What You Need To Know
About the Information
in this Booklet
Did you know that the National Kidney
Foundation (NKF) offers guidelines and
commentaries that help your healthcare
provider make decisions about your medical
treatment? The information in this booklet is
based on those recommended guidelines.
Stages of Kidney Disease
There are ive stages of kidney disease. They
are shown in the table below. Your healthcare
provider determines your stage of kidney
disease based on the presence of kidney
damage and your glomerular iltration rate
(GFR), which is a measure of your kidney
function. Your treatment is based on your stage
of kidney disease. Speak to your healthcare
provider if you have any questions about your
stage of kidney disease or your treatment.
*Your GFR number tells your healthcare provider how
much kidney function you have. As chronic kidney disease
progresses, your GFR number decreases.
Stage Description
Filtration Rate (GFR)*
Kidney damage (e.g., protein
in the urine) with normal GFR
90 or above
Kidney damage with mild
decrease in GFR
60 to 89
3 Moderate decrease in GFR 30 to 59
4 Severe reduction in GFR 15 to 29
5 Kidney failure Less than 15
What is a urinalysis (also called a
urine test”)?
A urinalysis is a simple test that looks
at a small sample of your urine. It can
help ind conditions that may need
treatment, including infections or
kidney problems. It can also help ind
serious diseases in the early stages,
like chronic kidney disease, diabetes,
or liver disease. A urinalysis is also
called a urine test.
Who should have a urine test?
Everyone can have a simple urine
test. Ask your healthcare provider
about having one. A urine test is very
important if you are at risk for kidney
problems, diabetes, or other health
conditions. Finding a health problem is
the irst step toward making it better.
How is a urine test done?
You will be asked to pee into a clean
cup called a “specimen cup.” Only a
small amount of your urine is needed
(about 2 tablespoons) to do the test.
Some of the urine is tested right
away with a dipstick — a thin, plastic
strip that is placed in the urine. (See
“Dipstick test” below.) The rest is
examined under a microscope.
Is a urine test expensive?
The test does not cost very much.
Most health insurance plans will cover
the cost.
What does a urine test include?
A urine test has three parts:
1. Visual exam. The urine will be looked
at for color and clearness. Blood may
make urine look red or the color of tea
or cola. An infection may make urine
look cloudy. Foamy urine can be a sign
of kidney problems.
2. Dipstick test. A dipstick is a thin, plastic
stick with strips of chemicals on it. It is
dipped into the urine. The strips change
color if a substance is present at a
level that is above the normal range. A
dipstick checks for the following:
Acidity (pH) is a measure of the
amount of acid in the urine. A
pH that is above the normal
range may mean you are at
risk for a kidney stone, urinary
infection, kidney problem, or
other disorder.
Protein is an important building
block in the body. Everyone
has protein in their blood. But
it should only be in your blood,
not in your urine. Your kidneys
play a role in this process.
Healthy kidneys remove waste
products and extra water from
your blood, but leave behind
the things your body needs,
like protein. When your kidneys
are injured, protein leaks into
your urine. Having protein in
your urine suggests that your
kidneys’ iltering units are
damaged by kidney disease.
Glucose (sugar) is usually a sign
of diabetes.
White blood cells (pus cells) are
signs of infection.
Bilirubin is a waste product from
the breakdown of old red blood
cells. It is normally removed
from the blood by the liver. Its
presence in the urine may be a
sign of liver disease.
Blood can be a sign of an
infection, a kidney problem,
certain medicines, or even
heavy exercise. Finding blood
in the urine requires further
testing. It does not always mean
you have a serious medical
3. Microscopic exam. A small amount
of urine will be looked at under a
microscope. Some of the things that
may be seen include:
Red blood cells, which may be a
sign of kidney disease, kidney
stones, infections, or bladder
White blood cells (or pus cells),
which are a sign of an infection.
Casts, which are tube-shaped
forms made of protein, and may
have red or white blood cells
or other cells inside. Casts may
form as the result of certain
kidney disorders.
Crystals, which are formed
from chemicals in the urine.
If they become large enough,
they become kidney stones.
How long does it take to get
my results?
A urine test can be done right in your
healthcare provider’s ofice. The test
takes only a few minutes to do. You
can discuss the results with your
healthcare provider right away.
A urine test can also be sent to a
laboratory. A lab can provide results
for routine testing within one to
two days.
Can any drugs or vitamins affect
the results?
Yes, some drugs and vitamins can
affect the results of a urine test. This
includes over-the-counter medications
and supplements. For example, vitamin
C pills can cause you to test positive
for a problem you do not have. This is
called a “false positive.” It means you
do not have the problem, even though
your test indicates that you do. Be sure
to tell your healthcare provider about
all the medications and vitamins you
take before you have a urine test.
What if my urine test shows
an infection?
Many people get urinary tract
infections (UTIs). This can happen if
bacteria (germs) get into the urinary
tract (the bladder) and multiply.
UTIs are treated with pills called
antibiotics.” If a UTI is not treated,
the bacteria can travel up to the
kidneys and cause a more serious type
of infection, called pyelonephritis.
Pyelonephritis is an actual infection of
the kidney and it is very important to
get treatment for it.
Do UTIs lead to kidney disease?
Not usually. In most cases, UTIs can be
treated successfully without causing
kidney problems.
What does it mean if my urine test
shows blood or protein?
It could mean you have kidney disease.
Your healthcare provider will repeat
your test and conirm the results.
Blood in the urine. Finding blood in
the urine requires further testing. It
may be a sign of kidney disease or
other disorders.
Protein in the urine. Having protein
in the urine for three months or
more is a sign of kidney disease.
If kidney disease is suspected, you
will be given follow-up tests to conirm
your diagnosis, check your kidney
function, and plan your treatment,
if needed.
There are two simple tests for
kidney disease:
A blood test to estimate GFR. GFR
stands for “glomerular filtration
rate.” Your GFR number tells you
how well your kidneys are working.
Your GFR is estimated from a
simple blood test for a waste
product called creatinine. Your
creatinine number is used in a
math formula along with your age,
race, and gender to find your GFR.
A test called ACR. ACR stands for
albumin-to-creatinine ratio.” A
sample of your urine will be sent to
a lab. The lab will check your urine
for albumin. Albumin is a type of
protein that is normally found in
your blood. Having albumin in your
urine (three positive results over
three months or more) is a sign of
kidney disease.
You may also be given:
Imaging tests (ultrasound or CT
scan). This produces a picture of
your kidneys and urinary tract. It
shows whether your kidneys are
too small or too large. It can also
show kidney stones, tumors, or
other problems.
A kidney biopsy. This can help
find out what caused your kidney
disease and how much damage
to the kidneys has happened. A
biopsy is a procedure to remove
tiny pieces of kidney tissue, which
are looked at under a microscope.
You are given medication to keep
you from feeling pain during the
procedure. Not everyone will need
to have a kidney biopsy.
What if my tests conirm that I
have chronic kidney disease?
You will be given a treatment plan to
follow. Your treatment plan will be
based on many things, including what
caused your kidney disease, how much
kidney function you have, and whether
you have other health problems. It may
include taking medicine, changing
your diet, limiting salt, getting exercise,
and more.
What is chronic kidney disease?
Chronic kidney disease is a life-long
condition. If you have it, it means
your kidneys cannot work as well as
they used to. This can happen
if kidneys become damaged.
Kidneys can become damaged from
a physical injury or from a disease
like diabetes, high blood pressure, or
other disorders.
Healthy kidneys do many important
jobs. They remove waste products
and extra water from your body, help
make red blood cells, and help control
blood pressure. But if your kidneys are
damaged, they cannot do these jobs
well. That’s why you need a treatment
plan. A treatment plan will help you
feel better and stay as healthy as
you can.
The good news? For many people, a
treatment plan can help stop kidney
disease from getting worse. It might
even make some problems better.
Will I get kidney failure?
Not everyone with kidney disease will
get kidney failure. With early treatment,
you can help keep your kidney disease
from getting worse. If kidney disease
is not treated, it can get worse. It can
lead to kidney failure. Once kidneys
fail, treatment with dialysis or a kidney
transplant is needed. That’s why it’s so
important to ind kidney disease early
and get treatment for it.
Who is at risk for kidney disease?
Anyone can get kidney disease at any
age. But some people have a higher
risk than others. You may have a higher
risk for kidney disease if you:
Have diabetes or high blood
Have a family history of kidney
disease or kidney failure
Are over 60 years of age
Are African American, Hispanic,
Asian, American Indian, or Pacific
People who are at risk for kidney
disease are tested for protein in their
urine. This is included in a standard
urine test. Having protein in the urine
(three positive tests for protein over 3
months or more) is one of the earliest
signs of kidney disease.
Where can I get more information?
If you have questions, speak to your
healthcare team. You can also call
the National Kidney Foundation
Cares Patient Help Line toll-free at
855.NKF.CARES (855.653.2273)
or email
nkfcares@kidney.org. A
trained professional will listen to
your concerns and help answer your
Have you had a simple urine test?
Having a simple urine test can help
ind kidney disease and other health
conditions early. Finding kidney
disease early is important because
treatment can help keep it from
getting worse. It may even make
some problems better.
Where can I learn more?
If you want to learn more about
kidney disease, the National
Kidney Foundation has many other
publications that cover many subjects:
What kidney disease is and
who is at risk for getting it
GFR (glomerular filtration rate)
Diabetes and your kidneys
High blood pressure and
your kidneys
Urinary tract infections
Nutrition and diet
Lifestyle issues, including:
Staying it
Coping with kidney disease
and kidney failure
Learn more at
© 2014 National Kidney Foundation, Inc. 11101815_HBE
30 East 33rd Street
New York, NY 10016
The National Kidney Foundation is the leading
organization in the U.S. dedicated to the
awareness, prevention, and treatment of kidney
disease for hundreds of thousands of healthcare
professionals, millions of patients and their
families, and tens of millions of Americans at risk.
Help ight kidney disease.
Learn more at www.kidney.org
Awareness. Prevention. Treatment.
Awareness. Prevention. Treatment.
Awareness. Prevention. Treatment.
Awareness. Prevention. Treatment.
Awareness. Prevention. Treatment. Awareness. Prevention. Treatment.
Awareness. Prevention. Treatment.
Awareness. Prevention. Treatment.
Awareness. Prevention. Treatment.
Awareness. Prevention. Treatment.