APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Oct. 2009, p. 6331–6339 Vol. 75, No. 19
0099-2240/09/$08.000 doi:10.1128/AEM.00288-09
Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Implications of Limits of Detection of Various Methods for
Bacillus anthracis in Computing Risks to Human Health
Amanda B. Herzog,
S. Devin McLennan,
Alok K. Pandey,
Charles P. Gerba,
Charles N. Haas,
Joan B. Rose,
and Syed A. Hashsham
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Center for Microbial Ecology,
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife,
Center for Advancing Microbial Risk Assessment,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan; Department of Civil,
Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
; and Department of Soil,
Water and Environmental Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Received 4 February 2009/Accepted 23 July 2009
Used for decades for biological warfare, Bacillus anthracis (category A agent) has proven to be highly stable
and lethal. Quantitative risk assessment modeling requires descriptive statistics of the limit of detection to
assist in defining the exposure. Furthermore, the sensitivities of various detection methods in environmental
matrices are vital information for first responders. A literature review of peer-reviewed journal articles related
to methods for detection of B. anthracis was undertaken. Articles focused on the development or evaluation of
various detection approaches, such as PCR, real-time PCR, immunoassay, etc. Real-time PCR and PCR were
the most sensitive methods for the detection of B. anthracis, with median instrument limits of detection of 430
and 440 cells/ml, respectively. There were very few peer-reviewed articles on the detection methods for B.
anthracis in the environment. The most sensitive limits of detection for the environmental samples were 0.1
CFU/g for soil using PCR-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 17 CFU/liter for air using an
ELISA-biochip system, 1 CFU/liter for water using cultivation, and 1 CFU/cm
for stainless steel fomites using
cultivation. An exponential dose-response model for the inhalation of B. anthracis estimates of risk at concen-
trations equal to the environmental limit of detection determined the probability of death if untreated to be as
high as 0.520. Though more data on the environmental limit of detection would improve the assumptions made
for the risk assessment, this study’s quantification of the risk posed by current limitations in the knowledge of
detection methods should be considered when employing those methods in environmental monitoring and
cleanup strategies.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a
category A agent is an organism that poses a risk to national
security because it can be easily disseminated or transmitted
from person to person, results in high mortality rates, has the
potential for major public health impact, might cause public
panic and social disruption, and requires special action for
public health preparedness (
/agentlist-category.asp). Quantitative information on category
A agents in environmental matrices (soil, air, fomite, and wa-
ter) is very limited (62). However, from the literature, it has
been concluded that Bacillus anthracis is the most environmen-
tally stable category A agent overall (62).
After the release of B. anthracis through mail envelopes in
2001, assessment of the decontamination process revealed an
important question: could the detection methods effectively
determine if the environment is clean? An evaluation of the
effectiveness of sampling methods at a U.S. postal facility in
Washington, DC, that was contaminated with B. anthracis
spores concluded that neither of the sampling methods used
(HEPA vacuum or wipes) were sensitive enough to ensure that
spores had been removed completely. In addition, the event
exposed the necessity of quantifying recovery and extraction
efficiency during sample collection and processing to improve
the method limit of detection (61, 67).
In this literature review, the limit of detection of methods for
B. anthracis is characterized as either an instrument limit of
detection or an environmental limit of detection. An instru-
ment limit of detection is generally evaluated with pure cul-
tures. An environmental limit of detection is evaluated with
cultures/cells spiked into an environmental matrix (soil, air,
fomites, water), which then undergoes various recovery and
concentration procedures (i.e., filtration and extraction or di-
rect extraction) before detection (see Fig. S1 in the supple-
mental material).
Compared to an instrument limit of detection, the establish-
ment of an environmental limit of detection poses more chal-
lenges, including dilute target concentrations, environmental
impurities, background inhibitors, organisms in a viable but
not cultivable state, and overall processing efficiency. There are
many steps for processing environmental samples prior to de-
tection. At each process step, there can be a loss of the initial
target organism, and thus, each step has a recovery efficiency,
which could be interpreted as a set number, distribution, or
range (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material). Since recov-
ery efficiency directly affects the limit of detection, improving
recovery efficiency would result in a more sensitive detection
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, A126 Research Complex—Engineering,
East Lansing, MI 48824. Phone: (517) 355-8241. Fax: (517) 355-0250.
† Supplemental material for this article may be found at http://aem
Published ahead of print on 31 July 2009.
In determining if an environmental site is “clean,” another
component that should be evaluated is the quantification and
characterization of the potential health risk. Quantitative mi-
crobial risk assessment (QMRA) is a method used to assess the
likelihood of infection based on specific exposures to hazard-
ous pathogenic organisms. QMRA risk modeling has been
used with water and food and could be useful for management
decisions during a disease outbreak or a bioterrorism attack
(35). Environmental monitoring is used to inform the exposure
assessment and the efficiency of disinfection. The limit of de-
tection is a critical criterion for any method, which dictates the
application and usefulness of demonstrating a “zero” during
environmental monitoring. The limit of detection of a chosen
analytical method is also an input variable for the QMRA
model; a statistical distribution quantifying the variability in
limit of detection is preferred for realistic modeling.
The objectives of this study were to review, in the literature,
the instrument limit of detection and the environmental limit
of detection for methods to detect B. anthracis and to compare
the estimated risk at the instrument limit of detection and the
environmental limit of detection. Though the number of arti-
cles on B. anthracis was extensive, there was a paucity of arti-
cles that specifically included environmental limits of detec-
tion. This information is essential for a QMRA of B. anthracis
in the establishment of future environmental monitoring strat-
egies and cleanup goals.
Journal articles were searched on the ISI Web of Science database for B.
anthracis and the following keywords: method, sensitivity, limit of detection,
detection limit, limit, water, air, soil, fomite, surface, specificity, PCR sensor,
environmental, rapid, assay, diagnostic, immunoassay, antibody, real time, real-
time PCR, microfluidic, polymerase, quantitative, bioaerosol, aerosol, microar-
rays, biosensor, electrochemiluminescence (ECL), Raman spectrometry, and
mass spectrometry. Approximately 1,700 references (and abstracts, when avail-
able) were retrieved and were saved in an EndNote file. Though the search
defaults were set for the years 1900 through 2007, the oldest article used to
evaluate the limit of detection was published in 1994. Abstracts were manually
screened for information on the detection of B. anthracis. Some studies used a
surrogate for B. anthracis to determine the limit of detection. It was assumed that
B. anthracis would behave as the surrogate and was included in this review. If the
abstract pertained to a detection method, then the full article was downloaded,
saved in another database, and reviewed for quantitative data describing the limit
of detection. The remaining references and abstracts that were not used in this
literature review either did not indicate information about detection methods or
were not retrievable. At the end, 71 articles were retrieved and analyzed to
obtain the instrument limit of detection or the environmental limit of detection.
Instrument limit of detection. The instrument limit of detection was extracted
from the articles describing a method that detected B. anthracis in a pure culture
without spiking B. anthracis into an environmental matrix (soil, air, fomite, or
water). Raw data that were extracted were recorded in numbers of units of cells,
spores, DNA, CFU, protective antigens, and genomic copies in volumes that
ranged from liters to microliters. Articles that used units of protective antigens
were not used in this literature review due to the unknown conversion factor
from antigens to cells. All data were converted into standard units of cells per
milliliter of reaction solution, and the data by method were graphed and com-
Environmental limit of detection. In studies reporting the environmental limit
of detection, B. anthracis spores were spiked into the matrix, extracted, and
detected using various detection methods. The articles that reported the envi-
ronmental limit of detection of B. anthracis were categorized according to the
matrix in which B. anthracis was detected (soil, air, fomite, or water). Additional
parameters extracted from the articles varied with the matrix (see Fig. S2 in the
supplemental material). These included the following parameters. (i) For soil,
they include the amount of soil, sample concentration, extraction volume, vol-
ume of extracted sample added to the reaction, and total volume. In addition, the
type of pretreatment or extraction method and the soil type or location were
noted (Table 1). (ii) For air, they include the sample volume, airflow rate,
duration, sample concentration, extraction volume, volume of extracted sample
added to the reaction, and total volume. (iii) For fomites, they include the
surface area, sample concentration, surface seeding method, extraction volume,
and total volume. In some cases, recovery efficiency and extraction efficiency
were available and noted. In addition, the type of fomite, sampling method,
extraction method, and culturing method were noted (Table 2). (iv) For water,
they included the sample volume, sample concentration, extraction volume,
volume of extracted sample added to the reaction, and total volume. In addition,
the condition of the water was noted.
Quantifying limits of risk estimates. The risk of mortality by inhalation of B.
anthracis spores was estimated for concentrations corresponding to the instru-
ment limit of detection and the environmental limit of detection in the air. For
each limit of detection, a distribution of risks was calculated by the Monte Carlo
method using 100,000 replicates in Crystal Ball 7.3.1 (2007; Oracle). The number
of replicates was chosen at the point where the 90% confidence interval was
stable over a range from 1/10 to 10 times the number of replicates used.
A recent evaluation of dose-response data for B. anthracis spores through the
inhalation exposure route found that the dose-response relationship could be
modeled by the exponential equation (4)
Pd 1 e
where P(d) is the probability of death (P) (when untreated) at dose d, and k is the
probability that one organism will survive to initiate the response (4). In this
study, a k value generated from a pooled guinea pig and rhesus monkey data set
was used. A distribution of 10,000 best-fit k values generated using bootstrap
replicates of that data set was provided by Timothy Bartrand of Drexel Univer-
sity and fit to a gamma distribution. The dose was calculated as
d C
R t
where C
is the number of spores per cubic meter of air (instrument limit of
detection or environmental limit of detection), R is the breathing rate (m
and t is the duration of exposure (h). When C
was evaluated as a range of limits
of detection, it was modeled as a lognormal distribution; otherwise, it was
evaluated as a point estimate. The breathing rate, R, was modeled as a Pareto
distribution fit to the short-term breathing rates of adults (18 years of age and up)
of both sexes from rest to moderate activity (71). The exposure time, t, was
modeled as a uniform distribution from 1 min to 8 h.
Five risk scenarios were evaluated with this model using different values for
. For each risk scenario, either the instrument limit of detection or environ
mental limit of detection, a sensitivity analysis was generated using Crystal Ball
7.3.1 (2007; Oracle). The median real-time PCR instrument limit of detection
and the range of real-time PCR instrument limit of detection were two scenarios
used to explore the effect of instrument limit of detection on risk. For the
instrument limit of detection scenarios, it was assume that all B. anthracis spores
in a cubic meter of air could be collected without any loss and concentrated into
1 ml of solution for analysis. Log-transformed real-time PCR and PCR instru-
ment limits of detection were checked for normality with a Lilliefors test and
compared using analysis of variance. Then, the range of PCR instrument limits
of detection was combined with the range of real-time PCR instrument limits of
detection to increase the data in the distribution.
There were three environmental limit of detection scenarios; C
was set to
the environmental limits of detection reported for B. anthracis detected in the
air. There were only two articles on the environmental limit of detection in the
air. Due to the lack of data on the environmental limit of detection, the two limits
of detection were referred to as the lower and upper environmental limits of
detection. These two risk scenarios were evaluated as point estimates. The last
risk scenario assumed that the environmental limit of detection for the air fit the
same distributions as the lognormal instrument limit of detection, ranging from
17,000 to 50,000 CFU/m
(this may not be the true range).
Instrument limit of detection. Out of 56 articles on the
instrument limit of detection, 17 articles were on real-time
PCR (6, 7, 11, 23, 25, 27, 39, 41, 45, 49, 51, 53, 56, 58, 60, 70,
72), 6 were on PCR (13, 31, 48, 57, 76), 10 were on biosensors
(1, 3, 21, 22, 33, 36, 40, 52, 73, 74), 5 were on microarray/PCR
(5, 19, 50, 64, 75), 6 were on immunoassay (29, 30, 32, 46, 65,
TABLE 1. Parameters for the environmental limit of detection in soil
Detection method
Amt of soil Sample concn
method (company)
vol (l)
Limit of
Soil type/location Reference
PCR-ELISA 100 g 1–100 CFU/100 g Easy DNA kit (Invitrogen) 2.5 2 100 60 60 0.1 Nonsuspicious sites 10
100 g 1–100 CFU/100 g Easy DNA kit (Invitrogen) 2.5 2 100 60 60 1.0 Contaminated sites with
organic compounds and
tanning agents
Nested PCR 2
cultivation in TSB
1 g 0, 1, 10, 10
FastDNA SPIN kit 36.0 4 25 1.0 Garden soil with 3% peat 24
Nested PCR
cultivation in TSB
1 g 0, 1, 10, 10
FastDNA SPIN kit 18 3 25 1.0 10
Garden soil with 3% peat 24
Nested PCR 1 g 0, 1, 10, 10
FastDNA SPIN kit 2 2 25 1.0 10
Garden soil with 3% peat 24
100 mg 10
CFU/100 mg
Three freeze-thaw cycles/
glass beads and glass
3.5 5 30 5 25 1.0 10
Litter, meadow, cultivated,
swamp, and lawn
PCR 1 g 2.5 10
–2.5 10
Hot detergent/bead mill
1 3 100 10 100 2.5 10
Anthony fine sandy loam from
New Mexico agriculture
Immunofluorescence 1 g 10
Aqueous polymer two-
phase system
0.75 2 100 20 40 5.6 10
Sand 2
1g 10
Aqueous polymer two-
phase system
0.75 2 100 20 40 1.4 10
Garden 2
Real-time PCR 0.1 g 10
Heat treatment with 1.22
g/ml sucrose-0.5%
Triton X-100
0.75 3 1,000 5 25 1.0 10
National Institute of Health—
Multiplex PCR 0.1 g 10
Heat treatment with 1.22
g/ml sucrose-0.5%
Triton X-100
0.75 3 1,000 1 25 1.0 10
National Institute of Health—
0.1 g 10
Heat treatment with
sterilized water and 10%
Triton X-100-PBS
1.5 3 1,000 1 25 1.0 10
National Institute of Health—
IM-ECL 1 mg 0–10
IM separation performed
twice and resuspended
in PBS
1.5 3 1.0 10
Moist, dark brown to black soil
and dry, light yellowish
sandy soil from diverse
military and agriculture
1 mg 0–10
IM separation performed
twice and resuspended
in PBS
1.5 3 1.0 10
Moist, dark brown to black soil
and dry, light yellowish
sandy soil from diverse
military and agriculture
1 mg 0–10
IM separation performed
twice and resuspended
in PBS
1.5 3 1.0 10
Moist, dark brown to black soil
and dry, light yellowish
sandy soil from diverse
military and agriculture
Biosensor assay 1 mg/ml powder
in PBS
3.2 10
–3.2 10
Washing with 1 ml PBST 0.25 1 30 5 25 3.2 10
Talc-based powder, cornstarch,
confectioners’ sugar, baking
soda, and Bacillus
thuringiensis-based pesticide
TSB, Trypticase soy broth.
68), 3 were on ECL (17, 34, 77), 2 were on enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (12, 26), 3 were on Raman
spectroscopy (37, 55, 78), and 4 were on mass spectrometry (8,
9, 28, 43) (Fig. 1). Limits of detection ranged from 10 cells/ml
(for real-time PCR) to 10
cells/ml (for mass spectrometry).
Considering the median instrument limit of detection, real-
time PCR and PCR were the most sensitive methods, with
median instrument limits of detection of 430 and 440 cells/ml,
respectively. It should be noted that there was one instrument
limit of detection (4.29 10
cells/ml) that was not added to
the distribution for real-time PCR because it was a multiplex
assay, and the other instrument limits of detection in the dis-
tribution were from a singleplex assay (42). The least-sensitive
methods were Raman spectroscopy and mass spectrometry,
with median instrument limits of detection of approximately
1.0 10
and 8.0 10
cells/ml, respectively.
The number of journal articles on real-time PCR and bio-
sensors allowed limits of detection to be fit to a statistical
distribution. When fewer articles were published, as was true
for the other eight methods, assigning distributions was not
possible. ECL, ELISA, Raman spectroscopy, and mass spec-
trometry (having less than four articles) were the methods with
the least-sensitive instrument limits of detection. With limited
information on these methods, the median instrument limit of
detection may not properly represent these detection methods’
capabilities for detecting B. anthracis. For example, the instru-
ment limit of detection for ECL had only three published
articles, with limits of detection ranging from 10
cells/ml to
cells/ml. For some emerging techniques, such as immuno
magnetic ECL (IM-ECL) and aptamer-magnetic bead-ECL,
limits of detection differed by 4 orders of magnitude. While the
instrument limit of detection gives insight into the instruments’
capabilities, when evaluating cleanup goals and assessing risk,
the environmental limits of detection are needed to under-
stand the challenges and capabilities for addressing the con-
Environmental limit of detection. Out of 15 articles on the
environmental limit of detection, 8 articles were on detection
in soil (2, 10, 18, 24, 44, 60, 63, 69), 2 were on detection in the
air (47, 66), 6 were on detection on fomites (14, 15, 16, 20, 38,
59), and 1 was on detection in water (54). The results for the
environmental limit of detection could not be reported as
distributions due to the limited number of articles for each
matrix. The two most predominant methods used for the en-
vironmental limit of detection were cultivation and PCR-based
Soil. The environmental limit of detection of B. anthracis
spiked into soil ranged from 0.1 (reported as 10 CFU/100 g of
soil) to 3.2 10
CFU/g of soil, with a median limit of detec
tion of 1.2 10
CFU/g of soil (Table 1). The median envi
ronmental limit of detection for soil should be used with cau-
tion, since there is a 9-orders-of-magnitude range due to the
many approaches used to evaluate the environmental limit of
detection. The approximate time for the extraction method
(Table 1) was the time for one sample to be processed based
on the information reported. If it was not an automated ex-
traction procedure, then with the increase in samples, there
would be an increase in extraction process time. The difficulty
level for the extraction process (1 to 5, easy to difficult) was
based on the number of steps in the procedure, the preparation
time, and the approximated time for the extraction (Table 1).
The biosensor assay, the easiest extraction method, resulted in
the poorest limit of detection (3.2 10
CFU/g of soil). The
detection methods with the most-sensitive limits of detection
(PCR-ELISA, nested PCR, and PCR) had extraction methods
with difficulty levels ranging from 2 to 5 (Table 1).
The environmental limit of detection depended highly on
the pretreatment/extraction process; for instance, in 2003, Ryu
et al. (60) used multiplex PCR and reported a difference of 3
orders of magnitude between heat treatment with 1.22 g/ml
sucrose–0.5% Triton X-100 and heat treatment with sterilized
water and 10% Triton X-100–phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
(Table 1). Similar results were found by Bruno and Yu in 1996
(18) when using IM-ECL as the detection method.
Differences in the environmental limit of detection were also
based on the location or the type of soil. In 1999, Beyer et al.
(10) reported that the PCR-ELISA method was more sensitive
when using soils from nonsuspicious locations compared to
TABLE 2. Parameters for the environmental limit of detection on fomites
Study authors
Sample concn Surface seeding Sampling method Extraction method
Hodges et al. (38) 10 cm
0.2–3,000 CFU/cm
Inoculated with 0.5 ml spore
Macrofoam swab Vortex in 5 ml PBST for 2 min
at 10-s intervals
Rose et al. (59) 25 cm
2 10
Inoculated with 0.5 ml spore
Cotton swab,
macrofoam swab
Vortex in 5 ml PBST for 2 min
at 10-s intervals
Brown et al. (15) 25 cm
100–10,000 CFU/cm
Dry aerosol deposition Polyester-rayon blend
gauze wipe
Sonication and heat treatment
Brown et al. (16) 25 cm
100–10,000 CFU/cm
Dry aerosol deposition Rayon swab Sonication and heat treatment
Brown et al. (14) 100 cm
100–10,000 CFU/cm
Dry aerosol deposition Vacuum filter sock Sonication and heat treatment
Buttner et al. (20) 1 m
Inoculated with spore solution BiSKit—wet/dry Foam compression
The limit of detection was not recorded in the article and was calculated to be at least 20 CFU/cm
using those from former tannery sites. Agarwal et al. (2002) (2)
reported that the immunofluorescence assay was more sensi-
tive when spores were spiked into sand (10
) rather than into
garden soil (10
). For the IM-ECL method, Bruno and Yu
(1996) (18) reported differences due to different strains, with
Sterne (10
) being more sensitive in the assay than Ames (10
and Vollum B1 (10
Air. There were only two studies of the evaluation of aero-
solized B. anthracis spores collected by an air sampler and
extracted for detection. The ELISA-biochip system coupled
with a portable bioaerosol collection system collected aerosol-
ized spores at an air sampling rate of 150 liters/min for 2 min
into 5 ml of PBS. The ELISA-biochip system consisted of an
ELISA for antibody-based identification in combination with
the biochip detection instrument. The environmental limit of
detection of the ELISA-biochip system was 17 CFU/liter. For
the ELISA-biochip system, the efficiency of the air sampler was
reported as approximately 50%, but the distribution was not
fully described (66). The anthrax smoke detector collected
aerosolized spores using a bioaerosol collection system at a
rate of 15 liters/minute for 1 min onto a glass fiber filter tape.
The detection of the spores using the lifetime-gated fluorime-
ter occurred after a thermal lysis and addition of TbCl
. The
environmental limit of detection of the anthrax smoke detector
was 50 CFU/liter (47).
Fomites. Spores were seeded on fomites (stainless steel,
plastic, wood, glass, etc.), recovered, extracted, and detected by
cultivation. The environmental limit of detection was evalu-
ated from stainless steel fomites ranging in surface area from
10 cm
(Table 2). In 2007, Brown et al. (14–16) also
evaluated the environmental limit of detection on painted wall-
board. In addition, the vacuum filter sock study tested porous
fomites, carpet, and concrete (14).
The sampling methods evaluated by the articles were use of
a macrofoam swab, cotton swab, polyester-rayon blend gauze
wipe, rayon swab, vacuum filter sock, and biological sampling
kit (BiSKit) (Table 2). Sampling methods such as use of cotton,
macrofoam, polyester, and rayon swabs were all tested by Rose
et al. in 2004 (59). It was concluded that the cotton and mac-
rofoam swabs produced the highest recovery when the swabs
were premoistened rather than dry. Similarly, in 2004, Buttner
et al. (20) tested the BiSKit, cotton swabs, and foam swabs.
The BiSKit was designed to do wet and dry sampling of large
surfaces for bacteria, viruses, and toxins. The BiSKit resulted
in the highest recovery out of the three methods. Using a
wetting agent to recover spores from the surfaces enhanced the
recovery and environmental limit of detection. Brown et al.
(2007) (15, 16) used sterilized deionized water (except when
using the vacuum filter sock), Buttner et al. (2004) (20) used
potassium phosphate buffer with 0.05% Tween 20, and the
other two authors used PBS with 0.04% Tween 80 (PBST).
FIG. 1. Distribution of the instrument limits of detection for vari-
ous methods. On each box plot, the solid line represents the median
result, and the dashed line represents the mean result. The box plot
whiskers above and below the box indicate the 90th and 10th percen-
tiles, respectively. The solid circles represent the outlying limits of
detection, and n represents the number of journal articles available on
each detection method for Bacillus anthracis.
TABLE 2—Continued
Extraction vol
Recovery efficiency (%)
efficiency (%)
Culture medium Limit of detection
5 ml 31.7–49.1 93.4 Sheep blood agar 12 CFU/cm
5 ml 100 l 41.7 for cotton swab, 43.6
for macrofoam swab
93.9 for cotton swab,
93.4 for
macrofoam swab
Trypticase soy agar with
5% sheep blood
20 CFU/cm
30 ml 1 ml 35 for stainless steel, 29
for painted wallboard
93 Brain heart infusion agar 90 CFU/cm
for stainless steel,
105 CFU/cm
for painted
10 ml 1 ml 41 for stainless steel, 41
for painted wallboard
76 Brain heart infusion agar 1 CFU/cm
for stainless steel
and painted wallboard
30 ml 1 ml 29 for stainless steel, 25
for painted wallboard,
28 for carpet, 19 for
Petrifilm aerobic count
105 CFU/m
for stainless steel
and carpet, 102 CFU/m
painted wallboard, 160
for concrete
3.3 ml for wet sampling,
16.1 ml for dry
1 ml 11.3 for wet sampling,
18.4 for dry sampling
Trypticase soy agar 42 6 CFU/m
for wet
sampling, 100 10 CFU/m
for dry sampling
According to the CDC, the recommended wetting agents
were sterile water, a sterile saline solution, or a sterile phos-
phate-buffered solution (
The detection method used for all fomite studies was culti-
vation; however, a different agar was used in each study. The
focus of the Rose et al. (2004) (59) article was achieving the
best recovery, and the study did not determine an environmen-
tal limit of detection. From the information given in the article,
the environmental limit of detection was calculated by using
the initial suspension concentration, the surface area, and the
lowest recovery reported. The calculated environmental limit
of detection was approximately 20 CFU/cm
The recovery efficiencies for all the fomite studies ranged
from 10 to 50%, and the extraction efficiencies ranged from 75
to 99%. Recovery of B. anthracis spores from fomites depends
on many parameters, such as fomite type, sampling procedure,
and sampling processing for detection. The recovery efficiency
from the sampling method was primarily the controlling factor
in determining the limit of detection and secondarily the effi-
ciency from the extraction method.
Interestingly, in survival studies using cultivation as the de-
tection method on fomites, surface characteristics, relative hu-
midity, and temperature were the most important contributors
to viability (62). It was not clear whether recovery and limit of
detection changed with time in the environment, as this was
difficult to differentiate from survival/degradation of the target.
However, this distinction could be made by adding a marker
along with the biological agent that does not degrade. For
environmental monitoring, the separate time dependence of
survival and recovery will be critical to define in future studies.
Only the articles from Brown et al. in 2007 (14–16) reported
and maintained the relative humidity and temperature in the
fomite studies at 30% 10% and 25 2°C, respectively.
Determining and maintaining the relative humidity and tem-
perature that are most optimal for viability may increase re-
covery efficiency. In addition, this information could be used at
a contaminated site to inform first responders of the possible
viability of remaining levels of the biological agent of concern.
Water. The spores were spiked into a volume of water,
filtered through a 0.2- to 0.45-m-pore-size filter, extracted
from the filter, and then detected by various methods. The
main challenge for detection of B. anthracis in water was the
ability to concentrate the sample. If the sample was too dilute,
then the number of B. anthracis cells per liter of water could
fall below the environmental limit of detection. When the
sample is concentrated, some loss of the initial cells is likely.
There was only one article that evaluated the detection of B.
anthracis in water; the lack of articles could be due to this
matrix being less likely a vehicle for transmission (62). Perez et
al. (2005) (54) spiked B. anthracis spores into tap and source
water in volumes ranging from 0.1 to 10 liters. Sample concen-
trations were detected using sheep red blood cell agar plates,
B. anthracis chromogenic agar plates (R&F Laboratories),
PCR, or nested PCR.
Cultivation was used to determine the viability of the organ-
isms in the sample, and PCR was used to confirm the identities
of any suspect colonies. When using the cultivation approach
for the source water samples (Chesapeake Bay and Patuxent
River), overgrowth of nontargeted flora occurred in all studies.
PCR was only successful for testing source water when the
sample concentrations were at least 26 CFU/ml. The environ-
mental limit of detection for tap water was reported as 10
CFU/10 liters using the cultivation methods, while for PCR-
based methods, the environmental limit of detection decreased
to 534 CFU/liter. Though the PCR-based methods have a
rapid detection time compared to that of the cultivation meth-
ods (more than 24 h), in this case, PCR was less sensitive.
Challenges, such as loss of initial cells, could occur when con-
centrating large sample volumes (i.e., 10 liters) into 5 to 10 l
for the PCRs.
Quantifying limits of risk estimates. Five risk scenarios us-
ing instrument limits of detection and environmental limits of
detection for C
were evaluated. Log-transformed PCR and
real-time PCR instrument limits of detection were normally
distributed (Lilliefors test, P of 0.65 for PCR, P of 0.78 for
real-time PCR) and were not significantly different (analysis of
variance, P of 0.94). Therefore, the PCR and real-time PCR
instrument limit of detection distributions were combined to
increase the data set for the real-time PCR instrument limit of
detection. With the assumption of 100% recovery, the median
risk when C
equaled the median real-time PCR instrument
limit of detection was 0.006. When C
was modeled with a
lognormal distribution of real-time PCR instrument limits of
detection, the estimated risk was 0.0062. The median risk of
death from the inhalation of the entire dose of B. anthracis at
the environmental limit of detection in air was 0.22 at the lower
reported environmental limit of detection and 0.52 at the up-
per environmental limit of detection. Assuming that the envi-
ronmental limit of detection would have a similar distribution
as the instrument limit of detection (lognormal) and ranged
from 17,000 to 50,000 spores/m
, the median risk of death was
0.32 (Table 3). This assumption should be further evaluated
with environmental studies to confirm that the environmental
limit of detection would have the same distribution as the
instrumental limit of detection. These risk estimates assumed
that 100% of the spore sample was inhalable. Risk estimates
were also reported for the percentages of 66.5%, 10%, and 1%
of spores in the sample that were inhalable or respirable (Table
3). Approximately 70% of inhaled air volume actually contacts
alveoli in the lungs, allowing spores to enter the body (71). In
addition, the 5th and 95th percentiles of each risk distribution
were used to define a 90% confidence interval for each risk
estimate (Table 3).
A sensitivity analysis of the risk model was generated by
Crystal Ball 7.3.1 (2007; Oracle) for each of the five risk sce-
narios. For the real-time PCR instrument limit of detection
lognormal distribution, the limit of detection (79.4%) was the
most sensitive factor in determining risk, followed by the ex-
posure time (11.7%) and breathing rates (8.4%). The dose-
response function parameter k (0.5%) had the least impact on
the risk estimates. Similarly, for the assumed environmental
limit of detection lognormal distribution, the analysis resulted
in the exposure time (45%) being the most significant factor,
followed by the limit of detection (27.5%), breathing rates
(26.1%), and the k parameter (0.9%). The median real-time
PCR instrument limit of detection and the two environmental
limit of detection (lower and upper) scenarios resulted with the
exposure time being the dominant factor in determining risk,
followed by breathing rates and the k parameter. C
values in
these scenarios are point estimates rather than a distribution;
therefore, the limit of detection was not a measured parameter
in the sensitivity analysis.
Even assuming perfect sample collection and processing (no
loss in initial concentration), the estimated risk at the instru-
ment limit of detection was far above the commonly used
1:10,000 level. Environmental limits of detection increase due
to the imperfect efficiency of sample collection and processing,
increasing the risk at these higher detectable concentrations.
These risk estimates show that, using current techniques re-
ported in the literature, even allowing for all possible improve-
ments in collection technology, any detectable B. anthracis
constitutes an unacceptable risk. Moreover, these estimates
define the lowest risk that could be determined from measure-
ment, quantifying the risk that can exist even when no B.
anthracis was detected.
Finding significant risk at B. anthracis limits of detection
suggests that direct measurement will rarely be adequate for
declaring a contaminated site as “clean,” and alternative ap-
proaches (e.g., extrapolating from demonstrated log reduc-
tions) are needed. For fomites, soil, and water, further work is
needed regarding the probability of infection by ingestion and
contact before one can adequately address limits of detection
and risk estimates. Direct measurement could, at best, reveal a
catastrophic failure of decontamination. With respect to pre-
ventative monitoring, these estimates showed that significant
risk was posed by undetectable concentrations of B. anthracis
spores. This means that a low-concentration B. anthracis re-
lease would be more likely to be detected by the symptoms in
exposed humans rather than by current sampling technology.
Where there was danger or suspicion of a B. anthracis release,
close monitoring of human health would be needed, in addi-
tion to environmental sampling in order to ensure timely med-
ical treatment. Health monitoring alone may be preferred
where resources are limited.
The risk assessment approach presented here could be fur-
ther improved if an experimental probability distribution of the
estimated dose was available. However, such a probability dis-
tribution was not available even for the most common matrix
(soil). To obtain such a distribution, a large number (e.g., 30)
of different true doses must be spiked in the environmental
matrix of interest, and the sample must be processed through
an entire protocol. This time-consuming process has not yet
been reported.
Conclusion. Instrument and environmental limits of detec-
tion are necessary for QMRA when evaluating exposure to
human pathogens in a contaminated environment. Due to the
lack of pertinent data on the detection of B. anthracis, the
environmental limit of detection could not be represented as a
distribution. These distributions were necessary for estimating
the risk at the environmental limit of detection. Even so, it was
clear that environmental samples may be expected to have
broad distributions due to the many challenges in sample pro-
cessing that affect the limit of detection. More environmental
detection studies need to be conducted in order to produce
distributions similar to those of the instrument limit of detec-
tion. This will improve the risk assessment and improve the
applicability of the information in regard to survival and
cleanup goals, providing valuable information for first re-
This research has been supported by the Center for Advancing
Microbial Risk Assessment, funded by the U.S. Environmental Pro-
tection Agency Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, and U.S.
Department of Homeland Security University Programs grant
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