Basic Research
and Clinical
Gerhard Litscher
Edited by
Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Medicines
Acupuncture—Basic Research and
Clinical Application
Acupuncture—Basic Research and
Clinical Application
Special Issue Editor
Gerhard Litscher
MDPI Basel Beijing Wuhan Barcelona Belgrade
Special Issue Editor
Gerhard Litscher
Medical University of Graz
Editorial Office
St. Alban-Anlage 66
Basel, Switzerland
This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Medicines
(ISSN 2305-6320) from 2016 to 2018 (available at:
For citation purposes, cite each article independently as indicated on the article page online and as
indicated below:
LastName, A.A.; LastName, B.B.; LastName, C.C. Article Title. Journal Name Year, Article Number,
Page Range.
ISBN 978-3-03897-234-1 (Pbk)
ISBN 978-3-03897-235-8 (PDF)
Cover image courtesy of Gerhard Litscher.
Articles in this volume are Open Access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for
commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures
maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. The book taken as a whole is
2018 MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons license CC BY-NC-ND (
About the Special Issue Editor ...................................... vii
Preface to ”Acupuncture—Basic Research and Clinical Application” ............... ix
Gerhard Litscher
Introduction to the Medicines Special Issue on Acupuncture—Basic Research and
Clinical Application
Reprinted from: Medicines 2018, 5, 99, doi: 10.3390/medicines5030099 ................ 1
Gerhard Litscher
Laser Acupuncture Research: China, Austria, and Other Countries—Update 2018
Reprinted from: Medicines 2018, 5, 92, doi: 10.3390/medicines5030092 ................ 5
Xiaojuan Shang, Luquan Chen, Gerhard Litscher, Yanxia Sun, Chuxiong Pan, Cun-Zhi Liu,
Daniela Litscher and Lu Wang
Acupuncture and Lifestyle Myopia in Primary School Children—Results from a
Transcontinental Pilot Study Performed in Comparison to Moxibustion
Reprinted from: Medicines 2018, 5, 95, doi: 10.3390/medicines5030095 ................ 7
David F. Mayor, Lara S. McClure and J. Helgi Clayton McClure
Individual Differences in Responsiveness to Acupuncture: An Exploratory Survey of
Practitioner Opinion
Reprinted from: Medicines 2018, 5, 85, doi: 10.3390/medicines5030085 ................ 15
Tilo Blechschmidt, Maike Krumsiek and Margarita G. Todorova
The Effect of Acupuncture on Visual Function in Patients with Congenital and
Acquired Nystagmus
Reprinted from: Medicines 2017, 4, 33, doi: 10.3390/medicines4020033 ................ 46
David F. Mayor, Lara S. McClure and J. Helgi Clayton McClure
Nonspecific Feelings Expected and Experienced during or Immediately after
Electroacupuncture: A Pilot Study in a Teaching Situation
Reprinted from: Medicines 2017, 4, 19, doi: 10.3390/medicines4020019 ................ 57
Shuo-Ping Tseng, Yu-Ching Hsu, Ching-Ju Chiu and Shang-Te Wu
A Population-Based Cohort Study on the Ability of Acupuncture to Reduce
Post-Stroke Depression
Reprinted from: Medicines 2017, 4, 16, doi: 10.3390/medicines4010016 ................ 79
Masashi Watanabe, Soichiro Kaneko, Shin Takayama, Yasuyuki Shiraishi, Takehiro Numata,
Natsumi Saito, Takashi Seki, Norihiro Sugita, Satoshi Konno, Tomoyuki Yambe,
Makoto Yoshizawa, Nobuo Yaegashi and Tadashi Ishii
The Pilot Study of Evaluating Fluctuation in the Blood Flow Volume of the Radial Artery,
a Site for Traditional Pulse Diagnosis
Reprinted from: Medicines 2016, 3, 11, doi: 10.3390/medicines3020011 ................ 89
Tiaw-Kee Lim, Yan Ma, Frederic Berger and Gerhard Litscher
Acupuncture and Neural Mechanism in the Management of Low Back Pain—An Update
Reprinted from: Medicines 2018, 5, 63, doi: 10.3390/medicines5030063 ................ 98
James David Adams Jr.
The Effects of Yin, Yang and Qi in the Skin on Pain
Reprinted from: Medicines 2016, 3, 5, doi: 10.3390/medicines3010005 ................132
Joana Teixeira, Maria Jo˜ao Santos, Lu´ıs Carlos Matos and Jorge Pereira Machado
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis:
A Case Study
Reprinted from: Medicines 2018, 5, 18, doi: 10.3390/medicines5010018 ................140
Henry Xiao, Christopher Zaslawski, Janette Vardy and Byeongsang Oh
Treatment of Sciatica Following Uterine Cancer with Acupuncture: A Case Report
Reprinted from: Medicines 2018, 5, 6, doi: 10.3390/medicines5010006 ................148
Narda G. Robinson
Why We Need Minimum Basic Requirements in Science for Acupuncture Education
Reprinted from: Medicines 2016, 3, 21, doi: 10.3390/medicines3030021 ................152
About the Special Issue Editor
Gerhard Litscher, Prof. MSc PhD MDsc, is Head of the Research Unit for Complementary and
Integrative Laser Medicine and of the Research Unit of Biomedical Engineering in Anesthesia and
Intensive Care Medicine and Chairman of the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Research Center
at the Medical University of Graz, Austria. He is a Doctor of Technical Sciences and Doctor of
Medical Sciences and has published more than 220 SCI/PubMed-listed articles. He is the author
and/or editor of 16
books and editor-in-chief (e.g.,
) and/or editorial board member of
more than 35 international journals. Gerhard Litscher is also President of the International Society
for Medical Laser Applications (ISLA transcontinental, since 2012) and German Vice President of the
German-Chinese Research Foundation (DCFG, since 2014). He is a member of the expert panels of
the World Health Organization (WHO) for acupuncture and related fields and is currently honorary
or guest professor at 11 top universities and institutions in Asia (
Preface to ”Acupuncture—Basic Research and Clinical
Acupuncture has been used for medical treatment for thousands of years. Using needles, electro
acupuncture, moxibustion, or laser stimulation in combination with modern analytical biomedical
techniques, it is possible to quantify the changes in biological activities caused by acupuncture.
The bridging between Eastern and Western medicine has been successfully achieved using
modern biomedical engineering technologies; the next task is to make the arising possibilities and
results beneficial to all patients.
The editor thanks his team members, especially Mrs. Lu Wang, PD, and Mrs. Daniela
Litscher, Mag.parm., both at the Medical University of Graz, Austria, for their excellent
cooperation. In this context, he would also like to thank all the other 44 authors from all over the
world for their high-quality contributions to this book.
Above all, the editor wants to thank Mrs. Bonnie Yang, Managing Editor of Medicines, for her
valuable support in every respect. Without her continuous support, this book would have never
seen the printer’s ink. Special thanks also to the publisher MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, especially
to Dr. Franck Vazquez and Dr. Martyn Rittman. Within this book, 13 peer-reviewed chapters are
summarized. The editor of this book is the corresponding and/or first author of four chapters, one of
them in partnership with Chinese colleagues. All articles are PubMed-listed. A short introduction to
this book (Medicines Special Issue on Acupuncture—Basic Research and Clinical Application) can be
found in the first chapter.
Gerhard Litscher
Special Issue Editor
Introduction to the Medicines Special Issue on
Acupuncture—Basic Research and
Clinical Application
Gerhard Litscher
Research Unit for Complementary and Integrative Laser Medicine, Research Unit of Biomedical Engineering in
Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, and TCM Research Center Graz, Medical University of Graz,
Auenbruggerplatz 39, EG19, 8036 Graz, Austria; gerhar[email protected]; Tel.: +43-316-385-83907;
Fax: +43-316-385-595-83907
Received: 3 September 2018; Accepted: 3 September 2018; Published: 4 September 2018
This Medicines special issue focuses on the further investigation, development,
and modernization of acupuncture in basic research settings, as well as in clinical applications.
The special issue contains 12 articles reporting latest evidence-based results of acupuncture research,
and exploring acupuncture in general. Altogether 44 authors from all over the world contributed to
this special issue.
acupuncture; moxibustion; myopia; post-stroke; depression; pulse diagnosis; low back
pain (LBP); osteoarthritis; uterine cancer; sciatica
This special issue contains 12 articles with different topics in the field of modern acupuncture
research (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Topics of the present Medicines special issue.
The editorial “Laser Acupuncture Research: China, Austria, and Other Countries—Update
2018”contains an overview of the current status of published articles on the subject of laser acupuncture
research [1].
Medicines 2018, 5, 99; doi:10.3390/medicines5030099
Medicines 2018, 5,99
“Acupuncture and Lifestyle Myopia in Primary School Children—Results from a Transcontinental
Pilot Study Performed in Comparison to Moxibustion” [
] is the title of a prospective pilot study
in 44 patients aged between 6 and 12 years with myopia. Possible therapeutic aspects with the
help of evidence-based complementary methods like acupuncture or moxibustion have not yet
been investigated adequately in myopic patients. This study showed that both acupuncture and
moxibustion can improve myopia of young patients. Acupuncture seems to be more effective than
moxibustion in treating myopia; however further Big data studies are necessary to confirm or refute
the preliminary results.
“Individual Differences in Responsiveness to Acupuncture: An Exploratory Survey of Practitioner
Opinion” from David Mayor et al. [
] documents patient characteristics that may influence
responsiveness to acupuncture treatment, reporting results from an exploratory practitioner survey.
Quantitative and qualitative analyses were then conducted. Practitioner characteristics influence their
appreciation of patient characteristics. Factors consistently viewed as important included ability to
relax, exercise and diet. Acupuncture practitioners may benefit from additional training in certain
areas. Surveys may produce more informative results if reduced in length and complexity.
The aim of another study is to examine the short-term effect of visual function following
acupuncture treatment in patients with congenital idiopathic nystagmus and acquired nystagmus [
Therefore an observational pilot study on six patients with confirmed diagnosis of nystagmus
was performed. The applied acupuncture protocol showed improvement in the visual function
of nystagmus patients and thus, in their quality of life. Further studies are mandatory to differentiate
which group of nystagmus patients would benefit more from acupuncture.
Some feelings elicited by acupuncture-type interventions are “nonspecific”, interpretable as
resulting from the placebo effect, our own self-healing capacities. Expectation is thought to contribute
to these nonspecific effects. In the article “Nonspecific Feelings Expected and Experienced during or
Immediately after Electroacupuncture: A Pilot Study in a Teaching Situation” the authors describe the
use of two innovative 20-item questionnaires in a teaching situation [
]. Cluster analysis suggested
the existence of two primary feeling clusters, “Relaxation” and “Alertness”. Feelings experienced
during or immediately after acupuncture-type interventions may depend both on prior experience
and expectation.
Post-stroke depression (PSD) is common and has a negative impact on recovery. Although many
stroke patients have used acupuncture as a supplementary treatment for reducing stroke comorbidities,
little research has been done on the use of acupuncture to prevent PSD. Within a contribution to this
special issue [
] the authors controlled for potential confounders, and it appears that using acupuncture
after a stroke lowers the risk of depression.
Radial artery (RA) pulse diagnosis has been used in traditional Asian medicine for a long time.
In this article, the authors measured blood flow volume and heart rate variability in the RA and
evaluated its fluctuations [
]. It is suggested that fluctuation in the volume at low frequencies of
RA is influenced by the fluctuation in velocity; on the other hand, fluctuation in the volume at high
frequencies is influenced by the fluctuation in vessel diameter.
In addition to the research articles there are also two review articles included in this special
issue [8,9].
Within the last 10 years, the percentage of low back pain (LBP) prevalence increased by 18%.
The management and high cost of LBP put a tremendous burden on the healthcare system [
]. Many
risk factors have been identified, such as lifestyle, trauma, degeneration, postural impairment, and
occupational related factors; however, as high as 95% of the cases of LBP are non-specific. Acupuncture
for LBP is one of the most commonly used non-pharmacological pain-relieving techniques. This is
due to its low adverse effects and cost-effectiveness. In this article, the causes and incidence of LBP on
global health care are reviewed [8].
The most effective and safe treatment site for pain is in the skin. Another review article discusses
the reasons to treat pain in the skin [
]. Pain is sensed in the skin through transient receptor potential
Medicines 2018, 5,99
cation channels and other receptors. These receptors have endogenous agonists (yang) and antagonists
(yin) that help the body control pain.
Two case reports are also available [
]. Osteoarthritis is a widespread chronic disease seen as
a continuum of clinical occurrences within several phases, which go from synovial inflammation and
microscopic changes of bone and cartilage to painful destructive changes of all the joint structures.
The first case study [
] included two patients with clinical signs of osteoarthritis and diagnosis of
medial pain. The results were positive, acupuncture was effective as an alternative or complementary
treatment of knee osteoarthritis, with high levels of improvement within a modest intervention period.
For women, gynecological or obstetrical disorders are second to disc prolapse as the most common
cause of sciatica. As not many effective conventional treatments can be found for sciatica following
uterine cancer, patients may seek assistance from complementary and alternative medicine. Here, the
authors present a case of a woman with severe and chronic sciatica secondary to uterine cancer who
experienced temporary relief from acupuncture [11].
Last but not least an interesting answer is given: “Why We Need Minimum Basic Requirements
in Science for Acupuncture Education” [
]. Acupuncture education for both licensed physicians and
non-physicians needs to include science, evidence, and critical thinking.
Funding: This editorial/preface to the different articles received no external funding.
The author would like to thank all 44 authors for their valuable contributions to this
special issue.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.
Litscher, G. Laser Acupuncture Research: China, Austria, and Other Countries—Update 2018. Medicines
2018, 5, 92. [CrossRef][PubMed]
Shang, X.; Chen, L.; Litscher, G.; Sun, Y.; Pan, C.; Liu, C.; Litscher, D.; Wang, L. Acupuncture and Lifestyle
Myopia in Primary School Children—Results from a Transcontinental Pilot Study Performed in Comparison
to Moxibustion. Medicines 2018, 5, 95. [CrossRef]
Mayor, D.; McClure, L.; Clayton McClure, J. Individual Differences in Responsiveness to Acupuncture:
An Exploratory Survey of Practitioner Opinion. Medicines 2018, 5, 85. [CrossRef][PubMed]
Blechschmidt, T.; Krumsiek, M.; Todorova, M. The Effect of Acupuncture on Visual Function in Patients with
Congenital and Acquired Nystagmus. Medicines 2017, 4, 33. [CrossRef][PubMed]
Mayor, D.; McClure, L.; McClure, J. Nonspecific Feelings Expected and Experienced during or Immediately
after Electroacupuncture: A Pilot Study in a Teaching Situation. Medicines
, 4, 19. [CrossRef][PubMed]
Tseng, S.; Hsu, Y.; Chiu, C.; Wu, S. A Population-Based Cohort Study on the Ability of Acupuncture to
Reduce Post-Stroke Depression. Medicines 2017, 4, 16. [CrossRef][PubMed]
Watanabe, M.; Kaneko, S.; Takayama, S.; Shiraishi, Y.; Numata, T.; Saito, N.; Seki, T.; Sugita, N.; Konno, S.;
Yambe, T.; et al. The Pilot Study of Evaluating Fluctuation in the Blood Flow Volume of the Radial Artery,
a Site for Traditional Pulse Diagnosis. Medicines 2016, 3, 11. [CrossRef][PubMed]
Lim, T.; Ma, Y.; Berger, F.; Litscher, G. Acupuncture and Neural Mechanism in the Management of Low Back
Pain—An Update. Medicines 2018, 5, 63. [CrossRef][PubMed]
9. Adams, J. The Effects of Yin, Yang and Qi in the Skin on Pain. Medicines 2016, 3,5.[CrossRef][PubMed]
Teixeira, J.; Santos, M.; Matos, L.; Machado, J. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Acupuncture in the Treatment
of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Case Study. Medicines 2018, 5, 18. [CrossRef][PubMed]
Medicines 2018, 5,99
Xiao, H.; Zaslawski, C.; Vardy, J.; Oh, B. Treatment of Sciatica Following Uterine Cancer with Acupuncture:
A Case Report. Medicines 2018, 5,6.[CrossRef][PubMed]
Robinson, N. Why We Need Minimum Basic Requirements in Science for Acupuncture Education. Medicines
2016, 3, 21. [CrossRef][PubMed]
2018 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (
Laser Acupuncture Research: China, Austria, and
Other Countries—Update 2018
Gerhard Litscher
Research Unit for Complementary and Integrative Laser Medicine, Research Unit of Biomedical Engineering in
Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, and TCM Research Center Graz, Medical University of Graz,
Auenbruggerplatz 39, EG19, 8036 Graz, Austria; gerhar[email protected];
Tel.: +43-316-385-83907; Fax: +43-316-385-595-83907
Received: 15 August 2018; Accepted: 15 August 2018; Published: 20 August 2018
This editorial contains an overview of the current status of published articles (pubmed) on
the subject of laser acupuncture research. Ordered by country, a rough analysis is carried out.
Keywords: laser acupuncture; research; countries; China; Austria; USA
The number of studies on laser acupuncture listed in SCI and PubMed databases is steadily
increasing. Altogether, in PubMed, the most important medical database (, there are
over 900 publications on this topic, as of August 2018. Although the practice of laser acupuncture
in China still seems to be in its infancy, China occupies the first place for published research in the
international scientific ranking. A total of 225 scientific papers on the subject of laser acupuncture with
author participation from China were published. If one looks at the details, it is worth noting that
44 articles were produced with the participation of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Research
Center of Graz (chairman: G. Litscher). In fact, Austria plays a leading role in laser acupuncture,
together with China (see Figure 1). In addition, it has to be mentioned that there are about 100 scientific
papers published in the Russian language.
Figure 1.
Ranking of countries according to the number of published scientific articles (the majority in
the English language) on laser acupuncture.
Remarkable is the fact that the Austrian researchers have published more articles in this study area
than the USA and German researchers together. If one goes a bit deeper in this analysis, one recognizes
Medicines 2018, 5, 92; doi:10.3390/medicines5030092
Medicines 2018, 5,92
that of the 98 published articles from Austria, a very high percentage originates from researchers of
the Graz TCM Research Center (n = 91). Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to state that Graz has
developed into a hotspot for laser acupuncture research and that, together with the representatives
of ISLA (International Society for Medical Laser Applications, Germany), it will set the course for
future priorities.
One important issue will be the development of automatically individualized dose adjustment in
laser acupuncture, which is not currently realizable by any commercially available device. The author
of this editorial has repeatedly pointed out in national and international lectures that the ideas for
producing such devices are available, but, so far, no company appears to be willing to implement them
and build individual device components. It is to be hoped that this implementation will be carried out
by industrial partners who recognize the potential of these products, which is supported not only by
eminence-based but also by evidence-based research.
At the end of this year (2018), the 4th ISLA Asian conference on Medical Laser Therapy and
Regenerative Medicine in Bangkok, Thailand, will take place (see and www.litscher.
info). Laser Acupuncture [
] is gaining a special boost in Thailand; therefore, research on this subject
will be given special emphasis at this conference.
We, the two presidents of ISLA (Dr. Michael H. Weber and Prof. Gerhard Litscher), would be
pleased to welcome you personally in Bangkok (29 November–1 December 2018; translation into
Chinese will be available). An exciting event awaits you.
The scientific work on laser acupuncture at the TCM Research Center, Graz, within the
cooperation with China was supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and
Economy and by Eurasia Pacific Uninet (EPU).
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.
Bahr, F.; Litscher, G. Laser Acupuncture and Innovative Laser Medicine; Bahr & Fuechtenbusch:
Munich, Germany, 2018.
Litscher, G. Laser acupuncture and heart rate variability—Scientific considerations. Medicines
, 5, 43.
Litscher, D.; Wang, J.; Litscher, G.; Li, G.; Bosch, P.; Van den Noort, M.; Wang, L. Gender differences in laser
acupuncture—Results of a crossover study with green and yellow laser at the ear point Shenmen. Medicines
2018, 5, 24. [CrossRef][PubMed]
2018 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (
Acupuncture and Lifestyle Myopia in Primary School
Children—Results from a Transcontinental Pilot
Study Performed in Comparison to Moxibustion
Xiaojuan Shang
, Luquan Chen
*, Gerhard Litscher
*, Yanxia Sun
, Chuxiong Pan
Cun-Zhi Liu
, Daniela Litscher
and Lu Wang
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University,
Beijing 100730, China; [email protected] (X.S.); [email protected] (L.W.)
TCM Research Center Graz, Research Unit of Biomedical Engineering in Anesthesia and Intensive Care
Medicine, and Research Unit for Complementary and Integrative Laser Medicine, Medical University of
Graz, 8036 Graz, Austria; [email protected]
Department of Anesthesiology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100730, China;
Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Dongfang Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of
Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected] (L.C.); ger[email protected] (G.L.);
Tel.: +86-105-826-8094 (L.C.); +43-316-385-83907 (G.L.)
Received: 9 August 2018; Accepted: 30 August 2018; Published: 31 August 2018
Abstract: Background:
Lifestyle risks for myopia are well known and the disease has become a major
global public health issue worldwide. There is a relation between reading, writing, and computer
work and the development of myopia.
Within this prospective pilot study in 44 patients
aged between 6 and 12 years with myopia we compared possible treatment effects of acupuncture
or moxibustion. The diopters of the right and left eye were evaluated before and after the two
treatment methods.
Myopia was improved in 14 eyes of 13 patients (15.9%) within both
complementary methods. Using acupuncture an improvement was observed in seven eyes from six
patients out of 22 patients and a similar result (improvement in seven eyes from seven patients out
of 22 patients) was noticed in the moxibustion group. The extent of improvement was better in the
acupuncture group (p = 0.008 s., comparison before and after treatment); however, group analysis
between acupuncture and moxibustion revealed no significant difference.
therapeutic aspects with the help of evidence-based complementary methods like acupuncture or
moxibustion have not yet been investigated adequately in myopic patients. Our study showed that
both acupuncture and moxibustion can improve myopia of young patients. Acupuncture seems to be
more effective than moxibustion in treating myopia, however group analysis did not prove this trend.
Therefore, further Big data studies are necessary to confirm or refute the preliminary results.
acupuncture; moxibustion; evidence-based complementary medicine; myopia; primary
school children; lifestyle; computer; eye diseases
1. Introduction
Myopia has become a major global public health issue worldwide. Lifestyle risk factors are well
known and summarized in recent publications [
]. It has been shown that there is a relation between
reading and writing from a short distance and the development of myopia. Computer work is also
responsible for this relationship [47].
The constantly increasing number of eye diseases, as a result of too intensive personal
computer work, increases the need for adequate treatment methods. In this context evidence-based
Medicines 2018, 5, 95; doi:10.3390/medicines5030095
Medicines 2018, 5,95
complementary methods like acupuncture and/or moxibustion could be potential starting points for
early intervention of myopia, which is defined as more than equal to 0.50 diopter (D) [3].
The purpose of this study was to investigate complementary medical methods (acupuncture
and moxibustion) in school children with mild or moderate myopia because conventional medical
therapies do not show sufficient improvements [
]. Acupuncture and moxibustion are among the
most important methods used clinically in myopia in school age in China. Since this is an invasive
method (needle acupuncture) on the one hand and a non-invasive procedure (moxibustion) on the
other hand, it is obvious to compare both methods in one study. The aim is also to find out whether
the methods differ significantly in terms of a possible improvement of myopia or not.
Within this transcontinental (Asia-Europe) prospective study in 44 children with low (<
3.0 D)
and medium (between
3.0 D and
6.0 D) myopia [
] we compared possible treatment effects of
acupuncture or moxibustion for the first time. The measurements were performed at the Tongren Eye
Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University in Beijing, China and the analysis was performed at
the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Research Center at the Medical University of Graz, Austria.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Patients
A total of 44 patients aged between 6 and 12 years, with a mean age
SD of 9.3
1.4 years
(27 female, 17 male) were treated either with acupuncture (group A) or with moxibustion (group
B). The children suffer from mild-to-moderate myopia (
4.25 D), and their lens-corrected
vision was 100%. The average stature of the 44 subjects was 137.7
9.4 cm (115–157 cm), and the
average body weight was 33.2
7.9 kg (21–53 kg). No person was under the influence of drugs.
The treatments (needle acupuncture or moxibustion) were approved by the local ethics committee of
the Tongren Hospital for treatment and research (EPU 5/2017) and performed in accordance with the
recommendations of the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association. Informed consent has
been obtained from at least one of their parents.
Acupuncture treatment was used in group A, moxibustion in group B. Each group consisted of 22
patients. Age, sex, and basic demographic data are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Demographic data of the 44 patients.
Group A Group B
Acupuncture (N = 22) Moxibustion (N = 22)
Age (years) 9.4 ± 0.9 9.3 ± 1.7
Sex (female, male) 14 f, 8 m 13 f, 9 m
Height (cm) 140.2
± 6.8 137.2 ± 11.4
Weight (kg) 34.6
± 8.0 31.8 ± 7.8
Treatment sessions 6.9
± 1.7 9.1 ± 1.2
Randomization to one of the groups A or B has been done by an independent employee (medical
doctor) from the Tongren Hospital using an envelope (group A, group B). The duration of one
treatment (acupuncture or moxibustion) was 20 min. Altogether completion of 10 sessions was
planned (~2 sessions per week) however not all participants could finish the examinations (compare
treatment sessions in Table 1).
The following exclusion criteria were applied: (i) Less than
0.5 diopters; (ii) other eye
diseases/disorders affecting visual acuity; (iii) secondary eye diseases (e.g., following diabetes);
(iv) cardiologic, neurologic, nephrologic, hepatologic, hematologic, or psychiatric disorders; (v) chronic
diseases requiring medication that must not be interrupted.
Medicines 2018, 5,95
2.2. Treatment Methods
2.2.1. Acupuncture
All 22 patients in group A received needle acupuncture at traditional point locations
(see Figures 1 and 2).
Figure 1. Acupuncture treatment in 22 young patients with myopia (group A).
After the patients lay down on a bed in a relaxed manner, the skin at the acupoint
locations was disinfected with cotton which contains 75% alcohol. Disposable acupuncture needles
0.25 mm × 25 mm
) were used. The needling method used is called mild reinforcing and attenuating,
and was performed by inserting the needle at the appropriate depth. The angle of insertion was
straight for the points on hands, body, and ankles, and oblique for the points on head, face, and
neck. The depth of perpendicular needling was 25 mm, which of oblique is 15 mm. The needles
were not stimulated and stayed in the body. After 20 min the needles were removed with dry cotton.
An expert panel of acupuncturists from the Tongren Hospital in Beijing, China have reviewed and
participated in the selection of the points. Acupuncture was always performed by the same highly
experienced acupuncturist.
Medicines 2018, 5,95
Figure 2.
Acupuncture points for group A (acupuncture treatment).
UB2 = Urinary Bladder 2
ST2 = Stomach 2
; Ex-HN-5 = Extra Point Head/Neck 5; GV20 = Governing Vessel 20;
GB20 = Gallbladder 20; LI4 = Large Intestine 4; ST36 = Stomach 36; SP6 = Spleen 6.
2.2.2. Moxibustion
For moxibustion treatment the patients sat down and closed their eyes. Then moxibustion on
the forehead was performed for two minutes moving the stick in a horizontal direction (see Figure 3).
Moxibustion was also performed around the eyes for duration of three minutes (moving the moxa
in a horizontal direction for one minute, clockwise for one minute, vertical direction for one minute).
Then sparrow-pecking Moxa on acupuncture points near the eyes (Ex-HN5, ST2 and UB2) was done
for two minutes. This method is characterized by the ignited moxa stick being moved up and down
over the point like a bird pecking or moving left and right, or circularly simultaneously. Acupressure
was made on the same points simultaneously. In addition, moxibustion around the ears was made for
two minutes moving the stick in vertical directions. Sparrow-pecking moxa on LI4 and simultaneous
acupressure at the same point for one minute completed the Zhao’s thunder-fire moxa (manufacturer:
Chongqing Zhao’s Thunder-fire Moxa Institute of Traditional Medicine, Chongqing, China) procedure.
The points for moxibustion are shown in Figure 4.
Figure 3. A part of the moxibustion treatment in 22 young patients with myopia (group B).
Medicines 2018, 5,95
Figure 4.
Points for group B (moxibustion treatment). UB2 = Urinary Bladder 2; Ex-HN-5 = Extra Point
Head/Neck 5; ST2 = Stomach 2; LI4 = Large Intestine 4.
2.3. Evaluation Parameters
Axial lengths were observed before and after treatment with acupuncture or moxibustion.
The diopters of the right (OD) and left (OS) eye were evaluated before and after the two treatment
methods by a blinded assessor (medical doctor from Tongren Hospital). Compound tropicamide
eye drops (0.5% tropicamide, 0.5% phenylephrine hydrochloride) were used before and after the last
treatment session.
2.4. Statistical Analysis
The statistical analysis was carried out with the computer program SigmaPlot 14.0 (Systat Software,
Chicago, IL, USA). Kruskal-Wallis One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on Ranks for group
analysis and box plot analysis was used. In addition, paired t-tests before and after the treatments
were carried out. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. The original data can be found at the
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture, Tongren Hospital affiliated to Capital
Medical University, 100730 Beijing, China and at the TCM Research Center Graz, Medical University
of Graz, 8036 Graz, Austria.
3. Results
All 44 patients finished at least five treatment session (mean sessions: 8.0
1.8 (range: 5–10
treatments)). Due to time reasons, treatment in the children in Beijing was only possible during holiday
time. Group analysis of the demographic data showed no statistical difference in age, sex, height, and
weight. Acupuncture and moxibustion were accepted well and there were no side effects monitored
by the medical doctors of the Tongren Hospital in any of the children. Table 2 demonstrates the mean
± SD of OD and OS from all patients and each from both groups (A and B) respectively.
Table 2.
Diopters of the right (OD) and left (OS) eye before and after the two treatment methods
(N = number of eyes).
N: Number of Eyes Both Complementary Treatment Methods
Group A Group B
Acupuncture Moxibustion
OD + OS before 1.68 ± 1.03 (N = 88) 1.57 ± 0.84 (N = 44) 1.79 ± 1.18 (N = 44)
OD + OS after
1.67 ± 1.08
(N = 88)
1.52 ± 0.87 ** (N = 44) 1.81 ± 1.25 (N = 44)
OD before
1.66 ± 1.03 (N = 44) 1.53 ± 0.86 (N = 22) 1.80 ± 1.20 (N = 22)
OD after
1.72 ± 1.08 (N =4) 1.50 ± 0.88 (N = 22) 1.80 ± 1.20 (N = 22)
OS before
1.69 ± 1.03 (N = 44) 1.60 ± 0.83 (N = 22) 1.81 ± 1.20 (N = 22)
OS after
1.61 ± 1.08 * (N = 44) 1.53 ± 0.87
(N = 22) 1.71 ± 1.31 (N = 22)
p = 0.011; * p = 0.002; ** p = 0.008;
p = 0.030.
Altogether myopia was improved (diopters) in 14 eyes of 13 patients (15.9%) with both
complementary methods. Using acupuncture, an improvement was observed in seven eyes from six
patients out of 22 patients and a similar result (improvement in seven eyes from seven patients out of
Medicines 2018, 5,95
22 patients) was noticed in the moxibustion group (group B). However the extent of the improvement
was significantly different between the acupuncture (group A: p = 0.008) and the moxibustion (group
B: No significance).
The results are graphically presented in Figure 5. The basic values before the treatment of both
acupuncture and moxibustion are similar (see median values). Only needle acupuncture treatment
changes the diopters in the sense of an improvement of myopic children significantly.
Figure 5.
Box-plot of change in diopter values of all 44 subjects before and after treatment. The line
in the box indicates the position of the median; the ends of the boxes define the 25th and 75th
percentiles. The error bars show the 10th and 90th percentiles, and the dots represent “outliers”. Note
the significance (p = 0.008 s.) of the decrease in diopters after acupuncture treatment (left part).
In addition, a group analysis has been performed. The differences in the median values among the
two treatment groups (acupuncture and moxibustion) was not great enough to exclude the possibility
that the difference is due to random sampling variability; there was not a statistically significant
difference (p = 0.973 n.s.) between the acupuncture and moxibustion group.
4. Discussion
A current literature analysis in the two databases PubMed and Cochrane Library regarding this
important topic yielded the following results: up to now (1 June 2018) there are 28,106 published
articles in PubMed under the search term “acupuncture” (11,464 at Cochrane Library). The term
“myopia” provided 21,252 results in PubMed, and in Cochrane Library 1435 articles. The search
term “personal computer” yielded 24,940 results in PubMed, and Cochrane Library 1905 published
articles. The search with combined keywords yielded fewer results. The combined search terms
“personal computer myopia”, “personal computer acupuncture”, and “acupuncture myopia personal
computer” led to no results in Cochrane Library (in PubMed at least double-digit results, excluding
“acupuncture myopia personal computer”). The only combined keyword which yielded more results
in both databases was “acupuncture myopia”. PubMed listed 46 articles, and in Cochrane Library 22
articles were found.
The result of the database analysis shows that until now there is very little research related to
therapeutic aspects of eye diseases and screen handling. Therefore, new research like the present study
is absolutely necessary. As already mentioned in the introduction, acupuncture or moxibustion could
be possible starting points. The database analysis also clearly shows that acupuncture has already
been used in myopia, but currently plays a very minor role in relation to PC-work induced disorders.
A study from Beijing which has been published in 2015 in PLoS One [
], deals with myopia in
high school students. The title of the article is “Prevalence and associated factors of myopia in high-school
Medicines 2018, 5,95
students in Beijing”. The authors came to the worrying result that students aged between 16 and
18 years have an 80% prevalence of myopia. They even speak of a 10% prevalence of severe myopia.
When this generation which has grown up with PCs gets older, it will cause enormous costs for the
health care system. Experts warn that myopia will win importance as a cause of visual impairment
and blindness [2].
Acupuncture for teenagers with mild to moderate myopia: study protocol for a randomized controlled
trial” is the title of another important work. Especially the safety of acupuncture application in this
field and its effectiveness should be investigated for a period of six months. Here is a brief excerpt
from the study protocol: This randomized, parallel, blinded clinical trial will be conducted controlled.
A total of 100 young people aged between seven and twelve years with mild to moderate myopia are
recruited. The patients are randomized into two groups (control group and acupuncture group). Each
group consists of 50 young people. In the acupuncture group, the five acupoints Zanzhu bilaterally,
Tongziliao, Sibai, Muchuang and Hegu are stimulated daily for nine consecutive days. Then there
is a one-day treatment break. Six of these treatment cycles are carried out continuously over a total
of 60 days. After six months, a follow-up examination takes place. The primary endpoint is the
determination of the diopter [
]. This is in context with our present study and also some acupoint are
the same. The study could provide very interesting results. Another work that should be mentioned in
the context of this discussion was written by Ming Yeung. According to this work, 3–4% of children are
affected by tired eyes. Attention is drawn to a treatment with acupuncture. This method of treatment
is according to the authors well tolerated by children and shows promising results [9].
In the following some important experiences from our own research should be mentioned briefly.
Myopia in children and adolescents up to the age of 21 is also well treatable with complementary
medical methods. In adults, however, only little success has been recorded [10].
Our study has been performed as a transcontinental research pilot study. This means that two
main research teams were involved; one team from Asia (Beijing, China) and one from Europe (Graz,
Austria). Although it was a pilot study, the preliminary results are promising. The examinations
showed that a total of 14 eyes of 13 patients out of 44 patients showed a significant improvement in
myopia. The improvements were better with acupuncture than with moxibustion (comparison before
and after treatment). The invasiveness of acupuncture seems to play a role over the non-invasiveness
of moxibustion or acupressure.
However, the investigation has also limitations. Firstly, the sample size was very small and in
the future sample size will be calculated according to rigorous methodology and considered in the
improvement rate of this pilot study. Secondly, the average number of treatment sessions was lower in
the moxibustion group than in the acupuncture group. Thirdly, because of ethical principles and actual
clinical conditions in China, neither a control group of individuals who did not receive treatment
nor a placebo group who received sham acupuncture was included. Fourthly, without a follow-up
evaluation it would be difficult to determine if the treatment produces only temporary improvement
or more clinically relevant long-term sustainable effects. Nevertheless, the scientific methodological
guidelines were followed strictly through the trial, and the outcomes still showed meaningful and
effective treatment corresponding to other previous publications.
5. Conclusions
In summary it can be stated that the enormously important topic screen handling, eye diseases,
and possible therapeutic aspects with the help of acupuncture or moxibustion has not yet been
investigated adequately from a scientific perspective, although some work (mainly from China)
already exists. The problem, however, is not only interesting for Asia, also in the Western world
ametropia [
] caused by screen handling will increase, as the scientific search and research of this
work illustrates.
Our transcontinental pilot study showed that both acupuncture and moxibustion can improve
mild and/or moderate myopia of young patients (6–12 years). Acupuncture seems to be more
Medicines 2018, 5,95
effective than moxibustion in treating myopia however at the moment we do not have conclusive
explanations concerning the underling mechanisms of needle and thermal stimulation on myopia from
a neurophysiological perspective.
Author Contributions:
X.S., L.C., G.L., Y.S., C.P., C.-Z.L., D.L. and L.W. created the study design, X.S. and L.C.
performed the measurements, G.L., D.L. and L.W. performed the data analyzes, G.L. designed the manuscript,
and all authors (X.S., L.C., G.L., Y.S., C.P., C.-Z.L., D.L. and L.W.) participated in the discussion section and read
the final manuscript.
In Austria the work was supported by Eurasia Pacific Uninet (EPU project May 2017;
Acupuncture and Modern Eye Diseases—A Transcontinental Pilot Study”) financed from funds of the
Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and from the same Ministry (project title
Sino-Austrian TCM Research on Lifestyle-Related Diseases: Innovative Acupuncture Research” (2016–2019);
leader of both projects G. Litscher).
Lu Wang and Gerhard Litscher are also visiting professors at the Capital Medical University,
Beijing, China and G. Litscher is also guest professor at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in Beijing, China.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Wu, L.J.; Wang, Y.X.; You, Q.S.; Duan, J.L.; Luo, Y.X.; Liu, L.J.; Li, X.; Gao, Q.; Zhu, H.P.; He, Y.; et al. Risk
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2015, 12, 633–638. [CrossRef][PubMed]
Wu, L.J.; You, Q.S.; Duan, J.L.; Luo, Y.X.; Liu, L.J.; Li, X.; Gao, Q.; Zhu, H.P.; He, Y.; Xu, L.; et al. Prevalence
and associated factors of myopia in high-school students in Beijing. PLoS ONE
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Zorena, K.; Gladysiak, A.; Slezak, D. Early intervention and nonpharmacological therapy of myopia in
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J. Ophthalmol. 2016, 123, 1036–1042. [CrossRef][PubMed]
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, 15.
Acupuncture Breakthrough for Treating Eye Condition. Available online:
hkedition/2010-06/15/content_9977403.htm (accessed on 15 June 2010).
10. Brucker, K. Augen-Akupunktur: Sehstörungen Natürlich Heilen; Georg Thieme Verlag: Stuttgart, Germany, 2001.
Disease and Injury Country Estimates. Available online:
disease/estimates_country/en/ (accessed on 12 February 2012).
2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (
Individual Differences in Responsiveness to
Acupuncture: An Exploratory Survey of
Practitioner Opinion
David F. Mayor
*, Lara S. McClure
and J. Helgi Clayton McClure
Department of Allied Health Professions and Midwifery, School of Health and Social Work,
University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield AL10 9AB, UK
Northern College of Acupuncture, York YO1 6LJ, UK; [email protected] (L.S.M.);
[email protected]g (J.H.C.M.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +44-1707-320-782
Received: 3 July 2018; Accepted: 31 July 2018; Published: 6 August 2018
Abstract: Background:
Previous research has considered the impact of personal and situational
factors on treatment responses. This article documents the first phase of a four-stage project
on patient characteristics that may influence responsiveness to acupuncture treatment, reporting
results from an exploratory practitioner survey.
Acupuncture practitioners from various
medical professions were recruited through professional organisations to complete an online survey
about their demographics and attitudes as well as 60 questions on specific factors that might
influence treatment. They gave categorical (“Yes”, “No”, and “Don’t know”) and free-text responses.
Quantitative and qualitative (thematic) analyses were then conducted.
There were more
affirmative than negative or uncertain responses overall. Certain characteristics, including ability to
relax, exercise and diet, were most often considered relevant. Younger and male practitioners were
more likely to respond negatively. Limited support was found for groupings between characteristics.
Qualitative data provide explanatory depth. Response fatigue was evident over the course of the
Targeting and reminders may benefit uptake when conducting survey research.
Practitioner characteristics influence their appreciation of patient characteristics. Factors consistently
viewed as important included ability to relax, exercise and diet. Acupuncture practitioners may
benefit from additional training in certain areas. Surveys may produce more informative results if
reduced in length and complexity.
acupuncture; responsiveness; practitioner survey; patient characteristics; thematic
analysis; Shannon entropy
1. Introduction
Outcomes from acupuncture treatment have been considered to depend on many interacting
factors, including—among others—the condition treated, treatment parameters (acupuncture
points and procedures used), setting, practitioner experience, characteristics and attitude, the
patient–practitioner relationship, advice given, co-interventions, conditioning (e.g., from treatment
repetition) and expectation [111].
What about the patient in the acupuncture scenario? The respected German-born British
pioneering medical acupuncture practitioner Felix Mann (1931–2014) introduced the term “strong
reactor” to describe a subset of patients who respond particularly strongly to acupuncture [
with very rapid alleviation of their symptoms, although he was not able to define such patients
otherwise than by observing that they seemed more likely to be artistic or inclined toward religious
belief than less strong reactors. Similar to Mann, some British proponents of medical acupuncture
Medicines 2018, 5, 85; doi:10.3390/medicines5030085
Medicines 2018, 5,85
such as Anthony Campbell and Peter Baldry have noted that strong reactors are also often “good
responders” to acupuncture [
], with Campbell following a suggestion by Johnson et al. [
concerning transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) that strong reactors could be people
whose central nervous system, including the limbic system, is particularly sensitive to sensory
stimulation [
]. Among the present authors, in D.F.M.’s experience over 36 years of clinical practice
and in line with Campbell’s findings [
], some patients have certainly seemed to respond well to
acupuncture and benefit a great deal from receiving treatment, whereas others have appeared to
respond less well, or even poorly, and benefit less from treatment—almost regardless of what that
treatment is.
A central aim of this paper is to explore what practitioners consider as possible individual
characteristics, attitudes and experiences that may contribute to someone being a “good” or “poor”
responder. We make no claims about what actually are the factors that influence responsiveness, but
contribute to a framework for assessing the impact of patient characteristics on treatment outcomes.
This may ultimately assist in developing models of patient response tendencies, such as that of the
“good responder” [
]. Further aims are to present some preliminary findings concerning such
general questions as: “Are some patients more receptive to acupuncture in general, with a better, faster
or more enduring response to treatment than others?”, “Can acupuncture responders be consistently
categorised as ‘good’, ‘average’ or ‘poor’, or does this vary?”, or “Is placebo responsiveness considered
materially to contribute to acupuncture responsiveness?”
Investigating such characteristics and questions is potentially important for any therapeutic
intervention, and certainly not acupuncture alone, but they are rarely addressed in the literature
except in a very limited way. In recent years, for example, genetic polymorphism (genotyping)
has been investigated for its effects on treatment outcome in several fields—particularly in
hepatology [
]—with a view to developing more personalised approaches to treatment or
improving outcome prediction. Genomic correlates of the placebo response (the “placebome”) have
also been proposed [
], and such an approach has been used, if sparsely, in the field of acupuncture.
Thus, response to acupuncture for smoking cessation was found in one Korean study to vary with
genetic polymorphisms [
], and using serotonin transporter polymorphism techniques has been
proposed as a method of guiding individualised treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in Chinese
medicine [
]. More generally, genetic polymorphism has been shown to regulate the default mode
network (DMN) in the brain, and so to regulate response to acupuncture stimulation [
]. In a
very different approach, poor response to acupuncture used as an adjuvant treatment for In Vitro
Fertilisation was found to be more likely in those with high peak levels of follicular stimulating
hormone, longer histories of infertility and worse sperm morphology [
], but a quick PubMed search
revealed no other studies that looked explicitly at the effects of such factors on treatment outcome.
Furthermore, genetic testing is highly technical and costly, and offers little insight to the clinician in
daily practice. Similarly, although there are many studies on the endocrinology [
] and neurochemistry
of acupuncture [
], again few are relevant in everyday practice. Therefore, a simpler, more
accessible questionnaire-based research protocol was developed in an attempt to assess whether there
might be any simple answers to the question “who responds well to acupuncture?” without recourse
to complex and costly biomarkers (a similar approach, using psychometric data to evaluate the effects
of patient personality on their response to placebo acupuncture, was explored by Kaptchuk and
colleagues [
]). Such a protocol might seem not just simple but naïve and simplistic to those used to
large-scale scientific research, but its feasibility and limited funding requirements recommended it for
the current exploratory work. Development was by D.F.M. in association with a small focus group
comprising six other experienced acupuncturists and researchers (one of whom previously published
a paper about the effects of attachment style on response to acupuncture [
]), one neurofeedback
practitioner and a retired medical doctor/government advisor.
To contextualise this paper, the protocol, still in development, is in four phases:
Medicines 2018, 5,85
A survey of UK acupuncture practitioners to find why members of the profession think some
patients respond better to acupuncture than others.
Use of self-report personality scales with around 100 participants who have taken part
in acupuncture-related studies conducted at the University of Hertfordshire since 2011,
to assess whether there are any meaningful associations between these traits and their
electroencephalography (EEG), heart rate variability (HRV) and outcomes data already collected.
A (blinded) retrospective survey of acupuncture teaching clinic patients who have responded
either well or poorly to acupuncture, using a variety of short, established self-report personality
questionnaires to determine whether any of the traits assessed have a bearing on outcome.
A prospective study of patients using a smaller selection of self-report questionnaires (based
on Phases A–C above), together with outcome measures such as the Measure Yourself Medical
Outcome Profile (MYMOP) and perhaps a multiple measure of mood change similar to those
developed and piloted by D.F.M. and other collaborators [29,30].
Phase A of the project is presented here. The survey process is described in Sections 2.1 and 2.2;
a quantitative analysis of the categorical “Yes”/“No”/“Don’t know” survey responses is undertaken
in Section 3.2.3, with a nested qualitative analysis of the free-text responses in Section 3.3; the main
conclusions are given in Section 5. The survey questions and the actual data gathered are provided in
the Supplementary Materials (
Data for Phase B have now been collected and are currently in process of analysis. Phases C and
D are still in the planning stage. In preparation, some small pilot studies have been undertaken to test
the use of selected self-report questionnaires for the retrospective self-assessment of acupuncture’s
effectiveness and prospective assessment of mood changes in response to electroacupuncture in a
teaching situation [30,31], with a further pilot study still in process.
2. Materials and Methods
Ethics approval was obtained from the University of Hertfordshire for Phases A and B of this
project (Protocol HSK/SF/UH/02930, 3 August 2017).
Initially, the acupuncture literature as well as general literature on factors having an impact on
health and wellbeing was reviewed to locate possible individual characteristics and experiences that
might possibly affect treatment responsiveness and for which validated self-report questionnaires exist.
Based on this review, the pilot studies mentioned above and prior experience of running acupuncture
surveys [
], a survey was developed in consultation with the focus group, members of which were
recruited informally from among those with an interest in the survey subject matter. The survey was
then trialled by the group prior to launch. Several revisions were made at each stage of this process
until the survey was finally considered ready for use.
2.1. The Survey
The final online version of the survey, hosted by Jisc (Bristol Online Surveys), was launched
on 16 October 2017 and closed after 19 weeks on 28 February 2018. Before respondents could take
the survey, they were informed about its purpose, origins and how long it was likely to take them
to complete, and then asked for their consent to continue [
]. The 13-page survey included three
initial questions about the respondents themselves, four about their acupuncture training, professional
affiliation and practice, and one (Q9) asking whether—before becoming aware of the survey—they had
ever considered that patient characteristics (such as temperament or personality traits) might affect
treatment response.
Then followed the main part of the survey, consisting of 60 questions on particular patient
characteristics, attitudes or experience that could contribute to how well (or poorly) they respond to
acupuncture, derived from the literature on what can affect health (Q10.1 to Q12.18). Respondents
were asked which of the listed suggestions they currently considered might have an important effect
Medicines 2018, 5,85
on treatment response (“What you THINK NOW”). They were also asked whether, in their own
clinical practice, they thought at the time of giving a treatment or shortly afterwards that any of the
listed suggestions had an impact on an individual patient’s response to acupuncture (“What you
THOUGHT THEN”). Answers could be “Yes”, “No” or “Don’t know” (“Yes”, “No” and blank for the
“THEN” responses). NOW and THEN questions were separately included deliberately to encompass
responses based on both current knowledge (or opinion) and historical experience, which could relate
to a single, specific past experience or on the practitioner’s career experience as a whole. Explanations
were provided for terms used in 10 of the questions which might be unfamiliar to those taking the
survey. The survey also included 69 free-text boxes where respondents could choose to qualify their
categorical answers with further comments.
In addition, respondents were asked further questions about their views on consistency of
response to acupuncture treatment (Q13), short-term and long-term response to acupuncture treatment
(Q14), three questions on their own response to acupuncture (Q15), two about their patients’ response
to acupuncture (Q16–17), and a final two about conditions they consider as responding particularly
well or badly to acupuncture (Q18–19).
The survey questions and responses are summarised in the Supplementary Materials.
2.2. Recruitment
Information about the survey was sent to all the major (and some less established) UK professional
acupuncture associations (Table 1), and also to selected training institutions whose graduates tended
to become members of these associations. A template was provided for them to inform their
members/graduates about the survey using various methods—newsletters (printed and/or electronic),
emails, member forums and social media. No incentives were offered for completing the survey.
Survey uptake was monitored by D.F.M.; reminders were sent to the associations, and by them to
their members, some five weeks before the survey closed. Clearly, the reminder appears to have been
effective (Figure 1); it also seems possible that members of the smaller associations (apart from the
Chinese Medical Institute and Register (CMIR)) were more likely to take the survey; although the
correlation between membership numbers and percentages of these that took the survey was not
significant (r
0.464, p = 0.294), the trendline of a scatterplot for the two remaining sets of six
numbers—without the CMIR data—shows a tantalisingly clear power distribution, so that overall
numbers were low (median percentage of membership 1.43%, interquartile range 0.43–1.94%).
Table 1.
Acupuncture Associations and training institutions informed about the survey, showing
percentage of association members who completed the survey.
Association/Institution Membership M Respondents RR/M (%)
Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) 6000 5 0.08%
Acupuncture Society (AS) 1000 20 2.0%
Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ATCM) 700 10 1.43%
British Academy of Western Medical Acupuncture (BAWMA) 150 12 8.00%
British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) 3000 56 1.87%
British Medical Acupuncture Society (BMAS) 2300 10 0.43%
Chinese Medical Institute and Register (CMIR) 240 1 0.42%
College of Chinese Medicine (CCM)
unknown n/a
College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM)
unknown n/a
Northern College of Acupuncture (NCA)
unknown n/a
Notes: Some membership numbers are taken from Mayor and Bovey 2016 [
], so percentage figures are
indicative; 13 respondents stated they were members of “Other” associations, and 12 were concurrently members of
two associations.
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Figure 1.
Survey uptake over time, showing the effects of the reminder sent five weeks before closure.
2.3. Analysis
For the most part, data were not normally distributed when tested using the Shapiro–Wilk test and
for skewness and kurtosis. Analysis was therefore conducted using non-parametric methods in SPSS
(v23) and Excel (2010). Randolph’s free-marginal multi-rater kappa was calculated using the online
calculator (at, and Shannon entropy using the simple Excel-based
method described in a previous study [30].
3. Results
3.1. The Respondents
In total, 114 people completed the survey, including four members of the focus group before the
official survey start date (the results for these four are not included in the Supplementary Materials).
One of these was not an acupuncture practitioner, one other respondent was also not an acupuncturist
(although trained), and one completed the survey prior to training.
There were 79 female and 35 male respondents, the median age for both genders being 52
(interquartile ranges, IQR, being 42–57 and 48–64, respectively).
Most respondents (83) considered themselves primarily as acupuncturists or practitioners of
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), as against only seven as medical doctors, six as physiotherapists
or nurses (including midwives) and two as chiropractors. There were more male than female medical
doctors and chiropractors among the respondents, although not significantly.
Median ages for the acupuncturists/TCM practitioners, chiropractors and other professionals
who completed the survey were very similar (52, IQR 46–58). However, those for medical doctors were
much greater (63, IQR 59.5–69.5), and those for physiotherapists much less (35.5, IQR 30.5–48).
There was a strong correlation between respondents’ age and how long they had used acupuncture
in clinical practice (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient rho or r
= 0.535, p < 0.0001); this was more
marked for men (r
= 0.712) than for women (r
= 0.438).
Respondents had used acupuncture for a median of ten years (IQR 5–19), with medical doctors
using it for longest (20 years, IQR 13.5–35) and “other” practitioners for the shortest time (3 years,
IQR 1.5–10).
Different styles of acupuncture treatment were used, which could be categorised as more
“traditional” (e.g., TCM, Five-Element, Japanese or “Tung’s style”), used by 88 respondents, and
Medicines 2018, 5,85
more “modern” or “Western” (e.g., Western medical, Trigger point or “Formula”), used by 23. Those
using more Western styles tended to be older (median age 56, IQR 47–63) than the traditionalists
(median age 52, IQR 42.25–57), although not significantly. There was also a higher proportion of males
among those using Western styles (72.7%) than those using more traditional methods (65.2%), but
again this difference was not significant.
Of those who classed themselves as good responders to acupuncture (Q15), 34 were older
than the median age for the sample, and 26 younger, whereas this was reversed for those who
considered themselves only as average responders (20 being younger and 15 older than the median
age). Those who considered themselves good responders were also more likely than those who thought
of themselves as average responders to assess their own patients as good responders (Q16): 65.6% of
the former described 80% or 100% of their patients as good responders, as against only 43.2% of the
latter (with good responder practitioners correspondingly less likely to describe their patients as poor
responders (Q17)). However, none of these differences were significant.
3.2. The Questions
3.2.1. Questions Requiring “Yes” or “No” Responses—An Overview
In total, 124 questions required a “Yes” or “No” response. The 60 questions on particular patient
characteristics, attitudes or experience could be answered as “What you THINK NOW” and “What
you THOUGHT THEN”, with “Yes”, “No” or “Don’t know” responses, and a further four more general
questions could be answered simply with “Yes” or “No”. A full list of responses for these questions is
given in Appendix A.
The 60 specific questions were generally answered in the affirmative, both when considered by
respondent and by question (Table 2). This is consistent with the fact that 96 respondents (84.2%)
stated that they had previously considered that patient characteristics (such as their temperament
or personality traits) might affect their response to treatment (Q9), and that 70 respondents (61.4%)
stated their believe that that some patients respond consistently well or poorly to acupuncture, almost
regardless of other factors such as the condition treated or their state of health at the time (Q13).
Table 2.
Medians and IQRs of “Yes”, “No” and “Don’t know” (DK) answers to the 60 main survey
questions, as percentages of total possible counts (60 by respondent, 114 by question).
“Now” or “Then” How counted “Yes” responses “No” responses “DK” responses
By respondent 53.3 (35.4–66.7) 25.0 (8.3–38.3) 15.0 (6.7–29.6)
By question 53.1 (40.6–62.3) 25.4 (19.5–31.8) 16.2 (12.8–26.5)
By respondent 42.5 (18.8–63.3) 21.7 (5.0–44.2) 13.3 (1.7–47.9)
By question 43.9 (35.3–49.8) 25.4 (20.8–33.1) 28.9 (23.7–34.2)
Note: “DK” responses THEN calculated as 60—(“Yes” + “No” counts).
There were strong correlations between “Yes” (NOW) and “Yes” (THEN) responses (r
= 0.655,
p < 0.0001), between “No” (NOW) and “No” (THEN) responses (r
= 0.609, p < 0.0001), and between
“Yes” and “No” (NOW) responses (r
0.685, p < 0.0001). There was also a slightly weaker correlation
between “Don’t know” (NOW) and “Don’t know” (THEN) responses (r
= 0.487, p < 0.0001), but none
between “Yes” and “No” (THEN) responses (r
= 0.001, p = 0.989).
3.2.2. On Specific Questions Requiring “Yes” or “No” Responses
Of the 60 questions in the main part of the survey, those in the upper and lower deciles for
numbers of “Yes” and “No” scores are shown in Table 3 (with numbers of responses in each case).
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Table 3.
“Yes”, “No” and “Don’t know” (DK) responses in the upper and lower deciles for the 60
main survey questions (numbers of responses in brackets). Items shown in bold red type appear in the
same deciles both NOW and THEN; those underlined appear in Most “Yes” responses and Least “No”
responses (NOW or THEN), or vice versa.
Most responses Fewest responses Most responses Fewest responses
Willing to follow advice
Able to relax
Exercise (89)
Diet (85)
General health (85)
Gender issues (17)
Alexithymia (21)
Relnship status
(and 4 others,
tied 31)
Willing to follow advice
Able to relax (73)
General health
Diet (71)
Alexithymia (15)
Gender issues
Character when young
Birth/prenatal (23)
Child poverty (26)
Gender (75)
Relnship status
Age (59)
Sceptical (57)
Willing to follow advice
Central sensitisn (13)
Able to relax
Alexithymia (15)
Psychotic (15)
Gender (68)
Education (56)
Relnship status (53)
Gender issues
Age (47)
Willing to follow advice
Commitment (14)
General health
Alexithymia (78)
Gender issues (52)
Central sensitsn (51)
TCM pattern (47)
Child poverty (45)
Character when young
Willing to follow advice
Able to relax
Age (6)
Negativity (7)
Gender (7)
gender, character when young, childhood poverty and extraverted/introverted. Two of these also appear under “Fewest
responses (THEN)”.
A graphical representation of salient findings for “Yes” and “No” responses is given in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Cont.
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Figure 2.
Salient findings for the “Yes” and “No” responses in Table 3.(
): Items with most “Yes”
responses; (b): Items with most “No” responses.
As for the “Yes” and “No” responses in general, there is thus considerable agreement between the
patient characteristics perceived to affect treatment outcome in past clinical practice and at the time
of responding.
Attributes most consistently considered to affect response are willingness to follow advice,
self-motivation, general health status, ability to relax, exercise and diet. Those most consistently considered
not to affect response are patient age, gender, ethnicity, education and relationship status (“Relnship status”
in Table 3).
Respondents were least likely to hazard a guess for the somewhat abstract characteristics of
alexithymia and central sensitisation (“Central sensitisn” in Table 3), as well as gender issues, child poverty,
character when young and TCM pattern.
3.2.3. Respondent Characteristics and Yes/No Responses
Age and Years in Practice
Other than a small negative correlation between respondent age and the number of “No” (THEN)
answers given (r
0.215, p = 0.022), there were no particular correlations between numbers of
“Yes” or “No” responses and either respondents’ ages or years in practice. However, if the sample
was divided into those younger and older than the median age (52), a Mann–Whitney test showed
significant differences of “No” and “Don’t know” (THEN) responses between older and younger
respondents (“No”: U = 903.0, p = 0.004; “Don’t know”: U = 928.5, p = 0.006). Younger respondents
(THEN) were more likely to answer “No”, and older to answer “Don’t know” (the same was true for
the NOW responses considered together, but these differences were nonsignificant).
These patterns in age differences were significant for responses to ten of the 60 questions (three
NOW and seven THEN), with a Kruskal–Wallis test indicating p values < 0.01 for three of them: Birth
and prenatal experience (NOW) (p = 0.008,
= 9.57), Housing situation (THEN) (p = 0.002,
= 12.19)
and Work situation (NOW) (p = 0.005, χ
= 10.54).
There were also eight significant differences among responses to specific questions with years in
practice (p values < 0.05), those in practice for longer being more likely to consider central sensitisation
(both NOW and THEN) a relevant factor, for example, but also less likely to consider optimism (both
NOW and THEN) as having an impact on treatment outcome.
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Table 4 illustrates differences in response frequencies by respondent gender.
Table 4.
Median numbers of “Yes”, “No” and “Don’t know” responses for female and male respondents.
Gender Yes No DK Yes No DK
Female 33 (22–42) 15 (4–21) 10 (4–17) 31 * (15–40) 16 (3–27) 6 * (1–21)
Male 27 (20–36) 15 (6–30) 8 (3–21) 20 * (0–34) 8 (0–27) 19 * (2–59)
Note: “DK” responses THEN calculated as 60—(“Yes” + “No” counts); significant differences indicated with (*).
A Mann–Whitney test indicated that significantly more women than men gave “Yes” (THEN)
responses (two-tailed significance, U = 941.5, p = 0.007), but this difference was not significant for
the “Yes” (NOW) responses (p = 0.071). Conversely, men provided significantly more “Don’t know”
(THEN) responses (i.e., did not answer these questions) than women (U = 1000.0, p = 0.018).
One particular question exemplifies this difference between female and male respondents,
as shown in Figure 3: most women considered NOW that childhood health could impact treatment
response, whereas men generally did not (Pearson’s χ
= 7.30, p = 0.026).
Figure 3.
Percentages of female and male respondents giving “Yes”, “No”, and “Don’t know” responses
regarding the item on childhood health (NOW responses).
A very similar result was found for family health in the patient’s childhood (Pearson’s
= 7.26,
p = 0.027). In all there were 11 questions (three NOW, seven THEN) for which female and male
responses differed significantly. As in Table 4 for the 60 questions considered together, more males
than females replied “Don’t know” to these individual questions.
Main Profession
The medical doctors (who were mostly male) gave fewer “Yes” responses than the remainder of
the respondents, although a Kruskal–Wallis test showed these difference not to be significant. When
ratios of numbers of “Yes” to “No” scores are considered, acupuncturists appear least likely to consider
that individual patient characteristics may affect outcome. In contrast, physiotherapists and nurses
(including midwives) showed the highest ratio of numbers of “Yes” to “No” scores (both NOW and
THEN) (Table 5).
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Table 5. Yes-to-No count ratios NOW and THEN, by profession, showing medians and IQRs.
Profession Yes-To-No Count Ratios NOW Yes-To-No Count Ratios THEN
Acupuncturists 1.7 (0.9–5.1) 1.4 (0.6–4.9)
Medical doctors 2.3 (2–2.7) 2.4 (1.3–2.5)
Physiotherapists 6.2 (1.8–17.6) 2.9 (1.7–4.1)
Nurses (and midwives) 4.8 (1.3–12.5) 3.5 (2.5–5.1)
Others 2.4 (1.5–2.9) 2.1 (1.0–3.1)
Note: Cases with no “No” responses are omitted, and as this only left one chiropractor, this category was removed
from analysis.
Taking only those professions showing the most extreme NOW ratios from the table above
(acupuncturists and physiotherapists), responses for the individual questions were examined. Mostly
Yes-to-No count ratios were of a similar order and in the same direction for both professions; they were
only significantly different and definitively in the opposite direction for one question: religious beliefs
or practices (p = 0.005,
= 10.41). All the physiotherapists considered this might be a factor in
treatment response, whereas only 33.8% of the acupuncturists did.
Professional Association Membership
BAcC and ATCM members, although all acupuncturists, responded in different ways to this
survey. The median ages of those belonging to the two associations were comparable, but, whereas
there were equal numbers of female and male ATCM respondents, there were many more female
than male BAcC respondents (47 versus 9). The former recorded the most “No” (THEN) responses of
any association members (median per member 18.5, IQR 4–28), and the latter the least (median 4.5,
IQR 0.8–9.3), a significant difference (p values of between 0.014 and 0.043 using the Mann–Whitney
test, depending on analysis of multiple-affiliated respondents). Correspondingly, median Yes-to-No
count ratios THEN were highest for ATCM members (although ratios NOW were highest for AACP
members). Otherwise, association membership did not appear to have a significant effect on the total
number of “Yes”, “No” or “Don’t know” responses (NOW or THEN). Lowest Yes-to-No count ratios
(whether NOW or THEN) were for those stating they belonged to another association than those listed.
Analysing only the THEN responses for ATCM and BAcC members using the same procedure as
for acupuncturists and physiotherapists in the previous section, again Yes-to-No count ratios were
mostly of a similar order and in the same direction for both groups.
Style of Practice
There were no significant differences in numbers of “Yes” or “No” responses (either NOW or
THEN) with style of practice—more “traditional” or more “Western”—although the former tended to
respond more definitively (whether with “Yes” or “No”) and the latter more with “Don’t know” (both
NOW and THEN).
Prior Opinion That Patient Characteristics Might Affect Treatment Response
In total, 113 respondents answered the question on whether in the past they had considered that
patient characteristics might affect treatment response, 97 of them in the affirmative.
Those who held the prior opinion that patient characteristics might affect their response to
treatment were more likely to respond “Yes” to both NOW (U = 366.0, p = 0.001) and THEN
(U = 480.0, p = 0.015) questions than those who did not, and were correspondingly less likely to
give “No” responses.
3.2.4. Associations between the 60 Main Questions in the Survey
There is no unique or perfectly precise way of classifying the 60 questions on individual
characteristics that might affect treatment outcome, and the list itself is not exhaustive. An initial
Medicines 2018, 5,85
attempt was made to group them under 14 different headings, such as early life, social/financial,
behavioural attitudes, and so forth. A confirmatory cluster analysis was then undertaken on the basis
of these groupings, but did not yield useful results. Therefore, an alternative approach was used,
assessing associations among “Yes”, “No” and “Don’t know” responses for the different questions
using χ
These showed strong associations (low p values) between “Yes”, “No” and “Don’t know”
responses for some measures within the anticipated groupings. However, not all of these supported
the groupings initially proposed, so that these were adjusted in an attempt to maximise significance of
the associations, resulting in the final groupings shown in Appendix A. Even so, some groupings have
more explanatory value than others.
The limited convergence of the
(or phi or Cramer’s V) measures of association and the results
of the hierarchical cluster analysis for NOW (only 19 of 100 tested associations appearing at the first
stage of the agglomeration process) led to the decision not to investigate such a relationship for the
THEN questions.
Some of the
groupings appeared as consecutive questions in the original survey, so this may
have swayed respondents to answer similarly. To test this, associations between eight consecutive
but unrelated questions were also explored (see Appendix A). The results of this test indicate that
just because questions follow each other consecutively, they are not necessarily answered in the
same manner.
As for internal consistency, Cronbach’s alpha was 0.930 for the NOW responses, and 0.981 for the
THEN responses. Removal of individual items did not greatly affect these values—for NOW, alpha
ranged from 0.928 to 0.931, and, for THEN, from 0.981 to 0.982.
3.2.5. Agreement between Respondents, Variability and Variance of Responses
Three methods were used to assess the consistency of responses across respondents. Firstly,
Randolph’s free-marginal multi-rater kappa [
] was calculated for both NOW and THEN questions
and used to derive a measure of “overall agreement” between participants on each question. The
questions for which kappa exceeded 0.4 (considered at least a moderate level of agreement [
are tabulated in Appendix A. Secondly, Shannon Entropy (SE) values were calculated for each
question, both NOW and THEN. SE is a measure of the inherent “informativity” (uncertainty or
randomness of information) in a given string of data, where higher values indicate more uncertainty
or informativity [
]; we have used this approach in previous pilot studies [
]. Randolph’s kappa
and SE are corollaries, since they respectively measure agreement and variability in a data sample.
This was reflected by extremely strong negative correlations between kappa (or overall agreement)
and SE across all questions in both NOW and THEN responses (r
0.998, p < 0.0001). This pattern
is shown graphically in Appendix A. A third measure, a non-parametric version of coefficient of
variance (CV), defined as inter-quartile range divided by the median and multiplied by 100, produced
significant correlations in the variance of both “Yes” and “No” responses between NOW and THEN
= 0.870 and 0.632, p < 0.0001 and p = 0.006), but was omitted from further analysis due to its lack of
convergence with kappa or SE (correlations ns).
When individual questions were considered, there was considerable overlap with the previous
analysis of “Yes”, “No” and “Don’t know” response frequencies outlined in Table 3 (Section 3.2.2).
Only two questions with lowest inter-rater agreement (or greatest SE) appear in that table, both under
“DK” responses. Thus, our analysis of respondent agreement (or variability) tallies with our previous
analysis of consistency of response by question.
Medicines 2018, 5,85
3.2.6. Patterns in Survey Completion Assessed from Numbers of “Yes”, “No” and “Don’t
know” Answers
There are clear trends in the numbers of “Yes” and “No” responses to the 60 main questions over
the course of the survey, with considerable agreement between the NOW and THEN responses, but
rather less pronounced trends in the numbers of “Don’t know” responses (Figure 4).
Figure 4.
Changes in numbers of “Yes”, “No” and “Don’t know” responses to the 60 main questions
over the course of the survey completing them.
When variability values were computed for four consecutive quarters of the main questions (1–15,
16–30, etc.), a similar pattern was observed, with 95.3% and 80.0% overall increases in the kappa values
for NOW and THEN questions between the first and last quarter, but generally smaller corresponding
changes in SE and non-parametric CV (npCV).
Medicines 2018, 5,85
3.3. Thematic Analysis of Free-Text Responses
Respondents providing qualitative responses are self-selecting participants; by first ticking a box
to indicate understanding of a question’s underlying premise (“Yes”, “No”, “Don’t know”), and then
deciding at each free-text prompt whether to provide further information, respondents declare buy-in
at two levels. Simple counts of the number of responses made to each question (Figure 5) show where
this second level of buy-in is strongest.
The maximum number of free-text responses to any survey item was 106, and the minimum 1
(median 10, IQR 7–13). The maximum number of free-text responses for any respondent was 65,
and the minimum 0 (median 5, IQR 4–10), as shown in Figure 5. In what follows, respondents are
identified by number (from 1 to 114), and the questions to which they respond by their alphanumeric
code (from 9.a to 20); thus, “11.4.c/63” refers to Respondent 63’s answer to question 11.4.c.
Figure 5. Free-text entries across all parts of the survey, shown in ascending order by respondent.
Questions that elicited the most free-text responses were the general questions (9, 15, 18
and 19), with fewest in the areas of resilience (3 responses), self-regulation (3), suggestibility (3) and
extraversion–introversion (1).
It is perhaps unsurprising that Question 9, the first and most fundamental question—”Before you
knew about this survey, did you ever consider that patient characteristics (such as their temperament or
personality traits) might affect their response to treatment?”—elicited the largest number of responses
(94/114), indicating a perceived need for qualification of the key issue at the outset. Some respondents
pick out a single characteristic to highlight here—for example, “calm” patients (9.a/68) are deemed
more responsive, “anxious or hostile” (9.a/66) or “depressed and negative” patients (9.a/71) less so.
Variation in response intensity is allowed, with some patients identified as “super responders” (9.a/100).
This questionnaire deliberately uses the distinction between the general and the particular, asking
respondents to both consider their general opinion at the time of responding, and give deliberately
separate consideration to their opinion of a specific patient interaction in the past. A response of
“Don’t know” is only possible in the “NOW” answers, demanding concrete judgment of the evoked
historical event.
Some characteristics are in themselves symptoms or medical conditions and could be the reason
for treatment being sought—e.g., anxiety, depression. One respondent highlights this with a repeat
response—”depends if this is a symptom/being treated” (verbatim at 11.4.c/63, 11.5.c/63, 11.19.c/63).
Respondents’ comments about patient response are predicated on their own understanding of
what “response” means in this context. Notions of “response” are unpacked in the introductory matter
for the survey, with a range of meanings suggested encompassing improvement in symptoms and
changes in wellbeing and quality of life. However, no formal definition of a “good” or “poor” response
or responder was provided.
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Texts were extracted from the optional free-text fields to a spreadsheet for thematic analysis. Whilst
these texts are researcher-instigated data, they have been generated independently by respondents
without the researcher present and so remain subjective, “re-presentations of reality rather than simply
true or false” [
] (p. 275). These occupy a middle ground within the continuum of qualitative
data between the “gold standard” interview and “naturally occurring” texts such as transcribed
conversations and fieldnotes [
] (pp. 669–670). We allow that unique statements have as much
potential importance as frequently-found words [41].
A relatively informal approach to analysis was appropriate, as “the qualitative text analysis is
not at the core of the research but instead is in a subsidiary or complementary role” [
] (p. 670).
Immersion in the data led to emergence of themes, illustrated below by means of
in vivo
Mason’s tripartite levels of analysis were used to arrange the themes at literal, interpretive, and reflexive
levels [
] (p. 180) to gain understanding of what acupuncturists think about their patients’ identity as
“responders” to acupuncture. These themes apply axially across the different question areas [43].
3.3.1. Literal Analysis
Literal analysis assigns literal meaning to statements. Many emergent literal themes (indicated
here in italics) in the present data directly stem from specific topic areas established in the survey.
Questions about the impact of gender and age on response elicit high levels of response
(23 responses to each, the second-highest count amongst all the free-text responses). There is broad
consensus that women are better responders than men, and younger patients better than older (for
multiple examples, see the data repository at Respondent
99 is a lone voice opining that neither gender nor age affects response (10.1.c/99 and 10.2.c/99).
By contrast, there is no consensus on the effect of ethnicity on response, and only 11 responses are
made, perhaps indicating that responder fatigue is already in play by this point in the survey [44].
Of the 15 free-text responses offered in relation to work, seven mention stress.
Childhood aspects are important for a small set of respondents, but as the factors listed multiply,
answers become less specific, with certain respondents opting for generic “Ibid”-type responses
(see, for example, 10.6.c/45 and 10.6.c/70, and Respondent 5’s generic approach to all answers).
Others rephrase ideas already expressed in connection with the age question, perhaps indicating some
theoretical saturation and respondent fatigue as well as consistency of views. Some respondents may
not have been able to make subtle distinctions between overlapping categories such as self-motivation
and optimism, self-efficacy and resilience—in some cases declaredly so, despite the provision of glossary
information in the survey itself.
An important outcome of the present survey is an update to the acupuncture profession’s
perceived scope of expertise as represented by the list of conditions that these practitioners find respond
well to acupuncture. There is strong consensus around certain conditions, including musculoskeletal
problems, anxiety, depression, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), headaches and chronic pain conditions
(see data repository for full details). There is clear overlap between this list and the “effectiveness
gaps” identified in UK GP care over a decade ago [
], and also with those conditions identified as
having the strongest published evidence for the effectiveness of acupuncture [46].
3.3.2. Interpretive Analysis
Interpretive analysis assigns contextualised meaning to statements. Emergent themes are again
indicated here in italics.
Paired polarised positions of belief and scepticism are given as baseline patient characteristics
for some respondents, with general consensus that belief improves response, although the premise
is also contested—”Belief is irrelevant” (9.a/11), “non believers can get the same benefit as well!”
(9.a/21). Belief finds 69 direct mentions in the data and can also be discerned in “softened” forms
such as expectation of positive outcome (9.a/5) and willingness to engage (9.a/34). Scepticism
(24 mentions) is depicted as an undesirable starting-point characteristic which acupuncture treatment
Medicines 2018, 5,85
can shift—”attitude changes with improvement in their condition” (9.a/114). A reinforcing cycle of
improved outcomes with increased buy-in to the system responsible is perceived, and acupuncture’s
capacity to potentiate positive change and enhance self-efficacy is acknowledged as it is in current
literature [
]. Respondent 43 (amongst others) is repeatedly concerned with acupuncture’s impact on
individuals’ ability to cope, emphasising that this is a more important factor than changes to symptoms,
in particular pain levels (see, for e.g., 10.12.c/43 and 10.13.c/43).
Placebo finds frequent mention both as a pejorative and as a self-evident absolute—”Positivity
helps the placebo response” (9.a/40). Individual respondents’ understanding of and political attitude
towards the term influences response. Debate on the elusive nature of a plausible inert placebo
for use in clinical trials of acupuncture is not new [
]. Superficial needling or the application of
non-penetrative devices to acupuncture points is recognised to stimulate these points in a manner
equitable to a lower dose of the same treatment [
] and subsequent research in this area has led to
the development of pragmatic trial models which assess the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment
against active comparators in ecologically valid settings [
]. Awareness of this context is discernible
in many responses here.
Appearing in relation to hypochondria (now more formally known as “illness anxiety disorder”),
and elsewhere, the notion of sick role is important to several respondents, with reference to patients
who “may not want to get well” (11.20.c/37), “have an identity with being ill” (11.20.c/109) or even “a
victim complex” (9.a/77). Notions of belief are again in play—”some people are clearly stuck in the
‘sick role’ mindset and therefore physically get better but don’t believe they are” (9.a/30).
The experience of appropriately-placed experts is being deliberately sought by this survey,
so evocation of the theoretical knowledge base particular to the profession is perhaps inevitable: “more
metal types can be more resistant” (9.a/29). Specialisms appear too, with Respondent 74 focusing on
pregnancy and Respondent 43 on chronic pain. Information being elicited is to some degree held as
self-evident—”anyone qualified would know this as part of their studies if not common sense” (9.a/27),
“pretty obvious” (10.8.c/45).
Individual patient diagnosis emerges as a priority with regard to response/non-response, with
consensus found across many areas and specifically with regard to depression (see, for example,
11.18.c/4 and 11.18.c/18) that the innate and unique characteristics of each individual patient are the
deciding factor with regard to response level. There are repeated pleas for the diagnostic specificity
of the medicine (such as Respondent 63’s answers above) and acknowledgement of the non-specific
treatment effects known to accompany it [47,53,54].
3.3.3. Reflexive Analysis
Reflexive analysis assigns reflexive meaning to statements. In this context, this analysis considers
the data in relation to the acupuncture profession as a whole. Emergent themes are again indicated
here in italics.
Belief reappears in the form of witness-type statements when respondents are asked about
themselves as responders, with 18 counts of “I believe” as well as mentions of “faith”. Pseudo-religious
language may stem from the acupuncture profession’s self-identification as distinct, special and “other”.
This question also prompts ego-driven statements: “since I started practising I’ve become quite adept
at predicting who will respond well based on the initial consultation” (9.a/82).
Consideration of Belief and scepticism may have roots in the dichotomy-driven nature of Traditional
Chinese Medicine theory. Thirty-two responses detail specific TCM/5-element diagnostic patterns,
again indicating recourse to the theoretical knowledge base of the profession. Evocation of the particulars
of a medicine system about which respondents are passionate indicates a desire to establish professional
credibility and expertise. This is in places wielded with discernible defensiveness against the survey
instrument, the questions, and the non-responsive sick role patient, who is “never satisfied” (11.20.c/30)
and “not quite engaged into getting well” (9.a/39). Focus on scepticism may indicate a defensiveness
on behalf of a medicine seen as contested—”there is always an element of you having to prove
Medicines 2018, 5,85
yourself continually” (9.a/49): “Some patients seem to be self sabotaging and come convinced
that acupuncture does not work” (9.a/54). Judgmental language permeates the discourse of certain
individuals (e.g., Respondent 43).
The response trajectory of specific individual respondent personalities can be traced through the data
set. Respondent 45, a 69 year old male, gives 65 free-text answers, the maximum number of free-text
responses by any respondent (minimum = 1, median = 5). Respondent 45 establishes a distinctive
“voice” early on, taking issue with the fundamental premise of the endeavour—“characteristics
such as temperament or personality traits seem a little fuzzy to me” (9.a/45), and succumbing to
petulant exasperation later on—“I repeat: a patient with a healthy, balanced qi will respond better
to acupuncture treatment and vice versa” (10.8.c/45). Respondent 45’s desire to return to a repeated
universal answer reiterates his perception of the universality of the medicine he practises. When asked
about factors like housing and work, he consistently holds that these things have relevance only insofar
as they “affect the state of the person’s qi” (verbatim at 10.14.c/45 and 10.15.c/45).
45 personifies the survey instrument, adopting a tone of debate with the researcher, who is
assigned an assumed medicopolitical stance—“all actions (external, internal, emotional, etc.) that affect
the state of our qi, blood, jing, shen, etc. will have an effect on how we function, both in the language
of CM or that of biomedical science, which you seem to favour” (11.1.c/45).
4. Discussion
This study resulted in several unexpected and useful findings. The first of these (Figure 1)is
that it may clearly be useful, when survey uptake is flagging, to remind potential respondents of
its existence. Another finding on recruitment (Table 1) is that members of the smaller professional
associations were more likely to take the survey, suggesting that personal contact with association staff
may be an important factor in increasing uptake. Even so, only 114 people completed the survey out
of more than 12,000 potential respondents, an uptake of less than one percent. However, in this age
of internet marketing, low response rates are not uncommon. As another organiser of acupuncture
surveys has stated, “The number of acupuncture practitioners who respond to electronic surveys tends
to be disappointing, but reasons are unclear why this is so” [
]. Personal contact may always be
useful, but equally may bias responses.
Considerably more women than men took the survey (Section 3.1), as in our previous survey
on electroacupuncture usage, where this was particularly true for UK respondents [
]. Again, as in
the earlier survey, male respondents outnumbered females among medical doctors and chiropractors
(osteopaths in the earlier survey), although numbers were too small for this to reach significance.
Medical doctors tended to be older, and physiotherapists younger, than the majority of survey
respondents. It is possible that those doctors that did respond had an interest in the subject matter
of the survey because of early contact or training with the doyens of medical acupuncture who first
proposed the notions of “strong reactor” and “good responder”. Acupuncturists often enter the
profession as a second career, but for physiotherapists acupuncture is usually an add-on to their first
main career, so it makes sense that physiotherapists would be the youngest group.
A high proportion (84.2%) of respondents stated that in the past (before they knew about this
survey) they had considered that patient characteristics might affect their response to treatment
(Section 3.2.1). Correspondingly, the vast majority of individual THEN and NOW questions were
given “Yes” answers. This suggests that responses to the main body of the survey were generally made
in a manner congruent with existing practitioner attitudes, rather than being arbitrary. The qualitative
evidence indicating clear conceptual understanding of relevant patient characteristics supports this,
also suggesting that the respondents answered with reference to theoretical frameworks central
to their practice (Section 3.3). The fact that respondents generally did not make suggestions for
additional attributes that ought to be included suggests that the “long-list” of 60 questions was quite
comprehensive in terms of the factors readily encountered in a treatment context.
Medicines 2018, 5,85
The overall positive correlation between “NOW” and “THEN” responses may be driven by
various factors, including a simple tendency to tick the same box twice while completing the survey
(response perseveration). Although it is of course possible that previous clinical experience heavily
shapes later attitudes (i.e., a true similarity between what they thought THEN and NOW), it is
difficult to conclude this from the current data alone, since the clinical context(s) on the basis of which
practitioners made their THEN judgments were not controlled. More recently qualified practitioners
(50 of 114 within the last 10 years) may have made these judgments in a very different manner from
those who have had both greater subsequent experience and longer to forget!
The specific questions that elicited most and fewest responses (Section 3.2.2) merit particular
attention. Those characteristics/behaviours which were most often considered to impact on
treatment outcome (Table 3) included what acupuncture author Bob Flaws once called “the three
frees”—relaxation, diet and exercise—but also self-motivation, willingness to follow advice given, general
state of health and openness to new experiences. In the HRV literature on acupuncture, parasympathetic
activation or an improvement in sympathovagal balance is often found to result from acupuncture
treatment [
], so a pre-existing ability to relax could facilitate this. The remaining items are all
quite straightforward and easy to interpret in the context of acupuncture, where for instance patients
less open to new experiences are presumably less likely to procure treatment in the first place.
The items judged least often to impact outcome included age and gender. Statements are often
found in the paediatric acupuncture literature [
] to the effect that children tend to respond
particularly well, but at the other end of the age spectrum there appears to be little information
available on whether elderly patients respond better or worse than those in their middle years,
despite the existence of many studies on the use of acupuncture for conditions of old age. This is
in sharp contrast with the qualitative findings, where many of the free-text comments regarding
patient age and gender emphasised their general significance for treatment response—with younger
and female patients perceived as likely to respond better to acupuncture. It is important to qualify
this apparently contradictory result by noting that, although both were relatively popular items for
free-text commentary, only 23 qualitative responses were given regarding patient age and gender
across 114 respondents.
There was considerable agreement that relationship status per se does not have much effect on
responsiveness to acupuncture, although arguments could be made that a lack of close satisfactory
relationship(s) is likely to affect general health as well as the practitioner-patient relationship [
Other general characteristics such as level of education and ethnicity were also thought to have
little effect on treatment outcome. It is certainly of interest that 50% of respondents were of the
opinion that scepticism does not affect outcome—implying a lack of consensus from a quantitative
perspective. The qualitative data help to clarify this by showing distinct schools of thought about
the impact of belief in the treatment technique, with some mentioning a positive impact, while most
respondents acknowledged that patients show different levels of scepticism—whether it is influential
on treatment outcomes.
Items about which respondents were least certain included alexithymia and central sensitisation
(which may be unfamiliar or difficult to grasp), gender issues (which have only become salient zeitgeist
issues fairly recently), and TCM or Five-element pattern. It was unexpected that this last item should
appear here, as both models differentiate diagnostic categories by their expected response to treatment:
dampness and phlegm are considered relatively difficult to treat in TCM, for instance [
]. Theoretical
constructs such as the three major blocks to treatment, namely “possession”, “husband/wife imbalance”
and “aggressive energy” [
], further imply that choice of theoretical framework may have an impact
on how patient characteristics are expected to influence treatment response.
All in all, only around 20 items appear in Table 3; there was no clear convergence of opinion among
respondents about the remaining two-thirds of the questions. The groupings for which the lowest
proportions of items were included in the table are shown in Table A20 in Appendix A. Those groupings
which produced least consensus (from which fewest items are therefore included in Table 3) were
Medicines 2018, 5,85
4 (Trauma), 6 (Beliefs/attitudes), 5 (Social/financial) and particularly 12 (Psychological attitudes 1),
whereas those producing the clearest consensus were 1 (Demographic 1), 2 (Demographic 2),
7 (Lifestyle) and 15 (Behavioural attitudes).
It may well be the case that groupings where respondents did not show clear consensus include
items which really do have little impact on treatment outcome, and those where they concurred, items
which do have an impact. However, it is also possible that acupuncture practitioners in general may
not be trained to have sufficient awareness of the impacts on health and recovery of such things
as social and financial situations [
] and psychological attitude [
]. This gap in knowledge
may be pertinent for those who design acupuncture training courses (especially those for continuing
professional education).
There was some variation in response patterns between groups of practitioners (Section 3.2.3).
For example, younger respondents (i.e., those earlier in their acupuncture careers) were more likely
than their elders to discount particular patient characteristics as having a possible impact on treatment
outcome, whereas older respondents (those likely to have had more experience of actual practice)
were less decided (Age and Years in Practice). This may in part be due to changes in acupuncture
education over the years, with younger/more recently trained practitioners placing more emphasis on
core protocols and theory; older practitioners, on the other hand, may have had less information-rich
instruction and so more of a desire to explore for themselves. However, such an interpretation
is conjectural, and would need to be confirmed with further investigation. Furthermore, male
respondents appeared slightly less inclined than female respondents to consider particular patient
characteristics as having a possible impact on treatment outcome. This gender difference was significant
for several specific questions (Gender). Medical doctors (who were mostly male) gave fewer “Yes”
responses than the remainder of the respondents, physiotherapists and nurses more; physiotherapists
were unanimous in their view that religious beliefs or practices might be a factor in treatment response,
as against only a third of the acupuncturists (Main Profession); however, this could be a chance finding,
the result of small sample size and asking a large number of questions, and should certainly not be
taken to imply that physiotherapists have a fundamentally more positive view on the influence of
religious beliefs.
The differences in survey responses between BAcC and ATCM members are intriguing
(Professional Association Membership). In addition to the observed difference in gender profile
in the two groups of respondents, it is worth noting that ATCM members are mostly TCM doctors
trained in China. As already discussed, (Western) medical doctors tended to give fewer affirmative
responses than non-doctors, but there is perhaps a greater tendency to conformity among Chinese
than Western practitioners, which may have influenced their responses [
]. Style of practice (Style of
Practice) and prior opinion that patient characteristics might affect treatment response (Prior Opinion
That Patient Characteristics Might Affect Treatment Response) did not appear to affect survey responses
in any striking or unexpected ways.
Different methods of grouping the questions were attempted (Section 3.2.4), from prima facie
to cluster analysis to
tests. A compromise set of 17 groupings, using three methods, was arrived
at, and performed well (using
tests) against a set of unrelated but consecutive questions in the
survey, indicating that the groupings were not simply the result of perseveration of responses over
strings of questions (Appendix A). When numbers of “Yes”, “No” and “Don’t know” responses for
the groupings were calculated, as a generalisation, respondents appear to have considered Lifestyle,
Stress/relaxation and Behavioural attitudes as having more of an impact on treatment outcomes than
Early life, Attitudes to religion or nature, basic Demographics and some of the more complex (less
behavioural) issues such as attachment or central sensitisation, which clearly did not strike a chord with
many respondents.
This again perhaps suggests a lack of awareness of some less behavioural psychological
perspectives on health among acupuncture practitioners.
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Three measures of consistency of response were explored (Section 3.2.5), namely Randolph’s
free-marginal multi-rater kappa, Shannon entropy (SE) and a novel non-parametric equivalent of the
coefficient of variation (npCV). As expected from their complementary mathematical basis, kappa and
SE values showed strong negative correlations.
Surprisingly, given its origin in information theory, SE has rarely been used in the analysis of
questionnaire responses, with only two relevant citations found in PubMed [
], although the
long-term dynamics of questionnaire mood responses have been studied using a similar measure,
approximate entropy [
]. To our knowledge, this is the first time that an explicit association between SE
and kappa has been reported, although given that the former is a measure of response variability and
the latter of agreement, the negative correlation between them would be expected. Indeed, SE-based
measures of consensus and dissention for Likert scale data have been suggested before [
], although
they do not appear to have been used except by their originators. For both datasets (NOW and THEN),
a kappa value of 0.4 corresponds to SE of 1.02; thus, an intermediate or better value of kappa, using
Fleiss’s definitions, corresponds to a SE of 1.02 or less. Conversely, an SE of 1 corresponds to a kappa
value of 0.41–0.42. This suggests a useful rule of thumb for interrogating questionnaire SE data, and
further avenues for exploring relationships between other measures of inter-rater agreement and
measures of entropy.
In contrast to the very strong inverse association between kappa and SE, correlations between
npCV and kappa or SE were not significant. Thus, npCV measures a different construct from the other
two methods. Further research will be needed to determine if it is useful in the context of analysing
questionnaire or survey responses.
Survey fatigue is suggested by the trending of “Yes” and “No” responses over the course of the
survey (Section 3.2.6), although numbers of “Don’t know” responses did not increase markedly, as can
sometimes occur when respondents experience fatigue [
]. Increases in kappa, as well as decreases
in SE and (for the most part) npCV, also suggest that participants were fatigued by the end of the
survey, perhaps tending to fall into a pattern of repeating responses without giving each question
due attention.
This was indeed a long survey for people to take, and it is not known how many of those targeted
started but did not complete it, or did not even contemplate taking the survey because the topic did not
interest them. Many of the questions may have seemed irrelevant, strange or even bewildering to some
acupuncture practitioners unfamiliar with the vast literature on other therapeutic approaches or the
sociology of health. It may indeed be “a waste of time” (as one respondent put it) to try to determine
whether individual characteristics or attributes can affect response to acupuncture in general, but
results from our other pilot studies are encouraging, and the results of this survey, together with those
from Phase B of this project, will be useful in designing Phase C before, we hope, moving on to a
prospective study to investigate the question of whether good and poor responders to acupuncture
can be predicted in advance from their psychometric or other data.
Looking at the qualitative arm alone, the existence of “good responders” appears confirmed by
this survey of opinion—with some areas of consensus as to the nature of that “good response” and an
understanding that it can vary in intensity.
The acupuncturists who responded to this survey appear to have clear concepts of the
characteristics that contribute to their patients’ response to acupuncture treatment—although probably
for a variety of reasons—and found a range of ways to link these characteristics to the core theoretical
base of their medicine. Individual variation is a priority. Acupuncture treatment is characterised by
these respondents as a collaborative endeavour which builds self-efficacy in a cycle of reinforcement
and has an important preventative aspect. The agendas of both individuals and the whole of the
profession they represent can be discerned in these texts [40] (p. 686).
5. Conclusions
The main conclusions from this study are:
Medicines 2018, 5,85
If appropriate, reminders sent out a few weeks before a survey is closed could well increase
uptake. Authors of acupuncture surveys should not expect enthusiastic uptake unless their
survey is of particular relevance to their pool of potential respondents. In addition, members
of smaller professional organisations may be more likely to respond than those of larger
acupuncture associations.
Practitioner age and gender influence how they view the importance of patient characteristics,
as do the practitioner’s main profession and potentially their own ethnicity.
Attributes most consistently reported to affect treatment outcome were diet, exercise and the
ability to relax (Bob Flaws’ “Three frees”), together with general health, self-motivation and a
willingness to follow advice.
However, a lack of awareness of more complex or difficult psychological and social issues
may have skewed the current findings, obscuring the potential importance of some less
obvious attributes.
Attempts to group characteristics according to item response patterns met with limited success,
perhaps relating to the aforementioned skewing.
Survey fatigue was observed in terms of numbers of “Yes” and “No” responses, as well as changes
in response variability, over the course of completing the survey.
Qualitative data may support different and subtler conclusions regarding acupuncturists’
appreciation of factors influencing their practice. A key example here is the varying views
on belief and scepticism, which “fall through the net” of the quantitative arm of the study.
This is a relatively small survey with a relatively large number of questions. It is also not known
to what extent responses represent those of the population of UK acupuncture practitioners as a
whole, or, of course, whether the results of the survey are transferrable to other populations (e.g.,
chiropractors, or acupuncture practitioners in other countries). Furthermore, respondents were asked
about some individual characteristics and attributes about which they may have had little prior
knowledge. Results should therefore be interpreted with caution. In addition, qualitative responses
were optional and in many cases not given—whereas the picture provided by the quantitative data
appears more comprehensive.
A serious problem with the survey—as with any survey—is that the outcomes reflect the
respondents’ own characteristics, attributes, and bias. The results should therefore be considered
as representing trends in practitioner opinion—a first step towards further confirmatory research,
and not necessarily as truly representative of patient characteristics and attributes that may underlie
their responsiveness to acupuncture. Nonetheless, we hope that the results of this survey will help
practitioners gain insight into their patients’ responses in the clinical setting.
It is also important to note that this paper does not establish true impacts on responsiveness to
acupuncture, but it does not intend to; in fact, it is preliminary to other studies which will actually
investigate the effects of a subset of the characteristics currently explored.
Supplementary Materials:
The original data from the survey are available online, anonymised, as “Individual
responsiveness to acupuncture-original data.xlsx” at
Author Contributions:
D.F.M. drafted the survey wording, organised recruitment for the survey, carried out
much of the quantitative analysis and prepared the first draft of this paper. L.S.M. conducted the qualitative
analysis of free-text responses. J.H.C.M. carried out additional analysis, and edited and rewrote the article.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
The very helpful staff at the acupuncture associations and training institutions involved
in recruiting their members for this project and for good-humouredly sending out reminders to them when
asked, and of course all the respondents themselves for taking the time to answer quite a lengthy online survey;
The eFocus Group who assisted with survey design, wording and piloting (Ashley Bennett, Mark Bovey, Karen
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Charlesworth, Amy Din, Diana Ernaelsteen, Roz Gibbs, Bea Masters and Tony Steffert); Amanda Apponyi, for
sharing her recollections of Felix Mann; Justus Randolph, for assistance in calculating his free-marginal multi-rater
kappa, and for an enlightening discussion on the relationship between this measure and Shannon entropy (Personal
communication, 11 June 2018); Neil Spencer for his view of this relationship (Personal communication, 22 June
2018); Nicola Robinson for her comment about acupuncture surveys; and the anonymous reviewers (and Mark
Bovey) who judiciously helped to reshape this article; and of course our families for continuing to support us in
our never-ending research projects are gratefully acknowledged.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
Groupings of the 60 main questions in the survey.
Seventeen groupings were selected based on strong
associations (low p values) among “Yes”,
“No” and “Don’t know” responses for the measures within them. However, despite adjustments to
maximise p values, some questions remain uneasy bedfellows, such as the items in the “Trauma”
grouping (Table A4), whereas others could be included in several different groupings (see, for example,
the Note to Table A14, “Psychological characteristics”). The corresponding agglomeration stage for
each NOW association was assessed from a dendrogram of a nine-stage confirmatory cluster analysis
(using the hierarchical method, Ward’s method and squared Euclidean distances), and is indicated in
each of Tables A1A17 by an asterisk and the stage number for each association.
Table A1. Demographic 1.
NOW Gender Ethnicity Education
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
THEN Gender Ethnicity Education
Gender <0.0001 <0.0001
: Agglomeration stage 1; *
: Agglomeration stage 2.
Table A2. Demographic 2.
NOW Age General Health
0.001 *
General health
THEN Age General Health
Age <0.0001
General health
: Agglomeration stage 3.
Table A3. Early life.
NOW Birth/Prenatal Characteristics Health Family Health Poverty
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
Family health
<0.0001 *
THEN Birth/Prenatal Characteristics Health Family Health Poverty
Birth/prenatal <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
<0.0001 <0.0001
Family health
: Agglomeration stage 1; *
: Agglomeration stage 2; *
: Agglomeration stage 3.
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Table A4. Trauma.
NOW Early Trauma Later Trauma Past Invasive Med
Early trauma
<0.0001 *
0.023 *
Later trauma
0.045 *
Past invasive med
THEN Early Trauma Later Trauma Past Invasive Med
Early trauma <0.0001 <0.0001
Later trauma
Past invasive med
: Agglomeration stage 1; *
: Agglomeration stage 4.
Table A5. Social/financial.
NOW Relationship Soc Support Housing Work Finances
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
Soc support
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
THEN Relationship Soc Support Housing Work Finances
Relationship <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
Soc support
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
<0.0001 <0.0001
: Agglomeration stage 1; *
: Agglomeration stage 2; *
: Agglomeration stage 4.
Table A6. Beliefs/attitudes.
NOW Religion Nature/Technology
<0.0001 *
THEN Religion Nature/Technology
Religion <0.0001
: Agglomeration stage 2.
Table A7. Lifestyle.
NOW Nutrition Exercise
<0.0001 *
THEN Nutrition Exercise
Nutrition <0.0001
: Agglomeration stage 1.
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Table A8. Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis 1: Stress and relaxation.
NOW SensStress Anxiety RelaxAbil
<0.0001 *
0.002 *
<0.0001 *
THEN SensStress Anxiety RelaxAbil
SensStress <0.0001 <0.0001
: Agglomeration stage 1; *
: Agglomeration stage 4.
Table A9. Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis 2: “Central sensitisation” and biochemistry.
NOW CentrSens Neuroch
<0.0001 *
THEN CentrSens Neuroch
CentrSens <0.0001
: Agglomeration stage 1.
Table A10. Somatisation (MUS), catastrophising, hypochondria and psychosis.
NOW MUS Catastr Hypoch Psychosis
<0.0001 *
0.001 *
0.002 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
THEN MUS Catastr Hypoch Psychosis
MUS <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
<0.0001 <0.0001
This may not appear the most likely grouping to include Psychosis, but, although it fits naturally in “Psychological
characteristics” (#14 below), p is high at 0.010 for its association with Extravert/introvert (p is low, <0.0001,
for the associations of Extravert/introvert with Depressive and Emotionally unstable). *
: Agglomeration stage 1;
: Agglomeration stage 2; *
: Agglomeration stage 4.
Table A11. Attachment, addiction and identity.
NOW Attachment Addiction Doctor Shopping Gender Issues
0.007 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
0.007 *
0.001 *
Doctor shopping
0.007 *
Gender issues
THEN Attachment Addiction Doctor shopping Gender issues
Attachment <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
<0.0001 <0.0001
Doctor shopping
Gender issues
: Agglomeration stage 1; *
: Agglomeration stage 3; *
: Agglomeration stage 5.
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Table A12. Psychological attitudes 1.
NOW LifeSatis Incontrol S/Esteem S/Efficacy Resilience Optim Valency S/Regul
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
THEN LifeSatis InControl S/ESteem S/Efficacy Resilience Optim Valency S/Regul
LifeSatis <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
<0.0001 <0.0001
: Agglomeration stage 1; *
: Agglomeration stage 2; *
: Agglomeration stage 4; *
: Agglomeration stage 5.
Table A13. Psychological attitudes 2, including placebo responsiveness.
NOW Defensive Open Suggestible Sceptical Trusting Placebo
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
0.001 *
<0.0001 *
0.005 *
<0.0001 *
0.003 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.001 *
<0.001 *
0.001 *
THEN Defensive Open Suggestible Sceptical Trusting Placebo
Defensive <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
<0.0001 <0.0001
: Agglomeration stage 1; *
: Agglomeration stage 2; *
: Agglomeration stage 3; *
: Agglomeration stage 4;
: Agglomeration stage 5; *
: Agglomeration stage 6.
Table A14. Psychological characteristics.
NOW Depressive Unstable Extrav/Introv
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
THEN Depressive Unstable Extrav/Introv
Depressive <0.0001 <0.0001
a. Extravert/Introvert also demonstrated p-values < 0.0001 for groupings #11 and #13, for example.
: Agglomeration stage 2; *
: Agglomeration stage 5.
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Table A15. Behavioural attitudes.
NOW Self-Motivated Follows Advice Commitment
<0.0001 *
<0.001 *
Follows advice
<0.0001 *
THEN Self-Motivated Follows Advice Commitment
Self-motivated <0.0001 <0.0001
Follows advice
: Agglomeration stage 1; *
: Agglomeration stage 3.
Table A16. Self-awareness.
NOW Bodily Aware Emotionally Aware Alexithymic
Bodily aware
<0.0001 *
<0.0001 *
Emotionally aware
<0.0001 *
THEN Bodily Aware Emotionally Aware Alexithymic
Bodily aware <0.0001 <0.0001
Emotionally aware
: Agglomeration stage 1; *
: Agglomeration stage 5.
Table A17. TCM.
NOW Qi Strong/Weak TCM/5E Diagnosis
Qi strong/weak <0.0001
TCM/5E diagnosis
Some of the
groupings appeared as consecutive questions in the original survey, so this may
have swayed respondents to answer similarly. To test this, associations between eight consecutive but
unrelated questions were also explored (Table A18).
Table A18.
Associations between consecutive survey questions from different groupings. Shown in
bold are the χ
associations from Table A17.
NOW Religion Nature/Tech Health Neurochem
Nutrition Exercise
to Relax
Religion <0.0001 <0.0001 0.005 0.006 n.s. n.s. n.s.
<0.001 0.006 <0.001 0.034 n.s. 0.010
<0.001 0.042 <0.0001 <0.0001 n.s.
<0.0001 n.s. n.s. n.s.
Central Sens
n.s. n.s. 0.039
<0.0001 0.001
Ability to Relax
n.s.: not significant.
Thus, the
associations between closely consecutive items does not necessarily imply that they
are answered in the same manner.
Table A19 shows values of kappa, median SE and npCV for the 17 groupings. Table A20 shows the
numbers of items from each grouping included and not included in Table 3.
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Table A19. Values of kappa, median SE and npCV for the 17 groupings.
Grouping NOW THEN
1 0.22 1.29 18.97 4.05 0.14 1.36 32.14 12.50
2 0.29 1.13 27.41 51.28 0.14 1.37 21.31 54.10
3 0.01 1.57 45.45 7.89 0.02 1.54 69.23 29.27
4 0.13 1.40 3.03 23.08 0.04 1.52 4.72 23.08
5 0.09 1.43 40.38 24.00 0.02 1.55 41.45 15.91
6 0.03 1.54 6.38 2.38 0.00 1.58 11.11 13.16
7 0.43 1.00 1.71 8.57 0.21 1.30 1.37 5.56
8 0.33 1.22 14.38 32.14 0.14 1.41 13.11 16.00
9 0.11 1.40 9.91 10.34 0.01 1.55 8.43 9.09
10 0.15 1.37 14.18 21.79 0.04 1.51 10.85 38.64
11 0.06 1.46 42.38 41.94 0.03 1.52 59.15 47.83
12 0.14 1.38 14.45 14.29 0.03 1.54 12.87 19.40
13 0.17 1.43 28.75 32.35 0.07 1.51 4.85 25.00
14 0.15 1.31 30.28 31.03 0.06 1.47 28.33 26.79
15 0.52 0.91 8.79 36.67 0.26 1.29 9.59 32.14
16 0.22 1.30 35.71 25.86 0.09 1.50 37.27 14.00
17 0.07 1.48 30.69 4.92 0.02 1.54 25.00 16.13
Table A20. Numbers of items from each grouping included and not included in Table 3.
Grouping Included Not Included % Included
1 3 0 100
2 2 0 100
33 2 60
40 3 0
51 4 20
60 2 0
7 2 0 100
81 2 33
91 1 50
10 1 3 25
11 1 3 25
12 1 7 12.5
13 2 4 33
14 1 2 33
15 3 0 100
16 1 2 33
17 1 1 50
Table A21 shows the individual questions in the upper and lower deciles for SE and kappa scores.
Note that all questions for which kappa
0.4 are included in this table, and that kappa for none of the
THEN questions reached 0.4.
Comparing Table A21 and Table 3, there is considerable agreement between questions for which
there was greatest inter-rater agreement (or lowest SE) and those for which most responses were “Yes”
(either NOW or THEN), as well as for Ethnicity, for which most responses were “No”, and also for
Commitment, for which the fewest responses were “No”. Only two questions with lowest inter-rater
agreement (or greatest SE) appeared in Table 3, both under “DK” responses.
Values of Randolph’s free-marginal multi-rater kappa can range from
1.0 (complete disagreement,
below chance) to 1.0 (complete agreement, above chance), with 0.0 indicating agreement equal to
chance. Values of kappa less than 0.40 are considered poor, values from 0.40 to 0.75 intermediate to
good, and values above 0.75 excellent [
]. “Overall agreement”, a slightly more sensitive measure
derived from kappa, can range from around 33% (equivalent to kappa = 0) to 100% (for kappa = 1).
Medicines 2018, 5,85
Table A21.
Survey questions in the upper and lower deciles for SE and kappa scores. As in Table 3,
items shown in bold red type appear in the same deciles both NOW and THEN.
Shannon Entropy (SE) Free-Marginal Kappa
Char when young
Child poverty
Attachment style
Religious beliefs
Attitude to nature/t
Attachment style
TCM diagnosis
Character when young
Child poverty
Attachment style
TCM diagnosis
Family health young
Religious beliefs
Attitude to nature/t
TCM diagnosis
General health
Ability to relax
Will follow advice
General health
Ability to relax
Will follow advice
Ability to relax
Will follow advice
General health
Will follow advice
“DK” in Table 3;
“Yes” in Table 3;
“No” in Table 3;
kappa 0.4.
Values of SE can range from 0 (no variability or informativity), through 1 (which would result
from repeated tosses using an unbiased coin [
]) to > 2.6 for some questionnaires (Body Awareness
Questionnaire, data in course of analysis).
For the 60 main survey questions here, SE varies between 0.62 and 1.57, kappa between 0 and 0.7.
When SE was plotted against kappa and overall agreement for each of the 60 question responses,
very strong correlations were found between them (Figure A1).
These correlations are seemingly quite dramatic, but may in fact be trivial. They will be explored
in a future paper.
Figure A1.
Scatter plots of Shannon entropy (SE) vs. free-marginal kappa and overall agreement for the
60 main survey questions.
Medicines 2018, 5,85
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The Effect of Acupuncture on Visual Function in
Patients with Congenital and Acquired Nystagmus
Tilo Blechschmidt, Maike Krumsiek and Margarita G. Todorova *
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Basel, Mittlere Strasse 91, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland;
* Correspondence: mar[email protected]; Tel.: +41-612-658-787
Academic Editors: Gerhard Litscher and William Chi-shing Cho
Received: 9 April 2017; Accepted: 18 May 2017; Published: 23 May 2017
Abstract: Background:
The aim of this study is to examine the short-term effect of visual function
following acupuncture treatment in patients with congenital idiopathic nystagmus and acquired
nystagmus (CIN and AN).
An observational pilot study on six patients with confirmed
diagnosis of nystagmus (three CIN and three AN patients (2
; mean age 42.67;
SD ± 20.57 y
was performed. Acupuncture treatment was done following a standardized protocol applying
needle-acupuncture on the body and the ears. The treatment was scheduled with 10 sessions of
30 min duration over five weeks. To assess the effect of the treatment, we performed before, between,
and after acupuncture objective measurement of the BCVA (EDTRS charts), contrast vision (CSV-1000,
Vector Vision), nystagmography (Compact Integrated Pupillograph), complemented by evaluation
questionnaires. A placebo non-acupuncture control group (Nr: 11, 22 eyes; 8
; mean age:
33.34 y (SD
7.33 y)) was taken for comparison.
The results showed that, following
acupuncture treatment, CIN and AN patients showed improvement (SD
mean) in their binocular
BCVA (baseline: 0.45
0.36; between: 0.53
0.34 and post-treatment: 0.51
0.28), and in their
monocular contrast sensitivity (baseline: 11.29
12.35; between: 11.43
11.45 and post-treatment:
12.22). The post-/baseline-difference showed a significant improvement in contrast vision
and in BCVA for CIN and AN patients, but not for controls (p = 0.029 and p = 0.007, respectively).
The effect of the eye showed also, within CIN and AN, significant values for the examined parameters
in the post-/baseline difference (p = 0.004 and p
0.001). Evaluated only binocularly, the respective
between-/baseline and post-/baseline difference in the CIN and AN group showed significant values
(p < 0.045). Two AN patients reported reduction of oscillations. Among general subjective symptoms,
our patients reported reduction of tiredness and headache attacks, improvement of vision, and shorter
sleep onset time.
The applied acupuncture protocol showed improvement in the visual
function of nystagmus patients and thus, in their quality of life. Further studies are mandatory to
differentiate which group of nystagmus patients would benefit more from acupuncture.
Keywords: acupuncture; nystagmus; contrast vison; visual function; nystagmography
1. Introduction
Nystagmus refers to a heterogeneous group of diseases, characterized by an involuntary rhythmic
oscillation of the eyes. The resulting excessive movement of images on the fovea leads to a reduction
of central vision. The onset time and the waveform characteristics of the nystagmus, categorize it into:
congenital idiopathic nystagmus (CIN), which usually appears at birth or in early infancy; and acquired
nystagmus (AN), presenting later in life. Contrary to the variety of distinctive waveforms described in
recordings of the eye movements of CIN patients, the nystagmus waveforms are simpler in patients
with AN. CIN can be idiopathic or associated with visual sensory abnormalities, as for instance, with
congenital cataracts, retinal or optic nerve dystrophy/ hypoplasia, or it can be part of neurological
Medicines 2017, 4, 33; doi:10.3390/medicines4020033
Medicines 2017, 4,33
disease or syndrome [
]. In order to exclude any underlying ocular or systemic pathology, in children
with nystagmus, further electrophysiological laboratory tests—together with neurological work-up
and neuro-radiological imaging—may be necessary. Neurological disease should be ruled out when
the nystagmus is asymmetric in direction, unilateral by nature, or when its characteristics have changed
over time.
Generally, treatment options for nystagmus include a refractive error correction and pharmacological
and surgical interventions. Spectacles and contact lenses for correction of the underlying refractive
error are the first choice to reduce optical aberrations and enlarge the retinal image and visual field,
thus improving the quality of the retinal image [
]. Pharmacological agents used for nystagmus
mitigation—such as GABA and glycine agonists—have proven to be effective in patients with CIN [
However, in cases of obviously abnormal head posture, eye muscle surgery remains an important
option in order to shift the null-zone of the nystagmus into primary gaze, and thus to alleviate the
neck/ocular torticollis [79].
Acupuncture treatment is still considered a non-mainstream therapeutic approach. Yet, its positive
effect has been shown in a variety of degenerative and psychosomatic diseases, following cerebral and
peripheral ischemia, and it was also effectively used to improve blood flow. For instance, in a mice
model of Parkinson’s disease, the application of electro-acupuncture has proven to be effective in
slowing the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral midbrain [
]. Acupuncture has
been also applied in various diseases involving psychosomatic status: such as anxiety, depression, and
sleep disturbances [11]. There are also previous reports on the application of acupuncture in patients
with nystagmus: vibratory and electrical stimulation of the face and neck were found to improve
foveal fixation and thus, visual acuity in patients with CIN [
]. Blekher et al. reported a reduction
of frequency and a decrease of slow phase velocities, as well as an improvement of foveolar fixation,
following acupuncture in patients with CIN [13].
Particularly significant is the fact that patients with nystagmus often present unstable cerebral
and vertebral blood flow [
]. As traditional acupuncture stimulation has shown its positive effect
on systemic blood flow [
], it seems to be a promising supporting treatment in patients with
nystagmus, as well.
The quality of life of patients with nystagmus is greatly dependent on the fluctuations of their
nystagmus speed and velocity, and thus on the central fixation. Any attempt to stabilize their fixation,
therefore, seems to be of benefit for them.
With this background in mind, we aimed at examining the effect of needle acupuncture on the
body and the ears of nystagmus patients, following standardized acupuncture protocol. In addition, we
evaluated which specific nystagmus patients the acupuncture drew greater benefit from the treatment.
2. Materials and Methods
This was an observational pilot study, in which all subjects received acupuncture, in order to
determine a preliminary short-term efficacy or proof of principle of a standardized acupuncture
protocol. The patients were recruited through the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of
Basel (T.M.G.; B.T.).
The acupuncture protocol was developed for a group of nystagmus diseases, based on the
extensive clinical experience of an ophthalmologist and a licensed, qualified, and well-trained
acupuncturist (B.T.). A placebo non-acupuncture control group (Nr: 11, 22 eyes; 8
; mean
age: 33.34 y (SD ± 7.33 y)) was taken for comparison, as the treatment is still controversial.
All procedures took place in the acupuncture unit at the Department of Ophthalmology at the
University of Basel between July 2014 and May 2015. The study and data accumulation were in
conformity with institutional requirements, and in accordance with the statements and principles of
the declaration of Helsinki, as well as all governmental regulations.
Medicines 2017, 4,33
2.1. Subjects
Patients suffering from congenital idiopathic nystagmus and acquired nystagmus (CIN and AN),
followed at the Department of Ophthalmology (University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland), were enrolled
in the study.
According to the clinical, diagnostic, and orthoptic findings, the patients were divided into the
following groups:
Patients with clinical characteristics of congenital idiopathic nystagmus (CIN), N = 3 (6 eyes),
Patients with phenotypic characteristics of acquired nystagmus (AN), N = 3 (6 eyes).
Inclusion criteria for all patients were: congenital idiopathic nystagmus and acquired nystagmus;
Caucasian origin.
Exclusion criteria were: above inclusion criteria not fulfilled; presence of ocular and/or systemic
pathology other than nystagmus; currently using antidepressants, alcohol, or drugs; unwillingness to
participate in the study, hyper-reactivity to acupuncture treatment.
Alarming signs and symptoms excluding any participation in the study and indicating instead
further neurological, neurosensory, and imaging work-up were: history of onset after the age of four
months, dissociated (asymmetric) form of nystagmus, preserved optokinetic nystagmus, presence of
afferent pupillary defect, papilledema, and neurological symptoms like vertigo and nausea.
All nystagmus patients fulfilling our inclusion criteria underwent detailed ophthalmic
examination including: refraction, best-corrected visual acuity at 2.5 m distance (BCVA), contrast
vision at 2.5 m distance, nystagmography (Compact Integrated Pupillograph), intraocular pressure
(Goldmann applanation tonometer), slit-lamp examination, biomicroscopy, and fundoscopy.
For each patient, BCVA was measured at distance with a standard decimal visual acuity Snellen
charts. Contrast vision was evaluated at distance using a CSV-1000 colour vision test (CSV-1000, Vector
Vision). The nystagmography was performed using compact integrated pupillograph (CIP, AMTech)
and performed by the same experienced orthoptist (K.M.). Since the visual function in nystagmus
patients could change from day to day or even during the day—and is thus linked to the nystagmus
frequency, amplitude, and foveation periods during nystagmus—all examinations were performed
in the morning. Also, in order to have reproducible measurements completed, the nystagmus was
measured monocularly, in primary gaze, keeping fixation for distance. In this way, any additional
effect of convergence on nystagmus characteristics could be excluded, as well. The patient was asked
to keep both eyes during the examination open. Nystagmus latency was defined as delay between the
onset of target movement and the initiation of target movement and nystagmus velocity was defined
as the time taken to complete the saccade, once it was initiated.
Subjectively, the effect of acupuncture was evaluated using evaluation questionnaires in regard to
changes in visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, as well as the presence of oscillopsias and their change
following acupuncture.
For a fair comparison, our non-acupuncture control group also underwent measurements of:
refraction, BCVA at 2.5 m distance, contrast vision at 2.5 m distance, intraocular pressure (Goldmann
applanation tonometer), slit-lamp examination, biomicroscopy, and fundoscopy.
The acupuncture method followed a modified standardized protocol [
]: The acupuncture
protocol consists of 10 sessions of 30 min duration, administered twice a week over a period of
five weeks.
The scheduling of each patient and the complete orthoptic examinations were performed by
the same experienced orthoptist (K.M.). Before the initial treatment appointment, the acupuncturist
gave the patient a brief introduction outlining the duration and the course of treatment, as well as the
possible complications. Each scheduled treatment session was initiated only after a short conversation
with the patient and his answers to questions concerning his condition after the previous treatment
and his present general condition.
Medicines 2017, 4,33
2.2. Needle Acupuncture of the Body and the Ears
Sterile and disposable single-use needles of different sizes were used, namely Seirin B type needle
No.3 (0.20)
15 mm, No.5 (0.25)
40 mm, No.8 (0.30)
30 mm, Seirin Pyonex Press Needles P
type 0.22
1,6 (Seirin Corporation, Shizuoka, Japan); Dong Bang needle DB106 (0.20)
15, DB105G
25, Dong Bang Press Needles 0.20
1.0 (Dong Bang Acupuncture, Inc., Chungnam,
Korea). The established protocol indicates the specific pre-selected points for all participants, needling
depths, and manipulation techniques. The needles were applied by the same certified and experienced
acupuncturist (BT). The standard points for all subjects were located around the eyes, on the head,
ears, back, abdomen, arms, hands, lower legs, and toes and include: GV-20 (Bai Hui), ExHN-3
(Yin Tang), CV-6 (Qi Hai), UB-18 (Gan Shu), UB-20 (Pi Shu), UB-23 (Shen Shu), GB-20 (Feng Chi),
LI-4 (He Gu), HT-7 (Shen Men), SI-3 (Hou Xi), LV-3 (Tai Chong), GB-34 (Yang Ling Quan), GB-37
(Guang Ming), SP-6 (San Yin Jiao), ST-36 (Zu San Li); local points: UB-1 (Jing Ming), ST-1 (Cheng Qi),
ExHN-7 (Qiu Hou); ear points: Eye Point (24a), Liver Zone (97), Zero Point, Brainstem, and Point
de Jerome (29b). Additionally, semi-permanent-needles were localized at following ear points: Liver
Zone (29), Zero Point, and Brainstem. The needles were applied according to a standardized protocol
(Figure 1, Table 1). Individual choice of acupuncture points was not allowed in contrary to the common
Chinese Medicine (CM). Likewise, due to standardization, the number of applied needles exceeded
the common practices of CM. The needle application sites were determined with respect to the CM
standards. The aim was to produce an irradiating needle sensation (‘de qi’), if possible. The needles at
LI-4 (He Gu), CV-6 (Qi Hai), LV-3 (Tai Chong), and all ear needles were manually stimulated once in
each session after 15 min (+/
5 min). Additional CM therapeutic techniques—like electro-stimulation,
heat lamps, music during treatment, etc.—were not applied.
(b)ȱ (c)ȱ
Figure 1.
Needle acupuncture of the body and the ears was performed following standardized protocol
(Table 1). The approximate location of the needles on the face and the ears are presented on (
); and
on the body - on (
). The needles at LI-4 (He Gu), CV-6 (Qi Hai), LV-3 (Tai Chong), and all ear needles
were manually stimulated once in each session after 15 min (+/
5 min). Treatment 1 (labelled in black)
alternated with treatment 2 (labelled in red, see also in Table 1).
Medicines 2017, 4,33
Table 1.
All acupuncture points, the alternation in treatment (labeled in red, see also in Figure 1)
and the stimulation duration. Standardized needles acupuncture protocol was applied as shown in
Figure 1.
Acupuncture Study Protocol
Treatment Modality Treatment 1 (a) Treatment 2 (b)
Needle Nr:
Alternating with
Treatment 2
Alternating with
Treatment 1
1 GV20 (Bai Hui) Median
2 CV6 (Qi Hai) Median
3 Ex-HN 3 (Yin Tang) Median
4 UB23 (Shen Shu) BL
5 (a/b) UB18 (Gan Shu) UB20 (Pi Shu) BL
6 GB20 (Feng Chi) BL
7 LI4 (He Gu) BL
8 (a/b) SI3 (Hou Xi) HT7 (Shen Men) BL
9 LV3 (Tai Chong) BL
10 (a/b) SP6 (San Yin Jiao) GB 37 (Guang Ming) BL
11 (a/b) GB 34 (Yang Ling Quan) ST36 (Zu San Li) BL
12 UB1 (Jing Ming) BL
13 (a/b) ST1 (Cheng Qi) EX-HN7 (Qiu Hou) BL
Additional Ear Acupuncture Points
(Alternately, Starting with the Right Ear)
14 Eye Point (24a) UL
15 Liver Zone (97) UL
16 Zero Point UL
17 Brainstem UL
18 Point de Jerome (29 b) UL
+ One Semi-Permanent Needle (Press Tack Needle)
(Alternately, Starting with the Left Ear, Points in the Order Specified Bellow):
15 Liver Zone (97) UL
16 Zero Point UL
17 Brainstem UL
Needle Stimulation (after 15 min) at the Following Points:
1 GV20 (Bai Hui) s. above
2 CV6 (Qi Hai) s. above
7 LI4 (He Gu) s. above
9 LV3 (Tai Chong) s. above
14–18 Ear Points s. above
Duration of Needle Stimulation:
30 min
2.3. Statistical Analysis
A statistical package IBM SPSS Statistics 22 was applied. To evaluate the effect of acupuncture
on visual functions, a univariate ANOVA test was performed. In our statistical model, the group
was taken as a fixed factor. Each pair of the tested objective methods (best-corrected visual acuity
(BCVA, Snellen charts)), contrast vision (CSV-1000, Vector Vision), amplitude, and frequency of
nystagmus (Nystagmography, Compact Integrated Pupillograph CIP, AMTech), was treated as
a dependent variable.
The acupuncture effect on patients was analyzed at baseline (1: baseline), after five acupuncture
sessions (2: between treatment), and at the end of the acupuncture protocol (3: post-treatment).
Our results are presented as the mean difference for each of the tested parameters, with the respective
standard deviation.
In addition, for each nystagmus patients and for each control subject, the difference
between-/pre-treatment was calculated by extracting the between treatment value from the
pre-treatment one (2-1). Correspondingly, the post-/baseline-treatment difference was calculated
Medicines 2017, 4,33
extracting the post-treatment value from the baseline-treatment one (3-1). The effect of acupuncture was
assessed comparing the between-/baseline-treatment difference against the post-/baseline-treatment
difference within nystagmus patients. P-values of less than 0.05 are considered statistically significant.
3. Results
An observational pilot study on six patients with clinical picture and confirmed diagnosis of
nystagmus (three CIN and three AN patients (2
; mean age 42.67; SD
20.57 y)), was performed.
A placebo non-acupuncture control group (Nr: 11, 22 eyes; 8
; mean age: 33.34 y (SD
7.33 y))
was taken, for comparison. The clinical characteristics of the patients are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Clinical characteristics of patients included in the study.
Nystagmus Characteristics,
Ophthalmic/Systemic Diagnosis
Subjective Findings: Before versus after
Acupuncture Treatment
Age (y),
Case 1 51, m
Consecutive exotropia and
decompensated latent nystagmus after
Botox injection (2014) and strabismus
surgery, left eye (2015) for congenital
esotropia, latent nystagmus, and
dissociated vertical deviation.
Monocular and
Stable Reduction
Case 2 23, m
Congenital idiopathic nystagmus.
Macular hypoplasia.
Case 3 20, m
Horizontal pendular nystagmus, latent
compound. Accommodative convergence
excess esotropia and amblyopia, left eye.
Optic disc hypoplasia.
Status after surgery for neuroepithelial
cyst, right lateral ventricle. Occipital
para-ventricular: atrophy and gliosis
Worsening Improvement No
Case 4 70, f
Acquired torsional down-beat nystagmus
after brain stem ischemia.
Stable Stable Reduction
Case 5 39, m
Congenital idiopathic nystagmus.
Oculocutaneous Albinism.
Stable No
Case 6 26, f
Pendular nystagmus.
Multiple sclerosis.
A subjective improvement of visual function, following the acupuncture treatment, was stated
by all nystagmus patients. Evaluated in subgroups, two AN patients and one CIN patient reported
reduction of oscillations (Table 2). Among the subjective general symptoms, our patients reported on
reduction of tiredness and headache attacks, improvement in vision, and shorter sleep onset time.
Objectively, CIN and AN patients showed improvement (SD
mean) in their binocular BCVA
(baseline: 0.45;
0.36; between: 0.53;
0.34 and post-treatment: 0.51;
0.28), in monocular contrast
sensitivity (baseline: 11.29
12.35; between: 11.43
11.45 and post- treatment: 14.0
12.22; Figure 2a).
Evaluating the between-/baseline-treatment difference against the post-/baseline-treatment difference,
we found within CIN and AN patients a statistically significant increase in visual acuity (p = 0.002)
and a statistically significant trend in improvement in contrast vision (p = 0.099; Figure 2b).
Compared to controls, CIN and AN patients showed a significant improvement in their contrast
sensitivity and in their BCVA for the post-/baseline-treatment difference (p = 0.029 and p = 0.007,
respectively). The effect of the eye also showed significant values between both groups for the
examined parameters in the post-/baseline-treatment difference (p = 0.004 and p
0.001). These data
pointed towards a different relation, when both the eye and the group effects were taken into account.
Thus, we proceeded with evaluation of the examined parameters between groups in relation to the
examined eye. Within CIN and AN patients, now we could document improvement in their binocular
BCVA and contrast sensitivity for both, the between-/baseline-treatment difference, as well as for the
Medicines 2017, 4,33
post-/baseline-treatment difference with respective values, as follows: 0.044, 0.029; 0.061; 0.006. Here,
the corresponding monocular values did not reach statistically significant values (p > 0.005).
(a)ȱ (b)
Figure 2.
Line diagrams representing the individual patient’s examination data (presented separately
for the RE: right eye; for the LE: left eye and for both eyes: binocular); (
) BCVA, Snellen charts;
) Contrast sensitivity. The acupuncture effect was analyzed at the beginning (1: baseline-), after five
acupuncture sessions (2: between) and at the end of the acupuncture treatment (3: post-).
All six CIN and AN patients demonstrated reduction of the mean amplitude and frequency of
the nystagmus, following acupuncture (Table 3). No change of the direction of the nystagmus was
recorded in any patient.
Table 3.
Summarized nystagmography results of all patients before- and after acupuncture treatment.
In order to reduce the influence of the head position and the effect of convergence, each patient
was asked to keep both eyes during the examination open while the measurement was performed
monocularly, in primary gaze, keeping fixation for distance.
within 4 Sec.
Velocity, Sec.
Subjective Evaluation after
a “Washout” Time
Following Acupuncture
RE 16/11 9/8 4/4
Stable since acupuncture
LE 9/10 4/4.5 4/4
RE 36/18 6.5/3.5 4/4
No control examination has
been done
LE 24/25 6/7 4/4
RE 20/7 9/7 4/4
Still stable three months
after acupuncture
LE 17/27 18/11 4/4
Not possible objectively to be analyzed, however
reduced oscillations following acupuncture
Stable since acupuncture
Not possible to
Not possible to
No control examination has
been done
Not possible to
Not possible to
RE 17/17 4.5/4 4/4
Stable since acupuncture
LE 17/17 5.5/5 4/4
As an example, in the case with CIN, hyperopia and macula hypoplasia (patient 2, Table 2) the
waveform characteristics changed from horizontal conjugate nystagmus with pendular velocity to
jerk disconjugate nystagmus, with descending velocity slow phase more pronounced on the right eye
(Figure 3a). Here, even if no oscillations were reported, the reduction of the nystagmus amplitude
Medicines 2017, 4,33
and frequency explained the subjective and objective improvement of monocular and binocular visual
acuity of the patient, as well as in the contrast vision. As it is shown in Figure 3a, the frequency and the
amplitude of nystagmus (No. saccades/amplitude/velocity) improved much following acupuncture
treatment: from 19/6.5
/3.5 s, right and 15/9
/3.5 s, left to 6/6
/3.5 s, right and 2/7
/3.5 s, left.
On the contrary, in the case with pendular nystagmus and multiple sclerosis (patient 6, Figure 3b),
no improvement in the velocity of nystagmus was measured, but in the amplitude, on the left. Here,
by 15 objectively stable saccades at baseline and at post-treatment, a slight reduction in the amplitudes
from 4.5
to 4
on the right eye and from 5.5
to 5
on the left eye was recorded (Figure 3b). In addition,
the patient reported subjectively on reduction of the oscillations, as well as on improvement in her
binocular and monocular vision and contrast sensitivity (Table 2).
Figure 3.
Nystagmography pictures in two patients (
); (
) baseline and following acupuncture
treatment, as described bellow.
Medicines 2017, 4,33
Figure 3a shows an example of nystagmography pictures of a 23-year-old male patient with
congenital idiopathic nystagmus, hyperopia, and macula hypoplasia. The patient reported no
oscillations. The nystagmography showed, however, a significant reduction of the nystagmus
amplitude and the velocity of nystagmus (No. saccades/amplitude/velocity) improved significantly
following acupuncture treatment: from 19/6.5
/3.5 s, right and 15/9
/3.5 s, left to 6/6
/3.5 s, right
and 2/7
/3.5 s, left. The findings confirm his subjective and objective improvement of monocular and
binocular visual acuity, and contrast sensitivity.
Figure 3b shows an example of nystagmography pictures of a 26-year-old female patient with
idiopathic pendular nystagmus as part of multiple sclerosis. Even if no improvement in the velocity of
nystagmus (15 saccades at baseline and at post-treatment) was measured, an amplitude reduction from
to 4 on the right eye and from 5.5
to 5
on the left eye could be found. This finding explains the
subjectively reported oscillations’ reduction, as well as vision- and contrast sensitivity improvement
(Table 2).
Neither ocular, nor systemic adverse effects, were reported by any nystagmus patient. All patients
included in the study indicated a willingness to repeat the acupuncture treatment.
4. Discussion
Results of our pilot study on patients suffering from nystagmus, confirmed subjective and
objective improvement in their visual function, following standardized acupuncture protocol. Our data
also demonstrated a dose-response relation: post-acupuncture, the effect of on visual acuity and
contrast vision is more pronounced than the effect between-acupuncture, always using the baseline
data for comparison.
This is not an unexpected finding, since previous reports on nystagmus patients treated with
acupuncture also measured improvement of their foveal visual acuity and contrast sensitivity [
However, the studies reported until now have been performed on patients with CIN [
]. Here,
the study of Blekher et al., examined the effects of acupuncture of the neck and face, reporting
a reduction of frequency and a decrease of slow phase velocities, as well as an improvement of foveolar
fixation, following acupuncture in patients with CIN. The improvement of these foveation periods has
been thought to enhance visual acuity. Thus, the pathophysiologic mechanism of the improvement of
the underlying CIN was supposed to be produced through the afferent stimulation of the reticular
formation and vestibular nucleus via acupuncture of the neck and the face [12].
A novel finding in the present study was the fact that AN patients seemed to benefit from the
acupuncture more. A possible explanation for this finding might be the labile nature of the CIN:
the nystagmus may be exacerbated with visual effort or when fixating an imaginary target, and on
the contrary may reduce with inattention or fatigue. It is noteworthy that the placement of the eyes
in convergence gaze angle frequently dampens the nystagmus, which in fact is used as a treatment
modality applying prism correction or divergence surgery. The latter explains why the binocular
effect on visual function over time was more pronounced in our study and stays in agreement with
previous studies. Nevertheless, to exclude the influence of the gaze direction and near fixation on
nystagmography, and following the manufacturer’s protocol (CSV-1000, Vector Vision; CIP, AMTech),
we examined all six patients with the gaze directed for distance, keeping both eyes opened, while
performing nystagmography monocularly.
We also found that even if the direction of the nystagmus showed no difference in either of
nystagmus subgroups, patients with AN showed reduction in the nystagmus amplitude and frequency,
and thus in oscillations, following acupuncture treatment. As a consequence, their central vision and
contrast sensitivity seems to have improved more. On the contrary, patients with CIN showed almost
stable amplitude and frequency of their nystagmus pattern.
Since patients with nystagmus often present unstable blood flow [
], the effect of acupuncture
on systemic and ocular blood flow seems to explain in part the present finding. In agreement, studies
on electro-acupuncture in rabbits with vertebrobasilar insufficiency showed improvement in their
Medicines 2017, 4,33
vestibulo-ocular reflex, through improvement of the basilar artery hemodynamic, inner ear blood flow,
and blood viscosity [
]. Moreover, the traditional acupuncture stimulation has shown its positive
effect on systemic blood flow, an effect, which supposedly is in part mediated by the central nervous
system [16].
Even though in different ways, both nystagmus subgroups benefited from the acupuncture
treatment. Acupuncture induced more foveation in CIN while mainly mitigating ocular-blood flow
disturbances in AN patients. In this regard, our conclusions remain to be elucidated and elaborated
upon in further studies.
5. Conclusions
Briefly, the applied acupuncture protocol showed improvement of the visual function and systemic
condition of our nystagmus patients and was well tolerated. However, the long-term effect of this
complementary therapy needs to be evaluated in further studies.
We are grateful to Rossiana Bojinova for editing the manuscript, to Hansjörg Rudin for
drawing the pictures to Figure 1, and to Andy Schötzau for his support in statistical analysis.
Author Contributions:
All authors have full access to all data from the study and are responsible for the data
integrity and the analysis accuracy. T.B. and M.G.T. conceived and designed the experiments; T.B. and M.K.
performed the experiments; M.G.T. and M.K. analyzed the data; T.B. contributed materials; M.G.T and T.B. wrote
the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (
Nonspecific Feelings Expected and Experienced
during or Immediately after Electroacupuncture:
A Pilot Study in a Teaching Situation
David F. Mayor
*, Lara S. McClure
and J. Helgi Clayton McClure
Department of Allied Health Professions and Midwifery, School of Health and Social Work,
University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield AL10 9AB, UK
Northern College of Acupuncture, York YO1 6LJ, UK; [email protected] (L.S.M.);
[email protected]g (J.H.C.M.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +44-1707-320-782
Academic Editors: Gerhard Litscher and William Chi-shing Cho
Received: 29 January 2017; Accepted: 28 March 2017; Published: 8 April 2017
Abstract: Background:
Some feelings elicited by acupuncture-type interventions are “nonspecific”,
interpretable as resulting from the placebo effect, our own self-healing capacities—or, indeed,
the flow of qi. Expectation is thought to contribute to these nonspecific effects. Here we describe
the use of two innovative 20-item questionnaires (EXPre
and EXPost
) in a teaching situation.
Respondents were acupuncture students or practitioners on electroacupuncture (EA)
training courses (N = 68). EXPre
and EXPost
questionnaires were completed before and after
receiving individualised treatment administered by colleagues. Respondents were also asked about
their prior experience of EA or transcutaneous electroacupuncture stimulation (TEAS).
Respondents expected significantly more items to change than not to change, but significantly
fewer were experienced as changing. Increases in given questionnaire items were both expected
and experienced significantly more often than decreases. “Tingling”, “Relaxation”, and “Relief”
or “Warmth” were most often expected to increase or were experienced as such, and “Pain” and
“Tension” to decrease or experienced as decreasing. Expectations of change or no change were
confirmed more often than not, particularly for “Tingling” and “Tension”. This was not the result
of the personal respondent style. Cluster analysis suggested the existence of two primary feeling
clusters, “Relaxation” and “Alertness”.
Feelings experienced during or immediately
after acupuncture-type interventions may depend both on prior experience and expectation.
Keywords: electroacupuncture; nonspecific feelings; expectation; placebo; qi; cluster analysis
1. Introduction
Writings about acupuncture often mention its “nonspecific” effects, although even those familiar
with the literature on these effects vary in their interpretation of the term [
]. The placebo effect
is sometimes considered as evidence for an activation of what some consider as our “nonspecific”
self-healing capacities [
]. There are also accounts of how, in response to placebo (more accurately,
sham) acupuncture, bodily sensations of warmth, tingling, pulsing, flow (spreading, radiating), and
electricity have been elicited—warmth and tingling being particularly associated with treatment
efficacy [
]. Such sensations are also reported in other complementary and alternative medicine
(CAM) modalities such as “biofield energy healing” [
], and have been interpreted by many CAM
practitioners as resulting from the flow of qi, the immanent life force of the body and the world (part
agency, part image or form, part metaphor), of key importance in acupuncture and Chinese culture as
a whole, as well as being central to Western traditions of vitalism, where it has many other names [
Medicines 2017, 4, 19; doi:10.3390/medicines4020019
Medicines 2017, 4,19
The expectation of a positive outcome is thought to be a major contributor to nonspecific
effects of treatment [
], partly because it alters how bodily sensations are identified [
]. However,
no independently developed pre-existing questionnaires were found that could be used to assess
expectation or experience of the nonspecific feelings that may arise in response to acupuncture-type
interventions, although scales have been developed to evaluate the common specific sensations
elicited by acupuncture [
]. Our objectives in this study were therefore to use two previously
developed 20-item questionnaires, EXPre
and EXPost
, to investigate differences in response patterns
between respondent subgroups and identify any patterns of change (both expected and experienced)
for particular nonspecific feelings. For further explanation on these “EXP
questionnaires and
their precursors, EXPre
and EPost
, see Section 2, Materials and Methods, below, and for the
questionnaires themselves, see Appendixs A and B).
Research questions and hypotheses
1. Firstly, the study aims to address the question of fulfillment of expectation. Our central hypothesis is that there
will be strong, generally positive correlations between the expected and experienced feelings—in other words,
that expectation in this context is generally fulfilled [
]. (This should not be conflated with the association
between expectation of treatment effectiveness and its outcome, or benefit [2224]).
2. We aim to establish whether there are trends across responses to different questionnaire items. For instance,
there might be significant overall differences between the numbers of “Yes” and “No” responses, or between
the numbers of “increase” and “decrease” responses, given to the various nonspecific feelings assessed by
the questionnaires. For example, feelings of “Relaxation” have been reported in response to acupuncture
treatment [
], and feelings of “Aliveness” might be associated on theoretical grounds with an improvement in
the flow of qi [8]. Would both these be found to increase in this context?
3. We also aim to address the question of prior experience effects. Those with prior experience of
electroacupuncture (EA) or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) might report generally different
expectations or experiences of feelings elicited by EA/TEAS (transcutaneous electroacupuncture stimulation)
than are reported by those without. Related to this, students might report different expectations or experiences
than those reported by practitioners. Our use of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) practitioner versus
Student respondent groups, as well as recording the presence versus absence of prior experience of EA/TENS,
will allow us to explore the effects of the treatment experience in two different ways (general and specific).
Of course, differences by respondent group or by prior experience might be detected between questionnaire
items also.
4. A final key aim of the present study is to identify any significant associations among the different feelings
assessed by the questionnaires. A cluster analysis will enable us to better understand these associations, through
an exploration of the relationships between them. For example, using the language of Chinese medicine, some
feelings could be considered more “yang (masculine, positive, expansive) and others more “yin (feminine,
negative, withdrawing) [26]. Are these ideational associations reflected in the clusters found?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Recruitment, Questionnaires, and Treatments
Respondents were recruited during pre-arranged electroacupuncture (EA) teaching sessions in
the UK, three of these being university-affiliated undergraduate acupuncture training courses and two
independently organised CPD courses for acupuncture practitioners (in Nottingham and Brighton).
The basic structure of the sessions was similar on all courses, although one of the undergraduate
courses (CICM) was only a half-day rather than a full-day session. The same lecturer—an acupuncturist
with over 30 years of experience—presented and supervised all the courses.
Respondents were asked to complete two 20-item questionnaires: an initial expectation
questionnaire (EXPre
) at the beginning of the teaching session, and a follow-up experience
questionnaire (EXPost
) after receiving a short treatment from a fellow attendee (a flow chart of
this sequence is shown in Figure 1).
Medicines 2017, 4,19
Figure 1.
Study flow chart for CPD (C) and Student (S) attendees. Key: EXPre
= initial expectation
questionnaire; EXPost
= follow-up experience questionnaire.
Pilot Studies: development of the EXP
questionnaires from earlier 32-item versions
In earlier research, two longer 32-item questionnaires had been piloted in three cohorts of acupuncture and
other complementary health practitioners and students familiar with acupuncture, who received EA or TEAS
(transcutaneous electroacupuncture stimulation as against the usual “nerve stimulation”, TENS) in experimental
studies or a classroom situation (N = 204). They were designed to assess expectation (EXPre
) and experience
) of the relatively nonspecific feelings (bodily, emotional, or mental) that may arise in response to
acupuncture-type interventions, in particular the established methods of EA and TEAS [
]. Findings on their
content validity and reliability, together with a cluster analysis, have been presented elsewhere [
]. The salient
results were that significant numbers of feelings experienced by respondents were those they expected, and
that significant numbers of feelings not experienced were those not expected. It should be noted that many of
the participants in this earlier study had no prior experience of EA/TEAS, although nearly all were familiar
with acupuncture.
Following this, 20 experienced acupuncture practitioners and researchers rated items in the original 32-item
questionnaires as either “essential”, “useful but not essential”, or “not necessary”. These ratings, together
with the analysis of actual questionnaire usage, were used to reduce the original questionnaires from 32 to
20 items [
]. More information on the development of the EXP
questionnaires can be found in the publications
cited [2830].
Treatment was supervised but participants were free in this teaching situation to use their
own choice of acupuncture points and stimulation parameters (frequency, amplitude, mode, pulse,
and overall stimulation duration). They were also encouraged to use several different EA/TEAS
Medicines 2017, 4,19
stimulators, of which 11 were provided for their use. Treatments were carried out in small groups of
3–4 participants. Information on the treatments received is provided in the Supplementary Material
Table S1.
2.2. Ethics Approval
Ethics approval was granted under an application for a related study by the Health and Human
Sciences Ethics Committee of the University of Hertfordshire, UK (Protocol HEPEC/07/11/93),
approved 5 July 2011, 24 Aug 2012 . Permission was also received from course organisers
and respondents.
2.3. Questionnaire Administration
The present paper describes and analyses the use of the shorter 20-item questionnaires in a
teaching situation (N = 68).
The questionnaires (Appendix B) were printed with items in randomised order, so it was unlikely
that they would appear in the same order in both EXPre
and EXPost
for a particular respondent.
These two were also distributed and collected separately, so that they could not be seen at the
same time, reducing the likelihood of respondents basing their replies to EXPost
on their earlier
replies to EXPre
In EXPre
, respondents were asked “Relative to how you feel NOW, during or immediately
following EA/TEAS do you expect to experience any change AT ALL in the feeling of
(a particular
feeling). Possible responses were “Yes”, “No”, or “don’t know/can’t say” (“DK”, i.e., no particular
expectation). If they answered “Yes”, they were then asked if they expected the feeling to increase
or decrease. Similarly, in EXPost
, respondents were asked “Relative to how you felt when you
completed the earlier questionnaire, during or immediately following EA/TEAS did you experience
a change in the feeling of . . . ”.
Questionnaires were collated using pre-printed ID codes double-checked against respondents’
signatures/initials and writing styles.
2.4. Statistical Analysis
Anonymised scores for each questionnaire item were analysed using Excel and SPSS v20. Binomial
(chi-square) tests were used to assess significance of differences; to assess the degree of
association, Cramer’s V and Pearson’s r were used (both with a range of 0 to 1). Three methods of
hierarchical cluster analysis appropriate for binary data were used: Jaccard’s index (or “similarity
ratio”), Sokal and Sneath’s index 5 (range 0 to 1) [
], and Ward’s method. For the first two methods,
distances were calculated using average linkage (both between and within groups), nearest neighbour
(single linkage), and furthest neighbour (complete linkage). Squared Euclidean distances were used for
Ward’s method. Appropriate numbers of clusters were estimated visually from the dendrograms for
each method, particularly where there was apparent agreement among them for the largest reasonable
(readily interpretable) number of clusters [32].
3. Results
3.1. Respondents
The present study sample consisted of acupuncture practitioners undertaking continuous
professional development courses (hereafter CPD or practitioners) and students of acupuncture
(Students). The two groups were composed of respondents from five training centres (CPD: Brighton,
Nottingham; Students: the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine, Reading (CICM), London South
bank University (LSBU), and the Northern College of Acupuncture, York (NCA)).
Student respondents were obliged to attend EA sessions as part of their acupuncture training,
whereas practitioner respondents signed up for EA courses voluntarily (all respondents were informed
Medicines 2017, 4,19
that they did not need to complete the questionnaires if they did not wish to). Training centre,
age, gender (where known), prior experience of EA and/or TENS, and numbers completing the
two questionnaires are shown in Table 1. All attendees completed the initial questionnaire. A few
attendees declined treatment because of known contraindications (e.g., pregnancy or a heart condition),
an aversion to “non-traditional” EA/TEAS, or to electricity itself. Some students left the sessions early,
and thus were not present to complete EXPost
questionnaires. The flow chart in Figure 1 shows the
numbers at the start of the EA sessions and those at the end.
Table 1.
Respondent cohorts, showing age (mean, SD), gender, whether practitioner/CPD (C) or
student (S), prior experience of electroacupuncture (EA) and/or transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation (TENS), and numbers completing each of the two questionnaires, EXPre
and EXPost
as well as both EXP questionnaires.
Training Centre Total N Age Gender C/S Prior No Prior EXPre
LSBU (19.10.13)
14 37.8, 8.3 11 F, 2 M S 8 6 14 11
8 52.1, 5.7 n/a
C6 2 8 7
Brighton (06.04.14)
11 45.9, 7.9 9 F, 2 M C
11 11
CICM (07.04.14) 24 39.7, 9.5 19 F, 5 M S 10 14 24 19
NCA (12.04.14) 11 39.8, 9.8 9 F, 2 M S 6 5 11 11
CPD N 19 48.3, 7.6 9–17 F, 2–10 M
C 12 6 19 18
Student N 49 39.1, 9.1 39 F, 9M S 24 25 49 41
Total N 68 41.7, 9.6
48–56 F, 11–19 M
n/a 36 31 68 59
Information not available;
One respondent did not answer this question.
As would be expected, students were consistently younger than practitioners (p < 0.001 for the
difference in their ages, using an independent-samples t-test, with t(64) = 3.8). As for the gender
of the attendees, even if all missing cases were men, there is still a significant preponderance of
women (
p = 0.001
using the Binomial test with a test proportion of 0.5). Again, for CAM practitioners,
this would be expected [33].
Details of the treatments received are summarised in Supplementary Materials Table S1.
3.2. Research Question 1: Fulfilment of Expectation
3.2.1. Overall Patterns of Expectation
Although individuals’ responses varied considerably, overall there were clear patterns of the
relationships between the counts of expected and experienced “Y”, “N”, and “DK” change scores,
shown in Figure 2 as “NDK”, etc.
Figure 2.
Relationships between counts of expected and experienced “Yes” (Y), “No” (N), and “Don’t
know” (DK) change scores: (
) CPD and student subgroups; (
) Subgroups of those with prior or no
prior experience of EA/TENS.
Medicines 2017, 4,19
Thus the expectations of change, whether negative or positive, were confirmed (N
N and Y
more often than other combinations, the next most common combination being expected changes that
were not confirmed in practice. DK
N also outnumbered DK
Y. (Similar patterns were found for the
earlier versions of the questionnaires, EXPre
and EXPost
]). Furthermore, in each cohort except
for the Brighton CPD group, significantly more respondents showed confirmatory scores than would
be expected by chance (p
0.001, using the Binomial test with a test proportion of 0.25, i.e., based on
NN and YY, but ignoring the DKDK responses).
When all items were considered together, there were positive linear correlations between items
expected to change and experienced as changing (r = 0.869), and also between those not expected to
change and not experienced as changing (r = 0.722). There were negative correlations between items
not expected to change and those experienced as changing (r = 0.727) and vice versa (r = 0.832).
Only in one cohort (Brighton, N = 11) were expectations less often confirmed than not (for Y
but not NY).
Comparing the results for CPD and students, only for DK
N was the difference between these
two subgroups significant (p = 0.018).
Those with prior experience of EA/TENS showed rather more N
Y and Y
Y scores than those
without prior experience (p < 0.001). Differences between these two subgroups were also significant
for DKY(p = 0.002) and DKN(p = 0.001).
For increases (i) and decreases (d), there were no significant differences between when expectations
of change were confirmed (i
d) or not (i
i) (p > 0.05). However, counts of each
of these four combinations were higher for those with prior experience of EA/TENS than for those
without prior experience, as indicated in Supplementary Materials Figure S1 (see also p 9 below).
When all the items were considered together, there were positive linear correlations between
items expected to increase and experienced as increasing (r = 0.750), and also between those expected
to decrease and experienced as decreasing (r = 0.916). These correlations were driven by increases in
Relaxation, Tingling and Warmth, and by decreases in Being stressed, Pain and Tension. If these
were removed from the analysis, the apparent linearity was no longer evident (r = 0.446 and
r = 0.173, respectively).
There was no indication that respondents who tended to answer one way to the EXPre
questionnaire (as “increasers”, “i”, or “decreasers”, “d” [
]) were likely to answer the same way to
the EXPost
questionnaire (p > 0.05).
3.2.2. Patterns of Expectation for Individual Questionnaire Items
Counts of the various change responses for individual items were made. The highest counts
for the various EXPre
combinations are shown in Supplementary Materials Table S3.
For DKDK and DKN, two items were tied in first position, and for YDK, three items.
Items above the third quartile for Y
Y were Tingling (count 40), Relaxation (20), Pain and
Tension (16), and Warmth (15), all of which were included in EXP
(although not among the Y
items above the third quartile there). The third quartile N
N items in EXP
were Cheerfulness (26),
Clarity and Heaviness (23), Sleepiness (22), and Being spaced out (21). Again, although included in
, they did not occur in the third quartile EXP
NN items. The case for DKDK is similar.
Expected/experienced increases and decreases are shown in Supplementary Materials Table S4.
The results for Tingling and Tension are in line with those in the previous table. Those for
Relaxation (inc
dec) and Pain (dec
inc) are somewhat surprising (but involve only small numbers).
3.3. Research Question 2: Individual Questionnaire Items—Expectations of Change, Increase and Decrease
3.3.1. Changes/No Changes and Increases/Decreases Most and Least Expected
Questionnaire item counts were ranked and the results were tabulated. Those above the third
quartile (75th percentile, in the “top five”) are shown in Table 2.
Medicines 2017, 4,19
Table 2.
Changes/no changes and increases/decreases most and least expected. Items listed are for the
whole sample. Subgroups in which the listed items did not occur are shown in the “not sub” columns.
Change Most
No Change
Least Expected
Change Least
No Change Most
Tingling * - Tingling - Cheerfulness - Cheerfulness -
Relaxation * n Warmth s Being spaced out - Being spaced out -
Tension * c
Inner bodily
c Sensory acuity - Heaviness c
Pain - Relief n Sleepiness s, n Sleepiness n
Relief c, n Relaxation - Clarity c, n Clarity -
Increase Most
Decrease Least
Increase Least
Decrease Most
Tingling - Cheerfulness - Being stressed - Pain -
Relaxation - Aliveness - Pain - Tension -
Warmth c Wellbeing - Cheerfulness - Being stressed -
Relief c, n Warmth - Tension n Heaviness -
Wellbeing s, n
(5 tied items
- Heaviness c, p Sleepiness c
Key: c = CPD; s = students; p = prior experience of EA/TENS; n = no prior experience of EA/TENS. Items in
bold are those for which the most agreement occurred for “change” as well as for either “increase” or “decrease”.
* Agreement with results for EXPre
Clarity, Inner bodily flow, Mental energy, Mental focus, Sensory acuity.
3.3.2. Correlations between Items Expected to Change/Not Change, or Increase/Decrease
There is evidently some correspondence between items most expected to change and those least
expected not to change (three items in common) and vice versa (four items in common). Taking all
items into account, there was a strong negative linear correlation between those expected to change
and those not expected to change (r = 0.893).
There is less correspondence between those items most expected to increase and those least
expected to decrease (two items in common), and more between those items most expected to decrease
and those least expected to increase (four items in common). Compared with expectations of change,
there was a relatively small negative correlation between items expected to increase and those expected
to decrease (r = 0.510).
3.4. Research Question 2: Individual Questionnaire Items—Experiences of Change, Increase and Decrease
3.4.1. Changes/No Changes and Increases/Decreases Most and Least Experienced
Questionnaire item counts were ranked and the results were tabulated. Those above the
third quartile (75th percentile, in the “top five”) are shown in Table 3. In addition, respondents
were asked explicitly to asterisk changes they “noticed most” (see Appendix B-2). Only 16 did so
(12 students, 4 practitioners), with 42 items asterisked between them (1–8 items per respondent,
mode 2). The numbers of asterisked items are included (in parentheses) in Table 3. Other items
asterisked but not above the third quartiles (not included in Table 3) were Aliveness (1), Being spaced
out (2), Calmness (3), Heaviness (2), Inner bodily flow (1), Mental energy (1), and Sleepiness (4).
Wellbeing was the only item not asterisked.
Here there is a similar degree of agreement between greater experience of change and lesser
experience of no change (four items in common), and between greater experience of no change and
lesser experience of change (four items in common). Taking all item counts into consideration, there
was a negative linear correlation between those experienced as changing and not changing (r =
This was stronger than the correlation for the expected items.
Apart from Calmness and Sleepiness (asterisked three and four times), and Relief (asterisked
twice), there is agreement between those items for which changes were most often experienced and
those experienced with most intensity (“noticed most”, and asterisked three times or more).
Medicines 2017, 4,19
Table 3.
Changes/no changes and increases/decreases most and least experienced. Items listed
are for the whole sample. Subgroups in which the listed items did not occur are shown in the
“not sub” columns.
Change Most
No change Least
Change Least
No change Most
Tingling (3) - Tingling (3) - Mental focus (2) n
rumblings * (2)
Relaxation * (6) - Pain (4) p
Intestinal rumblings
- Sensory acuity (0) -
Warmth (4) - Relief (2) - Sensory acuity (0) - Being stressed (0) s,n
Pain (4) s,p Relaxation (6) - Cheerfulness (1) - Clarity (1) -
Tension * (3) c Warmth (4) n Clarity (1) - Mental focus (2) c,n
Increase Most
Decrease Least
Increase Least
Decrease Most
Tingling - Sensory acuity - Mental focus - Tension -
Relaxation - Inner bodily flow - Being stressed - Pain -
Warmth - Warmth - Tension n Being stressed -
Being spaced out c,n Mental focus n Sensory acuity p Aliveness -
Calmness c,n
(6 tied items
- Intestinal rumblings n Heaviness n
Key: c = CPD; s = students; p = prior experience of EA/TENS; n = no prior experience of EA/TENS. Numbers in
square brackets indicate the numbers of an item asterisked as “most noticed” by respondents. Items in bold are those
for which the most agreement occurred for “change” as well as for either “increase” or “decrease”. * Agreement
with results for EXPre
Being spaced out, Calmness, Cheerfulness, Clarity, Intestinal rumblings, Tingling.
3.4.2. Correlations between Items Most/Least Experienced as Increasing/Decreasing
There is some correspondence between those items most experienced as increasing and those least
experienced as decreasing (three items in common), but less between those items most experienced as
decreasing and those least experienced as increasing (two items in common). There was a very weak
negative correlation between items experienced as increasing and those experienced as decreasing
(r = 0.358).
3.4.3. Ratios of “Yes”/”No” and “Increase”/”Decrease” Score Counts
Significance of the ratios of “Yes”/”No” and “increase”/”decrease” score counts are shown in
Supplementary Materials Table S2, together with the sign of the difference between the counts.
Only for “Cheerfulness” was there a significant Expected/Not expected change ratio in both the
and EXPost
. In contrast, 12 items (60%) showed a significant increased/decreased ratio in
both EXPre
and EXPost
. For all these 12 items, increases outnumbered decreases (whether expected
or experienced).
3.5. Research Question —Differences in Response Patterns between Respondent Subgroups
3.5.1. Drop-outs, i.e., Those Not Completing the EXPost20 Questionnaire
Nine respondents did not complete the EXPost
questionnaire. Eight of these (more than
expected) had no prior experience of EA/TENS, and were also students (p = 0.039 each, using the
ratio test).
3.5.2. Those with and without Prior Experience of EA or TENS
Overall, similar numbers had (36) and had not (31) had prior experience of EA/TENS,
with proportionally more in the practitioner/CPD cohorts having prior experience (however, this was
a nonsignificant difference).
Medicines 2017, 4,19
3.5.3. Prior Experience and Expectation
For no single EXPre
item was the Binomial test for those expecting a change significant.
“Tingling” was the only item significant (p = 0.025) for those not expecting a change (none of those
without prior experience expected no change in this item). Those who did expect a change in “Tingling”
were divided almost equally between those with prior experience (28) and those without (27). For all
items taken together, however, the expectation of change and the expectation of increase
approached significance for the 0.54 test proportion (and would have been significant had group sizes
been equal).
Significantly more of those with prior experience were uncertain whether an increase or decrease
was expected (p = 0.023; p = 0.001 for test proportion 0.50).
3.5.4. Practitioner and Student Expectation
No significant differences in expectation of change/no change were found between students and
practitioners. Practitioners expected fewer decreases than students (p = 0.024), and were less likely
to report uncertainty in their expectation of increase or decrease (p = 0.003). No differences were
significant for any individual item.
3.5.5. Practitioner and Student Questionnaire Responses
Across all questionnaire items in EXPre
, practitioners recorded 142 “yes” responses (106
increases, 26 decreases), 111 “no” responses, and 78 no-expectation responses. Students recorded 419
“yes” responses (294 increases, 104 decreases), 314 “no” responses, and 187 no-expectation responses.
Across all questionnaire items in EXPost
, practitioners recorded 126 “yes” responses
(72 increases, 17 decreases), 189 “no” responses, and 22 no-expectation responses. Students recorded
264 “yes” responses (202 increases, 50 decreases), 458 “no” responses, and 74 no-expectation responses.
Unspecified “yes” responses in both cases were those where neither increase nor decrease
was indicated.
Across all responses in EXPre
there was no significant difference in the distribution between
practitioners and students (p > 0.05). Similarly, there was no significant difference with respect
to the direction of change (“increase” or “decrease”). Across all responses in EXPost
, again the
distributions were not significantly different when missing data responses were excluded (
p > 0.05
In subsequent analyses (other than in Section 3.5 below), “don’t know” (DK) and missing data
responses were disregarded.
3.5.6. Ratios of “Yes” and “No” Counts in Questionnaire Responses
Ratios of “Yes”/”No” and “increase”/”decrease” counts are shown in Tables 4 and 5, respectively.
Table 4. Ratios of “Yes” and “No” counts for EXP
Y/N (Pre) Y/N (Post) Y (Post/Pre)
N (Post/Pre)
CPD 1.28 ** (n.s.) 0.67 ** 0.89 (n.s.) 1.70 **
Student 1.33 ** 0.58 ** 0.63 ** 1.46 **
Total 1.32 ** 0.60 ** 0.70 ** 1.52 **
** p < 0.001 (Binomial test, test ratio 0.50).
Table 5. Ratios of “increase” and “decrease” counts for EXP
Subgroup Inc/Dec (Pre) Inc/Dec (Post) Inc (Post/Pre) Dec (Post/Pre)
CPD 4.07 ** 4.24 ** 0.68 * 0.65 (n.s.)
Student 2.83 ** 4.04 ** 0.69 ** 0.48 **
Total 3.08 ** 4.09 ** 0.69 ** 0.52 **
* p = 0.001; ** p < 0.001
Medicines 2017, 4,19
All the EXPre
count ratios, except for the practitioner EXPre
“Yes/No” ratio and the
practitioner EXPost
“Yes” ratio, are significantly different from 1 (p < 0.001).
Obvious patterns are also that “Yes” responses outnumber “No’s” in EXPre
, but “No” responses
outnumber “Yes” responses in EXPost
, and that “No” responses in EXPost
outnumber those in
, but that “Yes” responses in EXPre
outnumber those in EXPost
. (Similar results were found
for EXPre
and EXPost
Again, all count ratios are significantly different from 1 (p < 0.001) except for the practitioner
“increase” ratio (p = 0.001) and the practitioner “decrease” ratio (n.s.).
However, whereas the ratios of the change counts (Table 4) are quite dissimilar (median 1.76,
interquartile range [IQR] 0.67–4.05), the “increase”/”decrease” ratios (Table 5) are quite similar for
both EXPre
and EXPost
, as are the EXPost
ratios for both “increase” and “decrease”
(median 1.09, IQR 0.66%–1.36%).
3.6. Research Question 4—Associations between Different Items and Exploratory Cluster Analysis
3.6.1. Associations between Pairs of Items
Cramer’s V was used as a simple method of assessing how closely the different items were
associated, based on the categorical scores (“Y” or “N”) allocated by the respondents. Low values
of V (<0.3) were ignored (V
0.3 is considered by Cohen to indicate a medium level of association,
and V
0.5 a high level [
]). Figure 3 shows how frequently each item appeared in item pairs with
a medium or high level of Cramer’s V.
Figure 3.
Number of times each item appeared in item pairs with a medium or high level of Cramer’s V.
Using Cramer’s V, there was a higher percentage (with a higher average V) of items
showing significant EXPre
associations than of items with significant EXPre
There are two subgroups of items here: a lower one (mean occurrence rate 5.5, range 3–9) and an
upper one (mean occurrence rate 21.0, range 17–26). Of the EXPre
pairs, 24 of 35 (68.6%)
consisted of items only in the upper subgroup, of the EXPost
pairs, 28 of 46 (60.9%), and of
the EXPre
pairs, 31 of 46 (67.4%).
Medicines 2017, 4,19
3.6.2. Cluster Analysis
Numbers of estimated clusters using Jaccard’s index, Sokal and Sneath’s index 5, and Ward’s
method are shown in Supplementary Materials Table S5. Items in the clusters obtained using the
different methods were compared, and those for which there was the most agreement were selected.
A comparison between Cramer’s V and Ward’s proximities showed no obvious relationship
between the two measures overall. However, in both EXPre
and EXPost
two clusters stood out
from all the others, having the highest mean V and lowest mean proximity. These could be considered
as clusters for “Relaxation” and “Alertness”. The values of mean Ward proximities (W) and Cramer’s V
for the two clusters suggest that “Alertness” was the more robust of the two (Supplementary Materials
Table S6). Other possible clusters were “Relief” and “Bodily sensation”, but there was less agreement
between EXPre
and EXPost
on the items included.
If the data was split by subgroup (CPD vs. student respondents, or with vs. without prior
experience of EA/TENS), no combinations of items appeared in corresponding clusters for all four
subgroups. In the EXPre
responses, the Calmness/Relaxation dyad did not appear in any cluster
for those with no prior experience of EA/TENS, and in the EXPost
responses only in the student
subgroup. In the EXPre
responses, the triad of Aliveness, Cheerfulness, and Mental focus appeared
together in a cluster for all subgroups except for that of students, and that of Cheerfulness, Mental
energy, and Mental focus in a cluster for all but the subgroup with prior experience of EA/TENS. In the
responses, the dyad of Aliveness and Mental energy and the tetrad of Cheerfulness, Clarity,
Mental focus, and Sensory acuity appeared together (albeit in separate clusters) for all subgroups
except for those with no prior experience of EA/TENS. Subgroup analysis was not carried out for the
and EXPost
items taken together.
4. Discussion
4.1. Respondents
The pattern evident in those respondents who only filled out the EXPre
and not the EXPost
questionnaire suggests that those who did not complete the second questionnaire (predominantly
students) had not really become more interested in EA/TEAS after the course than they were before
attending. This could reflect a failure of teaching skill on the part of the instructor, or a lack of openness
to something outside the normal (“traditional”) curriculum among students, for whom this was an
obligatory session (whereas the CPD respondents signed up for their sessions because of an interest in
what was being taught). In addition, some of the students will have left the session early to ensure
they were able to catch their usual transport home.
Practitioners tended to have somewhat more prior experience of the EA and TENS modalities
than students. Given that the students were all enrolled in “traditional” acupuncture training courses,
this was to be expected, even if the difference between the practitioners and students did not reach
significance in this respect.
Somewhat surprisingly, six of the 36 respondents who had prior experience of EA/TENS expected
no change in “Tingling”, whereas none of the 31 without such prior experience expected no change in
“Tingling”. Electricity is commonly associated with a “Tingling” feeling [8].
Those with no prior experience of EA/TENS showed less uncertainty in their expectations of
increases or decreases in feelings than those who did have prior experience. Real life clinical experience
may soften the certainty of preconceptions.
4.2. Questionnaire Items—Overall Patterns
Overall, students and practitioners scored the questionnaires in a similar way. In particular,
whereas more respondents expected feelings to change than did not expect them to, fewer respondents
actually experienced changes in feelings (cf [
]). Thus there were fewer EXPost
than EXPre
responses, but more “No” responses.
Medicines 2017, 4,19
In contrast, more “increases” than “decreases” were both expected and experienced (with a
slightly higher ratio of “increases” to “decreases” in EXPost
than EXPre
). As there were fewer
“Yes” counts following treatment than before, the EXPost
ratios for both “increases” and
“decreases” were all <1.
4.3. Individual Questionnaire Items—Expectations of Change, Increase and Decrease
Some responses might be self-evident to anyone familiar with any complementary therapy:
following a treatment, a change (increase) in relaxation or relief would be expected or hoped for, and
also a change (decrease) in pain or tension.
Inner bodily flow (which might be expected on the basis of prior experience of or teachings on
energy-based medicine [
], and could be interpreted by some respondents in terms of electrical current
flow) was considered less likely to change or increase by those with prior experience. Heaviness and
Sleepiness were both among those items considered least likely to change AND those items likely to
decrease. Calmness and Heaviness were considered likely to change by CPD respondents, but less so
by the students.
4.4. Individual Questionnaire Items—Experiences of Change, Increase and Decrease
The changes most commonly experienced (Pain, Relaxation, Tension, Tingling, Warmth) were
similar to those expected (Pain, Relaxation, Relief, Tension, Tingling), with Relaxation, Tingling,
and Warmth among the items most often increasing, and Pain and Tension among those most often
decreasing. There was overall agreement between those items for which changes were most often
experienced and those experienced with most intensity (“noticed most”).
Sleepiness was among the items most experienced as not changing for the (CPD/no prior
experience) respondents, Heaviness for the (student/no prior experience) respondents, and Calmness
and Mental focus for all those with no prior experience. Conversely, Relief was among the items most
experienced as changing for the CPD and no prior experience respondents. The no prior experience
subgroup therefore appears to have had a different experience of what did and did not change than
the others.
Of the 12 items showing significantly more increases than decreases in both EXPre
, all could be considered as “positive” in the sense of increasing with overall wellbeing
rather than decreasing.
4.5. Fulfilment of Expectation
A key finding is that—as for the EXP
questionnaires—expectations of change, whether negative
or positive, were confirmed rather than not. Only in one cohort (N = 11) was this not the case.
Positive expectations of change were more marked among those with prior experience of
EA/TENS than those without.
In contrast, expectations of increase or decrease were not fulfilled (rather than confirmed) by
experience. However, there were significantly more counts of all four combinations of EXPre
“i” and “d” scores from respondents with prior experience of EA/TENS than from those
without. Further study would be required to confirm these findings, as missing data rates were high
(31 of 561, or 5.5%, for EXPre
, and 49 of 390, or 12.6%, for EXPost
That 10 out of the 59 (17%) respondents who completed both the EXPre
and EXPost
questionnaires reported a change in Being stressed, whereas they had expected not to, is concordant
with the experienced decreases shown in Table 3 above (where “Being stressed” was included among
the items above the third quartile). Eleven (19%) who were uncertain if they would experience a change
in the feeling of Being stressed experienced no change, and 18 (31%) who expected a change in the
feeling of tension experienced no change.
Nine of those who were uncertain if they would experience a change in warmth in fact did
(it being one of the items most experienced as increasing, as shown in Table 3), whereas 11 (19%)
Medicines 2017, 4,19
who were uncertain if they would experience a change in Intestinal rumblings also did not (this, like
Sensory acuity and Mental focus, being an item that was least experienced as either increasing or
decreasing, as shown in Table 3).
Taking Table 2, Table 3 and Tables S2–S4 together, the salient items are Relaxation, Tingling and
Warmth, and Pain and Tension. Future research into the feelings elicited by EA and TEAS should at
least take these into account (Cheerfulness also appears frequently in the Tables, but mostly because
little change in this feeling was expected or experienced).
Associations were more evident between EXPre
item pairs than between
or EXPost
pairs. Counts of items occurring in pairs with medium
or high levels of Cramer’s V showed that they fell into two groups, one of relatively low counts (range
3–9), and one with higher counts (range 17–26). Cluster analysis suggested the existence of two clusters
for both EXPre
and EXPost
items, one which could be considered as indicating “Relaxation”, and
the other “Alertness”. The latter appeared more robust; the two clusters considered together are
redolent of the traditional acupuncture concepts of yin and yang [26].
Although there was no obvious relationship between Cramer’s V and Ward’s proximities, all but
one of the items in the “Alertness” cluster were all in the higher count range for Cramer’s V. In contrast,
of the two items consistently occurring in the “Relaxation” cluster, the “Relaxation” item itself was in
the lower count range (albeit at the top end of that range).
Further research using the EXP
questionnaires should be conducted to replicate our findings
and explore their application in different contexts, in particular in more rigorously designed clinical
studies, and in relation to mainstream or CAM treatments other than EA. They could also be applied
outside academic institutions, and even in everyday life situations. Such research should take into
account the various issues flagged under “Limitations”, described below.
5. Conclusions
Our main findings were that expectations of change, whether negative or positive, were confirmed
rather than not, and that the changes most commonly experienced (Pain, Relaxation, Tension,
Tingling, Warmth) were indeed similar to those expected (Pain, Relaxation, Relief, Tension, Tingling),
with Relaxation, Tingling, and Warmth among the items most often increasing, and Pain and Tension
among those most often decreasing. Cluster analysis suggested the existence of two primary clusters
for both EXPre
and EXPost
items, one which could be considered as indicating “Relaxation”
(consisting of the items Calmness and Relaxation), the other “Alertness” (Aliveness, Cheerfulness,
[Clarity], Mental energy, Mental focus, and Sensory acuity).
It is hoped that the EXP
questionnaires will be used by other researchers to replicate these
findings, and also be developed further. It would be interesting, for example, to see whether results
differ for men and women, and also whether different feelings are elicited by different types of
acupuncture (in particular, sham acupuncture where significant debate exists surrounding the assumed
inertia of the intervention [
]). They could perhaps also be used with outcome measures to
explore whether “good responders” tend to experience complementary therapy treatments in a way
that is different from those who respond less well.
5.1. Limitations
Attendees were not asked to provide information about their gender. Where available, this data
was gathered retrospectively for each cohort, so that it is not possible to relate individuals’ responses
and their gender. Given the preponderance of women in the study (at least 68% and possibly as high as
81%), it is highly likely that our results are valid for women alone, but further research will be required
to confirm that findings are valid for men as well as for women.
CPD attendees were not asked how many years they had been in practice. Differences between
them could have impacted both the treatments they gave and their expectations and experiences of
treatment effects. It would require a larger study to explore this factor.
Medicines 2017, 4,19
CPD respondents attended these EA teaching sessions voluntarily, whereas the students did not.
This may have had an impact on how seriously they took the task of completing the questionnaires.
Nonetheless, this does not appear to have led to major differences between the C and S respondents
(other than for Research question 1).
Because this study was conducted in teaching situations where attendees from different
acupuncture training backgrounds were encouraged to explore the techniques of EA and TEAS
for themselves, the treatments given were very heterogeneous. Beyond suggesting that it was good
practice to obtain a deqi response before applying electrical stimulation through the needles, no attempt
was made to control the needling technique or to change the methods of needling with which the
attendees were already comfortable.
Furthermore, this is a small pilot study on participants familiar with acupuncture and the
subjective sensations it may elicit. It is not known how far the results can be extrapolated to the
wider population who are likely to be less familiar with such sensations, nor how they would be
reflected in a purely clinical context.
A potential weakness in the test procedure concerns the contamination of responses to the later
) questionnaire. Small group discussion on the EA/TEAS techniques used was encouraged
during the treatment exchange sessions before this questionnaire was administered, so that even
though individuals completed it independently, their responses may have been somewhat influenced
by others’ comments. However, it is important to note that this effect is likely to be minimal since
time was limited, the treatment/discussion groups were indeed small (N = 3 or 4), and the focus of
the discussion was on the technicalities of EA/TEAS rather than on participants’ subjective experience.
Furthermore, although the “grain size” of the resulting ExPost
data may have been fairly coarse,
it is highly unlikely that there was contamination between the small groups. In our view, despite
the strong contrary opinion of our most rigorous anonymous reviewer, the results still support
our conclusions regarding fulfillment of expectation, since: (A) the initial (ExPre
) questionnaire
was completed with no potential for contamination; (B) ExPost
was presented with a separately
randomised question order, without recourse to ExPre
responses; (C) although there may conceivably
have been contamination of responses within some of the small groups, it is highly unlikely that this
was so consistent as to explain our findings; and (D) results were similar across the different cohorts.
In other words, the experiences reported by the respondents were consistently in accord with and very
likely influenced by their expectations (and not just their earlier reporting of expectations), and any
within-group distortion was minimal.
Of course it must be kept in mind that the data analysed in the present study represent inherently
subjective reports of feelings and experiences. There are therefore likely to be many factors contributing
to the responses both to ExPre
and ExPost
, the fine-grain investigation of which was not within the
scope of this present study.
Finally, whereas most respondents were able to score most items for expected or experienced
changes, there were more lacunae in the data for increases/decreases. Because of this missing data,
the results for expected/experienced increases and decreases are less certain, and should be confirmed
in further studies with more respondents.
Supplementary Materials:
The following are available online at, Table S1:
Respondent cohorts, Table S2: Differences between score counts (change/no change, increase/decrease) for
the EXPre
and EXPost
items, Table S3: Questionnaire items with the highest counts for the various
“expected”/”experienced” combinations, Table S4: Questionnaire items with the highest counts for the various
“increase” and “decrease” combinations, Table S5: Numbers of estimated clusters of EXPre
, EXPost
and EXPost
items; Figure S1: Relationships between counts of expected and experienced increase (i)
and decrease (d) scores.
To those who supported the development of these questionnaires, in particular Tony Steffert
and Tim Watson; to Louise Percival, market research consultant, for her input on the questionnaire design; to
Neil Spencer for the clarity of his teaching on statistics; to Ian Appleyard, Angie Hicks, Linda Johnson, and
Deborah Woolf for providing descriptive data on the course participants at extremely short notice; to Medicines’
Medicines 2017, 4,19
anonymous reviewers for their very helpful critiques, and to all our participants. No funding was received for
this project.
Author Contributions:
D.F.M. proposed the pilot study as part of an ongoing research project, completed the
Ethics application, collected and analysed the data, and wrote the first draft of this paper. L.S.M. and H.C.M.
critiqued and rewrote this draft.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A. The original 32-item questionnaires, EXPre
and EXPost
A-1. EXPre
1.ȱAlivenessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱatȱeaseȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱinȱcontrolȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
acedȬȱout Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
6.ȱCalmnessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
7.ȱCheerfulnessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
10.ȱContentmentȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
11.ȱExcitementȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
12.ȱHeavinessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
Medicines 2017, 4,19
ȱflow Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
18.ȱMentalȱfocusȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
19.ȱNervousnessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
20.ȱPainȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
21.ȱPeacefulnessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
24.ȱRelaxationȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
25.ȱRestlessnessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱacuteness Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
inessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
lenessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
29.ȱTensionȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
31.ȱWarmthȱorȱcoolnessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
A-2. EXPost
one.ȱThatȱis,ȱdonȇtȱ worryȱaboutȱbeingȱ‘consistent’ȱinȱyourȱresponses. ȱ Thereȱareȱnoȱ‘correct’ȱorȱ‘incorrect’ȱ
answers.ȱAnswerȱ accordingȱtoȱwhatȱ youȱ experienced,ȱratherȱ thanȱhowȱyouȱ think
ȱ‘mostȱ acupuncturists’ȱ
1.ȱAlivenessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱatȱeaseȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱinȱcontrolȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
Medicines 2017, 4,19
acedȬȱout Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
6.ȱCalmnessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
7.ȱCheerfulnessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
10.ȱContentmentȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
11.ȱExcitementȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
12.ȱHeavinessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱflow Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
18.ȱMentalȱfocusȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
19.ȱNervousnessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
20.ȱPainȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
21.ȱPeacefulnessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
24.ȱRelaxationȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
25.ȱRestlessnessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱacuteness Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
inessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
lenessȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
29.ȱTensionȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
ȱ Yes No Don’tȱknowȱ
Appendix B. The revised 20-item questionnaires, EXPre
and EXPost
B-1. EXPre
ȱ ȱ
Weȱ wouldȱ likeȱ toȱknowȱ ifȱ youȱ expectȱ anyȱofȱ theseȱ feelingsȱ toȱ increaseȱ orȱdecreaseȱ forȱ youȱpersonallyȱ in
First,ȱpleaseȱtellȱusȱifȱyouȱhaveȱreceivedȱEAȱorȱTEASȱbeforeȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱ ȱ
Medicines 2017, 4,19
Pleaseȱrememberȱthereȱ areȱnoȱ rightȱorȱwrongȱanswers.ȱȱConsiderȱeachȱfeelingȱinȱ isolationȱandȱ answerȱas
Forȱ eachȱfeeling,ȱcircleȱtheȱ wordȱ orȱ abbreviationȱ thatȱ bestȱrepresentsȱ yourȱexpectationȱ ofȱ changeȱ inȱ theȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
B-2. EXPost
Medicines 2017, 4,19
Pleaseȱ rememberȱ thereȱ areȱnoȱ rightȱ orȱ wrongȱanswers.ȱ Considerȱ eachȱ feelingȱ inȱisolationȱ andȱ answerȱ as
Relativeȱ toȱ howȱ youȱ feltȱ whenȱ youȱ completedȱ theȱ earlierȱ questionnaire,ȱ duringȱ orȱ immediatelyȱ
changeȱ ȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Yesȱ Noȱ DK/CSȱ Incȱ Decȱ
Medicines 2017, 4,19
Ifȱyouȱhaveȱanyȱcommentsȱyouȱwould ȱlikeȱtoȱmake,ȱyouȱcanȱincludeȱthemȱhere:ȱ
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A Population-Based Cohort Study on the Ability of
Acupuncture to Reduce Post-Stroke Depression
Shuo-Ping Tseng
, Yu-Ching Hsu
*, Ching-Ju Chiu
* and Shang-Te Wu
Department of Chinese Medicine, Tainan Municipal Hospital, Tainan 700, Taiwan; [email protected]
Department of Chinese Medicine, Tainan Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Tainan 701, Taiwan
Institute of Gerontology, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan
Department of Internal Medicine and Neurology, Kuo General Hospital, Tainan 700, Taiwan;
* Correspondence: yuchinghsupr[email protected] (Y.-C.H.); [email protected] (C.-J.C.);
Tel.: +886-6220-0055 (ext. 3086) (Y.-C.H.); +886-6235-3535 (ext. 5739) (C.-J.C.);
Fax: +886-6222-2236 (Y.-C.H.); +886-6302-8175 (C.-J.C.)
Academic Editors: Gerhard Litscher and William Chi-shing Cho
Received: 17 January 2017; Accepted: 8 March 2017; Published: 15 March 2017
Abstract: Objective:
Post-stroke depression (PSD) is common and has a negative impact on recovery.
Although many stroke patients in Taiwan have used acupuncture as a supplementary treatment for
reducing stroke comorbidities, little research has been done on the use of acupuncture to prevent
PSD. Accordingly, our goal is to investigate whether using acupuncture after a stroke can reduce
the risk of PSD. Method: This population-based cohort study examined medical claims data from a
random sample of 1 million insured people registered in Taiwan. Newly diagnosed stroke patients
in the period 2000–2005 were recruited in our study. All patients were followed through to the end
of 2007 to determine whether they had developed symptoms of depression. A Cox proportional
hazard model was used to estimate the relative risk of depression in patients after being diagnosed
as having had a stroke, with a focus on the differences in those with and without acupuncture
A total of 8487 newly-diagnosed stroke patients were included in our study; of
these, 1036 patients received acupuncture more than five times following their stroke, 1053 patients
received acupuncture 1–5 times following their stroke and 6398 did not receive acupuncture. After we
controlled for potential confounders (e.g., age, sex, insurance premium, residential area, type of stroke,
length of hospital stay, stroke severity index, rehabilitation and major illness–related depression),
we found that acupuncture after stroke significantly reduced the risk of depression, with a hazard
ratio (HR) of 0.475 (95% CI, 0.389–0.580) in frequent acupuncture users and 0.718 (95% CI, 0.612–0.842)
in infrequent acupuncture users, indicating that acupuncture may lower the risk of PSD by an
estimated 52.5% in frequent users and 28.2% in infrequent users.
After we controlled for
potential confounders, it appears that using acupuncture after a stroke lowers the risk of depression.
Additional strictly-designed randomized controlled trials are needed to better understand the specific
mechanisms relating acupuncture to health outcomes.
Keywords: post-stroke depression; acupuncture
1. Introduction
Strokes are the third leading cause of death and the most common cause of complex disability
in Taiwan [
]. Many medical complications of stroke are common and often lead to poor clinical
outcomes, such as depression, known as post-stroke depression (PSD). PSD has a high prevalence and
a negative impact on stroke patients’ long-term survival and well-being [
]. Thus, it is important to
reduce or prevent PSD in stroke survivors.
Medicines 2017, 4, 16; doi:10.3390/medicines4010016
Medicines 2017, 4,16
Many studies have evaluated various approaches to prevent PSD, including pharmacological
therapy and psychotherapy. In some clinical trials, medicines such as Escitalopram and Duloxetine
have shown some effectiveness in preventing PSD; however, most remedies had small treatment
effect [
]. Other studies have also revealed that rehabilitation after a stroke may have positive effects
in preventing PSD [4].
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is classified as one form of complementary and alternative
medicine (CAM) and is popular in Asian countries; for example, 52.7% of stroke patients receive both
Chinese herbal remedies and acupuncture/traumatology treatment in Taiwan [
]. Some studies have
reported that acupuncture may be effective in preventing PSD; however, such studies have so far been
either too small or lacking big data analysis. If a case is to be made for the usefulness of acupuncture
in relation to PSD, it is imperative to provide empirical evidence showing its positive effects on stroke
patients’ psychological well-being.
Potential confounders related to PSD have been explored, including gender (female) [
disabilities, comorbidities [
], stroke severity [
], pre-stroke depression [
], cognitive impairment
after stroke, dysphagia [
], incontinence [
], anxiety, and social isolation at follow-up [
]. In order
to evaluate the preventive effect of acupuncture after subjects have been diagnosed as having had a
stroke, a more rigorous study must be performed. In response, the main purpose of this study was to
investigate whether acupuncture treatment after stroke attack reduces the risk of PSD after empirically
controlling for covariates during the observation period.
2. Materials and Method
2.1. Source of Data
Our study used reimbursement claims data obtained from the National Health Insurance Research
Dataset (NHIRD) in Taiwan. The NHIRD covers more than 99% of the population and has contracts
with 97% of the hospitals and clinics in Taiwan [
]. The National Health Research Institute maintains
and updates the NHIRD. The institute has publicly released a sub-dataset composed of claims data for
1,000,000 randomly selected insurance enrollees for research and administrative purposes. This random
subgroup represents approximately 5% of the entire insured population in Taiwan. This sub-dataset,
consisting of a longitudinal health insurance database for 2005 (LHID2005), was employed for this
study after obtaining approval from the National Health Research Institute review committee. For data
analysis, we retrieved information about patients’ characteristics and medical care records by linking
ambulatory care visit claims, in-patient expenditures by admissions, and the registry for beneficiaries.
Secondary data were collected and administered by the Taiwan National Institute of Family Planning
(now the Bureau of Health Promotion, BHP), and approved by their IRB. All data analyzed in this
study were anonymized.
2.2. Participants and End-Point
Patients who were newly diagnosed with a stroke (ICD-9-CM codes: 430–434, 436–437) between
2000 and 2005 were included in this study. We excluded patients who had had a head injury before 2000
(N = 340); who had suffered from depression before their stroke (N = 1381); who were not insured or
had died within 3 months of suffering the stroke (N = 256); had sought ambulatory care for depression
within the first 3 months following their stroke (N = 58); or had not had an acupuncture interval for
more than six months (N = 98). The study criteria, the exclusion criteria, and the follow-up procedure
are presented in Figure 1.
In Taiwan, TCM doctors must finish a training course in Chinese medicine and acupuncture and
pass the national examination before they are certified to practice and, thereafter, qualified for filing
NHI claims for acupuncture reimbursement. We classified the stroke patients into two groups based
upon their acupuncture use or non-use after their stroke: (1) acupuncture users: those who received
six or more or 1–5 acupuncture treatments after being diagnosed with a stroke from 2000 to 2007
Medicines 2017, 4,16
(respectively N = 1036, 12.21%; and, N = 1053, 12.41%); these were respectively called frequent and
infrequent users; and (2) acupuncture non-users: those who were defined as reporting no acupuncture
received after their stroke from 2000 to 2007 (N = 6398, 75.39%).
Figure 1.
Flow chart showing details of subject recruitment from the National Health Insurance
Research Dataset (NHIRD) of Taiwan for the years 2000 to 2005.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) IV categorizes PSD as a “mood disorder due
to a general medical condition (i.e., stroke)” with certain depressive features serving as specifiers,
for example, major depressive-like episodes, manic features, or mixed features [
]. The patients were
linked to the ambulatory care visit claims and inpatient expenditures by admissions claims during
the years 2000–2007 to identify possible treatment for depression. The follow-up ended on the date
of depression diagnosis (diagnosed according to ICD-9-CM code 296, 309, or 311, or A-code A212
or A219) in outpatient care or on the date of censoring, which was either the date of withdrawal
(including death) from the NHI program or the date of the follow-up end (i.e., 31 December 2007).
2.3. Covariates
The covariates considered in our analysis include socio-economic factors and covariates related to
stroke severity or progress. The socio-economic factors include gender, age, living area (categorized as
“urban area”, “satellite city”, and “rural area”) [
], and insurance premium (categorized as “<15,000
New Taiwan Dollars (NTD)”, and “15,000 NTD”).
The covariates related to stroke severity or progress include type of stroke (categorized as
hemorrhagic, occlusion or others (e.g., transient ischemic attack)), length of hospital stay, rehabilitation
after stroke in 3 months, comorbidities that are correlated to depression or disability, such as cancer
(ICD-9-CM code: 140–208), arthritis or rheumatism (ICD-9-CM code: 714.0, 729.0), chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (ICD-9-CM code: 490–496), peripheral arterial disease (ICD-9-CM code: 440–449),
diabetes (ICD-9-CM code: 250) chronic kidney disease (ICD-9-CM: 585) and ranking according to
the stroke severity index (SSI). The SSI is an index that estimates a stroke’s severity by using six
items listed in the hospitalization data in the NHI database [
], namely airway suction, bacterial
sensitivity test, general ward stay, intensive care unit stay, nasogastric intubation, osmotherapy, and
urinary catheterization.
2.4. Statistical Analysis
A chi-square test was used to compare differences in age, sex, residential area, insurance
premium, type of stroke, length of hospital stay, and the aforementioned comorbidities between
Medicines 2017, 4,16
groups. A Kaplan–Meier analysis was performed for censored graft survival. To assess the independent
effects of acupuncture on the risk of depression, we conducted a Cox proportional hazard regression
analysis with age, sex, insurance premium, urbanization level, SSI, rehabilitation after stroke in three
months, and selected comorbidities adjusted simultaneously in the model. We also adjusted the
urbanization level to account for the urban rural difference in accessibility to medical care in Taiwan.
All statistical analyses were performed using SAS (version 9.4, SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, USA),
in which a p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
3. Results
3.1. Sample Characteristics
Characteristics of the newly-diagnosed stroke patients based on whether they are acupuncture
users or non-users are presented in Table 1. A total of 8487 newly-diagnosed stroke patients were
included in our study, 1036 patients defined as higher acupuncture users, 1053 patients defined as
lower acupuncture users and 6735 patients defined as acupuncture non-users after stroke diagnosis.
According to Table 1, stroke patients who received frequent acupuncture treatment were, on average,
younger, more likely to live in an urban area, of higher economic status, more likely to have had
a hemorrhagic stroke, and had more hospitalization days compared to nonusers. Both frequent or
infrequent acupuncture users also received more rehabilitation treatment than non-users. The three
participating groups also had different comorbid diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral
arterial disease, diabetes or hypertension. However, other factors such as gender, comorbidities with
myocardial infarction, cancer, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or head
traumatic injury were not statistically different between frequent and infrequent users and non-users.
It was found that patients not using acupuncture treatment had a higher chance of being diagnosed
with PSD or withdrawal (including death) from the NHI program than those in both the frequent
and infrequent acupuncture groups. Over a 7-year follow-up, 110 patients (10.62%) from the frequent
acupuncture group, 177 patients (16.81%) from the infrequent acupuncture group and 1551 non-users
(24.24%) developed PSD.
Table 1.
Demographic characteristics between frequent, infrequent acupuncture users and non-users in
patients using acupuncture with newly diagnosed strokes from the 1-million enrollee random sample
of the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) from 2000 to 2007 in Taiwan.
Acupuncture Users
(N = 1036, 12.21%)
Acupuncture Users
(N = 1053, 12.41%)
(N = 6398, 75.39%)
p Value
Female (%) 444 (42.86) 425 (40.36) 2622 (40.98) 0.378
Age of diagnosis (Mean
± SD) 61.28 ± 13.19 61.77 ± 13.59 66.21 ± 14.35 <0.001
Follow-up time (year) (Mean
± SD) 4.67 ± 1.78 4.82 ± 1.76 4.28 ± 1.87 <0.001
Living area (%) <0.001
Urban area 307 (30.10) 275 (26.52) 1471 (23.45)
Satellite city 303 (29.71) 305 (29.41) 1668 (26.59)
Rural area 410 (40.20) 457 (44.07) 3133 (49.95)
Insurance income ranks (%)
<15,000 NTD 320 (30.89%) 314 (29.82) 2379 (37.18%)
15,000 NTD 716 (69.11%) 739 (70.18) 4019 (62.82%)
Type of stroke <0.001
hemorrhagic stroke 261 (25.19) 217 (20.61) 1288 (20.13)
occlusion stroke 617 (59.56) 647 (61.44) 3923 (61.32)
unknown 158 (15.25) 189 (17.95) 1187 (18.55)
Hospitalization days <0.001
7 days 458 (44.21) 536 (50.90) 3540 (52.20)
8–14 days 253 (24.42) 298 (28.30) 1626 (25.52)
15–21 days 111 (10.71) 74 (7.03) 541 (8.46)
22–28 days 63 (6.08) 52 (4.94) 316 (4.94)
28 days 151 (14.58) 93 (8.83) 575 (8.99)
Rheumatoid arthritis (%) 91 (8.78) 83 (7.88) 440 (6.88) 0.018
Peripheral arterial disease (%) 265 (25.58) 234 (22.22) 1216 (19.01) <0.001
Medicines 2017, 4,16
Table 1. Cont.
Acupuncture Users
(N = 1036, 12.21%)
Acupuncture Users
(N = 1053, 12.41%)
(N = 6398, 75.39%)
p Value
Myocardial infarction (%) 50 (4.83) 54 (5.13) 278 (4.35) 0.312
Cancer (%) 152 (14.67) 173 (16.43) 919 (14.36) 0.400
Diabetes (%) 531 (51.25) 520 (49.38) 2989 (46.72) 0.003
Hypertension (%) 873 (84.27) 887 (84.24) 5160 (80.65) <0.001
Chronic kidney diseases (%) 112 (10.81) 110 (10.45) 767 (11.99) 0.140
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (%) 554 (53.47) 572 (54.32) 3592 (56.14) 0.070
Head traumatic injury (%) 23 (2.22) 31 (2.94) 231 (3.33) 0.055
390 (37.64) 295 (28.02) 1126 (17.60) <0.001
SSI (Mean
± SD)
0.16 ± 1.39 0.35 ± 1.22 0.14 ± 1.40 <0.001
Censor after stroke
Yes 110 (10.62) 177 (16.81) 1551 (24.24) <0.001
Abbreviation: NHIRD = National Health Insurance Research Database; SD = standard deviation; NTD = New
Taiwan Dollar.
Frequent acupuncture users: Subjects received six or more acupuncture treatments between 2000
and 2007 after stroke diagnosis;
Infrequent acupuncture users: Subjects received 1–5 acupuncture treatments
between 2000 and 2007 after stroke diagnosis;
Acupuncture non-users: Subjects did not receive any acupuncture
treatment between 2000 and 2007 after stroke diagnosis;
The income-related insurance payment category set by
the Bureau of National Health Insurance in Taiwan;
1 US $ = 30 NTD (New Taiwan Dollars);
Comorbidities =
Medical illness, including rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral arterial disease, myocardial infarction, cancer, diabetes,
hypertension, chronic kidney diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and head traumatic injury, which
are related to acupuncture use and depression;
Rehabilitation: had rehabilitation in the 3 months after stroke;
SSI = Stroke
severity index;
Censor after stroke: Subjects sought ambulatory care for depression in outpatient care
after stroke diagnosis between 2000 and 2005 or withdrew (including death) from the NHI program in 2000–2007.
3.2. Cox Proportional Hazard Regression Analysis
Figure 2 compares the Kaplan–Meier Survival Curves of depression between patients in the
frequent and infrequent acupuncture treatment groups and the non-user group. As can be seen,
patients with acupuncture treatment after stroke had a significantly lower risk of depression over the
study period (p value for log-rank test 0.0001).
Figure 2.
Kaplan–Meier Survival Curves of depression for comparing frequent acupuncture users,
infrequent acupuncture users and non-users. a. Frequent acupuncture users: Subjects received six or
more acupuncture treatments between 2000 and 2007 after stroke diagnosis; b. Infrequent acupuncture
users: Subjects received 1–5 acupuncture treatments between 2000 and 2007 after stroke diagnosis;
c. Acupuncture non-users: Subjects did not receive any acupuncture treatment between 2000 and 2007
after stroke diagnosis.
In Table 2, after controlling for potential confounders (e.g., age at diagnosis, gender, insurance
premium level, living area, type of stroke, length of hospital stay, SSI, rehabilitation and major
illness–related depression), acupuncture treatment after stroke appeared to significantly reduce the
risk of PSD, with a hazard ratio (HR) of 0.475 (95% CI, 0.389–0.580) and 0.718 (95% CI, 0.612–0.842) for
the frequent and infrequent acupuncture groups, respectively. In the multivariate analysis, females
Medicines 2017, 4,16
had a lower risk of depression than males (HR = 0.777; 95% CI, 0.705–0.856). Stroke patients with
longer hospital stays, who are older, or have higher SSI tended to be at significantly greater risk of PSD
after their stroke than the other patients in this study (HR = 1.098; 95% CI, 1.053–1.145; HR = 1.045;
95% CI, 1.040–1.050; HR = 1.210; 95% CI, 1.166–1.256, respectively). Comorbidity with myocardial
infarction (HR =1.298; 95% CI, 1.080–1.559), cancer (HR = 1.423; 95% CI, 1.268–1.597), diabetes
(HR = 1.136; 95% CI, 1.032–1.251), chronic kidney diseases (HR = 1.519; 95% CI, 1.345–1.715), chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (HR = 1.219; 95% CI, 1.097–1.355) or traumatic head injury (HR = 1.629;
95% CI, 1.335–1.988) also showed higher risk than those without these comorbidities. However, stroke
patients living in urban areas, with peripheral arterial disease or hypertension had a lower risk of PSD
after stroke diagnosis (HR = 0.836; 95% CI, 0.738–0.947; HR = 0.878; 95% CI, 0.781–0.986;
HR = 0.844
95% CI, 0.744–0.956, respectively). Meanwhile, economic status, rehabilitation, and presence of
comorbid diseases with rheumatoid arthritis were not significantly more likely to be correlated with
PSD risk. However, different risk of PSD development was found between hemorrhagic stroke and
other types of stroke (HR = 0.796; 95% CI, 0.676–0.936). We further analyzed the effects of acupuncture
treatment in developing PSD in hemorrhagic stroke and occlusion stroke (Table 3). The results suggest
that occlusion-stroke patients receiving acupuncture treatment (either frequent or infrequent) would
decrease the risk of developing PSD (HR = 0.499; 95% CI, 0.391–0.638; HR = 0.707; 95% CI, 0.578–0.865,
respectively). In addition, patients with hemorrhagic stroke that received frequent acupuncture
treatments appeared to minimize the risk of PSD (HR = 0.446; 95% CI, 0.283–0.702); however, those in
the infrequent acupuncture group had no significant benefit over the non-users group (HR = 0.831;
95% CI, 0.577–1.196).
Table 2. Multivariable adjusted hazard ratios of covariates for depression.
Characteristic Hazard Ratio
p Value 95% CI
Acupuncture users (ref: Acupuncture non-users
Frequent acupuncture users
0.475 <0.001 0.389 0.580
Infrequent acupuncture users
0.718 <0.001 0.612 0.842
Female 0.777 <0.001 0.705 0.856
Age of diagnosis 1.045 <0.001 1.040 1.050
Living area (ref: Rural area)
Urban area 0.836 0.005 0.738 0.947
Satellite city 0.966 0.548 0.861 1.082
Insurance income (ref: <15,000 NTD)
15,000 NTD 1.082 0.128 0.978 1.198
Type of stroke (ref: unknown)
hemorrhagic stroke 0.796 0.006 0.676 0.936
occlusion stroke 0.911 0.131 0.808 1.028
Hospitalization days
1.098 <0.001 1.053 1.145
Rheumatoid arthritis 0.998 0.989 0.833 1.195
Peripheral arterial disease 0.878 0.029 0.781 0.986
Myocardial Infarction 1.298 0.005 1.080 1.559
Cancer 1.423 <0.001 1.268 1.597
Diabetes 1.136 0.009 1.032 1.251
Hypertension 0.844 0.008 0.744 0.956
Chronic kidney diseases 1.519 <0.001 1.345 1.715
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases 1.219 <0.001 1.097 1.355
Head traumatic injury 1.629 <0.001 1.335 1.988
(ref: no rehabilitation)
0.929 0.221 0.825 1.045
SSI i 1.210 <0.001 1.166 1.256
Abbreviation: SD = standard deviation; NTD = New Taiwan Dollar; CI = confidence interval; ref = reference.
Hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) was adjusted for all listed variables in the table;
Frequent acupuncture
users: Subjects received six or more acupuncture treatments between 2000 and 2007 after stroke diagnosis;
Infrequent acupuncture users: Subjects received 1–5 acupuncture treatments between 2000 and 2007 after stroke
Acupuncture non-users: Subjects did not receive any acupuncture treatment between 2000 and 2007
after stroke diagnosis;
The income-related insurance payment category set by the Bureau of National Health
Insurance in Taiwan;
1US$=30NTD(New Taiwan Dollars);
Hospitalization days treated as continuous
variable (
7, 8–14, 15–21, 22–28 and
28 days);
Rehabilitation: had rehabilitation in the 3 months after stroke;
SSI = Stroke severity index.
Medicines 2017, 4,16
Table 3.
Multivariable adjusted hazard ratios of covariates for depression between hemorrhagic stroke
and occlusion stroke.
Hemorrhagic Stroke Occlusion Stroke
p Value 95% CI
p Value 95% CI
Acupuncture users (ref:
Acupuncture non-users
Frequent acupuncture users
0.446 <0.001 0.283 0.702 0.499 <0.001 0.391 0.638
Infrequent acupuncture users
0.831 0.318 0.577 1.196 0.707 <0.001 0.578 0.865
Abbreviation: SD = standard deviation; NTD = New Taiwan Dollar; CI = confidence interval; ref = reference.
Hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) was adjusted for all listed variables in the table;
Frequent acupuncture
users: Subjects received six or more acupuncture treatments between 2000 and 2007 after stroke diagnosis;
Infrequent acupuncture users: Subjects received 1–5 acupuncture treatments between 2000 and 2007 after stroke
Acupuncture non-users: Subjects did not receive any acupuncture treatment between 2000 and 2007
after stroke diagnosis;
Covariates including gender, age of diagnosis, living area, insurance income, hospitalization
days, comorbidities (such as cancer, arthritis or rheumatism, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peripheral
arterial disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease), rehabilitation and the stroke severity index (SSI) were controlled.
4. Discussion
Our results indicate that using acupuncture after stroke diagnosis lowers the risk of PSD
by an estimated 52.5% (1–0.475) in frequent acupuncture users and 28.2% (1–0.718) in infrequent
acupuncture users. Applying acupuncture to treat stroke complications is common in Taiwan, and
to our knowledge, our study is the first to investigate the effects of acupuncture in preventing PSD
in a large population-based cohort. Within a 7-year observation period, the results indicate that
recently-diagnosed stroke patients using acupuncture after being diagnosed were likely to have
a lower risk of PSD. The overall risk reduction is estimated to be about 30.6%.
Strokes may increase vulnerability to the development of depression through a variety of
neurobiological mechanisms. Three possible explanations for the association between physical
illness and depression include a coincidental relationship; a negative mood reaction to the physical
consequences of the stroke; and a neurotransmitter imbalance as a result of cerebral damage caused
by the stroke [
]. Based on these PSD mechanisms, our hypothesis is that using acupuncture after a
stroke might improve stroke complications and result in the prevention of PSD. Studies suggest that
acupuncture after a stroke may improve problems with pain [
], spasticity [
], physical functions [
quality of life [
] and cognitive functions [
]. Our findings seem to support the hypothesis that
acupuncture reduces complications caused by a stroke and thus lowers the risk of PSD.
However, the short-term or long-term effects of using acupuncture to prevent PSD are unknown.
To address this issue, a sensitivity analysis controlling for acupuncture over a three-month or six-month
period after a stroke diagnosis was performed (table not shown). The results did not show that receiving
acupuncture offered benefits in terms of depression symptoms. Nevertheless, the study did reveal that
TCM-use benefited patients with higher depressive symptoms by attenuating their worsening [
These results suggest that the preventive effect from a continuous acupuncture treatment period
may vary widely after a stroke. Further randomized control trials between short-term or long-term
follow-up times are needed for verification.
In addition, our study also explored potential confounders related to PSD. Females have a lower
risk of depression than males, and the overall risk reduction is estimated to be about 22.1% in our study.
Although these findings are similar to those found in [
], other research has reported that female stroke
patients have a higher risk of PSD. However, our findings that stroke patients with advanced age [
greater stroke severity [
] and compounded comorbidities [
] have a higher risk of PSD are consistent
with much of the related prior literature. Be that as it may, a summed measure of comorbidities
may ignore potentially important relationships between diseases and PSD. For example, our study
revealed that stroke patients comorbid with myocardial infarction (HR = 1.301), cancer (HR = 1.414),
diabetes (HR = 1.139), chronic kidney diseases (HR = 1.518), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(HR = 1.218)
or head traumatic injury (HR = 1.658) are at higher risk than their counterparts without
Medicines 2017, 4,16
these comorbidities. Furthermore, stroke patients with peripheral arterial disease or hypertension
have a lower risk of depression after stroke diagnosis, while comorbid rheumatoid arthritis is not
significantly correlated with PSD. Meanwhile, the benefit of 3-months rehabilitation was evaluated
after stroke diagnosis in a previous study [
], but those results do not correspond with ours. This might
be due to the short-term and long-term ability of acupuncture or rehabilitation to prevent PSD being
unknown. Accordingly, it is suggested that future research include these comorbid factors or the
long-term effects of rehabilitation to further our understanding in this line of research. In addition,
there was little evidence that compared the risk of PSD between occlusion-stroke and hemorrhagic
stroke. Our study provided some information to fill this research gap. The results also indicated that
patients, with occlusion-stroke or hemorrhagic stroke, who received frequent acupuncture treatments,
may minimize the risk of PSD (HR = 0.446–0.499).
Our study has some strong points. One is that it is the first population-based study to investigate
acupuncture’s potential in preventing PSD based upon the real clinical conditions of stroke patients.
A second is that acupuncture is a relatively low-cost treatment and, when performed by a TCM doctor,
has none of the potential side effects associated with taking medicines. A third is that our study is an
observational study based on reimbursement claims data obtained from the National Health Insurance
Research Dataset (NHIRD). Compared to studies using questionnaires to detect depressive symptoms,
our study reduced the potential of being confounded by the Hawthorne Effect. A fourth strong point
is that stroke severity was evaluated in our study [14] to a greater degree than in other studies [4].
Nevertheless, this study still has some limitations. First, acupoints are hard to define using
the NHI database; moreover, different acupuncturists use different acupoints in different patients,
depending on the symptoms and severity of stroke complications. However, some clinical studies have
shown that even sham-acupuncture may have treatment effects in some diseases. Thus, there may be a
positive effect even without considering the location of acupoints in different individuals in our study.
Second, disability is an important predictor of PSD, but the severity of disabilities is hard to define
using the NHI database. However, we controlled for stroke severity and comorbidities to minimize
the effects of the severity of disability. Third, potential confounders, such as brain lesion of stroke [
cognitive impairment after stroke, dysphagia [
], incontinence [
], anxiety, and social isolation [
are not included in the NHI database, and so may confound our research results. Accordingly, future
work is needed to further this understanding. Fourth, patients in the acupuncture group may have
also received other complementary treatments such as massage, herbs, and aromatherapy, among
others. Thus, we may overestimate the treatment effect of acupuncture. As such, the effects of the
more specific acupuncture mechanisms or interactions deserves future investigation when data is
available. Moreover, we conducted the exclusion criteria for depression within the first 3 months
following their stroke for the purpose of minimizing survivorship bias. Further sensitivity analysis
(table not shown) was conducted and was found to be similar to the present results, suggesting the
possible role of acupuncture in preventing PSD development. Fifth, because the benefits of medicines
and psychotherapy or pre-acupuncture depression screening in preventing PSD were not available in
our dataset or relevant to acupuncture treatment, we did not control for these variables in our study.
Sixth, we cannot know the total number of dropouts and the main reasons for dropping out because
our study used NHIRD, and so the reasons that patients choose not to continue acupuncture were
based on individual will. Accordingly, further research examining the choice to dropout or remain is
therefore warranted.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, controlling for potential confounders, stroke patients who receive acupuncture
may have a lower risk of PSD than those who do not. Moreover, acupuncture after a stroke may
have a protective effect on depression, thus stemming further deterioration. Further strictly designed
randomized controlled trials are needed to better understand the specific mechanisms of acupuncture
and its impact on psychological health outcomes.
Medicines 2017, 4,16
This work was supported by the Office of Research and Development at National Cheng
Kung University (P.I.: Ching-Ju Chiu, Ph.D. D100-35B19).
Author Contributions:
Shuo-Ping Tseng, Yu-Ching Hsu reviewed the literature, analyzed the data, and wrote the
draft of the manuscript. Ching-Ju Chiu guided the study design, had full access to all of the data in the study and
takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the discussion. Shang-Te Wu contributed to
the discussion.
Conflicts of Interest: None of the authors of this report has any conflicts of interest.
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The Pilot Study of Evaluating Fluctuation
in the Blood Flow Volume of the Radial Artery,
a Site for Traditional Pulse Diagnosis
Masashi Watanabe
, Soichiro Kaneko
, Shin Takayama
*, Yasuyuki Shiraishi
Takehiro Numata
, Natsumi Saito
, Takashi Seki
, Norihiro Sugita
, Satoshi Konno
Tomoyuki Yambe
, Makoto Yoshizawa
, Nobuo Yaegashi
and Tadashi Ishii
Department of Education and Support for Regional Medicine, Department of Kampo Medicine,
Tohoku University Hospital, 1-1 Seiryou-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8574, Japan;[email protected] (N.S.); [email protected] (T.I.)
Comprehensive Education Center for Community Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine,
Tohoku University, 2-1 Seiryou-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8575, Japan
Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, 4-1 Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai,
Miyagi 980-8575, Japan; [email protected] (Y.S.); [email protected] (S.K.);
Division of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University, 6-3 Aoba,
Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8578, Japan; [email protected]
Department of Management Science and Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University,
6-6-05 Aramaki Aza Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8579, Japan; [email protected]
Research Division on Advanced Information Technology, Cyberscience Center, Tohoku University,
6-3 Aramaki Aza Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8578, Japan; [email protected]
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University,
1-1 Seiryou-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8574, Japan; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +81-22-717-7185; Fax: +81-22-717-7186
Academic Editor: Gerhard Litscher
Received: 24 January 2016; Accepted: 14 April 2016; Published: 17 May 2016
Background: Radial artery (RA) pulse diagnosis has been used in traditional Asian medicine.
Blood pressure (BP) and pulse rate related to heart rate variability (HRV) can be monitored via the RA.
The fluctuation in these parameters has been assessed using fast Fourier transform (FFT) analytical
methods that calculate power spectra. Methods: We measured blood flow volume (Volume) in
the RA and evaluated its fluctuations. Normal participants (n = 34) were enrolled. We measured
the hemodynamics of the right RA for approximately 50 s using ultrasonography. Results: The
parameters showed the center frequency (CF) of the power spectrum at low frequency (LF) and high
frequency (HF). More than one spectral component indicated that there were fluctuations. The CF
at LF for Volume was significantly different from that for vessel diameter (VD); however, it was
significantly correlated with blood flow velocity (Velocity). On the other hand, the CF at HF for
Volume was significantly different from that for Velocity; however, it was significantly correlated
with VD. Conclusion: It is suggested that fluctuation in the Volume at LF of RA is influenced by
the fluctuation in Velocity; on the other hand, fluctuation in the Volume at HF is influenced by the
fluctuation in VD.
Keywords: pulse diagnosis; radial artery; blood flow volume; fluctuation; ultrasonography
Medicines 2016, 3, 11; doi:10.3390/medicines3020011
Medicines 2016, 3,11
1. Introduction
Pulse diagnosis has been used in traditional medicine since ancient times (e.g., traditional Chinese
medicine [
], Ayurveda [
], Unani medicine [
] and Tibetan medicine [
]). It is performed on
the radial artery in the area around the radial styloid process, carotid artery and other arteries [
Traditional pulse diagnosis depends on experience, and quantification is very difficult. Therefore,
it is difficult to carry out by education in Western medicine. Recently, a technique to measure a pulse
wave was developed. Additionally, it is expected that various things become clear by evaluating the
fluctuation included in the pulse wave [9].
Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) related to heart rate variability (HRV) can be monitored
via the radial artery [
]. Fluctuations in the HR and BP have been assessed using fast Fourier
transform (FFT) analytical methods that calculate power spectra [
]. Low frequency (LF) and
high frequency (HF) components are observed in the spectrum of HRV [
]. The LF fluctuations
in HRV are mediated by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, whereas the
HF fluctuations are mediated solely by the parasympathetic system [
]. The blood flow volume is
calculated using the vascular diameter (VD) and blood flow velocity (velocity). VD and velocity are
evaluated using ultrasonic diagnostic equipment. VD is affected by the fluid content and through
neurogenic control. The cell membranes of the smooth muscle cells in the vessels contain
- and
-adrenergic receptors that bind to neurotransmitters. Activation of
-adrenergic receptors promotes
vasoconstriction, while the activation of
-adrenergic receptors mediates the relaxation of muscle
cells, resulting in vasodilation. Normally,
-adrenergic receptors predominate in the smooth muscle
of resistance vessels. Thus, vascular smooth muscle is ruled out of the sympathetic nerve-mediated
tonicity. In addition, there are few reports about vasomotor fluctuation [
]. However, there are no
studies yet that have measured the variability of the blood flow volume (Volume) in the radial artery.
We measured the Volume in the radial artery and evaluated its fluctuations at the site of traditional
pulse diagnosis using a high-resolution ultrasonography in the participants at rest.
The purpose of the pilot study was to measure the blood flow in the pulse diagnosis site and to
explore its fluctuation related to the physiological parameters.
2. Experimental Section
2.1. Subjects
Thirty-three healthy volunteers (26 men and 7 women; mean age 34.2
7.6 years) were enrolled
in the study. All participants provided written informed consent before participation, and the study
protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine,
Project identification code (2009-175) and approval date (27 July 2009) (Table 1).
Table 1. Participant’s characteristics for this study.
Characteristic Variable
Age (y) 34.2 ˘ 7.6
Sex (n) Male 26
Body height (cm) 168.4 ˘ 6.7
Body weight (kg) 67.0 ˘ 13.0
2.2. Study Protocol
All investigations were performed under fasting conditions in a quiet air-conditioned room
(constant temperature of 25–26
C). Each participant was at rest in the supine position, and three
electrocardiography electrodes (BP-608 Evolution II, Colin Healthcare Co. Ltd., Kyoto, Japan) were
attached to the chest for monitoring. Radial artery hemodynamics were assessed using ultrasonography
Medicines 2016, 3,11
; Hitachi-Aloka Medical, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). This system had a high-resolution
linear array transducer (13 MHz, Prosound
; Hitachi-Aloka Medical, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) and
computer-assisted analysis software (e-Tracking system
; Hitachi-Aloka Medical, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan)
that could automatically detect a blood vessel edge and continuously measure the vessel diameter
and Volume [
]. The right arm was fixed and the right radial artery was scanned longitudinally
at 1–2 cm above the radial styloid process at a point where the vessel diameter and Doppler wave
readings were stable. At a site where the clearest B-mode image of the anterior and posterior intimal
interfaces between the lumen and vessel wall was obtained, the transducer was fixed in place using a
special probe holder (MP-PH0001; Hitachi-Aloka Medical, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Compression of the
artery was carefully avoided (Figure 1). When the tracking gate was placed on the intima, the radial
artery diameter was monitored automatically, and a waveform representing the changes of vessel
diameter during a cardiac cycle was displayed in real time using the e-Tracking system
(Figure 2).
To obtain accurate measurements, a Doppler angle of
60 degrees was maintained [
]. Volume
was calculated automatically as the Doppler flow velocity (corrected for the angle) multiplied by the
vessel cross-sectional area [
]. We measured right radial artery hemodynamics for approximately
50 s after 10 min of rest in the supine position [
]. The hemodynamic parameters, including the
radial artery diameter and Volume, and the HR were recorded continuously. To minimize the influence
of respiration on the hemodynamic data, the participants were asked to breathe every 6 s during the
test. Measured parameters were systolic vessel diameter (Sys-VD) per beat, diastolic vessel diameter
(Dia-VD) per beat, Velocity per second, volume per beat and HR per minute.
Figure 1. Ultrasonography measurement of radial artery using a special probe holder.
Figure 2.
The image on the left shows the radial artery and the position of the tracking gate on the
artery. The image on the right shows the changes in the vessel diameter, Doppler flow and flow velocity
determined using an automated edge detection device and computer analysis software.
Medicines 2016, 3,11
2.3. Analysis
In order to produce an evenly-sampled time series prior to FFT-based spectral estimation,
linear spline interpolation and resampling of measured parameter data are usually employed [
After removal of linear trends included in the data, FFT analysis was applied using MATLAB software
(Version 2007b; MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) to obtain power spectra (periodogram) for Sys-VD,
Dia-VD, HR, Velocity and Volume. In a low frequency component (LF; 0.04–0.15 Hz), we compared
each of the center frequencies (CF) as follows: (1) Volume with Sys-VD; (2) Volume with Dia-VD; and
(3) Volume with Velocity. In a high frequency component (HF; <0.15 Hz), we compared each of the CF
as follows: (1) Volume with Sys-VD; (2) Volume with Dia-VD; and (3) Volume with Velocity.
2.4. Statistical Methods
Statistical analyses were performed using the PASW software (Version 17.0, SPSS Japan Inc., Tokyo,
Japan). Comparisons between parameters were performed using ANOVA with Dunnett’s post hoc tests
and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient. Statistical significance was assumed at p < 0.05.
Values are the mean ˘ standard deviation (SD).
3. Results
In all participants, the CF was seen in the LF and HF (Table 2). Comparisons of the CF of the LF
and HF are shown in Figure 3a,b, respectively. There were significant differences in the CF between
(1) the LF in Volume and the LF in HR (p < 0.01) and (2) the LF in Volume and the LF in Sys-VD
(p < 0.05). There were significant correlate in the CF between (3) the LF in Volume and the LF in
Velocity (r = 0.64, p < 0.01) and (4) the LF in Sys-VD and the LF in Dia-VD (r = 0.57, p < 0.01). On the
other hand, there were significant differences in the CF between (5) the HF in Volume and the HF in
Velocity (p < 0.01). There were significant correlate in the CF between (6) the HF in Volume and the HF
in Sys-VD (r = 0.39, p < 0.05), (7) the HF in Sys-VD and the HF in Dia-VD (r = 0.59, p < 0.01) and (8) the
HF in Dia-VD and the HF in HR (r = 0.61, p < 0.01).
Table 2.
Center frequencies (Hz) and low frequency (LF)/high frequency (HF) ratio in the LF component
and HF component of all subjects in blood flow volume (Volume), blood flow velocity (Velocity), systolic
vessel diameter (Sys-VD), diastolic vessel diameter (Dia-VD) and heart rate (HR).
Participant Volume Velocity Sys-VD Dia-VD HR
No. LF (Hz) HF (Hz) LF (Hz) HF (Hz) LF (Hz) HF (Hz) LF (Hz) HF (Hz) LF (Hz) HF (Hz)
1 0.137 0.156 0.137 0.156 0.049 0.156 0.049 0.166 0.049 0.146
2 0.049 0.166 0.049 0.166 0.137 0.176 0.049 0.156 0.068 0.166
3 0.137 0.166 0.137 0.156 0.137 0.166 0.049 0.166 0.137 0.166
4 0.049 0.156 0.098 0.166 0.059 0.166 0.068 0.146 0.059 0.166
5 0.059 0.166 0.059 0.166 0.049 0.156 0.049 0.156 0.059 0.156
6 0.078 0.156 0.088 0.186 0.107 0.156 0.049 0.156 0.137 0.146
7 0.059 0.234 0.059 0.313 0.078 0.273 0.078 0.225 0.068 0.156
8 0.078 0.146 0.088 0.410 0.137 0.146 0.137 0.146 0.137 0.146
9 0.049 0.146 0.088 0.146 0.137 0.156 0.049 0.488 0.137 0.146
10 0.049 0.303 0.049 0.293 0.078 0.264 0.088 0.332 0.088 0.273
11 0.049 0.146 0.049 0.303 0.049 0.176 0.088 0.488 0.049 0.498
12 0.049 0.156 0.059 0.332 0.049 0.156 0.049 0.146 0.127 0.146
13 0.049 0.146 0.117 0.342 0.049 0.146 0.049 0.146 0.137 0.146
14 0.049 0.176 0.049 0.215 0.088 0.488 0.078 0.498 0.088 0.195
15 0.049 0.166 0.049 0.166 0.137 0.156 0.137 0.156 0.137 0.156
16 0.059 0.156 0.059 0.156 0.137 0.166 0.117 0.166 0.059 0.166
17 0.049 0.156 0.049 0.322 0.137 0.166 0.088 0.166 0.068 0.166
18 0.049 0.146 0.049 0.371 0.049 0.215 0.049 0.166 0.137 0.146
19 0.049 0.166 0.049 0.244 0.049 0.146 0.117 0.156 0.049 0.166
20 0.049 0.166 0.107 0.166 0.049 0.166 0.049 0.166 0.137 0.166
21 0.059 0.166 0.068 0.166 0.137 0.166 0.098 0.166 0.137 0.156
22 0.049 0.166 0.078 0.361 0.137 0.156 0.137 0.156 0.117 0.166
23 0.098 0.176 0.127 0.176 0.049 0.166 0.098 0.166 0.088 0.166
Medicines 2016, 3,11
Table 2. Cont.
Participant Volume Velocity Sys-VD Dia-VD HR
No. LF (Hz) HF (Hz) LF (Hz) HF (Hz) LF (Hz) HF (Hz) LF (Hz) HF (Hz) LF (Hz) HF (Hz)
24 0.068 0.166 0.068 0.166 0.098 0.166 0.107 0.176 0.049 0.166
25 0.137 0.166 0.137 0.166 0.049 0.166 0.049 0.166 0.137 0.166
26 0.049 0.146 0.049 0.205 0.049 0.166 0.049 0.156 0.137 0.146
27 0.049 0.195 0.049 0.146 0.049 0.146 0.049 0.244 0.078 0.156
28 0.049 0.166 0.049 0.166 0.049 0.166 0.049 0.166 0.137 0.166
29 0.127 0.146 0.049 0.166 0.137 0.166 0.137 0.166 0.137 0.156
30 0.059 0.146 0.137 0.166 0.127 0.186 0.127 0.186 0.078 0.186
31 0.117 0.146 0.127 0.146 0.127 0.146 0.127 0.146 0.117 0.146
32 0.049 0.146 0.049 0.146 0.137 0.156 0.137 0.156 0.137 0.156
33 0.049 0.166 0.068 0.166 0.049 0.166 0.049 0.166 0.137 0.166
34 0.049 0.166 0.049 0.322 0.068 0.156 0.107 0.176 0.137 0.166
Mean ˘ SD
0.066 ˘
0.166 ˘
0.076 ˘
0.219 ˘
0.089 ˘
0.179 ˘
0.082 ˘
0.200 ˘
0.104 ˘
0.173 ˘
Mean ˘ SD
2.1 ˘ 1.6 0.9 ˘ 0.5 0.8 ˘ 0.5 0.9 ˘ 0.5 0.8 ˘ 0.4
Figure 3.
Comparison among the center frequency of blood flow volume (Volume), blood flow velocity
(Velocity), systolic vessel diameter (Sys-VD), diastolic vessel diameter (Dia-VD) and heart rate (HR) in
) the low-frequency component (LF) and (
) the high-frequency component (HF). Values represent
the mean
standard deviation (SD). Comparisons between parameters were performed using ANOVA
with Dunnett’s post hoc tests (* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01) and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient
(r: correlation coefficient, † p < 0.05; †† p < 0.01). Statistical significance was assumed at p < 0.05.
Medicines 2016, 3,11
4. Discussion
A peak appears in the spectrum only due to the superposition of a number of waves from a
time series comprising multiple waves [
]. HRV has different LF and HF that are observed in a
spectrum for individual peaks [
]. In our analysis, we observed LF and HF in Sys-VD, Dia-VD, HR,
Velocity and Volume in the radial artery while subjects were at rest. More than one spectral component
indicated that there were fluctuations in each of these parameters. In a previous study on fluctuations
in the circulatory system, only HRV and BP were studied [
], but there has been no
report on Volume of the peripheral artery. In this study, to our knowledge, this is the first report of
the investigation of the fluctuations in Volume of the radial artery. Frequencies of 0.085 and 0.09 Hz
have been reported as the CF in the LF, and those of 0.21 and 0.24 Hz have been reported as the
CF in the HF [
]. The LF appears to correspond to Mayer waves, while the HF is synchronous
with respiration and has been considered as a quantitative evaluation of respiratory arrhythmia [
The HF varies in its CF with variations in the respiratory cycle [
]. In this study, the participants were
asked to breathe every 6 s during the test, and this could have influenced the HF. The frequency during
breathe control is 0.167 Hz, which was equivalent to that of the HF (0.166 Hz) in our results. It will
be necessary to repeat the study without breath control. According to our results, in LF, there was a
significant difference in the CF between Volume and HR/vessel diameter, while there was significant
correlation between Volume and Velocity. In HF, there was a significant difference in the CF between
Volume and Velocity, while there was significant correlation between Volume and vessel diameter.
These results show that the CF of the Volume in LF is correlated with the CF of the Velocity in LF;
on the other hand, the CF of the Volume in HF is correlated with the CF of the vessel diameter in HF.
In peripheral arteries, such as radial arteries, there are influences of local vasoconstrictor and
vasodilator nerves, as well as the influence of the autonomic nerves on the heart. There are differences
with regard to the LF. Some studies suggest that LF is a quantitative marker of sympathetic modulations,
while other studies view LF as reflecting both sympathetic and vagal activities. Consequently,
an LF/HF ratio is considered by some investigators to mirror a sympathovagal balance or to reflect
sympathetic modulations [
]. In this study, the value of the LF/HF ratio for the Volume was 2.10.
According to the previous reports, this value shows a rest state, but there is a difference by some
reports [3639].
Investigators from the Framingham Heart Study reported that HRV offers prognostic information
independent of and beyond that provided by traditional risk factors [
]. The fluctuations of the
LF/HF ratio in Volume of the radial artery could be a new index for the prognosis of cardiac vascular
disease. The CF of the LF in Volume of the radial artery indicates a cycle of 7–25 s. This suggests that
more than 25 s might be required for pulse diagnosis.
At the site of a pulse diagnosis using a radial artery, the blood vessel diameter is so small that
the instrument used for measurement points can slip off due to slight movements by the participants.
Therefore, in this study, it was difficult to make measurements for prolonged periods. For future
investigations, an easier, more stable method of measurement must be established. The limitation of
this study is also a lack of measurements of continuous BP and the sampling duration. To evaluate
the relation among the HR, BP and blood flow, simultaneous measurements of these parameters
are needed. We have conducted a further study that solves these problems and the evaluation
introduced to investigate acupuncture effects. The duration of blood flow sampling used for analysis
is a little shorter than ideal. Generally, the spectral analysis requires over 60 s of data. In the present
study, the arms of the subjects were fixed to measure blood flow using ultrasonography; however,
occasionally, the subjects moved their arms during long duration measurements. We have tried
analyzing over 60 s of data for spectral analysis; unfortunately, error is introduced once the subjects
move their arm. Therefore, we used data for a shorter period (50 s), which was free of errors. Thus, the
sampling duration is one of the limitations of this study. The present study is a pilot study; therefore,
we will conduct experiments using a revised protocol in the future. We also intend to increase the
number of subjects and to perform these studies with considerations of gender, age and disease.
Medicines 2016, 3,11
Further investigation will be needed for healthy subjects and patients with cardiovascular disease to
show the clinical difference and meanings.
5. Conclusions
We measured the blood flow volume in the radial artery and evaluated its fluctuations at the site
of traditional pulse diagnosis using ultrasonography in the participants at rest. We observed LF and
HF in vessel diameter, HR, Velocity and Volume. More than one spectral component indicated that
there were fluctuations in each of these parameters. This study showed that the CF of the Volume in
LF was correlated with CF of the Velocity in LF, on the other hand, the CF of the Volume in HF was
correlated with CF of the vessel diameter in HF.
We thank all of the participants who took part in this study. This work was supported by
Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology from the Japanese Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Author Contributions:
Masashi Watanabe, Soichiro Kaneko, Shin Takayama, Yasuyuki Shiraishi, Takehiro
Natsumi Saito, Takashi Seki, Norihiro Sugita, Satoshi Konno, Tomoyuki Yambe, Makoto Yoshizawa,
Nobuo Yaegashi and Tadashi Ishii conceived and designed the experiments; Shin Takayama performed
the experiments; Masashi Watanabe, Soichiro Kaneko, Yasuyuki Shiraishi, Natsumi Saito, Satoshi Konno,
Tomoyuki Yambe, and Makoto Yoshizawa analyzed the data; all authors wrote the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Acupuncture and Neural Mechanism in the
Management of Low Back Pain—An Update
Tiaw-Kee Lim
, Yan Ma
, Frederic Berger
and Gerhard Litscher
University Postgraduate Education of Principles and Practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Medical
University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria; [email protected] (T.-K.L.); [email protected] (Y.M.)
Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and
Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology GmbH, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 1030 Vienna,
Austria; frederic.ber[email protected]
Research Unit of Biomedical Engineering in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Research Unit for
Complementary and Integrative Laser Medicine, and TCM Research Center Graz, Medical University of
Graz, 8036 Graz, Austria
* Correspondence: ger[email protected]; Tel.: +43-316-385-83907
Received: 6 June 2018; Accepted: 21 June 2018; Published: 25 June 2018
Within the last 10 years, the percentage of low back pain (LBP) prevalence increased by
18%. The management and high cost of LBP put a tremendous burden on the healthcare system.
Many risk factors have been identified, such as lifestyle, trauma, degeneration, postural impairment,
and occupational related factors; however, as high as 95% of the cases of LBP are non-specific.
Currently, LBP is treated pharmacologically. Approximately 25 to 30% of the patients develop
serious side effects, such as drowsiness and drug addiction. Spinal surgery often does not result in
a massive improvement of pain relief. Therefore, complementary approaches are being integrated
into the rehabilitation programs. These include chiropractic therapy, physiotherapy, massage,
exercise, herbal medicine and acupuncture. Acupuncture for LBP is one of the most commonly
used non-pharmacological pain-relieving techniques. This is due to its low adverse effects and
cost-effectiveness. Currently, many randomized controlled trials and clinical research studies have
produced promising results. In this article, the causes and incidence of LBP on global health care are
reviewed. The importance of treatment by acupuncture is considered. The efforts to reveal the link
between acupuncture points and anatomical features and the neurological mechanisms that lead to
acupuncture-induced analgesic effect are reviewed.
low back pain (LBP); acupuncture; mechanism of acupuncture; anti-nociceptive;
purinergic receptors; adenosine triphosphate (ATP); adenosine
1. Introduction
Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most frequently encountered musculoskeletal disorders in
today’s society. LBP is defined as pain and discomfort, located in between the costal margin and the
inferior gluteal folds, with or without referred leg pain [
]. LBP is categorised according to duration
as acute (less than 6 weeks), sub-acute (between 6 and 12 weeks), or chronic (more than 12 weeks) [
LBP interferes with activities of daily living [
], work performance [
], and is a major reason
for people to seek medical consultation [
]. This disorder contributes to a substantial burden on
individuals, employers, the healthcare system and society in general. According to a report published
by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2013, back pain, together with neck pain, was the second
highest cause amongst the 20 leading non-fatal health outcomes from the year 2000 to 2011 [12].
Medicines 2018, 5, 63; doi:10.3390/medicines5030063
Medicines 2018, 5,63
The survey, The Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (GBD 2016), published in the Lancet in
2017 [
], highlights the extent of health loss due to diseases, injuries, risk factors, prevalence and
mortality rate by age, sex, and geography at specific points in time. In the GBD 2016, LBP was the
number one cause for the most years lived with disability (YLDs) in the world [13].
The disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) are calculated as the combination of years of life lost
(YLLs) due to premature mortality and years lived with disability (YLDs) [
]. Because LBP does
not cause mortality, therefore YLDs are the same as disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). DALYs for
LBP, together with neck pain, was on the 4th position out of the 30 leading global DALYs in the GBD
2016 [
]. This was much higher than the average DALYs related to road injuries, HIV/AIDS, diabetes,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer [
]. The overall estimation of DALYs
for LBP in 2016 was 57.6 million, which represents more than 40% of the total number of 140 million
DALYs of all the musculoskeletal disorders combined. In Austria, the GBD 2015 for YLDs and DALYs
due to LBP and neck pain are ranked at No. 1 and No. 2, respectively [16].
The estimated global prevalence of the population affected by LBP was 9.2% according to WHO in
2010 [
]. Hoy et al. estimated that the ranges of prevalence of LBP at a point, 1-month, 1-year and over
a lifetime were 18.3%, 30.8%, 38.0% and 38.9%, respectively [
]. In the GBD 2016, it was estimated
that the prevalence of LBP for the year 2016 was more than 511 million of the world’s population,
an increase of 18.0%, as compared to 2006 [
]. LBP results in high costs to society due to increased
demands on the healthcare system and work absence. In the USA alone, it has been estimated that
LBP costed between US $100–200 billion yearly [
]. This amount has more than doubled from 1991 to
2016 [18].
In this scientific article, causes of LBP are surveyed and the links between anatomical features and
acupuncture points are outlined. This is followed by a review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
and of mechanisms potentially targeted by acupuncture treatments.
2. Causes and Risk Factors of Lower Back Pain
LBP is very common, and yet is a very complex multifactorial disorder with much possible etiology.
These originate from injuries, trauma or fractures to the anatomical structure [
]; lumbar spine
degeneration [
]; and disc herniation or nerve entrapment [
]. Other causes associated with an
increased risk of LBP, include infections, autoimmune diseases, orthopedic diseases or tumours [
LBP results also from occupational ergonomic factors related to heavy physical work, repetitive
actions due to occupational requirements [
]; as well as sports activities or sports-related
injuries [
]; sedentary lifestyle, prolonged sitting or inactivity and lack of exercises [
]; post
operation or surgery-induced [
]; secondary from other medical conditions [
]; lifestyle
factors [
]; poor trunk control and postural impairment [
]; psychosocial and behavior-related factors
from smoking, alcohol abuse, obesity, depression and stress [
]; socio-economic factors [
and ageing [
]. However, it is often difficult to identify the origin of LBP [
] and 85–95%
of the total cases of back problems [
] are not associated with a specific patho-anatomical origin,
or attributed to any recognizable pathology patterns.
2.1. Age and Gender
The age group 40–69 is affected with the highest incidence of LBP [
], and women have higher
LPB prevalence than men [17,50,57,6669].
Großschädl et al. studied the LBP prevalence of the Austrian population in 1983, 1991, 1999,
and 2006/7. During this period, they found a marked increase in the rate of LBP for both sexes,
especially more so in women over recent years [
]. This increasing trend of the rate of LBP is
recorded worldwide and might be related to women’s involvement in the workforce, while their
house chores do not diminish [
]. LBP’s risk factors specific to women comprise exposure
to musculoskeletal loads due to pregnancy [
]; menstruation [
]; menopausal [
hormone [
]; osteoporosis [
]; low bone mineral density [
]; and conditions associated
Medicines 2018, 5,63
with ageing [
]. In contrast, certain studies show that men have a higher rate of LBP [
], especially
those involved in heavy physical work and repetitive movements [1,2,6,38,39].
2.2. Obesity and Smoking
Schneider et al. reported that the prevalence of LBP is significantly higher for women affected by
overweight, low level of social support, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and lower income groups [
The association between obesity and LBP remains controversial. Few studies on the relation between
obesity and LBP have been published so far. Obesity is considered as one of the elements that
contributes to the increasing rate of LBP [
]. Heuch et al. estimated that the rate of LBP
increases in parallel with the rate of body mass index (BMI) [
]. As stated by a guideline by WHO,
an adult is viewed as overweight when the BMI is greater or equal to 25, and one is considered obese
when the BMI has reached 30 or more [
]. In addition, increased BMI also affects the incidence of
neck pain and arthritis [
]. A group of studies led to speculation of connections between smoking
and obesity that may result in LBP [
]. Yet, such a conclusion was challenged by another study,
which did not find such link between LBP, smoking and obesity [88].
3. Theories of Pain
For many centuries, people have been seeking the origin of pain and ways to alleviate it. Despite
a marked progress in our understanding of pain, many aspects of the mechanisms involved remain
unclear. Pain is a very subjective issue, as it is interpreted differently by each patient. Some people have
a very high pain threshold, which allows them to tolerate pain extremely well. For others, even a slight
trigger of stimulation might cause them to suffer in agony. Because of this huge difference in perception
of pain magnitude, it is difficult to understand the degree of suffering by a patient. The visual analogue
scale (VAS), which was created in 1921 by Hayes and Patterson [
], is a simple tool to judge a patient’s
perspective of pain, to translate a subjective level of pain into an objective measurement.
Pain is classified as a nociceptive pain (caused by excitation of nociceptors by external
stimuli), inflammatory pain (intervened by inflammatory mediators released by an inflamed organ),
or neuropathic pain (induced by lesions of the central or peripheral nervous system) [
]. According
to Merskey and Bogduk, “pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with
actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage” [91].
The discovery of nociceptor by Charles Sherrington in 1906, has changed forever the way we
consider the concept of the central nervous system (CNS) [
]. This gave rise to many modern studies
about pain management, such as nerve blocking and analgesic effect by acupuncture. The Gate Control
Theory of Pain, which was proposed in 1965 by Melzack and Wall, suggested that the brain has
a “gate” mechanism either blocking or allowing pain messages to reach the brain [
]. Although
their theory was later proven to be flawed, it did provide a useful overall concept of how pain is
experienced and many researchers engaged in this field of study. One of them resulted in the invention
of transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) for the management of LBP [94].
In 1973, Pert and Synder discovered the opiate receptor, the cellular binding site for endorphins
in the brain [
]. Two years later, a group of British scientists led by Hughes and Kosterlitz, found the
breakthrough in the field of molecular receptor studies, the discovery of enkephalin [
]. This was
followed by studies that led to our current knowledge of endorphins, the body’s very own natural
mechanism of painkiller [97100].
To be able to ease the pain experienced by patients, first we need to understand the root cause of
pain and the mechanism that triggered the transmission of pain. Having a better understanding of the
nervous system’s own mechanism of analgesia, such as that triggered by the stimulation of needles by
acupuncture, pain management of LBP by acupuncture is no longer a placebo or a contextual effect,
but rather, an evidence-based scientific proof of an ancient practice. These topics are addressed in
more detail below.
Medicines 2018, 5,63
4. Pain Mechanism
The mechanism of pain is a very complex process, due to the involvement of multiple layers of the
neural circuit, from the stimulation of the receptors to the chemical reaction in the CNS. The perception
of pain is called nociception, and it is initiated by nociceptors present at free nerve endings [
The nociceptors, part of the architecture of neural circuits, are spread all over the body, from the
superficial layers of skin to the deeper tissues and internal organs.
Tissue injury by noxious stimuli is detected by the nociceptors. This information is transmitted as
electrical nerve impulses, or action potentials, via the nerve fibres, called the primary afferent neurons
to the dorsal root ganglia (DRG). DRG are linked to dorsal root in the spinal cord through the dorsal
root. The electrical signal synapses with the second afferent neuron at the dorsal horn of the grey
matter. From here, the signal crosses over to the opposite side of the spinal cord, and connects to
the ventral white matter and further links to the spinothalamic tract. The signal is now traveling
upward from the spinal cord to the thalamus in the brain where pain is generated. In the thalamus,
a third synapse occurs and the nerve impulse is transmitted via the thalamocortical tract to the cerebral
cortex. This process tells us the exact location of the pain. Nociceptors enable humans to recognise
pain stimuli and therefore to respond accordingly, such as pulling away our hand from a fire or sharp
object [102109].
4.1. Nerve Fibres
There are two types of nerve fibres, afferent and efferent. Afferent means ascending, and qualifies
sensory fibres sending signals to the brain. While efferent signifies descending, and defines motor
fibres, which relay messages away from the CNS. The afferent nerve fibres convey signals concerning
potential damage or injury from outside and inside the body.
The afferent nerve fibres in the human’s body are further divided into four major types of primary
sensory neurons, which can be differentiated morphologically and functionally into A-alpha (A
A-beta (A
), A-delta (A
) and C fibre [
]. A
fibres represent motor fibres connected to voluntary
muscles and include certain sensory fibres that transmit position sensation from skeletal muscles.
fibres carry non-noxious stimuli and convey the sensations of touch, vibration and pressure
from the skin [
]. There are only two types of nerve fibres involved in the transmission of painful
impulses. The A
fibre is myelinated, enables fast transmission of impulses and produces sharp and
well localised pain. The second type, the unmyelinated C fibre, is slow in transmission and produces
dull or burning pain, the exact location of which is diffused and poorly localised [
]. Kagitani
et al. demonstrated that acupuncture stimulation enables production of various autonomic functions
on both A
and C fibres [
]. While Zhao suggested that stimulation by manual acupuncture (MA)
and electroacupuncture (EA) activates Aδ and C fibres to produce an analgesic effect [112].
4.2. Inflammatory Soup
Tissue damage causes release of a variety of chemical substances into the extracellular space
around the receptor terminals. These chemical substances comprise bradykinin, histamine, serotonin,
prostaglandins, nerve growth factor (NGF), substance P, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), calcitonin
gene-related peptide (CGRP), protons (H
) and other purines and indolamines. Altogether, they form
the “inflammatory soup” and are able to interact and activate the nociceptive fibres that cause localised
pain and inflammation [102109].
5. Treatment of LBP by Acupuncture
The goal of LBP treatment is to control or reduce pain, to improve structure impairment of
the spine and to return to the normal life activities as soon as possible. Most current international
guidelines recommend pharmacological management for pain relief of LBP, including paracetamol,
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxant, opioid analgesics, epidural steroid,
Medicines 2018, 5,63
anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and corticosteroids, among others [
]. However,
most of these pharmacological treatments produce limited pain relief and are accompanied by serious
side effects, such as drowsiness, dizziness, addiction, allergic responses, reversible reduction of liver
function, and negative impacts on gastrointestinal functions [
]. At least one of
these side effects is experienced in approximately 25 to 30% of patients treated with opioids [
The major problem with this approach is that pain may be temporarily relieved but the source of LBP
is not identified and alternative treatments of LBP are required. These include multidisciplinary
rehabilitations based on physiotherapy, spinal manipulation, exercise therapy, massage therapy,
cognitive-behaviour therapy, yoga, tai-chi, and acupuncture [
]. Here, the focus is
on a critical assessment of the benefits of acupuncture in LBP treatment.
5.1. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is part of the healing system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It consists of
insertion of thin needles into the muscle, on specific acupuncture points placed along meridians to
treat a variety of conditions. Apart from the traditional manual acupuncture (MA), there are other
methods to stimulate acupuncture points for therapeutic purposes, such as electroacupuncture (EA),
acupressure, laser acupuncture and moxibustion.
The practice of acupuncture as pain relief is widely used in many of the countries throughout
the world [
]. Despite a lack of well-designed clinical studies supporting its efficacy, and skeptical
opinions from many, it is nevertheless well accepted by many patients globally. Acupuncture is legally
recognised by many countries in Asia, Australia, America, Canada, and some parts of Europe and
Latin America [120].
World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that one-third of the world’s population has no
regular access to modern medicines, especially in many parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Fortunately, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) such as herbal and traditional medicine
and acupuncture are available and accessible [120].
In the USA alone, the number of acupuncture users increased by 50% between 2002 and 2012 [
As of December 2010, there were approximately 305,000 registered Complementary & Alternative
Medicine (CAM) providers across Europe, including 96,380 acupuncturists. Eighty-thousand were
medical and 16,380 were non-medical practitioners [
]. In Austria, there were 3531 doctors qualified
with the diploma of acupuncture from the Austrian Medical Association (Diplom für Akupunktur
der Österreichischen Ärztekammer) in 2011 [
]. According to the Law of Health Services Austria
(Bundesgesetz über die Gesundheit Österreich), acupuncture is a scientifically recognized treatment
that can be provided in hospitals [
]. In contrast with increasing interest and practice of acupuncture,
there is a persistent lack of infrastructure and funding dedicated to research and teaching in this
field [125].
5.2. Brief History of Acupuncture
The root of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be traced back over 3000 years ago in China.
While acupuncture is the best known modality of TCM in the West, TCM has a long history of great
use of herbal remedies. Apart from acupuncture and herbal medicine, TCM also comprises of Qigong,
Taichi and Tuina. The first written medical text on acupuncture was mentioned in the Huang Di
Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic). It comprised of two volumes: The first one is Su
Wen (Basic Questions), which covers the diagnostic methods and theoretical foundation of TCM [
The second part is called Ling Shu (The Spiritual Pivot) and explains acupuncture therapy such as
the description of meridians, functions of the acupuncture points, needling techniques, types of Qi
and the location of 160 points [
]. Two other classic texts which mention acupuncture in depth
are Nan Jing (The Classic of Difficult Issues) [
] and Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing (The Systematic Classic
of Acupuncture and Moxibustion). The latter was written by Huangfu Mi, who added another 189
acupuncture points to reach a total of 349 [
]. The precise history of these four books is unclear
Medicines 2018, 5,63
as they were edited, annotated and reinterpreted several times. Another obstacle of learning and
understanding the teaching of TCM is the difficulty in translating these ancient Chinese texts [130].
Unlike western medicine, which has a clear distinct path that can be traced back to
Hippocrates [
], there is undocumented evidence to when and where the origin of acupuncture
came from due to the loss of many of the valuable ancient texts. The archaeological discovery of “bian
shi” (a kind of flattened and sharpened stone) from the era of the New Stone Age in China (8000–2000
BC), was believed to represent the ancient acupuncture needle for treating illnesses by pricking certain
parts of the body. During the Warring States (475–221 BC), metal needles were developed to substitute
the stone needles [132].
In the 6th century, acupuncture together with the teaching of TCM spread to Korea and Japan.
Later in the 10th century, acupuncture arrived in Vietnam through the commercial routes. The practice
of acupuncture was brought back to France by the Jesuit missionaries in the 16th century [
]. The very
first acupuncture description that appeared in the West was written by Wilhelm Ten Rhyne in 1683,
a physician employed by the Dutch East India Company, who was based in Japan [134].
In the USA, acupuncture has gained sudden attention and popularity thanks to the New York
Times writer James Reston’s article in 1971, entitled “Now, About My Operation in Peking” [
He described his first-hand experience of acupuncture with an emergency appendectomy and
post-operative care while on his assignment to China prior to President Nixon’s visit. This has
prompted many doctors visiting China to observe and study the effectiveness and benefits of
acupuncture, with a specific interest in its use for surgical analgesia [136140].
5.3. Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), one of the most important components of Chinese culture,
has a long-established history and consists of a wealth of experience and a profound source of
knowledge. It has made a great contribution to the overall welfare of its people. At present, TCM is
also becoming well known globally, playing a unique role in the development of public healthcare [
In contrast to the anatomical and scientific perspective, the theories of the mechanism of action
in TCM on LBP differ significantly from those of modern pharmacology. TCM states that pain is
caused by internal disharmony between Yin and Yang, imbalance between Qi and Blood, and disparity
within the Five Elements [
]. Qi, the essence of life, is believed to circulate within special conduits
in the body termed meridians and collaterals that connect all parts of the body, including connecting
the organ systems with each other and their related sense organs. When there is insufficiency of Qi,
or when the meridians are blocked, this causes an imbalance between Yin and Yang, perturbs the
meridians, hinders the smooth flowing of Qi and results in stagnation of Qi and blood, leading to pain
and illness [143146].
6. Acupuncture Principles
Acupuncture is based on the theory of channels, simply referred to as meridians and collaterals,
which are the branches of the meridians. There are 14 main meridians, and each consists of an internal
pathway that runs inside the body and links to an external pathway where acupuncture points are
located. Qi flows through these pathways of meridians interconnecting with each other, and is linked
to specific internal organs, which are also called Zangfu organs [
]. Stimulation on the acupuncture
points by acupuncture needle enables unblocking of the meridians, hence promoting a smooth flow of
Qi [147].
6.1. The Anatomical Structure of Acupuncture Points and Meridians
Detailed lists and definition of acupuncture points are provided in several textbooks [
Deadman et al., in their book, A Manual of Acupuncture [
], mentioned that “centuries of observation
of the existence of tender spots on the body during the course of disease, and the alleviation of
symptoms when they were stimulated by massage or heat, led to the gradual discovery of the
Medicines 2018, 5,63
acupuncture points”. This sheds a bit of light on the origin of acupuncture. The meridians and
the acupuncture points can be compared with airline travel routes: They exist on a map but cannot
be “seen”.
Many studies have been carried out to obtain concrete evidence supporting the existence of
acupuncture points and the Qi flowing meridians. Back in 1963, the North Korean scientist, Kim Bong
Han, discovered the Kyungrak System (it means acupuncture meridians and collaterals in Korean),
better known as the primo vascular system (PVS). PVS is a threadlike structure defining a circulatory
system entirely different from the vascular, nervous, and lymphatic systems. Kim established that the
PVS represents anatomical structures linked to acupuncture points and meridians. He proposed that
the PVS has the ability of hematopoietic functions as well as to regenerate injured tissues and heal
wounds [
]. Many scientists tried to reproduce his result but failed. That was because Kim did not
mention what kind of staining blue dye was used in his studies [
]. In 2002, Shin et al. confirmed
the existence of PVS [154].
Stefanov et al. proposed that the PVS is the communication system between living organisms
and the environment. They believed that this system is involved in channeling the flow of energy and
information relayed by biophotons (electromagnetic waves of light) and is closely related to DNA [
Independent experiments involved injection of radioactive tracers at acupuncture points to attempt
to map out and visualize the routes of meridians [
]. An alternative study by Langevin and
Yandow led to the hypothesis that networks of interstitial connective tissue constitute the link between
acupuncture points and meridians tissue [
]. Ultrasound imaging reveals a visible connective tissue
forming an intramuscular cleavage plane at acupuncture points but not at control points [
]. Another
anatomical distinctive feature of acupuncture points is high densities of nerve endings [160,161].
Other studies have explored the possibility of physiological differences between acupuncture
points and surrounding tissues. Several reports conclude that the skin electrical impedance along
meridians is lower than in their surroundings [
]. However, Stux and Pomeranz were quite
skeptical about these kinds of electrical properties [
] and Kramer et al. concluded that skin electrical
resistance at acupuncture points can either be lower or higher compared to the surrounding area [
In 2010, Litscher et al. developed a miniaturized 48-channel skin impedance measurement system for
needle and laser acupuncture [
]. This system was further improved and a new multi-channel skin
resistance measuring system, called GEDIS (Graz ElectroDermal Impedance measurement System)
was used to differentiate the electrical skin resistance measurement between an acupuncture point and
a placebo point. The system performs “electrodermal mapping”, and shows that the skin resistance at
the acupuncture point has lower impedance values as compared to the non-acupuncture point [167].
Other studies suggested that there are more mast cells distributed at acupuncture
points [168170]
Marcelli, Peuker and Cummings, and Cheng, have made some studies of the morphological
characteristics between the meridians and the anatomical structure [
]. Shaw and McLennan
did an anatomical dissection study based on investigation of cadaveric specimens. They concluded
that acupuncture points and meridians are purposefully named to reflect the observable physical
form, e.g., heart meridian, lung meridian, etc. [
]. Anatomical dissections in ancient China are
mentioned in chapter 12 of the Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu. Here, the imperial physician Qi Bo
explains the fundamental structures of the human organism to the emperor Huang Di. The physician
says: “After someone has died his body can be anatomically dissected and be examined (for medical
investigation)” [
]. As another source of evidence to prove that acupuncture points are anatomically
correct, the chapter 42 of Nanjing describes the length, diameter, weight and capacity of the internal
organs [
]. In chapter 7 of Book 3 from Mi Huang-Fu’s Jia Yi Jing, the measurement of bones and
intestines, and the volume of the stomach and intestines were clearly explained [
]. That is why the
names for the internal organs used today are the same as the name of TCM organs defined more than
2000 years ago from Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu [127].
Acupuncture points are thus positioned at precise anatomical structures. For example, in TCM
theory, the lung (LU) meridian is paired with the large intestine (LI) meridian [
]. LU 7 Lieque
Medicines 2018, 5,63
(Broken Sequence) is also the Luo-Connecting Point of the Lung meridian. From LU 7, the meridian
branches out and links to the large intestine meridian, at LI 4 Hegu (Joining Valley), also known as
Yuan-Source Point [
]. From an anatomical point of view, both points are located at the branch
from the main cephalic vein, which is supplied by the radial nerve [
]. This evidence supports that
acupuncture points and meridians correspond to anatomically defined positions in the human body.
Pushing this idea further at the molecular level, Zhang et al. studied the connection between the heart
and stomach meridians to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and gastrointestinal disorders (GIDs) and
found that both CVDs and GIDs express sets of genes which are functionally related [177].
According to Thomas Myers, the author of Anatomy Trains, the whole body is a unique
linkage of myofascial and locomotor anatomy in which the muscles are connected to the fascial
net. The fascia, with an appearance akin to a spider’s web, is a continuous sheath of tissue, covering
and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery, vein and lymph vessel, as well as, all internal
organs, brain and spinal cord [
]. The fascial anatomy has a striking anatomical correlation to
acupuncture points and meridians. Finando and Finando suggest that all fundamental characteristics
of acupuncture treatment are consistent with stimulation of the fascia [179].
6.2. Acupuncture Points, Ashi Points, Myofascial Trigger Points (mTrPs) and Referral Pain
Interestingly, acupuncture points were rediscovered by researchers in western medicine. A study
done by Kellgren in 1938 reported that intramuscular injection of sterile saline caused pain at locations
away from the injection site [
]. Inspired by this study, Travell et al. realized that pressure applied to
specific points (later defined as trigger points) relieved pain from shoulder and arm pain [
]. Later,
Travell together with Simons, through their collaboration published their texts Myofascial Pain and
Dysfunction, the Trigger Point Manual in 1983 [
]. Trigger points were described as locally tender
points associated with focal areas of muscle shortening termed “taut bands”. When palpated, trigger
points can feel like small nodules within the muscle and may refer pain distally [
]. Dorsher,
did a study based on Travell and Simons’ texts, and found that 93.3% of the common myofascial trigger
points (238 out of 255) correspond to the classical acupuncture points [184].
Translated into Chinese medicine terms, the above statement means that a trigger point is an
area of Qi stagnation in the muscles. It also means that emotional stress may be the aetiological factor
causing Qi stagnation in the muscles [
]. Ashi points, are very comparable to trigger points and
were first mentioned in Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang (Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces
for Emergency) compiled by Sun Simiao in the Tang dynasty [
]. Chapter 13 of Huang Di Nei
Jing Ling Shu, describes a treatment method, referring to Ashi points as “tenderness was taken as
needling point” [
]. Ashi points are also used in other methods of treatment, such as Japanese
shiatsu, Thai massage and Swedish deep tissue massage [186].
It is interesting to note that the route of referred pain from the heart, such as myocardial ischemia,
is identical to the pathway of the heart meridian [
]. This kind of referred pain occurs due to the
sharing of information between visceral and somatic afferent nerve fibres within overlapping spinal
cord segments. The confusion about the origin of pain results from the density of sensory nerves
higher in the skin than the heart [189].
Rong and Zhu suggested a common biological connection between the cardiac sympathetic nerve
and the heart meridian (HM) [
]. Their findings provide a possible morphological and physiological
explanation for the relation between referred cardiac pain and HM [
]. It is thus not surprising that
traditionally, HM is being used to treat cardiac related illness, such as palpitation or cardiac arrhythmia,
coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, ischaemic heart disease, cardiovascular
disease and hypercholesterolemia [144,148,150,151,191194].
Medicines 2018, 5,63
7. Qi and Energy Fields
In the theory of TCM, Qi is thought to be a form of balancing energy that flows through the body.
Qi keeps the body in harmony with the internal and the external environment that brings together the
overall wellbeing of a person [126,129,142144,150].
Chapter 18 of Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu [
], and Maciocia [
], give a detailed explanation
about Qi formation. The production of Qi comes from the combination of food that we take and air
that we breathe. Food is digested by the stomach and the nutrition is absorbed by the spleen and sent
to the lung to form gathering Qi. The gathering Qi assists the lung in controlling Qi and breathing,
and enhances the heart’s function of governing blood and blood vessels. It combines with original Qi
that originates from the kidney and can be compared to the dynamic motive force that activates and
moves the functional activity of all the organs, to form true Qi. True Qi is the final stage in the process
of refinement and transformation of Qi. True Qi is further divided into nutritive Qi and defensive Qi.
The main function of nutritive Qi is to nourish the internal organs. Nutritive Qi is also related to blood,
and flows in the channels and blood vessels. Nutritive Qi is activated whenever a needle is inserted
in an acupuncture point. As the name implies, defensive Qi means to defend or to protect the body.
Unlike nutritive Qi, it flows outside of the channels [192].
7.1. How to Relate Qi to Molecular Knowledge of Modern Medicine?
In modern medicine, energy is the product of metabolic degradation of food and nutrients.
The process of energy formation involves a complex series of various types of chemicals, molecules
and cellular reactions. The process of metabolism is a collection of chemical catabolic reactions that
break down the food we eat, from protein into amino acids, fats into fatty acids, and carbohydrates into
glucose by the enzymes of the digestive system. In a nutshell, the nutrients from food are converted
into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which provides the basic unit of energy required for all functions
in the body. A molecule of ATP consists of adenine, ribose, and three phosphate groups. Energy
together with adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a phosphate group (symbolized as
) are released
when the terminal phosphate group is split off ATP. About 40% of the energy released in metabolism is
used for cellular functions. The rest is converted to heat, some of which helps with maintaining the
body temperature [
]. ATP is also involved in the process of muscle contraction and relaxation [
inflammation [102] and the analgesic effect of acupuncture [195201], as explained below.
7.2. Energy and Information
Albert Szent-Györgyi, was a Hungarian biochemist who discovered vitamin C (deficiency of
vitamin C from malnutrition is the main cause of scurvy [
]) and won the Nobel Prize in Physiology
or Medicine in 1937. He quoted “In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing
was accomplished by moving energy” [
]. The word “energy”, for Szent-Györgyi, meant a cloud of
electrons held together by nuclei [
]. He published a trilogy [
], based on his observation
in the presence of energy in the living organisms during his study on cancer research. His study of
energy in biology was linked to the role of purines and ATP as extracellular signaling molecules [
Later, this would have a great impact on the research of acupuncture. James Oschman, author of
Energy Medicine, described the involvement of energy in the healing processes. The body is capable
to take in, store, release, conduct, and utilise various kinds of energy and information [207].
Energy and information are also involved in the process of intercellular communication. This is
done through action potential, an electrical signal conduction transporting information from one
neuron to the next [
]. For example, action potential takes place by sending electrical impulses to
the brain through afferent nerve fibres, such as in the event of pain or injury. To carry the information
from one neuron to the next, neurotransmitters require energy in the form of ATP [
]. An action
potential is also triggered by the stimulation of acupuncture needle insertion, which in turn affects the
activities in the brain neuronal network [209].
Medicines 2018, 5,63
Robert Becker, in his book, The Body Electric [
], hypothesizes that the acupuncture meridians
are electrical conductors that send injury signals to the brain, which responds with the appropriate
level of direct current to stimulate healing in the injured area. He also believed that the conductivity of
the skin is much higher at acupuncture points.
Björn Nordenström, a Swedish radiologist and surgeon, and the author of Biologically Closed
Electric Circuits [
], believed that Qi is equivalent to or perhaps the same as the electromagnetic
energy found in biologically closed electrical circuits (BCEC). Its Yin and Yang components may be
compared to the positive and negative electrical charges of closed circuit ionic flow. If the acupuncture
needle is inserted through the normal muscle into the injured muscle, it thus acts as a short circuit
to enable the flow of ions. This facilitates healing of the injured tissue. Both Becker [
] and
Nordenström [211] believed that the process of healing might work electrically.
In 1980, Cohen et al. measured the magnetic fields produced by the human body with the
sensitive magnetic detector called the Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) [
The body’s fluctuating magnetic fields, such as those from the heart are 100 times stronger than the
field generated by the brain and can be detected up to a meter away from the body, in all directions,
using SQUID-based magnetometers [
]. Both the magnetic fields produced by the heart and brain,
can be measured via electrocardiogram (ECG) and electroencephalogram (EEG), respectively. Russek
et al. proposed that the heart plays the major role in generating as well as integrating the flow of
energy in the body [214].
Probably one of the best possible ways to explain the nature of Qi in a scientific manner is to relate
it to the theory of extracellular and intracellular signaling. Qi can be considered to derive from signaling
processes in the body, which include phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cascades, and guanine
nucleotide-binding proteins (G protein) signaling involving cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)
production and degradation, or calcium release and sequestration [
]. The balance between Yin
and Yang that constitutes Qi could reflect cellular activities, which balance the actions of endogenous
agonists and antagonists, and the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems [216].
8. Is Acupuncture a Placebo Intervention?
Blinded controlled studies have addressed the following question. Do contextual effect and/or
placebo acupuncture needle have the same therapeutic outcome as real acupuncture? The results from
many randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have both proved and disproved the benefit of acupuncture.
As compared to other types of pharmacological RCTs, the study of acupuncture is very complex due to
the involvement of many issues, such as inadequate sample size, randomization, sham interventions,
and blinding. The tendency that potential bias might arise from both the sham interventions and
blinding procedures is another great challenge in such studies. Patients’ expectation may also influence
the final outcomes of the trials [
]. Table 1 summarized some of the RCTs of LBP treated with
acupuncture. There was no special search strategy used to select the publications for Tables 1 and 2 and
therefore it is rather an overview than evidence based on a systematic search method. Most articles
can be found in the database Pubmed.
Medicines 2018, 5,63
Table 1. Results of randomized control trials for acupuncture treatment of lower back pain.
Authors Diagnosis Intervention Group Control Group
Pach et al.
(2013) [218]
n = 73, standardized manual
acupuncture; n = 66,
individualized manual
Both intervention groups showed
improvement in pain scale but there were no
relevant difference between them
Molsberger et
al. (2002) [219]
n = 65, manual acupuncture +
conventional orthopaedic therapy
n = 61, sham acupuncture +
conventional orthopaedic therapy; n =
60, conventional orthopaedic therapy
Acupuncture + conventional orthopaedic
therapy were better than sham and
conventional orthopaedic therapy alone
Weiß et al.
(2013) [220]
n = 74, manual acupuncture +
inpatient rehabilitation program
n = 69, inpatient rehabilitation program
Intervention group showed better results
judging from SF-36 questionnaires
Inoue et al.
(2006) [221]
LBP n = 15, manual acupuncture n = 16, sham acupuncture
Schober test
Both groups showed reduction in pain but
intervention group showed better result than
control group
Giles et al.
(2003) [222]
n = 36, manual acupuncture; n =
36, spinal manipulation
n = 40, medication
SF-36, VAS
Manipulation achieved the best overall
results, however, on the VAS for neck pain,
acupuncture showed a better result than
manipulation (50% vs. 42%)
Haake et al.
(2007) [223]
CLBP n = 387, manual acupuncture
n = 387, sham acupuncture; n = 388,
conventional therapy (physiotherapy,
Effectiveness of acupuncture, both verum
and sham, was almost twice that of
conventional therapy
Brinkhaus et a
(2006) [224]
n = 146, manual acupuncture; n =
73, minimal manual acupuncture
n = 79, waiting list SF-36, VAS
Acupuncture was better than no acupuncture,
but no significant differences between
acupuncture and minimal acupuncture
Cho et al.
(2013) [225]
CLBP n = 57, manual acupuncture n = 59, sham acupuncture VAS
Acupuncture was better than sham
Cherkin et al.
(2001) [226]
CLBP n = 94, manual acupuncture n = 78, massage; n = 90, self-care SBS, RDS
Massage was better than acupuncture and
Cherkin et al.
(2009) [227]
n = 158, standardized manual
acupuncture; n = 157,
individualized manual
acupuncture; n = 162, simulated
acupuncture (using toothpick)
n = 161, usual care (medications,
All intervention groups showed better
outcome than usual care, but no significant
differences among the acupuncture groups
Medicines 2018, 5,63
Table 1. Cont.
Authors Diagnosis Intervention Group Control Group
(2012) [228]
n = 82, standardized manual
acupuncture; n = 80,
individualized manual
n = 74, usual care (massage,
physiotherapy, medications)
Intervention groups showed better results
than control; but individualized acupuncture
is more effective than standardized
Zhang et al.
(2017) [229]
DiscogenicSciatica n = 50, 50 Hz electroacupuncture n = 50, MFE
The effect of electroacupuncture was superior
to that of MFE
Thomas et al.
(1994) [230]
n = 7, manual acupuncture; n =9,
2 Hz low frequency
electroacupuncture; n = 11, 80 Hz
high frequency
n = 10, waiting list
related to
pain, ROM
All intervention groups showed reduction of
pain, more so in low frequency
electroacupuncture group in long term
Glazov et al.
(2014) [231]
840 nm laser acupuncture: n = 48,
0.8 Joules high dose; n = 48, 0.2
Joules low dose
n = 48, 0 Joules sham laser acupuncture
(without switching on the laser)
Treatment groups showed better result but
no difference between sham and laser groups
Shin et al.
(2015) [232]
LBP 660 nm laser acupuncture: n =28
n = 27, sham laser acupuncture
(without switching on the laser)
Both groups showed improvement in pain
but no significant difference outcomes
between the two groups
NA = Not Available; ADL = Activities of Daily Life; CPGS = Chronic Pain Grade Scale; HFAQ = Hanover Functional Ability Questionnaire; MFE = Medium-Frequency Electrotherapy;
NDI = Neck Disability Index; NRS = Numerical Rating Scale; ODI = Oswestry Disability Index; NPRS = Numerical Pain Rating Scale; PGI = patient global impression; PPT = Pressure
Pain Threshold; RDS = Roland Disability Scale; RMDQ = Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire; ROM = Range of Motion; SBS = Symptom Bothersomeness Scale; SF-36 = Short-Form
36 Health Survey; VAS = Visual Analog Scale; CLBP = chronic low back pain; CNLBP = chronic nociceptive low back pain; CSP = chronic spinal pain; LBP = low back pain; NSCLBP =
non-specific chronic low back pain; nm = Nanometer.
Medicines 2018, 5,63
Table 2. Selection of acupuncture points of randomized control trials for treatment of lower back pain.
Authors Local Points Distant Points Other Points
Pach et al. (2013) [218] BL 23, 24, 25 BL 40, 60; GB 34; K 3 -
Molsberger et al. (2002) [219] BL 23, 25; GB 30 BL 40, 60; GB 34 4 Ashi Points of maximum pain
Weiß et al. (2013) [220]NA NA -
Inoue et al. (2006) [221]- - Single Ashi Point at the most painful point
Giles et al. (2003) [222]
8 to 10 needles were placed in local paraspinal intramuscular maximum pain
Approximately 5 needles were placed in distal
acupuncture point
Haake et al. (2007) [223] 14 to 20 needles were inserted but exact locations were not mentioned
Brinkhaus et al. (2006) [224]
At least 4 local points:
BL 20 to 34; BL 50 to 54; GB 30; GV 3, 4, 5, 6
At least 2 distant points:
SI 3; BL 40, 60, 62; K 3, 7; GB 31, 34, 41; LR 3; GV
14, 20
Extraordinary Points:
Huatojiaji & Shiqizhuixia
Cho et al. (2013) [225]
Points were chosen according to 3 types of meridian patterns:
1. Gallbladder Meridian: 12, 26, 30, 34, 41
2. Bladder Meridian: 23, 24, 25, 37, 40
3. Mixed Meridian: ST 4, 36; SP 13, 14; GV 3, 4, 5, 24, 26
Cherkin et al. (2001) [226]NA NA -
Cherkin et al. (2009) [227]
1. Individualized Acupuncture:
Averaged of 10.8 needles, chosen from 74 points, half from Bladder meridian
2. Standardized Acupuncture:
8 acupuncture points commonly used for chronic low back pain (GV 3, BL 23 *,
BL40*,K3*,LowBack Ashi Point)
3. Simulated Acupuncture:
Using toothpick on acupuncture points
Yun et al. (2012) [228] GV 3; BL 23 BL 40; K 3 Low Back Ashi Points, Back-Pain Points ˆ
Zhang et al. (2017) [229]BL25 -
Extraordinary Points:
JiaJi * (Ex-B2)
Thomas et al. (1994) [230]
BL 23, 25, 26, 32;
GB 30, 34
BL 40, 60; SI 6; ST 36 -
Glazov et al. (2014) [231]
An average of 9 points were used:
GV 13%, BL 37%, GB 13%, other meridians 16%, Ashi Points 14%,
Extraordinary Points 7%
Shin et al. (2015) [232]
GV 3, 4, 5;
BL 23 *, 24 *, 25 *; GB 30 *
BL 40 * -
BL = Bladder; GB = Gallbladder; GV = Governor Vessel; K = Kidney; LR = Liver; SP = Spleen; ST = Stomach; NA = Not Available; * = Bilaterally; ˆ = Extra Meridian points on the back
of hand.
Medicines 2018, 5,63
8.1. In the Wake of Double-Blind Randomised Control Trials (RCTs)
The double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial is considered as the gold standard for testing or
comparing the efficacy of either new or existing treatments/drugs [
]. The idea was put forward by
Austin Bradford Hill back in 1937 [
]. Before the mid-20th century, the practice of informed consent
was not mandatory. Patients were often not informed of their involvement in a clinical study and did
not realize that they might receive a placebo instead of a real treatment [235].
The main purpose to conduct a clinical RCT is to prevent bias or manipulation of results in medical
studies [
]. Such biases originate from several sources. Patients’ awareness of trials might
lead to exaggerated expectations and responses [
]. Some clinical researchers might
depend heavily on the pharmaceutical industry funding and may not be effectively protected from
transmitting their sponsor’s bias in favour of a new drug [
]. Surveys showed that double-blind
methodologies are still not always properly applied to clinical tests [236,249251].
8.2. The Placebo Effect
The question of whether acupuncture merely produces a placebo effect has to be considered in
light of numerous studies done in this field. The word “placebo”, is a Latin word, usually translated
as “I shall please” [
]. According to Shapiro, a placebo is defined as “any therapeutic procedure
(or a component of any therapeutic procedure) which is given (1) deliberately to have an effect, or (2)
unknowingly and has an effect on a symptom, syndrome, disease, or patient but which is objectively
without specific activity for the condition being treated. The placebo is also used as an adequate control
in research. The placebo effect is defined as the changes produced by placebos” [252].
As stated by Walter Brown, author of The Placebo Effect in Clinical Practice, the act of seeking and
receiving medical care itself is a placebo effect. Some conditions are highly placebo-responsive, which
could bring up to as much as 50% relief. The placebo treatment can be used to enhance the benefits of
standard treatments. The healing environment, which involves the personal attention and the two-way
communication between a patient and a care provider, is a powerful antidote for illness [
]. Miller
and Kaptchuk proposed this kind of placebo effect as “contextual healing”, in which a specific clinical
encounter contributes to therapeutic outcomes [
]. Jay Katz, author of The Silent World of Doctor
and Patient, noted that “Physicians and patients may gradually learn that the placebo effect is an
integral and inevitable component of the practice of medicine, that it constitutes its art and augments
its science” [
]. Kerr et al. expressed “neurophenomenological” as the reason that caused the placebo
effect from sham acupuncture due to the palpation and touch by the practitioner and tactile stimulation
by sham acupuncture needles [255].
The mechanisms of the placebo analgesic effects include activation of endogenous opioids and
dopamine release, and alteration of central processing of pain [
]. Expectation of benefit also
plays an important role in the efficacy of placebo interventions [
]. Henry Beecher in his article
“The Powerful Placebo”, suggests that placebos can relieve pain arising from physiological causes and
have an average significant effectiveness of 35.2 ± 2.2% [256].
8.3. Clinical Studies
The placebo effect produced by sham acupuncture, derives from patients’ expectation and bias.
Yet, this does not mean that the therapeutic effect of acupuncture is only explained as a placebo
intervention. In comparing placebo to no treatment, such as those shown in Table 1, placebo was
significantly more effective than no-treatment groups or even standard medical care. This was
demonstrated by an impressive series of three-arm studies in German Acupuncture Trials (GERAD)
for relief of LBP [
]. Subsequently, the outcome of treatment of chronic LBP by acupuncture was so
positive that German insurance companies agreed to cover the cost of such treatments [223,257].
Therefore, it is safe to say that a placebo intervention that produces a real effect is not supposed to
be called a “placebo”. There must be some physiological or psychological mechanism that explains
Medicines 2018, 5,63
such effects. Besides tactile stimulation [
], several studies proposed that afferent nerve fibres are
involved in response to acupuncture treatment [110,112].
8.4. Acupuncture Points for Lower Back Pain
In Table 2, only six out of 15 RCTs stated precisely which acupuncture points were used for the
treatment of LBP. Of these, the most commonly used acupuncture points are GV 3, BL 23, BL 25 and
BL 40. GV 3, BL 23 and BL 25 are all local points, while BL 40, located in the popliteal fossa, is a distal
point for treating LBP. Other distal points are BL 60 and K 3, they are situated behind the lateral and
medial malleolus.
The most commonly used acupuncture points in the treatment of LBP are listed in the
literature [
]. Lee et al. did an investigation based on 53 clinical studies and came out with a
summary of the most frequently used acupuncture points for the treatment of LBP [
]. It clearly
shows that both the bladder and gallbladder meridians are the chosen choice for treating LBP with
acupuncture, especially BL 23 (51%), follow by BL 25 (43%), BL 24, BL 40, BL 60 and GB 30 (32% each),
BL 26 and BL 32 (28% each), and GB 34 (21%). In the opinion of Maciocia, the proper selection of local
and distal points is based on the location and the nature of pain, and depends on the condition, if it is
either acute or chronic [144].
8.5. Clinical Relevance
According to Robinson [
], acupuncture points BL 23, BL 24 and BL 26 improve circulation to
the local tissues and resolve myofascial dysfunction and promote tissue recovery. BL 25 is stimulated
to relax the myofascia and free the nerves which are entrapped and irritated. BL 40 may improve
circulation and nerve health by reducing myofascial tension caused by neurovascular compression.
BL 60 and K 3 are located on each side of the ankle, and represent the distant points for LBP. They
contain an extensive sympathetic nerve supply that provides homeostatic effects. GB 30 sits on top
of the sciatic nerve and is a good choice to treat sciatica caused by piriformis entrapment syndromes.
GB 34, located on the neck of fibular, is a choice point to treat common peroneal (fibular) nerve
syndrome. GV 3, which is supplied by the spinal segmental nerve and the somatosomatic as well
as somatovisceral reflex connections, has neuromodulatory properties for treating LBP, paraparesis,
sciatic pain, genitourinary conditions, and lower gastrointestinal disorders.
9. Mechanism of Acupuncture
What is actually happening the moment an acupuncture needle penetrates the skin [
According to Robinson, this interesting phenomenon is due to a higher density of sensory and
sympathetic nerve fibres attached to blood vessels in distal than in proximal segments. Such an
anatomical arrangement accounts for the relatively stronger autonomous responses associated with
distal acupuncture points, especially those at the ends of the channels [
]. Dellon et al. came to the
same conclusion concerning the higher concentration of sympathetic innervation in the foot [260].
Manipulation of acupuncture needle results in deformation of connective tissues and thus
alters the structure of fibroblasts [
]. Such micro-injury caused by the puncturing of the
acupuncture needle in the skin results in release of ATP [
]. ATP is then further
broken down into adenosine and other purines [
]. Both ATP and adenosine act as
anti-nociception agents that block pain through purinergic receptors [195199,265269].
9.1. Deqi
The pricking sensation caused by stimulation of acupuncture needle is termed Deqi. This refers
to the excitation of Qi or vital energy inside meridians. Often patients might experience a combination
of various sensations, including numbness, soreness, distention, heaviness, dull pain, or sharp
pain during acupuncture needle insertion [
]. Deqi, which was mentioned in the chapter 1 of
Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu [
], literally means “the arrival of vital energy”, which is widely
Medicines 2018, 5,63
viewed as an important role in the process of achieving therapeutic effectiveness of acupuncture
treatment [127,165,271274]
. A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study conducted by
Napadow et al. shows an increase of blood flow to the penetrated sites that are linked to the sensation
of Deqi [
]. Kong et al. found that the different intensity of acupuncture sensations is associated with
the effect of analgesia [
]. Spaeth et al. concluded that real acupuncture tends to produce a stronger
Deqi sensation and better clinical outcomes as compared to sham acupuncture [
]. However, White
et al. indicated that the sensation of Deqi does not impact the efficacy of acupuncture treatment [
9.2. Needle Grasp
The phenomenon of needle grasp is described as a tug on the needle, like a fish biting on a
fishing line, creating a tight mechanical coupling between needle and tissue. Langevin et al. proposed
that needle grasp perceived by acupuncturists corresponds to the sensation of Deqi, which is felt by
patients. This may play an active role in the therapeutic mechanism of acupuncture [
These authors hypothesize that the manoeuvre of the needle (by rotation or piston movement) causes
needle grasp, and hence, Deqi is a result of collagen and elastic fibres winding and tightening around
the needle. Such a mechanism is responsible for the increase in pull-out force induced by needle
rotation [
]. The higher density of connective tissues at acupuncture points might explain
the occurrence of needle grasp [159].
Needle grasp allows further movements of the needle to pull and deform the connective tissue
surrounding the needle, delivering some of its effects through mechanical influence on the connective
tissue matrix [
]. In addition, the manipulation of the acupuncture needle causes remodeling
of fibroblasts in the connective tissue [261264].
9.3. Afferent Nerve Fibres
Many RCT studies claimed the lack of significant difference between real and sham acupuncture
(Table 1)[
]. This conclusion arose from the fact that both real and sham acupuncture
in these RCTs are involved in tactile stimulation [
]. The reason behind such phenomenon is
due to the stimulation of the afferent nerve fibres [
]. Such superficial pressure via sham
needling intervention can have significant effects on the brain’s limbic system [
]. Acupuncture
fMRI studies have shown that both tactile stimulation and acupuncture manipulation activate neural
activities and thus might have a potential effect on pain modulation [283286].
The human tactile sensation is thought to be moderated primarily by large myelinated afferents
and A
), while pain and temperature sensations are brought about by small myelinated (A
and unmyelinated (C fibre) afferents [
]. It is therefore plausible that many sham acupunctures,
used as control procedures in acupuncture studies, activated this group of afferents and hence
produced analgesic effects [
]. Zhou et al. concluded that afferent fibres of type II (A
) and III
) are responsible for transmitting the acupuncture signal, which are important for acupuncture
analgesia [168].
9.4. Acupuncture Analgesic
The study of acupuncture in pain management and its analgesic effects have been highlighted in
the literature [
The gate control theory of pain, which was proposed by Melzack and Wall back in 1965 [
], and later by
Melzack, suggested that the stimulation by the acupuncture needle activates the inhibitory brainstem
system and therefore blocks pain signals [
]. The release of endogenous opioids [
and ATP [
] triggered by an acupuncture needle have been well documented by many
studies. This suggests a link between acupuncture and signaling mediated by neurotransmitters.
Endorphins are amongst the most studied neurotransmitters in acupuncture research. They are
more powerful in pain relief than exogenous morphine [
]. A recent study conducted by Grissa et al.
compared the effectiveness of acupuncture versus morphine in the management of acute pain in the
Medicines 2018, 5,63
emergency department. A reduction of pain by 92% was observed in patients treated with acupuncture,
while morphine-treated patients experienced only 78% reduction. In addition, acupuncture-treated
patients had a much faster pain recovery time (an average of 16 min compared to 28 min in the
morphine control group) [294].
9.5. ATP as Neurotransmitter
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) was discovered by Karl Lohman in 1929 [
]. In that same
year, Drury and Szent-Györgyi described the effects of ATP on heart excitability, lowering of blood
pressure and coronary vasodilation [
]. Research by Holton and Holton in 1954 identified ATP
as a neurotransmitter in the somatosensory system. They demonstrated that ATP is released from
peripheral endings of primary sensory neurons [
]. The signaling function of ATP in peripheral
tissues was confirmed by numerous investigations done by Geoffrey Burnstock. This led to the
discovery of Purinergic Signaling that consists of neurotransmission by purinergic receptors [297].
In 2009, Burnstock proposed that stimulation of the tissue with acupuncture needle, heat or
electrical current triggers the release of a large quantity of ATP from keratinocytes, fibroblasts and
other cells in the skin [
]. ATP activates P2X ligand-gated ion channel 3 receptors (P2X3), which are
located on sensory nerves. Resulting signals modulate the pathways that lead to the CNS responsible
for conscious awareness of pain [265268,299302].
9.6. Adenosine-Induced Anti-Nociception
As mentioned before, energy in the form of ATP is one of the essential requirements for our body’s
function [
]. Adenosine, which is the core molecule of ATP and of nucleic acids, forms a unique
link among cell energy, gene regulation, and neuronal excitability [
]. Adenosine is recognised by
specific receptors, which regulate neuronal and non-neuronal cellular functions. As a neurotransmitter,
adenosine regulates pain transmission in both the spinal cord and in the periphery [
]. Adenosine
acts as an endogenous anti-inflammatory agent and as such plays an important role as a signaling
molecule in immunity and inflammation [
]. Hence, adenosine is involved in nearly every aspect of
cell function.
Recently, in a series of experiments by Goldman et al., adenosine was identified as a mediator
of anti-nociceptive properties in acupuncture experiments in mice [
]. In another study conducted
by the same group in human subjects, they used tissue microdialysis to demonstrate the increased
release of adenosine, adenosine monophosphate (AMP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and ATP at
stimulated acupuncture points [
]. Both studies show that the concentration of interstitial purines
were increased by mechanical stimulation from the acupuncture needle. In contrast, transgenic mice
lacking adenosine A1 receptors do not show any sign of pain reduction [195].
Pharmacologically, the anti-nociceptive effect of acupuncture is prolonged by 2 to 2.5 h when
the combination of acupuncture and injection of deoxycoformycin (dCF) were introduced [
Hurt and Zylka suggested that a longer period of pain relief might be achieved by injecting prostatic
acid phosphatase (PAP) into the acupuncture points [
]. Both dCF and PAP are agonists of ATP
production in response to acupuncture treatment [
]. But the opposite is observed when an
adenosine receptor antagonist, such as caffeine, is either taken orally or injected at the acupuncture
points, which then interfere with the analgesic effect of acupuncture [
]. Interestingly, from their
observation, Tang et al. concluded that the higher efficacy of acupuncture in China than in western
countries could be due to the lower consumption of coffee in China than in Europe and America [
10. Discussion
Low back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders in modern society [
There are increasing numbers of patients seeking complementary therapies, such as acupuncture, as a
mean to supplement the conventional treatments. Many studies have produced conflicting results
Medicines 2018, 5,63
relating to the efficacy of acupuncture as a method to treat LBP. This is probably due to a small sample
sizes, a lack of blinding procedures and improper methodological assessment tools [5,61,65,113,115].
In most RCTs, sham acupuncture was used as a control, either using sham acupuncture needles
which do not penetrate the skin, or selecting sham acupuncture points (Table 1). It was interesting to
observe the outcomes from the verum and sham acupuncture groups (Table 1). Both groups produced
better results than conventional therapies or non-treatment groups and it was obvious that verum
acupuncture produced slightly better results than sham acupuncture. The reason behind such a
phenomenon could be attributed to tactile stimulation. Both puncturing the skin by acupuncture
needle, and stimulation by sham needle on the skin surface, activate the afferent sensory receptors,
leading to therapeutic effects.
The high density of nerve endings under acupuncture points could be another reason that
contributed to the acupuncture-induced analgesic effects, which yields better results in verum than
in the sham acupuncture group. The release of purines, such as ATP and adenosine, which bind
to the purinergic receptors, provide a hypothesis to explain the efficacy in acupuncture against
pain [110,112,119,134,136140,142144,146,147,151,163,170,176,192,195201,235,241,288290].
Why is acupuncture effective on some patients, but not on others? Many factors could give rise
to such uneven responses. Patients’ expectations might play a crucial role in the determination of
the outcome of an acupuncture trial. So does the tendency of researchers’ strong bias in favour of or
against the efficacy of acupuncture, which might affect the overall outcome of a trial.
Combination of acupuncture with other regular therapies produces better results than
conventional therapies alone. Therefore, a holistic approach to integrate acupuncture with other
types of conventional treatments should be carried out for the benefit of the patients.
Of course our article also has potential limitations. In addition to the mentioned literature,
many other high-quality RCTs on acupuncture and LBP have been conducted recently [
Although, the meta-analysis results of some of the systematic reviews indicated that acupuncture
might be an effective treatment for chronic LBP in the short-term, conclusions among the reviews are
inconsistent overall.
11. Conclusions
The WHO confirmed in 2002, the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment from controlled
clinical trials for 28 diseases, symptoms, and conditions. LBP was one of the conditions that
was mentioned in this report [
]. A meta-analysis of 33 RCTs of acupuncture for LBP showed
better results than sham acupuncture and no treatment [
]. Meanwhile, the evidence for
efficacy of the German Acupuncture Trials (GERAD) of 1162 patients with chronic low back pain
compared verum acupuncture, sham acupuncture and a conventional therapy group as the control.
The effectiveness of acupuncture, both verum and sham, was almost twice that of conventional therapy
6 months after the trial [
]. Acupuncture is recommended for patients with chronic LBP due to its
cost-effectiveness [312] and low adverse effects [313].
The discovery of purines-mediated (both ATP and adenosine) anti-nociceptive effects of
acupuncture, has led to a better understanding of molecular events underlying the mechanism of
acupuncture in the peripheral nervous system. However, our knowledge of mechanisms associated
with acupuncture’s analgesic properties remains limited. Integration of acupuncture treatments
with conventional therapies, and pharmacological agents should lead to medical strategies without
addictive side effects.
Despite shown effectiveness by RCTs and the discovery of potential molecular mechanisms,
acupuncture is still not well accepted by the social security services in Austria and many European
countries. Such a situation results from health policy and the regulation of the healthcare bodies in
different European Union (EU) members. Yet, any treatment producing better outcomes at a lower
cost is a desirable step towards more sustainable health systems.
Medicines 2018, 5,63
Author Contributions:
The manuscript has been written by T.-K.L. as master thesis at the Medical University
of Vienna under the supervision of G.L., Head of the TCM Research Center at the Medical University of Graz,
Austria. G.L. is also lecturer at the Master Program “Principles and Practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM)” (Coordinator: Y.M.) at Medical University of Vienna. The scientific work was co-supervised by F.B. from
the Gregor Mendel Institute of Vienna.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
(“Sino-Austrian TCM Research on Lifestyle-Related Diseases” (2016–2019; project leaders: Yan Ma and Gerhard
Litscher)). The manuscript was read and corrected by all authors. The study was partially supported by the
Austrian Ministry of Education, Science, and Research and the Eurasia Pacific Uninet as well as the German
Academy of Acupuncture (President Bernd Ramme), for which a heartfelt thank you should be expressed.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine
A1R Adenosine A1 receptor
ADL activities of daily life
ADP adenosine diphosphate
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AMP adenosine monophosphate
ATP adenosine triphosphate
BCEC Biologically Closed Electric Circuits
BMI body mass index
cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate
CGRP calcitonin gene-related peptide
CLBP chronic low back pain
CNLBP chronic nociceptive low back pain
CNS central nervous system
carbon dioxide
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CSP chronic spinal pain
CVDs cardiovascular diseases
DALYs disability-adjusted life years
dCF deoxycoformycin
DRG dorsal root ganglia
EA electroacupuncture
ECG electrocardiogram
EEG electroencephalogram
EU European Union
fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging
GBD The Global Burden of Disease Study
GERAD German Acupuncture Trials
GIDs gastrointestinal disorders
G proteins guanine nucleotide-binding proteins
GV Governing Vessel
O water
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HM Heart meridian
LBP lower back pain
Medicines 2018, 5,63
MA manual acupuncture
MFE Medium-Frequency Electrotherapy
mTrPs Myofascial Trigger Points
MUS medically unexplained symptoms
NGF nerve growth factor
NRS numerical rating scale
NSAIDs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
NSCLBP non-specific chronic low back pain
P2X3 P2X ligand-gated ion channel 3 receptor
PAP prostatic acid phosphatase
PGI patient global impression
PN primo node
PPT pressure pain threshold
PV primo vessel
PVS primo vascular system
RCTs randomised control trials
ROM range of motion
SQID Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
TENS transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation
TRP transient receptor potential
TRPA1 transient receptor potential ankyrin 1
TRPV1 transient receptor potential vanilloid 1
VAS visual analogue scale
WHO World Health Organisation
YLDs years lived with disability
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The Effects of Yin, Yang and Qi in the Skin on Pain
James David Adams, Jr.
University of Southern California, School of Pharmacy, 1985 Zonal Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, 90089-9121, USA;
[email protected]; Tel.: +1-323-442-1362; Fax: +1-323-442-1681
Academic Editors: Gerhard Litscher and William Chi-shing Cho
Received: 30 November 2015; Accepted: 26 January 2016; Published: 29 January 2016
The most effective and safe treatment site for pain is in the skin. This chapter discusses the
reasons to treat pain in the skin. Pain is sensed in the skin through transient receptor potential cation
channels and other receptors. These receptors have endogenous agonists (yang) and antagonists (yin)
that help the body control pain. Acupuncture works through modulation of these receptor activities
(qi) in the skin; as do moxibustion and liniments. The treatment of pain in the skin has the potential
to save many lives and improve pain therapy in most patients.
Keywords: pain; skin; topical; liniment; acupuncture; transient receptor potential cation channels
1. Introduction
The ancient Chinese concepts of yin, yang and qi have been explained in modern scientific
terms [
]. Yin is cold, wet and diminishes blood flow. Yang is hot, dry and increases blood flow.
Yin can also be represented by an antagonist that decreases pain and inflammation by inhibiting a
receptor, such as a transient receptor potential cation channel (TRP). Yang can be represented by an
agonist that decreases pain and inflammation by increasing the activity of a receptor, such as an opioid
receptor. Qi is the flow of signal transduction mechanisms that occurs in cells because of the actions
of agonists and antagonists. When qi flows well, these signal transduction mechanisms result in less
pain and inflammation. A balance of yin and yang is necessary for qi to flow well. Signal transduction
mechanisms may influence yin and yang by altering the transcription or activation of TRP or other
receptors. There is a pain cycle that starts in the skin, travels to the brainstem and brain, and returns to
the skin [
]. This pain cycle can magnify pain if left unchecked. The pain cycle is caused when yin and
yang are not in balance and qi does not flow correctly in the skin.
The gate control theory of pain presents the pain cycle in terms of the brainstem rather than the
skin [
]. In this theory, pain is sensed in the brain not the skin, and can be modified by non-painful
sensations in the skin, such as rubbing the skin after a painful incident. This theory contends that
inhibitory interneurons in the brainstem can suppress the transmission of pain signals into the brain.
The gate control theory is useful, but does not take into account the many pain sensors in the skin and
the fact that the signals from these pain sensors can be modified in the skin [
]. The fact that the skin is
involved in pain sensation is obvious, since injection of a local anesthetic into the skin causes analgesia
near the site of injection. The current paper proposes a modification of the gate control theory in which
the skin is involved in sensing and modifying pain signals. The brainstem can modify pain signals.
The brain is responsible for processing and modifying pain signals.
It is well known that ice packs decrease pain and swelling soon after an injury. Later, heat packs
may be applied in order to decrease pain and swelling. How do ice and heat work? They work
through TRPs that are sensitive to cold and heat. Initial TRP activation by cold or heat results in TRP
deactivation that causes pain relief and decreases inflammation. TRPs are the most abundant pain
receptors in the body. They are located in the plasma membranes of many cells of the body and are
sensitive to heat, cold, pain, mechanical stimulation and other stimuli. They are abundant in the skin
Medicines 2016, 3, 5; doi:10.3390/medicines3010005
Medicines 2016, 3,5
where they are located in the terminals of sensory afferent neurons [
]. TRP activation causes pain.
TRPs are unusual receptors in that activation by an agonist may cause them to deactivate. This can
lead to pain relief for much longer than expected. TRPs are channels that allow calcium and other
positive ions to enter sensory neurons. Excessive calcium permeability can cause apoptosis of sensory
terminals. This causes long term pain relief until nerve terminals can be regenerated [
]. TRPs are also
involved in inflammation in the skin and other sites in the body [2].
2. TRP Diversity and Neuronal Populations
There are at least 28 different TRPs in the skin (Table 1), most of which are pain receptors [
In other words, these receptors are activated by painful stimuli and transmit these pain stimuli to the
brain. There is no evidence of tolerance to the analgesia produced by inhibiting or deactivating TRPs.
The body makes agonists and antagonists for these receptors which are derived from arachidonic acid
and other fats. There are transient receptor potential cation channel vanilloid receptors, TRPV1–6,
that can be inhibited by plant derived compounds such as capsaicin and some monoterpenoids [
Several TRPV receptor subtypes are activated by heat. As heat is applied, the receptors are initially
activated, then deactivated resulting in channel closing and analgesia. TRPV receptors respond to
endocannabinoids, endovanilloids, cannabinoids, hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid (HPETE) and
hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (HETE) [
]. Mechanical stimuli, such as pressure on the skin, can
also activate some vanilloid channels such as TRPV4. There is one transient receptor potential cation
channel ankyrin receptor, TRPA1, which can be inhibited by some monoterpenoids, other plant derived
compounds, arachidonic acid and some prostaglandins. TRPA1 also responds to cold and mechanical
stimuli. There are transient receptor potential cation channel canonical receptors, TRPC1–7, that are
inhibited by hyperforin and other compounds. TRPC5 is activated by low temperature. TRPC1 and 6
are activated by mechanical stretch. Transient receptor potential cation channel melastatin receptors,
TRPM1–8, are inhibited by monoterpenoids such as menthol and by fats such as sphingosine. TRPM1,
2, 3, 4 and 5 are activated by heat. TRPM8 is activated by cold. The transient receptor potential cation
channel polycystin receptors, TRPP1–3, may be inhibited by diterpenes such as triptolide. TRPP1 and
2 are mechanosensitive channels. The transient receptor potential cation channel mucolipin receptors,
TRPML1–3, respond to protons.
Medicines 2016, 3,5
Table 1. Skin Pain Receptors.
Receptor Agonist Antagonist
Heat, monoterpenoids, endocannabinoids,
endovanilloids, capsaicin
Dynorphins, adenosine,
TRPA1 Cold, prostaglandins Monoterpenoids, resolvins
TRPC1–7 Diacylglycerol -
TRPM1–8 Heat, cold, steroids, menthol -
TRPP1–3 Mechanical stress, calcium -
TRPML1–3 Protons -
CB1–2 Cannabinoids, endocannabinoids -
EP1–4 Prostaglandins -
Lipoxin A4 receptor and others Lipoxins -
Resolvin D1 receptor and others Resolvins -
H1, H3, H4 Histamine Antihistamines
5-HT1AR, 5-HT2AR, 5-HT3R Serotonin Methysergide
BLTR1-2 Leukotriene B4 -
Enkephalins, endorphins, dynorphins,
nociceptin, fentanyl
B1-2 Bradykinins -
P2 receptors ATP -
N-type calcium channels - Gabapentin, ziconotide
Voltage gated ion channels Aconitine, delphinine Local anesthetics
NMDA, AMPA, Kainate Glutamate Ketamine, ibogaine
TRPV—transient receptor potential cation channel vanilloid, TRPA—transient receptor potential cation
channel ankyrin, TRPC—transient receptor potential cation channel canonical, TRPM—transient receptor
potential cation channel melastatin, TRPP—transient receptor potential cation channel polycystin,
TRPML—transient receptor potential cation channel mucolipin, CB—cannabinoid receptor, EP—prostaglandin
receptor, H—histamine receptor, 5-HTR—serotonin receptor, BLTR—leukotriene receptor, MOR—mu
opioid receptor, KOR—kappa opioid receptor, DOR—delta opioid receptor, NOP—nociception receptor,
B—bradykinin receptor, P2—adenosine triphosphate (ATP) receptor, NMDA—N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor,
AMPA—alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor.
TRPs are found in non-overlapping populations of nerve terminals in the skin [
]. Many of these
receptors also are found in endothelial and dendritic cells and are involved in dermatitis. Since these
receptors are found in non-overlapping neuron populations, this makes pain treatment complex. For
instance, if a menthol liniment is applied to the skin, it may not inhibit all of the neuronal terminals in
the area, and may not adequately relieve pain. It is important to use a liniment that inhibits as many
skin TRPs as possible in order to get pain relief, which may involve multiple monoterpenoids [79].
3. Other Skin Receptors Involved in Pain
The skin contains a variety of receptors involved in pain [
]. TRP receptors are the most abundant
and varied. There are cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, which are involved in inflammation and
pain sensation in the skin [
]. Cannabinoids are also agonists for several TRPs and cause an initial
activation of the receptors followed by deactivation. There are skin lipoxin receptors that cause
pain [
]. There are skin resolvin receptors that decrease pain [
]. Resolvins also inhibit TRPA1,
TRPV3 and TRPV4. There are opioid receptors in the skin [
]. Opioid peptides such as the enkephalins
are also made in the skin [
]. Fentanyl patches are used to treat pain and stimulate opioid receptors by
direct application to the skin. Other pain receptors in the skin include bradykinin receptors, histamine
receptors, serotonin receptors, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) receptors, prostaglandin receptors, N-type
calcium channels, voltage gated sodium channels and glutamate receptors [
]. Voltage gated sodium
channels are inhibited by local anesthetics and result in pain inhibition in the skin [
]. All of these
receptors are involved in causing and relieving pain. All of these receptors have endogenous agonists
and antagonists that are involved in pain and analgesia. Pain occurs when the production of these
endogenous compounds is out of balance and causes too much stimulation of pain receptors.
Medicines 2016, 3,5
4. Interactions of Pain Receptor Responses
The activation of one pain receptor can potentiate the activity of other pain receptors in the skin.
This interaction greatly increases pain, in other words increases the improper flow of qi in the skin.
TRPC5 activity is potentiated by Gq coupled G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) activation [
], such as
by glutamate, serotonin, histamine, muscarine and angtiotensin II receptors. TRPM2 is potentiated by
receptor activation that involves the formation of cyclic-adenosine diphosphate (ADP) ribose, such
as by muscarinic receptors [
]. Bradykinin receptor activation potentiates TRPA1 activity [
channels are activated by phospholipase C [
]. Several receptors activate phospholipase C, such
as muscarinic, histaminergic, serotonergic, glutamatergic and muscarinic. Interactions of these pain
receptors alter qi in the skin such that pain is magnified.
5. Skin Cyclooxygenase-2
Cyclooxygense-2 (COX2) is the main source of prostaglandins. As mentioned before,
prostaglandins cause pain by interacting with prostaglandin receptors and TRPs. They also potentiate
TRPV1 activity by increasing protein kinase A and C activity [
]. COX2 activity increases in the skin in
chronic pain conditions [
]. This induction of skin COX2 makes pain worse and ensures that pain
will continue until COX2 activity decreases. It is not known how skin COX2 is induced in chronic
pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS) are used to inhibit both COX1 and COX2 in
the treatment of pain. These oral or injected agents do not penetrate adequately into the skin to inhibit
skin COX2 [
]. On the other hand, topical sesquiterpenes are known to penetrate the skin and may
inhibit COX2 or decrease the expression of COX2 in the skin [
]. Topical preparations can be superior
to oral or injected preparations for pain treatment.
6. Moxibustion and Skin Yin, Yang and Qi
Moxibustion involves heating the skin at specific acupuncture points to relieve pain [
Application of heat for several seconds causes the deactivation of some TRPs [
]. This diminishes
pain by decreasing the activity of skin sensory neurons. The heat sensitive TRPs are discussed above.
By using a yang influence, heat, moxibustion reestablishes the proper flow of qi that comes from TRPs
in sensory neurons and decreases pain.
7. Acupuncture and Skin Yin, Yang and Qi
Acupuncture causes an initial activation of several different TRPs by causing an initial pain
sensation and a mechanical stimulation. Several TRPs are activated by pain and mechanical stimuli
as discussed above. The continued application of the acupuncture needle for more than several
seconds, may cause these channels to deactivate and relieve pain. As discussed before, the application
of too much yin (antagonist) or yang (agonist) to TRPs, causes them to shut down. This relieves
pain by allowing qi (signal transduction) to flow correctly. It has been suggested that mast cell
degranulation involves TRPV2 activation and that acupuncture may increase this process [
]. Mast cell
degranulation is important in skin inflammation, irritation and pain. In addition, electroacupuncture
was shown to decrease the expression of TRPV1 [
]. COX2 expression can also be diminished by
acupuncture [
], which is important in the treatment of chronic pain conditions. Since acupuncture
is applied to the skin, it inhibits the expression of skin COX2 [
]. It has been known for centuries that
acupuncture is useful in the treatment of acute and chronic pain. TRP inhibition and decreased COX2
expression may be involved in this pain relief.
8. The Superiority Pain Treatment in the Skin
The most popular treatments for pain are oral medications such as NSAIDS and opioids. These
agents are given in large doses and cause many toxic reactions. NSAIDS cause 100,000 ulcers in the
US every year that result in 10,000 deaths. NSAIDS also cause kidney damage and clotting problems
Medicines 2016, 3,5
that lead to stroke and heart attack. COX1 is the major source of thromboxane. COX2 is the major
source of prostaglandins. The prostaglandin, prostacyclin (PGI2) can inhibit clotting. It is possible that
inhibition of COX2 in platelets leads to excess thromboxane, inadequate PGI2 and clotting. NSAIDS
alter the balance of arachidonic acid metabolites, including prostaglandins and lipoxins, such that
drug toxicity occurs. Opioids cause tolerance, addiction and toxicity that leads to 14,000 deaths in the
US every year. Opioid medicines alter the balance of natural opioid proteins in the body, including
enkephalins and dynorphins, preventing the ability of the body to stop pain.
The gate control theory of pain supports the use of oral medications to treat pain, since the theory
contends that pain is sensed in the brain and can be modified in the brainstem. The gate control theory
has led to the overuse of oral pain medications and the many deaths discussed above.
In contrast, acupuncture is a safe treatment. Various liniments are available to treat pain by topical
application [
]. These liniments are applied where they are needed, work quickly, and are very
effective and safe.
9. Endovanilloids, Endocannabinoids and Arachidonic Acid Metabolites
The body has the ability to stop pain through a number of mechanisms (Table 1). The opioid
peptides are important, including endorphins, enkephalins and dynorphins. They are produced in
the brain and skin, work at opioid receptors in the brain and skin and are effective [
]. Several other
compounds are made in the skin to either cause or inhibit pain sensed in the skin.
Endovanilloids work through deactivation of vanilloid receptors, the TRPV channels [
Several endovanilloids are made from arachidonic acid such as 15-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic
acid (15-HPETE) made by 15-lipoxygenase, 12-HPETE made by 12-lipoxygenase, anandamide,
and N-arachidonoyldopamine. 5-Lipoxygenase makes 5-HPETE, and leukotriene B4 that are both
endovanilloids [
]. Other endovanilloids are not made from arachidonic acid and include
N-oleoyldopamine, palmitoylethanolamide and the resolvins.
Lipoxins are trihydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acids made from arachidonic acid by 15-lipoxygenase
and cause pain. They bind to several receptors such as, lipoxin A
receptor, ALX/formyl peptide
receptor 2, and resolvin D1 receptor [
]. Lipoxins also may act through stimulation of TRPV1 to
cause pain [
]. They are made in very small amounts, where they are needed and are cleared quickly.
They are balanced by the resolvins that inhibit pain.
Resolvins are trihydroxy-eicosapentaenoic acids made from omega-3 fatty acids by
15-lipoxygenase and COX2 [
]. Resolvins interact with several receptors, at least one of which
is responsible for relieving pain. These receptors are resolvin D1 receptor, resolvin E1 receptor, G
protein coupled receptor 32, lipoxin A
receptor, chemokine like receptor 1 (also called chemerin
receptor 23, ChemR23) and leukotriene B4 receptor [
]. Resolvins inhibit TRPA1, TRPV3 and TRPV4
which also relieves pain. One of the consequences of COX2 inhibition is that resolvin synthesis is
inhibited, which alters the ability of the body to decrease pain.
Endocannabinoids include anadamide (made by phospholipase D), N-arachidonoyldopamine
and 2-arachidonoylglycerol and interact with CB1 and CB2. Both of these receptors are found
on sensory neurons in the skin and are involved in pain relief induced by cannabinoids and
endocannabinoids [
]. It should be pointed out that although the endocannabinoids appear to
be agonists for TRPV1, plant derived cannabinoids also interact with TRPV2, TRPV3, TRPV4, TRPA1
and TRPM8. It has been proposed that TRPV1 activity can be modulated through CB1 or CB2 activation
by endocannabinoids [26].
All of these yin and yang influences alter the flow of qi. When qi flows correctly, pain is relieved.
When qi flows incorrectly, pain occurs and may be magnified. Pain treatment should reestablish the
proper balance of yin and yang. When the body is in balance, the body can heal itself [27,28].
Medicines 2016, 3,5
10. Conclusions
In general, the inhibition of COX enzymes decreases prostaglandin and resolvin synthesis
and shifts the metabolism of arachidonic acid to the lipoxygenase pathways. The synthesis of
lipoxins and hepoxilins, mediators of pain and inflammation, may increase. Hepoxilins are made by
12-lipoxygenase [
]. However, the synthesis of several endocannabinoids and endovanilloids may
increase, which decreases pain and inflammation.
There are several endogenous compounds that that come from omega-3 fatty acids through
docosahexaenoic acid such as protectins and maresins. Protectins are antiapoptotic and
anti-inflammatory [
]. Protectins are made by 17-lipoxygnease. Maresins are anti-inflammatory,
analgesic and are made by macrophage 12-lipoxygenase [
]. The effects of COX inhibition on these
compounds is not known.
The consequences of systemic inhibition of COX2 in the body are only now being understood.
When orally active COX2 inhibitors, such as valdecoxib, were first released, thousands of patients
experienced angina, heart attacks and other clotting issues. This may be due to inhibition of platelet
COX2 that throws off the balance of PGI
and thromboxanes, leading to clotting. Valdecoxib was
removed from the US market in April of 2005. Since that time, clinical trials and meta-analyses have
shown that all orally active or injected COX2 or nonselective COX inhibitors cause strokes, heart
attacks and other clotting issues. Since July of 2015, the FDA requires the labels of all NSAIDS to
indicate the increased risk of excess clotting. It is not known if inhibition of skin COX2 increases the
risk of clotting. However, acupuncture inhibits skin COX2 and has been shown to not alter blood
clotting [32].
TRP inhibition provides analgesia. Many TRP receptors are involved in this analgesia. It is
important to inhibit as many types of TRP receptors as possible to provide effective pain relief, such as
by using several monoterpenoids at the same time. Acupuncture and moxibustion provide pain relief,
at least in part, through inhibition of TRP receptors.
The skin is a complex organ and is the major pain sensing organ. Many receptors that sense pain
are found in the skin and are involved in the pain cycle that can magnify pain. These receptors interact
with each other through signal transduction pathways. These pathways can be used to decrease
sensitivity to pain such as by acupuncture, the application of cold, heat or topical preparations. This
approach to pain treatment is safer and can be more effective than the use of oral or injected drugs.
Acknowledgments: The author is grateful to Gerhard Litscher for the invitation to write this review.
Author Contributions: All of this work was performed solely by James David Adams, Jr.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.
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Case Report
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Acupuncture in the
Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Case Study
Joana Teixeira
, Maria João Santos
,Luís Carlos Matos
and Jorge Pereira Machado
ICBAS- Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, University of Porto, 4050-313 Porto, Portugal;
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n 4200-465 Porto, Portugal;
LABIOMEP—Porto Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Porto, 4200-450 Porto, Portugal
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +351-220-428-304
Received: 11 December 2017; Accepted: 1 February 2018; Published: 5 February 2018
Abstract: Background:
Osteoarthritis is a widespread chronic disease seen as a continuum of clinical
occurrences within several phases, which go from synovial inflammation and microscopic changes of
bone and cartilage to painful destructive changes of all the joint structures. Being the most common
joint disease, it is the leading cause of disability in working individuals above 50 years of age. In some
cases, conventional treatments produce just a mild and brief pain reduction and have considerable
side-effects. Contemporary Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a model of systems biology
based on a logically accessible theoretical background. It integrates several therapeutic approaches,
among them acupuncture, which has shown effective results in the treatment of knee and hip
osteoarthritis, minimizing pain, improving functionality and consequently leading to a better quality
of life.
The present case study included two patients with clinical signs of osteoarthritis
and diagnosis of medial pain, as defined by the Heidelberg Model of TCM. Over 6 weeks, those
patients were treated with acupuncture, with a frequency of one session a week. The sessions lasted
for thirty minutes and were based on the needling of 4 local acupoints. Before and after each session,
pain and mobility assessments were performed. Results: The results were positive, with significant
reduction of pain and increased knee joint flexion amplitude and mobility.
was effective as an alternative or complementary treatment of knee osteoarthritis, with high levels of
improvement within a modest intervention period.
Keywords: osteoarthritis; acupuncture; Heidelberg Model of Traditional Chinese Medicine
1. Introduction
Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative joint disease demonstrating articular cartilage damage
and leading to disabling pain and joint dysfunction [
]. Clinically, osteoarthritis is characterized by
pain, typically with gradual onset that worsens over time, swollen joint caused by synovitis, morning
stiffness, crackling bone, muscle atrophy, narrowing of the intra-articular space, osteophyte formation,
subchondral bone sclerosis and cyst formation [2].
Osteoarthritis of the knee is a multifactorial disease, whose etiology includes generalized systemic
disease (e.g., gout, rheumatoid arthritis), constitutional factors (e.g., age, gender and genetics) and also
biomechanical factors (e.g., joint damage, muscle weakness, overweight and obesity) [
]. The higher
incidence and severity in females is related to hormonal status. Fluctuations of sex hormone levels in
young females and loss of ovarian sex hormone production due to menopause in older ones contribute
to the observed differences in gender prevalence [4,5].
The treatment of knee osteoarthritis may be categorized as either conservative or surgical.
Conservative treatment may include medication, manual and physical therapies, medially directed
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Medicines 2018, 5,18
patellar taping, walking aids, thermal agents, weight loss, Tai Chi practice, swimming, water aerobics,
and resistance exercises. The American College of Rheumatology recommends most of the previous
non-pharmacological approaches in the initial treatment of this disease [
]. Nevertheless, common
interventions involve the use of analgesics, anti-inflammatories and infiltrations with corticosteroids.
Pharmacological intervention may include the use of glucosamine, glucosamine with chondroitin,
chondroitin, acetaminophen, oral and topical NSAIDs, tramadol, and intraarticular corticosteroid
injections, intraarticular hyaluronate injections, duloxetine, and opioids [
]. Physiotherapy,
occupational therapy and psychomotor rehabilitation may help controlling pain and improving joint
function, restoring quality of life [
]. Surgical treatment, which can be divided into joint-preserving,
such as arthroscopy and osteotomy (femoral or tibial), and joint-replacing procedures, such as partial
and total arthroplasties, should be indicated in cases without symptom relief after conservative
approaches [9].
Although conventional approaches, either pharmacological and surgical have been reported as
successful, side effects such as toxicity manifestations, complications involving anesthesia, infection,
osteoligamentous surgery-induced injuries are issues that cannot be ignored [
]. In this scenario,
acupuncture comes as an alternative therapeutic approach in knee osteoarthritis conditions, showing
good results in pain reduction and rehabilitation of motor abilities, improving functionality and quality
of life, either when used as a stand-alone therapy or together with other procedures [7,1019].
Nowadays, acupuncture is accepted among the Portuguese medical community with regard to
its mechanisms of action as a medical procedure, with its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects
recognized a long time ago by the World Health Organization, and is considered superior to placebo in
published randomized controlled trials [
]. Indeed, this integration requires a science-based approach
supported by controlled research. Nevertheless, even with studies corroborating its benefits, there
is still a great debate within the scientific community with regard to its mechanisms of action and
therapeutic methodology [2123].
Eastern and Western therapeutic approaches and anatomical and physiological views of the knee
region are considerably different. In TCM, the knee is sustained by the liver (hepatic) and by the
conduits that pass through this region; namely, the stomach, gallbladder and bladder, known as the
yang conduits, and the liver, kidney and Spleen, known as the yin conduits [
]. These conduits are
involved in the neurovegetative patterns of that anatomical region acting on the knee joint, nerves,
and being responsible for the normal functioning of the knee processes [25]. The most common form
of knee pain, known in TCM as center or medial pain, is characterized by a localized pain in the medial
part of the knee that the Spleen conduit passes through [
]. Although many other acupoints could
be used in the treatment of this condition [
], the approach based on the Heidelberg Model of TCM
involves supporting the Centre by the simultaneous stimulation of specific acupoints from the Spleen
and Stomach conduits, which belong to the Phase Earth, in order to promote orthopathy [26].
In this case study, conducted with two patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis with constant
pain, the research team aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment procedure,
using a protocol based on the needling of just 4 local acupoints to treat pain and increase joint mobility.
2. Materials and Methods
The patients considered in this study were selected according to the following inclusion and
exclusion criteria.
Inclusion criteria:
clinical signs of osteoarthritis and diagnosis of medial pain, as defined by
Heidelberg Model of TCM, knee pain, mobility commitment and impairment in daily living activities,
such as going up and down stairs.
Exclusion criteria:
pregnancy and lactation, psychiatric or neurological disorders, presence of
inflammatory autoimmune disease, history of substance abuse.
Medicines 2018, 5,18
2.1. Sample Characterization
Subject A—A female of 46 years old, formerly a cook in a private hospital, currently unemployed,
with acute pain in the knee and signs of osteoarthritis detected by imaging tests. Acupuncture was
performed after a month of intense pain and loss of mobility. The patient used crutches during the
rehabilitation period.
Subject B—A female of 56 years old, formerly a secretary, currently unemployed, suffering from
internal and femoro-patellar gonarthrosis, was victim of a stairs accident in December 2010 and
submitted to two surgical interventions in 2010 and 2012. The patient took medication and decided to
start acupuncture after two years of constant pain and mobility problems.
A written informed consent from patients was required to proceed with the intervention.
2.2. Materials
Single-use sterilized acupuncture needles (25 mm length and 0.25 mm diameter) brand Tewa,
Goniometer, and Portuguese pain assessment scale.
2.3. Methodology
The intervention consisted of 6 thirty-minute acupuncture sessions with a frequency of one session
a week. The degree of pain was evaluated before and after the treatment by using the numeric pain
rating scale, which is a single-dimensional instrument to assess pain intensity at rest or with activity.
This scale is frequently used in adults with chronic pain due to rheumatic diseases, and is scored
by choosing a number between 0 (no pain) and 10 (extreme pain or other label) to rate current pain
intensity [
]. The mobility range tests were performed with a Goniometer at the beginning and 10 min
after each session.
The acupuncture treatments were performed by a qualified TCM practitioner and the points used
in this study were: St34 Liang Qiu (S34 Monticulus Septi), St36 Zu San Li (S36 Vicus Tertius Pedis), Sp9 Yin
Ling Quan (L9 Fons Tumuli Yin) and Sp10 Xue Hai (L10 Mare xue) (acupoints denomination according to
the Heidelberg Model of TCM is quoted between bracelets).
3. Results
As shown in Figures 1 and 2, subjects A and B reported clear improvements in their condition,
with pain reduction along the acupuncture treatment (pain scores dropped from 9.5 to 2 and from 9
to 1 in subjects A and B, respectively). These good results allowed them to stop taking conventional
medication for pain. The analgesic effect of acupuncture has been often reported by other authors.
This effect can be induced both by a local stimulation of the tissue, thus resulting in the release of
inflammatory related substances, vasodilatation and the increase of serotonin and immune cells,
as well as by a hypothalamus activation and related endorphins release [29].
Although some studies point to pain relief in patients suffering from osteoarthrosis, the effects on
articular mobility are unclear, probably due to different types of therapeutic methodologies [
]. As
standardization is a key issue in research, protocols must control a wide range of variables, such as the
acupuncture technique, the intervention protocol, the duration of the treatment, the selected acupoints,
just to mention a few. It is easy to find studies in which a vast selection of acupoints and different
stimulations were used in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Some used a combination of 9 to 10
local and distal points from several conduits such as Stomach, Spleen, Gall Bladder, Kidney, Urinary
Bladder, Liver, Large Intestine, and the xiyan extraordinary acupoint, as well as a combination of
manual and electrical stimulation [
]. In these studies, the duration of the intervention and the
frequency of the sessions also varied between 2 and 12 weeks with one or two sessions a week. In fact,
methodological standardization is a hard task, not only because, in some cases, there is no consensus
between practitioners and their diagnosis, but also because each patient has a specific homeostatic
imbalance and physiological compensation when submitted to the same stimulus [36].
Medicines 2018, 5,18
session 1 session 2 session 3 session 4 session 5 session 6
Before the session After the session
Figure 1. Assessment of pain per session, subject A.
session 1 session 2 session 3 session 4 session 5 session 6
Before the session After the session
Figure 2. Assessment of pain per session, subject B.
In our study, Subjects A and B presented an increase in mobility and range of motion following
treatment. The degree of knee flexion raised up from 45
with pain to 160
without pain to subject A
and from 90
to 160
to subject B (Table 1). In this process, subject A abandoned the use of crutches.
Medicines 2018, 5,18
Table 1. Knee joint flexion amplitude before and after acupuncture sessions.
Subject A Subject B
Before After Before After
1st 45
2nd 60
3rd 90
4th 110
5th 140
6th 155
The improvement percentages for pain and knee joint flexion amplitude per session, considering
each session initial and final scores, along the experimental period are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3.
Improvement percentages for pain and knee joint flexion amplitude per session, considering
each session initial and final scores, along the experimental period.
Regarding pain, Subject A experienced an increasing tendency in the improvement percentage
per session from week 1 to 3, and from this point on, this tendency stopped rising. The average
improvement percentage per session for Subject A was 36%, and the overall improvement at the end
of the experimental period reflecting the initial to final evaluation, was 79%. In the case of Subject B,
with the exception of week 5, the improvement per session was always higher than the week before,
with an average of 47% and overall improvement of 89%. One week after each treatment, Subjects A
and B had average regressions on pain of 19% and 29%, respectively, taking into account the previous
evaluation and the evaluation before the acupuncture session.
With regard to knee joint flexion, the condition of Subject A in the beginning of the experimental
period was worse than Subject B. Subject A experienced an improvement of 50% immediately after
the first session. The following weeks, a decreasing tendency was noticed as knee flexion, before
each session, tended to be higher as a result of the patient’s response to the treatment. The average
per-session and overall improvement percentages were 29% and 72% for Subject A and 13% and 42%
for Subject B. Considering that Subject B’s condition was better, the improvements per session were
not as high as Subject A, and remained almost stable along the experimental period. Regressions one
Medicines 2018, 5,18
week after each session were also noticed in knee flexion amplitude, with scores falling on average
17% and 6%, for Subjects A and B, respectively.
The overall analysis of pain and knee flexion improvements presented in this case study is highly
satisfactory. High improvement percentages, an average of 84% for pain and 57% for join flexion
mobility, were achieved within a modest intervention period, 6 weeks, with just one session a week,
and with a reduced number of needled acupoints, compared to most of the treatment protocols used
in other studies. Knee flexion mobility per session (an average of 21%) was higher than the outcomes
reported in similar studies (9% [
] and 16% [
]). Although the beneficial effects of acupuncture are
shown here in just two patients, and the small sample can skew results, our study supports the thesis
that acupuncture can be used as an effective therapeutic tool in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis.
4. Conclusions
Contemporary understanding of TCM considers it as a model of systems biology with a holistic
therapeutic approach, in which the diagnosis is key to achieving positive results. Thus, systematized
science-based analysis and decisions, both of the pathological condition and therapeutic intervention,
are required to validate the results obtained by the use of acupuncture as a therapeutic tool. In our study,
within the framework of the Heidelberg Model of TCM, we found that acupuncture was effective
in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis with significant pain relief and improvement in knee joint
mobility and range in 2 subjects whose initial presentation was characterized by extreme pain, scored
9.5 and 9, as well as reduced joint flexion amplitude, 45
and 90
. The overall pain relief, considering
the whole intervention period, was 79% and 89% for subject A and B, respectively. With regard to
mobility and range of motion, positive results were also found with considerable improvements in
the knee flexion angle from 45
to 160
in subject A (an improvement of 72%), and 90
to 155
subject B (an improvement of 42%). Although regressions, both in pain and joint flexion mobility,
were noticed one week after each treatment, the improvements in each session were high enough to
overcome this issue, allowing for maintenance of the recovery with increasing tendency along the
experimental period.
In addition to concluding that acupuncture was effective as a therapeutic tool with high levels of
recovery when compared with similar published studies, it is important to mention that these results
were achieved within a modest intervention period, 6 weeks, with just one session a week, and with
a reduced number of needled acupoints, compared to most of the treatment protocols used in other
studies, and doesn’t require electrical stimulation. Our outcomes are a good example of a successful
intervention that can contribute to the debate about methodological standardization of acupuncture in
the treatment of knee osteoarthrosis.
We are aware of the limitations of this study and suggest a follow up study with a statistically
representative sample.
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank to everyone that somehow contributed to this study.
Author Contributions:
J.T. conceived, designed and performed the experiments, analyzed the data, and wrote
the first version of the paper. M.J.S. oversaw the experimental process and revised the paper. L.C.M. and J.P.M.
participated in conceiving the study, interpreting data and revising the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (
Brief Report
Treatment of Sciatica Following Uterine Cancer with
Acupuncture: A Case Report
Henry Xiao
*, Christopher Zaslawski
, Janette Vardy
and Byeongsang Oh
School of Life Sciences, University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia;
[email protected] (C.Z.); (B.O.)
Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW 2006, Australia;
Concord Cancer Centre, Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Concord, NSW 2137, Australia
Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, NSW 2065, Australia
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +61-429-389-616
Received: 5 December 2017; Accepted: 7 January 2018; Published: 15 January 2018
For women, gynaecological or obstetrical disorders are second to disc prolapse as the most
common cause of sciatica. As not many effective conventional treatments can be found for sciatica
following uterine cancer, patients may seek assistance from complementary and alternative medicine.
Here, we present a case of a woman with severe and chronic sciatica secondary to uterine cancer who
experienced temporary relief from acupuncture.
Keywords: uterine cancer; sciatica; acupuncture
1. Introduction
Uterine cancer (UC), also known as endometrial cancer, arises from the epithelium lining of the
uterus [
]. The most common symptoms in women are abnormal uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge
and nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms [
]. On the other hand, the observed symptoms of the
sciatica could be due to a number of factors, which we are unfortunately unable to confirm. However
from a neuro-anatomical perspective, sciatica is generally caused by a disc herniation or spinal epidural
abscess along the sciatic nerve, which anatomically contains fibres originating in the L4-S2 roots [
It is not uncommon for sciatica to result from the uterine tumour compressing the lumbosacral plexus,
in particular the L4-L5 nerve roots [
]. The first reported case of this was in 1992 when a calcified
degenerated myoma, suspected to be an ovarian tumour, induced sciatica by compressing the sciatic
nerve in the lumbosacral plexus [
]. Uterine fibroids are another diagnostic consideration [
], and after
pregnancy endometriosis is the most common cause of sciatica [2].
Acupuncture has been utilised to treat sciatic symptoms in China and in Western countries.
Clinical trials have documented the effects of acupuncture on multiple cancer-related symptoms
including pain, but the efficacy of acupuncture for managing cancer-related sciatic symptoms remains
unclear [5]. Here, we report a case of acupuncture treating sciatica following uterine cancer.
2. Case Description
The patient was a 66-year-old female diagnosed with a stage III, type 2 endometrial cancer in
late 2013. Her past medical history included type 2 diabetes diagnosed in 2012 (treated with oral
hypoglycaemics), asthma (managed with inhalers), and arthritis in her foot (treated with Glucosamine
hydrochloride/Chondroitin sulphate 500 mg/400 mg and Paracetamol 665 mg as required). In addition
she described her difficulties with concentrating and memory for which she took ginkgo biloba
2000 mg
(1–2 tablets a day).
Medicines 2018, 5, 6; doi:10.3390/medicines5010006
Medicines 2018, 5,6
The tumour was a serous, poorly differentiated, uterine adenocarcinoma that invaded more than
50% of the myometrial thickness, and involved the uterus and cervix. She was treated with a total
abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Post-operatively, she had 5 cycles of
chemotherapy (Paclitaxel and Carboplatin), which was complicated by neutropenia and peripheral
neuropathy. This was followed by 25 fractions of pelvic radiotherapy.
After surgery, although there were no recurrent symptoms of UC, the patient developed a dull
pain down the left leg, radiating from the L5-S1 segments to the second toe. Standing and sitting
exacerbated the pain. Before the tumour diagnosis, there were no sciatic symptoms. The sciatica
therefore considerably impacted her quality of life.
In 2016, she was referred to the acupuncture clinic for individualised acupuncture treatments of
her back and leg pain. The pain was described as a dull and radiating from the L5-S1 segments to her
second toe, and had been present for three years. The patient attended 6 weekly sessions to have the
acupuncture administered by a final year intern (HX) at a university-affiliated cancer centre that was
supervised by a professional acupuncturist (BO). At each visit, the patient rated her pain from 0 to 10,
with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst conceivable pain. The patient initially reported a 3/10
pain at rest, worsening to 8/10 when she stood up or sat down.
The style of acupuncture conducted was Traditional Chinese Medicine. During the acupuncture
treatment, a combination of local and distal points were needled to address the sciatica, as shown
in Figure 1. Apart than the acupuncture, there were no other interventions. The Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM) diagnosis was Qi Stagnation in the Gall Bladder Channel.
Figure 1. Acupuncture points GB30 and GB31.
With the patient lying on one side, the area was sterilised with an alcohol swab, the needles (30 and
0.12 mm gauge, Tempo J-Type Acupuncture Needles) were inserted at 90
until the patient experienced
De Qi (a dull pressing and radiating sensation). The insertion for GB30 and GB31 for sciatica was
4–6 cm and 2–3 cm respectively [
] in the left hand side. The acupuncture points administered for her
other signs and symptoms (e.g., shoulder pain, arthritis in her feet, poor concentration) were GB21,
LI14, BL60, SP6, KD3 (first treatment), BL60, BL28, KD7, GB34, GB21 (second treatment), GB21, LU3,
Yintang, LR3, Erjian, TE5 (third treatment), LI4, LI10, GB34, ST41, BL13, BL15, BL23 (fourth treatment),
SP3, BL65, GB34, GV24, Anmian (fifth treatment), and GV20, LU7, GB34, LR3, KD6 (sixth treatment).
The patient was left to rest for 30 min before the needles were removed.
After one treatment, the patient reported a decrease in pain intensity, rating her pain as 1/10
at rest and 5/10 when she stood up or sat down. After the second treatment, she reported further
improvement in pain and she was able to perform most of her daily activities, including sitting
Medicines 2018, 5,6
and standing. She was able to perform stretching exercises such as Qigong without experiencing
severe sciatic pain. The patient expressed improved mood and an interest in continuing acupuncture
to address her other pain symptoms such as her arthritis in her feet, so that she would be able to
participate in low impact exercises. Treatments in weeks 3–5 focused on her right shoulder pain
and arthritis in her feet. The patient experienced little to no sciatica during this time. During the
follow-up assessment at week 12, she presented with sciatica again, and rated the pain to be 2/10 at
rest, worsening to 5/10 when she stood up or sat down.
3. Discussion
Sciatica is usually treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but there is a lack of
consensus regarding the efficacy of these drugs [
]. As a result, some patients turn to acupuncture
for which there is some evidence of efficacy in treating painful symptoms associated with sciatica [8].
Acupuncture has been shown to be minimally invasive [
] and safe [
]. The treatment modality of
acupuncture is based on the principles of TCM. The classic text, ‘Song of Points for Miscellaneous
Diseases’ from ‘The Glorious Anthology of Acupuncture and Moxibustion’ written during the Ming
Dynasty, in China, indicates that the acupuncture points of GB30, GB31 and LR2 were used for lumbar
pain radiating down the leg [11].
In this report, we document the earliest case, to our knowledge, of potentially decreasing
the intensity of sciatica following uterine cancer with acupuncture. After two treatment sessions,
our patient provided feedback that her pain had improved. She reported that not only did she
experience less sciatic pain, but the acupuncture also greatly improved her mood, contributing to
better quality of life with family and friends. Furthermore, her newly managed pain opened her
up to consider acupuncture for addressing other symptoms such as foot arthritis, which had been
a secondary complaint. Nevertheless, she did not have complete relief from her sciatic pain at the sixth
treatment, suggesting that chronic conditions may require a longer-term pain-management plan.
There are limitations to our case report. Firstly, there is a possibility of the synergistic effect
of acupuncture with her pharmaceutical intervention; however, this had been stable and long term.
The pharmaceutical intervention in this case refers to the patient’s ongoing medications for type
2 diabetes, asthma, and foot arthritis. Furthermore, it may be that acupuncture plus lifestyle change
could have improved the treatment efficacy. The very nature of a case report is that the clinical
experience of only a single patient is presented; however, a testable hypothesis can be generated for
future studies to investigate. Furthermore, the proximity between the tumour and sciatica events in
the timeline leads to the conclusion that there could be a connection between the two. There exists the
possibility that the patient’s sciatic pain originated partially from a problem that was musculoskeletal
in nature. To confirm the effect of acupuncture on sciatica following uterine cancer would require
a much larger study, controlling for confounding factors and bias, including the placebo effect.
4. Conclusions
Sciatica following uterine cancer can be a debilitating condition with few successful treatments.
Our case report documents how a woman with severe and persistent sciatica pain that could have
been a result of her uterine cancer experienced considerable relief from acupuncture. This warrants
further evaluation to determine the efficacy of acupuncture for sciatica following uterine cancer.
Author Contributions:
H.X. drafted the article, J.V., C.Z. and B.O. revised it critically for important intellectual
content. B.O. supervised the acupuncture clinic and all authors approved the final version to be published.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (
Why We Need Minimum Basic Requirements in
Science for Acupuncture Education
Narda G. Robinson
Department of Clinical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80526, USA;
[email protected]g; Tel.: +1-970-443-3588
Academic Editors: Gerhard Litscher and William Chi-shing Cho
Received: 21 June 2016; Accepted: 1 August 2016; Published: 5 August 2016
As enthusiasm for alternatives to pharmaceuticals and surgery grows, healthcare consumers
are turning increasingly to physical medicine modalities such as acupuncture. However, they may
encounter obstacles in accessing acupuncture due to several reasons, such as the inability to locate
a suitable practitioner, insufficient reimbursement for treatment, or difficulty gaining a referral
due to perceived lack of evidence or scientific rigor by specialists. Claims made about a range
of treatment paradigms outstrip evidence and students in acupuncture courses are thus led to
believe that the approaches they learn are effective and clinically meaningful. Critical inquiry
and critical analysis of techniques taught are often omitted, leading to unquestioning acceptance,
adoption, and implementation into practice of approaches that may or may not be rational and
effective. Acupuncture education for both licensed physicians (DOs and MDs) and non-physicians
needs to include science (i.e., explanation of its effects based on contemporary explanations of
biological processes), evidence, and critical thinking. Erroneous notions concerning its mechanisms
such as moving “stuck Qi (Chi)” or “energy” with needles and that this energy stagnates at
specific, tiny locations on the body called acupuncture points invite errors in methodologic design.
For example, researchers may select sham and verum point locations that overlap considerably
in their neural connections, leading to nonsignificant differences between the two interventions.
Furthermore, attributing the effects of acupuncture to metaphorical and arcane views of physiology
limits both acceptance and validation of acupuncture in both research and clinical settings. Finally,
the content and quality of education and clinical exposure across acupuncture programs varies
widely, with currently no minimum basic educational requirements in a scientific methodology.
Considering the pressures mounting on clinicians to practice in an evidence-based and scientific
manner that also demonstrates cost-effectiveness, acupuncture schools and continuing medical
education (CME) courses should provide their students a strong foundation in rational approaches
supported by research.
Keywords: acupuncture; education; evidence-based
1. Introduction
Today, acupuncture, especially in the West, spans a broad continuum [
]. At one pole sit the
strictly scientific practitioners, i.e., those that eschew the myriad metaphors and metaphysical, mystical
mechanisms so long associated with this form of medicine. At the other end reside acupuncturists
content to view their practice as the manipulation and management of subtle energy circuits, relying on
subjective observations of the patient that then determine both diagnosis and treatment.
The majority of physician acupuncturists likely land somewhere between these two ends of
the spectrum, practicing a panoply of techniques that have greater and lesser degrees of scientific
backing. Acupuncture coursework may focus more fully on one or a few approaches, whether
Medicines 2016, 3, 21; doi:10.3390/medicines3030021
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neuroanatomic or myofascial trigger point therapy (i.e., the scientific methods) or Traditional Chinese
Medicine, microsystems, Five Phases (or Five Elements), and more (largely abstract, metaphorical,
irrational, or otherwise unscientific approaches). What physician acupuncturists learn in a given
course stems more from the intellectual and philosophical proclivities of the course director(s) rather
than agreed-upon standards profession-wide. Thus, in North America, acupuncture education for
physicians has existed, for the most part, on its own in CME programs [
] or acupuncture schools [
apart from coursework consisting of the “mainstream” of medicine, leading to, in some cases, markedly
different standards and expectations for curricula and graduates.
With course content depending solely on the determination of each individual course director,
students in that program sign up not only to learn “acupuncture” but in effect are brought into the fold
of one or more systems with premises they may or may not agree. That is, should a medical practitioner
find the approaches of neuroanatomic acupuncture and trigger point therapy more attractive because
they rest on biomedical principles, that individual needs to select carefully a course of study that aligns
with those ideals. Otherwise, one could find oneself in a program that espouses what he or she might
consider pseudoscience, i.e., explaining acupuncture mechanisms metaphysically rather than through
analysis of the actual, tangible, readily identifiable structures involved [
This divergence
sets up a
dichotomy within the profession: some practice in accordance with scientific principles and others
based on abstract explanations. However, even if a physician seeks a purely scientific acupuncture
education, s/he must learn a broad array of philosophies and techniques, some based on abstract
and metaphorical approaches, in order to become board certified in medical acupuncture, as reflected
in the recommended readings for the American Board of Medical Acupuncture board certification
examination [6].
Whereas physicians typically spend years in medical school and postgraduate programs and
then add acupuncture as CME, certified acupuncturists typically spend years in school learning
acupuncture and herbal treatment medicine [
]. However, most programs that train certified or
licensed acupuncturists (L.Ac.’s) teach that acupuncture works, at least in part, by moving energies and
eliminating “pathogenic factors” such as metaphorical wind, damp, heat, and cold. Their qualifying
examination (i.e., that offered by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental
Medicine or NCCAOM) reflects this. It also includes testing on clinical examination methods [
such as tongue and pulse diagnosis that have low interrater reliability and little proven validity as
diagnostic tools [
]. Considering that healthcare decisions made by acupuncturists rely heavily on
the subjective assessment by the practitioner, relying on arcane and unproven methods to differentiate
between health and disease puts patients at risk medically and financially if limited resources lead to
ineffective or harmful treatments.
While current medical diagnostic approaches can also have some subjectivity and inter-rater
differences, the assessments made involve actual anatomical structures such as trigger points [
] that
are palpated or otherwise analyzed, not abstract inferences concerning organ function based on the
appearance of the tongue or the quality of the pulse.
2. Overview
In postgraduate medicine programs, one assumes that academic educators regularly undergo
self-examination and question whether requirements for postgraduate training, licensure, and specialty
education are meeting the intended objectives [
]. As techniques develop and evidence accrues,
needs for certain types of knowledge or skills may change. Furthermore, in most other courses of study,
a student may safely assume that the premises and content within a CME course are valid, tested, and
reliable. This does not necessarily apply to acupuncture, given the wide variation in content one might
find, ranging from a discussion of the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of acupuncture to what
some might call “superstition”, i.e., processes that contradict natural science.
In such instances, uncertainty about the veracity of the techniques taught put the learner, no matter
how earnest, at a clear disadvantage. She or he may have mistakenly assumed that by definition
Medicines 2016, 3,21
a continuing medical education program, especially one approved for CME credits, would be quality
controlled for rational content and substantiation. While it is wise to think critically about any course
content, most physicians attending conventional CME courses do not find themselves needing to
do further research on their own in order to determine whether what they learned defied rational
explanation and evidential support. With acupuncture, they do, at least for now where training
programs offer such widely divergent methodologies.
Currently, patients seeking care even from board-certified physician acupuncturists could receive
treatment ranging from rational and evidence-informed methodologies (such as neuroanatomic
acupuncture or trigger point therapy) or approaches that have no scientific basis and little to no
evidence of effectiveness. This uncertainty places them in a vulnerable position, i.e., assuming
and expecting a level of care in accordance with contemporary biomedicine as well as a fair
expectation of a beneficial clinical outcome. Approaches practiced by certified acupuncturists
typically involve Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) philosophies and practices—also unscientific.
Remaining unaware and, in some cases, uninterested in the actual anatomy of acupuncture and its
underlying physiologic mechanisms of needling and related techniques hinders one’s ability justify
point selection and defend treatment techniques, even though this information is available [4].
Even if the practitioner believes that she or he is moving mysterious energies, acupuncture often
has physiologic effects, thereby reaffirming his or her belief that what was taught was real, but that
faith is misplaced. For example, microsystems approaches such as scalp, hand, and ear acupuncture
have many followers and some research, but the premises upon which they rest are fundamentally
flawed and unsupported by evidence. No matter what one believes in terms of special “maps” of the
body on the surface of the head, hand, or ear, acupuncture stimulation leads to physiologic changes
that can be therapeutic. Does that mean that the topography of the ear actually contains an implied
inverted fetus somewhere encoded into its tissue? No. It merely indicates that the cranial and upper
cervical nerves that supply the ear cause myriad physiologic changes when stimulated.
Despite there being a clear, neuroanatomic description of the neural supply of the ear and reflex
connections through the brainstem that explain how auricular point stimulation neuromodulates vagal
pathways as well as evidence that does not support the theory of a highly specific functional map on
the ear [
], the majority of practitioners of auricular acupuncture cling to unfounded notions that
the auricular acupuncture diagrams are accurate and reliable [
]. This leads to inconsistent results in
research and in the practice of auricular acupuncture [
]. Unless and until a standardized auricular
acupuncture map [
] becomes available and is based on systematic analysis of the physiologic and
anatomic outcomes of point stimulation rather than opinion and voting [
], current “ear maps” are
no more reliable than other fanciful, imagined maps as in scalp acupuncture [
], Korean hand
acupuncture [20], foot reflexology, and iridology.
Problems plaguing auricular acupuncture, if resolved, could facilitate its integration into
conventional settings such as the emergency department [
] and drug detoxification settings [
2.1. Is There a Better Way?
There is another option. Insights into the anatomy and physiology of acupuncture have grown
to where there is no longer any need to rely on metaphysical ideations regarding how acupuncture
works. Having certification programs institute a minimum basic requirement for scientific content and
critical thinking skills, all would ensure that practitioners certified by that group could describe and
defend their scientific acupuncture techniques to colleagues, insurers, and institutions.
They would
also become better researchers and advocates for the profession. As stated by Ning and Lao, “The most
critical challenge in acupuncture research is the selection of controls and the design of appropriate
sham needling [
].” Designing higher quality studies mandates that the researchers have a clear
picture of what constitutes an acupuncture point and how the structures affiliated with that site
produce the physiologic effects classically attributed to that site’s activation.
Medicines 2016, 3,21
2.2. Proposed Curricular Content
In which ways, specifically, could acupuncture schools and CME programs ensure that training
protects the public by graduating highly qualified acupuncturists with a strong background in science
and evidence that can provide safe, efficacious, and cost-effective health care [25]? What information
and strategies should acupuncture providers learn that would give them the ability to discern between
rational and irrational approaches, whether in their work as clinicians, researchers, or educators?
How can acupuncture education evolve so that training is “based on rigorous scientific evidence and
a robust system of quality assurance [25]”?
To begin with, acupuncture students should learn about acupuncture history, become familiar with
research milestones, and develop critical thinking skills that will show them how to assess the veracity
and validity of acupuncture principles and practices. For example, instead of learning how to perform
tongue and pulse “diagnosis” in preparation for determining the diagnosis and treatment approach as
in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), students should first learn to how to appropriately question
and critique research on these highly unreliable measures. Before moving forward with adopting these
skills, they need to understand that neither pulse nor tongue diagnosis has been validated as a reliable
method by which to determine health or pathology in a patient [
]. At least by recognizing the
high level of subjectivity in these tools, acupuncturists have the opportunity to introduce caution
in the judgments they make. Treatment follows diagnosis. As such, if the diagnostic techniques are
neither reliable nor valid, the veracity of a patient assessment and the effectiveness of treatment come
into question.
Acupuncturists also need to become acquainted with Western (scientific) medical acupuncture [
its rational premise, and methods of diagnosis and treatment that include and rely heavily upon
appropriate, well established analyses as well as myofascial palpation.
The anatomical segment of the minimum basic requirement in science would include in-depth
study of point anatomy as well as discussions about how the structures at each point relate to the
physiologic effects one expects to see based on clinical experience and/or research-based evidence.
For clinical applications, students would learn the central tenets of neuromodulation [
and connective tissue effects [
] as the basis of acupuncture, continue with a critical examination of
acupuncture research methodologies and flaws, and proceed into a science-based, evidence-informed
review of a scientific approach to the gamut of medical conditions and clinical challenges effectively
treated by acupuncture. They would be able to differentiate scientific medical acupuncture from other
forms of acupuncture [26].
2.3. Encouraging Better-Designed Acupuncture Research
In order to best serve patients and make the best use of healthcare dollars and resources [
acupuncture practitioners need factual and reliable information on which to base their care and inform
their patients or clients of the relative merit of various options. This information comes from rigorous,
scientific research. However, the same problems that plague acupuncture practice (i.e., outmoded or
imagined mechanisms of action, methods of diagnosis that lack validity and reliability, unsubstantiated
premises of treatment) also plague acupuncture research. New standards have been developed [
but problems remain.
Furthermore, the lack of distance between verum and sham input effects and the inclusion of
primitive, folkloric diagnostic methods, lay the acupuncture profession open to criticism from skeptical
observers who claim that acupuncture is a “theatrical placebo” [
]. Graduates of acupuncture
educational programs should be well-equipped to respond to critics that dismiss acupuncture as nothing
more than placebo with facts from the latest research [
]. Most practitioners of acupuncture, whether
MDs, DOs, or LAcs, would not feel confident building a strong, science based defense at this time.
Medicines 2016, 3,21
3. Conclusions
Requiring a solid foundation in the science and evidence of acupuncture does not make the
approach any less of an art. Rather, a clinician who recognizes and addresses the multifaceted nature
of neural and connective tissue interrelationships is working with active and anatomically identifiable
structures rather than ethereal energies that may not even exist.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.
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