Collective Bargaining Supplemental
Teamsters Local Union 177
United Parcel Service, Inc.
(New Jersey)
Afliated with the International Brotherhood
of Teamsters Local 177
August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2023
Local 177 Executive Board
Chris Eltzholtz Al Ambrogio
Secretary-Treasurer Business Agent
Robert Cherney Bill Gibbs
President Business Agent
Paul Saliani, Jr. William Heady
Vice-President Business Agent
Joe McKenna, Jr. Michael Irving
Recording-Secretary Business Agent
Tony Alers Harold B. Johnson
Trustee Business Agent
Douglas Connon Harry Tansley
Trustee Business Agent
Pablo Cunha
Teamster Local 177
Representational Rights Statement
(If you are called to a meeting with management, read the following to
management before the meeting begins.)
“If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or
terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully
request that my Union representative, Ofcer or Shop Steward be
present at this meeting. Without representation present, I choose not to
participate in this discussion.”
Advisory On Withdrawal Cards
Members not working at the craft for a complete calendar month for
reasons other than sickness or injury may request, and be issued, an Hon-
orable Withdrawal Card in accordance with Article XVIII of the International
Members off work for a complete calendar month because of sickness or
injury should contact the Union ofce regarding the issuance of a withdraw-
al card.
Please note that any member who is not required to request a withdrawal
card in accordance with the International Constitution but who requests
and is issued a withdrawal card must be advised that the issuance of that
withdrawal card may result in a break in their twenty-four month continuous
good standing requirement for eligibility to:
Hold local union ofce.
Be a Delegate/Alternate Delegate to the next International
Be a candidate to run for International Ofce; and
Nominate/vote in the election of Union ofcers; the election of
Delegates/Alternates; or, in the election of International Union ofcers.
Any other continuous good standing requirements of Local Union No.
177 as stated in the Local Union By-Laws.
Article Text Page
This supplement to the National Master United Parcel Service Agreement
shall apply to all United Parcel employees working in the classications set
forth in the wage schedule within the jurisdiction of Local 177. Except as
provided here, the provisions of the National Master United Parcel Service
Agreement shall prevail.
The Employer shall submit to the Secretary/Treasurer of the Local Union,
on or before the 15th of the month, with each dues remittance, a report, by
center, listing all seniority employees alphabetically and the amount of dues,
if any, deducted for each employee.
The Agency Clause does not apply in the jurisdiction of Local #177.
The Company agrees to dismiss promptly from any job covered by this
Agreement any worker for failure to tender regular Union initiation fees and
dues or for any other reason of bad standing in the Union, which may from
time to time be permitted by law as a cause of discharge; provided that the
Company is ofcially notied by the Union by register mail to that effect.
It is the responsibility of the Company to notify the Steward immediately
when a new employee attains seniority. Under no circumstances will this
notication go beyond ve (5) days after seniority is attained.
All employees hired to perform collective bargaining unit work shall pay
Union dues in the same manner as seniority employees of the collective
bargaining unit. Upon attaining seniority, an employee will be required to pay
the local union initiation fees.
When an employee, during a working day, is assigned work of two or more
classications, the applicable wage rate will be applied to the time spent in
each classication, except that an employee who works more than one hour
in a higher rated classication as part of their daily work shall receive the
higher rate for the entire day.
An employee who becomes sick on the job will be paid for all time worked on
that day. An employee who gets hurt on the job will be paid for the entire day.
The Union agrees that abuses will be subject to the grievance procedure.
Full time night workers, employed on or before September 15, 1976, shall
receive a night differential on the following basis:
(a.) A regular full time night worker shall be deemed to be one whose
regularly scheduled hours begin at or after 1:00 P.M., or begin at or
before 5:00 A.M.
(b.) Each regular full time night worker shall receive a night differential as
listed below which shall be in addition to the regular hourly wage rate
for that classication:
Beltman-Sheetwriter .660 Divisional Sorter .690
Section Sorter .690 Return Clerk .680
Return Clerk .680 Sorter .690
Positioner .690 Marker .720
Driver .690 Car Washer .670
Hub Porter .670
Ofce Clerk-Sr. .690 Driver-Tractor .720
Beltman .670 Cashier .690
AFTER 8/1/18
Notwithstanding any provision in this Supplement the progressions set
forth in the National Master Agreement, Article 41, Section 2(c) and 3, will
be controlling with regard to any employee entering a full-time job after
August 1, 2018, covered by those Sections.
The progression for Employees entering a package car driving, feeder, or
other full-time job (other than an Article 43 jobs, air driver or a job covered
by Article 41, Section 3, 4 or 6 of the National Master UPS Agreement) after
August 1, 2018 shall be as follows:
Start $21.00
Twelve (12) months $23.00
Twenty-four (24) months $24.00
Thirty-six (36) months $28.75
Forty-eight (48) months Top Rate
The “top rate” is the wage rate in the job classication in the applicable
Supplement, Rider or Addendum then being paid, including the general
wage increases and cost-of-living increases, if any, paid under the provisions
of the 2018 – 2023 Agreement.
The starting rate for full time year round helpers shall be 50% of the prevailing
package driver rate. After attaining seniority, a 10% increase will be added
one (1) year from their employment date. An additional 5% will be added
two (2) years from their employment date. Full time year round helpers shall
receive the general wage increases as is outlined in Article 41, Section 1 of
the UPS-National Master Agreement.
There will be a 15% cap applied for helpers in each building. This cap will not
be applied between November 1 and January 10.
Peak season helpers hired between November 1 and January 10 shall
receive the all other rate per hour for all hours worked as outlined in Article
22 Section 5 of the UPS-National Master Agreement.
No seniority package driver will be laid off as a direct result of the use of
helpers in his or her building.
If no non-seniority package drivers are working in his or her building, the laid
off employee may displace the junior helper working in his or her Center and
shall be compensated at the laid off employees’ prevailing rate of pay.
If no helpers are working in his or her center, he or she may displace the
most junior helper in the building and will be paid at the helpers rate of pay.
Employees hired or transferred into the helper classication may request a
transfer to another classication after one (1) year.
Full time helpers who were previous part time employees, who successfully
transfer into full time package driving jobs, will receive top rate of the full time
package driver classication.
Persons hired as helpers, who successfully transfer to full time package
driving jobs, will receive the appropriate rate of pay based on their years of
Full Time Combination Helpers:
The starting rate for new combination full time helpers shall be 50% of the
prevailing package driver rate. After attaining Seniority, a 10 % increase will
be added one (1) year from their employment date. An additional 5% will be
added two (2) years from their employment.
The new full time combination job will consist of any combination of pre-load,
hub or local sort work and driver helper.
The inside portion of these jobs will be paid pursuant to Article 22 of the
National Master Agreement.
Each center will be allowed a maximum of three (3) combination helpers
per center.
The intent of these combination helpers is not to be used as a subterfuge to
deny package drivers overtime.
No seniority package driver will be laid off as a direct result of the use of
combination helpers in his or her building.
Tractor Drivers:
Tractor Drivers pulling any combination of equipment, i.e. double trailers,
single trailer with a dolly, or a dolly will be paid ninety cents (.90) per hour
over the prevailing tractor driver rate for all hours worked. Tractor Drivers
pulling double 40’s will be paid seventy-ve cents (.75) per hour over the
prevailing tractor driver rate for all hours worked. Tractor drivers pulling
triples will be paid eighty cents (.80) over the prevailing tractor driver rate
for all hours worked.
Tractor drivers who pull double or triple trailers a minimum of one hundred
(100) days during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding their
scheduled vacation shall receive the appropriate rate of pay for their vacation.
Tractor Drivers who bid jobs that are scheduled to pull doubles, or triples and
who because of the operating needs of the Company have those doubles
or triples removed from their jobs will have the option to stay with that job
or elect to become a spare driver. Should the doubles return to the vacated
job within 30 days the driver who vacated the job will have the right to return
to that job.
8/1/18 8/1/19 8/1/20 8/1/21 8/1/22
Package Driver 35.57 36.32 37.12 38.02 39.02
Tractor Driver 35.67 36.42 37.22 38.12 39.12
Beltman-Sheetwriter 35.07 35.82 36.62 37.52 38.52
Return Clerk 35.25 36.00 36.80 37.70 38.70
Section Sorter 35.35 36.10 36.90 37.80 38.80
Positioner 35.42 36.17 36.97 37.87 38.87
Ofce Clerk, Sr. 35.40 36.15 36.95 37.85 38.85
Beltman 35.22 35.97 36.77 37.67 38.67
Divisional Sorter 35.35 36.10 36.90 37.80 38.80
Return Clerk 36.25 37.00 37.80 38.70 39.70
35.42 36.17 36.97 37.87 38.87
35.67 36.42 37.22 38.12 39.12
Car Washer
35.22 35.97 36.77 37.67 38.67
35.17 35.92 36.72 37.62 38.62
Clerk, Washers Porters
Hired after 9/15/76 34.10 34.85 35.65 36.55 37.55
Part Time Employees
Hired before 7/1/79
35.60 36.35 37.15 38.05 39.05
Part Time Employees
Hired after 7/1/79
34.60 35.35 36.15 37.05 38.05
Part Time Employees hired after 5/1/82 and prior to 9/4/84.
Sorters and Preloaders 34.63 35.38 36.18 37.08 38.08
All Others 33.63 34.38 35.18 36.08 37.08
(1.) Part time employees hired on or after 9/4/84 and receiving $19.49 per
hour (Preloader-Sorter) and $18.49 per hour. (All Others) on 7/31/02:
Preloader-Sorter All Others
8/1/18 34.33 33.33
8/1/19 35.08 34.08
8/1/20 35.88 34.88
8/1/21 36.78 35.78
8/1/22 37.78 36.78
(2.) Part time employees hired on or after 9/4/84 and receiving $19.19 per
hour (Preloader-Sorter) and $18.19 per hour (All Others) on 7/31/02:
Preloader-Sorter All Others
8/1/18 34.03 33.03
8/1/19 34.78 33.78
8/1/20 35.58 34.58
8/1/21 36.48 35.48
8/1/22 37.48 36.48
(3.) Part time employees hired on or after 9/4/84 and receiving $18.69 per
hour (Preloader-Sorter) and $17.69 per hour (All Others) on 7/31/02:
Preloader-Sorter All Others
8/1/18 33.53 32.53
8/1/19 34.28 33.28
8/1/20 35.08 34.08
8/1/21 35.98 34.98
8/1/22 36.98 35.98
(4.) (a) All part-time employees who have attained seniority as of August 1,
2018 will receive the following general wage increases for each contract
year but will in no case receive less than the hourly start rate specied
on August 1st 2018-2022 as set forth in (b) below. The total wage
increase for each year will be as follows:
2018 - seventy cents (.70)
2019 - seventy ve cents (.75)
2020 - eighty cents (.80)
2021 - ninety cents (.90)
2022 - one dollar (1.00)
(b) All part-time employees, who are hired or reach seniority after August 1,
2018, will be paid according to the following wage schedules:
August 1, 2018 $13.00
August 1, 2019 $14.00
August 1, 2020 $14.50
August 1, 2021 $15.00
August 1, 2022 $15.50
See Article 33 of the National Master Teamster – United Parcel Service
The basic work week for all regular full time employees should be forty (40)
hours per week consisting of eight (8) hours per day, ve (5) days per week,
employees may be required by the Company to work overtime and, in such
event, shall be entitled to overtime pay at a rate of time and one-half for
work performed on any day in excess of eight (8) hours of actual working
time. Any employee who is assigned to full time work shall be afforded an
opportunity to earn not less than eight (8) hours of pay per day.
(a.) The Company will maintain its present practice of a Monday through
Friday workweek, except as required by the operating needs of the
Company. Any change of the workweek will not be made for a one-
week or two-week period only.
(b.) Day off schedules for all Employees shall be posted by Thursday of the
preceding week for all classications.
Any full time employee who works on their scheduled day off and is also
available for work on each of their regularly scheduled ve (5) days (except
for absence due to legitimate good cause) shall receive overtime pay at the
rate of time and one-half for all work on such scheduled day off, but in the
event they are absent on any of the regularly scheduled ve (5) days without
legitimate good cause, they shall receive no overtime pay for work on their
scheduled day off.
Employees who are scheduled to work on Sunday as part of their regular
scheduled work week will be paid at double the regular straight time rate of
pay for their seventh (7th) work day.
(a.) It is the policy of the Company to avoid dispatching employees with
excessive overtime whenever possible.
(b.) Where an outside employee feels he or she is being dispatched with
excessive overtime on a regular basis, he or she shall le a complaint
with the Shop Steward who shall in turn bring the matter to the attention
of the Company. The Company agrees to investigate the claim promptly
and take such corrective measures as may be indicated.
(c.) In the event inside employees, in any center or hub, assert that
excessive overtime is being required on a regular basis, the matter shall
be brought to the attention of the Union who shall raise the question with
the Company. The Company will investigate the claim promptly and
take such corrective measures as may be indicated.
(d.) In the event any matter referred to in (b) or (c) above is not resolved as
aforesaid, it shall be referred to the Grievance Procedure in accordance
with Article 44.
(e.) It is the policy of the Company to cooperate with an employee who
desires to be relieved from overtime for bona de personal reasons,
subject to the understanding that such employee will complete his or
her assignment, and subject to the provisions below. Any employee
who desires to be relieved from overtime on a particular day or days
(but in no event more than one week) shall submit a request in writing at
least 24 hours in advance. This request will be processed by both the
Center Manager and the Shop Steward, provided that no more than one
employee in any Center shall be granted such request at any one time.
Such request shall not be submitted during the months of November
and December. With Respect to requests for Relief of Overtime on a
Daily Basis, past practice shall prevail.
(a.) Work performed by employees before their scheduled starting time
or after their scheduled nishing time shall be paid for at the rate of
one and one-half times their regular straight time rate of pay, it being
understood nevertheless, that an employee receiving overtime pay for
work prior to their scheduled starting time shall receive only their regular
straight time rate of pay for all work performed in the eight (8) hours
following their regular scheduled starting time.
(b.) Package drivers who complete their assigned work and return to the
center in less than eight (8) hours and are re-dispatched with extra
work shall be paid at the overtime rate from the time they complete their
original assignment. This shall not apply to drivers whose planned day
includes being available to cover extra work in the afternoon.
(a.) In addition to the eight (8) hours pay at regular straight time rate which
will be paid to all full time Employees for the holidays specied in Article
57 of this Agreement, those employees who work on such holidays
shall, in addition, be paid at double the regular straight time rate except
where the regular schedule of work extends into holiday hours.
(b.) Pay at double the regular straight time rate shall be paid for off schedule
Sunday work and for overtime work on Sundays where the regular
schedule of work extends into Sunday hours. This will not apply to the
overtime rate during the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas
when the overtime rate shall be one and one-half times the regular
straight time rate. The Company will, in good faith, hold to a minimum
the overtime hours of employees whose regular schedule of work
extends into Sunday or holiday hours. Any employee except package
drivers and helpers who attain seniority after July 31, 1987 may be
scheduled to work on Sunday at their regular straight time rate of pay. It
is understood employees scheduled to work on Sunday, their workweek
will be ve (5) consecutive days, Sunday through Thursday.
(c.) No full time employee who attains seniority prior to August 1, 1987 shall
be scheduled to work on a Sunday or on any of the holidays specied in
this Agreement, but this provision shall not apply to employees whose
regular schedule of work extends into Sunday or Holiday Hours.
(d.) Pyramiding of overtime. It is mutually understood and agreed that the
overtime provisions of this Agreement cover all overtime payments to
which an employee is entitled whether by Agreement or statute or both.
There shall not be any pyramiding of overtime.
(a.) The work of Supervisors will not include assignment to work normally
performed by employees of the bargaining unit except for training or
demonstration. “Training or demonstration” shall not be used as a
subterfuge for the performing of any bargaining unit work. Any claimed
abuses will be referred to the grievance procedure.
(b.) Day off people will be called in seniority order in the center where the
need occurs. Then, all people living within a reasonable distance (one
hour ride) to any center other than their own and interested in working
on their day off, will submit their names and telephone numbers to the
Shop Steward and the Center Manager. The Manager then will make a
list of these people, in seniority order, and exhaust this list before using
a Supervisor.
(c.) In the event of a supervisor working grievance having been paid and
in the event of subsequent violations of the same identied supervisor
performing bargaining unit work, the following steps will be applied:
(1.) For the second violation the Division Manager and the District Labor
Relations Manager will be notied and the affected employee will be
paid two (2) hours or the actual hours worked, whichever is greater
at double time the affected employee’s rate of pay.
(2.) For a third violation the matter will be taken up with the Region
Labor Relations Manager and the Local Union. The affected
employee will be paid four (4) hours or the actual hours worked,
whichever is greater at double time the employee’s rate of pay.
The Company shall x the starting time for employees, which shall remain
constant during any particular week, but which may be changed from week
to week. The Company may elect to have Package Drivers start twenty
(20) minutes or less prior to the weekly posted start time. This provision
will be limited to one day per work week. Drivers shall receive the straight
time rate of pay for such time. From the rst Monday after Thanksgiving
through the Monday before Christmas, package car drivers may be offered
on a voluntary basis and in seniority order an early start time opportunity
exceeding the twenty (20) minutes listed above. All drivers accepting the
opportunity will be paid at the straight time rate of pay for the early start.
This shall not apply to drivers who are asked or called in for extra work. It is
mutually agreed that this provision will not be used as a subterfuge to deny
any driver the opportunity to the above language.
The xed starting time shall not apply to employees who are scheduled
to work on Sunday at their regular straight time rate of pay but will remain
constant for the remainder of the regular schedule work week.
No restriction as to starting time shall be applied to central relief people, but
the Company shall identify such relief people to the Union and the Shop
The choice of starting times shall be on a seniority basis.
Seniority employees who are called in on day off or from lay off shall be paid
from regular starting time. This shall not apply in cases where abuses have
been called to the attention of the Union by the Company.
Before changing the weekly scheduled starting time of any package driver
more than one-half hour beyond 8:30 A.M. or more than one hour regardless
of the time, the Company shall notify the Union of said change and, upon the
prompt request of the Union, will discuss the matter with the Union prior to
said change. In the event the change is made without Agreement from the
Union, the Union may grieve the issue of whether the change was arbitrary
or unreasonable.
In the event of a starting time change of more than one (1) hour or a
new starting time, full time inside employees may select the new full time
starting time within their classication, by building or by center whichever is
applicable, in seniority order if qualied to perform the work.
(a.) A driver will be allowed twenty (20) minutes for breakfast and forty (40)
minutes for lunch for each day worked. This time will not be counted as
time worked by such driver. The time for breakfast must be taken prior
to 11:00 a.m. The time for lunch must be taken and completed within
the hours of 12:00 and 3:30 P.M. Drivers may on a quarterly basis opt
to take a half hour lunch instead of a full hour lunch. If a driver elects
the half hour lunch option, they are not entitled to break it up or take
breakfast. Drivers may opt on to the half hour lunch option for the rst
quarter by December 15, the second quarter by March 15, the third
quarter by June 15 and the fourth quarter by September 15. A driver
may elect to opt off the half hour lunch option by giving two (2) weeks’
notice to the Shop Steward and Manager.
(b.) After the completion of eight and one-half (8 ½) hours of work all drivers
shall receive fteen (15) minutes additional pay. This shall not apply to
drivers who attain seniority after July 31, 1987. Those drivers attaining
seniority after July 31, 1987 and hired on or before July 31, 2002 shall,
after the completion of eight (8) hours of work, receive an additional ten
(10) minutes of pay at the straight time rate.
(c.) Feeder drivers shall be scheduled for one hour eating time to be
started not sooner than three (3) and not later than ve (5) hours after
scheduled starting time.
(d.) There shall be no work done during any of the above meal periods.
(e.) The specic time taken for each meal period shall be marked on the
time card immediately at the start of such period. The Company agrees
that they will not harass employees during the meal period.
(f.) Mileage drivers may elect to forego their lunch period provided there
is no delay at their turn around. Drivers electing not to take their lunch
must notify the appropriate management person.
(a.) For inside employees, the Company shall allow one (1) hour eating time
to be started not sooner than three (3) and not later than ve (5) hours
of work, except that any employee who requests an eating period either
earlier than three (3) hours or later than ve (5) hours will be permitted
to have their lunch period at such time subject to the consent of the
Company. The Company may, with the consent of the Union, schedule
inside employees for less than one (1) hour lunch, but in no case less
than thirty (30) minutes.
(b.) All regular full time inside employees will be allowed two (2) fteen (15)
minute coffee periods each work day, the time for which will be set by
mutual Agreement of the Company and the Union.
See Article 10 of National Master Teamster – United Parcel Agreement.
The parties agree that the Local Parcel Grievance Procedure referred to in
Article 7, of the National Master United Parcel Service Agreement shall be
as follows:
Employees shall have the Shop Steward present on any grievance.
A grievance is hereby jointly dened to be any controversy, complaint,
misunderstanding or dispute arising as to interpretation, application or
observance of any of the provisions of this Agreement.
Grievance procedures may be invoked only by authorized Union
In the event of a grievance, it shall be handled in the following manner:
(a.) The employee shall report it to his or her Shop Steward in writing within
ve (5) working days. The Steward shall attempt to adjust the matter
with the Supervisor within forty-eight (48) hours.
(b.) Failing to agree, the Shop Steward shall promptly report the matter to
the Union which shall submit it in writing and attempt to adjust the same
with the Employer within ve (5) days.
(c.) If the parties fail to reach a decision or agree upon a settlement in the
matter, it shall be submitted in writing within ten (10) working days,
unless otherwise mutually agreed to.
(d.) The appropriate Local Parcel Grievance Procedure as set forth in this
Supplement, if it is a grievance relating to the Supplemental Agreement
or a matter not relating to the interpretation of the National Master United
Parcel Service Agreement or appeal from discharge or suspension.
Any grievance settlement not paid within ten (10) working days of
the settlement shall entitle the grievant(s) to a penalty payment.
Such penalty payment will be equal to one half (1/2) of his/her daily
guarantee at his/her regular hourly rate. The ten (10) working day
period shall begin to run when the Labor Department representative
agrees to the settlement, or is notied by the Union or management
team of the settlement. The Union will notify the Company of a grievant
settlement with an agreed to standardized form. The Employer shall pay
a maximum of one penalty payment for a multi-grievant grievance.
All questions of interpretation arising under the provisions of the National
Master United Parcel Service Agreement shall be resolved in the manner
described in Article 8 of the National Grievance Procedure in the National
Master United Parcel Service Agreement.
It is agreed that the Company and the Union will abide by the Rules of
Procedure adopted by the National Grievance Committee.
Grievances to be heard under the Local Grievance Procedure will be referred
to arbitration.
If any grievances or disputes cannot be satisfactorily settled by the parties,
then the grievance may be submitted to an arbitrator from an agreed-upon
list of arbitrators by either or both parties. It is agreed that the arbitrator
is empowered to hear and decide a case even if only one of the parties
submits to arbitration, or, if one of the parties fails to appear at the hearing
or to present evidence. The arbitrator shall have the authority to apply the
provisions of this Agreement, and to render a decision on any grievance
coming before him, but shall not have the authority to amend or modify this
Agreement or establish new terms and conditions under this Agreement.
The cost of arbitration shall be shared equally by the parties. The decision
of the arbitrator shall be nal and binding on the parties and employees
involved. In the event that the losing party fails to abide by the arbitrators
decision, or that either party refuses to submit to his jurisdiction, the other
party shall have the right to take all legal or economic recourse. All costs
in connection with the ling of late postponements and or withdrawals of
scheduled Arbitration hearings shall be borne by the party requesting the
cancellation or withdrawal. Arbitrator fees shall be paid as per past practice.
The Union and the Employer agree that there shall be no strike, picketing,
lockout, tie-up, or legal proceedings without rst using all possible means of
settlement, as provided for in this Agreement or any Supplement hereto, of
any controversy which might arise under this Agreement. The parties further
agree that the words “legal proceedings” as used in this paragraph shall not
be construed to prohibit the Union or the Employer from going to court of
proper jurisdiction for an injunction against the other for breach of the no-
strike, no lock-out, no tie-up, no picketing promises made herein.
Before any strike or stoppage of work takes place over a grievance or
interpretation arising out of this Supplement that cannot be settled in
accordance with the grievance machinery as set out in this Agreement,
there must be approval by the General President of the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters or his duly authorized representative, with notice
of such approval to be given to the Employer, in writing, prior to such a strike
or stoppage of work. The granting of such approval by the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters shall not impose any liability on the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters.
It is further mutually agreed that the Local Union will, within two (2) weeks of
the date of the signing of this Agreement, serve upon the Employer a written
notice which notice will list the Union’s authorized representatives who will
deal with the Employer, make commitments for the Union generally and in
particular have the sole authority to act for the Union in calling or instituting
strikes or any stoppages of work in a case where a strike or stoppage is
authorized under this Agreement, and the Union shall not be liable for any
activities unless so authorized.
It is agreed that in all cases of unauthorized strike, slowdown, walkout, or
any unauthorized cessation of work in violation of this Agreement, the Union
shall not be liable for damages resulting from any unauthorized action of
its members. While the Union shall promptly undertake every reasonable
means to induce said employees to return to their jobs during such period
of unauthorized stoppage or work mentioned above, it is specically
understood and agreed that the Employer shall have the sole and complete
right to discharge any employee participating in any unauthorized strike,
slowdown, walkout or any other cessation of work and such employee shall
not be entitled to have any recourse to any other provision of this Agreement.
The Local Union Business Agent shall have the right to examine time sheets
and any other records pertaining to the computation of compensation or
fringe benets of any employee whose pay is in dispute or records pertaining
to a specic grievance.
(a.) Notwithstanding anything herein contained, it is agreed that in the event
the Company is delinquent at the end of a period in the payment of its
contribution to the Health and Welfare or Pension Fund or Funds created
under this Agreement, in accordance with the rules and regulations of
the Trustees of such Funds, the employees or their representatives,
after the proper ofcial of the Local Union shall have given seventy-two
(72) hours’ notice to the Company of such delinquency in Health and
Welfare or Pension payments, shall have the right to take such action
as they deem necessary until such delinquent payments are made and
it is further agreed that in the event such action is taken, the Company
shall be responsible to the employees for losses resulting therefrom.
(b.) It is mutually agreed that all monies due and owing under the Health and
Welfare and Pension provisions of this Agreement shall be considered
as wages and collectible as such.
(a.) After thirty (30) days of work within a sixty (60) consecutive day period,
not to include the orientation period which shall not last more than fteen
(15) working days, a new employee will acquire seniority and his/her
seniority date shall be the original date of his/her employment, provided,
however, that the time worked in the free period shall not count towards
the acquisition of seniority.
Employees seeking to obtain seniority, whether as a new hire or as a
part-time transfer, shall be provided with the opportunity to work thirty
(30) days within a sixty (60) consecutive day period. In the event the
employee has not yet worked thirty (30) days, such employee shall
automatically attain seniority upon the sixtieth (60th) day.
Newly hired employees attending orientation shall be paid the daily
rate of eighty-eight dollars ($88.00) for full time employees and thirty-
eight dollars and fty cents ($38.50) for part time employees. Part time
employees transferring to full time positions shall be paid eighty-eight
dollars ($88.00) per day for such orientation periods. Orientation periods
shall be used for the expressed purpose of training and demonstration,
any violations shall be subject to the Grievance Procedure. Upon
qualifying in the new job assignment, current seniority employees shall
be compensated the difference between the orientation rate and the
applicable rate for the classication of work for time spent in orientation.
(b) There shall be a free period beginning October 15th and ending
January 10th in each year, during which no employee can qualify for
(c) An employee who has been hired prior to October 15th and retained
after January 10th or recalled within sixty (60) days after January 10th
will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to October 15th.
Those days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a
sixty (60) consecutive day period commencing with the rst day worked
after January 10th.
(d) Any violation of the January 10th cutoff by assigning free period
employees package car or feeder driving work will result in the creation
of a permanent full-time position in the package or feeder classication
to be lled and awarded per the applicable vacancy provisions of this
The following subsections shall apply to Package Drivers only.
(e) Non-permanent Drivers
During the period of June 1 to January 10, the Company can hire non-
permanent, non-seniority accruing drivers. The number of these drivers
will not exceed 10% of the assigned stafng per center during the period
between June1 and September 30.
If a non-permanent driver is offered a permanent driver job, the Company
will immediately notify the Shop Steward of such status change, and upon
following the transfer language in Section 4 of this Article, the following shall
1. If a non-permanent driver is offered a permanent driving job in the
same year as hired, the employee will not be required to complete
another thirty (30) working day qualication period. If the employee has
not yet completed the thirty (30) days, they will only have to complete
the remainder of the thirty (30) days.
2. An employee attaining seniority in the same year that they are initially
hired, will have their seniority date moved back to the rst date they
worked that year. Their attainment date will be their rst day worked as
a permanent employee.
3. If a Non-permanent driver is hired prior to October 1, and recalled
prior to April 1 of the following year as a permanent driver, that employee
will immediately attain seniority, and retain their original hire date as
their seniority date.
4. If a Non-permanent driver is hired October 1 or later, and recalled
prior to April 1 the following year as a permanent driver, that employee
will retain credit for all days worked prior to November 15. If the
employee has not yet completed their thirty (30) days, they will only
have to complete the remainder of the thirty (30) days and retain their
original hire date as their seniority date.
5. If a Non-permanent driver is rehired after April 1 the following year,
they will be considered a newly hired employee, and have a new
seniority date.
6. No driver hired as a permanent can be rehired as a Non-permanent
driver in the same year. An employee hired as a non-permanent driver
for any two periods and have not been offered a permanent driver
position, cannot be rehired as a non-permanent driver in any year.
(f) Days worked from November 15 through January 10 will not count
towards the 30 in 60-day seniority accruing period for part time to full time
transfers to package driver.
(a.) Center Seniority.
There shall be separate seniority lists for the inside employees of each
package center and separate seniority lists for the outside employees of
each package center. There shall be a separate seniority list for the package
center clerical employees in the Local’s jurisdiction; a separate seniority list
for package center porters in the Local’s jurisdiction and a separate seniority
list for car washers in the Local’s jurisdiction which separate seniority list shall
be used for purposes of layoffs. For purposes of vacation, six (6) day work
and job preference, the porters and car washers shall be on separate building
seniority lists by classication. Clerks shall be on a center seniority list.
(b.) Job Assignment.
Assignment of work shall be made on the basis of seniority lists described in
(a) above. A full time inside employee assigned to eight (8) continuous hours
of work shall not be displaced from his assignment by a part time employee.
(c.) 1. Job Preference.
Drivers shall be given preference in their center, based on seniority,
to a more desirable delivery area or to a permanent delivery split or to a
permanent full time pick up area when a vacancy occurs. A permanent split
is dened as a split or splits which has been in effect for three (3) months
for at least three (3) days each week. With respect to the number of moves
by drivers preference, past practice shall prevail, provided, however, that
notwithstanding the past practice, drivers will be permitted the right to make
a minimum of three (3) moves. Additional moves, if any, above three (3) shall
be in accordance with past practice. In the event said area or split is not
requested, the Center Manager will assign the work to the most junior driver
in the center. The Company shall promptly and conspicuously post notice
of any permanent vacancy. Such notice shall remain posted for a period of
two (2) weeks. The Company will post for bid all assignments within two (2)
weeks of being vacated. Upon completion of the two (2) week bid process,
the senior employee will be assigned to the bid no later than ve (5) working
days. Failure to complete the above-mentioned procedure the District Labor
Manager must ll the vacancy within ve (5) working days. The above
language shall not apply during the months of November and December. A
driver shall have a thirty (30) day trial period before the permanent vacancy
is awarded to him or her.
2. Training routes.
There shall be a maximum of three (3) training routes per center. Training
routes shall be bid. A driver who bids a training route will become a split
driver while a trainee is being trained.
(d.) Change in Starting Time.
Where the starting time of an area is changed, the regular driver, may elect to
remain on the area. If the change is from an earlier start time to a later start
time and driver elects not to go with the area, he or she may nevertheless
claim the area back if it is changed to the original starting time within the
thirty (30) working day period. Where a driver’s area is changed from a
later start time to an earlier start time, a more senior driver may displace the
driver being changed. The area that becomes available as a result of this
displacement shall be bid. Additional moves, if any, will be assigned by the
Employer. There shall be a ten (10) day probationary period of the driver on
the new area.
(e.) Sixth day work.
Day off people will be called in seniority order in the center where the need
occurs. Then, all people living within a reasonable distance (one hour ride)
to any center other than their own and interested in working on their day off,
will submit their names and telephone numbers to the Shop Steward and
the Center Manager. The Manager then will make a list of these people in
seniority order and exhaust this list before using a Supervisor.
(f.) Night Package Job Preference.
When a permanent vacancy occurs in the night package operations, a senior
employee shall be given an opportunity to select such assignment subject to
the operating needs of the Company.
(a.) Seniority Lists
(1.) There will be a separate seniority list for each of the following
hubs: Meadowlands (Secaucus), Saddle Brook, Edison, Cranbury and
Parsippany inside employees.
(2.) In the event a new hub is created within the jurisdiction of the
Union, the hub inside employees in said facility shall have the right to
transfer by classication to the new hub, on a seniority basis, subject to
the operating needs of the Company.
(b.) Hub Inside Job Preference
Employees in each hub inside classication shall be given preference, based
on seniority, to transfer to a more desirable starting time when a permanent
job vacancy occurs or a new job is created in such classication. The
Company will promptly and conspicuously post notice of such new job for a
period of two (2) weeks and the applicable starting time. If, through a change
of operations, the marker classication is eliminated in the Meadowlands
Hub, the existing employees in that classication shall continue to receive
the markers’ rate of pay unless the employee voluntarily transfers.
In the event of any claimed abuses in the reassignment of hub inside
employees within a classication from one work place to another in the
course of a work day, the matter shall be referred to the Grievance Procedure
in accordance with Article 44.
(c.) Trailer Driver
(1.) (a) There shall be a separate seniority list for each of the following
A. Central
B. Metro
C. North
(b) There shall be two lists in each District:
A. Company Seniority List
B. Classication Seniority List
(c) Seniority. For the purpose of six (6) day work and job preferences,
classication seniority shall prevail. For the purpose of layoff, and
vacation selection, full time Company seniority shall prevail.
(d) Layoff. After ve (5) consecutive days of layoff, the affected
employee shall have the right to displace the most junior feeder driver
within the jurisdiction of the Local.
(e) Bidding.
(1.) Each year on or about February 1st there shall be bids for all
feeder drivers. Bids will be posted for two weeks prior to the start of
the bidding process. Feeder bids shall be selected by District and the
selection of bids shall be by classication seniority. This bidding will
be done off the job during the work week. The bidding process for
each district will be completed in 10 business days or less.
Once job selections begin, there will be no changes to the posted
yearly/annual bids being offered for thirty (30) calendar days.
Drivers who are scheduled to be on vacation during the bidding
process must leave bid picks with the Shop Steward or Management.
All other drivers on extended absences will be contacted by telephone
for their bid selections. Drivers who refused to pick within twenty-four
(24) hours will be bypassed. The bypassing of a driver during the
bidding process must be mutually agreed to by the Union and the
If during the annual bidding process the Company abolishes a
previously selected bid, after the annual bidding process is complete,
using feeder seniority the affected driver(s) may displace any lower
seniority driver within their District or elect to become a spare driver.
Using the same principle of seniority each displaced driver(s) may
utilized these options.
(2.) Vacations picks will be posted November 1st for a two week period.
Vacation picks will begin November 15th and must be completed
on or before December 25th. The vacation period extends from
December 26th to the Saturday following Thanksgiving of the
following year. Vacation selection will be done off the job during the
work week.
Drivers who will be unavailable to make their vacation selections
due to their driving assignments will be required to leave their
vacation picks at the start of their work day. In addition, those
drivers nishing work who will be eligible to pick vacation prior
to their next scheduled start time will be required to leave their
vacation picks with the Shop Steward or Management. All drivers
who will be on vacation during the vacation selection process will be
required to leave their vacation selections with the Shop Steward or
Management prior to the start of their vacation. All other drivers on
extended absences will be contacted by telephone for their vacation
selections. Drivers who refused to pick in a timely manner or fail
to leave picks will be bypassed until such time that they are willing
to pick or have submitted their picks to Management or a Shop
Steward. These drivers will be awarded their vacation weeks based
upon the availability of weeks open at the time of their submission.
The bypassing of a driver during the vacation selection process
must be mutually agreed to by the Union and the Company.
Each week a percentage of the drivers eligible to pick will be
required to do so within the allotted time. No less than 25% of the
drivers eligible to pick will do so each week. Notication of what
week a driver will be required to pick will be posted along with the
vacation picks for the two week period prior to the beginning of the
vacation selection process.
Where a new full time trailer drivers assignment is created and is in
effect for more than twenty (20) working days or a vacancy occurs
in an existing full time feeder assignment, drivers shall be given
preference within the District based on classication seniority to
said assignment. In the event no driver in the District requests said
assignment, the Company will assign the work. The Company shall
promptly and conspicuously post notice of any permanent vacancy.
Such notice shall remain posted for a period of two (2) weeks.
(f.) Transfer. Transfers within classications may be requested to any
District within the Local’s jurisdiction and if approved, shall be granted by
classication seniority.
(g.) Miscellaneous Feeders.
(1.) In the event a new District is created within the jurisdiction of the
Union, trailer drivers in the existing Districts shall have the right to
transfer to the new District within classication, on a seniority basis,
subject to the operating needs of the Company.
(2.) In the event a new hub is created within the jurisdiction of the
Union, the trailer drivers in said hub shall be on the same seniority
list as the existing trailer drivers. Trailer drivers in the existing hub
shall have the right to transfer to the hub, within classication, on a
seniority basis, subject to the operating needs of the Company.
(3.) If a feeder job is abolished, or changed by fty (50) percent or if the
starting time is changed by more than one (1) hour, the driver may;
stay with the job, or elect to become a spare, or exercise his/her
feeder seniority to displace a junior driver within their district. This
procedure is limited to ve (5) displacements. The sixth move is to
dovetail onto the spare list. This displacement option will not apply
from November 15th through December 25th.
The shop steward will be actively involved in the displacement
process as not to disrupt the employers operations. Each week, one
(1) day before the weekly schedule is posted the Union will notify,
in writing, the appropriate management representative of any bid
(4.) If a trailer driver chooses to bid on a permanent vacant job, his or
her job will then go up for bid only if he or she vacates a bid job.
(5.) If a run’s switch point is changed more than twenty-ve (25) miles
or if the starting time of a run changes from the night differential rate
to the day or vice versa, the driver (provided he or she has been on
the run for at least thirty (30) working days at the time of the change)
may utilize the options in number 3 above. If the driver has been on
the run for less than thirty (30) working days, the run shall be rebid
at the time of the change.
(6.) Runs which are put up for bid will be identied by starting time and
switch points.
(7.) Spare drivers will be assigned in accordance with past practice,
except assignment will be made by District.
(8.) The Company, whenever possible, will give one (1) week’s notice
of change of starting times or switch points on bid runs to the Shop
Steward or the Union ofce.
(9.) Feeder vacation selection will be made by District.
(10.) The Company, whenever possible, will adhere to the drivers
scheduled bid.
(11.) Seniority feeder drivers shall not be forced onto any open bid
assignment as a permanent assignment. Should no feeder driver
elect the posted open bid assignment, such assignment shall be
lled from the feeder driver weekly spare list in their district. Open
jobs shall be posted for a minimum two (2) weeks per the bidding
language. If jobs are not lled within the two (2) week minimum,
such jobs shall remain posted until such time the bid is lled.
(d.) Sixth Day Work
(1.) Hub employees (inside and outside) who are interested in the sixth
(6th) day work, will submit their names and telephone numbers to
their Managers. Day off employees will be called in seniority order,
by classication, provided there is no more than ve (5) hours
variance between his or her regular scheduled starting time and
the starting time of the job to be lled and provided he or she has
submitted their name and telephone number.
(2.) The sixth day employee will take the scheduled starting time of the
job for which he or she is called.
(a.) Transfers, within classication, may be requested to any operating
center or hub in the Local’s jurisdiction and if approved shall be granted
in seniority order. A list shall be prepared of employees requesting said
transfers. If the job is not lled by transfers within classication, it shall
be offered to the overall transfer list. The transfer list shall include the
location and classication to which an employee wishes to transfer.
Employees will be notied within fteen (15) working days as to the
status of their transfer. No transfers will be honored during the month
of December.
(b.) Except in special hardship cases, candidates for transfer must have at
least six (6) months of service.
(c.) There will be a thirty ve (35) calendar day probationary period for such
transferred employees.
(d.) The Company shall have the right to ll one (1) permanent vacancy for
every three (3) employees transferred to each such center.
1. Permanent package driver vacancies will be lled on a 2-1-2-1
Basis two (2) package to package, one (1) full time transfer, two (2)
part time transfers (within District), one (1) new hire. If for any reason
two (2) package car drivers do not ll the rst two (2) vacancies by
transferring the vacancies will be lled by the full time transfer list for
a total of three (3) full time employees. If full time employees do not
ll those vacancies part time employees (in the District) will ll those
positions. If part time employees ll the open position, the next position
will be lled by a new hire.
(e.) If an employee transfers, the transferee shall be placed on the seniority
list in the center to which he or she transferred and his or her seniority
date shall be the date of the transfer for purposes of bidding, etc.
However, he or she shall maintain his or her Company seniority date for
number of weeks’ vacation, and retirement, etc. Vacation selection shall
be based on full time Company seniority date.
(f.) The Company shall supply necessary material when available to enable
an employee to do the necessary studies within any classication in
order to qualify for a transfer.
(g.) If a driver transfers within his or her building the new opening created
in the transferee’s original center shall be lled by a new hire or a
promoted part timer, whichever is applicable. Such transferee shall not
be allowed to request another transfer within the building for a period
of one (1) year.
(h.) In the event a new package center is created within the jurisdiction of
the Union, all drivers in the new center will be placed on the seniority list
using their classication seniority.
Day-off schedules will be established according to seniority, wherever
this does not restrict or hamper operations. The Company will not be
unreasonable in the application of this provision.
Assignment of Sunday, holiday and day-off work on basis of seniority shall be
mutually agreed upon as to each center. Day off schedules in the Package
classication will be established by Center.
Day off schedule for all classications shall be posted by Thursday evening
of the preceding week.
Seniority employees who are called in on day off or from layoff shall be paid
from regular starting time. This shall not apply in cases where abuses have
been called to the attention of the Union by the Company.
When it becomes necessary to reduce the work force, full time seniority
employees shall be laid off by classication within the center, based on full
time Company seniority:
(1) The employee to be laid off shall be the junior employee within
his or her classication within the center, based on full time Company
(2) The laid off employee will displace a non-seniority employee in his
or her classication within the building.
(3) If no non-seniority employees are working, the laid off employee
may displace a part time employee within the building, if qualied.
(4) May displace two (2) part time employees within the building, if
(5) If two (2) shifts of part time employees are not available within the
building, he or she may displace two (2) part time employees within his
or her District’s hub, if qualied.
(6) If two (2) shifts of part time employees are not available in his or
her District’s hub, he or she may displace two (2) part time employees
in any other hub within the jurisdiction of Local 177, if qualied.
(7) The above shall apply only if the affected employee shall have
eight (8) hours of off duty time prior to his or her scheduled starting
(8) The affected employee may displace the part timer working the
greatest number of hours whose work he or she is qualied to perform
at the laid off employee’s prevailing rate of pay.
(9) The two (2) junior employees in each center with two (2) years or
less seniority if laid off, shall be entitled to subsections 2 and 3 above.
After ve (5) consecutive days of day to day layoff in an employee’s
classication, the following permanent layoff language shall apply.
When it becomes necessary to reduce the work force, full time seniority
employees shall be laid off by classication within the center, based on full
time Company seniority:
(1.) The employee to be laid off shall be the junior employee within his or
her classication within the building.
(2.) The laid off employee may displace a part time employee within the
building if qualied or,
(3.) May displace two (2) part time employees within the building, if
(4.) If two (2) shifts of part time employees are not available within the
building he or she may displace two (2) part time employees within his
or her District’s hub, if qualied.
(5.) If two (2) shifts of part time employees are not available in his or her
District’s hub, he or she may displace two (2) part time employees in
any other hub within the jurisdiction of Local 177, if qualied.
(6.) The affected employee may displace the part timer working the
greatest number of hours whose work he or she is qualied to perform,
at the laid off employee’s prevailing rate of pay.
(7.) When work again becomes available in the employee’s classication or
location, he or she shall return by seniority to their original job.
(8.) Stewards shall be the last employees to be laid off within the center
and rst to be recalled.
(9.) The above permanent layoff language does not apply to the two (2)
most junior employees in each center with less than two (2) years
seniority during the rst three (3) weeks of January.
Any employee shall lose all seniority rights if:
(a.) He or she quits.
(b.) He or she is discharged.
(c.) He or she is absent without good cause and fails to notify the Company
within three (3) working days. Good cause will be determined by both
the Company and the Union.
(d.) Layoff in excess of the following allowed period has elapsed since he or
she last worked for the Company:
Seniority Allowed Period
Less than 3 Mos. 4 Mos.
3 Mos. And over, but less than 4 6 Mos.
4 Mos. And over, but less than 5 8 Mos.
5 Mos. And over, but less than 6 10 Mos.
6 Mos. And over, but less than 24 12 Mos.
24 Mos. And over 24 Mos.
(e.) He or she is promoted to a supervisory position.
When the Union noties the Company of a claim of violation of the seniority
provisions, the employee shall be entitled to actual time lost before the date
of such notice, up to a maximum limit of one week’s pay, plus all time lost
between the date of such notice and the date of correction of the violation
by the Company.
Any full time seniority employee who is scheduled to report for work and
does report will be afforded an opportunity to earn eight (8) hours pay in their
regular classication of work, unless notied not to report by the completion
of his current working day or prior thereto, or if not working, then by telegram
led with Western Union not later than 4:30 p.m. of the day before such
reporting day or other notice prior thereto. While Sunday will be acceptable
for the purposes of notifying employees to report for work on Monday, the
Company agrees not to use Sunday for the purpose of advising employees
not to report for work on Monday.
It is understood that employees may be assigned in classication to work
in their home center or at places other than their home center, as follows:
(a.) Employees will be required to accept assignments, within classication,
when ordered, anywhere within their area.
(b.) Any employee who refuses an assignment out of his/her classication
under the above conditions will forfeit their rights to report pay.
For the purposes of other assignments, the following areas are applicable:
(1.) Lakewood, Tinton Falls, Trenton
(2.) Edison, Staten Island, Gould Avenue, Meadowlands
(3.) Parsippany, Bound Brook, Mt. Olive
(4.) Chester, New Windsor, Spring Valley
(5.) Saddle Brook, Lyndhurst
When accepting such assignments the Company agrees to provide
transportation and/or reimburse an employee for all travel time and expenses
incurred to and from locations. In those instances where one’s residence is
in close proximity to the reporting area the employee shall have the option of
reporting to his/her home center or the center of the assignment. The option
of where to report is solely the choice of the affected employee.
When an act of God (snow, ood, hurricane, etc.) occurs, employees who
are not put to work will not be entitled to any daily, weekly, or reporting
guarantees. An employee who calls in and is instructed by management to
report to work and is not allowed to work will be paid half of his or her daily
The following shall be causes for immediate suspension or discharge of an
employee: drinking, or proven or admitted dishonesty, situations involving
serious physical violence, or serious threats of physical violence, or severe
physical sexual harassment, or repeated lewd comments of severe sexual
nature directed at an individual.
As a matter of interpretation, “serious physical violence” shall not include the
following: accidental physical contact or actions reasonably taken in self-
defense, pointing of one’s nger at another, loud and/or abusive behavior
including foul language.
As a matter of interpretation, “serious threats of physical violence” shall be
limited to a clear threat of imminent physical harm under circumstances
demonstrating a reasonable ability to do so.
In any and all other matters involving a disciplinary action, the parties agree
that the employee will remain on the job until such a time of the scheduled
arbitration hearing.
In those cases involving disciplinary action where suspension or discharge
without pay is not authorized pursuant to the above, but where the Company
feels the need to put the employee off property, the parties agree to
submit the issues on a priority basis to the expedited discharge arbitration
procedure, and the Company agrees to pay that employee all wages and
benets until the completion of the expedited arbitration process. Cases in
which the employee is immediately discharged without pay for the grounds
set forth above shall have precedence over discharge cases in which the
employee remains on the job in the expedited arbitration process.
Any claimed violation of this Agreement shall be heard simultaneously by the
discharge arbitrator.
This Agreement shall not affect either parties’ rights with respect to discipline
under the National Master Agreement other than Article 7.
In all other cases involving the discharge or suspension of an employee,
the Company will give three (3) working days’ notice to the employee of
their discharge or suspension and the reason therefore. Such notice shall
also be given to the Shop Steward and the Local Union ofce. All warning
letters, including those stemming from reductions of notices of suspension or
discharge, shall not remain in effect more than twelve (12) months.
An employee subject to immediate suspension or discharge, in violation of
this agreement, and, subsequently returned to work, shall receive back pay
at the double time rate of pay.
Any dispute arising from interpretation of this language will be referred to
the co-chairs of the supplemental negotiating committee, or their designated
The parties hereto expressly agree that during the lifetime of this Agreement
there shall be no demands for collective bargaining negotiations as to any
matter or issue not covered by the provisions of this Agreement, or for the re-
negotiation of any of the provisions of this Agreement, except as elsewhere
provided in this Agreement.
The parties agree that this contract is the sole and complete Agreement
between them and that any other previous understandings or Agreements,
oral or written, inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement are
superseded and are of not effect during the term of this Agreement.
The Company shall reimburse employees for time lost attending hearings of
the Workmen’s Compensation Board, when such hearing results from formal
notice of hearing at which the employee is directed to be present. Evidence
of such notice must be submitted by the employee to the Company in
advance of request for time off. The Company will not reimburse employee
for attendance at hearings which result from employee’s application for
consideration of appeal.
In the event an employee is required to appear in night court in the Company’s
interest, the employee shall be paid straight time for the hours spent in court
and for time spent in travel.
Upon conrmation of entrance into the Armed Service, a seniority employee
will be granted the next annual vacation pay to which the employee would
have been entitled had he or she not entered the service, together with any
earned vacation not yet taken.
Employees ordered to spend time with the Reserves or National Guard units
cannot be forced to take vacations for this period.
In accordance with Workers’ Compensation Laws of the State of New
Jersey, the following shall be the Company policy with respect to physical
(A.) At the discretion of the Medical Director, employees out on compensation
injuries may be requested to visit the Medical Department for
examination. If unable to travel, arrangements will be made for visits to
his home by a staff doctor.
(B.) Arrangements for examination of injured employees who have since
returned to work will be made at the discretion of the Medical Director
where deemed necessary as follows:
(1.) Employee will be asked voluntarily to visit the Medical Department at
a convenient time for proper examination, or
(2.) If unable to visit the Medical Department, arrangements will be made
for examination locally by a staff doctor of the Company’s choosing,
either at the employee’s home, place of business, the Company
doctors ofce, or in his own doctors ofce.
(3.) Appointments to visit specialists or other doctors will be made by the
Medical Department or insurance carrier at the convenience of the
employee and doctor concerned without regard to day off schedule.
When a medical leave of absence is requested, the Company may
request appropriate medical evidence. This will usually be satised by the
submission by an employee of his personal doctors report. The Company
may, however, have the employee examined by the Company doctor. If the
Company doctor does not agree with the report rendered by the employee’s
personal doctor, the two doctors involved will select an impartial third doctor
to render a report. If the two doctors cannot agree upon the selection of a
third doctor, the Union and the Company shall select the third doctor either
through the grievance procedure or by request to the New Jersey State
Medical Society.
An employee who seeks to return to work after a medical leave of absence
(including a leave of absence covered by Workers Compensation) or after
an absence caused by a chronic or recurrent condition may be required by
the Company to submit a doctors report. The Company may also require
the employee to submit to an examination by the Company doctor. If the
Company doctor and the employee’s personal doctor do not agree, the
procedure set forth in the preceding paragraph regarding the utilization of an
impartial third doctor shall be followed.
The Company will designate local doctors within a reasonable distance for
employees working in the following buildings:
Chester Meadowlands Gould Ave.
Edison Spring Valley Saddle Brook
Trenton Parsippany Staten Island
Bound Brook Mt. Olive Lakewood
Tinton Falls New Windsor Cranbury
In the event the Company, pursuant to this Article, requires employees
working in these buildings to submit to an examination by a Company doctor
(except in compensation cases) the employee will be sent to such local
Union ofcials and Shop Stewards shall be allowed to examine such portion
of the Company’s operating reports and other payroll records as well as
employee’s center personnel le, as are pertinent to any grievance arising
under the contract. Such examination can be made only after request to the
Center Manager and in his presence.
Trailer drivers will load, unload and sort as indicated by his or her normal
schedule in the various locations of the Company, without any interruption
or interference of any kind with the Company’s operations. However, in the
event of unexpected volume or breakdown of equipment, a trailer drivers
schedule may be changed.
Section 1
The Company will make contributions for Health & Welfare, in accordance
with Article 34 of the National Master Agreement, as applicable to the
Teamsters Western Region and Local 177 Health Care Plan.
Section 2
Beginning January 1, 2014 health and welfare benets will be provided by
Teamsters Western Region and Local 177 Health Care Plan.
Section 3
Current retirees who are receiving benets through a UPS sponsored plan
shall receive coverage beginning January 1, 2014 under the terms of the
Memorandum Concerning UPS Sponsored Plans, attached to the National
Master Agreement.
Any eligible employee who retires effective January 1, 2014 or thereafter
shall be provided retiree medical benets through the Teamsters Western
Region and Local 177 Health Care Plan.
Section 4
The employer shall make health and welfare contributions for employees who
have been injured on the job for a period of one (1) year, and for employees
who are ill or who have been injured off the job for a period of four (4) weeks.
Pension contribution increases to the UPS – Local 177 Retirement Plan will
be made in accordance with Article 34 of the National Master Agreement and
the Letter of Agreement between IBT Local 177 and UPS.
A full time seniority employee shall be paid for the following holidays, provided
the employee is on the active payroll and in a working status (this excludes
employees on permanent lay-off, on strike, cleared and on leave of absence,
other than medical leave of absence): New Year’s Day, Memorial Day,
Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving,
Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve Day. Seniority employees who are absent
the full week of the holiday week due to illness or Workers Compensation
disability need not work during the holiday week in order to receive holiday
pay. The amount of holiday pay shall be equivalent of eight (8) hours straight
time pay. Part-time seniority employees shall receive holiday pay at the rate
of four (4) hours straight time pay per day. Existing full time employees with
less than two (2) years seniority must work the day prior or the day after said
holiday. All part time employees must work the day prior or the day after said
All full time employees who have attained seniority shall be entitled to one
(1) Option Holiday.
Part-time employees who have attained ve (5) years seniority shall be
entitled to one (1) Option Holiday.
The employee may request payment for this additional holiday at any time
after the effective date in lieu of time off.
Full time employees will be entitled to a Double Time Holiday upon attaining
Part-time employees who are seniority employees on January 1st of each
year will be entitled to a Double Time Holiday in that calendar year.
If the employees elect to work the Double Time Holiday they will receive
Holiday pay plus double time for all hours worked, this request will be at
start work of previous day. If the employee elects to take this Double Time
Holiday as a day off, he/she will be paid (eight (8) hours for full-time and
four (4) hours for part-time) and he/she must notify the Company prior to the
Thursday before the week their Double Time Holiday will fall.
Employees will be afforded the time off in seniority order with a minimum
of one (1) per day, and a maximum will be determined by the needs of the
Neither of these options may be exercised from December 1 to December
25 of each year.
If any of the specied holidays fall during an employee’s vacation period,
the employee shall receive an additional day’s pay (8 hours) in lieu of an
additional holiday. The additional day’s pay for part timers will be four (4)
Effective May 1, 1980, and each May 1st thereafter, all regular full time
employees with one (1) year seniority shall have earned six (6) days paid
sick leave per year ending April 30.
Regular full time employees with less than one (1) years seniority prior to
May 1st of each year shall have earned one (1) day paid sick leave after
the rst six months and one (1) day for every four (4) months of service
A cash payment will be made on April 30th of each year for each day of
unused sick leave. The amount of unused sick leave pay shall be the
equivalent of nine (9) hours straight time pay per day.
In no event will an employee be entitled to more than six (6) days sick leave
per year.
The employee may request payment for any earned, unused sick days at
the rate of nine (9) hours straight time pay per day after the effective day in
lieu of time off.
Employees may request to use two (2) of the above sick days as optional
holidays provided they are mutually agreed upon.
A full time employee who is absent due to workman’s compensation or
disability more than 120 work days of the calendar year on May 1st of each
year will receive sick leave based on two (2) sick days for each four months
worked during that calendar year.
Vacation schedule for regular full time employees:
One year seniority - One week vacation
Two years seniority - Two weeks’ vacation
Five years seniority - Three weeks’ vacation
Fifteen years seniority - Four weeks’ vacation
Twenty years seniority - Five weeks’ vacation
Twenty-ve years seniority - Six weeks’ vacation
The vacation period extends from December 26th to the Saturday after
Thanksgiving of the following year. The time allotted for summer vacations
is from May 1st to September 30th. The time allotted for winter vacation is
from October 1st to April 30th of the following year.
An employee having full seniority credit of 1, 2, 5, 15, 20 or 25 years shall
be entitled to the corresponding credit of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks of vacation
during the rst available vacation period after having obtained their full
seniority credit.
Available vacation weeks shall be allotted as follows:
Employees entitled to three (3) or four (4) weeks of vacation must select at
least one (1) week during the period from October 1st to April 30th of the
following year. Employees entitled to ve (5) or six (6) weeks of vacation
must select at least two (2) weeks during the period from October 1st to April
30th of the following year.
Vacation schedules shall be posted sixty (60) days prior to the vacation period.
Vacation picks will begin November 15th and be completed by December
24th. A minimum of twenty ve percent (25%) of eligible employees per
week shall select vacation. Any delays in the selection of vacation weeks
during the process will be promptly addressed by the Union Business Agent
and the Company.
The Company agrees to post a tentative list of available vacation weeks prior
to the posting of the actual vacation schedule. In case more employees shall
apply for vacation than the number allotted by the Company to be off during
such period, the choice for vacation during such period shall be based on full
time company seniority, provided such assignment does not interfere with or
hamper operations. However, the Company agrees to cooperate with the
Union to make available prime weeks, where possible.
No work shall be performed by the employee for the Company during their
scheduled vacation.
(a.) If an employee retires, resigns or is discharged after they become
entitled to the vacation provided in paragraph 1, then he or she shall
receive pay for the vacation due.
(b.) When an employee retires he or she shall receive pro rata vacation due.
(a.) The Company shall pay the appropriate vacation pay in advance to any
employee immediately prior to such Employee’s taking their vacation.
Employees may select a maximum of (2) two weeks vacation pay in
lieu of time off. Notication for paid vacation weeks will be done prior to
posting vacations. Employees selecting two (2) weeks vacation pay in
lieu of time off must select one (1) week from his/her winter picks and
one (1) week from his/her summer picks. Employees who utilize this
option may elect to have these weeks of vacation pay deposited directly
into their 401K accounts should the plan allow for such transfers.
The Company agrees not to reduce the available weeks of weekly
vacation from their present levels as a result of employees opting to
exercise their right to the above referenced option.
(b.) Vacation pay shall be based on the employee’s regular (not temporary
work assignment and shall consist of forty-ve (45) hours pay at the
regular straight time rate for each week of vacation entitlement.
(c.) Any seniority employee who is reinstated during a vacation period shall
receive the vacation benets she or he would have been entitled to had
they been on the payroll on their qualifying date.
(d.) Full time employees with two (2) years seniority or less, and all part
time employees who work more than 40 work days and less than 200
work days in their anniversary year will earn their vacation on a pro-
rata basis. These employees who work only 40 work days or less
during their anniversary year will receive no earned vacation that year.
Employees working more than 200 work days in their anniversary year
will receive full credit.
Only one year on either workers compensation or disability leave can be
used to accrue vacation providing the full time employee has at least two
years of seniority.
The amount of money to be paid is governed by the progression step the
Employee is in at the time they actually take their vacation.
Employees who work on higher rated jobs a minimum of one hundred (100)
days during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding their scheduled
vacation, shall receive vacation pay based upon the higher rated jobs.
Part time seniority employees shall receive vacation pay at the rate of four
and one half (4 ½) hours straight time pay per day.
(a.) All full time employees who have one (1) year seniority or more on
May 1, 1980 and each May 1st thereafter, shall have earned ve (5)
consecutive days off, Monday through Friday with forty-ve hours pay,
which must be taken between December 26th and the Sunday after
Thanksgiving. This selection will be made in seniority order immediately
following the regular vacation pick. In addition, employees with two (2)
or more years of seniority may elect to use these days individually with
nine (9) hours straight time pay per day. During the selection period the
employee will notify the Employer of his/her intention to select the one
week option, individual days or to receive pay in lieu of time off.
(b.) All full time inside employees and package drivers who so request
shall be allowed to select a week during the period of May 1st through
September 30th.
(c.) The employee may request payment for these ve (5) additional days at
forty-ve (45) hours pay at any time after the effective date in lieu of time
off. If days are taken individually the employee may request payment
for any earned, unused days at the rate of nine (9) hours straight time
pay per day after May 1 of each year in lieu of time off. Any unused days
will be paid off on April 30th of each year at the rate of nine (9) hours
straight time pay per day.
(d.) The number of employees allowed off on vacation each week during the
summer months shall not be reduced.
(e.) Full time employees and part time employees who are absent due to
workers compensation or disability more than 120 days of the calendar
year on May 1st of each year will not be entitled to these additional days.
(f.) Individual days shall be awarded by seniority and the following
procedure shall apply: any employee who noties the employer prior
to two (2) weeks before the requested day off will be placed on a list of
employees that request said day off. Employees will be notied two (2)
weeks before the requested day off whether the request will be granted
or denied. Employees will be afforded the time off in seniority order with
a minimum of one (1) per day and a maximum will be determined by the
needs of the business. These individual days may be restricted from
the Sunday after Thanksgiving to December 25, January 1st through
January 10th, Valentine’s Day and the day prior, and two (2) work days
following any contractual holiday, except Christmas. The restrictions
noted do not preclude the days from being granted.
The Company agrees that all seniority rights shall continue in full force and
effective with respect to not more than thirty (30) employees who presently
are or may, during the term of this Agreement, serve the Union as full time
ofcers or representatives or who serve the New Jersey Teamsters Joint
Council or the International Union as full time ofcers or representatives.
Such seniority shall continue in like manner as if such employees were
employed continuously as regular full time employees.
The Employer agrees to grant the necessary time off, without discrimination
or the loss of seniority rights and without pay, to any employee designated
by the Union to attend a labor convention or serve in any capacity on other
ofcial business provided forty-eight (48) hours written notice is given to the
Employer by the Union, specifying length of time off. The Union agrees that,
in making its request for time off for Union activities, due consideration shall
be given to the number of employees affected in order that there shall be no
disruption of the Employers operation due to lack of available employees.
Any employee desiring leave of absence from his employment shall secure
written permission from both the Union and Employer. The Maximum
leave of absence shall be for ninety (90) days and may be extended for like
periods. Permission for same must be secured from both the Union and
Employer. During the period of absence, the employee shall not engage
in gainful employment, except as provided in Section 4 below. Failure to
comply with this provision shall result in the complete loss of seniority rights
for the employees involved. Inability to work because of proven sickness or
injury shall not result in the loss seniority rights.
It is understood that maternity leave for female employees shall be granted
with no loss of seniority for such period of time as her doctor shall determine
that she is physically unable to return to her normal duties.
The employee must make suitable arrangements, in writing, for continuation
of health and welfare and pension payments before the leave may be
approved by either the Local Union or the Employer.
A driver whose driving permit has been revoked is obligated to notify the
Company within two (2) working days of revocation.
When a drivers permit has been revoked for twelve (12) months or less for
reasons other than those for which he can be discharged by the Employer,
he or she shall be placed in full time jobs in their buildings which are available
after all eligible disabled drivers have been accommodated. Such employees
must be capable of performing the available work.
If no full time jobs are available, such employee may displace the most junior
part time employees in the building, provided they are capable of performing
the work. Such employees shall be paid for hours worked only, at the rate of
fty percent (50%) of the employee’s prevailing rate of pay or their current
rate of pay if their hourly rate is less than $15.00 per hour for any work
The right to work at full time jobs or displace part time employees shall be
limited to twelve (12) months during any driver’s lifetime. Any single loss of
license in excess of twelve (12) months, or a series of losses that result in
an accumulated total of more than twelve (12) months, shall result in the
discharge of the employee.
However, if the rst loss of license is for D.W.I. and the revocation is between
twelve (12) months and fteen (15) months, the employee will be entitled to
twelve (12) months’ work as provided above. Any additional time off between
twelve (12) months and fteen (15) months, the employee will be granted a
leave of absence.
The management of the Company and the direction of the work force,
including the right to plan, direct and control Company operations and to
maintain and establish reasonable rules of the operation and reasonable
working practices, not inconsistent with the provision of this Agreement shall
be vested exclusively in the Company. It is agreed that the Company will
give the Union thirty (30) days’ notice of any anticipated major change in the
Company’s method of operation.
If any major change by the Company in methods of operation results in a
substantial change in job content of any job classication provided in this
Agreement or in the creation of a new classication or in substantial hardship
to employees, the parties shall attempt to agree on a new wage rate for such
job or jobs, or hardship corrections, and failure to agree, an applicable wage
rate or hardship correction shall be determined by the grievance procedure
in accordance with the provisions of Article 49 herein.
When a full time seniority employee is called for jury service, they shall be
excused from their regular duties on the days they are required to appear in
court. For any regular scheduled work day in which time off for jury service
is granted, the employee shall be paid a full eight (8) hours pay at their
straight time hourly rate, less any amount received as a jury duty fee. The
employee will be required, however, to turn over to the Company adequate
proof of their jury duty service and compensation, in order to receive the
compensation above provided.
The Company and the Union agree to reserve porter and car washer jobs for
long service employees engaged in more strenuous work. The Union and
Company mutually agree that these jobs will be assigned to worthy cases on
the basis of seniority.
The Company shall have the right to subcontract porters and car washer
work as per past practice, provided, however, such subcontracting work does
not result in the layoff of any porter or car washer.
Disabled drivers will be placed in available full time jobs if they are physically
capable of performing the work. Such employees shall be paid the rate of
the job performed.
If no full time work is available, such employees will be allowed to displace
the most junior part time employees in their building providing they are
judged physically capable of performing the work. Such employees shall be
paid for hours worked only at the part time rate of pay applicable to a part
time employee hired on the same day as the disabled driver.
If the Company’s doctor and the employee’s doctor cannot agree on a
hardship, a third doctor or institution will be used and that decision will be
nal and binding upon the Company, the Union and the employee.
In the event of a death of a member of the employee’s family, a seniority
employee shall be allowed a reasonable time off to attend the funeral, not to
exceed four (4) scheduled work days. These days shall not extend beyond
the day of the funeral unless an additional day is required for travel, except
as noted below. The employee will be reimbursed at eight (8) times the
employee’s straight-time hourly rate for each day lost from work for those
employees whose regular scheduled workweek is ve (5) days, and ten
(10) times the straight-time hourly rate for those employees whose regular
scheduled workweek is four (4) days.
A regular full-time employee shall be guaranteed two (2) days off to be taken
between the day of death and two (2) working days following the funeral.
Members of the employee’s family mean spouse, child, father, mother,
brother, sister, grandparents, mother-in-law and father-in-law.
Part time employees will enjoy the same benets as above, paid at four (4)
times the employee’s hourly rate.
It is the policy of the Company and the Union that grievances be handled with
the participation of the regular Steward. The Company agrees to cooperate
with the Union in establishing procedures to assure that the regular Steward
is available for the processing of grievances. The Union agrees that such
procedures shall not hamper the Company’s operation. The Company
shall, in the absence of the regular Steward, recognize an alternate Steward
designated by the Union.
Shop Stewards and Union Ofcials shall be afforded super seniority with
respect to terms and conditions of employment for layoff and recall purposes,
and in other situations that assure the Union Ofcials and Stewards greater
accessibility to co-workers to genuinely assist them to perform their functions
as a Steward or Union Ofcial which will be to the benet of co-workers.
Employees who are employed in operating centers where they are required
to sort, sheet, load and deliver common carrier and retail merchandise shall
be assigned on a delivery dispatch that will include allowance for sorting,
sheeting and loading.
This article does not apply to Package Drivers, Feeder Drivers and 22.4’s
Summer vacation replacement employees may be hired to work from May
10th to September 30th each year.
Time worked by such employees shall not accrue towards seniority. The
Company will notify the Union prior to hiring such employees.
When the Company needs additional summer replacement employees, it
shall not be compelled to hire those referred by the Local Union, but shall
give the Local Union equal opportunity with all other sources to provide
suitable applicants.
The Union agrees that it recognizes it is in the best interests of both parties
for it to encourage its members, individual and collectively, to perform
loyal and efcient work and will use all reasonable efforts to that end. The
Company will not request or require from any employees any more than a
reasonable performance.
The Company will offer tractor driver vacancies to full time employees who
are covered by this Supplemental Agreement, and who, in the judgment of
the Company, are qualied. The vacancies shall be lled in the following
(a.) Two (2) from the District Feeder Transfer List (Metro, Central and North)
(b.) Two (2) from the Qualied List
(c.) One (1) new hire
Full time employees, who are interested in qualifying as tractor-trailer drivers,
shall so notify the Company and specify which District they choose to work
in. Such employees, in seniority order, within their chosen District will be
permitted to attend, on their own time, the Company training program which
will be established periodically when the Company determines there is a
need to qualify additional tractor trailer drivers. A good driving record is a
prerequisite to such training. The Company agrees to furnish the instructors
and necessary equipment. Employees who successfully complete this
program will be placed on a Qualied List within their District.
Employees who will ll new feeder openings must remain in the feeder
classication for a one (1) year period. In order to return to his or her previous
classication after one (1) year, an Employee must so notify the Company
during his or her rst thirty (30) days in the feeder classication. Such
employees shall be allowed after one (1) year in the feeder classication to
return to their previous classication without loss of seniority.
Employees, both qualied and non-qualied, shall have no more than nine
(9) months to report to the Feeder classication from date of notication by
the Company of entering into Feeder training class. Any such employee will
be required to resubmit a transfer request to the appropriate overall feeder
transfer list.
Employees who do not complete Feeder Schools sponsored by the
Company and conducted by outside vendors or fail to pass the state road
test licensing requirement after a maximum of three (3) attempts per Feeder
School attended will be responsible to reimburse the Company for the full
amount paid to the vendor that provided the training. The employee will have
the option to make full reimbursement within one week of his disqualication
or pay one hundred dollars ($100.00) per week until reimbursement is
completed. In addition those employees who choose not to become Feeder
Drivers or who choose to return to their original classication within one (1)
year of entering the feeder classication will be required to reimburse the
Company for the full amount paid to the vendor that provided the training.
Employees who choose to return to their previous classication under the
provisions set forth in Section (2) two of this Article will not be responsible for
any form of reimbursement.
It is understood that hardships may exist, and in such cases will be reviewed
by both the Company and the Union. If it is agreed to return an employee
under the provisions of hardship, no reimbursement will be required. Any
decision pertaining to hardships must be mutually agreed to by the Company
and the Union.
The employees’ responsibility for reimbursement will be limited to training
provided by outside vendors hired by the Company to provide training.
Any dispute involving the application of this provision shall be submitted to a
representative of the Union and the Company for mutual Agreement.
Tachographs will not be used for the purpose of checking drivers’ time
No rst day deliveries will be piggybacked. Except in case of imbalance, no
present feeder run will be piggybacked unless a comparable feeder run has
been added by the Company. When new feeder runs are established, the
Company will designate such runs as replacements for runs which are to be
piggybacked. Such runs shall be put up for a bid pursuant to the seniority
provisions of the Contract. No present feeder driver will lose feeder drivers
work due to piggybacking. “Present”, as used in this Section, shall refer to
feeder runs in effect as of September 1, 1976.
On job supervision of employees shall not be used for the purpose of
harassing employees.
The employees shall comply with the current standards of personal
appearance regulations posted by the Company and with such reasonable
amendments as shall be adopted by the Company. A Joint Committee,
consisting of two (2) representatives of the Company and two (2)
representatives of the Union, shall be convened periodically for the purpose
of reviewing and, where indicated, recommending changes in rules or
policies relating to standards of appearance.
In the event of a bona de doubt as to whether an employee has complied
with the Company’s standards on personal appearance, the matter shall
be referred to the Committee for a recommendation before action is
taken, provided the Committee can be convened and can make a joint
recommendation within thirty-six (36) hours.
The Employer agrees that if any employee is required to wear any kind of
uniform as a condition of his continued employment, such uniform shall be
furnished and maintained by the Employer, free of charge, at the standard
required by the Employer.
The Employer will provide shirts with a maximum of ten (10) shirts allowable
each year (5 winter, 5 summer) on the basis of one (1) new shirt for each
worn shirt turned in. These shirts will be maintained by the employee.
The uniform and UPS shirts will be worn at all times while on duty while
off the Company’s property and at the standard determined by the
Employer. Employees shall not wear any article of clothing determined to
be incompatible with the uniform standards established by the Employer.
Feeder drivers will not be required to wear a collared shirt while performing
shifting duties on the Company’s property.
It is agreed that employees must strictly comply with the Employers
regulations concerning personal grooming and appearance and the wearing
of uniforms and accessories.
The Employer shall provide lockers and the basic uniform shall be kept in
the locker. Employees shall change into uniforms on the Company premises
before reporting for duty and change out of uniforms after being relieved from
duty each day.
A Labor Management Committee, consisting of two (2) representatives of
the Union and two (2) representatives of the Company, shall be created to
consider all matters which may be referred to it for decision.
In any instance of breakdown or impassable highway which prevents an
employee from proceeding to his destination (or, if instructed, from returning
to his or her center), the employee shall be paid for all time up to the time at
which he or she arrives at a place of lodging, or place of suitable shelter, with
overtime payments, if appropriate, Once he or she has arrived at a place
of lodging, or place of suitable shelter, the employee shall be considered
relieved from duty and he or she shall remain off duty until his or her regular
starting time the next day or until called to duty, whichever occurs sooner.
If more than one (1) day elapses before the employee is called to duty,
he or she shall be paid not less than his or her daily minimum guarantee
each twenty-four (24) hour period, such period to be measured from the
employee’s regular starting time each day until he or she returns to his or
her center or home. The meal expense reimbursement shall be ten dollars
($10.00) for breakfast, fteen dollars ($15.00) for lunch and twenty dollars
($20.00) for supper. In addition, the Company will reimburse the employee
for reasonable expenses incurred during the layover.
All regular employees covered by this Agreement shall be paid in full each
week. Not more than one (1) week’s pay shall be held on an employee.
Each employee shall be provided with a statement of total hours and gross
earnings and an itemized statement of all deductions made for any purpose.
Payroll checks shall be in sealed envelopes.
A daily time record shall be maintained by the Employer for all of his/her
employees. Each employee shall “punch-in” his own time card or badge
at the start of the day and “punch-out” his own time card or badge at the
completion of the day’s work at the Employer’s place of business.
In the event of a national and or state of emergency that would have an
effect on employees in the jurisdiction of Local 177 including but not limited
to similar events of 9/11 the Company will use the available means of
communication to notify all employees in working status of said emergency.
It is understood that new tractors (excluding switchers) ordered after August
1, 1987 will be put in service with the air conditioning equipment activated
and functioning. Drivers may not refuse to drive air-conditioned equipment
because the air conditioning is not working.
Malfunctioning air conditioning equipment will be repaired within a reasonable
amount of time provided the necessary parts are available.
Part time employees are dened as employees not otherwise gainfully
employed who, when reporting to work as scheduled, shall be guaranteed a
minimum of three and one half (3 ½) hours. Should any part time employee
work beyond the fth (5) hour, he or she shall be compensated at one
and one half (1 ½) times their hourly rate on their regular shift. Part time
employees who work on Sunday when Sunday is not a scheduled work day
shall receive time and one half (1 ½) for all hours worked on that day.
Any part time employee who wishes to become a full-time package driver,
22.3, 22.4 combination driver or helper within their building will submit a
transfer to his or her Manager. If it is approved he or she will be put on the
Part Time Transfer List according to his or her seniority in his or her building.
The employee will be notied within fteen (15) working days as to the status
of their transfer. A list of the approved transfers will be posted within the
building and updated monthly.
A part time employee must have at least six (6) months or more of seniority
to apply. No transfers will be accepted during the free period. There will be a
thirty (30) working day probationary period. A part time employee who fails to
qualify shall not be allowed to put another transfer in for six (6) months. A part
time employee who fails to qualify on more than one occasion shall not be
allowed to put another transfer in for nine (9) months. Part time employees
will transfer to full time jobs, within their building, after the full time transfer
procedure is completed. There shall be a three for one ratio on part time
employees to new hires.
Part time employees successfully transferring to full time jobs will be
considered as newly hired full time employees and will be added to the
appropriate seniority list. Their seniority date will be the day of the transfer.
If a holiday falls during their probationary period they shall be paid four (4)
hours pay at the part time rate of pay they were receiving at the time of
transfer, in addition to all regular earnings for time worked.
For vacation and retirement purposes, the employee shall receive additional
seniority credit equal to all time worked as a part time employee.
Part time employees will work off the part time employee seniority list on
each shift.
No full time inside employee within the jurisdiction of Local 177 will be
required to transfer to another classication or to another location as a
result of the use of part time employees. All full time (inside and outside)
employees will be afforded the opportunity to displace part timers who are
working within the jurisdiction of the Local. The procedures will be outlined
in the Reduction in Force Article.
When it is agreed that a hardship exists, and no porter or clerk jobs are
available, such hardship cases will be allowed to displace part timers in the
car wash classication where eight (8) consecutive hours of car washing
Full time car washers will have a preference of new start times within their
building where eight (8) consecutive hours of car washing work is available.
Part time employees will not be permitted to do porter, clerk, delivery driving,
feeder driving, or tractor-trailer driving work.
Part time employees who work on a holiday, as an extension of the regular
schedule of the previous night’s work, shall be paid at the straight time hourly
Whenever possible, a part time employee who works on a holiday at the
regular straight time rate will be given another day off for which he or she will
receive four (4) hours holiday pay or shall receive four (4) hours holiday pay
in addition to regular earnings for time worked.
(a.) All part- time employees who have one (1) year seniority or more on
May 1, 1980 and each May 1st thereafter, shall have earned ve (5)
consecutive days off, Monday through Friday with twenty-two and
a half (22 ½) hours pay, which must be taken between December
26th and the Sunday after Thanksgiving. This selection will be
made in seniority order immediately following the regular vacation
pick. All part-time employees hired on or after August 1, 1997 will
become eligible for the above benet upon completion of two (2)
years seniority on the next May 1st and each May 1st thereafter.
In addition, employees with three (3) or more years of seniority may
elect to use these days individually with four and one half (4 ½) hours
straight time pay per day. During the selection period the employee will
notify the Employer of his/her intention to select the one week option,
individual days or to receive pay in lieu of time off.
(b.) The employee may request payment for these ve (5)
additional days at twenty-two and a half (22 ½) hours
pay at any time after the effective date in lieu of time off.
If days are taken individually the employee may request payment
for any earned, unused days at the rate of four and half (4 ½) hours
straight time pay per day after May 1 of each year in lieu of time
off. Any unused days will be paid off on April 30th of each year
at the rate of four and a half (4 ½) hours straight time pay per day.
Part time employees who are absent due to workers compensation or
disability more than 120 days of the calendar year, on May 1st of each
year, will not be entitled to these additional ve (5) days.
(c.) Individual days shall be awarded by seniority and the following
procedure shall apply: any employee who noties the employer prior
to one (1) week before the requested day off will be placed on a list of
employees that request said day off. Employees will be notied one (1)
week before the requested day off whether the request will be granted
or denied. Employees will be afforded the time off in seniority order with
a minimum of three (3) per week and a maximum will be determined
by business needs. These individual days may be restricted from
the Sunday after Thanksgiving to December 25, January 1st through
January 10th, Valentine’s Day and the day prior, two (2) work days
following any contractual holiday, except Christmas. The restrictions
noted do not preclude the days from being granted.
(a.) Effective May 1, 1980, and each May 1st thereafter, all regular part time
employees with one (1) year seniority shall have earned three (3) days
paid sick leave per year ending April 30th.
(b.) A cash payment will be made on April 30th of each year for each day of
unused sick leave. The amount of unused sick leave pay shall be the
equivalent of four (4) hours straight time pay per day.
(c.) In no event will an employee be entitled to more than three (3) days sick
leave per year.
(d.) The employee may request payment for any earned, unused sick days
at the rate of four (4) hours per day after the effective date in lieu of
time off.
(e.) Regular part time employees with less than one (1) year seniority prior to
May 1st of each year, shall have earned one (1) day paid sick leave after
the rst twelve (12) months and one (1) day for every four (4) months
of service thereafter up to a maximum of three (3) per year thereafter.
The Company shall x the starting times for part time employees, which shall
be posted on Thursday for the following week.
After posting, the start times shall not be changed unless necessitated by
the needs of the business. Any changes to the start time will be posted and
communicated prior to the end of the previous day’s sort.
Claimed abuses to the aforementioned language will be brought to the
attention of the District and/or Region Labor Relations Manager.
All eligible qualied part time employees shall be afforded the opportunity to
put their name on the list of qualied employees waiting to be moved to a
different shift or classication within their building. The classications shall
be: sorter, preloader and all other. Each shift shall have a separate list by
Qualied part time employees with one (1) year or more seniority may select
permanent vacancies and permanent new jobs as provided for in this Article,
in all months except November and December. A permanent new job for the
purpose of this Article, shall be one that has been in existence for a period
of thirty (30) days.
Employees shall not be allowed to select a specic unit or work station.
Pending the job becoming permanent and the operation of the job selection
procedure, management shall have the right to assign any employee to
perform the work on a temporary basis. This job selection procedure shall
be limited to two (2) moves, the original opening and one (1) other. The
Company will ll the third (3rd) opening.
All eligible qualied part time employees may sign his or her name and
seniority date to any and all lists. The jobs will be awarded in seniority order,
on the Monday following the permanent vacancy or the job being declared
permanent in accordance with the limitation described in the preceding
paragraph. Employees who are awarded shift or classication changes shall
not be allowed to place their name on another list for a period of six (6)
Employees desiring to move to sorter and preloader jobs must be pre-
qualied for that job.
When the job selection procedure is applied and the result of this procedure
is causing a disruption of the operation, the Local Union and the District
Manager will immediately work out a proper method to resolve the problem.
All part time employees shall be given a paid relief period not to exceed ten
(10) minutes per day. This paid relief period should be taken no sooner than
the rst hour of work. If a part time employee works seven hours (7.00) or
more on their assigned shift, they will receive an additional ten (10) minute
paid relief period.
When a reduction in work force is necessary the least senior employee on his
or her shift shall be laid off rst.
After a one (1) week layoff, the laid off employee shall be allowed to displace
the least senior employee in his or her building, provided he or she is
qualied to perform the work.
When the Company agrees with the Union that a hardship exists,
arrangements shall be made to allow part time employees to take new part
time openings in other buildings.
Part-time employees, who have attained ve (5) years or more seniority who
wish to transfer to another building within the district shall notify the employer
in writing and will be given the opportunity to ll permanent job openings,
subject to the following terms and conditions:
(a.) Maximum of three (3) transfers will be allowed from any building in the
same calendar year.
(b.) Maximum of three (3) transfers will be allowed into any building in the
same calendar year.
(c.) If an employee transfers, the transferee shall be placed on the seniority
list in the operation to which he or she transferred and his or her seniority
date shall be the date of the transfer for the purposes of bidding, etc.
However, he or she shall maintain his or her Company seniority date for
the purpose of vacation selection and layoffs.
(d.) Part time employees will not be allowed to transfer during the months of
November and December.
See Plan Booklet
The Employer agrees that all conditions of employment relating to wages,
hours of work, overtime differential, and general working conditions, as
negotiated or agreed upon, shall be maintained at not less than the highest
standards in effect at the time of the signing of this Agreement and the
conditions of employment shall be improved wherever specic provisions for
improvements are made elsewhere in this Agreement.
It is agreed that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to inadvertent
or bona de errors made by the Employer or the Union in applying the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.
The Employer agrees not to enter into any Agreement or contract with his/
her employees, individually or collectively, which in any way conicts with
the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Any such Agreement shall be
null and void.
It is understood and agreed that should it subsequently be determined that
employees of the Employer come under the provisions of the Fair Labor
Standards act or any similar legislation enacted in the state, then as to such
employees any provisions of this Agreement which do not comply with the
requirements of said Act are to be changed so that there is no violation of
the statutes, provided, however, that such changes shall not result in any
substantial penalties to the employees or the Employer.
In the event the parties cannot agree on a solution to any problem arising
from this Section, either party shall be allowed lawful economic recourse.
Where new types of equipment and/or operations for which rates of pay are
not established by this Agreement are put into use after the date of execution
of this Agreement, rates governing such operations shall be subject to
negotiations between the parties. Rate agreed upon or awarded shall be
effective as of the date equipment is put into use.
This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until July 31, 2023 and
shall automatically renew itself from year to year thereafter unless either
party noties the other in writing within sixty (60) days prior to the expiration
of a desire to amend or terminate the same.
Chris Eltzholtz, Secretary Treasurer
Robert Cherney, President
Paul Saliani, Jr., Vice President
Joe McKenna, Jr., Recording Secretary
Steve Radigan, North Atlantic District Labor Manager
Matt Loughlin, East Region Labor Manager
Dave Bogaert, North Atlantic Labor Manager
Kathy Deady, North Atlantic Labor Manager
Chris McMiller, North Atlantic Labor Manager
Mike Sherry, North Atlantic Labor Manager
Kevin Torrey, Feeder Operations Manager
Unassigned package drivers may request temporary vacancies of one (1)
week or more duration.
If more than one (1) request is received for the same vacancy, it shall
be given to the most senior employee providing he or she has sufcient
knowledge of the area and such assignment does not adversely effect the
operating needs of the Company. The Company will not be unreasonable in
the application of the above language.
East Region Labor Relations President
United Parcel Service IBT Local 177
North Jersey District Recording Secretary
United Parcel Service IBT Local 177
The parties agree that the extension of peak season to January 10th will
not change the way the New Years Eve and New Year’s Day holidays are
assigned. These holidays will be offered to seniority employees prior to
being offered to peak season employees.
Al Betts Eric Bringe
Vice President North Atlantic District Labor Manager
IBT Local 177 United Parcel Service
Full time combination drivers will be governed by Article 22 Section 4 of the
UPS National Master Agreement and the Teamster Local 177 Supplemental
Agreement. Any items not specically covered by the above will be addressed
by the Teamster Local 177 full time 22.4 combination driver memorandum of
understanding. (“Work Rules”)
Chris Eltzholtz Steve Radigan
Secretary-Treasurer North Atlantic District Labor Manager
IBT Local 177 United Parcel Service
Collective Bargaining Supplemental
Mechanics and Maintenance Employees
United Parcel Service, Inc.
(New Jersey)
Teamsters Local Union 177
Afliated with the International Brotherhood
of Teamsters Local 177
August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2023
Local 177 Executive Board
Chris Eltzholtz Al Ambrogio
Secretary- Treasurer Business Agent
Robert Cherney Bill Gibbs
President Business Agent
Paul Saliani, Jr. William Heady
Vice-President Business Agent
Joe McKenna, Jr. Michael Irving
Recording- Secretary Business Agent
Anthony Alers Harold B. Johnson
Trustee Business Agent
Douglas Connon Harry Tansley
Trustee Business Agent
Pablo Cunha
Teamster Local 177
Representational Rights Statement
(If you are called to a meeting with management, read the following to management.)
“If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or
terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully
request that my Union Representative, Ofce or Shop Steward
be present at this meeting. Without representation present,
I choose not to participate in this discussion.”
Advisory On Withdrawal Cards
Members not working at the craft for a complete calendar month
for reasons other than sickness or injury may request, and be issued,
an Honorable Withdrawal Card in accordance with Article XVIII of the
International Constitution.
Members off work for a complete calendar month because of sickness or
injury should contact the Union ofce regarding the issuance of a withdrawal
Please note that any member who is not required to request a withdrawal
card in accordance with the International Constitution but who requests
and is issued a withdrawal card must be advised that the issuance of that
withdrawal card may result in a break in their twenty-four month continuous
good standing requirement for eligibility to:
Hold Local Union Ofce.
Be a Delegate/Alternate Delegate to the next International Convention.
Be a candidate to run for International Ofce; and
Nominate/vote in the election of Union ofcers; the election of Delegates/
Alternates; or, in the election of International Union ofcers.
Any other continuous good standing requirements of Local Union No.
177 as stated in the Local Union By-Laws.
Article Text Page
1 Recognition of Union as Bargaining Agent 6
2 Union Shop and Dues 6
3 Wage Schedule 8
4 Hours of Work and Overtime 16
5 Welfare Plan 18
6 Retirement Plan 18
7 Holidays 18
8 Sick Leave 20
9 Vacations 20
10 Discharge 22
11 Seniority 23
12 Leave of Absence 29
13 General Management Provision 30
14 Grievance and Arbitration 31
15 Complete Agreement 33
16 Court Appearances and Compensation Hearings 34
17 Jury Duty 34
18 Inspection of Records 34
19 Military Clause 35
20 Hardships 35
21 Pay for Death in Family 35
22 Medical Arrangements 36
23 Posting of Notices 37
24 Stewards 37
25 Maintenance of Standards 38
26 Protection of Rights 38
27 Separability of Savings 39
28 Transfer of Company Title or Interest 40
29 Uniforms 40
30 Apprentices 40
31 Lie Detector Tests 41
32 Subcontracting 41
33 Supervisors Working 42
34 Cost of Living 42
35 Training Program 42
36 Tool Insurance 43
37 Duration of Agreement 44
Memorandum of Agreement 45
Memorandum of Agreement 46
Memorandum of Agreement 47
Memorandum of Agreement 48
Letter of Intent 49
This Supplement to the National Master United Parcel Service
Agreement shall apply to all United Parcel Service employees working in the
classications set forth in the Wage Schedule and within the jurisdiction of
Local 177. Except as provided herein, the provisions of the National Master
United Parcel Service Agreement shall prevail.
1.1 Employees covered by this Agreement shall include employees
doing all those classications of work set forth in the Wage Schedule of this
Agreement, or any supplement hereto.
1.2 The Company recognizes the Union as the exclusive collective
bargaining agency for employees of the Company covered by the jurisdiction
of the Union as determined, or as may be determined, by the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of
America, with regard to wages, hours and other conditions of employment
except such employees as are excluded by the following paragraph.
1.3 This Agreement shall apply to all Employees of the Company within
the jurisdiction of Teamsters Local 177 who are engaged in the repair of
motor vehicles owned by the Company, and in the maintenance of plants and
mechanical equipment, installed on premises of the Company. Non-working
supervisors and ofce clerks shall be excluded from the contract.
1.4 All reference to employees in this Agreement shall be understood to
designate both sexes. Wherever the male gender is used it is understood to
include both male and female employees.
2.1 All new employees shall be probationary or temporary employees until
they have acquired seniority status prior to which time they may be summarily
dismissed by the Company without challenge, but the Union may represent
such temporary or probationary employees in the handling of grievances other
than those relating to dismissal. All employees hired to perform Collective
Bargaining Unit work shall pay Union dues in the same manner as seniority
employees of the Collective Bargaining Unit. Upon attaining seniority,
employees shall be required to pay local Union initiation fee.
2.2 Employees who are not now members of the Union and, in addition
all persons who shall become employees covered by this Agreement
subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement, when admitted to
membership in the Union, shall be admitted without discrimination and to fair
and reasonable terms and conditions, in accordance with the provision of the
Constitution and By-Laws of the Union.
2.3 All present employees who are members of the Union shall, as a
condition of continued employment, maintain their membership in the Union
during the life of the agreement and all new employees shall, as a condition
of continued employment, join the Union upon acquiring seniority status as
provided in Article 11 of this agreement (but in no event earlier than thirty (30)
days from the date of this agreement, or thirty (30) days from the effective
date of this agreement, or the date this agreement is executed, whichever
is the later), and shall maintain their membership in the Union during the life
of the agreement. The Company agrees to dismiss promptly from any job
covered by this agreement any worker for failure to tender regular Union
initiation fees and dues or for any other reason of bad standing in the Union,
which may, from time to time, be permitted by law as a cause of discharge,
provided that the Company is ofcially notied by registered mail to that
2.4 The Company agrees to deduct the regular Union dues, initiation fees
and/or uniform assessment from the pay of all employees covered by the
Agreement who, in writing, voluntarily authorize the Company to do so in
accordance with the law. The Company agrees to remit to said Union all
such deductions on or before the fteenth (15th) of the month for which such
deductions are made. The Company shall deduct dues from the employees’
vacation payments for employees who are on vacation during the week in
which the Union dues deduction would otherwise be made.
Where an employee is not on the payroll during the week in which
the deduction is to be made, or has no earnings, or insufcient earnings
during the week, or is on a leave of absence, such employees must make
arrangements with the Union to pay his dues in advance. The Employer
shall submit, with each dues remittance, a report by center, listing all seniority
employees alphabetically and the amount of dues, if any, deducted for each
employee. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Union shall be notied monthly
when an employee acquires seniority.
2.5 The Employer agrees to deduct specic amounts each week from
the wages of those employees who shall have given the Employer written
authorization to make such deductions. The amount so deducted shall be
remitted to the Teamsters Credit Union once each month. The Employer
shall not make deductions and shall not be responsible for remittance to the
Credit Union for any deductions for those weeks during which the employee
has no earnings or in those weeks in which the employees’ earnings shall be
less than the amount authorized for deductions. However, the Company will
make deductions for Credit Union from the employees vacation pay.
Wage Schedule
Upon ratication of the 8/1/18-7/31/23 UPSNMA and Local 177 Mechanics
Supplemental Agreement seniority employees shall receive a one-time tool
allowance for the following amounts after taxes; Automotive Mechanics will
receive ve hundred fty dollars ($550.00), Maintenance Mechanics will
receive two hundred seventy-ve dollars ($275.00), Helpers and Handymen
will receive one hundred twenty-ve dollars ($125.00).
3.1 Effective August 1, 2018 and for the period to and including
August 1, 2023:
Helper rate shall be 70% of the prevailing Journeymen Mechanics’ rate.
Helpers will receive all future National Master Agreement wage increases.
Handymen rate shall be 50% of the prevailing Journeymen rate.
Wage Rates
Full Time New Hire Wage Progression
All Supplements, Riders or Addendum will contain the following wage
progression schedule to cover all full-time employees, except Apprentices,
Helpers and Handymen who have not yet attained seniority as of August 1,
Journeymen 8/1/18 8/1/19 8/1/20 8/1/21 8/1/22
(All Trades)
$36.33 $37.08 $37.88 $38.78 $39.78
Helpers 8/1/18 8/1/19 8/1/20 8/1/21 8/1/22
(Automotive) $27.51 $28.26 $29.06 $29.96 $30.96
Handymen 8/1/18 8/1/19 8/1/20 8/1/21 8/1/22
$18.17 $18.54 $18.94 $19.39 $19.89
Percentage of Wage
Rate in Effect
On August 1, 2018
Start 85%
plus 18 months 90%
plus 24 months Top Rate
Mechanics in progression on 8/1/18 shall be slotted into the above
The “top rate” is the wage rate in the job classication in the applicable
Supplement, Rider or Addendum then being paid, including the general
wage increases and cost-of-living increase, if any, paid under the provisions
of the 2018-2023 Agreement. See Article 34 for Cost of Living Increases.
3.2 Working Foreman
Working Foreman shall receive twenty-ve cents (.25) per hour above the
rate in the classication in which they work.
3.3 Night Differential
Full time night workers, employed on or before July 1, 1977, shall receive,
night differential of seventy-nine cents (.79) per hour. A regular full time night
worker shall be deemed to be one whose regularly scheduled hours begin at
or after 1:00 p.m. or begin at or before 5:00 a.m.
3.4 Travel Time
(a) Payment of travel time will be in accordance with present practice.
Travel allowance is mileage from home to temporary assignment less
mileage from home to permanent assignment. Travel allowance will be
maintained at the same level as the IRS limit per mile for all miles driven
during the lifetime of this Agreement. In those cases where temporary work
may become available in outlying areas, the senior man living in the area
will be given consideration if qualied. This applies only to employees in the
Main Shop pool. The Automotive Pool Man will be supplied with a list of tools
required to perform job requirements. When required to report to temporary
work location (scheduled work week), the Pool Man will be required to
carry the designated tools in his/her personal vehicle provided tools can be
properly accommodated.
(b) Tolls cash expenditures and travel allowance will be paid monthly
by separate check within two weeks from the time these expenses are
submitted. Any shortages will be addressed immediately. Whenever possible
the Mechanic will be provided with E-Z Pass for use while operating UPS
(c) Vehicle breakdown while mechanic is working under travel time
pay and mileage allowance shall be as follows: The Company will pay no
less than eight (8) hour guarantee: in case of an accident, the Company
will provide transportation for the employee to his home on the day of the
accident only.
When a Mechanic uses their personal vehicle in the service of the
Employer and is involved in an accident disabling the vehicle, the Employer
shall reimburse the employee up to 500.00 to cover the employee expenses
related to the accident, including towing, rental car reimbursement or
deductible. The Company will cover liability where the employee’s overage
3.5 Employees receiving more than the rate of pay in their respective
classications will not suffer any reduction in the rate as a result of this
3.6 Injury-On-Job Pay
An employee who becomes sick on the job will be paid for all time worked
on that day. An employee who gets hurt on the job will be paid for the entire
3.7 Handymen
a) Handymen will have their own jurisdiction wide seniority list.
b ) Handymen shall be used to perform non-skilled, non technical work.
c) The starting rate shall be $15.00 per hour and after (6) six months will
receive the prevailing hourly pay rate (50% of the Journeymen).
d) The Handymen classication will not exceed 20% of the Bargaining
e) The scheduled work week for Handymen will be ve consecutive
days Sunday-Thursday, Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Saturday. The day off
schedule will be posted by Thursday the preceding week.
f) Handymen may be assigned to report for and nish work at a facility
other than their primary work location. Handymen may be scheduled to
work in more than one (1) location during their scheduled work day/week.
Handymen will receive the appropriate travel allowance. Travel allowance
is miles and tolls to and from all work locations minus miles and tolls to and
from employee’s home and permanent work location.
g) Handymen will have a separate vacation schedule.
h) A Journeymen Mechanic (during progression) will not earn less per
Hour than prevailing Handyman rate.
i) It is specically understood and agreed by both parties that giving the
Handymen their own seniority list, is not in any way to violate or interfere with
the Journeymen Mechanics seniority which at all times and circumstances
j) All Handymen interested in becoming a Journeymen Mechanic will be
required to complete a pre-qualication test. Time spent taking this pre-
qualication test will not be paid time. Those Handymen who successfully
complete the pre-qualication test will then be permitted to place their
names on job bids posted in accordance with Article 11.6. Upon entering the
Journeymen classication, the Handyman will be required to successfully
complete a thirty (30) day training program. The Company, the employee
and the Union Shop Steward will meet no less than ve (5) times during
this training period to discuss the employee’s progress and/or any areas of
If the Handyman cannot meet the requirements to become a Journeymen,
the Company may offer the Handyman the opportunity to enter the Apprentice
program in accordance with Article 30.
After the bidding procedure has been followed, and no seniority employee
within the classication accepts the bid, the open bid for a Journeymen’s
position will be offered in seniority order to those employees who have
successfully completed the pre-qualication test and whose names appear
on the transfer list.
Upon entering the Journeymen classication, the transferring employee
will be required to successfully complete the thirty (30) day training program.
The Company, the employee and the Union Shop Steward will meet no
less than ve (5) times during this training period to discuss the employee’s
progress and/or any areas of deciency.
If the transferring employee cannot successfully meet the requirements to
become a Journeymen, the Company may offer the transferring employee
the opportunity to enter the Apprentice program in accordance with Article 30.
In the event the employee does not agree to enter the Apprentice program,
the transferring employee will return to his/her classication and original job
with no loss of seniority. Employees who fail to qualify will be advised of the
areas in which they are decient and upon successfully completing training
in these areas, may place their names back on the pre-qualied transfer list.
3.8 Helpers
a) Helper will have their own seniority list.
b) Employees classied as Helpers may perform repairs on trailers. If
the Company’s needs require Helpers to work on power equipment, the
Helper may do so only if there is no Journeymen Mechanic available and
may do so only under the guidance of a Journeyman.
c) The starting rate for Helper will be ($1.00) one dollar per hour less
than the seniority rate. Upon attaining seniority the Helper will receive the
prevailing hourly pay rate (70% of the Journeymen).
d) The Helper with the most seniority will be one day behind the
Journeymen Mechanic with the least seniority for all working purposes.
e) The Helper classication will not exceed 20% of the Bargaining Unit.
f) Helpers will have a separate vacation schedule.
g) Helpers may be used for vacation coverage for Journeymen
Mechanics in the trailer shop only.
h) A Journeymen Mechanic (during progression) will not earn less per
hour than prevailing Helper rate.
i) It is specically understood and agreed by both parties that giving the
Helpers their own seniority list, is not in any way to violate or interfere with
the Journeymen Mechanics seniority which at all times and circumstances
j) All Helpers interested in becoming Journeymen will be required to
complete a pre-qualication test. Time spent taking this prequalication
test will not be paid time. Those Helpers who successfully complete the
pre-qualication test will then be permitted to place their names on job
bids posted in accordance with Article 11.6. Upon entering the Journeymen
classication, the Helper will be required to successfully complete a thirty
(30) day training program. The Company, the employee and the Union Shop
Steward will meet no less than ve (5) times during this training period to
discuss the employee’s progress and/or any areas of deciency.
If the Helper cannot meet the requirements to become a Journeymen,
the Company may offer the Helper the opportunity to enter the Apprentice
program in accordance with Article 30.
After the bidding procedure has been followed, and no seniority employee
within the classication accepts the bid, the open bid for a Journeymen’s
position will be offered in seniority order to those employees who have
successfully completed the pre-qualication test and whose names appear
on the transfer list.
Upon entering the Journeymen classication, the transferring employee will
be required to successfully complete a thirty (30) day training program. The
Company, the employee and the Union Shop Steward will meet no less than
ve (5) times during this training period to discuss the employee’s progress
and/or any areas of deciency.
If the transferring employee cannot successfully meet the requirements to
become a Journeymen, the Company may offer the transferring employee
the opportunity to enter the Apprentice program in accordance with Article 30.
In the event the employee does not agree to enter the Apprentice program,
the transferring employee will return to his/her classication and original job
with no loss of seniority. Employees who fail to qualify will be advised of the
areas in which they are decient and upon successfully completing training
in these areas, may place their names back on the district pre-qualied
transfer list.
3.9 When an employee informs the Employer of an unsafe condition and
receives no consideration from the Employer, he/she shall take the matter up
with the Ofcers of the Union who will take the matter up with the Employer.
3.10 Utility Journeymen
(a) Utility Journeymen may be scheduled to work in more than one (1)
location during their scheduled workweek within their District. Their start
time may not vary more than two (2) hours from their original posted time
for that week.
(b) The number of these jobs bid shall not exceed two (2) Automotive and
three (3) Maintenance Journeymen per District provided that the third Utility
Maintenance Journeyman does not exceed twenty-ve percent (25%) of the
total number of Maintenance Journeymen in that District. If the need arises,
these employees may be assigned to work in another District and will receive
the appropriate travel allowance. The Company will review with the Local
Union prior to assigning Utility Journeymen to work out of district.
(c) Each District will be permitted no more than two (2) Utility persons for
the automotive classication and three (3) Utility persons for the maintenance
(d) Under no circumstances will the Company ever be required to have less
than two (2) Utility Persons per district for the maintenance classication.
(e) Utility Journeymen shall work in their own classication.
(f) The Company will provide a secured area in the buildings for the Utility
Mechanics’ tools.
(g) No utility bid shall be scheduled to work on Sundays.
(h) Travel time pay and mileage allowance to and from all buildings,
scheduled or unscheduled. Travel allowance is miles and tolls to and from
all work locations minus miles and tolls to and from employee’s home and
permanent work location.
(i) Interdistrict work assignment will be in seniority order and the appropriate
travel time pay and mileage allowance shall be paid for by the Company.
(j) All utility bids are rst bid Monday through Friday. If no senior person
takes the bid (seniority prior to August 1, 1987) the bid can be changed to
Tuesday through Saturday.
(k) No person with a seniority date prior to August 1, 1987 can be forced
to take the utility bid.
(l) Utility Mechanics’ work schedule will be posted on each Thursday in the
same manner as all Mechanics’ work schedules.
(m) Utility Mechanics’ starting times may be changed on a daily basis, but
not more than two (2) hours prior or after the original bid time.
(n) Utility Mechanics’ may be used to cover scheduled vacations,
Workmen’s Compensation, Disability, and other extended absences. The
offering of work of this nature will be done only after all open jobs are
offered to all the Pool Mechanics within the district. When used to cover as
set forth above Utility Mechanics start times will not vary by more than two
(2) hours prior or after their original bid time.
(o) When Utility Mechanics’ are used to cover vacations, the Company will
not be required to use the Utility Men to cover the entire week.
3.11 Pool Journeymen – Automotive
(a) In those cases where temporary work may become available in outlying
areas, the senior man living in the area will be given consideration if qualied.
This applies only to employees in the Main Shop Pool. The Automotive Pool
Man will be supplied with a list of tools required to perform job requirements.
When required to report to temporary work location (scheduled work week),
the Pool Man will be required to carry the designated tools in his/her personal
vehicle provided tools can be properly accommodated.
(b) Scheduled vacations, Workmen’s Compensation, Disability and other
extended absences will be covered by the Pool Man in the automotive
department. The Pool Man will work the hours of the person he/she is
covering at the straight rate of pay until normal overtime provisions apply.
(c) Pool Men will not be assigned eets so as to be available to properly
facilitate the coverage needed.
(d) The Pool Man will stay on their bid hours when not covering.
(e) Automotive Pool Men will select their vacations as per past practice.
(f) Pool Men not covering vacations, Workmen’s Compensation, Disability
and other extended absences will be assigned to the Main Shop Pool. The
main shops presently are Meadowlands, Parsippany and Edison.
3.12 Pool Journeymen – Maintenance
(a) Scheduled vacations, Workmen’s Compensation, Disability and other
extended absences will be covered by the Maintenance Pool Journeymen.
Maintenance Journeymen Pool Jobs must be bid after 12 noon and before
5:00 am.
(b) Maintenance Pool Men not covering scheduled vacations, Workmen’s
Compensation, Disability or other extended absences will be assigned to the
Main Shop Pool. The Main shops presently are Meadowlands, Parsippany
and Edison.
(c) The number of Maintenance Pool Jobs per district will be as follows:
Metro Jersey (Meadowlands): one (1) job.
North Jersey (Parsippany): one (1) job.
Central Jersey (Edison): one (1) job.
(d) Should additional Pool Men be needed this work will be covered by the
least senior men in the effected District.
(e) Pool Men will work the hours of the person he or she is covering at the
straight time rate of pay until normal overtime provisions apply.
3.13 It is mutually understood and agreed upon by both the Company and
the Union that all other working conditions for Utility Journeymen and Pool
Men shall be discussed and agreed upon as problems arise.
4.1 Five (5) days of eight (8) hours each shall constitute a weeks work.
4.2 Overtime, at the rate of time and one-half shall be paid to all hourly
employees for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours in any one
day, or for hours worked outside of the regularly scheduled bulletin hours.
Employees who come in late or leave early for personal reasons will be
exempt from the above.
The xed starting times shall not apply to employees who are scheduled
to work on Sunday at the regular straight time rate of pay, but will remain
constant for the remainder of the regular scheduled work week.
4.3 Pay at double the regular straight time rate, shall be paid for work on
Sundays when such work is extra work and does not constitute part of the
scheduled workweek of the employee. However, any employee who attains
seniority after July 31, 1987 may be scheduled to work on Sunday at their
regular straight time rate of pay. Those employees who are scheduled to
work on Sunday as part of their regular scheduled work week will be paid
at double the regular straight time rate for their seventh (7th) work day.
Any Sunday schedule work pursuant to Article 4 is covered by the above
4.4 In addition to the eight (8) hours of pay at the regular straight time rate
which will be paid to all employees for the holidays specied in Article 7 of the
Agreement, those employees who work on such holidays when such work
is extra work and does not constitute part of the scheduled work week of the
employee, shall be paid at double the regular straight time rate.
4.5 Any extra work performed pursuant to 3 or 4 above, which continues
into Monday or a day following the holiday, as the case may be, shall be paid
at double the regular straight time rate, but such rate shall not continue into
a regularly scheduled shift, except for employees who are scheduled to work
on Sunday as part of their regular scheduled work week.
4.6 It is mutually understood and agreed that time not worked, even
though paid for, shall not be included as time worked for the purpose of
computing overtime; that the overtime provisions of this Agreement cover all
overtime payments to which an employee is entitled, whether by agreement
or statute or both, that any such overtime or premium payments for time not
worked shall not be included for the purpose of computing an employee’s
regular rate of pay and that there shall not be any pyramiding of statutory
overtime on contractual overtime.
4.7 Employees shall be allowed two (2) fteen (15) minute coffee periods,
the time for which shall be set by mutual agreement between the Company
and the Union.
4.8 Scheduled Work Week
The scheduled work week for all covered employees will be Monday
through Saturday. The Company agrees to keep to a minimum the numbers
of employees scheduled to work on Saturday, pursuant to the operating
needs of the business. The day off schedule will be posted by Thursday the
preceding week.
4.9 Lunch Period
The lunch period must be started not sooner than three (3) hours and
no later than ve (5) hours after scheduled starting time. If an emergency
occurs and employee works through the lunch period, such employee will
receive one-half (1/2) hour at the overtime rate, plus an opportunity to eat
after the emergency, but within his regular scheduled shift. Such time shall
not be counted as the regular breaks provided for in Article 4.7.
4.10 Call In On Day Off
Any full-time employee who worked on his scheduled day off and is also
available for work on each of his regularly scheduled ve (5) days (except for
absence due to legitimate good cause) shall receive overtime pay at the rate
of time and one-half for all work on such scheduled days off, but in the event
he is absent on any of his regularly scheduled ve (5) days without legitimate
good cause, he shall receive no overtime pay for work on his scheduled day
4.11 Early Call In
An employee called in to work before his scheduled starting time or after
the termination of his regular shift shall receive overtime pay for such hours
actually worked, but no less than three and one half (3 1/2) hours work or
pay at time and one half (1 1/2) the straight time hourly rate of pay. This shall
not apply to employees who continue on overtime work after the completion
of their regular shift. Employees notied before the end of their regular shift
to report for work prior to the regular starting time on the following day, shall,
likewise, be exempt from the guarantee and shall be paid only for hours
actually worked at time and a half. Employees called in and assigned to work
in buildings other than their domiciled building may elect to report to and
nish work at their domiciled building. The option of where to report and nish
is solely the choice of the affected employee.
5.1 The Company will make contributions for the Health & Welfare In
accordance with Article 34 of the National Master Agreement as applicable
to the Teamsters Western Region and Local 177 Health Care Plan.
5.2 Beginning January 1, 2014 eligibility for health and welfare benets,
for both active and retired employees, will be in accordance with Article 34
of the National Master Agreement and the Teamsters Western Region and
Local 177 Health Care Plan’s Summary Plan Description.
5.3 Current retirees who are receiving benets through a UPS sponsored
plan shall receive coverage beginning January 1, 2014 under the terms
of the Memorandum Concerning UPS Sponsored Plans, attached to the
National Master Agreement.
Any eligible employee who retires effective January 1, 2014 or thereafter
shall be provided retiree medical benets through the Teamsters Western
Region and Local 177 Health Care Plan.
5.4 The employer shall make health and welfare contributions for
employees who have been injured on the job for a period of one (1) year, and
for employees who are ill or who have been injured off the job for a period
of four (4) weeks.
Pension contribution increases to the UPS-Local 177 Retirement Plan will
be made in accordance with Article 34 of the National Master Agreement and
the Letter of Agreement between IBT Local 177 and UPS.
7.1 A full-time seniority employee shall be paid for the following holidays
provided he works a minimum of two (2) days during the holiday week, one
of these days must be the day before or the day after the holiday: New
Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving
Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve Day and the day after Thanksgiving.
Seniority employees who are absent the full week of the holiday week due
to illness or Workers Compensation or Disability need not work during the
holiday week in order to receive holiday pay. The amount of holiday pay shall
be the equivalent of eight (8) hours straight-time pay.
Employees who have attained seniority shall be entitled to one (1) Option
Holiday. The Employee may request payment for this additional holiday at
any time after the effective date in lieu of time off.
Employees will be entitled to a Personal Holiday upon attaining seniority.
If the employee elects to work the Personal Holiday they will receive Holiday
pay plus double time for all hours worked. If the employee elects to take
this Personal Holiday as a day off, he/she will be paid eight (8) hours and
he/she must notify the Company prior to the Thursday before the week their
Personal Holiday will fall.
Employees will be afforded the time off in seniority order with a minimum
of one (1) per day, and a maximum will be determined by the needs of the
Neither of these options may be exercised from December 1 to December
25 of each year.
7.2 Effective May 1, 1980 and each year thereafter, all seniority employees
with one (1) year or more of seniority shall have earned ve (5) consecutive
days off, Monday through Friday, with forty-ve (45) hours pay for full-time
employees, which must be taken between December 26 and the Sunday
after Thanksgiving. In addition, employees may elect to use these days
individually with nine (9) hours pay per day. The employee may request
payment for these ve (5) additional days at forty-ve (45) hours pay or nine
(9) hours straight time pay per day, at any time after the effective date, in
lieu of time off. The selection of the one (1) week option, individual days, or
to receive pay in lieu of time off must be made in seniority order during the
employee’s regular vacation pick.
Individual days shall be awarded by seniority and the following procedure
shall apply: any employee who noties the employer prior to two (2) weeks
before the requested day off will be placed on a list of employees that
requested said day off. Employees will be notied two (2) weeks before the
requested day off whether the request will be granted or denied. Employees
will be afforded the time off in seniority order. The Employer will not
unreasonably deny these individual days.
Utility Mechanics may be used to cover these approved individual days.
7.3 If any of the specied holidays fall during an employee’s vacation
period, the employee shall have an option to receive an additional day off
when mutually convenient or to receive an additional day’s pay (8 hours) in
lieu of an additional day off.
7.4 In any week in which a holiday falls on the weekend, the employee
may elect to receive an additional (8 hours) pay (holiday) or elect to mutually
agree upon another scheduled day off and receive the holiday pay.
8.1 Effective May 1, 1980, and each May 1st thereafter, all regular full-time
employees with one (1) year seniority shall have earned six (6) days paid
sick leave per year ending April 30th.
8.2 Regular full time employees with less than one (1) year seniority prior
to May 1st of each year, shall have earned one (1) day paid sick leave after
the rst six (6) months, and one (1) day for every six (6) months of service
8.3 A cash payment will be made at the end of each year for each day of
unused sick leave. The amount of unused sick leave pay shall be equivalent
to nine (9) hours straight time pay per day.
8.4 In no event will an employee be entitled to more than six (6) days sick
leave per year.
8.5 An employee who calls in sick and has earned sick days available will
be paid his/her remaining sick leave for the day or days he/she is out unless
the employee noties his/her immediate Supervisor in advance.
8.6 The employees may request payment for any earned unused sick days
at the rate of nine (9) hours per day after the effective date in lieu of time off.
9.1 Vacation schedule for regular full-time employees:
One Year Seniority One week Vacation
Two Years Seniority Two weeks Vacation
Five Years Seniority Three weeks Vacation
Fifteen Years Seniority Four weeks Vacation
Twenty Years Seniority Five weeks Vacation
Effective August 1, 1990, all employees with twenty-ve (25) or more
years of seniority shall be entitled to a sixth (6th) week of vacation providing
they are otherwise eligible. This additional week of vacation will be provided
in the next vacation period following ratication of this Agreement.
9.2 The vacation period starts on December 26th and ends on the Sunday
after Thanksgiving of the following year.
9.3 An employee having full seniority credit of 1, 2, 5, 15, 20 or 25 years
shall be entitled to the corresponding credit of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks of
vacation during the rst available vacation period after having obtained his/
her full seniority credit.
9.4 Vacation schedules shall be posted on November 1st. Vacation
picks will begin November 15th and be completed by December 31st. Any
delays in the selection of vacation weeks during the process will be promptly
addressed by the Union and the Company.
9.5 The Company agrees to post a tentative list of available vacation
weeks prior to the posting of the actual vacation schedules. In case more
employees shall apply for a vacation than the number allotted by the
Company to be off during such period, the choice for vacation shall be based
on seniority provided such assignment does not interfere with or hamper
9.6 No work shall be performed by the employee for the Company during
his/her scheduled vacation.
9.7 If an employee resigns or retires after attaining one (1) year seniority,
he/she shall receive pro rata vacation due.
9.8 (a) The Company shall pay the appropriate vacation pay in advance
to any employee immediately prior to such employee taking his vacation.
(b) Vacation pay shall be based on the employee’s regular (not temporary)
work assignment.
(c) Any seniority employee who is reinstated during a vacation period shall
receive the vacation benets he would have been entitled to had he been on
the payroll on his/her qualifying date.
The amount of money to be paid is governed by the progression step the
employee is in at the time he/she actually takes his/her vacation.
9.9 Employees who work on higher rated jobs a minimum one hundred
(100) days during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding his
scheduled vacation shall receive vacation pay based upon the higher rated
9.10 Vacation pay shall be based upon a forty-ve (45) hour straight time
9.11 Employees may select a maximum of (2) two weeks vacation pay
in lieu of time off per year. Employees who utilize this option may elect to
have these weeks of vacation pay deposited directly into their 401K accounts
should the plan allow for such transfers. Notication for paid vacation weeks
will be done prior to posting vacations.
The Company agrees not to reduce the available weeks of weekly vacation
from their present levels as a result of Journeymen opting to exercise their
right to the above referenced option.
10.1 The following shall be causes of immediate suspension or discharge
of an employee: drinking or proven or admitted dishonesty, situations
involving serious physical violence, or serious threats of physical violence, or
severe physical sexual harassment, or repeated lewd comments of severe
sexual nature directed at an individual.
As a matter of interpretation, “serious physical violence” shall not include
the following: accidental physical contact or actions reasonably taken in self-
defense, pointing of one’s nger at another, loud and/or abusive behavior
including foul language.
As a matter of interpretation, “serious threats of physical violence” shall be
limited to a clear threat of imminent harm under circumstances demonstrating
a reasonable ability to do so.
In any and all other matters involving a disciplinary action, the parties
agree that the employee will remain on the job until such time of the
scheduled arbitration hearing.
10.2 In those cases involving disciplinary action where suspension or
discharge without pay is not authorized pursuant to the above; but where the
Company feels the need to put the employee off property, the parties agree
to submit the issues on priority basis to the expedited discharge arbitration
procedure, and the Company agrees to pay that employee all wages and
benets until the completion of the expedited arbitration process. Cases in
which the employee is immediately discharged without pay for the grounds
set forth above shall have precedence over discharge cases in which the
employee remains on the job in the expedited arbitration process.
10.3 In all other cases involving the discharge or suspension of an
employee, the Company will give three (3) working days notice to the
employee of this discharge or suspension and the reason therefore. Such
notice shall be given to the Shop Steward and the Local Union ofce. All
warning letters including those stemming from reductions of notices of
suspension and discharge, shall not remain in effect more than twelve (12)
10.4 An employee subject to immediate suspension or discharge, in
violation of this agreement, and subsequently returned to work, shall receive
back pay at the double time rate of pay.
Any claimed violation of this agreement shall be heard simultaneously by
the Discharge Arbitrator.
Any dispute arising from the interpretation of this language will be
referred to the co-chairs of the supplemental negotiating committee, or their
designated alternates.
This Agreement shall not affect either parties’ rights with respect to
discipline under the National Master Agreement other than Article 7.
11.1 Acquisition of Seniority
All new employees shall receive up to a thirty (30) working day trial period,
during which time they shall be probationary or temporary employees.
11.2 Layoff
In case of layoff or reduction of staff of ve (5) consecutive days or more,
the principle of seniority shall be applied by classication based on full time
company seniority. If any dispute arises out of such application of seniority,
the matter will be processed under the Grievance Procedure as referred to
in Article 14 of this Contract. It is furthered agreed that the Shop Steward
shall be the last man laid off when a reduction in staff becomes necessary.
All Journeymen, Helpers, Handymen and Apprentices who are laid off
from their classications will be permitted to work as set forth below:
1. Laid off employees may displace the most junior employee working in
the classication within the Local Unions jurisdiction.
2. The laid off employee may displace two (2) part time employees within
the building they were laid off in, if qualied.
3. If two (2) shifts of part time employees are not available within the
building he or she may displace two (2) part time employees within his or her
District’s hub, if qualied.
4. If two (2) shifts of part time employees are not available in his or her
District’s hub, he or she may displace two (2) part time employees in any
other hub within the jurisdiction of Local 177, if qualied.
5. The laid off employee may displace the part timer working the greatest
number of hours whose work he/she is qualied to perform, at the laid off
employees prevailing rate of pay.
6. When work again becomes available in the employees classication
he/she shall return by seniority to their classication.
11.3 Recall from Layoff
When, after layoff or reduction of staff, the working force is increased in
the substantially identical tasks referred to above, those seniority employees
who have been laid off in such tasks shall be re-employed in the reverse
order in which they were laid off. In unusual or emergency situations, the
order of re-employment may be waived by mutual consent of the Union and
the Company.
11.4 Seniority List
There shall be six (6) seniority lists:
A. Journeymen Mechanics
B. Maintenance Journeymen
C. Ground Support Equipment Journeymen
D. Helper (Automotive)
E. Handyman (Maintenance)
F. Apprentice
Except in emergencies the assignment of work between the automotive
and maintenance classications will be assigned according to past practice.
11.5 Loss of Seniority
Any employee shall lose all seniority rights if:
(a) Employee quits.
(b) Employee is discharged.
(c) Is absent without good cause and fails to notify the Company, provided,
however, that before employment is terminated, the Company will send a
written certied letter giving the employee ve (5) days in which to report.
The Union shall be notied at the same time.
(d) Employee is offered a job and does not report within ve (5) days. In
such cases, the Union will then be notied and, if the employee does not
report within three (3) additional days, his or her name will be removed from
the seniority list.
(e) An employee shall lose all seniority rights if, after being laid off, he/she
is not re-employed within the following allowed period:
Seniority at Time of Layoff Allowed Period
Less than 3 months 4 months
3 months and over, but less than 4 6 months
4 months and over, but less than 5 8 months
5 months and over, but less than 6 10 months
6 months and over, but less than 24 12 months
24 months and over 24 months
(f) Employee is promoted to a supervisory position.
11.6 Bidding
(a) When a permanent vacancy or additional jobs are created in automotive
as covered in the contract classication of jobs, or when there is a change
in starting times of more than one (1) hour, any seniority automotive person
within the district may apply for such vacancy, new job or new starting time
provided he/she qualies. The Company and the Union shall agree on such
Each bid shall be posted simultaneously throughout the Locals
jurisdiction. If no seniority automotive person within the district applies, then
the Company shall offer the bid to any seniority automotive person within the
Local’s jurisdiction provided the person is qualied.
Districts shall be dened as:
When a permanent vacancy or additional jobs are created in maintenance
as covered in the contract classication of jobs, or when there is a change
in starting times of more than one hour, any seniority maintenance person
within the jurisdiction may apply for such vacancy, new job or new starting
time provided he/she qualies. The Company and the Union shall agree
on such changes. If the vacancy is awarded to a seniority Maintenance
Mechanic from outside the district in which the job is bid the Company may
utilize the Pool Mechanic from the transferees district to cover his previously
selected vacation.
(b) Bids shall be posted for a period of ve (5) working days. All jobs
posted will show starting times and days off schedules. Copies of awarded
bids will be maintained in each facility. Once a bid has been awarded, the
Company will provide the Union Ofcial or Shop Steward with a copy of the
(c) All bids shall be lled within ten (10) working days of said bid being
awarded. There shall be no bidding of jobs during the vacation selection
period. The last vacancy shall be lled on a continual rotating basis of one
(1) full time qualied transfer, one (1) part time transfer and one (1) off the
street new hire.
(d) The number of bids will be according to past practice.
(e) There shall be no bids on starting time changes of one (1) hour or less.
In the event the time is changed beyond one (1) hour and a bid is accepted
and the starting time reverts back to the original starting time within thirty (30)
working days, then the original man in that job goes back.
(f) The above shall not apply in a situation in which there is a large change
of personnel from one location to another.
Metro Metro Edison North
Meadowlands Edison Parsippany
Gould Avenue Tinton Falls Spring Valley
Lyndhurst Staten Island Chester
Trenton New Windsor
Lakewood Mount Olive
Cranbury Bound Brook
Saddle Brook
(g) In the case of job abolishment or discontinuance of a bid, the principle
of seniority shall apply as follows: the employee affected shall be the least
senior employee on the start time. Using his/her seniority the employee
has the choice to displace the lowest senior employee on any start time
in any building, in the Local Union’s jurisdiction. Each affected employee
shall exercise his/her seniority within his/her classication, provided he/she
is qualied to perform the work.
(h) In the event automotive equipment needs repair at Newark Gateway,
Ground Support Mechanic will perform necessary repairs during this
emergency situation.
(i) The Company shall have the right during the period between
Thanksgiving and Christmas of each year to move Journeymen’s start
times two (2) hours in addition to the provisions provided for in Article
11.6 Subsection (e) as required by the operating needs of the Company.
These moves will not be subject to the bidding process as outlined in Article
11.6 above. Any affected Journeymen will not suffer the loss of the night
differential due to this provision. Only one (1) move per man will be permitted
during this period unless the move is closer to the employees original start
time. At the conclusion of this period the affected employees will be returned
to his/her start time.
Utility Journeyman in both classications will only be permitted to move
one (1) hour under this provision. This one hour move will be in addition to
the two (2) hour movement set forth provided for in Article 3.9.
It is understood by both parties that if the company chooses to implement
this language the change in start time will remain the same for the entire
week and will be posted on a weekly schedule.
(j) When a Sunday Hub sort is cancelled or changed from a Sunday
through Thursday to a Monday through Friday the affected bids may be
changed with the following restrictions:
A) The change may be from a Sunday through Thursday workweek to
a Monday through Friday workweek only for those effected Mechanics.
B) When the Hub goes from Sunday through Thursday to Monday
through Friday it will be the affected Journeymen’s option to work Monday
through Friday instead of Sunday through Thursday. If he/she chooses
not to work Monday through Friday he/she will only be paid the days that
he/she works that week.
C) The affected employee will be notied no later than the Monday prior
to week the change will occur.
D) The Company may make the change up to a maximum of ve (5) times
per calendar year.
E) If the change occurs on three (3) consecutive weeks or the maximum
(5) ve times per year is exceeded, the Company will meet with the Union
to discuss the cause and all known future cancellations and the potential
need to re-bid the effected Mechanics job.
This language will apply to Mechanics who are on bids that are scheduled
Sunday through Thursday only.
11.7 Transfers
Transfers from any classication covered by this agreement may be
requested to any other full time classication in the Collective Bargaining
Supplemental Agreement between United Parcel Service (New Jersey)
and Teamsters Local 177 (known as the package agreement). In addition,
transfers will be permitted within the UPS (New Jersey) and Teamsters Local
177 Mechanics and Maintenance Supplemental Agreement. A list shall be
prepared of employees requesting said transfers. If a job is not lled through
the bidding procedure as outlined in this agreement, it shall be offered to the
overall transfer list. Employees will be notied within fteen (15) working
days as to the status of their transfer. The transfer list shall include the
location and classication to which an employee wishes to transfer.
The following provisions shall apply to all Automotive and Maintenance
a. There will be a thirty (30) working day probationary period for Automotive
and Maintenance employees who transfer to all classications.
b. Automotive and Maintenance Employees will be placed on the transfer
list using their full time company seniority. Transfers will be limited to three
(3) per district per year.
c. If an Automotive or Maintenance Employee transfers, the transferee shall
be placed on the seniority list in the classication to which he/she transferred
and his/her seniority date shall be the date of the transfer for the purposes of
bidding etc. However, he/she shall maintain his/her company seniority date
for the number of weeks vacation, retirement etc. Vacation shall be based
on full time company seniority.
d. Candidates for transfer must have at least one (1) year of service.
e. When an opening becomes available, the transferring employee may be
held in his/her Automotive or Maintenance position for a maximum of thirty
(30) days before being released to his/her new position.
f. Candidates who desire to put their name on the transfer list to enter the
Automotive or Maintenance classications will be required to satisfactorily
complete a pre-qualication process. This pre-qualication process will be
the same as the pre-qualication process that new hires off the street will be
required to complete. Qualied Transfer candidates will be selected from
the transfer list in seniority order.
g. The Company shall ll permanent vacancies on a continual rotating basis;
One (1) Full timer off of the qualied transfer list, One (1) Part timer off of the
qualied transfer list, One (1) new hire.
h. Part time employees successfully transferring to full time jobs will be
considered as newly hired full time employees and will be added to the
appropriate seniority list. Their seniority date will be the day of the transfer.
If a holiday falls during their probationary period they shall be paid four (4)
hours pay at the part time rate of pay they were receiving at the time of
transfer, in addition to all regular earnings for time worked.
i. This language shall not apply to Ground Support Equipment Journeymen.
In addition, it will not apply to Apprentices until they have achieved the status
of Journeymen and have one (1) year seniority as a Journeyman.
12.1 The Company agrees that all seniority rights shall continue in full force
and effect with respect to not more than thirty (30) employees who presently
are, or may, during the term of this Agreement, serve the Union as full-time
Ofcers or representatives, or who serve the New Jersey Teamsters Joint
Council or the International Union as full time Ofcers or representatives.
Such seniority shall continue in the like manner as if such employees were
employed continuously as regular full time employees.
12.2 The Company will consider written requests for leave of absence
from seniority employees for periods beyond two (2) weeks need not be
requested in writing, but are subject to the control of the local Supervisor.
Requests for leave shall not be unreasonably withheld.
(a) Applications made out in triplicate must be signed by the employee
and his Center Manager and forwarded to the Personnel Department for
consideration. No leave will become ofcial until approved by the Personnel
Department in writing. Copies of the application will be sent to the employee
and to the Union.
(b) Leaves, where granted, shall be for maximum periods up to three (3)
months, but may be subject to renewal for additional three (3) month periods
upon presentation of satisfactory need for continuance. Employees may
return to available work prior to the expiration of leave upon notication to the
Company at least one (1) day in advance or return.
(c) Leave will be granted for personal illness or injury based on proper
medical evidence. Requests for leave for other purposes such as extended
vacations, family reasons (not involving employment) or emergency
circumstances, will be considered on their merits, subject to the needs of
the business. Leave shall not be granted to permit an employee to work
(d) Credit toward progression shall not accumulate during leave.
(e) Any employee who is receiving compensation benets, or benets
under the Health and Welfare Fund for sickness shall not be required by the
Company to sign any Leave of Absence forms. The Company shall obtain
pertinent information with respect to the employee’s illness directly from the
Fund ofce.
(f) It is understood that maternity leave for female employees shall be
granted with no loss of seniority for such period of time as her doctor shall
determine that she is physically unable to return to her normal duties.
13.1 The management of the Company and the direction of the working
forces, including the right to plan, direct and control Company operations
and to maintain and establish rules of operation and working practices, not
inconsistent with the provisions of the Agreement shall be vested exclusively
in the Company. It is agreed that the Company will give the Union thirty (30)
days notice of any anticipated major change in the Company’s method of
13.2 If any major change by the Company in methods of operation results
in substantial change in job content of any job classication provided in this
Agreement or in the creation of a new classication or in substantial hardships
to employees, the parties shall attempt to agree on a new wage rate for such
job or jobs or hardship corrections, and failure to agree, an applicable wage
rate or hardship correction shall be determined by arbitration in accordance
with the provisions of Article 14 herein.
14.1 A grievance is hereby jointly dened to be any controversy, complaint,
misunderstanding or dispute arising as to the interpretation, application or
observance of any provisions of this Agreement.
14.2 It is mutually agreed that any difference arising between the
Company and the Union or an employee of the Company as to the meaning,
application, or observance of the provisions of the Agreement (except
claims of excessive overtime which shall be processed in accordance with
the provisions of Article 4), such difference shall be settled in the following
(a) The aggrieved employee or employees shall rst take the matter
up with the Shop Steward who, in turn, will take the grievance up with the
Supervisor in charge. Employees shall have the Shop Steward present on
any grievance. Grievances must be submitted to the Supervisor within ten
(10) days after the occurrence of such grievance. If a satisfactory settlement
is not affected with the Supervisor within one (1) working day, the employee
shall submit such grievance to the Union’s representative in writing.
(b) If no satisfactory adjustment is agreed upon, the matter shall, within ten
(10) days after Step 1 be referred by an ofcer of the Union to the Division
Manager of the Company or some other ofcer of the Company with authority
to act, who shall receive the alleged grievance and offer a decision within ve
(5) working days after receipt of same.
(c) Any grievance settlement not paid within ten (10) working days of the
settlement shall entitle the grievant(s) to a penalty payment. Such penalty
payment will be equal to one half (1/2) of his/her daily guarantee at his/
her regular hourly rate. The ten (10) working day period shall begin to run
when the Labor Department representative agrees to the settlement, or is
notied by the Union or management team of the settlement with an agreed
to standardized form. The employer shall pay a maximum of one (1) penalty
payment for a multi-grievant grievance.
14.3 Arbitration
(a) Any grievance or difference which cannot be adjusted between the
parties may be submitted to arbitration upon written notice of either party to
the other within ten (10) days of failure to agree under Section 2 above as
(1) The matter or matters in dispute shall be submitted to an Arbitrator, who
shall be selected in each case from a permanent panel of ve (5) Arbitrators
approved in advance, by the Union and the Company. Designation from this
panel shall be handled by the American Arbitration Association. If the parties
are unable to agree upon the selection of such Arbitrator or their successors,
any opening or openings on said panel shall be lled by designation of the
American Arbitration Association. Moreover, if none of the Arbitrators on the
panel are available on a timely basis in a particular case, an Arbitrator in
such case shall also be designated by the American Arbitration Association.
Discharge grievances will be heard through an expedited arbitration
procedure. In the event an expedited procedure is not available, the
grievance will be heard through the regular procedure as outlined on the
previous page.
(2) Costs, in connection with any arbitration, shall be paid half by the
Company and half by the Union.
The decision by the Arbitrator shall be nal and binding upon the parties
and shall be rendered within thirty (30) days after the close of the hearing.
(3) The parties agree that all time limits set forth in Sections 2 and 3 hereto
shall be strictly adhered to.
(b) (1) In the event either the Union or the Company are of the opinion that a
particular dispute or grievance is of such a nature as to require an immediate
determination, either party may petition the Arbitrator to order a waiver of
the adjustment and arbitration provisions referred to above and institute an
immediate arbitration of dispute. Such requests shall be asserted by notice,
in writing, given to the other party with a copy to be sent simultaneously to
the American Arbitration Association.
(2) The American Arbitration Association shall designate an Arbitrator who
shall be immediately available to determine whether the dispute necessitates
an immediate decision. In the event the Arbitrator decides the dispute does
not require immediate disposition, the matter shall be set down for hearing in
the ordinary course on a timely basis.
(3) If the Arbitrator determines that the dispute requires immediate
disposition, the matter shall be submitted to arbitration within the appropriate
time limits set forth by the Arbitrator, and an award shall be issued on an
expedited basis.
(4) The award of the Arbitrator shall be in writing and may be issued with or
without opinion. If any party desires an opinion, one shall be issued, but its
issuance shall not delay compliance with enforcement of the award.
(5) The failure of any party to attend the arbitration hearing as scheduled
and noticed by the American Arbitration Association, shall not delay said
arbitration and the Arbitrator is authorized to proceed to take evidence and
issue an award as though such party were present.
14.4 No Strike or Lock Out
(a) The Union agrees that it will not cause or permit its members to
cause strikes of any kind, stoppages, or any other interference with any of
the operations of the Company during the term of this Agreement, as long
as the Company abides by the procedure prescribed for the settlement of
disputes and differences and the decisions of the Arbitrator as provided in
this Agreement. The Company agrees that there shall be no lockout during
the term of this Agreement, so long as the Union abides by the procedure
prescribed for the settlement of disputes and differences and the decisions
of the Arbitrator as provided in this Agreement.
(b) In the event of an alleged violation of this Section 4, either the
Company or the Union shall have the right to waive the normal adjustment
and arbitration provisions referred to in Article 14 and submit, for immediate
arbitration, the alleged violation of this Section pursuant to Section 3(b).
Such dispute shall be submitted to arbitration within twenty-four (24) hours
after receipt of notice by the American Arbitration Association and an award
issued not later than twelve (12) hours after the conclusion of the hearing.
15.1 The parties hereto expressly agree that during the lifetime of this
Agreement there shall be no demands for collective bargaining negotiations
as to any matter or issue not covered by the provisions of this Agreement,
or for the renegotiation of any of the provisions of this Agreement, except as
elsewhere provided in this Agreement.
15.2 The parties agree that this Contract is the sole and complete
Agreement between them and that any other previous understanding or
Agreements, oral or written, inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement
are superseded and are of no effect during the term of this Agreement.
16.1 The Company shall reimburse employees for time lost due to
court appearances or other appearances, in the Company’s interest, in
accordance with past practice. The Company shall reimburse employees
for time lost attending hearings of the Worker Compensation Board, when
such hearing results from formal notice of hearing at which the employee is
directed to be present. Evidence of such notice must be submitted by the
employee to the Company in advance of request for time off. The Company
will not reimburse employee for attendance at hearings which result from
employee’s application for consideration of appeal.
16.2 In the event an employee is involved in a vehicular accident during
Working hours, the Company shall maintain its present practice with regard
to providing legal counsel and/or bond in appropriate cases.
16.3 In the event an employee is required to appear in night court in the
Company’s interest, he shall be paid straight time for the hours spent in court
and for time spent in travel.
16.4 The Employer agrees to cooperate towards the prompt settlement
of employee on-the-job injury claims when claims are due and owing as
required by law.
When a regular employee is called for jury service, he shall be excused
from his regular duties on the days he is required to appear in court. For any
regular scheduled work day in which time off for jury service is granted, the
employee shall be paid a full eight (8) hours’ pay at his straight time hourly
rate, less any amount received as a jury duty fee. The employee will be
required, however, to turn over to the Company adequate proof of his jury
duty service and compensation, in order to receive the compensation above
Union ofcials and Shop Stewards shall be allowed to examine such
portion of the Company’s operating reports and other payroll records, as well
as employee’s center personnel le, as are pertinent to any grievance arising
under the Contract. Such examination can be made only after request to the
Center Manager and in his presence.
19.1 The Company agrees to grant military leave of absence to
seniority employees who leave its employ to enter the Armed Services in
accordance with the provisions of the Uniformed Services Employment and
Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and any amendments thereto.
19.2 Upon conrmation of entrance into the Armed Services, a seniority
employee will be granted the next annual vacation pay to which he would
have been entitled had he/she not entered the service, together with any
earned vacation not yet taken.
19.3 Employees ordered to spend time with the Reserves or National
Guard units cannot be forced to take vacations for this period.
It is agreed and understood that all Automotive Mechanics are required
to have a periodic D.O.T. physical. It is also understood that Maintenance
Mechanics who are required to cross a state line with a UPS vehicle are
required to take a D.O.T. physical.
The Company agrees to make reasonable accommodations by placing
Bargaining Unit employees in those cases that are considered hardships in
other jobs, which the employee is qualied to perform. The Union and the
Company mutually agree that these jobs will be assigned to worthy cases on
the basis of seniority, provided the person is physically capable of performing
such work.
21.1 In the event of a death of a member of the employee’s family, a
seniority employee shall be allowed a reasonable time off to attend the
funeral, not to exceed four (4) scheduled workdays. These days shall not
extend beyond the day of the funeral unless an additional day is required for
travel, except as noted below. The employee will be reimbursed at eight (8)
times the employee’s straight time hourly rate for each day lost from work
for those employees whose regular scheduled work week is ve (5) days,
and ten (10) times the straight time hourly rate for those employees whose
regular scheduled work week is four (4) days.
21.2 A regular full-time employee shall be guaranteed two (2) days off to
be taken between the day of death and two (2) working days following the
21.3 Members of the employee’s family means spouse, child, father,
mother, brother, sister, grandparents, mother-in-law and father-in-law. Part
time employees will enjoy the same.
22.1 In accordance with Workers Compensation Laws of the State of New
Jersey, the following shall be the Company policy with respect to physical
(a) At the discretion of the Medical Director, employees out on
compensation injuries may be requested to visit the Medical Department for
examination. If unable to travel, arrangements will be made for visits to his
home by a staff doctor.
(b) Arrangements for examination of injured employees who have since
returned to work will be made at the discretion of the Medical Director where
deemed necessary, as follows:
(1) Employees will be asked voluntarily to visit the Medical Department
at a convenient time for proper examinations or,
(2) If unable or unwilling to visit the Medical Department, arrangements
will be made for examination locally by a staff doctor of the Company’s
choosing, either at the employee’s home, place of business, the
Company doctors ofce, or in his own doctors ofce.
(3) Appointments to visit specialists or other doctors will be made by
the Medical Department or insurance carrier at the convenience of the
employee and doctor concerned without regard to day off schedule.
22.2 When a medical leave of absence is requested, the Company may
request appropriate medical evidence. This will usually be satised by the
submission by an employee of his personal doctors report. The Company
may, however, have the employee examined by the Company doctor. If the
Company doctor does not agree with the report rendered by the employee’s
personal doctor, the two doctors involved will select an impartial third doctor
to render a report. If the two doctors cannot agree upon the selection of a
third doctor, the Union and the Company shall select the third doctor either
through the Arbitrator or by request to the New Jersey State Medical Society.
22.3 An employee who seeks to return to work after a medical leave of
absence (including a leave of absence covered by a chronic or recurrent
condition) may be required by the Company to submit a doctors report. The
Company may also require the employee to submit to an examination by
the Company doctor. If the Company doctor and the employee’s doctor do
not agree, the procedure set forth in the preceding paragraph regarding the
utilization of an impartial third doctor shall be followed.
22.4 The Company will designate local doctors for employees working in
the following centers:
Bound Brook Lakewood Parsippany
Chester Lyndhurst Saddle Brook
Cranbury Meadowlands Spring Valley
Edison Mount Olive Staten Island
Gould Ave New Windsor Tinton Falls
In the event the Company, pursuant to this Article, required employees
working in these centers to submit to an examination by a Company doctor
(except in compensation cases) the employee will be sent to such local
The Company agrees to the posting within its business premises of
notices of Union meetings, etc., by an elected or appointed Ofcial of the
Local Union and on ofcial Union letterhead.
24.1 The Company recognizes the right of the Union to designate the
necessary number of Shop Stewards needed to handle such Union affairs as
may from time to time be delegated to him/her by the Union.
24.2 No Steward shall have the authority to call a strike, cause a slowdown
or take any other action which would interrupt the Company’s business,
except as such action may be authorized by the Union. The Company
recognizes this limitation upon the authority of the Steward.
24.3 Shop Stewards shall be paid by the Company for reasonable time
spent in the processing of grievances.
24.4 It is the policy of the Company and the Union that grievances be
handled with the participation of the regular Steward. The Company agrees
to cooperate with the Union in establishing procedures to assure that the
regular Steward is available for the processing of grievances. The Union
agrees that such procedures shall not hamper the Company’s operation.
The Company shall, in the absence of the regular Steward, recognize an
Alternate Steward designated by the Union.
24.5 Shop Stewards and Union Ofcials shall be afforded super seniority
with respect to terms and conditions of employment for layoff and recall
purposes, and in other situations that assure the Union Ofcials and
Stewards greater accessibility to co-workers to genuinely assist them to
perform their functions as a Steward or Union Ofcial which will be to the
benet of co-workers.
25.1 The Company agrees not to enter into any agreement or contract
with his employees, individually or collectively, which conicts with the terms
and provisions of this Agreement. Any such agreement will be null and void.
25.2 Where new types of equipment for which rates of pay are not
established by this Agreement are put into use, rates governing such
operations shall be subject to negotiations between parties and, upon the
failure to agree, to arbitration under the provisions of the Agreement.
25.3 The employer agrees that all conditions of employment relating to
wages, hours of work, overtime differential, and general working conditions,
as negotiated or agreed upon, shall be maintained at not less than the
highest standards in effect at the time of the signing of this Agreement and
the conditions of employment shall be improved wherever specic provisions
for improvements are made elsewhere in this Agreement.
It is agreed that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to inadvertent
or bona de errors made by the Employer or the Union in applying the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.
It is agreed that under the specic circumstances set forth herein, the
following conduct shall not be considered a violation of Article 14 of this
26.1 The Union will not set up an organized picket line at the place of
business of any store which the Company serves. It will, however, not be
required to pass any picket line set up by it at the place of business of any
of the stores which the Company serves if such picket lines are: (1) set
up either after the Union has been duly certied by the appropriate Labor
Relations Board as the exclusive bargaining representative of employees of
such stores, or (2) if the Union has called and is engaged in an actual bona
de strike against such store and such strike has been approved by the
Teamsters Joint Council in that area.
26.2 The Union will not recognize, and will direct its members to pass, any
organizational picket line established at the place of business of any store
which the Company serves established by another Union. This provision
shall not apply in cases where the Teamsters Joint Council in the appropriate
area has determined that the matter is a proper one for support and other
Teamster Unions regularly delivering to the department stores are taking
similar action.
26.3 The Union may honor or observe a picket line established at the place
of business of any store which the Company serves: (1) where such picket
line is established by a Union which has been duly certied as collective
bargaining representative of the employees of such store by the appropriate
Labor Relations Board, or (2) in the absence of such certication, a Union
is engaged in an actual bona de strike, provided that the Teamsters Joint
Council in the appropriate area has determined that the matter is a proper
one for support and other Teamster Unions regularly delivering to such store
are recognizing the picket line.
26.4 The Union will not recognize a picket line established at any of the
Company’s facilities except where: (1) such picket line is established by a
Union which has been duly certied as collective bargaining representative
of the employees involved, or (2) in the absence of certication a Union
is engaged in an actual bona de strike provided that the Teamsters Joint
Council in the appropriate area has determined that the matter is a proper
one for support.
27.1 If any Article or Section of this Agreement should be held invalid by
operation of law or by an tribunal of competent jurisdiction, or if compliance
with, or enforcement of, any Articles or Sections should be restrained by
such tribunal, pending a nal determination as to its validity, the remainder of
this Agreement and of any Rider thereto, or the application of such Articles
or Sections to persons or circumstances other than those which it has been
held invalid or as to which compliance with or enforcement of has been
restrained, shall not be affected thereby.
27.2 In the event that any Articles or Sections held invalid, or enforcement
thereof or compliance therewith has been restrained, as set forth, the
parties affected thereby shall enter into immediate collective bargaining
negotiations upon the request of either party, for the purpose of arriving at
a mutually satisfactory replacement for such Articles or Sections during the
period of invalidity or restraint. In the event the parties are unable to agree
on a replacement clause, such dispute shall be subject to the arbitration
provisions of this Agreement. It is agreed, however, that the dispute shall
not be considered by either party as a waiver of Article 14, Section 4 (a) of
this Agreement.
This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and any assign
or successor of the Company.
29.1 The Company agrees that if any covered employee is required to
wear any kind of uniform as a condition of his continued employment, such
uniform shall be furnished and maintained by the Company, free of charge.
29.2 Rain gear shall be available to all covered employees performing
outside duties.
29.3 The Company will supply work gloves to all Mechanics.
30.1 The Company shall have the right to employ one (1) Apprentice for
each ve (5) Journeymen Mechanics employed by the Company. Apprentices
may be employed at any point other than the Main Shop where two (2) or
more Journeymen Mechanics are employed. The Apprentice program shall
not last longer than twenty-four (24) months.
30.2 An Apprentice shall start at sixty per cent (60%) of the Journeymen’s
rate per hour and shall be increased ten per cent (10%) per hour at the end
of each 1,000 hours worked.
30.3 The Company shall offer the Apprentice all necessary training in
accordance with Article 35.
30.4 Within the 24-month apprentice program the Apprentice will
be required to pass the Journeymen’s written test. Upon passing the
Journeymen’s written test the Apprentice will receive the rate established for
Journeymen Mechanics.
30.5 Apprentices who are promoted to Journeymen Mechanics shall be
dovetailed on the appropriate seniority list.
The Company shall not require an employee to take a polygraph or other
form of lie detector test.
The Employer may not subcontract work in any classication for the
purpose of avoiding overtime. Where it is possible, the bargaining unit
employees will do the work rather than subcontract, as provided below:
1. Where trained personnel are available.
2. Where the Company has the necessary equipment.
3. The Company shall maintain the right to subcontract, according to past
4. The Company will meet with the Local Union Ofcials no less than two
weeks in advance of scheduling subcontracting.
5. There shall be no layoff of any bargaining unit employee as a result of
6. In the event the Union challenges any subcontracting of work covered
by the Agreement, the burden will be on the Company to show that
the decision to subcontract that work was a reasonable exercise of its
discretion based on the criteria of expedition or economy (economy is
not restricted to direct labor costs) in that order.
7. The Employer agrees to exercise good business judgment prior to the
decision to subcontract.
8. Preventative maintenance inspection of conveyor equipment, to include
oil, lube and electrical inspection, will not be subcontracted unless
mutually agreed upon. The electrical inspection is that portion from
conveyor to panel box provided the employee is qualied to perform
the inspection. The electrical inspection does not include inspection
mandated by law to be performed by Licensed Electrician.
9. The repair of rented or leased automotive equipment will not be
performed on UPS property by subcontractor except during the
period from Thanksgiving Day through Christmas Day, provided this
equipment would interfere with or cause the Company to fail in its
service commitments.
10. The Company will not cover Maintenance Journeymen vacations with
subcontractors unless mutually agreed upon.
The work of supervisors will not include assignments to work normally
performed by Union members, except for the purpose of training.
The cost-of-living allowance shall be paid per Article 33 of the National
Master United Parcel Service Agreement.
35.1 The Company shall maintain a Training Program to assure its
employees are knowledgeable in and properly equipped for the maintenance
and repair of new and unfamiliar equipment and retraining on our present
(a) The Company Training Program will be established, from time to time,
as the need occurs. Time spent in Company authorized Training Program
will be paid time, unless otherwise mutually agreed by Employer and Union.
(b) Employees who attend company authorized classroom training
programs outside of their bid hours will be paid at their straight time rate of
pay up to eight (8) hours after which normal overtime provisions will apply.
(c) Special tools needed to work on new equipment will be supplied by
the Company.
35.2 All training or certications will be given in seniority order, taking
into consideration the shift each employee is assigned to. This will be
accomplished in the following manner:
(a) Employees may sign an intent list for training that the Company is
offering specic to their job assignments.
(b) Employees who attend outside training classes may on a voluntary
basis agree to assist in the training of other employees on their shift. It is
understood that if an employee volunteers to come off his/her bid hours to
provide training to other employees, or if the trainee is taken off his/her hours
to be trained, the employee who is working off his/her scheduled bid hours
will be paid in accordance with Article 4 of this agreement. In addition,
Employees who provide training or assist in the training of other employees
will be paid one dollar ($1.00) per hour for the entire day above the rate in the
classication in which they work.
(c) Training specic to any type of equipment will be given to all remaining
employees who normally work on that specic type of equipment that did not
have the opportunity to attend the training sessions at the completion of that
program. The training of these remaining employees will be provided within
six (6) months of the completion of each particular training program.
(d) The Company and the Union will meet on a quarterly basis. The
purpose of these meetings will be to discuss the implementation of any and
all training that the Company is planning for the next quarter.
36.1 In the event an employee’s tools are stolen from his/her locked tool
box at the Company’s place of business, or from his/her lockable locked
vehicle when he/she is out on the road on the Company’s business, and
forcible entry is in evidence, and a police report is led, the Company will
replace the tools with tools of equal quality for the employee, provided,
however, that the employee, to qualify for the above must have furnished
the Company with an itemized tool list. However, if the reported theft should
occur while the employee has stopped to transact personal business, the
Company shall have no obligation.
36.2 Employees who cooperate with periodic updates of tool lists,
conducted in their presence, in order to keep the list of registered tools current,
not to exceed one update per year, shall qualify for the above.
This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until July 31, 2023,
and shall automatically renew itself from year to year thereafter unless either
party noties the other, in writing, within sixty (60) days prior to the expiration,
of a desire to amend or terminate the same.
Robert Cherney Steve Radigan
President, IBT Local 177 UPS – North Atlantic District
Bill Heady Matt Loughlin
Business Agent, IBT Local 177 UPS –East Region Labor
Tony Alers Dave Bogaert
Trustee, IBT Local 177 UPS – North Atlantic District
Doug Connon Mike Sherry
Trustee, IBT Local 177 UPS – North Atlantic District
Kathy Deady
UPS – North Atlantic District
Chris McMiller
UPS – North Atlantic District
Angelo Angieri
UPS – North Atlantic District
Dave Van Hook
UPS – North Atlantic District
Memorandum of Agreement
It has been agreed between the parties that in Articles of this collective
bargaining agreement where the words Edison or Central or Central Jersey
are used to dene a District the parties agree to substitute “Metro Edison” as
an identier of that unit or district. Substitution of the words “Metro Edison”
for the words Central or Edison or Central Jersey is not intended to alter the
meaning of this Agreement.
Description of the Central or Edison or Central Jersey District as the
“Metro Edison” district does not alter any contractual language or established
practice with respect to the grouping of Company facilities into three separate
units or Districts.
The former Edison or Central or Central Jersey District will continue to
be recognized as an independent unit or District for the purposes of this
The words Meadowlands, Parsippany and Edison can continue to be used
as a means to identify the main shops and buildings.
Robert Cherney Salvatore Messina
Recording Secretary, IBT Local 177 UPS – Metro Jersey District
Al Betts Michael Farrand
Business Agent, IBT Local 177 UPS – North Jersey District
Matthew Loughlin
UPS – Metro Jersey District
Memorandum of Agreement
As we’ve previously discussed, we have no plans to operate a “UPS Truck
Leasing” in New Jersey during the life of the new agreement.
However, in the unlikely event that we do, please rest assured that
no mechanic covered by the New Jersey Maintenance and Mechanics
Agreement will be laid off as a direct result of this move.
Bob Jackson Howard Kahn
United Parcel Service Local 177
Metro Jersey District Recording Secretary
Jim Kilkenny Theodore Hermans
United Parcel Service Local 177
Central Jersey District President
Memorandum of Agreement
This memorandum will serve to clarify the intent of the parties with respect
to the newly negotiated Handyman classication in the Mechanics Contract
between UPS and IBT Local 177.
The creation of the Handyman classication is not intended to be used
to replace the Journeymen classication on any shift but rather to perform
non-skilled, non-technical work. Handyman shall not be assigned to work
alongside a Journeymen on a repair that in the past (prior to Handyman
classication) required two (2) or more Journeymen.
Furthermore, a Handyman will not be used in any repair that involves a
Journeyman, including but not limited to set-up and clean-up of said repair.
The Company and the Union will meet on a Quarterly basis or as needed.
The purpose of these meetings will be to discuss the implementation of the
Handyman, to review the planned Handyman stafng and to resolve any
open issues in a timely manner
Robert Cherney Eric Bringe
Recording Secretary, IBT Local 177 UPS North Atlantic District
Memorandum of Agreement
For the life of the 2018-2023 Mechanics and Maintenance Collective
Bargaining Agreement, United Parcel Service has agreed to offer the
Automotive Mechanics covered under the Local 177 supplemental
agreement the opportunity to enter into a Company sponsored training
program to obtain a CDL license.
Automotive Journeymen, Apprentice and Helper Mechanics who are
interested in obtaining a CDL shall notify the Company. Such employees, in
seniority order, will be permitted to attend on their own time, the Company
sponsored training program to obtain a CDL. The Company will provide all
necessary instructors, training and equipment to qualify for the CDL license.
Employees who do not complete the driving school sponsored by the
Company and conducted by outside vendors or fail to pass the state road
test licensing requirement after a maximum of three (3) attempts per driving
school attended will be responsible to reimburse the Company for the
full amount paid to the vendor that provided the training. The employee
will have the option to make full reimbursement within one week of their
disqualication or pay one hundred dollars ($100.00) per week until the
reimbursement is complete.
It is understood that hardships may exist, and in such cases will be
reviewed by both the Company and the Union. If it is agreed a hardship
exists, no reimbursement will be required. Any decision pertaining to
hardships must be mutually agreed to by the Company and the Union.
The employees’ responsibility for reimbursement will be limited to training
provided by outside vendors hired by the Company to provide training.
Any dispute involving the application of this Agreement shall be
submitted to the representatives of the Union and the Company for mutual
Robert Cherney Steve Radigan
President, IBT Local 177 UPS –North Atlantic District
United Parcel Service
493 County Avenue, Secaucus, NJ 07094
(201) 864-1200
November 19, 1993
Mr. Howie Kahn
IBT Local 177
282 Hillside Avenue
Hillside, NJ 07205
Dear Howie:
This letter will serve to clarify our intent with respect to several
provisions of the newly negotiated Mechanics Contract between UPS
and IBT Local 177.
It is not the intent of United Parcel Service in negotiating the helper
classication to replace the journeyman classication on the rst shift
with the helper classication. Nor is it the intent of UPS to assign to
helpers their own assigned eet or vehicles to exclusively perform all
work necessary on those eets or vehicles.
The journeyman mechanics and the helpers working in the
Meadowlands facility shall pick their vacation as per past practice.
In all other buildings a helper shall pick their vacation on the same
vacation list as the journeyman mechanics (see article 3.7j).
In reference to Article 11.6H, the gateway is considered to be Newark
Tony Moschella
Metro Jersey District
Labor Relations Manager