SEPTEMBER 15, 2020
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
Interpretation 4
General Regulations 5
Recreational Facilities 11
Bathing Beaches And Swimming Pools 12
Miscellaneous Provisions 13
Schedule 1 15
Parks Removal Of Animal Manure, Dung, Refuse And Waste By-Law 16
By-Law To Regulate Smoking In Parks 18
Interpretation 18
Application 19
Health Regulations 19
Offences And Penalties 19
Enactment 20
Schedule A Park Sites 21
By-Law To Designate Enforcement Of Certain By-Law Offences By Ticket 23
Interpretation 23
Regulation Of Ticket Offences 23
Table 1 25
Park Board Smoking Regulation By-Law 25
Enactment 26
Excerpts From The Vancouver Charter - Part Xxiii - Parks 27
Park Board Established 27
How Elected 27
How Vacancies Are Dealt With 27
Parks In Care Of Board 27
Powers Of Board 28
Power Of Board To Perform Works 30
Board's Power Of Leasing, Etc. 31
Board's Power To Make By-Laws 31
Board's Estimates To Be Submitted Each Year 32
Adopted Estimates Not To Be Exceeded 32
Enforcement Of By-Laws 32
Special Meetings Of The Board 32
Certain Employees To Have Special Powers 32
Power To Make Agreements With Other Municipalities 32
Board's Jurisdiction Outside City 32
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
(Original enacted June 25, 2007, with amendments enacted May 15, 2017 and September 15, 2020)
A By-law for the Control, Regulation, Protection and Government of Public Parks and of Places within the
Jurisdiction of the Board and of Persons who may be therein.
WHEREAS, under and by virtue of the provisions of the Vancouver Charter, being Chapter
55 of the British Columbia Statutes, 1953 (which, with all amendments thereto, is
hereinafter referred to as the "Vancouver Charter"), the Board of Parks and Recreation is
authorized to pass by-laws from time to time for the control, regulation, protection and
government of the parks and persons who may be therein;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to make certain regulations for the control,
regulation, protection and government of the public parks and of places within the
jurisdiction of the Board and of persons who may be therein;
THEREFORE the Board of Parks and Recreation of the City of Vancouver, in open
meeting, enacts as follows:
This by-law may be cited as the "Parks Control By-law".
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
1. In this by-law, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall
have the meanings hereinafter assigned to them, that is to say:
(a) "BATHING BEACH" means an area adjacent to the shore of the sea or a lake and
normally used for swimming and similar aquatic exercises or for sun bathing.
(b) "BOARD" means and includes the Board of Parks and Recreation of the City of
Vancouver as constituted under the provisions of the Vancouver Charter.
(c) "BOULEVARDS" means and includes any portion of any street or highway under
its jurisdiction which has been sodded, seeded or otherwise improved and
maintained by the Board.
(d) "CETACEANS" means a marine mammal belonging to the Cetacea order and
includes, but is not limited to, baleen whales, narwhals, dolphins, porpoises, killer
whales and beluga whales.
(e) "DRIVEWAY", "ROADWAY", "PATH", "TRAIL", or "FIRE TRAIL" mean and include
any way or thoroughfare set apart and improved by grading, gravelling or other
means for the use of pedestrians, vehicular, or animal traffic.
(f) "EMERGENCY VEHICLE" means any vehicle of the Fire Department of the City
or Provincial Police Departments, or any municipal or provincial licensed
ambulances and such vehicles of the armed forces or public utilities as are
designated as emergency vehicles by the Chief Constable of the City of
(g) "GENERAL MANAGER" means the General Manager of Parks and Recreation of
the Board as duly appointed by the Board or such other employee of the Board as
may be nominated by the General Manager.
(h) “HOMELESSNESS” means the state of having no access to permanent or
temporary housing, accommodation, or shelter.
(i) "LITTER" means garbage, refuse and all other waste material which is the waste
product of something purchased within a park or brought into a park for use or
consumption within the park.
(j) “NATURAL AREAS” are those areas of parks that are managed to retain their
natural ecosystem attributes, are relatively undisturbed in an urban context,
contain native or naturalized non-native plant species, and provide wildlife habitat,
stormwater retention, and other ecosystem services; these include forests, ponds,
wetlands, stream riparian zones, coastal environments, meadows, treed areas
without mown understory, and unmanicured sections of golf courses.
(k) "PARKS" means and includes public parks, playgrounds, driveways, roadways,
paths, trails, fire trails, boulevards, beaches, bathing beaches, swimming pools,
community recreation centres, golf courses, playfields, buildings and other public
places under the custody, care, management and jurisdiction of the Board.
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
(l) "PERSON" includes any corporation, society, firm, partnership, association or
(m) "PLACES" means buildings and improvements and includes community recreation
centres, rinks, indoor pools, arenas and refreshment buildings.
(n) “TEMPORARY SHELTER” means a tent or other temporary structure that provides
shelter to a person experiencing homelessness and that is capable of being
dismantled and moved, but does not include a vehicle.
(o) "VEHICLE" includes any device, in, upon or by which any person or property is, or
may be, transported or drawn upon a street, irrespective of the motive power,
including a horse led or ridden.
2. No person shall cut, break, injure, remove or in any way destroy or damage any rock, soil,
tree, shrub, plant, turf or flower, or any building, structure, fence, sign, seat, bench or
ornament of any kind or in any way foul or pollute any fountain, lake, stream, pool, pond,
well or spring in any park, or injure, deface or destroy any notices, rules or regulations
posted or affixed to anything by order or permission of the Board.
3. (a) No person shall climb, walk, or sit upon any wall, fence or other structure, except
play apparatus or seating specifically provided for such use, in or upon any park;
or cross, travel on or use any grass plot or land where signs have been posted
forbidding such use.
(b) Except as provided in section 11A, no person shall enter or remain in a park except
during the hours posted.
4. (a) (i) Except with the permission of the Board, no person shall, in any park, sell,
offer to sell, or expose for sale any food, beverage, or article or thing of any
(ii) Except with the permission of the Board, no person shall, in any park, provide
or offer to provide for a fee any service;
(iii) Except with the permission of the Board, granted pursuant to the provisions
of section 490 of the Vancouver Charter, no person shall occupy any park or
any portion thereof.
(b) The General Manager, a Peace Officer or any person employed by the Board, may
remove or cause to be removed from any park any article or thing as
aforementioned contrary to the provisions of this by-law at the expense of the
owner, contractor or other person responsible for such article or thing; and the
General Manager is hereby empowered to do every lawful act required under the
circumstances to have any such article or thing removed in the shortest possible
time and to hold any article or thing as above mentioned until the expense of the
removal thereof has been paid.
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
5. Every person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law, or who suffers or permits
any act or thing to be done in contravention or in violation of any of the provisions of this
by-law, or who neglects to do or refrains from doing anything required to be done by any
of the provisions of this by-law, or who does any act which violates any of the provisions
of this by-law, or who fails to comply with an order, direction, or notice given under this by-
law is guilty of an offence against this by-law and liable to the penalties hereby imposed.
Each day that a violation is permitted to exist will constitute a separate offence.
6. (a) Every person who commits an offence against this by-law is punishable on
conviction by a fine of not less than $50.00 and not more than $2,000.00 for each
(b) Every person who commits an offence of a continuing nature against this by-law
is liable to a fine not exceeding $50.00 for each day such offence is continued.
7. No person shall play at any game whatsoever in or on any portion of any park except upon
or in such portions thereof as may be especially allotted, designed and provided,
respectively, for any purpose, and under such rules and regulations and at such times as
shall be prescribed by the Board, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no
person shall:
(a) play golf or strike a golf ball;
(b) fly any motor-driven model airplane;
(c) shoot any arrow or practice archery;
(d) take part in any ball game;
(e) use a skateboard, roller skates, ice skates or any similar device;
except in areas designated or permitted for such activities.
8. (a) No person shall take part in any procession, drill, march, performance, ceremony,
concert, gathering or meeting in or on any park or driveway unless with the written
permission of the General Manager first had and obtained.
(b) No person shall make a public address or demonstration or do any other thing
likely to cause a public gathering or attract public attention in any park without the
written permission of the General Manager first had and obtained.
(c) No person shall operate any amplifying system or loud speaker in any park without
the written permission of the General Manager first had and obtained.
(d) No person shall use, carry or possess a surfboard, windsurfer, canoe or boat in a
park or on a beach save in such areas as designated by the General Manager.
(e) No person shall, for gain or in the expectation of a fee, reward or other benefits,
instruct or offer to instruct another person in the use, enjoyment, or operation of a
surfboard, windsurfer, canoe or boat in a park or on a beach save with the prior
written consent of the General Manager.
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
(f) No person shall operate or possess a chain saw on any beach or in any park and
no person shall cut logs or wood on a beach or in a park and no person shall
remove any logs or wood from a beach or park; provided that persons may operate
chain saws on, cut logs on, and remove cut logs for their personal use from areas
of beaches as are from time to time designated in writing by the General Manager
and at such times and on such conditions as stipulated by the General Manager
which conditions shall and must include the assumption by such persons of all risk
of harm and injury arising from or in any way associated with the operation of chain
saws and the cutting and removal of logs by whomsoever.
(g) No person shall sing, play a musical instrument, or otherwise perform or provide
entertainment in any area of a park which has been designated by the General
Manager as an area in which entertainment is not allowed.
9. (a) No person as owner or having the control of any animal or fowl shall suffer or
permit such animal or fowl to run at large or feed upon any park except that a dog
which is in the custody of a competent person is permitted:
(i) any area, except where the General Manager has posted the notice referred
to in subsection (aa) if it is on a leash not exceeding 2 and 2 metres in length;
(ii) to be off a leash in an area designated in Schedule 1of this By-law within the
time limits established by the General Manager and posted within the area.
(aa) Despite subsection (a) the General Manager may post areas where dogs or other
animals are prohibited, including limitations in time.
(b) Any dog, fowl or other animal found in any park, beach or bathing beach in
contravention of this by-law may be impounded and shall then be subject to the
provisions of the Animal Control By-law. The owner or other person having
custody of such animal or fowl who suffers or permits the same to run at large or
feed in or on any such park or driveway shall be deemed to be guilty of an infraction
of this by-law and shall be liable to the penalties hereinafter imposed.
(c) Except as permitted by subsection (a) and notwithstanding any of the provisions
of subsection (b) above, all dogs are prohibited from bathing beaches and other
areas posted by the General Manager, and the provisions of the Pound By-law
with reference to impoundment contained in subsection (b) above shall apply
mutatis mutandis.
(d) No person shall operate a horse-drawn vehicle within any park without first
obtaining approval therefor from the Board.
(e) No person shall bring a cetacean into a park.
(f) No person shall keep a cetacean in a park, except that this prohibition does not
apply to cetaceans already in a park on date of enactment.
(g) No person shall produce or present in a park a show, performance, or other form
of entertainment, which includes one or more cetaceans.
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
10. No person shall conduct himself or herself in a disorderly or offensive manner, or molest
or injure any other person, or loiter or take up a temporary abode overnight in any place
on any portion of any park except as provided in section 11A, or obstruct the free use and
enjoyment of any park or place by any other person, or violate any by-law, rule, regulation,
notice or command of the Board, the General Manager, Peace Officer, or any other person
in control of or maintaining, superintending, or supervising any park of or under the
custody, control and management of the Board; and any person conducting himself or
herself as aforesaid may be removed or otherwise dealt with as in this by-law provided.
11. No person shall erect, construct or build or cause to be erected, constructed or built in or
on any park any tent, building, shelter, pavilion or other construction whatsoever without
the permission of the General Manager, except that this provision does not apply to a
temporary shelter that complies with the provisions of this by-law.
11A. A person experiencing homelessness may take up temporary abode in a park if that
(a) is in a park or a specified area of a park in which a temporary shelter is not
prohibited by this by-law;
(b) erects a temporary shelter that complies with the provisions of this by-law; and
(c) dismantles and moves the temporary shelter in accordance with the provisions of
this by-law.
11B. A temporary shelter:
(a) must not be erected:
i. within 25 metres of a playground or school;
ii. in, on or within a:
A. beach, pond, lake or dock;
B. trail, bridge, seawall, roadway or park entrance;
C. natural area;
D. garden or horticultural display area;
E. pool or water park;
F. sports field, sports court, skate park, fitness amenity or golf course;
G. community centre or fieldhouse;
H. bleacher, stage, gazebo, public monument, designated picnic site, picnic
shelter or washroom;
I. designated off-leash dog area; or
J. designated special event area for which permission has been given in
accordance with this by-law;
(b) may only be erected from dusk until 7:00am the following day, unless in an area
designated by the General Manager as acceptable for temporary daytime shelter;
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
(c) must be dismantled and moved by 8:00am each day, unless in an area designated
by the General Manager as acceptable for temporary daytime shelter;
(d) must not impede public use of, or access to, a park or facility;
(e) must not hinder or interrupt the ability of staff or contractors to perform their work,
as set out in section 14(a) of this by-law;
(f) must not exceed a maximum footprint of 9 square metres (3m x 3m), with all
belongings contained within that space;
(g) must not contain any campfire, lighted candles, propane lanterns or stoves, or
other similar devices;
(h) must not be used to sell goods or conduct business without the permission of the
Board, as set out in section 4(a)(i) and 4(a)(ii) of this by-law; and
(i) must not be left unattended.
12. No person shall use, occupy or travel along or upon any park, flower bed, roadway or
other park property in such manner as to obstruct or cause an obstruction with a vehicle
or any other object, or to interfere with any person or traffic lawfully using the same; or
encumber or obstruct, or cause to be encumbered or obstructed in any manner
whatsoever, any park, flower bed, roadway or other park property without the permission
of the General Manager first had and obtained; and any person receiving any such
permission shall at all times be subject to the conditions thereby imposed, and save
harmless and protect the Board from and against any and all claims, demands, suits or
compensation of whatsoever kind arising either directly or indirectly out of the permission
thereby granted, and shall likewise be subject to such further conditions, regulations and
orders as may be imposed by the Board in the premises. Any vehicle so causing an
obstruction may be impounded and thereafter the provisions of the Impounding By-law
shall apply mutatis mutandis, provided however, that any person receiving permission of
the General Manager first had and obtained shall not be subject to impoundment under
this section.
13. The Board or the General Manager or any person employed by them or him, may remove
or cause to be removed from any park, flower bed or roadway, any obstruction, vehicle,
temporary shelter, or thing placed therein or thereon contrary to the provisions of this by-
law, at the expense of the owner, contractor or other person responsible for such
obstruction; and the General Manager is hereby empowered to do every lawful act
required under the circumstances to have any such obstruction removed in the shortest
possible time and to hold any article or thing causing such obstruction until the expense
of the removal thereof has been paid.
14. No person shall, without permission of the General Manager first had and obtained:
(a) hinder or interrupt, or cause to be hindered or interrupted, the Board, General
Manager, or any engineer, surveyor, manager, contractor, servant, or worker
employed by or responsible to the Board in the exercise of any of the powers and
authorities vested in the Board by authority of the Vancouver Charter or in this by-
law authorized and contained;
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
(b) let off or discharge any water so that the same runs waste and useless from or out
of any reservoir, pond, pool, lake, stream or hydrant connected with any park;
(c) except as permitted by section 9 (a) cause or permit any dog or other animal to
enter into the water of a reservoir, pond, pool, lake, stream or a water receptacle
associated waith a park;
(d) post, paint, affix, distribute or deliver any advertisement, handbill, poster or
advertising card of any kind in any park;
(e) permit any horse to walk or run over any grass area, flower bed, footpath or other
location in any park with the exception of bridle trails specifically provided therefor;
(f) drive any vehicle over any grass area or flower bed in any park;
(g) drive any vehicle on any footpath or promenade in any park;
(h) ride any bicycle upon any sidewalk, footpath or promenade in any park unless such
sidewalk, footpath or promenade has been so designated as a cycle path and
specifically provided therefor, and in this respect the provisions of the Street and
Traffic By-law shall apply mutatis mutandis:
(i) break any glass bottle or container on or in any park or beach;
(j) light a fire or place fuel on a fire in or on any park or beach;
(k) park a vehicle or suffer a vehicle to be parked in any portion of a park not being a
(i) for a period not longer than thirty (30) minutes between the hours of 10:00
p.m. and 6:00 a.m. on the following day; or
(ii) in contravention of a sign setting forth parking restriction or limitations; and
the General Manager or any Peace Officer may cause any such vehicle to
be removed, at the owner's cost, by any towing company operating in the
City of Vancouver, and such towing company shall, as agent for the Board of
Parks and Recreation, charge the owner reasonable charges only for
effecting the removal and for storage until claimed.
(l) deposit food or grain on any area in a park except in litter cans provided by the
Board for the purpose of receiving garbage and litter;
(m) in any area of a park where litter containers are not provided, all litter shall be
removed from the park by the persons responsible for its presence.
14A. Except for litter which is deposited in compliance with section 14B, no person shall deposit
any garbage, refuse or other waste material in a park.
14B. No person shall deposit litter in a park except in litter containers provided, maintained or
authorized by the Board.
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
14C. In any area of a park where litter containers are not provided, all litter shall be removed
from the park by the person responsible for its presence.
14D. No person shall discharge, throw or deposit any injurious, noxious or offensive thing or
matter into a reservoir pond, pool, lake, stream or other water receptacle connected with
a park, or on to the beach of a park, or on to the ice of a reservoir, pond, pool, lake stream
or other receptacle for water where the water is frozen, or in any other way foul the water,
or commit any unlawful damage or injury to the works, pipes or water, or encourage any
other person to do the same.
15. All fees and other charges imposed or designated for the use of any park or any part
thereof including but not limited to any community recreational facility, court, green,
grounds, lawn, golf course, pitch and putt facility or putting green shall be payable and
paid before the commencement of any game, unless otherwise specifically arranged for
with the General Manager, and any person failing to do so shall be deemed to be guilty
of an infraction of this by-law and any such person as aforesaid may be removed by a
Peace Officer or other person authorized to do so, and shall be liable to the penalties
hereinafter imposed. The provisions of the Offence Act of the Province of British
Columbia shall apply mutatis mutandis hereto.
16. No person shall play any game or sport in or on any park or recreational facility unless
suitably clad and equipped with the requisite appliances for such games, and only at
such times, or during the seasons and under such rules and regulations as shall be
prescribed by the General Manager.
17. Where any park or recreational facility shall be allotted to any club or organization, the
same shall not be used by any person or persons unless he or she be a member of such
club or organization, during such time as the same may be so allotted, except when
tournaments, series of games or competitions with outside bodies have been duly
authorized by the General Manager.
18. No person shall wilfully, maliciously or carelessly damage or destroy the utility of any
public recreational facility, court, green, grounds or lawn, golf course, pitch and putt
facility, putting green or skateboard park or in any way interfere with or obstruct the free
uses thereof by those lawfully entitled to the use of same.
19. No tournament, series of games or competition shall be played in any park or on any
court, green, grounds, lawn, golf course, pitch and putt facility or putting green by any
person, group of persons, organization or club without the written permission of the
General Manager.
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
20. All fees and other charges imposed or designated for the use of any swimming pool shall
be payable and paid before the commencement of any use of the pool unless otherwise
specifically arranged for with the General Manager and any person failing to do so shall
be deemed to be guilty of an infraction of this by-law and any such person as aforesaid
may be removed by a Peace Officer or other person authorized to do so, and shall be
liable to the penalties hereinafter imposed.
The provisions of the Offence Act of the Province of British Columbia shall apply mutatis
mutandis hereto.
21. No person shall enter or bathe in any water in or adjoining any park, bathing beach,
swimming pool or wading pool without being properly clothed for bathing, or where such
person is suffering from any contagious or communicable disease or from open sores.
No person shall disobey any command or order of any person having the
superintendence, management or control of any such park, bathing beach, swimming or
wading pool, or the command or order of any lifeguard or other person in charge of or
superintending any bathing beach, swimming or wading pool, and no person shall
encourage or permit the swimming of any animal, except as permitted by section 9 (a) or
the fouling of any waters therein or immediately adjacent thereto; and any person
contravening any rule and regulation applicable thereto authorized by the Board shall be
deemed to be guilty of an infraction of this by-law.
22. No person shall:
(a) undress or dress in or adjacent to any park, bathing beach or swimming pool
except in the places specially provided for such purpose;
(b) be allowed use of any park, beach, swimming pool or bath house if nude or
improperly clad;
(c) play ball or any game so as to molest or interfere with or become a nuisance to
the general public on any bathing beach or lawn area in the vicinity thereof where
the playing of games or sports is prohibited;
(d) loiter in any bathhouse, or conduct themselves in such manner as to be
objectionable to other patrons or the public in or immediately adjacent to any
such bathhouse or bathing beach;
(e) use any boat, motor-boat, sea sled, water skis, power saw, or other contrivance
or thing near to any bathing beach that does or may endanger, disturb or
otherwise interfere with the free use of the water for bathing and swimming
(f) fish from or adjacent to any bathing beach so posted as prohibited, or cast or
haul in any net or other fishing contrivance therein or therefrom; and any person
so doing shall be deemed to be guilty of an infraction of this by-law and subject to
the penalties provided for herein. Any such person or persons may be removed
from the beach by a Peace Officer or other person so authorized by the Board
and dealt with as in this by-law provided;
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
(g) interfere with, obstruct, impede, hinder or prevent the discharge of the duties of
any attendant, lifeguard or other person engaged in superintending, controlling,
instructing or overseeing swimming, bathing or aquatic sports or games at or in
any swimming tank or pool or on any bathing beach under his or her supervision
or control;
(h) create any undue disturbance, congregation or alarm that will cause or tend to
cause panic, excitement, or any hazard, annoyance or interference with
swimmers and bathers, in or on any bathing beach, swimming or wading pool, or
adjacent hereto;
(i) except as permitted by section 9(a) bring to any bathing beach or the water
adjacent thereto, any dog, or be accompanied by or harbour a dog on any
bathing beach or in or on any waters adjacent thereto;
(j) bring to any bathing beach or the water adjacent thereto, any underwater spear,
shooting device, or other object or use any floating object which, in the opinion of
the lifeguard or attendant, is considered unsafe or hazardous;
(k) swim or otherwise utilize the water at any bathing beach or in any swimming or
wading pool between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.;
(l) in any portion of a park designated as a "quiet area" and posted as such, operate
a radio, tape player, or other device capable of transmitting live or recorded
sound, unless the sound is transmitted directly to a person's ears through the use
of headphones.
23. No male person shall enter any portion of any bath house set apart for the use of female
persons, and no female person shall enter any portion of any bath house set apart for
the use of male persons.
24. The General Manager shall post areas within all parks and recreational facilities for the
purpose of prohibiting, restricting or regulating any activity within the area posted and
shall have the right to enforce all sections of this by-law herein.
25. Every person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law, or who suffers or permits
any act or thing to be done in contravention or in violation of any of the provisions of this
by-law, or who neglects to do or refrains from doing anything required to be done by any
of the provisions of this by-law, or who does any act which violates any of the provisions
of this by-law, or who fails to comply with an order, direction, or notice given under this
by-law is guilty of an offence against this by-law and liable to the penalties hereby
imposed. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist will constitute a separate
26. (a) Every person who commits an offence against this by-law is punishable on
conviction by a fine of not less than $50.00 and not more than $2,000.00 for each
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
(b) Every person who commits an offence of a continuing nature against this by-law
is liable to a fine not exceeding $50.00 for each day such offence is continued.
27. It is the intention of the Board that each separate provision of this by-law shall be
deemed independent of all other provisions herein and it is further the intention of the
Board that if any provision of this by-law be declared invalid, all other provisions thereof
shall remain valid and enforceable.
28. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the final passing hereof
by the Board of Parks and Recreation, and shall from such date have the force and
effect as provided under the provisions of the Vancouver Charter where not inconsistent
with the provisions of such Act, or any by-law of the City of Vancouver, or any law of the
Province or of Canada.
29. The by-law passed by the Board of Parks and Recreation on the 14th day of May 1962,
with amendments, is hereby repealed.
DONE AND PASSED by the Board of Parks and Recreation, this 25
day of June, 2007.
(Susan J. Mundick)
General Manager
Board of Parks and Recreation
(Ian Robertson)
Board of Parks and Recreation
Section 1 & 9 e-g amended May 15, 2017
Sections 1, 3b, 10, 11,& 13 amended, and
Sections 11A & 11B added September 15, 2020.
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
Stanley District
Charleson Park Portside Park
Coopers' Park Sunset Beach (bay behind
Nelson Park the Aquatic Centre)
Stanley Park Shuffleboard Court
Vancouver East District
Dusty Greenwell Park Kingcrest Park
Falaise Park Sparwood Park
Fraserview Golf Course Perimeter Pathway Strathcona Park
John Hendry Park (Trout Lake north side) Sunrise Park
Jones Park Tecumseh Park
Killarney Park New Brighton Park
Queen Elizabeth District
Balaclava Park Queen Elizabeth Park
Fraser River Park Quilchena Embankment
George Park Spanish Bank (west of concession)
Locarno Park Extension Sunset Park
(1block south of beach between Valdez Park
Trimble and Sasamat Streets) Vanier Park (west of Maritime
Musqueam Park Museum parking lot)
Nat Bailey Stadium (south 37th & Oak Park
to the racquet club)
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
(Consolidated for convenience only to October 24, 1988)
A By-law for the control, regulation and protection of public parks and places within the
jurisdiction of the Board and of owners of dogs whose dogs may be thereon.
WHEREAS under and by virtue of the provisions of the Vancouver Charter, 1953 (which, with all
amendments thereto, is hereinafter referred to as the "Vancouver Charter"), the Board is
authorized to pass by-laws from time to time for the control, regulation, protection and
government of the parks, and of places within the jurisdiction of the Board, and of persons who
may be therein, and, or, who are the owners of animals who may be therein;
in open meeting, enacts as follows:
1. This By-law may be cited as the "Parks Removal of Animal Manure, Dung, Refuse and
Waste By-law".
2. In this By-law, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall
have the meanings hereinafter assigned to them, that is to say:
(a) "Board" means and includes the Board of Parks and Recreation of the City of
Vancouver as constituted under the provisions of the Vancouver Charter;
(b) "Parks" means and includes public parks, playgrounds, driveways, roadways,
paths, trails, fire trails, boulevards, beaches, bathing beaches, swimming pools,
community recreation centres, golf courses, playfields, buildings and other public
places under the custody, care, management and jurisdiction of the Board;
(c) "Places" means buildings and improvements and includes community recreation
centres, rinks, indoor pools, arenas and refreshment buildings;
(d) "General Manager" means the General Manager of Parks and Recreation of the
Board as duly appointed by the Board or such other employee of the Board as
may be nominated by the General Manager.
3. An owner or any other person who has care, custody or control of a dog in any public
park or places within the jurisdiction of the Board, which dog defecates upon such park
or places aforementioned, shall remove forthwith any defecated matter deposited,
provided however that the provision of this section shall not apply to any person who is
certified as being legally blind, or any park or places specifically exempted by the Board.
4. The General Manager shall have the right to enforce all sections of this By-law herein.
5. Violation of By-law. Every person who offends against any of the provisions of this By-
law, or who suffers or permits any act or thing to be done in contravention or in violation
of any of the provisions of this By-law, or who does any act or thing which violates any of
the provisions of this By-law, shall be deemed to be guilty of an offence against this By-
law and shall be liable to the penalties hereby imposed.
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
6. Penalty Clause. Every person who commits an offence against this By-law is liable to a
fine and penalty not exceeding $500.00 and not less than $50.00 for each offence, or in
the alternative, to imprisonment for any period not exceeding two months.
7. It is the intention of the Board that each separate provision of this By-law shall be
deemed independent of all other provisions herein, and it is further the intention of the
Board that if any provision of this By-law be declared invalid, all other provisions thereof
shall remain valid and enforceable.
8. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the final passing hereof
by the Board of Parks and Recreation, and shall from such date have the force and
effect as provided under the provisions of the Vancouver Charter where not inconsistent
with the provisions of such Act, or any By-law of the City of Vancouver, or any law of the
Province or of Canada.
DONE AND PASSED by the Board of Parks and Recreation, this 3rd day of December 1979.
(Vic Kondrosky)
General Manager
Board of Parks and Recreation
(George Wainborn)
Board of Parks and Recreation
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
WHEREAS it has been determined that second-hand smoke is a health hazard and nuisance for people in
parks in the City of Vancouver;
AND WHEREAS it is desirable for the care, promotion and protection of the health of people in parks to
regulate smoking in parks;
AND WHEREAS Council has authorized the City of Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation to enact by-
laws to regulate smoking in parks for the care, promotion and protection of the health of people in parks;
THE CITY OF VANCOUVER BOARD OF PARKS AND RECREATION, in public meeting, enacts as follows:
Name of By-law
1.1 The name of this By-law, for citation, is the “Park Board Smoking Regulation By-law”.
1.2 In this By-law:
“building” includes a structure;
“business” means a business, trade, profession, or other occupation for which a person must obtain
a license under the City of Vancouver License By-law;
“customer service area” means a partially enclosed or unenclosed area, including a balcony, patio,
yard or sidewalk, that is part of or connected to or associated with a business or use in a building
or premises that includes the service of food or alcoholic drinks to customers or other persons for
consumption on site;
“premises” means a portion of a building in respect of which a person has exclusive possession;
“responsible person” means a person who owns, controls, manages, supervises, or operates:
(a) a business or other use which occupies all or substantially all of a building,
(b) a business or other use which occupies premises, or
(c) a customer service area,
and also means a person who drives a vehicle for hire;
“smoke” or “smoking” means to inhale, exhale, burn, or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, hookah
pipe, or other lighted smoking equipment that burns tobacco or other weed or substance; and
“vehicle for hire” means a vehicle for which a person must obtain a vehicle for hire licence under
the City of Vancouver Vehicles for Hire By-law.
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
1.3 The schedule attached to this By-law forms part of this By-law.
1.4 A decision by a court that any part of this By-law is illegal, void, or unenforceable severs that part
from this By-law, and is not to affect the balance of this By-law.
2. The By-law applies to all parks listed in Schedule A attached to this By-law.
3.1 A person must not smoke:
(a) in a park;
(b) on a seawall or beach in a park;
(c) in a building in a park, except in a caretaker’s residence;
(d) in a customer service area in a park;
(e) in a vehicle for hire in a park;
(f) on public transit in a park; or
(g) in an enclosed or partially enclosed shelter in a park where people wait to board a vehicle
for hire or public transit.
3.2 Except as permitted by section 3.1, a responsible person must not suffer or allow a person to smoke
(a) a building in a park;
(b) a customer service area in a park; or
(c) a vehicle for hire in a park.
Offences under By-law
4.1 A person who:
(a) violates any provision of this By-law, or does any act or thing which violates any provision
of this By-law, or suffers or allows any other person to do any act or thing which violates
any provision of this By-law;
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
(b) neglects to do or refrains from doing anything required to be done by any provision of this
By-law; or
(c) fails to comply, or suffers or allows any other person to fail to comply, with an order,
direction, or notice given under any provision of this By-law;
is guilty of an offence against this By-law, and liable to the penalties imposed under this Section 4.
Fine for offence
4.2 Every person who commits an offence against this By-law is punishable on conviction by a fine of
not less than $250.00 and not more than $2,000.00 for each offence, except that a person who
commits an offence under section 3.2(a), 3.2(b) or 3.2(c) of this By-law is liable to a fine of not less
than $500.00 for each offence.
Force and effect
5. This By-law is to come into force and take effect on September 1st, 2010.
ENACTED by the Board of Parks and Recreation this 5
day of July, 2010.
(Signed by Commissioner Aaron Jasper)
Board of Parks and Recreation
(Signed by Peter Kuran)
Acting General Manager
Board of Parks and Recreation
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
Aberdeen Park
Adanac Park
Alexandra Park
Alice Townley Park
Almond Park
Andy Livingstone Park
Angus Park
Arbutus Greenway Park
Arbutus Park
Arbutus Village Park
Ash Park
Balaclava Park
Barclay Heritage Square
Bates Park
Beaconsfield Park
Bobolink Park
Braemar Park
Brewers Park
Burrard View Park
Callister Park
Cambie Park
Cambridge Park
Captain Cook Park
Cardero Park
Cariboo Park
Carleton Park
Carnarvon Park
Carolina Park
Cartier Park
Cathedral Square
Cedar Cottage Park
Chaldecott Park
Champlain Heights Park
Charles Park
Charleson Park
China Creek North Park
China Creek South Park
Choklit Park
Clark Park
Clinton Park
Coal Harbour Park
Collingwood Park
Columbia Park
Connaught Park
Coopers’ Park
CRAB Park @ Portside
Creekside Park
David Lam Park
Deering Island Park
Delamont Park
Devonian Harbour Park
Devonshire Park
Discovery Square
Douglas Park
Downtown Skateboard Plaza
Dusty Greenwell Park
Earles Park
Ebisu Park
Eburne Park
Elm Park
Emery Barnes Park
English Bay Beach Park
Everett Crowley Park
Falaise Park
Foster Park
Fraser River Park
Fraserview Golf Course
Fraserview Park
Garden Park
Gaston Park
General Brock Park
George Park
George Wainborn Park
Gladstone-Riverside Park
Glen Park
Gordon Park
Grandview Park
Granville Loop Park
Grays Park
Grimmett Park
Guelph Park
Hadden Park
Harbour Green Park
Hastings Community Park
Heather Park
Helmcken Park
Hillcrest Park (incl. Nat Bailey)
Hinge Park
Humm Park
Jean Beaty Park
Jericho Beach Park
John Hendry (Trout Lake) Park
Johnathan Rogers Park
Jones Park
Kaslo Park
Kensington Park
Kerrisdale Centennial Park
Kerrisdale Park
Killarney Park
Kingscrest Park
Kinross Ravine Park
Kitsilano Beach Park
Langara Golf Course
Langara Park
Locarno Park
MacDonald Park
MacLean Park
Major Matthews Park
Malkin Park
Maple Grove Park
Margaret Pigott Park
Marina Square
Marpole Park
May & Lorne Brown Park
McBride Park
McCleery Golf Course
McCleery Park
McGill Park
McSpadden Park
Melbourne Park
Memorial South Park
Memorial West Park
Moberley Park
Montgomery Park
Morton Park
Mosaic Creek Park
Mount Pleasant Park
Musqueam Park
Nanaimo Park
Nelson Park
New Brighton Park
Norquay Park
Oak Meadows Park
Oak Park
Oppenheimer Park
Oxford Park
Pandora Park
Pigeon Park (Pioneer Place)
Point Grey Road Waterfront
Portal Park
Price Park
Prince Edward Park
Prince of Wales Park
Puget Mini-park
Quadra West Park
Queen Elizabeth Park
Quesnel Mini-park
Quilchena Park
Ravine Park
Renfrew Community Park
Renfrew Ravine Park
Riley Park
Riverfront Park
Riverview Park
Robson Park
Rosemary Brown Park
Rosemont Park
Ross Park
Roundhouse Park
Rupert Park
Sahalli Park
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
Salsbury Park
Seaforth Peace Park
Shannon Park
Shaughnessy Park
Slocan Park
Spanish Bank Beach Park
Sparwood Park
Sparwood Park Extension
Stanley Park
Strathcona Linear Park
Strathcona Park
Sun Yat-Sen Garden
Sunnyside Park
Sunrise Park
Sunset Beach Park
Sunset Park
Sutcliffe Park
Tatlow Park
Teaswamp Park
Tecumseh Park
Templeton Park
Thornton Park
Thunderbird Park
Tisdall Park
Trafalgar Park
Trillium Park
Valdez Park
VanDusen Botanical Gardens
Vanier Park
Victoria Park
Victory Square
Volunteer Park
W.C. Shelley Park
Wendy Poole Park
West End Mini-parks (9 sites)
West Point Grey Park
Westmount Park
William Mackie Park
Willow Park
Winona Park
Woodland Park
Yaletown Park
Un-named Park at Blenheim Street and West 19
Un-named Park at Shaughnessy Street and Fraser River
Un-named Park at Stephens Street and Point Grey Road
Un-named Park at Trafalgar Street and West 31
Un-named Park at Trinity Street and Wall Street
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
THE CITY OF VANCOUVER BOARD OF PARKS AND RECREATION, in public meeting, enacts as follows:
Name of By-law
1.1 The name of this By-law, for citation, is the “Park Board Ticket Offences By-law”.
1.2 In this By-law:
“Park Ranger” means any individual appointed by the Park Board or by the General Manager of
Parks and Recreation to carry out various duties including by-law enforcement; and
“Police Officer” means a peace officer or constable as provided under the Police Act, and employed
by the Vancouver Police Board.
1.3 A decision by a court that any part of this By-law is illegal, void, or unenforceable severs that part
from this By-law, and is not to affect the balance of this By-law.
Designation of by-laws
2.1 For the purpose of section 482.1(1)(a) of the Vancouver Charter, the Park Board designates the
by-law named in the title to Table 1 which follows section 2.6.
Designation of by-law enforcement officers
2.2 For the purpose of section 482.1(1)(b) of the Vancouver Charter, the Park Board designates the
persons listed in Column 1 of Table 1 as by-law enforcement officers.
Authorization of the use of any word or expression on a ticket
2.3 For the purpose of section 482.1(1)(c) of the Vancouver Charter, the Park Board designates the
words or expressions listed in Column 2 of Table 1 as words or expressions to describe the offences
under the by-law provisions listed in Column 3 opposite each such word or expression in Column
Ticket offence fines
2.4 The Park Board sets the fine for contravention of each by-law provision in the amount listed in
Column 4 of Table 1 opposite each such provision in Column 3.
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
Enforcement of ticket offences
2.5 A by-law enforcement officer referred to in Column 1 Table 1 may lay an information by means of
a ticket for contravention of a by-law provision listed in Column 3 of that table.
Existing fines
2.6 Despite anything to the contrary in the Parks Control By-law, the fine set out in that by-law for
contravention of a by-law provision listed in Column 3 of Table 1 does not apply if a by-law
enforcement officer lays an information by means of a ticket under this By-law.
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
Table 1
Park Board Smoking Regulation By-law
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Park Ranger
Police Officer
Smoking in a park
Section 3.1(a)
Smoking on a seawall or
beach in a park
Section 3.1(b)
Smoking in a building in a
Section 3.1(c)
Smoking in a customer
service area in a park
Section 3.1(d)
Smoking in a vehicle for hire
in a park
Section 3.1(e)
Smoking on public transit in
a park
Section 3.1(f)
Smoking in a transit shelter
in a park
Section 3.1(g)
Allowing a person to smoke
in a building
in a park
Section 3.2(a)
Allowing a person to smoke
in a customer service area in
a park
Section 3.2(b)
Allowing a person to smoke
in a vehicle for
hire in a park
Section 3.2(c)
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
Force and effect
3. This By-law is to come into force and take effect on September 1, 2010.
ENACTED by the Board of Parks and Recreation this 5
day of July, 2010.
(Signed by Commissioner Aaron Jasper)
Board of Parks and Recreation
(Signed by Peter Kuran)
Acting General Manager
Board of Parks and Recreation
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
Park Board Established
485. A board of commissioners, to be known as the "Board of Parks and Recreation" or "Park
Board", shall be elected as hereinafter provided, and shall consist of seven members or
such other number as the Council may by by-law prescribe. The Board has the legal
capacity to exercise the powers bestowed on it and to enforce those powers and the
exercise thereof by actions, proceeding or prosecution.
How Elected
486. The members of the Board shall be nominated and elected at the same time and in the
same manner as the Councillors, and shall service for such terms as the Council may by
by-law provide. The provisions of Part II relating to Councillors shall, mutatis mutandis,
apply to members of the Board and candidates therefor. The members of the Board shall
be sworn in with the like oath and in the like manner as Councillors.
How Vacancies are Dealt with
487. In the event of a vacancy on the Board, a new election to choose a successor for the
balance of the term need not be held unless the Council so directs, in which case the
provisions of section 128 shall, mutatis mutandis, apply.
Parks in Care of Board
488. (1) The Board shall have exclusive possession of, and exclusive jurisdiction and
control of all areas designated as permanent public parks of the City in a manner
prescribed in subsection (5) of this section, and such areas shall remain as
permanent public parks, and possession, jurisdiction and control of such areas
shall be retained by the Board; provided that such designation may be revoked or
cancelled in accordance with the provisions of any agreement creating such
designation pursuant to paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection (5) of this section or,
in the case of a designation, pursuant to paragraph (a) or (f) of subsection (5) of
this section, by resolutions of both City Council and the Park Board where, in each
case, the same was passed by an affirmative vote of not less than 2/3 of all the
members thereof.
(2) The Board shall have exclusive possession of, and exclusive jurisdiction and
control of all areas of the City that are designated by resolution of Council as
temporary public parks. Resolutions designating areas as temporary public parks
shall not be revoked except by a resolution of Council requiring the affirmative vote
of not less than 2/3 of all members of Council.
(3) The Board shall have the custody, care and management to the extent prescribed
by Council of such other areas belonging to or held by the City as Council may
from time to time determine.
(4) The areas referred to in subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section are referred to
in this Part as "the parks".
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
(5) Real property is designated as a permanent public park by:
(a) a declaration as such by a resolution or by-law of Council;
(b) statutory appropriation of specific real property for park purposes;
(c) dedication by either a person or by the City by deposit of a subdivision plan
in the Vancouver Land Registry Office;
(d) gift to the City for permanent public park purpose;
(e) covenant in a document transferring real property to the City indicating that
the transferred lands are to be used for park purposes together with
acceptance of same by the City;
(f) purchases made with funds approved by a plebiscite for the acquisition of
permanent public parks borrowed pursuant to Part V.
(6) Subject to the provisions of section 490, possession of, and exclusive jurisdiction
and control of real property includes the authority to determine how much real
property shall be used, what fees or rental charges shall be levied and, subject to
sections 492 and 493, what improvements shall be made thereon, including the
removal or demolition of any existing improvements.
(7) Exclusive jurisdiction and control of parks and the property comprising them also
includes the power to prohibit the selling of anything, and the provision of services
or performances of any type without the permission of the Board. In granting
permission, the Board may impose such terms and conditions as it deems
Powers of Board
489. The Board shall have power to provide for
As to Buildings, etc.:
(a) Constructing, acquiring, maintaining, equipping, operating, supervising, and
controlling such buildings, structures, and facilities as may be required for the
recreation, comfort, and enjoyment of the public while within the parks;
Sports and Games
(b) Accommodation for sports and games, and spectators thereof, and setting aside
and reserving portions of the parks for specified kinds of sports and games;
(c) Entertainment through musical, theatrical, and other activities in the parks, and
making a charge for admission thereto;
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
Admittance Fees
(d) Charging and collecting fees for admission to any building or place in the parks set
aside for sports or games, whether by spectators or participants;
Closure of Parks
(e) Closing to the free use of the public the whole or any part of any of the parks, or
the whole or any part of any building therein, at such times and for such periods
as may be deemed advisable; and charging and collecting a fee for admission to
the parks or buildings, or parts thereof, during such periods; and providing
penalties for unauthorized entry during such periods;
(f) Establishing, equipping, supervising, controlling, and maintaining playgrounds for
children in any of the parks;
(g) Acquiring the necessary furniture and equipment for the buildings and activities
carried on in the parks;
Bathing Accommodation
(h) Accommodation, recreation, supervision, control, and safety of persons using such
parts of the parks as are designated for public bathing, and fixing and collecting
fees therefor;
Swimming Pools
(i) Establishing, maintaining, and operating indoor and outdoor swimming baths and
pools in the parks, and fixing and collecting fees for the use thereof;
(j) Acquiring bicycles and similar vehicles for the use of the public, and maintaining
places in the parks where persons may rent them;
(k) Establishing, maintaining, operating, and equipping landing and other places in the
parks where persons may rent boats and other watercraft or accommodation
therein, and acquiring and operating such boats and watercraft;
Sale of Commodities
(l) Establishing, maintaining, and operating stands and places for the preparation and
sale of foods, confections, beverages, and other refreshments, and for the
provision of services and the sale of tobacco products, as well as souvenirs, curios,
postcards, magazines, and the like, to the public in any of the parks;
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
Animals, etc., May be Kept
(m) Establishing, maintaining, and operating in any of the parks places for the
confinement, exhibition, and accommodation of animals, fish, birds, reptiles, and
other creatures which may be objects of interest to the public, and making a charge
Areas Set Apart for Bathing, etc.
(n) Designated areas in the parks or elsewhere in which persons may bathe, swim or
engage in water sports in public, and prohibiting them from so doing in areas not
so designated, and regulating the dress of persons while bathing, swimming, or
engaged in water sports and while going to and from such areas;
And for Skating, etc.
(o) Designating areas in the parks where persons may skate, ski or sleigh, and for the
supervision and control of persons engaged in such activities;
Council May Add to Powers
(p) Doing such other things with respect to any of the parks as the Council shall from
time to time authorize;
Implementing Powers
(q) Doing such things in furtherance of any of the above powers as shall be deemed
(r) Organizing and conducting, and contracting with others to organize and conduct,
recreational programs of all kinds, either in parks or in such other locations as may
be approved by the Board or any of its employees designated for this purpose, and
for fixing and collecting fees for such programs.
Power of Board to Perform Works
489A. The Council may authorize the Board, and the Board when so authorized shall have power
to perform any works and provide any services with respect to real property not within the
parks for any non-profit or charitable institution in any case where the Council deems such
works or services to be to the general advantage of the city that such institution is
performing a work or service for the public benefit, and the city may enter into an
agreement with such institution for the performance of such works or provision of such
services if Council deems it expedient.
489B (1) Council may from time to time by by-law authorize the payment of an annual
indemnity to each member of the Board.
(2) A by-law passed under subsection (1) may provide that a portion of the annual
indemnity to be paid to a member of the Board shall be paid as an allowance for
expenses incidental to the discharge of the duties of his office.
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
Board's Power of Leasing, etc.
490. (1) Subject to sections 492 and 493, the Board, in the name of the City, may by lease,
licence, or any other agreement, permit any person to occupy any building or place
or any part thereof in a permanent public park, on such terms as to remuneration
or otherwise as to the Board may seem expedient. Such agreements shall contain
a provision providing for the termination thereof if such park ceases to be a
permanent public park pursuant to the provision of subsection (1) of section 488.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sections 492 and 493, the Council may delegate to the
Board power, in the name of the City, to enter into agreements permitting any
person to occupy any building or place in a temporary public park or any part
thereof on such terms as to remuneration and otherwise as the Board may deem
(3) Any agreement made pursuant to this section shall be executed in the manner
specified by the Board.
Board's Power to Make By-laws
491. In the exercise of any of its powers, the Board may from time to time pass, amend, and
repeal by-laws (not inconsistent with any by-law passed by the City Council) to be
observed in the parks, or any of them, for the control, regulation, protection, and
government of the parks and of persons who may be therein, including
Excluding Animals, etc.
(a) The exclusion from any of the parks, or any part thereof, of any animal or vehicle;
Controlling Assemblies
(b) The assembling or gathering of persons in any of the parks, and if deemed
necessary, the prohibition of such assemblies or gatherings;
Regulating Signs
(c) The regulation of advertising or signs of any kind in any of the parks;
Mischief May Be forbidden
(d) Prohibiting persons from damaging trees, shrubs, flowers, or other growing things,
or fences or other property, in the parks; and from depositing rubbish, bottles,
paper, or other discarded materials in the parks;
Procedure at Board Meetings
(e) The procedure and conduct of the meetings of the Board and the selection of a
Chair thereof;
(f) The delegation to the General Manager, or such other person as may be named,
or any or all of the powers set forth in clauses (a), (b), (c) and (d) hereof.
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
Board's Estimates to be Submitted Each Year
492. The Board shall, at the beginning of each year, cause to be prepared and submitted to the
Council a detailed estimate of the receipts from every source, and of the expenditures of
the Board of every kind, during that year, showing the amount estimated to be necessary
for the purposes of the Board up to the thirty-first day of December next thereafter. The
said estimate shall be considered by the Council and adopted in whole or in part.
Adopted Estimates Not to be Exceeded
493. (1) Save by resolution of the Council, the Board shall not authorize or make any
expenditures except those provided for in the estimate as adopted by the Council.
(2) The Board may, for periods of not more than twelve months at a time, give
authorization in advance to the General Manager to draw warrants for payment
prior to approval of the Board, but every warrant for a payment so authorized in
advance shall be reported in writing by the General Manager to the Board within
fifteen days after the end of the month in which the warrant is drawn.
Enforcement of By-laws
494. The provisions of section 151 shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to the Board, and with respect
to any by-law passed under this Part the provisions of section 333 shall, mutatis mutandis,
Special Meetings of the Board
495. The Chairman may and, upon the written requisition of any two members, shall call a
special meeting of the Board to deal with any meeting of which notice is given specifying
the purpose of the meeting. Except by the unanimous consent of all the members, at least
forty-eight hours' notice of a special meeting shall be given.
Certain Employees to Have Special Powers
496. Every warden, lifeguard, patrolman, or watchman employed in the parks by the Board
shall, while in the performance of his duties within the parks, be ex officio possessed of all
the powers and authority of a police constable.
Power to Make Agreements With Other Municipalities
497. The Council may enter into agreements on behalf of the City with neighbouring
municipalities for the joint acquisition, regulation, management, maintenance,
improvement and control of any public park, beach, pleasure-ground, or recreation-
ground, and may grant or expend money for the upkeep, maintenance, improvement, or
management of any such public park, beach, pleasure-ground, or recreation-ground,
notwithstanding that the same may not be in the city.
Board's Jurisdiction Outside City
497A. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other Act, the jurisdiction and powers of the
Board of Parks and Recreation and of every warden, lifeguard, patrolman, or watchman
employed by the Park Board shall extend to and be as valid and effectual within the
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation - By-laws (consolidated)
boundaries of the public parks of the city and such other areas as are in the custody, care,
and management of the Board, situate outside the boundaries of the city, as if such parks
and other areas were situates within the city; provided that nothing herein contained shall
be deemed to affect the exercise within the boundary of any such parks and other areas
by any other authority, officer, or constable of any jurisdiction or power under any other