Vocational Rehabilitation:
The process of helping you
regain physical, mental and
economic well-being.
Each year, thousands of people
become disabled and are unable
to work. Your employer’s Aetna
Disability Insurance plan protects
a portion of your income from
the impact of a disabling illness
or injury. And, while disability
insurance benefit payments help you
meet your financial needs, it takes
more than regular income to rebuild
your life. That’s why we do more than
provide a benefits check.
26.02.910.1A (7/05)
We realize most people who
become disabled want to return to
their regular lives and productive
employment. We provide professional
rehabilitation services through our
disability insurance plans that can
help you do just that. If there is a
reasonable possibility that you can
return to work, we want to help
you with a vocational rehabilitation
program that may involve career
counseling, medical and psychological
services, job training and other
individualized services.
Helping Rebuild Lives and Careers
After a Disability
Paul’s story
Gradual return to work
helps recovery
A motor vehicle accident had
paralyzed Paul fr
om the waist down.
wing surgery and a reco
period, our Vocational Rehabilitation
Consultant follo
wed up with Paul
and his doctor. Paul
s doctor
approved a plan to have him r
to work gradually.
Our Vocational Rehabilitation
Consultant arranged for a workstation
aluation by Paul’s physical therapist,
who was familiar with Pauls injuries
and his tolerance during r
Pauls employer implemented
cations as recommended by
the therapist and P
aul returned to
k with a fl
exible schedule.
Within three weeks, Paul was
back to working full-time while
continuing to receive physical
therapy to help improve his
functioning with daily activities.
A Rehabilitation Approach
Based On Your Needs
e want to help you return to
your regular life and productive
employment. To that end, our
Vocational Rehabilitation
Review your claim to assess the
appropriateness of rehabilitation
(Note: Your employer’s disability
plan may require your participation in
rehabilitation and return-to-work efforts.)
Discuss appropriate rehabilitation
services with you
Work with a national network of
vocational, medical and rehabilitation
specialists to get you the services
you need
Help you understand your disability
and how our program can help
you return to work
Assist you in your return to work
Our initial vocational evaluation
will help to determine if it is
most appropriate for you to:
Return to your former job
Return to your former job with
changes to your job duties or
work site
Return to your employer in a
new position
Obtain a new job with a new
employer using skills you
already have
Obtain training to qualify for a
new job with different skills
Answers to Some of
Your Questions
Why should I participate in a
rehabilitation program?
Participating in a rehabilitation
program can help you:
Successfully return to work
Earn income greater than your
disability benefit
Continue to build up your Social
Security retirement fund
What if I am not ready to return
to work?
If you are receiving medical treatment
or therapy, one of our Vocational
Rehabilitation Consultants can work
closely with you and your doctor to
determine your prognosis and any
future plans for vocational r
What if I’m not capable of
full-time work?
Your eligibility for continuing benefits
will not be affected by a gradual return
to work. In fact, part-time ear
nings plus
adjusted disability benefits may provide
you with a higher income than your
disability benefit alone.
Will I receive disability benefits
while I am in a rehabilitation
Yes, your disability benefits will
continue while you ar
e participating
in an Aetna-approved rehabilitation
What happens when I complete
my Aetna-approved rehabilitation
When your rehabilitation plan is
completed and if you are capable
of returning to work, your eligibility
for continued disability benefits will
be re-evaluated.
What if my return to work is
not successful?
Your disability benefit provides a
period of time during which, if you
become disabled again from the
same disability, your benefits will be
reinstated without a further waiting
period. Y
ou will need to provide
medical evidence of your continued
Dan’s story
Retraining offers new
lease on life
Dan, who has a physically demanding
job, was diagnosed with a left rotator
cuff tear, osteoarthritis of the knees
and inflammation of his lumbar
vertebrae. Because Dan is an Aetna
Disability Insurance member, our
Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant
interviewed him to determine an
appropriate course of action. During
this interview, Dan mentioned that he
would be scheduled for surgery in the
near future.
After considering Dans situation, our
Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant
ecommended a shor
t-term training
ogram in a less physically demanding
job skill.
Several months later, Dan began
retraining, completed the required
coursework and accepted a new,
less physically demanding position
working for a large manufacturer.
Aetna is the brand name used for pr
oducts and services pr
ovided by one or mor
e of the
Aetna group of subsidiary companies. Disability Insurance Plans are underwritten by Aetna
Life Insurance Company
This material is for informational purposes only and is neither an offer of coverage nor medical advice. It contains
only a partial, general description of disability plan benefits or programs and does not constitute a contract. Consult
the disability plan documents to determine governing contractual provisions, including procedures, exclusions and
limitations r
elating to the plan.
While this material is believed to be accurate as of the print date, it is subject to change. Stories are based on the
experience of actual Aetna members.
26.02.910.1A (7/05) ©2005 Aetna Inc.
Michelle’s story
Collaboration produces
favorable results
An accident left Michelle with a
severe spinal cord injury, preventing
her from using her legs. She spent
several months in an acute-care
hospital before being transferred to
a rehabilitation facility.
We assigned a Vocational
Rehabilitation Consultant who is
specially trained to understand the
unique challenges faced by people
with spinal cord injuries. This
consultant helped Michelle
s family
create a handicapped-accessible home
environment for Michelle.
The consultant also arranged meetings
with Michelle, her physicians and a
epresentative from her employer, to
develop and implement a specific
plan to return Michelle to work.
This involv
ed an assessment of the
work site to identify modifications to
Michelles work area.
After several months of collaborative
planning and with recommended
modifications implemented by her
employer, Michelle was able to return
to work on a full-time basis.
We Can Help You Return
to Healthy, Active Living
As a leading health insurer, we
know that every disability is a
health event; every injury and illness
involves a medical diagnosis and a
medical course of action. We
understand illnesses and injuries
and their recovery periods. And,
because of our history in disability
insurance benefits, we know how
illnesses and injuries affect your
life and your work. With this
knowledge and experience, we
can help you understand your
condition and return to a healthy,
active life as soon as it is medically
safe to do so.