June 2011
The Determinants of Attitudes towards Strategic
Default on Mortgages
Luigi Guiso
European University Institute, EIEF, & CEPR
Paola Sapienza
Northwestern University, NBER, & CEPR
Luigi Zingales
University of Chicago, NBER, & CEPR
We use survey data to measure households’ propensity to default on mortgages even if they can
afford to pay them (strategic default) when the value of the mortgage exceeds the value of the
house. The willingness to default increases both in the absolute and in the relative size of the home-
equity shortfall. Our evidence suggests that this willingness is affected both by pecuniary and non-
pecuniary factors, such as views about fairness and morality. We also find that exposure to other
people who strategically defaulted increases the propensity to default strategically because it
conveys information about the probability of being sued.
An earlier version of this paper circulated with the title “Moral and Social Constraints to Strategic Default on
Mortgages.” We would like to thank the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and Kellogg School of
Management for financial support in establishing and maintaining the Chicago Booth Kellogg School Financial Trust
Index. Luigi Guiso is grateful to PEGGED for financial support. We thank Campbell Harvey (editor), Amir Sufi, two
anonymous referee and seminar participants at the University of Chicago and New York University for very useful
suggestions, Gabriella Santangelo and Filippo Mezzanotti for excellent research assistantship, and Peggy Eppink for
editorial help. We also thank Amit Seru for providing us with a time series of actual strategic default within his sample.
In 2009, for the first time since the Great Depression, millions of American households found
themselves with a mortgage that exceeded the value of their home. According to First American
CoreLogic, more than 15.2 million U.S. mortgages, or 32.2 percent of all mortgaged properties,
were in a negative equity position as of June 30, 2009, while in some states (such as Arizona and
Nevada) this number exceeded 50%.
Importantly, the difference between the value of the house
and that of the mortgage is often very large. For example, in 2009 the median owner’s equity for
those who bought a house in the Salinas, CA metropolitan statistical area (MSA) in 2006 was
Given the magnitude of this phenomenon, it is important to address the question of
whether homeowners with such a large negative equity value will choose to walk away from their
houses even if they can afford to pay their mortgages, an action known as a strategic default.
Unfortunately, we know very little about the importance and the determinants of strategic
default on mortgages.
In an influential paper, Foote et al. (2008) show that during the 1990–91
recession in Massachusetts very few people (6.4%) chose to walk away from their houses when
their home equity was negative. Yet, the 1990s behavior of Massachusetts residents may not be
predictive of the national behavior during the 200709 recession, since conditions were different
and there are important nonlinearities. Hence, in assessing the risk of strategic default, what matters
is not the average decline in home prices, but the decline in the worst-hit areas.
The main problem in studying strategic defaults is that this is de facto an unobservable
event. While we do observe defaults, we cannot observe whether a default is strategic. Strategic
defaulters have incentives to disguise themselves as people who cannot afford to pay so they are
difficult to identify in the data.
Given this constraint, one way to assess the likelihood of a strategic default is to estimate a
structural model of default that includes both cash flow considerations and negative equity
considerations. One can then use the estimated parameters to simulate a shock to home equity alone
and compute the predicted effect. This strategy has been followed by Bajari et al (2008), who
estimate that ceteris paribus a 20% decline in home prices would lead to a 15% increase in the
probability that a borrower would default.
An alternative way, which we follow in this paper, is to resort to survey data. To this end,
we study a new quarterly survey of a representative sample of U.S. households. We use the waves
http://www.corelogic.com/About-Us/ResearchTrends/Negative-Equity-Report.aspx. A study by Deutsche Bank
estimated that the 26% of the homeowners had negative equity in the first quarter of 2009 and projected this number to
be 48% for the first quarter of 2011.
There exists a parallel literature on strategic default for personal loans. While households file for bankruptcy less often
than their financial incentives suggest (White, 1998), they are more likely to file when their financial benefit from filing
is higher (Fay et al, 2002).
from December 2008 (the first) to September 2010 for two purposes: to identify the percentage of
current defaults that is strategic and to study the determinants of homeowners’ attitudes towards
strategic default.
To identify the proportion of strategic default, we use two questions. One asks “How many
people do you know who have defaulted on their house mortgage?” Those who know at least one,
are also asked “Of the people you know who have defaulted on their mortgage, how many do you
think walked away even if they could afford to pay the monthly mortgage?” By taking a ratio of the
two, we obtain an estimate of the percentage of actual defaults that are considered “strategic” by the
defaulters’ acquaintances.
We find that this proportion is large and rising. In March 2009, 26.4% of defaults appear
strategic, in September 2010 that number rose to 35.1%. As we discuss in the paper, both the level
and the trend we have identified are corroborated by subsequent studies using borrower level data
(Experian and Oliver Wyman (2009), Tiruppatur et al. (2010), and Goodman (2009)).
Given the importance of strategic default, we study the drivers behind homeowners’
attitudes towards strategic default. As such, we use the answers to the question “If the value of your
mortgage exceeded the value of your house by 50K [100K/150K] would you walk away from your
house (that is, default on your mortgage) even if you could afford to pay your monthly mortgage?”
By using these answers we can infer the shape of the function relating the overall cost of
defaulting to wealth. The overall cost appears to be increasing in wealth, but at a decreasing rate.
Doubling the ratio of home equity shortfall to house value increases the frequency of homeowners
who express a willingness to default by 10.4 percentage points when starting from a house value of
200–400K (Table 1B), but only by 2.7 percentage points if we halve the value of the house. Then,
we correlate the declared willingness to walk away when the equity shortfall is equal to
$50K/$100K with various proxies for the typical economic drivers of this decision: cost of
relocation (number of children, number of years in the current location), the risk of losing other
assets (whether the respondent is in a nonrecourse state), the stability of the financial position
(income and probability of becoming unemployed).
We find that the cost of defaulting strategically is driven both by pecuniary and non-
pecuniary components, such as views about fairness and morality. Not surprisingly, the biggest
determinants are the value of the equity shortfall as a percentage of the house value and whether the
house was bought more than 5 years ago—a measure of the attachment to (and thus the cost of
leaving) the current location. Ceteris paribus, a one standard deviation increase in the relative size
of this hypothetical equity shortfall increases the probability of strategic default by 25%, but a
person who has bought his house more than five years ago is 28% less likely to default.
We also find that ceteris paribus blacks, Hispanics, and older people are more willing to
strategically default, while women are less likely. The fear of becoming unemployed also plays a
role. If a person becomes unemployed, it is likely they will be forced to default in the future.
Anticipating this possibility reduces the benefit of not defaulting strategically today. A one standard
deviation increase in the perceived probability of becoming unemployed increases the probability of
strategic default by 13% of sample mean.
Surprisingly, whether or not the fact that a state requires mortgages to be non-recourse (i.e.,
the lender cannot go after his/her wealth outside of the house) does not seem to affect the
willingness to default strategically. One possible reason is that most people do not know the legal
status of mortgages in their state, the other is that most people do not have any assets outside their
house and thus the difference between recourse and non-recourse is moot. To test the first
hypothesis, starting with the 5
wave of the survey, we asked people for their subjective estimate of
the probability a bank will go after a defaulted borrower. On average this subjective probability is
53.4%, and does not differ between recourse and non-recourse states.
Then, we consider moral and social determinants of the attitudes towards strategic default.
Eighty-two percent of the people think it is morally wrong to engage in a strategic default.
Everything else being equal, people who think that it is immoral to default strategically are 9.9
percentage points less likely to declare strategic default. Even if the morality question is asked after
the willingness to default strategically question, this correlation could be spurious, and may be the
result of the respondent’s desire to be consistent across responses (i.e., to answer that it is not
immoral to default after responding that they will default). Since, waves 3 to 8 of the survey
randomizes the order of the morality and default questions, we use this randomization to correct the
estimate for the potential spurious correlation in the responses. While smaller, we find that the
effect of morality on the probability of default persists even after the correction.
Consistent with the literature on personal bankruptcy (Fay et al. (2002) and Gross and
Souleles (2002)), the decision to default strategically might be driven by other emotional
considerations. People have been shown to be more likely to inflict a loss on others when they have
suffered a loss themselves, especially if they consider their loss to be unfair (Fowler et al, 2005).
For this reason, we regress the willingness to default strategically on some measures of anger and
trust. We find that people who are angrier about the current economic situation are more willing to
express their willingness to default, as are people who trust banks less. Similarly, people who want
to regulate executive compensations and the financial sectors are more likely to declare their
willingness to walk away.
Finally, we find that people who know somebody who defaulted strategically are more
likely to declare their intention to do so. This effect is present even if we control for the number of
foreclosures in the area and for whether the respondent knows somebody who defaulted non-
strategically. This effect could be the result of a social contagion, of some learning about the cost of
defaulting strategically or the spurious effect of clustering: people with lower moral standards live
nearby and know each other. We do not find any evidence for the clustering effect. Ceteris paribus,
knowing somebody who defaulted does not affect the moral attitude toward defaulting. By contrast,
there is evidence consistent with the learning hypothesis: Knowing somebody who strategically
defaulted reduces the perceived probability that a bank would go after a borrower who defaults.
On average, we find that homeowners’ declared willingness to default per given home
equity shortfall is roughly constant during the period covered by our data (December 2008
September 2010). This stability is the result of two opposite effects. On the one hand, there is a
decreased level of anger, which reduces the willingness to default; on the other hand, learning about
the cost of defaulting, over time, increases the willingness to default. Given the stability in the
willingness to default per given size of the shortfall, the most likely cause of the increased
proportion of strategic default between March 09 and September 09 is the decline in house prices.
While aggregate house prices continued to slide during the entire period, the declined in the areas
where more homeowners have negative equity are concentrated up to the mid of 2009, as shown in
Figure 11. As of the second quarter of 2009 house prices stabilized in the areas where they had
declined the most in the previous period, but they continued to slide in the areas where they had not
dropped much before. As a result, the percentage of households with negative equity, which
increased dramatically from the second quarter 2008 to the second quarter 2009, stabilized, thereby
stabilizing the frequency of strategic defaults after September 2009.
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. Section 1 introduces the theoretical framework.
Section 2 describes the new survey data used in the paper. Section 3 presents some evidence on the
importance of strategic default. Section 4 presents the results on the determinants of strategic
default. Section 5 discusses the possible reasons of the increase of strategic defaults over time.
Conclusions follow.
1. The Theoretical Framework
The narrowest economic framework would hold that in non-recourse states a household will default
whenever the value of the mortgage exceeds the value of the house (e.g., see White, 2009). While
negative equity is a necessary condition for strategic default, it is not sufficient. Even in non-
recourse states, there are frictions that make defaulting less appealing.
Let’s start by considering a borrower who at time t owns a house worth H
and faces a
mortgage-balloon payment equal to D
. From a purely financial point of view the borrower will not
default as long as H
> D
. In the decision whether to default strategically, however, there are
considerations others than the financial gain or loss from defaulting. By non-defaulting, for
example, a borrower enjoys non-monetary benefits (living in a house adapted to his or her needs),
while by defaulting he faces costs which can be both monetary (relocation, higher cost of borrowing
in the future) and non-monetary (the social stigma associated to defaulting and the possible psychic
cost of doing something immoral). Let us define K
as the net benefit of non-defaulting at t, then, a
borrower will not default if
tt t
If the borrower does not have a balloon payment due, then his decision whether to default
strategically is more complex, because it trades off the decision to default today with that of
postponing the decision and possibly defaulting tomorrow. In addition, the option to default
tomorrow is conditional on the ability of the borrower to serve his mortgage, which is highly
correlated with the probability of remaining employed. If he loses the job, the borrower is likely
to have to default next period and thus loses the value of the option. Let
VHDK= −+
where T is the day the balloon payment is due, then the value of not
defaulting at T-1 is
11 1 1 1
(1 ) max{ , 0}
VhmK E V
= + +−
where h is the monetary value of the housing services enjoyed between time T-1 and T , m the
mortgage payment between T-1 and T, and
is the probability of becoming unemployed and E
the expectation operator. The value of non defaulting at a generic date t is then
(1 ) max{ , 0}
tt t t t t
VhmK E V
= + +−
From (1), the decision to default strategically at a generic time t can be described by the
following relationship:
Strategic Default =
( - , , , , ).FH DhmpK
Therefore, the determinants of strategic default can be grouped into three categories: the size of
the shortfall (
), the pecuniary and non-pecuniary cost of defaulting (including the bite of
morality and of social stigma) and the option value of not defaulting today. Below we discuss the
empirical counterparts of these categories.
1.1 Shortfall
One advantage of the survey method is that we can confront people with different sizes of
shortfalls (see Section 2.2). This shortfall is divided by the self-reported value of the house.
1.2 Pecuniary costs
There are significant pecuniary relocation costs, which include difficulty in (cost of) renting
or buying a new house and moving expenses. To add to these costs, there is some specificity in the
housing stock. Most people remodel their house to fit their needs. After this remodeling they are
likely to pay a premium for their house versus a similar house with the same general characteristics.
As proxies for these relocation costs we use the age of the person (where older people have a higher
cost to move), the number of children (more children, the higher the relocation cost), and whether
s/he has bought the house more than five years ago (the longer the tenure, the stronger the
attachment to the house and thus the higher the relocation cost).
In addition to relocation costs, a default severely affects an individual’s credit rating. In the
to 8
wave, we find that 87.7% of the respondents consider maintaining their credit rating
“important” or very important. Unfortunately, there is too little variation to identify any effect of
this response on the willingness to default. While we do not have data on the credit rating itself, we
observe other characteristics (such as income and age) that should proxy for that.
If the mortgage is a recourse-loan, an individual faces the risk of being forced to pay the
remaining amount if the lender comes after him with a deficiency judgment. Thus, more risk-averse
people should be less likely to default. Also richer people should be less likely to default. As a
proxy for income, we have a self-reported income bracket.
1.3 Option Value
In the presence of moving costs, relocation is a (partially) irreversible investment with an
uncertain payoff. Thus, there is some value in waiting. With uncertain house prices, the option to
wait is more valuable because the higher the volatility of house prices, the higher the expectations
that they will recover. Since the survey asks about the long-term expectations about house prices,
we will use those. The value of this option is smaller if a person fears being forced to default in the
future as result of becoming unemployed. Hence, we use the subjective probability of becoming
unemployed as a measure of the value of this option.
In the first survey, we cannot distinguish between the purchase and the refinancing of the house.
1.3 Non-Pecuniary costs
In addition to these pure economic reasons, individuals may have other considerations that
affect their willingness to default. Default can be perceived as morally wrong and as such
something to avoid if not at all costs, at some significant cost. Moral considerations, if widespread,
may strongly mitigate the likelihood that American households default on their mortgage, even
when faced with a large home-equity shortfall.
People have been shown to be more likely to inflict a loss ton others when they have
suffered a loss themselves, especially if they consider the loss unfair (Fowler et al, 2005). That said,
we expect that an individual is more likely to default strategically when s/he feels treated unfairly.
If people respond to the sense of unfairness by asking for more regulation (Di Tella and
MacCallough, 2009), demand for regulation can be used to measure the level of unfairness they
feel. The ability to ask people questions about their moral positions and their other feelings is
another advantage of the survey method. . We describe these variables in the next section.
Finally, even amoral people can choose not to default when it is in their narrow economic
interest to do so because of the social costs this decision entails. In a society where the vast majority
of people think it is immoral to default when able to repay, people who default can pay a social cost
or stigma (Fay et al. (2002) and Gross and Souleles (2002)). In this context, the perceived cost of
this decision might be affected by the frequency at which people default. For this reason, we asked
if survey participants know people who defaulted (strategically and non-strategically); we also use
the percentage of foreclosure, assuming that the more common it is for people to default, the more
socially acceptable is to do so. However, the interpretation of this variable is ambiguous. Observing
somebody defaulting one learns both about the subjective costs of defaulting (for example, how
painful is for children to move) and about the objective costs (how big the social stigma is and how
likely a bank is to go after a borrower for the difference). While strategic defaults provide
information about both aspects, non-strategic defaults provide information mostly about the
subjective aspect since lenders have fewer incentives to go after a borrower who is in financial
2. The Survey Data
2.1 Why Survey Data?
Survey data have the obvious drawback in that the data are responses to hypothetical questions,
rather than actual decisions with monetary consequences. Survey responses, for instance, can easily
be affected by the framing of the question. However, since the framing here is common, any bias
induce by it should not affect the cross-sectional variability of the answers. Thus, the responses can
provide some insights on the determinants of people’s attitudes toward strategic default.
By the same token, survey data have several advantages and have increasingly been used in
financial economics (e.g., Graham and Harvey, 2001). First, they allow us to study how households
would behave when their home equity reached negative amounts not common yet. One problem of
the 2008 crisis is that it was so extreme in its intensity that one has to strongly believe in linearity to
extrapolate estimates obtained during the previous recessions to predict the outcome of the current
Second, by asking about a person’s willingness to default at different levels of negative
equity we can measure the effect of the shortfall in equity, while keeping all the other individual
characteristics constant, including the level of wealth. As we will argue, this measure is useful from
a policy point of view in assessing the potential impact of further deterioration in real estate prices
in the areas worst hit.
Third, survey data provide an opportunity to separate contagion effects from sorting effects,
which is difficult to do with field data. By asking questions about social and moral attitudes toward
default, we can identify whether the high propensity to default in areas where foreclosures are more
frequent is due to a clustering in those areas of individuals prone to default or to a contagion effect.
Finally, survey data allows us to ask about other attitudes and perceptions of the respondents
that are not otherwise observable, and which can be used to disentangle where certain effectslike
the correlation between knowing somebody who defaulted strategically and willingness to default
strategicallycome from.
2.2 Our Main Survey Data
Our main data source is the Chicago Booth Kellogg School Financial Trust Index survey. Details
about the survey and its design are provided in the data appendix
. Each survey, conducted by Social
Science Research Solutions, collects information on a representative sample of 1,000 American
households. The main purpose of these surveys is to study how the level of trust people have in the
financial system will change over time. This survey includes variables that can help us assess the
frequency and the determinants of strategic defaults. The interviews for each wave of the survey
took place in the third week of the last month of each quarter, from December 2008 to September
One adult respondent in each household was randomly contacted and asked whether they
The survey was conducted using ICR's weekly telephone omnibus service. In waves 1 to 4, ICR used a fully-
replicated, stratified, single-stage random-digit-dialing sample of landline telephone households. In waves 5 to 8, ICR
used both landline and cellular phones. Wave 5 has a stratified sample according to both methodologies. Hence, the
difference in the level of each variable computed using the new sample methodology and the old one provides a
were in charge of household financials, either alone or together with a spouse. Only individuals who
claimed such responsibility are included in the survey. The survey collected information about
demographics, homeownership, the purchase date of the house, and the fraction borrowed. Most of
the questions in the various waves remained the same.
While the survey collects information for both renters and homeowners, we restrict our
analysis to homeowners alone for two reasons. First, if there are significant differences in the
characteristics of homeowners vs. non-homeowners, to predict the actual defaults we are interested
in the responses of the former and not the latter. Second, the question is more realistic for a
homeowner, who might face this decision, rather than for a renter, who might never face it and does
not have a clear sense regarding the costs of leaving a house s/he owns.
2.3 Strategic Default Variables
To elicit information about the individuals’ willingness to commit strategic default, we
asked the following question: “If the value of your mortgage exceeded the value of your house by
50K would you walk away from your house (that is, default on your mortgage) even if you could
afford to pay your monthly mortgage?” Among the homeowners, only 8.9 percent answered
affirmatively to this question (see Table 1).
Those who answered negatively to the decision to default at a shortfall of 50K were then
asked “If the value of your mortgage exceeded the value of your house by 100K, would you walk
away from your house (that is, default on your mortgage) even if you could afford to pay your
monthly mortgage?” Of the respondents, 23% answered “yes.”
In Figure 1, we report the behavior over time of the willingness to default both at 50K and at
100K. The fluctuations over time are very modest and a formal test rejects any time trend. In Figure
2, we report the willingness to default as a function of the shortfall’s value relative to the value of
the house declared by each household (Panel A). The willingness is clearly increasing over the
relative value of the shortfall, with only 7.4% of the people willing to default when the shortfall is
10% of the value of the house and 12.4% when this value is between 40% and 50%. As Figure 2
shows, not only the relative value, but also the absolute value matters. Per given relative value of a
shortfall, roughly 7% more households are willing to default when the shortfall is 100K instead of
measure of the correction we need to apply to surveys 1-4 to make them comparable to waves 5-8. In the time series
graphs (and only in those) we use this correction for waves 1-4.
In various waves we experimented with higher amounts. For example, in the first wave we used 300K, in the second
200K and in the third to the sixth 150K. The results for these levels are not very different from the one for a 100K
shortfall and therefore we omit them from this paper.
2.4 Morality of Strategic Default
Respondents were also asked “Do you think that it is morally wrong to walk away from a
house when one can afford to pay the monthly mortgage?” A large majority (82.3%) respond
positively to this question. As Figure 3 shows, this percentage is roughly constant over time.
Although considering strategic default morally wrong does not prevent people from doing
so, the propensity to default strategically is much higher for people who think strategic default is
morally acceptable.
In the first two surveys, we asked the morality question after the willingness to default
question. It is possible that this order may affect the willingness to state that default is not immoral.
In particular, a respondent who just answered that he will default might try to justify his choice by
saying that he does not consider this choice immoral.
For this reason, from the third wave onward we randomized the order of the morality and
the willingness to default questions, with half of the data having the morality question first and half
of the data with the morality question later. When we ask the morality question first, 85% of the
respondents state that defaulting strategically is immoral, while when we ask the question after
asking the willingness to default that percentage dropped to 81%. This difference is statistically
significant, suggesting that the answers are not invariant to the order, a problem we will deal with in
Section 4.2. The same is true for the default question. If we ask the morality question first, the
willingness to walk away when the shortfall is -50K drops to 6.2% from 10.6%.
For consistency in all the time series comparisons for these variables, we will only use the
half sample where the morality question is asked after the default question.
2.5 Other Attitudes
To measure the degree of respondent’s disenfranchisement, we ask “On a scale from 1 to 5
with 1 being “not angry at all” and 5 being “very angry,” how angry are you about the current
economic situation?” Figure 4A reports the percentage of people who respond angry or very
angry.” In December 2008 and March 2009 this percentage was very high (more than 60%), but it
has dropped to around 50% since June 2009.
A measure of people’s resentment for the economic situation is their level of trust towards
banks, which are often seen as the main culprit of the 2008 crisis. To measure it, we ask “On a scale
from 1 to 5 where 1 means “I do not trust them at all” and 5 means “I trust them completely,” can
you please tell me how much do you trust banks?” Figure 4A reports the percentage of people who
trust banks at the level of 4 and 5. This percentage is slightly increasing over time, moving from
35% in December 2008 to 43% in September 2010.
In all the waves (except March 2009), the survey includes the questions: “Do you think the
government should intervene to impose a cap on executive compensation?” and “Do you think that
the government should intervene to regulate the financial sector more?” Figure 4B reports the
proportion of people who answered affirmatively to these two questions. Interestingly, the
percentage of respondents who would like a government cap on executive compensations drops
from 62% in December 2008 to 56% in March 2010, while the percentage of people who want to
regulate financial institutions stays between 50% and 55% in the period under analysis.
2.6 Percentage of people who know defaulters
To measure the diffusion of actual strategic defaults, from March 2009 onward the survey asks
“How many people do you know who have defaulted on their house mortgage?” People who know
at least one are also asked “How many people do you know who have walked away from his/her
house (that is, defaulted on their mortgage) even if he/she could afford to pay the monthly
Figure 5 reports the percentage of people who know somebody who defaulted and the
percentage of people who know somebody who defaulted strategically. In this case, there is a clear
trend up, which is confirmed by a simple t-test. This is hardly surprising since during this period the
number of defaults increased.
One might wonder how realistic the number obtained from survey data is so to cross-
validate it, in the Figure 6, we plot the percentage of survey-respondents in a state who know at
least a person who have defaulted on the average percentage of mortgaged-houses in
foreclosure according to RealtyTrack. As Figure 6 shows, there is a strong positive correlation
between the two.
2.7 Other variables
To capture the diffusion of defaults in a certain area, we constructed a ZIP-code level
variable with the percentage of mortgages in foreclosures. From RealtyTrack.com, we collected the
number of foreclosures in the last month of the quarter corresponding to each survey for each ZIP
code represented in the survey. We then multiplied this number by 12 (to turn it into an annual
figure) and divided it by the number of mortgages in the same ZIP code. (The number of
outstanding home-related loans is from the Analytical Services group at Equifax (Mian and Sufi,
) The results, presented in Table 1A, show that the average percentage of foreclosures is
4.6%, with a median of 2.5% and a standard deviation of 6.6%.
From the second wave onward, the survey asks directly for an estimate of the home’s value
of the house. Unfortunately, the first survey does not contain a similar question. To compute a value
for the first survey, we average the value of the house in the second survey by income class and
then apply this value to respondents in the first survey on the basis of their declared income bracket.
The value of the house and the percentage that 50K and 100K represent vis-á-vis the value of this
house is reported in Table 1A. On average, 50K represents 37% of the value of the house and
obviously, 100K, 73%. To measure individuals’ attachment to their current house, the survey asks
how long ago they bought their home.
We find that 69% of the respondents bought the house more
than 5 years earlier.
Besides standard demographic variables, the survey also collects information on other more
specific ones, summarized in Table 1A. We measure risk attitudes by using a question previously
asked and validated by Dohmen et al (2011): “On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is unwilling and 10
fully willing, are you generally a person who is willing to take risk?” To obtain a measure of risk
aversion, we recode it so that 1 indicates a person fully willing to take risk and 10 a person totally
unwilling to take risk. On average, this measure equals 6.2 (standard deviation 2.6).
To measure individual expectations about house price appreciation, we ask participants In
the next 5 years do you think house prices will…” where there are five possible responses that
range from “1: Increase a lot (greater than 20%)” to “5: Decrease a lot (greater than -20%).” On
average, people expect a moderate increase in house prices over the next 5 years (between 5 and
20%). Once again we recoded the variable so that 1 means decrease a lot and 5 increase a lot.
We also elicit a subjective probability of unemployment by asking “On a scale from 0 to
100, where 0 equals “absolutely no chance” and 100 equals “absolutely certain,” what do you think
are the chances that you will lose your job during the next year?” On average, respondents think
they have a 12% chance to become unemployed within the following 12 months, with a median
equal to 0 and substantial heterogeneity (standard deviation 25%).
Starting with the 5
wave we also asked “When people default on their mortgage, the lender
repossesses the house. Sometimes the mortgage is more than the value of the house. On a scale
from 0 to 100, where 0 equals “absolutely no chance” and 100 equals “absolutely certain” what do
We thank Amir Sufi for providing us with these data and Equifax for allowing us use it.
Unfortunately, in the first survey this question is mixed with the refinancing decision (When did you buy or last
refinance your house”). From the second wave onward, it is separate.
you expect are the chances that the lenders will go after people who default on their mortgage for
the full amount of the mortgage?” On average, this probability is 53%.
To test whether respondents are aware of the difference between recourse and non-recourse
states, we attribute to each state the label recourse and “non-recourse according to the
classification of Ghent and Kudlyak (2009). As Figure 7 shows, the distribution of the perceived
probability that a lender will go after a defaulted mortgage with a deficiency judgment is almost
identical between recourse and non-recourse states.
3. Diffusion of Strategic Default
3.1 Temporal Trend in Strategic Default
To measure the diffusion of strategic defaults we can simply take the ratio between the
number of strategic defaulters and the number of total defaulters each respondent knew. As Figure 9
shows, this method estimates that in March 2009 26.4% of defaults are strategic. By September
2010, this figure rose to 35.1%. Most of the increase took place between March and September
2009, while the estimated amount is relatively stable afterward.
To validate our results we compare them with several subsequent studies that have followed
a different approach. A study by Experian and the consulting firm Oliver Wyman tries to measure
strategic default by using borrower level data. They define a borrower to have defaulted
strategically if he goes straight from current to 180 days latewhile staying current on all his other
debt obligations, such as credit cards and auto loans. The idea is that if somebody pays the credit
card but not the mortgage, it is probably because he wants to default on the mortgage, not because
he must. While this method underestimates strategic default (by construction borrowers with no
other debt and borrowers who by accident have been late on a mortgage payment are not considered
strategic), this study estimates that in 2008, 17 percent of all U.S. defaults were strategic, though
that figure differs tremendously across groups and regions. For instance, 27% of defaults among
people with high credit scores appear to be strategic, a figure that jumps to 40% in California.
Tituppatur et al (2010) use a similar strategy to identify strategic default from 2007 to 2010.
They find that at the beginning of 2007 the percentage of strategic default was close to zero, by
December 2008, it had risen to 7% and by February 2010, to 12%.
Finally, Amit Seru has kindly created for us a similar statistic by merging the data in
Piskorski, Seru, and Vig (2010), which contains origination and payment information on mortgage
borrowers in the United States, with the credit bureau information to assess the nature of payments
made by a delinquent borrower on other accounts. A borrower is classified as strategic defaulter if
he goes from current to sixty days late on his mortgage for the first time while remaining current on
credit card balances for the following six months. For more details see Mayer, Morrison, Piskorski,
and Gupta (2011). As Figure 9 shows, our data track very well (both in level and in time trend) with
the actual data.
A study by the Amherst Securities Group (Goodman 2009) takes a different approach. It
shows that in areas where homeowners generally were not underwater, less than 1.5% of subprime
mortgages became non-performing each month of the third quarter of 2009. But in areas where the
average mortgage exceeded the current value of a house by 20% or more, the rate of monthly
subprime defaults was 4.5%. The difference between the two rates probably is not due to
homeowners’ ability to pay because the study corrects for unemployment. The assumption,
therefore, is that it is due to homeowners’ willingness to pay when they see how much more
expensive their mortgages are than their houses. The difference between the two default rates—the
1.5 percent “natural” rate and the 4.5 percent rate in areas where home prices dropped
significantly—suggests that in those areas, two-thirds of defaults in subprime mortgages seem to be
All these studies suggest that strategic defaults represent an important fraction of defaults
when home equity is negative. They also seem to indicate that, as in our sample, this percentage had
risen during 2009. In what follows, we analyze this important phenomenon.
3.2 Do Strategic Default Costs Increase with Wealth?
From a policy point of view, it is important to understand how the willingness to default changes
with the size of the home equity shortfall. Unfortunately, this comparative static is difficult to do
with actual data, since individuals who have a different level of shortfall have ex ante different
characteristics, which cannot be easily controlled for in the empirical analysis. In this respect
surveys are superior, since the survey asks the same person about his willingness to default
strategically for different levels of shortfall. Hence, we can observe the effect of a change in
shortfall for given individual characteristics.
This is what we have in Table 1B. For a given row, comparisons across columns allow us to
see the effect of a change in the relative size of the shortfall while holding individual wealth
constant. At low levels of wealth (i.e., in the first couple of rows) a 50K increase in the shortfall
increases the fraction of households who default by 14 percentage points (starting at a zero
shortfall), by 21 percentage points (starting at 50K shortfall), and by 17 percentage points (starting
at 100K). Thus, the relationship between default and shortfall seems nonlinear, with a peak of the
sensitivity for default to shortfall when the value of the shortfall is 50% of the value of the house.
The pattern looks similar in the next row, but when the value of the house exceeds 400K, the
derivative with respect to the shortfall seems to peak at a higher level of shortfall. As Figure 2B
shows, the shape of the relation between default and size of the hypothetical shortfall changes with
the level of wealth.
To understand how the overall cost of default may vary with the level of wealth it is useful
to formalize the default decision. Let
denote the level of utility for an individual i with
initial assets
and a home equity shortfall S, who chooses not to default. The utility if he defaults
, where
denotes the monetary-equivalent cost of defaulting of individual i, which
includes both pecuniary and non-pecuniary components. Thus, an individual defaults if
. Let
) be the distribution for the cost of default in the population. If the distribution of
independent of wealth, the fraction of people defaulting at different levels of the relative shortfall
should be constant, given that in our set up
is the same for all individuals. In other words,
looking at Table 1B the fraction of defaulters should be constant along the columns. This is clearly
not the case. Thus, we can reject that the overall cost of default is independent of wealth.
An alternative hypothesis is that the overall cost of default is proportional to wealth, i.e.
i ii
C cW=
. In this case an equal increase in the relative size of the shortfall should have a similar
effect whether it results from an increase in the absolute value of the equity loss or from a decrease
in the value of individual wealth. Formally, let
s SW=
denote the relative shortfall. If
invariant to wealth, doubling
by doubling S or by halving W should have the same effect on the
fraction of defaulters, since an individual will default when
. Once again Table 1B tells us
this is not the case.
To see this we compare the fraction of people who are willing to default when the shortfall
is 50K and the house value is in the 200-400K range versus when it is in 100-200K. Moving from
the former to the latter corresponds to a doubling of the relative shortfall (from 1/6 to 1/3) and leads
to an increase in the willingness to default from 8.6% to 11.3%. Let us now compare it with a
doubling of the shortfall caused by an increase in the dollar-value of the shortfall. This can be
computed by comparing the shortfall at 50K with a shortfall at 100K per given row. For example,
among people with a house value of 100-200K, the willingness to default increases from 11.3% to
27.8% when we double the shortfall. We observe a similar increase in the other rows.
Therefore, doubling the relative level of the shortfall by doubling the absolute value of the
shortfall has a much larger effect than doing so by halving the value of the house. This implies that
the overall cost of defaulting increases less than proportionally with wealth. This conclusion is
consistent with the patterns in Figure 2B, where we see that the frequency of defaults decreases
with wealth, but less than proportionally.
4. Determinants of Attitudes toward Strategic Default
In this section we study the determinants of the propensity to walk away from a mortgage that
exceeds the value of a house by 50K and 100K. Unless otherwise specified all the regressions are
probit model estimates and the coefficients reported are the marginal effects computed at the sample
mean of the independent variables. In these regressions, we use both the subsample where strategic
default is asked first and the subsample where morality is asked first. Since the allocation in the two
subsamples was properly randomized, this pooling does not impact the relationship between the
other variables and willingness to default.
4.1 The Role of Demographic Variables
In Table 2, we start by analyzing the effects of some demographic variables. In Table 2A
the dependent variable is equal to one if the respondent states he would walk away if his mortgage
exceeds the value of his house by 50K.
Blacks and Hispanics appear much more likely to walk away from an underwater mortgage.
Blacks are 87% more likely than the sample mean to default strategically than whites, Hispanics
82%. By contrast, women are 41% less likely to default strategically. This effect is not due to a
difference in risk aversion since it exists when we control for risk aversion in column 5. It is
consistent with a growing body of experimental evidence that women behave in a more ethical way
(e.g., Eagly et al., 1986 and Eckel and Grossman, 1998). The geographical dummies are also
significant, but this effect disappears when we control for other economic differences.
In column 2, we insert the ratio of the shortfall’s size and the self-reported value of the
house, which is a proxy for household’s wealth. The effect is positive and statistically significant. A
one standard deviation increase in the shortfall relative to the value of the house leads to a 30%
increase in the probability of strategic default. This effect is slightly decreased after we control for
other variables.
In column 3, we add life cycle factors. We insert dummy variables equal to one if an
individual is young (less than 35 years of age) or old (more than 65) and whether s/he has kids. We
find that younger people are more likely to walk away, but this effect is not statistically significant.
Older people are also more likely to walk away and this effect survives other controls. An older
person is 31% more likely to walk away; this is consistent with stronger incentives to default when
a borrower’s residual horizon shrinks and thus reputational costs fall. Surprisingly, the number of
kids does not significantly increase the propensity to walk away.
In column 4 we control for the economic incentives to default. The first variable we insert is
a dummy equal to one if the respondent states that he bought the house more than five years earlier.
This is a proxy for the specific investments made in the house. As expected, this dummy has a
negative coefficient. People who spent at least five years in the current house are 17% less likely to
walk away in the presence of a negative shortfall, but this is not statistically significant.
We then insert two proxies for the option value of waiting. One is the individual’s
expectation about the future movement of house prices. As expected, more optimistic expectations
about future house prices reduces the likelihood of walking away, but this effect is not statistically
significant. The other is the subjective probability of becoming unemployed over the next 12
months. The higher this probability is, the less valuable it is to keep paying on an underwater
mortgage since the individual will likely to be forced to give up the house anyway. Consistent with
this interpretation, the probability of unemployment increases the willingness to walk away in a
statistically significant way. A one standard deviation increase in the probability of becoming
unemployed increases the likelihood of walking away by 13%. Similarly, more wealthy people are
less likely to walk away. A one standard deviation increase in income decreases the likelihood of
walking away by 12%. In an unreported regression we also controlled for education, but we find it
to have no impact on the probability of walking away.
Finally, in column 5 we control for two other factors linked to the risk of walking away. The
first is risk aversion. By walking away, a homeowner risks being sued. Hence, more risk-averse
individuals should be less likely to walk away. As expected, the Dohmen et al. (2011) measure of
risk aversion has a negative impact, but its coefficient is not statistically significant. By contrast,
residents in non-recourse states should be more likely to walk away because the risk they face is
lower. The dummy variable has a positive coefficient, but this coefficient is not statistically
different from zero. As we discussed in section 2.4 this is not that surprising since the respondents
do not perceive a difference between recourse and non-recourse states in the probability that a
lender will go after a defaulted borrower.
In Table 2B, we repeat the same regression with the dependent variable equal to one if the
respondent states he would walk away if his mortgage exceeds the value of his house by 100K. The
results are substantially unchanged.
To save on space in all the subsequent tables we omit to report the demographic controls;
the full specification is available in the online appendix.
4.2 The Role of Morality
A large majority (82.3%) of respondents state that it is immoral to walk away from a mortgage if
one can afford to pay it. Does this moral stand affect the willingness to walk away? In Table 3 we
try to answer this question. We start by re-estimating the last specification in Table 2, inserting in
column 2 a dummy variable equal to 1 if the respondent answers positively to the question about
whether it is immoral to walk away. The coefficient is negative and highly statistically significant.
People who answer that it is immoral to default are 9.9 percentage points less likely to walk away
(110% of the sample average).
This coefficient, however, could be biased by the respondent’s desire to be consistent in his
answers. In fact, as we showed in Section 2.2, the answers to the morality question and the default
question depend upon the order in which these questions are asked.
One way to address this measurement-error problem is to implement our morality proxy. We
would like a variable that predicts morality, but it does not directly affect the decision to walk away.
A measure of ideology might be good in this sense. Political convictions reflect different views of
the world. In particular, they might reflect different views of individual versus social
responsibilities in people’s actions and different attitudes towards private ownership and contract
enforcement. These different attitudes will affect the judgment about the morality of a strategic
default. Therefore, the survey contains a self-reported political affiliation., we use a dummy equal to
one if the respondent declares himself a Republican. As the first stage shows (column 4), this
dummy is positively and statistically significantly related to the morality variable. The F test is
22.7, thus this is not a weak instrument.
Column 3 reports the instrumental variable estimation, when the dummy Republican is used
as an instrument. The coefficient of morality remains negative and statistically significant. The
problem, however, is that the magnitude of the coefficient increases dramatically. In general, this is
an indication that the instrument violates the exclusion restriction and has a direct effect on the
dependent variable.
To obviate to this problem, we try to directly model the measurement error. Suppose that the
true relation between the decision to default and the norm of morality is
d am
are respectively the true answer to the default question (equal to one if the
respondent is willing to default strategically) and to the morality question (equal to one if strategic
default is considered immoral), and
is a `classical noise’.
When the morality question is asked first, we observe morality without any non-classical
measurement error, but observe default with a systematic measurement error.
We assume that the
observed answer to the default question is generated by
d d k km= −−
is the observed default answer which contains a measurement error. This measurement
error is composed of two parts:
represents a classical error that induces an underestimate of
default because respondents want to look good in the eyes of the interviewer; by contrast,
represents the “consistency” bias. The idea is that if the respondent has answered that default is
immoral (
1m =
), he feels more compelled to answer that he will not default to be consistent in his
answers. This reduces the probability that (
=0) when
1m =
In the presence of this measurement error, the estimated slope coefficient of the effect of
morality on default will be
* * ** **
** *
cov( , ) cov( , ) cov( , )
var( ) var( ) var( )
k ak
mm m
= = =−+
If we had an estimate of
we could correct the estimated slope coefficient to obtain the true
coefficient a.
Taking the expectation of (1), we find that
d dk
So if
were zero, we could estimate
by replacing
with their corresponding sample
means in the subsample where morality is asked first (so that default is measured with error and
morality is not) and
with the sample mean of the answers to the default question in the
subsample where default is asked first and thus measured without any non-classical measurement
error. The estimate of
we obtain is 0.059.
This estimate is the true
only under the assumption that
is zero. To check whether this
is a reasonable assumption we re-estimate
by using a different sample where the interviewer
effect is smaller. For this purpose we repeat the same interviews with the same randomization
scheme on a sample of 1,088 individuals online, where the interviewer effect is known to be smaller
It is possible that the answers to the morality question are biased even when this question is asked first because people
tend to over state their moral standards to look good in the eyes of the interviewer. If this error is uncorrelated with their
answers to the default question, however, the effect of this measurement error is only to bias downward the coefficient,
underestimating the magnitude of the effect.
(Mann and Stewart, 2000). The estimate of
we obtain is 0.018. The difference suggests that
positive. In fact, scaled by
, the difference represents a lower bound of
(it is the true
if the interviewer effect in the online survey is zero).
With this estimate of
, we can obtain the true
and use equation (2) to eliminate the
effect of measurement errors on our estimate of a. Since our correction method works only in a
linear model, we start from a linear probability model (column 5) and we correct this estimate using
equation (2). The corrected estimate is reported in column 7. To compute the coefficient standard
error, we bootstrap this procedure 5000 times and use the standard deviation of the estimate
coefficients as our standard error. As column 7 shows, the corrected coefficient is positive, albeit
30% smaller than the uncorrected one, and statistically different from zero. A person who considers
default immoral is 75% less likely to default.
Table 3B repeats the same regression with the default question at 100K of shortfall. The
results are essentially identical.
4.3 Cross-sectional Variation
As a further check on the validity of our sample responses, we split the sample between
people who are not really facing the decision (i.e., have positive home equity) and people who are
(have negative equity). As previously stated, we only use respondents who declare owning a house.
The survey asks these people for an estimate of the value of their house and of their mortgage.
These questions allow us to split the sample on the basis of whether the respondent thinks s/he has
negative home equity. This is what we do in the first two columns of Table 3C.
By comparing
column 2 with column 1, we see that morality is much more relevant when the option to walk away
is in the money. This result is inconsistent with the hypothesis that the effect of morality is present
only when the question is hypothetical. It is also interesting to notice that the probability of
One possible concern emerging from this split is the limited number of people who declare to be underwater. In part
this is due to the fact that only two thirds of the respondents know what the value of their mortgage is. Furthermore,
only 50% of the respondents declare to have a positive mortgage. To ensure that our numbers are reasonable, we
compare them with the CoreoLogic data. In the United States, one-third of people have no mortgage. If we assume that
people who do not have a mortgage know it (and thus do not answer I do not know), the two percentages are very
similar. In addition in our data, the percentage of people who declare to have negative equity is 11% and varies from
9% (March 2009) to 16% (December 2009). This figure is below CoreLogic’s estimate, which in this period oscillates
between 21% and 35%. CoreLogic’s estimates rely on house prices based on actual sales (which include distressed
sales). Our estimates, instead, are based on the self-assessment of the value of the house. This amount can differ from
the one computed by CoreLogic in two ways. First, the homeowner will correctly estimate that if s/he sells s/he will sell
at a price higher than the price of an identical house that has been foreclosed. Second, owners are affected by the loss
aversion documented by Genesove and Mayer (2001). They find that owners subject to nominal losses (like the ones we
are considering) set higher asking prices of 2535 percent of the difference between the property’s expected selling
price and their original purchase price. If we adjust the self-assessed house value downward by 20% (consistent with the
size of the bias estimated by Genesove and Mayer (2001)), we find that the percentage of underwater mortgages is 23%.
becoming unemployed does not affect the decision to default among people who have negative
equity. This is consistent with the results of the Amherst Securities Group mentioned earlier.
Interestingly, in this subsample risk aversion increases rather than decreases the probability of
walking away. This is not so surprising. Once your house is underwater, not defaulting is a risky
gamble: the homeowner pays a cost (the monthly mortgage) in the hope the house value recovers.
In columns 3 to 6, we repeat the split using different criteria: positive and negative equity
based on median negative equity in the metropolitan area based on Zillow or on the drop in house
prices in the state based on the Federal Housing Finance Agency Index. The results are similar,
albeit less stark, as you would imagine given that these are noisy proxies of the actual home equity
value of the respondent.
In Wave 8, we added the question “Would you feel morally less obligated to repay your
mortgage if you knew that… 1) your broker sold the mortgage in the market?; 2) your mortgage is
being held by a bank that was helped by the government? 3) your mortgage is being held by a bank
that has been accused of predatory lending? By predatory lending, we mean the practice of
imposing unfair and abusive loan terms on borrowers. The three different endings were
randomized in the sample, so one third of the sample responded to each one of them. As Table 1A
shows, 39% feels less morally obligated to pay if the mortgage has been sold in the marketplace,
28% if the bank has been helped by the government, and 44% if the bank has done predatory
In Table 4, we report a probit regression in these three sub-samples, where the dependent
variable is equal to one if the response is yes, that they feel less morally obligated to repay the
mortgage. As we can see, people who think that is morally wrong not to repay a mortgage are less
likely to answer yes to the first two equations, but not to the third one. As reviewed by Galinsky
and Gino (2010), moral disengagement (i.e., portraying unethical behavior as serving a moral
purpose or dehumanizing victims of unethical behaviour) is a typical predictor of immoral
behaviour. Hence, the moral constraint drops when the other side behaved immorally too.
4.4 The Role of Anger and Other Emotions
As a proxy for the feeling of unfairness, we use several questions asked in the Financial
Trust Index Survey. First we look at the level of anger regarding the current economic situation. As
Table 5 shows, the angrier a person is, the more willing s/he is to default strategically. One
standard deviation increase in the level of anger increases the probability of default by 18%.
Similarly, the higher the level of trust towards banks, the lower the probability of a strategic default.
One standard deviation increase in the level of trust decreases the probability of default by 17%.
These effects are robust to controlling for the answer to the morality question.
Di Tella and MacCulloch (2009) show that the demand for government intervention
increases with the perception of corruption and unfairness. Therefore, we use people’s attitude
toward regulation as a measure of their sense of unfairness. As expected, the probability of
defaulting strategically is positively related to the demand for regulation. People who think that the
government should cap executive compensation are 31% more likely than average to default
strategically. Similarly, people who think that the financial sector should be regulated more are 28%
more likely than average to default strategically.
All together these results confirm the view that the decision to default is not just based on
economic considerations, but also on ideological or emotional ones.
4.5 Social Contagion
An important question is whether there is any risk of social contagion in strategic defaults.
Social contagion can arise because people learn from each other or because the social stigma
associated with an action considered immoral decreases with the number of people doing it.
To answer this question, in the basic regression in Table 6A we insert a dummy variable
equal to one if the respondent knows somebody who has defaulted strategically. Knowing
somebody who defaulted strategically increases the probability that a homeowner declares that s/he
is willing to default strategically by 51% (column 1). This effect is not due to the clustering of
default-prone individuals in certain areas since the effect is unchanged if we control for the
percentage of foreclosures in the same ZIP code (column 2). The effect does not arise just from
knowing somebody who defaulted, but mostly from knowing somebody who defaulted
strategically. As column 3 shows, inserting a dummy variable equal to one if the respondent knows
somebody who defaulted in general reduces the coefficient on the other dummy variable only
While these controls reduce the likelihood that the observed effect is simply due to the
clustering of default-prone individuals in the same areas, they do not eliminate it completely. To
further address this issue, in an unreported regression, we look at whether people who know other
people who defaulted strategically or people who live in a ZIP code with a higher number of
foreclosures tend to have lower moral standards, i.e., are less likely to respond that a strategic
default is immoral. We do not find any evidence in this sense. In fact, the coefficient is positive and
The trust question is asked before the default question, while the anger and regulations questions are asked after.
statistically significant in some specifications. Thus, there is no evidence that more default-prone
individuals tend to cluster together.
The second strategy to address this problem is to look at default at different levels of
shortfall. If the observed effect is due to clustering, we should observe a similar pattern for default
when the shortfall is 50K and when the shortfall is 100K. As Table 6B shows, this is not the case.
Both the knowledge of somebody who defaulted and the number of foreclosures in the same ZIP
code area have no effect on the probability of default when the equity shortfall is 100K. This pattern
is inconsistent with the clustering hypothesis, but it is consistent with both the information and
social stigma hypotheses. Social stigma can prevent strategic default when the cost is not too large,
but when it is too large, it becomes infra-marginal. The same can be true about the information
regarding the cost of strategic default. If the benefit of strategic default is very large (like in the case
of a 100K shortfall), the possible costs are infra-marginal and thus learning about them does not
alter the decision. This explains why we find an effect in Table 6A, but not in Table 6B.
All these are only indirect ways to answer the question of what determines this social
contagion. However, thanks to a variable inserted in waves 6 to 8, we have a more direct way to
discriminate between the various hypotheses. One implication of the information spill-over
hypothesis is that respondents who know somebody who defaulted strategically update their
estimates of the cost of such a decision. A major determinant of these costs is the decision of a
lender to sue. Talking with several legal experts we arrived at the conclusion that these suits are
very rare. Nevertheless, the perception is different. On average, people think that the probability
that a lender will go after a borrower is 53%. Hence, if knowing somebody who defaulted
strategically leads to some learning, we should observe a reduction in the perceived probability that
a lender goes after the borrower when the respondent knows somebody who defaulted strategically.
In Table 7, we regress this perception on several individual characteristics, whether a state is
non-recourse and a dummy variable equal to one if the respondent knows somebody who has
strategically defaulted. While the legal treatment of mortgages in the state does not impact the
perceived probability, knowing someone who defaulted does. Knowing a strategic defaulter
decreases the perceived probability a lender will go after a borrower by 8.8 percentage points. That
non-strategic default has a marginally significant effect on the perceived probability of a bank going
after the borrower does not contradict the results in Table 5, where it had no significant effect on
willingness to default strategically. Observing somebody defaulting provides information about
both the subjective costs of defaulting (for example, how painful is for the children to move) and
the objective costs (how big the social stigma is and how likely a bank is to go after a borrower for
the difference). While strategic defaults provide information about both aspects, non-strategic
defaults provide information mostly about the first one (since lenders have fewer incentives to go
after a borrower who is in financial distress). This explains why the effect of knowing somebody
who strategically defaulted is much stronger than the effect of knowing somebody who defaulted
non-strategically, both in Table 5 and in Table 6.
In sum, all the evidence is consistent with the information spill-over effect and inconsistent
with the clustering hypothesis. We cannot exclude that there is also a social stigma effect, but
(unlike for the information spill-over hypothesis) we do not have any direct evidence to support it.
4.6 The Effect of the Media
White (2009) argues that there are emotional constraints that restrain people from strategically
defaulting and that “social control agents such as the government, the media, and the financial industry
use both moral suasion and disinformation to cultivate these emotional constraints in homeowners.”
That even in non-recourse states respondents think that lenders will come after borrowers with a
50% probability seems consistent with this claim. To explore this hypothesis more directly, we use
the last five waves of the survey that contain a comparable measure of the respondents’ exposure to
the media (average hours spent in a day reading or watching news).
In Table 8, we insert this measure of media exposure in the basic specification. Contrary
to White’s (2009) claim, individuals more exposed to the media are more (not less) likely to default
strategically (column 1). It is hard, however, to interpret this coefficient as causal. People who
choose to spend more time reading/watching news may differ on other dimensions, which we are
unable to properly observe and control for.
To address this problem, we exploit some time variation in the coverage that strategic
default had on the main media. Figure 10 reports the number of articles containing the words
“walking away” and “housing” appearing in Factiva from December 2008 to September 2010. As
Figure 10 shows, there has been an explosion of coverage since the beginning of 2010. Searches of
similar words exhibit the same pattern. A likely cause of this increase in coverage is the publication
on January 7, 2010 of an article by Roger Lowestein in the New York Time Magazine. As the title
(“Walk Away From Your Mortgage!”) suggests, this article, which also cites White (2009), looks
very favourably on strategic defaults.
In column 2 we insert a time trend for the waves (the three waves we use are September
2009, December 2010, and September 2010, where information on time spent reading/watching the
news is available) and an interaction between exposure and the number of the wave. Contrary to
White’s (2009) hypothesis, when the media talk more favorably about strategic default people who
are more exposed to the media are less likely to be willing to default strategically. This result can be
interpreted as a decreasing marginal effect of time spent reading/watching news when it comes to
learning about the costs and benefits of strategic default. When the media were talking very little
about the subject, only people who spent a lot of time watching/reading news would learn more
about the costs of defaulting. By contrast, after the media started to talk about this phenomenon at a
great length, even the most casual reader/watcher would learn about it, hence the decreased
marginal effect.
5. What Explains the Increase in Strategic Default?
Figure 7 shows that the proportion of strategic defaults has significantly increased during
2009. What can account for this phenomenon?
As Figure 1 shows, the willingness to default has remained fairly stable over time. This
stability is the result of an increase over time in the number of people who know somebody who
defaulted strategically (Figure 5) and a reduction in the level of anger (Figure 4). The first change
increases the willingness to default, the second decreases it, by roughly of the same amount.
Since the propensity to strategically default is increasing with the size of the home equity
shortfall (see Figure 2), a possible explanation is that the number of people with a home equity
shortfall has increased during 2009. This conjecture is supported by Figure 11 which shows the
percentage of households with negative equity from the third quarter 2008 to the first quarter 2010,
as reported by Zillow.com. As Figure 11 shows, the big jump is between the third quarter 2008 and
the second quarter 2009. The percentage seems to have stabilized between the second quarter 2009
and the first quarter 2010. If we look at the behavior of aggregate house prices, however, these have
been dropping at the national level over the entire period. How can we explain then, the pattern of
the percentage of people with negative equity?
In determining the percentage of people with negative equity (and the percentage of
strategic defaults), what matters is not the average of house prices, but the behavior of house prices
in the areas that have been hit the hardest in the past. It is irrelevant if house prices have dropped
5% from September 2009 to March 2010 in the Augusta (SC) metro area, since this is an area where
in June 2009 only 2% of the families had negative equity. It is much more relevant that during the
same period in the Stockton (CA) metro area prices have increased slightly, since according to
Zillow.com in that area 51% of the households had negative equity in June 2009.
This distinction highlights the importance of understanding the nonlinearity of the
relationship between house prices and strategic default. What matters for strategic default is not the
aggregate level of house prices, but the behavior in the areas worse hit.
6. Conclusions
While it is unlikely that homeowners would walk away when their home equity is only
slightly negative, very little is known about their willingness to walk away when their negative
home equity position becomes large in absolute value. Our survey data tries to address this gap.
Our findings suggest that the cost of defaulting strategically increases with wealth, but at a
decreasing rate and that it is driven both by pecuniary and non-pecuniary factors, such as views
about fairness and morality. Even controlling for the possible spurious effect due to the fact that the
morality and the default questions are asked in the same survey, we find that people who consider it
immoral to default are less willing to default. It is also true that people who are angrier about for the
economic situation, who trust banks less, and who want them to be regulated more are more likely
to default strategically.
Finally, we find some social contagion in the decision to default strategically: people who
know somebody who defaulted strategically are more willing to do so. This effect does not seem to
be due to a clustering of people with similar attitudes, but rather to a learning of the actual cost of
default. We find a similar learning effect from exposure to the media, an effect that is reduced when
the media start to cover the topic more massively. These contagion and information effects should
be seriously considered in the design of any public policy regarding housing.
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Figure 1. Percentage of people willing to default strategically
Fraction of homeowners who say they are willing to default when the value of their home equity falls short of the value of the
loan by 50K and 100K respectively even if the homeowner can afford to pay the monthly mortgage costs.
Figure 2. Percentage of homeowners willing to default as a fraction of the size of the shortfall
Fraction of homeowners who say they are willing to default when the value of their home equity falls short of the value of the loan
by 50K and 100K respectively even if the homeowner can afford to pay the monthly mortgage costs as function of the incidence of
this shortfall on the value of their house (Panel A) or the level of the shortfall (Panel B).
A. Percentage defaulting and relative shortfall
B. Percentage defaulting and absolute shortfall for different values of individual wealth
Figure 3. Fraction of people who think it is morally wrong to walk away
Percentage of people responding positively to the following question: “Do you think that it is morally wrong to walk away from a
house when one can afford to pay the monthly mortgage?
Figure 4. Evolution of resentment and trust
In Panel A, angryis the percentage of people who report to be angryor very angryabout the economic situation following the
financial crisis. Trust banks is the percentage of people who report they trust banks completely or a lot in a question asking how
much people trust banks on a scale from 1 (no trust) to 5 (completely). In Panel B, Cap on executive compensationand Regulate
financial sectorare the percentage of people answering yes to the questions: “Do you think the government should intervene to
impose a cap on executive compensation?” and “Do you think that the Government should intervene to regulate the financial sector
more?,” respectively.
A. Anger and Trust in Banks
B. Support to Regulation
Figure 5. Percentage of people who know a defaulter
Know a defaulter‘ is the percentage of people who report they know at least one person who has defaulted on his/her mortgage when
answering the question “How many people do you know who have defaulted on their house mortgage?Know strategic defaulters’
is the percentage of people who know at least one strategic defaulter based on the answers to the question: “Of the people you know
who have defaulted on their mortgage, how many do you think walked away even if they could afford to pay the monthly mortgage?”
Figure 6. Perceived and actual defaults
The dependent variable is the percentage of survey respondents in a state who know at least a person who has defaulted. The
independent variable is the average percentage of mortgaged houses in foreclosure according to RealtyTrack.
0 20 40
% people who knows someone who defaulted
0 .05 .1
.15 .2
Average foreclosure per state
Figure 7. Perceived probability that lender would go after defaulter: recourse and non-
recourse states
Histogram of the subjective probability that lenders go after defaulters in recourse and non-recourse states using the answers to the
question “When people default on their mortgage, the lender repossesses the house. Sometimes the mortgage is more than the value
of the house. On a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 equals “absolutely no chance” and 100 equals “absolutely certain” what do you
expect are the chances that the lenders will go after people who default on their mortgage for the full amount of the mortgage?”
Figure 8. Ratio of strategic defaults to total defaults
The figure shows the ratio of strategic defaults to total defaults. This is estimated by dividing the number of people who respondents
know have defaulted strategically by the total number of people who respondents know that have defaulted on the basis of the
following two questions: “How many people do you know who have defaulted on their house mortgage? and “Of the people you
know who have defaulted on their mortgage, how many do you think walked away even if they could afford to pay the monthly
Figure 9. Percentage of strategic defaults: Survey vs. actual data
This figure plots the percentage of defaults considered strategic according to our survey method vs. the one derived
from the Piskorski, Seru, and Vig (2010) dataset. This data contains origination and payment information on mortgage
borrowers in the United States. This data is combined with the credit bureau information to assess the nature of
payments made by a delinquent borrower on other accounts. A borrower is classified as a strategic defaulter if he goes
from current to sixty days late on his mortgage for the first time while remaining current on credit card balances for the
following six months. For more details see (Mayer, Morrison, Piskorski, and Gupta 2011).
Figure 10. News coverage of strategic defaults over time
Number of articles found by searching the Factiva database for the joint appearance of the words “walking away” and “strategic
Figure 11. Percentage of households with negative equity
Evolution of the fraction of U.S. homeowners with negative equity based on estimates from Zillow.com.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics
Panel A shows summary statistics for the variables used in the paper. The detailed information about variable definition is contained
in data appendix. Panel B shows the intensity of strategic default by level of wealth and size of the shortfall of the house value. Panel
C shows how many observations we have for each wave of the survey, using the demographic specification (Table 2.B) as
benchmark. A correlation matrix of all these variables is reported in the online appendix (Table A1).
A. Summary statistics
Mean Median Std. Dev. Min Max Obs
Default at -50K 0.089 0.000 0.284 0.000 1.000 6,079
Default at -100K 0.230 0.000 0.421 0.000 1.000 5,761
Morally wrong towalk away 0.823 1.000 0.382 0.000 1.000 6,190
Angry about the economic situation 3.534 4.000 1.333 1.000 5.000 6,420
Govt should impose cap on executive compensation 0.568 1.000 0.495 0.000 1.000 5,353
Govt should regulate financial sector more 0.524 1.000 0.499 0.000 1.000 4,630
Trust banks 3.097 3.000 1.197 1.000 5.000 6,414
Know someone who defaulted 0.326 0.000 0.469 0.000 1.000 6,251
Know someone who strategically defaulted 0.141 0.000 0.348 0.000 1.000 6,076
Percentage of foreclosures in the area 0.046 0.025 0.066 0.000 0.662 5,699
Perceived prob that lender would go after defaulters 0.534 0.500 0.345 0.000 1.000 2,724
Time spent reading/watching news during an average day (hours) 1.357 1.000 1.166 0.000 12.000 4,056
Female 0.513 1.000 0.500 0.000 1.000 6,493
Age <=35 0.092 0.000 0.290 0.000 1.000 6,275
Age >=65
0.319 0.000 0.466 0.000 1.000 6,275
Number of kids 0.507 0.000 0.977 0.000 6.000 6,402
Bought house>5 years 0.775 1.000 0.417 0.000 1.000 5,705
House price expectations (5 years) 3.551 4.000 0.883 1.000 5.000 6,290
Prob. become unemployed 0.123 0.000 0.247 0.000 1.000 6,003
50K shortfall as a fraction of the value of the house 0.366 0.286 0.288 0.006 2.000 5,995
100K shortfall as a fraction of the value of the house 0.732 0.571 0.577 0.011 4.000 5,995
Value of the house 241,631 175,000 355,852 25,000 8,900,000 5,995
Income (100K dollars) 0.687 0.563 0.542 0.050 2.500 5,739
Risk aversion 6.160 6.000 2.583 1.000 10.000 6,451
High School 0.937 1.000 0.243 0.000 1.000 6,320
College 0.659 1.000 0.474 0.000 1.000 6,320
Black 0.063 0.000 0.243 0.000 1.000 6,364
Hispanic 0.038 0.000 0.191 0.000 1.000 6,364
North-East 0.199
0.000 0.399 0.000 1.000 6,493
South 0.361 0.000 0.480 0.000 1.000 6,493
West 0.192 0.000 0.394 0.000 1.000 6,493
Non-recourse state 0.326 0.000 0.469 0.000 1.000 6,493
Level of equity (Value of the house-Mortgage) 188,743 110,000 377,444 -90,0000 8,050,000 4,068
Median level of equity in the area (Zillow) -21,204 -2,736 46,379 -214,305 5,6139 2,805
Feel less morally obligated if:
broker sold mortgage 0.386 0.000 0.488 0.000 1.000 202
bank helped by Government
0.279 0.000 0.449 0.000 1.000 219
bank involved in predatory lending 0.435 0.000 0.497 0.000 1.000 207
B. Fraction defaulting strategically by value of wealth and size of the shortfall
House value
Shortfall at
Change in default probability when shortfall increases:
from 0 a 50
from 50 a 100
from 100 a 150
<100 K
100-200 K
200 -400 K
>400 K
C. Number of observations per
Table 2. Demographic determinants of the decision to default strategically
The dependent variable is a dummy equal to one if the homeowner says s/he is willing to default when the value of his home equity
equal -50K (in Panel A) or -100K (in Panel B) even if s/he can afford to pay the monthly mortgage costs. All the other variables are
defined in Table 1. The reported coefficients are marginal effects estimated with a probit model and computed at the mean of the
independent variables. All the regressions contain a constant term (not reported) and dummies for waves. Robust standard errors
are in brackets. */**/*** indicates statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
A. Walk away at -50k
High school
Shortfall % house
Bought>5 years
House price expectation
Prob. become unemployed
Income (100K dollars)
Risk Aversion
Non-recourse State
B. Walk away at -100k
High school
Shortfall % house
Bought>5 years
House price expectation
Prob. become unemployed
Income (100K dollars)
Risk Aversion
Non-recourse State
Table 3. The effect of morality on strategic default
The dependent variable is a dummy equal to one if the homeowner says s/he is willing to default when the value of his home equity
equal -50K (in Panel A) or -100K (in Panel B) even if s/he can afford to pay the monthly mortgage costs. All the other variables are
defined in Table 1. In Panel A, Columns (1), (2), (5) the reported coefficients are marginal effects estimated with a probit model (IV-
probit in column (5)) computed at the mean of the independent variables. In columns (3), (4), and (7) the reported coefficients are
marginal effects estimated with a linear probability model (LPM). In the IV estimates “default is morally wrong” is instrumented
with an indicator variable on whether the respondent is a Republican. For Columns (6) and (7), we use only the observations where
the morality question is asked at the beginning. In Panel C, column 1 and 2, we split the sample between people declaring positive
and negative equity according to the survey. In Columns 3 and 4 we have split the sample between people with positive and negative
equity, using data on median negative equity in the metropolitan area (Zillow). Not all the people live in a metropolitan area, and
Zillow does not provide data for every metropolitan area. In Columns 5 and 6 we have split the sample according to the size of the
drop in house price at state level distinguishing between below and above median (data from FHFA). All the regressions contain a
constant term (reported only for linear specification) and dummies for waves. Robust standard errors are in brackets. */**/***
indicates statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
A. Walk away at -50k
IV: First and Second
Morally wrong to walk away
Shortfall % house
House price expectation
Prob. become unemployed
Income (100K dollars)
Bought>5 years
Risk Aversion
Non-recourse State
Other controls
B. Walk away at -100k
IV: First and Second
Morally wrong to walk away
Shortfall % house
House price expectation
Prob. become unemployed
Income (100K dollars)
Bought>5 years
Risk Aversion
Non-recourse State
Other controls
C. Robustness
Level of drop in price
Low drop in
High drop in
Morally wrong to walk
Shortfall % house
House price
Prob. become
Income (100K dollars)
Bought>5 years
Risk Aversion
Non-recourse State
Other controls
Table 4: Change in morality
The dependent variable is a dummy equal to one if the homeowner says s/he would feel less morally obligated to repay
the mortgage if one particular situation occurs (the broker has sold the mortgage, the bank has received money from the
government, the bank was accused of predatory lending). All the other variables are defined in Table 1. These data are
collected starting only from the 8
wave. One of the three situations is randomly assigned to the individual. The
reported coefficients are marginal effects estimated with a probit model and computed at the mean of the independent
variables. All the regressions contain a constant term (not reported) and dummies for waves. Robust standard errors are
in brackets. */**/*** indicates statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Broker who sells
Bank helped
Morally wrong to walk away
Shortfall % house
House price expectation
Prob. become unemployed
Income (100K dollars)
Bought>5 years
Risk Aversion
Non-recourse State
Other controls
Table 5. Anger, trust, and strategy defaults
The dependent variable is a dummy equal to one if the homeowner says s/he is willing to default when the value of his home equity
equals -50K (in Panel A) or -100K (in Panel B) even if s/he can afford to pay the monthly mortgage costs. All the other variables are
defined in Table 1. The reported coefficients are marginal effects estimated with a probit model and computed at the mean of the
independent variables. All the regressions contain a constant term (not reported) and dummies for waves. Robust standard errors are
in brackets. */**/*** indicates statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
A. Walk away at -50k
Angry about the economic situation
Trust banks
Govt should impose cap on
executive compensation
Govt should regulate financial
sector more
Morally wrong to walk away
Shortfall % house
House price expectation
Prob. become unemployed
Income (100K dollars)
Bought>5 years
Risk Aversion
Non-recourse State
Other controls
B. Walk away at -100k
Angry about the economic situation
Trust banks
Govt should impose cap on
executive compensation
Govt should regulate financial
sector more
Morally wrong to walk away
Shortfall % house
House price expectation
Prob. become unemployed
Income (100K dollars)
Bought>5 years
Risk Aversion
Non-recourse State
Table 6. Defaults and information about other defaulters
The dependent variable is a dummy equal to one if the homeowner says s/he is willing to default when the value of his home equity
equal -50 (in Panel A) or -100K (in Panel B) even if s/he can afford to pay the monthly mortgage costs. All the other variables are
defined in Table 1. The reported coefficients are marginal effects estimated with a probit model and computed at the mean of the
independent variables. All the regressions contain a constant term (not reported) and dummies for waves. Robust standard errors are
in brackets. */**/*** indicates statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
A. Walk away at -50k
Know someone who strategically defaulted
Percentage of foreclosures in the area
Know someone who defaulted
Morally wrong to walk away
Angry about the economic situation
Shortfall % house
House price expectation
Prob. become unemployed
Income (100K dollars)
Bought>5 years
Risk Aversion
Non-recourse State
Other controls
B. Walk away at -100k
Know someone who strategically defaulted
Percentage of foreclosures in the area
Know someone who defaulted
Morally wrong to walk away
Angry about the economic situation
Shortfall % house
House price expectation
Prob. become unemployed
Income (100K dollars)
Bought>5 years
Risk Aversion
Non-recourse State
Other controls
Table 7 Determinants of the probability that lenders go after defaulters
The dependent variable is the perceived probability that a lender would go after defaulters, measured on a scale between 0 and 100.
The table reports beta coefficients from OLS regressions. All the regressions contain dummies for waves. Robust standard errors are
in brackets. */**/*** indicates statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Perceived probability that the lender would go after
Know someone who strategically defaulted
Know someone who defaulted
Shortfall % house
House price expectation
Prob. become unemployed
Income (100K dollars)
Bought>5 years
Risk Aversion
Non-recourse State
Other controls
Table 8. The role of the media in explaining strategic defaults
The dependent variable is a dummy equal to one if the homeowner says s/he is willing to default when the value of his home equity
equal -50K even if s/he can afford to pay the monthly mortgage costs. All the other variables are defined in Table 1. Since data on the
media were collected starting with wave 4, estimates are based on waves 4-8. The reported coefficients are marginal effects estimated
with a probit model and computed at the mean of the independent variables. All the regressions contain a constant term and dummies
for waves. Robust standard errors are in brackets. */**/*** indicates statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Walk away at -50k (waves 4-8)
Time spent reading/watching news
during an average day (hours)
Time news*wave
Know someone who strategically defaulted
Know someone who defaulted
Percentage of foreclosures in the area
Shortfall % house
House price expectation
Prob. become unemployed
Income (100K dollars)
Bought>5 years
Risk Aversion
Non-recourse State
Other controls