ACT: Science
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State Board of Education S T R AT E G IC P L A N G O A L S
About the Test
Numbers & Timing
Passage & Question Types
40 questions total
6-7 passages
35 minutes to read passages and answer questions
ACT recommends 2 minutes per passage and 30 seconds
per question.
About the Science Test
Science content of the passages comes from Biology,
Earth & Space Science, Chemistry, and Physics.
The section is designed to test student ability to reason
from data rather than draw from preexisting knowledge.
The most important factor for success is ability to recognize
patterns of data presented in graphic format and to
interpret questions logically from the patterns you see in
those instruments.
About the Science Test
Presents information in three formats:
Data Representation
Research Summaries
Conflicting View Points
About the Science Test
Passages do not appear in any particular order.
All of the passages will contain data either represented
through charts/graphs or through a paragraph.
While there is no standard appearance for each type of
passage, information is usually presented through data
and explication.
About the Science Test
Presents graphic and tabular material similar to that found
in science journals and texts.
Makes up 25-35% of the test
These questions measure skills such as:
Graph reading
Interpretation of scatterplots
Interpretation of information presented in tables
These passages are all about charts & graphs and how to
understand and interpret data from them.
Data Representation
Provides descriptions/results of one or more related
Makes up 45-60% of the test
The questions focus upon the design of experiments and
the interpretation of experimental results.
Think of these types of summaries as data representation
placed in the context of an experiment.
Research Summaries
Two or more possible explanations that are inconsistent
with one another, because they are based on differing
premises or incomplete data
Makes up 15-20% of the test
The questions focus upon the understanding, analysis, and
comparison of alternative viewpoints or hypotheses.
In order to effectively answer the questions, test takers
must understand the differences between the two theories
Conflicting Viewpoints
Take the Next Step
Generalize/Compare/Handle the Graphs - Hard
Analysis/Use the Chart - Medium
Find the Answer/Read the Chart - Easy
General Types of Questions
These are the easiest questions that ask you to simply
find information from the chart/graph/experiment
These questions can be answered quickly.
These questions will NOT try to trick you.
These are like detail questions in the reading section with
one big difference: you have a chart.
Type 1: Find the Answer
These are the medium questions that ask you for one-
step analysis utilizing the information from the passage
and/or the charts/graphs
These questions might ask you to use the information on
the chart to find or derive some new data not found on the
These may point you to a graphic or passage information
Answers will have direct support from the passage
Type 2: Analysis
These are hard questions that ask you to draw general
conclusions and draw comparisons between
These will most likely appear on the conflicting viewpoints
and research summary passages
These questions often start with What if.....or
In these questions, you will either have to translate
numbers from the graphs into words or words into a chart.
Type 3: Generalize/Compare
These questions require that you understand what the
next step might be in research.
You will be provided with a goal for the question or
experiment in question.
You will need to decide what the next step should be.
These are very much like the main idea/big picture
questions from the reading portion; they require that you
know what the big picture of the entire
passage/experiment is.
Type 4: Take the Next Step
The Science portion of the ACT is very similar to the Reading
section, but with different passage content.
Because the questions are preceded by passages and charts,
many of the same strategies can be used on this test.
Most of the strategies present here will focus on reading
These questions are considered the easiest passages
because they contain the least text and the most
Skim these passages and focus on what each graphic
represents. You can get an idea about how to reason
without knowing what the information means!
Data Representation Strategies
1. Read or skim the introductory text.
2. Look at the table, diagram or graph quickly identify
what is being displayed.
3. Look at the columns and rows; focus on what the axes
represent and determine how they are related to one
4. Note the units of measure.
Plan of Approach
5. Look for trends in the data, noting any significant shifts.
6. Go to the questions and refer to the appropriate graphic
to answer the question.
7. Rule out answers as necessary use the process of
8. Answer the questions in the easy to hard order to save
Plan of Approach
Skim the represented data, then carefully read the question(s) and
return to the tables, charts, or graphs to find the necessary
Underline or circle key words and points of information. This
makes referencing the graphics easier and quicker when actually
answering the question.
If data is in the form of a graph or chart, pay close attention to the
scale, the units of measure, the legend, and any noted
Pay attention to trends in graphs identify relationships quickly
(direct, inverse, etc.) and trends in charts
Observing and Analyzing Data
One of the most difficult aspects of this test is the
language. Many students get bogged down and focus
too much on the terms they don’t know.
There are two ways to get around jargon:
Simply understand that it is just fluffy language and
move past it
Take as many practice tests, read scientific articles,
and practice
Technical language used in specific fields of study; typically, jargon is
fancy sounding words for simple concepts.
Read for General Understanding
Similar to skimming; you should read through the passage
quickly and gain a general understanding of what is going on in
the passage.
For Data Representations and Research Summaries, start with
the charts and the graphs and define what the variables and
factors are in the study.
Remember: this is timed, so you cannot spend too much time
on reading the passages.
If you get too bogged down in reading, you won’t have enough
time answer questions.
Active Reading
As you read through, take notes and ask yourself questions
to better understand the information.
Very similar to mapping the passage from Reading section
Questions you should be asking yourself:
What is being tested?
Why is it being tested?
What are the variables?
What are the factors that stay the same?
Tips & Tricks
Working with tables, charts, and/or graphs
Working with tables, charts, and/or graphs
Direct when one variable increases, the
other increases (positive slope)
Inverse when one variable increases,
the other decreases (negative slope)
Working with tables, charts, and/or graphs
Neither Direct or Indirect No trend can
be concluded from this data
Mixed trends increase in
temperature (heat is constant) then
heat decreases when temp reaches a
certain point
Scatterplots may look confusing,
but there may be a trend present.
This could be considered an inverse relationship trend
from year one to year seven – when in doubt draw a “best fit” line on the
graphic to see if there is a trend.
Note: Do not spend time worrying about terms like AGTB (see y axis label) in
passages and questions just analyze data and answer the question.
Bar Graphs
Usually the simplest to analyze
Read carefully and make sure you
look at the key to figures!
Note: You can also label the graphics for speedy analysis. See G, I, F, T on bars
showing the plants.
Ranking Data
Data in tables may be straight forward and easy to analyze, or it
may be mixed causing the student to rearrange. See the example
Note: This data is not arranged in increasing or
decreasing order. This makes this table hard to
analyze when answering a question about this
table. The student could note this beside this
graphic when skimming the passage. If a question
is asked about Table 1, the student will know
extra work may be needed.
Ranking Data
If the heat released or change in temperature is the only
data observed, there is no correct answer due to the way
the data is presented. (The data are not listed in order.)
This would lead the student to possibly choose the
incorrect answer. The student will have to rearrange the
data by the increasing change in temperature (potato,
egg, bread, cheese). The answer will be B (direct
relationship) because as the water temp increases the
heat released increases.
Ranking Data
Note the question says “According to Tables 1 and 2...”, but the
question asks about sucrose which is NOT found in Table 1.
Sometimes questions are asked so the student can demonstrate that
they know how to locate information needed to answer the question
accurately. Students should not spend time wondering why sucrose is
not in Table 1 but focus on Table 2. Table 2 data is arranged “in order”
of increasing mass so the increasing trend is easily spotted Correct
answer is A.
Ranking Data
This question asks about all of the substances in both Tables 1
and 2 in increasing order of heat released. Sucrose will have to
be placed into Table 1 but which amount? If you notice the
mass of all substances in Table 1 is 1.0 g then the third
sucrose amount in Table 2 should be added between bread
and cheese. By rearranging the order in increasing heat in a
previous question, the increasing order of heat is potato, egg,
bread, sucrose, cheese. Option A is the correct answer.
Data Representation Example
Always make sure you understand what the question is
asking and look for the relationships and trends.
Based on the question information, decide which figure
or table should be analyzed. Make sure you are using
the right data!
Make notes or drawings at each step as needed.
Use process of elimination.
Double-check your work if you have time.
When working with data, remember
Updated 2022
ACT Science