Developed by the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition Science BoardBenefits of Youth Sports
Benefits of Youth Sports
Developed by the PCSFN Science Board
September 17, 2020
The National Youth Sports Strategy aims to unite U.S. youth sports culture around a shared vision:
that one day, all youth will have the opportunity, motivation, and access to play sports—regardless of
their race, ethnicity, sex, ability, or ZIP code. Why youth sports? Research shows that participating in
youth sports can lead to immediate and long-term benets for youth, their families, and communities.
Mental, Emotional, and Social Health
73 percent of parents believe that
sports benet their child’s mental health.
And they
are right!
Participating in sports is associated with:
Lower rates of anxiety and depression
Lower amounts of stress
Higher self-esteem and condence
Reduced risk of suicide
Less substance abuse and fewer risky
Increased cognitive performance
Increased creativity
Greater enjoyment of all forms of
physical activity
Improved psychological and emotional
well-being for individuals with disabilities
Increased life satisfaction
Physical Health
88 percent of parents believe that sports benet
their child’s physical health.
Indeed, participation is
one way for youth to get the physical activity they
need to be t and healthy.
Participating in physical activity is
associated with:
Improved bone health
Improved weight status
Increased cardiorespiratory and muscular
Reduced risk of cancer and diabetes
Participating in sports is associated with:
Increased physical activity levels
Improved cardiovascular tness
Decreased body fat percentage for girls
Increased overall quality of life
Developed by the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition Science BoardBenefits of Youth Sports
Educational and Career Success
55 percent of parents believe that sports will
benet their children academically and improve
their future careers. 80 percent of parents believe
that sports helped their child learn about discipline
and dedication, as well as how to get along with
Research supports these beliefs.
Participating in sports is associated with:
Improved teamwork, social skills, and
social responsibility
Improved life skills (e.g., goal setting,
time management, work ethic, empathy,
Increased empowerment, personal
responsibility, and self-control
Improved educational and occupational
skills (e.g., determination, perseverance,
grit, resilience, critical thinking)
Higher levels of academic
Greater leadership qualities
High school athletes are more likely to attend
and graduate from a four-year college
Lifelong Participation
73 percent of adults who play sports participated
when they were younger.
This means they built the
habit of physical activity early and are reaping the
rewards in adulthood.
Lifelong participation in sports can lead to
improved mental health outcomes.
Over 50% of adults who participate in sports
believe that participation reduces stress and
improves mental health.
Adolescents who play sports are 8 times more
likely to be physically active at age 24 than
those who do not play sports.
Participating in sports leads to immediate
psychological benets, and these can
continue even after retirement from sports.
Economic and Community Impact
The benets of youth sports extend beyond the
eld and even beyond the participant.
Participating in sports and physical activity
can lead to:
A decrease in direct, indirect, and personal
health care costs (collectively, up to $28
billion per year)
A stronger long-term labor market
Developed by the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition Science BoardBenefits of Youth Sports
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