1. Welcome
Thank you for choosing Apollo Motorhome Holidays LLC (‘Apollo’) for your vehicle
rental requirements. We are very proud of our product and our reputation. We have
built our business on providing the best possible experience for our customers. Your
safety and security are our greatest concerns, so to assist in your holiday being a
wonderful experience, it is important for you to carefully read and understand the
following information.
2. Denitions
"Agreement" means all terms and conditions found in Parts A and B of this form, any
addenda and any additional materials you sign or we provide at the time of rental.
"You" or "your" means the person identied as the renter in this Agreement, any
person signing this Agreement, any Authorized Driver and any person or organization
to whom charges are billed by us at its or the renter's direction. All persons referred
to as "you" or "your" are jointly and severally bound by this Agreement. "We", "our"
or "us" means Apollo Motorhome Holidays LLC (“Apollo”). "Authorized Driver"
means (a) the renter; (b) the renter’s spouse, (c) the renter’s employer, employee or
co-worker if engaged in business activity with the renter while using the Vehicle, (d)
and any additional driver listed by us on this Agreement. Only Authorized Drivers
are permitted to drive the Vehicle. Each Authorized Driver must be at least age 21
and possess a valid driver’s license. “Vehicle" means the recreational vehicle, motor
home, truck camper or other motorized vehicle identied in this Agreement and any
vehicle we substitute for it, and all its tires, tools, accessories, equipment, appliances,
keys and vehicle documents. The Vehicle may be equipped with global positioning
satellite system (GPS) or similar telematics device, which may use cellular telephone
or radio signals to transmit data, and therefore your privacy cannot be guaranteed.
"CDW" means Collision Damage Waiver. “Loss of Use" means the loss of our
ability to use the Vehicle for our purposes due to Vehicle damage or loss during this
rental, including, without limitation, use for rent, display for rent and sale, opportunity
to upgrade or sell, or transportation of employees. Damages for Loss of Use are
often difcult to determine with precision. Therefore, you and we agree that Loss of
Use will be calculated by multiplying the number of days from the date the Vehicle is
damaged until it is replaced or repaired multiplied by the daily rental rate, which you
and we agree represents a reasonable estimate of actual damages and not a penalty.
Loss of Use shall be payable regardless of whether we had other vehicles in our eet
to rent, or the Vehicle would have been used but for the damage “Diminished Value
means the difference between the value of the Vehicle just prior to damage or loss
and the value of the Vehicle after repair or replacement as calculated by a third-party
estimate obtained by us or on our behalf. “Vehicle License Cost Recovery Fee
means our estimate of the average per day per vehicle portion of our total annual
vehicle licensing, titling, and registration costs that we are permitted to recover
under applicable law. “Remote Areas” means geographic areas that are unsafe
to travel without taking some important precautions such as determining road and
weather conditions. Remote Areas include, without limitation, Death Valley or any
area described on a map as a desert. Vehicles may not be driven in Remote Areas
without the prior written consent on Apollo, which consent may be withheld in Apollo’s
sole discretion. "Gross Rental Rate" means the nett rate including the applicable
3. Rental, Indemnity and Warranties
This is a contract for rental of the Vehicle. This Agreement shall be read and construed in
its entirety and shall constitute the entire agreement between Apollo and You and shall
supersede all other provisions, terms, warranties or conditions contained in any other
agreement, brochure, advertising material or representation. This Agreement shall be
governed in accordance with the laws of California in the United States of America. Any
actions, claims, demands or suits arising out of or in respect of this Agreement must
be brought in the courts in Los Angeles, California. You agree to indemnify, defend
and hold harmless Apollo. Its ofcers, directors, members, stockholders, managers,
employees and agents from and against any all claims, losses, damages or expenses
of any kind or nature (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising
from or relating to: (i) any breach of this Agreement by You, or (ii) Your negligence or
wilful misconduct. At all times during the rental of the Vehicle, You must comply with all
applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes and the like, including, without
limitation, any park or campground rules.
We make no warranties, express, implied or apparent, regarding the Vehicle, no
warranty of merchantability and no warranty that the Vehicle is t for a particular
4. Vehicle Condition and Return
(a) You acknowledge the Vehicle was delivered to You by Apollo in good operating
condition and with the seal of the odometer unbroken. You agree to return the
Vehicle inthe same condition (except ordinary wear and tear) to the location and
on the date and time specied in Rental Vehicle Agreement Part A (the "Due-
In Location") and on the date and time specied in Rental Vehicle Agreement
Part A (the "Due-In Time") or earlier is demanded by Apollo.
(b) You acknowledge that the Vehicle is sole property for Apollo.
(c) You acknowledge that the only existing damage to the Vehicle at the
commencement of this Agreement is detailed on the Vehicle Condition Report.
You are responsible for all damage that is not noted on the the Vehicle
Condition Report.
(d) We may reposess the Vehicle at your expense without notice to you, if the
Vehicle is abandoned or used in violation of law or this Agreement and we,
our employees or agents may enter on any property where the Vehicle is
situated. You will indemnify Apollo, its employees and agents from claims by any
person resulting from such entry and retaking of the Vehicle.
(e) If seal of the odometer is broken or otherwise tampered with, You will be
responsible for an extra charge based on 300 miles oer night at $1 per mile,
plus the costs of repairing or replacing the odometer. Additionally, the person/s
responsible will be reported to the police.
(f) If You fail to return the Vehicle to the location specied in Rental Vehicle
Agreement Part A ("Due-In Location"). You will be responsible for all costs
associated with transporting or towing the Vehicle to the "Due-In Location"
unless otherwise agreed by Apollo in writing.
(g) If the Vehicle is returned after closing hours, you remain responsible for the loss
of it and all damage to it until we inspect it upon our next opening for business
and Charges will continue to accure.
(h) To extend the rental period, You must have received our approval before the
dates specied in Rental Vehicle Agreement Part A (the "Due-In Date").
Rental extension is subject to availability. The extra cost of an extended rental
must be paid by credit card over the telephone or at an Apollo Branch
immediately on conrmation of the rental extension. The additional nights will be
at the Gross Rental Rate available at the time of the extension. Failure to obtain
authoization will result in You being charged double the nightly gross rental rate.
5. Vehicle Maintenance Every 300 Miles
The oil, uids and coolant levels must be checked by You every 300 miles. You
must add water/coolant to the cooling system and an appropriate SAE rated oil for
gasoline or diesel powered vehicles (as applicable) to the engine if the indicator
level is below minimum. You agree to maintain the Vehicle in these conditions and
acknowledge that any mechanical damage occasioned as a result of Your failure to
maintain the Vehicle described by this clause will be paid by You. Maintaining the
appropriate oil uid and coolant levels is not considered a repair and will be sibject
to reimbursement.
6. Mechanical Breakdowns
Any mechanical problems associated with the Vehicle must be reported to
Apollo Fleet Maintenance as soon as possible in order to give Apollo the
opportunity to rectify the problem during the rental period. Equipment failure
must also be reported to Apollo. If Apollo is either not contacted or You do not
allow Apollo the opportunity to rectify the problem during the rental period You
agree that the problem is of such a minor nature that You make no claim for
loss of time in respect of the rental period. You also agree that Apollo is not
responsible for any claims made by You after the return of the Vehicle.
Note: You agree to be charged a fee where it is established that Roadside Assistance
could have been avoided in cases such as keys being locked in the vehicle, depleted
batteries caused by lights having been left on and other such similar occurrences.
7. Repairs
Any individual repair up to $100 needs no authorization from Apollo and all that
is necessary for full reimbursement to You from Apollo is a proper receipt for the
amount of the repairs. If any individual repair is more than $100 then You must notify
Apollo and obtain Apollo’s consent before the repairs are carried out. Any repair
work for which You take the Vehicle must be performed by an authorized provider in
accordance with the manufacturer's warranty. If the Vehicle cannot be driven as a
result of a breakdown, Apollo will only reimburse You for the time that the Vehicle was
not available for use. Subject to availability, Apollo will provide a replacement vehicle.
However, cosr you incur in travelling to an Apollo location is Your responsibility.
The failure of accessories such as air-conditioners, generators, hot water systems,
awnings, rear vision cameras, televisions, microwaves, stove and grill, water pump,
camping kit items, shower and toilet, refrigerators and radio/cassettes/CD/DVD/video
players are not considered a breakdown and no amount will be paid by Apollo to You.
Apollo is not responsible for any accommodation charges, meals, change of itinerary
or out of pocket expenses resulting from a breakdown of the Vehicle or as a result
of any accident. You will not hold Apollo responsible for any insect infestation such
as and not limited to ants, ies, cockroaches, eas, bedbugs and mosquitoes. You
acknowledge that it can be difcult to carry out repairs during weekends and holiday
periods and/or remotes areas due to limited opening times and/or spare parts.
8. Tires/Windshields
Authorization must be obtained before tires or windshields can be replaced. You are
responsible for replacing damaged tires (for example but not limited to, blowouts,
punctures, sidewall damage, tire staking, etc) unless caused by normal wear.
Maintain pressures as per the Vehicle instructin manual. Only purchase new steel
radial tires of the same size and ply rating as is on the Vehicle. If you purchase tires
of a different size or ply Apollo will give no refund. You are responsible for replacing
damaged windshields.
9. Unauthorized and Prohibited Uses
The following uses of the Vehicle are prohibited and constitue breaches of this
(i) The Vehicle shall not be used by the following persons:
(a) By anyone who is not an Authorized Driver.
(b) By anyone who does not have a valid license for that class of Vehicle.
(c) By anyone under the inuence of drugs or alcohol in violation of law.
(d) By anyone who has provided a false or fraudulent
information to us and we would not have rented the
Vehicle to You had we received true information.
(e) By anyone whose driver’s licence has been suspended
2 years immediately preceding the date of this Agreement.
(f) By anyone who has held driver’s licence for less than two years.
(g) By anyone under 21 years of age.
(h) By anyone who uses the Vehicle for any illegal purpose.
(ii) The Vehicle must not be used:
(a) Outside the geographic area shown in Rental Vehicle Agreement Part A.
(b) In breach of the travel restrictions set forth in section 15.
(c) For any commercial purpose, including carrying
persons for hire, or to carry any inammable, explosive
or corrosive materials, or to transport property for hire.
(d) To push or tow anything without Apollo's prior written consent.
(e) To carry a greater load (including, without limitation, all
occupants, uids and gear); more persons; or to use the Vehicle
for a purpose for which the Vehicle is designed and manufactured.
(f) In connection with speed test or contest, or driver training activity.
(g) In a dangerous or negligent manner.
(h) Under circumstances that could be properly charged as a crime other than a
minor trafc violation.
(i) To transport an animal (except service animals), unless authorized by
(j) In or through a structure, a bridge, car park, drive-through, an underpass or
other object where there is insufcent clearance (width or height).
10. Charges
We accept American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Visa Debit, MasterCard Debit and
Diners Club. We reserve the right to discontinue acceptance of any type of credit card
at anytime. You permit us to charge or take reserve against your credit card at the
time of the rental up to $1,500 as a deposit ("Deposit"). We may use the Deposit to
pay all amounts owed to us under this Agreement. You will pay us at or before the
conclusion of this rental or on demand all Charges, including: but not limited to (a)
time and mileage for the period you keep the Vehicle, or a mileage charge based on
our experience if the odometer is tampered with: (b) optional products and services
you purchased; (c) fuel, if you return the Vehicle with less fuel than when rented; (d)
applicable taxes; (e) towing, storage charges, forfeitures, court costs, penalties and
all other costs we incur resulting from your use of the Vehicle during this rental; (f) all
costs, including pre- and post-judgment attorney fees, we incur collecting payment
from you or otherwise enforcing or defending our rights under this Agreement; (g) a 2%
per month late payment fee, or the maximum amount allowed by law, on all amounts
paid after payment is due; (h) $50, plus $5/mile for every mile between the renting
location and the place where the Vehicle is returned, reposed or abandoned, plus
any additional recovery expenses we incur; (i) one-way rental fee up to $700 if you
do not return the Vehicle to the location where you picked it up; (j) a late return fee
equal to 2 times the standard rental charge if you do not return the Vehicle by the
Due-In Date; (k) a reasonable fee not to exceed $500 to clean the Vehicle if returned
substantially less clean than when rented; (l) a reasonable fee not to exceed $1500 for
damage to the Vehicle awning; and (m) all applicable taxes, surcharges, fees and other
charges required under applicable law. All amounts are subject to nal audit. If errors
in computation of the charges are discovered after the close of this transaction, you
authorize us to correct the charges with your payment card issuer. All amounts are in
U.S. dollars, and you acknowledge that there may be variations in the amount debited
to your payment card due to exchange rate uctuations.
11. Cancellation Fees
There is no refund for late pick up or early return of the Vehicle.
All other cancellation fees are outlined in the Summary Rental Conditions.
12. Change of Vehicle
Should the vehicle booked be unavailable through unforeseen circumstances, Apollo
reserves the right to substitute an alternative vehicle without prior notication and at
no extra cost. This change of vehicle shall not constitute a breach of contract and
does not entitle You to a refund.
13. Voluntary Downgrade
Should You decide to take a lower grade model than booked You will not be entitled
to a refund.
14. Conditional Upon Payment
Where applicable, You agree that this Agreement is conditional upon Apollo being
paid by the Travel Agent or Travel Wholesaler who arranged this Agreement on Your
behalf. You agree that You will pay to Apollo, upon demand, any shortfall based on
standard gross rental rate for the rental period.
15. Travel Restrictions
(a) Vehicles:-
(i) can only be driven on sealed/bitumen made roads or well maintained
access roads less than 550 yards long to recognised campgrounds.
(ii) cannot be driven to Mexico, Alaska, Yukon and the Northwest
Territories and Newfoundland.
(iii) cannot be driven in Remote Areas during the months of May
to September inclusive. At all other times You may do so as long
as written permission is obtained from Apollo prior to travel.
(iv) Campervans and Class "A" or C;lass "C" motorhomes cannot be driven to
Manhattan due to parking and vehicle height restrictions. Vehicles carrying propane
gas are not permitted in Manhattan or to travel in underground or underwater
(v) can be driven to The Burning Man Festival as long as written permission is
obtained from Apollo prior to travel. An additional surcharge of $700 will apply.
(b) If the Vehicle is driven in a Remote Area (with or without Apollo's permission), You
will be responsible to pay any salvage, towing, impound or recovery costs to transport
the Vehicle to the nearest Apollo branch. No replacement vehicle will be provided
under any circumstances.
(c) Apollo reserves the right at its sole and absolute discretion to restrict vehicle
movements in certain areas in addition to Remote Areas, for any reason whatsoever,
including but not limited to adverse road or weather conditions.
16. Child Restraints
You acknowledge and agree that Apollo gives no warranty as to the appropriateness,
correctness or adequacy of any child restraints tted in the vehicle and that you
accept entire responsibility as to the tting and suitability of any such restraints tted.
17. Accidents
In the event of an accident You must:
(1) Record the Time/Date/Location
(2) Record the other parties' full names, addresses,
vehicle registrations, vehicle makes and models, as
well as any property damage in circumstances
where the accident did not involve
another motor vehicle.
(3) Record the name of their insurance company
(4) Not admit liability
(5) Notify the nearest police station within 24 hours of the accident.
(6) Fully complete and sign the Accident Report
Form (which is in the glove box of
the Vehicle)
(7) Notify Apollo within 24 hours of the accident
and fax through an accident report
(8) Obtain a copy of the police report and
provide a copy to Apollo as soon as
reasonably practicable, but in any event within ve (5) days.
18. General Provisions
(a) Within 24 hours of an accident or loss involving the Vehicle You must notify
(b) Immediately upon receipt, You must provide Apollo with every summons,
complaint or paper in relation to any accident or loss involving the Vehicle.
Compliance with this sub-paragraph does not excuse You from reporting any
accident or loss of the Vehicle to police.
(c) You irrevocably release and hold harmless Apollo, its employees and agents,
from all claims for loss or damage to your personal property, or that of any other
persons’ property left in the Vehicle, or which is received, handled or stored by
Apollo at any time before, during or after the rental period, whether due to Apollo's
negligence or otherwise.
(d) You or passengers in the Vehicle shall not be deemed
to be the agent, servant or employee of Apollo in any manner for any purpose
(e) No right of Apollo under this Agreement can be waived except by writing of an
authorized ofcer of Apollo.
(f) You agree not to part with possession, dispose of, encumber or assign any right
or interest in the Vehicle and not create any lien or security interest on the Vehicle
(g) You acknowledge that Apollo has not in any way represented itself to You as
an entity carrying on the business of insurance.
(h) You acknowledge that Apollo requires information that appears on Your
driver's license as well as telephone contact numbers and email addresses to
complete this Agreement. You, also acknowledge that Apollo will take
reasonable care to protect this information, however in the event of its misuse
You will not hold Apollo or its servants liable for any resulting loss or losses. All
information provided to Apollo by You shall be true, correct and complete in all
respects. You must present Your driver’s license to Apollo in person at the Apollo
ofce when picking up the Vehicle.
19. Returns
When open, Apollo's rental ofce hours are Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm
and Saturdays from 9.00am to 12 Noon (local time). The Vehicle must be returned
at the Nominated Time and at the Nominated Location. If You wish to change the
Nominated Drop Off Location or the Nominated Drop-off Date after the rental has
commenced, You rst must obtain permission from the Apollo Head Ofce. Subject
to the change of drop off location being approved, an additional minimum charge of
$700 will apply. If the Vehicle is returned at a different location without permission,
the cost of transferring the Vehicle to the Nominated Location will be charged to you,
plus a minimum fee of $700. You will be responsible for the rental of the Vehicle until
the Vehicle is recovered and transferred to the Nominated Location. You will also be
responsible for any loss of use (‘demurrage’) in respect of the Vehicle. If You return
the Vehicle late without permission, You will be charged for the late return at a rate
equivalent to double the daily standard gross rental charge, including Reduction
Option charge. Early return of the Vehicle does not entitle You to a refund. Apollo
recommends that You take out Your own Personal Travel Insurance.
20. Natural Disasters and Weather Conditions
Apollo does not accept any responsibility for road closures caused by hurricanes,
tornados, ash oods and other acts of God. While every effort is made to
accommodate delays and non vehicle returns to contractual locations any costs over
and above the minimum $700 fee, such as Relocation and Re-scheduling fees will be
passed on to You. Apollo again strongly recommends that You take out Your
21. Mileage Allowance
The “Mileage Allowance Per Night” and “Charge Per Excess Mile Fee” is indicated on
Rental Vehicle Agreement Part A. The applicable Excess Mileage Fee is payable by
You to Apollo on return of the Vehicle.
22. Insurance
For motorized vehicles: You are responsible for all damage or loss you cause to
others. You agree to provide auto liability , collision and comprehensive insurance
coverin you, us, and the Vehicle. Where State law requires us to provide auto
liability insurance, we provide auto liability insurance (the "Policy") that is excess
to all other valid and collectible insurance whether primary, secondary, excess
or contingent. The Policy provides bodily injury and property damage liability
coverage with limits njo higher than minimum levels prescribed by the vehicular
nancial responsibility laws of the State whose laws apply to the loss. You and
we reject PIP, medical payments, no-fault and uninsured and under-insured
motorist coverage, where permitted by law to provide coverage under a certicate
or self-insurance in lieu of or in combination with an insurance policy.
Apollo Motorhome Holidays LLC
Head Oce: 698 Nudgee Road, Northgate (Brisbane) Qld 4013 Australia
Telephone: +61 7 3265 9200 Facsimile: +61 7 3265 9201
Internet: www.apollocamper.com Email: info@apollocamper.com
USA Oce: 13820 Hawthorne Boulevard, Hawthorne, CA 90250 USA
Telephone: +1 310 675 1335 Facsimile: +1 310 675 1366
Free Phones: USA 1800 370 1262 Internaonal: +800 3260 5466
Rental Vehicle Agreement Part B
Eecve 14 August 2013 / Terms & Condions
Version 3
For non motorized vehicles: Apollo provides no liability coverage for non-motorized
vehicles when rented by you and /or towed by your vehicle whether owned by You or
in Your possession. All liability coverage and responsibilities rest with You, and you
agree to provide liability insurance policy that covers your towing vehicle. By signing
this contract, you acknowledge your understanding of your obligations to provide
liability coverage and other protection when operating, using, or in possession of a
non-motorized vehicle, including trailers and bicycles. NOTICE: You acknowledge to:
assess the liability coverage referred to herein, seek professional guidance regarding
adequacy of coverage and to secure additional coverage if you in your sole discretion
additional coverage; and to provide your insurance company's name and policy
number to us on request.
23. Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI)
_______By initaling here, You agree to purchase SLI, the terms of which are
summarized in a seperate brochure that you acknowledge receiveing. This policy
does not cover all risks. There is no rst party uninsured motorist coverage. Coverage
is not extended to persons driving under the inuence of alcohol or prescribed drugs
or to unauthorized drivers of the vehicle. There are other exclusions. Please read the
brochure carefully. Cost $9 per night.
_______By initaling here, you decline to purchase SLI. You agree to be primarily
responsible for all damage or injury you cause to others or their property.
NOTE: Our liability insurance does not cover injuries to passengers in the Vehicle.
24. Responsibility for Loss of or Damage to Vehicle
Regardless of fault, you are responsible for all damage to or loss of theft of the
Vehicle during Your rental period resulting from any cause, including, without
limitation, damage caused by collisions, weather, vandalism, road conditions and
acts of nature.
Subject to the law in the jurisdiction where the Vehicle was rented, your responsibility
will include:
(a) all physical damage to the Vehicle measured as follows:
(i) if we determine that the Vehicle is a total loss the fair market value of the
Vehicle less salvage;
(ii) if we determine that the Vehicle is repairable:
(a) the difference between the value of the Vehicle immediately before the
damage and the value immediately after the damage; or
(b) the reasonable estimed retail value or actual cost of repair plus Diminished
(b) Loss of Use, which shall be measured by multiplying your daily rental rate either
by the actual or estimated number of days from the date the Vehicle is damaged until
it is replaced or repaired, which you agree represents a reasonable estimate of Loss
of Use damages and not a penalty. The estimated number of days of Loss of Use
shall be calculated as follows (assuming that all Loss of Use begins on a Monday
and that 1 repair day is equal to 4 labor hours): the total number of labor hours in
the repair estimate divided by 4 hours to determine the number of repair days, plus
2 weekend days for every 5 repair days, plus 3 administrative days to obtain a repair
estimate, deliver and retrieve the Vehicle for repairs.. Loss of Use shall be payable
regardless of whether we had other vehicles in our eet to rent, the Vehicle would
have been used but for the damage, or we suffered lost prots as a result of the
(c) an administrative fee equal to $75 or the maximum amount permitted under
applicable law;
(d) towing, storage and impound charges and other reasonable incidental and
consequential damages; and
(e) all costs associated with our enforcement of this Agreement or collection of
Charges, including attorneys’ fees, collection fees and costs whether or not litigation
is commenced. If you do not breach this Agreement your responsibility for loss of or
damage to the Vehicle from any cause regardless of fault to a maximum of $1,500
per occurrence. Your responsibility applies in respect of each claim, not per rental.
A second security deposit will be required to continue the rental - if you damage the
Vehicle before the scheduled Due-In Date. If the Vehicle is repairable and the rental
will continue, all damages must be paid at the time the accident.incident is reported to
Apollo, not at the completion of the rental period.
Special notice for rentals commencing in California: Except for ordinary
wear, You are responsible for: (a) physical and mechanical damage to the Vehicle
resulting from collision up to the fair market value of the Vehicle as determined in the
customary market for the sale of the Vehicle, regardless of the cause of the damage;
(b) loss due to theft of the Vehicle up to its fair market value, provided that, You failed
to exercise ordinary care while in possession of the Vehicle; (c) physical damage to
the Vehicle up to its fair market value, as determined in the customary market for the
sale of the Vehicle, resulting from vandalism occurring after, or in connection with,
theft of the Vehicle, provided that, You have responsibility for theft of the Vehicle;
(d) physical damage to the Vehicle up to a total of $500 resulting from vandalism
unrelated to a theft of the Vehicle; (e) actual charges for towing, storage and impound
fees paid by Us if You are liable for damage or loss; and, (f) an administrative
charge that includes the cost of appraisal and all other costs and expenses incident
to the damage, loss, repair, or replacement of the Vehicle. Allowing a person
who is not an Authorized Driver to use the Vehicle is not an exercise of ordinary
care, but a willful, and reckless act and is a breach of this agreement. You must
report all accidents involving the Vehicle or theft of the Vehicle and vandalism to us
within 24 hours of occurrence, and to the police as soon as you discover them.
Special notice for rentals commencing in Nevada: In accord with Nevada
Revised Statutes § 482.31535 you are responsible for theft of the Vehicle and
damage to it whether or not you are at fault. You are also responsible for Loss
of Use, and our administrative expenses incurred processing a claim according
to Nevada Revised Statutes §§ 482.31535 and 482.3154. Your responsibility
for damage to the Vehicle may be covered by insurance you provide.
You release us, our agents and employees from all claims for loss of, or
damage to, your personal property or that of any other person, that we
received, handled or stored, or that was left or carried in or on the Vehicle
or in any service vehicle or in our ofces, whether or not the loss or damage
was caused by our negligence or was otherwise our responsibility.
25. Protection Package
Public Liability Insurance:
The public liability insurance is included in the daily rental rate. Apollo
is insured for damages to third parties and/or their property up to a limit
of US$1 million. The public liability insurance that covers the registered
drivers is only up to the statutory limit as stipulated by law of the State
you are in at the time. This insurance amount is normally very low.
Top Service Inclusion:
The maximum SLI insurance covers claims made by third parties against
the rental company or You (for damage to third parties or their property).
Passengers in the Vehicle are not counted as third parties and the driver is
therefore not insured for claims brought by them against him/herself.
Property Damage:
You are responsible up to the amount of $1,500 for the cost of damage to the rented
Vehicle. You are also responsible for the cost of demurrage for the period the Vehicle
is unavailable due to repairs. The Liability applies in respect of each claim, not per
rental. The Liability is applicable regardless of who is at fault and must be paid at the
time the accident is reported to Apollo, not at the completion of the rental Period.
26. Collision Damage Waiver
If you purchase CDW, we waive your responsibility for damage to the Vehicle.
CDW does not apply to damage to optional and additional items that we rent
to you, such as navigation aids, child safety seats, and supply packages.
For rentals commencing in California: Your CDW will be void, and we will not
waive your responsibility for loss of or damage to the Vehicle if you provided false
or fraudulent information to us and we would not have rented the Vehicle had
we received true information, or if damage to the Vehicle results from: (a) your
intentional, willful, wanton, or reckless conduct; (b) operation of the Vehicle under
the inuence of drugs or alcohol in violation of § 23152 of the California Vehicle
Code; (c) towing or pushing anything; (d) operation of the Vehicle on an unpaved
road if the damage or loss is a direct result of the road or driving conditions;
(e) use of the Vehicle for commercial hire; (f) use of the Vehicle in connection
with conduct that could be properly charged as a felony; (g) use of the Vehicle
in a speed test, contest, or driver training activity; (h) operation by a person
other than an Authorized Driver; or, (i) operation outside the United States.
For rentals commencing in Colorado: Your CDW will be void, and we will not
waive your responsibility for loss of or damage to the Vehicle if you gave us false
information in order to obtain the Vehicle, or if damage to the Vehicle is caused: (a)
by your willful and wanton conduct or misconduct; (b) when the Vehicle is operated
by an Authorized Driver who is intoxicated by alcohol or a controlled substance;
(c) by participation in a speed contest; (d) when carrying persons or property for
hire, or when pushing or towing anything; (e) when committing a misdemeanor,
felony or other criminal act; (f) when operated outside the continental United
States; (g) when the Vehicle is used by a person who is not an Authorized Driver;
or, (h) after the speedometer or odometer is tampered with during the rental.
For rentals commencing in Nevada: Your CDW will be void, and we will not waive
your responsibility for loss of or damage to the Vehicle if you gave us fraudulent
information prior to or during the rental period, or if damage to the Vehicle: (a)
results from an Authorized Driver’s intentional, willful, wanton or reckless conduct; (b)
arises out of an Authorized Driver’s use of the Vehicle while intoxicated in violation of
Nevada Revised Statutes § 484.379; (c) occurs when the Vehicle is used to push or
tow anything; (d) is a direct result of the road or driving conditions while an Authorized
Driver is operating the Vehicle on an unpaved road: (e) is caused while the Vehicle
is used for hire, used in a speed test or speed contest, or used in driver training; (f)
results from use of the Vehicle is connection with conduct that constitutes a felony;
(g) occurs while the Vehicle is operated by anyone other than an Authorized Driver;
(i) occurs outside the United States; or, (j) occurs after an Authorized Driver provides
us false information and we would not have rented the Vehicle if we had received
true information.
_______By initaling here, You agree to purchase CDW. Cost $15 per night. CDW
does not cover all instances of damage to the Vehicle. There are exclusions which
are outlined in this document.
_______By initaling here, you decline to purchase CDW. You agree
to be responsible for all damage to, or loss of the Vehicle.
27. Responsibility for Tolls and Trafc Violations
You are responsible for paying the charging authorities directly all tolls (“Tolls”) and
parking citations, photo enforcement fees, nes for toll evasion, and other nes, fees,
and penalties (each a “Violation”) assessed against you, us or the Vehicle during
this rental. If we are notied by charging authorities that we may be responsible
for payment of a Violation, you will pay us or a processing rm of our choosing
(“Processor”) a processing fee of up to $75 for each such notication. You authorize
us to release your rental and payment card information to governmental authorities
and to a Processor for processing and billing purposes. If we or a Processor pay a
Toll or Violation, you authorize us or the Processor to charge all such payments and
processing fees to the credit/debit card you used to pay for this rental.
28. Security Deposit
Standard Liability: A Security of $1,500 (the 'Security Deposit') will be collected at the
time of entering into the Rental Contract. The Security Deposit will be debited to the
credit card account immediately. An administration fee of $30 applies.
CDW - Collision Damage Wavier: A Security of $500 (the 'Security Deposit') will be
collected at the time of entering into the Rental Contract. The Security Deposit is
payable to Apollo by an open signed credit card imprint with an authorisation obtained
(sufcient funds must be available for $500). For security purposes, only a credit
card can be used to provide the Security Deposit. The credit card holder must be
present and able to sign for the Security Deposit upon pick-up of the Vehicle. The
credit card holder is jointly and severally liable for any damage to the rental vehicle.
The Security Deposit is fully refundable when the vehicle is returned to the correct
location on time, is full of fuel and all other terms of the Rental Contract have been
complied with. If there is damage to the vehicle on its return, the Security Deposit
will be used to cover the cost of such damage up to the amount of the relevant
liability provided. However, if the terms of the Rental Contract are breached
and/or the Security Deposit is insufcient to cover the damage then any other
extra cost will be charged to You and You will be full responsible for such costs.
29. Your Full Responsibility
At all times you will be responsible for:
• Damage caused to the Vehicle in any way by part or total water submersion be it in
fresh or salt water.
• Damage caused to the Vehicle in circumstances where terms of this Agreement
have been breached.
• Damage caused to the Vehicle by Your wilful conduct (eg sitting or standing on the
hood or roof of the Vehicle).
• Damage caused whilst the Vehicle is being transported over water.
• Damage caused to the Vehicle when using the Vehicle in contravention of any
legislation or regulation controlling vehicular trafc.
• Damage caused to or loss of any personal belongings.
• Damage caused by negligence.
• Damage caused by snow chains.
• Damage caused by a single vehicle roll over.
• The recovery cost of the Vehicle if it is stuck in sand, snow, mud or similar type
Any costs associated with the replacement of lost, damaged or stolen keys, or the
cost of retrieving the Vehicle’s keys if they have been locked inside the Vehicle.
Any costs associated with using the wrong fuel type or using contaminated fuel.
Any costs associated with water being put in the fuel tank.
Any costs associated with fuel being put in the water tank.
Any costs associated with the Vehicle running out of fuel.
Any costs associated with losing the fuel, oil or water caps and items in the
convenience kit.
Any costs associated with damage or accidents
caused by falling asleep whilst driving.
• Damage caused to/by the awning, slide out, overhead or underbody of the vehicle.
30. Privacy Notice
Apollo has always valued the privacy of personal information. When we collect,
use, disclose or handle personal information, we will be bound by the applicable
privacy laws. Apollo collects personal information to offer, provide, manage
and administer its services and products. Apollo discloses personal information
to third parties who we believe are necessary to assist us in providing the
relevant services and products to our customers. However, we limit the use and
disclosure of any personal information provided by us to such third parties for the
specic purpose for which it was supplied. Apollo will not release Your personal
information to anyone other than to which we have already identied. If you
would like a copy of our Privacy Policy, or You wish to seek access to or correct
the personal information we collect or disclose a value, please contact Apollo.
31. Agreement Disclaimer
If any provision or provisions or in any portion of any provision or provisions, herein
is found by a court of law to be in violation of any applicable local state or federal
ordinance, statue, law, administrative or juridical decision or public liability, and if
such court should declare, such portion, provision or provisions to be illegal, invalid,
unlawful, void or unenforceable as written, then it is the intent of all parties hereto
that such portion, provision or provisions shall be given force to the fullest possible
extent that they are legal, valid and enforceable, that the remainder of the Agreement
shall be construed as if such illegal, invalid, unlawful, void or unenforceable portion,
provision or provisions were not contained therein and that the rights obligations and
interest of You and Apollo under the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in
the full force and effect. In no way, nor in any event or contingency, shall the amounts
contracted for, charged or received under this Agreement or otherwise exceed
the maximum rate permitted by applicable law (the ‘Maximum Rate’). If, from any
possible construction of any document, such amounts would otherwise be payable in
excess of the Maximum Rate, any such construction shall be subject to the provisions
of this subsection and such document shall be automatically reduced to the Maximum
Rate, without the necessity of execution of any amendment of new document.
correct the personal information we collect or disclose a value, please contact Apollo.
Rental Vehicle Agreement Number: _________________________________
Vehicle Registration Number: ______________________________________
(1) I have read and understood the above provisions and agree to be bound by
Ich habe die Vertragsbedingungen gelesen und akzeptiere an diese
gebunden zu sein.
(2) I have been shown over the Vehicle and all features have been demonstrated
to me.
Das Mietfahrzeug wurde mir erklärt und ich wurde auf alle Funktionen
(3) I have checked over the Vehicle and am satised that the Vehicle is free of
any insect infestation such as and not limited to ants, ies, cockroaches,
eas, bedbugs and mosquitoes.
Ich selber habe das Mietfahrzeug geprüft und erkläre hiermit, dass das
Fahrzeug frei von Insekten oder anderem Ungeziefer wie z.B. Ameisen,
Fliegen, Mücken, Kakerlaken, Läusen oder Wanzen ist.
(4) I have checked over the Vehicle and its equipment and am satised with its
cleanliness and condition.
Ich selber habe das Mietfahrzeug geprüft und ich bin mit der Sauberkeit
sowie mit der Ausrüstung zufrieden.
(5) Any damage to the Vehicle has been marked on the Vehicle Condition
Alle Schäden am Mietfahrzeug wurden im entsprechenden
Übernahmeprotokoll vermerkt.
(6) I am satised that the fuel tank is completely full and agree to return the fuel
tank completely full.
Ich bestätige, dass der Tank bei Übernahme des Mietfahrzeuges voll ist und
ich werde das Mietfahrzeug wieder vollgetankt zurückbringen.
(7) I agree that I have checked the condition of the tyres, including the spare, and
I am satised that they are in a roadworthy condition.
Ich bestätige hiermit dass ich den Zustand aller Reifen, inklusive Reserverad,
überprüft habe und ich bin überzeugt dass diese verkehrssicher sind.
1. Signed by Renter: ____________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________________
2. Signed by Renter: ____________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________________
3. Signed by Renter: ____________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________________
4. Signed by Renter: ____________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________________
5. Signed by Renter: ____________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________________
6. Signed by Renter: ____________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________________
Branch Person: ________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________