Advisor: Mrs. Dunham
Principal: Mrs. Chamberlain
Bulldog Bark
December 2020/January 2021
Your Middle School News Unleashed!
By Landon Rosado
Team 7 Barker
We know one
thing: Christmas will be
like no other year this
year due to the Covid-
19 pandemic. Some
precautions and re-
strictions have been en-
acted within our gov-
ernment in order to
abate the spread of the
virus. However, it is
disheartening as it
seems that the integral
parts of holidays, like
gathering with friends
and family, is almost
impossible to replicate
with the current condi-
tions. However, with a
little ingenuity and crea-
tivity, we can still make
the holidays memora-
ble. Note: This article
is not intended as
medical advice.
Please review the lat-
est Covid-19 guidance
from the CDC, the
Department of
Health, and our state
guidelines for the lat-
est and most up-to-
date health infor-
Even though there
are restrictions and
changes this year, there
are still ways to enjoy
this special time of year.
For example, you could
host Christmas out-
doors. Here are some
ideas for an outdoor
Christmas party:
1. Check state guide-
lines to see how
many guests are per-
mitted to gather at
an outdoor gather-
ing. Click here for
more information.
2. Share your plans
ahead of time with
your guests to keep
them informed of
your plans. You can
send party invita-
tions to let guests
know what steps
you are taking, and
the guidelines you
will follow.
3. Consider having
guests wear face
masks even if out-
4. Think about winter-
izing your backyard
to hold your party.
You may need to
invest in the right
equipment to keep
guests warm. Con-
sider buying out-
door tents, blankets,
fire pits, and out-
door heaters.
5. Have guests bring
their own cups,
plates, and napkins.
You can provide hot
chocolate, warm
soup, and baked
Christmas Isnt Cancelled:
See Page 7, Cancelled
We have THREE Buzzfeed quizzes this edition!
Which Christmas Carol or Song Best Represents You?
Which Among Us Skin Is Your Favorite?
Are You More Like Christmas Or Thanksgiving?
Tips for Safely Enjoying the Holidays
Page 2
The Bulldog Bark
By Emily Mack
Team 7 Barker
Our local area always has
fun and amazing holiday events.
This year not so many festivities
will be taking place as COVID-
19 has given this year many re-
strictions. Howev-
er, some events
will continue to
take place with
safety precautions.
Check out these
local events if you
havent already to
keep in the spirit!
Lehigh Valley
Zoo: Winter
Light Spectacular will be held
with COVID restrictions. Masks
must be worn all through the
zoo. Social distancing is highly
encouraged. They will be having
a limited capacity. The lights will
be held in the evenings of No-
vember 13th through January
2nd. They charge $15 per adult
and $10 per child. The entire zoo
will be covered in over 1 million
lights! The lights are breathtaking
and in an array of colors! You
can take pictures with Elsa or the
Grinch. You can also see rein-
deer! They also have a food
stand. I highly recommend going
to the Winter Light Spectacular.
You will not regret going!
Allenon Ligh in
the Parkway is still happening in
2020! You and your family can
drive through the Lehigh Park-
way to see their lights display!
The lights will happen on No-
vember 27th to December 27th.
They will be open 5:30 p.m. to 10
p.m. The display will be closed
Christmas day. This display is
contact free from other visitors.
Instead of charging per person
they charge $15 per car. The
lights cover more than a mile of
the park! The parkway features
hundreds of thousands of beauti-
ful lights. Some of the lights are
set to some of your favorite
Christmas tunes! Lights in the
Parkway is affordable fun for the
whole family.
Philadelphia Chi-
mas Village is happening but
socially distanced. The event
will be taking place at Love Park
and City Hall. It will be open
from November 26th through
December 24th. There is free ad-
mission but some things require
payment. The Christmas Village
is modeled after a German style
outdoor market. There are many
things to do at the village. They
have a variety of international
vendors. You can get food and
drinks, buy decorations, and
watch artisans create fine works
of art. Yes the Christmas Village
may be far, it is totally worth go-
Christkindlmarkt is still on in
Bethlehem. It is already almost
over! The season begins on Oc-
tober 8th until December 6th.
Go quick to get your Christmas
essentials! Many artisans and ven-
dors will be in attendance. Partic-
ipating vendors will constantly be
changing so you never see the
same thing twice. Masks
and social distancing is
requested upon entry.
There is a $10 admis-
sion fee.
Many organizations
are holding virtual
events. The Transiberi-
an Orchestra is holding
a virtual concert. Peeps
will be holding PEEP
FEST on the 31st of
December. It will be
held in person and virtually. You
can also see A Christmas Carol
online at the Civic Theatre in Al-
Most importantly remember that
you do not have to celebrate at
these places to celebrate. Even
having a fun night indoors with
your family can liven the Christ-
mas spirit. It is important that we
appreciate our family and friends
during these hard times. Happy
Local Holiday Events!
Page 3
The Bulldog Bark
Walking In A Winter Wonderland
Koiars Christmas Village has
been spreading Christmas cheer
since the year 1948. William M.
Kozair was the creator of
Koziar's. Koziar
had started to
decorate his
house and prop-
erty for the rea-
son that his wife,
Grace, and his 4
children loved
the unusual dis-
play. People be-
gan to admire
and applaud the
House. Koair
would add unique
and unusual
things each year. He had started
decorating his lake, then the
walkways, then the trees, fences,
and buildings. In addition to all
of these decorations he had start-
ed to decorate the barn and the
house as well. By popular de-
mand visitors were then permit-
ted to have a closer look at the
display. The house then became
known as Koiar's Christmas
Village. People came from near
and far to look at the breathtak-
ing light display. Today Kaiars
has grown even larger with third
and fourth generations of family
members making
the magical light
display. Koiars
Christmas Vil-
lage is celebrat-
ing its 73rd anni-
versary in 2020.
They have re-
ceived many
awards including
The Best Out-
door Christmas
Display in the
World. In con-
clusion, walking
through Koiars
is just like Walking in a Winter
By Samantha Mack
Team 7 Barker
How Different Religions Celebrate the Holidays
There are a bunch of dif-
ferent religions across the world
that celebrate the holi-
day seasons in similar
and different ways to
many of us. Different
religions can come with
different customs and
traditions and others.
Lets learn about some
of them!
Those who are Jewish
celebrate the holiday
called Hanukkah. Hanukkah lasts
8 days, beginning on the 25th of
the Hebrew month Kislev, which
is November and December. It
celebrates the victory of Judah
the Maccabee over the Syrian ty-
rant Antiochus over 2,100 years
ago. Each night of the festival,
the families gather around the
menorah, which is a special can-
delabrum that holds
eight candles. One
the first night, the
head of the family
uses a helper can-
dle, called a
shamos, to light
one candle. One
the second night, 2
candles are lit, and
By Bella Haydt
Team 7 Barker
See Page 4, Religions
Page 4
The Bulldog Bark
Religions, Continued
so on! Each night, gifts are given
to everyone. In some families,
children play games with a small
four-sided wooden top called a
Those who follow the Muslim
faith celebrate Ramadan. It
marks the month the prophet
Mohammed is believed to have
had their holy
book, the Ko-
ran, revealed to
them by God.
Ramadan is the
9th month of
the Islamic lu-
nar calendar. It
is 11 to 12 days
shorter than
the Gregorian
calendar. The
starts at the
first sighting of
the moonlight
in Ramadan.
This year, it
happens to fall over the normal
Christmas time period like us.
They can surprisingly not eat or
drink anything during the day-
time during this period. The fast
ends with the celebration of Edi
al-Fitr, the festival of the break-
ing of the fast. Some Muslim
governments grant amnesties to
political and other prisoners on
this day,
Kwanzaa is a cultural festival in
which African Americans cele-
brate and reflect upon their her-
itage as the products of 2 worlds.
It begins on the 26th of Decem-
ber and lasts for a whole week! It
was founded by Dr. Maulana
Ron Karenga, a college profes-
sor and African American leader.
He would study the festivals of
many African American groups
of people and then he decided
that the new holiday should be a
harvest or first fruits.
Kwanzaa is a Kiswahili word
meaning the first fruits of the
Hindus celebrate their holiday on
the 25th of December just like
many people who celebrate
Christmas. It is also considered
the birthday of the Hindu God,
Krishna, as well as Mithra, the
Greek God of Light.
Wiccans hold an annual tree fes-
tival, which had long been cele-
brated in Northern Europe be-
fore the Christian era, is still cele-
brated among nature-based
faiths such as Wicca.
Christian people celebrate
Christmas in different ways. The
families and Churches from all
over would set up a Nativity Seal
or a mini replica of the birth-
place of Jesus Christ. The scene
would be composed of baby Je-
sus, the virgin mother Mary, the
father Joseph, three wise men,
and sometimes some animals
that would be in the stable.
Churches that would usually
practice Christianity would per-
form Christmas
plays that describe
the night that baby
Jesus was born in a
manger. Catholic
Churches would
have a midnight
mass on the night
of Christmas Day
to celebrate baby
Jesus birth. In the
month of Decem-
ber, besides the
church festivities,
people would sing
traditional Christ-
mas Carols, buy
Christmas trees, and
place wrapped presents under
the tree. They also might ex-
change the presents at a Christ-
mas party or Christmas morn-
Buddhists celebrate Christmas
very much like the Christians do.
They decorate trees, give and
trade presents, sing Christmas
Carols and songs, send cards to
loved ones, and hold late night
Christmas, as well as all the holi-
days celebrated around this time,
are very special! A lot of cultures
celebrate differently, but that is
just what makes them unique.
Page 5
The Bulldog Bark
Live Streaming: Student and Teacher Opinions
Students in the year 2020 have been
through many learning challenges.
Students sometimes have to work
independently and self-taught. We
have also learned to do
work mostly online. Teach-
ers, parents, and students
all have been working to-
gether to help improve our
learning. Now, we all need
to learn how to host and
attend livestreamed classes.
This means that students
must show up to online
meetings during their class
times. I wondered What
do my peers think about
our live streaming situa-
tion? What are my teach-
ers' opinions on this?
1. What are some pros and cons
of live streaming?
One pro of live streaming is that,
even when you are virtual, you still
get a similar experience to actually
being in the classroom. For exam-
ple, when you have a question, you
dont have to wait for the teacher to
respond to your email, you can just
ask your question on the livestream
and have it answered right away.
One con of live streaming is that,
since you are basically on live
streams until the end of the school
day, you dont have much time to
get your schoolwork or any assign-
ments you didnt finish in class
done. I always find myself having a
ton of work to still do after the
school day is done. -Andi Szwast
A pro of live streaming is that if a
student is having trouble with
something they can go over it on
the live stream. A con of live
streaming is that some people
might get done later than they usu-
ally do. -Landon Rosado
 I feel that live streaming has spe-
cific benefits. During live streaming
instruction, I have the opportunity
to directly interact with students
who are off the school campus.
Those students are receiving the
same instruction as students sitting
in class. Live streaming benefits stu-
dents because they have the oppor-
tunity to interact with peers and ask
questions during class time. The
negative aspect of live streaming is
that students are not physically pre-
sent in the classroom. The physical
distance can compromise the edu-
cational experience when students
have concerns or technology is-
sues. -Ms. Hannon
2. Would you rather have stu-
dents learn on their own or with
the livestream?
I would rather do the work on my
own because I would get done ear-
lier to do other things. -Landon
While the livestreams do have cer-
tain benefits, I think I prefer learn-
ing on my own. I know
this may not be true
for other students, but
I have a pretty easy
time understanding
what I need to do
without the livestream,
and Im perfectly fine
waiting for my ques-
tions to be answered
through emails. -Andi
I believe that students
can greatly benefit
from live streaming.
For instance, in my middle school
classes, I give students time to com-
plete independent work while on
the Google Meet. This way I am
still available virtually to offer assis-
tance. If students are to complete
work independently, it eliminates
the opportunity to interact. -Ms.
3. What time do you feel
livestreaming should start?
I think livestreaming should start
around 9 or 9:30. That gives stu-
dents enough time to get ready for
the day. - Landon Rosado
I feel like livestreaming should
start between 9:00 and 10:00 am. I
know the live streams are supposed
to follow the schedule of the school
day, but for hybrid students on
their virtual days, its nice to get a
By Emily Mack
Team 7 Barker
See Page 6, Live Streams
Page 6
The Bulldog Bark
Live Streams, Continued
break from waking up at 6:00. -
Andi Szwast
I feel that live streaming should
follow the school schedule. It is
beneficial to maintain
consistency. I'm sure
everyone's hope is to
soon return to a nor-
mal school year. Live
streaming during the
traditional schedule
allows students to at-
tend all their classes
during the day. -Ms.
4. Are there any major compli-
cations you have noticed with
live streaming?
This havent really been major
complications. I feel that the
teachers are trying their best to
teach students when they are at
home. -Landon Rosado
Other than the fact that you
sometimes cant hear what the in-
person students are saying, I
havent noticed any major compli-
cations. -Andi Szwast
I would say that the complica-
tions that come with live stream-
ing classes revolves around the
infancy of technology replacing
in-person teaching. Live stream-
ing classes in a hybrid model of
education requires teachers to be
multifaceted in their approach. I
know that the use of cameras, ex-
tra monitors, and digital assign-
ments requires additional time
and planning. -Ms. Hannon
5. Do you overall enjoy doing
the live streams?
I dont really enjoy the live
streams, but I guess we just have
to deal with it until the pandemic
is over. -Landon Rosado
Overall, I think that live streams
are tolerable. There are certain
issues with them, but, for the
most part, they are okay. -Andi
 When it comes to live stream-
ing, I would say that I enjoy being
able to say I've learned to ap-
proach education in a different
forum. This is a learning experi-
ence for everyone involved. As an
educator, I realize that I can grow
from this experience. -Ms. Han-
Overall, the goal of live streaming
is to try to help students who are
working virtually be more en-
gaged in their education from a
distance. While there are technical
and logistical challenges to try to
maintain this type of setting, it is
beneficial for some students in
terms of staying on track. An
asynchronous approach, when
students complete assignments on
their own time, works for inde-
pendent learners, but not all
learners. We are hoping to return
to normal education soon, but
until then, we are doing our very
best to succeed.
No More Snow Das: An Opinion on Fleible Instructional Das
You might remember waking up
for school after it snowed and
looking at the T.V, excitingly
awaiting to see if school had been
closed or not. Well, what if I told
you that you can't do that any-
more? This year, there is a new
program where, if you have a
snow day, you still have to do
schoolwork, just online. Any day
when this happens is called a flex-
ible instruction day. We experi-
enced this for the first time last
week when we were off for two
days! Our teachers posted assign-
ments for us to complete on our
own schedule. We didnt have to
attend Live Streams lie we nor-
mally do when we are virtual, but
we still have to do schoolwork.
You might not like that, but let
me tell you something: If we have
a snow day and we dont go to
school, then we get an extra day
added to the end of the school
year. With flexible instructional
days, we won't. There are two
good things about this: (1) you
can continue to learn more and
(2) we don't get extra days added
By Gabby Lonberger
Team 8 Barker
See Page 12, Snow Days
Page 7
The Bulldog Bark
Indoor gatherings
have changed many
times during the pan-
demic. It must be not-
ed that there is risk
involved with hosting
a holiday gathering
that includes mem-
bers from multiple
households; however,
if you are to host a
small indoor gather-
ing, here are some
ideas. Here are some
ideas for a Covid Christ-
mas for a small indoor
1. Keep the guest list as
small as possible and
make it feel special.
There is nothing
wrong with keeping
your celebration to
those in your house-
hold! Its important
to check state guide-
lines to see how
many guests can
gather indoors. Click
here for more infor-
2. Set the table with
disposable plates,
cups, napkins, and
3. Make the Christmas
dinner like a fancy
meal. Add decora-
tions on the table.
Dont forget to
space the seating at
the table(s).
4. Consider having
guests from different
households sit at dif-
ferent tables that are
spaced out at least 6
5. Make sure there is
hand sanitizer in all
locations like the
kitchen and bath-
rooms. Put away reg-
ular hand towels and
use paper towels.
6. Kindly request that
your guests wear
face masks, but have
extra on hand if any-
one forgets. You
could provide a
Christmas mask to
your guests as a
practical party favor.
7. Fight the urge to hug
friends and family.
Go for elbow bumps
8. Limit how many sur-
faces guests have to
touch. Wipe down
tables and chairs to
keep germs from
9. Air flow is im-
portant! Consider
cracking a few win-
dows or purchasing
portable air cleaners
with HEPA filters.
10. Encourage everyone
to wash their hands
before and after they
eat. Instead of family
style, have one per-
son to
food for
Still an-
way to
celebrate the Christmas
season with family and
friends is by celebrat-
ing virtually. Here are a
few ideas to keep your
family traditions going:
1. To host a virtual
gathering, you will
need to plan ahead.
You need to see
which of your family
and friends are able
to participate in a
virtual party. You
can send out an invi-
tation online to
speed things along!
2. During a virtual par-
ty, share your screen
and play some
games, like a Kahoot
for trivia! You can
even have a watch
party and enjoy a
movie together.
3. Ask your guests to
prepare slideshows
before the party and
then give them a
chance to share. This
way family and
friends can keep eve-
ryone up to date on
newborns and how
wedding planning is
going and other fam-
ily events. Everyone
can share their sto-
ries and see them-
4. Part of many Christ-
mas traditions in-
clude sharing favor-
ite family treats.
Have several family
members make and
distribute favorite
cookies or treats to
family and friends.
Pick a date to enjoy
treats together over
video chat with your
5. Text your family
members with pho-
tos of Christmas
gatherings from past
years. Encourage
everyone to respond
with their own. Its a
great way to remem-
ber those who may
have passed away to
show younger chil-
dren and new family
members some of
the family history.
No matter which
way you choose to cele-
brate Christmas, you can
make the best of what is
going on with the
changes in our lives due
to the Covid-19 pan-
demic. Merry Christmas!
Cancelled, from Page 1
Page 8
The Bulldog Bark
Santa Claws is Coming to Town:
and dogs are often known for
being cute and lovable compan-
ions, but its not just those quali-
ties that make them desirable. In
fact, there are many benefits to
owning one. For example, they
can improve your mental health.
Studies have shown that cat and
dog owners have lower chances
of suffering from depression and
anxiety. Cats and dogs can also
improve your physical health.
Research has revealed that pet
owners are more likely to have
lower blood pressure during
stressful circumstances, lower
levels of triglyceride and choles-
terol, higher levels of serotonin
and dopamine, and higher levels
of exercise. In addition, children
and teenagers can learn im-
portant life lessons from pets.
For instance, responsibility, em-
pathy, and kindness can all be
taught by an
animal. And,
while this
might not be a
benefit to you,
by adopting a
pet, you are
saving two
lives: the life
of the animal
you are adopting and the life of
the animal that you just made
room for in the shelter. Lastly,
there are many different breeds
of cats and dogs, each with dif-
ferent characteristics, making it
easy to find one that accommo-
dates how much time, money,
and space you have. Adopting a
cat or dog comes with great re-
sponsibility, but it can also im-
prove your mental and physical
health, save the lives of two ani-
mals, help you learn important
lessons, and
bring you joy
while corre-
sponding with
your needs.
This holiday
season, adopt a
pet! You can
form a wonder-
ful bond and help get through
the tough times that lie ahead
with the current pandemic.
By Andi Szwast
Honorary Team 7 Barker
5 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Cat or Dog This Winter
Xbox Series X Vs PS5: Which System Is Best?
The new X-Box Series X and
Playstation 5 will both go down
in the books as one of the best
consoles in history. However, of
the two, which is best? In my
personal opinion, I think the PS5
is better because they added ray
tracing to some of their games.
Ray tracing, for those who do not
know, allows for dramatically
more lifelike shadows and reflec-
tions in the graphics, making the
games come to life visually. To
determine which system you
should look to get, you need to
think about which games you like
to play, for the PS5 has many dif-
ferent games that X-Box players
cannot get, such as Marvels Spi-
der-Man: Miles Morales. X-Box
players will not be able to play
this because it is a PS5 exclusive.
In general, both have very fast
loading time for their games. Alt-
hough the PS5 is more expensive,
trust me it is worth it. The PS5
has a higher GPU than an X-Box
and 4K, which means the PS5
has a better graphics card. Over-
all, the PS5 is better with graphics
and availability of specific games.
Click here for more information
to compare the two. Which do
you think is better?
By Stephen Berry
Team 8 Barker
Page 9
The Bulldog Bark
What to Get Your Friends and Family This Season
Having trouble coming up with
gifts for the people on your list?
Here are some gift ideas orga-
nized by interests and hobbies to
help you out!
Gift Ideas For Musicians:
1. Music Songwriting Journal
2. Instrument Accessories
(Pertains to the Instrument)
3. Instrument-Themed T-shirts,
Pillows, Signs, Jewelry, Mugs,
Socks, etc.
Gift Ideas For Cooks and/or
1. Cookie Cutters
2. Cake Decorating Kit
3. Oven Mitts and/or Apron
Gift Ideas For Avid Readers:
2. Books (Some Books For All
Ages Include the Harry Potter
Series, the Charlie Bucket Series,
and the
cles of
3. Read-
ing-Themed T-shirts, Pillows,
Signs, Jewelry, Mugs, Socks, etc.
Gift Ideas For Artists:
1. Painting Tools (Such as Paints
or Paint Palettes)
2. Drawing and/or Coloring
Tools (Such as Pencils, Markers,
and Colored
3. Coloring Book
Gift Ideas For Animal Lovers:
1. Animal-Themed T-shirts, Pil-
lows, Signs, Jewelry, Mugs,
Socks, etc. (Could be Custom-
ized if the Person Has a Pet)
2. Animals-Themed Pens, Pen-
cils, Erasers, etc.
3. Pet Toys, Paw Print Impres-
sion Kit, etc. (If the Person Has
a Pet)
Gift Ideas For Device Owners:
1. Earbuds or Headphones
2. Device Case and/or Screen
3. Tech Gloves
Gift Ideas For Athletes:
1. Training Equipment (Such as
Weights, Agility Ladders, and
2. Water Bottle
3. Sports Equipment and Clothes
(Pertains to the Sport)
Gift Ideas For Gardeners:
1. Gardening Gloves
2. Kneeling Pad
3. Seed Balls and/or Seed Paper
By Andi Szwast
Honorary Team 7 Barker
A Holiday Gift Guide
Page 10
The Bulldog Bark
Gift Ideas For Dancers:
1. Dance-Themed T-shirts,
Pillows Signs, Jewelry, Mugs, Socks, etc.
2. Stretching Strap
3. Bun Maker
Gift Ideas For Photographers:
1. Lens Cleaning Kit
2. Selfie Stick and/or Tripod
3. Picture Frames
Gift Ideas For Writers:
1. Thesaurus
2. Journal and/or Notebook
3. Magnetic Poetry
Gift Ideas For Gamers:
1. Mouse Pad
2. Blue Light Blocking Glasses
3. Headphone Stand
If none of the suggestions on this list appeal to you, then you can always give gift cards, checks, or
money. While it may not seem very thoughtful, some people enjoy picking out their own gifts or
saving money to buy something expensive. Happy holidays and good luck finding gifts!
Gifts, Continued
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The Bulldog Bark
We have THREE Buzzfeed quizzes this edition! Click
on he links belo if o haen done so alread. Hae
Which Christmas Carol or Song Best
Represents You?
Which Among Us Skin Is
Your Favorite?
Are You More Like
Christmas Or
Written By Andi Szwast, Bella Haydt, and Lauren
Nichols; Quizzes Developed by Melody Lindenmoyer
Team 7 and 8 Barkers
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The Bulldog Bark
to the end of
the school year. For example, lets say if we were
to total all the snow
days this year, and we
used up five more
than we would be
given. If we didnt
have flexible instruc-
tional days, we would
get an extra week
added to the end of
the school year, or at
the very least, some
of our breaks
throughout the year taken away (like spring
break and so on). But if we use this new pro-
gram, we dont. I rather be able to get out of
school in June on time than be out almost in Ju-
However, some of us probably miss having snow
days as they were, a day to truly relax and have
fun and not have to worry about school. In the
short term, that is great, and snow days are a
welcome break for all of us. On traditional snow
days, we have more time to ourselves and, if we
want to,
we can sleep ALL DAY! Now that's my type of
day! You get to bundle up
in your warmest, softest
clothes, watch Netflix and
YouTube, and play video
games all day. If you want
to, you can go outside and
play in the snow. You can
also go sledding down a hill,
drink hot chocolate, build
snowmen, and throw snow-
balls at people. The truth is,
though, while it may seem
strange to have to do work now, we can make up
our own schedule. Not only do we not have to
add any school days at the end of the year, but
we can also still enjoy the snow days! If we get
our school work done first thing in the morning,
we have all day to enjoy being outside or playing
games inside. We could also decide to play first
and work later, but as long as we can balance our
time, we can make this new flexible instructional
day work. We can still enjoy the snow if we man-
age our time right. Let it snow!
Top 10 Christmas Songs of 2020
By Aubrey Reinhard
Team 7 Barker
Snow Days, Continued
I know that many of
us have had our fami-
lies play Christmas
music in the car on
the way to get the
Christmas tree. I
wanted to compile a
list of the top ten
Christmas songs of
2020. 2020 may not
have been the best
year, but Christmas cheer has brought at least
some of our year back to normal. Number 10 is
an upbeat Christmas song that Im sure everyone
has heard before. Coming in at number 10 is
Last Christmas
by Wham! Since
1984 this song
has been a hit
across the coun-
try. Number 9 is
an older song
written by Bing
Crosby; this song
is called White
Christmas. Our
number 8 is a very popular song in 1996. Lots of
people enjoy this song while it doesnt have lyr-
ics. The Trans-Siberian Orchestra does an amaz-
ing job with the song
See Page 13, Top Songs
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Top Songs, Continued
Christmas Eve/Sarajevo. Number 7 is the all
famous song called Its the Most Wonderful
Time of the Year. Andy Williams had created
this song in 1963 and it is still a hit today we have
to give him some credit! Number 6 is a great clas-
sic from the movie Rudolph The Red-Nosed
Reindeer. Number 6 is none other than A Hol-
ly Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives. The Spanish sin-
gle Feli Navidad has become one of the
worlds most popular Christmas songs and is
number 5 on the list. In 1956 Bobby Helms re-
leased the song Jingle Bell Rock and it is still a
great Christmas song today which clearly shows
by its high ranking coming in at number 4 on the
list. Number 3 is probably one you havent heard
of yet but it is called The Christmas Song by
Nat King Cole. At just age 13 Brenda Lee re-
leased a great Christmas classic that Im sure eve-
ryone knows. Coming in at number 2 is Rockin
Around The Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee. Last
but certainly not least is All I Want for Christ-
mas is You by Mariah Carey. Mariahs song takes
the top spot every December. This song is so
popular that it reenters the Billboard Hot 100
every December. Well, there you have it: the top
10 Christmas songs of 2020. Go on then go jam
out to Christmas!
Holiday Fun and Games for the Season
By Gabby Lonberger
Team 8 Barker
Here are some fun games to play during the holi-
days this season with your loved ones! All the rules
and equipment and provided with the games de-
scribed below:
Saran Wrap
How to play:
The rules of the
game are simple:
basically how you
play is you need a group of people you get saran
wrap and multiple gifts like candy, socks, jewelry,
etc. The Saran Wrap ball game is a challenge in
which you unwrap prizes from a large ball of plastic
wrap. The layers are added in such a way that each
treat is more exciting than the one that came before.
The best is saved for last, and the center of the ball
will hold the most exciting or expensive gift. The
first person with the ball starts unwrapping the ball
while the person on their right rolls a pair of dice,
trying to roll doubles.
Once doubles are rolled, the ball is passed to the
next player and the sequence begins again.
The person with the ball does not stop unwrapping
until the person to their right rolls doubles. This
creates an urgency to the game! You want to roll the
dice over and over again as quickly as you can so
you get the ball! You get to keep the treasures you
unwrap! You decide who starts the game. You can
See Page 14, Games
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The Bulldog Bark
choose to roll the dice or go from youngest to
oldest. Your choice! Feel free to modify the rules
a bit too!
Here are some things you can put inside the sa-
ran wrap ball: candy pieces, candy boxes, gift
cards (small amounts), Matchbox cars, Tic Tacs,
Christmas bell necklace, Christmas earrings,
Christmas Socks, small toys, small card games,
and money.
How to play: a White Elephant gift exchange,
each participant brings a wrapped, unmarked gift
and places it in a designated area. Guests are giv-
en numbers as they arrive, or their names are
randomly drawn, and they select gifts in that or-
der with a twist.
On the first turn, the person assigned with #1
picks out a gift and opens it so all can see what it
is. On the second turn, the person assigned with
#2 gets the choice of stealing #1s unwrapped
gift or choosing a wrapped one from the pile. If
#2 steals #1s gift, then #1 must choose and
open a wrapped gift.
As subsequent players take their turns, they ei-
ther select a new gift or take any already opened
gift from any of the other players. Have any
player who has a gift taken away either choose a
new gift or take an already-opened gift from an-
other player.
The game continues with the following rules:
If someone steals your gift, you can steal some-
one elses gift or choose and open a wrapped
one. Continue until everyone has had a turn for a
gift. A turn is ended when an unopened gift has
been opened. A gift can only be stolen once
during a turn. If a gift is taken from someone
during one round, she cannot take it back during
that same round. She can, however, take it back
in a later round if she is in a position to select a
gift. A gift cannot be immediately stolen back
from the player who just stole it. Once a gift has
3 owners, the 3rd owner of a gift gets to keep
it it is retired and cant be stolen again.
The gift exchange ends when the last wrapped
gift is chosen and opened.
How to play: First, you need a host to put ran-
dom items in a stocking. Once it's stuffed, tie a
ribbon or string around the top of the stocking
so that no one can peek. Sit in a circle and pass it
around to let everyone feel what's inside. Give
them note cards so that they can write down
their guesses. The person who guesses the most
correct items wins.
How to play: Everyone stands in a circle as one
person begins a made up holiday story with one
sentence. Each person after them must recite
what the previous player(s) said and add their
own sentence. If someone forgets a detail while
recalling the whole story, theyre out. The story
keeps building until only one person can recall all
of the details and wins the game.
How to play: Have participants pair off. Tie one
persons right hand to their teammates left hand.
The duos will then attempt to wrap a gift using
their free hands. Have an example gift for every-
one to attempt to duplicate the harder it is to
create, the funnier. Give a time limit of 13
minutes and then have a judge pick the most ac-
curate gift.
Enjoy some fun this season!
Games, Continued
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Savannahs Comforting Recipes
By Savannah Hall
Team 7 Barker
Simple Comfort Desserts for Winter
Homemade Apple Pie: (5 apples, 5 tsps cinnamon,
3 cups water, 4 tbsps sugar, premade pie crust). Peel
and cut the apples into tiny little pieces. In a pot put
3 cups of water, 5 tsps of cinnamon, 4 tbsps of sugar
and let that boil. Once to a boil put your apples in
and let sit on a lower temperature for
2 hours, check every 30 minutes
Then put in your pie crust and cook
that how the box time and tempera-
ture says. Take out of the oven and
Hot Chocolate Cookies:
(1 cup unsalted sweet
cream butter, ¾ cup light
brown sugar, 2 eggs 1 tsp
pure vanilla, 3 cups flour, ¾ cups hot cocoa mix, 1
tsp baking powder, 1 tsp baking soda, 2 cups mini
marshmallows, 1 cup mini chocolate chips). Put your
dry ingredients in a bowl and mix. Put wet ingredi-
ents in another bowl and mix. Then put your wet
ingredients into the dry bowl and mix. Scoop and
put on a baking sheet and bake at 350 for 20-35
Hot Chocolate Bombs:
(1 cup of meltable chocolate,
3 tbsp cocoa powder, and 7
mini marshmallows, if de-
sired. Melt the chocolate and
once melted, put onto a sili-
cone baking ball. Once dried,
add your cocoa powder and
marshmallows then dissolve in 16 ounces of hot milk
or water and enjoy. Click here for more details.
Hot Chocolate Cupcakes: Purchase chocolate box
cake and cocoa powder.
Put all the ingredients
that are in the box choc-
olate cake and mix in a
bowl then add a 6 tbsp
of cocoa powder and 2
more tbsps of water.
Click here for more details.
Simple Comfort Dinners for Winter
Macaroni and Cheese: Get a 16
ounce box of elbow noodles, 3
cups shredded cheese, 2 tbsp but-
ter . Put noodles in pot with water
and wait to boil then drain. Put
butter and cheese into the pot
with the noodles mix and enjoy!
Chicken Soup: (1 tbsp olive oil, 1 medium onion
chopped, 4 cloves of minced garlic, 2
carrots peeled and chopped, 1 chopped
rib of celery, 6-8 skinless and boneless
squared boiled chicken thighs, 2 quarts
of chicken stock, 16 ounce of egg noo-
dles, 4 cups water). Put all ingredients
into a pot with a lid and put on a tem-
perature 6 for 20 minutes. Put into a
bowl and enjoy.
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The Art of Making Candy Gifts
By Mrs. Jones
Specials Team, FCS Teacher
This past week, we learned the art
of making candy! We have been
talking about budgeting and how
to make good food cheap!
Peppermint bark was first on the
Peppermint Bark Recipe
1 bag of chocolate chips, choc-
olate wafer OR chocolate bars
for melting
1 bag of white chocolate chips,
white chocolate wafers OR
white chocolate bars for melt-
6 Candy canes
1. Line a cookie sheet with wax
2. Powder the candy canes in a
blender or food chopper or
crush with a rolling pin to fine
3. Heat chocolate in microwave
for 2 mins and stir, folding up
from the bottom. Microwave
in intervals on 15 seconds and
stirring each time until creamy.
4. Spread out in a thin layer no
more than a 1/4 inch on the
cookie sheet.
5. Refrigerate for 15 mins.
6. Do the same with the white
chocolate Spread out evenly
over the dark chocolate.
7. Sprinkle with peppermint dust.
Chocolate Covered Pretzels
1 bag of chocolate chips, chocolate
wafer OR chocolate bars for melt-
Bag of mini pretzels
1. Line a cookie sheet with wax
2. Heat chocolate in microwave
for 2 mins and stir, folding up
from the bottom. Microwave
in intervals on 15 seconds and
stirring each time until creamy.
3. Dip pretzels in the chocolate
and gently shake the extra
chocolate off, place on wax
paper, and decorate with sprin-
kles! Wait until dry and enjoy!
These are easy, CHEAP gifts!
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LGBTQ: A Fight Around the World
By Kierra Katen
Team 8 Barker
Globally, the journey for gay rights has been long and
arduous. Although progress has been made, there are
many countries around the world, such as Middle East-
ern and African countries, where same-sex acts bring
upon the death penalty and other harsh, unfair punish-
ments. However, public acceptance is increasing glob-
ally, but certainly there is a long way to go. According
to the most recent research, people in the United
States, India, South Africa, Japan, South Korea, and
Mexico have the largest gains in
public acceptance of gay rights.
The LGBTQ community has
been around for centuries, yet
people didnt classify it as
LGBTQ rather than some-
thing to shrug off or ignore.
There is discrimination through-
out the world with the LGBTQ community, but cer-
tainly, it is not as bad as it used to be. However, I
would like to bring awareness to how certain countries
are currently treating LGBTQ issues.
In Kenya, there is a law punishing gay sex. This law
makes it possible for people to go to jail for up to 14
years. This was soon resolved by The National Gay
and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. In Brunei, it
was a far worse punishment for LGBTQ members.
The small town in Brunei would kill people by stoning.
The ruler enforced this rule and killed any same sex
couples. Taiwan, on the other hand, was one of the
first places to ALLOW same-sex marriage; however,
these couples dont have all the same rights as tradi-
tional heterosexual couples do. For example, same-sex
couples are able to legally adopt. However, they can
only adopt the biological child of their same-sex part-
ner (so-called stepchild adoptions) In China, they used
to have conversion therapy for
LGBTQ members, but over time,
they slowly stopped, and now they
do not force people to go to con-
version camps. Lastly, in Russia,
police violence against LGBTQ
people happened often through the
winter. Over 100 people were re-
ported to be abducted and tortured. A human rights
watch investigation found out that victims were usually
electrocuted and physically beaten. Although the Rus-
sians knew about this, they never investigated it.
As stated previously, there are many strides in the
LGBTQ community, but globally, we have a long way
to go to improve the rights for all. See the map includ-
ed in this article for visual representation on our global
stances of the community.
Winter Watchlist: Recommendations for Streaming
By Melody Lindenmoyer
Team 7 Barker
Technology has become necessary not only for
our learning, but also, for some of our entertain-
ment. With all the restrictions as of late, and now
that the weather is getting colder, it is important to
consider which series and movies we should binge.
I have recommendations listed for each popular
streaming service: Netflix, Disney+, and Hulu.
Netflix- Netflix is a great streaming service that
allows many different genres of movies and shows
to watch. Overall ranking: 4.5 stars. Here are some
of my recommendations to watch on Netflix:
Jingle Jangle- Jingle
Jangle is a great Christ-
mas movie about a for-
mer inventor who had
given up on his dreams
because his former ap-
prentice had stolen his
invention ideas. Well,
not until his imaginative
granddaughter steps in
the picture. The inventor, his new apprentice, his
granddaughter, and his old experiment go on a life
changing adventure to get back his inventions
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The Bulldog Bark
from his former apprentice. This movie is rated a
4.6/5 stars!
The Christmas Chronicles 2- The Christmas
Chronicles 2 is a sequel to The Christmas Chronicles.
Kate Pierce is now a teenager and is unexpectedly re-
united with Santa when a trouble maker kid threatens
to ruin Christmas forever. The movie has action and
humor mixed into it and is a great movie. This movie
is rated a 3.9/5 stars.
Over the Moon- Over the Moon is a Chinese folk-
lore movie. Its about a girl named Fei Fei whose
mother had died and father had moved on to another
woman. Although her father is able to move on, she
is not. She remembers the story of a woman on the
moon who has found her love forever, and when
they got separated she had waited for him on the
moon forever. Now, Fei Fei is trying to prove that
she is real so he wont move on. So, she builds a
Rocketship to go to the moon and prove shes real.
The movie was rated 4.5.
Outer Banks: Outer Banks is a series about a group
of teens who are in a group called Pogues. They live
in a place called The Cut. A boy apart of the group
has lost his father and him along with everyone else
in the group is determined to find out what had hap-
pened to his dad. Later they find out about a treasure
that is tied with that dad and will help them find him.
This show is rated 4.8.
Disney Plus- Disney Plus is an app filled with all dif-
ferent sorts of Disney movies and shows. You can
reach things from Star Wars all the way to the Marvel
cinematic movies. Its a great platform to find the
movies you love. I give this
platform a 4.5 rating. Here are
some of my recommenda-
tions to watch on Dis-
The Mandalorian: The
Mandalorian is a Star Wars se-
ries about a Mandalorian
who has a child of an un-
known species in his care. He
must return the child, but
knows no information about the child. They go on
many adventures throughout the series meet many
knew people to help out and not help. This show I
would rate a 4.8.
Avatar: No, I am not talking about Avatar the last
Airbender OR Avatar Legend of Kora, I am talking
about the alien species Avatar movie. Avatar is about
a man named Jake whos planet, Earth, is so full of
pollution they have to evacuate. They then have
found a planted filled with giant blue aliens named
Atari. Jake, along with the rest of the people on the
planet have to have Avatars that look like the Atari to
blend in. So, throughout the movie, we follow Jake
and his friends and learn about the Atari. This movie
is rated a 4.6.
Hulu- Hulu is a app where you can watch various
different movies. What is nice about Hulu is you can
watch shows that are currently on network television
(not just older shows). This platform overall is rated a
The Addams Family: The Addams Family is an ad-
aptation of the original Addams Family. You follow
the weird and wacky Addams family. They have
moved into a new town that isnt what they are used
to. Its bright and colorful, the exact opposite of what
they are used to. Watch as they adapt to this new
town and the town adapts to them. I would rate this a
Missing Link: Missing Link is an adaptation for hu-
man evolution. The missing link really means the half
way point between humans and their start. The actual
movie is about an investigator who has found a big
foot like creature and helps him find his cousins the
abominable snow people. Watch as they follow their
adventure. This is rated a 4.1.
Abominable: Abominable follows a teenage girl
named Yi who has found a you Yeti on her roof. She
names the yeti Everest and the go on a quest to find
Everest family. It has magical creatures and magic in
general. This movie was rated 4.6.
During this winter break, I hope you find a new series
or movie to enjoy!
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Thanksgiving Football Facts
By Grady Newhard
Team 7 Barker
As our Thanksgiving break has just wrapped
up and our winter break is upon us, you
might be wondering about what you're
thankful for. I'm thankful for my friends,
family, dog, and the
great game of foot-
ball. And as you
know, football is a
huge deal on thanks-
giving. Of course you
have the Lions al-
ways playing or the
Cowboys, but Id like
to tell you some facts that you might not
know about Football and its history on
The Easton vs Phillipsburg game has been
played every year since starting in 1905.
The Jacksonville Jaguars have never played on
Ernie Nevers holds the record for most touch-
downs scored with 6
The Green Bay Packers hold the most losses on
Thanksgiving with a whopping 18.
Troy Aikman holds the record
for most passing yards on this day
with 455.
The Minnesota Vikings hold the
highest win percentage on Thanks-
giving with an all time record of 5-1.
The Miami Dolphins are the on-
ly team to win a turkey day game
and a Super Bowl in the same year.
The Dallas Cowboys started playing on
Thanksgiving in 1966 while they were still in
the AFL.
I hope you enjoyed these facts and you en-
joyed your holidays spending it with the
ones you love and the ones you care about.
10 Fun Facts About Penguins
By Kierra Katen
Team 8 Barker
1: When swimming penguins can jump out
of the water, this is called porpoising.
2: The light front and dark back tuxedo-like
coloration of classic
penguin plumage is
called countershad-
3: Penguins are carni-
vores; they eat all
their food from the
sea. They eat things
like shrimp, fish, and
4: Penguins see better underwater than
above water, so they can see their prey bet-
5: The Emperor penguin is the largest spe-
cies of penguin, standing 48 inches tall, and
weighing 90 pounds.
6: Penguins are highly social birds; they
usually stick in breeding groups
called rookiers.
7: Emperor and King penguins
do not make nests for their eggs;
rather, they incubate in their legs
for two months.
8: Depending on the breed of
penguin, they can live from 15 to
20 years.
9: Penguins live 75 percent of their life in
the sea.
10: Penguins live all around the southern
hemisphere, not just in Antarctica.
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Picture Perfect Moments...
All Photographed by
Samantha Mack
Team 7 Barker
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Picture Perfect Moments...
Student Councils Food Drive
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Bulldog Winter Happenings...
Snow Da Art/Photograph in Mrs. Franks Art Class
Chocolate Covered Pretzels (and other decadent
holida treats) were made in Mrs. Jones FCS class!
Just so you know,
Leah, Mrs. Dunham
relates to wanting to
lounge in a beach
chair and drink iced
coffee in more ways
than you realize!
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The Bulldog Bark
Letter from the Advisor
Are you ready for Winter Break? I think we all deserve and very much need the rest. It certainly
goes without saying that hybrid and virtual learning have been quite a challenging endeavor.
There have been countless adjustments and learning curves throughout this school year for ad-
ministrators, teachers, staff, parents, and students. We are all working tirelessly to try to make
this new approach to education work, although it has not
been an easy feat. We had to learn how to become more
self-disciplined, structured, organized, and motivated in or-
der to be as successful as we can be. Despite the obstacles
that this virus has imposed on our lives, we have truly
achieved greatness. I think many of us often feel we arent
able to be our best selves under the current conditions, but
truthfully, we deserve a lot more credit than we give our-
selves! I am hoping that as we embark on the new year, that
we take the time to honor and celebrate our accomplish-
ments, no matter how big or small.
The Bulldog Bark serves to represent students voices at
Northern Lehigh, so speak up! The Bulldog Bark is always
looking for more Barkers to add to the pack; even if you
would like to contribute to just one issue.
This paper serves to represent all of us. If you have any ar-
ticle ideas or are interested in writing at any point, please
see me in Room 30 or send me an e-mail:
[email protected]. Also, if you are a talented
artist/photographer, I would love for you to feature your
artwork/photography! We have plenty of room to show off
your skills!
I would like again acknowledge my awesome 2020-2021 Bulldog Bark pack. Theyre a fantastic
Stephen Berry, Savannah Hall, Bella Haydt, Kierra Katen, Melody Lindenmoyer,
Emily Mack, Samantha Mack, Anayis Martir, Grady Newhard, Lauren Nichols,
Aubrey Reinhard, Landon Rosado, and Andi Szwast
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Come back from the break recharged!
-Mrs. Dunham