National Aeronautics and
NASA Shared Services Center
Stennis Space Center, MS
NASA Shared Services Center Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2021
Expiration Date: February 11, 2022
Responsible Office: Accounting and Travel Services Branch
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 2 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Approved by
Alison Butsch
Chief, Financial Management Services Division, Acting
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.02.11
11:27:40 -06'00'
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 3 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Description of Change
Basic 1.0 05/03/2011 Basic Release
Center Agency Program Updates
Revision 3.0 06/15/2014
Document originated under NSWI-
9710-0001 and was renumbered
on 06/13/2014 to align with the
NSSC Document Management
Program Procedural Instruction
Updated Annual Use Review
process to reflect Semi-Annual
Use Review Process (p. 24-25);
Appendix C Updated from
PaymentNet to IntelliLink (p.71);
Appendix D Create Reports in
CGE deleted
Revision 4.0 11/01/2014
Updated Chapter 4 PROGRAM
transfer of roles to Service
Providers in accordance with the
CSC Change Order 76; to update
references to to
Concur Government Edition
Added Appendix G to include the
link to NSPWI-9000-0002 (Process
for the External Audit
Documentation Pull and Request
for Extension).
Updating formatting to new
template and created a separate
Service Provider Support section.
Revision 6.0 12/16/2015
Update due to new work
management system and to add
DRD information
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 4 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Revision 7.0 1/5/2017
Added NPD 5104.1 Government
Charge Card to Authority
Revision 8.0 04/7/2017
Update to add overall APC roles
and Responsibilities to include
preparation of the OMB quarterly
and the Agency Delinquency
Report; remove FMOP; update
Frequent Traveler review; remove
processes specific to NSSC only
Revision 9.0 04/12/2018
Updated the procedures for salary
offset and setting credit limits
Remove Annual Use Review
(Infrequent & Frequent Travelers
Review) and moved to Center APC
Work Instructions (NSPWI 9710-
Revision 10.0 12/21/2018
Updated to include U.S. Bank
Revision 11.0 06/28/2019
Updated to remove all JP Morgan
Chase processes and procedures
Update to due date of monthly
delinquency reports to Travel Lead
Added notes to monthly assurance
review process, updated salary
offset procedures to include DOI
POC; added verbiage for misuse
and abuse, and the travel card
usage review (Appendix G)
Revision 14.0 02/24/2021
Added steps and requirements to
salary offset appeal process
Revision 15.0 02/11/2022
Added standards/guidelines for
delinquencies on SATERN travel
card training
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 5 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 7
2.0 Objective ............................................................................................................ 7
3.0 Scope ................................................................................................................. 7
4.0 Authority ............................................................................................................. 7
HOW TO APPLY FOR A NEW TRAVEL CARD ACCOUNT .......................................... 8
HOW TO REGISTER IN US BANK’S ACCESS ONLINE ............................................... 9
TRANSFERRING AND SEPERATING EMPLOYEES ................................................. 10
Transferring Employees ............................................................................................ 10
Separating Employees .............................................................................................. 12
Monitoring of SATERN Training ................................................................................ 14
Monitor for Delinquency Monthly .............................................................................. 15
PROGRAM MONITORING REPORTS ........................................................................ 16
U.S. Bank Program Monitoring Reports (U.S. Bank Access Online) ......................... 17
Concur Government Edition (CGE) Report ............................................................... 22
Monthly Overall Agency Program Coordinator Review ............................................. 24
Monthly APC Delinquency Report ......................................................................... 24
Agency Quarterly APC Travel and Fleet Card OMB Report (NSSC Lead APC) ...... 41
APPENDIX A – How to Create Reports ........................................................................ 50
APPENDIX B Sample E-mail Notifications ................................................................ 68
Sample Reminder Notification of 30-day past due to employee ................................ 68
Sample 61-day Suspended Delinquency Notice* ..................................................... 70
Sample Validation of Travel Card Charge ................................................................. 71
APPENDIX C Acronyms............................................................................................ 72
APPENDIX D –Travel Charge Card Chart ................................................................... 73
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 6 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
APPENDIX E Monthly Travel Card Assurance Review ............................................. 78
APPENDIX F Procedures for Salary Offset ............................................................... 81
Salary Offset References .......................................................................................... 81
Purpose .................................................................................................................... 81
Salary Offset ............................................................................................................. 81
Salary Offset Process ............................................................................................... 81
Attachment A: Sample Due Process e-mail Notice for Salary Offset Procedures ..... 84
Attachment C: Summary of Process Time Line ........................................................ 90
APPENDIX G Quarterly Travel Card Usage Report (Center Action) ......................... 91
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 7 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
1.0 Introduction
In relation to the NASA Travel Charge Card Program, the NASA Office of the Chief
Financial Officer (OCFO) develops and implements travel card policy, regulations, and
procedures. The NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) Lead Agency Program
Coordinator (APC) performs program oversight and internal control reviews. Center
Agency Program Coordinators (CAPCs) issue charge cards, monitor Center charge
card activity, and handle Center charge card issues. Links to referenced authority
documents for detailed roles and responsibilities are located on the NSSC Customer
Service Web site.
2.0 Objective
The objective is to identify reports for the Center APCs to run as a part of the
management of their Center Travel Charge Card Programs. These reports will provide
information to Center Managers and Supervisors of employees with delinquent
balances or inappropriate transactions and allow CAPCs to verify compliance with
Center, Agency, and Federal policies and procedures.
3.0 Scope
The scope includes reports that should be run for all Center travel charge card activity.
4.0 Authority
NASA Travel Charge Card Management Plan
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123 Appendix B.
Improving the Management of Government Charge Card Program
41 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Federal Travel Regulations
(FTR), Chapters 300-304
NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 1200.1E, NASA Internal Control
NPD 5104.1 Government Charge Cards
NPR 9730.1 Travel Cards
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 8 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
When you are notified of a new hire (civil servant) at your Center and determine that
he/she needs a travel card, the Center Agency Program Coordinator (CAPC) needs to
reach out to the NSSC SATERN team so they can add the new Agency travel card
curriculum to his/her SATERN profile. In order to do that, please send an email to nssc-
[email protected] and enter the following in the subject line: SATERN Request
Add Agency Travel Card Curriculum for New Employee. In the body of the email,
please use this as a template:
SATERN Course needed to be added to profile: AG-CD-TRAVELCARD
New Employee Name: John Doe (example)
NASA Center: Marshall (example)
NSSC Contact Center,
Please assign a ServiceNow case, include the information above and assign as follows:
Subcategory: ADD COURSE
Assignment Group: HR-HRIS L2
Prior to initiating a travel card application with US Bank, the employee must provide
proof of training completion in SATERN to the CAPC either hard or soft copy.
Note:In accordance with OMB Circular A-123 Appendix B, all Government Charge card
travelers are required to take training prior to being issued a government charge card
and, at a minimum, refresher training every 3 years thereafter. Standard agency-wide
training is available via SATERN. The training lasts about 1/2 hour and includes self-
assessments. The entire course must be completed in order to receive a Government
Charge card.
There are (2) ways to apply for a US Bank SP3 travel card: cardholder initiated and
Agency Program Coordinator (APC) initiated. This decision of who starts the process
(employee/cardholder or APC) may differ by Center. The instructions for each process
are listed below.
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 9 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
NOTE: Please be aware that NASA is utilizing the “Without Workflow” option for the
APC initiated application process. This removes the requirement to direct the process
to the supervisor and creates a more efficient and more expedited process.
US Bank maintains two addresses for the cardholder the account address and the
legal address. The cardholder account address can be an address with a PO Box; the
legal address should be a physical address on the account (not a PO Box).
Additionally, if the card needs to be expedited OR if the card needs to be delivered to an
address that is different from the normal mailing address, the Center APC will need to
call US Bank customer service number. If a card does need to be expedited, a physical
address is required as well (no PO Box).
Once an employee has received their new US Bank SP3 travel card, they should follow
the instructions for activating found on the sticker on the front of the card by calling 1-
888-994-6722. Additionally, the employee needs to register in US Bank’s financial
transaction system, Access Online at the earliest convenience. Access Online will allow
cardholders to view/modify their account information, pull up transaction information
associated with government travel, pull up statements, file a dispute, etc. Follow the
instructions in the link below to register in Access Online.
Additionally, Access Online will be the tool that APCs use to manage account profiles,
view transactional and delinquency activity for their Center and access statements.
Access Online website:
Click on the following link on how to > Register in Access Online
NOTE: In Access Online, the Organization Short Name is NASA
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 10 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Transferring Employees
NOTE: When an employee transfer is needed, the Center APC (from the departing
Center) should validate the NASA employee is transferring to another Center and
inform the NASA employee that he/she is to keep their travel card and that you will be
updating their profile to reflect their new Center.
Then, email the Lead APC team (, the
NSSC Contact Center ( and include the employee’s full
name as it appears in Access Online, the Center that the employee needs to be
transferred to, any outstanding (current) balance on the account and include the Center
APCs for the gaining Center in the email for their awareness and approval.
(Lead APC steps)
1. Log into Access Online.
2. Select Account Administration on the Home Page
3. Select Maintain Cardholder Account
4. Find the applicable cardholder/NASA employee who is transferring (i.e. search
by last name) and then go to the Account Profile
5. Click on the pencil icon to edit the Processing Hierarchy for that cardholder
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 11 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
6. The “Bank” field should show as “8201” and the “Agent” field should show as
“0034”. The “Company” field needs to be changed to reflect where the
cardholder is being reassigned to:
NASA AFRC 26524 NASA LARC - 26523
NASA ARC 26521 NASA MSFC - 26562
NASA GRC 26522 NASA NSSC - 26511
NASA GSFC 26551 NASA SSC - 26564
NASA HQ 26510
NASA JSC 26572
NASA KSC 26576
7. Press confirm after you have populated the correct applicable Center.
8. Press next
9. Review all cardholder information and if correct, click submit. If there are no
errors, there will be a confirmation screen appear with a green check
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 12 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Separating Employees
Any employee that leaves in a manner (other than termination) should follow the steps
listed below:
1. Collect Individually Billed Account (IBA) travel card and destroy/shred
2. Validate NASA employee is separating from NASA and has no outstanding
balances. If there is a remaining/outstanding balance:
a. Remind the cardholder that he/she is still responsible for the payment
b. Look in CGE to see if there are any outstanding vouchers for the
cardholder; if so, they should be structured to ensure the travel card
balance is paid off (or as much as possible).
c. Email the US Bank Account Coordinator team and let them know the
cardholder in question (provide name and Account ID) has left NASA and
to please pursue normal collection efforts per US Bank’s policy
d. Include the Lead APC and backups for both awareness and to include on
list maintained that will exclude this cardholder from future delinquency
3. Log into Access Online
4. Select Account Administration on the Home Page
5. Select Maintain Cardholder Account
6. Find the applicable cardholder/NASA employee who is transferring (i.e. search by
last name) and then go to the Account Profile
7. Under the section “Account Overview”, click on the pencil icon next to “Open” by
Account Status
8. Click on “Show Optional Settings”
9. Click on the dropdown box under “New” and change from “Open” to either:
V9 Voluntarily Closed (anything other than termination) or
T9 Terminated
10. Select today’s date as the Start Date and ensure the “Don’t End” radial button is
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 13 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
11. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Next
12. Confirm changes are correct and click Submit
13. If there are no errors, there will be a confirmation screen appear with a green
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 14 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Monitoring of SATERN Training
During 2021, the Lead APC had confirmed that all Centers either have the ability to
obtain their own SATERN reports from their SATERN Administrator Lead (SAL) or
have worked with the NSSC SATERN team to have reports scheduled and
automatically sent via email to the designated POCs at the Center.
In addition, the Lead APCs receive a scheduled report from the NSSC SATERN
team on a biweekly basis for all active Civil Servants.
Center APCs are to perform the following upon receipt of the report:
1. The CAPC will identify the cardholders and travel approvers who are past due
and coming due within the next 30 and 60 days.
2. All Centers, upon learning that any of their cardholders are delinquent for their
SATERN card training the Center IBA APC should:
Email the cardholder to let them know that their training is delinquent
and that the traveler will be unable to use their travel card until he/she
provides evidence of completion to the Center APC team (unless the
cardholder is currently on travel or scheduled to go on travel within 10
Either go into the cardholder account within US Bank’s Access Online
and set the account status of the individual to V9 Voluntarily Closed
and Select “No End Date” (if the cardholder is not on or scheduled to
travel within 10 days) or remove the cardholder’s credit card information
from their traveler profile in CGE (assuming there is no outstanding
authorizations or vouchers or currently on travel) or go into the
cardholder’s account and set the credit limit to $1.00
3. If a week has gone by since the first notification to the cardholder has gone
without any action, a follow up email to the cardholder should be sent. This
second email should include the supervisor. Centers should do this at a
minimum if Centers wish to continue to elevate weekly emails to include
higher supervision (i.e. Branch and/or Division Chiefs, HR, etc.) on their emails,
that would be up to the individual Center. These emails should continue weekly
until the cardholder can provide evidence of completion.
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 15 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Centers can establish additional disciplinary action for extended delinquencies
as they deem appropriate.
4. If the cardholder is currently on or scheduled for an upcoming official travel
assignment, action on the card should take place upon 10 days of returning from
the travel
5. Verify completion certificate.
6. Notify the Center HR SAL or the NSSC SATERN team of any employee that
no longer needs a card and request the HR SAL remove the training from
their learning plan. The CAPC should close the travel card account
7. Record the entry on the quarterly section (Mandatory Training Verificiation
Cardholders) of the Monthly Assurance Report submitted to the Agency Lead
APC (Refer to Appendix E).
Monitor for Delinquency Monthly
Summary - Delinquent Travel Card Account Process
U.S. Bank Access Online Delinquency Reports
Frequency When to run Source System
Action required by
Past due Report Monthly
11th of the month
month month
U.S. Bank Access Online CAPC
1. 61 Days Delinquent
a. Run the Past due Report that will show the Delinquencies with Current
Balance monthly on the 11th.
b. Identify suspended accounts.
c. Notify traveler of account suspension and suggest that the traveler
process a payment as soon as possible in order for the bank to un-
suspend the account. Include (CC) the supervisor in the email
notification to the delinquent traveler.
d. If the delinquent account exceeds 91 days, notify the cardholder again,
CC the supervisor to discuss getting delinquent amount resolved and the
upcoming risk of salary offset at the 126 day mark. CC the Center HR
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 16 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
and the Lead APC (and backups).
e. Results of delinquency accounts should be submitted to the Lead APC
by the 1st of each month using Appendix E Monthly Travel Card
Assurance Review.
NPR 9730.1 (Section 5.4) states that NASA is obligated under OMB Circular A-123,
Appendix B, to initiate administrative and/or disciplinary actions against cardholders
who (a) fail to meet their responsibilities with respect to appropriate use and timely
payment of the charge card or (b) who engage in charge card misuse.
OMB defines misuse and abuse as referenced below:
Misuse: Unintentional use of the purchase, travel, fleet and/or integrated charge card
in violation of the FAR, DFARs, FTR, Agency Supplements, or Agency
Policies/Procedures. These actions are the result of ignorance and/or carelessness,
lacking intent, to include honest mistakes
Abuse: Intentional use of the purchase, travel, fleet and/or integrated charge card in
violation of the FAR, DF ARS, Agency Supplements, or activity Government Purchase
Card (GPC) policies/procedures. Evidence of intentionality shall be inferred from repeat
offenses of the same violation, following administrative and/or disciplinary action taken
for this violation
Conduct monthly monitoring of travel card transactions and balances to identify
delinquencies and incidents of potential misuse or abuse.
NOTE: To ensure adherence with current policy, administrative and/or disciplinary
action for misuse can be an email or phone call to the individual if it is determined that
the misuse was accidental in nature.
CAPCs should coordinate with supervisors to notify employees of any questionable or
inappropriate charges and/or delinquencies. When requests for clarification are sent to
cardholders, the CAPC should provide the cardholder with one week to respond before
notifying the cardholder’s supervisor.
Abuse/misuse has occurred if transactions were attempted or posted that are contrary
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 17 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
to/do not comply with rules, regulations and guidelines. All reports and subsequent
correspondence, including e-mails and documentation of phone calls, should be
retained by the Center APC for six years.
U.S. Bank Program Monitoring Reports (U.S. Bank Access Online)
Report Name Frequency When to Run Source System
Action Required
Financial Management:
Transaction Detail Report -Local
Monthly 11th of the month U.S. Bank Access Online Center APC
Transaction Detail Summary
Monthly 11th of the month U.S. Bank Access Online Center APC
Accounts List Report (sorted by
expiration date)
Monthly 11th of the month U.S. Bank Access Online Center APC
Program Management Report (
Run by closed Status)
Monthly 11th of the month U.S. Bank Access Online Center APC
Cash Advance Report Monthly 11th of the month U.S. Bank Access Online Center APC
Declined Transactions
Authorizations Report
Monthly 11th of the month U.S. Bank Access Online Center APC
Past Due Report- Delinquencies
with Current Balance
Monthly 11th of the month U.S. Bank Access Online Center APC
Full Transaction and Order Detail
Monthly 11th of the month U.S. Bank Access Online Center APC
Past due Report U.S. Bank
(Note: Reference Section titled U.S. Bank Past due report.) - This report lets you
quickly identify problem accounts and review program policy adherence rates.
You can leverage this information to manage policy guidelines. The report lists:
Name, Account Number, Current Balance, Last Payment Amount, Last Payment Date,
Status Description, Total Past Due, 30 Days amount due, Times Past Due 130, 60
Days amount due, Times Past Due 3160 Days, 90 Days amount past due, Times Past
Due 6190, 120 Days amount due, Times Past Due 91120 Days, 150 Days amount
due, Times Past Due 121-150 Days, 180 Days amount due, Times Past Due 151-180
Days, Charge Off Status, Charge Off Description, Charge Off Date, Default Accounting
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 18 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
U.S. Bank
Account List Report (sorted by expiration date)- Accounts Renewing Within Three
Months - U.S. Bank
The Account List Report will provide a comprehensive list of all accounts. The report will
show Name, Open Date, Activated, Last Transaction Date, Last Maintenance Date,
Expiration Date, Single Purchase Limit, Credit Limit, Last Limit Change Date, Cash
Percentage, Status Code, Status Description, Plastic, Account Number,
1. This report can be run to monitor the activation of new cards.
2. Review the report to identify the issuance of new cards awaiting
3. An e-mail will be sent to the cardholder to notify him/her of the new card
U.S. Bank Process
Financial Management: Transaction Detail - Account Activity with Hierarchies Local
Use (include account details)
(100% Review) - Transaction Detail Summary Report (include account details) shows
transactional information for all transaction types with the information such as: Post
Date, Transaction Date, Purchase ID, Merchant Name, Merchant TIN Number,
Transaction ID, and Transaction Status. The report shall be optimized for Excel.
1. This report can be run to show transactional activity for the state and/or
surrounding areas where the Center employees live. For example, for Stennis it
may be appropriate to run reports for both Mississippi and Louisiana. This report
may show charges for baggage or airport parking which are valid local charges.
However, it will also pick up any local purchases that may not be authorized.
2. The CAPC will review the report and identify transactions that occurred that have
no associated travel authorization, or were not in compliance with rules and
3. Make sure your profile in U.S. Bank Access Online is set to mask account
numbers and not output the full account number for the employees.
4. If the employee has a difference in how their name is entered in the two systems
(Concur Government Edition (CGE) and bank system), the database will be
unable to match a travel Authorization (TA) to their transaction.
5. Also, if a transaction occurred more than one day before the approved travel date
or any time after the approved travel date, the database will be unable to match a
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 19 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
TA to the transaction (i.e., an employee takes out a cash advance three days
prior to the first day of travel).
6. An e-mail will be sent to the cardholder to obtain clarification of the charge. If
abuse/misuse is suspected, send an e-mail to the cardholder and supervisor
stating the government charge card may have been used inappropriately. See
Appendix B for a sample e-mail. Disciplinary action may be taken based upon
HR/supervisor discussions.
Transaction Detail Summary
Review for accuracy, validated User ID, etc. - The Transaction Detail Summary report
shows the card and account hierarchies for all individuals. The report displays all
employees both cardholders and non-cardholders. It groups by User ID and displays
the individuals' names and roles, as well as card account numbers where appropriate.
Please note that if the report is run using Hierarchy ID as a criterion, that criterion will
apply to the employee and not the accounts that belong to the employee. However,
the user should not be allowed to enter a criteria or view employees/accounts outside
his/her scope of view.
Program Management - Cardholder Status with Hierarchy and Closed Date (100%
The Program Management - Cardholder Status with Hierarchy and Closed Date report
can be used to identify account limits and account statuses. The report, which is sub-
totaled by Account Status, lists the following: Account Name, Hierarchy, Account
Number, Open Date, Credit Limit, Individual Cycle Amount Limit, Individual Monthly
Amount Limit, Individual Other Amount Limit, Individual Single Amount Limit, Available
Limit, Status, and Closed Date.
1. The Center APCs will monitor this report monthly to ensure the accounts of
employees who transferred to another Center or separated from NASA show
up as closed or were successfully transferred and verify cardholders’
activation of new charge cards.
2. Send a follow up e-mail to the transferred
employee is not on the report.
3. E-mail cardholders whose card has been suspended or closed because of
suspicious activity to make sure they are aware of the status, and then assist
in reissuing a new charge card, if applicable.
4. E-mail cardholders of new charge cards to inform the employee to activate the
card with 60 days of receipt. If the cardholder has not activated the card within
60 days, send a reminder e-mail to the employee and supervisor that the card
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
will be closed in 30 days if not activated.
Program Management: Cash Advance Report (100% Review)
The Cash Advance report can be used to identify account limits and account statuses.
The report, which is sub-totaled by Account Status, lists the following: Account Name,
Account Number, Open Date, Credit Limit, Individual Cycle Amount Limit, Individual
Monthly Amount Limit, Individual Other Amount Limit, Individual Single Amount Limit,
Available Limit, and Status.
1. This report is used to monitor Automated Teller Machine (ATM) activity and
compare it to the CGE Valid Travel Authorization Report to validate cash
advances obtained were in conjunction with an approved TA. Run the report
on the 11
of the month as part of the monthly monitoring.
2. Compare dates of cash advances to make sure they are within three
calendar days before official travel begins, and not after the official travel
ends when compared to the approved travel authorization.
3. The results of cash advance monitoring will be reported to the Lead APC with
the other monitoring results by the first of the month following the cycle end.
4. Make sure your profile in U.S. Bank Access Online is set to mask account
numbers and not output the full account number for the employees.
5. If there is a difference in how the employee’s name is entered in the two
systems (CGE and bank system), the database will be unable to match a TA
to their transaction.
6. Also, if a transaction occurred more than one day before the approved travel
date, or any time after the approved travel date, the database will be unable to
match a TA to the transaction (i.e., an employee takes out a cash advance
three days prior to first day of travel).
Program Management: Declined Transaction Authorizations Report (100%
The Declined Transaction Authorization report can be used to monitor the occurrences
and reasons why cardholders have been declined. The report lists: Decline Code and
Reason, Account Name, Account Number, Amount, MCC, MCC Description, Merchant
Name, Merchant City, Merchant State/Province, Merchant Country, Date and Time of
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
1. This report will be used to review all declined transactions for the period and
compare it to the CGE Approved Travel Plan Report to validate the
transactions are related to an approved travel authorization. Run the report
on the 11
of the month as part of the monthly monitoring.
2. Send an e-mail to any employee who has declines for unauthorized purchases
or for transactions that occurred without a valid travel authorization. The e-mail
should be sent to obtain clarification on the attempted charges.
3. If abuse/misuse is suspected, send an e-mail to the cardholder and supervisor
stating the government charge card may have been used inappropriately. See
Appendix B for a sample e-mail. Disciplinary action may be taken based upon
HR/supervisor discussions.
4. The results of declines monitoring will be reported to the Lead APC with the
other monitoring results by the first of the month following the cycle end.
Financial Management: Full Transaction Detail Report (Statistical Sample)
The Financial Management - Full Transaction Detail report summarizes the number of
transactions and total dollar amount for each account and Hierarchy level.
Transactions as well as line items are included and payments are excluded from this
report. Subtotals are provided for each Hierarchy, as well as Grand Totals for the
entire report. The report lists: Transaction ID, Tran Date, Post Date, Purchase Method,
Merchant, City, State, MCC, Debit Amount, Credit Amount, Tax and Transaction Type.
1. Utilize this report for statistical sampling.
2. This report will be used to validate the transactions charged by cardholders
are appropriate and comply with regulations. For example, if the employee
had an approved TA, but put a haircut on his/her travel charge card while on
travel, the charge would not be appropriate.
3. This report will also be used to monitor activity with no associated TA, as well
as any cardholder that needs additional review. For example, a cardholder
should not be using his/her travel charge card to pay for gasoline to commute
back and forth to work if not in a travel status.
a. Statistical sampling criteria
b. Expected error rate equal to 5%
c. Confidence level equal to 95%
d. Total population equal to total IBA transactions for the month
e. E-mail the cardholder if abuse/misuse is suspected and obtain
clarification on the charge. If abuse/misuse is still suspected based on
the response, send an e-mail to the cardholder and supervisor stating
the government charge card appears to have been used
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 22 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
inappropriately. See Appendix B for a sample e-mail. Disciplinary action
may be taken based upon HR/supervisor discussions.
f. The results of abuse/misuse monitoring will be reported to the Lead
APC with the other monitoring results by the first of the month
following the cycle end.
Concur Government Edition (CGE) Report
Report Name
When to run
Source System
required by
Travel Authorization Info (CGE)
11th of the month
TA Info (100% Review)
This report lists the following for all authorized travel within a specific time period:
Employee’s Name, TA Number, Amendment Number, Destination, Purpose, Trip
Departure Date, Trip Return Date, # of Days, Amount, Travel Arranger, and Current
1. This report is used to monitor travel card activity by validating that travel card
transactions were in conjunction with an approved TA. Run the report on the
of the month as part of the monthly monitoring.
2. Compare dates of cash advances to make sure they are within three
calendar days before official travel begins, and not after the official travel
ends when compared to the approved travel authorization.
3. This report is used to run the three Travel Card Reconciliation reports.
4. If there is a difference in how the employee’s name is entered in the two
systems (CGE and bank system), the database will be unable to match a TA
to their transaction.
5. Also, if a transaction occurred more than one day before the approved travel
date, or any time after the approved travel date, the database will be unable to
match a TA to the transaction (i.e., an employee takes out a cash advance
three days prior to first day of travel).
CGE Search/Audit Tool
This tool is an aid in the search, research and analysis of transactions for authorized
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
1. Log into CGE
2. The following are steps to utilize the document search function in CGE to
verify that a valid TA exists for a travel card transaction.
3. Click on the Profile drop down box and click on the radio button, “Book Travel
for any user (self-assign)
4. Search for traveler by last name and then click Start Session
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
5. Click the TA number of the
corresponding TA. [Hint: View the TA to retrieve travel dates. Verify that
the location the transaction occurred matches the location of the TA or
the local area.]
Monthly Overall Agency Program Coordinator Review
On a monthly basis, the NSSC APC generates charts to record the current state of
delinquencies at all Centers. The source reports and the charts are generated as
Monthly APC Delinquency Report
1. Set Access Online to run the following reports on the 11
of the month utilizing the
screen shots below to establish the initial reports which will then run automatically
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
each month. Keep in mind that the reports are available on the 11
however, if the
falls on a holiday or weekend you must wait to run your reports. If not you will
not have the correct information for that month. The below screenshots show the
parameters for the reports. In Access Online, once the parameters have been
created, an option at the bottom to schedule reports will be shown. After creating
the reports to match the screen shots, click “save” so that the report will then be
saved to run every month. If you do not hit “save” it will only run once. Save all
reports to N:\Financial Accounting Branch\Travel Card\Agency Delinquency
Reports\ US Bank Access Online Reports\Monthly Reports\new folder with date of
A. Flex Data: Delinquencies with Current Balance CBA - US Bank
1) Login to Access Online
- Enter login information
2) Click on Reporting on left side of screen
3) Click on Flex Data Reporting
4) Click on “Create a New Template” tab at the top
5) Click on the radial button next to “Account”; scroll down and click “Create”
6) Give a Report Name (i.e. Current Balance Report All Centers CBA)
7) Ensure Output Type is “Excel”
8) On the Select Report Data Tab, click on the following boxes:
a. HIERARCHY - Account Hierarchy Position Select All
b. HIERARCHY Reporting Hierarchy Select the following
i. Reporting Hierarchy Bank Name
ii. Level 1 Name
iii. Level 2 Name
iv. Level 3 Name
v. Level 4 Name
vi. Level 5 Name
c. ACCOUNT Account Name
d. ACCOUNT Account Status
f. ACCOUNT SUSPENSION Select the following
i. 120 Days
ii. 150 Days
iii. 180 Days
iv. 181+ Days
v. 30 Days
vi. 60 Days
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
vii. 90 Days
viii. Days Currently Past Due
ix. Past Due Balance
9) Scroll to the top of the screen and click on the “Filter for Content” tab
10) Ensure the “Account Type” field is selected as “Managing Account” and Account
Status is “All”
11) In the “Account Hierarchy Position” field, click on “Search for Position or Add
Multiple” (hyperlink)
12) Ensure Hierarchy Level is set to “Company”
13) Click Search
14) Scroll down to see all of the available company numbers; click on all of the
rows where the company number begins with “266”; ensure all boxes where the
company number begins with “265” are unchecked
15) Once confirmed, scroll a little to the right of the screen and click on the “Select
Position >” box
16) Scroll right to ensure that all checked boxes are now to the right of the “Select
Position >” box
17) Scroll down and click on the “Accept Hierarchy box”
18) Click on the “Set Report Layout” tab; change order of the report column to the
following (move the fields up and down by clicking and using the up/down
buttons on the right side of the screen)
a. Account Hierarchy Position
b. Account Name
c. Account Status
d. Agent Name
e. Company Name
f. Current Balance
g. Days Currently Past Due
h. Past Due Balance
i. 30 Days (Amount)
j. 60 Days (Amount)
k. 90 Days (Amount)
l. 120 Days (Amount)
m. 150 Days (Amount)
n. 180 Days (Amount)
o. 181 Days (Amount)
p. Department Name
q. Division Name
r. Last Payment Amount
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NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
s. Last Payment Date
t. Level 1 Name
u. Level 2 Name
v. Level 3 Name
w. Level 4 Name
x. Processing Hierarchy Bank Name
y. Reporting Hierarchy Bank Name
19) If you are setting up this report for the first time, click on the (blue) “Save
Template” button. This will allow you to save this layout to quickly run this
report in the future, instead of having to reestablish the parameters
20) Click on the (blue) “Run Report” button to run report and then save in the
applicable folder
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
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NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
B. Delinquencies with current balance IBA U.S. Bank
1. Login to Access Online
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NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
- Enter login information
2. Click on Reporting on left side of screen
3. Click on Flex Data Reporting
4. Click on “Create a New Template” tab at the top
5. Click on the radial button next to “Account”; scroll down and click “Create”
6. Give a Report Name (i.e. Current Balance Report All Centers IBA)
7. Ensure Output Type is “Excel”
8. On the Select Report Data Tab, click on the following boxes:
a. HIERARCHY - Account Hierarchy Position Select All
b. HIERARCHYReporting Hierarchy Select the following
i. Reporting Hierarchy Bank Name
ii. Level 1 Name
iii. Level 2 Name
iv. Level 3 Name
v. Level 4 Name
vi. Level 5 Name
c. ACCOUNT Account Name
d. ACCOUNT Account Status
f. ACCOUNT SUSPENSION Select the following
i. 120 Days
ii. 150 Days
iii. 180 Days
iv. 181+ Days
v. 30 Days
vi. 60 Days
vii. 90 Days
viii. Days Currently Past Due
ix. Past Due Balance
9. Scroll to the top of the screen and click on the “Filter for Content” tab
10. Ensure the “Account Type” field is selected as “Cardholder” and Account
Status is “All”
11. In the “Account Hierarchy Position” field, click on “Search for Position or
Add Multiple” (hyperlink)
12. Ensure Hierarchy Level is set to “Company”
13. Click Search
14. Scroll down to see all of the available company numbers; click on all of the
rows where the company number begins with “265”; ensure all boxes
where the company number begins with “266” are unchecked
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 32 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
15. Once confirmed, scroll a little to the right of the screen and click on the
“Select Position >” box
16. Scroll right to ensure that all checked boxes are now to the right of the
“Select Position >” box
17. Scroll down and click on the “Accept Hierarchy box”
18. Click on the “Set Report Layout” tab; change order of the report column to
the following (move the fields up and down by clicking and using the
up/down buttons on the right side of the screen)
a. Account Hierarchy Position
b. Account Name
c. Account Status
d. Agent Name
e. Company Name
f. Current Balance
g. Days Currently Past Due
h. Past Due Balance
i. 30 Days (Amount)
j. 60 Days (Amount)
k. 90 Days (Amount)
l. 120 Days (Amount)
m. 150 Days (Amount)
n. 180 Days (Amount)
o. 181+ Days (Amount)
p. Department Name
q. Division Name
r. Last Payment Amount
s. Last Payment Date
t. Level 1 Name
u. Level 2 Name
v. Level 3 Name
w. Level 4 Name
x. Processing Hierarchy Bank Name
y. Reporting Hierarchy Bank Name
19. If you are setting up this report for the first time, click on the (blue) “Save
Template” button. This will allow you to save this layout to quickly run this report
in the future, instead of having to reestablish the parameters
20. Click on the (blue) “Run Report” button to run report and then save in the
applicable folder
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
c. Delinquencies with current balance FLEET-
Log into Fleet Commander :
d. Transaction Summary by Hierarchy FLEET
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
After creating the reports, you can choose the menu item “reports”, and the submenu
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
item “download” to obtain the generated reports which will be available on the 12
of the
By the 12
of the month, the SP will use the results of those reports to fill out the
following charts. (Only fill in clear areas as there are formulas to fill out the grey areas.)
A. “Total Current Balanceamounts come from the report, “Flex Data Report
Delinquencies with Current Balance IBA” and are identified by Center
B. All of the Past Due categories come from the report, “Delinquencies with Current
Balance IBA” and are identified by Center
1. Go to N:\Financial Accounting Branch\Travel Card\Smartpay 3\Cardholders who
left NASA with balances IBA to pull up the document which shows the listing of
cardholders identified as having left NASA with a balance on their card
2. Identify these personnel on the Flex Data Report for IBA and delete the rows to
exclude these individuals; therefore, not penalizing the Center metrics for that
3. Additionally, each Center’s Total Outstanding Balance should be reduced by the
credit balance on the account
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
A. “Total Current Balance” amounts comes from the report, “Flex Data Report
Delinquencies with Current Balance CBA” and are identified by Center
B. All of the Past Due categories come from the report, “Delinquencies with Current
Balance CBA” and are identified by Center
A. “Total Current Balance” amounts comes from the report, “Transaction Summary by
Hierarchy Fleet” and are identified by Center
B. All of the Past Due categories come from the report, “Delinquencies with Current
Balance Fleet” and are identified by Center
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
NOTE: Manually add the totals for LARC and LARC Aircraft to populate the “Total
Current Balance” for LARC
Once the reports are completed, the SP will save the charts in N:\Financial Accounting
Branch\Travel Card\Agency Delinquency Reports\ US Bank Access Online Reports
\Monthly Reports and create a ServiceNow Case and assign the Task to the Lead
Travel APC and backup to let them know it is complete. The monthly delinquency
reports should be completed and provided to the Lead Travel APC within 2 business
days of when the monthly statements are available in Access Online. If any Center is
above the 2% threshold in “Percent Delinquent” column, the Lead APC will contact the
Center APC(s) and request the Center plan of corrective action within one week. The
charts, along with any statements of corrective action from the Centers, must be
emailed to HQ by the 6
day of the following month. A courtesy copy of the charts
without the corrective action plans is sent to all of the Center APCs.
Agency Quarterly APC Travel and Fleet Card OMB Report (NSSC Lead APC)
After the 17
of the month following the end of a quarter, run the following reports in
order to generate the information needed for an OMB annual report. Although these
reports can and should be saved, the dates of interest field must be updated every
quarter prior to running the report in order to receive the data from the most recent
quarter. In January, the Lead APC will consolidate all of the quarterly data and work
with NSSC Procurement to submit the document in OMBMAX. Save all reports to
N:\Financial Accounting Branch\Travel Card\OMB Reports - Correspondence\FY
OMB Quarterly Refund IBA and CBA
- The NASA Travel Card AOPC should contact the US Bank Relationship Manager,
Scott Kelly ( to obtain refund information/data.
OMB Full Transaction and Order Detail IBA- Quarter-US Bank
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
OMB Transaction Summary By Hierarchy- CBA Quarter-US Bank
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
OMB Travel IBA & CBA Quarter (The report is initially named “OMB Travel”)-US
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
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Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
OMB Charge Off Quarter-U.S. Bank
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NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
1. Query personnel from the NASA IG and the APCs from each Center to determine
if any cardholders were turned over to the IG for investigation and how many
employees at each Center received administrative or disciplinary action in the last
2. Send an email to NSSC FM Accounts Receivable to obtain the “Fedwire” reports
for the quarterly refunds received from the charge card bank. Compare these to
the amounts obtained from US Bank to ensure the totals match.
3. Utilize the NASA Workforce Information cubes online at and then click on Workforce Profile
Cube to obtain the Headcount (Final total of All Employees); save print screen in
folder on N drive along with other information needed to populate spreadsheet
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
4. Utilize the reports to create a quarterly chart that includes the number of active
travel cards at NASA, the number of active accounts, the percentage of
employees that are cardholders, the net number of new accounts for NASA for
the quarter, the dollars spent in the quarter, the refunds earned in the quarter, the
percentage of potential refunds earned, the number of cases reported by the
Agency to the IG, the number of administrative and/or disciplinary actions taken in
the last quarter for card misuse, the breakout and percentage of spending limits,
the number and percentage of cardholders with ATM withdrawal limits, and the
percentage of cardholders who travel less than 5 times annually. Most of the key
information is already in the correct order and format from the report labeled OMB
IBA & CBA (Quarter) Save this report in the following folder: N:\Financial
Accounting Branch\Travel Card\OMB Reports - Correspondence\FY 20XX\OMB
5. US Bank has informed NASA that they will only be providing NASA the detailed
data needed to complete the OMB spreadsheet on an annual basis. NASA
confirmed this change with GSA. The Lead APC will still gather the Center
responses on a quarterly basis and will consolidate into the OMB spreadsheet in
January each year. The US Bank annual data will be included as well at this time.
This chart should be emailed to the Procurement personnel responsible for credit
cards who provides this information to OMB utilizing OMB MAX OCFO Policy
should be cc’d this email for their awareness as well.
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NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
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Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
APPENDIX A – How to Create Reports
Create Access Online Reports
Report Name
When to
required by
Accounts List Report (sorted by
expiration date) - Accounts Renewing
Three Months
11th of the
Financial Management - Transaction
Detail - Account Activity with
Report-Local Use - LA
11th of the
Financial Management Transaction
Detail - Account Activity with
Report-Local Use - MS
11th of the
Transaction Detail Summary -Account
and Employee Hierarchy
11th of the
Program Management - Cardholder
Status with Hierarchy
and Closed
11th of the
Cash Advance by Hierarchy
11th of the
Declined Transactions Authorizations
- Declines
11th of the
Flex Data - Delinquencies with
Balance - NSSC
11th of the
Financial Management: Transaction
Detail Report
11th of the
1. Log into
2. In the left hand corner click on Reporting.
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NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
3. In the Reporting list, Click on the name of the report. Click on Program Management,
then Past Due. Complete the following fields in Past Due then click run report. Similar
steps will be followed to create the remaining Access Online Reports.
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Accounts List Report (formerly Accounts Renewing Within Three Months)
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
*** In Level 4 put your center number. For example NSSC will be 26511.***
Transaction Detail Summary Report -Local Use LA
Note: This report should be created twice, Example: once for LA and a 2
report for
MS. Remember to type or select MS in each area LA is listed in the screen shot below
for the MS report. Centers should select the states activity for their respective area.
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NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
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NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Transaction Detail Summary Report
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
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Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Make sure to mark include and not exclude below.
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 59 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Program Management - Account List Report-Cardholder Status with Hierarchy
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Cash Advance Report formerly Cash Advance by Hierarchy
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
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Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
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Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Declined Transactions Authorizations Report
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
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Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Past Due Report- Delinquencies with Current BalanceFlex Data IBA
Steps for setting up Flex Data Report for IBA
1) Login to Access Online
a. Enter login information
2) Click on Reporting on left side of screen
3) Click on Flex Data Reporting
4) Click on “Create a New Template” tab at the top
5) Click on the radial button next to “Account”; scroll down and click “Create”
6) Give a Report Name (i.e. Current Balance Report All Centers IBA)
7) Ensure Output Type is “Excel”
8) On the Select Report Data Tab, click on the following boxes:
a. HIERARCHY - Account Hierarchy Position Select All
b. HIERARCHY Reporting Hierarchy Select the following
i. Reporting Hierarchy Bank Name
ii. Level 1 Name
iii. Level 2 Name
iv. Level 3 Name
v. Level 4 Name
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SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
vi. Level 5 Name
c. ACCOUNT Account Name
d. ACCOUNT Account Status
f. ACCOUNT SUSPENSION Select the following
i. 120 Days
ii. 150 Days
iii. 180 Days
iv. 30 Days
v. 60 Days
vi. 90 Days
vii. Days Currently Past Due
viii. Past Due Balance
9) Scroll to the top of the screen and click on the “Filter for Content” tab
10) Ensure the “Account Type” field is selected as “Cardholder” and Account Status
is “All”
11) In the “Account Hierarchy Position” field, click on “Search for Position or Add
Multiple” (hyperlink)
12) Ensure Hierarchy Level is set to “Company”
13) Click Search
14) Scroll down to see all of the available company numbers; click on all of the rows
where the company number begins with “265”; ensure all boxes where the
company number begins with “266” are unchecked
15) Once confirmed, scroll a little to the right of the screen and click on the “Select
Position >” box
16) Scroll right to ensure that all checked boxes are now to the right of the “Select
Position >” box
17) Scroll down and click on the “Accept Hierarchy box”
18) Click on the “Set Report Layout” tab; change order of the report column to the
following (move the fields up and down by clicking and using the up/down
buttons on the right side of the screen)
a. Account Hierarchy Position
b. Account Name
c. Account Status
d. Agent Name
e. Company Name
f. Current Balance
g. Days Currently Past Due
h. Past Due Balance
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
i. 30 Days (Amount)
j. 60 Days (Amount)
k. 90 Days (Amount)
l. 120 Days (Amount)
m. 150 Days (Amount)
n. 180 Days (Amount)
o. Department Name
p. Division Name
q. Last Payment Amount
r. Last Payment Date
s. Level 1 Name
t. Level 2 Name
u. Level 3 Name
v. Level 4 Name
w. Processing Hierarchy Bank Name
x. Reporting Hierarchy Bank Name
19) If you are setting up this report for the first time, click on the (blue) “Save
Template” button. This will allow you to save this layout to quickly run this report
in the future, instead of having to reestablish the parameters
20) Click on the (blue) “Run Report” button to run report and then save in the
applicable folder
Past Due Report- Delinquencies with Current Balance Flex Data CBA
Steps for setting up Flex Data Report for CBA
1) Login to Access Online
a. Enter login information
2) Click on Reporting on left side of screen
3) Click on Flex Data Reporting
4) Click on “Create a New Template” tab at the top
5) Click on the radial button next to “Account”; scroll down and click “Create”
6) Give a Report Name (i.e. Current Balance Report All Centers CBA)
7) Ensure Output Type is Excel”
8) On the Select Report Data Tab, click on the following boxes:
a. HIERARCHY - Account Hierarchy Position Select All
b. HIERARCHY Reporting Hierarchy Select the following
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
i. Reporting Hierarchy Bank Name
ii. Level 1 Name
iii. Level 2 Name
iv. Level 3 Name
v. Level 4 Name
vi. Level 5 Name
c. ACCOUNT Account Name
d. ACCOUNT Account Status
f. ACCOUNT SUSPENSION Select the following
i. 120 Days
ii. 150 Days
iii. 180 Days
iv. 30 Days
v. 60 Days
vi. 90 Days
vii. Days Currently Past Due
viii. Past Due Balance
9) Scroll to the top of the screen and click on the “Filter for Content” tab
10) Ensure the “Account Type” field is selected as “Managing Account” and Account
Status is “All”
11) In the “Account Hierarchy Position” field, click on “Search for Position or Add
Multiple” (hyperlink)
12) Ensure Hierarchy Level is set to “Company”
13) Click Search
14) Scroll down to see all of the available company numbers; click on all of the rows
where the company number begins with “266”; ensure all boxes where the
company number begins with “265” are unchecked
15) Once confirmed, scroll a little to the right of the screen and click on the “Select
Position >” box
16) Scroll right to ensure that all checked boxes are now to the right of the “Select
Position >” box
17) Scroll down and click on the “Accept Hierarchy box”
18) Click on the Set Report Layout” tab; change order of the report column to the
following (move the fields up and down by clicking and using the up/down
buttons on the right side of the screen)
a. Account Hierarchy Position
b. Account Name
c. Account Status
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
d. Agent Name
e. Company Name
f. Current Balance
g. Days Currently Past Due
h. Past Due Balance
i. 30 Days (Amount)
j. 60 Days (Amount)
k. 90 Days (Amount)
l. 120 Days (Amount)
m. 150 Days (Amount)
n. 180 Days (Amount)
o. Department Name
p. Division Name
q. Last Payment Amount
r. Last Payment Date
s. Level 1 Name
t. Level 2 Name
u. Level 3 Name
v. Level 4 Name
w. Processing Hierarchy Bank Name
x. Reporting Hierarchy Bank Name
19) If you are setting up this report for the first time, click on the (blue) “Save
Template” button. This will allow you to save this layout to quickly run this report
in the future, instead of having to reestablish the parameters
20) Click on the (blue) “Run Report” button to run report and then save in the
applicable folder
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
APPENDIX B Sample E-mail Notifications
Sample Reminder Notification of 30-day past due to employee
From: (Center APC Name)
Sent: XXXX
To: [30-day past due Employee’s Full Name]
Subject: Government Travel CardEmployee last name
[Employee Full Name],
This is a courtesy notification to inform you that as of (date) your US Bank Government
Travel Charge Card account has a past due balance in the amount of $xx.xx with a
current balance of $xx.xx. Please make a payment for the amount past due as soon as
possible. I encourage you to use (for US Bank) to make a
payment. Please allow two to three days for the payment to process and appear on
your account. Please e-mail or call me if you have any questions.
Thank you,
(Center APC Name)
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Sample 45-day Standard Delinquency Notice
From: (Center APC Name)
Sent: XXXX
To: [45-day past due Employee’s Full Name]
CC: [Lead APC], [Travel Lead]
Subject: Delinquent Government Travel Card 45 Days - Employee last name
[Employee Full Name],
Please be aware that your U.S. Bank Government Travel Charge Card account is 45
days past due from the statement date and is approaching suspension at 61 days past
due from the statement date.
All U.S. Bank accounts are due and payable IN FULL upon receipt. On [month day,
year] at midnight your card will be suspended by the bank for being 61 days past due
from the statement date and an e-mail will be sent to your supervisor as well as the
Chief of Human Resources. Your past due balance is $XXX.XX.
Thank You,
Center APC
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Sample 61-day Suspended Delinquency Notice*
From: Agency APC POC
Sent: XXXX
To: [61-day past due Employees Full Name]
CC: [Supervisor, Chief- Human Resources, Agency Lead APC]
Subject: Delinquent Government Travel Card 61 Days suspended -Employee last
[Employee Full Name],
Your government travel card account[XXXX last four account #] is suspended and
as of [Month, Day, Year], you had a 61 day past due from the statement date in the
amount of $XX.XX, with a current balance of $XX.XX. Please make a payment for
$XX.XX as soon as possible. The account will not be unsuspended by the bank, until
a payment is made.
Thank You,
Agency APC POC
*Suspension e-mail that is sent to the cardholder, supervisor, NSSC Chief of Human
Resources, Lead APC, OCFO POC and Director, QAD should be forwarded to the
Chief, Financial Management Division (FMD) and Chief, Travel Branch.
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Sample Validation of Travel Card Charge
From: Center APC
Sent: XXXX
To: [Validation of Travel Employee Full Name]
Subject: Validation of Travel Card Charge
During a monthly review of the NSSC’s Travel Card transactions, the transaction
below was identified as either a transaction occurring outside the timeline of an
approved Travel Authorization or as a transaction potentially not appropriate for
charging as a travel related expense. The charges include:
10/19/10 Buffalo Wild WingsSlidell, LA - $17.94
Please provide an explanation in writing for the above charge(s) within three business
days. If you feel a mistake has been made, or have any questions regarding the
Government Travel Card policy, please call me.
Thank You,
Center APC
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
APC Agency Program Coordinator
ATM Automated Teller Machine
ATSB Accounting Travel Services Branch
CAPC Center Agency Program Coordinator
CC Courtesy Copy
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CGE Concur Government Edition
FMD Financial Management Division
FTR Federal Travel Regulations
HR Human Resources
IBA Individually Billed Account
LA Louisiana
MS Mississippi
NPD NASA Policy Directive
NSSC NASA Shared Services Center
OCFO Office of the Chief Financial Officer
OMB Office of Management and Budget
POC Point of Contact
QAD Quality Assurance Division
SAL SATERN Administrator Lead
SATERN System for Administration, Training, and Educational
Resources for NASA
SP Service Provider
TA Travel Authorization
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
APPENDIX D –Travel Charge Card Chart
Conduct Center
monthly account
11th of each
monitoring for
(change in
date due to
US Bank
cycle date
ending on the
of each
abuse, and
misuse, cash
advance and
Submit results of
By the first of
the month
following the
end of the
abuse, misuse,
cash advances
and declines) to
Lead APC
Agency monthly
monitoring for
abuse, and
misuse, cash
advance and
Lead APC
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
E-mail cardholder
and supervisor
Within 2 days
As soon as
notification to
OCFO, Lead
APC team, NSSC
Travel Lead and
QAD Director of
(61 days
delinquencies to
17th of each
Lead APC
month(change in
date due to US
Bank cycle date
ending on the 10
of each month)
Review results of
Lead APC
Prepare Agency
Report and
Submit draft to
by the 6th
of the following
Lead APC
Report to Lead
Employee Use of
Card Report
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Conduct monthly
monitoring of
transferring and
By the 5th
business day of
the month
Monitor status of
cardholders and
Monitor status of
frequency of
for card
Prepare Annual
OMB Report
Submit to OCFO
by January 23
upload to
Lead APC
Charge Card
Posted to
OMBMAX by 31
January every
other year
Submit travel
card account
No later than 25
days after closing
date on
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
61 calendar days
from an unpaid
billing date
121 calendar
days from an
unpaid billing
date or as
181 calendar
days from an
unpaid billing
Review reports
from NASA HR
separating from
Participates in
Prepare request
package with
appropriate forms
As needed
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
package and
Contractor if
approved to
As needed
Lead APC
Approve request
As needed
Lead APC
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
APPENDIX E – Monthly Travel Card Assurance Review
Steps/Instructions to complete required fields:
Monthly Section
1) Program Mgmt: Past Due Report
a. Number of Issues Identified: Enter the total number of delinquent accounts
reported greater than 30 days
b. Actions Taken: Enter the number of follow up-actions taken with brief
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
details (i.e. Required payment made to 1 account; 4 accounts required
payment reminder notification)
2) Program Mgmt: Account List
a. Number of Issues Identified: Enter the total number of cardholder
accounts with new, suspended, and cancel statuses only
b. Actions Taken: Enter the total number of cards per status (all reported).
Also report any follow-up actions with brief details (i.e. One reminder
notification sent to activate card.)
c. NOTE: Use this report additionally to identify if any accounts expire within
3 months. If any do, email the cardholder advising that the current card is
expiring and a new card will be issued
3) Program Mgmt: Declined Transaction Authorizations
a. Number of Issues Identified: Enter the total number of transactions listed
in the report
b. Actions Taken: Enter the total number of follow-up actions with brief
details (i.e. 10 follow-ups required affecting 10 accounts)
c. NOTE: Use this report to see why transactions are declining. This report
helps to identify potential misuse and identify if any MCCs need to be
added to a cardholder’s profile if warranted
4) Financial Management: Transaction Detail
a. Number of Issues Identified: Enter the total number of transactions from
the Transaction Detail reconciliation that required follow up actions
b. Actions Taken: Enter the grand total of transactions reported (i.e. 389
Transactions reviewed)
c. NOTE: Each transaction is reviewed to ensure that the cardholder was on
official travel. This helps to identify potential misuse. If potential misuse
has been determined, an official letter is sent to the cardholder and a copy
to his/her supervisor and Center HR
5) Financial Management: Transaction Detail (Local Use)
a. Number of Issues Identified: Report the total number of transactions from
the Local Use Reconciliation that required follow-up actions
b. Actions Taken: Enter the total number of transactions per state (i.e. MS-8,
LA-10); Also, report the total number of follow-up actions with brief details
c. NOTE: This section (local use) is identified by running the Transaction
Detail report and then filtering on your local area to determine potential
misuse of the card. You need to filter on the state and then area cities to
determine this keep in mind that airport parking is an authorized use of
the card in your local area, so be sure to exclude those transactions
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
6) Program Management: Cash Advance
a. Number of Issues Identified: Enter the total number of transactions from
the Cash Advance reconciliation that required follow-up actions
b. Actions Taken: Enter the total number of cash advances reported in all
and the total number of follow-up actions with brief details
c. NOTE: Review this report to ensure cardholder is on travel (within days
priort to trip through end of official travel day)
Quarterly Section
1) Potential Misuse/Abuse
a. Number of Issues Identified Add up the number of misuse and abuse
occurrences for the 3 months (quarterly period)
b. Refer to the section within this WI named Program Monitoring Reports (pg
14) to refer to guidance/details on what consititues misuse vs abuse per
Agency/Federal regulations
2) Mandatory Training Verification (Cardholders)
You should be running monthly reports out of SATERN to ensure that all
your Center cardholders are not expired with their SATERN travel card
training. For anyone you identify that is overdue/expired on their training,
email them, advising them that this is a requirement to take this mandatory
course every 3 years. In the Action taken portion of this document, you can
just enter something to the effect of “All delinquent cardholders have been
notified and have been reminded to take this course at their earliest
1) Travel Frequency Verification does not need to be completed as Access Online
does not have this functionality built into it
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
APPENDIX F Procedures for Salary Offset
Salary Offset References
Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998- (Public Law 105-264_ Oct.
OMB Circular A-123, Appendix B
Federal Travel Regulations
This process ensures compliance with references (a) through (c) identified above and
establishes a NASA salary offset process for delinquent Individually Billed Travel
Charge Cardholders.
Salary Offset
Salary offset is the process of collecting an undisputed delinquent travel card amount
by direct deduction from an employee’s salary payment or retirement annuity for
payment to the travel card vendor. Salary offset applies to the Individually Billed
Accounts only.
References (a) & (b) direct Federal entities to set up salary offset procedures.
Salary offset applies to accounts that are 126 days past due with a delinquent balance
of $100.00 or greater. Any offset amount is limited to 15% of the employee’s disposable
pay, per pay period, except with written consent from the employee to approve a higher
percentage. The following due process must be fulfilled before starting salary offset.
Written notice of the type and amount of the claim, the intent to collect the claim
by deduction from the employee’s disposable pay, and an explanation of the
employee’s rights. See Attachment A for sample letter which includes
employee’s rights.
The employee’s opportunity to inspect and copy the records related to the claim.
The employee’s opportunity to make a written agreement with the travel
card vendor to repay the delinquent amount directly.
Salary Offset Process
1. Center APC shall begin the following process after the close of the US
Bank statement billing cycle on the 11
of the month.
2. Prepare a list of Center employees that have delinquent balances over 126
days past due and is $100.00 or greater. This information can be obtained
from the US Bank’s Access Online Past Due Report
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
3. Compare the new monthly offset list with the previous month’s offset list
4. Remove from the salary offset list any cardholder who:
a. Is already in the salary offset process
b. Is actively working with the merchant or bank to resolve
questionable charges
c. Has a delinquency related to lost or stolen card or a dispute
d. Has a balance less than $100.00
e. Timely submitted the corresponding travel voucher for reimbursement
but has not been reimbursed by the Agency yet.
5. Verify the following with Center HR:
a. Employment status- current, separated, retired, deceased or non-
NASA employee
b. Address- physical mailing address
c. Social Security Number
6. Remove from salary offset list any cardholder who has separated from NASA,
is deceased or is a non-NASA civil servant
7. If the employee is no longer employed by NASA, a notification is sent to
the US Bank Relationship Manager and Account Coordinator so the
account can be scheduled for outside collection by the bank
8. Notify US Bank of any deceased delinquent cardholders
9. Remove cardholders from the salary offset list that have made payments in full
or have a balance less than $100.00
NOTE: It is suggested that steps a) through f) be performed on the same day to
ensure that the cardholder has not made a payment on their account. If these
steps are not performed in the same day, run another Access Online Past Due
report by performing steps a) through e) above to make sure the cardholder
has not made a payment on their delinquent account before any further actions
are taken.
10. Within three business days of running the initial report, send the salary offset
list to the Lead APC team (TravelCard_Lead[email protected]
and to the US Bank Relationship Manager and Account Coordinator
11. Send Due Process Letter to any cardholders on the new salary offset list
after US Bank formally requests that the salary offset process begin. This
takes the form of a formal letter from US Bank stating that a particular person
is delinquent greater than 126 days and that US Bank is asking NASA to
implement the salary offset process.
12. See Attachment A for sample letter
14. 30 days after the Due Process Letter is sent out (approximately 160 days
delinquent), the Center APC checks the salary offset list against the Access
Online Past Due Report to:
15. Remove cardholders from the salary offset list who have paid in full
16. Reduce delinquent balances on the salary offset list of those cardholders
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
who have partially paid their past due balances
17. Validate with US Bank that the cardholder did not submit an appeal
18. For the cardholder debt that reaches the 160 day delinquency date, the Center
APC fills out Department of the Interior (DOI) Form A-19 Request for
Administrative Offset of Delinquent Government Credit Card Debt (Attachment
B) and either emails the form to David Yeo with the Department of Interior
(NASA’s POC) at [email protected] or fax the form to DOI within one
business day. Lastly, the APC e-mails the Lead APC that a Form A-19 was
faxed to DOI for the specific cardholder. This form needs bank routing
information which can be obtained from the Lead APC.
19. Retain all documentation for six years and three months
20. DOI is contractually required to process the form within two pay periods.
21. Salary offset will be withheld from the employee’s paycheck every two weeks
after being processed by DOI and sent electronically to US Bank per the data
on DOI form A-19 Request for Administrative Offset of Delinquent Government
Credit Card Debt until the debt and late fees are paid. (Unless otherwise
agreed to by the cardholder, the amount offset is 15% of the cardholder’s net
pay for each pay period until the debt is completely eliminated.)
22. The Center APC will validate previous salary offset deductions have begun from
the cardholder’s paycheck and are being properly applied to the correct account.
This is accomplished by reviewing the Access Online transaction query for the
last 30 days for the salary offset cardholder.
23. If payments do not appear to be made to the account and it has been 30 days
since the DOI salary offset request form was forwarded to DOI, the Center
APC will send an e-mail to DOI and verify the correct account was requested
to be credited at the bank. If DOI has not received POD A-19, the APC will
refax or email the form back to DOI.
24. If DOI verifies that payments are being offset and sent to the bank and the
employee information provided is valid, then the Center APC will contact
the bank to determine where the payment has been posted.
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Attachment A: Sample Due Process e-mail Notice for Salary Offset Procedures
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Enclosure to Due Process Notice
Employees are expected to timely reimburse the travel charge card contractor for all
undisputed charges on the card. Employees are also expected to have used the card
only for expenses related to official travel, to have timely filed their travel vouchers and
to have timely disputed any improper charges. Therefore, the grounds for an appeal
are limited. The following may, if properly substantiated, be grounds for appeal:
1. The charges sought by the travel charge card contractor are the subject of
a properly completed timely filed travel voucher that has not been paid by
the government.
2. The charges sought by the travel charge card contractor are the subject of
a timely dispute that the Travel charge card contractor has not resolved.
3. The charges sought by the travel charge card contractor have been released
in bankruptcy.
4. The employee and the travel charge card contractor have signed a written
payment agreement, and the employee is timely making payments as
required by the agreement.
5. The employee has paid the delinquent balance in full.
The employee is responsible for providing proof to support any grounds for appeal. The
nature of the proof will vary in each case. For example, proof to support an appeal
based on the statement that the charges sought by the travel charge card contractor
are the subject of a properly completely timely filed travel voucher that has not been
paid by the government would include:
1. A copy of the voucher;
2. Copies of any communications with the travel payment office
concerning payment;
3. A copy of the travel charge card billing statement; and
4. Any other evidence supporting the employee’s statement.
As a general rule, financial hardship is not grounds for appeal. Because the travel
charge card may only be used for official travel expenses, which are reimbursed by the
government, the employee should be able to reimburse the travel charge card
contractor without hardship. Any request that the salary offset not be processed, either
at all or a reduced rate (less than 15% of disposable pay), because of financial
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Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
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Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
hardship must include a detailed explanation of the hardship with a complete financial
statement reflecting all income available to the household and all required monthly
payments and debts.
For further information, please reference the FTR and applicable cardholder
agreements. Appendix B OMB Circular A-123 (Revised January 2009)
NOTE: Highlights of Letter (per A123 Appendix B)
1. Provides the employee with written notice of:
a. Type and amount of the claim
b. Intention to collect the claim by deduction from the employee’s
disposable pay, and
c. An explanation of the employee’s rights as a debtor
2. Provides the employee an opportunity to:
a. Inspect and copy the records related to the claim
b. Review the agency decision related to the claim and
c. Make a written agreement directly with the charge card vendor to repay
the delinquent amount.
NOTE: In the event that an employee does file an appeal, the Lead APC team will
be sent notification by the Center APC through email at The Lead APC team will
determine if the documentation or explanation provided by the employee justifies
the appeal through a review process.
When the employee lets the Center APC know that he/she wants to file an appeal,
the employee will have to select the proper justification from the list below. The
employee should provide the Center APC with documentation or email traffic that
substantiates his/her request for appeal. This information would be emailed to the
Lead APC team.
1) The charges sought by the travel charge card contractor are the subject of
a properly completed timely filed travel voucher that has not been paid by
the government. Center APC would log into CGE to verify voucher has
not been paid, obtain a current status and ensure that the IBA portion of
the voucher has enough to pay off the delinquent debt owed to US Bank
2) The charges sought by the travel charge card contractor are the subject of
a timely dispute that the Travel charge card contractor has not resolved.
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 88 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Center APC would contact US Bank Account Coordinator team (1-800-
254-9885 option #3) to verify dispute, obtain expected dispute resolution
date, ensure that disputed amount covers delinquent debt and report to
the Lead APC team through email at
3) The charges sought by the travel charge card contractor have been released
in bankruptcy.Center APC would obtain bankruptcy documentation from
employee and forward securely to the Lead APC team at Lead APC team would
engage legal office to ensure delinquent balances owed to US Bank were
included/excluded in the bankruptcy.
4) The employee and the travel charge card contractor have signed a written
payment agreement, and the employee is timely making payments as
required by the agreement.US Bank’s Relationship Manager has verified
to NASA that they (US Bank) do not engage or participate in payment
plans/agreements with government cardholders.
5) The employee has paid the delinquent balance in full.Center APC would go
into Access Online to verify payment has been posted that is enough to cover
the delinquent amount owed. If payment does not show in Access Online and
the employee maintains that it was made, Center APC would contact US Bank
Account Coordinator team to review pending payments. If payment has not
posted and US Bank is unable to verify a payment in pending status, Center
APC will request proof from employee (i.e. bank statement) showing the
payment to US Bank.
The Lead APC at the NSSC will review all appeal documentation and make the decision
to either grant or reject the appeal. Once the decision is made, the Lead APC will email
the employee and include the Center APC team with the results of the appeal (granted or
denied). Please be aware that if the appeal is granted, the result is that NASA
would not offset the employee’s salary to make the payment to US Bank; however,
the employee would still be legally responsible to US Bank for the amount owed.
If an appeal is granted, the Lead APC would contact US Bank to let them know that
salary offset will not be taking place and recommend that US Bank pursue normal
collection efforts on their end.
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 89 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Attachment B: Memorandum to Payroll Operation Division
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 90 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
Attachment C: Summary of Process Time Line
1. 12
of each month through approximately the 17th
of each month, the
Center APC will:
a. Compare Access Online Past Due report to previous salary offset list
(Step 1. a through c)
b. Forward new salary offset list of cardholders to HR for
employment verification (Step 1. d)
c. Remove applicable cardholders from salary offset list (Step 1. e through
d. Send salary offset list to US Bank, Agency Lead APC (Step 1. g)
e. Center APC sends Due Process Letter to cardholders at delinquency
age of approximately 95 days past due (Step 1. h)
2. 17th
of the following month listed in paragraph 1 (30 days past Due
Process Letter or approximately 125 days past due)
a. Center APC verifies balance from salary offset list and notifies
employee and US Bank that offset is going to begin (Step 1. i, j)
b. Center APC faxes the DOI A-19 form Request for Administrative Offset
of Delinquent Government Credit Card Debt to DOI to start payroll
deduction. Note: this form cannot be initiated until 30 days after the
official Due Process Letter is sent to the cardholder (Step 1. j)
3. 11
of the following month listed in paragraph 2:
a. Center APC reviews monthly Access Online Transaction Hierarchy
report to validate that the salary offset has begun (Step 3.)
b. Center APC sends follow up e-mail requesting the follow up from DOI
on salary offsets that have not begun (Step 3 a. & b.)
NOTE: Any late fees that continue to be accumulated will require the APC to submit
further DOI A-19 forms for such late fees.
Process Work Instruction
NSPWI-9710-0001 Revision 15.0
Effective Date: February 11, 2022
Expiration Date: February 11, 2023
Page 91 of 91
Responsible Office: Financial Management Division
SUBJECT: Travel Card APC Roles and Responsibilities
APPENDIX G Quarterly Travel Card Usage Report (Center Action)
Quarterly, the overall Agency Program Coordinator (APC) will provide each Center
APC (CAPC) with a report of cardholders selected at random who failed to use their
Travel credit card while on official travel for NASA. The Center APC is responsible for
contacting cardholders to obtain justification as to why the government credit card was
not used and to remind the cardholder of the policies (NPR 9730.1), section 4.1
requiring use of the travel card for official travel expenses.
The CAPC will document and report back to the Agency APC that contact was made
with the cardholder and the reasons for not using the card. The responses will be
included in the overall NASA Quarterly Travel Card Usage Review, the details of which
are outlined in NSPWI-9000-0003, “NSSC FMD Internal Review Work Instructions and
Procedures.” If a CAPC determines a cardholder has failed to meet their responsibilities
to use the card, the CAPC should provide written notification to the travel cardholder
and cardholder’s supervisor within 2 business days as per NPR 9730.1, “Travel Cards.”