pool.
Formal succession planning also supports us in the progression
of females, and diverse talent across our grades within Bristol
Myers Squibb in Ireland.
2. Recruitment and attraction: We ensure that through diverse
interview panels and slates, we mitigate similarity bias - the
inclination to surround ourselves with people who think, act,
and look like us. This year, we have started on our journey to
renew our job descriptions to ensure language used is gender
neutral, and that targeted recruitment campaigns are focused on
developing our talent pipeline with our D&I objectives in mind.
3. Leading fair and structured interviews: Bristol Myers Squibb
uses a structured interview, ensuring the hiring committee
identifies skills and values essential to the job and the team.
4. Investing in our female talent to support retention and
career development: Across our organisation we have
dedicated programmes aimed at sponsoring and promoting
female talent. This includes leveraging external relationships
for Inclusion & Diversity through our partnerships with external
stakeholders to develop and advance women and recruit top
diverse STEM talent. We have formed an external partnership
with the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) and
the 30% Club to implement best practice in the advancement
of women in the Irish healthcare sector.
We continue to invest in our talent programmes and
initiatives, in our endeavour to level the playing field and
create equal opportunity for all our colleagues to progress to
their full potential.
5. Early career programmes in Ireland: We hire diverse talent
each year into our Intern Programme and Graduate Rotational
Programme. A significant proportion of interns hired on these
programmes have been female, and we have seen year on year
improvement in our female stem graduate and intern hires.
Ireland Gender Pay Gap Report
Culture of inclusion
We lead with our value of inclusion and have several priorities
and programmes underway to ensure all colleagues feel valued
and a sense of belonging at Bristol Myers Squibb.
Cultivating an inclusive culture includes:
1. Training for inclusive leadership through our unconscious
bias education: We have deepened our focus on unconscious
bias workshops for our global leadership team, managers and
our employees. Our senior leaders participated in customised
unconscious bias education. Expanding this knowledge into
the organisation, more than 7,700 leaders and managers
across Bristol Myers Squibb had the opportunity to attend
unconscious bias education training and access resources for
their teams.
2. Family friendly policies: We have evolved our parental and
family leave policies, making it equitable for all parents. These
policies support our people in taking time to focus on their
personal lives while maintaining their career path at work. This
will continue to be supported by Bristol Myers Squibb Ireland.
3. People and business resource groups: At Bristol Myers Squibb,
PBRGs play an important role in enabling the Global Inclusion
& Diversity strategy and ensuring strong business outcomes
for our patients, colleagues, and industry. PBRGs represent
one key strategy to support the business objectives, career
advancement and development needs of our employees.
Members network, learn skills, participate in learning
development events and contribute to the company's business
objectives in a tangible way. Currently, 46% of our employee
base in Ireland are a member of at least one PBRG.
The Bristol Myers Squibb Network of Women (B-NOW) PBRG
plays an important role in retaining talented women and
driving equitable advancement and outcomes for all by leading
with our value of inclusion. The B-NOW vision is to ensure that
all women at Bristol Myers Squibb have the opportunity to
advance their career, including to executive and c-suite levels,
creating a powerfully diverse, globally inclusive workplace to
achieve a competitive advantage. B-NOW embraces gender
diversity through various programmes, initiatives, and activities
so that all women at Bristol Myers Squibb have opportunities
to develop, advance, be recruited and retained globally.
4. Cultural change and belonging programmes including
Possibility Lives, Speak my Mind and Valuably Quiet. We
support various global initiatives that focus on the acceleration
and deepening of inclusion at BMS through personality
diversity education. These programmes are backed by
neuroscience research, mobilised by our PBRG’s (People and
Business Resource Groups) and verified inclusion partners
around the world. These programmes aim to help individuals
build inclusive habit formation, helping us to lead with our
value of inclusion to advance a workplace where our colleagues
feel they belong and are valued for their unique perspective.
They support organisational performance, improve decision-
making, include diverse thinking and innovative solutions, and
encourage a sense of belonging and feeling valued. These
programmes also support our people managers through
provision of tools and resources.
5. Leveraging external relationships for Inclusion & Diversity:
We partner with external stakeholders to develop and advance
women and recruit top diverse STEM talent. We have formed
an external partnership with the Healthcare Businesswomen’s
Association (HBA) BiopharmaChem Ireland I&D Working
Group and the 30% Club to implement best practice in the
advancement of women in the Irish healthcare sector.
Ireland Gender Pay Gap Report
Gender pay statistics
BMS Ireland
The figures below show our overall mean and median gender pay
gap (on an hourly basis as defined earlier); mean and median
gender bonus gap; and pay quartile data, calculated in line with
the requirements of the gender pay gap regulations.
We are committed to continually reviewing the data and working in
collaboration with our colleagues across Ireland to make ongoing
improvements in reducing the gender pay and bonus gaps.
We report on the results for all BMS employees in Ireland
collectively. In keeping with the legislation, we also publish
separate metrics for Swords Laboratories Ireland, which is the only
BMS entity that meets the 250 employee threshold in Ireland.
Statutory disclosure Bristol Myers Squibb Ireland –
temporary contract employees (fixed term)
Gender pay gap: mean 18.2%
Gender pay gap: median -0.6%
There are 77 temporary employees across Bristol Myers Squibb Ireland. Bristol Myers Squibb Ireland has no male part-time employees.
Proportion of female and male employees
in each salary quartile band
pay gap
bonus gap
Upper Quartile
Lower Quartile
Lower Middle Quartile
Upper Middle Quartile
Proportion of employees who received
Proportion of employees who received
bonus pay
Women Men
Ireland Gender Pay Gap Report
Statutory disclosure Swords Laboratories Ireland –
temporary contract employees (fixed term)
Gender pay gap: mean 18.6%
Gender pay gap: median -0.1%
Swords Laboratories Ireland
Bristol Myers Squibb Ireland’s Swords Laboratories entity has 76 temporary employees. Bristol Myers Squibb Ireland has no male part-time employees, which is why
this report does not contain the dierence between the mean hourly remuneration of part-time male and female employees.
Proportion of female and male employees
in each salary quartile band
pay gap
bonus gap
Upper Quartile
Lower Quartile
Lower Middle Quartile
Upper Middle Quartile
Proportion of employees who received
Proportion of employees who received
bonus pay
Women Men