70.12 ARTICLE 12
70.14 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 144.0572, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
70.15 Subdivision 1. Criminal history background check requirements. (a) Beginning
70.16 January 1, 2018, an applicant for initial licensure, temporary licensure, or relicensure after
70.17 a lapse in licensure as an audiologist or speech-language pathologist, a speech-language
70.18 pathology assistant, or an applicant for initial certification as a hearing instrument dispenser,
70.19 must submit to a criminal history records check of state data completed by the Bureau of
70.20 Criminal Apprehension (BCA) and a national criminal history records check, including a
70.21 search of the records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
70.22 (b) Beginning January 1, 2020, an applicant for a renewal license or certificate as an
70.23 audiologist, speech-language pathologist, or hearing instrument dispenser who was licensed
70.24 or obtained a certificate before January 1, 2018, must submit to a criminal history records
70.25 check of state data completed by the BCA and a national criminal history records check,
70.26 including a search of the records of the FBI.
70.27 (c) An applicant must submit to a background study under chapter 245C.
70.28 (d) The criminal history records check must be structured so that any new crimes that
70.29 an applicant or licensee or certificate holder commits after the initial background check are
70.30 flagged in the BCA's or FBI's database and reported back to the commissioner of human
70.31 services.
71.1 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
71.2 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.511, is amended to read:
71.3 148.511 SCOPE.
71.4 Sections 148.511 to 148.5198 apply to persons who are applicants for licensure, who
71.5 use protected titles, who represent that they are licensed, or who engage in the practice of
71.6 speech-language pathology or audiology or practice as a speech-language pathology assistant.
71.7 Sections 148.511 to 148.5198 do not apply to school personnel licensed by the Professional
71.8 Educator Licensing and Standards Board and practicing within the scope of their school
71.9 license under Minnesota Rules, part 8710.6000, or the paraprofessionals who assist these
71.10 individuals.
71.11 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
71.12 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.512, subdivision 17a, is amended to read:
71.13 Subd. 17a. Speech-language pathology assistant. "Speech-language pathology assistant"
71.14 means a person who meets the qualifications under section 148.5181 and provides
71.15 speech-language pathology services under the supervision of a licensed speech-language
71.16 pathologist in accordance with section 148.5192.
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71.17 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
71.18 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.513, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
71.19 Subdivision 1. Unlicensed practice prohibited. A person must not engage in the practice
71.20 of speech-language pathology or audiology or practice as a speech-language pathology
71.21 assistant unless the person is licensed as a speech-language pathologist or, an audiologist,
71.22 or a speech-language pathology assistant under sections 148.511 to 148.5198 or is practicing
71.23 as a speech-language pathology assistant in accordance with section 148.5192. For purposes
71.24 of this subdivision, a speech-language pathology assistant's duties are limited to the duties
71.25 described in accordance with section 148.5192, subdivision 2.
71.26 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
71.27 Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.513, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
71.28 Subd. 2. Protected titles and restrictions on use; speech-language pathologists and
71.29 audiologists. (a) Notwithstanding paragraph (b) (c), the use of the following terms or initials
71.30 which represent the following terms, alone or in combination with any word or words, by
72.1 any person to form an occupational title is prohibited unless that person is licensed as a
72.2 speech-language pathologist or audiologist under sections 148.511 to 148.5198:
72.3 (1) speech-language;
72.4 (2) speech-language pathologist, S, SP, or SLP;
72.5 (3) speech pathologist;
72.6 (4) language pathologist;
72.7 (5) audiologist, A, or AUD;
72.8 (6) speech therapist;
72.9 (7) speech clinician;
72.10 (8) speech correctionist;
72.11 (9) language therapist;
72.12 (10) voice therapist;
72.13 (11) voice pathologist;
72.14 (12) logopedist;
72.15 (13) communicologist;
72.16 (14) aphasiologist;
72.17 (15) phoniatrist;
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72.18 (16) audiometrist;
72.19 (17) audioprosthologist;
72.20 (18) hearing therapist;
72.21 (19) hearing clinician; or
72.22 (20) hearing aid audiologist.
72.23 (b) Use of the term "Minnesota licensed" in conjunction with the titles protected under
72.24 this paragraph (a) by any person is prohibited unless that person is licensed as a
72.25 speech-language pathologist or audiologist under sections 148.511 to 148.5198.
72.26 (b) (c) A speech-language pathology assistant practicing under section 148.5192 sections
72.27 148.511 to 148.5198 must not represent, indicate, or imply to the public that the assistant
72.28 is a licensed speech-language pathologist and shall only utilize one of the following titles:
73.1 "speech-language pathology assistant," "SLP assistant," or "SLP asst." the titles provided
73.2 in subdivision 2b.
73.3 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
73.4 Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.513, is amended by adding a subdivision to
73.5 read:
73.6 Subd. 2b. Protected titles and restrictions on use; speech-language pathology
73.7 assistant. (a) The use of the following terms or initials which represent the following terms,
73.8 alone or in combination with any word or words, by any person to form an occupational
73.9 title is prohibited unless that person is licensed under section 148.5181:
73.10 (1) speech-language pathology assistant;
73.11 (2) SLP assistant; or
73.12 (3) SLP asst.
73.13 (b) Use of the term "Minnesota licensed" in conjunction with the titles protected under
73.14 this subdivision by any person is prohibited unless that person is licensed under section
73.15 148.5181.
73.16 (c) A speech-language pathology assistant practicing under section 148.5192 must not
73.17 represent, indicate, or imply to the public that the assistant is a licensed speech-language
73.18 pathologist and must only utilize the title provided in paragraph (a).
73.19 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
73.20 Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.513, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
73.21 Subd. 3. Exemption. (a) Nothing in sections 148.511 to 148.5198 prohibits the practice
73.22 of any profession or occupation licensed, certified, or registered by the state by any person
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73.23 duly licensed, certified, or registered to practice the profession or occupation or to perform
73.24 any act that falls within the scope of practice of the profession or occupation.
73.25 (b) Subdivision 1 does not apply to a student participating in supervised field work or
73.26 supervised course work that is necessary to meet the requirements of section sections
73.27 148.515, subdivision 2 or 3, or 148.5181, subdivision 2, if the person is designated by a
73.28 title which clearly indicates the person's status as a student trainee.
73.29 (c) Subdivisions 1 and, 2, and 2a do not apply to a person visiting and then leaving the
73.30 state and using titles restricted under this section while in the state, if the titles are used no
73.31 more than 30 days in a calendar year as part of a professional activity that is limited in scope
74.1 and duration and is in association with an audiologist or speech-language pathologist licensed
74.2 under sections 148.511 to 148.5198.
74.3 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
74.4 Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.514, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
74.5 Subd. 2. General licensure qualifications. An applicant for licensure must possess the
74.6 qualifications required in one of the following clauses:
74.7 (1) a person who applies for licensure and does not meet the requirements in clause (2)
74.8 or (3), must meet the requirements in section 148.515 or 148.5181, subdivision 2;
74.9 (2) a person who applies for licensure and who has a current certificate of clinical
74.10 competence issued by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, or board
74.11 certification by the American Board of Audiology, must meet the requirements of section
74.12 148.516; or
74.13 (3) a person who applies for licensure by reciprocity must meet the requirements under
74.14 section 148.517 or 148.5181, subdivision 3.
74.15 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
74.16 Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.515, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
74.17 Subdivision 1. Applicability. Except as provided in section 148.516 or 148.517, an
74.18 applicant for speech-language pathology or audiology must meet the requirements in this
74.19 section.
74.20 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
74.21 Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.518, is amended to read:
74.23 Subdivision 1. Speech-language pathology or audiology lapse. For An applicant whose
74.24 licensure status has lapsed, the applicant and who is applying for a speech-language pathology
74.25 or audiology license must:
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74.26 (1) apply for licensure renewal according to section 148.5191 and document compliance
74.27 with the continuing education requirements of section 148.5193 since the applicant's license
74.28 lapsed;
74.29 (2) fulfill the requirements of section 148.517;
75.1 (3) apply for renewal according to section 148.5191, provide evidence to the
75.2 commissioner that the applicant holds a current and unrestricted credential for the practice
75.3 of speech-language pathology from the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards
75.4 Board or for the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology in another jurisdiction
75.5 that has requirements equivalent to or higher than those in effect for Minnesota, and provide
75.6 evidence of compliance with Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board or that
75.7 jurisdiction's continuing education requirements;
75.8 (4) apply for renewal according to section 148.5191 and submit verified documentation
75.9 of successful completion of 160 hours of supervised practice approved by the commissioner.
75.10 To participate in a supervised practice, the applicant shall first apply and obtain temporary
75.11 licensing according to section 148.5161; or
75.12 (5) apply for renewal according to section 148.5191 and provide documentation of
75.13 obtaining a qualifying score on the examination described in section 148.515, subdivision
75.14 4, within one year of the application date for license renewal.
75.15 Subd. 2. Speech-language pathology assistant licensure lapse. An applicant applying
75.16 for speech-language pathology assistant licensure and whose licensure status has lapsed
75.17 must:
75.18 (1) apply for renewal according to section 148.5191, and provide evidence to the
75.19 commissioner that the applicant has an associate's degree from a speech-language pathology
75.20 assistant program that is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central
75.21 Association of Colleges;
75.22 (2) apply for renewal according to section 148.5191 and provide evidence to the
75.23 commissioner that the applicant has a bachelor's degree in the discipline of communication
75.24 sciences or disorders and a speech-language pathology assistant certificate program, including
75.25 relevant coursework and supervised field experience according to section 148.5181; or
75.26 (3) apply for licensure renewal according to section 148.5191 and document compliance
75.27 with the continuing education requirements of section 148.5193 since the applicant's license
75.28 lapsed.
75.29 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
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76.3 Subdivision 1. Applicability. Except as provided in subdivisions 3 and 4, an applicant
76.4 for licensure as a speech-language pathology assistant must meet the requirements of this
76.5 section.
76.6 Subd. 2. Educational requirements. (a) To be eligible for speech-language pathology
76.7 assistant licensure, an applicant must submit to the commissioner a transcript from an
76.8 educational institution documenting satisfactory completion of either:
76.9 (1) an associate's degree from a speech-language pathology assistant program that is
76.10 accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges
76.11 or its equivalent as approved by the commissioner and that includes at least 100 hours of
76.12 supervised field work experience in speech-language pathology assisting; or
76.13 (2) a bachelor's degree in the discipline of communication sciences or disorders and a
76.14 speech-language pathology assistant certificate program that includes:
76.15 (i) coursework in an introduction to speech-language pathology assisting, adult
76.16 communication disorders and treatment, speech sound disorders, and language disorders at
76.17 a speech-language pathology assistant level; and
76.18 (ii) at least 100 hours of supervised field work experience in speech-language pathology
76.19 assisting.
76.20 (b) Within one month following expiration of a license, an applicant for licensure renewal
76.21 as a speech-language pathology assistant must provide, on a form provided by the
76.22 commissioner, evidence to the commissioner of a minimum of 20 contact hours of continuing
76.23 education obtained within the two years immediately preceding licensure expiration. A
76.24 minimum of 13 contact hours of continuing education must be directly related to the licensee's
76.25 area of licensure. Seven contact hours of continuing education may be in areas generally
76.26 related to the licensee's area of licensure. Licensees who are issued licenses for a period of
76.27 less than two years must prorate the number of contact hours required for licensure renewal
76.28 based on the number of months licensed during the biennial licensure period. Licensees
76.29 must receive contact hours for continuing education activities only for the biennial licensure
76.30 period in which the continuing education activity was performed.
76.31 Subd. 3. Licensure by reciprocity. The commissioner shall issue a speech-language
76.32 pathology assistant license to a person who holds a current speech-language pathology
76.33 assistant license in another state if the following conditions are met:
77.1 (1) payment of the commissioner's current fee for licensure; and
77.2 (2) submission of evidence of licensure in good standing from another state that maintains
77.3 a system and standard of examinations for speech-language pathology assistants which
77.4 meets or exceeds the current requirements for licensure in Minnesota.
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77.5 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
77.6 Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.519, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
77.7 Subdivision 1. Applications for licensure; speech-language pathologists and
77.8 audiologists. (a) An applicant for licensure as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist
77.9 must:
77.10 (1) submit a completed application for licensure on forms provided by the commissioner.
77.11 The application must include the applicant's name, certification number under chapter 153A,
77.12 if applicable, business address and telephone number, or home address and telephone number
77.13 if the applicant practices speech-language pathology or audiology out of the home, and a
77.14 description of the applicant's education, training, and experience, including previous work
77.15 history for the five years immediately preceding the date of application. The commissioner
77.16 may ask the applicant to provide additional information necessary to clarify information
77.17 submitted in the application; and
77.18 (2) submit documentation of the certificate of clinical competence issued by the American
77.19 Speech-Language-Hearing Association, board certification by the American Board of
77.20 Audiology, or satisfy the following requirements:
77.21 (i) submit a transcript showing the completion of a master's or doctoral degree or its
77.22 equivalent meeting the requirements of section 148.515, subdivision 2;
77.23 (ii) submit documentation of the required hours of supervised clinical training;
77.24 (iii) submit documentation of the postgraduate clinical or doctoral clinical experience
77.25 meeting the requirements of section 148.515, subdivision 4; and
77.26 (iv) submit documentation of receiving a qualifying score on an examination meeting
77.27 the requirements of section 148.515, subdivision 6.
77.28 (b) In addition, an applicant must:
77.29 (1) sign a statement that the information in the application is true and correct to the best
77.30 of the applicant's knowledge and belief;
77.31 (2) submit with the application all fees required by section 148.5194;
78.1 (3) sign a waiver authorizing the commissioner to obtain access to the applicant's records
78.2 in this or any other state in which the applicant has engaged in the practice of speech-language
78.3 pathology or audiology; and
78.4 (4) consent to a fingerprint-based criminal history background check as required under
78.5 section 144.0572, pay all required fees, and cooperate with all requests for information. An
78.6 applicant must complete a new criminal history background check if more than one year
78.7 has elapsed since the applicant last applied for a license.
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78.8 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
78.9 Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.519, is amended by adding a subdivision
78.10 to read:
78.11 Subd. 1a. Applications for licensure; speech-language pathology assistants. An
78.12 applicant for licensure as a speech-language pathology assistant must:
78.13 (1) submit a completed application on forms provided by the commissioner. The
78.14 application must include the applicant's name, business address and telephone number,
78.15 home address and telephone number, and a description of the applicant's education, training,
78.16 and experience, including previous work history for the five years immediately preceding
78.17 the application date. The commissioner may ask the applicant to provide additional
78.18 information needed to clarify information submitted in the application;
78.19 (2) submit a transcript showing the completion of the requirements set forth in section
78.20 148.5181;
78.21 (3) submit a signed statement that the information in the application is true and correct
78.22 to the best of the applicant's knowledge and belief;
78.23 (4) submit all fees required under section 148.5194;
78.24 (5) submit a signed waiver authorizing the commissioner to obtain access to the applicant's
78.25 records in this or any other state in which the applicant has worked as a speech-language
78.26 pathology assistant; and
78.27 (6) consent to a fingerprint-based criminal history background check as required under
78.28 section 144.0572, pay all required fees, and cooperate with all requests for information. An
78.29 applicant must complete a new criminal history background check if more than one year
78.30 has lapsed since the applicant last applied for a license.
78.31 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
79.1 Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.5191, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
79.2 Subdivision 1. Renewal requirements. To renew licensure, an applicant for license
79.3 renewal as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist must:
79.4 (1) biennially complete a renewal application on a form provided by the commissioner
79.5 and submit the biennial renewal fee;
79.6 (2) meet the continuing education requirements of section 148.5193 and submit evidence
79.7 of attending continuing education courses, as required in section 148.5193, subdivision 6;
79.8 and
79.9 (3) submit additional information if requested by the commissioner to clarify information
79.10 presented in the renewal application. The information must be submitted within 30 days
79.11 after the commissioner's request.
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79.12 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
79.13 Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.5191, is amended by adding a subdivision
79.14 to read:
79.15 Subd. 1a. Renewal requirements; speech-language pathology assistant. To renew
79.16 licensure, an applicant for license renewal as a speech-language pathology assistant must:
79.17 (1) biennially complete a renewal application on a form provided by the commissioner
79.18 and submit the biennial renewal fee;
79.19 (2) meet the continuing education requirements of section 148.5193, subdivision 1a,
79.20 and submit evidence of attending continuing education courses, as required in section
79.21 148.5193, subdivision 1a; and
79.22 (3) submit additional information if requested by the commissioner to clarify information
79.23 presented in the renewal application. The information must be submitted within 30 days
79.24 after the commissioner's request.
79.25 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
79.26 Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.5192, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
79.27 Subdivision 1. Delegation requirements. A licensed speech-language pathologist may
79.28 delegate duties to a licensed speech-language pathology assistant in accordance with this
79.29 section following an initial introduction to a client with the speech-language pathologist
79.30 and speech-language pathology assistant present. Duties may only be delegated to an
80.1 individual who has documented with a transcript from an educational institution satisfactory
80.2 completion of either:
80.3 (1) an associate degree from a speech-language pathology assistant program that is
80.4 accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges
80.5 or its equivalent as approved by the commissioner; or
80.6 (2) a bachelor's degree in the discipline of communication sciences or disorders with
80.7 additional transcript credit in the area of instruction in assistant-level service delivery
80.8 practices and completion of at least 100 hours of supervised field work experience as a
80.9 speech-language pathology assistant student.
80.10 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
80.11 Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.5192, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
80.12 Subd. 2. Delegated duties; prohibitions. (a) A speech-language pathology assistant
80.13 may perform only those duties delegated by a licensed speech-language pathologist and
80.14 must be limited to duties within the training and experience of the speech-language pathology
80.15 assistant.
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80.16 (b) Duties may include the following as delegated by the supervising speech-language
80.17 pathologist:
80.18 (1) assist with speech language and hearing screenings;
80.19 (2) implement documented treatment plans or protocols developed by the supervising
80.20 speech-language pathologist;
80.21 (3) document client performance, including writing progress notes;
80.22 (4) assist with assessments of clients;
80.23 (5) assist with preparing materials and scheduling activities as directed;
80.24 (6) perform checks and maintenance of equipment;
80.25 (7) support the supervising speech-language pathologist in research projects, in-service
80.26 training, and public relations programs; and
80.27 (8) collect data for quality improvement.
80.28 (c) A speech-language pathology assistant may not:
80.29 (1) perform standardized or nonstandardized diagnostic tests, perform formal or informal
80.30 evaluations, or interpret test results;
81.1 (2) screen or diagnose clients for feeding or swallowing disorders, including using a
81.2 checklist or tabulating results of feeding or swallowing evaluations, or demonstrate
81.3 swallowing strategies or precautions to clients or the clients' families demonstrate strategies
81.4 included in the feeding and swallowing plan developed by the speech-language pathologist
81.5 or share such information with students, patients, clients, families, staff, and caregivers;
81.6 (3) participate in parent conferences, case conferences, or any interdisciplinary team
81.7 without the presence of the supervising speech-language pathologist or other licensed
81.8 speech-language pathologist as authorized by the supervising speech-language pathologist
81.9 meetings without approval from the speech-language pathologist or misrepresent themselves
81.10 as a speech-language pathologist at such a conference or meeting. The speech-language
81.11 pathologist and speech-language pathology assistant are required to meet prior to the parent
81.12 conferences, case conferences, or interdisciplinary team meetings to determine the
81.13 information to be shared;
81.14 (4) provide client or family counseling or consult with the client or the family regarding
81.15 the client status or service;
81.16 (5) write, develop, or modify a client's individualized treatment plan or individualized
81.17 education program;
81.18 (6) select clients for service;
81.19 (7) discharge clients from service;
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81.20 (8) disclose clinical or confidential information either orally or in writing to anyone
81.21 other than the supervising speech-language pathologist information to other team members
81.22 without permission from the supervising speech-language pathologist; or
81.23 (9) make referrals for additional services.
81.24 (d) A speech-language pathology assistant must not only sign any formal documents,
81.25 including treatment plans, education plans, reimbursement forms, or reports, when cosigned
81.26 by the supervising speech-language pathologist. The speech-language pathology assistant
81.27 must sign or initial all treatment notes written by the assistant, which must then also be
81.28 cosigned by the supervising speech-language pathologist.
81.29 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
81.30 Sec. 18. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.5192, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
81.31 Subd. 3. Supervision requirements. (a) A supervising speech-language pathologist
81.32 shall authorize and accept full responsibility for the performance, practice, and activity of
82.1 a speech-language pathology assistant. The amount and type of supervision required must
82.2 be based on the skills and experience of the speech-language pathology assistant. A minimum
82.3 of one hour every 30 days of consultative supervision time must be documented for each
82.4 speech-language pathology assistant.
82.5 (b) A supervising speech-language pathologist must:
82.6 (1) be licensed under sections 148.511 to 148.5198;
82.7 (2) hold a certificate of clinical competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing
82.8 Association or its equivalent as approved by the commissioner; and
82.9 (3) have completed at least one ten hours of continuing education unit in supervision.
82.10 (c) The supervision of a speech-language pathology assistant shall be maintained on the
82.11 following schedule:
82.12 (1) for the first 90 workdays, within a 40-hour work week, 30 percent of the work
82.13 performed by the speech-language pathology assistant must be supervised and at least 20
82.14 percent of the work performed must be under direct supervision; and
82.15 (2) for the work period after the initial 90-day period, within a 40-hour work week, 20
82.16 percent of the work performed must be supervised and at least ten percent of the work
82.17 performed must be under direct supervision Once every 60 days, the supervising
82.18 speech-language pathologist must treat or cotreat with the speech-language pathology
82.19 assistant each client on the speech-language pathology assistant's caseload.
82.20 (d) For purposes of this section, "direct supervision" means on-site, in-view observation
82.21 and guidance by the supervising speech-language pathologist during the performance of a
82.22 delegated duty that occurs either on-site and in-view or through the use of real-time, two-way
82.23 interactive audio and visual communication. The supervision requirements described in this
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82.24 section are minimum requirements. Additional supervision requirements may be imposed
82.25 at the discretion of the supervising speech-language pathologist.
82.26 (e) A supervising speech-language pathologist must be available to communicate with
82.27 a speech-language pathology assistant at any time the assistant is in direct contact with a
82.28 client.
82.29 (f) A supervising speech-language pathologist must document activities performed by
82.30 the assistant that are directly supervised by the supervising speech-language pathologist.
82.31 At a minimum, the documentation must include:
83.1 (1) information regarding the quality of the speech-language pathology assistant's
83.2 performance of the delegated duties; and
83.3 (2) verification that any delegated clinical activity was limited to duties authorized to
83.4 be performed by the speech-language pathology assistant under this section.
83.5 (g) A supervising speech-language pathologist must review and cosign all informal
83.6 treatment notes signed or initialed by the speech-language pathology assistant.
83.7 (h) A full-time, speech-language pathologist may supervise no more than one two
83.8 full-time, speech-language pathology assistant assistants or the equivalent of one two
83.9 full-time assistant assistants.
83.10 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
83.11 Sec. 19. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.5193, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
83.12 Subdivision 1. Number of contact hours required; speech-language pathologists
83.13 and audiologists. (a) An applicant for licensure renewal as a speech-language pathologist
83.14 or audiologist must meet the requirements for continuing education stipulated by the
83.15 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association or the American Board of Audiology, or
83.16 satisfy the requirements described in paragraphs (b) to (e).
83.17 (b) Within one month following expiration of a license, an applicant for licensure renewal
83.18 as either a speech-language pathologist or an audiologist must provide evidence to the
83.19 commissioner of a minimum of 30 contact hours of continuing education obtained within
83.20 the two years immediately preceding licensure expiration. A minimum of 20 contact hours
83.21 of continuing education must be directly related to the licensee's area of licensure. Ten
83.22 contact hours of continuing education may be in areas generally related to the licensee's
83.23 area of licensure. Licensees who are issued licenses for a period of less than two years shall
83.24 prorate the number of contact hours required for licensure renewal based on the number of
83.25 months licensed during the biennial licensure period. Licensees shall receive contact hours
83.26 for continuing education activities only for the biennial licensure period in which the
83.27 continuing education activity was performed.
83.28 (c) An applicant for licensure renewal as both a speech-language pathologist and an
83.29 audiologist must attest to and document completion of a minimum of 36 contact hours of
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83.30 continuing education offered by a continuing education sponsor within the two years
83.31 immediately preceding licensure renewal. A minimum of 15 contact hours must be received
83.32 in the area of speech-language pathology and a minimum of 15 contact hours must be
83.33 received in the area of audiology. Six contact hours of continuing education may be in areas
84.1 generally related to the licensee's areas of licensure. Licensees who are issued licenses for
84.2 a period of less than two years shall prorate the number of contact hours required for licensure
84.3 renewal based on the number of months licensed during the biennial licensure period.
84.4 Licensees shall receive contact hours for continuing education activities only for the biennial
84.5 licensure period in which the continuing education activity was performed.
84.6 (d) If the licensee is licensed by the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards
84.7 Board:
84.8 (1) activities that are approved in the categories of Minnesota Rules, part 8710.7200,
84.9 subpart 3, items A and B, and that relate to speech-language pathology, shall be considered:
84.10 (i) offered by a sponsor of continuing education; and
84.11 (ii) directly related to speech-language pathology;
84.12 (2) activities that are approved in the categories of Minnesota Rules, part 8710.7200,
84.13 subpart 3, shall be considered:
84.14 (i) offered by a sponsor of continuing education; and
84.15 (ii) generally related to speech-language pathology; and
84.16 (3) one clock hour as defined in Minnesota Rules, part 8710.7200, subpart 1, is equivalent
84.17 to 1.0 contact hours of continuing education.
84.18 (e) Contact hours may not be accumulated in advance and transferred to a future
84.19 continuing education period.
84.20 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
84.21 Sec. 20. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.5193, is amended by adding a subdivision
84.22 to read:
84.23 Subd. 1a. Continuing education; speech-language pathology assistants. An applicant
84.24 for licensure renewal as a speech-language pathology assistant must meet the requirements
84.25 for continuing education established by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
84.26 and submit evidence of attending continuing education courses. A licensee must receive
84.27 contact hours for continuing education activities only for the biennial licensure period in
84.28 which the continuing education activity was completed. Continuing education contact hours
84.29 obtained in one licensure period must not be transferred to a future licensure period.
84.30 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
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85.1 Sec. 21. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.5194, is amended by adding a subdivision
85.2 to read:
85.3 Subd. 3b. Speech-language pathology assistant licensure fees. The fee for initial
85.4 licensure as a speech-language pathology assistant is $493. The fee for licensure renewal
85.5 for a speech-language pathology assistant is $493.
85.6 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
85.7 Sec. 22. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.5194, subdivision 8, is amended to read:
85.8 Subd. 8. Penalty fees. (a) The penalty fee for practicing speech-language pathology or
85.9 audiology, practicing as a speech-language pathology assistant, or using protected titles
85.10 without a current license after the credential has expired and before it is renewed is the
85.11 amount of the license renewal fee for any part of the first month, plus the license renewal
85.12 fee for any part of any subsequent month up to 36 months.
85.13 (b) The penalty fee for applicants who engage in the unauthorized practice of
85.14 speech-language pathology or audiology, practice as a speech-language pathology assistant,
85.15 or using use of protected titles before being issued a license is the amount of the license
85.16 application fee for any part of the first month, plus the license application fee for any part
85.17 of any subsequent month up to 36 months. This paragraph does not apply to applicants not
85.18 qualifying for a license who engage in the unauthorized practice of speech language
85.19 pathology or audiology or in the unauthorized practice as a speech-language pathology
85.20 assistant.
85.21 (c) The penalty fee for practicing speech-language pathology or audiology and failing
85.22 to submit a continuing education report by the due date with the correct number or type of
85.23 hours in the correct time period is $100 plus $20 for each missing clock hour. The penalty
85.24 fee for a licensed speech-language pathology assistant who fails to submit a continuing
85.25 education report by the due date with the correct number or type of hours in the correct time
85.26 period is $100 plus $20 for each missing clock hour. "Missing" means not obtained between
85.27 the effective and expiration dates of the certificate, the one-month period following the
85.28 certificate expiration date, or the 30 days following notice of a penalty fee for failing to
85.29 report all continuing education hours. The licensee must obtain the missing number of
85.30 continuing education hours by the next reporting due date.
85.31 (d) Civil penalties and discipline incurred by licensees prior to August 1, 2005, for
85.32 conduct described in paragraph (a), (b), or (c) shall be recorded as nondisciplinary penalty
85.33 fees. For conduct described in paragraph (a) or (b) occurring after August 1, 2005, and
86.1 exceeding six months, payment of a penalty fee does not preclude any disciplinary action
86.2 reasonably justified by the individual case.
86.3 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
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86.4 Sec. 23. Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 148.5195, subdivision 3, is amended
86.5 to read:
86.6 Subd. 3. Grounds for disciplinary action by commissioner. The commissioner may
86.7 take any of the disciplinary actions listed in subdivision 4 on proof that the individual has:
86.8 (1) intentionally submitted false or misleading information to the commissioner or the
86.9 advisory council;
86.10 (2) failed, within 30 days, to provide information in response to a written request by the
86.11 commissioner or advisory council;
86.12 (3) performed services of a speech-language pathologist or, audiologist, or
86.13 speech-language pathology assistant in an incompetent or negligent manner;
86.14 (4) violated sections 148.511 to 148.5198;
86.15 (5) failed to perform services with reasonable judgment, skill, or safety due to the use
86.16 of alcohol or drugs, or other physical or mental impairment;
86.17 (6) violated any state or federal law, rule, or regulation, and the violation is a felony or
86.18 misdemeanor, an essential element of which is dishonesty, or which relates directly or
86.19 indirectly to the practice of speech-language pathology or audiology or to the practice of a
86.20 speech-language pathology assistant. Conviction for violating any state or federal law which
86.21 relates to speech-language pathology or, audiology, or to the practice of a speech-language
86.22 pathology assistant is necessarily considered to constitute a violation, except as provided
86.23 in chapter 364;
86.24 (7) aided or abetted another person in violating any provision of sections 148.511 to
86.25 148.5198;
86.26 (8) been or is being disciplined by another jurisdiction, if any of the grounds for the
86.27 discipline is the same or substantially equivalent to those under sections 148.511 to 148.5198;
86.28 (9) not cooperated with the commissioner or advisory council in an investigation
86.29 conducted according to subdivision 1;
86.30 (10) advertised in a manner that is false or misleading;
87.1 (11) engaged in conduct likely to deceive, defraud, or harm the public; or demonstrated
87.2 a willful or careless disregard for the health, welfare, or safety of a client;
87.3 (12) failed to disclose to the consumer any fee splitting or any promise to pay a portion
87.4 of a fee to any other professional other than a fee for services rendered by the other
87.5 professional to the client;
87.6 (13) engaged in abusive or fraudulent billing practices, including violations of federal
87.7 Medicare and Medicaid laws, Food and Drug Administration regulations, or state medical
87.8 assistance laws;
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87.9 (14) obtained money, property, or services from a consumer through the use of undue
87.10 influence, high pressure sales tactics, harassment, duress, deception, or fraud;
87.11 (15) performed services for a client who had no possibility of benefiting from the services;
87.12 (16) failed to refer a client for medical evaluation or to other health care professionals
87.13 when appropriate or when a client indicated symptoms associated with diseases that could
87.14 be medically or surgically treated;
87.15 (17) had the certification required by chapter 153A denied, suspended, or revoked
87.16 according to chapter 153A;
87.17 (18) used the term doctor of audiology, doctor of speech-language pathology, AuD, or
87.18 SLPD without having obtained the degree from an institution accredited by the North Central
87.19 Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, the Council on Academic Accreditation
87.20 in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, the United States Department of Education,
87.21 or an equivalent;
87.22 (19) failed to comply with the requirements of section 148.5192 regarding supervision
87.23 of speech-language pathology assistants; or
87.24 (20) if the individual is an audiologist or certified prescription hearing aid dispenser:
87.25 (i) prescribed to a consumer or potential consumer the use of a prescription hearing aid,
87.26 unless the prescription from a physician, an audiologist, or a certified dispenser is in writing,
87.27 is based on an audiogram that is delivered to the consumer or potential consumer when the
87.28 prescription is made, and bears the following information in all capital letters of 12-point
87.29 or larger boldface type: "THIS PRESCRIPTION MAY BE FILLED BY, AND
88.1 (ii) failed to give a copy of the audiogram, upon which the prescription is based, to the
88.2 consumer when the consumer requests a copy;
88.3 (iii) failed to provide the consumer rights brochure required by section 148.5197,
88.4 subdivision 3;
88.5 (iv) failed to comply with restrictions on sales of prescription hearing aids in sections
88.6 148.5197, subdivision 3, and 148.5198;
88.7 (v) failed to return a consumer's prescription hearing aid used as a trade-in or for a
88.8 discount in the price of a new prescription hearing aid when requested by the consumer
88.9 upon cancellation of the purchase agreement;
88.10 (vi) failed to follow Food and Drug Administration or Federal Trade Commission
88.11 regulations relating to dispensing prescription hearing aids;
88.12 (vii) failed to dispense a prescription hearing aid in a competent manner or without
88.13 appropriate training;
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88.14 (viii) delegated prescription hearing aid dispensing authority to a person not authorized
88.15 to dispense a prescription hearing aid under this chapter or chapter 153A;
88.16 (ix) failed to comply with the requirements of an employer or supervisor of a prescription
88.17 hearing aid dispenser trainee;
88.18 (x) violated a state or federal court order or judgment, including a conciliation court
88.19 judgment, relating to the activities of the individual's prescription hearing aid dispensing;
88.20 or
88.21 (xi) failed to include on the audiogram the practitioner's printed name, credential type,
88.22 credential number, signature, and date.
88.23 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
88.24 Sec. 24. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.5195, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
88.25 Subd. 5. Consequences of disciplinary actions. Upon the suspension or revocation of
88.26 licensure, the speech-language pathologist or audiologist, or speech-language pathology
88.27 assistant, shall cease to practice speech-language pathology or audiology, or practice as a
88.28 speech-language pathology assistant, to use titles protected under sections 148.511 to
88.29 148.5198, and to represent to the public that the speech-language pathologist or audiologist,
88.30 or speech-language pathology assistant, is licensed by the commissioner.
88.31 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
89.1 Sec. 25. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.5195, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
89.2 Subd. 6. Reinstatement requirements after disciplinary action. A speech-language
89.3 pathologist or audiologist, or speech-language pathology assistant, who has had licensure
89.4 suspended may petition on forms provided by the commissioner for reinstatement following
89.5 the period of suspension specified by the commissioner. The requirements of section
89.6 148.5191 for renewing licensure must be met before licensure may be reinstated.
89.7 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
89.8 Sec. 26. Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 148.5196, subdivision 1, is amended
89.9 to read:
89.10 Subdivision 1. Membership. The commissioner shall appoint 12 13 persons to a
89.11 Speech-Language Pathologist and Audiologist Advisory Council. The 12 13 persons must
89.12 include:
89.13 (1) three public members, as defined in section 214.02. Two of the public members shall
89.14 be either persons receiving services of a speech-language pathologist or audiologist, or
89.15 family members of or caregivers to such persons, and at least one of the public members
89.16 shall be either a hearing aid user or an advocate of one;
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89.17 (2) three speech-language pathologists licensed under sections 148.511 to 148.5198,
89.18 one of whom is currently and has been, for the five years immediately preceding the
89.19 appointment, engaged in the practice of speech-language pathology in Minnesota and each
89.20 of whom is employed in a different employment setting including, but not limited to, private
89.21 practice, hospitals, rehabilitation settings, educational settings, and government agencies;
89.22 (3) one speech-language pathologist licensed under sections 148.511 to 148.5198, who
89.23 is currently and has been, for the five years immediately preceding the appointment,
89.24 employed by a Minnesota public school district or a Minnesota public school district
89.25 consortium that is authorized by Minnesota Statutes and who is licensed in speech-language
89.26 pathology by the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board;
89.27 (4) three audiologists licensed under sections 148.511 to 148.5198, two of whom are
89.28 currently and have been, for the five years immediately preceding the appointment, engaged
89.29 in the practice of audiology and the dispensing of prescription hearing aids in Minnesota
89.30 and each of whom is employed in a different employment setting including, but not limited
89.31 to, private practice, hospitals, rehabilitation settings, educational settings, industry, and
89.32 government agencies;
90.1 (5) one nonaudiologist prescription hearing aid dispenser recommended by a professional
90.2 association representing prescription hearing aid dispensers; and
90.3 (6) one physician licensed under chapter 147 and certified by the American Board of
90.4 Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery; and
90.5 (7) one speech-language pathology assistant licensed under sections 148.511 to 148.5198.
90.6 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
90.7 Sec. 27. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 148.5196, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
90.8 Subd. 3. Duties. The advisory council shall:
90.9 (1) advise the commissioner regarding speech-language pathologist and audiologist
90.10 licensure standards;
90.11 (2) advise the commissioner regarding the delegation of duties to, the licensure standards
90.12 for, and the training required for speech-language pathology assistants;
90.13 (3) advise the commissioner on enforcement of sections 148.511 to 148.5198;
90.14 (4) provide for distribution of information regarding speech-language pathologist and,
90.15 audiologist, and speech-language pathology assistant licensure standards;
90.16 (5) review applications and make recommendations to the commissioner on granting or
90.17 denying licensure or licensure renewal;
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90.18 (6) review reports of investigations relating to individuals and make recommendations
90.19 to the commissioner as to whether licensure should be denied or disciplinary action taken
90.20 against the individual;
90.21 (7) advise the commissioner regarding approval of continuing education activities
90.22 provided by sponsors using the criteria in section 148.5193, subdivision 2; and
90.23 (8) perform other duties authorized for advisory councils under chapter 214, or as directed
90.24 by the commissioner.
90.25 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
90.26 Sec. 28. Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 245C.031, subdivision 4, is amended
90.27 to read:
90.28 Subd. 4. Applicants, licensees, and other occupations regulated by the commissioner
90.29 of health. The commissioner shall conduct an alternative background study, including a
90.30 check of state data, and a national criminal history records check of the following individuals.
91.1 For studies under this section, the following persons shall complete a consent form and
91.2 criminal history disclosure form:
91.3 (1) An applicant for initial licensure, temporary licensure, or relicensure after a lapse in
91.4 licensure as an audiologist or, speech-language pathologist, or speech-language pathologist
91.5 assistant, or an applicant for initial certification as a hearing instrument dispenser who must
91.6 submit to a background study under section 144.0572.
91.7 (2) An applicant for a renewal license or certificate as an audiologist, speech-language
91.8 pathologist, or hearing instrument dispenser who was licensed or obtained a certificate
91.9 before January 1, 2018.
91.10 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.
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