U.S. Department of State
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)
Amendment to Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)
Funding Opportunity Title: FY 2024 Leaders Lead On-Demand Program
Announcement Type: New Cooperative Agreement
Funding Opportunity Number: SFOP0010306
Assistance Listing (formerly CFDA) Number: 19.415
Deadline for Applications: May 30, 2024
Executive Summary: The Office of Citizen Exchanges at the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau
of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) invites proposals for the FY 2024 Leaders Lead On-
Demand program (LLOD). LLOD takes ideas generated across the U.S. Department of State and
develops them into uniquely tailored, multi-segmented projects. LLOD supports U.S. foreign
policy goals by enabling ECA to quickly respond to emerging foreign policy priorities. U.S. public
and private non-profit organizations meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code
section 26 USC 501(c)(3) may submit proposals to provide a series of multi-segmented
exchange projects ranging in size and scope, each involving current or potential government,
business, and civil society leaders. It is anticipated that this cooperative agreement will support
four to six distinct exchange projects for approximately 75 participants including approximately
55 foreign participants and 20 from the United States.
A central component of each project will include a group of foreign participants who will ideally
travel to the United States for an intensive, tailored program. Activities could offer a range of
program components that may include participation in workshops, meetings, events,
mentorships, or working placements in U.S. organizations or businesses. Any U.S.-based
program should be complemented by at least one additional segment overseas that should
include U.S. participants. Both foreign and U.S. participants should have experience or
expertise in the field of the exchange project and U.S. participants should engage with the
foreign participants during both the U.S. and foreign program components. The award
recipient will work closely with ECA, other Department of State representatives, in-country or
regionally-based partner organizations, as appropriate, to recruit, screen, and select the
participants and develop program activities that best address the specific project goal(s). The
final list of participants should be approved by ECA. U.S. participants will be selected in close
consultation with ECA. Additional project components, such as regional gatherings of
participants overseas, small grants competitions, or local trainings should be developed, as
appropriate, based on the scope and goals of the specific exchange.
Only one proposal will be considered by ECA from each applicant organization. In cases where
more than one submission from an applicant appears in grants.gov, ECA will only consider the
submission made closest in time to the NOFO deadline; that submission would constitute the
one and only proposal ECA would review from that applicant.
It is ECA’s intent to award a cooperative agreement of one base year plus two non-competitive
continuations (NCCs). Please see section B.) Federal Award Information and NCCs in section
D.16. below for additional details.
This NOFO has been amended to extend the deadline for submission of applications due to an
unexpected change in the May grants.gov maintenance window and unavailability of the
submission system. The original deadline date was May 20, 2024. The new deadline for
submission of proposals is May 30, 2024.
A.1. Authority
Overall grant making authority for this program is contained in the Mutual Educational and
Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, Public Law 87-256, as amended, also known as the Fulbright-
Hays Act. The purpose of the Act is "to enable the Government of the United States to increase
mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other
countries; to strengthen the ties which unite us with other nations by demonstrating the
educational and cultural interests, developments, and achievements of the people of the
United States and other nations and thus to assist in the development of friendly, sympathetic
and peaceful relations between the United States and the other countries of the world." The
funding authority for the program above is provided through legislation.
A.2. Purpose
To complement existing public diplomacy efforts supporting emerging leaders/young
professionals, and to allow the Department of State to respond to emerging foreign policy
issues and events more nimbly around the world, ECA has developed the LLOD program. The
LLOD program will allow participants from countries around the world to take part in a specially
designed exchange focused on a specific urgent or emerging U.S. foreign policy priority or goal.
While the subject matter of individual LLOD projects will differ, they should focus on
strengthening the capacity of civil society, private sector, and government to respond to
pressing challenges in any region or country.
A.3. Program Specific Guidelines
The FY 2024 LLOD program supports the following broad goals:
1. To provide tailored support for urgent or emerging foreign policy priority issues where
existing public diplomacy resources are not immediately available or accessible;
2. To create lasting partnerships between emerging leaders from foreign countries and
the United States in specific and substantive focus areas;
3. To provide opportunities for foreign and U.S. emerging leaders to collaborate and
share ideas, approaches, and strategies regarding challenges to pressing issues;
4. To enhance professional and leadership skills for both foreign and U.S. participants to
create positive change in their communities and countries.
During this cooperative agreement, it is anticipated that approximately four to six projects will
be approved for implementation during each of the three years on a broad range of themes.
Each project will be identified by ECA in consultation with other Department of State entities
and the award recipient. ECA will ultimately approve individual LLOD projects. Once officially
approved by ECA, work on a new project will commence. It is highly likely that multiple projects
will take place on overlapping timelines and the award recipient needs to be able to manage
several projects in various phases of design and implementation at the same time.
Projects: “Projects” are defined as a set of exchanges focused on specific and often urgent or
emerging foreign policy priorities. A past project example is the African Descent Social
Entrepreneurship Program that brought together 60 young social entrepreneurs of African
descent from around the world to share experiences, perspectives, and best practices. During
the U.S. phase of the program, participants visited Historically Black Colleges and Universities in
Louisiana and Georgia. They worked on capacity development through case studies of how
social entrepreneurs found creative solutions for social problems. The program launched the
African Descent Social Entrepreneurship Network (ADSEN), an independent organization for
collaboration, which will serve as an ongoing tool for collaboration. The Exchange for Rising
Think Tank Leaders from Quad Countries included participants who are think tank professionals
from Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. Their program included exchanges in each
of the four countries where they explored the respective policymaking landscapes in areas of
mutual collaboration.
Participants: "Participants" are defined as those who travel under federal award funding from
their country of origin to a designated exchange country of a project. Ideally, foreign
participants should, as appropriate, be selected through a merit-based, competitive process.
Unless requested otherwise, participants should be mid-career emerging leaders/young
professionals in government, business, or civil society with experience and current employment
directly relevant to the exchange project. It is preferable that all selected participants be
proficient in written and oral English, have demonstrated leadership ability, and a professional
commitment to the project goal(s). It should be possible to include participants without strong
English skills and specific provisions for non-English speaking participants should be included in
the proposal and budget, if applicable.
U.S. participants should include professionals with relevant expertise in the project’s subject
matter or policy issue area. U.S. participants should be individuals who have had or will have
significant engagement with the foreign participants during their U.S. exchange program.
Organizational Capacity: Applicant organizations must demonstrate their capacity for
conducting international professional exchanges; supporting a range of different kinds of
exchange activities, subject areas, and geographic regions; implementing exchange programs
that address specific policy challenges and providing substantive programming and leadership
training for up-and-coming professionals.
Proposals should illustrate the organization’s breadth of experience working in difficult
environments, establishing individually tailored working placements in a range of fields, and
demonstrating flexibility, adaptability, and creativity in programming under challenging
conditions. Proposals should include concrete examples in which the organization has
responded quickly to rapidly evolving circumstances, and ideally including examples that
demonstrate an ability to program in countries in which they have not previously worked.
Proposals should clearly articulate a staffing plan that allows the organization to conduct
multiple On-Demand projects concurrently.
Partner Organizations: Applicant organizations should provide examples of programs,
businesses, institutions, organizations, and individuals with whom they would collaborate to
implement projects and should describe any previous collaborative activities. A proposal could
identify a hypothetical project theme and goal and include a proposed approach to developing
a project with examples of organizations or individuals who might assist with program design.
Proposals must demonstrate capacity for developing professionally relevant, substantive
programming in the United States. As it is likely that program activity will take place in
countries where an organization does not have a presence, the proposal should demonstrate
the ability to identify and work with in-country or regional partners on a short timeframe, as
needed. Applicant organizations should include a participant recruitment plan, which may
include a list of foreign partner organizations who have assisted the organization with
participant recruitment in other programs.
Broader U.S. Department of State Involvement: It is anticipated that State Department entities
will generate initial project ideas and be actively engaged in each project. State Department
entities, including U.S. embassies and consulates, may work closely with the award recipient on
program activities including, but not limited to, recruitment and selection of the participants;
pre-departure briefings; U.S. visas; and follow-on projects. The proposal should discuss how
the award recipient plans to consult regularly with relevant State Department entities to
implement the exchange projects. While State Department entities may be actively engaged in
any project, it is the award recipient’s responsibility to manage the overall program activities.
Projected Timeline: The exact dates of each exchange project will not be determined until a
proposed project is officially approved. Applicant organizations should propose at least one
sample timeline and outline for a hypothetical project.
A.4. Recipient Responsibilities
The award recipient will be responsible for the following:
Development of Project Model: Once projects have been officially approved by ECA, the award
recipient will begin designing project activities and will submit a detailed outline to the Global
Leaders Division in the Office of Citizen Exchanges. Each project will be unique and will likely
need a different program model or design. The size, scope, and timing of each project should
be designed with a flexible and collaborative approach to maximize project effectiveness and
demonstrate significance. All projects should be multi-segmented with at least one component
based in the United States and at least one component hosted in a foreign country, if
Recruitment and Selection: The award recipient will work closely with the relevant State
Department entities and, if appropriate, an in-country regional partner to recruit and select
qualified participants for an approved project. The recruitment strategy should include:
1. A recruitment campaign that targets individuals meeting the eligibility criteria for
each project, supports a merit-based competition, and adheres to the project’s goals;
2. A web-based application tool that securely collects applicants’ data across projects;
3. A transparent review process to evaluate candidates. The award recipient will work
closely with ECA on the development and implementation of review criteria, involving
the appropriate State Department entities in the selection process, and proposing a
participant list to ECA for final approval; and
4. Interviews conducted in English (virtual or in-person), if appropriate, for semi-finalists
as part of the selection process.
Project Promotional Materials: The award recipient will be responsible for creating
promotional materials both for the LLOD program and for individual projects, as needed. ECA
will provide final approval for all created materials.
Pre-Departure Orientation and/or Arrival Orientation: For both foreign and U.S. participants,
the award recipient will be responsible for conducting an in-person or virtual pre-departure
orientation (PDO) before exchange components and/or an in-person arrival orientation at the
beginning of an exchange component. The recipient should provide pre-departure materials
and program information to prepare participants for the exchange. The PDO and arrival
orientation should cover, at a minimum:
travel logistics, including arrival and lodging information and J-1 visa regulations;
project goals and expectations;
a detailed program schedule and host community information; and
a cross-cultural orientation.
Issue DS-2019 forms and facilitate the Visa Process: All foreign participants will travel on a U.S.
Government designation for the J Exchange Visitor Program. The award recipient will be
responsible for preparing and issuing DS-2019 forms required for J-1 visas. The award recipient
will work with the U.S. embassy or consulate to assist foreign participants with the J-1 visa
application process and with foreign embassies to arrange visas for U.S. travelers, as needed.
Logistics: The award recipient will manage all logistical arrangements, including international
and domestic travel, ground transportation, accommodations, and meals. The award recipient
will comply with all federal regulations regarding the use of U.S. government funds, including
the Fly America Act.
Health Benefits: The award recipient will enroll all U.S. and foreign participants in ECA’s
Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges (ASPE) for the duration of the program and issue
health benefits identification cards. More information on ASPE is available at
Participant Monitoring: The award recipient will develop and implement a plan to monitor
participants’ safety and well-being while on program. Proposals should articulate how the
program will ensure effective communication, so potential problems are resolved promptly.
Proposals should demonstrate staffing structures that support program activity and ensure safe
and rewarding programs.
Program Closing: The award recipient should conduct an appropriate program closing session
at the end of each project.
Collection and Maintenance of Program and Participant Data & Reporting: In addition to the
reporting requirements outlined in section F.4. Reporting Requirements, the award recipient
should create and maintain a means of tracking all On-Demand projects initiated, ongoing, and
completed projects, for the period of performance. Tracking information should include budget
information, total participant numbers and numbers by country, and other key data to be
determined in consultation with ECA. Tracking data should be included in regular reporting and
provided to ECA upon request. The award recipient must ensure the protection of personally
identifiable information.
A.5. Substantial Involvement:
In a cooperative agreement, the Department is substantially involved in program activities
above and beyond routine monitoring. ECA’s activities and responsibilities for the LLOD
Program are as follows:
1. Approve each LLOD project;
2. Approve partner organizations, including in-country partner organizations and sub-
award recipients;
A.6. Non-Competitive Continuations (NCCs)
Proposal narratives should include a commitment to implement the program for the base year,
plus two additional NCCs, pending successful performance and the availability of funds. The
narrative should focus on details specific to the implementation of the base year program, with
the understanding that the program design, duration, and participant numbers would be similar
when/if the subsequent two NCCs are exercised. ECA will perform an annual performance
evaluation/review to determine if a NCC will be exercised. Satisfactory performance and the
availability of funds is a condition of continued administration of the program and execution of
all NCCs.
Type of Award: Cooperative Agreement, ECA’s level of involvement in this program is listed
under section A.5., “Substantial Involvement..
Fiscal Year Funds: FY2024 base year funding amount $1,000,000, pending the availability of
funds; FY2025 NCC year one funding amount $1,000,000; FY2026 NCC year-two funding
amount, $1,000,000, will be pending successful performance and the availability of funds.
Approximate Total Funding: $3,000,000, pending the availability of funds.
Approximate Number of Awards: One
Minimum “Floor” of Award: $1,000,000, pending the availability of funds.
Maximum “Ceiling” of Award: $1,000,000, pending the availability of funds
Anticipated Award Date: September 1, 2024, pending the availability of funds.
Anticipated Award Completion Date: December 31, 2028. This date reflects the anticipated
duration of the award one base year plus two NCC years.
Additional Information: A Cooperative agreement will be awarded for a period of 18 months
(base year) with NCCs for two additional 12 month periods (NCC years one and two). ECA will
notify the recipient of its intention to exercise or not to exercise a NCC at least 90 days in
advance of expiration of the current year after an internal evaluation of the recipient’s
performance. The decision to exercise a NCC will depend both on the satisfactory performance
of the recipient and the availability of funds.
ECA reserves the right to reduce, revise, or increase proposal budgets, participant numbers, and
the number of projects in accordance with the needs of the program and the availability of
C.1. Eligible Applicants
U.S. public and private academic and cultural institutions, exchange-of-persons, and other not-
for-profit organizations meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26
USC 501(c)(3) may submit applications for this competition. Applicants must have nonprofit
status with the IRS at the time of application. Please see the PSI for additional information.
C.2. Other Eligibility Requirements
The following additional eligibility requirements apply to this NOFO announcement:
1. ECA’s grant guidelines require that organizations demonstrate at least four years of
experience in conducting international exchanges to be eligible for awards exceeding
$130,000 in ECA funding. As noted in section B above, ECA anticipates issuing one
cooperative agreement, for approximately $1,000,000. Therefore, organizations that
do not demonstrate four years of experience in conducting international exchanges in
their proposal are ineligible to apply under this competition.
2. All proposals must comply with the requirements stated in the NOFO, and the PSI;
non-compliance will result in your proposal being declared technically ineligible and
given no further consideration in the review process.
3. In order to be eligible to receive an award, all organizations must have a Unique Entity
Identifier (UEI) number issued via www.SAM.gov as well as a valid registration on
www.SAM.gov. Please see Section D.3 & D.5. for more information.
4. Only one proposal will be considered by ECA from each applicant organization. In
cases where more than one submission from an applicant appears in grants.gov, ECA
will only consider the submission made closest in time to the NOFO deadline; that
submission would constitute the one and only proposal ECA would review from that
Please note: Applicant organizations are defined by their legal name, and EIN number as stated
on their completed SF-424 and additional supporting documentation outlined in the PSI
Technical Eligibility: All proposals must comply with the requirements stated in the NOFO and
the PSI; non-compliance will result in your proposal being declared technically ineligible and
given no further consideration in the review process.
C.3. Cost Sharing or Matching Funds
There is no minimum or maximum percentage of cost sharing required for this competition.
However, ECA encourages applicants to provide maximum levels of cost sharing and funding in
support of its programs. When cost sharing is offered, it is understood and agreed that the
applicant must provide the amount of cost sharing as stipulated in its proposal and later
included in an approved agreement. Cost sharing may be in the form of allowable direct or
indirect costs. For accountability, you must maintain written records to support all costs which
are claimed as your contribution, as well as costs to be paid by the Federal government. Such
records are subject to audit. The basis for determining the value of cash and in-kind
contributions must be in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget’s Guidance 2
CFR Parts 200 and 600, entitled the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and
Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. In the event you do not provide the minimum amount
of cost sharing as stipulated in the approved budget, ECA's contribution may be reduced in like
Please read the complete announcement before sending inquiries or submitting proposals.
Once the NOFO deadline has passed, ECA staff may not discuss this competition with applicants
until the proposal review process has been completed.
D.1. Solicitation Package Location
The entire Solicitation Package may be downloaded from the Grants.gov website at
https://www.grants.gov or from ECA website at https://eca.state.gov/organizational-funding.
D.2. Content and Form of Submission
Applicants must follow all instructions in the Solicitation Package, including the PSI document,
which consists of required application forms and standard guidelines for proposal preparation.
The application should be submitted per the instructions under D.17. “Application Deadline and
Method of Submission” section below.
D.3. Unique Entity Identifier Number
All organizations are required to have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number to apply for a
grant or cooperative agreement from the U.S. Government. A UEI is one of the data elements
mandated by Public Law 109-282, the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act
(FFATA), for all Federal awards. Note: As of April 2022, a DUNS number is no longer required
for federal assistance applications. A UEI is issued as part of the required SAM.gov
registration below in section D.5.
The 2 CFR 200 requires that sub-grantees obtain a UEI number. Please note the UEI for sub-
grantees is not required at the time of application but will be required before an award is
processed and/or directed to a sub-grantee.
D.4. Required Proposal Elements
All proposals must contain a SF-424, executive summary, proposal narrative, budget (SF 424A),
detailed budget, and budget narrative.
D.5. Required Registration with the System for Award Management (SAM)
All organizations must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) database in
order to submit a proposal in response to an open competition on Grants.gov. Note: The
process of obtaining or renewing a SAM.gov registration may take anywhere from 4-8 weeks.
Please begin your registration as early as possible. Failure to register in SAM.gov will render
applicants ineligible to receive funding.
All federal award recipients must maintain a current registration in the SAM database.
Recipients must maintain accurate and up-to-date information in www.SAM.gov until all
program and financial activity and reporting is completed on any issued award. Recipients must
review and update the information at least annually after the initial registration and more
frequently if required information changes or another award is granted. There is no cost
associated with registering or updating SAM.gov accounts.
For more detailed instructions for registering with SAM, refer to:
Organizations based in the United States or that pay employees within the United States will
need an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and a
UEI number prior to registering in SAM.gov.
D.6. Responsibility/Qualification Information in SAM.gov (formerly, FAPIIS)
1. The Federal awarding agency, prior to making a Federal award with a total amount of
Federal share greater than the simplified acquisition threshold, is required to review
and consider any information about the applicant that is in the U.S. government
designated integrity and performance system accessible through SAM.gov (see 41
U.S.C. 2313);
2. An applicant, at its option, may review and comment on any information about itself
that a Federal awarding agency previously entered. Currently, federal agencies create
integrity records in the integrity module of the Contractor Performance Assessment
and Reporting System (CPARS) and these records are visible as
responsibility/qualification records in SAM.gov;
3. The Federal awarding agency will consider any comments by the applicant, in addition
to the other information in the designated integrity and performance system, in
making a judgment about the applicant's integrity, business ethics, and record of
performance under Federal awards when completing the review of risk posed by
applicants as described in §200.206 Federal awarding agency review of risk posed by
D.7. Required Registration with MyGrants
All ECA award recipient organizations and recipient contacts and signatories must be registered
with the U.S. Department of State’s MyGrants by accessing
https://mygrants.servicenowservices.com and clicking the “create an account” link. MyGrants
is the U.S. Department of State’s grants management system and is supported by the
Department’s Integrated Logistics Management System (ILMS). Recipient organizations and
recipient contacts and signatories that have previously used MyGrants as a U.S. Department of
State award recipient do not need to register again. If the organization is not able to access the
system, please contact the ILMS Help Desk for help in gaining access.
Support for Recipient Organizations and recipient contacts and signatories is available 24 hours,
7 days a week (except federal holidays), and can be reached at 1-888-313-ILMS (4567) or
through the ILMS Self Service Portal at https://afsitsm.servicenowservices.com/ilms/.
Please take into consideration the following information when preparing your proposal
D.8. Adherence To All Regulations Governing the J Visa
ECA places critically important emphasis on the security and proper administration of the
Exchange Visitor (J visa) Programs and adherence by award recipients and sponsors to all
regulations governing the J visa. Therefore, proposals should demonstrate the applicant's
capacity to meet all requirements governing the administration of the Exchange Visitor
Programs as set forth in 22 CFR 62, including the oversight of Responsible Officers and
Alternate Responsible Officers, screening and selection of program participants, provision of
pre-arrival information and orientation to participants, monitoring of participants, proper
maintenance and security of forms, record-keeping, reporting and other requirements.
The award recipient will be responsible for issuing DS-2019 forms to participants in this
program. A copy of the complete regulations governing the administration of Exchange Visitor
(J) programs is available at http://j1visa.state.gov or from:
Office of Private Sector Exchange Designation
U.S. Department of State
SA-5, Floor C2, Room C2L13
2200 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20522
Please refer to Solicitation Package for further information.
D.9. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) and Freedom and Democracy
Pursuant to ECA's authorizing legislation, “diversity” should be interpreted in the broadest
sense and encompass differences including race, ethnicity, color, national origin, sex, age,
disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, geographic location,
education, income, socio-economic status, and other diversity dimensions, that may hinder
inclusion. Proposals should demonstrate how diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility will
enhance the program’s goals and objectives and the participants’ exchange experience.
Proposals should demonstrate how the program will further engage diverse and underserved
communities. Programs must maintain a non-political character and should be balanced and
representative of the diversity of political, social, and cultural life in the United States and
abroad. Please refer to the “Support of DEIA” review criterion of this document for more
information on how this will be reviewed as a part of any application. Please also refer to the
“Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility” section in the “Proposal Submission Instructions”
document for specific suggestions on incorporating DEIA into the proposal.
Public Law 104-319 provides that "in carrying out programs of educational and cultural
exchange in countries whose people do not fully enjoy freedom and democracy," ECA "shall
take appropriate steps to provide opportunities for participation in such programs to human
rights and democracy leaders of such countries." Public Law 106 - 113 requires that the
governments of the countries described above do not have inappropriate influence in the
selection process. Proposals should reflect advancement of these goals in their program
contents, to the full extent deemed feasible.
D.10. Program Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
Distinct from grants or cooperative agreement monitoring and participant monitoring,
performance monitoring is designed to assess progress against a program’s goals and
objectives. A performance monitoring framework is vital to tracking the direction, pace, and
magnitude of change that result from ECA programs.
ECA created the Monitoring Data for ECA (MODE) Framework to measure the performance of
ECA programs. The MODE Framework provides standard indicators and corresponding survey
questions to ensure consistent measures across all ECA programs. More resources and
guidance documents on the MODE Framework are available online at:
For this proposal, ECA requires the applicant include the MODE Framework objectives and
indicators listed below (note that, because not all MODE objectives and indicators are relevant
for a program, the numbering below will not be sequential). In addition to the ECA-required
objectives and indicators, applicants may also select additional MODE Framework indicators
(see the Indicator Book on the MODE Framework website), or design custom objectives and
indicators that are specific to the proposed program and this proposal.
The below section will be customized for every solicitation and provided by ECA/P/MELI as a
part of the drafting process. All objectives, sub-objectives, and indicators here are samples,
illustrating what this language will look like. Your solicitation will include only the aspects that
Demographic Questions as outlined in the Indicator Book on page vi, and Performance
Monitoring Plan (PMP) (https://eca.state.gov/impact/eca-monitoring-evaluation-
Objective 1: Advance participant and beneficiary cross-cultural competence and global
o Sub-Objective 1.1: Promote cultural exchanges and enhance understanding
between participants and their host communities.
E1.1.01: Percent of participants reporting that their program experience
offered opportunities to engage with other cultures
E1.1.04: Percent of participants with more favorable opinions of the United
States Government (core indicator)
E1.1.09: Percent of participants who traveled abroad for the first time because
of their program (core indicator)
E1.1.10: Percent of foreign participants who traveled to the United States for
the first time during their program (core indicator)
E1.1.11: Percent of American participants indicating a change in their
understanding of their host country's culture and values
E1.1.12: Percent of foreign participants indicating a change in understanding of
third-party countries’ cultures and values
E1.1.17: Percent of foreign participants with more favorable opinions of the
American people (core indicator)
E1.1.18: Percent of foreign participants indicating an increase in understanding
of United States culture and values (core indicator)
E1.1.19: Percent of participants agreeing with statements in support of
democratic values (core indicator)
Objective 2: Increase the impact that participants and alumni have on their
communities / countries.
o Sub-Objective 2.2: Foster participants’ belief that civic engagement benefits
E2.2.01: Percent of participants who have more confidence in their ability to
have an impact in their home country (core indicator)
Objective 3: Strengthen engagement among participants, alumni, beneficiaries, and
E3.0.02: Percent of foreign participants who report increasing their network of
Americans (core indicator)
E3.0.04: Percent of foreign participants who report increasing their network of
third country nationals
E3.0.07: Percent of participants who identify as a Department of State program
participant (core indicator)
o Sub-Objective 3.1: Alumni subscribe to platforms for resources and information-
E3.1.02: Percent of participants who learned about new resources
Objective 4: Strengthen personal, professional, and technical abilities and aptitudes of
participants and beneficiaries
E4.0.01: Percent of participants reporting increases in their job skills as a result
of their program participation
E4.0.03: Percent of participants reporting an increase in soft skills as a result of
their program participation
E4.0.05: Percent of participants who report an increase in technical skills as a
result of their program participation
E4.0.09: Percent of participants reporting an increase in language skills as a
result of their program participation
o Sub-Objective 4.1: Participants engage in language, academic, professional, and
cultural exchange programs
E4.1.01: Total number of participants (core indicator)
E4.1.02: Total number of program cohorts (core indicator)
E4.1.04: Number of professional placements
Objective 6: Increase Capacity of ECA partner institutions to achieve program strategic
o Sub-Objective 6.1: Increase capacity of implementing partners and educational
institutions for the internationalization of programs
E6.1.02: Number of exchange participants from or hosted by Minority-Serving
Institutions participating in ECA (both funded and private sector) exchanges
(core indicator)
Objective 8: Enhance the quality and effectiveness of ECA programs by leveraging the
Bureau’s resources, policy, and stakeholder relationships
E8.0.03: Response rate for participant surveys (core indicator)
Performance Monitoring Plans (PMPs)
ECA recommends the use of a PMP to serve as the primary reference document for
performance monitoring for this award. If used, the PMP is an important part of any proposal,
as it outlines how the applicant plans to track progress towards the proposed program’s goals
and objectives through indicators and corresponding data collection questions. A PMP
document that includes all MODE Framework indicators is a part of this solicitation’s
attachments. Specific instructions on how to modify the PMP to be responsive to this
solicitation are included in that document. While ECA recommends the applicant use the PMP
format provided, this is not a requirement. If a PMP is not included in the proposal, applicants
should provide similar information to that found in the suggested PMP format, in a
presentation of your choice. A training on how to complete a PMP is available here:
unit/mode-framework-eca-applicants-and . Successful PMPs (or similar documentation) should
include the following:
Objectives: Programmatic objectives are statements of the condition(s) that state
what the program is designed to achieve. Objectives are therefore bound by the
resources and timeframe of the program and must be specific, measurable,
attainable, relevant and time-bound (SMART; see the ECA Monitoring, Evaluation,
Learning, and Innovation (MELI) Unit’s pages on the ECA website for more
information: https://eca.state.gov/impact/eca-evaluation-division/capacity-building).
In addition to those outlined above, the applicant may propose other program
objectives from the MODE Framework, the Functional Bureau Strategy
(https://eca.state.gov/about-bureau), or other applicant-designed program-specific
Indicators: Performance indicators are measures used to gauge progress toward
programmatic objectives and sub-objectives. Indicators should be as specific as
possible (following the SMART principles) and include any proposed disaggregations
(meaning, breakdowns of the data by subgroups, such as gender or country; the PMP
lists the demographic questions required to obtain the information necessary to
report the disaggregations). Each indicator should also include a target number to be
achieved. A target is a planned level of result to be achieved within an explicit
If you do not use the PMP format provided, note that any performance
monitoring reference document the applicant submits should include the
information in the column headers (Indicator Name, Definition, Target,
Survey Question, etc.) in the PMP attachment at a minimum.
In addition to those indicators outlined in above, the applicant may propose
additional custom, program-specific indicators in the PMP (ECA
recommends the proposed PMPs include a minimum of one indicator for
each custom programmatic objective).
During the period of performance of the award, the ECA program office may
further revise, add, or remove indicators. Therefore, the applicant’s PMP
and data collection instruments should be flexible enough to incorporate
those once established.
Award recipients are responsible for collecting indicator data only on participant outcomes
during the period of performance of the award itself (see the PMP for guidelines as to when
these data collection efforts should occur). ECA will measure outcomes of ECA participants at
one, three, five, and 10 years after the exchange has ended to capture the long-term impact of
ECA programming unless otherwise specified in the NOFO and/or POGI. In this instance, the
recipient will be responsible for coordinating with ECA on any alumni surveys to de-duplicate
questions and minimize potential survey fatigue.
Award recipients will be required to submit an upload of the raw data (in CSV format) along
with the MyGrants RPM reporting (see below). Regardless of the survey platform used, all
MODE Framework survey questions outlined above are required (i.e., should be forced
response); please see the Consent Language in the MODE Framework Indicator Book for more
information on how to convey this to participants/survey respondents.
Program Performance M&E Narrative
The applicant should include information within the program narrative section(s) of the
proposal that outlines how the applicant intends to measure the indicators listed above. This
will be separate from the PMP and should include but not be limited to:
An overview of resources available to the applicant that outline the team structure
and responsibilities surrounding performance monitoring.
The mechanism(s) through which surveys and other data collection tools (if
applicable) will be administered, including which platform will be used, and when and
how surveys will be advertised to participants detailing strategies to ensure
adequate survey response rates
and to reduce selection and non-response bias.
A brief explanation of data analysis and reporting procedures.
An overview of a proposed learning plan and feedback loops to ensure that the Grant
Officer (GO)/Grant Officer Representative (GOR) are informed on performance
monitoring issues at regular intervals.
MyGrants RPM Reporting Requirements
MyGrants is a database solution that serves as the official system of record for all U.S.
Department of State and ECA awards. The Results Performance Monitoring (RPM) module
within MyGrants is an extension module that enables users to report performance monitoring
data in the same system where they currently manage federal assistance actions. As part of
ECA’s efforts to streamline data collection and management, the recipient(s) of this award will
be required to input performance reporting data outlined in this solicitation into the MyGrants
RPM. The data stored in the MyGrants RPM will provide ECA with a bureau-wide, uniform M&E
reporting tool that is already linked with other elements of the awards familiar to existing
D.11. Virtual Exchange Component
When changing political, health, environmental, or other similar circumstances require a
suspension or halt of in-person activities and where ECA determines that a virtual alternative is
appropriate and viable, award recipients should demonstrate the ability and capacity to
transition from in-person to virtual exchanges. Proposals should demonstrate the
organization’s capacity to provide innovative options for virtual activities to substitute for in-
person engagement for program participants. Organizations should consider how they will
implement virtual exchange activities, given the potential limits to internet access from
participants in some locations and while continuing to advance foreign policy objectives and
achieve lasting benefits for U.S. citizens and international participants.
In addition to planning for virtual exchange activities if in-person programming is prohibited,
ECA welcomes innovative ideas on how organizations can leverage virtual programming
technologies during or in addition to in-person programming. ECA encourages organizations
submitting proposals in response to this solicitation to suggest one or more virtual exchange
components to complement the in-person exchange. The virtual exchange component(s) could
come before, during and/or after the physical exchange. The objective for the virtual exchange
component(s) is to augment the impact of the in-person exchange described in this solicitation.
ECA encourages organizations to propose virtual exchange ideas that take advantage of ECA’s
existing web and social networking platforms. Virtual exchange components would be
coordinated with and approved by the ECA program office and U.S. missions abroad on a
project-by-project basis.
D.12. Communications Guidance for ECA Recipients
All ECA Recipients must adhere to the requirements in ECA’s Communications Guidance on the
creation of program branding and attribution, websites, social media, and press.
D. 13. Celebration of America’s Semiquincentennial
ECA is excited to play a key role in making the Semiquincentennial commonly known as
“America250” – a truly global celebration. As the period of performance for this award is
scheduled to cover part or all of calendar year (CY) 2026, the applicant may wish to consider
ways the program can celebrate America250. Any America250 focused activities or plans will
be subject to ECA approval and direction, and changes may be requested by ECA. Use of any
ECA-provided America250 brand elements will be subject to advance ECA approval and require
adherence to Department of State and ECA guidelines for such branding.
D.14. Budget Format
Applicants must submit SF-424A (Budget Information Non-Construction Programs) along with
a detailed, line-item budget for the entire program and a budget narrative. There must be a
summary budget as well as breakdowns reflecting both overhead and staffing and participant
support costs. Applicants may provide separate sub-budgets for each program component,
phase, location, or activity to provide clarification.
D.14.a. Allowable costs for the program include, but are not limited to, the following:
Travel: International and domestic airfare; airline baggage and seat fees; visas; transit costs;
ground transportation costs. Please note that all air travel must comply with the Fly America
Act. There is no charge for J-1 visas for participants in Bureau-sponsored projects.
Per Diem: For U.S.-based programming, organizations should use up to the published Federal
per diem rates for individual U.S. cities.
Book and Cultural Allowances: Participants, as appropriate, are entitled to a cultural allowance
of $150 per person, plus a book allowance of $50.
Consultants: Consultants may be used to provide specialized expertise or to make
presentations. Honoraria rates should not exceed $250 per day per session. Organizations are
encouraged to cost-share rates that would exceed that figure.
Sub-Award Costs: Should a proposal include sub-award organizations a draft written
agreement between the prospective awardee and sub-awardee should be included in the
proposal. Such subawards should detail the division of responsibilities and proposed costs, and
subcontracts should be itemized in the budget.
Room Rental: The rental of meeting space should not exceed $250 per day per activity. Any
rates that exceed this amount should be cost shared.
Materials: Proposals may contain costs to purchase, develop and translate materials for
participants, as needed.
Supplies: Applicants may propose to use award funds to purchase supplies and should be
justified in the budget narrative.
Working Meal: One working meal may be provided during U.S.-based and foreign-based
components. Per capita costs for working meals may not exceed $45/person, excluding room
rental and other overhead charges. The number of invited guests may not exceed participants
by more than a factor of two-to-one.
Return Travel Allowance: A return travel allowance of $70 for participants may be included in
the budget. This allowance would cover incidental expenses incurred during international
Health Benefits and Travel Insurance: The award recipient will be responsible for working with
ECA to ensure that both foreign and U.S. participants are enrolled in the ECA-sponsored ASPE.
The premium is paid by ECA and should not be included in the proposal budget. Applicants may
include costs for travel insurance for both foreign and U.S. participants in the budget.
Wire Transfer Fees: When necessary, applicants may include costs to transfer funds to foreign-
based partner organizations. Award recipients are urged to research applicable taxes that may
be imposed on these transfers by host governments.
In-Country Travel Costs for Visa Processing Purposes: Visas for foreign fellows are provided by
the U.S. Department of State and should not be included in the budget. Given the
requirements associated with obtaining J-1 visas for ECA-supported participants, applicants
should include costs for any travel associated with procuring visas, including travel for
interviews, delivering, or picking up passports, etc.
Staff Salaries and Benefits: Costs necessary for the effective administration of the program may
include salaries for employees, benefits, and other direct and indirect costs per detailed
instructions in the PSI.
Reasonable Accommodations: Organizations should budget for the reasonable
accommodations of participating individuals with disabilities. Proposals may allocate up to 5-
7% of the total requested ECA award funds for this purpose.
D.15. Key Personnel
ECA recommends that the applicant identify intended key personnel positions via an asterisk (*)
or other marking in the proposal budget, budget narrative, or a separate appendix. If not
provided in the application, recipients must submit the names, titles, and brief biographical
sketches of key personnel to the Grants Officer and GOR within 30 days of an award being
issued. Additional information regarding key personnel requirements can be found in the State
Department’s Standard Terms and Conditions, VI. Recipient Responsibility and Compliance with
Federal Requirements (link to: https://www.state.gov/about-us-office-of-the-procurement-
D.16. NCCs
Pending successful performance and the availability of funds this award will utilize NCCs as
discussed in section A.6 above.
D.16.a. For competitions that will exercise a NCC applicants must submit:
1.) The SF-424A which must include the budget request amount for the base-year of the
2.) A detailed proposal narrative and budget for the base year of funding (Please refer to
the PSI for general budget guidance.). The narrative should also include a brief
commitment to implement the program for the base year, plus two additional NCC
years, pending successful program performance and the availability of funds.
3.) An abbreviated/estimated summary budget presenting the total projected costs for
the anticipated total duration of programming (base year, plus two NCC years).
D.16.b. To exercise the NCC mechanism the recipient will be required to submit:
1.) Performance and financial reports on time.
2.) A request in writing to ECA at least 30 days in receipt of the NCC invitation.
3.) A summary budget that projects expenses through the end of the current year.
4.) A detailed budget outlining expenses for the requested NCC year.
5.) A brief narrative to support the continuation of the award.
D.16.c. For awards using NCCs, in addition to the Substantial Involvement for the Cooperative
Agreement, the ECA Grants Officer and Program Officer will:
1. Closely monitor the recipient’s performance through site visits, desk audits,
mandatory performance and financial reports, consultations, and other forms of
communication and dialogue before exercising additional NCCs. (Additional details
regarding monitoring and oversight of the program by ECA representatives will be
provided at the time the base-year award is made.)
2. Review and evaluate all quarterly or semi-annual program and financial reports.
a. All program and financial reporting requirements must be current and up to
date before ECA will exercise additional NCCs.
b. Any/all concerns, issues, or modifications requested by the Grants Officer or
Program Officer to the original program design or method of
implementation must be responded to in writing.
c. The ECA Grants Officer and Program Officer will review and advise of ECA’s
approval or disapproval of the response before issuing subsequent NCCs.
3. Prior Grants Officer approval is required to utilize the remainder from an unobligated
balance from a prior funding period to the subsequent funding period. If the Grants
Officer determines that some, or all of the unobligated funds are not necessary to
perform the program activity, the Grants Officer may decline the Recipient’s request
to utilize the remainder from the unobligated balance.The Grants Officer may, at their
discretion, use the unobligated balance to reduce or offset future funding for a subsequent
funding period. An unobligated balance at the end of a funding period is not sufficient
justification to utilize the remainder of funds. A final determination and approval to utilize the
remainder of any funds will be communicated via a cost amendment with adjustment, if any,
to new obligation amounts.
The request to utilize the remainder from an unobligated balance must include:
1.) A brief narrative as to why funds remain unobligated and how the unobligated funds
will be used to complete the previously approved goals and objectives of the program.
2.) A detailed budget that reflects the amount of unobligated funds to date, and
anticipated expenditures in the subsequent period of performance for all cost
categories under the authorized budget.
D.17. Application Deadline and Method of Submission
Application Deadline Date: Thursday, May 30, 2024
Method of Submission: Applications may only be submitted electronically through Grants.gov
(https://www.grants.gov). Complete solicitation packages are available at Grants.gov in the
Search Grants” portion of the system.
D.18. Grants.gov Registration, Application Submission, and Receipt Procedures
Eligible organizations should follow the instructions available in the ‘Get Started’ portion of the
site (http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/applicants/apply-for-grants.html).
D. 18.a. How to Register to Apply through Grants.gov
Applicants should read instructions carefully and prepare the information requested before
beginning the registration process. Reviewing and assembling the required information before
beginning the registration process will alleviate last-minute searches for required information.
The registration process can take up to four weeks to complete. Therefore, registration should
be done in sufficient time to ensure it does not impact your ability to meet required application
submission deadlines. Applicants should check with appropriate staff within their organizations
immediately after reviewing this NOFO to confirm or determine their registration status with
Grants.gov. Organization applicants can find complete instructions here:
D.18.b. How to Submit an Application to ECA via Grants.gov
For access to complete instruction on how to apply for Notice of Funding Opportunities on
Grants.gov, refer to: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/applicants/apply-for-grants.html
D.18.c. Grants.gov Support and Submission Issues
Direct all questions regarding Grants.gov registration and submission issues to:
Grants.gov Customer Support
Contact Center Phone: 800 -518-4726
Business Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; closed on federal holidays.
D.18.d. Timely Receipt Requirements and Proof of Timely Submission
Applicants have until 11:59 p.m., Washington, DC time of the closing date to ensure that their
entire application has been uploaded to the Grants.gov site. There are no exceptions to the
above deadline. Applications uploaded to the site after the application deadline date and time
will be automatically rejected by the Grants.gov system and will be found technically ineligible.
Therefore, we strongly recommend that you not wait until the application deadline to begin
the submission process through Grants.gov.
Proof of timely submission is automatically recorded by Grants.gov. An electronic date/time
stamp is generated within the system when the application is successfully received by
Grants.gov. The applicant Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) will receive an
acknowledgement of receipt and a tracking number (GRANTXXXXXXXX) from Grants.gov with
the successful transmission of their application. Applicant AORs will also receive the official
date/time stamp and Grants.gov Tracking number in an email serving as proof of their timely
When ECA successfully retrieves the application from Grants.gov, Grants.gov will provide an
electronic acknowledgement of receipt of the application to the email address of the applicant
with the AOR role. Again, proof of timely submission shall be the official date and time that
Grants.gov receives your application. Please also be mindful of any Grants.gov generated error
messages that may appear during the application process as they may result in some
documents not transmitting correctly.
Applicants using slow internet should be aware that transmission can take some time before
Grants.gov receives your application. Grants.gov will provide either an error or a successfully
received transmission in the form of an email sent to the applicant with the AOR role. The
Grants.gov Support Center reports that some applicants end the transmission because they
think that nothing is occurring during the transmission process. Please be patient and give the
system time to process the application.
The Grants.gov website includes extensive information on all phases/aspects of the Grants.gov
process, including an extensive section on frequently asked questions, located under the
"Applicant FAQs" section of the website. ECA strongly recommends that all potential applicants
review thoroughly the Grants.gov website, well in advance of submitting a proposal through
the Grants.gov system. ECA will not notify you upon receipt of electronic applications.
PLEASE NOTE: ECA bears no responsibility for applicant timeliness of submission or data errors
resulting from transmission or conversion processes for proposals submitted via Grants.gov.
Prior to submitting applications through Grants.gov, please ensure you meet all Grants.gov
system and software requirements, including Adobe software compatibility. You can verify if
your version of Adobe software is compatible with Grants.gov, by visiting
It is the responsibility of all applicants submitting proposals via the Grants.gov web portal to
ensure that proposals have been received by Grants.gov in their entirety, and ECA bears no
responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes.
D.19. Intergovernmental Review of Applications
Executive Order 12372 does not apply to this program.
E.1. Review Process
ECA will check that all proposals meet the technical requirements in this solicitation. Proposals
that do not meet the guidelines, including those under the eligibility section above or in the PSI,
will be ineligible for further review.
All eligible proposals will be reviewed by the program office before being reviewed by an ECA
grant panel and may be reviewed by Public Diplomacy sections overseas, State Department
regional bureaus, or other State Department offices, as appropriate. All reviewers, including
the ECA grant panels will review any eligible proposals based on the criteria below.
Recommended proposals will be reviewed for compliance with Federal and Bureau regulations
and guidelines and assessed for risk. Final funding decisions are made by the ECA’s Assistant
Secretary. Only an ECA Grant Officer has the final authority to issue assistance awards.
E.2. Review Criteria
An ECA grants panel will competitively evaluate all technically eligible applications according to
the criteria stated below. These criteria are not rank ordered and all carry equal weight in the
proposal evaluation.
1. Quality of the program idea: Proposals should be original, well-defined, and relevant to
ECA's mission.
2. Program planning and ability to achieve program objectives: Proposals should have a
detailed agenda and work plan that demonstrates your institution's ability to carry out
the program. The plan should follow the program guidelines described in this
solicitation. Proposals should demonstrate how your institution will meet the program's
objectives and plan. The objectives should be reasonable, feasible, and flexible.
3. Support of DEIA: Proposals should show how the program and your institution supports
ECA's policy on diversity. Proposals should have a clear DEIA plan that is integrated into
all aspects of program administration, design, content, and implementation. Proposals
should demonstrate how DEIA will enhance the program’s goals, objectives, and the
participants’ exchange experience. Proposals should demonstrate how the program will
further engage diverse and underserved communities. It is important that proposals
have a clearly articulated DEIA plan and not simply express general support for the
concept of DEIA.
4. Institutional Capacity and institution’s record/ability: Proposals should include the
necessary personnel and institutional resources to achieve the program results.
Proposals should demonstrate an institutional record of successful exchange programs
and responsible fiscal management. ECA will consider the past performance of prior
recipients, including the timely submission of reports, and the demonstrated potential
of new applicants.
5. Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E): Proposals should have a fully
developed M&E plan that includes goals, objectives, and indicators. The plan should be
feasible and aligned with the M&E section of this solicitation. Proposals should include
a realistic learning plan that outlines how your organization plans to review, understand,
and incorporate M&E data into programmatic decisions and practices. All submitted
M&E plans will be reviewed to ensure the applicant has provided at least the required
information outlined in the M&E section of this solicitation and demonstrated the
applicant’s capacity to carry out the M&E plan.
6. Cost-effectiveness and cost share: Proposals should keep the overhead components of
the proposal, including salaries and honoraria, as low as possible. All costs should be
necessary and appropriate. Proposals should maximize cost share through other private
sector support and institutional direct funding contributions.
F.1. Award Notices
Final awards cannot be made until funds have been appropriated by Congress, allocated and
committed through internal ECA procedures. Successful applicants will receive a Federal
Assistance Award (FAA) from the ECA’s Grants Division. The FAA and the original proposal with
subsequent modifications (if applicable) shall be the only binding authorizing document
between the recipient and the U.S. Government. The FAA will be signed by an authorized
Grants Officer and transmitted to the recipient’s responsible officer as identified in the
Unsuccessful applicants will receive notification of the results of the application review from
the ECA program office coordinating this competition following the completion of the review
F.2 Administrative and National Policy Requirements:
Before submitting an application, applicants should review all the terms and conditions and
required certifications which will apply to this award, to ensure that they will be able to comply.
Terms and Conditions applicable to all ECA agreements include:
Office of Management and Budget’s Guidance 2 CFR Parts 200 and 600, entitled the
Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for
Federal Awards.
U.S. Department of State Standard Terms and Conditions.
For a copy of the OMB Guidance cited, please download from the www.ecfr.gov website.
For a copy of the U.S. Department of State Standard Terms and Conditions, or to review other
Department of State assistance information, please download from:
F.3. Region and Topic Specific requirements
The following additional requirements apply to this project:
F.3.a. Prohibition on the use of Federal Funds to Promote, Support, or advocate for the
legalization or practice of Prostitution
The U.S. Government is opposed to prostitution and related activities, which are inherently
harmful and dehumanizing, and contribute to the phenomenon of trafficking in persons. None
of the funds made available under this agreement may be used to promote, support, or
advocate the legalization or practice of prostitution. Nothing in the preceding sentence shall be
construed to preclude assistance designed to ameliorate the suffering of, or health risks to,
victims while they are being trafficked or after they are out of the situation that resulted from
such victims being trafficked.
The recipient shall insert the foregoing provision in all sub-agreements under this award.
This provision includes express terms and conditions of the agreement and any violation of it
shall be grounds for unilateral termination of the agreement by the Department of State prior
to the end of its term.
F.3.b. Palestinian Authority, West Bank, and Gaza Programming
All awards made under this competition must be executed according to all relevant U.S. laws
and policies regarding assistance to the Palestinian Authority, and to the West Bank and Gaza.
Organizations must consult with relevant Public Affairs Offices before entering into any formal
arrangements or agreements with Palestinian organizations or institutions.
Note: To assure that planning for the inclusion of the Palestinian Authority complies with
requirements, please contact Program Specialist Anne Shue, [email protected] 1-771-205-6598
for additional information.
F.3.c. Special Provision For Performance In A Designated Combat Area And Future
Contingency Operations (Currently Iraq And Afghanistan)
Each federal assistance award within areas of combat operations or future contingency
operation, as designated by the Secretary of Defense (currently Iraq and Afghanistan), over
$150,000 or providing for performance over 30 days must be registered in the Department of
Defense maintained Synchronized Pre-deployment and Operational Tracker (SPOT) system.
Each federal assistance award shall be registered in SPOT before personnel deployment. The
DOS SPOT Program Office can assist with entering awards in SPOT. Please send an email to
[email protected] for information. Information on how to register in SPOT and how to
report the total number of recipient personnel deploying under each award will be contained in
a Special Provision within each assistance award.
Recipients that do not utilize personnel who are performing a private security function; or
require access to U.S. facilities, services, or support can be entered through the SPOT aggregate
functionality. Upon the award of a grant/and or cooperative agreement in a designated area of
combat operations or future contingency operation (currently Iraq and Afghanistan), the Grants
Officer or his/her designee will enter the following award information into SPOT to include (i) a
brief description of the contract (to the extent consistent with security considerations); (ii) the
total value of the contract; and (iii) whether the contract was awarded competitively. The
Recipient should send updated deployment numbers for each award sent to the Grants Officer
and his/her designee and the Department of State’s SPOT program office on a quarterly basis as
The Recipient is required to submit with the quarterly financial report submission information
regarding the number of individuals receiving payment from the funds being granted under this
award. This report is due 30 days after the calendar year quarter and 90 days after the award
period end date and should be sent to AQMOps@state.gov with the subject line “SPOT
Quarterly Report -- Award Number.” The following information shall be provided:
Total number of individuals receiving payment from the funds being granted:
1. Total Number U.S. Personnel Deployed:
2. Total Number Host Country Personnel:
3. Total Third Country Personnel Deployed:
These reports should be sent to [email protected]. The SPOT program office will enter the
numbers into SPOT.
Recipients utilizing personnel who are performing a private security function; or require access
to U.S. facilities, services, or support must be entered into SPOT individually with all required
personal information. The recipient organization will designate a SPOT administrator who will
obtain a SPOT company administrator account. Recipients of federal assistance awards shall
register personnel in SPOT before deployment, or if already operational in the designated
operational area, register personnel upon becoming an employee under the award and maintain
current data in SPOT. Procedures on how to register in SPOT will be provided by the Grants
Officer and his/her designee.
Recipient performance may require the use of armed private security personnel. To the extent
that such private security contractors (PSCs) are required, Recipients are required to ensure
they adhere to Chief of Mission (COM) policies and procedures regarding the operation,
oversight, and accountability of PSCs.
In a designated area of combat operations or future contingency operation, the term PSC
includes any personnel providing protection of the personnel, facilities, property of a Recipient
or sub-recipient at any level or performing any other activity for which personnel are required
to carry weapons in the performance of their duties.
As specific COM policies and procedures may differ in scope and applicability, recipients of
federal assistance awards are advised to review post policies and procedures carefully in this
regard and direct any questions to the Embassy Regional Security Office (RSO) via the Grants
Officer Representative (GOR). Any exclusion to these policies must be granted by the COM via
the RSO. COM policies and procedures may be obtained from the RSO via the GOR. Recipients
of federal assistance awards are also advised that these policies and procedures may be
amended from time to time at the post in response to changing circumstances.
F.4. Reporting Requirements
Recipients will be required to submit financial reports and program reports. The award
document will specify how often these reports must be submitted. All reports must be
submitted in a timely manner. For planning purposes, applicants can expect to provide ECA
with an electronic copy of the following required reports:
1.) Performance Progress Reports (PPRs) shall be required at a minimum annually and no
more frequently than quarterly. Annual reports shall be due 120 calendar days after the
period of performance of the award ends; quarterly or semi-annual reports shall be due
30 days after the reporting period. Frequency of these reports will be determined by
the Grants Officer and Program Officer. The complete report and supporting
documentation must be uploaded by the recipient as a Post Award Activity under the
corresponding record for this Cooperative Agreement/Grant in the U.S. Department of
State’s MyGrants.
2.) Required MODE data (see Program Performance Monitoring and Evaluation section)
shall be required at a minimum annually and no more frequently than quarterly.
Reports shall be due 30 days after the reporting period. Frequency of these reports will
be determined by MELI and the Program Officer. Aggregate data and the raw data file
must be uploaded by the Recipient as an RPM Performance Report under the
corresponding record for this Cooperative Agreement/Grant in the U.S. Department of
State’s MyGrants.
3.) The Federal Financial Report (FFR SF-425/SF-425a) must be submitted through the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services’ Payment Management System (PMS). The
electronic version of the FFR can be accessed at: http://www.dpm.psc.gov/. Once a
financial report has been approved by the Department, the recipient must upload the
approved report to MyGrants, in the same manner specified for the programmatic
reports. Failure to comply with these reporting requirements may jeopardize the
recipient's eligibility for future Cooperative Agreements/Grants.
3. A final program and financial report no more than 120 days after the expiration or
termination of the award.
4.) Because the competition will allow for the exercise of NCCs, applicants must submit
program and financial reports on time. The due dates for these reports will be included
in the cooperative agreement. The program and financial reports must demonstrate
substantial progress by addressing progress towards the original approved goals and
objectives, relative activities and events, and supporting fiscal data. The reports will be
reviewed by both the assigned Grant Officer and Program Officer.
5.) Award recipients will be required to provide reports analyzing their evaluation findings
to ECA in their regular program reports. (Please refer to D.10. M&E information.)
All data collected, including survey responses and contact information, must be
maintained for a minimum of three years and provided to ECA upon request.
F.5. Program Data Requirements: Award recipients will be required to maintain specific data
on program participants and activities in an electronically accessible database format that can
be shared with ECA as required. At a minimum, the data must include the following:
1. Name, address, contact information and biographic sketch of all persons who travel
internationally on funds provided by the agreement or who benefit from the award
funding but do not travel.
2. Itineraries of international and domestic travel, providing dates of travel and cities in
which any exchange experiences take place. Final schedules for in-country and U.S.
activities must be received by the ECA Program Officer at least three workdays prior
to the official opening of the activity.
For questions about this announcement, contact: Anne Shue, U.S. Department of State,
Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Global Leaders Division, ECA-PE-C-GL, 1-771-205-6598
All correspondence with ECA concerning this NOFO should reference the title and funding
opportunity number listed at the top of this solicitation.
Please read the complete announcement before sending inquiries or submitting proposals.
Once the NOFO deadline has passed, ECA staff may not discuss this competition with applicants
until the proposal review process has been completed.
H. Other Information
The terms and conditions published in this NOFO are binding and may not be modified by any
ECA representative. Explanatory information provided by ECA that contradicts published
language will not be binding. Issuance of the NOFO does not constitute an award commitment
on the part of the Government. ECA reserves the right to reduce, revise, or increase proposal
budgets in accordance with the needs of the program and the availability of funds. Awards will
be subject to periodic programmatic and financial reporting and evaluation requirements as
outlined in the NOFO.
Lee Satterfield May 6, 2024
Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs
U.S. Department of State