Noise-free audio signal processing in noisy environment: a hardware and
algorithm solution
Yarong Feng*, Zongyi Liu, Shunyan Luo, Yuan Ling, Shujing Dong, Shuyi Wang, Bruce Ferry
Customer Experience and Business Trends,
2121 7th Ave, Seattle, WA, 98121
, joeliu@, shunyl@, yualing@, shujdong@, wanshuyi@, [email protected]
Dealing with background noise is a challenging task
in audio signal processing, negatively impacting algorithm
performance and system robustness. In this paper, we
propose a simple solution that combines recording hard-
ware modification and algorithm improvement to tackle
the challenge. The proposed solution could produce clean
and noise-free high quality audio recording even in noisy
recording environment. Experiment results show that the
proposed solution leads to better sound event detection ac-
curacy and speech recognition results.
1. Introduction
Audio signal processing is an important field that deals
with the manipulation and enhancement of audio signals,
including everything from music and speech to environmen-
tal sounds. It plays a vital role in our daily lives, impacting
various industries and technologies, such as telecommuni-
cations, automotive systems, voice assistants, and more.
Two widely used techniques in audio signal processing
are sound event detection and speech recognition. Sound
event detection focuses on the identification and categoriza-
tion of distinct acoustic events within audio signals. It in-
volves analyzing audio signals to determine when specific
sounds or events occur, and classifying them into prede-
fined categories, such as car horns, dog barks, or doorbells.
Speech recognition is a technology that enables a computer
or machine to convert spoken language into written text or
commands, facilitating human-computer interaction and the
automation of various tasks via voice input.
A challenging task in audio signal processing is dealing
with noise. Noise, usually in the form of unwanted back-
ground sounds, introduces distortions and disruptions to au-
dio signals, which degrade their quality. For example, noise
can significantly impact sound event detection results by in-
troducing false positive events or missing actual events. It
can also limit the ability of automated speech recognition
systems to accurately transcribe spoken words. Effective
noise reduction techniques and robust algorithms are essen-
tial for improving the accuracy and performance of such
systems in noisy conditions.
Depending on the time it is utilized, we can split noise
reduction techniques into two types: at recording, and post
recording. At-recording noise reduction techniques are ap-
plied during the recording phase aiming to minimize the in-
troduction of noise into the audio signal in the first place.
This involves selecting a quiet recording environment, using
proper microphone techniques, employing soundproofing
and acoustic treatment, and ensuring clean power sources.
These practices can help capture cleaner audio with a higher
signal-to-noise ratio. Post-recording noise reduction tech-
niques are applied after the audio has been recorded. These
methods include digital signal processing tools and software
that can analyze the audio, identify noise components, and
reduce or remove them while preserving the desired audio
content. Noise reduction algorithms, spectral subtraction,
and noise filtering are examples of post-processing tech-
niques. Post-recording noise reduction is valuable when the
recording environment is less than ideal or when dealing
with unexpected noise.
In this paper, we propose a novel and simple solution
combining at-recording and post-recording techniques to
improve recorded audio quality. We show that the solution
leads to improved performance on both sound event detec-
tion and speech recognition tasks.
Organization of the paper is as follows: Section 2 in-
troduces related work. Section 3 explains the proposed
methodology in details. Experimental results are shown in
Section 4, and Section 5 concludes the paper.
2. Related Work
Sound Event Detection Recent research efforts focus
on developing advanced algorithms, such as deep learning
models and neural networks, to enhance the performance
(a) Diagram of existing hardware setup. (b) Diagram of modified hardware setup.
Figure 1. Logical diagram of existing(left) and modified(right) hardware setup.
of sound event detection [57, 9]. These algorithms are
designed to handle challenging scenarios like background
noise, overlapping events, and low signal-to-noise ratios
[8, 13, 15]. Additionally, there is active research on the in-
tegration of sound event detection into a wide array of ap-
plications, from smart home technology [10], security sys-
tems [4], to automated facility maintenance [11].
Noise reduction Noise reduction for audio signal pro-
cessing involves the development of techniques and algo-
rithms aimed at removing or mitigating unwanted noise
from audio recordings while preserving the quality of the
desired signal. Traditional approaches usually involve fil-
tering [1], spectral subtraction [2], statistical methods [16],
etc. More recently, data-driven approaches leveraging deep
learning and machine learning are developed [3, 12, 18].
Hardware and sensor technology Various tools and de-
vices have been invented to remove or mitigate noise during
the capturing and processing of audio data. For instance,
high-quality microphones and sensors sensitive to the tar-
get audio signals can minimize the capture of unwanted
noise [14]. Advancements in signal processing hardware,
including dedicated digital signal processors (DSPs) and
specialized integrated circuits, also play a significant role
in noise reduction [17].
3. Methodology
The proposed method consists of two parts: at-recording
hardware modification and post-recording algorithm im-
provement for sound event detection. We first introduce the
existing audio recording setup in Section 3.1, and move on
to the details of each part in Section 3.2 and Section 3.3.
3.1. Existing audio recording setup
The existing audio recording setup we use includes a
voice assistant-enabled smart device, a speaker, and a mi-
crophone, as shown in Figure 1a. The speaker and mi-
crophone are connected to and controlled by a computer.
In a typical audio recording experiment, we play synthe-
sized wake word and question/request to the voice assistant-
enabled smart device through the speaker, wait for the re-
sponse from it, and use the microphone to record the entire
conversation, which usually has a duration of 20 30 sec-
onds. Some example conversations are shown in Figure 2,
with an Alexa-enabled device in the setup.
Audios collected using this setup can be used to evaluate
a voice assistant’s performance, leveraging the appropriate
technique. For instance, to measure the response latency,
we can perform sound event detection on the waveform to
find the gap between the end of the question/request and
the start of the response. Similarly, to measure the response
quality, we can first perform speech recognition to extract
the response text, and then assess the quality of answer man-
ually or using an automated system.
However, audios recorded using the setup in Figure 1a
are subject to unpredictable and uncontrolled background
noise, leading to degraded audio quality. As pointed out
in Section 1, it will negatively impact the performance of
downstream algorithms and systems that take these audios
as input, such as the sound event detection algorithm and
the speech recognition system mentioned above, and in turn
lead to inaccurate performance measurement and question-
able conclusion.
3.2. At-recording Hardware Modification
We make one simple modification to the setup in Fig-
ure 1a: the voice assistant-enabled device is modified such
that its response is directly streamed out using a wire and
sent to the computer, as shown in Figure 1b. Audios col-
lected in this way is completely free of background noise,
because the signal now travels through the wire instead of
air. Note that we make this modification in such a way that
it does not affect the device’s capability of producing audi-
ble response to human. In other words, the modified setup
captures the device response in two ways in parallel: the
usual audio response audible to human and will be recorded
by the microphone, and the additional audio response not
audible to human that is directly streamed out by a wire,
as shown in Figure 1b. We shall refer to the first type as
“recorded audio” and the second type as “streamed audio”
in the remainder of the paper.
We show the waveform of such a pair of recorded and
streamed audio in Figure 3. There are three main dif-
ferences between them: first, the recorded audio includes
the wake word and question/request played to the device
through the speaker, while the streamed audio does not con-
tain them, because the wire is only connecting the device
and the computer; second, the gap between the wake word,
(a) Example conversation 1.
Synthesized user: Alexa, what’s today’s date?
Alexa: Today is November 1st, 2021.
(b) Example conversation 2.
Synthesized user: Alexa, play baby shark.
Alexa: Baby Shark by Pink Fong, on Amazon Music.
Alexa: (music playing).)
Figure 2. Waveform and text of example conversations collected in audio recording experiments. Blue color blocks in the waveform
represent speech segments, and pink ones represent music.
Figure 3. Waveform of recorded(top, blue) and streamed au-
dios(bottom, red) for the same conversation.
question, and response segments in the recorded audio con-
tains ambient noise, while in streamed audio it’s completely
free of noise(represented by an almost flat line in between
sound events); third, the recorded audio and the streamed
audio may not be in perfect sync. Because the two are col-
lected in different ways, there is a non-negligible chance
that they are out of sync in the generated audio files. For in-
stance, in Figure 3, the streamed audio is slightly ahead of
the recorded audio, with the difference most visible around
second 7.5.
3.3. Post-recording Algorithm Improvement for
Sound Event Detection
For the purpose of speech recognition, the streamed au-
dio collected in the modified setup can be used directly to
obtain high quality response text. However, to measure
performance latency using sound event detection, streamed
audio is insufficient because it only contains the response
part of the conversation. The benefit of it, though, is run-
ning sound event detection on it can be achieved using sim-
ple off-the-shelf algorithms without advanced noise reduc-
tion or separation, because it can be considered completely
noise-free. On the contrary, recorded audio contains the
complete conversation, but requires more advanced and ro-
bust algorithms to ensure the sound event detection results
are not impacted negatively by the background noise. More-
over, as explained in Section 3.2, one can not directly com-
bine the recorded audio and the streamed audio, because the
two can be out of sync.
Based on these observations, we propose a simple algo-
rithmic improvement that brings the best of the two worlds
together, and addresses the out of sync issue at the same
time. We first align the recorded audio and the streamed
audio using cross-correlation, bringing them in sync. Given
two real-valued one-dimensional arrays x and y of length
and n
respectively, their cross-correlation is an array z
such that
z[k] =
lk+N 1
, k = 0, 1, ..., n
+ n
where N = max(n
, n
), and y
= 0 when m is outside
the range of y, and k is the lag index. To align x and y, we
simply take k
= argmax
z[k], and shift x by k
Then we run an off-the-shelf sound event detection al-
gorithm on both the recorded audio and the streamed au-
dio, and refer to the results as recorded sound events and
streamed sound events, respectively. Lastly, we update the
recorded sound events using the more accurate streamed
sound events. Note that in the last step, only the recorded
sound events in the response part are updated, with the wake
word and question part intact. This is feasible because we
know the rough time when the question/request ends in the
recorded audio, as we control the start play time of the ques-
tion and also know its length. The complete proposed algo-
Figure 4. Proposed algorithm diagram.
Figure 5. An intuitive guide on the scale of SNR and mapping to
real-world scenarios.
rithm is shown in Figure 4. Note that when the recording
environment is noisy, alignment between the streamed au-
dio and recorded audio may not be accurate. In such cases,
one can optionally pass the recorded audio through a band-
pass filter to remove some noise, before running alignment.
4. Experiment Results
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solu-
tion, we run experiments to collect data across a variety of
questions/requests using the modified setup in Section 3.2.
We use one Apple home pod mini as the voice assistant-
enabled device in all experiments for convenience. In re-
ality, one can use any voice assistant-enabled device to run
the experiment, as long as the device can be modified in
the same way as described in Section 3.2. In each exper-
iment, the wake word ”Hey Siri” and a randomly selected
question/request from a predefined question/request set are
played. We perform sound event detection using the pro-
posed algorithm in Section 3.3 and speech recognition using
AWS Transcribe. We use the existing setup in Section 3.1
with recorded audio only as the baseline. We introduce the
detailed experiment settings in the following sections.
Figure 6. Example audios waveforms at different SNR values.
Top(blue): original recorded audio, middle(green): SNR=1(high
noise), bottom(white): SNR=20(low noise).
4.1. Sound Event Detection Results
To simulate a realistic acoustic environment for record-
ing, we manually added background noise into the recorded
audios, at different Signal-Noise-Ratio(SNR) levels. SNR
is a common measure for audio quality and is computed as
the ratio of the signal power and noise power. For our exper-
iments, we simulated 20 distinct SNR settings(SNR ranging
from 1 to 20) to measure the impact of different levels of
noise. Figure 5 gives an intuitive guide on the SNR settings
we choose. Figure 6 shows some example audios at differ-
ent SNR levels and their waveforms.
We run 140 experiments and collect one recorded audio
and one streamed audio from each. In the baseline method,
for each recorded audio, we obtain its noisy version un-
der each SNR setting(such as recorded snr1, recorded snr2,
etc.), and run an off-the-shelf sound event detection algo-
rithm on it to compute the response latency. In the proposed
SNR MAE(in seconds)
streamed(proposed) recorded(baseline)
1 0.08 1.25
2 0.08 0.85
3 0.08 0.46
4 0.08 0.23
5 0.08 0.19
6 0.08 0.18
7 0.08 0.20
8 0.08 0.15
9 0.08 0.16
10 0.08 0.14
15 0.08 0.26
20 0.08 0.19
Table 1. MAE using streamed audio versus recorded audio, in
different SNR settings.
solution, for each audio pair, we simply use the algorithm in
Section 3.3 to get the updated sound events and compute re-
sponse latency. Under each SNR setting, the recorded audio
in the proposed solution is replaced with the corresponding
noisy version.
We use Mean Absolute Error(MAE) to measure the dif-
ference between the computed response latency and ground
truth in each setting. As shown in Table 1, response latency
computed using streamed audio has an MAE of 80ms in
all SNR settings. This is to be expected because streamed
audio is completely noise-free and the sound event detec-
tion results on them are not affected by the noise level.
In contrast, response latency computed using recorded au-
dio produces larger MAE as the noise gets stronger(SNR
gets lower). At SNR = 5 and higher, the MAE stabi-
lizes around 200ms. Note that even the smallest MAE
using recorded audio among all SNR settings(140ms at
SNR = 10) is much higher than the MAE using streamed
audio. This suggests that our proposed solution can still
improve algorithm performance even in acoustic environ-
ment that has been optimized for noise reduction(with high
4.2. Speech Recognition Results
We collect data for 80 experiments. For each experi-
ment, we run AWS Transcribe on the recorded audio and
streamed audio respectively to obtain the response text.
As no ground truth is available for this task, we compute
the Word Error Rate(WER) between the recorded response
text and streamed response text, to illustrate the differ-
ence between the two. Across 80 experiments, the average
un-normalized WER between recorded response text and
streamed response text is 18. It means on average, in each
conversion, there are 18 words that are different. “Differ-
ent” could mean word displacement, substitution, insertion,
or deletion. During manual inspection, we have found that
many of these differences are caused by transcription errors
on recorded audios. We provide a few examples in Table 2
with the transcription error highlighted in red.
5. Conclusion
We propose a hardware modification solution to record
noise-free and high quality audio even in noisy environ-
ment. In addition, we also propose an algorithm to perform
accurate sound event detection using the recordings col-
lected in the proposed setting. Experiment results show that
the proposed solution could produce very accurate sound
event detection results even in environments with low SNR.
There is also qualitative evidence that the proposed solution
leads to better speech recognition results.
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