Department of Defense
NUMBER 5305.05
November 4, 2015
Incorporating Change 1, July 27, 2022
SUBJECT: Space Management Procedures for the National Capital Region and Washington
Headquarters Services-Serviced Components
References: See Enclosure 1
1. PURPOSE. In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5105.53 (Reference
(a)), and the January 11, 2021 Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum (Reference (b)), this
instruction reissues DoD Instruction 5305.5 (Reference (c)) to establish policy, assign
responsibilities, and prescribe procedures for the acquisition, assignment, design, construction,
allocation, and effective use of federally owned and federally leased administrative space and
real property occupied by DoD Components located in the National Capital Region (NCR) and
all Components serviced by the Washington Headquarters Services (WHS), in accordance with
the objectives stated in Executive Order 12411 (Reference (d)), under the direct control and
accountability of WHS pursuant to Section 2674 of Title 10, United States Code (Reference (e)).
2. APPLICABILITY. This instruction applies to:
a. OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of Inspector General of the Department
of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities
within the DoD (referred to collectively in this instruction as the “DoD Components”).
b. All DoD Components located or seeking location in the NCR, regardless of whether the
associated space involved is federally owned, federally leased, or under the direct control and
accountability of WHS. This instruction does not apply to military installations in the NCR.
c. All continental United States DoD Components receiving direct or reimbursable support
from WHS.
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a. Efficient space utilization will be promoted and enforced in the NCR with due
consideration for economy, the national defense, the need for consolidation, and service to the
public or government as a whole.
b. The DoD real property will be managed to promote the most efficient and economic use
of DoD real property assets and to ensure management accountability for implementing Federal
real property reforms, in accordance with DoDD 5110.04 (Reference (f)).
c. The DoD Components conducting essential operations in facilities leased by, or operated
and controlled by, WHS will be provided administrative space in accordance with the criteria
described in this instruction, subject to availability. WHS will coordinate for the use of existing
systems, facilities, and services of the DoD and other Federal agencies, when possible, to avoid
duplication and to achieve maximum efficiency and economy in accordance with Reference (a).
The DoD Components will not seek new government-leased space when requirements can be
met in government-owned facilities or in space presently under lease to the government.
(1) More restrictive space allocations may be imposed in areas where the space rental
rates exceed the average geographical market rental rates, when space availability is limited, or
during budget restrictions.
(2) Currently occupied space will not be modified solely to meet the criteria outlined in
this instruction.
d. Layout of assigned space will be in accordance with the space allowance established by
this instruction.
e. Design, construction, rearrangement, and alteration of assigned space will be in
accordance with Enclosure 3 of this instruction, applicable codes and standards, and guidance
concerning interior treatment of space, and standard industry layout practices.
4. RESPONSIBILITIES. See Enclosure 2.
5. PROCEDURES. See Enclosures 3-5.
6. RELEASABILITY. Cleared for public release. This instruction is available on the
Directives Division Website at
7. SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1. This change:
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a. Updates the office of primary responsibility and reassigns the responsibilities and duties
of the Chief Management Officer of the Department of Defense to the Director of Administration
and Management (DA&M) in accordance with Section 901 of Public Law 116-283 (Reference
(g)), which eliminated the position of the Chief Management Officer of the Department of
Defense effective January 1, 2021, and the January 11, 2021 Deputy Secretary Memorandum
(Reference (h)) and Reference (b), which implemented Reference (g) and reestablished the
b. Updates the requirement for a Principal Staff Assistant-signed memorandum to
accompany all new space requests in accordance with the July 14, 2017 Deputy Chief
Management Officer Memorandum (Reference (i)).
c. Establishes the recommendation for tenants to sign space assignment documents and
financially plan for relocation, in case the current location is not available for a succeeding lease.
d. Codifies elements of existing space allocation processes such as the requirement for
space request and notice to vacate memoranda, and the process for requesting space design,
construction, and alterations in delegated and non-delegated buildings.
e. Reinstates requirement that building management representatives must forward all
proposed work within federally owned or federally leased facilities in the NCR estimated to cost
over $25,000 to the Director, Space Portfolio Division (SPD) for review and approval.
f. Provides definitions for hoteling workspaces and includes supplemental policy for
establishing space standards for hoteling workspaces pursuant to the July 27, 2021 Director,
WHS Memorandum (Reference (j)).
g. Updates references, URLs, and organizational titles for accuracy.
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8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This instruction is effective November 4, 2015.
Peter Levine
Deputy Chief Management Officer
1. References
2. Responsibilities
3. General Requirements for Space Acquisition, Assignment, Management, Design,
Construction, and Alterations
4. Requirements for Allowances and Use of DoD-Occupied Space in the Pentagon
Reservation and the NCR
5. Move Certification Package
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ENCLOSURE 1: REFERENCES ...................................................................................................7
ENCLOSURE 2: RESPONSIBILITIES .........................................................................................8
DIRECTOR, WHS .....................................................................................................................8
DoD COMPONENT HEADS....................................................................................................8
ALTERATIONS ........................................................................................................................9
SPACE ACQUISITION, ASSIGNMENT, AND MANAGEMENT ........................................9
Requests for Space ...............................................................................................................9
Required Justifications .........................................................................................................9
SPACE ASSIGNMENT ..........................................................................................................10
Alternate Government Holdings ........................................................................................10
Alternate Acquisition .........................................................................................................10
Assignment Documentation ...............................................................................................10
SPACE MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................10
Tenant Agency Representatives (TARs) and NCR Space Coordinators ...........................10
Continuing Needs...............................................................................................................10
Relocations Into or Within the NCR ..................................................................................11
Release and Return of Space ..............................................................................................11
Short-Term Space Requests ...............................................................................................11
Military-Controlled Space .................................................................................................12
Space Exchanges Between DoD Components or with Other Government Agencies .......12
Parking ...............................................................................................................................12
Scheduling Moves to or from Leased Buildings................................................................12
SPACE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND ALTERATIONS .............................................12
Tenant Improvement (TI) Allowance ................................................................................12
Alterations in WHS-Controlled Space ...............................................................................12
Standard Construction ........................................................................................................13
Tenant Alterations in Expiring Leaseholds........................................................................13
Plumbing and Food Preparation Facilities .........................................................................13
SPACE ALLOCATIONS ........................................................................................................14
Workspace Allowances ......................................................................................................14
P Space Categories .............................................................................................................14
Open (O) Space Categories ................................................................................................15
Hoteling Workspaces .........................................................................................................16
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UNIT EQUIPMENT SPACE ALLOWANCES ......................................................................16
ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SPACE ALLOWANCES ...................................................16
File Areas ...........................................................................................................................16
Conference Rooms .............................................................................................................16
Reception Areas .................................................................................................................16
Storage and Special Type Space ........................................................................................16
Miscellaneous Support Areas ............................................................................................17
CIRCULATION FACTOR ALLOWANCES .........................................................................17
ENCLOSURE 5: MOVE CERTIFICATION GUIDE .................................................................19
DoD Component Background............................................................................................19
DoD Component Coordination ..........................................................................................19
Statement of Probable Costs ..............................................................................................19
Moves Over $500,000 ........................................................................................................19
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................20
PART I: ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................20
PART II: DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................21
1. Space Allocation Guidelines ...............................................................................................18
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(a) DoD Directive 5105.53, “Director of Administration and Management (DA&M),”
February 26, 2008
(b) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Re-establishment of the Assistant to the
Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Oversight and the Director of Administration and
Management,” January 11, 2021
(c) DoD Instruction 5305.5, “Space Management Procedures, National Capital Region,”
June 14, 1999 (hereby cancelled)
(d) Executive Order 12411, “Government Work Space Management Reforms,”
March 29, 1983
(e) Section 2674 of Title 10, United States Code
(f) DoD Directive 5110.04, “Washington Headquarters Services (WHS),” March 27, 2013
(g) Public Law 116-283, “William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 2021,” January 1, 2021
(h) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Disestablishment of the Chief Management
Officer of the DoD and Realignment of Functions and Responsibilities,” January 11, 2021
(i) Deputy Chief Management Officer Memorandum, “Approval of Space Requests Within the
NCR,” July 14, 2017
(j) Director, Washington Headquarters Services Memorandum, “Supplemental Guidance for
Use of Hoteling Workspaces in the National Capital Region,” July 27, 2021
(k) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Land Acquisition and Leasing in the United
States,” February 22, 2021
(l) Section 2662 of Title 10, United States Code
(m) Title 42, United States Code
(n) DoD Instruction 4165.14, “Real Property Inventory (RPI) and Forecasting,” January 17,
2014, as amended
(o) Section 2811 of Public Law 111-383, “Notice-and-Wait Requirements Applicable to Real
Property Transactions,” January 7, 2011
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1. DIRECTOR, WHS. Under the authority, direction, and control of the DA&M, and in
accordance with Reference (f), the Director, WHS, is responsible for administrative space
planning and management functions, including:
a. Promoting, enforcing, and establishing efficient space utilization in the NCR based on the
policies, standards, and space allocations in this instruction, including monitoring compliance
with Reference (d).
b. Acquiring administrative space through the General Services Administration (GSA) or
Military Departments, and subsequently assigning, withdrawing, and reassigning such space
within the NCR, in accordance with the February 22, 2021 Deputy Secretary of Defense
Memorandum (Reference (k)) and in accordance with the standards for facilities as specified in
this instruction.
c. Regulating and monitoring WHS-controlled administrative space on the Pentagon
Reservation, and subsequently assigning, withdrawing, and reassigning such space within the
NCR. The Director, WHS may impose more restrictive space allocations, and establish separate
space allocation guidelines as conditions warrant.
d. Approving or denying request for space memorandums through the Director, SPD,
Facilities Services Directorate (FSD), WHS. When the costs to relocate a DoD activity into or
within the NCR exceed $500,000, documentation to justify and certify the move must be
prepared and submitted to the Director, SPD for review and preparation for approval by the
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)).
e. Coordinating with local military installations, on the availability of excess Military
Department-controlled space on installations for possible use by the DoD Components.
f. Developing, coordinating, and implementing master space planning, including facility,
consolidation, and other planning initiatives, to satisfy the short-and long-range space
requirements for the DoD Components in the NCR.
2. DoD COMPONENT HEADS. The DoD Component heads will designate an NCR space
coordinator to coordinate and manage internal administrative space matters in accordance with
the procedures in this instruction. The DoD Component NCR space coordinator will also serve
as a liaison to WHS to report their DoD Component’s underutilized space available for other
organizations to share. The DoD Component NCR space coordinator will also respond to
requests for opportunities to share space to meet a validated need.
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submit a memorandum, signed by their organization's leadership at the Principal Staff Assistant
level to the Director, WHS, requesting space pursuant to Reference (i) and paragraphs 1a and 1b
of this enclosure. This requirement applies to any request for initial, expansion, and continuing
need of space. DoD Components must submit requests to the Director, WHS, as soon as
possible after they perceive a space requirement, even if specific needs are not known in detail.
a. Requests for Space. All requests for space must be based on the criteria in the Policy
section of this instruction, and the space allocation guidelines in Enclosure 4 and accompanied
by DD Form 1450, “DoD Space Requirements Data, Part I – Summary”, DD Form 1450-1,
“DoD Space Requirements Data, Part II Detailed Space Requirements”, and the GSA SF-81,
“Request for Space” (available at
(1) SF-81 Requirements. The SF-81 must be certified by an authorized official and
include information that funds are available for reimbursement of rent and associated costs for
the requested space, including the circulation factor and the costs required for construction,
alteration, information technology, security, and furniture.
(2) Contractor-Leased Space. The DoD Components will not acquire space via service
b. Required Justifications. The NCR space coordinator will submit required justifications
and statements to the Director, SPD, for notifications and certifications required for
congressional and DoD reporting, including information for Title 10 reports in accordance with
Section 2662 of Title 10, United States Code (Reference (l)), prospectus authority information,
the move certification (described in Enclosure 5), and requests for relocating into or within the
(1) Above Threshold Relocations. The USD(A&S) must approve all relocations into or
within the NCR that exceed $500,000.
(2) Requests for Approval. Submit requests for approval to the Director, WHS. The
costs that apply against the threshold include design, construction, and associated alterations;
installation of information technology infrastructure and communication cabling; any anticipated
renovations; security infrastructure; and the actual moving services. Generally, costs for
furniture, information technology desktop equipment, and other office equipment items are not
applicable. Relocation requests must be submitted at least 180 calendar days before the planned
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(3) Prospectus Authority. When the acquisition of space has a projected fiscal year (FY)
rent exceeding the FY threshold, the Director, WHS will request that GSA coordinate and obtain
prospectus authority from Congress. Following approval of the prospectus by Congress, the
Director, WHS, will proceed with the acquisition process. The GSA Annual Prospectus
Thresholds can be accessed at
(4) Utilization Survey. When the request for administrative space is for expansion, the
Director, SPD, in conjunction with the NCR space coordinator, will survey the DoD
Component’s existing space to ensure it is being fully utilized.
2. SPACE ASSIGNMENT. Approved space requirements will be met by assignment of space
already allocated to the DoD in WHS-controlled facilities or Military Department-controlled
facilities on installations in accordance with Reference (k).
a. Alternate Government Holdings. If the space requirement cannot be satisfied from current
DoD holdings, space will be sought in government-owned or existing government-leased
b. Alternate Acquisition. If the space requirement cannot be satisfied from these sources, a
WHS-approved contracting agent will proceed with the acquisition process.
c. Assignment Documentation. All tenants must sign appropriate documentation including,
but not limited to, tenant occupancy agreements or other space assignment documents to record
the space assignment.
a. Tenant Agency Representatives (TARs) and NCR Space Coordinators. The TARs and
NCR Space Coordinators are appointed by their DoD Component head to:
(1) Monitor and oversee the Component’s assigned space.
(2) Ensure that their Component is not provided additional space over their existing
assigned space footprint to accommodate contractor personnel in their workspaces unless
approved by the Director, WHS.
(3) Establish and maintain effective space management procedures that control
contractor personnel working in DoD space and aligning procedures with contracting actions.
b. Continuing Needs. Before the lease agreement expires for DoD-occupied, government-
leased space, NCR space coordinators will coordinate continuing need requirements for the
space with the Director, SPD. The Director, SPD, will notify the NCR space coordinators in
writing of expiring lease agreements at least 3 years before expiration. SPD will provide a
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suspense date for the agency tenant to respond with written notification with their Component's
intent to retain or release the space. The requesting Component will budget for a relocation in
advance, in the event the incumbent location is not available for a succeeding lease.
c. Relocations Into or Within the NCR. Space coordinators will forward all relocation
requests, along with justification statements, to the Director, WHS, for processing and action.
Requests must be submitted at least 180 calendar days before the planned relocation. When the
costs to relocate a DoD activity into or within the NCR exceed $500,000, documentation to
justify and certify the move must be prepared and submitted to the Director, SPD for review and
preparation for approval by the USD(A&S).
d. Release and Return of Space. NCR space coordinators will release excess space in the
NCR using these guidelines:
(1) Release Reporting. When programs that are curtailed, merged, modified, or
eliminated result in reduced requirements, the NCR space coordinators will release and return
administrative space no longer needed by the occupying DoD Component and report to the
Director, SPD.
(2) Retention Request. The NCR space coordinator reporting space returned may
request the continued retention of the space to meet new or expansion requirements. Any request
must be accompanied by a space request memorandum, DD Form 1450, DD Form 1450-1, and
(3) Reassignment of Returned Space. The Director, SPD will evaluate current requests
for space. Recovered space will be reassigned on a program priority basis, giving first
preference to the reporting NCR space coordinator whenever possible.
(4) Release Notification. The NCR space coordinator whose DoD Component is
occupying the space to be released will notify the Director, SPD at least 150 calendar days
before the date the space will no longer be required via a notice to vacate memorandum.
(a) Inspection and Survey. Within 30 calendar days of notification by the NCR space
coordinator, the Director, SPD will contact the NCR space coordinator and appropriate
contracting officer to schedule an on-site inspection and survey of the space to be released to
verify the condition of the space.
(b) Restoration. Space to be released must be made accessible, readily marketable,
and assignable. Repairs or alterations may be required to make the space accessible, marketable,
and assignable. The vacating DoD Component will pay costs for repairs or alterations.
e. Short-Term Space Requests. NCR space coordinators will submit requests for short-term
conference or seminar space to the Director, SPD at least 60 calendar days before the scheduled
requirements. Requests should include the title of the event, date, geographical area within the
NCR, total estimated cost, and number of attendees. The Director, SPD will notify the NCR
space coordinator in writing of their determination.
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f. Military-Controlled Space. NCR space coordinators of the Military Departments will be
the central points of contact for information regarding the availability of administrative space on
military installations in the NCR. When such administrative space satisfies the request, it will be
used by the NCR space coordinator as the primary resource for satisfying space requirements for
their department. Space in excess of the needs of that Military Department will be screened
through the Director, WHS to satisfy space requirements of other DoD Components.
g. Space Exchanges Between DoD Components or with Other Government Agencies. SPD
approval is required before any space assignment between the DoD Components or with other
government agencies is exchanged. NCR space coordinators must submit a “Request for Space
in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1a of this enclosure.
h. Parking. NCR space coordinators must submit a memorandum to request parking in
government-leased buildings or facilities to the Director, SPD for consideration. Parking spaces
will be acquired only for government-controlled or “Official Visitor” vehicles via the GSA or
DoD Components that have been given official authority to enter into those agreements.
Requests for employee parking are prohibited. DoD policy further prohibits the acquisition of
parking by means of a service contract.
i. Scheduling Moves to or from Leased Buildings. When 50 or more DoD personnel
(including contractors) are going to be moved within multi-occupancy facilities or between
facilities, the NCR space coordinator will notify the Director, Leased Facilities Division (LFD),
FSD, WHS, in writing at least 60 calendar days before the scheduled move.
a. Tenant Improvement (TI) Allowance. When an agency uses the TI allowance that may be
negotiated as part of a new lease acquisition, the higher rental cost will be amortized over the
duration of the lease. The tenant will reimburse any remaining amortized cost before being
released from their space assignment.
b. Alterations in WHS-Controlled Leased Space. The procedures for requesting building
alterations in space assigned by the Director, WHS are as follows:
(1) Non-delegated Leased Building Requests. Requesting activities will submit GSA
Form 2957, “Reimbursable Work Authorization (RWA)” (available at along with a statement of
work and detailed plans to their NCR space coordinators for coordination and approval.
(2) Delegated Leased Building Requests. For requests in delegated leased buildings,
activities will submit DD Form 2647, “Reimbursable Project Worksheet” (available at instead of an RWA. If established delegation
thresholds are exceeded, WHS must coordinate with GSA for the appropriate acquisition
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(3) Submission to WHS. The NCR space coordinator will forward requests for the
proposed work to the WHS building management representative responsible for the building.
(a) WHS representatives will review the alteration reimbursable work orders to
determine necessity, practicality, and conformance to established policies and standards and
transmit approved orders to the GSA, United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Naval
Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC), or designated contracting officers.
(b) If the requested alterations change the classification of the space, WHS building
management representatives will submit the alteration plans to the Director, SPD, for review and
(c) The WHS facility management representatives must forward all proposed work
within federally owned or federally leased facilities in the NCR estimated to cost over $25,000 to
the Director, SPD for review and approval.
(4) Authorized Representatives. Requesting activities may not submit job orders directly
to GSA, USACE, NAVFAC, or building lessor representatives. WHS, GSA, USACE, and
NAVFAC are the only entities authorized to discuss space requirements, alteration requests, or
other building services with the lessor representatives or prospective service provider absent
delegated authority from GSA, USACE, NAVFAC, and WHS.
c. Standard Construction. Standard construction methods and materials will be used
throughout DoD-occupied space except in Private (P)-1 category space and in special areas
where functional requirements require or justify deviation from the standards.
d. Tenant Alterations in Expiring Leaseholds. Tenant alteration projects with less than
2 years left on the lease will be strictly limited. Only minimum necessary alterations will be
undertaken, consistent with the terms of the leases such as life, safety, fire, and security
e. Plumbing and Food Preparation Facilities. As a rule, no plumbing facilities or food
preparation areas will be installed in DoD-occupied, government-leased space except for P-1
category offices. Submit written requests for plumbing and kitchen facilities to the Director,
WHS, for approval. If granted, the tenant is responsible for all associated costs, including
removal and restoration when the space is vacated.
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1. SPACE ALLOCATIONS. The space allocation guidelines in Table 1 in this enclosure are
maximum allocations.
a. Workspace Allowances. Workspace allowances, measured in net occupiable square feet
without an internal circulation factor, will be used to determine the basic amount of space
allowed for a typical office workspace. The Director, WHS must approve, in advance, any
deviation that increases the allocation.
(1) Space Planning. Open space planning is encouraged and the use of private offices is
limited to executive-level and management positions. Only those functions requiring
confidentiality should be considered for assignment of private office space in the P-5 and P-6
(2) Planning Adjustments. Adjustments in planning and layouts, including reductions in
the size of private and open office allowances, will be made in facilities with irregular space.
(3) Usable Space Planning. Space allowances do not include external circulation or a
circulation factor. Allowance is net usable space to be used for planning and layout purposes.
(4) Universal Space Planning (USP). All Pentagon Reservation tenants will maintain the
USP established during the Pentagon Renovation Program to the maximum extent possible.
Office alterations plans will incorporate USP principles into the design criteria.
(5) Utilization of Relative Position Titles. Due to variations in position titles and
organizational structure within DoD, the position titles shown in paragraphs 1b and 1c of this
enclosure, do not apply in all cases. In assigning space categories, consider the entire
organizational structure and the relative relationship of positions within the organization.
(6) Hoteling Workspaces. Using a reservation application system can improve the
efficiency and usage of these spaces.
b. P Space Categories
(1) P-1. Secretaries of Military Departments; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
Under Secretaries of Defense; Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Chiefs of the Military
Services; Chief, National Guard Bureau; Under Secretaries of the Military Departments; General
Counsel of the Department of Defense; Inspector General of the Department of Defense;
Director of Operational Test and Evaluation; Director of Cost Assessment and Program
Evaluation; Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense; Assistant Secretaries of Defense; Vice Chiefs
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of the Military Services; Vice Chief of the National Guard Bureau; and the Assistant Secretaries
and General Counsels of the Military Departments.
(2) P-2. The Chief of Staff, to the Secretary of Defense; Chief of Staff, to the Deputy
Secretary of Defense; Deputy Chief of Staff, to the Deputy Secretary of Defense; Assistants to
the Secretary of Defense; DA&M; Department of Defense Chief Information Officer; Director of
Net Assessment; Directors of the Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities (if headquartered
in the Pentagon); Combatant Commanders, Chiefs of Bureaus, and officials reporting directly to
positions in the P-1 category; 3-star and 4-star generals and flag officers, and Tier III senior
executive service (SES) or equivalent.
(3) P-3. Members of the SES, general and flag officers not listed in paragraph 1.b.(2) of
this enclosure, and deputies to positions in the P-2 category, and senior enlisted advisors to
chiefs of the military services.
(4) P-4. Division heads in grades General Schedule (GS)/General Management
(GM)-15/14, officer O-6, or comparable levels requiring private offices; branch heads in grades
GS/GM-15/14, officer O-6, or comparable levels reporting to positions in the P-3 category and
requiring private offices; and deputies to positions in the P-3 category requiring private offices.
(5) P-5. Division heads in grade GS/GM-13, officer O-5, or comparable requiring
private offices; branch heads, deputies to positions in the P-4 category, in grades
GS/GM-15/14/13, officer O-6, officer O-5, or comparable reporting to positions in the
P-4 category and requiring private offices; and professional or administrative personnel in grades
GS/GM-15/14, or officer O-6 requiring private offices.
(6) P-6. Branch heads in grade GS-12, Officer O-4, or comparable requiring private
offices; professional, administrative personnel in grade GS/GM-13, officer O-5, or comparable
requiring private offices.
c. Open (O) Space Categories
(1) O-1. Division heads in grade GS/GM-13, officer O-5 or comparable; branch heads in
grades GS/GM-15/14/13, officer O-6, officer O-5 or comparable; and professional or
administrative personnel in grades GS/GM-15/14, or officer O-6.
(2) O-2. Branch heads in grade GS-12, officer O-4 and below, or comparable;
professional or administrative personnel in grade GS/GM-13, or officer O-5; unit supervisors in
grade GS-9, enlisted E-8, warrant officer, officer 0-1, or above who supervise six or more
employees; professional and administrative personnel in grade GS-7, enlisted E-9/8, warrant
officer, officer O-1 or above; unit supervisors in grade GS-8, enlisted E-7, or below, who
supervise six or more employees; and clerical, administrative, and other personnel.
(3) O-3. GS employees in grades 1-6, enlisted ranks 1-7, and contractor support
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d. Hoteling Workspaces
(1) For category 1 hoteling workspace allocation, offices that have employees
teleworking between 30 and 60 percent of the time will be allocated one hoteling workspace for
every two employees.
(2) For category 2 hoteling workspace allocation, offices that have employees
teleworking more than 60 percent of the time will be allocated one hoteling workspace for every
four employees.
(3) Hoteling workspaces will not exceed space allocations outlined as an O-2 in the open
space category and a P-6 in the private office space category. The requesting official will certify
all individuals identified to establish a hoteling allocation will not also be authorized an
individual, permanently assigned workspace.
(4) Space allocations for all contractors within each organization will be counted as
category 2 hoteling workspaces and will not be assigned an individual, permanently assigned
workspace unless the requesting official provides Director, WHS a justification approved by the
respective Principal Staff Assistant.
2. UNIT EQUIPMENT SPACE ALLOWANCES. Common items of unit furniture and
equipment are noted in Table 1. The space requirements for items not listed may be calculated
using the actual measurements of the unit furniture and equipment or by using a similar item
listed. The space allowance is measured in occupiable square feet and includes an internal
circulation factor for the item.
a. File Areas. Allow 7 square feet for each letter file cabinet, and 7 square feet for each legal
file cabinet. Provide 4-foot aisles where rows of filing cabinets face one another. Plan a cross
aisle every 25 feet.
b. Conference Rooms. Common conference room sizes are noted in Table 1. Provide
written justification for a conference room. For larger meeting rooms with row type seating plan
for 150 square feet, plus 10 square feet per person.
c. Reception Areas. Common reception area sizes are noted in Table 1. Reception areas
must be justified in writing. For planning, use 15 square feet per person.
d. Storage and Special Type Space. This includes information technology equipment,
communications equipment, and other mission support space. This type of space will be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis for space requirements.
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e. Miscellaneous Support Areas. Make an actual architectural layout to determine the space
requirements for miscellaneous support and special areas, such as mail rooms, reproduction
areas, graphic and illustration production areas, collaborative spaces, and libraries. Provide
written justification for these spaces.
4. CIRCULATION FACTOR ALLOWANCES. Space for circulation will be required for the
efficient movement and flow of personnel through the office space and is in addition to the
square footage requested by the DoD Component in the initial Request for Space. The WHS,
FSD, SPD will calculate and assign a circulation factor. For budget purposes only, add a
circulation factor of 30 percent of the total space requested by the DoD Component.
DoDI 5305.05, November 4, 2015
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Table 1. Space Allocation Guidelines
Space Category and Type of Space
Space Allowance (net square feet)
Private Office
Open Office
Unit Equipment (inches)
Bookcase- 13x33
Bookcase, unit- 18x22
Cabinet, Storage- 18x24
Cabinet, Storage- 18x36
Cabinet, Storage- 24x36
Cabinet, Stationary- 18x36
Cabinet, filing letter- 15x25
Cabinet, filing legal- 18x25
Cabinet, filing safe- 19x28
Cabinet, filing – plan- 36x48
Cabinet, filing – plan- 36x60
Copier, freestanding
Copier, high volume
Fax machine
Printer, laserjet
Administrative Support
Conference Room- 8 personnel
Conference Room- 10 personnel
Conference Room- 14 personnel
Conference Room- 24 personnel
Reception Area- 2 personnel
Reception Area- 4 personnel
Reception Area- 6 personnel
Reception Area- 8 personnel
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The move certification package establishes authority of the requestor and consists of:
a. DoD Component Background. The DoD Component and agency name; DoD
Component’s mission; number of personnel involved broken out by civilian, military, and
contractor; reason for the relocation into or within the NCR; expected date for completion of the
relocation; and estimated cost.
b. DoD Component Coordination. Coordinate the package with the servicing general
counsel before submission.
c. Statement of Probable Costs. Include in the statement of probable costs anticipated costs
of architectural and engineering design; construction; installation of technology and
communication cabling or other infrastructure; and moving services for relocation of office
furniture, equipment, files, etc. Generally, the cost for furniture, desktop computers, and desktop
computer equipment does not apply to the move certification threshold. If applicable, Permanent
Change of Station costs must be included in the statement of anticipated costs.
d. Moves Over $500,000. Moves exceeding the $500,000 threshold may require additional
documentation as directed by the WHS review of the move certification package in accordance
with References (f) and (k).
DoDI 5305.05, November 4, 2015
Change 1, 07/27/2022 22 GLOSSARY
Director of Administration and Management
Department of Defense (form)
DoDD DoD directive
Facilities Services Directorate
FY fiscal year
General Management
General Schedule
GSA General Services Administration
LFD Leased Facilities Division
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command
NCR National Capital Region
O- open space categories
P- private space categories
RWA reimbursable work authorization
senior executive service
SPD Space Portfolio Division
tenant agency representative
TI tenant improvement
United States Army Corps of Engineers
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
USP Universal Space Plan
DoDI 5305.05, November 4, 2015
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Washington Headquarters Services
Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this instruction.
administrative space. Space in facilities or buildings or portions of facilities or buildings that are
suitable for conducting an agency’s assigned programs and stated mission. The physical
characteristics of the spaces are office, storage, or special type, or a combination of these types
of space.
administrative support space. Space required to support office operations, such as conference
rooms, mail rooms, training rooms, file rooms, reception areas, duplication rooms, supply rooms,
libraries, and similar facilities.
circulation factor. Space required, in addition to the space allocated in Enclosure 4, for the
efficient movement and flow of personnel through the assigned administrative space. The
circulation factor is based on, but not limited to: Federal, State, and local building codes, fire
safety codes, and Americans with Disabilities Act regulations in accordance with Title 42,
United States Code (Reference (m)); total number of private offices and workspaces; total
amount of space assigned; facility or building layout and design considerations; and other related
delegated leased buildings. A building is qualified as “delegated” when the operational
responsibilities for the facility are delegated from GSA to the agency or department, such as
DoD real property. Real property owned by the United States that is under the administrative
jurisdiction of a DoD Component or leased by the DoD.
facility. Defined in DoDI 4165.14 (Reference (n)).
hoteling workspaces. Workspaces that are shared unassigned spaces employees with telework
arrangements use when they perform official duties at the organization’s assigned work site.
These spaces are for their temporary use and are not permanently assigned. Also known as hot-
desking or mobility centers.
move certification. The annual DoD appropriations language prohibits spending more than
$500,000 for relocating a DoD activity into or within the NCR unless the USD(A&S) certifies to
Congress that the relocation is required in the best interest of the government.
NCR. Defined in Reference (e).
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NCR space coordinator. The DoD Component administrative official within the NCR
responsible for coordinating and managing internal administrative space matters with the WHS
for space within the NCR.
non-delegated leased buildings. A building is qualified as “non-delegated” when GSA maintains
the operational responsibilities for the facility, and has not delegated it to the agency or
office space. Space that provides an environment for an office operation. This includes, but is
not limited to, suitable and adequate lighting, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning;
appearance; accessibility; circulation; floor covering; and sound control. The space may consist
of large open area(s) or may be partitioned into private or semi-private offices and rooms.
Examples include private and open offices and administrative support and storage spaces.
open office area. Open space occupied by two or more personnel including all necessary
furnishings and equipment.
open office space. Also referred to as “semi-private space” and “open workspace,” configured
by using moveable partitioning or systems-type furniture panels, typically occupied by one
private office space. Private space, also referred to as a private workspace, configured by using
floor-to-ceiling partitioning, typically occupied by one individual.
prospectus authority. The authority granted by Congress when the projected annual rent, not
including services, under a new lease exceeds the annual threshold. The prospectus process,
which often takes up to 3 years to complete, includes providing a requirements development
package and housing plan and a budget estimate through the GSA Regional Office to the GSA
Central Office and the Office of Management and Budget for review and coordination before
submittal to Congress for approval.
recovered space. Space that is identified as being no longer required by the occupying DoD
Component and returned to WHS space inventory.
space coordinator. The agency or service administrative official not currently in the NCR
responsible for coordinating space requests with WHS for space within the NCR.
storage space. Space suitable for storage of supplies, equipment, records, material, etc., which
does not provide an environment suitable for an office operation. This type of space would
include, but not be limited to, vaults, closets, unconverted attic and basement areas, as well as
space built for warehousing and records storage.
TAR. An individual assigned responsibility and authority for verification and approval of all
space requirements data submitted to Director, SPD, on behalf of the DoD Component. The
TAR also establishes a point of contact within each of its sub-organizations to ensure
identification of comprehensive requirements.
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TI allowance. Funding source that may be provided by the building lessor for design and
construction of the space to meet a customer agency’s specific requirements. This allowance
must be amortized and added to the annual rent bill on a prorated basis over the term of the lease
Title 10 report. The report required by Section 2662 of Reference (l), submitted to congressional
committees when the acquisition of new space exceeds $750,000 in the initial annual lease costs
or when new replacement lease costs exceed $750,000 in annual rent. Section 2811 of Public
Law 111-383 (Reference (o)) repealed the requirement for leases acquired through the GSA to
comply with this notice and wait procedure.
unit equipment. Items of furniture and equipment housed in open office area space that are not
assigned to any one workspace but are used by more than one individual.
USP. A zoning concept for space allocation that is based on the natural organizational structure
of the building established during the Pentagon Renovation. This includes higher ceilings,
increased access to natural light, streamlined circulation, improved way-finding and safer egress,
systems furniture, smart walls (all pre-wired electrical and classified/unclassified data, voice, and
video services are surface mounted to this hybrid solution of wall and furniture panel technology
that is the permanent universal partition that forms the planning bay within the USP).
workspace. The portion of office space allocated to an individual to accommodate the furniture
and equipment necessary for the individual’s work. A workspace can be private, semi-private, or