Rev. 8/20/08
Bell Schedule Revision, Iteration #2
Revise iteration #1
To use resources more efficiently using parameters as defined by transportation task force
To move more elementary schools to later tiers.
To separate combined high/middle school runs, with the exception of Woodson/Frost, and
move those middle schools to the 3
Structure schedules to enhance cross serving possibilities within and between offices.
After working intensively on iteration #1, the revision group recognized several potential
alternatives to address the above goals. They tried different bell times and tiers where it
appeared to be advantageous and then tested the individual solutions by combining runs into
trips. That was done repeatedly, refining the times and tiers as necessary. The changes made
Lee/Key, Edison/Twain, and Chantilly/Rocky Run were split
33 of the schools’ bell times on iteration #1 were changed on iteration #2 –
o Cedar Lane ES,
o Chantilly HS,
o Cherry Run ES,
o Churchill Road ES,
o Cunningham Park ES,
o Fairfax Villa ES,
o Falls Church HS,
o Floris ES,
o Fox Mill ES,
o Franconia ES,
o Glen Forest ES,
o Herndon HS,
o Key MS ,
o Kings Glen ES,
o Kings Park ES,
o Madison HS,
o McLean HS,
o Mt Eagle ES,
o Navy ES,
o Orange Hunt ES,
o Poe MS,
o Ravensworth ES,
o Riverside ES,
o Rocky Run MS,
o Rolling Valley ES,
o Springfield Estates ES,
o Stone MS,
o Stratford Landing ES,
o Stuart HS,
o Twain MS,
o White Oaks ES,
o Willow Springs ES,
o Woodley Hills ES.
Pulley and Davis, combined with West Potomac and Marshall in the first iteration, were
separated from the high schools and moved to the 1
tier, saving a substantial number of
SE buses.
When changes to the bell times and tier assignments were completed, the trips were assembled
with a goal of minimizing deadhead time and miles. That was accomplished through extensive
cross serving both within and between operations offices (areas 1, 2, 3, and special education).
These efforts yielded great benefits in increased efficiencies.
Office Iteration #2 Iteration #1
A1 269 297 261
A2 308 307 292
A3 317 353 304
SE 301+* 347 285
Total 1195 1304 1142
Different SE buses are configured differently – with more or fewer seats or wheelchair slots;
some have lifts capable of handling extra-large wheelchairs and some do not. Some runs are
very long, but some SE students can be on a bus for only a limited time. Some buses have air
conditioning and others do not. Each SE student must be assigned to a SE bus based on the
space, configuration, equipment, and run time needed.
When the runs and trips were assembled for these iteration, they were considered generically.
The reality is that a significant number would not work and more SE buses than noted would be
needed, simply to allow appropriate bus assignments. The actual “final” number of buses would
be entirely based on the students and on the destinations to which they must be transported.
Estimated additional staffing and operating costs
plus cost increases
Year Iteration #2 Iteration #1
Includes driver & attendant
training for additional buses
2-5 $4,274,072
Details for iteration #2 costs are available in Appendix A.
Rev. 8/20/08
Iteration #2
Number of RUNS per Tier by Level
Iteration #2
Percentage of RUNS per Tier by Level
Iteration #1
Percentage of RUNS per Tier by Level
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
ES 879 169 288
66% 13% 22%
76% 8% 17% 100%
MS 32 515
6% 94%
13% 10% 77% 100%
SS 147
100% 100%
HS 42 65 642
9% 86%
8% 92% 100%
PS 106
100% 100%
921 65 958 32 909 2885
ES 869 170 285
66% 13% 22%
76% 8% 17% 100%
MS 31 514
6% 94%
13% 77% 100%
SS 147
100% 10% 100%
HS 42 64 647
8% 86%
8% 92% 100%
PS 98
100% 100%
911 64 964 31 897 2867
1832 129 1922 63 1806 5752
Iteration #2
Number of SCHOOLS per Tier by Level
Iteration #2
Percentage of SCHOOLS per Tier by Level
Iteration #1
Percentage of SCHOOLS per Tier by Level
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
ES 92 22 25
66% 16% 18%
100% 78% 9% 14% 100%
MS 1 23
4% 96%
100% 8% 8% 83% 100%
SS 3
100% 100% 100%
HS 2 1 23
8% 4% 88%
100% 4% 96% 100%
PS 37
100% 100% 100%
94 1 48 1 85 229
188 2 96 2 170 458
See Appendix C
Rev. 8/20/08
Late run start times –
HS late runs now typically begin 2 hours after HS closing time.
o Iteration #1 - the late buses could return to the HSs in approximately one hour.
o Iteration #2 – the late buses could return to the HSs in approximately 1.5 hours.
MS late runs now typically begin 1.5 hours after MS closing time.
o Iteration #1 - the late buses could return to the MSs in approximately one hour
o Iteration #2 – the late buses could return to the MSs in approximately one hour.
ES late runs now begin from one to two hours after ES closing time.
o Iteration #1 – some late buses could arrive in 1.5 hours, depending upon the day of the
o Iteration #2 - the late buses would arrive two to three hours after ES closing.
Preschool (PS) times – in order to avoid conflicts of PS runs with Monday PM runs, PSs were
scheduled at the end of the third tier. This will create problems for principals in scheduling their
Field trips – ES midday trips can now begin at 9:00 to 9:15 and return at 1:30. With a change in
the bell schedule relationships and the extended AM start time schedules, the general FT
window becomes 10:00 to 2:15 with a net loss of -0-.
Rev. 8/20/08
Executive Summary
The Transportation Task Force (TTF) was chartered by the Fairfax County School Board
to offer community perspectives as input to the conduct of a transportation reengineering
analysis, to provide a workable and practical bell schedule that would achieve later start times for
high schools and to recommend changes to improve the services provided. The sixty-eight (68)
people appointed to the TTF to do this work were drawn from every district in the county and
from a number of countywide and community organizations, and represent a very broad cross-
section of Fairfax County. The school system was well represented, with twenty-three (23)
employees of the Fairfax County Public School System (FCPS) as members – five of whom are
Principals. The TTF also included seven other Fairfax County government employees, as well as
three FCPS high school students.
Approaching its task in two phases and working together in committees, subcommittees,
and as a Committee of the Whole, the Task Force met dozens of times over its six-month
working life. The members of the Task Force volunteered thousands of hours to gather, share,
review and discuss thousands of pages of pertinent information. After carefully considering all
of this information, the Task Force is proposing a number of changes to the services provided by
the FCPS Transportation Department. These service parameters should improve service and,
importantly, reduce system costs as well. These are (verbatim):
Retain the “Exception to Ride” program
This program has no impact on the development of a revised bell schedule.
Civil twilight” should be respected but not as an absolute barrier. Elementary school
(ES) bus runs may start before civil twilight, but not more than ten days each academic
year, and not by more than ten minutes even then.
Base school elementary students are neither picked up nor dropped off on the dark
side of civil twilight.
Some special program students are picked up at corner stops on the dark side.
ES students should not ride the bus to their within-boundary base-school for more than
45 minutes.
This did not change in iteration #2. While this standard was met in all but 4 regular
program runs, there were 159 SE runs that exceeded that limit
Middle school (MS) and high school (HS) students should have the same bus ride time
The revised bell schedule honors this recommendation.
MS and HS students should not ride the bus to their within-boundary base-school for
more than 60 minutes
This did not change in iteration #2. While this standard was met in all but 6 HS and 2
MS regular program runs, there were 64 HS, 15MS, and 59 Center SE runs that
exceeded that limit
ES students should arrive no later than five minutes before school and no earlier than 25
minutes before school – a 5-25 minute arrival/drop off window – and are to be permitted
to exit the bus and enter the school immediately upon arrival.
HS and MS student arrival/drop off window is to be 10 – 25 minutes before school, with
immediate entry.
In iteration #2, we used this option to provide flexibility when a more efficient bell
schedule solution for an individual school would not otherwise be possible or
reasonable. This flexibility would be of great value to resolve operational problems
during and after implementation of a new bell schedule or with the existing bell
For example, one bus of the seven going into a middle school must depart quickly to
start a high school run. Rather than moving the bell schedule for the school 10 minutes
earlier and affecting all of the runs and students, we ask the principal to allow us to pull
the one bus into the school to release early and be on its way.
Grandfathering” for school boundary changes may be permitted, but for not more than
a single year following the changes.
“Grandfathering” should not be used for non-boundary program changes.
These recommendations do not impact development of a revised bell schedule.
Current home-to-school walking distances should not be changed.
No changes were made to walking distances.
Transportation should optimize bus stop placements by making better use of the
permissible walking distance, up to, but not exceeding one-half (1/2) mile for ES students,
with the goal being to reduce the number of bus stops and improving transport efficiency
and run length.
For the past several years, transportation has been consolidating bus stops whenever it
is considered practicable and where it does not impact student safety. See Appendix
D. While additional opportunities for consolidation do exist, we do not believe that they
are sufficient in scope to have an appreciable impact on transportation resources. In
addition, it is difficult to develop a new bell schedule based upon uncertain assumptions
about changes to time required to complete existing bus runs. Should we make some
overall assumptions about time savings based upon bus stop consolidations? If so,
should we not also make assumptions about longer run times for high schools due to
increased traffic later in the morning?
Transportation should optimize bus stop placements by making better use of the
permissible walking distance, up to, but not exceeding three-quarters of mile for MS and
HS students, with a goal of reducing the number of bus stops and improving transport
efficiency and run length.
See response above.
ES students should not ride with MS or HS students, except for current rare and unusual
circumstances related to centralized pick-ups, such as TJHSST.
We do not create bus runs with ES students riding with MS or HS students.
MS and HS students may ride the same bus at any time.
We have secondary and combination HS/MS runs on both iterations.
Transportation should not be provided to a GT Center when the base school has a GT
The school board has already rejected this potential change to transportation services.
The use of centralized pickup locations should be expanded for all students attending
non-mandatory out-of-boundary programs.
Transportation has been creating centralized locations (either consolidated stops or
placement of stops on through roads rather than neighborhood roads) whenever
practicable and acceptable. This ongoing process began several years ago and has
proven to be beneficial. Critical elements of this transition are safety concerns and
parental acceptability, so fast and wholesale changes of this nature are not realistic.
The planned stop location and route must be assessed by the supervisor and, often, by
the coordinator. It is not unusual to receive letters and petitions from parents listing
additional concerns. Stops then have to be reassessed and the safety specialist from
the Office of Safety and Security and other transportation staff must observe, assess,
and report.
Changes save minutes of time on a run and occasionally make it possible to consolidate
runs to reduce the total number into a school. Reducing a run does not reduce a bus,
but it does make that bus available to assist with a run at another school. We are not
certain that a great many additional opportunities exist for further consolidations without
having an impact on student safety. Supervisors will continue their review and move
toward central stops, as possible. See appendix D.
In addition, we believe that there are several larger-scale initiatives that offer possibilities that
should be explored. These initiatives, such as Consortia and the “Cool Counties Initiative,” are
beyond the purview of this Task Force. While we reviewed and discussed them in this report, we
had neither the time nor the expertise to study them in the depth needed to support anything
more than a recommendation to the School Board for further study.
Since the long term implications and impact of these initiatives are not known at this
time, they cannot play a part in the development of a revised bell schedule.
Like the School Board, the Task Force believes that later start times would be beneficial
for adolescents, particularly high school students. This, in turn, serves FCPS Strategic Goal 6.7
to provide, “a safe and healthful learning environment.” It also helps FCPS meet its Student
Achievement Goals to ensure that students, “achieve their full academic potential in the core
disciplines,” (1.1), and, “make healthy and safe choices” (2.8).
In Phase I, we developed five bell schedule alternatives that would provide these later
start times. In Phase II, the TTF spent almost three months identifying the impacts of each of
these alternatives on FCPS students, on FCPS employees and on the greater Fairfax community.
These impacts – positive and negative (most impacts cut both ways) – informed our final
decisions. As would be expected in any group, particularly one as large and intentionally diverse
as the TTF, there was disagreement on the magnitude of the impacts, on whether an impact was
positive or negative or both, and – most critically – as to whether the overall positive benefits of
later start times outweighed the negative effects. Yet, after much discussion the Task Force
determined that later HS and MS start times can be achieved in an acceptable way, and selected a
bell schedule that does this.
The proposed bell schedule continues the current three-tier system. It begins with
Elementary Schools (ES), follows with HS and ends with MS. To balance the tiers there are ES
in each tier (ES would be split roughly 55%, 25% and 20% between tiers for balance today).
Transportation should put as many ES as possible in tiers 1 and 2, while keeping HS
in tier 2. The proposed bell schedule to provide later start times for adolescents is:
Tier School Start Times End Times
1 Elementary 7:50 – 8:10 2:30 – 2:50
2 High 8:35 – 8:55 3:25 – 3:45
3 Middle 9:20 – 9:40 4:10 – 4:30
See the summary tables on page 2. Although we reduced the proportion of ESs on tier
1, we did not meet the 55/25/20 standard. Doing so would unbalance the tiers and cost
additional resources.
Note that these start/end time windows are approximate and not rigid times. Again, the FCPS
Transportation Department should develop rolling bell schedules that start as many elementary
schools as possible in Tier 1 and Tier 2, while balancing the tiers and starting high schools as
close to the beginning of the tier 2 window so that they can end by 3:30 p.m., preferably even
before. Elementary schools placed in the first tier should be those with the shortest routes and
the fewest bus riders so as to minimize problems with civil twilight.
Transportation honored the recommendation to try to place as many elementary
schools as possible on the first and second tiers. Since the second tier is largely high
schools, there is not great flexibility in adding too many elementary schools to that tier.
In order to balance the resource requirements between tiers, transportation determined
in the first bell schedule iteration that they needed to place about 75 percent of the
elementary schools on the 1
tier. To reduce this percentage to about 55 percent would
mean that about 22 elementary schools would have to be moved off of the first tier and
placed on either the second or third tiers. The second iteration reduced the proportion
of ESs on the 1
tier to 66%, with 13% on the 2
tier, and 22% on the 3
. Moving more
from the 1
to the 2
tier would create a significant imbalance in resources between the
tiers and increase significantly the overall number of buses and drivers required.
We are not certain how or why TTF determined the percentage distribution of
elementary schools by tier but are confident that their real intent was to maximize the
numbers of the 1
and 2
tiers. For this reason and because changing the
percentages would increase the required numbers of buses, we would not recommend
developing a bell schedule based upon the TTF percentages.
As regards rolling bell schedules, start times do roll through the twenty minute tier
windows, as much as possible. There were adjustments made to some of the
schedules between iteration #1 and iteration #2, when transportation determined that
doing so would enhance efficiency.
Rev. 8/20/08
Additional Bus Costs
Iteration #2
Year 1
General Education Cost for One Bus
# of
New driver for an additional bus-entry level pay $31,486
Training for new driver (first year only) $6,955
Operate the average general ed bus/year $14,118
Total Staffing and Operating Cost $52,559 37 $1,944,683
Special Education Cost for One Bus
New driver for an additional bus - entry level pay $31,486
New attendant for an additional bus – entry level
Training for new driver (first year only) $6,955
Training for new attendant (first year only) $1,848
Operate the average general ed bus/year $18,452
Total Staffing and Operating Cost $80,972 16 $1,295,552
Lease/Purchase Cost $1,432,020
Total One Year Cost (not including cost increases) $4,672,255
Years 2 – 5
General Education Cost for One Bus
# of
New driver for an additional bus-entry level pay $31,486
Operate the average general ed bus/year $14,118
Total Staffing and Operating Cost $45,604 37 $1,687,348
Special Education Cost for One Bus
New driver for an additional bus - entry level pay $31,486
New attendant for an additional bus – entry level
Operate the average general ed bus/year $18,452
Total Staffing and Operating Cost $72,169 16 $1,154,704
Lease/Purchase Cost $1,432,020
Total Cost/Year – Years 2 – 5 (not including cost increases) $4,274,072
Iteration #2
School Times - Earliest Pick Up, Latest Drop, TJ AM Transport Method
School Hours
Earliest Pickup
Latest Drop
How students
are transported
to TJ in AM*
4 Bucknell E 7:50-2:25 7:22 2:59
4 Fort Belvoir E 7:50-2:25 7:20 2:53
4 Groveton E 7:50-2:25 7:26 2:50
4 Hybla Valley E 7:50-2:25 7:31 2:51
3 Annandale Terrace E 7:50-2:30 7:13 3:04
3 Beech Tree E 7:50-2:30 7:21 2:53
4 Belle View E 7:50-2:30 7:11 3:26
3 Belvedere E 7:50-2:30 7:12 3:14
6 Bonnie Brae E 7:50-2:30 7:18 2:57
3 Bren Mar Park E 7:50-2:30 7:22 2:59
5 Bush Hill E 7:50-2:30 7:16 3:11
2 Camelot E 7:50-2:30 7:19 3:03
3 Canterbury Woods E 7:50-2:30 7:05 3:24
6 Cardinal Forest E 7:50-2:30 7:15 3:03
7 Centre Ridge E 7:50-2:30 7:06 3:15
7 Centreville Elem E 7:50-2:30 7:25 2:56
6 Cherry Run E 7:50-2:30 7:57 4:15
1 Clearview E 7:50-2:30 7:14 3:13
5 Clermont E 7:50-2:30 7:16 3:04
6 Clifton E 7:50-2:30 7:04 3:25
3 Columbia E 7:50-2:30 6:55 3:30
1 Colvin Run E 7:50-2:30 7:02 3:26
5 Crestwood E 7:50-2:30 7:33 2:48
8 Crossfield E 7:50-2:30 7:17 3:06
8 Cub Run E 7:50-2:30 7:28 2:54
2 Cunningham Park E 7:50-2:30 8:01 4:07
7 Daniels Run E 7:50-2:30 7:00 3:07
8 Deer Park E 7:50-2:30 7:24 2:55
8 Dogwood E 7:50-2:30 7:21 3:00
7 Eagle View E 7:50-2:30 7:07 3:08
6 Fairview E 7:50-2:30 7:05 3:16
8 Floris E 7:50-2:30 7:20 3:01
8 Forest Edge E 7:50-2:30 6:51 3:18
1 Forestville E 7:50-2:30 7:08 3:11
8 Fox Mill E 7:50-2:30 8:01 4:08
5 Franconia E 7:50-2:30 7:14 4:09
1 Franklin Sherman E 7:50-2:30 7:14 3:10
2 Freedom Hill E 7:50-2:30 7:12 3:12
3 Glen Forest E 7:50-2:30 7:23 2:57
2 Graham Road E 7:50-2:30 7:32 2:46
1 Great Falls E 7:50-2:30 7:06 3:11
7 Greenbriar West E 7:50-2:30 7:02 3:34
4 Gunston E 7:50-2:30 7:11 3:22
1 Haycock E 7:50-2:30 7:00 3:23
4 Hayfield Elem E 7:50-2:30 7:04 3:24
1 Herndon ES E 7:50-2:30 7:14 3:11
6 Hunt Valley E 7:50-2:30 7:07 3:14
4 Island Creek E 7:50-2:30 7:15 3:05
6 Keene Mill E 7:50-2:30 7:03 3:19
8 Lake Ann E 7:50-2:30 7:15 3:09
7 Lees Corner E 7:50-2:30 7:17 3:01
2 Lemon Road E 7:50-2:30 7:15 3:02
3 Little Run E 7:50-2:30 7:26 2:53
5 Lynbrook E 7:50-2:30 7:24 2:46
2 Marshall Elem E 7:50-2:30 7:10 3:10
8 McNair E 7:50-2:30 7:15 3:01
3 North Springfield E 7:50-2:30 7:31 3:01
7 Oak Hill E 7:50-2:30 6:53 3:24
3 Olde Creek E 7:50-2:30 7:11 3:19
6 Orange Hunt E 7:50-2:30 7:47 3:43
7 Poplar Tree E 7:50-2:30 7:12 3:11
7 Providence E 7:50-2:30 6:56 3:26
5 Rose Hill E 7:50-2:30 7:06 3:17
6 Sangster E 7:50-2:30 7:01 3:25
5 Saratoga E 7:50-2:30 7:01 3:14
2 Shrevewood E 7:50-2:30 7:20 3:06
5 Silverbrook E 7:50-2:30 7:19 3:00
3 Sleepy Hollow E 7:50-2:30 7:07 3:00
1 Spring Hill E 7:50-2:30 7:04 3:13
2 Stenwood E 7:50-2:30 7:13 3:18
8 Sunrise Valley E 7:50-2:30 6:52 3:23
8 Terraset E 7:50-2:30 7:04 3:09
1 Timber Lane E 7:50-2:30 7:24 2:54
7 Union Mill E 7:50-2:30 7:22 3:05
2 Vienna E 7:50-2:30 7:16 3:05
8 Virginia Run E 7:50-2:30 7:14 3:05
3 Wakefield Forest E 7:50-2:30 7:15 3:05
8 Waples Mill E 7:50-2:30 7:14 3:11
6 West Springfield ES E 7:50-2:30 7:32 2:50
6 White Oaks E 7:50-2:30 7:35 3:57
2 Wolf Trap E 7:50-2:30 6:56 3:23
2 Woodburn E 7:50-2:30 7:21 3:03
1 Hutchison E 7:55-2:30 7:18 3:20
8 London Towne E 7:55-2:30 7:23 2:54
5 Mount Eagle E 7:55-2:30 7:21 2:55
2 Pine Spring E 7:55-2:30 7:31 2:56
2 Westlawn E 7:55-2:30 7:26 2:57
3 Braddock E 8:00-2:40 7:19 3:16
7 Colin Powell E 8:00-2:40 7:25 3:15
2 Flint Hill E 8:00-2:40 7:14 3:23
4 Lorton Station E 8:05-2:45 7:16 3:30
4 Washington Mill E 8:05-2:45 7:41 3:13
3 Weyanoke E 8:05-2:45 7:13 3:27
4 Hollin Meadows E 8:10-2:45 7:37 3;09
4 Mount Vernon Woods E 8:10-2:45 7:32 3:12
4 Woodlawn E 8:10-2:45 7:35 3:22
4 Fort Hunt E 8:10-2:50 7:47 3:23
5 Cameron E 8:10-2:45 7:01 3:58
5 Newington Forest E 8:35-3:15 7:55 3:55
3 Parklawn E 8:35-3:15 8:09 3:40
4 Waynewood E 8:35-3:15 8:04 3:57
1 Aldrin E 8:40-3:20 7:44 3:58
1 Armstrong E 8:40-3:20 7:47 4:20
1 Chesterbrook E 8:40-3:20 8:06 3:58
1 Churchhill E 8:40-3:20 7:45 4:04
2 Fairhill E 8:40-3:20 8:11 3:48
1 Kent Garden E 8:40-3:20 8:11 3:50
2 Louise Archer E 8:40-3:20 7:26 4:32
8 Navy E 8:40-3:20 8:00 3:57
6 Rolling Valley E 8:40-3:20 7:45 3:59
2 Westbriar E 8:40-3:20 8:08 3:56
2 Westgate E 8:40-3:20 7:43 2:16
5 Forestdale E 9:30-4:10 9:02 4:13
4 Woodley Hills E 9:30-4:10 8:49 4:52
5 Halley E 9:40-4:15 8:48 5:29
3 Baileys E 9:40-4:20 8:35 5:25
7 Brookfield E 9:40-4:20 9:18 4:40
7 Bull Run E 9:40-4:20 8:47 5:19
1 Dranesville E 9:40-4:20 9:06 4:47
7 Fairfax Villa E 9:40-4:20 8:59 5:02
5 Garfield E 9:40-4:20 8:55 4:54
7 Greenbriar East E 9:40-4:20 8:59 5:05
8 Hunter Woods E 9:40-4:20 8:39 5:23
6 Kings Glen E 9:40-4:20 8:48 4:10
6 Kings Park E 9:40-4:20 8:52 5:06
4 Lane E 9:40-4:20 9:05 4:55
6 Laurel Ridge E 9:40-4:20 9:14 4:45
3 Mantua E 9:40-4:20 8:50 5:12
8 Mosby Woods E 9:40-4:20 8:42 5:10
6 Oak View E 9:40-4:20 8:58 5:07
8 Oakton Elementary E 9:40-4:20 9:04 4:58
3 Ravensworth E 9:40-4:20 9:12 4:47
4 Riverside E 9:40-4:20 8:49 4:52
5 Springfield Estates E 9:40-4:20 8:58 5:06
4 Stratford Landing E 9:40-4:20 8:32 5:20
6 Terra Centre E 9:40-4:20 9:09 4:56
7 Willow Springs E 9:40-4:20 8:34 5:21
2 Davis C 7:20-2:00 6:06 3:12
4 Pulley C 7:20-2:00 6:18 3:17
5 Key Center C 8:00-2:00 6:33 3:31
2 Kilmer Center C 8:00-2:00 6:20 3:20
3 Jefferson H 8:30-3:50 6:07 6:02
3 Annandale H 8:32-3:25 7:48 4:09 D
7 Centreville HS H 8:35-3:25 7:49 4:29 D
7 Chantilly H 8:35-3:25 7:59 3:51 D
5 Edison H 8:35-3:25 7:16 5:04 D
7 Fairfax H 8:35-3:25 7:18 4:31 D
4 Hayfield SEC S 8:35-3:25 7:43 4:14 D
6 Robinson S 8:35-3:25 7:32 4:35 D
6 West Springfield HS H 8:35-3:25 7:42 4:19 D
8 Westfield H 8:35-3:25 7:38 4:18 D
2 Falls Church H 8:40-3:30 8:06 4:07 S
1 Herndon HS H 8:40-3:30 7:58 4:13 S
2 Madison H 8:40-3:30 7:48 4:22 S
1 McLean H 8:45-3:35 7:52 4:34 S
3 Stuart H 8:45-3:35 8:00 4:06 D
5 Lee High H 8:50-3:40 7:56 4:25 D
8 Oakton HS H 8:50-3:40 7:57 4:31 S
9 South Lakes H 8:50-3:40 7:41 4:49 S
4 Quander C 8:55-3:35 7:53 4:34
2 Cedar Lane Center H 8:55-3:45 7:00 4:54
6 Lake Braddock S S 8:55-3:45 7:29 5:14 D
1 Langley H 8:55-3:45 7:48 4:55 S
2 Marshall H 8:55-3:45 8:07 4:37 S
4 Mount Vernon H 8:55-3:45 8:02 4:39 D
5 South County HS H 8:55-3:45 7:32 5:07 D
4 West Potomac H 8:55-3:45 7:49 4:49 D
3 Woodson H 8:55-3:45 7:55 4:55 D
3 Frost M 9:10-4:00 7:55 4:55
3 Glasgow M 9:20-4:10 8:48 5:06
8 Carson M 9:40-4:30 8:48 5:22
1 Cooper M 9:40-4:30 8:27 5:53
7 Franklin M 9:40-4:30 8:43 5:25
1 Herndon MS M 9:40-4:30 8:56 5:33
3 Holmes M 9:40-4:30 9:03 5:05
8 Hughes M 9:40-4:30 8:42 5:38
6 Irving M 9:40-4:30 8:59 5:12
2 Jackson M 9:40-4:30 8:38 5:25
5 Key MS M 9:40-4:30 8:43 5:27
2 Kilmer M 9:40-4:30 8:57 5:42
7 Lanier M 9:40-4:30 8:36 5:34
7 Liberty M 9:40-4:30 8:35 5:36
1 Longfellow M 9:40-4:30 8:42 5:31
3 Poe Middle M 9:40-4:30 8:49 5:19
7 Rocky Run M 9:40-4:30 8:37 5:42
4 Sandburg M 9:40-4:30 8:54 5:15
5 South County MS M 9:40-4:30 8:31 5:49
8 Stone M 9:40-4:30 8:50 5:40
2 Thoreau M 9:40-4:30 8:43 5:24
5 Twain M 9:40-4:30 8:40 5:32
4 Whitman M 9:40-4:30 9:06 5:07
S Aldrin ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:41 5:20
S Belvedere ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:44 5:03
S Bucknell ES ps P 9:40-4:20 8:56 5:27
S Centreville ES pac P 9:40-4:20 8:56 5:06
S Cherry Run ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:36 5:19
S Clearview ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:08 5:56
S Columbia ES ps P 9:40-4:20 9:01 5:31
S Colvin Run ES ps P 9:40-4:20 9:04 4:40
S Cub Run ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:45 5:43
S Deer Park ES pac P 9:40-4:20 8:18 5:45
S Eagle View ES ps P 9:40-4:20 8:43 4:59
S Forest Edge ES ps P 9:40-4:20 8:55 5:55
S Fort Belvoir ES ps P 9:40-4:20 9:13 4:55
S Franklin Sherman ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:54 5:21
S Freedom Hill ES ps P 9:40-4:20 9:02 5:11
S Halley ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:31 5:34
S Island Creek ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:30 5:31
S Keene Mill ES ps P 9:40-4:20 8:54 5:11
S Kings Park ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:38 5:04
S Lemon Road ES ps P 9:40-4:20 9:07 4:34
S Little Run ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 9:07 5:45
S London Towne ES ps P 9:40-4:20 8:40 5:19
S Lynbrook ES pac P 9:40-4:20 9:09 4:59
S Mount Vernon Woods ES ps P 9:40-4:20 9:03 5:30
S North Springfield ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:48 5:39
S Oak Hill ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:47 5:10
S Parklawn ES pac P 9:40-4:20 8:29 5:32
S Pine Springs ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:57 5:17
S Rose Hill ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:27 5:22
S Stenwood ES ps P 9:40-4:20 9:01 5:37
S Timber Lane ES ps P 9:40-4:20 8:49 5:09
S Vienna ES ps P 9:40-4:20 8:49 5:05
S Waples Mill ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 8:30 5:13
S West Springfield ES ps P 9:40-4:20 9:10 5:01
E Elementary
H High
S Secondary
M Middle
C Center
P Preschool
Rev. 8/20/08
Appendix C
Iteration #2
Reg AM
Reg PM
ES Runs
MS Runs
SS Runs
HS Runs
ES Runs
MS Runs
SS Runs
HS Runs
2 Davis Ctr H 7:20-2:00 0 0 23 23
4 Pulley Ctr H 7:20-2:00 0 0 19 19 42 42
4 Bucknell ES E 7:50-2:25 1 1 0 0
4 Fort Belvoir ES E 7:50-2:25 24 24 2 3
4 Groveton ES E 7:50-2:25 7 7 0 0
4 Hybla Valley ES E 7:50-2:25 7 6 1 1
3 Annandale Terrace ES E 7:50-2:30 5 5 1 1
3 Beech Tree ES E 7:50-2:30 6 6 2 2
4 Belle View ES E 7:50-2:30 5 4 7 6
3 Belvedere ES E 7:50-2:30 12 12 0 0
6 Bonnie Brae ES E 7:50-2:30 11 11 1 1
3 Bren Mar Park ES E 7:50-2:30 3 3 4 4
5 Bush Hill ES E 7:50-2:30 4 4 7 7
2 Camelot ES E 7:50-2:30 6 6 17 12
3 Canterbury Woods ES E 7:50-2:30 8 8 9 9
6 Cardinal Forest ES E 7:50-2:30 5 5 1 1
7 Centre Ridge ES E 7:50-2:30 12 12 1 1
7 Centreville ES E 7:50-2:30 10 10 0 0
1 Clearview ES E 7:50-2:30 6 6 0 0
6 Clifton ES E 7:50-2:30 13 13 0 0
3 Columbia ES E 7:50-2:30 5 5 0 0
1 Colvin Run ES E 7:50-2:30 15 15 0 0
5 Crestwood ES E 7:50-2:30 1 1 0 1
8 Crossfield ES E 7:50-2:30 14 14 2 2
8 Cub Run ES E 7:50-2:30 5 5 1 1
7 Daniels Run ES E 7:50-2:30 10 10 1 1
8 Deer Park ES E 7:50-2:30 6 6 1 1
8 Dogwood ES E 7:50-2:30 3 3 1 1
7 Eagle View ES E 7:50-2:30 7 7 4 3
6 Fairview ES E 7:50-2:30 9 9 5 6
8 Forest Edge ES E 7:50-2:30 13 13 0 0
1 Forestville ES E 7:50-2:30 11 11 0 0
1 Franklin Sherman ES E 7:50-2:30 6 6 0 0
2 Freedom Hill ES E 7:50-2:30 7 7 4 3
2 Glen Forest ES E 7:50-2:30 14 14 1 1
2 Graham Road ES E 7:50-2:30 1 1 0 0
1 Great Falls ES E 7:50-2:30 11 11 1 1
7 Greenbriar West ES E 7:50-2:30 11 11 1 1
4 Gunston ES E 7:50-2:30 10 10 2 2
1 Haycock ES E 7:50-2:30 16 16 1 1
4 Hayfield ES E 7:50-2:30 8 8 1 0
1 Herndon ES E 7:50-2:30 8 8 1 1
6 Hunt Valley ES E 7:50-2:30 6 6 2 2
4 Island Creek ES E 7:50-2:30 6 6 0 0
6 Keene Mill ES E 7:50-2:30 10 10 3 3
8 Lake Anne ES E 7:50-2:30 3 3 2 1
7 Lees Corner ES E 7:50-2:30 7 7 5 5
2 Lemon Road ES E 7:50-2:30 3 3 0 0
3 Little Run ES E 7:50-2:30 5 5 0 0
5 Lynbrook ES E 7:50-2:30 4 4 4 4
2 Marshall Road ES E 7:50-2:30 7 7 7 7
8 McNair ES E 7:50-2:30 11 11 0 0
3 North Springfield ES E 7:50-2:30 3 3 1 1
7 Oak Hill ES E 7:50-2:30 8 8 0 0
3 Olde Creek ES E 7:50-2:30 4 4 6 6
7 Poplar Tree ES E 7:50-2:30 10 10 5 5
7 Providence ES E 7:50-2:30 10 10 0 0
5 Rose Hill ES E 7:50-2:30 6 6 0 0
6 Sangster ES E 7:50-2:30 12 12 2 2
5 Saratoga ES E 7:50-2:30 10 10 1 1
2 Shrevewood ES E 7:50-2:30 6 6 4 4
5 Silverbrook ES E 7:50-2:30 16 16 1 2
3 Sleepy Hollow ES E 7:50-2:30 7 6 2 2
1 Spring Hill ES E 7:50-2:30 11 11 0 0
2 Stenwood ES E 7:50-2:30 6 6 0 0
8 Sunrise Valley ES E 7:50-2:30 13 13 3 3
8 Terraset ES E 7:50-2:30 7 7 1 1
1 Timber Lane ES E 7:50-2:30 6 6 0 0
7 Union Mill ES E 7:50-2:30 7 7 2 2
2 Vienna ES E 7:50-2:30 2 2 2 2
8 Virginia Run ES E 7:50-2:30 11 11 1 1
3 Wakefield Forest ES E 7:50-2:30 6 6 2 2
8 Waples Mill ES E 7:50-2:30 14 14 3 3
6 West Springfield ES E 7:50-2:30 3 3 0 0
2 Wolftrap ES E 7:50-2:30 6 6 0 1
2 Woodburn ES E 7:50-2:30 7 7 0 0
5 Halley ES E 7:55-2:30 9 9 0 0
1 Hutchison ES E 7:55-2:30 4 4 1 1
8 London Towne ES E 7:55-2:30 5 5 1 0
2 Pine Springs ES E 7:55-2:30 4 4 0 0
2 Westlawn ES E 7:55-2:30 4 4 0 0
5 Key Ctr E 8:00-2:00 0 0 22 22
2 Kilmer Ctr E 8:00-2:00 0 0 15 15
3 Braddock ES E 8:00-2:40 3 3 0 0
7 Colin Powell ES E 8:00-2:40 10 10 1 1
2 Flint Hill ES E 8:00-2:40 7 7 1 1
4 Lorton Station ES E 8:05-2:45 17 17 0 0
4 Washington Mill ES E 8:05-2:45 7 7 4 4
3 Weyanoke ES E 8:05-2:45 7 7 2 2
5 Cameron ES E 8:10-2:45 7 7 0 0
4 Hollin Meadows ES E 8:10-2:45 3 3 3 2
4 Mount Vernon Woods ES E 8:10-2:45 2 2 0 0
4 Woodlawn ES E 8:10-2:45 6 6 2 2
4 Fort Hunt ES E 8:10-2:50 4 4 0 0
688 685 233 226 879 42 869 42
3 TJHSST 8:30-3:50 65 64 0 0 65 64
5 Mount Eagle ES E 8:35-3:05 1 1 0 0
4 Newington Forest ES E 8:35-3:15 7 7 0 0
6 Orange Hunt ES E 8:35-3:15 5 5 0 0
3 Parklawn ES E 8:35-3:15 8 8 0 0
4 Waynewood ES E 8:35-3:15 4 4 0 0
6 White Oaks ES E 8:35-3:15 11 11 0 0
1 Aldrin ES E 8:40-3:20 9 9 0 0
1 Armstrong ES E 8:40-3:20 11 11 4 4
6 Cherry Run ES E 8:40-3:20 2 2 0 0
1 Chesterbrook ES E 8:40-3:20 9 9 0 0
1 Churchill Road ES E 8:40-3:20 8 8 2 3
2 Cunningham Park ES E 8:40-3:20 1 1 2 2
2 Fairhill ES/Ctr E 8:40-3:20 8 8 1 1
8 Floris ES E 8:40-3:20 11 11 1 1
8 Fox Mill ES E 8:40-3:20 6 6 1 1
1 Kent Gardens ES E 8:40-3:20 9 9 0 0
2 Louise Archer ES E 8:40-3:20 13 13 0 0
8 Navy ES E 8:40-3:20 12 12 1 1
6 Rolling Valley ES E 8:40-3:20 7 7 0 0
2 Westbriar ES E 8:40-3:20 6 6 0 0
2 Westgate ES E 8:40-3:20 2 2 0 0
5 Franconia ES E 8:55-3:35 7 7 0 0 169 170
2 Cedar Lane Ctr H 8:35-3:05 0 0 14 14
7 Centreville HS H 8:35-3:25 22 27 6 6
7 Chantilly HS H 8:35-3:25 25 25 11 12
5 Edison HS H 8:35-3:25 27 26 1 0
7 Fairfax HS H 8:35-3:25 33 34 3 3
3 Stuart HS H 8:35-3:25 23 25 1 1
6 West Springfield HS H 8:35-3:25 17 17 3 3
8 Westfield HS H 8:35-3:25 45 45 3 3
2 Falls Church HS H 8:40-3:30 17 17 8 8
1 Herndon HS H 8:40-3:30 21 21 2 2
3 Annandale HS H 8:45-3:35 28 29 5 6
2 Madison HS H 8:45-3:35 15 15 6 6
1 McLean HS H 8:45-3:35 15 15 1 1
5 Lee HS H 8:50-3:40 26 26 4 2
8 Oakton HS H 8:50-3:40 26 26 1 1
8 South Lakes HS H 8:50-3:40 20 20 6 6
1 Langley HS H 8:55-3:45 22 22 6 6
2 Marshall HS H 8:55-3:45 14 14 0 0
4 Mount Vernon HS H 8:55-3:45 31 31 6 6
4 Quander Road Ctr H 8:55-3:45 0 0 12 12
5 South County HS H 8:55-3:45 24 24 3 3
4 West Potomac HS H 8:55-3:45 24 24 0 0
3 Woodson HS H 8:55-3:45 32 30 33 33 642 647
5 Hayfield SS S 8:35-3:25 38 38 0 0
6 Lake Braddock SS S 8:55-3:45 45 45 3 3
6 Robinson SS S 8:35-3:25 53 53 8 8 147 147
800 806 158 158 169 147 642 170 147 647
3 Frost MS M 9:10-4:00 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Woodley Hills ES E 9:30-4:10 12 12 0 0
4 Stratford Landing ES E 9:30-4:30 6 6 4 3
3 Baileys ES E 9:40-4:20 6 6 3 3
7 Brookfield ES E 9:40-4:20 6 6 0 0
7 Bull Run ES E 9:40-4:20 16 16 3 3
5 Clermont ES E 9:40-4:20 4 4 1 1
1 Dranesville ES E 9:40-4:20 7 7 3 3
7 Fairfax Villa ES E 9:40-4:20 4 4 2 2
5 Forestdale ES E 9:40-4:20 7 7 4 2
5 Garfield ES E 9:40-4:20 6 6 0 0
7 Greenbriar East ES E 9:40-4:20 6 6 3 3
8 Hunters Woods ES E 9:40-4:20 21 21 2 2
6 Kings Glen ES E 9:40-4:20 8 9 1 1
6 Kings Park ES E 9:40-4:20 10 11 0 0
4 Lane ES E 9:40-4:20 8 8 3 3
6 Laurel Ridge ES E 9:40-4:20 5 5 7 7
3 Mantua ES E 9:40-4:20 12 12 11 11
8 Mosby Woods ES E 9:40-4:20 10 10 1 1
6 Oak View ES E 9:40-4:20 11 11 0 0
8 Oakton ES E 9:40-4:20 9 9 3 3
3 Ravensworth ES E 9:40-4:20 5 4 0 0
4 Riverside ES E 9:40-4:20 11 11 0 0
5 Springfield Estates ES E 9:40-4:20 15 15 0 0
6 Terra Centre ES E 9:40-4:20 5 5 5 4
7 Willow Springs ES E 9:40-4:20 20 20 2 2 288 285
3 Glasgow MS M 9:20-4:10 27 27 0 0
8 Stone MS M 9:30-4:30 12 12 1 1
6 Burke Ctr M 9:40-4:30 0 0 17 17
8 Carson MS M 9:40-4:30 31 31 0 0
1 Cooper MS M 9:40-4:30 20 20 2 2
7 Franklin MS M 9:40-4:30 24 24 4 3
1 Herndon MS M 9:40-4:30 20 20 3 3
3 Holmes MS M 9:40-4:30 16 16 6 6
8 Hughes MS M 9:40-4:30 22 22 2 2
6 Irving MS M 9:40-4:30 19 19 1 1
2 Jackson MS M 9:40-4:30 22 22 0 0
5 Key MS M 9:40-4:30 20 20 0 0
2 Kilmer MS M 9:40-4:30 27 27 6 6
7 Lanier MS M 9:40-4:30 23 23 3 3
7 Liberty MS M 9:40-4:30 23 23 4 4
1 Longfellow MS M 9:40-4:30 20 20 1 1
3 Poe MS M 9:40-4:30 23 23 5 5
7 Rocky Run MS M 9:40-4:30 20 20 0 0
4 Sandburg MS M 9:40-4:30 22 22 3 3
5 South County MS M 9:40-4:30 9 9 1 1
2 Thoreau MS M 9:40-4:30 13 13 3 3
5 Twain MS M 9:40-4:30 17 17 0 0
4 Whitman MS M 9:40-4:30 23 23 0 0 515 514
1 Aldrin ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 5 4
3 Belvedere ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 4 4
4 Bucknell ES ps P 9:40-4:20 2 2
7 Centreville ES pac P 9:40-4:20 2 2
6 Cherry Run ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 5 5
1 Clearview ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 5 5
3 Columbia ES ps P 9:40-4:20 2 2
1 Colvin Run ES ps P 9:40-4:20 2 2
8 Cub Run ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 4 3
8 Deer Park ES pac P 9:40-4:20 4 3
7 Eagle View ES ps P 9:40-4:20 2 2
7 Fairfax Villa ES ps P 9:40-4:20 2 2
8 Forest Edge ES ps P 9:40-4:20 2 2
4 Fort Belvoir ES ps P 9:40-4:20 1 1
Franklin Sherman ES
P 9:40-4:20 3 2
2 Freedom Hill ES ps P 9:40-4:20 3 3
5 Halley ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 5 4
4 Island Creek ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 4 4
6 Keene Mill ES ps P 9:40-4:20 3 2
6 Kings Park ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 2 2
2 Lemon Road ES ps P 9:40-4:20 1 1
3 Little Run ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 3 2
8 London Towne ES ps P 9:40-4:20 2 2
5 Lynbrook ES pac P 9:40-4:20 4 2
8 McNair ES ps P 9:40-4:20 2 2
Mount Vernon Woods ES
P 9:40-4:20 3 3
North Springfield ES
P 9:40-4:20 4 4
7 Oak Hill ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 1 1
3 Parklawn ES pac P 9:40-4:20 3 3
2 Pine Springs ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 3 2
3 Ravensworth ES ps P 9:40-4:20 1 1
5 Rose Hill ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 5 5
2 Stenwood ES ps P 9:40-4:20 1 1
1 Timber Lane ES ps P 9:40-4:20 3 3
2 Vienna ES ps P 9:40-4:20 2 3
8 Waples Mill ES ps/pac P 9:40-4:20 4 5
6 West Springfield ES ps P 9:40-4:20 2 2 106 98
683 684 226 213 288 515 106 285 514 98
Number of Runs per Tier by Level Percentage of Runs per Tier by Level
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
ES 879 169 288
66% 13% 22%
MS 0 515
0% 100%
SS 147
HS 42 65 642
9% 86%
PS 106
921 65 958 0 909 2853
ES 869 170 285
66% 13% 22%
MS 0 514
0% 100%
SS 147
HS 42 64 647
8% 86%
PS 98
911 64 964 0 897 2836
1832 129 1922 0 1806 5689
Number of Schools per Tier by Level Percentage of Schools per Tier by Level
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
ES 92 22 25
66% 16% 18%
MS 1 23
4% 96%
SS 3
HS 2 1 23
8% 4% 88%
PS 37
94 1 48 1 85 229
188 2 96 2 170 458
Rev. 8/20/08
Stops Consolidated
School Stop eliminated Consolidated to
Edison HS&
Twain MS Glendale & Blaine Blaine & Huntington
Mount Eagle Entire Bus 1 route made into walkers
Bush Hill Elem High Meadow & Langton
High Meadow & Knights Ridge
Edison HS&
Twain MS Upland & Habersham
Forest Newington Forest Av & Treasure Tree Ct walkers
Newington Forest Av & Willowdale Ct walkers
Newington Forest Av & Parkdale Ct walkers
Lorton Station Lorton Station Blvd & Stonegarden walkers
Lorton Station Blvd & Lee Masey Dr walkers
Ft.Belvoir Hudson Rd & Shenandoah Rd Shenandoah Rd & York Rd
White Oaks Cherry Run Elementary
Spfld Estates Pratt St & Ambler St Bush Hill ES
Westchester St & Lane Dr Bush Hill ES
Westchester St & Barbmor Ct Bush Hill ES
Old Rolling Rd & Anne Ly La Bush Hill ES
Inter Parcel Rd & Silver Lake Bv Lane ES
Kingstowne Commons Dr & Roudsby La Lane ES
Burgundy Rd & Tremont Dr Cameron ES
Burgundy Rd & Chapin Av Cameron ES
Upland Woods Dr & Upland Dr Clermont ES
Cabin John Rd & Channing Rd Lynbrook ES
Backlick Rd & Edgerton La Lynbrook ES
Grace St & Amelia St Crestwood ES
Devereux Circle Dr & Larochelle Dr Devereux Circle Dr & Devereux Ct
Peverill Dr & Picot Rd Rose Hill ES
Spfld Estates Wilton Rd & Oakland Dr Sharon Chapel Rd & Lebanon Rd
Broadmoor St & Glamis Dr Hayfield ES
Hayfield Rd & Luton Pl Hayfield ES
Broadmoor St & Welch Ct Hayfield ES
Clames Dr & Higham St Franconia ES
Morning View La & Thomas Grant Dr Island Creek ES
Morning View La & Rolling Creek Wy Island Creek ES
Burgundy Rd & Quaker La Cameron ES
Franconia Rd & Ridge View Dr Clermont ES
Middlesex & Mendota Crestwood ES
Saratoga Mulberry Botton & Richfield Rd Mulberry Botton & Chancellor Way
Woodlawn Central Park Dr @ Central Park Dr
Central Park Dr @ Scarborough
Sq (northbound)
Central Park Dr @ Longworthe Sq
Central Park Dr @ Grammercy Cir
Lawrence St @ Imperial St Lawrence St @ Steadman St
Lawrence St @ Hammond St
Lawrence St @ Pinelake Ct
(across from St.Annes Ct)
Lawrence St @ Kidd St
Lawrence St @ Pinelake Ct
(across from St.Annes Ct)
Lakepark Dr @ Birchlake Ct Lakepark Dr @ Cedarlake Ct
Lakepark Dr @ Amblewood Rd Lakepark Dr @ Cedarlake Ct
Wyres St @ Glyn St Wyres St @ Claremont Woods Dr
Gage Rd @ Glyn St Gage Rd @ Ingersol Rd
Frye Rd @ Steadman St (northbound) Lawrence St @ Steadman St
Frye Rd @ Steadman St (southbound) Steadman St @ Fitzroy St
Welford St @ Caledonia St Steadman St @ Fitzroy St
Noel St @ Steadman St Steadman St @ Fitzroy St
8500 Skyview Dr/Skyview Apts Skyview Dr @ Manor Dr
Frye Rd @ Manor Dr Skyview Dr @ Manor Dr
Keene Mill ES Rivington Rd & Brixton St Greenview La & Brixton St
W Springfield Bardu Av & Jansen Dr Bardu Av & Bardu Ct
Orange Hunt Rockefeller La & Hamor La stop/bus removed
Arley Dr & Hanks Pl stop/bus removed
Arley Dr & Freshaire Dr stop/bus removed
Arley Dr & Sontag Wy stop/bus removed
Orange Hunt Sontag Wy & Hayload Ct stop/bus removed
Sontag Wy & Applecross La stop/bus removed
Applecross La & Spur Rd stop/bus removed
Stops Reinstated Consolidated to Changed to Reason
Spfld Estates Rose Hill Dr & Apple Tree Dr Rose Hill ES
Changed to Rose Hill Dr & May
Dr GT No Crossing Guard
Hayfield Rd & Les Dorsen Lp Lane ES Hayfield Rd & Les Dorsen Lp
GT AM & PM Does not coincide
Morning View La & Morning View Ct Island Creek ES
Morning View La & Morning
View Ct GT AM hours
Hastings & Julian St Crestwood ES Hastings & Julian St GT PM hours
Crestwood Cumberland Av & Dinwiddie St Walkers/Crestwood Cumberland Av & Dinwiddie St per Dean Tistadt
Cameron Mount Eagle Dr & Montebello Mount Eagle Dr & Montebello
community stated it unsafe,
coordinator & above
requested reinstatement
Bush Hill Crown Royal & High Meadow Crown Royal & High Meadow bus maneverability
Lorton Station Lorton Station Blvd & Stonegarden walkers
Lorton Station Blvd &
Stonegarden unsafe to cross bridge
Lorton Station Blvd & Lee Masey Dr walkers
Lorton Station Blvd & Lee
Masey Dr unsafe to cross bridge
Westfield Mustang Drive & West Ox Road
Virginia Run Norris Court & Tony’s Place
Reduced several stops on Chandley
Farms Circle to consolidate
Bull Run
Reduced the amount of GT stops(going
to Bull Run) in the walking boundaries to
Virginia Run – moved all to Virginia Run
Hidden Canyon Road & Surrey House
Store House Drive & Sutler Store Court
Did not get to move due to new GT
policy – Kamputa Drive & Flagler Drive
Did not get to move due to new GT
policy - Cranoke Street & Latshaw Road
Did not get to move due to new GT
policy – Billingsgate Lane & Wycombe
Did not get to move due to new GT
policy – Gothwaite Drive & Maidstone
Did not get to move due to new GT
policy – Paddington Lane & Haymarket
Did not get to move due to new GT
policy – Sun Meadow Court & Sully
Station Drive
Did not get to move due to new GT
policy – Kimanna Drive & Algretus Drive
Did not get to move due to new GT
policy – Lock Drive & Crenshaw Drive
Did not get to move due to new GT
policy – Sully Station Drive & Woodford
Chantilly Ellicott Drive & Ellicott Court
Valley Country Drive & Woodward Court
Rocky Run Middle Ridge Drive & Middleton Lane
Union Mill
Elementary Ellicott Drive & Ellicott Court
Ellicott Drive & Fankford Circle
Northbourne Drive & Darrington Way
Valley Country Drive & Woodward Court
Cabells Mill Drive & Indian Rock Road
Cabells Mill Drive & Jarrett Court
Brookfield Chantilly Road & Spring Run Court
Chantilly Road & Weeping Willow Court
Chantilly Road & Winter Harbor Court
Chantilly Road & Dawn Valley Court
Mill Heights Drive & Mill Heights Court
Poplar Tree Lewis Woods Court & Sutton Oaks Drive
Sutton Oaks Drive & Post Oak Court
Point Pleasant Drive & Hazelnut Court
Star Flower Drive & Over Ridge Court
Star Flower Drive & Star Flower Court
Star Flower Drive & Sun Orchard Drive
Star Flower Drive & Quiet Stream Court
4863 Autumn Glory Way
Fairfax Forest Dr and Crescent Dr
Plantation Pw and Antietam Ave
Plantation Pw and Confederate La
5909 Pocol Dr
6008 Pocol Dr
6009 Pocol Dr
6019 Pocol Dr
4115 Orchard Dr
Shirley Gate Rd and Peep Toad Ct
Willowmeade Dr and Sebastian Dr
Brentwood Farms Rd & Hollow Tree La
Valley Road and Highland Place
Otter Run Rd and Springstone Dr
Ofaly Rd & Meath Dr
Popes Head Rd ad Beech Ridge Dr
Forest Dr and Crescent Dr
6536 Renwood Lane to Renwood Lane
& Parkedge Lane
4609 Brookside Drive to Brookside Dr &
Vale Ct.
Bren Mar Park
Bostwick Dr. & Columbia Rd. to Bostwick
Dr & Montgomery St
Bostwick Dr. & Dalton to Anders terrace
& Cather Rd
Conwell Drive @ 3
Fire Lane to
Conwell Dr & 1st Fire Lane
4713 Ravensworth Road to Ravensworth
Rd & Carmine St
5110/5111 Philip Road to Braddock
Road & Philip Road
6448 Elmdale Road to Elmdale Road &
Emory Street
Spring Valley Dr. & Tunlaw Spring
Valley Dr. & Birch Lane
Watkins Trail & Cathcart to Watkins and
Mason Ridge
Mantua: GT stop consolidation: student
will walk to base school; removed
Monticello Dr. & Linda La.
Mantua ESL last year for grandfathered
student, stop removed: Starr Jordan La.
& Stark Rd.
Ravensworth ES stop removal out of
boundary AUT student graduated;
removed Ravensworth Rd. & Ingle Pl.
Wakefield Forest ES stop removals in
the walking area:
Wakefield Dr. & Elizabeth La.
4102 Wakefield Dr.
Olde Creek 4028 Olley La.
Canterbury Woods GT: stop
consolidations to base schools:
Newcastle Dr. & Terrell St. student
graduated therefore stop removed.
(Braddock ES area)
These 3 stops below remain due to
students not walking at the same time as
base students. (North Springfield ES
Heming Av. & Queensberry Av
Heming Av. & Hogarth St.
Ferndale St. & Atlee Pl.
These 4 stops will be consolidated to the
existing stop at Wakefield Forest ES.
Elizabeth La. & Old Hickory Rd.
Ann Fitzhugh Dr. & Charles Hawkins Wy.
Wakefield Dr. & Norfolk Av.
Wakefield Dr. & Battailles Ct.
Olde Creek
These 3 stops remain due to students
not walking at the same time as base
students. (Olde Creek area)
Weirich Rd. & Pickstone Dr.
Pickett Rd. & Old Creek Dr.
Pickett Rd. & Athens Rd.
These stops remain due to students not
walking at the same time as base
students. (Ravensworth ES area)
Inverchapel Rd. & Bullock La.
Inverchapel Rd. & Drayton La.
Queensberry Av. & Foote La.
Queensberry Av. & Hatteras La.
Queensberry Av. & Sedgwick La.
These 3 stops remain due to students
not walking at the same time as base
students. (Annandale Terrace ES area)
Medford Dr. & Davian Dr.
Medford Dr. & Rawlins Rd.
Medford Dr. & McWhorter Pl.
McLean Chesterbrook ES-
Colleen La & Meric Rd Loch Raven and Colleen
1705 Great Falls St
Northwest side of Great Falls St
& Sea Cliff Rd
1719 Great Falls St
1710 Great Falls St
Southeast side of Great Falls St
& Sea Cliff Rd
1732 Great Falls St
6614 Chesterfield Av. Youngblood and Ivy Hill Dr
6620 Chesterfield Av.
6622 Chesterfield Av.
1818 Chesterfield Pl.
1820 Chesterfield Pl.
Herndon Powells Tavern @ Stone Mountain
Ferndale @ Barton Oaks
Langley Brian Jac La. & Kelso Rd. Not noted
926 Rolling Holly Dr. Not noted
Cooper Jay Smith St. & Galpin Ct. Not noted
Crayton Rd. & Crayton Ct. Not noted
Clinch Rd. & Timber Knolls Ct. Not noted
1024 Cup Leaf Holly Ct. Not noted
Cooper Ballls Hill Rd. & Benjamin St. Not noted
12125 Holly Knoll Ct. Not noted
Lancia Dr. & Lancia Ct. Not noted
Forestville Silver Beech Rd. & Syrup Mill Rd. Not noted
Syrup Mill Rd. & Taja Ct. Not noted
12116 Holly Knolls Dr. Not noted
Ridge Dr. & Anna Maria Ct. Not noted
Fallen Holly Ct. & Arden Holly Ct. Not noted
Great Passage Bv. & Great Point Ct. Not noted
Great Passage Bv. & Treeview Ct. Not noted
Spring Hill Swinks Mill Rd. & Carlton Pl. Not noted
Churchill Rd Dominion Reserve Dr. & Glenhaven Dr. Not noted
Centrillion Dr. & Alvermar Ridge Dr. Not noted
Centrillion Dr. & Westmont LA. Not noted
Saigon Rd. & Saigon CI. Not noted
Summit Rd. & Chelsea Rd. Not noted
Freedom Hill Wolftrap Rd. & Wolftrap Vale Ct. Not noted
Lord Fairfax Rd. & Majestic Knolls Ct. Not noted
Silentree Dr. & Goldentree Wy. Not noted
Silentree Dr. & Forestree Ct. Not noted
Chesterbrook Coleen La & Meric Rd Not noted
Kent Gardens Chesterfield Av & Chesterfield Pl – Not noted
Residential stop at 6613 Ivy Hill Dr Not noted
Carson V Lane at Lance La Not noted
Mill Heights Ct & Mill Heights Dr Not noted
Charles Stewart Dr & Ox Hill Rd Not noted
Turberville La & Turbervill Ct Not noted
Hannahs Pond La & Still Pond La Not noted
Heritage Farm La & Dower House Dr Not noted
Asturian Court at Franklin Corner La Not noted
Rev. 8/20/08
1. The TTF had a recommendation that we have around 55% of the elementary schools in the first
tier and that where possible we try to put those schools that had the shortest bus rides in that tier.
It appears as though you have many more elementary schools in the first tier (possibly as many
as 75%). Why did you make this adjustment? How did this help improve efficiencies, safety, or
cost? To come to a true cost of and feasibility of the TTF recommendation I had hoped to see a
bell schedule that (with noted exceptions) mirrored their recommendation.
We do have a larger number in the first tier.
The first and second tiers are balanced.
The HSs and MSs can’t start at those times.
Buses don’t leave the high schools until 10 minutes after the last bell, which at the earliest
would be 3:35, to as late a departure as 3:55 for the later high schools.
Those buses with long high school runs can’t get to the latest last bell MS by 4:30, much less
the earliest at 4:10. So those drivers will drive only 2 tiers. Those buses will be available for
high school late runs at a time preferred by the schools.
Our second iteration separates Lee/Key, Chantilly/Rocky Run, and Edison/Twain, with the MSs
placed on the third tier, adding 68 MS buses to that tier and reducing the second tier by 33 runs.
2. The bell schedule presented seems to use a fairly rigid tiered system and does not use a rolling
bell schedule to help maximize efficiencies. The TTF recommended tiers but at the same time
recommended the use of rolling bells (like we have now in our elementary schools) to maximize
flexibility. Why didn't we do that? Will it be utilized in the final report/bell schedule? Do you believe
we could save costs (buses used) by implementing a rolling bus schedule for the next iteration? If
not, why not?
In essence, the TTF defined the parameters within which we “roll” schedules to 20 minutes per tier.
We used that time and varied the schedules on each tier based on functionality. We can look at
rolling them beyond the 20 minute variations if the board will define for us what the limits are.
Effectively, if we roll beyond the 20 minute tiers, you’re simply opening up the tiers established by the
TTF to, for example, 7:40 to 8:20, and telling us to use start times within those limits.
Our current bell schedule, which is the ultimate in rolling schedules, reached that point after years of
adjustments – tweaking schedules in five minute increments in order to resolve problems with arrival
times. It would be impossible to create a usable schedule like that from scratch. If we ever get that
tight with a new configuration, it will only be after we have the opportunity to see how runs flow and
what traffic does with our configuration changes.
3. How many bus stops were consolidated as you revised the runs?
We didn’t consolidate any during the BS revision. That is an ongoing process that began a couple of
years ago and will continue in the next several years. Each consolidation must be carefully studied
from the perspective of safety and effectiveness. Dealing with parental objections extends the
process even further.
4. Do you have a preliminary cost estimate on the bell schedule you have presented today?
That information is on the updated copy of the report that you received in July.
5. What is the timeline for developing and presenting the next iteration?
Iteration #2 was scheduled to be given to the School Board by the middle of August.
3. On the proposed bell schedules:
a. What do the abbreviations mean? I am pretty sure PS is preschool, H is high school, E is
elementary school, M is middle school, and S is secondary school. But what is F?
We are unable to find this abbreviation.
b. If I am reading the chart correctly, the chart proposes to open McNair ES for grades K-6 at
7:50, but open the school for preschoolers nearly 2 hours later, at 9:40. Do we do this anywhere
now? How might this impact families with children in both pre-school and grades K-6? Are there any
other schools where the proposed bell schedules are this divergent for different groups of students?
Yes, but not that big a spread. It’s affecting roughly 50% of the schools now but by less elapsed
time. The separations now are 30 minutes for most and 60 minutes for a few.
c. Please comment on the approximate start times for the longest high school bus routes under
the proposal. In other words, does opening school an hour later translate into an hour more sleep
for these students? If not, what is the approximate gain in sleep time for the average high school
student under this draft?
I don’t believe there’s any high school with a starting time less than 65 minutes later than it is now.
When you add the fact that we now drop off high schools 20 to 35 minutes prior to their opening bell,
and that we will no longer be able to do that because the buses will be doing their elementary runs at
that time, they should be staying home at least an hour later than they do now with some/many
having 90 minutes more. If they went to bed at the same time they do now, they could sleep later
and total out to more sleep time. We do note, however, that we cannot now assess the changes that
will occur in many high school bus run times with the increase in traffic that occurs later in the
d. Did you succeed in keeping all the Title I schools off the 3d tier? If not, which Title I schools
are on Tier 3?
No. Garfield, Baileys, and Brookfield are on the third tier.
Will the 2nd iteration have more of a 'rolling bell' than the first iteration?
The original intent of this project was to reengineer transportation; to disentangle the Gordian knot of
bell schedules to relieve the pressure that was creating serious problems within transportation.
Tightening up the schedule by using the rolling feature would be counterproductive and would return
us to our starting place.
Instead, the early release option was used to provide that flexibility. Execution of a complete revision
of the bell schedule structure will be highly problematic. Locking the schedule any tighter than it will
be with three 20 minute tier windows would commit us to an situation that could not be improved
throughout one entire school year. Allowing time to maneuver the schedules that simply aren’t
working would allow changes, if necessary, once the school year begins.
Will you expand the ES delivery/drop off window up to 25 min as the TTF
has recommended?
As I stated in the SB meeting, we will use that for individual runs when doing so would allow us to
place a school at an otherwise unmanageable time.
Will you move the ALC's to tier 3 instead of placing some ES there?
No. With the ALCs on the first tier, we can make the runs very long without negatively impacting
anything else. The students go home in the midday, not at the end of the day, which would be
problematic. If they go in on the third tier, we would have to add buses to shorten the runs enough to
make them manageable or we would have to start the runs on the second tier.
How many buses would need to be replaced and/or purchased next year if we do
not change the bell schedule?
We have $2.2M, funding for approximately 95 buses. That is what we will order in FY ’09. We hope
to do the same in 2010.
At the TTF meetings, you and Linda stated that the cost of earlier start times would be
about $20 million, which included the cost of needed transportation changes to bring the service
up to our standards. Recently the figure for later start times was $15. Does this mean that
implementing some of the recommendations of the TTF has saved money (some TTF
recommendations were the same as SB parameters)?
The most valuable – rolling schedules and flexible drop-off times – would be very important to tighten
the schedule in the years following the initiation of a complete change.
I think that the value of working from scratch in the assignment of individual schools’ schedules has
enabled us to realize some efficiencies in the use of our buses across the operations window. While
the existing bell schedule is the result of many years of iterations, many of the school schedules we
wanted to alter for enhanced efficiency couldn’t be touched because of the schedule’s structural
rigidity. As a result of their co-location, the group members have been better able to develop
solutions that cross boundaries to enhance efficiency.
Attach a cost to each parameter used in the first iteration (60 min ride limit, 5--10 min
ES arrival/delivery window).
See above
Can you recommend any cost savings we can implement in the 09-10 school year?
I don’t know if cost savings are possible except through enhanced efficiency, with the reduction of
deadhead miles. I don’t know if bus reductions would be possible, but that will be done, as it has in
the past, if reasonable and possible. I am confident that we can take some pressure off drivers in
some parts of the county. We will look at combination schools closely. We might separate schools
now bussed together or we may combine others. As a result of the group members’ heightened
sensitivity to the placement of our resources and demands, we can use buses more effectively, cross
Would placing the secondary schools on the 1st tier reduce costs?
I don’t know. As it wouldn’t be consistent with the SB directives, we didn’t consider that possibility.
How many runs were split? Do you intend to keep those split runs in the 2nd iteration?
Only a handful of overly long runs were split. We seek the optimal solution but there would never be
enough time to try all possible variables of time, distance, and load.
Does the first iteration meet our service standards?
Both iterations meet the service standards articulated by the TTF.
Will costs increase if we grandfather students into Laurel Hill and Coppermine? Is that factored
into the first iteration?
Iterations were based on the schools and runs we had in 07-08. I have no idea what will happen with
Laurel Hill and Coppermine. That will depend on boundaries and schedule placement. Typically,
grandfathering does have an additional cost. We would note, however, that at almost any point in
time we have some grandfathering taking place. By the time we open these two schools, the
grandfathering impact associated with last year’s boundary study will begin to diminish.