New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 1
2014 New Building Canada Fund:
Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component, National / Regional Projects
PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................. 3
BUSINESS CASE GUIDE: REQUIRED INFORMATION .................................................................. 4
PROJECT DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................... 4
MINIMUM FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 4
PROJECT OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS .................................................................................................... 5
ELIGIBLE RECIPIENT(S) .......................................................................................................................... 5
PROJECT GOVERNANCE ........................................................................................................................ 5
............................................................................................................................................................... 6
FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 6
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 7
PROJECT RISKS AND MITIGATION MEASURES ....................................................................................... 8
HIGHWAYS AND MAJOR ROADS...........................................................................................................10
PUBLIC TRANSIT ................................................................................................................................... 11
DISASTER MITIGATION INFRASTRUCTURE........................................................................................... 12
CONNECTIVITY AND BROADBAND ........................................................................................................ 13
INNOVATION .......................................................................................................................................... 14
WASTEWATER ...................................................................................................................................... 15
GREEN ENERGY ................................................................................................................................... 16
DRINKING WATER ................................................................................................................................ 17
SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 18
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BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT .......................................................................................................... 19
LOCAL AND REGIONAL AIRPORTS ....................................................................................................... 20
SHORT LINE RAIL INFRASTRUCTURE ................................................................................................... 22
SHORT SEA SHIPPING .......................................................................................................................... 23
NORTHERN INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................................................................................. 24
PASSENGER FERRIES SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE .......................................................................... 25
CULTURE ................................................................................................................................................ 26
RECREATION ......................................................................................................................................... 27
TOURISM ............................................................................................................................................... 28
CIVIC ASSETS AND MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS .......................................................................................... 29
ANNEX B ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS .................................................................................................. 30
ANNEX C - ELIGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE EXPENDITURES ........................................................... 31
REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 33
ANNEX E - EXAMPLE OF PROJECT FINANCIAL TABLES .......................................................... 49
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 3
The 2014 New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure
Component National/Regional Projects (PTIC-NRP) provides funding for projects
of national and regional significance, with a focus on projects that support economic
growth, a clean environment and stronger communities. Under the PTIC, Provinces and
Territories are the Government of Canada’s key interlocutors. Projects under PTICNRP
will be jointly identified by provincial or territorial partners. Only projects identified by a
Province or Territory will be assessed under the terms of the PTIC-NRP. As such,
eligible recipients are encouraged to contact their respective Provincial or Territorial
government if interested in being considered for funding under the PTIC. Provinces and
territories are required to prioritize projects for all outstanding NBCF-PTIC funding
allocations by April 1, 2018.
In order to ensure these program objectives are achieved, all projects under the
PTICNRP must be deemed eligible under the PTIC-NRP program Terms and
Conditions, must be supported by a project business case demonstrating how the
project meets both the common project criteria, as well as category specific outcomes
and project criteria.
The project business case forms the basis of a detailed federal review that will inform a
departmental recommendation regarding approval-in-principle of the project. Should
your project be approved-in-principle, you will receive a letter from the Minister of
Infrastructure and Communities that outlines, among other details, the conditions of
federal funding. Notably, eligible project costs can be incurred as of the date of the
approval-in-principle letter. Reimbursement of eligible costs is subject to the signing of
a project contribution agreement.
This guide has been prepared to assist you in providing Infrastructure Canada with the
information required to complete and submit a project business case for departmental
officials to undertake the detailed federal review of your project. Once the business
case is submitted, Infrastructure Canada officials may seek clarification or additional
Please note
that only those projects that have been deemed eligible, and for which
a provincial or
territorial partner has submitted a business case, will be reviewed and considered for funding
under the PTIC-NRP.
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 4
Please provide detailed information about the project which includes the following:
The name of your project and the eligible category
and subcategory under which the proposed project
falls. Please refer to Annex A for a full list of eligible
investment categories and related subcategories;
A detailed description of the project design, all
project components and the work to be carried out
(new construction, renewal, rehabilitation or material
enhancement), including maps and diagrams
showing the location, and phases (if the project is
part of a larger master plan or project);
An indication if land has been or will be secured for
the project; and,
A project timeline, including the estimated start date
and completion date, from design through to
substantial completion and commissioning, and
including timelines for contract tendering, where
Dedicated funding for First
Nations infrastructure on-
reserve in the provinces will
continue to be delivered
through Aboriginal Affairs and
Northern Development Canada.
However, a Province may
advance proposals under the
$10 billion 2014 New Building
Canada Fund-Provincial
Territorial Infrastructure
Component for projects located
partially or entirely on reserve
that are aligned with the
parameters of the program, and
with benefits extending beyond
the reserve community.
A description of how the project meets the category-specific minimum federal
requirements as outlined in Annex A.
If your project involves newly constructed or materially rehabilitated infrastructure
intended for use by the public, please confirm that the project provides appropriate
access for persons with disabilities, including meeting the requirements of the
Canadian Standards Association Technical Standard Accessible Design for the Built
Environment (CAN/CSA B651-12) in addition to applicable provincial or territorial
codes (please describe any variances to this requirement and plans to achieve
If your project involves a newly constructed or materially rehabilitated building,
please confirm that the building meets or exceeds the energy efficiency
requirements of the Model National Energy Code for Buildings, where applicable
(please describe any variances to this requirement and plans to achieve
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 5
A description to demonstrate, and quantified where possible, that the project meets
one or more of the category-specific outcomes and benefits as outlined in Annex A.
This description must propose one or two performance indicators for each of the
identified category-specific outcomes and benefits that will be used to report on
Tips for selecting performance indicators:
- Ensure that the indicator(s) can measure meaningful progress towards
achieving the outcome(s) and benefit(s) of your project at substantial
completion, as recipients will be required to report on the results at that time.
- If possible, leverage from existing performance indicators currently being used
rather than create new ones.
Please provide information that clearly identifies the eligible recipient, including
evidence substantiating the incorporation of their legal entity, where appropriate,
and identify any partners involved in the project (such as a province, territory,
municipal or regional government, band council, or public sector body). Please also
confirm who will own, operate and maintain the infrastructure asset once completed.
Please refer to Annex B for information about eligible recipients.
A description of the governance and oversight structure for the project, including
roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for project implementation from planning
and design through to the construction phases of the project.
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Encouraging Asset Management Planning and Life-Cycle Cost
Infrastructure Canada is interested in collecting information on whether projects
submitted for consideration under NBCF-PTIC (NRP) are subject to a formal
asset management planning process.
Please provide answers to the questions below as part of your Business Case.
This information will not affect project eligibility and is being requested for
information purposes only.
1) Has the proposed project been identified as a priority in a longer-term
plan such as a municipal/regional, transportation, or strategic master
plan? (Y/N, name of plan, year)
2) Will the ongoing management of the proposed project be subject to an
asset management planning process? (Y/N, name of plan/process)
Please provide project financial details including the following:
An outline of all project components and their total estimated expenditures.
o This should include a financial breakdown, by component, of capital and soft costs (i.e.
planning and assessment costs), eligible and ineligible expenditures, and the contingency
amount that has been planned. Please refer to Annex C for a detailed list of eligible
and ineligible expenditures, and Annex E for an example of a financial table.
An indication as to the level of confidence, degree of accuracy and appropriate level
of contingency of the proposed cost estimates.
o Project expenditure estimates should be current. Please specify when they were
prepared, and by whom.
An identification of all proposed funding sources as well as an assurance that
funding to undertake and complete the project has been secured.
o Funding assurance may include, but is not limited to a letter from a Chief Financial
Officer/Chief Administrative Officer/Treasurer, a letter from a financial institution, or a
Council Resolution of budget allocations.
An estimated expenditure profile reflecting total eligible expenditures, by fiscal year
and by funding source. An example of an expenditure profile has been provided in
Annex E.
Assurance of capacity to operate and maintain the service or investment on a
sustainable, long-term basis when the recipient is a not-for-profit organization or
from the private sector.
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 7
Cost-sharing, Stacking and Limits to Federal Contribution
For projects located in provinces, the maximum federal contribution from all federal sources will be one-
third (33.33%) of the total eligible costs of a project, with the following exceptions:
a. For the Highways and Roads and the Disaster Mitigation categories where the asset is
provincially-owned, and for those in the Public Transit category, the maximum federal
contribution from all federal sources will be up to fifty percent (50%) of the total eligible costs;
b. For all projects the recipient is from the for-profit private sector, the maximum federal
contribution from all federal sources will be up to twenty-five percent (25%) of the total eligible
For projects located in the territories, the maximum federal contribution from all federal sources will be
up to three-quarters (75%) of the total eligible costs of a project, with the following exception:
c. For all projects where the recipient is from the for-profit private sector, the maximum federal
contribution from all federal sources will be up to twenty-five percent (25%) of the total eligible
Contributions to for-profit, private sector bodies through the PTIC will be considered only when these
projects will be for public use or benefit. Recipients will be required to demonstrate the broader public
benefits of the project.
For projects advanced by a First Nations recipient, with regard to financial support that the First Nation
receives from Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) only funding received from the First Nations
Infrastructure Fund would be counted towards the federal stacking limits for PTIC. All other sources of
funds the First Nation receives from INAC would not count towards the stacking limits.
The recipient is required to confirm the following legal requirements:
That the project will adhere to all applicable legislation and that all necessary permits
and authorizations required for the project will be obtained (please describe any
delays or variances to this requirement and plans to achieve compliance);
The status of and plan to complete an environmental assessment or review and
Aboriginal consultation, where required. Please refer to Annex D for additional
information and for the Environmental, Aboriginal Consultation and Project Location
Assurance that the contract award process for eligible expenditures to be funded
under the project is in accordance with the recipient’s policies and procedures and
will be transparent, competitive, fair, consistent with value for money principles, or in
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 8
a manner otherwise acceptable to Canada, and if applicable, in accordance and
consistent with the Agreement on Internal Trade and international trade agreements
(please describe any variances to this requirement and plans to achieve
Please describe any key challenges or risks that you have identified associated with
implementing the project, and describe any mitigating measures that you have
considered or are implementing, including but not limited to:
Expenditure increases (e.g. the price of steel rises sharply);
Project delays;
Risk of scope change (due to, for example, results of environmental
Public sensitivity; and,
Risks related to natural hazards and/or climate change that could have an impact
on the project during construction or once completed.
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I. Subcategories:
New construction, additional capacity, rehabilitation, or safety-related improvements on
highways and roads, including bridges and tunnels that are:
Part of the National Highway System (including core, feeder and northern
Highways and roads that:
o For the National and Regional Projects component carry, or, are projected to
carry annual average daily traffic of at least 1,000 in freight and/or passenger
traffic; For the Small Communities Fund component carry freight and/or
passenger traffic of any traffic volume;
Road/rail grade separations on one of the above highways or roads;
Intelligent transportation systems that are compliant with the National Intelligent
Transportation Systems Architecture and the Border Information Flow Architecture,
in support of highways and roads infrastructure.
a. Rehabilitation projects must meet the definition of ‘rehabilitation’ as agreed upon by
the Council of Ministers.
b. Projects under this category could include active transportation infrastructure (e.g.
sidewalks, bicycle lanes, pedestrian/bike/multi-use pathways) components as part
of the overall project.
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Increasing efficiency and mobility by supporting efforts to reduce congestion,
effectively manage traffic volume, and reduce travel time;
Improving safety;
Improving usability and accessibility of roads for all users and promoting livability;
Improving access for remote areas affected by resource development-related
activity, and/or improved social and economic outcomes in affected communities;
Extending the life of the existing asset.
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III. Additional Federal Requirements for NRP
Proponents must demonstrate that their proposal is based on current demand
(e.g., significant volumes of traffic and/or trucks), and if projects are intended to
expand existing assets or build new assets, the intended results must be
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 11
I. Subcategories:
Transit infrastructure and rolling stock, including but not limited to bus rapid transit
(BRT), light rail transit (LRT), subways, buses, urban passenger ferries and
regional commuter rail.
Transit facilities and supporting infrastructure including but not limited to transit
queue-jump lanes, reserved bus lanes, turning lanes or other related
enhancements in support of public transit, streetcar/trolley infrastructure, storage
and maintenance facilities, security enhancements, and transit passenger
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in support of public transit services that is
compliant with the ITS Architecture for Canada.
Active transportation infrastructure (e.g. sidewalks, bicycle lanes,
pedestrian/bike/multi-use pathways).
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Supporting efforts to reduce urban congestion;
Increasing transit ridership;
Improving safety;
Improving mobility (e.g., improved access, reduced travel times).
III. Additional Federal Requirements for NRP:
Projects must be part of an official, integrated land-use and transportation
development plan or strategy. Where applicable, projects must be consistent with
the approved plans of regional transportation bodies.
Proponents must demonstrate that their proposal is based on current or projected
demand and the intended results must be substantiated.
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I. Subcategories:
Construction, modification, reinforcement or relocation of public infrastructure that
protects from, prevents, reduces the impact and/or likelihood of, or mitigates the
potential damage resulting from natural hazards, including impacts or events related to
climate change.
Construction, modification or reinforcement of public infrastructure excludes normal
routine, maintenance and operational work (e.g., dredging of sediment, gravel removal,
debris traps, etc.). The relocation of entire communities is also excluded.
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Reducing the social, physical and/or economic risks associated with natural
hazards and/or adverse effects related to climate change;
Improving the resiliency of public infrastructure to natural hazards and/or adverse
effects related to climate change;
Supporting an all-hazard risk assessment and related mitigation plan to address
disaster risks.
III. Additional Federal Requirements for NRP:
The project proponent must have conducted a risk assessment that supports the
proposed mitigation project. The risk assessment shall include: the likelihood of a
natural hazard occurring and the potential impacts of such an event (including
social, economic and environmental impacts).
The proponent must demonstrate that project design has taken into consideration
the increasing magnitude of natural hazards and any “downstream” negative
consequences of the structural mitigation project.
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I. Subcategories:
High-speed backbone
Point of presence and towers
Local distribution within communities
Microwave towers; and
Satellite capacity
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Increasing in geographical area with access to broadband speeds of 1.5MBPS or
higher, contributing to improved economic development in remote areas; or
Increasing in number of Canadians with access to broadband speeds of 1.5MBPS
or higher, contributing to improving the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of
public services.
III. Additional Federal Requirements for NRP:
The proponent must promote competitiveness by conducting a commercially and
technologically neutral Request for Proposal.
The project must provide for third party open access.
o Needs assessment and is scalable to realistically meet future needs.
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I. Subcategories
Post-secondary research and development laboratories and centres, and related
teaching facilities.
Office space for the purpose of conducting research and development.
Research libraries associated with the research laboratories and centres.
Eligible investments under each sub-category could include installation of underlying
connective infrastructure as necessary (e.g. water/sewer connections, electricity
connections, new technologies and implementation of approaches for improved energy
efficiency in laboratories, telecommunications infrastructure).
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Enhancing capacity of post-secondary institutions to develop and transfer new
knowledge through leading-edge basic and applied research and teaching;
Increasing opportunities for collaboration between public institutions and the
private sector supporting the transfer of innovative technologies and research to
Developing a highly-skilled workforce driving innovation in sectors that support
increased diversification or competitiveness of the national, regional, or local
economy and contribute to sustained long-term growth.
III. Additional Federal Requirements for NRP:
Proponent must demonstrate that there is an existing or new research or teaching
program and committed funding associated with it.
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I. Subcategories:
Wastewater treatment facilities or systems.
Wastewater collection systems.
Separation of combined sewers and/or combined sewer overflow control, including
real-time control and system optimization.
Separate storm water collection systems and/or storm water treatment facilities or
Wastewater sludge treatment and management systems.
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Measurably and quantifiably reducing the volume and/or improvement in the level
of treatment of wastewater effluent;
Increasing the number of households, industries, commercial establishments, and
institutions with untreated wastewater connected to sanitary wastewater systems;
Reducing the volume and incidents of discharge of untreated wastewater effluent
as a result of sanitary sewer and combined sewer overflow events;
Improving quality of treated stormwater effluent;
Improving the reliability or performance of the wastewater collection and/or
treatment system;
Supports economic growth and development;
Improving wastewater sludge treatment and management.
III. Additional Federal Requirements for NRP:
Projects for the construction of new or material rehabilitation or expansion of existing
wastewater treatment facilities must result in wastewater effluent that meets the
Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations (WSER), where applicable.
o In jurisdictions where the WSER does not yet apply, the afore-mentioned
projects must meet provincial/territorial equivalency.
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I. Subcategories:
Reinforcement, expansion of existing and construction of new transmission grids to
transmit clean electricity, including smart grid technologies.
Renewable Electricity Generation facilities.
Thermal heat/cooling delivery system using renewable or combined heat/power
Projects for new or material rehabilitation or expansion of carbon transmission and
storage infrastructure;
Electric vehicle infrastructure.
Clean coal facilities.
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Increasing the security of Canada’s clean electricity supply;
Increasing installation of clean energy technologies that improve air quality
and/or reduce greenhouse gases;
Increasing the number of private sector and public sector installations and/or
use of clean-energy technologies;
Providing open-access to a large number of carbon capture facilities; or
Increasing electricity trade connections between provinces/territories, and/or
between Canada and the United States that facilitate the transfer of clean
III. Additional Federal Requirements for NRP:
For carbon transmission and storage project, the project must address:
o Pipeline networks, or parts thereof, for transporting CO
that has been
captured from large industrial emitters; or
o Centralized hubs for injecting, monitoring, and permanently storing CO
in a
geological formation.
For clean coal facilities, the proponent must deploy technology to reduce air
pollutants and GHG emissions at least as low as natural gas combined cycle
technology such that it will satisfy the Canadian regulations for the coal-fired
electricity sector, set to come into force on July 1, 2015.
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I. Subcategories:
Drinking water treatment infrastructure.
Drinking water distribution systems (may include metering as part of a larger
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Improving the quality of drinking water;
Increasing the number of households, industries, commercial establishments, and
institutions provided with access to safe drinking water;
Improving the efficiency and service reliability of water treatment facilities and/or
distribution systems, as demonstrated by outcomes such as: a reduction in water
leakage or loss, use of treatment chemicals, energy use and/or number of boil
water advisories; replacement of assets which have reached the end of
serviceable life, etc.;
Improving water conservation (i.e. increased number of households equipped with
residential metering, and decreased daily per capita water use);
Supports economic growth and development;
Improving the protection and/or management of drinking water sources.
III. Additional Federal Requirements for NRP:
Where the project involves the new construction of or material rehabilitation of a
drinking water treatment plant, the drinking water quality following completion of
the project must meet or exceed the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water
Quality or provincial/territorial standards, whichever are higher.
A multi-barrier approach to safe drinking water including, where possible, source
water protection.
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I. Subcategories:
Waste diversion infrastructure (e.g., recycling, composting, anaerobic
digestion, eco-centers).
Waste disposal infrastructure (e.g., thermal processes, landfill gas recovery).
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Increasing the quantity (kg/capita) of solid waste diverted from disposal;
Reducing environmental impacts from landfills (e.g. greenhouse gas emissions,
leaching of liquid waste, soil contamination);
Increasing energy recovery from solid waste management activities.
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 19
I. Subcategories:
Remediation or decontamination and redevelopment of a brownfield site within
municipal boundaries, where the redevelopment includes:
The construction of public infrastructure as identified in the context of any
category under the PTIC;
The construction of affordable housing.
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Removing or neutralizing the negative effects of brownfields on communities and
the environment by remediating and redeveloping these properties in a sustainable
Reducing the environmental and health risks posed by contaminated sites within
municipal boundaries;
Increasing local or regional economic development and competitiveness;
Increasing the supply of affordable housing;
Increasing the sustainability of municipal development and encouragement of more
efficient and the intensification of land use.
III. Minimum Federal Requirements for NRP
The eligible costs in respect of the remediation/decontamination shall be prorated
based on the land use share of the eligible public infrastructure component (as
described in the subcategories).
Project must be undertaken on properties that are contaminated, as determined
using remediation criteria as established by the relevant jurisdiction for the
proposed redeveloped land uses, as confirmed by a Phase II Environmental Site
Assessment (ESA).
Project must have a Remediation Action Plan, that describes how the cleanup of a
contaminated site will occur.
Proponent must identify potential regulatory or civil liability risks and provide a risk
management plan (including confirmation of pollution legal liability insurance).
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I. Subcategories:
New construction, additional capacity, rehabilitation, or safety-related improvements to
aeronautical and/or non-aeronautical infrastructure:
Aeronautical infrastructure includes, but is not limited to: runways, taxiways,
aprons, hangars, lighting, aids to navigation (Navaids), maintenance sheds, airside
mobile equipment and associated shelters, air terminal buildings, and airside
safety-related infrastructure;
Non-aeronautical infrastructure such as groundside access, and parking facilities;
Intelligent transportation systems in support of local and regional airports.
a. Local and regional airports are defined as those sites having scheduled passenger
traffic, not located in the national capital or a provincial/territorial capital t, and
b. Not federally-owned airports or federal assets.
c. Safety and security projects that are eligible for funding under Transport Canada's
Airports Capital Assistance Program (ACAP) are not eligible for funding unless
they are part of a larger project.
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Improving efficiency and capacity;
Increasing regional or local economic development (e.g., number of new carriers,
new businesses operating at the airport, increased volume of
interprovincial/territorial and international trade such as in the resource sector);
Improving safety;
Extending the life of the existing asset;
Increasing accessibility of local and regional airports (e.g., to remote and northern
communities, to larger population centres).
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III. Additional Federal Requirements for NRP:
Proponents must demonstrate that projects do not negatively impact other airports in
their vicinity and the overall provision of airport and air transportation services in
the region.
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I. Subcategories:
New construction, additional capacity or rehabilitation of rail infrastructure that services
freight, including:
Tracks, structures and grade separations;
Facilities to improve the interchange of goods between modes;
Safety-related improvements;
Intelligent Transportation Systems in support of short line rail; or
Capitalized equipment for loading/unloading required for expansion of short line
a. Short line rail is typically defined as a railway that provides regional service to a
small number of towns or industries and/or serves as a feeder line for one or more
larger railroads.
b. Class I railways and their subsidiaries are not eligible recipients
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Improving efficiency (e.g., increased traffic volumes, new shippers, increased
speed, etc.);
Increasing freight capacity;
Improving integration between transportation modes;
Extending the life of the existing asset;
Improving safety.
III. Additional Federal Requirements for NRP
Proponents must demonstrate that their proposal is based on current demand
(e.g., significant volumes of rail traffic), and if projects are intended to expand
existing assets or build new assets, the intended results must be substantiated.
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I. Subcategories:
New construction, additional capacity, and rehabilitation of the following capitalized and
fixed port infrastructure built on or adjacent to port lands that increases short sea
shipping capacity, including:
Wharves and associated infrastructure;
Intermodal facilities, multi-modal, or transfer facilities;
Intelligent Transportation Systems in support of short sea shipping;
Access road infrastructure that provides the main vehicular land access to one of
the above wharves, facilities, or associated infrastructure; or
Capitalized and fixed equipment for loading/unloading required for expansion of
short sea shipping.
a. Short sea shipping is defined as the movement of cargo by water, excluding
transoceanic voyages.
b. Projects under this category could include capital dredging as a part of the overall
c. The purchase of vessels, maintenance of existing facilities, as well as maintenance
activities including dredging, are not eligible for funding.
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one or
more of the following outcomes:
Improving efficiency and capacity ;
Improving safety;
Providing environmental benefits such as air quality improvement;
Extending the life of the existing asset;
Improving integration between transportation modes.
III. Additional Federal Requirements for NRP
Demonstration that project justification is based on current demand, and if the
project is intended to expand facilities/capacity or build new assets, the intended
results must be substantiated.
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I. Subcategories:
Fixed capital assets of public benefit in the Northwest Territories, Yukon and
a. Investments in health infrastructure (hospitals, nursing stations, convalescent and
senior centers) are not eligible.
b. Projects which would be considered eligible for funding under another category of
investment will be required to meet the overview requirements for that category.
II. Outcomes and Benefits:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Improving accessibility to and from remote, communities in the North;
Improving access for Canadians in the north to basic public services, including
emergency services;
Improving the quality of life of Northern Canadians; or
Supporting competitiveness, and sustainable economic and resource development
in the North.
III. Additional Federal Requirements for NRP:
For non-territorial assets, a local council resolution in support of the project must be
submitted, or demonstrate compatibility with medium/long term development plans
or other strategies.
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I. Subcategories:
New construction, additional capacity, and rehabilitation of the following capitalized and
fixed passenger ferry infrastructure, including:
Wharves and associated infrastructure;
Passenger terminals;
Access road infrastructure that provides the main vehicular access to the
passenger ferry terminal;
Vessel purchase and/or conversion, including retrofitting vessels to other
alternative fuels (e.g. vessel retrofit to dual-fuel propulsion systems); or
Intelligent transportation systems in support of ferry services.
a. Maintenance and operating costs for regular fleet, and existing passenger ferry
terminals, as well as maintenance activities including dredging, are not eligible for
b. Projects under this category could include capital dredging as a part of the overall
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Improving efficiency and mobility (e.g., reduces congestion, effectively manages
traffic volumes, reduces travel time);
Improving safety;
Extending the life of the existing asset;
Supports economic growth and development;
Providing environmental benefits such as air quality improvement.
III. Additional Federal Requirements for NRP:
Proponents must demonstrate that projects do not negatively impact other ferry
operators that provide a competitive service in the same region, or community.
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 26
I. Subcategories:
New construction, expansion, or rehabilitation of museums
, libraries or archives.
New construction, expansion, or rehabilitation of facilities for the creation,
production and/or presentation of the arts.
The preservation or rehabilitation of designated heritage sites that are recognized
o The Canadian government as per the national federal register of historic
places; or
o A provincial, territorial or local government.
Provincial, territorial or local government-owned infrastructure that supports the
creation of a cultural precinct within a community.
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians
The proponent must demonstrate how the project provides benefits to Canadians in
support of one or more of the following outcomes:
Increasing users of facilities or giving the facilities a multipurpose dimension.
Enhancing the ability of communities to express, preserve, develop and promote
their cultural heritage within Canada.
Enhancing the vitality, recognition and development of French or English in official
language minority communities.
Extends the life of an existing asset.
A museum is a non-profit making, permanent institution in the service of society and of its development,
and open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits, for purposes of
study, education and enjoyment, artifacts related to people, their ideas and achievements, or the natural
Excludes private residences and religious sites.
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 27
I. Subcategories:
New construction, additional capacity or rehabilitation of publicly-owned, multi-use:
Amateur sport or recreational facilities (including training facilities for high
performance amateur athletes);
Parks, recreational trails, and paths;
Community centres.
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Increases public access to, and participation in, physical activity or sports;
Supports programs for the development of Canadian amateur athletes, including
hosting opportunities for regional, national or international amateur sporting events;
Supports community vitality by providing spaces for community activities, such as
clubs, volunteer activities, social support, physical activity, and public meetings; or
Extends the life of an existing asset.
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 28
I. Subcategories:
New construction, additional capacity or rehabilitation of:
Zoos and aquaria.
Visitor centres, tourism bureaus, and interpretive centres.
Scenic parkways.
Marinas and cruise ship terminals.
Other public use facilities
For-profit private sector assets, private residences and religious sites are not eligible for
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The project must demonstrate how it provides benefits to Canadians in support of one
or more of the following outcomes:
Increases the number of visitors, their length of stay, or their quality of stay;
Promotes Canada or the region as a leading destination for Canadian or
international tourists;
Supports economic growth and development; or
Extends the life of an existing asset.
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 29
I. Subcategory:
Rehabilitation, expansion, or preservation of existing municipally or provincially owned
buildings or public spaces
in order to repurpose these facilities for public use or
II. Outcomes and Benefits for Canadians:
The proponent must demonstrate how the project provides benefits to Canadians in
support of one or more of the following outcomes:
Giving facilities a multipurpose dimension;
Improving the efficiency or functionality of facilities; or
Improving the environmental sustainability of facilities.
Public spaces are defined as any public gathering area that has the primary objective of promoting social
interaction or a sense of community.
Excluding medical facilities and schools and scholastic facilities).
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 30
Under the PTIC-NRP component the eligible recipients of funding are:
a) A province or territory, or a municipal or regional government established by or
under provincial or territorial statute;
b) A band council within the meaning of section 2 of the Indian Act; or a government
or authority established pursuant to a Self-Government Agreement or a
Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in right
of Canada and an aboriginal people of Canada, that has been approved, given
effect and declared valid by federal legislation;
c) A public sector body that is established by or under provincial or territorial statute
or by regulation or is wholly owned by a province, territory, municipal or regional
d) A public or not-for-profit institution that is directly or indirectly authorized, under
the terms of provincial, territorial or federal statute, or Royal Charter, to deliver
post-secondary courses or programs that lead to recognized and transferable
post-secondary credentials, or a public or not-for-profit Aboriginal-controlled
postsecondary institution; and
e) A private sector body, including for-profit organizations and not-for-profit
organizations. In the case of for-profit organizations, they will need to be in
partnership with one or more of the entities referred to above.
Please note:
Federal entities, including federal Crown Corporations are not eligible recipients.
A proposal for an on-reserve* project in a province under PTIC would be required
to demonstrate project benefits extending beyond the reserve community.
o *On-reserve means on-reserve lands, or on any Crown lands or lands set aside
by the Crown that are designated to become reserve lands.
All projects under PTIC would be considered for funding only if they are
prioritized by a province or territory. Project proponents would accordingly be
encouraged to communicate with provincial or territorial representatives to have
their project considered for prioritization.
Provinces and territories are required to prioritize projects for all outstanding
NBCF-PTIC funding allocations by April 1, 2018.
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 31
Eligible expenditures will include only the following:
Eligible expenditures will be all direct and necessary expenditures incurred and paid by
an eligible recipient or ultimate recipient towards an eligible project, associated with
acquiring, planning, designing, constructing or renovating a tangible capital asset, as
defined by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). This also specifically
includes the following:
a) Expenditures directly associated with joint federal communication activities and
with federal project signage.
b) The incremental costs of the eligible or ultimate recipient’s employees or leasing
of equipment may be included as eligible expenditures under the following
The recipient is able to demonstrate that it is not economically feasible to tender
a contract;
The employee or equipment is engaged directly in respect of the work that would
have been the subject of the contract; and
The arrangement is approved in advance and in writing by Canada.
For P3 projects specifically, the capital costs of acquiring, constructing or renovating a
tangible capital asset, determined on the basis of cost data contained in the financial
model supporting the project agreement. The following are also considered eligible
a) Bid costs, defined as costs incurred by an applicant for a project to compensate a
private sector bidder for the development of a bid proposal; and
b) Construction finance costs of the Project Consortium.
Note: while eligible expenditures become eligible as of the date of approval- in-
principle, eligible expenditures can only be reimbursed to a recipient following the
signing of a contribution agreement.
The following are deemed Ineligible expenditures:
a) Expenditures incurred prior to the date of approval-in-principle as indicated in a
letter to the recipient, as well as any and all expenditures related to contracts signed
prior to the approval-in-principle date;
b) Expenditures incurred after the project completion date with the exception of
expenditures related to audit and evaluation requirements pursuant to the
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 32
c) The expenditures related to developing a business case or proposal for funding;
d) The expenditures related to purchasing land, buildings and associated real estate
and other fees;
e) Financing charges and interest payments on loans, except in accordance with the
list of eligible expenditures above;
f) Leasing land, buildings, equipment and other facilities except for equipment directly
relating to the construction of the project;
g) Furnishings and non-fixed assets which are not essential for the operation of the
h) General repairs and maintenance of a project and related structures, unless they
are part of a larger capital expansion project;
i) Services or works normally provided by the recipient, incurred in the course of
implementation of the project, except those specified as eligible expenditures;
j) The expenditures related to any goods and services which are received through
donations or in kind;
k) Any overhead costs, including salaries and other employment benefits of any
employees of the recipient, its direct or indirect operating or administrative costs of
ultimate recipients, and more specifically its costs related to planning, engineering,
architecture, supervision, management and other activities normally carried out by
its staff, except in accordance with the list of eligible expenditures above;
l) Taxes for which the ultimate recipient is eligible for a tax rebate and all other costs
eligible for rebates; and
m) Legal fees.
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 33
Annex D - Environmental and Aboriginal Consultation Information Requirements
As part of the application process for funding, applicants are required to complete the following
questionnaire, found in Annex D of the Business Case Guide, in order for Infrastructure
Canada (INFC) to determine if the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 (CEAA,
2012) and/or environmental assessment process in Northern Canada apply to the project. In
addition, the information provided will also be used by INFC to determine if there is a
requirement to consult with Aboriginal Groups.
All yellow highlighted text is instructional and is provided to explain in more detail the type of
information requested by INFC. This instructional text can be deleted once information is
provided in the appropriate boxes. Please provide your response in the spaces provided in the
boxes, and use as much space as necessary.
Note that if you have any questions filling out the questionnaire; please submit your
questions to the following email address:
General information
Project Name:
Project Proponent:
Contact person for any question Infrastructure Canada could have regarding the
environmental assessment and aboriginal consultation:
Note (scope change): If you are completing this questionnaire due to a proposed project
amendment for a project already submitted to Infrastructure Canada (INFC), please only
include the amended project information.
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 34
Project and existing environment description
Project Description:
Description of the existing environment:
Project Location Part
PL.1.1: Would any part of the project or activities be located on:
Yes No
Federal land. If yes, provide details regarding the federal land
Yes No
Provincial land. If yes, provide details:
Yes No
Indian Reserve land. If yes, provide details:
If you
yes” to any of
the above.
Is the entire project footprint located on that land?
If not, please indicate the portions that will take
place on that land (provide a map).
Yes No
PL.1.2: Would any part of the project or activities be located in:
Yes No
Internal waters of Canada, in any area of the sea not within a
Internal waters refers to: the internal waters of Canada as
determined under the Oceans Act, including the seabed and
subsoil below and the airspace above those waters.
Yes No
The territorial sea of Canada, in any area of the sea not within a
Territorial sea refers to:
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 35
The territorial sea of Canada as determined under the Oceans
Act, including the seabed and its subsoil below and the airspace
above that sea.
Yes No
The exclusive economic zone of Canada
Exclusive economic zone refers to:
The exclusive economic zone of Canada as determined under the
Oceans Act, including the seabed and its subsoil.
Yes No
The continental shelf of Canada
Continental shelf refers to: the continental shelf of Canada as
determined under the Oceans Act.
If you
yes” to any of
the above:
Please provide the information regarding the land administrator.
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 36
Option 2: Project with no fixed address or multiple components
Please indicate, for each project component, any points of interest, intersections,
major highways or streets, or other physical characteristics located in the vicinity
of the project (e.g. near airport, adjacent to Lions Gate Bridge, 3 km east from
Centennial Park, at intersection of Fifth and Queen, etc.)
Component A:
Component B:
Component C:
PL.3 Project Location Documents
A project location map, as a minimum, has been included with this
If available, include also any other additional project map (e.g. site plan,
etc.) that may be useful in locating the project.
PL.2 In order to facilitate and accelerate INFC’s assessment of your application for
funding, please provide an accurate project location in order for INFC to
geographically locate your project.
Option 1: Project with a fixed address
Address of the project
Civic Number:
Street Name:
Postal Code:
Location 1
Location 2
Project Longitude:
Project Latitude:
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 37
Environmental Requirement Part
ER.1.1: Does any part of your project involve the construction, operation,
decommissioning or abandonment of the following infrastructure?
Yes No
Electrical transmission lines
Yes No
Electrical generating facility
Yes No
Structure for the diversion of water including dam, dyke or
Yes No
Canal, lock or structure to control water level
Yes No
Oil and gas pipeline
Yes No
Marine terminal
Yes No
Railway line and / or Railway yard
Yes No
All season public highway
Yes No
Aerodrome or airport runway
Yes No
Hazardous waste facility
Yes No
Waste management facility
Yes No
Industrial facility
ER.1.2: Are any part of the project or activities proposed within:
Yes No
A wildlife area
A wildlife area means: (according to the wildlife areas listed in
Schedule 1 of the Wildlife Area Regulations).
To use this list, find the section corresponding to the province in
which the project is located and then determine if the project is
located in one of the wildlife areas listed. If necessary, the
cadastral lot numbers can be used.
Yes No
A migratory bird sanctuary
A migratory bird sanctuary means: (according to the migratory bird
sanctuaries listed in the schedule of the Migratory Bird Sanctuary
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 38
To use this list, find the section corresponding to the province in
which the project is located and then determine if the project is
located in one of the bird sanctuaries listed. If necessary, the
geographical coordinates expressed in latitude and longitude can
be used.
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 39
ER.1.3: Is the project a designated project according to the Regulations
Designating Physical Activities*?
If a project appears on the list, it will likely be considered a designated
project and has to be referred to the Canadian Environmental Assessment
Agency. Should this be the case, it is recommended you contact them as
soon as possible to confirm their requirement and process.
Please elaborate:
It is possible that the project’s status in the Regulations Designating
Physical Activities is unknown at the time of the application.
ER.1.4: If you have answer yes to previous question ER1.3 (i.e. the project is
a designated project), have you provided the Canadian Environmental
Assessment Agency with a project description as per Section 8(1) of the
Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012?
Yes No
To learn more about the information required by the Canadian Environmental
Assessment Agency (Agency), please refer to the Prescribed Information for the
Description of a Designated Project Regulations
ER.2: Does the project (either in full or in part) require an environmental
assessment under a northern regime or other regime?
Please elaborate:
ER.3: Are public concerns expected as a result of this project?
The project may have potential to cause significant public concern. Here is
a non-exhaustive list of examples:
•Water and/or land use disputes and the possible cumulative effects of an
unequal distribution of access rights to the land or water in question;
•Health and safety risks from potential accidents (e.g. potential spills in water
bodies, etc.);
•Breaches of the cultural values of local communities;
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 40
If the public is concerned about the project, information on the nature of the
concern and any other relevant information must be provided to INFC.
Please elaborate:
ER.4.1: Are environmental issues expected as a result of this project?
Please elaborate:
ER.4.2: Is any part of the project located in whole or in part on land
potentially contaminated by previous activities:
Please elaborate:
ER.4.3: Is an environmental site assessment available for this project
regarding contaminated site(s):
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
If you answered yesto any of the above, please provide copies of all reports
related to the project, if not already provided. If the report(s) is/are at the
development stage, please indicate the phase, and when a copy will be provided
to INFC.
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 41
ER.4.4: Does the project (either in full or in part) require a provincial
environmental assessment?
If not already provided, please provide copies of all reports related to
the project. If the report(s) is/are at the development stage, please
indicate when it/they will be completed and when a copy will be
provided to INFC.
Aboriginal Consultation Part
This section contains a number of questions aimed at developing a better overview of the types
of activities and/or work that will be carried out to determine the potential impact it could have
on the Aboriginal or treaty rights of Aboriginal peoples. To determine whether the Crown
conduct could have an adverse impact on established or potential Aboriginal or treaty rights,
information must be compiled on those rights, which could include the right to hunt, fish, trap,
gather and trade, and may either be established by a court or in a treaty, or may be asserted
by an Aboriginal group, for example, in litigation or for the purpose of negotiating a treaty.
This step must be taken into consideration very early on in the process otherwise project delays
can be expected if consultation is not completed satisfactorily or in a timely manner.
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 42
AC.1: Activities Related to the Project that could potentially impact Aboriginal
Examples of traditional Aboriginal activities can vary, and include gathering
wild mushrooms and medicinal herbs on a river bank, fishing in a salmon
river, hunting moose in the forest, and may involve ceremonial sites and
former burial grounds.
If one or more of the questions in this part are answered in the affirmative,
please provide a description of the activity or activities in the last line of the
Does the project involve works or activities on, under, over,
through or across a water body such as a wetland, stream, river or
Check all that apply.
Fresh water: Stream Lake Wetland River
Pond Reservoir Active Floodplain
Fish Bearing Watercourse
Coastal and Marine: Beach Cove Mud Flat
Salt Marsh Bay
Exposed Coastline Estuary
Fish Bearing Watercourse
Other: Please describe:
Can the work proposed have upstream or downstream impacts (e.g.
change in water or temperature level upstream that could result in
positive or negative impacts downstream, change in the turbidity,
Are there activities proposed that may affect aboriginal traditional
activities. Check all activities that apply.
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 43
Fishing (e.g., preventing access to a fishing area or work in a
waterbody such as river, lake, stream, culverts )
Hunting (e.g., preventing access to a hunting area or clearing of
forest or other vegetation etc.)
Gathering (e.g., preventing access to a gathering area or clearing
of forest or other vegetation etc.)
Other (e.g. work close to or preventing access to sites of
cultural/historical/archeological/ceremonial significance near the
project etc.)
Is the project (in full or in part) occurring on undisturbed or
undeveloped land?
If yes, please provide information about how much land will be
affected by the project in the appropriate space. Disturbed and/or
developed land may include land that has undergone
deforestation, land previously used for agricultural purposes, or
land that has been built up (e.g. buildings were previously
constructed upon, etc.).
Is any component of the proposed project located outside the
existing infrastructure footprint (build up footprint)?
Are there any relevant project activities that might affect other
aspects of the environment (e.g. increases sound and/or noise
levels, creates barriers to or limits access to harvesting areas, adds
runoff to a watercourse, involves excavation)?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, please provide details.
AC.2: Has another federal, provincial or territorial government entity indicated that
Aboriginal consultation is required for this project?
Please specify.
AC.3.1: Has the province (or territory) been in contact with any Aboriginal groups
regarding this project?
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 44
Please provide a summary of the consultation activities completed to date. If
available, please provide details such as if any concerns were raised by
Aboriginal groups, the nature of the concerns raised, and include in an
attachment any information that may be useful (e.g. consultation plan,
consultation summary, contact information, letters, emails, public notices,
and any other types of communications).
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 45
AC.3.2: Have you been in contact or plan to contact any Aboriginal groups regarding
this project?
Please provide a summary of the consultation activities completed to date. If
available, please provide details such as if any concerns were raised by
Aboriginal groups, the nature of the concerns raised, and include in an
attachment any information that may be useful (e.g. consultation plan,
consultation summary, contact information, letters, emails, public notices,
and any other types of communications).
AC.4: Involvement of the Crown -
Other Federal or Provincial Departments or Agencies may be involved in the project
(e.g., if a permit, authorization, land transfer agreement, lease, etc. is required ), such
as, but not limited to:
The purpose of this section is to identify if other federal or provincial
departments or agencies may be undertaking Aboriginal consultation
activities as a result of their involvement in the project (e.g., issuing a permit
and/or authorization).
If other authorities are involved, it is important to identify them, and to
describe their role, particularly if they have to issue or have issued a permit
and/or authorization. This is necessary for a number of reasons: to avoid
procedural duplication, to enable the coordinated actions of the various
authorities involved and to avoid submitting unnecessary repetitive
requests to the Aboriginal groups concerned.
The information provided about the authorities and their actual or potential
involvement in the project will help INFC to confirm their collaboration as
early on in the process as possible.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (e.g. Fisheries Act)
Transport Canada (e.g. Navigation Protection Act)
Natural Resources Canada (e.g. Explosives Act)
Environment Canada (e.g. Species at Risk Act,
Migratory Birds Convention Act, Canadian
Environmental Protection Act)
Parks Canada Agency
Other departments (e.g. federal department, provincial
department, funding department, …)
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 46
If applicable, please identify the federal department or
agency and approval required.
If you answered yesto any of the above, please describe the involvement of the identified
department(s)/agency(s) in detail.
Please provide contact information for each department identified so INFC can coordinate
with them to avoid delays and duplication.
AC.5: Provincial (or territorial) permits
Please list all provincial (or territorial) permits that will be required for the project.
Please provide contact information for each department already contacted so INFC can
coordinate with them to avoid delays and duplication.
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 47
Declaration of Information
Please check boxes to acknowledge you understand and/or agree to the
following statements:
INFC may have a duty to consult and, where appropriate, accommodate
aboriginal groups, when the Crown contemplates conduct (such as providing
funding) that might adversely impact potential or established Aboriginal or Treaty
rights. INFC will rely to the extent possible on other processes that included
Aboriginal consultation (e.g., a provincial environmental assessment process).
However, it is understood that INFC may delegate certain procedural
responsibilities to the proponent and the proponent will assist or carry out various
aspects of consultation (e.g., the gathering of information). Note that a Proponent
Guide and Toolkit for Aboriginal Consultation Process will be provided at the
appropriate time.
It is understood that INFC may not enter into a contribution agreement until such
time as INFC has determined that its Aboriginal consultation obligations have been
I hereby certify that the information provided is accurate to the best of my
knowledge and I understand that inaccurate information may result in the
requirement for additional environmental and/or aboriginal consultation review.
Questionnaire completed by:
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 48
Additional Links
Complete versions of the various acts outlined in this document please copy and paste
these links into your browser.
Oceans Act-
Wild Life Regulation-
Migratory Bird Sanctuary-http://laws-,_c._1036.pdf
Regulations Designating Physical Activities-http://laws-,_c._1036.pdf
Prescribed Information for the Description of a Designated Project
New Building Canada Fund Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (NRP) Page 49
Note: All figures should be rounded to the dollar (no decimals).
Example Detailed Project Cost Table (in dollars)
Description of Activities
Eligible Costs
Ineligible Costs
Total Project
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Contingency Amount
Total Estimated Costs
*add more columns as necessary
Example - Sources of Funding (in dollars)
Funding Source
Funding Request
Government of Canada
Proponent X
Other Please specify
Total Eligible Project Costs
Total Project Costs
PTIC-NRP - Project Business Case Guide Page 50
Example Estimated Project Cash Flow (Based on Total Eligible Costs, in dollars)
Funding Source
Government of Canada
Proponent X
Other Please Specify