Local Strategy to Address
Global Climate Change
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 1
Broward County Climate Change Task Force Members
Commissioner Beam Furr, Chair
Barry Heimlich, Vice Chair
Adrienne Kaltman *
Barry Faske
Dorothy Sifuentes*
Doug Young
Dylan Larson*
George Cavros
Hector Samario*
Henry Sniezek *
Jim Murley *
John Adornato
John Pisula
Joseph Miakisz
Julie Lambert
Lois Bush
Randy Fleischer
Richard Grosso*
Robert Kornahrens*
Rod Braun
Sandra Welch
Scott Perrin
Thomas Hutka
Environmental Planning and Community Resilience Division
Carrie Kashar, Natural Resources Specialist
Jennifer Jurado, Director
Samantha Danchuk, Assistant Director
A special thanks to our college interns from
Florida International University who assisted in
all the efforts to put this plan together:
Arthur Rose, Bachelor of Science in Environmental
Stephanie Victoria, Bachelor of Arts in Sustainability
and the Environment
*Subcommittee Chair
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 2
Letter from Commissioner Beam Furr
November 16, 2015
Dear Mayor and Fellow Commissioners,
As Chair of the Broward County Climate Change Task Force, I am pleased to present the 2015
Broward County Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP). The CCAP is an update to the original
Broward Climate Change Action Plan (2010), and it builds upon the 2010 CCAP’s
recommendations for a progressive countywide climate program to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and adapt to the consequences of climate change.
A century ago, canals were dredged and the Everglades was drained to create dry land for
development, which enabled the establishment of some of our oldest communities. Early
residents would be astonished by the transformation of Broward’s landscape over the past 100
years. As we recognize and celebrate Broward County’s centennial this year, we recognize that
clean air, clean water, vibrant marine resources, and healthy coastal habitats are the
fundamental components upon which 100 years of accomplishments and progress have been
built. All of us benefit from our unique natural resources and a sustainable society; with 1.8
million residents and 11 million annual visitors, our environment is critical for the well-being of
our residents, our economy, and our ecosystems.
Therefore, with the next 100 years in mind, the Task Force is proud to present 94 actions to
reduce carbon pollution and strengthen our resilience to the effects of global climate change.
The Plan reflects considerable effort on the part of the Task Force members, community
participants, staff, and experts who all lent support throughout the process. On behalf of Broward
County Government and the residents of Broward County, I would like to thank them for their
extensive contributions.
It has been my pleasure to serve as Chair of the Task Force
and I look forward to continuing in this capacity as we work
together as a community to implement the Climate Action
Plan 2015.
Broward County’s commitment to SUNsational service
means making it easier for residents and businesses to go
solar. A cleaner energy option!
What You Can Do, see page 37.
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 3
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4
Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) Goals ............................................................ 7
High Priority Actions .................................................................................................... 8
Icons Legend ................................................................................................................... 9
Policy Actions ....................................................................................................... 11-14
Natural Systems Actions ................................................................................... 16-18
Water Supply Actions ......................................................................................... 20-22
Energy Resources Actions ................................................................................ 24-28
Built Environment Actions ............................................................................... 30-34
Community Outreach Actions ......................................................................... 36-39
What You Can Do ........................................................................................................ 41
What We Have Done So Far ..................................................................................... 42
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 4
The Broward Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 2015 consists of nearly 100 strategic actions for
addressing the economic, environmental, and social impacts of climate change. The CCAP is a
county-wide strategy, to be implemented by local government, community partners and
residents alike. The actions are focused on reducing local greenhouse gas emissions, increasing
community resiliency and planning necessary adaptation measures to address local impacts. By
implementing these actions, Broward County moves forward on building a greener, more
sustainable, and climate resilient community.
Summary of CCAP 2015 Actions
Completing the actions in this plan will work toward building stronger communities and
infrastructure, protecting critical sectors of our industry, government and natural resources and
using sound science to better understand and address climate impacts. The CCAP addresses the
impacts of climate change on our community.
Policy: Climate change will impact our community for years to come. Policies and
regulations can have a substantial influence on the rate of climate change.
Broward has the responsibility for making policies to address climate change at
the local level. The CCAP actions will create collaborative intergovernmental
practices by developing joint legislative policies which raise the awareness at State
and Federal levels on the vulnerability of southeast Florida and advocate for
increased state and federal funding for mitigation and adaptation projects.
Natural Systems: Climate change poses a significant threat to our critical natural
infrastructure and ecosystems. Natural Systems CCAP actions concentrate on
preserving Broward’s pristine beaches, Everglades, and habitats and protecting
the diverse plant and wildlife to create a community where human habitation and
natural ecosystems can co-exist in a balanced style of living.
Water Supply: Climate change puts our vital natural resources at risk, and for
Broward County in particular that means our drinking water supply. The
importance of water cannot be diluted. Rising sea levels threaten our fresh water
supply by forcing saltwater into our underground freshwater aquifer. The CCAP
actions safeguard the water supply through conservation and adaptation,
development of decision support tools, and integrated water resource
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 5
Energy Resources: Climate change puts energy resources at risk, in particular, the
electricity system due to its vulnerability to extreme storms, coastal flooding,
extreme heat, drought, and wildfires. All of which are likely to increase due to
climate change. Renewable energy, such as solar, is a key component of making
our electricity system more resilient, and reducing local greenhouse gas
emissions. The CCAP actions will move the community toward an energy efficient
future by increasing sustainable consumption through efficiency and conservation
efforts, expanding renewable and alternative energy accessibility, and creating
incentive programs.
Built Environment: Climate change poses a significant threat to the safety and
reliability of critical infrastructure systems. The CCAP actions support rethinking
traditional approaches to land use and land management, building and
infrastructure siting and design, and community planning in order to improve our
climate resilience, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and facilitate smart science-
supported public and private infrastructure investments, policies, and practices.
Community Outreach: Climate change poses significant economic risk to all
sectors and communities. To successfully prepare for climate change,
communities must have the capacity to recognize, understand, and assess
relevant climate-related hazards, risks, and impacts. The CCAP actions will deliver
climate change educational information to all audiences so as to increase
awareness and mobilize action on climate change.
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 6
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 7
Climate Change Action Plan Goals
The CCAP is meant to be simple and clear in order to support implementation. There are two
overarching goals for this plan. 1. Mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing greenhouse
gas emissions by 2% per year by 2020, ultimately leading to a total 80% reduction by 2050, and
2. Increase the resilience of our community to the effects of climate change.
In each of the six following sections, the CCAP has an objective and a series of actions that
ultimately support the above two goals. Broward County will track and report on progress
made in the implementation of the actions, as well as meeting specific benchmarks.
Implementation of the CCAP is an evolving process, actions may be expanded and developed as
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 8
High Priority Actions
Continue local water conservation programs (#24)
Monitor and protect wellfields (#27)
Develop alternative water supply strategies (#28)
Accelerate government operations GHG reduction efforts (#35)
Implement a Better Buildings Challenge (#36)
Support third party retail power purchase agreements (#48)
Increase rooftop solar on county facilities (#49)
Actively pursue the installation of alternative fuel vehicle infrastructure (#50)
Contribute to local, regional and state climate planning efforts (#1)
Support the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Compact (#3)
Lessen the cumulative impacts to natural systems (#16)
Support Everglades Adaptive Restoration (#17)
Develop habitat buffer zones (#18)
Increase the number of miles of living shorelines and dunes (#19)
Educate the community on climate change (#81)
Engage volunteer corps (#86)
Encourage FEMA to consider sea level rise in flood map updates (#59)
Analyze sea level rise, drainage and hurricane impacts (#68)
Develop adaptive management strategies (#69)
Apply models to develop resilient design standards (#70)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 9
Icons Legend
There are various icons throughout the action plan used to help the reader visualize which overall
goal(s) the action relates to, the level of commitment needed to complete the action (county
government operations, municipal/community/regional, state, or federal), and whether the
action is high priority. Please note, actions may also include references to the original CCAP
numbering system. For example, “PC-1.4” at the end of action #2 refers its identification in the
original plan. Actions designated with “(New)” in the description are new and were not included
in the 2010 CCAP.
Plan actions which relate to the plan’s goal to reduce Broward’s
carbon footprint are designated by this icon.
Plan actions which relate to the plan’s goal to increase the resiliency
of the community are designated by this icon.
Plan actions in which Broward County governmental operations are
responsible for ensuring completion of the action are designated by
this icon.
Plan actions in which regional efforts, municipalities, and community
partners are required to complete the action are designated by this
Plan actions in which state resources and/or partners are required to
complete the actions are designated by this icon.
Plan actions in which national resources and/or partners are
required to complete the actions are designated by this icon.
Plan actions determined high priority by the Climate Change Task
Force are designated by this icon.
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 10
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 11
Plan Element: Policy
The actions under Policy advocate for public policies supporting regional resilience and for
advancement of transformative policy changes which will reduce emissions, build climate
resilience, and align government objectives and partners i.e., community, industry, research
institutions, and others.
Policy Objective
Implement the following 15 actions to:
Enact policies and legislation to reduce emissions from transportation, buildings, and
increase community resilience through adaptation.
Contribute to local,
regional and state
climate planning
Support regional entities in their efforts to develop
and coordinate regional tools and planning documents
which integrate regional climate change mitigation
and adaptation goals into their planning processes.
Contribute to climate
planning efforts for
Assist in coordinating transportation-related
adaptation policies across jurisdictional boundaries
and ensure alignment amongst broader planning and
plan implementation efforts. (IP-1.4)
Support the
Southeast Florida
Regional Climate
Continue support for the Compact. Assist in the
coordination, development, and implementation of
Compact resources. Work with the Compact to
formalize better municipal participation. Serve as a
regional resource. Collaborate regionally on legislative
policies. Collaborate broadly on mitigation and
adaptation policies. (PC-1.6) (PC-1.5) (PC-1.4)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 12
Lead advocacy for
climate change
policies and
Advocate for climate change action and legislation to
the National Association of Counties, the Florida
Association of Counties, the Florida League of Cities,
and Federal and state government. (PC-1.7)
Maintain Climate,
Energy &
Maintain a program within County operations to
oversee the implementation of the Climate Action
Plan. Coordinate with the Southeast Florida Regional
Climate Compact. Provide staff assistance to the
Climate Change Task Force. Lead the Government
Operations Workgroup. (PC-1.1)
Continue Climate
Change Task Force
Continue the Broward Climate Change Task Force to
advise elected officials and the County in the decision-
making process. The Task Force should be comprised
of County and municipal elected officials, scientists
knowledgeable in the field of climate change,
representatives of local Green Advisory Boards or
environmental groups, regional transportation and
planning authorities, water and energy utilities, and
other knowledgeable individuals, guided by a staff
liaison. (PC-1.3)
Adopt adaptation
standards which
consider climate
change and sea level
Ensure that public and private infrastructure, such as
streets and bridges, water and wastewater treatment
plants, stormwater drainage systems, seawalls,
hospitals, city halls, police and fire stations, and power
generation facilities, are built or rebuilt considering
impacts from global climate change, including rising
sea levels. Encourage use of centralized stormwater
systems where appropriate. (IP-1.2) (WR-1.18)
Address mitigation
and adaptation
policies in Land Use
Ensure the County’s Land Use Plan addresses
mitigation and adaptation policies. Update the Priority
Planning Map. Support linking the broad range of local
and state infrastructure investments to improve and
integrate multi-modal transportation and land uses
that encourage a reduction in single occupancy vehicle
trips and greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy
efficiency, provide affordable housing proximate to
urban work centers, and progress toward other
sustainability and generate quality of life measures.
(PC-2.3) (PC-3.1)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 13
Limit development in
vulnerable areas
Support state legislation to remove existing statutory
barriers and authorize local governments to adopt
land use regulations to limit development and
redevelopment in areas vulnerable to flooding due to
sea level rise, stormwater inundation, and other
impacts of climate change. (PC-3.2)
Promote transit-
Promote functional, walkable mixed-use development
designs and projects around transit stations by
providing flexibility in development review for these
projects and revising the zoning and land development
codes to allow and encourage these projects. Work
with municipalities to establish incentives for this type
of development. (PC-4.1)
Adopt a Dark Skies
model ordinance
Develop a model “Dark Skies” ordinance and
encourage municipal and private sector participation
to discourage light trespassing. (New)
Propose Energy Code
changes to the Board
of Rules and Appeals
Convene a technical working group of practitioners in
energy efficiency and renewable energy technology to
identify barriers to approval, installation, and
construction practices in the current code and
propose recommendations to eliminate or minimize
these barriers from the state code. (ZB-1.1) (ZB-3.1) (ZB-
Identify local codes
that conflict with
resilient design
Identify county and municipal ordinances and codes
that conflict with resilient design. Coordinate efforts
to make necessary amendments. (ZB-1.4)
preferable purchasing
policies and practices
Employ the collective buying power of local
governments to purchase products and services that
conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
have a low carbon or environmentally certified supply
chain, and use recycled materials and/or minimal
packaging. Provide models for businesses and other
organizations. (RZ-2.3)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 14
Engage technical
support of federal
Engage the support of state and federal agencies, such
as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), the U.S. Geological Society
(USGS), the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA), the U.S. Department of Interior, the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department of
Energy (DOE) that can provide technological and
logistical support and work with state, county, and
local planning bodies to develop regional scenarios for
planning, vulnerability assessments and adaptation
strategies. (MM-1.9)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 15
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 16
Plan Element: Natural Systems
The actions under Natural Systems evaluate and reduce the impacts of climate change on our natural
systems and further the integration of natural systems into the urban environment to increase resilience
to future climate change impacts.
Natural Systems Objective
Implement the following 8 actions to:
Preserve natural areas and habitats to help protect native species.
Integrate natural systems and green infrastructure throughout the community.
Evaluate current and future impacts of climate change on our natural resources and
Lessen cumulative
impacts to natural
Evaluate impacts of nutrient loads on water bodies
and develop reduction strategies. Provide targeted
water quality monitoring in areas where septic tanks
and tidal influences on groundwater elevations may
contribute to water quality impairments. (WR-1.20)
Support Everglades
Adaptive Restoration
Support adaptive management efforts of the USACE,
Florida Department of Environmental Protection, US
Fish & Wildlife Service, USGS, National Park Service,
and South Florida Water Management District to
restore the Florida Everglades. Encourage review of
impacts of sea level rise on the Everglades ecosystem.
Continue to support state and federal funding
proposals. Evaluate impacts of restoration on water
resources and climate adaptation capabilities. (NU-1.3)
Develop habitat
buffer zones
Delineate anticipated habitat transition zones and
expand zones through land use changes to protect
environmentally-sensitive greenways and reserves for
migrating species. (NU-3.5)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 17
Increase number of
miles of living
shorelines and dunes
Coordinate regionally to achieve a minimum criteria of
60% of coast shall have dune vegetation. This
percentage shall be increased to the maximum extent
feasible for effective shoreline protection. Protect
existing mangrove shorelines and promote further
plantings of mangroves along existing seawalls.
Promote the integration of live flora and fauna
alongside existing grey infrastructure in inland waters.
Develop Marine
Conservation Areas
and guidelines
Protect marine and coastal resources as part of a
climate adaptation strategy. Support the process for
nomination of County’s offshore coastal waters as a
marine sanctuary under the NOAA National Marine
Sanctuary program. Engage local stakeholders and
lobby for support from the state. (NU-3.6)
Encourage urban
reforestation and
green infrastructure
Identify and develop public lands as siting for urban
reforestation projects and other enhancements. Plant
trees and shrubs on all available public and private
lands, including unused properties, school and
government properties and conservation lands.
Integrate green easements along transportation
corridors and within highly urbanized downtowns.
Utilize grants and public-private partnerships as
funding sources. (NU-2.1) (New)
Increase planting of
diverse native
Revise county code to require 80% native plant species
on public and private property. Coordinate with
municipalities to encourage adoption of Broward
County landscaping code. Incentivize property owners
to plant native drought-tolerant vegetation, and
reduce lawn areas and irrigation requirements.
Increase plant diversity requirements. (NU-2.4)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 18
Evaluate salinity
impacts on natural
Evaluate impacts to natural systems from sea level
rise, saltwater intrusion, changes in the groundwater
table, and changes in annual precipitation amounts
and patterns (timing and distribution), including
habitat system and nutrient cycling changes,
degradation of habitats, and colonization by invasive
plant species. Make recommendations to lessen these
impacts or accept the resultant habitat change and
adapt current management protocols to deal with the
modified ecosystem. (NU-4.1)
Determine health and
value of natural
Complete a vulnerability or risk assessment to identify
specific species, habitats, landscapes, ecosystem
functions, and cultural resources that may be sensitive
to climate change. Identify stable habitat communities
and list as potential sites for sustaining at-risk species.
Conduct a review of required management plans for
public parks, forests, and wildlife areas every 10 years
(or appropriate review cycle and/or in response to
newly available, peer-reviewed protocols) and
conduct a climate change risk assessment for key
areas. Determine the value of natural systems through
an inventory and comprehensive analysis of the
environmental health of our natural ecosystems. (NU-
3.2) (NU-3.4)
Pursue grants to
increase tree canopy
Develop and maintain a grant program to help with
planting appropriate trees and plants with an objective
of improving the urban tree canopy. Prioritize native
drought tolerant species, trees to provide shade,
funding for re-planting after storms, and restoration of
mangroves. (NU-2.5)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 19
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 20
Plan Element: Water Supply
The actions under Water Supply maintain adequate water supply through efficiency and
conservation efforts, develop decision support tools necessary to build community resilience,
and increase resilience of natural systems through water resource management.
Water Supply Objective
Implement the following 11 actions to:
Ensure existing water resources are protected and remain available through
conservation and sustainable management.
Preserve capacity by diversifying source alternatives.
Balance the water needs of public consumers and natural systems.
Continue local water
Continue coordination and delivery of local water
conservation programs and activities. Provide staff
and financial resources to assist municipalities in
implementing regional water conservation strategies
as a water supply demand management tool and
encourage regional partners to do the same. (WR-1.7)
Include climate
change in updates of
Lower East Coast Plan
Advocate for the inclusion of adaptation measures
that address impacts from climate change in future
updates of the South Florida Water Management
District’s Lower East Coast Water Supply Plan and
other regional water management activities. (WR-1.1)
regionalization of
water supply
Explore the development of expanded use of regional
water and wastewater facilities to achieve scales of
economy county-wide in addressing water supply,
wastewater treatment and alternative water supply as
part of climate adaptation and sustainable resource
planning efforts. (WR-1.2)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 21
Monitor and protect
Continue source-water (well field) monitoring and
protection programs to mitigate water supply loss due
to groundwater contamination from pollutants and
saltwater intrusion. (WR-1.3)
Develop alternative
water supply
Work in coordination with all utilities and
municipalities to develop and implement alternative
water supply strategies to mitigate future water
shortages as part of Broward’s Integrated Water
Resource Plan. (WR-1.8)
Model the
sustainable use of the
Continue to model the sustainable use of the Floridan
aquifer for potable water supplies. (WR-1.14)
Evaluate impacts of
flooding of
contaminated sites
Evaluate the impacts of flooding of Brownfields and
other contaminated sites for potential environmental
and health impacts. (WR-1.19)
Evaluate reuse water
interaction with and
impacts to the natural
Collaborate with federal and state agencies to develop
criteria for stormwater, wastewater and consumptive
use management decision matrices with regard to
potential impacts on natural areas and to develop
mitigation strategies to ensure sufficient freshwater is
available for critical natural systems. Identify
opportunities for recharge. (NU-4.2)
Implement reuse
Encourage coordination and prioritization of funding
strategies among all levels of government and private
utilities to ensure timely compliance with state-
mandated reuse requirements. Implement the
County’s Master Water Reuse Plan. Implement
regional stormwater reuse and pursue advancement
of the C51 reservoir as a flood mitigation and
alternative water supply project. (WR-1.12)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 22
Evaluate reuse
considering sea level
Coordinate with all utilities and municipalities to
evaluate utilization of wastewater for reuse in order to
offset potable water demands, mitigate for loss of
coastal wellfields, and consider salinity and water
quality requirements of source water for intended
applications. (WR-1.4)
Increase percentage
of pervious areas
Determine the optimum percentage of pervious area
requirement. Complete a cost/benefit analysis of
imposing new regulations that require expansion of
pervious areas, the capture and reuse of rain water,
and recharge of the Biscayne Aquifer. Propose
appropriate regulations for new construction,
redevelopment, additions, retrofits or modifications of
property that take into account economic and
environmental factors and climate change. (WR-1.11)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 23
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 24
Plan Element: Energy Resources
The actions under Energy Resources increase sustainable consumption through efficiency and
conservation efforts, expand renewable and alternative energy accessibility, and create incentive
Energy Resources Objective
Implement the following 23 actions:
Reduce energy intensity of county buildings by at least 20% by 2025 through the Better
Buildings Challenge.
Achieve a renewable energy portfolio of 30% by 2030.
Decrease fuel consumption by 10% by 2020.
Accelerate government
operations GHG
reduction efforts
Report the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
inventory bi-annually. Work in coordination with
Compact partners. Reduce carbon footprint of
employees by focusing on behavioral changes and
pursue grant opportunities to reduce county
emissions. Improve energy efficiency in all county
government operations. (PC-1.2)
Implement Better
Buildings Challenge
Publicly pledge to reduce energy intensity of
County’s building portfolio, assign a primary point
of contact, and develop an energy efficiency plan
within 6 months of the pledge, including the
recommendation of an initial showcase project.
Expedite the implementation of the county energy
services contract. (New) (PC-1.10)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 25
Install LED streetlights
and garage lighting
Install LED lighting on new roadway and parking
facility projects when LED lighting is suitable for
the project requirements. Systematically convert
existing roadway and parking facility lighting to
LED when a life-cycle and power consumption
analysis demonstrates that the conversion is cost-
effective. Install LED lighting to reduce light
pollution in accordance with best practices
outlined by the International Dark Sky Association.
Exchange technical data, design criteria, product
research, and pricing of LEDs with other agencies
and municipal partners. (New)
Reduce utility carbon
Ensure that water and wastewater service
planning and policy development considers
methods for reducing utilities’ carbon footprint.
Establish best management practices that
coincide with water infrastructure needs
exemplified by American Waterworks Association
Florida Vision 2030. Make water supply decisions
that are carbon sensitive. Emphasize conservation
strategies. Appropriately weigh carbon emissions
or energy demands as part of water supply
alternatives. (WR-1.6) (WR-1.15)
Increase share of trips
made on transit
Dedicate funding for a sustainable transportation
public education program. Develop an
implementation plan. Ensure the following
specific focal components are included in the
program: alternative fuels, vehicle efficiencies,
use of mass transit, pedestrian and alternative
vehicle uses, and public capacity to bring about
change. (OC-1.2)
Integrate bike share
program with Complete
Integrate the B-Cycle Bike Share Program with
Broward County Complete Streets initiatives. Seek
opportunities to install new and/or enhanced bike
facilities, including buffered bike lanes, bicycle
signage and pavement markings in transportation
projects to improve bike accessibility and safety.
(MT-2.1) (MT-2.2)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 26
Build local food systems
Stimulate local food production through the
community agriculture network to reduce the
transportation carbon footprint of produce also
known as food miles. (New)
Reduce carbon
footprint of local events
Increase urban reforestation through the “Plan It
Green” carbon offset program with priority
planting on public lands. Market the program to
entities looking for opportunities to offset carbon
emissions and become carbon neutral. Create a
green events and meeting guide. Coordinate with
the convention center and airport for a “Plan It
Green” kiosk. (New)
Reduce urban heat
island effect
Increase the regional tree canopy to 40%. Perform
a tree canopy study every 5 years. Require solar
reflective roof materials. Encourage green roofing
where feasible. Partner with the Broward County
School District to advance cool roof practices. (NU-
Increase county
recycling rate
Meet the state waste recycling goal of 75% by
2020 for government facilities waste streams,
including construction related waste. (New)
Reduce clothing and
textile waste going to
Coordinate annual clothing and textile recycling
drives. Initiate creation of a Reuse Network and
design a targeted campaign to connect this
community’s service to reduced greenhouse gases
and climate impact. (RZ-3.4)
Create program to
encourage backyard
Create program to encourage backyard
composting, set up a “leave grass clippings”
community garden network, and link with
educational outreach in order to reduce
consumption, emissions, and toxins across land
and in water. (RZ-3.7)
Pursue emerging
Pursue emerging technologies through pilot
projects for example e.g., anaerobic digestion to
generate electricity and heat from waste. Work
with stakeholders to evaluate opportunities and
develop a strategy. (New)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 27
Support third party
retail power purchase
Continue to support legislative amendments that
would enable third party power purchase
agreements. (New)
Increase rooftop solar
on county facilities
Study renewable energy feasibility for each new
construction and major roof renovation project,
install rooftop solar whenever feasible. Build
renewable energy components into building
budgets. (PC-2.6) (PC-2.7)
Actively pursue the
installation of
alternative fuel vehicle
Complete countywide electric vehicle (EV)
infrastructure survey and implement the EV
Infrastructure Strategy. Pursue public-private
partnerships in order to develop an infrastructure
network that provides public access to alternative
fuels and EV charging. Establish interlocal
agreements with County, State, municipal and
private entities to share existing and proposed
infrastructure that supports and promotes
alternative fuel use. Reach out to South Florida
Commuter Services program to encourage use of
alternative fuels in the van pool program. Engage
rental car dealerships to increase promotion and
alternative fuel options. Expand charging network,
or alternative fuel stations. (MT-1.3) (RA-1.2)
Reduce fuel
consumption of county
Require County fleet vehicles, including transit,
airport and port, to use alternative fuels, where
not precluded by function. Purchase the most
efficient vehicle that meets work requirements.
Encourage efficient driving behavior and reduce
idling. Compete for “Top 100 Green Fleets” in
America. Strive for carbon neutral fleet by 2050.
(RA-1.4) (RA-1.6)
Fully utilize WTE
capacity for county
solid waste
Require County operations solid waste be
directed to Waste-to-Energy (WTE) where
possible. Continue to play a prominent role in local
WTE and encourage continuous participation in
recycling and waste reduction programs. (RZ-1.1)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 28
Support local
alternative energy
Maintain policy environment that encourages
alternative energy installations and pursues
diversity in alternative energy as part of agency
and community projects. Open a request for
statements of interest (SOI) on development of
onshore and offshore wind installations, including
adding meteorological stations to test wind
speeds for distributed wind generation. (RA-3.1)
Create renewable
energy offset revenue
Create a renewable energy offset revenue by
having a volunteer check box on property tax bills,
car registrations, or other billing instruments to
pay for specific renewable energy programs.
Pursue crowd-funded project or voluntary
contributions. (MI-2.2)
Encourage regional,
private financing
Lead regional collaboration in development of
countywide and regional energy efficiency and
renewable energy finance strategies and
programs to expand access and deployment.
Implement countywide Property Assessed Clean
Energy (PACE) program or similar program. (MI-3.2)
Develop permitting fee
Identify reasons for high soft costs on solar
photovoltaic installations. Continue work with Go
Solar Florida to reduce soft costs where
applicable. (RA-2.1)
Incentivize employee
carpooling and
alternative fuel vehicles
Provide incentives to increase the number of
county employee carpools and vanpools, such as
free and/or priority parking for employee
carpools, hybrid, and alternative fuel vehicles at
county facilities. Increase electric vehicle charging
infrastructure at county facilities as part of the
Workplace Charging Challenge. (RA-1.5)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 29
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 30
Plan Element: Built Environment
The actions under Built Environment build stronger communities and infrastructure, protect critical
sectors of our industry, government and natural resources and use sound science to better understand
and address climate impacts.
Built Environment Objective
Implement the following 20 actions to increase the resilience of the built environment:
Assess the impacts of climate change on the built environment.
Provide tools for climate resilience and support climate-resilient investments.
Reduce risk through pro-active planning for transportation, energy and natural
Improve inundation
mapping capabilities
Improve analysis and mapping capabilities for
identifying areas of the County vulnerable to sea level
rise by utilizing the most recent LiDAR data. Update
maps of potential impacts of sea level rise to the
natural and built environments at 1-ft, 2-ft, and 3-ft
levels and consider this information in long-term
planning. (MM-1.5)
Encourage FEMA to
consider sea level rise
in flood map updates
Request that the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) take into consideration sea level rise
projections for at least a 25-year period for use in a
planning and regulatory map for reference when
updating the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) which
establish base flood elevations, flood zones and flood
plain boundaries. (MM-1.8)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 31
Develop new 100-
year storm maps
Set new parameters for water management by
developing new 100-year storm elevation projections
in the Broward County 100-year flood map for use in
stormwater management permitting which reflect
current and projected conditions for sea level and
groundwater level rise. (MM-1.6)
Incorporate sea level
rise/storm surge
impacts into maps of
hazard areas
Incorporate sea level rise and increasing storm surge
impacts into hazard areas in coastal zones. Revised
hazard area designations should better reflect the risks
to communities associated with climate change and
allow reevaluation of suitability for development in
these areas. (MM-1.7)
Re-evaluate CCCL and
CHHA for climate
change impacts.
Determine whether existing construction siting and
design requirements for the Coastal Construction
Control Line (CCCL) Program and the Coastal High
Hazard area sufficiently address avoidance of
“significant adverse impacts” due to climate change. If
found to be insufficient, programs and design
requirements need to be revised. (IP-1.6)
Acquire Tidal
Monitoring Station
Identify funding and partnerships to acquire a tidal
monitoring station in Broward County to provide
operationally sound observations and monitoring
capabilities. (New)
Provide and dedicate
funding for long-term
and regional
monitoring and
Provide and/or participate in the long-term
continuous data collection and regional monitoring of
critical parameters to support related modeling efforts
and climate indicator tracking including:
evapotranspiration in the urban areas, water quality
(especially temperature), hydrologic, geologic, and
groundwater quality and levels, precipitation, and
groundwater withdrawals. Encourage dedicated
county, state, and federal funding for modeling efforts
that improves our knowledge climate change impacts
(MM-1.3) (MM-1.1)(MM-1.2)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 32
Support research on
vulnerability of built
Promote partnerships for connecting research with
applications for adaptation of the built environment,
focusing on the vulnerability of building structures to
climate change and adaptation methodologies. (ZB-2.2)
Collect LiDAR data
Collect updated LiDAR by 2017 or sooner, consider all
potential applications for its use. Use LiDAR elevation
data in the development of land use policies, and
modeling. (New)
Research water
resources adaptive
Participate in comprehensive research programs for
resilient adaptation technologies for the region’s
water resources. (WR-1.13)
Analyze sea level rise,
drainage and
hurricane impacts
Coordinate regionally with other Southeast Florida
counties, academia, and government agencies in the
analysis of sea level rise, drainage and hurricanes
impacts and the planning of adaptation measures.
Develop adaptive
Develop policies and comprehensive plans that set
short-, intermediate-, and long-range goals and
establish adaptive management implementation
strategies for water resources that address potential
impacts of climate change and are consistent with the
recommendations of the Lower East Coast Water
Supply Plan and address the potential impacts of
climate change. (WR-1.5)
Apply models to
develop resilient
design standards
Develop and apply regional integrated hydrologic and
climate models to support the development and
application of updated infrastructure and design
standards and adaptive response plans with regional
partner support. (WR-1.17)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 33
Enhance the
resiliency of County-
owned infrastructure
Inventory county-owned public infrastructure at risk
from the impacts of climate change. County agencies
(and agencies that receive County funding for
significant infrastructure or built investments) should
assess impacts on the agency’s or entity’s
responsibilities. Incorporate assessments into
infrastructure master planning processes. Identify
vulnerabilities to guide strategies for mitigation and
adaptation. Determine as to whether, when, and
where projected impacts might be significant. (IP-1.3)
Improve resilience of
buildings and
Establish an ongoing process to address local zoning
and building code requirements and make
recommendations regarding optimization for the
resilience of existing and proposed structures in areas
at risk to inundation and climate change. (ZB-2.3)
Protect systems from
infiltration and inflow
Work in coordination with all utilities and
municipalities to protect underground pipe systems
from groundwater infiltration and to minimize runoff
into sewer systems resulting in additional water
treatment needs. (WR-1.9)
Maintain beaches
Continue the appropriate use of beach nourishment
and sand bypassing at Port Everglades and the
Hillsboro Inlet. Target application of erosion control
structures, such as seawalls, dunes, groins and
breakwaters. Revisit redevelopment policies with the
objective of providing additional coastal buffer area
between developed areas and the shoreline. (IP-1.1)
Retrofit flood control
gates for sea level rise
Develop strategies, cost/benefit analyses, and
schedules for raising or retrofitting and building flood
control gates within the canal system and associated
flood control system in anticipation of sea level rise
and other potential effects of climate change.
Reference the updated regional sea level rise
projection from the Compact. Plan adaptation
improvements for flood control infrastructure at high
risk. (IP-1.5)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 34
Engage private sector
to strategize
adaptation of
vulnerable railroads
Engage private sector to encourage their development
of strategies, cost/benefit analyses, and schedules for
raising or relocating railroad tracks in anticipation of
accelerated sea level rise and other potential effects of
climate change. (IP-1.9)
Engage private sector
to develop strategies
for adapting energy
Encourage energy utilities and providers to develop
alternatives for fortifying existing regional power
generation facilities, power transmission
infrastructure and fuel conveyance infrastructure
against the potential impacts of climate change
including increased temperature and sea level rise.
Locate new regional power generation facilities,
power transmission infrastructure, natural gas and
fuel distribution systems and pipelines appropriately
to accommodate future climate change impacts. (IP-
1.7) (IP-1.8)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 35
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 36
Plan Element: Community Outreach
The actions under Community Outreach provide broad community outreach and education on
such climate change related topics as mitigation and adaptation strategies, the expected cost of
inaction and promotion of green public education. Also, the actions deliver climate change
educational information to all audiences so as to increase awareness and mobilize action on
climate change.
Community Outreach Objective
Implement the following 17 actions to:
Grow community awareness on climate change issues by increasing number of
community partners annually.
Pursue grants for
education projects
Pursue grants for Climate, Energy & Sustainability
Program initiatives. Collaborate with other local
agencies and nonprofits in the community on grant
Educate employees
on climate change
Develop a program to educate county employees on
the impacts of climate change, and how it relates to
their work and community. (New)
Engage employees on
climate change
Educate senior administrators and department and
division directors on climate change. Ensure each
division has at least one climate mitigation or resiliency
related goal in their performance measures. 100% = 42
divisions. (New)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 37
Educate community
on climate change
Educate the community through a major public
outreach and education campaign using high profile
media and other appropriate communication outlets
to raise general awareness of climate change impacts.
Develop and deploy curricula and programs working
with public and private schools. Install public
demonstration sites. Develop 3D visualization tools for
communication of food risks. Continue support for the
Compact’s annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate
Leadership Summit (OC-1.1) (OC-1.7)
Assist municipalities
with climate
Provide guidance to municipalities on climate/green
initiatives using existing web resources and
greenhouse gas inventory. Educate partners through
Sustainability Stewards Workshops. (PC-1.8)
Coordinate strategic
planning efforts
Actively engage and coordinate with state, regional
and federal strategic planning efforts to prepare for
climate variability and change, including the Florida
Climate Institute, US Global Change Research Program,
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Climate Change Program,
Department of Interior and Florida State Agricultural
Response Team, Department of Energy, Florida
Department of Environmental Protection, and U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency Adaptation
Programs. (NU-1.2)
Inform public on
climate indicators
Eleven climate indicators were selected as quick,
simple, and visual tools to show what climate change
means in South Florida. Support the development and
maintenance of the region’s Climate Indicators website
including other public education activities, and
materials. (MM-1.4)
Educate homeowners
on climate risk
Provide homeowners with understanding of risk.
Develop a toolkit to educate homeowners on climate
change adaptation i.e., flood proofing, elevation data,
sea level rise information, etc. to help homeowners
prepare for impacts, make sound investments, and
reduce property hazard insurance premiums. (New)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 38
Engage volunteer
Develop key partnerships with local volunteer
networks. Enlist a volunteer corps for assistance with
climate outreach goals. Educate volunteer force as
“climate ambassadors” for the community. Prioritize
engaging vulnerable populations. (PC-2.8)
Increase plant
diversity and reduce
water consumption
through NatureScape
Increase the diversity of plant species and reduce
water used for landscape purposes. Require that 75%
of county facilities’ landscaping consist of
recommended native and Florida-Friendly trees. Work
with utilities to identify the biggest water users, and
reach out to reduce usage, develop an outreach plan
and provide landscape recommendations. (NU-2.3)
Increase connection
to nature and the
Provide nature-based educational experiences and
promote physical and emotional well-being.
Collaborate with Broward Addiction Recovery Center,
Rebuilding Together, Broward Sherriff’s Office
Community Service Program, community
redevelopment agencies, schools and hospitals.
Natural elements that promote well-being include
trees, diverse vegetation, local biodiversity, water
features, parks, natural playscapes, and community
and school gardens. (OC-1.5)
Engage academia in
Encourage and collaborate with public and private
universities, colleges and technical schools in the
region to develop research, assessment tools and
educational programs. Report environmental trends.
Collaborate with academic institutions to identify,
evaluate, and prepare proposals for research grants
and other funding opportunities.
Provide resilient
redesign tools for
Develop resilient design criteria for buildings based on
avoided damage costs. Create a checklist for
prospective homebuyers during property transfer and
for the business and development community for use
in designing resiliently. Convene a technical expert
group to develop a resiliency rating system for
buildings. (New)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 39
Encourage climate
resilient construction
Encourage greener, more efficient, and more durable
construction practices locally by establishing an
ongoing process to encourage local zoning and building
code requirements to incorporate U.S. Green Building
Council's LEED standards in building and community
design. (ZB-1.2)
Develop local
adaptation skills
Participate in the exchange of information on
resources and best practices which address climate
adaptations to infrastructure, property, and public
services among government, the private sector, and
other stakeholders. Work with experts in climate
change adaptation to develop needed skills in applying
adaptation concepts by providing training and
assistance using adaptation tools. (OC-1.3) (PC-2.4)(WR-
Collaborate on air
quality monitoring,
education and health
risk outreach
Expand and improve air quality monitoring and public
information programs. Adopt standardized air health
risk communication strategies. Improve outreach and
education. Improve coordination among governmental
agencies at all levels and non-governmental health
care organizations. (OC-1.8) (OC-1.9)
Educate and prepare
for public health
Develop plans and programs to educate the
community and develop plans to mitigate climate
impacts on public health, with special attention to
vulnerable populations. Such measures could include:
establishment of public health information call centers
and media campaigns, opening cooling centers during
heat waves at public locations, and ensuring
emergency medical services have available staff with
appropriate training to deal with climate-related public
health concerns. (EM-3.1)
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 40
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 41
What You Can Do!
The success of this Climate Action Plan also depends on individuals 1.8 million individuals living,
working and playing in Broward County.
You can help by checking off as many of these actions as possible!
Be an informed voter and VOTE! Also, actively participate in community workshops and
commission meetings.
Switch to LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes): LEDs use 75% less energy than regular light bulbs, last up
to 10 times longer, and pay for themselves in the first four months.
Cool your home at 78⁰F or warmer with the thermostat fan switched to auto: For additional
savings, raise your thermostat to 82F when you’re away. Savings can be $200-$300 per year. For
those that like to keep it cooler, consider installing renewable energy with a solar photovoltaic
(PV) rooftop array to help offset the environmental impact of running your AC.
Adjust your water settings: Turn the hot water heater down to 120F, and combine that with
washing your clothes in cold water and your savings can be $200-$300 per year.
Install a solar thermal water heater or photovoltaic: Though initially more costly to install, solar
water heaters can cut energy bills by 50-80% within the first year.
Buy a fuel-efficient car: Compared to a 20 mpg car, a 30 mpg car will save the average driver
about $1000 per year in fuel costs. Go even greener with an all-electric vehicle!
Choose and use your appliances wisely: Maximize your use of water consuming appliances.
Choose high efficiency appliances, such as Energy Star rated clothes or dishwashers, when
replacements are needed.
Make sure every tap in your home has a high efficiency faucet aerator: Faucet aerators are the
little pieces of hardware that screw into the bottom of faucets, they cost about $6.
Harvest rainwater for irrigation: Collect and save rainwater from your gutters and use it to water
your flowers and plants. Check with your local hardware stores and home improvement centers
to purchase and help you install rain barrels.
Replace your shower head: High efficiency shower heads are designed to maintain water
pressure while using much less water than the old-fashioned sort. This quick fix will reduce your
shower water use by 20 to 60 percent.
NatureScape your yard: Many beautiful shrubs and plants thrive with far less watering than other
species. Native plants will use less water and be more resistant to local plant diseases. Layering
with mulch also prevents rapid water loss and, as a result, reduces frequency of watering.
Learn more by liking our “Broward County Environment” page on Facebook,
or by following us on Twitter @BrowardEnv. Visit Broward.org/Climate for
information and resources in the climate toolbox.
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 42
What We Have Done So Far…
Recent Actions in Preparing for Climate Change
From higher than normal tidal flooding to increasing temperatures and drought, climate change
is effecting our community now. Broward County is at the forefront of dealing with these
impacts and preparing our community for future changes. The Broward County Board of County
Commissioners recognizes the need to plan, invest and act now to protect our community, and
are doing so with policies, programs, and projects while coordinating with multiple levels of
government, industry and community organizations in order to leverage resources.
Highlights of Accomplishments from the Last Five Years
2010 Broward County Climate Change Action Plan
Broward County has completed or initiated over 85% of the actions in the initial Climate
Change Action Plan.
Broward County Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Inventory Report
Countywide inventories were developed for emissions generated in years 2007, 2009 and
2010 with projections to 2050 in an initial report released in 2012. The next GHG
Emissions Inventory report is anticipated to be published in 2016.
Broward Climate Change Government Operations Workgroup
The Workgroup is comprised of representatives from all County departments and is
tasked with reducing County government greenhouse gas emissions. The Workgroup
biannually reports on progress. To meet County targets, average annual reductions of
approximately 7,000 tonnes of eCO
are necessary for the next four years.
Climate Change Element
The Climate Change Element was added into the Broward County Comprehensive Plan.
The Priority Planning Areas Map, highlighting areas vulnerable to two feet of sea level
rise, was added to the land use plan to incorporate adaptation strategies into the planning
and development process.
Coastal Community Vulnerability Assessments
Grant funding allowed for vulnerability assessments of 13 coastal communities in
Broward County. The information includes county and regional policy, and
technical documents to aid in the development of local mitigation and adaptation
strategies. The information includes vulnerability assessments that identify infrastructure
vulnerable to the effects of sea level rise.
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 43
Tidal Flooding Webpage
Low-lying coastal areas of Broward County can be impacted by flooding from high- tide
events. This year, a webpage was created to advise residents of the upcoming dates for
high-tide events when communities may see flooding not associated with a major rain
event. Tidal flooding is expected to become a regular occurrence as sea levels continue
to rise.
Southeast Florida Regional Compact Climate Action Plan
Based on a collaborative, multi-jurisdictional process, the regional climate action plan
provides over 100 recommendations to prepare the Southeast Florida region to the
detrimental effects of climate change.
Southeast Florida Regional Compact Unified Sea Level Rise Projection
The projection is for use by the Climate Compact Counties and partners for planning
purposes to aid in understanding of potential vulnerabilities and to provide a basis for
developing risk informed adaptation strategies for the region.
#BrowardClimate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 44
Environmental Planning and Community
Resilience Division
Climate, Energy & Sustainability Program
115 S. Andrews Avenue, 329H
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301