Marc Lynch
Curriculum Vitae (August 2015)
Department of Political Science [email protected]
Elliott School of International Affairs [email protected]
1957 E Street, NW, Suite 502 tel: 202-994-5291
Washington DC 20052 fax: 202-994-5477
http://www.marclynch.com http://lynch.foreignpolicy.com
Teaching Positions
Professor, George Washington University, Department of Political Science and Elliott
School of International Affairs; joint appointment in School of Media and Public Affairs.
Associate Professor, Williams College, Department of Political Science, 2004 -2007.
Assistant Professor, Williams College, Department of Political Science, 1998-2004
Lecturer and Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, Department of
Political Science, 1997-1998.
Instructor, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Dept of Political Science, 1996-1997.
Institutional Positions
Director, Institute for Middle East Studies and Middle East Studies Program, George
Washington University. 2009-2015.
P.I., GWU Middle East Title VI National Resource Center, 2010-2018.
Director, Project on Middle East Political Science, 2010-present.
Contributing Editor, The Monkey Cage, Washington Post, 2014-present.
Series Editor, Columbia Studies in Middle East Politics, Columbia University Press,
Editor, Middle East Channel, ForeignPolicy.com, 2010-2014.
Non-Resident Adjunct Scholar, Center for a New American Security, July 2009-present.
Co-Director, Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communications, George
Washington University, 2008-09.
Post-Doctoral Fellow University of California, Berkeley (Political Science)
Ph.D. Cornell University, May 1997 (Government)
Visiting Scholar Princeton University, Fall 1993 (Middle East Studies, Politics)
M.A. Cornell University, 1992 (Government)
B.A. Duke University, 1990 (Honors Political Science; Phi Beta Kappa)
Henry Luce Foundation. “Islam in a Changing Middle East.” 2013-18, $700,000.
US Institute for Peace. “Blogs and Bullets III: The Internet and Violence in Syria.” With
Sean Aday. 2010-15. $273,000.
Carnegie Corporation. “Project on Middle East Political Science (POMEPS).” 2010-15.
Carnegie Corporation. 2010-11. Extending the POMEPS Network to the Arab World
Conference. $50,000. With Lisa Anderson, American University of Cairo.
U.S. Department of Education, Title VI National Resource Center for Middle East
Studies. 2010-2014, $975,000; 2014-2018, $1,900,000.
Social Science Research Council. “Project on Middle East Political Science.” 2010-12,
2014. (Edited). The Arab Uprisings Explained: New Contentious Politics in the Middle
East. New York: Columbia University Press.
2012. The Arab Uprising: The Unfinished Revolutions of the New Middle East.. New
York: PublicAffairs. Updated paperback edition, 2013.
2006. Voices of the New Arab Public: Iraq, Al Jazeera, and Middle East Politics Today.
New York: Columbia University Press.
1999. State Interests and Public Spheres: The International Politics of Jordan's
Identity. New York: Columbia University Press.
Books Under Contract and In Progress
The New Arab Wars: Syria, Egypt and the Failure of the Arab Uprisings. Expected 2016.
New York: Public Affairs.
The Arab Public Sphere in a Revolutionary Age. Expected 2017. New York: Columbia
University Press.
The Arc of the Muslim Brotherhood. Under Contract. New York: Cambridge University
Journal articles
2015. Trashing Transitions: The Arab Media After the Uprisings. Journal of Democracy.
Forthcoming, September 2015.
2015. Obama and the Middle East: Rightsizing the U.S. Role. Foreign Affairs 94, no.5
(September/October): 18-27.
2014. With Deen Freelon and Sean Aday. Online Fragmentation in Wartime: A
Longitudinal Analysis of Tweets about Syria, 2011-2013. Annals of the American
Academy of Political and Social Science 659 (May): 166-179.
2014. With Deen Freelon and Sean Aday. Syria in the Arab Spring: The Integration and
Disintegration of Syria’s Conflict With the Arab Uprisings, 2011-2013. Research and
Politics 1, no.3.
2013. With Colin H. Kahl. U.S. Strategy after the Arab Uprisings: Toward Progressive
Engagement. The Washington Quarterly 36, no.2 (Spring 2013).
2013. With Sean Aday, Deen Freelon, Henry Farrell, John Sides and Michael Dewar.
Watching From Afar: New Media and the Arab Spring. American Behavioral Scientist
57, no.7: 899-919.
2013. Winter in Cairo: The Muslim Brotherhood Faces the Challenge of Democracy.
Democracy: A Journal of Ideas (May).
2011. After Egypt: The Promise and Limitations of the Online Challenge to the
Authoritarian Arab State. Perspectives on Politics 9, no.2: 301-18.
2011. Understanding the Awakening: Explaining the shift in Iraqi Sunni political
attitudes, 2004-2007. Security Studies 20, no.1: 36-72.
2011. The Big Think Behind the Arab Spring. Foreign Policy (December).
2011. America and Egypt After the Uprisings. Survival 53, no.2 (March-April): 31-42
2010. Islam Divided Between Salafi-Jihad and the Ikhwan. 2010. Studies in Conflict and
Terrorism 33, no.6: 467-87.
2008. Thinking Strategically About Iraq. Middle East Policy 15, no. 1: 82-110.
2007. Young Brothers in Cyberspace. Middle East Report 245 (November-December):
2007. Blogging the New Arab Public. Arab Media and Society 1.
2006. Al-Qaeda’s Media Strategies. The National Interest (spring): 50-56.
2006. Al-Qaeda’s Constructivist Turn. Praeger Security International (March).
2005. Reality is Not Enough: The Politics of Arab Reality TV. Transnational
Broadcasting Studies Journal 15.
2005. Assessing the Democratizing Potential of Satellite Television. Transnational
Broadcasting Studies Journal 14.
2005. Watching al-Jazeera. The Wilson Quarterly (summer).
2005. Trans-National Dialogue in an Age of Terror. Global Society 19: 3-31.
2003. Beyond the Arab Street: Iraq and the Arab Public Sphere. Politics and Society 31,
no.1: 55-91.
2003. Taking Arabs Seriously. Foreign Affairs 82, no.5: 81-94.
2002. Why Engage? China and the Logic of Communicative Engagement. European
Journal of International Relations 8, no.2: 187-230.
2002. Using and Abusing the UN, Redux. Middle East Report 225 (Winter), 8-13.
2000. The Politics of Consensus in the Gulf. Middle East Report 215 (summer): 20-23.
2000. The Dialogue of Civilizations and International Public Spheres. Millennium:
Journal of International Studies 29, no.2: 307-330.
2000. Globalization and International Democracy. International Studies Review 2, no.3:
1998/99. Abandoning Iraq: Jordan's Alliances and the Politics of State Identity. Security
Studies 8, no.2/3: 347-388.
1998. Collective authorship, lead author Janice Gross Stein. Five Scenarios of the Israel-
Palestinian Relationship in 2002. Security Studies 7, no.4: 195-208.
Short Essays, Reviews and Debates
More than 100 Essays Published on The Monkey Cage (Washington Post) and Foreign
Policy [Select List Below]
Explaining the Unexpected: Response. 2014. Perspectives on Politics 12, no.2: 415-16.
The Persistence of Arab Anti-Americanism. Foreign Affairs 92, no.3 (May/June 2013).
Responses published in Foreign Affairs 92, no.5 (September/October 2013).
Political Science and the New Arab Public Sphere. Social Science Research Council
Transformation of the Public Sphere Initiative, June 2012.
Is Obama a Neo-Wilsonian? The National Interest 118 (March/April 2012), pp.13-16.
Veiled Truths: The Rise of Political Islam in the West. Foreign Affairs 89, no.4
(July/August 2010), pp.138-147. Review and Discussion, Foreign Affairs 89, no.5
(September/October 2010).
Politics First: Why Only U.S. Withdrawal Can Spur Iraqi Cooperation. Foreign Affairs
87, no.5 (2008), pp.152-55.
Brothers in Arms: How to Talk to America (Memo to the Muslim Brotherhood).
Foreign Policy (September 2007), pp.70-74.
The Al-Hurra Project. Arab Media and Society 3 (2007).
Jordan: Knives Out for the National Agenda. Arab Reform Bulletin 3, no.9 (November
Shattering the Politics of Silence: Satellite Television and the Transformation of Arab
Political Culture. Arab Reform Bulletin, December 2004.
Islamists in a Changing Middle East. Edited. 2012. Washington DC: Foreign Policy.
Revolution in the Arab World. 2011. Edited, with Blake Hounshell and Susan Glasser.
Washington DC: Foreign Policy.
Policy Reports
2014. The Tourniquet: A Strategy to Defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Center for a New
American Security (October).
2014. Syria’s Socially Mediated Civil War. With Deen Freelon and Sean Aday. US
Institute for Peace Peaceworks 91.
2013. Syria’s Hard Landing. Center for a New American Security.
2012. With Sean Aday, Henry Farrell, Deen Freelon and John Sides Blogs and Bullets II:
The Impact of New Media on the Arab Uprisings. United States Institute for Peace
2012. Pressure Not War: A Principled and Pragmatic Policy Towards Syria. Center for a
New American Security.
2011. Iran After the Uprisings: U.S. Policy Towards Iran in a Changing Middle East.
Center for a New American Security.
2010. With Sean Aday, Henry Farrell and John Sides Advancing New Media Research.
US Institute of Peace.
2010. With Sean Aday, Henry Farrell, and John Sides Blogs and Bullets: New Media and
Contentious Politics. United States Institute of Peace.
2010. Rhetoric and Reality: Countering Terrorism in the Age of Obama. Washington,
DC: Center for a New American Security.
2010. With Kristin Lord. America’s Extended Hand: Assessing the Obama
Administration’s Global Engagement Strategy. Washington, DC: Center for a New
American Security.
2010. “Conclusion”, in Security for Peace: Setting the Conditions for a Palestinian State,
edited by Andrew Exum. Washington, DC: Center for a New American Security.
2009. U.S. Standing in The World: Causes, Consequences, and the Future. Task Force on
U.S. Standing in World Affairs, chaired by Peter Katzenstein and Jeffrey Legro.
Washington,D.C.: American Political Science Association.
2009. Window of Opportunity for the Two-State Solution (with Brian Katulis and Robert
C. Adler). Center for American Progress.
2008. With Brian Katulis and Peter Juul Iraq’s Political Transition After the Surge: Five
Enduring Tensions and Ten Emerging Challenges. Center for American Progress.
2008. Islamist Views of Reform. Brookings Institution, proceedings of US-Islamic World
2008. The Brotherhood’s Dilemma: Evaluating the democratic commitments of Egypt’s
Muslim Brotherhood. Brandeis University Crown Center Policy Brief 25.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
“Regional International Relations.” In Politics of the Middle East, edited by Ellen Lust.
Congressional Quarterly Press, 2010. Revised edition 2013. Revised edition
forthcoming 2016.
“Islam between the Ikhwan and the Jihad.” In Fault Lines: Al Qaeda's Organizational,
Strategic, and Ideological Fissures, edited by Assaf Moghadam and Brian Fishman
(Routledge, 2010).
“Beyond ‘violent extremism’: strategic communication in the Obama era.” American
Foreign Policy: Regional Perspectives, edited by Richmond Lloyd. Newport, RI: Naval
War College, 2009.
Political Effects of the Arab Media. In Arab Media: Power and Weakness, edited by Kai
Hafez (Continuum Press 2008), pp.15-28.
Lie to Me: Sanctions on Iraq, Moral Argument, and the International Politics of
Hypocrisy. In Moral Limit and Possibility in World Politics, edited by Richard Price
(2008, Cambridge University Press).
Arab Arguments. In New Media and the New Middle East, edited by Philip Seib. New
York: Palgrave, 2007, pp. 101-118.
Public Diplomacy and Public Opinion Survey Research. In Public Diplomacy:
Practitioners, Policy Makers, and Public Opinion, edited by Joshua S. Fouts. Los
Angeles: USC Center for Public Diplomacy, 2006.
Anti-Americanisms in the Arab World. In Anti-Americanisms in World Politics, edited
by Peter Katzenstein and Robert Keohane. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2006.
Globalization and Arab Security. In Globalization and National Security, edited by
Jonathon Kirschner. London: Routledge, 2006.
Dialogue in an Age of Terror. In Islamic Democratic Discourse: Theory, Debates, and
Philosophical Perspectives, edited by M.A. Muqtedar Khan. Boston: Lexington Press
The Arab Media Environment. In Engaging the Arab/Islamic World through Public
Diplomacy, edited by Bill Rugh. Washington: Public Diplomacy Institute, December
Critical Theory: Dialogue, Legitimacy, and Normative Justifications for War. In Making
Sense of IR Theory, edited by Jennifer Sterling-Folker. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2005.
Jordan's Identity and Interests. In Identity and Foreign Policy in the Middle East, edited
by Shibley Telhami and Michael Barnett. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001.
Rightsizing Over the Jordan: The Politics of Downsizing. In Rightsizing the State, edited
by Ian Lustick, Brendan O'Leary, and Thomas Callaghy. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2001.
Abandoning Iraq. In The Origins of National Interests , edited by Glenn Chafetz, Michael
Spirtas, and Ben Frankel. London: Frank Cass, 1999.
Selected Op-eds and Short Essays
Rethinking Nation in the Middle East. Washington Post Monkey Cage, June 2, 2015.
A bold new Arab vision…for 2009. Washington Post Monkey Cage. March 31, 2015.
The political theory of Kendrick Lamar. Washington Post Monkey Cage. March 23, 2015.
Islamism in the IS Age. Washington Post Monkey Cage. March 17, 2015.
The Arab Thermidor. Washington Post Monkey Cage. February 27, 2015.
The Mysterious Absence of Women in Middle East Policy Debates (with Tamara
Wittes). Washington Post Monkey Cage, January 12, 2015.
Explaining the Arab Uprisings. Washington Post Monkey Cage, August 19, 2014
Would Arming Syria’s Rebels Have Stopped ISIS? Washington Post Monkey Cage,
August 11, 2014
Political Science After Gaza. Washington Post Monkey Cage, July 29, 2014
Arabs Do Care About Gaza. Washington Post Monkey Cage, July 14, 2014.
Can There Be an Ethical Political Science? Washington Post Monkey Cage, July 3, 2014
How Arab Backers of the Syrian Rebels See Iraq. Washington Post Monkey Cage, June
18, 2014
How can the US help Maliki when Maliki’s the Problem? Washington Post Monkey
Cage, June 12, 2014
Arab election season, Washington Post Monkey Cage, April 21, 2014
Insecure Gulf, Washington Post Monkey Cage, March 25, 2014
The problem with #withsyria, Washington Post Monkey Cage, March 14, 2014
King Kendrick and the Ivory Tower, Foreign Policy, February 3, 2014
Consent of the Governors, Foreign Policy, January 20, 2014
Egypt let your people go, Foreign Policy, January 8, 2014
The Political Science of Syria's War, Foreign Policy, December 19, 2014
Spoiler Alert, Foreign Policy, December 2, 2013.
The Dark List, Foreign Policy, December 10, 2013
Peak Middle East? Foreign Policy, November 21, 2013
Entrepreneurs of Cynical Sectarianism, Foreign Policy, November 12, 2013
The Middle East Power Vaccuum, Foreign Policy, October 25, 2013
Iraq’s Moment to Burn or Rise, Foreign Policy, October 18, 2013
Promotion Demotion, Foreign Policy, October 7, 2013
The American-Iraqi Encounter, Foreign Policy, September 29, 2013
Partial Syria Reset, Foreign Policy, September 27, 2013
The Price of Proxies, Foreign Policy, September 13, 2013
Trench Warfare, Foreign Policy, September 6, 2013
Restraining Order, Foreign Policy, August 28, 2013
Al-Qaeda and the Arab Spring, Foreign Policy, August 8, 2013
Time to Cut Egypt Loose, Foreign Policy, August 14, 2013
Gulf Dissent Over Egypt, Foreign Policy, August 18, 2013
Performance Enhancing Debate, Foreign Policy, August 1, 2013
They hate us, they really hate us, Foreign Policy, July 18, 2013
As good as Egypt policy gets, Foreign Policy, July 25, 2013
Money to meddle, Foreign Policy, July 11, 2013
The Syria strategy vaccuum, Foreign Policy, June 13, 2013
The War for the Arab World. Foreign Policy, May 23, 2013
Beyond War, Review essay in Washington Post, May 17, 2013.
A Few Good Saudi Men, Foreign Policy, May 17, 2013
How Syria Ruined the Arab Spring. Foreign Policy. May 3, 2013.
The Middle East’s Kings of Cowardice. Foreign Policy, April 17, 2013.
Did We Get the Muslim Brotherhood Wrong? Foreign Policy, April 10, 2013
What’s Missing From the Iraq Debate? Iraqis. Foreign Policy, March 21, 2013.
America’s March Madness Problem: We’re Duke. Foreign Policy, March 14, 2013.
Tehran Tanking. Foreign Policy. March 7, 2013.
Here’s your Plan B for Syria. Foreign Policy. February 22, 2013
Shopping Option C for Syria, Foreign Policy, February 14, 2013
Twitter Devolutions, Foreign Policy, February 7, 2013
America’s Saudi Problem. Foreign Policy. January 25, 2013.
The Egyptian Treadmill. Foreign Policy. January 21, 2013.
Preparing for Assad’s Exit. CNN.com, July 23, 2012.
Calvinball in Cairo. Foreign Policy. June 18, 2012.
Why the Arab Uprisings Will Force the U.S. to Rethink Israel/Palestine. The Atlantic,
March 29, 2012.
Turkey’s Muddled, Reactive Approach to the Arab Revolutions. Cairo Review of
International Affairs, March 20, 2012.
Who will save Syria? Time March 12, 2012
U.S. policy on Egypt needs a big shift, with Steven A. Cook. International Herald
Tribune, November 30, 2011.
US commitment to Iraq will pay off across the Middle East -- and avert a historic error.
With John Nagl. Christian Science Monitor, December 2, 2010.
Striking Iran is Unwarranted and Would be a Disaster. The Atlantic, August 23, 2010.
Iraq’s moment of truth. The National, March 25, 2010.
Just Stick to It. (Afghanistan) New York Times. December 10, 2009.
Spoilt Ballots, or what happens when Islamists aren’t allowed to be democrats. The
National. October 28, 2009.
Grading Places (The Arab Human Development Report). The National, July 30, 2009.
Don’t Just Watch (Arabs and the peace process). The National, July 8, 2009.
Paint by Numbers (Arab public opinion). The National, May 29, 2009.
Brothers gonna work it out? The National, April 3, 2009.
The Conversation. The National, February 20, 2009.
Why Obama still has to get out of Iraq. Foreign Policy (web only), January 2009,
Why U.S. policy towards Iran is crumbling. Christian Science Monitor, January 4, 2008.
Sunni World. The American Prospect, September 15, 2007.
The failure of public diplomacy. The Guardian, June 16, 2007.
The Arab Media Paradox. Bitter Lemons International, May 2, 2007. Reprinted in The
Daily Star (Beirut), May 8, 2007.
Our Enemy’s Enemy. The American Prospect, April 20, 2007
Insurgents against al-Qaeda. The Guardian Comment is Free, April 10, 2007
An Eye on Allawi. The Guardian Comment is Free, March 13, 2007.
Brotherhood of the Blog. The Guardian Comment is Free, March 5, 2007
How Eminem Can Save the Middle East. The Guardian Comment is Free, Feb 13, 2007.
Power Ploy. The American Prospect, July 20, 2006
What to Do in Iraq? Foreign Affairs on-line symposium. July 11-13, 2006
Arab Revolution Powered by Television. Baltimore Sun. March 6, 2005.
Out of tsunami, a quiet Arab media revolution. Christian Science Monitor, Jan 31, 2005.
Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss: A Critical Review. International Studies
Perspectives, Fall 2004
Hypocrisy Doesn’t Win Arab Friends. MERIP op-ed, November 3, 2004.
No Jordan Option. Middle East Report Online. June 21, 2004.
Not the Enemy: The Arab Media and American Reform Efforts. Arab Reform Bulletin,
April 2004.
Irrelevance Lost. Middle East Report Online. March 18, 2003.
Jordan’s King Abdallah in Washington. MERIP Press Information Note No.94 (May 9,
2002), reprinted in The Daily Star (Beirut), May 10, 2002, p.3.
Smart Sanctions: Rebuilding Consensus or Maintaining Conflict? MERIP Press
Information Note No.62 (June 28, 2001).
Humiliating Our Friends. TomPaine.com, April 21, 2004.
America is losing the battle for Arab opinion. Int’l Herald Tribune, Aug 23, 2003
We need the UN more than ever. Global Beat Syndicate. April 14, 2003.
Iraq: Why Not Do Nothing? Christian Science Monitor, July 31, 2002.
Profiles and Features
Five Books on the Arab Uprisings. The Browser, August 26, 2011.
My Daily Read. Chronicle of Higher Education, March 30, 2011.
“Dealing with ISIS.” House Committee on Armed Services. January 12, 2015.
“Confronting Damascus.” House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on the
Middle East and South Asia. April 25, 2012.
POMEPS Conversations: Podcast series of video interviews with Middle East political
scientists. 48 episodes, 2013-15.
Published Book Reviews
Out of Iraq: A Practical Plan for Withdrawal Now, by George McGovern and William R.
Polk. Middle East Policy (2007)
Peacemaking: The Inside Story of the 1994 Jordanian-Israeli Peace Treaty, by Abdul
Salam Majali, Jawad A. Anani, and Munther J. Haddadin. Journal of Palestine Studies
Why War? The Cultural Logic of Iraq, the Gulf War, and Suez, by Philip Smith.
Political Science Quarterly (2007).
Israeli-Jordanian Dialogue, 1948-1953, by Yoav Gelber. Middle East Journal (2005).
Jordan in Transition, by Curtis Ryan. International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
US Foreign Policy and the Iran Hostage Crisis, by David Patrick Houghton. American
Political Science Review (2002).
The Management of Islamic Activism, by Quintan Wicktorowitz. Middle East Journal
Countdown to Statehood, by Hillel Frisch. Canadian Review of Studies of Nationalism
The Jordanian-Palestinian Relationship, by Musa Braizat. MESA Bulletin (2000).
Political Economy of Market Reform in Jordan, by Tim Piro. Journal of Palestine Studies
Professional Service
Member, APSA Council, 2014-16.
Member, Nominating Committee, MESA, 2015-17.
Member, Political Instability Task Force, 2014-present.
Member, APSA Presidential Task Force on Publications and Engagement, 2012-13.
Project on Middle East Political Science, founder and director, 2010-present.
Public Diplomacy Council, Member of Board, 2009-present.
National Science Foundation, grant proposals reviewed, 2009-10.
USIP Task Force on Iraq. 2008-2010.
USIP Task Force on Yemen, 2010- present.
USIP, grant proposals reviewed, 2009-12.
Ratings committee, Freedom House Countries at the Crossroads, 2009.
Smith-Richardson Foundation, proposal reviewer 2009.
Member, National Screening Committee, U.S. Student Fulbright Program, 2008-2011
Member, Freedom House International Solidarity Committee, 2008-09.
Member, American Political Science Association Task Force: “America’s Standing in
the World.” 2008-09.
Program Committee, Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, 2008.
Malcolm Kerr Award for Best Dissertation in the Social Sciences, Middle East Studies
Association. Member of Selection Committee 2006; Chair of Selection
Committee 2007.
Division Chair (Comparative Politics of Developing Areas), Program Committee,
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
September 2006.
Nominating Committee, Qualitative Methods section, American Political Science
Association, 2005-2006.
External reviewer for candidates for promotion to tenure: 2006 (1); 2007 (1); 2008 (2);
2009 (4), 2010 (1), 2011 (3), 2012 (3), 2013 (5), 2014 (7).
Manuscripts (articles) reviewed for Security Studies, European Journal of International
Relations, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Political Science
Quarterly, Middle East Report, International Studies Perspectives, International
Organization, International Political Science Review, International Studies
Quarterly, Perspectives on Politics, Millennium: Journal of International Politics,
Global Society, Political Research Quarterly, International Sociology,
Comparative Politics, Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence, Journal of
Politics, Political Studies, International Journal of Communication, American
Political Science Review, Foreign Policy Analysis, Comparative Political Studies,
International Journal of Press/Politics, International Political Sociology, Studies
in Conflict and Terrorism, World Politics, Political Communication, Middle East
Journal, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Studies in
Comparative International Development, New Media and Society
Manuscripts (books) reviewed for Cornell University Press, Indiana University Press,
SUNY Press, Princeton University Press, RAND, University of Oklahoma Press,
Palgrave Press, Columbia University Press, Lynne Rienner Press, Cambridge
University Press, University of Florida Press, Oxford University Press, Routledge
Press, Stanford University Press, University of Toronto Press, Hurst Publishers.
Screener, SSRC International Research Dissertation Fellowship Program (2000-02)
Screener, Grawemeyer Prize for World Order (2000-06).
Editorial Boards
Contributing Editor, The Monkey Cage, Washington Post (2014-present)
Member, Editorial Committee, The Middle East Journal (2015-present)
Editor, The Middle East Channel, ForeignPolicy.com (2010-2014)
Editor, Columbia Studies in Middle East Politics (2013-present)
Member, Editorial Board, International Studies Quarterly (2013-present)
Member, Editorial Committee, Perspectives on Politics (2013-present)
Member, Editorial Committee, Research and Politics (2013-present)
Editor, POMEPS Briefs (2011-present) and POMEPS Studies (2014-present)
Member, Editorial Board, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (2008-present)
Member, Editorial Committee, PS: Political Science and Politics (2008-2011)
Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Media and Culture in the Arab and Muslim World.
Member, Editorial Board, and Contributing Editor, Arab Media and Society
(formerly Transnational Broadcasting Studies Journal), 2006-present.
Editorial adviser, special issue of Middle East Report, spring 2003.
University Service
Director, Middle East Studies Program and Institute for Middle East Studies, 2009-2015.
Member, Search Committee, Middle East Politics (2011);
Chair, Search Committee, Associate Director, Institute for Middle East Studies, 2011.
Chair, Search Committee, Post-Doctoral Fellow, IMES, 2011, 2012.
Chair, Search Committee, Professor of Practice, U.S. Foreign Policy (2010-11)
Member, Search Committee, International Security (2010-11)
Chair, Search Committee, Middle East Politics, (2009-10)
Member, Search Committee, International Relations (2009-10)
Elliott School Appointments, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2008-10
Honors and Fellowships
Oakley Center Fellowship, Williams College, 2001-02.
World Fellowship, Williams College, 2001-02.
Nominated, Council on Foreign Relations Fellowship, 2000-01.
MacArthur Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, 1997-98.
Janice and Milton Esman Award for Distinguished Scholarship (Outstanding
Dissertation in Government Department), co-recipient, Cornell University, 1997
Visiting Scholar, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1996-97
Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowship, 1995-96
USIA/American Center for Oriental Research, Dissertation Fellowship, 1995
Social Science Research Council, International Predissertation Fellowship, 1993-94
Cornell University Peace Studies/MacArthur Dissertation Fellowship, 1993
George Kahen Award, Best Dissertation Proposal, Cornell University, 1993
Phi Beta Kappa, Duke University, 1990
Arabic language study
Cornell University 1990-1994
Princeton University Fall 1993
University of Jordan Summer 1994
Yarmouk University Summer 1992