Water-Cooled/Condenserless Liquid Chillers
with Integrated Hydronic Modules
Nominal cooling capacity 110-310 kW / 50 Hz
Original document
1 - INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 - Installation safety considerations ...........................................................................................................................................4
1.2 - Equipment and components under pressure ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 - Maintenance safety considerations .........................................................................................................................................5
1.4 - Repair safety considerations ...................................................................................................................................................6
2 - PRELIMINARY CHECKS ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 - Check equipment received ......................................................................................................................................................7
2.2 - Moving and siting the unit ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
3 - DIMENSIONS, CLEARANCES, WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION .........................................................................................8
3.1 - 30RW/30RWA 110-150 - unit with or without hydronic module ........................................................................................ 8
3.2 - 30RW/30RWA 160-300 - unit without hydronic module (standard) .................................................................................. 9
3.3 - 30RW/30RWA 160-300 - unit with hydronic module (option) ...........................................................................................9
4 - PHYSICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA ............................................................................................................................ 10
4.1 - Physical data ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 - Electrical data ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.3 - Electrical data, optional hydronic module .......................................................................................................................... 12
4.4 - Compressor usage and electrical data table ........................................................................................................................ 14
5 - APPLICATION DATA ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1 - Operating limits 30RW/RWA ............................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 - Operating range 30RW .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.3 - Operating range 30RWA ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.4 - Minimum chilled water ow ................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.5 - Maximum chilled water ow ................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.6 - Variable ow evaporator ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.7 - Evaporator ow rate .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.8 - Condenser water ow rate (l/s) ............................................................................................................................................ 15
5.9 - Minimum chilled water loop volume ................................................................................................................................... 16
5.10 - Maximum water loop volume (evaporator and condenser side) .................................................................................... 16
5.11 - Minimum hot water loop volume ....................................................................................................................................... 16
5.12 - Evaporator and condenser pressure drop curves ............................................................................................................. 17
6 - ELECTRICAL CONNECTION ............................................................................................................................................18
6.1 - Electrical connections 30RW/30RWA units ........................................................................................................................ 18
6.2 - Power supply ........................................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.3 - Voltage phase imbalance (%) ............................................................................................................................................... 19
6.4 - Recommended wire sections ................................................................................................................................................. 19
7 - WATER CONNECTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
7.1 - Operating precautions ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
7.2 - Water connections ................................................................................................................................................................... 21
7.3 - Frost protection ....................................................................................................................................................................... 21
7.4 - Evaporator ow switch and chilled water pump interlock (units without hydronic module) .......................................21
8 - REFRIGERANT LINE CONNECTIONS (30RWA) ........................................................................................................ 23
8.1 - Recommendations for the installation of liquid chillers with remote condensers .........................................................23
8.2 - General .................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
8.3 - Use of pipe sizing diagrams ...................................................................................................................................................23
8.4 - Discharge pipe sizing .............................................................................................................................................................24
8.5 - Liquid pipe sizing ................................................................................................................................................................... 24
9 - NOMINAL EVAPORATOR WATER FLOW CONTROL .............................................................................................. 26
9.1 - Water ow control procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 26
9.2 - Evaporator pump ow/pressure curve .................................................................................................................................27
9.3 - Available static system pressure (evaporator side) ............................................................................................................27
10 - CONDENSER WATER FLOW RATE .............................................................................................................................. 28
10.1 - Condenser pump ow/pressure curve ................................................................................................................................ 28
10.2 - Available static system pressure (condenser side) ............................................................................................................ 28
The cover photograph is for illustrative purposes only and is not part of any offer for sale or contract.
11 - 30RW UNIT OPERATION WITH A DRYCOOLER ..................................................................................................... 29
11.1 - Operating principle ..............................................................................................................................................................29
11.2 - Auxiliary electronic analogue input and output and discrete output board (AUX1) for control of the drycooler .. 29
11.3 - Conguration of the number of fan stages and the automatic changeover of the fan stages ......................................29
11.4 - Fan stage assignment ............................................................................................................................................................ 29
11.5 - 30RW units without evaporator and condenser pump, three-way valve conguration for low outside temperature
application ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
11.6 - Drycooler installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
12 - 30RWA UNIT OPERATION WITH REMOTE AIR-COOLED CONDENSER ....................................................... 30
12.1 - Operating principle ..............................................................................................................................................................30
12.2 - Master fan ............................................................................................................................................................................. 30
12.3 - Dual-circuit condenser with separate ventilation and interlaced ventilation .................................................................. 30
12.4 - Auxiliary electronic analogue input and output and discrete output board (AUX1) for control of the air-cooled remote
condenser ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
12.5 - Conguration of the number of fan stages and fan type based on the air-cooled condenser model used in the
installation ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
12.6 - Possible fan arrangements based on the air-cooled condenser type used in the installation ...................................... 31
13 - START-UP ...............................................................................................................................................................................33
13.1 - Preliminary checks ...............................................................................................................................................................33
13.2 - Actual start-up ......................................................................................................................................................................33
13.3 - Operation of two units in master/slave mode ................................................................................................................... 33
14 - MAJOR SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND OPERATION DATA ................................................................................. 34
14.1 - Compressors ..........................................................................................................................................................................34
14.2 - Lubricant ............................................................................................................................................................................... 34
14.3 - Evaporators and condensers ...............................................................................................................................................34
14.4 - Thermostatic expansion device ........................................................................................................................................... 35
14.5 - Refrigerant ............................................................................................................................................................................ 35
14.6 - High-pressure switch ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
14.7 - High and low-pressure side safety valves ..........................................................................................................................35
14.8 - Moisture indicator ................................................................................................................................................................ 35
14.9 - Filter drier in the refrigerant circuit ...................................................................................................................................35
14.10 - Fixed-speed cold water loop pump (evaporator side) ................................................................................................... 35
14.11 - Variable-speed hot water loop pump (condenser side) ................................................................................................. 36
14.12 - Evaporator and condenser pump suction lter...............................................................................................................36
15 - MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................................................................................36
15.1 - Soldering and welding .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
15.2 - General unit maintenance ................................................................................................................................................... 37
15.3 - Refrigerant charge ................................................................................................................................................................37
15.4 - Refrigerant guidelines ......................................................................................................................................................... 37
15.5 - Leak detection ...................................................................................................................................................................... 38
15.6 - Evacuation ............................................................................................................................................................................38
15.7 - Recharging liquid refrigerant .............................................................................................................................................. 38
15.8 - Characteristics of R-407C ....................................................................................................................................................38
15.9 - Electrical maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................ 38
15.10 - Compressors ........................................................................................................................................................................39
15.11 - Evaporator and condenser maintenance ......................................................................................................................... 39
15.12 - Corrosion check ..................................................................................................................................................................39
16 - AQUASNAP MAINTENANCE PROGRAM ..................................................................................................................40
16.1 - Maintenance schedule .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
16.2 - Description of the maintenance operations ......................................................................................................................40
17 - START-UP CKECKLIST FOR 30RW/RWA LIQUID CHILLERS (USE FOR JOB FILE) .................................... 41
Preliminary information ................................................................................................................................................................41
Preliminary equipment check .......................................................................................................................................................41
Prior to the initial start-up of the 30RW/30RWA units, the
people involved in the on-site installation, start-up, operation
and maintenance of this unit should be thoroughly familiar
with these instructions and the specic project data for the
installation site.
The 30RW/30RWA liquid chillers are designed to provide a
very high level of safety during installation, start-up, opera-
tion and maintenance. They will provide safe and reliable
service when operated within their application range.
This manual provides the necessary information to fami-
liarize yourself with the control system before performing
start-up procedures. The procedures in this manual are
arranged in the sequence required for machine installation,
start-up, operation and maintenance.
Be sure you understand and follow the procedures and safety
precautions contained in the instructions supplied with the
machine, as well as those listed in this guide.
To nd out, if these products comply with European directives
(machine safety, low voltage, electromagnetic compatibility,
equipment under pressure etc.) check the declarations of
conformity for these products.
After the unit has been received, when it is ready to be
installed or reinstalled, and before it is started up, it must be
inspected for damage. Check that the refrigerant circuit(s)
is (are) intact, especially that no components or pipes have
shifted (e.g. following a shock). If in doubt, carry out a leak
tightness check and verify with the manufacturer that the
circuit integrity has not been impaired. If damage is detected
upon receipt, immediately le a claim with the shipping
Do not remove the skid or the packaging until the unit is
in its nal position. These units can be moved with a fork
lift truck, as long as the forks are positioned in the right
place and direction on the unit.
The units can also be lifted with slings, using only the
designated lifting points marked on the unit.
These units are not designed to be lifted from above. Use
slings with the correct capacity, and always follow the lifting
instructions on the certied drawings supplied with the unit.
Safety is only guaranteed, if these instructions are carefully
followed. If this is not the case, there is a risk of material
deterioration and injuries to personnel.
This applies to fuse plugs and safety valves (if used) in the
refrigerant or heat transfer medium circuits. Check if the
original protection plugs are still present at the valve outlets.
These plugs are generally made of plastic and should not be
used. If they are still present, please remove them. Install
devices at the valve outlets or drain piping that prevent the
penetration of foreign bodies (dust, building debris, etc.) and
atmospheric agents (water can form rust or ice). These
devices, as well as the drain piping, must not impair operation
and not lead to a pressure drop that is higher than 10% of
the control pressure.
Classication and control
In accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive and
national usage monitoring regulations in the European
Union the protection devices for these machines are classied
as follows:
High-pressure switch x
External relief valve*** x
Rupture disk x
Fuse plug x
External relief valve**** x x
* Classiedforprotectioninnormalservicesituations.
** Classiedforprotectioninabnormalservicesituations.
*** The instantaneous over-pressure limited to 10% of the operating pressure does
pressure switch ensures that the service pressure is not exceeded in normal
**** Theclassicationofthesesafetyvalvesmustbe made bythepersonnel that
Do not remove these valves and fuses, even if the re risk is
under control for a particular installation. There is no
guarantee that the accessories are re-installed if the instal-
lation is changed or for transport with a gas charge.
All factory-installed safety valves are lead-sealed to prevent
any calibration change. If the safety valves are installed on
a reversing valve (change-over), this is equipped with a
safety valve on each of the two outlets. Only one of the two
safety valves is in operation, the other one is isolated. Never
leave the reversing valve in the intermediate position, i.e.
with both ways open (locate the control element in the stop
position). If a safety stop is removed for checking or
replacement please ensure that there is always an active safety
stop on each of the reversing valves installed in the unit.
The external safety valves must always be connected to drain
pipes for units installed in a closed room. Refer to the
installation regulations, for example those of European
standard EN 378 and EN 13136.
These pipes must be installed in a way that ensures that
people and property are not exposed to refrigerant leaks.
As the uids can be diffused in the air, ensure that the outlet
is far away from any building air intake, or that they are
discharged in a quantity that is appropriate for a suitably
absorbing environment.
Periodic check of the safety valves: See paragraph 1.3 -
“Maintenance safety considerations”.
Provide a drain in the drain pipe, close to each safety valve,
to avoid an accumulation of condensate or rain water.
All precautions concerning handling of refrigerant must be
observed in accordance with local regulations.
Ensure good ventilation, as accumulation of refrigerant in
an enclosed space can displace oxygen and cause asphyxia-
tion or explosions.
Inhalation of high concentrations of vapour is harmful and
may cause heart irregularities, unconsciousness, or death.
Vapour is heavier than air and reduces the amount of oxygen
available for breathing. These products cause eye and skin
irritation. Decomposition products are hazardous.
These products incorporate equipment or components under
pressure, manufactured by Carrier or other manufacturers.
We recommend that you consult your appropriate national
trade association or the owner of the equipment or compo-
nents under pressure (declaration, re-qualication, retesting,
etc.). The characteristics of this equipment/these components
are given on the nameplate or in the required documenta-
tion, supplied with the products.
Do not introduce signicant static or dynamic pressure with
regard to the operating pressures used during operation or
for tests in the refrigerant circuit or in the heat exchange
circuits, specically by limiting the glycol cooler elevation.
Engineers working on the electric or refrigeration compo-
nents must be authorized, trained and fully qualied to do so.
All refrigerant circuit repairs must be carried out by a trained
person, fully qualied to work on these units. He must have
been trained and be familiar with the equipment and the
installation. All welding operations must be carried out by
qualied specialists.
Any manipulation (opening or closing) of a shut-off valve
must be carried out by a qualied and authorised engineer.
These procedures must be carried out with the unit shut
ATTENTION: The liquid line valve must always be fully
open, when there is refrigerant in the circuit (this valve is
situated on the liquid line before the lter drier box.
Any intervention on the refrigerant circuit, including
changing of drier blocks, is only permitted after the complete
removal of the refrigerant charge. For these units transfer
of the refrigerant charge from the high or low-pressure side
is not possible, nor permitted.
During any handling, maintenance and service operations
the engineers working on the unit must be equipped with
safety gloves, glasses, shoes and protective clothing.
Never work on a unit that is still energised.
Never work on any of the electrical components, until the
general power supply to the unit has been cut using the
disconnect switch in the control box.
If any maintenance operations are carried out on the unit,
lock the power supply circuit in the open position ahead of
the machine.
If the work is interrupted, always ensure that all circuits
are still deenergized before resuming the work.
ATTENTION: Even if the compressor motors have been
switched off, the power circuit remains energized, unless the
unit or circuit disconnect switch is open. Refer to the wiring
diagram for further details.
Attach appropriate safety labels.
Operating checks:
This product contains uorinated greenhouse gas covered
by the Kyoto protocol.
Refrigerant type: R-407C
Global Warming Potential (GWP): 1774
Periodic inspections for refrigerant leaks may be required
depending on European or local legislation. Please
contact your local dealer for more information.
During the life-time of the system, inspection and tests
must be carried out in accordance with national
The information on operating inspections given in annex C
of standard EN378-2 can be used if no similar criteria exist
in the national regulations.
Protection device checks:
If no national regulations exist, check the protection
devices on site in accordance with standard EN378:
once a year for the high-pressure switches, every ve
years for external safety valves.
Check manual “30RW/RWA Pro-Dialog Plus control”
for a detailed explanation of the high-pressure switch
test method.
At least once a year thoroughly inspect the protection devices
(valves, pressure switches). If the machine operates in a
corrosive environment, inspect the protection devices more
Regularly carry out leak tests and immediately repair any
All installation parts must be maintained by the personnel in
charge, in order to avoid material deterioration and injuries
to people. Faults and leaks must be repaired immediately.
The authorized technician must have the responsibility to
repair the fault immediately. After each repair of the unit,
check the operation of the protection devices and create a
report of the parameter operation at 100%.
Comply with the regulations and recommendations in unit
and HVAC installation safety standards, such as: EN 378, ISO
5149, etc.
If a leak occurs or if the refrigerant becomes polluted (e.g.
by a short circuit in a motor) remove the complete charge
using a recovery unit and store the refrigerant in mobile
Repair the leak detected and recharge the circuit with the
total R-407C charge, as indicated on the unit name plate. Do
not top up the refrigerant charge. Only charge liquid
refrigerant R-407C at the liquid line.
Ensure that you are using the correct refrigerant type before
recharging the unit.
Charging any refrigerant other than the original charge type
(R-407C) will impair machine operation and can even destroy
the compressors. The compressors operating with this
refrigerant type are lubricated with a synthetic polyol-ester
Never use air or a gas containing oxygen during leak tests to
purge lines or to pressurise a machine. Pressurised air
mixtures or gases containing oxygen can be the cause of an
explosion. Oxygen reacts violently with oil and grease.
Only use dry nitrogen for leak tests, possibly with an
appropriate tracer gas.
If the recommendations above are not observed, this can
have serious or even fatal consequences and damage the
Never exceed the specied maximum operating pressures.
Verify the allowable maximum high- and low-side test
pressures by checking the instructions in this manual and
the pressures given on the unit name plate.
Do not unweld or amecut the refrigerant lines or any
refrigerant circuit component until all refrigerant (liquid
and vapour) as well as the oil have been removed from
chiller. Traces of vapour should be displaced with dry
nitrogen. Refrigerant in contact with an open ame produces
toxic gases.
The necessary protection equipment must be available, and
appropriate re extinguishers for the system and the
refrigerant type used must be within easy reach.
Do not siphon refrigerant.
Avoid spilling liquid refrigerant on skin or splashing it into
the eyes. Use safety goggles and safety gloves. Wash any
spills from the skin with soap and water. If liquid refrigerant
enters the eyes, immediately and abundantly ush the eyes
with water and consult a doctor.
Never apply an open ame or live steam to a refrigerant
container. Dangerous overpressure can result. If it is necessary
to heat refrigerant, use only warm water.
During refrigerant removal and storage operations follow
applicable regulations. These regulations, permitting condi-
tioning and recovery of halogenated hydrocarbons under
optimum quality conditions for the products and optimum
safety conditions for people, property and the environment
are described in standard NF E29-795.
Any refrigerant transfer and recovery operations must be
carried out using a transfer unit. A 3/8” SAE connector on
the manual liquid line valve is supplied with all units for
connection to the transfer station. The units must never be
modied to add refrigerant and oil charging, removal and
purging devices. All these devices are provided with the units.
Please refer to the certied dimensional drawings for the
Do not re-use disposable (non-returnable) cylinders or
attempt to rell them. It is dangerous and illegal. When
cylinders are empty, evacuate the remaining gas pressure,
and move the cylinders to a place designated for their
recovery. Do not incinerate.
Do not attempt to remove refrigerant circuit components
or ttings, while the machine is under pressure or while it
is running. Be sure pressure is at 0 kPa and that the unit
has been shut down and de-energised before removing
components or opening a circuit. If the refrigerant circuit
is open to carry out a repair, all circuit openings must be
plugged, if the repair takes longer than 30 minutes. This
prevents humidity from contaminating the circuit, especially
the oil. If the work is expected to take longer, charge the
circuit with nitrogen.
Do not attempt to repair or recondition any safety devices
when corrosion or build-up of foreign material (rust, dirt,
scale, etc.) is found within the valve body or mechanism. If
necessary, replace the device. Do not install safety valves in
series or backwards.
ATTENTION: No part of the unit must be used as a walk-way,
rack or support. The refrigerant lines can break under the
weight and release refrigerant, causing personal injury.
Do not climb on a machine. Use a platform, or staging to
work at higher levels.
Use mechanical lifting equipment (crane, hoist, winch, etc.)
to lift or move heavy components. For lighter components,
use lifting equipment when there is a risk of slipping or
losing your balance.
Use only original replacement parts for any repair or compo-
nent replacement. Consult the list of replacement parts that
corresponds to the specication of the original equipment.
Do not drain water circuits containing industrial brines,
without informing the technical service department at the
installation site or a competent body rst.
Close the entering and leaving water shutoff valves and
purge the unit water circuit, before working on the compo-
nents in
stalled on the circuit (screen lter, pump, water ow
switch, etc.).
Periodically inspect all valves, ttings and pipes of the
refrigerant and hydronic circuits to ensure that they do not
show any corrosion or any signs of leaks.
It is recommended to wear ear defenders, when working near
the unit and the unit is in operation.
Inspect the unit for damage or missing parts. If damage
is detected, or if shipment is incomplete, immediately
le a claim with the shipping company.
Compare the name plate data with the order. The name
plate is attached in two places to the unit:
- on one of the unit sides on the outside,
- on the control box door on the inside.
The unit name plate must include the following
- Version number
- Model number
- CE marking
- Serial number
- Year of manufacture and test date
- Refrigerant used and refrigerant class
- Refrigerant charge per circuit
- Containment uid to be used
- PS: Min./max. allowable pressure (high and low
pressure side)
- TS: Min./max. allowable temperature (high and low
pressure side)
- Pressure switch cut-out pressure
- Unit leak test pressure
- Voltage, frequency, number of phases
- Maximum current drawn
- Maximum power input
- Unit net weight
Conrm that all accessories ordered for on-site installa-
tion have been supplied, are complete and undamaged.
Do not keep the 30RW/30RWA units outside where they
are exposed to the weather, as the sensitive control
mechanism and the electronic modules may be damaged.
The unit must be checked periodically during its whole
operating life to ensure that no shocks (handling accessories,
tools etc.) have damaged it. If necessary, the damaged parts
must be repaired or replaced. See chapter “Maintenance”.
The machine must be installed in a place that is not accessible
to the public or protected against access by non-authorised
2.2.1 - Moving
See chapter 1.1 - “Installation safety considerations”.
2.2.2 - Siting the unit
Always refer to the chapter “Dimensions and clearances”
to conrm that there is adequate space for all connections
and service operations. For the centre of gravity coordinates,
the position of the unit mounting holes, and the weight
distribution points, refer to the certied dimensional drawing
supplied with the unit.
Typical applications of these units are in refrigeration
systems, and they do not require earthquake resistance.
Earthquake resistance has not been veried.
In case of extra-high units the machine environment must
permit easy access for maintenance operations.
CAUTION: Only use slings at the designated lifting points
which are marked on the unit.
Before siting the unit check that:
the permitted loading at the site is adequate or that
appropriate strenghtening measures have been taken.
the unit is installed level on an even surface (maximum
tolerance is 1.5 mm in both axes).
there is adequate space above the unit for air ow and
to ensure access to the components.
the number of support points is adequate and that they
are in the right places.
the location is not subject to ooding.
CAUTION: Before lifting the unit, check that all casing
panels are securely xed in place. Lift and set down the unit
with great care. Tilting and jarring can damage the unit
and impair unit operation.
If 30RW/RWA units are hoisted with rigging, it is neces-
sary to protect the unit frame (side and rear panels and
front doors) against accidental crushing while a unit is being
moved. Use struts or lifting beams to spread the slings above
the unit. Do not tilt a unit more than 15°. Always follow
the instructions on the handling notice attached to the unit.
If a unit includes a hydronic module (options 116B, 116C,
270B, 270C), the hydronic module and pump piping must
be installed in a way that does not submit it to any strain.
The hydronic module pipes must be tted so that the pump
does not support the weight of the pipes.
Never push or lever on any of the enclosure panels (panels,
uprights, front access doors) of the unit. Only the base of
the unit frame is designed to withstand such stresses.
Checks before system start-up
Before the start-up of the refrigeration system, the complete
installation, including the refrigeration system must be
verified against the installation drawings, dimensional
drawings, system piping and instrumentation diagrams and
the wiring diagrams.
For these checks national regulations must be followed. If
the national regulation does not specify any details, refer to
standard EN 378-2 as follows:
External visual installation checks:
Compare the complete installation with the refrigera-
tion system and power circuit diagrams.
Check that all components comply with the design
Check that all protection documents and equipment
provided by the manufacturer (dimensional drawings,
P&ID, declarations etc.) to comply with the regulations
are present.
Verify that the environmental safety and protection and
devices and arrangements provided by the manufacturer
to comply with the regulations are in place.
Verify that all documents for pressure containers, certi-
cates, name plates, les, instruction manuals provided
by the manufacturer to comply with the regulations are
Verify the free passage of access and safety routes.
Check that ventilation in the plant room is adequate.
Check that refrigerant detectors are present.
Verify the instructions and directives to prevent the
deliberate removal of refrigerant gases that are harmful
to the environment.
Verify the installation of connections.
Verify the supports and xing elements (materials, routing
and connection).
Verify the quality of welds and other joints.
Check the protection against mechanical damage.
Check the protection against heat.
Check the protection of moving parts.
Verify the accessibility for maintenance or repair and
to check the piping.
Verify the status of the valves.
Verify the quality of the thermal insulation and of the
vapour barriers.
Water inlet
Water outlet
A Condenser (water inlet/outlet for 30RW units)
B Evaporator
C Refrigerant inlet/outlet (30RW only)
a Clearances required for maintenance
Power supply
NOTE: Non-contractual drawings. Refer to the certied
dimensional drawings.
For the positioning of the xing points, weight distribution
and centre of gravity coordinates, also refer to the certied
For 30RWA units without condenser, installed with a remote
air-cooled condenser, the refrigerant inlet and outlet position
correspond to the condenser water inlets and outlets. See C
in the legend on the left.
2013 (RW) - 2048 (RWA)
Water inlet
Water outlet
A Condenser (water inlet/outlet for 30RW units)
B Evaporator
C Refrigerant inlet/outlet (30RW only)
a Clearances required for maintenance
Power supply
NOTE: Non-contractual drawings. Refer to the certied
dimensional drawings.
For the positioning of the xing points, weight distribution
and centre of gravity coordinates, also refer to the certied
For 30RWA units without condenser, installed with a remote
air-cooled condenser, the refrigerant inlet and outlet position
correspond to the condenser water inlets and outlets. See C
in the legend on the left.
 110 120     210   300
30RW* kW - - - - - - 216 247 284 310
30RWA** kW 102 117 134 143 148 170 198 226 264 291
30RW weight without hydronic module kg - - - - - - 1357 1471 1421 1491
30RWA weight without hydronic module kg 777 840 849 859 953 1000 1318 1318 1361 1371
Evaporator with single pump hydronic kit kg 15 15 15 15 75 75 75 75 60 63
Condenser with single pump hydronic kit kg 80 80 80 80 80 80 95 95 97 101
Evaporator with dual pump hydronic kit kg 130 130 130 130 130 130 188 188 - -
Condenser with dual pump hydronic kit kg 140 140 140 140 140 140 198 198 - -
Casing if hydronic option is used kg - - - - 170 170 170 170 - -
 R-407C
Circuit A kg - - - - - - 19 19 24 24
Circuit B kg - - - - - - 19 19 24 24
 Hermeticscroll48.3r/s
Circuit A 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Circuit B - - - - 2 2 2 2 2 2
Numberofcapacitysteps 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4
Minimum capacity % 42 50 46 50 25 25 21 25 23 25
 Pro-Dialog Plus
 Welded plate heat exchangers
Water volume l - - - - - - 34.9 34.9 46.6 46.6
without hydronic module kPa - - - - - - 1000 1000 1000 1000
with hydronic module kPa - - - - - - 400 400 400 400
Condenser pump Onesingleortwin-headcompositecentrifugalpump,asperoptionused,variablespeedbyfrequency
Power input kW - - - - - - 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7
Expansion tank volume, condenser loop l - - - - - - 35 50 50 50
 Welded direct-expansion plate heat exchanger
Water volume l 12.2 13.7 15.8 17.9 26.5 26.5 34.9 34.9 46.6 46.6
without hydronic module kPa 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
with hydronic module kPa 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Evaporator pump Onesingleortwin-headcompositecentrifugalpump,asperoptionused(48.3r/s)
Power input kW 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Expansion tank volume, evaporator loop l 25 25 25 25 35 35 35 50 50 50
 Victaulic****
Standard customer connection diameter in 3 OD 3 OD 3 OD 3 OD 3 3 3 3 3 3
Welded connection diameter mm 76.1 76.1 76.1 76.1 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9
 Weldedcoppertube
Discharge piping outside diameter in
Circuit A 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8
Circuit B - - - - 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8
Liquid refrigerant return piping OD in
Circuit A 7/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8
Circuit B - - - -
1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8
* StandardEUROVENTconditions:evaporatorentering/leavingwatertemperature=12°C/7°C,condenserentering/leavingwatertemperature=30°C/35°C.
** StandardEUROVENTconditions:evaporatorentering/leavingwatertemperature=12°C/7°C,saturatedbubblepointcondensingtemperature=45°C,subcooling=5K.
*** The RWA units only have a nitrogen holding charge
**** Withtubularsleeve,suppliedwiththeunit,consistingofaVictaulicconnectionatoneendandaplainsectionattheotherend.
 110 120     210   300
Nominal voltage V-ph-Hz 400-3-50
Voltage range V 360-440
 The control circuit is supplied via the unit-mounted transformer
Maximum power input, 30RW and 30RWA* kW 42.4 48.8 54.0 59.1 63.2 72.2 84.9 97.6 107.9 118.2
30RW** A 48.1 54.0 61.0 68.0 71.7 84.2 96.1 108.0 122.0 136.0
30RWA*** A 51.4 58.0 64.7 71.4 76.3 89.6 102.8 116.0 129.4 142.8
30RW and 30RWA**** A 69.2 78.0 87.0 96.0 104 120.9 138.5 156.0 174.0 192.0
 (standard unit without electronic starter, 30RW
and 30RWA†
A 245.2 254.0 309.0 318.0 212.6 245.7 314.5 332.0 396.0 414.0
 (unit with optional electronic starter), 30 RW and
A 159.2 168.0 201.0 210.0 158.6 183.7 228.5 246.0 288.0 306.0
 kA 10 10 10 10 18 18 18 18 18 18
* Power input of the compressor(s) at maximum unit operating conditions: entering/leaving evaporator water temperature = 15°C/10°C, maximum condensing temperature
** Nominalunitcurrentdrawatstandardconditions:evaporatorentering/leavingwatertemperature12°C/7°C,condenserentering/leavingwatertemperature30°C/35°C.
*** Nominalunitcurrentdrawatstandardconditions:evaporatorentering/leavingwatertemperature12°C/7°C,saturatedcondensingtemperature(dewpoint)45°C,subcooling
**** Maximumunitoperatingcurrentatmaximumunitpowerinputand400V.
Maximum instantaneous starting current at 400 V nominal voltage and with compressor in across-the-line start (maximum operating current of the smallest compressor(s)
Maximum instantaneous starting current at 400 V nominal voltage and with compressor with electronic starter (maximum operating current of the smallest compressor(s)
• 30RWand30RWAunitshaveasinglepowerconnectionpoint.
• Thecontrolboxincludesthefollowingstandardfeatures:
- the starter and motor protection devices for each compressor and the pumps
- the control devices
Field connections:
All connections to the system and the electrical installations must be in full
• TheCarrier30RWand30RWAunitsaredesignedandbuilttoensureconformance
with these codes.The recommendations of European standard EN 60204-1
(machine safety - electrical machine components - part 1: general regulations -
• GenerallytherecommendationsofIEC60364areacceptedascompliancewith
• Annex B of EN 60204-1 describes the electrical characteristics used for the
1. Theoperatingenvironmentforthe30RWand30RWAchillersisspeciedbelow:
- ambienttemperaturerange:+5°Cto+40°C,classAA4
- humidity range (non-condensing)*:
- 50% relative humidity at 40°C
- 90% relative humidity at 20°C
- altitude:≤2000m(seenotefortable4.3-Electricaldata,hydronicmodule)
- indoor installation*
- presenceofwater:classAD2*(possibilityofwaterdroplets)
- presenceofhardsolids,classAE2*(nosignicantdustpresent)
- presenceofcorrosiveandpollutingsubstances,classAF1(negligible)
- vibrationandshock,classAG2,AH2
- competenceofpersonnel,classBA4*(trainedpersonnel-IEC60364)
2. Powersupplyfrequencyvariation:±2Hz.
3. Theneutral(N)conductormustnotbeconnecteddirectlytotheunit(ifnecessary
4. Over-currentprotectionofthepowersupplyconductorsisnotprovidedwiththe
5. Thefactory-installeddisconnectswitch(es)/circuitbreaker(s)is(are)ofatype
6. TheunitsaredesignedforsimpliedconnectiononTN(s)networks(IEC60364).
7. Derivedcurrents: If protectionbymonitoringofderivedcurrentsisnecessaryto
ensure the safety of the installation, the control of the cut-out value must take the
presence of leak currents into consideration that result from the use of frequency
converters in the unit. A value of at least 150 mA is recommended to control
         
* TheprotectionlevelofthecontrolboxesrequiredtoconformtothisclassisIP21B
The pumps that are factory-installed in these units comply with the European Ecodesign directive ErP. The additional
electrical data required* is as follows:
Motors of evaporator hydronic module pumps, 30RW/30RWA (option 116B)
  
110 120     210   300
1 Nominaleciencyatfullloadandnominalvoltage % 85,9 85,9 85,9 85,9 88,1 88,1 88,1 88,1 88,1 88,1
1 Nominaleciencyat75%ratedloadandnominalvoltage % 85,9 85,9 85,9 85,9 88 88 88 88 88 88
1 Nominaleciencyat50%ratedloadandnominalvoltage % 84,5 84,5 84,5 84,5 86,1 86,1 86,1 86,1 86,1 86,1
2 Eciencylevel IE3
3 Year of manufacture Thisinformationvariesdependingonthemanufacturerandmodelatthetimeofincorporation.Please
4 Manufacturer's name and trademark, commercial
5 Product'smodelnumber
6 Numberofmotorpoles 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7-1 Rated shaft power output at full load and nominal voltage
(400 V)
kW 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 4 4 4 4 4 4
7-2 Maximum power input (400 V)**** kW 2,56 2,56 2,56 2,56 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54
8 Rated input frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
9-1 Rated voltage V 3x400
9-2 Maximum current drawn (400 V)† A 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4
10 Rated speed
48-2880 48-2880 48-2880
49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915
11 Productdisassembly,recyclingordisposalatendoflife Disassemblyusingstandardtools.Disposalandrecyclingusinganappropriatecompany.
12 Operatingconditionsforwhichthemotorisspecicallydesigned
I -Altitudesabovesealevel m < 1000††
II -Ambientairtemperature °C < 40
IV-Maximumairtemperature °C PleaserefertotheoperatingconditionsgiveninthismanualorinthespecicconditionsintheCarrier
V - Potentially explosive atmospheres Non-ATEX environment
Motors of evaporator hydronic module pumps, 30RW/30RWA (option 116C)
  
110 120     210   300
1 Nominaleciencyatfullloadandnominalvoltage % 88,1 88,1 88,1 88,1 88,1 88,1 89,4 89,4 89,4 89,4
1 Nominaleciencyat75%ratedloadandnominalvoltage % 88 88 88 88 88 88 88,9 88,9 88,9 88,9
1 Nominaleciencyat50%ratedloadandnominalvoltage % 86,1 86,1 86,1 86,1 86,1 86,1 86,7 86,7 86,7 86,7
2 Eciencylevel IE3
3 Year of manufacture Thisinformationvariesdependingonthemanufacturerandmodelatthetimeofincorporation.Please
4 Manufacturer's name and trademark, commercial
5 Product'smodelnumber
6 Numberofmotorpoles 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7-1 Rated shaft power output at full load and nominal voltage
(400 V)
kW 4 4 4 4 4 4 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5
7-2 Maximum power input (400 V)**** kW 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54 6,15 6,15 6,15 6,15
8 Rated input frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
9-1 Rated voltage V 3x400
9-2 Maximum current drawn (400 V)† A 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7
10 Rated speed
49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2930 49 - 2930 49 - 2930 49 - 2930
11 Productdisassembly,recyclingordisposalatendoflife Disassemblyusingstandardtools.Disposalandrecyclingusinganappropriatecompany.
12 Operatingconditionsforwhichthemotorisspecicallydesigned
I -Altitudesabovesealevel m < 1000††
II -Ambientairtemperature °C < 40
IV-Maximumairtemperature °C PleaserefertotheoperatingconditionsgiveninthismanualorinthespecicconditionsintheCarrier
V - Potentially explosive atmospheres Non-ATEX environment
* Requiredbyregulation640/2009withregardtotheapplicationofdirective2009/125/EContheeco-designrequirementsforelectricmotors
** Itemnumberimposedbyregulation640/2009,annexI2b.
*** Descriptiongivenbyregulation640/2009,annexI2b.
**** Toobtainthemaximumpowerinputforaunitwithhydronicmoduleaddthemaximumunitpowerinputfromtheelectricaldatatabletothepumppowerinput.
† Toobtainthemaximumunitoperatingcurrentdrawforaunitwithhydronicmoduleaddthemaximumunitcurrentdrawfromtheelectricaldatatabletothepumpcurrent
†† Above1000m,adegradationof3%foreach500mshouldbetakenintoconsideration.
The pumps that are factory-installed in these units comply
with the European Ecodesign directive ErP. The additional
electrical data required* is as follows:
Motors of condenser hydronic module pumps, 30RW (option 270B, variable-speed pump)
  
110 120     210   300
1 Nominaleciencyatfullloadandnominalvoltage % 88,1 88,1 88,1 88,1 88,1 88,1 89,2 89,2 89,2 89,2
1 Nominaleciencyat75%ratedloadandnominalvoltage % 88 88 88 88 88 88 88,9 88,9 88,9 88,9
1 Nominaleciencyat50%ratedloadandnominalvoltage % 86,1 86,1 86,1 86,1 86,1 86,1 87,9 87,9 87,9 87,9
2 Eciencylevel IE3
3 Year of manufacture Thisinformationvariesdependingonthemanufacturerandmodelatthetimeofincorporation.Please
4 Manufacturer's name and trademark, commercial
5 Product'smodelnumber
6 Numberofmotorpoles 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7-1 Rated shaft power output at full load and nominal voltage
(400 V)
kW 4 4 4 4 4 4 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5
7-2 Maximum power input (400 V)**** kW 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54 6,17 6,17 6,17 6,17
8 Rated input frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
9-1 Rated voltage V 3x400
9-2 Maximum current drawn (400 V)† A 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5
10 Rated speed
49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2917 49 - 2917 49 - 2917 49 - 2917
11 Productdisassembly,recyclingordisposalatendoflife Disassemblyusingstandardtools.Disposalandrecyclingusinganappropriatecompany.
12 Operatingconditionsforwhichthemotorisspecicallydesigned
I -Altitudesabovesealevel m < 1000††
II -Ambientairtemperature °C < 40
IV-Maximumairtemperature °C PleaserefertotheoperatingconditionsgiveninthismanualorinthespecicconditionsintheCarrier
V - Potentially explosive atmospheres Non-ATEX environment
Motors of condenser hydronic module pumps, 30RW (option 270C, variable-speed pump)
  
110 120     210   300
1 Nominaleciencyatfullloadandnominalvoltage % 88,1 88,1 88,1 88,1 88,1 88,1 89,2 89,2 89,2 89,2
1 Nominaleciencyat75%ratedloadandnominalvoltage % 88 88 88 88 88 88 88,9 88,9 88,9 88,9
1 Nominaleciencyat50%ratedloadandnominalvoltage % 86,1 86,1 86,1 86,1 86,1 86,1 87,9 87,9 87,9 87,9
2 Eciencylevel IE3
3 Year of manufacture Thisinformationvariesdependingonthemanufacturerandmodelatthetimeofincorporation.Please
4 Manufacturer's name and trademark, commercial
5 Product'smodelnumber
6 Numberofmotorpoles 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7-1 Rated shaft power output at full load and nominal voltage
(400 V)
kW 4 4 4 4 4 4 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5
7-2 Maximum power input (400 V)**** kW 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54 6,17 6,17 6,17 6,17
8 Rated input frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
9-1 Rated voltage V 3x400
9-2 Maximum current drawn (400 V)† A 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5
10 Rated speed
49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2917 49 - 2917 49 - 2917 49 - 2917
11 Productdisassembly,recyclingordisposalatendoflife Disassemblyusingstandardtools.Disposalandrecyclingusinganappropriatecompany.
12 Operatingconditionsforwhichthemotorisspecicallydesigned
I -Altitudesabovesealevel m < 1000††
II -Ambientairtemperature °C < 40
IV-Maximumairtemperature °C PleaserefertotheoperatingconditionsgiveninthismanualorinthespecicconditionsintheCarrier
V - Potentially explosive atmospheres Non-ATEX environment
* Requiredbyregulation640/2009withregardtotheapplicationofdirective2009/125/EContheeco-designrequirementsforelectricmotors
** Itemnumberimposedbyregulation640/2009,annexI2b.
*** Descriptiongivenbyregulation640/2009,annexI2b.
**** Toobtainthemaximumpowerinputforaunitwithhydronicmoduleaddthemaximumunitpowerinputfromtheelectricaldatatabletothepumppowerinput.
† Toobtainthemaximumunitoperatingcurrentdrawforaunitwithhydronicmoduleaddthemaximumunitcurrentdrawfromtheelectricaldatatabletothepumpcurrent
†† Above1000m,adegradationof3%foreach500mshouldbetakenintoconsideration.
    
110 120     210   300
DQ 12 CA 025 EE 9.9 13.7 86 A
DQ 12 CA 001 EE 12.6 17.6 130 A
DQ 12 CA 002 EE 14.6 20.4 130 A
DQ 12 CA 031 EE 17.9 25.9 135 A A1 + A2
B A1 + A2
DQ 12 CA 032 EE 21.1 30.2 155 A A1 A1 + A2 A1
B A1 + A2 B1
DQ 12 CA 027 EE 27 39 215 A A2 A1 + A2 A1 A2 A1 + A2 A1
B B2 B1 + B2 B1
DQ 12 CA 028 EE 34 48 270 A A2 A1 + A2 A2 A1 + A2
B B2 B1 + B2
INom Nominalcurrentdraw(A)atstandardEuroventconditions(seedenitionofconditionsundernominalunitcurrentdraw)
IMax Maximumoperatingcurrent(A)at400V
LRA Locked rotor current (A)
  
    
At start-up 7.5 30 5 (note 1) 15
At shut-down - 50 - 50
During operation 5 (note 1) 15 50 50
 
speed pump
Atstart-up/duringoperation(min.) -15 -
Duringoperation(max.) 47 (note 3) 52
Without hydronic module
Atstart-up/duringoperation(min.) 20 (note 2) 25
Duringoperation(max.) 47 (note 3) 52
 
Atstart-up/duringoperation(min.) -20
Duringoperation(max.) (note 4)
Without hydronic module
Atstart-up/duringoperation(min.) (note 5)
Duringoperation(max.) (note 4)
 
  
Withvariable-speedfan -10 (note 6)
Withxed-speedfan 0 (note 6)
1 30RW/30RWAunitscanoperatefrom4°Cto0°Cwithoutmodication.
2 30RWunitswithouthydronicmoduleoperatingbelow20°Centeringcondenser
water temperature require the use of a three-way valve controlled from the 0-10
3 ForaowratecorrespondingtoacondenserΔtof5K.
4 Themaximumenteringairtemperatureisbasedonthedrycoolerselection.
5 Theminimumenteringairtemperaturerangeisbetween15and20°C(without
the use of three-way valves)
6 Themaximumenteringairtemperatureisbasedontheremotecondenserselection.
IMPORTANT: Maximum ambient temperatures. For storage
and transport of 30RW units the minimum and maximum
temperatures must not go beyond -20°C and 50°C. It is
recommended that these temperatures are used for transport
by container.
1 Evaporatorandcondenser∆T=5K
2 For 30RW units without hydronic module with an entering condenser water
3 For 30RW units equipped with a hydronic module the minimum entering water
4 Maximum leaving condenser water temperature is 52°C (at full load)
A Standard unit with without antifreeze solution
B Standard unit operation with the anti-freeze solution required and control
C Standard unit operation with the anti-freeze solution required and control
D Operationathighairtemperatureisbasedonthedrycoolerselected.
E Operationatlowairtemperatureispossibledownto-20°Cwithadrycooler.
Condenser leaving water temperature, °C
Evaporator leaving water temperature, °C
Evaporator leaving water temperature, °C
Drycooler entering air temperature, °C
Variable evaporator ow can be used in standard chillers.
The chillers maintain a constant leaving water temperature
under all ow conditions. For this to happen, the minimum
ow rate must be higher than the minimum ow given in the
table of permissible ow rates and must not vary by more
than 10% per minute.
If the ow rate changes more rapidly, the system should
contain a minimum of 6.5 litres of water per kW instead of
the values below.
 
 
 
110 1.8 8.3 11.7 10.3
120 2.2 8.5 12.4 11.4
 2.4 8.8 13.1 12.8
 2.7 9.0 13.7 14.3
 2.7 14.2 14.2 15.9
 3.1 14.5 14.5 17.0
210 3.8 17.4 22.0 24.0
 4.4 17.4 22.0 24.0
 5.0 18.1 23.3 29.1
300 5.5 18.1 23.3 29.1
* Maximumowrateforanavailablepressureof50kPa(unitwithhydronicmodule)
** Maximumowrateforapressuredropof100kPaintheplateheatexchanger
(unit without hydronic module)
110 2.8 6.4 7.4
120 3.3 7.3 8.5
 3.6 8.3 9.5
 4.0 9.1 10.3
 4.2 9.4 10.9
 4.7 10.8 12.5
210 5.7 12.7 14.6
 6.5 14.5 16.8
 7.3 16.6 19.0
300 8.0 18.2 20.5
* Theminimumowrategivenisforunitswithouthydronicmodulethathaveaxed
in parallel with the drycooler fan stages for all operating conditions, especially at
** Themaximumowrategivenisforunitswithouthydronicmodulethathavea
1 Evaporator∆T=5K
2 Unitoperationislimitedbythemaximumcompressorcondensingtemperature
A Standard unit operation with the anti-freeze solution required and special control
B Operationathighairtemperatureisbasedonthecondenserselected.
C Operating range down to 0°C, if the air-cooled condenser is not equipped with a
D Extendedoperatingrangewithvariable-speedfan.
If the system water ow rate is lower than the minimum water
ow rate, recirculation of the evaporator ow may occur. The
temperature of the mixture leaving the evaporator must never
be less than 2.8 K lower than the chilled water entering
The maximum chilled water ow is limited by the maximum
permitted pressure drop in the evaporator. It is provided in
the table below. If the ow exceeds the maximum value, two
solutions are possible:
Modify the ow rate with the control valve.
Bypass the evaporator to obtain a highter temperature
difference with a lower evaporator ow rate.
Condensing temperature, °C
Evaporator leaving water temperature, °C
Evaporator leaving water temperature, °C
Remote condenser entering air temperature, °C
Whichever the system, the water loop minimum capacity is
given by the formula:
Capacity = Cap (kW) x N Liters
Where Cap is the nominal system cooling capacity (kW) at
the nominal operating conditions of the installation.
This volume is necessary for stable operation and accurate
temperature control.
Air conditioning
30RW/30RWA 110-300 2.5
Industrial process applications
Certain industrial processes may require high leaving water
stability. In these cases the values above must be increased.
It may be necessary to add a buffer water tank to the circuit
in order to achieve the required volume. The tank must itself
be internally bafed in order to ensure proper mixing of the
liquid (water or brine). Refer to the examples below.
       
Units with hydronic module incorporate an expansion tank
sized for the maximum water loop volume.
The table below gives the maximum water loop volume (in
litres) for pure water or ethylene glycol with various con-
   
Pure water 2080 2900 4162
10% ethylene glycol 1525 2135 3053
20% ethylene glycol 1120 1570 2236
35% ethylene glycol 910 1260 1800
The condenser water loop volume has no impact on the
chiller operation. For heat pump operation (unit control
based on the hot-water temperature) the minimum condenser
water loop volume must be calculated in accordance with
the method used for the evaporator loop, replacing the
cooling capacity with the heating capacity.
Pressure drop, kPa
1 30RW 110
2 30RW 120
3 30RW 135
4 30RW 150
5 30RW 160-185
6 30RW 210-245
7 30RW 275-300
1 10 100
1 Main disconnect switch
PE Earth connection
S Powersupplycablesection(seetable“Recommendedwiresections”).
The 30RW/30RWA 110-300 units have only one power
connection point located at the main disconnect switch.
Before connecting electric power cables, it is imperative to
check the correct order of the 3 phases (L1 - L2 - L3).
Non-certied drawings.
Refer to the certied dimensional drawings.
PE (M12)
PE (M8)
39 39
The power supply must conform to the specication on the
chiller nameplate. The supply voltage must be within the
range specied in the electrical data table. For connections
refer to the wiring diagrams.
WARNING: Operation of the chiller with an improper
supply voltage or excessive phase imbalance constitutes
abuse which will invalidate the Carrier warranty. If the
phase imbalance exceeds 2% for voltage, or 10% for current,
contact your local electricity supply at once and ensure that
the chiller is not switched on until corrective measures have
been taken.
100 x max. deviation from average voltage
Average voltage
On a 400 V - 3 ph - 50 Hz supply, the individual phase voltages
were measured to be:
AB = 406 V ; BC = 399; AC = 394 V
Average voltage = (406 + 399 + 394)/3 = 1199/3
= 399.7 say 400 V
Calculate the maximum deviation from the 400 V average:
(AB) = 406 - 400 = 6
(BC) = 400 - 399 = 1
(CA) = 400 - 394 = 6
The maximum deviation from the average is 6 V. The greatest
percentage deviation is: 100 x 6/400 = 1.5 %
This is less than the permissible 2% and is therefore
Wire sizing is the responsibility of the installer, and depends
on the characteristics and regulations applicable to each
installation site. The following is only to be used as a guide-line,
and does not make Carrier in any way liable. After wire sizing
has been completed, using the certied dimensional drawing,
the installer must ensure easy connection and dene any
modications necessary on site.
The connections provided as standard for the eld-supplied
power entry cables to the general disconnect/isolator switch
are designed for the number and type of wires, listed in the
table below.
The calculations are based on the maximum machine current
(see electrical data tables). For the design the following
standardised installation methods are used, in accordance
with IEC 60364, table 52C:
For units installed inside the building:
No.13: perforated horizontal cable conduit, and No. 41:
closed conduit.
The calculation is based on PVC or XLPE insulated cables
with copper or aluminium core. A maximum ambient
temperature of 40°C has been taken into account. The given
wire length limits the voltage drop to < 5%.
IMPORTANT: Before connection of the main power cables
(L1 - L2 - L3) on the terminal block, it is imperative to
check the correct order of the 3 phases before proceeding to
the connection on then terminal block or the main disconnect/
isolator switch.
6.4.1 - Selection table of minimum and maximum wire sections for connection to 30RW/RWA units
400 V-3 ph-50 Hz
 
  
 
110 1x 25 XLPE Cu 135 1x70 PVC Al 230
120 1x 25 XLPE Cu 130 1x70 PVC Al 230
 1x 35 XLPE Cu 145 1x95 PVC Al 250
 1x 35 XLPE Cu 145 1x95 PVC Al 250
 1x 35 XLPE Cu 142 1x120 PVC Al 260
 1x 50 XLPE Cu 162 1x120 XLPE Al 205
210 1x 70 XLPE Cu 175 1x120 XLPE Al 205
 1x 70 XLPE Cu 170 1x150 XLPE Al 210
 1x 70 XLPE Cu 168 1x150 XLPE Al 210
300 1x 95 XLPE Cu 180 1x185 XLPE Al 220
6.4.2 - Field control wiring
Refer to the 30RW/RWA Pro-Dialog Plus Controls IOM and
the certied wiring diagram supplied with the unit for the
eld control wirting of the following features:
Evaporator pump interlock (mandatory). Unit without
hydronic module
Remote on/off switch
Remote heat/cool switch
Demand limit external switch 1
Remote dual set point
Alarm report by circuit
Evaporator pump control. Unit without hydronic module.
Condenser pump control. Unit without hydronic module.
Do not introduce any signicant static or dynamic pressure
into the heat exchange circuit (with regard to the design
operating pressures).
Before any start-up verify that the heat exchange uid is
compatible with the materials and the water circuit coating.
In case additives or other uids than those recommended by
Carrier are used, ensure that the uids are not considered as a
gas, and that they belong to class 2, as dened in directive
Carrier recommendations on heat exchange uids:
ammonium ions in the water, they are very
detrimental for copper. This is one of the most important
factors for the operating life of copper piping. A con-tent
of several tenths of mg/l will badly corrode the copper
over time (the plate heat exchangers used for these units
have brazed copper joints).
• Cl
Chloride ions are detrimental for copper with a risk
of perforations by corrosion by puncture. If possible
keep below 10 mg/l.
• SO
sulphate ions can cause perforating corrosion, if
their content is above 30 mg/l.
No uoride ions (<0.1 mg/l).
No Fe
and Fe
ions with non negligible levels of dis-
solved oxygen must be present. Dissolved iron < 5 mg/l
with dissolved oxygen < 5 mg/l.
Dissolved silicon: silicon is an acid element of water and
can also lead to corrosion risks. Content < 1mg/l.
Water hardness: > 0.5 mmol/l. Values between 1 and 2.5
can be recommended. This will facilitate scale deposit
that can limit corrosion of copper. Values that are too
high can cause piping blockage over time. A total
alkalimetric titre (TAC) below 100 is desirable.
Dissolved oxygen: Any sudden change in water oxygena-
tion conditions must be avoided. It is as detrimental to
deoxygenate the water by mixing it with inert gas as it
is to over-oxygenate it by mixing it with pure oxygen.
The disturbance of the oxygenation conditions encourages
destabilisation of copper hydroxides and enlargement
of particles.
Specic resistance – electric conductivity: the higher the
specic resistance, the slower the corrosion tendency.
Values above 30 Ohm·m are desirable. A neutral
environment favours maximum specic resistance values.
For electric conductivity values in the order of 20-60
mS/m can be recommended.
pH: Ideal case pH neutral at 20-25°C
7 < pH < 8
If the water circuit must be emptied for longer than one
month, the complete circuit must be placed under nitrogen
charge to avoid any risk of corrosion by differential aeration.
ATTENTION: Filling, completing and draining the water
circuit charge must be done by qualied personnel, using the
air purges and materials that are suitable for the products.
Charging and removing heat exchange uids should be done
with devices that must be included on the water circuit by
the installer. Never use the unit heat exchangers to add heat
exchange uid.
For size and position of the heat exchanger water inlet and
outlet connections refer to the certied dimensional drawings
supplied with the unit. The water pipes must not transmit
any radial or axial force to the heat exchangers nor any
The water supply must be analysed and appropriate ltering,
treatment, control devices, isolation and bleed valves and
circuits built in, to prevent corrosion, fouling and deteriora-tion
of the pump fittings. Consult either a water treatment
specialist or appropriate literature on the subject.
The water circuit should be designed to have the least number
of elbows and horizontal pipe runs at different levels. Below
the main points to be checked for the connection:
Comply with the water inlet and outlet connections
shown on the unit.
Install manual or automatic air purge valves at all high
points in the circuit(s).
Use a pressure reducer to maintain pressure in the
circuit(s) and install a safety valve as well as an expan-sion
tank. Units with hydronic module include the safety
valve and expansion tank.
Install thermometers in both the entering and leaving
water connections.
Install drain connections at all low points to allow the
whole circuit to be drained.
Install stop valves, close to the entering and leaving water
Use exible connections to reduce the transmission of
Insulate all pipework, after testing for leaks, both to
reduce thermal leaks and to prevent condensation.
Cover the insulation with a vapour barrier. If the external
water piping to the unit is in an area where the ambient
temperature can fall below 0°C, it should be insulated
and an electric heater should be installed on the piping.
NOTE: For units without hydronic module a screen lter
must be installed as close as possible to the heat exchanger
and in a position that is easily accessible for removal and
cleaning. Units with a hydronic module are equipped with
this lter.
The mesh size of the lter must be 1.2 mm. If this lter is
not installed, the plate heat exchanger can quickly become
contaminated at the rst start-up, as it takes on the lter
function, and correct unit operation is affected (reduced
water ow due to increased pressure drop).
Before the system start-up verify that the water circuits are
connected to the appropriate heat exchangers (e.g. no reversal
between evaporator and condenser).
The diagrams on the following page illustrate a typical
hydronic installation. When the hydronic circuit is lled, use
the air vents to evacuate any residual air pockets.
The 30RW and 30RWA units are designed to be installed
under cover at outside temperatures between +5°C and
+40°C. Therefore they do not include anti-freeze protection,
as standard.
If the water piping is in an area where the ambient tempera-
ture can fall below 0°C it is recommended to install a trace
heater on the piping and to add an antifreeze solution to
protect the unit and the water piping to a temperature of 10
K below the lowest temperature likely to be reached at the
installation site.
Use only antifreeze solutions, approved for heat exchanger
duty. If the system is not protected by an antifreeze solution
and will not be used during the freezing weather conditions,
draining of the cooler and outdoor piping is mandatory.
Damage due to freezing is not covered by the warranty.
IMPORTANT: Depending on the climatic conditions in
your area you must:
Add ethylene glycol with an adequate concentration to
protect the installation up to a temperature of 10 K
below the lowest temperature likely to occur at the
installation site.
If the unit is not used for an extended period, it is
recommended to drain it, and as a safety precaution
add ethylene glycol to the heat exchanger, using the
heat exchanger water entering purge valve connection.
At the start of the next season, rell the unit with water
and add an inhibitor.
For the installation of auxiliary equipment, the installer
must comply with basic regulations, especially for
minimum and maximum ow rates, which must be
between the values listed in the operating limit table
(application data).
To avoid corrosion by differential aeration, the complete
heat exchange circuit must be charged with nitrogen, if
it is drained for longer than one month. If the heat
exchange fluid does not comply with Carrier
recommendations, the circuit must immediately be lled
with nitrogen.
IMPORTANT: On 30RW and 30RWA units, the unit water
ow switch must be energised, and the chilled water pump
interlock must be connected. Failure to follow this instruction
will void the Carrier guarantee.
The ow switch is supplied, installed on the evaporator
entering water pipe and preset at the factory to cut out when
there is insufcient water ow.
Terminals 34 and 35 are provided for eld installation of the
chilled water pump interlock (auxiliary contact for pump
operation to be wired on site).
11 Air vent
12 Thermometer sleeve
13 Flexibleconnection
14 Shut-ovalve
15 Pressure gauge
16 Charge valve
17 Plate heat exchanger outlet
18 Plate heat exchanger inlet
19 Water inlet
20 Water outlet
----- Hydronic module (units with hydronic module)
1 Victaulicscreenlter
2 Expansion tank
3 Safety valve
4 Variable-speedwaterpump
5 Drain valve
6 Pressuregaugetomeasuretheplateheatexchangerpressuredrop(tobeisolated
7 Plate heat exchanger
1 Victaulicscreenlter
2 Expansion tank
3 Safety valve
4 Water pump
5 Purge valve and pressure tap
6 Pressuregaugetomeasuretheplateheatexchangerpressuredrop(tobeisolated
7 Drain valve
8 Flow switch
9 Waterowcontrolvalve
10 Plate heat exchanger
8 Air vent
9 Thermometer sleeve
10 Flexibleconnection
11 Shut-ovalve
12 Pressure gauge
13 Charge valve
14 Plate heat exchanger outlet
15 Plate heat exchanger inlet
16 Water inlet
17 Water outlet
----- Hydronic module (units with hydronic module)
(Split units for connection to air-cooled condensers)
       
The 30RWA units (split units for connection to air-cooled
condensers) have been specially designed to optimise the
operation of split system installations, using air-cooled
condensers as the chiller heat rejection system.
The installation of an operational system is limited to the
connection of the air-cooled condenser inlet and outlet to
the 30RWA unit. The components such as the non-return
valve (in the discharge line), lter drier, moisture sight glass
and solenoid valves are installed and wired in the factory.
The Pro-Dialog Plus control system of the 30RWA units
incorporates the logic to permit control of the different fan
versions (single-circuit, dual-circuit, xed and variable-speed
fan, separate ventilation or interlaced ventilation, i.e. common
ventilation for both refrigerant circuits).
To guarantee optimum and reliable performance of the
30RWA units (split units for connection to air-cooled
condensers) it is necessary to comply with the regulations
described below, when these units are connected to remote
1. Size the discharge and liquid line piping according to
the recommendations in the following paragraphs (if
necessary, install a double riser to ensure correct oil
circulation in the refrigerant circuit).
2. Select a condenser with an integrated subcooler to obtain
a minimum of 3 K subcooling at the inlet to the expansion
3. Connect the fan stages electrically to the accessory
control board, using the auxiliary board AUX 1”,
analogue inputs and outputs and discrete remote air-
cooled condenser control outputs.
Refer to the paragraph on the description of the ana-logue
and discrete inputs and outputs for the assign-ment of
the fan stages.
4. Make the communication bus connection to the master
basic board of the 30RW unit.
5. In the Pro-Dialog Plus control congure the number of
fan stages and ventilation type in accordance with the
air-cooled condenser model used in the installation.
A fan speed controller may be required for the rst fan
stage for operation at low ambient temperature and part
ATTENTION: The air-cooled condenser must always be
used with a subcooler, normally with 8 K subcooling.
Refrigerant pipe sizing must be carried out, taking account
of the following constraints:
Oil return to the compressor must be ensured for the majo-rity
of applications. Oil return is ensured by entrainment. A
minimum refrigerant velocity is required to ensure entrain-
ment. This velocity depends on the pipe diameter, the refri-
gerant and oil temperature (these are treated as being the
same in most cases). A reduction of the pipe diameter permits
an increase of the refrigerant velocity. The problem of a
minimum entrainment velocity does not exist for the pipes
that carry liquid refrigerant as the oil is fully miscible here.
The pressure drop at the compressor discharge (pipes linking
the compressor outlet with the condenser inlet) must be
limited to avoid system performance losses (the compressor
power input inceases, and the cooling capacity decreases). As a
rst estimate and for standard air conditioning applica-tions,
a 1 K pressure drop on the discharge side decreases the cooling
capacity 2% and increases the compressor power input by
Increasing the pipe diameter permits limiting the pressure
The pressure drop in the liquid line (linking the condenser
outlet to the expansion device) must not result in a change
in phase.
The estimate of these pressure drops must include those
generated by the lter drier, moisture sight glass and the
solenoid valve, integrated into the 30RWA.
In the annex to this document two pipe sizing diagrams are
shown. They allow an estimate of the cooling capacity,
corresponding to 1.5 K pressure drop for different pipe
diameters, based on the pipe length.
The following procedure can be used for pipe sizing:
1. Measure the length (in metres) of the piping under
2. Add 40 to 50% to take account of special characte-ristics.
3. Multiply this length by the appropriate correction factor
from Table 1 (this correction factor depends on the
saturated suction and discharge temperatures).
4. Read the pipe size from diagrams “Discharge piping”
and “Liquid line piping”.
5. Calculate the equivalent lengths for parts included in
the piping under consideration (such as valves, lters,
The equivalent lengths are normally available from the
component supplier. Add these lengths to the length
calculated in step 3.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 is necessary.
The diagrams in the appendix can obviously be used to
calculate the actual pressure drops for the piping under
7. Based on the pipe diameter and the cooling capacity
nd the equivalent length, producing 1.5 K pressure drop
in he graphs “Discharge piping” and “Liquid line piping”.
8. Calculate the equivalent pipe length as described in steps
1, 2, 3 and 5.
9. Calculate the length ratio from steps 8 and 7 (equiva-lent
length from step 8 DIVIDED by the equivalent length
from step 7).
10. Multiply this ratio by 1.5 to nd the equivalent pressure
drops in K.
The discharge piping must be sized to achieve reasonable
pressure drops: a variation of 1.5 K of the saturated tempe-
rature is normally accepted (approx. 60 kPa variation for a
condensing temperature of 50°C).
For most applications the refrigerant gas velocity is suf-cient
to entrain the liquid refrigerant/oil mixture. Neverthe-less,
Table 2 shows the minimum required cooling capacities for
different pipe diameters and different saturated dis-charge
This table is based on 8 K superheat, a saturated suction
temperature of 4°C and 8 K subcooling. Table 3 shows the
correction factors to be applied to the values from Table 2, if
the operating conditions are different from those previously
The 30RWA compressors are supplied with an oil that is fully
miscible with refrigerant R-407C in the liquid phase.
Consequently low refrigerant velocities in the liquid lines
are not a problem.
The admissible pressure drops in the liquid lines depend
mainly on the subcooling level of the liquid refrigerant at the
condenser outlet. Pressure drops corresponding to 1.5°C
saturated temperature must not be exceeded.
Special attention must be paid to the liquid line sizing when
the expansion device ist positioned higher than the conden-
ser. It may now be necessary to increase the pipe diameter
to compensate for the additional pressure of the liquid
refrigerant column. If the liquid refrigerant head ist very high,
it may even be necessary to increase the subcooling to prevent
an phase change in the liquid line. This can be done e.g. by a
liquid-vapour heat exchanger or an additional coil.
At 45°C the volume mass of refrigerant R-407C in the liquid
phase is approximately 1050 kg/m
. A pressure of 1 bar
corresponds to a liquid head of: 100 000/(1050 x 9.81) = 9.7 m.
-18 -12 -7 -1 4 10
S  S  S  S  S  S 
27 2.01 1.36 1.09 1.61 1.34 1.07 1.31 1.30 1.06 1.07 1.26 1.04 0.89 1.23 1.03 0.74 1.19 1.01
32 2.11 1.27 1.08 1.69 1.23 1.06 1.37 1.19 1.04 1.12 1.16 1.03 0.93 1.12 1.01 0.77 1.09 1.00
38 2.22 1.17 1.08 1.78 1.13 1.06 1.44 1.10 1.04 1.18 1.06 1.02 0.97 1.03 1.01 0.81 1.00 0.99
43 2.34 1.09 1.08 1.88 1.06 1.06 1.52 1.02 1.04 1.24 0.99 1.02 1.03 0.96 1.00 0.85 0.93 0.99
 2.49 1.03 1.09 1.99 0.99 1.07 1.61 0.96 1.05 1.32 0.93 1.03 1.09 0.90 1.01 0.90 0.87 0.99
 2.66 0.97 1.12 2.13 0.94 1.10 1.72 0.90 1.07 1.40 0.87 1.05 1.16 0.85 1.03 0.96 0.82 1.01
 2.87 0.93 1.16 2.29 0.90 1.13 1.85 0.86 1.11 1.50 0.83 1.08 1.24 0.81 1.06 1.03 0.78 1.04
 3.13 0.91 1.21 2.49 0.87 1.18 2.01 0.84 1.15 1.63 0.81 1.12 1.34 0.78 1.10 1.11 0.75 1.08
71 3.46 0.89 1.29 2.74 0.85 1.26 2.21 0.82 1.22 1.79 0.78 1.19 1.47 0.76 1.16 1.21 0.73 1.13
S Suction
HG Hot gas
L Liquid
           
27 0.81 1.48 2.39 3.66 7.14 12.06 18.64 37.21 63.94 99.81 145.60 201.98
32 0.84 1.51 2.46 3.76 7.28 12.34 19.06 38.09 65.42 102.13 148.94 206.66
38 0.84 1.51 2.50 3.80 7.42 12.56 19.41 38.76 66.61 103.96 151.62 210.35
43 0.88 1.55 2.53 3.87 7.53 12.73 19.66 39.25 67.42 105.23 153.48 212.92
 0.88 1.55 2.53 3.87 7.56 12.80 19.77 39.50 67.84 105.90 154.43 214.26
 0.88 1.55 2.53 3.87 7.56 12.80 19.77 39.46 67.81 105.86 154.40 214.19
 0.84 1.55 2.53 3.87 7.49 12.70 19.62 39.18 67.32 105.05 153.24 212.60
 0.84 1.51 2.46 3.80 7.39 12.45 19.27 38.44 66.08 103.12 150.42 208.66
71 0.81 1.48 2.43 3.69 7.17 12.17 18.78 37.49 64.43 100.55 146.69 203.49
-23 -18 -12 -7 -1 4 10
0.86 0.89 0.92 0.94 0.97 1 1.03
 
Cooling capacity (kW)
Equivalent length (m)
Cooling capacity (kW)
Equivalent length (m)
1 1/2”
2 3/8”
3 3/4”
4 7/8”
7 1-5/8”
8 2-1/8”
1 3/8”
2 1/2”
3 5/8”
4 3/4”
7 1-3/8”
10 100 10003 4 5 20 30 40 50 200 300 400 500
6 7
10 100 1000
3 4 5 20 30 40 50
200 300 400
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The water circulation pumps of the 30RW/RWA units have
been sized to allow the hydronic modules to cover all pos-
sible congurations based on the specic installation con-
ditions, i.e. for various temperature differences between the
entering and the leaving water (∆T) at full load, which can
vary between 3 and 10 K.
This required difference between the entering and leaving
water temperature determines the nominal system ow rate.
It is above all absolutely necessary to know the nominal
system ow rate to allow its control via a manual valve
provided in the water leaving piping of the module (item 9
in the typical hydronic circuit diagram).
With the pressure loss generated by the control valve in the
hydronic system, the valve is able to impose the system
pressure/ow curve on the pump pressure/ow curve, to
obtain the desired operating point (see example).
The pressure drop reading in the plate heat exchanger is used
to control and adjust the nominal system ow rate. The
pressure drop is measured with the pressure gauge connected
to the heat exchanger water inlet and outlet.
Use this specication for the unit selection to know the system
operating conditions and to deduce the nominal air ow as
well as the plate heat exchanger pressure drop at the specied
conditions. If this information is not available at the system
start-up, contact the technical service department responsible
for the installation to get it.
These characteristics can be obtained from the technical
literature using the unit performance tables for a ∆T of 5 K
at the evaporator or with the Electronic Catalogue selection
program for all ∆T conditions other than 5 K in the range of
3 to 10 K.
As the total system pressure drop is not known exactly at the
start-up, the water ow rate must be adjusted with the control
valve provided to obtain the specific flow rate for this
Proceed as follows:
Open the valve fully (approximately 9 turns counter-
Start-up the pump using the forced start command (refer to
the controls manual) and let the pump run for two con-secutive
hours to clean the hydronic circuit of the system (presence
of solid contaminants).
Read the plate heat exchanger pressure drop by taking the
difference of the readings of the pressure gauge connected
to the plate heat exchanger inlet and outlet, using valves (see
diagrams below), and comparing this value after two hours
of operation.
O Open
F Closed
Water inlet
Water outlet
Pressure gauge
If the pressure drop has increased, this indicates that the
screen lter must be removed and cleaned, as the hydronic
circuit contains solid particles. In this case close the shutoff
valves at the water inlet and outlet and remove the screen
lter after emptying the hydronic section of the unit.
Renew, if necessary, to ensure that the lter is not conta-
When the circuit is cleaned, read the pressures at the pressure
gauge (entering water pressure - leaving water pressure),
expressed in bar and convert this value to kPa (multiply by
100) to nd out the plate heat exchanger pressure drop.
Compare the value obtained with the theoretical selection
value. If the pressure drop measured is higher than the value
specied this means that the ow rate in the plate heat
exchanger (and thus in the system) is too high. The pump
supplies an excessive ow rate based on the global pres-sure
drop of the application. In this case close the control valve
one turn and read the new pressure difference.
Proceed by successively closing the control valve until you
obtain the specic pressure drop that corresponds to the
nominal ow rate at the required unit operating point.
If the system has an excessive pressure drop in relation
to the available static pressure provided by the pump,
the resulting water ow rate will de reduced and the
difference between entering and leaving water tempe-
rature of the hydronic module will be increased.
To reduce the hydronic system pressure drops, it is necessary:
to reduce the individual pressure drops as much as
possible (bends, level changes, accessories, etc.)
to use a correctly sized piping diameter.
to avoid hydronic system extensions, wherever possible.
1 Unit pump curve
2 Plateheatexchangerpressuredrop(tobemeasuredwiththepressuregauge
installed at the water inlet and outlet)
3 Installationpressuredropwithcontrolvalvewideopen
4 Installationpressuredropaftervalvecontroltoobtainthespeciedowrate
Pressure drop, kPa
Single pumps
1 RWA 110-150
2 30RW/RWA 160-300
Dual pumps
1 RWA 110-185
2 30RW-RWA 210-300
0 5 10 15 20 25
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Single pump
1 RWA 110
2 RWA 120
3 RWA 135
4 RWA 150
5 RWA 160-185
6 30RW/RWA 210-245
7 30RW/RWA 275-300
Dual pumps
1 RWA 110
2 RWA 120
3 RWA 135
4 RWA 150
5 RWA 160-185
6 30RW/RWA 210-245
7 30RW/RWA 275-300
0 5 10
0 5 10 20 25
1 RWA 110-185
2 30RW-RWA 210-300
Dual pumps
1 RWA 110-185
2 30RW-RWA 210-300
The 30RW units with hydronic module are equipped with a
variable-speed water pump, automatically adjusting the ow
rate to maintain the lowest condensing pressure possible. No
control is necessary at the start-up.
Single pumps
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 5
15 20 25 30
Single pump
1 30RW 210-245
2 30RW 275-300
Dual pumps
1 30RW 210-245
2 30RW 275-300
0 5 10 15 20 25
0 5 10 15 20 25
The 30RW units have been specially designed to optimise
the operation of systems, using drycoolers as heat rejection
With a variable-speed condenser water pump integrated into
the 30RW, the complexity of traditional systems, using a
three-way valve has been eliminated.
The installation of an operational system is limited on the
condensing water loop side to connecting the drycooler
entering and leaving water piping to the 30RW unit.
The Pro-Dialog Plus control of the 30RW includes algorithms
to permit constant automatic optimisation:
drycooler fan stage operation
water ow rate variation in the loop between the
condenser and the drycooler.
Parallel control of the fan stages (up to 8 stages maximum)
and of the variable water ow rate of the loop permit year-
round system operation down to -20°C outside temperature
without any additional control.
       
-- G +
3 2 1
3 2 1
-- G +
Connector J2: Discrete outputs CH 1 to 4 for fan stages
1 to 4.
Connector J3: Discrete outputs CH 5 to 8 for fan stages
5 to 8.
Connectors J4 and J5: Analogue outputs 0-10 V dc not
used on the drycoolers (only used for fan speed variation
of the air-cooled condensers).
Connector J6: Analogue inputs CH 11 and 12 for ambient
temperature and drycooler leaving water temperature.
Connector J9: Communication bus with NRCP master
board of the 30RW unit.
The electronic board specically integrated in the control
box of the drycooler and a communication bus connected to
the microprocessor board of the 30RW are used for the
overall system control.
Pro-Dialog Plus optimises system operation to obtain the
best efciency with variation of the water ow rate and the
number of fans required for any thermal load and outside
temperature conditions.
The electronic board (AUX1) integrated in the control box
of the drycooler has analogue inputs for outside air tempe-
rature and drycooler leaving water temperature sensors, as
well as eight discrete outputs permitting control of up to eight
fan stages.
Please refer to the instructions in the Pro-Dialog Plus IOM
for the conguration of the number of fan stages to be
controlled. It is enough to enter the number of fan stages of
the drycooler in the Pro-Dialog Plus service menu. The
number of discrete outputs controlling the fans are activated
by the control.
Pro-Dialog Plus controls the automatic changeover of all fan
stages, based on the operating time and the number of start-
ups of the different stages. This function is used to prevent
that fan motors only operate a little or not at all and that
their shafts seize up, especially during periods when the
demand for cooling is low and when the outside temperature
is low. This changeover is often specied by the drycooler
manufacturers to ensure the long operating life of the fan
motors that are only little or not at all used in these particular
operating conditions.
The minimum conguration of the number of fan stages is 2
for correct operation.
Depending on the drycooler capacity the number of fans can
be between 2 and 8. They can be controlled by one fan or
by linked pairs, if necessary.
A drycooler with 4 or 6 fans installed in series for example
along the length of the unit will result in a conguration of
4 or 6 fan stages.
Reciprocally a drycooler with 8 or 12 fans arranged in pairs
along the length of the unit will also result in a conguration
of 4 or 6 fan stages.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
A Entering and leaving water manifold side
1 to 6 fans
 
30RW units can be supplied from the factory without evapo-
rator and condenser pump. If year-round low-temperature
operation is planned, the chiller will be installed with a three-
way valve that is not supplied with the chiller.
In this case Pro-Dialog Plus should be congured for three-
way valve system control from an analogue 0-10 volt output
on the NRCP type master board. An adequate condensing
temperature will be maintained with constant condenser ow
rate. This conguration permits year-round system operation
down to -20°C outside temperature.
Control and changeover of the fan stages are described in
the paragraph “Conguration of the number of fan stages
and automatic changeover of the fan stages” is identical in
this case.
For the drycooler installation follow professional guidelines.
Water pipe sizing
Maximum piping and shut-off valve pressure drops based
on the available pressure of the 30RW pumps
Maximum drycooler elevation in relation to the chiller
(safety valve at 4 bar on the 30RW water circuit).
Fan stage control (see “Fan stage control”).
Good positioning of the outside air temperature and
drycooler leaving water temperature sensors.
       
30RWA units are specially designed to optimise the opera-tion
of split installations using air-cooled condensers as the chiller
heat rejection system. The installation of an operational system
is limited to the connection of the air-cooled condenser
entering and leaving piping to the 30RWA unit.
The Pro-Dialog Plus control system of the 30RWA units
incorporates the logic to permit control of the different fan
versions (single-circuit, dual-circuit, xed and variable-speed
fan, separate ventilation or interlaced ventilation at the circuit
The physical position of the air-cooled single- or dual-circuit
air-cooled condenser with fixed or variable-speed fans
depends on the position of the leaving liquid refrigerant
manifold. In all cases there is always a so-called master fan.
This is the xed or variable-speed fan that is physically the
closest to the leaving liquid refrigerant manifold.
This ensures optimum subcooling on the leaving condenser
side, especially at part load. This is the rst fan to start in each
circuit and the last fan to stop. A fan conguration with xed-
speed fans permits year-round system operation down to 0°C
outside temperature.
A fan conguration with a variable-speed master fan permits
year-round operation down to -10°C outside temperature.
For dual-circuit air-cooled condensers the most frequent and
recommended conguration is with an air-cooled conden-ser
with completely independant circuits at fan level. This
conguration is called “separate ventilation by circuit.
It is also possible to control ventilation of a dual-circuit air-
cooled condenser where the fans are not independant by
circuit. This is called “interlaced ventilation.
The Pro-Dialog Plus service conguration of the fans per-mits
setting up these two dual-circuit air-cooled condenser types.
       
This is the same board as the one used in the drycoolers (see
paragraph Auxiliary electronic analogue input and output
and discrete output board for control of the drycooler”).
Refer to the assignment od the discrete output of the board
based on the air-cooled condenser type installed (single-
circuit, dual-circuit with separate ventilation, dual-circuit with
interlaced ventilation).
See paragraph “Possible fan arrangements based on the air-
cooled condenser type used in the installation.
0-10 V dc analogue outputs connectors J4 and J5: Used
for master fan speed variation of circuits A and B of the
air-cooled condensers for operation at low outside
Connector J6: Analogue inputs CH 11 for outside
temperature sensors
Connector J9: Communication with the master basic
board of the 30RW unit.
Please refer to the instructions in the Pro-Dialog Plus IOM
for the 30RW/30RWA units to carry out the parameter setting
of the air-cooled condenser used in the installation:
Single-circuit or dual-circuit condenser
Use of speed variation on the master fan(s)
Dual-circuit condenser with separate or interlaced
Number of xed-speed fans
Based on the parameter setting used, the arrangement of the
discrete and corresponding analogue outputs controlling the
fans will be activated by the control.
The minimum conguration of the number of fan stages is 2
for correct operation (2 xed-speed or 1 variable-speed + 1
xed-speed fan).
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3
2 3
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3
2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
2 3
5 6
8 9
2 3
5 6
2 3
5 6
2 3
5 6
2 3
Circuit Possible fan arrangements
and B
CH1 to CH4 for circuit A and CH5 to CH8 for circuit B from fan
b of
CH1 to CH4 for circuit A and CH5 to CH8 for circuit B from fan
Circuit Possible fan arrangements
 Istheheadfanthatcanbexedorvariablespeed
a hasvariablespeed,theoutputsassignedtoboardAUX1are
CH1 to CH8 from fan
a has xedspeed,theoutputsassignedtoboardAUX1are
CH1 to CH8 from fan
Minimum conguration 30RWA 110-150
Minimum conguration 30RWA 160-300
A + B
A + B
A + B
A + B
A + B
A + B
A + B
A + B
1 2 3
1 2 3
2 3
5 6
8 9
2 3
5 6
2 3
5 6
2 3
5 6
2 3
1 2
1 2 3
for circuits A and B from fan
circuits A and B from fan
A + B
A + B
A + B
A + B
1 3
1 3 4
1 3 4
3 4
2 3
2 3 4
2 3 4
3 4
A + B
3 4
3 4
A + B
3 4
3 4
Circuit Possible fan arrangements
Head fan
Fans 1 to 9
CH1 to CH8 from fan
to CH8 from fan
Circuit Possible fan arrangements
Minimum conguration 30RWA 160-300
Minimum conguration 30RWA 160-300
Never be tempted to start the chiller without reading
fully, and understanding, the operating instructions and
without having carried out the following pre-start checks:
Check the chilled water circulation pump operation with
the Quick Test function.
Check the air handling units and all other equipment
connected to the evaporator. Refer to the manufacturer’s
Check the condensing loop water circulation pump
operation with the Quick Test function.
For units without hydronic module, the water pump
overheat protection devices must be connected in series
with the pump contactor power supply.
Ensure that there are no refrigerant leaks.
Conrm that all pipe securing bands are tight.
Conrm the the electrical connections are secure.
Commissioning and start-up of the chiller must be
supervised by a qualied refrigeration engineer.
Start-up and operating tests must be carried out with
a thermal load applied and water circulating in the
All set-point adjustments and control tests must be
carried out before the unit is started up.
The unit should be started up in Local ON mode.
For 30RWA units operating with a remote air-cooled
condenser the compressor oil level must be monitored during
the system start-up phase. This is to ensure that the oil charge
of the original compressors is sufcient for the system size
and the piping conguration. Once the oil level has stabilised,
it must not be lower than 1/4 of the oil sight glass level. An
additional oil quantity may be necessary for piping lengths
(supply/return) exceeding 200 mm.
Ensure that all safety devices are operational, especially
that the high pressure switches are switched on and that the
alarms are acknowledged.
The control of a master/slave assembly is in the entering
water piping (system return) and does not require any
additional sensors (standard conguration). For 30RW 160-
300 units, it can also be located in the leaving water. In this
case two additional sensors must be added on the com-mon
piping. All parameters, required for the master/slave function
must be congured using the Service Congura-tion menu.
All remote controls of the master/slave assembly (start/stop,
set point, load shedding etc.) are controlled by the unit
congured as master and must only be applied to the master
IMPORTANT: The two units must be equipped with option
No. 155 - CCN time scheduling and communica-tions
“Clock Board”.
Depending on the installation and control type, each unit can
control its own water pump. If there is only one common
pump for the two units, the master unit can control this. In
this case shut-off valves must be installed on each unit. They
will be activated at the opening and closing by the control of
each unit (and the valves will be controlled using the
dedicated water pump outputs).
1 Master unit
2 Slave unit
Water inlet
Water outlet
Water pumps for each unit (included as standard for units with hydronic
Connection of two additional sensors
The compressors have the following factory lubricant charge:
polyolester oil (reference: MAN-7754024_EE).
This lubricant must not be mixed with any other type of
When 30RWA units are connected to the remote air-cooled
condenser, opening the circuit to the atmosphere must be
minimised (less than half an hour). The connection of the
discharge piping must be fast to prevent contamination of
the lubricant with moisture.
Check that the oil level is between 1/4 and 3/4 in the sight
glass before start-up and after normal unit operation.
If an additional oil quantity is required to compensate the
initial low level in the compressors (due to the piping length
between chiller and air-cooled condenser), top up the charge,
using only the permitted lubricant shown on the compressor
name plate: polyolester oil (ref: MAN-7754024_EE).
The evaporators and condensers are plate heat exchangers.
They are tested and stamped for a maximum operating
pressure of 3200 kPa on the refrigerant side and 1000 kPa
on the water side.
The heat exchanger sizing for the whole range ensures a
saturated evaporating temperature of 5.5°C and a conden-
sing temperature of around 45°C with actual subcooling of
around 8 K at the condenser leaving side, based on nominal
Eurovent conditions.
The evaporators and condensers are single-circuit for sizes
30RW/RWA 110 to 150 and interlaced dual-circuit for sizes
30RW 160 to 300.
The water connections between the heat exchangers and the
piping of the hydronic modules have quick-connect Victaulic
couplings to facilitate pump disassembly, if required.
The control thermistors can in some cases be included in the
heat exchangers themselves. This depends on the heat
exchanger type and the number of plates used.
A drain with a 1/4 turn valve is included in the leaving water
of all heat exchangers.
The evaporators have 19 mm thick polyurethane foam
thermal insulation. For option 150 (heat pump), the conden-
sers also have 19 mm thick polyurethane foam thermal
The products that may be added for thermal insulation of the
containers during the water piping connection procedure
must be chemically neutral in relation to the materials and
coatings to which they are applied. This is also the case for
the products originally supplied by Carrier.
30RW/30RWA units use hermetic scroll compressors. The
only refrigerant permitted for these compressors is R-407C.
30RWA split units operating with an air-cooled condenser,
are supplied with the refrigerant circuit and consequently
the compressor under nitrogen pressure between 0.3 and 1
The compressors are not certied for mobile applications or
use in explosive environments.
IMPORTANT: All compressor and system pressure tests
must be carried out by qualied personnel, taking the greatest
care with potential dangers resulting from the pressures
used, and respecting the maximum operating pressure limit
on the high and low-pressure side, shown on the unit and
compressor name plates.
Maximum operating pressure, low-pressure side for
compressors DQ 12 CA 027 and DQ 12 CA 028: 20 bar
Maximum operating pressure, low-pressure side for
compressors DQ 12 CA 025 - DQ 12 CA 001 - DQ 12
CA 002 - DQ 12 CA 031 - DQ 12 CA 032: 25 bar
Maximum operating pressure, high-pressure side for
compressors DQ 12 CA 025 to DQ 12 CA 028: 32 bar.
For certain units incorporating compressors with different
maximum operating pressures on the low-pressure side in
the same refrigerant circuit, the lowest maximum pressure
should be taken into consideration.
Any modication or alteration such as soldering on the
compressor shell may invalidate the right to use the equip-
30RW/30RWA units using these compressors are installed in
areas where the temperature must be between 5°C minimum
and 40°C maximum. The temperature around the compres-
sors must not exceed 50°C during unit shutdown cycles.
Shock absorbers are installed under the compressor feet.
Tighten the rubber shock absorbers until there is contact
between the at washer and the steel bar.
Scroll compressors are unidirectional, and refrigerant com-
pression is only ensured, when the phase order is followed.
Compressors DQ 12 CA 025 to DQ 12 CA 032 incorporate
reverse rotation protection. If reverse rotation is not cor-rected
by reversing the phases, the compressor will cut out via the
internal motor protection.
For compressors DQ 12 CA 027 and DQ 12 CA 028 a phase
order control function is incorporated in the external motor
protection module.
30RW/30RWA units operate exclusively with R-407C.
30RW/30RWA units are equipped with a manually reset
safety pressure switch. Refer to the controls manual for the
alarm acknowledgements.
30RW units are equipped with safety valves in accordance
with the European directive 97/23/CE. These safety valves
are calibrated and sized in accordance with the original high
and low-pressure side equipment. The originally supplied safety
valves for the 30RWA units are sized to protect the original
equipment. To protect equipment that has been added on
the high-pressure side, refer to the applicable regulations and
standards to determine which protection accessories may be
Located in the liquid line, permits control of the unit charge,
as well as the presence of moisture in the circuit. Bubbles in
the sight glass indicate an insufciant charge or the presence
of non-condensibles. If moisture is present, the colour of the
indicator paper in the sight glass changes.
The lter keeps the circuit clean and moisture-free. The
moisture indicator shows when it is necessary to change the
lter cartridges. A temperature difference between the lter
drier inlet and outlet indicates a contamination of the
This pump is factory-installed as standard to guarantee the
nominal ow in the chilled water loop.
This is a xed-speed pump with available system pressure.
See the pump ow/pressure curve.
The nominal system ow rate must be adjusted with the
manual control valve, located on the leaving water piping
(see chapter on the control of the nominal system pressure).
The maximum permitted concentration of the glycol additives
is 35%.
The maximum pump suction pressure is limited to 4 bar due
to the valve installed on the entering water piping.
NOTES: Monitoring during operation, re-qualication,
re-testing and re-testing dispensation:
Follow the regulations on monitoring pressurised
It is normally required that the user or operator sets
up and maintains a monitoring and maintenance le.
If there are no regulations or to complement them follow
the control programmes of EN 378.
If they exist follow local professional recommenda-
Regularly inspect the condition of the coating (paint)
to detect blistering resulting from corrosion. To do this,
check a non-insulated section of the container or the
rust formation at the insulation joints.
Regularly check for possible presence of impurities (e.g.
silicon grains) in the heat exchange uids. These
impurities maybe the cause of the wear or corrosion by
Filter the heat exchange uid check and carry out
internal inspections as described in EN 378-2, annex C.
In case of re-testing take the possible maximum pressure
difference of 25 bar into consideration.
The reports of periodical checks by the user or operator
must be included in the supervision and maintenance
Any repair or modication of the plate heat exchangers is
Only the replacement of the complete heat exchanger by an
original heat exchanger supplied by the manufacturer is
permitted. The replacement must be carried out by a qualied
The heat exchanger replacement must be shown on the
monitoring and maintenance le.
The plate heat exchanger is 100% recyclable. After use it
contains refrigerant vapours and oil residue.
Operating life
This unit is designed for:
prolonged storage of 15 years under nitrogen charge
with a temperature difference of 20 K per day.
900000 cycles (start-ups) with a maximum difference of
6 K between two neighbouring points in the container,
based on 12 start-ups per hour over 15 years at a usage
rate of 57%.
The expansion devices used are thermostatic hermetic
monobloc devices for sizes 30RW/30RWA 020 to 070 and
modular devices for sizes 30RW/30RWA 080 to 300. They
are factory-set to maintain between 5 and 6 K superheat in
all operating conditions any do not require any change in
setting, including for operation at part load. All models have
a charge (MOP) for the thermostatic assembly that permits
the maximum evaporating pressure to protect the compressor.
This pump is factory-installed as standard. It is a variable-
speed pump with available system pressure. See the pump
ow/pressure curve.
The system flow rate is automatically adjusted via the
frequency converter built into the pump, based on the heat
rejection load on the drycooler.
The maximum permitted concentration of the glycol additives
is 35%.
The maximum pump suction pressure is limited to 4 bar due
to the valve installed on the entering water piping.
All evaporator and condenser pumps are protected by a
suction lter. This is easily removable to recover solid par-
ticles, as it is xed between two Victaulic couplings. It pro-
tects the plate heat exchanger pump against solid particles
with a size exceeding 1,2 mm. Before the unit start-up it is
important to turn the evaporator and condenser pump to
decontaminate the water loops of any solid pollution.
A specic pump start-up function in the Quick Test menu is
available for this task.
During the unit operating life the service checks and tests
must be carried out in accordance with applicable national
If there are no similar criteria in local regulations, the
information on checks during operation in annex C of
standard EN 378-2 can be used.
External visual checks: annex A and B of standard EN378-2.
Corrosion checks: annex D of standard EN 378-2. These
controls must be carried out:
After an intervention that is likely to affect the resis-
tance or a change in use or change of high-pressure
refrigerant, or after a shut down of more than two years.
Components that do not comply, must be changed. Test
pressures above the respective component design
pressure must not be applied (annex B and D).
After repair or signicant modications or signicant
system or component extension (annex B).
After re-installation at another site (annexes A, B and D).
After repair following a refrigerant leak (annex D). The
frequency of refrigerant leak detection can vary from
once per year for systems with less than 1% leak rate
per year to once a day for systems with a leak rate of
35% per year or more. The frequency is in proportion
with the leak rate.
NOTE: High leak rates are not acceptable. The necessary
steps must be taken to eliminate any leak detected.
NOTE 2: Fixed refrigerant detectors are not leak detectors,
as they cannot locate the leak.
Component, piping and connection soldering and welding
operations must be carried out using the correct procedures
and by qualied operators. Pressurised containers must not
be subjected to shocks, nor to large temperature variations
during maintenance and repair operations.
Any technician attending the machine for any purpose must
be fully qualied to work on refrigerant and electrical circuits.
WARNING: Before doing any work on the machine ensure
that the power is switched off. If a refrigerant circuit is
opened, it must be evacuated, recharged and tested for leaks.
Before any operation on a refrigerant circuit, it is necessary
to remove the complete refrigerant charge from the unit with
a refrigerant charge recovery unit.
All removal and refrigerant draining operations must be
carried out by a qualied technician and with the correct
material for the unit. Any inappropriate handling can lead
to uncontrolled uid or pressure leaks.
If an oil draining or recovery operation becomes necessary,
the uid transfer must be made using mobile containers.
Keep the unit itself and the space around it clean and
free of obstructions. Remove all rubbish such as packing
materials, as soon as the installation is completed.
Regularly clean the exposed pipework to remove all
dust and dirt. This makes detection of water leaks easier,
and they can be repaired before more serious faults
Conrm that all screwed and bolted connections and
joints are secure.
Secure connections prevent leaks and vibration from
Check that all foam insulation joints on the heat
exchanger piping are in good condition.
15.3.1 - Undercharge
If there is not enough refrigerant in the system, this is
indicated by gas bubbles in the moisture sight glass.
If the undercharge is signicant, large bubbles appear in the
moisture sight glass, and the suction pressure drops. The
compressor suction superheat is also high. The machine must
be recharged after the leak has been repaired.
Find the leak and completely drain the system with a
refrigerant recovery unit. Carry out the repair, leak test and
then recharge the system.
IMPORTANT: After the leak has been repaired, the circuit
must be tested, without exceeding the maximum low-side
operating pressure shown on the unit name plate.
The refrigerant must always be recharged in the liquid phase
into the liquid line. The refrigerant cylinder must always
contain at least 10% of its initial charge. For the refrigerant
quantity per circuit, refer to the data on the unit name plate.
15.3.2 - Verication of the charge
CAUTION: The 30RW units are supplied with a precise
refrigerant charge (see Physical Data table).
To verify the correct system charge prodeed as follows:
Ensure that no bubbles appear in the sight-glass, when ope-
rating the unit at full load for a while. Use a saturated con-
densing temperature between 45 and 50°C. Under these
conditions the apparent subcooling which is equal to the
saturated condensing temperature (1 - on the saturated dew
point curve) minus the liquid refrigerant temperature (3)
ahead of the expansion device must be between 12 and 14°C.
This corresponds to an actual subcooling temperature of
between 6 and 8 K at the condenser outlet, depending on the
unit type. Actual subcooling is equal the saturated liquid
temperature (2 - on the saturated bubble point curve) minus
the liquid refrigerant temperature (3) ahead of the expansion
device. Use the pressure tap supplied on the liquid piping to
charge refrigerant and to nd out the pressure of the liquid
refrigerant. If the subcooling value is not correct, i.e. lower
than the specied values, a leak detection test must be carried
out on the unit, as it no longer contains its original charge.
WARNING: To ensure proper operation of 30RW units
there must be at least 12 K of subcooling as the liquid
refrigerant enters the expansion valve.
The 30RW units use refrigerant. For your information, we
are reproducing here some extracts from the ofcial publi-
cation dealing with the design, installation, operation and
maintenance of air conditioning and refrigeration systems
and the training of people involved in these activities, agreed
by the air conditioning and refrigeration industry.
1 Saturated condensing temperature at the dew point
2 Saturatedliquidtemperatureatthebubblepoint
3 Liquid refrigerant temperature
4 Saturation curve at the dew point
5 Saturationcurbeatthebubblepoint
6 Isotherms
7 Apparentsubcooling(1-3)
8 Realsubcooling(2-3)
L Liquid
L + V Liquid + vapour
V Vapour
Refrigeration installations must be inspected and maintained
regularly and rigorously by specialists. Their activities must
be overseen and checked by properly trained people. To
minimise discharge to the atmosphere, refrigerants and
lubricating oil must be transferred using methods which
reduce leaks and losses to a minimum.
Leaks must be repaired immediately.
If the residual pressure is too low to make the transfer
alone, a purpose-built refrigerant recovery unit must be
Compressor lubricating oil contains refrigerant. Any oil
drained from a system during maintenance must
therefore be handled and stored accordingly.
Refrigerant under pressure must never be discharged
to the atmosphere.
L + V
Never use oxygen or dry air, as this would cause a risk of re
or explosion.
Carry out a leak detection test on the whole system using
the following methods: pressure test using dehydrated
nitrogen or a mixture of nitrogen and refrigerant used
for the system, helium leak test.
Connect the compressor to the system by opening the
The duration of the test must be sufcient to guaran-tee
the absence of very small leaks in the circuit.
Use specic tools, designed for leak detection.
The low-pressure side test pressure must not exceed
pressure Ps indicated on the compressor and unit name
If there is a leak, repair it and carry out the leak detec-
tion test again.
To evacuate the system, observe the following recommen-
Connect the vacuum pump to the high (HP) and low-pressure
(LP) side for evacuation of the complete circuit.
All units are equipped with valves with 3/8” SAE connec-
tions on the suction and liquid lines, permitting the connec-
tion of large-diameter exible pipes limiting the pressure
drops for the evacuation.
1. The vacuum level achieved must be 0.67 mbar (500 µm
2. Wait 30 minutes.
3. If the pressure increases rapidly, the system ist not leak-
tight. Localise and repair the leaks.
Restart the evacuation procedure and repeat steps 1, 2
4. If the pressure increeases slowly, this indicates that
moisture is present inside the system. Break the vacuum
with nitrogen and restart the evacuation procedure (steps
1, 2 etc.).
5. Repeat the evacuation procedure (steps 1, 2); a vacuum
level of 0.67 mbar (500 µm Hg) must be achieved and
maintained for four hours.
This vacuum level must be measured at one of the system
connections and not at the vacuum pump pressure gauge.
ATTENTION: Do not use a megohmmeter and do not place
any stress on the compressor motor when the system has
been evacuated. There is a risk of internal short circuits
between the motor windings.
Do not use additives for leak detection. Do not use CFCs/
HCFCs as tracer uids for leak detection.
CAUTION: 30RW units are charged with liquid HFC-407C
This non-azeotropic refrigerant blend consists of 23% R-32,
25% of R-125 and 52% R-134a, and is characterised by the
fact that at the time of the change in state the tempera-ture
of the liquid/vapour mixture is not constant, as with azeotropic
refrigerants. All checks must be pressure tests, and the
appropriate pressure/temperature ratio table must be used
to determine the corresponding saturated tempe-ratures
(saturated bubble point curve or saturated dew point curve).
Leak detection is especially important for units charged
with refrigerant R-407C. Depending on whether the leak
occurs in the liquid or in the vapour phase, the proportion
of the different components in the remaining liquid is not
the same.
NOTE: Regularly carry out leak checks and immediately
repair any leak found.
See the table on the next page.
Saturated bubble point temperatures (bubble point curve)
Saturated dew point temperatures (dew point curve)
When working on the unit comply with all safety precau-tions
described in section 1.3.
It is strongly recommended to change the unit fuses every
15000 operating hours or every three years.
It is recommended to verify that all electrical connections
are tight:
after the unit has been received at the moment of
installation and before the rst start-up,
one month after the rst start-up,when the electrical
components have reached their nominal operating
then regularly once a year.
ATTENTION: The compressor and piping surface tempe-
ratures can in certain cases exceed 100°C and cause burns.
Particular caution is required during maintenance opera-
tions. At the same time, when the compressor is in operation,
the surface temperatures can also be very cold (down to
-15°C for units with a low leaving water temperature), and
can cause frost burns.
There is no particular maintenance necessary on the plate
heat exchanger. Check:
that the insulating foam has not become detached or
damaged during work on the units,
that the entering and leaving water temperature sensors
are well connected
the cleanliness on the water heat exchanger side (no
signs of leaks).
that the periodic inspections required by local regu-
lations have been carried out.
All metallic parts of the unit (chassis, casing panels, control
boxes, heat exchangers etc.) are protected against corrosion
by a coating of powder or liquid paint. To prevent the risk of
blistering corrosion that can appear when moisture penetrates
under the protective coatings, it is necessary to carry out
periodic checks of the coating (paint) condition.
1 -28,55 -21,72 10,5 23,74 29,35 20 47,81 52,55
1,25 -25,66 -18,88 10,75 24,54 30,12 20,25 48,32 53,04
1,5 -23,01 -16,29 11 25,32 30,87 20,5 48,83 53,53
1,75 -20,57 -13,88 11,25 26,09 31,62 20,75 49,34 54,01
2 -18,28 -11,65 11,5 26,85 32,35 21 49,84 54,49
2,25 -16,14 -9,55 11,75 27,6 33,08 21,25 50,34 54,96
2,5 -14,12 -7,57 12 28,34 33,79 21,5 50,83 55,43
2,75 -12,21 -5,7 12,25 29,06 34,5 21,75 51,32 55,9
3 -10,4 -3,93 12,5 29,78 35,19 22 51,8 56,36
3,25 -8,67 -2,23 12,75 30,49 35,87 22,25 52,28 56,82
3,5 -7,01 -0,61 13 31,18 36,55 22,5 52,76 57,28
3,75 -5,43 0,93 13,25 31,87 37,21 22,75 53,24 57,73
4 -3,9 2,42 13,5 32,55 37,87 23 53,71 58,18
4,25 -2,44 3,85 13,75 33,22 38,51 23,25 54,17 58,62
4,5 -1,02 5,23 14 33,89 39,16 23,5 54,64 59,07
4,75 0,34 6,57 14,25 34,54 39,79 23,75 55,1 59,5
5 1,66 7,86 14,5 35,19 40,41 24 55,55 59,94
5,25 2,94 9,11 14,75 35,83 41,03 24,25 56,01 60,37
5,5 4,19 10,33 15 36,46 41,64 24,5 56,46 60,8
5,75 5,4 11,5 15,25 37,08 42,24 24,75 56,9 61,22
6 6,57 12,65 15,5 37,7 42,84 25 57,35 61,65
6,25 7,71 13,76 15,75 38,31 43,42 25,25 57,79 62,07
6,5 8,83 14,85 16 38,92 44,01 25,5 58,23 62,48
6,75 9,92 15,91 16,25 39,52 44,58 25,75 58,66 62,9
7 10,98 16,94 16,5 40,11 45,15 26 59,09 63,31
7,25 12,02 17,95 16,75 40,69 45,71 26,25 59,52 63,71
7,5 13,03 18,94 17 41,27 46,27 26,5 59,95 64,12
7,75 14,02 19,9 17,25 41,85 46,82 26,75 60,37 64,52
8 14,99 20,85 17,5 42,41 47,37 27 60,79 64,92
8,25 15,94 21,77 17,75 42,98 47,91 27,25 61,21 65,31
8,5 16,88 22,68 18 43,53 48,44 27,5 61,63 65,71
8,75 17,79 23,57 18,25 44,09 48,97 27,75 62,04 66,1
9 18,69 24,44 18,5 44,63 49,5 28 62,45 66,49
9,25 19,57 25,29 18,75 45,17 50,02 28,25 62,86 66,87
9,5 20,43 26,13 19 45,71 50,53 28,5 63,27 67,26
9,75 21,28 26,96 19,25 46,24 51,04 28,75 63,67 67,64
10 22,12 27,77 19,5 46,77 51,55 29 64,07 68,02
10,25 22,94 28,56 19,75 47,29 52,05 29,25 64,47 68,39
The compressors do not require any specic maintenance.
Nevertheless the preventive system maintenance operations
prevent specic compressor problems. The following periodic
preventive maintenance checks are strongly recommended:
Check the operating conditions (evaporating tempera-
ture, condensing temperature, discharge temperature,
heat exchanger temperature difference, superheat,
subcooling). These operating parameters must always
be within the compressor operating range.
Check that the safety devices are all operational and
correctly controlled.
Check oil level and quality. If there is a colour change in
the sight glass, check the oil quality. This may include an
acidity test, moisture control, a spectrometric analysis etc.
Check the leak tightness of the refrigerant circuit.
Check the compressor motor power input, as well as the
voltage imbalance between phases.
Check the tightening of all electrical connections.
Ensure that the compressor is clean and runs correctly;
verify that there is no rust on the compressor shell and
no corrosion or oxydation at the electrical connections
and the piping.
All maintenance operations must be carried out by
technicians who have been trained on Carrier products,
observing all Carrier quality and safety standards.
Regular maintenance is indispensable to optimise equip-
ment operating life and reliability. Maintenance operations
must be carried out in accordance with the schedules below:
Service Frequency
A Weekly
B Monthly
C Annually
D Special cases
If the equipment does not operate normally during main-
tenance operations, refer to the chapter on diagnostics and
breakdowns of the ‘30RW/RWA Pro-Dialog Plus’ controls
IMPORTANT: Before each equipment maintenance
operation please ensure that:
the unit is in the OFF position
it is impossible for the unit to restart automatically
during maintenance.
The equipment is supplied with polyolester oil (POE). Use
only Carrier-approved oil. On request Carrier can carry out
an oil analysis of your installation.
Service A
Full-load operating test
Verify the following values:
compressor high-pressure side discharge pressure
compressor low-pressure side suction pressure
charge visible in the sight glass
temperature difference between the heat exchanger
water entering and leaving temperature.
Verify the alarm status
Service B
Carrier out the operations listed under Service A.
Refrigerant circuit
Full-load operating test. In addition to the operations
described under Service A, check the following values:
- compressor discharge pressure
- compressor oil level
- actual liquid subcooling
- overheating at the expansion device
Verify the charge status by checking the colour indicator
of the sight glass. If the colour has turned to yellow,
change the charge and replace the lter drier cartridges
after carrying out a leak test of the circuit.
Electrical checks
Check the tightening of the electric connections,
contactors, disconnect switch and transformer.
Check the status of the contactors and fuses.
Carry out a quick test (refer to the ‘30RW/RWA Pro-
Dialog Plus’ controls manual).
Mechanical checks
Verify the correct operation of the evaporator and
condenser pumps with the Quick Test function.
Verify the correct operation of cooling fans, speed
converter and condensing pumps.
Water circuit checks
Check the leak-tightness of the circuit.
Service C
Carry out the operations listed under Service B.
Refrigerant circuit
Check the leak-tightness of the circuit and ensure that
there is no piping damage.
Carry out an oil contamination test. If acid, water or
metallic particles are present, replace the oil in the circuit.
Verify the tightening of the thermostatic mechanism of
the expansion device.
Full-load operating test. In addition to the checks carried
out under Service B, validate the value between leaving
water and the saturated evaporating temperature.
Check the operation of the high-pressure switch(es).
Replace them if there is a fault.
Check the fouling of the lter drier (by checking the
temperature difference in the copper piping). Replace
it if necessary.
Electrical checks
Check the status and insulation of the electrical cables.
Check the phase/earth insulation of the compressors
and pumps.
Check the compressor and pump winding status.
Mechanical checks
Check that no water has penetrated into the control box.
Clean the lter of the air inlet grille and if necessary
replace the lter.
Water circuit checks
Clean the water lter.
Purge the circuit with air.
Verify the correct operation of the water ow switch.
Check the status of the thermal piping insulation.
Check the water ow by checking the heat exchanger
pressure difference (using a pressure gauge).
Check the concentration of the anti-freeze protection
solution (ethylene glycol or polyethylene glycol).
Check the heat transfer uid staus or the water quality.
Check the steel pipe corrosion.
Service D
Single pump and dual pump.
- Mechanical seal: replace this every 13000 opera-ting
- Bearing: replace this every 20000 operating hours.
Job name: .............................................................................................................................................................................................
Installing contractor: ...........................................................................................................................................................................
Distributor: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
Start-up preformed by: .......................................................................................................................................................................
Model: ............................................................................................................................................................................. Serial No.
Circuit A Circuit B
1. Model No. . ................................................................................ 1. Model No. ..............................................................................
Serial No. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
Serial No. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
Motor No. .......................................................................................................................................................................................
Motor No. .......................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Model No. .................................................................................. 2. Model No. ..............................................................................
Serial No. ................................................................................... Serial No. ...............................................................................
Motor No. .................................................................................. Motor No. ...............................................................................
Model No. ...................................................................................... Manufactured by ......................................................................
Serial No. ........................................................................................ Date ............................................................................................
Model No. ...................................................................................... Manufactured by ......................................................................
Serial No. ........................................................................................ Date ............................................................................................
Additional air handling units and accessories ...................................................................................................................................
Is there any shipping damage ? .........................................................................................................................................................
If so, where ? ........................................................................................................................................................................................
Will this damage prevent unit start-up ? ..........................................................................................................................................
Unit is level in its installation
Power supply agrees with the unit nameplate
Electrical circuit wiring has been sized and installed properly
Unit ground wire has been connected
Electrical circuit protection has been sized and installed properly
All terminals are tight
All cables and thermistors have been inspected for crossed wires
All plug assemblies are tight
Check air handling systems
All air handlers are operating
All chilled water valves are open
All uid piping is connected properly
All air has been vented from the system
Chilled water pump (CWP) is operating with the correct rotation. CWP amperage: Rated: ............. Actual............
Unit start-up
CWP starter has been properly interlocked with the chiller
Oil heaters have been energized for at least 24 hours (30RWA)
Oil level is correct
All discharge and liquid valves are open
Unit has been leak checked (including ttings)
Locate, repair, and report any refrigerant leaks
Check voltage imbalance: AB ................ AC ................. BC..................
Average voltage = ................................... (see installation instructions)
Maximum deviation = ............................ (see installation instructions)
Voltage imbalance = ............................... (see installation instructions)
Voltage imbalance is less than 2%
WARNING: Do not start chiller if voltage imbalance is greater than 2%. Contact local power company for assistance.
All incoming power voltage is within rated voltage range
Check cooler water loop
Water loop volume = .............................. (litres)
Calculated volume = ............................... (litres)
2.5 liters/nominal kW capacity for air conditioning (units 30RW/30RWA 110-300)
Proper loop volume established
Proper loop corrosion inhibitor included ......... litres of ...........................
Proper loop freeze protection included (if required) ................. litres of ..............................
Piping includes electric heater tape, if exposed to the outside
Inlet piping to cooler includes a 20 mesh strainer with a mesh size of 1.2 mm (unit without pump)
Check pressure drop across the evaporator
Entering evaporator = ............................ (kPa)
Leaving evaporator = ............................. (kPa)
(Leaving - entering) = ............................ (kPa)
WARNING: Plot cooler pressure drop on performance data chart (in product data literature) to determine total liters
per second (l/s) and nd units minimum ow rate.
Total l/s = .................................................
l/s / nominal kW = ...................................
Total l/s is greater than unit’s minimum ow rate
Total l/s meets job specied requirement of ...................................... (l/s)
Perform TEST function (indicate positive result):
WARNING: Once power is supplied to the unit, check the display for any alarms, such as phase reversal. Follow the
TEST function instructions in the Controls and Troubleshooting literature (follow the procedure in the Controls IOM).
Be sure that all service valves are open, before beginning the compressor test section.
To start the chiller
WARNING: Be sure that all service valves are open, and all pumps are on before attempting to start this machine. Once
all checks have been made, move the switch to “LOCAL” or “REMOTE” from “OFF”.
Unit starts and operates properly
Temperatures and pressures
WARNING: Once the machine has been operating for a while and the temperatures and pressures have stabilized, record
the following:
Evaporator EWT .......................................................................... Ambient temperature ...............................................................
Evaporator LWT ........................................................................... Condenser EWT .......................................................................
Condenser LWT ........................................................................
Circuit A suction pressure ........................................................... Circuit B suction pressure ........................................................
Circuit A discharge pressure........................................................ Circuit B discharge pressure ....................................................
Circuit A suction temperature ..................................................... Circuit B suction temperature .................................................
Circuit A discharge temperature ................................................. Circuit B discharge temperature .............................................
Circuit A liquid line temperature ................................................ Circuit B liquid line temperature ............................................
Compressor oil pressure A1* ...................................................... Compressor oil pressure B1* ...................................................
Compressor oil pressure A2* ...................................................... Compressor oil pressure B2* ...................................................
* if installed
The pouch supplied with the unit contains the label indicating the refrigerant used and describing the procedure required
under the Kyoto Protocol F-Gas Regulation:
Attach this label to the machine.
Follow and observe the procedure described.
OrderNo:13431,12.2016-SupersedesorderNo:13431,11.2011. Manufacturer:CarrierSCS,Montluel,France.
Themanufacturerreservestherighttomakeanychanges,withoutnotice. PrintedintheEuropeanUnion.