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DATE As of March 31, 2021
This document supports requirements outlined in Department of Defense Instruction
(DoDI) 5000.83, “Technology and Program Protection to Maintain Technological Advantage,”
offering guidance and a sample process to assist DoD Components in developing an overall
methodology to protect DoD-sponsored S&T programs from unauthorized disclosure. The
guidance suggests a process to identify and prioritize threats to, and the vulnerabilities of,
(controlled unclassified information (CUI) and classified) critical technology elements and
enabling technologies. The guidance also provides example countermeasures and other forms of
risk mitigation that DoD Components can implement during the pre-solicitation phase and
review continuously thereafter. The Department will implement and update S&T protection as
an iterative process, allowing S&T managers to account for program-specific vulnerabilities
while maintaining awareness of new and emerging threats to previously identified technology
This document is intended to inform and provide S&T managers, their security support,
and technical staffs with example best practices that may be adapted to meet unique
organizational needs and program requirements. Appendices B, C, and D provide sample
questions that suggest a series of topics that may be covered throughout the S&T protection
process. Program
-specific requirements will dictate which topics and questions are applicable,
and potentially introduce new ones. The questions are intended to facilitate discussions that
account for a wide range of threat scenarios and countermeasures, while avoiding simplistic
security assessments more commonly associated with checklist requirements.
This process applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Military
Departments (MILDEPs), the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the
Combatant Commands, and the Defense Agencies (collectively known as DoD Components).
Programs, studies, and projects will be collectively referred to as “Programs” in this guide.
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DoD Components have a responsibility to establish policies, plans, and procedures to
assess the level of acceptable risk of adversarial exploitation and technology compromise. The
approach detailed in this guide includes a fundamental research review to identify fundamental
research scope and a risk assessment to determine the degree of exposure and the impact to
national security. The results of this analysis should be documented in writing and approved by
a DoD Component-specified “Risk Owner
” prior to issuance of solicitations. If the process
reveals elements of information requiring protection or risk factors requiring mitigation, these
factors and their associated countermeasures should be documented in an S&T Protection Plan
which the organization should review at least annually. Appendix A, “S&T Risk Management
Framework,” depicts how each of the steps detailed below inform and support risk management
functions throughout a program’s lifecycle. Please note, the steps provided below may be
tailored to meet organizational and program needs. A program may not require the application of
every step, depending on the scope of associated research and the risk tolerance of the
1. Fundamental Research Review. In this document, we utilize the definition of
Fundamental Research (see Appendix G.2.) provided in Reference (u). The fundamental research
review represents the first step in the S&T risk management framework, utilizing a defined and
repeatable process to certify the scope of the research to be conducted. The process should
include a documented decision on fundamental research scope early in the process. The term
“documented” is defined as formally recording the rationale and factors considered when the
decision was made. The term “early” is defined as when the solicitation or program scope
begins to solidify, but prior to discussing the program content in the public domain. This
decision should be made with input from program management and security staff based on
information derived from the intelligence, counterintelligence (CI), and law enforcement
Appendix B, “Fundamental Research Review Template,” provides an example
fundamental research review that should assist in developing the scope of research activities to
be in compliance with the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics)
Memorandum, “Fundamental Research,” May 24, 2010 and for determining the most appropriate
award vehicle to use. If all questions in Appendix B are TRUE, then the research can safely be
considered fundamental and awarded via an assistance agreement (i.e., grant or cooperative
agreement). If any of the questions are FALSE, the S&T manager should coordinate with
security staffs, CI representatives, and export control representatives to complete the technology
element identification questions. Government S&T managers and security staff should use the
fundamental research review when developing the solicitation and when reviewing proposals
prior to award. Government S&T managers and college, university, and laboratory researchers
It is recommended that the risk owner for a program be an official at a level of authority above the S&T Manager.
The S&T Protection Plan Template is provided as an accompanying document to this guide and serves as an
example iterative record of risk management to be referenced and reviewed over a program’s lifecycle.
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should also use these questions to monitor the execution of research. When stakeholders
appropriately scope contracted fundamental research, the risk to national security is negligible.
2. Technology Element Identification Questions. Should the fundamental research
review determine that a program does not warrant categorization
as fundamental research, a
series of questions should be reviewed to identify key elements of program information that may
require protection. Information elements that require protection include critical technology
elements, enabling technologies related to the program, Controlled Unclassified Information
, and classified information. Critical technology elements and enabling technologies may
be identified by the following:
DoD Modernization Priorities
List of Critical Programs and Technologies for Prioritized Protection
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
(OUSD(R&E)) Technology Area Protection Plans (TAPPs)
Service/Agency Priorities
Other Priorities, as appropriate
Section One of Appendix C, “Sample Technology Element Identification Questions &
Upfront Research Risk Assessment,” provides an example series of questions. The answers to
these questions may later be captured in Section Two of the S&T Protection Plan, serving as a
means to document and update information elements requiring protection over the program’s
lifecycle. If stakeholders determine that the program contains information elements requiring
protection, an upfront risk assessment is required to determine the need for a formal S&T
Protection Plan.
3. Upfront Research Risk Assessment. After utilizing the technology element
identification questions to identify information elements requiring protection, stakeholders
should conduct an upfront research risk assessment to determine the risk associated with the
unauthorized disclosure of that information. In supporting the requirements for an initial risk
assessment as outlined in DoDI 5000.83, this assessment should account for the impacts of
unauthorized disclosure on the program as a whole, as well as potential impacts to related
programs, national security, and the economic prosperity of the United States. Additionally, the
assessment should list currently identified threats and vulnerabilities associated with the
information elements previously identified, regardless of program-specific risks or more
generalized and widely applicable risks. Whenever possible, the assessment should identify
programs that contain technology elements or areas that are tied to the interests of specific state
actors. Finally, S&T managers should use the upfront research risk assessment to formulate a
means to maintain awareness of emerging threats and vulnerabilities, and plan for the integration
of that information into the risk assessment process over the program’s lifecycle. Sections Two
See DoDI 5000.83 regarding requirements for categorization in research.
See Reference (d) for more information.
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and Three of Appendix C provide an upfront research risk assessment sample, while Appendix
E, “Risk Assessment Definitions,” establishes a series of accompanying risk definitions. These
questions may later be incorporated as sections two and three of the formal S&T Protection Plan,
enabling S&T managers to reassess risk factors over the program’s lifecycle.
4. S&T Protection Plan. Following the risk assessment, the risk owner will determine
whether a formal S&T Protection Plan is required to develop countermeasures and address
unacceptable risk factors. As identified in DoDI 5000.83, the S&T Protection Plan must
document, at a minimum, (1) critical technology elements and enabling technologies, (2) threats
to, and vulnerabilities, of these items, and (3) selected countermeasures to mitigate associated
risks. The document is intended to be iterative, allowing S&T managers to account for changes
to a program that may result in the introduction of previously unidentified risks (e.g. the rotation
of personnel with program access, new and emerging threats, required exceptions for testing and
evaluation, etc.). The example S&T Protection Plan provided consists of the following five
1. Responsible points of contact (POCs) for the program: Serves to identify key
government and contractor personnel that will either be responsible for, or have access to,
the program. Additionally serves to document the completion of any required trainings.
2. Technology element identification and risk assessment: This section is informed by the
answers identified in both the technology element identification questions and upfront
research risk assessment, and allows S&T managers to assess previously unidentified
information elements that may be encountered over the program’s lifecycle.
3. Identified threats and vulnerabilities: This section is similarly informed by the answers
identified in the upfront research risk assessment and serves to account for previously
unidentified threats over the program’s lifecycle.
4. Countermeasures and risk mitigation plan: Tailored countermeasures are identified as
they relate to the information elements and threats identified in sections Two and Three,
respectively. This section represents the bulk of the protection plan and acts as a risk
mitigation framework for S&T managers. While Section One of Appendix D, “Sample
Countermeasures and Response Questions,” lists a series of example questions to
facilitate the development of countermeasures, additional tailoring may be necessary to
meet program-specific requirements.
5. Response, recovery, and support: Establishes a method for reporting unauthorized
disclosures, identifying appropriate CI, security, and law enforcement points of contact.
Additionally, this section should discuss policies for remediation to ensure that
appropriate action is taken to address violations of disclosure requirements. Section Two
of Appendix D lists a series of example questions that S&T managers may use to
facilitate a response and recovery plan, although additional tailoring may be necessary to
meet program-specific requirements.
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Purpose: The following graphic depicts a general process flow for conducting S&T risk
management. Each step in this process is intended to be tailored to meet organizational needs
and program requirements based on a detailed risk assessment. Depending on the scope of the
research, the program may not require the application of every step as depicted below. For
example, if all answers to the Fundamental Research Review are TRUE, the process flow may
proceed directly from Step 1 to Step 6 (grants). These guidelines support a risk management
process that is iterative and adaptable to changing risk over a program’s lifecycle.
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Purpose: The Fundamental Research Review is conducted to determine whether a program
contains elements that may be pursued openly without restriction or may require additional
protection considerations. This review provides an ideal starting point for identifying and
documenting a program’s various technology elements, which later serves to inform the S&T
Protection Plan, Security Classification Guide, and other program requirements.
Intended User/Audience: S&T Managers in coordination with security staffs and CI
The scope and results of the solicitation/contract is likely fundamental research when all
responses to the following statements are TRUE:
The scope and results of the contract, grant, agreement, or other
transaction authority:
1. Would ordinarily be published and shared broadly within the scientific
community without restrictions.
2. Will NOT have a negative impact on national security when disclosed in the
public domain, or combined with other available public domain
3. Is NOT covered in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)
(i.e., enumerated on the U.S. Munitions List) or listed on the Export
Administration Regulations’ Commerce Control List (CCL) (e.g., listed
with an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)).
4. Will NOT contain proprietary research from industrial development, design,
production, and product utilization, the results of which ordinarily are
restricted for proprietary or national security reasons.
5. Do NOT require classification consistent with EO 13526, “Classified
National Security Information.”
6. Do NOT involve disclosing performance characteristics of military systems
or national intelligence or unique development, manufacturing, assembly,
testing, operation, maintenance, or repair processes that are critical to
7. Do NOT require access to controlled unclassified or classified information
to support the conduct of the research.
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Identify and list technology elements contained within the program, characterized by protection
Open Research Elements* Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI)
Classified Information
*Only research elements for which all answers to the Fundamental Research Review Questions
are TRUE may be considered open research elements. While open research elements do not
require documented protections, the recommendation to document them here serves to track
those elements over a program’s lifecycle.
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Purpose: The Technology Element Identification Questions are intended to identify key
elements of program information that may require protection, such as critical technology
elements, enabling technologies related to the program, Controlled Unclassified Information
(CUI), and classified information. These questions (1. Technology Element Identification) may
later be incorporated in Section Two of the S&T Protection Plan.
The Upfront Research Risk Assessment is intended to aid in determining the risk associated with
the unauthorized disclosure of key elements of program information identified in the Technology
Element Identification Questions. These questions (2. Assessed Impact of Loss, Theft, or
Compromise of Information and 3. Identified Threats and Vulnerabilities) may later be included
as Sections Two and Three of the S&T Protection Plan, respectively.
Section Four (4. Recommendation and Justification Template) provides an example template for
documenting the risk owner’s decision regarding acceptable levels of risk, following the
completion of the Upfront Research Risk Assessment. The presence of unacceptable risk factors
will require the drafting of a formal S&T Protection Plan, applying countermeasures, and
formulating response, recovery, and support processes.
Intended User/Audience: S&T Managers in coordination with security staffs, CI
Representatives, and Export Control Representatives.
1.1. Does this program contain any open research elements that do not require additional
protection considerations?
1.2. Does this program contain critical technology elements or enabling technologies as
identified by:
1.2.1. DoD Modernization Priorities
1.2.2. List of Critical Programs and Technologies for Prioritized Protection
1.2.3. OUSD(R&E) Technology Area Protection Plans (TAPPs)
1.2.4. Service/Agency Priorities
1.2.5. Other Applicable Priorities
1.3. Do identified critical technology elements or enabling technologies have applications
across multiple domains or priorities? (Note: The presence of this information
necessitates responses in Sections 1.7.1 and 1.7.2 of Appendix D)
1.4. Does this program contain export control information? (See References (a), (n), and (o)
for Applicable Authorities) (Note: The presence of export control information
necessitates responses in Sections 2.2.1, and 2.2.2, as well as Sections 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 1.3.6,
1.3.7 and 1.6.2 of Appendix D)
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1.5. Does this program contain Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) e.g. Controlled
Technical Information (CTI)? (See References (d) and (p) for Applicable Authorities)
(Note: The presence of CUI necessitates responses in Sections 2.3.1, 2.3.2, and 3.2.2, as
well as Sections 1.3.2, 1.3.5, 1.3.6, 1.3.7, and 1.4.5 of Appendix D)
1.6. Does this program contain classified information? (Note: The presence of classified
information necessitates responses in Sections 2.4.1, 2.4.2, and 3.2.3)
2.1. Critical Technology Elements
2.1.1. What is the impact of loss, theft, or compromise of information related to critical
technology elements or enabling technologies? (Note: Utilize a series of risk
definitions such as those provided in Appendix E)
2.1.2. Describe the impact of loss, theft, or compromise of information related to each
identified technology element on the program as a whole, as well as potential
impact to related programs.
2.1.3. If the program achieves its proposed goals, what would be the impact to the U.S.
warfighting capability if the technology is released, compromised, or stolen prior
to an official decision to classify or release the program’s results?
2.2. Export Control Information (See References (a), (n), and (o) for Applicable Authorities)
(Note: Given the potential for overlap, this section is intended to cover elements of
export control information not already sufficiently captured in Section 2.1)
2.2.1. What is the impact of loss, theft, or compromise of export control information?
2.2.2. Describe the impact of loss, theft, or compromise of export control information on
the program as a whole, as well as potential impact to related programs.
2.3. Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) (See References (d) and (p) for Applicable
2.3.1. What is the impact of the unauthorized disclosure of CUI, to include CTI?
2.3.2. Describe the impact of the unauthorized disclosure of CUI elements on the
program as a whole, as well as potential impact to related programs.
3.1. Are there threats (e.g., adversary collection methods) specific to or assessed as more
likely given the program’s content or intent?
3.2. Does the program include a technology element or area tied to the interests of specific
state actors?
3.2.1. Would the loss, theft, or compromise of information related to critical technology
elements or enabling technologies likely result in foreign adversaries filling
critical technology gaps?
3.2.2. Would the unauthorized disclosure of CUI elements likely result in foreign
adversaries filling critical technology gaps?
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3.2.3. Would the loss, theft, or compromise of classified information likely result in
foreign adversaries filling critical technology gaps?
The [Risk Owner] has categorized [and classified, if necessary] the [Program Name]
program as a [Fundamental Research, Controlled Unclassified Information, Collateral, SAP,
SCI, or combination thereof] program and determined that the regulatory protections associated
with that categorization/classification [are or are not] sufficient to mitigate the security risks to
the program. Therefore, it is recommended that an S&T Protection Plan [is or is not] required to
further document risk factors and develop applicable countermeasures.
[Provide a summary overview of the Upfront Research Risk Assessment that supports the
decision to move forward with or without an S&T Protection Plan.]
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Purpose: The following questions are intended to guide the development of a risk mitigation
and response plan for previously identified key elements of program information. The first
group of questions (1. Countermeasures and Risk Mitigation Plan) serves as Section Four of
the S&T Protection Plan, while the second group of questions (2. Response, Recovery, and
Support) serves as the fifth and final section.
Intended User/Audience: S&T Managers in coordination with security staffs, CI
Representatives, Law Enforcement, and Export Control Representatives.
1.1. Personnel
1.1.1. What process is being utilized to grant and document access for personnel that
will actively work on the program? (See References (t), (v), (w) and (ee) for
Applicable Authorities)
1.1.2. What processes will be utilized to identify and resolve reported/discovered
conflicts of interest or commitment (e.g., use of Standard Form 424)? (See
References (b), (r), (s), (aa) and (ee) for Applicable Authorities) (Note: Most
universities maintain applicable internal policies)
1.1.3. What process is being utilized to track and maintain accountability for foreign
visits? (Note: No associated DoD policy applicable to academic institutions
conducting DoD-sponsored research)
1.1.4. What process is being utilized to track and maintain accountability for foreign
travel of personnel? (See Reference (aa) for Applicable Authorities)
1.2. Foreign Involvement
1.2.1. Describe any planned, existing, or anticipated international cooperative
development activities related to the program.
1.2.2. How are planned, existing, and anticipated foreign vendor engagements and
procurements of critical products and services reviewed for risk (e.g. malicious
software, hardware, deemed exports, unauthorized disclosure, etc.)? How are
such engagements documented?
1.3. Training
1.3.1. Describe the training conducted to inform personnel about safeguarding critical
technology elements. (See Reference (c) for Applicable Authorities)
1.3.2. Describe the training conducted to inform personnel about safeguarding CUI, to
include CTI. (See References (d) and (p) for Applicable Authorities)
1.3.3. Describe the training conducted to inform personnel regarding insider threats as
they relate to the program. (See References (w), (x), (y), (bb), (cc) and (dd) for
Applicable Authorities)
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1.3.4. Describe the training conducted to inform personnel regarding export control
policies, if applicable. (See References (a), (n), and (o) for Applicable
1.3.5. What resources were used to develop each training program?
1.3.6. How often is each training conducted?
1.3.7. How is the completion of training tracked?
1.4. Information Technology (See References (i), (m), (x), and (y) for Applicable
1.4.1. Are systems NIST SP 800-171 compliant?
1.4.2. Identify non-compliant systems, actions taken to mitigate risk and seek
compliance, identify timelines for compliance.
1.4.3. How will IT systems be transported away from the work site? What restrictions
are in place regarding the transport of IT systems?
1.4.4. What policies are in place regarding the use of personal electronic devices in the
vicinity of work sites?
1.4.5. What attribution methods are utilized to ensure the accountability and integrity of
research data and CUI? (See Reference (z) for Applicable Authorities)
1.5. Physical Security (See References (d) and (p) for Applicable Authorities)
1.5.1. What measures are in place to prevent physical access to information and systems
by unauthorized personnel?
1.5.2. How will physical documents and electronic media be stored? Container type?
How is access granted/controlled?
1.5.3. How will physical documents be destroyed?
1.5.4. How will documents, materials, technology, and systems be transported or
1.6. Program-Specific Countermeasures
1.6.1. Will specific technology elements require unique protections not applicable to the
program as a whole?
1.6.2. How will required International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or Export
Administration Regulations (EAR) protection procedures be documented and
applied to the program? (See References (a), (n), and (o) for Applicable
1.7. Horizontal Protection
1.7.1. What process is in place for protecting critical technology elements or enabling
technologies that have applications across multiple domains or priorities?
1.7.2. Have external points of contact been identified for protection coordination?
1.8. Emerging Threats and Vulnerabilities
1.8.1. What plan is in place to maintain awareness of emerging threats and
1.8.2. How will emerging threats and vulnerabilities be integrated into the existing plan?
1.9. Test Planning, Experimentation, and Evaluation Outside of Protected Environments
1.9.1. Does any portion of the program involve elements of testing or evaluation that
require an exception to outlined protection requirements?
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1.9.2. If yes, describe the process that will be utilized to mitigate previously identified
threats or vulnerabilities under these conditions.
1.10. Technology Transition Plan
1.10.1. Is it anticipated that technology elements will be transitioned as component or
sub-component technologies? As a complete system?
1.10.2. List any transition partners that have been identified for this program (Program
Executive Offices (PEOs), Combat Capability Development Centers (CCDCs),
industry partners, etc.).
1.10.3. Are there any security-relevant transition/mission partner requirements that the
program needs to incorporate into a plan (security classification guidance, anti-
tamper requirements, OPSEC considerations or association concerns, etc.)?
1.10.4. Is there a signed Transition Agreement (TA), Technology Transfer Agreement
(TTA), Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), or Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) governing the transition agreement between the S&T organization and the
transition/mission partner? If so, are critical risks and security-relevant
requirements specified in said agreement? If a signed agreement does not exist,
how will security risks and requirements be transitioned to the mission owner, and
how will their buy-in to the transition process be documented?
1.10.5. What intellectual property (e.g., technical data and computer software
deliverables, patented technologies and associated license rights, etc.) is required
to support acquisition and sustain the product lifecycle for the recipient?
1.10.6. What are the intellectual property rights pertaining to the government?
1.10.7. What type of data rights are required (unlimited, government purpose, restricted,
or limited)?
1.11. Published Work and Communications Plan (See References (d), (e), (j), and (k) for
Applicable Authorities)
1.11.1. What guidelines are in place to protect critical technology elements from
disclosure through publishing or communications with the public?
1.11.2. Is a public affairs plan in place to communicate program details while limiting
unauthorized disclosure?
1.11.3. What process for pre-publication review is in place?
2.1. Reporting Requirements
2.1.1. Which Personnel Security (PERSEC) Managers, Information Security
(INFOSEC) Managers, Foreign Disclosure Representatives, and Export Control
Representatives have been identified as POCs for response coordination?
2.1.2. What reporting instructions are being utilized to inform counterintelligence,
security, and law enforcement POCs of breaches of protection policies? (See
References (f), (g), (h), and (l) for Applicable Authorities)
2.2. Remediation
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2.2.1. What policies are in place to ensure appropriate action is taken for violation of
disclosure requirements?
2.2.2. What policies and procedures are in place to respond to intentional penetrations of
cyber and physical security systems?
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Select one answer below for each critical component (i.e., critical technology elements,
enabling technologies, etc.) that best describes the advantage you believe the adversary
would receive. Also consider the effect it would have on the U.S. should the information or
technology be subject to an unauthorized technology transfer disclosure:
CRITICAL. Unauthorized disclosure of research information or technology could
provide an adversary key information to bypass significant research and development
programs; cause significant degradation in mission effectiveness; shorten the lead-time
advantage of the program; significantly alter program direction; or enable the adversary
to copy, clone, counter, defeat, and/or reverse engineer the technology or capability.
HIGH. Unauthorized disclosure of research information or technology could provide an
adversary information to refine research and development programs, may degrade
mission effectiveness, alter program direction, or cue an adversary to target the program
in order to copy, clone, counter, and defeat technologies/efforts. An industry performer’s
lead-time advantage, competitiveness, economic market, and mission standing for this
technology space could be put at risk.
MEDIUM. Unauthorized disclosure of research information or technology could provide
an adversary adequate knowledge to focus a research or development program on a
similar path or with a specific technical approach that could reduce the lead-time
advantage. Industry stakeholders in the technology market space could face increased
LOW. Unauthorized disclosure of research information or technology does little to
change the capability or program direction. It may provide an adversary minimal
knowledge about the program and its intent. However, that knowledge would be easy to
obtain with little effort or does not require extensive expertise.
NONE. Unauthorized disclosure of research information or technology could not be used
in any way to reduce the capability or alter the research direction. The information is
accessible from the public domain or is available for purchase.
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(a) DoD Instruction 2040.02, “International Transfers of Technology, Articles, and
Services,” March 27, 2014, incorporating Change 1, July 31, 2017
(b) DoD Instruction 3210.7, “Research Integrity and Misconduct,” May 14, 2004,
incorporating Change 1, October 15, 2018
(c) DoD Instruction 5000.83, “Technology and Program Protection to Maintain
Technological Advantage,” July 20, 2020
(d) DoD Instruction 5200.48, “Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI),” March 06, 2020
(e) DoD Instruction 5230.29, “Security and Policy Review of DoD Information for Public
Release,” August 13, 2014, incorporating Change 1, April 14, 2017
(f) DoD Instruction 5240.04, “Counterintelligence (CI) Investigations,” April 1, 2016,
incorporating Change 1, April 26, 2018
(g) DoD Instruction 5240.19, “Counterintelligence Support to the Defense Critical
Infrastructure Program (DCIP),” January 31, 2014, incorporating Change 1, August 17,
(h) DoD Instruction O-5240.24, “Counterintelligence (CI) Activities Supporting Research,
Development, and Acquisition (RDA),” June 8, 2011
(i) DoD Instruction 8500.01, “Cybersecurity,” March 14, 2014, incorporating Change 1,
October 7, 2019
(j) DoD Directive 5230.09 “Clearance of DoD Info for Public Release,” January 25, 2019
(k) DoD Directive 5230.25 “Withholding of Unclassified Technical Data from Public
Disclosure,” November 6, 1984, incorporating Change 2, October 15, 2018
(l) DoD Directive O-5240.02 “Counterintelligence (CI),” March 17, 2015, incorporating
Change 1, May 16, 2018
(m) Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Clause 252.204-7012,
“Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting,” December
31, 2019
(n) 15 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), Chapter VII, Subchapter C, “Export
Administration Regulations” January 01, 2012
(o) 22 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), Chapter I (DoS), Subchapter M, “International
Traffic in Arms Regulations” April 01, 2011
(p) 32 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 2002, “Controlled Unclassified Information
(CUI),” September 14, 2016
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(q) 32 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 236, “Department of Defense (DoD) – Defense
Industrial Base (DIB) Voluntary Cyber Security and Information Assurance (CS/IA)
Activities,” July 01, 2013
(r) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.203-16, “Preventing Personal Conflicts of
Interest,” December 02, 2011
(s) Federal Register, Volume 65, page 76262, December 6, 2000, "Federal Policy on
Research Misconduct," current edition
(t) Sections 1286, “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, “Initiative to
Support Protection of National Security Academic Researchers from Undue Influence
and other Security Threats,” August 13, 2018
(u) Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) Memorandum,
“Fundamental Research,” May 24, 2010
(v) Under Secretary of Defense (Research & Engineering) Memorandum, “Actions for the
Protection of Intellectual Property, Controlled Information, Key Personnel, and Critical
Technologies,” March 20, 2019
(w) Committee on National Security Systems Directive (CNSSD) 504, “Directive on
Protecting National Security Systems from Insider Threat,” September 15, 2016
(x) National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-53
Rev. 5 (Draft), “Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and
Organizations,” March 16, 2020
(y) National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-
171 Rev. 2, “Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information in Nonfederal Systems and
Organizations,” February 21, 2020
(z) National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-
171b (Draft) “Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information in Nonfederal Systems and
Organizations: Enhanced Security Requirements for Critical Programs and High Value
Assets,” June, 2019
(aa) National Security Presidential Memorandum (NSPM) 33, “United States Government-
Supported Research and Development National Security Policy,” January 14, 2021
(bb) Executive Order 13587, “Structural Reforms to Improve the Security of Classified
Networks and the Responsible Sharing and Safeguarding of Classified Information,”
October 07, 2011
(cc) White House Memorandum, “National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards
for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs,” November 21, 2012
(dd) White House Memorandum, “Compliance with President’s Insider Threat Policy,” July
19, 2013
(ee) Higher Education Act of 1965, November 8, 1965
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CI Counterintelligence
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CoC Conflict of Commitment
CoI Conflict of Interest
CTI Controlled Technical Information
CUI Controlled Unclassified Information
DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DIB Defense Industrial Base
DoD Department of Defense
DoDD Department of Defense Directive
DoDI Department of Defense Instruction
EAR Export Administration Regulations
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations
OUSD(R&E) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
R&D Research and Development
SCG Security Classification Guide
SCI Sensitive Compartmented Information
S&T Science and Technology
TAPP Technology Area Protection Plan
USG United States Government
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Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purposes of this document.
Controlled Technical Information (CTI). Technical information with military or space
application that is subject to controls on its access, use, reproduction, modification, performance,
display, release, disclosure, or dissemination.
Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). The term used to collectively describe any
unclassified information that is determined to be exempt from public disclosure in accordance
with national laws, policies, and regulations, including critical technology subject to export
control to which access or distribution limitations have been applied.
Conflict of Commitment (CoC). A conflict of commitment is a situation in which an individual
accepts or incurs conflicting obligations between or among multiple employers or other entities.
Many institutional policies define conflicts of commitment as conflicting commitments of time
and effort, including obligations to dedicate time in excess of institutional or funding agency
policies or commitments. Other types of conflicting obligations, including obligations to
improperly share information with, or withhold information from, an employer or funding
agency, can also threaten research security and integrity, and are an element of a broader concept
of conflicts of commitment.
Conflict of Interest (CoI). A conflict of interest is a situation in which an individual, or the
individual's spouse or dependent children, has a financial interest or financial relationship that
could directly and significantly affect the design, conduct, reporting, or funding of research.
Critical Technology. Sensitive technical data, concepts, hardware, software, processes, know-
how, design details, scientific information, research results, and capability elements that are
essential to (or reveal) the design, research, development, production, operation, application,
performance, or maintenance of an article, capability, or service that significantly contributes to a
current or future U.S. technological, competitive, or lethal advantage over a foreign adversary
capability, whose acquisition by potential adversaries would prove detrimental to the national
security of the United States.
Critical Technology Element. A new or novel technology that a platform or system depends on
to achieve successful development or production or to successfully meet a system operational
threshold requirement. Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) are a method of estimating the
technology maturity of a Critical Technology Element.
Emerging Threat. A threat that may be newly recognized; may have been recognized before but
may potentially affect a new or different population, industry, or geographic area than previously
affected; or may be an existing threat that has developed new attributes.
Fundamental Research. Basic and applied research in science and engineering, the results of
which ordinarily are published and shared broadly within the scientific community, as
distinguished from proprietary research and from industrial development, design, production,
and product utilization, the results of which ordinarily are restricted for proprietary or national
security reasons. See Reference (u) for further information.
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Technology Area Protection Plan (TAPP). An OSD document that adapts and applies principles
of program protection planning to each S&T Modernization Priority Area. TAPPs provide a
decomposition of each modernization area into its critical sub-elements and enabling
technologies, define technical thresholds that require protection, offer communication guidance,
and suggest Department- and program-level risk mitigations to help consistently protect
emerging and existing DoD S&T investments at conception and throughout the program
lifecycle. TAPP appendices include known contracts and grants; DoD programs and research
programs; classification guides; international agreements; vendors, research centers, and
companies relevant to the Modernization Priority Area.
Unauthorized Disclosure. An unapproved communication or physical transfer of non-public
information, controlled unclassified information, or classified information, to a recipient not
permitted to receive such information.