USAG Stuttgart
Handbook for Waste Disposal
Handbook for Waste Sorting - Off-Post
Counties of Böblingen, Esslingen, Ludwigsburg, and Stuttgart
Version December 2021
Table of Content
Introduction 3
Recycling at USAG Stuttgart 4
Who, What, and How 5
Reduce - Tips for Waste Avoidance 6
Reuse - Thrift Shop 7
County of Böblingen 8
County of Esslingen 20
County of Ludwigsburg 32
County of Stuttgart 43
Waste Dictionary 55
Contacts 56
printed on 100% recycled content paper
Principles of reduce, reuse, recycle underlie policies established in Germany to
foster sustainable materials management. The Closed Substance Cycle and
Waste Management Act, first published in1994, was designed to integrate
product responsibility into economic decision-making, with the aim of building a
life cycle economy that avoids the generation of waste.
The Act states that whoever produces, markets and consumes goods is
responsible for the avoidance, recycling, reuse, and environmentally-sound
disposal of waste. As a result, it establishes a hierarchy of avoidance, recovery,
and disposal that emphasizes waste avoidance, promotes low-waste products,
and provides incentives for waste recovery practices.
Properly sorting and recycling waste in turn:
Saves energy
Reduces air pollution
Decreases greenhouse gas emissions
Saves money
Your participation is vital for the success of all recycling efforts!
Making small changes in your daily life style will reduce waste!
REDUCE the amount of trash discarded, e.g., choose products with less packaging.
Choose loose fruit, cheese, and meat. Buy products in glass jars and tins
which can be recycled. Use "Bags for Life" available at supermarkets.
REUSE packaging materials, containers and products, e.g. give unwanted clothes,
books, toys, and household items to friends or charities. Reuse old carrier
bags when at the supermarket. Use both sides of a sheet of paper.
RECYCLE materials that can be reutilized, e.g., make use of your local recycling center.
Recycle your garden waste at home in a composter. Close the loop, buy
recycled products.
Recycling at USAG Stuttgart
Recycling has become very important because disposal fees are rising and
awareness of the value of the materials we use for packaging has increased.
Waste has become a secondary raw material. We should all work together in or-
der to comply with local Host Nation laws and U.S. Army regulations. Like it or
not, garbage is everyones business. We all generate it, handle it, and pay to
dispose of it.
This booklet will provide you with information of the recycling program of the
various counties in and around the city of Stuttgart. Be sure to check out what is
applicable in your respective county and comply to the appropriate disposal
requirements. With this information to use as a guide, you will have a better
understanding of the different disposal requirements and be prepared to properly
manage and dispose of waste per your county guidelines. Your active
participation is needed to make the program work.
According to the USAG Stuttgart Policy Letter # 59, Illegal Dumping of Trash, it is
prohibited to bring trash, recyclables, or any type of item generated off-post and
disposing of them on-post at any USAG Stuttgart installations.
Take pride in our environment.
Participate and recycle.
Do it for the future.
Be good stewards as the U.S Forces residing in our Host Nation!
Who, What and How
Who Everybody must participate in recycling.
What All wastes that can be reused need to be recycled, such as paper,
glass, metal cans and plastics.
How Separate and sort recyclable materials from normal trash and
by place them in the proper containers.
Most wastes produced are recyclable; unfortunately, recycling is not
always realized and this leads to the improper disposal of waste.
Approximately 50% of average household waste is recyclable and
more so in offices. The most important materials that should always
be recycled are cans, paper, plastic, and glass.
Reduce - Tips for Waste Avoidance
Avoidance starts by thinking and observing. Think about the products you use
and whether they ensure an environmentally sound disposal at the end of their
life cycle. Is there a way to substitute these products for those that are multi-use,
long-life and repair-friendly, which can be recycled and disposed of as
unproblematically as possible?
In the end you can control the amount of waste that you generate by being mind-
ful of the consumable goods you use, which all begins with our everyday
shopping habits. Some basic tips to be mindful of include:
Take a reusable bag or basket with you when you go shopping. If you have to
use a plastic bag, then try and reuse it as many times as you can.
When purchasing plastic and glass bottles at local markets, make sure to
bring to returnable container systems
If possible select unwrapped items. Choose ecologically sound, garbage-
reducing products that can be recycled.
Be mindful of the packaging of products. Avoid items that are double or triple
packed with paper and plastic.
Non-recyclable items avoid include:
Avoid products that contain hazardous chemicals as they can harm to you, your
family, and the environment. Try to use non-hazardous products whenever
Some things are still good and can be reused before throwing away
For items you no longer need, try to give to friends or neighbors who
might have a use for them, sell them at a yard sale or flea market.
Non-returnable bottles
Plastic bags
Overwrapped items
Paper/plastic cups & plates
Paper napkins
Disposable razors
Reuse - Thrift Shop
Items not accepted:
Mattresses & box springs
VHS & cassette tapes and players
Car seats & helmets
Drop-side cribs
Auto parts
Gasoline-powered items
Uniforms & military gear
Liquids & gas of any kind
The Thrift Shop reserves the right
to refuse any item.
Operating hours
Mon 1000 - 1600 hrs
Tue Closed
Wed 1000 - 1600 hrs
Thu 1200 - 1800 hrs
Fri 1000 - 1600 hrs
Sat 1000 - 1600 hrs
Household goods, clothing, and other items no longer needed can be donated to
the Patch Thrift Shop, which is operated by the Stuttgart Community Spouses
Club (SCSC). All the proceeds generated go back to the community in form of
scholarships, grants, and financial support for various groups and activities within
the Stuttgart military community.
The Patch Thrift Shop is located on Patch Barracks in Building 2332.
Donate during the SCSC Patch Thrift Shop operating hours.
Leaving items not accepted by the SCSC Patch Thrift Shop violates the
Commanders policy regarding illegal dumping of trash. Violators are subject
to penalty.
Contact: Phone - 09641 70596 5510
email - patchthrif[email protected] or
Web -
Web -
County of Böblingen
County of Böblingen
For further information on the recycling program for the County of Böblingen,
visit:, call +49 7031 663 1550
A mobile app is available and can be downloaded at
Paper & Cardboard
Optional bin
Pick-up: monthly
Orange Bin
Packaging materials, drink cartons, aluminum items
Optional bin
Pick-up: monthly
Biodegradable Waste
Food leftovers, leaves, grass, twigs
Mandatory bin *
Pick-up: bi-weekly
Residual Waste
Everything not recyclable (non-hazardous / bulky)
(depends on pick-
ups & container size)
Mandatory bin
Pick-up: bi-weekly
Red Bag (placed inside the Orange Bin
Small electronic scrap e.g., cell phones, CDs, ….
Pick-up: monthly
* The biodegradable waste bin is not mandatory and a composter can be used
No additional
No additional
In the County of Böblingen different containers are provided for the collection
and separation of recyclable materials and waste. The following pages provide
detailed information on the different waste types, their separation criteria, and
collection options. Below are the bins made available by the county for each
On the day of pickup, make sure to place your waste containers outside before
0600 hrs on the scheduled date.
Recycling Centers
There are a total of 31 recycling centers in the County of Böblingen. There is at
least one located in every community and it has collection containers for most
materials, except biodegradable and residual waste. Addresses and opening
hours of some of these locations are listed below. Additional recycling centers
can be found at the link provided below.
Additional recycling centers can be found at:
Mon - Fri 1000 - 1800
Schönaicher Straße 71
Sat 0900 - 1500
Böblingen-Hulb *
Mon - Fri 1000 - 1800
Hanns-Klemm-Straße 31
Sat 0900 - 1500
Herrenberg-Kayh *
Wed, Fri 1000 - 1800
Gipswerkstraße 19
Sat 0900 - 1500
Wed, Fri 1500 - 1800
Hohenrainstraße 15
Sat 0900 - 1500
Mon - Fri 0900 - 1800
Bahnhofstraße 88 Sat 0900 - 1500
Renningen-Malmsheim Mon - Fri 0730 - 1200
Erddeponie (at K1013)
1300 - 1630
Sat 0900 - 1500
Wed, Fri 1300 - 1800
Erddeponie (at L1208)
0900 - 1500
* Only recycling centers accept hazardous waste
Orange Bin
Orange containers are for the disposal of all packaging material. The plastics
collected are recycled to produce new bottles, containers, irrigation pipes and
fleece jumpers. Recycled aluminum is used to produce cans and other aluminum
Ensure that all recyclable items are empty upon disposal.
Did you know that
Plastics thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures
every year!
It takes up to 500 years to decompose plastic items in landfills.
This includes:
Mixed plastic wrapping
Pots, cans, cups
Aluminum items
Drink cartons
Plastic buckets & baskets
Chopping boards
Wooden toys
This does not include:
China, porcelain
Paper & Cardboard
Non-recyclable trash
Paper & Cardboard
Did you know that
75% of the trees cut for paper are not used for paper products.
Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000
Recycled paper and cardboard can be used to make packaging
material, industrial paper, tissues, and newspapers.
This includes:
Office paper
Paper packaging
This does not include:
Coated paper
Dirty paper
Paper towels/napkins
Waxed paper
Drink cartons
Egg cartons
In the County of Böblingen, paper and cardboard are disposed of in blue
containers. Below is a list of the types of material that can be disposed of in the
blue containers.
Make sure to fold bulky cartons or boxes before putting them into the container.
Remove all paper clips, adhesive tapes, plastics, and other packaging material
prior to disposing.
Red Bag
The red bags are used for the collection of small electronic items. Upon disposal,
each item is mechanically disassembled, harmful substances are removed, and
valuable metals are recovered and recycled into new products. These red bags
are placed in the orange containers and both are picked-up together.
Did you know that ….
Most electronics contain heavy metals and organic chemicals, which
can pose a variety of hazards to human health and can even cause
cancer, if not properly recycled.
This includes:
Small Electronic Scrap only:
Electric toys
Hair dryers & shavers
Cell phones, MP3 players
Calculators, cameras
CDs & DVDs
Red Bags are distributed at
all Recycling Centers located in:
Waldenbuch/ Steinenbronn
NOTE: Place the Red Bag into the Orange Bin.
Biodegradable Waste
The container for biodegradable waste is solely for compostable waste from the
kitchen and garden. For the County of Böblingen it is collected in a green
container. All biodegradable waste should be disposed of in this container as it is
100% recyclable. Never dispose plastic bags in biodegradable waste bins, even if
labeled biodegradable, decomposable, or biobeutel.
Do not dispose large chunks of wood in this bin, take them to the recycling
Always line your bin and wrap your waste with newspaper against odor and
moisture and rinse your bin with the garden hose from time to time.
During winter, place a sheet of newspaper at the bottom of your bin to prevent
waste freezing at the bottom.
This includes:
Coffee grounds with
filter paper & tea bags
Paper egg boxes
Fruits & vegetables
Leaves & grass
Tree & hedge cuttings
Meat (raw & cooked)
Food leftovers
(raw & cooked)
This does not include:
Animal litter
Charcoal & ash
Dust & cigarette butts
Vacuum cleaner bags
Biodegradable bags
Packaged food
Wood (other than
garden clippings)
Paper napkins/ towels
Glass is collected and sorted by colors: green, white (clear) and brown. In each
community, there are public containers at specific locations for sorting and
collection of glass-based materials.
Drop off glass bottles/jars by color. All other colors go as green.
Make sure to empty all glass bottles/jars before disposal.
Did you know that
Recycling glass requires only 50% of the energy necessary to make
glas from sand.
A 100-watt light bulb can be lit for 4 hours from the energy saved by
recycling a glass bottle or power a PC for almost half an hour.
This includes:
Glass bottles
Conserving jars
Jelly/jam jars
This does not include:
Bottle tops & caps
Window glass & mirrors
Lead & crystal glass
Light bulbs
Ceramics & porcelain
Residual Waste
Waste that cannot be recycled or whose means of recycling is not yet
determined is considered residual waste. The waste is collected in gray
containers for thermal treatment in waste incineration plants for generating
Keep the amount of residual waste as low as possible.
Put greasy and oily paper or cardboard (e.g., soiled pizza boxes and
sandwich paper wrappings) into
Did you know that
during incineration harmful gases, particles, and heavy metals are
generated that must be filtered from the gases before emitted into the
a reduction of residual waste benefits not only the environment but
also human health!
This includes:
Animal litter
Ashes, dust, dirt
Cigarette butts
Dirty recyclable trash
Dirty packaging
Vacuum cleaner bags
Paper napkins & tissues
Medical waste
Grease (only in containment)
This does not include:
All types of packaging
Hazardous waste
Hazardous Waste | Batteries
Hazardous waste can only be disposed at specific recycling centers (see page10
for disposal locations). Household batteries can be dropped placed into special
collection boxes, which are located at any shop selling batteries.
Hazardous items must be provided in their original labeled container
Never mix different types of hazardous substances
Return used motor oil to the shop where it was purchased
Return car batteries at recycling centers or shops selling batteries in exchange
for a new battery.
Did you know that
One liter of waste oil can contaminate one million liters of drinking water?
This includes:
Battery acid, lead
Cleaning agents
Energy-saving lights
Fluorescent tubes
Paint, varnish, glues
Pest & insecticides
Used motor oil
Bulk | Large Electronics
Bulky waste and large electronic devices (max. 3 m
) can be picked-up upon
request, but will be charged for service. The request for pick-up can be done
either online or by phone (see contact details below). Bulk waste can also be
brought directly to the Recycling Center at any time free of charge.
Request for pick-up with a lead time of approximately 3 weeks will cost 20€.
An express pick-up (within 3 working days) is at an additional charge.
For pick-up call: +49 7031 663 1550
Online: Request form under
or send an email to
This includes:
Furniture, household, and bulky
metal scrap items that are too
large for normal waste bins:
Bed frames & mattresses
Couches & chairs
Cupboards & carpets
Tablets & cabinets
Washing machines
Ovens, BBQs
Large electronics *
Air conditioning units
This does not include:
Cardboard boxes
Residual waste bags
Renovation work waste
Radiators & oil tanks
Small electronic scrap
* Pick-up of large electronics, such as washing machines, refrigerators, and dish
washers are charged additionally.
Clothes & Shoes | Textiles
AWB container locations can be found under the following link:
Did you know that
65% of all donated clothes are re-distributed as second-hand
The 30% that are not wearable are recycled and used to produce
new fabrics. The remaining 5% are thermally recycled.
Wearable clothes, shoes, and other textiles can be disposed of in special
containers often provided by non-profit organizations. Please pack all materials
for donation in bags.
Only use containers labelled AWB”, “Altkleider”, or Red Cross”.
AWB and Altkleideronly accept clothes and shoes, while Red Cross ac-
cepts other textiles.
Red Cross
This includes:
Shoes (in pairs)
Bed linen
Household linen
Table linen
County of Esslingen
County of Esslingen
In the County of Esslingen, different containers are provided for the col-
lection and separation of recyclable materials and waste. The following
pages provide detailed information on the different waste types, their sep-
aration criteria, and collection options. Listed below are the trash bins
made available by the county for each household.
Optional bins can be requested from the recycling company directly
On the day of pickup, make sure to place your waste containers outside before
0600hrs of the scheduled date
Paper & Cardboard
Everything made out of paper and cardboard
Optional bin
Pick-up: monthly
Yellow bags
Packaging materials, aluminum cans
Pick-up: bi-weekly
Biodegradable Waste
Cooked & raw food, garden clippings
Residual Waste
Everything not recyclable (non-hazardous)
Mandatory bin
Pick-up: bi-weekly
* The biodegradable waste bin is not mandatory and a composter can be used
(depends on pick-
ups & container size)
No additional
(depends on
container size)
Mandatory bin *
Pick-up: weekly (Jun-Sep)
bi-weekly (Oct-May)
No additional
For further information on the recycling program for the County of Esslingen
For the pick-up schedule, use the following website:
Recycling Centers
In addition to the waste collection system, the County of Esslingen offers dispos-
al collection points and containers at recycling centers for most waste materials.
Below are some of the recycling centers and their corresponding operational
Further recycling centers can be found using the following link:
The hazardous waste collection centers can be found using the following link:
Recycling Center Katzenbühl, Esslingen Mon - Fri 0900 - 1200
Stettener Straße between ES-Wäldenbronn
1300 - 1645
& Stetten
Sat 0830 - 1230
Recycling Center Blumentobel, Beuren Mon - Fri 0900 - 1200
K 1243 at Tiefenbachtal between Nürtingen
1300 - 1645
& 72660 Beuren
Sat 0830 - 1230
Recycling Center Leinfelden, Echterdingen Mon - Fri 0900 - 1200
1300 - 1645
Sielminger Straße 65/1
Sat 0830 - 1230
Recycling Center Esslingen Zollberg Mon - Fri 0900 - 1230
Composting Plant
1330 - 1700
Hohenheimer Straße
Sat 0900 - 1200
Recycling Center Ostfildern,
Scharnhauser Park
Wed, Fri 1400 - 1700
Ernst-Heinkel-Straße 12
Sat 0900 - 1300
Recycling Center Filderstadt-Bonlanden
Mon, Wed, Fri
0900 - 1200
1300 - 1700
Gutenhalde, between Bonlanden & Aich)
Sat 0830 - 1330
Recycling Center Owen
Mon 1600 - 1800
Owen, Brühlstr. 37/2
Paper & Cardboard
In the County of Esslingen, paper and cardboard are disposed of in a blue
container. Below is a list of the types of materials that can be disposed of in the blue
Make sure to fold bulky cartons or boxes before putting them into the container.
Remove all paper clips, adhesive tapes, plastics, and other packaging materials
prior to disposing.
Did you know that
75% of trees cut for paper are not used for paper products.
Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees.
Recycled paper and cardboard can be re-used to make packaging
material, industrial paper, tissues, and newspapers.
This includes:
Office paper
Paper packaging
This does not include:
Wet or coated paper
File folders
Dirty paper
Paper towels
Waxed paper
Drink cartons
Yellow Bags
The yellow bags are used for collecting recyclable plastic and packaging
materials in the County of Esslingen. Below are some items that can be disposed
of in the yellow bags.
Yellow bags can be obtained from recycling centers or city halls for free.
All recyclable items have to be empty when disposing them, but must not be
necessarily clean.
For the pick-up schedule, use the following website:
Did you know that
Plastics thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures
every year.
There is no limit to the amount of times an aluminum can be recycled.
This includes:
Packaging materials
Aluminum cans & foil
Mixed plastic wrapping
Drink cartons
Plastic bags
Food packaging
This does not include:
Electronic scrap
Broken household appliances
Paper & Cardboard
CDs & DVDs
Plastic toys/items
Non-recyclable trash
Biodegradable Waste
The container for biodegradable waste is solely for compostable waste from the
kitchen and garden. For the County of Esslingen it is collected in a brown
container. All biodegradable waste should be disposed of in this container as it is
100% recyclable. Never dispose plastic bags in biodegradable waste bins, even
if labeled biodegradable, decomposable, or biobeutel.
Do not dispose large chunks of wood in this bin, take them to the recy-
cling center.
Always line your bin and wrap your waste with newspaper against
odor and moisture and rinse your bin with the garden hose from time
to time.
During winter, place a sheet of newspaper at the bottom of your bin to
prevent waste freezing at the bottom.
This includes:
Coffee grounds with
filter paper & tea bags
Paper egg boxes
Fruits & vegetables
Leaves & grass
Tree & hedge cuttings
Food leftovers
(cooked & raw)
This does not include:
Animal litter
Charcoal & ash
Dust & cigarette butts
Vacuum cleaner bags
Meat & bones
Grease & oil
Wood (other than
garden clippings
Glass is collected and sorted by colors: green, white (clear) and brown. In each
community, there are public containers placed at specific locations for sorting
and collection of glass-based materials.
Drop off glass bottles/jars by color. All other colors go as green.
Make sure to empty all glass bottles/jars before disposal.
Did you know that
Recycling glass requires only 50% of the energy necessary to make
glass from sand.
A 100-watt light bulb can be lit for 4 hours from the energy saved by
recycling a glass bottle or power a PC for almost half an hour.
This includes:
Glass bottles
Broken drinking glass
Conserving jars
Jelly/jam jars
This does not include:
Bottle tops & caps
Window glass & mirrors
Lead & crystal glass
Light bulbs
Ceramics & porcelain
Residual Waste
Waste that cannot be recycled or whose means of recycling is not yet
determined is considered residual waste. The waste is collected in gray
containers for thermal treatment in waste incineration plants for generating
Keep the amount of residual waste as low as possible.
Put greasy and oily paper or cardboard (e.g., soiled pizza boxes and
sandwich paper wrappings) into residual waste and not into
Did you know that
during incineration harmful gases, particles, and heavy metals are generated
that must be filtered from the gases before emitted into the atmosphere?
a reduction of residual waste benefits not only the environment but
also human health!
This includes:
Animal litter
Ashes, dust, dirt
Broken items
Cigarette butts
Dirty recyclable trash
Paper napkins, tissues
Vacuum cleaner bags
Meat & bones
Medical waste
This does not include:
All types of packaging
Paper & Cardboard
Hazardous waste
Hazardous Waste | Batteries
Hazardous waste can only be disposed at specific recycling centers (see page 10
for disposal locations). Household batteries can be placed into special boxes,
which are located at any shops selling batteries.
Hazardous items must be provided in their original labeled container
Never mix different types of hazardous wastes
Return used motor oil to the shop where it was purchased
Return car batteries a recycling centers or shops selling batteries in
exchange for new ones.
This includes:
Battery acid & lead
Cleaning agents
Energy-saving light bulbs
Fluorescent tubes
Paint, varnish, glues
Pest & insecticides
Used motor oil
Did you know that
One liter of waste oil can contaminate one million liters of drinking water?
Dispose all electronic devices at a recycling center. Large electronic devices can
be picked-up along with bulk waste (refer to page 30), but there is a required fee
for this service. Direct disposal at a recycling center is free of charge.
Did you know that...
Each electronic device is mechanically disassembled and harmful
substances are removed. The highly valuable metal materials are
recovered, recycled and used to make new products.
Following Recycling Centers
accept electronic scrap:
Sielminger Straße
This includes:
Electric toys
Hair dryers & shavers
Cell phones & MP3 players
Calculators & cameras
Dishwasher & video screens
TV & computers
Washing machines
Air conditioning units
Bulk Waste
Bulk waste can be picked-up upon request twice a year using a disposal
card (Sperrmüllkarten) with a lead time of 2 weeks. The disposal card is attached
to the pick up schedule (Abfalllkalender) provided by the county at the beginning
of each year to all households (see contact details below) in the county.
Large electronic devices can be picked-up with bulk furniture waste, for
an additional fee of 20 Euro per item.
Bulk waste and large electronic devices can also be disposed directly
at a Recycling Center using the Disposal Card
To request a pick-up call: 0800-931-2526 or email:
This includes:
Furniture & household items
too big for normal waste bins:
Bed frames, mattresses
Couches & chairs
Cupboards & carpets
Tablets & cabinets
Large toys
This does not include:
Cardboard boxes
Residual waste bags
Renovation work waste
Radiators & oil tanks
Electronic scrap/ devices
Building wastes
Old tires
Clothes & Shoes | Textiles
Please use only those containers provided by non-profit organizations.
Containers labeled with Altkleiderare specifically meant for clothes
and shoes.
Did you know that
Approximately 65% of all donated clothes are re-distributed as second-
hand clothes.
The 30% that are not wearable are recycled and used to produce new
fabrics. The remaining 5% are thermally recycled.
Wearable clothes, shoes, and other textiles can be disposed in special containers
often provided by non-profit organizations. While some containers are only provid-
ed for clothes and shoes, others are also meant for other textiles. Please pack all
materials for donation in bags.
This includes:
Shoes (in pairs)
Bed linen
Household linen
Table linen
Woolen rugs & blankets
County of Ludwigsburg
County of Ludwigsburg
In the County of Ludwigsburg, several containers are provided separate collec-
tion of different types of recyclables and waste. Below you will find an overview
of the main recyclable material and waste streams, their associated containers,
and scheduled collection program. The following pages will provide detailed
information for each waste stream.
For further information on the recycling program for the County of Ludwigsburg
The annual waste pick-up calendar can be downloaded from the following web-
Residual Waste
Everything not recyclable (no hazardous/bulk)
Papers & Cardboards
Yellow bin
Packaging made of plastic, styrofoam or metals
Optional bin
Pick-up: Monthly
Optional bin
Pick-up: Monthly
Biodegradable Waste
Cooked & raw food, garden clippings
Mandatory bin *
Pick-up: weekly (Apr-Oct)
bi-weekly (Nov-Mar)
Mandatory bin
Pick-up: bi-weekly
* The biodegradable waste bin is not mandatory and a composter can be used
* There is an additional annual charge for waste disposal depending on the num-
ber of persons per household.
Charged **
(depends on pick-
ups & container size)
No additional
charges **
Charged **
(depends on pick-
ups & container size)
No additional
charges **
Optional bins can be requested from the recycling company directly.
On the day of pickup, make sure to place your containers outside before 6:00
hrs. on the scheduled date.
Empty disposable glass pakaging
No additional
charges **
Optional bin
Pick-up: Monthly
Recycling Centers
In addition to the waste collection system, the County of Ludwigsburg offers dis-
posal collection points and containers at recycling centers for most recyclable
materials and wastes. Below are some of recycling centers and their correspond-
ing operational hours.
All recyclable materials can also be disposed directly at a recycling
center with the exception of biodegradable and residual wastes.
Further recycling centers can be found under the following link:
Information about the Mobile Hazardous Substances Collection Truck
are available under:
Ludwigsburg-Neckarweihingen Mon, Tue, Wed 0845 - 1230
Recycling Center Neckartal
1330 - 1700
Neckartalstraße 10
Fri 0845 - 1230
71642 Neckarweihingen
1330 - 1700
Sat 0845 -1300
Kornwestheim Mon, Wed - Fri 0845 - 1230
Recycling Center Wasserturm
1330 - 1700
Am Wasserturm 11
Sat 0845 -1300
Recycling Center Hofgut Mauer
Mon, Wed 1400 - 1700
Hofgut Mauer Tue, Thu 0900 - 1200
70825 Korntal-Münchingen Fri 1400 - 1800
Sat 0900- 1300
Recycling Center Tammerfeld Tue - Fri 0800 - 1200
Maybachstraße 10
1300 - 1700
71634 Ludwigsburg-Tammerfeld
Sat 0900 - 1300
Mobile Hazardous Waste Collection
A) Recycling Center Wasserturm Once a month 0900 -1300
B) Maybachstrasse, Wendeplatte,
71634 Ludwigsburg
Yellow Bin
In the County of Ludwigsburg a black bin with yellow lid is used for the disposal
of all packaging not made of paper or glass.
All recycling items do not have to be cleaned but must be empty.
Remove the cover of packaging and dispose them loosely.
Do not stack inside each other
Did you know that
Plastics thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures every year.
It takes up to 500 years to decompose plastic items disposed in landfills.
This does not include:
Paper & cardboards
Residual waste
Non-returnable glass
bottles & jars
Electronic scrap
This includes:
All empty sales packaging:
Yogurt & other plastic cups
Food & beverage cans
Filling materials from ship-
ping packaging such as bub-
ble wrap and Styrofoam
Spray cans
Lids & caps
Vacuum packaging (e.g.,
Drink cartons
In the County of Ludwigsburg there is a black container with bleu lid for the
collection of empty glass packaging. These items will be recycled and used to
make new products.
All recycling items do not have to be cleaned but must be empty.
Did you know that
Recycling glass requires only 50% of the energy necessary to make glass from
A 100-watt light bulb can be lit for 4 hours from the energy saved by recycling a
glass bottle or power a PC for almost half an hour.
This does not include:
Drinking glasses
Window glasses, nor
Residual waste
Plastic bags
Electronic scrap
No window glass
This includes:
Empty glasses:
All glass bottles without deposit,
e.g. for wine, milk, oil, spirits,
vinegar etc.
Perfume glass bottles
Non-returnable glass
bottles & jars
Lids & caps
Other glass packaging for
fruit, juice, soups, vegetables
The flat green container is used to collect paper and cardboard only.
Make sure to fold or tear bulky cartons or boxes before putting them in the
Remove all paper clips, adhesive tapes, plastics, and other packaging
materials before putting in the container.
Did you know that
75% of the trees cut for paper are not used for paper products.
Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000
Recycled paper and cardboard can be re-used to produce packaging
Paper and Cardboard
This includes:
Clean paper or cardboard:
Books & catalogs
Newspapers, magazines
Boxes & cardboards
Egg boxes, chocolate boxes
Bakers bags
Flour and sugar bags
Paper carrier bags
This does not include:
Dirty paper
Packaging materials
Non-recyclable waste
Electronic scrap
Receipts, photos
Biodegradable Waste
The container for biodegradable waste is solely for compostable waste from the
kitchen and garden. In the County of Ludwigsburg, it is collected in brown
containers. All biodegradable waste should be disposed of in this container as it
is 100% recyclable. Never dispose plastic bags in biodegradable waste bins,
even if labeled biodegradable, decomposable, or biobeutel.
Do not dispose large chunks of wood in this bin, take them to the
recycling center.
Always line your bin and wrap your waste with newspaper against
odor and moisture and rinse your bin with the garden hose from time
to time.
During winter, place a sheet of newspaper at the bottom of your bin to
prevent waste from freezing at the bottom.
This includes:
Food leftovers
(cooked & raw)
Coffee grounds with
filter paper & tea bags
Paper egg boxes
Fruits & vegetables
Leaves & grass
Tree & hedge cuttings
Paper napkins/towels
Flowers & plants
Meat & bones
This does not include:
Animal litter
Charcoal & ash
Dust & cigarette butts
Vacuum cleaner bags
Plastic bags
Liquid food leftovers
Wood (other than
garden clippings)
Residual Waste
Waste that cannot be recycled or whose means of recycling is not yet
determined is considered residual waste. Residual waste is collected in a gray
container and is collected for thermal treatment in waste incineration plants for
generating energy.
Keep the amount of residual waste as low as possible.
Put greasy, oily paper and cardboard (e.g. soiled pizza boxes and sandwich
paper wrappings) into the residual waste, and not into paper and cardboard
Did you know that
during incineration harmful gases, particles, and heavy metals are
generated that must be filtered from the gases before emitted into
the atmosphere.
a reduction of residual waste benefits not only the environment but
also human health!
This includes:
Animal litter
Ashes, dust, dirt
Broken items
Cigarette butts
Diapers, cotton, pads
Dirty recyclable trash
Porcelain & mirrors
Vacuum cleaner bags
Disposable mask & gloves
Light bulbs
This does not include:
All types of packaging
Paper & Cardboard
Hazardous waste
Energy-saving bulbs
Electronic scrap
Metal scrap
Electronic Waste
All electronic devices are to be disposed at a recycling center (see page 21).
Large electronic devices can be picked-up twice a year free of charge by a bulk
waste disposal car. Direct disposal at a recycling center is possible anytime
throughout the year.
For pick-up request please call 07141-144-2828.
All Recycling Centers accept electronic scrap.
Pick-up is upon request and up to twice a year free of charge. Application
forms are sent to households annually.
Did you know that
Most electronic devices contain heavy metals and organic chemicals
that pose a variety of hazards to human health and can cause cancer,
if not recycled properly.
This includes:
Electric toys
Hair dryers & shavers
Cell phones, MP3 players
Calculators, cameras
Dishwasher & video screens
TV & computers
Washing machines
Air conditioning units
Hazardous waste can only be disposed at mobile collection points. Household
batteries can be placed into special collection boxes that are available at any
shop selling batteries.
Never mix different types of hazardous wastes.
Return used motor oil to the shop where it was purchased.
Return car batteries at recycling centers or shops selling batteries in exchange
for a new battery.
Hazardous Waste | Batteries
This includes:
Battery acid & lead
Cleaning agents
Energy-saving lights
Fluorescent tubes
Paint, varnish, glues
Pest- & insecticides
Used motor oil *
*Did you know that
One liter of waste oil can contaminate one million liters of drinking water
Clothes & Shoes | Textiles
Wearable clothes and shoes and other textiles can be disposed at the recycling
centers. Please pack all materials for donation in bags.
Did you know that
65% of all donated clothes are re-distributed as second-hand clothes.
30% that are not wearable are recycled and made into new fabrics, and
the remaining 5% are thermally recycled.
This includes:
Shoes (in pairs)
Bed linen
Household linen
Table linen
Woolen rugs & blankets
Bulk furniture waste is picked up once a year upon request free of charge using
a disposal card. The disposal card is attached to the pick up schedule, provided
by the county to every household at the beginning of each year. Bulk waste can
also be brought directly to a recycling center at any time of the year free of
charge using the disposal card.
For requesting a pick-up, call: 07141-144-2828 / website form (see link below)
Waste is picked up between one to five weeks upon request.
Unregistered items will not be picked up.
Scrap metals such as bikes, pipes, baby buggies, laundry rags, metal rags can
be picked up twice a year without extra charges (further pick-ups are charged).
Bulk Waste
This includes:
Furniture & household items
too big for normal waste bins:
Bed frames & mattresses
Couches & chairs
Cupboards & carpets
Tablets & cabinets
Large toys
Scrap metals like
bikes, pipes, etc.
This does not include:
Cardboard boxes
Residual waste bags
Renovation work waste
Radiators & oil tanks
Electronic scrap
City of Stuttgart
City of Stuttgart
In the City of Stuttgart, several containers are provided for separately collecting
different recyclables and waste types. Below is an overview of the main recyclable
and waste streams, their associated containers, and scheduled collection pro-
gram. The following pages will provide detailed information for each waste stream.
For further information on the recycling program of the City of Stuttgart
The pick-up schedule can be accessed under the following link:
Residual Waste
Paper & Cardboard
Everything made from paper and cardboard
Mandatory bin
Pick-up: 3-week interval
Yellow bags
Packaging materials, aluminum cans
Pick-up: 3-week interval
Biodegradable Waste
Food leftovers, leaves, grass, twigs
Pick-up: weekly
Bottles, drinking glasses, jars
Public container
Mandatory bin
No additional
(depends on pick-
ups & container size)
No additional
No additional
Optional bins can be requested from the recycling company directly through
the landlords
On the day of pickup, make sure to place your waste containers outside
(where it is easily accessible) before 0600 hrs on the scheduled date.
Pick-up frequency can be changed from weekly to bi-weekly and vice versa
(see link to pick-up schedules below).
Recycling Centers
There are a several recycling centers, one in every community, with collection
points/container for most materials. All recyclables and wastes can be disposed
directly at the recycling centers except for biodegradable waste. Below are a few
addresses and opening hours of recycling centers in Stuttgart.
Further information about the recycling centers can be found under the
Recycling Center Hedelfingen
Tue, Wed, Fri 0800 - 1200 1300 - 1600
Einödstraße 50 Thu 0800 - 1200 1300 - 1800
70329 Stuttgart-Hedelfingen
Sat 0800 - 1300
Recycling Center Plieningen
Tue, Wed, Fri 0800 - 1200 1300 - 1600
In den Entenäckern 3 Thu 0800 - 1200 1300 - 1800
70599 Stuttgart-Plieningen
Every 1 & 3 Sat 0800 - 1300
Recycling Center Vaihingen
Tue, Wed, Fri 0800 - 1200 1300 - 1600
Liebknechtstraße 49/1
Thu 0800 - 1200 1300 - 1800
70565 Stuttgart-Vaihingen
Sat 0800 - 1300
Recycling Center Weilimdorf
Tue, Wed, Fri 0800 - 1200 1300 - 1600
Hemminger Straße 125
Thu 0800 - 1200 1300 - 1800
70499 Stuttgart-Weilimdorf
Every 2 & 4 Sat 0800 - 1300
Recycling Center Münster
Mo, Tue, Wed,
0800 - 1200 1300 - 1600
Burgholzstraße 31/1
Thu 0800 - 1200 1300 - 1800
70376 Stuttgart-Münster
Sat 0800 - 1300
Paper & Cardboard
In the City of Stuttgart, paper and cardboard are collected in a green container.
Below is a list of the types of materials that can be disposed of in the green
Please fold bulky materials such as cartons or boxes before putting into the
Remove paper clips, adhesive tapes, plastics, and other packaging materials
Did you know that
75% of each tree that is cut for paper is not used in a paper product.
Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000
This includes:
Office paper
Paper packaging
This does not include:
Coated paper
Dirty paper
Paper towels
Waxed paper
Drink cartons
Packaging Materials
The yellow bags are used for collecting recyclable plastic and packaging
materials in Stuttgart. Below are some items that can be disposed of in the
yellow bags.
Recycled plastic is used to make new bottles and containers, irrigation pipes
and fleece jumpers.
Yellow bags can be obtained from recycling centers or city halls for free.
All recyclable items have to be empty before disposal, but must not
necessarily be clean.
Locations where yellow bags are distributed:
Did you know that
Plastics thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea
creatures every year!
There is no limit to the amount of times an aluminum can be
This includes:
Aluminum cans & foil
Packaging materials
Drink cartons
Plastic cups
This does not include:
Electronic scrap
Broken household
Paper & Cardboard
Non-recyclable trash
Biodegradable Waste
The container for biodegradable waste is solely for compostable waste from the
kitchen and garden. For the City of Stuttgart, biodegradable waste is collected in
a brown container. All biodegradable waste should be disposed of in this
container as it is 100% recyclable. Never dispose plastic bags in biodegradable
waste bins, even if the bags are labeled biodegradable, decomposable, or bi-
Do not dispose large chunks of wood in this bin, take them to the
recycling center.
Always line your bin and wrap your waste with newspaper against odor
and moisture and rinse your bin with the garden hose from time to time.
During winter, place a sheet of newspaper at the bottom of your bin to
prevent waste from freezing to bottom.
This includes:
Food leftovers
(cooked & raw)
Coffee grounds with
filter paper & tea bags
Paper egg boxes
Fruits & vegetables
Leaves & grass
Tree & hedge cuttings
Flowers & plants
Meat & bones
This does not include:
Animal litter
Charcoal & ash
Dust & cigarette butts
Vacuum cleaner bags
Wood (other than
garden clippings
Glass is collected and sorted by colors: green, white (clear) and brown. In each
community, there are public containers at specific locations for sorting and
collection of glass-based materials.
Drop off glass bottles/jars by color. All other colors go as green.
Make sure to empty all glass bottles/jars before disposal.
Container locations can be found under the following link:
Did you know that
Glass can be recycled many times. Only 3 to 7 % cannot be recycled
per recycling process because of impurities.
This includes:
Bottles (glass)
Broken drinking glass
Conserving jars
Jelly/jam jars
This does not include:
Bottle tops & caps
Window glass & mirrors
Lead & crystal glass
Light bulbs
Ceramics & porcelain
Residual Waste
Waste that cannot be recycled or whose means of recycling is not yet
determined is considered residual waste. The waste is collected in a gray
container for thermal treatment in waste incineration plants for generating
Keep the amount of residual waste as low as possible.
Put greasy and oily paper or cardboard (e.g., soiled pizza boxes and
sandwich paper wrappings) into residual waste, not into paper and cardboard
Did you know that
during incineration harmful gases, particles, and heavy metals are
generated that must be filtered from the gases before emitted into
the atmosphere?
a reduction of residual waste benefits not only the environment but
also human health!
This includes:
Animal litter
Ashes, dust, dirt
Broken items
Cigarette butts
Dirty recyclable trash
Paper napkins & tissues
Vacuum cleaner bags
Medical waste
This does not include:
All types of packaging
Paper & Cardboard
Hazardous waste
Electronic Waste
All electronic devices are to be disposed at a recycling center. Large electronic
devices (e.g., washing machine, fridge) can be picked up twice a year free of
charge as bulk waste using a bulk waste disposal card (refer to page 54). Small
electronic devices will not be picked-up; however, all electronic items can be
brought directly to the recycling centers and dropped off free of charge.
For the disposal of a specific electronics, please check the following
website for the disposal options:
Did you know that
Most electronic devices contain heavy metals and organic chemicals
that pose a variety of hazards to human health and can cause
cancer, if not recycled properly.
This includes:
Electric toys/devices
Hair dryers & shavers
Cell phones & MP3 players
Calculators & cameras
Dishwasher & video screens
TV & computers
Washing machines
Air conditioning units
Light bulbs
Hazardous Waste | Batteries
Hazardous waste poses a threat to human health and the environment. Its
disposal requires compliance with high environmental standards. Hazardous
waste is to be disposed at the mobile waste collection points while household
batteries can be placed in special collection boxes that are located at all shops
selling batteries.
Provide substances in original and labeled container!
Never mix different types of hazardous substances!
Car batteries can be returned to a scrap dealer or car repair shop for
a small fee.
Date and location of the Mobile Waste Collection can be found under
the following link:
This includes:
Battery acid & lead
Cleaning agents
Energy-saving lights
Fluorescent tubes
Paint, varnish, glues
Pest & insecticides
Used motor oil
Clothes & Shoes | Textiles
Wearable clothes, shoes, and other textiles can be disposed in special
containers often provided by non-profit organizations. While some containers are
provided only for clothes and shoes, others are meant for other textiles.
Only use containers provided by non-profit organizations.
Containers labeled with Altkleidermeans they are only for clothes and
Container locations can be found under the following link:
Did you know that
65% of all donated clothes are re-distributed as second hand.
30% of items that are not wearable are recycled and used to produce new
fabrics, while the remaining 5% are thermally recycled.
This includes:
Shoes (in pairs)
Bed linen
Household linen
Table linen
Woolen rugs & blankets
Bulk Waste
Bulk waste is picked up upon request. The request be placed by phone, mail, or
online (see link below). Pick-up upon request can be requested twice a year, free
of charge, using a disposal card and with a lead time of 3 to 6 weeks. The
disposal card is attached to the pick up schedule, provided by the city to all
households at the beginning of each year. Bulk waste can also be brought
directly to a Recycling Center and dropped off free of charge.
An express pick-up is possible (lead time: 48 hrs) for additional fees.
For pick-up request, see link
Bulk waste and large electronics can be disposed directly at a Recycling
Center two times a year (free of charge using waste disposal card).
Contact your City Council to obtain a calender in case you have not received
This includes:
Furniture & household items
too big for normal waste bins:
Bed frames, mattresses
Couches & chairs
Cupboards & carpets
Tablets & cabinets
Large toys
Large electronics like
washing machine,
This does not include:
Cardboard boxes
Residual waste bags
Renovation work waste
Radiators & oil tanks
Small electronic scrap
Building waste
Old tires
Waste Dictionary
Abfall Waste Landkreis County
Abfallbehälter Waste bin Leerung Pick-up
Abholkalender Pick-up schedule Öffnungszeiten Opening hours
Altkleider Clothes Restmüll Residual Waste
Altreifen Tires Sammlung Collection
Anmeldung Registration Schadstoffmobil
Mobile Hazardous Waste
Bestellkarte Disposal card Schrott Scrap metal
Energiesparlampe Energy-saving light bulb Selbstanlieferung Self-delivery
Entsorgungsstation Disposal point Sperrmüll Bulk waste
Gebühr Fee/charge Tonne Bin/container
Hazardous substance /
Vermieter Landlord
Gelber Sack Yellow bag Verpackung Packaging
Glas/Dosen Glass/cans Wertstoff Resource
Kühlgerät Refrigerator Wertstoffhof Recycling Center
County of Böblingen
Phone: +49 7031 - 663 1550
County of Esslingen
Phone: 0800 - 931 25 26
County of Ludwigsburg
Phone: +49 7141 - 144 2828
City of Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 - 216-88700
email: aws-[email protected]
printed on 100% recycled paper