Cameron W. MacDonald, PT, DPT
Associate Professor, School of Physical Therapy
Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions
Regis University
3333 Regis Blvd.
Denver, Colorado 80221
Contact Information
303-964-6323 (w)
719-200-3474 (c)
303-964-5474 (f)
2016-22 University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Doctor of Philosophy (Physiotherapy) commenced 8-2016, candidate 8-18
2004-6 Regis University, Denver, CO
Fellowship Orthopedic Manual PT
2002-5 Regis University, Denver, CO
Doctor of Physical Therapy
1991-4 University of Sydney, Sydney Australia
Bachelor Applied Science Physiotherapy, Sydney University, Australia
Licensure Information:
Colorado Licensed #7716 current through 10-31-2020
Orthopaedic - #5237 (through June 30
, 2022)
Geriatric - #5579 (through June 30
, 2022)
FAAOMPT - #482 (through December 31
, 2026)
Employment and Positions Held:
Academic Positions
2020 present: Associate Professor, Regis University, School of Physical Therapy, Denver, CO.
2016 2020: Assistant Professor, Regis University, School of Physical Therapy, Denver, CO
2010-13 & 16-present: Director, Regis University Fellowship Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy.
2019 present: Director, Regis University Residency in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy.
2006 16: Affiliate Faculty Instructor, Regis University, School of Physical Therapy, Denver,
Non-Academic Experience
2015 2020: Physical Therapist, Shallyn’s Physical Therapy, Elbert, CO
2002 2017: Physical Therapist, Colorado Sports & Spine Centers, Colorado Springs, CO
2002: Physical Therapist, CMR/CMT, Colorado Springs, CO
2001: Traveling Physical Therapist, Gratiot Community Hospital, Alma MI
2001: Physical Therapist, Cypress Manor Health Rehabilitation Center, Hancock MI
2000: Physical Therapist, Keweenaw Home Nursing & Superior Home Nursing, MI
1998 2000: Rehab Director, Physical Therapist, Paragon Rehabilitation, Hancock, MI
1995 1998: Physical Therapist, Interim Therapy Services, Contracted to Hancock, MI
1994 1995: Physical Therapist, Port Kembla Hospital, Wollongong, Australia
Peer Reviewed Publications:
2020 Young S, Young T, MacDonald CW. Physical Therapist Identification of an Undetected Rotator
Cuff Tear via a Telehealth Evaluation: A case report. JOSPT Cases. Accepted for publication
December 1
, 2020.
2020 Albin SR, Hoffman L, MacDonald CW et. al. The effect of dry needling on gastrocnemius muscle
stiffness and strength in participants with latent trigger points. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2020 Oct
9;55: 102479
2020 Hoffman L, Albin SR, MacDonald CW, Herrera J, Strueli J, Visco Z, Wildermuth N. Normative
parameters for gastrocnemius muscle stiffness and associations with patient characteristics and
function. International Journal Sports Physiotherapy. 2020 Oct.
2020 - MacDonald CW, Osmotherly PG, Rivett DA. COVID-19 Wash your hands but don’t erase them
from our profession considerations on manual therapy past and present. Journal of Manual &
Manipulative Therapy. Accepted for publication May 5th, 2020.
2020 - MacDonald CW, Lonnemann E, Petersen S, Osmotherly PG, Rivett DA. COVID 19 and manual
therapy: International lessons and perspectives on current and future clinical practice and
education. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy. Accepted for publication May 20th, 2020.
2020 - Young S, Young T, MacDonald CW. Conservative management of De Quervain’s tendinopathy
with an orthopedic manual physical therapy approach emphasizing first CMC manipulation: a
retrospective case series. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. Accepted 11 Apr 2020, Published
online: 01 Jun 2020
2019 - Short SM, MacDonald CW, Strack D. Hip and groin injury prevention in elite athletes and team
sport current challenges and opportunities. Acceptance to the International Journal of Sports
Physical Therapy December 2019
2019 MacDonald CW, Osmotherly PG, Parkes R, Rivett D. The current manipulation debate: historical
context to address a broken narrative. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy. Article ID:
YJMT 1558382. February 2019 publication, editorial.
2018 - Strack DS, MacDonald CW, Valencia EB, et al. Case for the specialized sports physical therapist
to be an essential part of professional athlete care: letter from America no. 1. Br J Sports
Med. Published Online First: 20 February 2018.
2017 Jung R, Mathew S, MacDonald CW, Littman A. Clinical Decision Making in the Management of
Patients with Cervicogenic Dizziness: A Case Series. JOSPT, 2017 Vol. 47, No. 11, November.
2017 Cibulka M, Bloom N, Enseki K, MacDonald CW, Woehrle J, McDonough CM. Hip Pain and
Mobility Deficits - Hip Osteoarthritis: Clinical Practice Guidelines Linked to the International
Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health from the Orthopaedic Section of the
American Physical Therapy Association: Revision 2016. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2017
Jun;47(6):A1-A37. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2017.0301.
2015 Thoracic Spine Manual Therapy for Aging and Older Individuals. Masaracchio, Ohja &
MacDonald CW. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. 31(3); 188-198.
2015 Hip Manual Therapy for Aging and Older Adults. MacDonald CW. Topics in Geriatric
Rehabilitation. 31(3); 1-8.
2015 - Garg A, MacDonald C. Letter to the Editor in Response Re: The addition of cervical unilateral
posterior-anterior mobilization in the treatment of patients with shoulder impingement
syndrome: A randomized clinical trial. Cook C, Learman K, Houghton S, Showalter C, O'Halloran B.
Man Ther 2014;19(1):18-24. Man Ther; 2015 Jun; 20 (3):e9-10.
2011 Chronic Hip Pain in a Patient with Clinical Signs of Osteoarthritis. MacDonald CW, Mintken.
JOSPT, April 2011.
2007 The Short-Term Effects of Thrust versus Non-Thrust Manipulation Directed at the Thoracic
Spine in Patients with Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Cleland, Glynn, Whitman,
Eberhard, MacDonald CW, Childs. Physical Therapy (April 2007).
2006 MacDonald CW, Whitman, Cleland, Smith, Hoeksma. Clinical Outcomes Following Manual
Physical Therapy for Hip Osteoarthritis. JOSPT. 36(8); 588-599.
2006 MacDonald CW, Huijbregts P, Thesis Reviews, Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 14:1,
55-56, DOI: 10.1179/106698106790820908
Submitted Presentations
MacDonald CW, Osmotherly PG, Parkes R, Rivett DA. 19th century innovation: creation of professions
integrating manual therapy and movement into healthcare and the birth of physiotherapy. IFOMPT
2020, Melbourne, Australia. Submitted 2/20, Conference postponed till 2021.
MacDonald CW, Osmotherly PG, Parkes R, Rivett DA. Solving the 21
century opioid crisis: embracing
manual therapy for pain management; revisiting the 19
century genesis of manual therapy. IFOMPT
2020, Melbourne, Australia. Submitted 2/20, Conference postponed till 2021.
Albin SR, MacDonald CW, Koppenhaver SL, Phippen S, Ngo D, Pineda R, Cappocia S, Wendlandt A,
Hoffman LR. Dry Needling Effects on Gastrocnemius Muscle Stiffness in Individuals with Latent Trigger
Points. Poster Presentation, Combined Sections Meeting 2020, Denver CO. Submitted 4/9/19.
MacDonald CW, Elliott J, Walton D. Assessment and Management of Whiplash Associated Disorder - a
Comprehensive Approach. Pre-conference two-day course, Combined Sections Meeting 2020, Denver
CO, submitted 3/20/19. (Accepted for February 11-12, 2020)
MacDonald CW. Redefining our Heritage - The roots of manual therapy uncovered. Breakout
Presentation. AAOMPT Annual Conference, Orlando FL 2019, submitted 2/28/19.
Dibblee P, Dennison B, MacDonald CW. Does Standardizing the Evaluation and Treatment Process for
patients with Patellofemoral pain improve clinical outcomes? Combined Sections Meeting 2020, Denver
Kinney S, Dennison B, MacDonald CW. How to Fall: Integrating Safe Fall Landing Strategies in Physical
Therapy Management of Movement Impairments. Combined Sections Meeting 2020, Denver CO.
Christman D, MacDonald CW. Pragmatic Use of Multiple Classifications Within the Treatment Based
Classification System for LBP: A Case Study. Combined Sections Meeting 2020, Denver CO. (accepted)
Cooper D, MacDonald CW. Early Treatment and Multimodal Approach to Combating Opioid
Dependence: A Case Report. Combined Sections Meeting 2020, Denver CO. (accepted)
Recent Peer Reviewed Scientific and Professional Presentations:
Paulus B, MacDonald CW. Physiotherapeutic management of patients presenting with signs and
symptoms of cervical radiculopathy: A case series. Poster presentation, AAOMPT Annual Conference,
Cleveland OH, November 5-8
2020 (Virtual), 5x5 Highlight.
Lui E, Morihara K, MacDonald CW, Dennison B, Hammerich AS. Caregiver training utilizing hands on
techniques in an effort to ease care giver burden in the family of a child diagnosed with cerebral palsy:
Implementation of clinical decision-making. Poster presentation, AAOMPT Annual Conference,
Cleveland OH, November 5-8
2020 (Virtual), 5x5 Highlight.
Fotiou C, MacDonald CW, Dennison B. Rapid recovery with an integrative orthopaedic manual physical
therapy approach for managing lateral knee pain in a young athlete. Poster presentation, AAOMPT
Annual Conference, Cleveland OH, November 5-8
2020 (Virtual).
David C, MacDonald CW, Dennison B. Differential diagnosis of a young female athlete referred to
physical therapy with neck pain: A case report revealing ankylosing spondylitis. Poster presentation,
AAOMPT Annual Conference, Cleveland OH, November 5-8
2020 (Virtual).
Arguelles LJ, MacDonald CW. Multimodal treatment approach for patient for patient with primary
complaint of low back pain with advanced left hip degenerative osteoarthritis: A case report. Poster
presentation, AAOMPT Annual Conference, Cleveland OH, November 5-8
2020 (Virtual).
Waggoner J, MacDonald CW. Medical imaging: What is it telling us? Platform presentation, AAOMPT
Annual Conference, Cleveland OH, November 5-8
2020 (Virtual). 5 x 5 highlight.
Kinney S, MacDonald CW. Novel neurodynamic assessment and intervention in the management of a
highly mobile athlete with lumbar radiculopathy: A case report. Poster presentation, AAOMPT Annual
Conference, Cleveland OH, November 5-8
2020 (Virtual).
Dibblee P, MacDonald CW. An irritability-based manual therapy and exercise approach to avoid
scapulothoracic fusion post Eden Lange procedure: A case report. Poster presentation, AAOMPT Annual
Conference, Cleveland OH, November 5-8
2020 (Virtual).
Lonnemann P, Hnat S, MacDonald CW. A patient with a four-year history of pain following
cardiovascular surgery successfully treated with a multi-model manual physical therapy approach: A
case series. Poster presentation, AAOMPT Annual Conference, Cleveland OH, November 5-8
Resari J, Zaruba R*, Dennison B, MacDonald CW. Treatment of Migraine Headache and Neck Pain Using
an Impairment Based Manual Therapy and Exercise Approach: A Case Report. AAOMPT Conference,
Orlando FL. Platform presented October 26
, 2019.
Fargnoli R, Moffa J, MacDonald CW. Avoidance of Planned Cervical Spine Surgery with Cervico-Thoracic
Spinal Manipulation in a Patient Presenting with Cervical Radiculopathy A Case Report. AAOMPT
Conference, Orlando FL. Platform presented October 26
, 2019. (Winner clinical pearl category)
Darban M, MacDonald CW. A pilot exploration of reported patient discontinuation from care across
varied settings in OMPT practice. Is it just insurance limitations? AAOMPT Conference, Orlando FL.
Platform presented October 26
, 2019.
Freeman C, McConney R, McKay R, Ponte EK, Tso T, MacDonald CW, Davis AM, Eigsti H. Leadership
behaviors and goals of physical therapists in a fellowship and orthopaedic manual physical therapy
program. School of Physical Therapy Research Presentation Day, Regis University, Denver CO, October
, 2019.
Capoccia S, Ngo D, Phippen P, Pineda R, Wendlandt A, Hoffman L, MacDonald CW, Albin S. Dry needling
effects on gastrocnemius muscle stiffness and strength in individuals with latent trigger points. School of
Physical Therapy Research Presentation Day, Regis University, Denver CO, October 4
, 2019.
Mariani C, Schaller-Ward J, Kinney S, MacDonald CW. Use of manual therapy in the acute care setting: a
narrative review. School of Physical Therapy Research Presentation Day, Regis University, Denver CO,
October 4
, 2019.
MacDonald CW, Rivett DA. The genesis of manipulative practice in the United States a cross
professional exploration. Conference on Mechanical Medicine: Exploring the History of Healing by
Exercise, Manipulation and Massage. London, UK, May 2019.
MacDonald CW. Identifying the basis of manual therapy for the physiotherapy, chiropractic, medical and
osteopathic professions. Platform Presentation, 2019 URSC Annual Research and Scholarship
Hoffman, LR, Albin, SR, MacDonald, CW, Koppenhaver, SL, Phippen, S, Ngo, D, Pineda, R, Cappocia, S,
Wendlandt, A. Dry Needling Effects on Gastrocnemius Muscle Stiffness in Individuals with Latent
Trigger Points An Interim Analysis. Poster Presentation, 2019 URSC Annual Research and Scholarship
Sara Hourihan, MacDonald CW. Combining manual therapy and vestibular therapy in the diagnosis of a
patient with multifactorial dizziness: Platform Presentation. AAOMPT 2018 Conference, Reno NV, Poster
Presentation. November 9
, 2018.
Smith M, Footer C, MacDonald CW, Smith A. Establishing our brand for today’s applicant – A DPT
interview process. Education Leadership Conference. October 15
, 2017. Columbus OH.
Pugliese M, MacDonald CW. The use of manual therapy and joint position training in an individual
presenting with low back pain and a lateral shift: A case report. Platform Presentation: AAOMPT
Conference, Oct 17-18
, 2017 Salt Lake City, UT.
Drenning R, MacDonald CW. An impairment-based approach to address thoracolumbar junction
syndrome with resolution of presenting visceral symptoms: A case report. Platform Presentation:
AAOMPT Conference, Oct 17-18
, 2017 Salt Lake City, UT.
Schroedter B, MacDonald CW. Management of chronic auditory sequelae and associated facial
impairments with a multi-modal approach in orthopaedic manual physical therapy (OMPT). Platform
Presentation: AAOMPT Conference, Oct 17-18
, 2017 Salt Lake City, UT.
Swink T, MacDonald CW. Dry needling for a patient with acute low back pain satisfying the clinical
prediction rule for manipulation: A case report. Platform Presentation: AAOMPT Conference, Oct 17-
, 2017 Salt Lake City, UT.
Stone E, MacDonald CW. Identification and treatment of a lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
entrapment in a 36-year-old female presenting with persistent anterolateral hip pain: A case report.
Platform Presentation: AAOMPT Conference, Oct 17-18
, 2017 Salt Lake City, UT.
MacDonald CW, Mirza S, Smith MB. Manual Therapy in the Aging Population. Educational Session.
Combined Sections Meeting APTA, 2017, San Antonio TX.
Recent Poster Presentations:
Hagan J, MacDonald CW. Integration of Pain Neuroscience Education and Manual Therapy for the
Management of Chronic Great Toe Pain and Dysfunction: A Case Study. AAOMPT Conference, Orlando
FL. Poster presented October 26
, 2019.
Hagan J, MacDonald CW. Spinal Manipulation Combined with Joint Position Sense Training in a Patient
with Chronic Neck Pain, Headaches, Upper Limb Pain, and Post‐Concussive Syndrome: A Case Report.
AAOMPT Conference, Orlando FL. Poster presented October 26
, 2019.
Purimetla P, MacDonald CW. Chronic L Anterior Hip and Medial Knee Pain Managed with Joint
Mobilization to Lumbar Spine and Neurodynamics to Femoral Nerve. AAOMPT Conference, Orlando FL.
Poster presented October 26
, 2019.
Kinney S, MacDonald CW. Utilizing Manual Therapy and Running Activities in the Management of An
Individual with Knee Osteoarthritis, Obesity, and A Sedentary Lifestyle: A Case Report. AAOMPT
Conference, Orlando FL. Poster presented October 26
, 2019.
Cummings R, MacDonald CW. Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapist Management of An Adolescent
Swimmer with Traumatic Lumbar Spondylolysis Presenting As Low Back Pain with Lateral Shift: A Case
Report. AAOMPT Conference, Orlando FL. Poster presented October 26
, 2019.
Griggs M, MacDonald CW. Lumbar Mobilization and Exercise for the Treatment of Insertional Achilles
Tendinopathy. AAOMPT Conference, Orlando FL. Poster presented October 26
, 2019.
Schmidt T, MacDonald CW. Utilization of Two Stage Whole Neural Path Management for Suspected
Common Peroneal Nerve Neuropraxia in A Female Athlete: A Case Report. AAOMPT Conference,
Orlando FL. Poster presented October 26
, 2019.
Eckenhoff C, MacDonald CW. Student Development in Mentored Management of Chronic Femoral
Acetabular Impingement Utilizing Manual Therapy and Exercise. AAOMPT Conference, Orlando FL.
Poster presented October 26
, 2019.
Moua G, MacDonald CW. Progressive Management in A Challenging Lateral Epicondylalgia Presentation:
The Role of Cervico‐Thoracic and Breathing Impairments. AAOMPT Conference, Orlando FL. Poster
presented October 26
, 2019.
Hnat S, MacDonald CW. Clinical Decision Making While Managing An Athlete with Low Back Pain And
Headaches: A Case Study. AAOMPT Conference, Orlando FL. Poster presented October 26
, 2019.
Curtis JQ, MacDonald CW. Combining Pain Neuroscience Education with Manual Therapy and Exercise
Management for an Individual with An Exacerbated 10‐year Presentation of Bilateral Foot Pain. AAOMPT
Conference, Orlando FL. Poster presented October 26
, 2019.
Lunasin R, MacDonald CW. Addressing Lumbopelvic Dysfunction with a Multiplanar Long Axis
Distraction Sequenced Approach: Clinical Pearl. AAOMPT Conference, Orlando FL. Poster presented
October 26
, 2019.
Madani P, MacDonald CW. Regional Manual Interventions and Progressive Multi‐Modal Management
for A Female Patient with Low Back Pain and Osteoporosis. AAOMPT Conference, Orlando FL. Poster
presented October 26
, 2019.
Knighton A, MacDonald CW. Adapting regional interdependence to address movement system
impairments of the thoracic cage, diaphragm, and phrenic nerve to resolve shoulder pain in a
competitive cyclist: a case report. AAOMPT 2018 Conference, Reno NV, Poster Presentation. November
, 2018.
MacDonald CW, Dommerholt J, Burkhart B. Scar tissue manipulation with adapted dry needling to
address chronic motion impairment: A case report. AAOMPT 2018 Conference, Reno NV, Poster
Presentation. November 9
, 2018.
Trauber E, MacDonald CW. Conservative management of an individual with femoral acetabular
impingement syndrome using an impairment‐based approach and a regional interdependence model: a
case report. AAOMPT 2018 Conference, Reno NV, Poster Presentation. November 9
, 2018.
Probert E, Hammerich A, MacDonald CW. The Use of Dry Needling as an Early Intervention for Gluteus
Medius Weakness in a Patient Following Hip Arthroscopy for Femoral Osteochondroplasty and Labral
Repair: A Case Report. AAOMPT 2018 Conference, Reno NV, Poster Presentation. November 9
, 2018.
Harpp J, MacDonald CW. A progressive regional interdependence approach in the management of
posterior shoulder pain in an elite climber. AAOMPT 2018 Conference, Reno NV, Poster Presentation.
November 9
, 2018.
McCole K, MacDonald CW. The use of intramuscular electric stimulation to hip lateral rotators and
extensors in a patient with patellofemoral pain syndrome after initial failed localized treatment: a case
report. AAOMPT 2018 Conference, Reno NV, Poster Presentation. November 9
, 2018.
Bertch M, MacDonald CW. Management of an inversion ankle sprain: a case report incorporating
external evidence into clinical reasoning. AAOMPT 2018 Conference, Reno NV, Poster Presentation.
November 9
, 2018.
Smith P, MacDonald CW. The use of manual therapy, pain neuroscience education, and exercise
management in an individual presenting with neck and jaw pain following Rhytidectomy with
Platysmaplasty: A case report. AAOMPT 2018 Conference, Reno NV, Poster Presentation. November 9
Russo W, MacDonald CW. Neurodynamic Interventions and Functional Exercise for the Management of
a Patient with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis: a case report. AAOMPT 2018 Conference, Reno NV, Poster
Presentation. November 9
, 2018.
Aquino R, MacDonald CW. Management of persistent post-rotator cuff repair stiffness with
combination of impairment-based manual therapy approach, and individualized exercise and home
management program. Case study. Poster Presentation: AAOMPT 2017 Conference, October 17
. Salt
Lake City, UT.
Biland J, MacDonald CW. Management of a patient with multiple sclerosis presenting with neck pain,
shoulder pain and upper extremity weakness in the presence of altered cervical spine proprioception:
A case report. Poster Presentation: AAOMPT 2017 Conference, October 17
. Salt Lake City, UT.
Brachman D, MacDonald CW. Considerations in management of a patient with Ehlers Danlos
syndrome undergoing sequential bilateral total knee arthroplasty: A case study. (AAOMPT 2017 First
Place lower extremity). Poster Presentation: AAOMPT 2017 Conference, October 17
. Salt Lake City, UT.
Wahl B, MacDonald CW. Effectiveness of dry needling within an OMPT approach for myofascial trigger
points in hips following sexual assault trauma: A case report. Poster Presentation: AAOMPT 2017
Conference, October 17
, Salt Lake City, UT.
Weber T, MacDonald CW. Regional interdependence and impairment-based considerations in the
treatment of plantar heel pain: A case report. Poster Presentation: AAOMPT 2017 Conference, October
, Salt Lake City, UT.
Weber T, MacDonald CW. Emergent referral of a streptococcus infection presenting with thoracic
strain: A case report. Poster Presentation: AAOMPT 2017 Conference, October 17
, Salt Lake City, UT.
Van Voorst D, MacDonald CW. Management of patients with neck pain and cervicogenic headaches
with targeted manual therapy and exercise instruction. A case series. Poster Presentation: AAOMPT
2017 Conference, October 17
, Salt Lake City, UT.
Busemeyer T, MacDonald CW. Failed conservative management of accessory navicular syndrome in a
high school female athlete: a case report. Fall Conference APTA CO, October 6
, Keystone, CO.
MacDonald CW, O’Reilly S. Dynamic clinical decision making in a patient centered model case
example in pediatric orthopaedic manual therapy. IFOMPT 2016 conference, July 8
, Glasgow, Scotland
Boyd S, MacDonald CW. The addition of motor control exercise for the hip, with avoidance of
ankle/foot compensations, as part of an impairment-based approach for recurrent low back pain in a
high school football athlete: A case report. Poster Presentation: AAOMPT 2016 Conference, October
, St Louis MO.
Boyd S, MacDonald CW. A multi-model approach including manual therapy, dry needling, and exercise
for the management of trochanteric pain syndrome: A case report. Poster Presentation: AAOMPT 2016
Conference, October 28
, St Louis MO.
Goldstein D, MacDonald CW. Management of a patient with acute low back pain using the treatment
based classification model and trigger point dry needling. Poster Presentation: AAOMPT 2016
Conference, October 28
, St Louis MO.
Grillo A, MacDonald CW. Orthopedic manual therapy in the treatment of acute onset upper extremity
nerve entrapment following a mammogram: A case report. Poster Presentation: AAOMPT 2016
Conference, October 28
, St Louis MO.
Johns, C, MacDonald CW. Case study report: An orthopaedic manual physical therapy approach for
treating low back pain in a patient with Marfan syndrome. Poster Presentation: AAOMPT 2016
Conference, October 28
, St Louis MO.
Kelley E, MacDonald CW. An integrative orthopaedic manual physical therapy approach for treating a
patient with persistent ankle pain: A case study report. AAOMPT 2016 Conference, October 28
, St
Louis MO.
Mali A, MacDonald CW. Accelerated recovery from chronic low back pain, with the addition of pelvic
floor strengthening, for a patient partially meeting the criteria of lumbar stabilization in a treatment
based classification approach for low back pain management. AAOMPT 2016 Conference, October 28
St Louis MO.
Myers B, MacDonald CW. Impairment based management of insidious unilateral foot drop with
unknown cause: A case report. AAOMPT 2016 Conference, October 28
, St Louis MO.
Pegram C, MacDonald CW. Management of greater trochanteric pain syndrome utilizing a regional
interdependence OMT approach with functional exercise: A case study report. AAOMPT 2016
Conference, October 28
, St Louis MO.
Singh T, MacDonald CW. Multimodal approach to treat idiopathic heel pain: A case report. AAOMPT
2016 Conference, October 28
, St Louis MO.
Tyler S, MacDonald CW. A multi-modal approach to rehabilitation post a sacral resection due to sacral
chordoma: A case report. AAOMPT 2016 Conference, October 28
, St Louis MO.
Young S, MacDonald CW. Successful management of a patient with neck and left shoulder pain
presenting with combined musculoskeletal and neurological impairments. AAOMPT 2016 Conference,
October 28
, St Louis MO.
Article Reviewer
2020 - Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapies JMMT-2020-0763: Physical Therapy for the
Treatment of Respiratory Issues using Systemic Manual Therapy Protocols (recommended major
revisions article declined)
2020 - Physical Therapy Journal PTJ-2020-0348: Reliability and Concurrent Validity of Shoulder Tissue
Irritability Classification (recommended minor revisions article accepted)
2020 - Chiropractic & Manual Therapy - CHMT-D-20-0098: Assessing forces during spinal manipulation
and mobilization: factors influencing the difference between forces at the clinician-patient and patient-
table interfaces Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (recommended minor revisions)
Teaching of Continuing Education and Conferences:
2004 February Lab Instructor - with Dr Timothy Flynn, OCS FAAOMPT - High Velocity thrust for
the treatment of cervical headaches
2004 February Instructor/Presenter - Mobilization Hip for OA
2004 March Lab Instructor, assistant to Dr Timothy Flynn, OCS FAAOMPT Lumbo-pelvic &
Hip Mobilization & Manipulation
2004 April Lab Instructor, assistant to Dr Timothy Flynn, OCS FAAOMPT - CO APTA
Conference, Chronic LBP, Manipulation
2005 May Instructor/Presenter Mobilization of the shoulder
2005 October AAOMPT Platform presentation - “Clinical outcomes following manual physical
therapy for hip OA: A case series.
2005 November Community presentation PT considerations for the mature skier.
2006 March Lab Instructor APTA CO Conference. Manual PT for TMJ and upper cervical
dysfunction. Presented with Joel Rauser PT MPT CFC.
2006 March Presenter - Manual PT for Shoulder RTC and Sub-acromial Impingment, Course
2006 - May Presenter Manual PT post TKA, emphasis hip/pelvic treatment.
2006 Fall Instructor - tDPT online & weekend intensive Cervico-Thoracic Management (8
2006 August Instructor - Rehabilitation of the adolescent thrower.
2006 October Instructor Management of Upper Cervical Spine and TMJ with Joel Rasuer PT
2006 December Instructor Evidence Based Interventions for the Cervical and Thoracic Spine
with John Childs PT PhD OCS FAAOMPT
2006 December Community presentation PT and hip/knee osteoarthritis.
2007 Winter Instructor tDPT online & weekend intensive Lower Extremity Management
(8wks) Regis University
2007 Feb Instructor Evidence Based Interventions for the Upper Extremity with Joshua
2007 Spring Instructor tDPT online Advanced Clinical Decision Making research
applications, writing and development for Doctoral students. 34 trials.
2007 March Lab Instructor Manual PT for the Lumbar Spine and Pelvis, Weekend Intensive
with Timothy Flynn PT PhD OCS FAAOMPT
2007 Aug Oct Instructor tDPT online Upper Extremity Manual PT management
2007 September Instructor 2 day course EBP Cervico-Thoracic Orthopedic Manual PT
management with EIM
2007 October Instructor Evidence based interventions for management of Lumbar Spine
Stenosis, spinal, pelvic and hip manual PT and exercises.
2008 Instructor Geriatric Orthopedic Manual Therapy with considerations for LSS
and osteoporosis (with Julie Whitman)
2008 Instructor Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity and Lumbo-Pelvic OMPT
management Courses Regis
2008/10-18 Examiner Fellowship Practicum Exams AAOMPT conference/Regis
2008-15 Instructor Online Virtual Rounds for Fellowship (Regis OMPT)
2009 Instructor Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Cervico-Thoracic and Lumbo-
Pelvic OMPT 8-week management Courses Regis
2010 Instructor Lower Extremity, Lumbo-pelvic and weekend intensive of Upper
Extremity OMPT Management course 8 weeks
2010 - March Instructor APTA CO Spring symposium conservative and post-surgical
management of acetabular labral tears and hip impairments
2010/11/12 - Fall Instructor Graduate level DPT Advanced manipulation course
2011 February Presenter CSM: Graduate outcomes with Fellowship training
2011 June Presenter APTA Lecture on “Aging Joints” with Hammerich/Little
2011 - 13 Instructor &/or Fellowship Instructor Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity,
Cervico-Thoracic and Lumbo-Pelvic OMPT 8-week
2012 April Instructor PT management of hip impairments, SE APTA
2012 June Instructor CES Biomechanics APTA conference series with Tom McPoil & Chris
Powers for the lower extremity
2012 June Presenter DC planning transition expert panel at APTA national.
2012 October Presenter IFOMPT Hip labral Impairments, PT management
2013 June Presenter TRIA orthopedic conference Hip and Knee OA interventions
2013 October Instructor Italy Hip management course
2013 October Presenter AAOMPT conference History of Manual PT
2014 May Instructor Craig Spinal Injury Hospital UE management with manual therapy
2014 July Presenter/Instructor Hip/pelvic management intra-articular. CSSC, CO.
2014 Aug/Sept Instructor UE management course Fellowship in Manual Therapy
2014 November Instructor Knee and Hip arthroplasty rehabilitation - Italy
2014 November Presenter/Instructor Practice management for overseas Physiotherapist and
hip management interventions in Sydney and Newcastle, Australia
2014 November Presenter/Instructor Hip Management course & PTA course CO
2015 January Instructor Direct Access management Hip and Shoulder Michigan
2015 March Assistant Cervical management course Mintken/Bade
2015 May Instructor Management of the shoulder two-day course Hawaii
2015 June Presenter APTA NEXT conference Management of intra-articular hip
impairments, recorded also for online course
2015 Aug/Sept Instructor UE management course Fellowship in Manual Therapy
2015 - October Presenter Diagnosis and Prognosis through intervention. AAOMPT conference.
2015 October Presenter Clinical pearls and quick tricks for OMPT AAOMPT conference.
2016 Jan/Feb Instructor LE management course Fellowship in Manual Therapy
2016 April Instructor UE select manual therapy & exercise, Montrose, CO.
2016 May Instructor Hip select manual therapy & exercise, Maui, Hawaii.
2016 October Presenter - MacDonald CW. Understanding the foundations of manual therapy
across professions to enlighten the future of OMPT. Education session AAOMPT
2016 November Instructor Lumbo-pelvic manual therapy & exercise, Montrose, CO.
2017 February Presenter Manual Therapy in the Aging Population, Combined Sections
Meeting APTA, San Antonio TX.
2017 March Instructor Lumbo-pelvic and Hip Management for SCI, TBI and neuro complex
patients. Craig Hospital, CO.
2017 April Instructor Cervico-thoracic manual therapy & exercise, Montrose, CO.
2017 September Instructor Manual therapy for the older adult. Full day course, New Mexico
Fall Conference APTA, Albuquerque, NM.
2017 October Instructor Lower extremity manual therapy & exercise, Montrose, CO.
2018 May Instructor Management of the cervico-thoracic spine. Maui, HI. Venture
Physical Therapy.
2018 June Instructor Management of upper extremity impairments. Bureau of Prisons,
Denver, CO.
2019 July Instructor - Management of the Lumbar Hip complex: Clinical Reasoning within
an orthopaedic manipulative approach. Portland, OR.
2019 November Instructor Select Manual Therapy & Exercise Interventions for Cervico-
Thoracic Impairments & Whiplash Management. Hays, KS, Fall Conference KS
Funded/In Review Grant Activity:
MacDonald CW. Identifying the basis of manual therapy for the physiotherapy, chiropractic,
medical and osteopathic professions: Is there a common genesis from 19
century Northern
Europe? Author.
URSC, Regis University 2018.
Current/Active Research Activity:
MacDonald CW. Identifying the basis of manual therapy for the physiotherapy, chiropractic,
medical and osteopathic professions: Is there a common genesis from 19
century Northern
Doctor of Philosophy, Scholarship Funded, 2016-21.
University of Newcastle, Australia.
Membership in Scientific/Professional Organizations:
American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (AAOMPT). (2006-present)
American Physical Therapy Association (1998-present). Currently Orthopaedic, Geriatric and
Health Policy Academy member. (2002 Ortho & Geri, 2016 HPA present)
Consultative and Advisory Positions Held:
APTA representative 2008-19 ACOEM Hip Panel, consultant Low Back Pain
Panel of Experts 2006 National PT Examination Expert panel with FSBPT
Panel of Experts 2007-8 Geriatric Specialist Exam appointed but did not serve
AAOMPT Panel 2006/17 Description of Advance Practice in Manual Physical Therapy
Expert Witness Colorado Alternate Defense Counsel
2005-7 MERIC IRB Board for Research into Orthopedics
2006-11,16-21 Delegate SE District APTA, APTA House of Delegates
2011-15 Chief Delegate CO APTA
2010-21 CO APTA Board of Directors
2013-20 President Program Director Special Interest Group AAOMPT
2015-21 President Colorado Chapter APTA
Community Service:
1995-2020 Presented to multiple community groups of exercise and aging, falls
prevention, community health & wellness, managing degenerative joint
disease, successful aging.
Also spoke at elementary schools and middle schools on health and
wellness and the profession of Physical Therapy.
2016-19 Nine Health Fair Denver (Heritage Denver Indian Center, Schools in
Denver Public Schools)
2016-19 Project Homeless Connect Denver Convention Center
Services to the University/College/School on Committees/Councils/Commissions:
School of Physical Therapy
2016 Admissions committee
Chair Post-Professional Education Regis University School Physical Therapy
Member Strategic Planning Review School PT, Residency Development
Director Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Fellowship, Residency in Orthopaedics
Developer Sunset Task Force PT Practice Act Colorado 2017-18 (implemented)
Honors and Awards:
2005 Excellence in Leadership in PT Regis University 2005
2006 George J. Davies & James A. Gould Excellence in Clinical Inquiry 2006 for research
published as a case series or similar format in JOSPT. MacDonald et al hip case series.
2006 Excellence in Research Award, American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical
Therapists 2006 - J Cleland, P Glynn, J Whitman, S Eberhart, Cameron MacDonald & J
2009 Bob Doctor Service Award 2009 Service award for outstanding service to the Colorado
chapter of the APTA.
2008 Jack Walker Award Best Article in Clinical Practice Published in 2007 in Physical
Therapy - The Short-Term Effects of Thrust versus Non-Thrust Manipulation Directed at
the Thoracic Spine in Patients with Neck Pain. Cleland, Glynn, Whitman, Eberhart,
MacDonald, Childs.
Current Teaching Responsibilities in the Entry-Level Program for Academic Year of Site Visit:
Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
DPT 731 Differential Diagnosis
DPT 733 Management of musculo-skeletal disorders I (lower extremity)
DPT 734 Management of musculo-skeletal disorders II (pelvis and trunk)
DPT 735 Management of musculo-skeletal disorders III (cervical/upper extremity)
DPT 780/1 Advanced Manipulation in PT practice
Fellowship in Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy
DPT 745T Management of Lower Extremity disorders
DPT 746T Management of Upper Extremity disorders
DPT 790T Clinical practicum
DPT 784/785/786T Virtual rounds
Residency in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy
DPT 802 Advanced Clinical Practice II
DPT 813 Orthopaedic Specialty Practice III
DPT RR Resident Rounds